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  1. Power Level: 8 (150/150 PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: 0 In Brief: Telekinetic hair controller teen refugee from an alternate Earth run by supers Alternate Identity: Lady Estelle de Havilland, Third of Her Line Birthplace: "The Meadows," Allaire, Royal Colony of New Guernsey Residence: Formerly 'Earth-Ex', now Claremont Academy Occupation: Student, dancer. Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: Jason de Havilland (older brother, disinherited heir), Soleil "Sunny" de Havilland-King (older sister, diplomat's wife), Selene de Havilland (younger sister), Celeste de Havilland (younger sister), Arthur de Havilland (father, colonial governor of New Guernsey), Mildred de Havilland (mother, socialite/philanthropist) Note: Estelle has no idea if any of her family is still alive back on her home E-A Age: 16 Apparent Age: mid-teens Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5' 9" Weight: 141 lbs. Hair: Blond (reaches down to her ankles) Eyes: Blue Appearance: Estelle is a beautiful blonde girl with refined features and an elegant bearing who always dresses to impress. Though her face and figure are both extremely attractive, the first thing anyone notices about Estelle is her amazing hair, which floats about her like a cloud of luminous gold. In its natural state, it cascades over her shoulders and down to her ankles, but she often wears it up or in a thick braid to keep it out of the way. Her pale blue eyes are striking, if somewhat cold and distant Back on her own Earth-Alternate, Estelle typically wore fine dresses and gowns, but on this Earth where everything is so…egalitarian, she favors silk blouses, crisply-pressed slacks, and black-leather boots with matching gloves. Typically she wears softer colors in a pastel palette, with light blue, light green and lilac being the most common, with gray and khaki pants. In terms of jewelry, she likes diamonds and silver. She has yet to devise a ‘supersuit’ of any kind; in fact, she finds the whole idea rather gauche. History: Estelle de Havilland grew up wealthy, on a parallel Earth where metahumans (called ‘Exceptional Persons' or just 'Exceptionals’) form the ruling aristocratic class. Her father is Royal Governor of the Crown Colony pf New Guernsey, one of five British New World colonies. Earth-Ex is technologically stuck in the 18th Century due to its dependence on Exceptional powers, although the rabble have been pushing the boundaries to science in their attempt to throw off the yoke of their so-called oppressors. "The Meadows," the sprawling de Haviland family estate overlooking the Hudson River Palisades, was like a magic castle for the de Havilland children, who were essentially raised by its staff; however, young Estelle manifested a questing intelligence at an early age, more interested in science and reading than charity balls and fashion shows like her brother and three sisters. Her very traditional parents were somewhat flummoxed - a bright daughter is nothing to be ashamed of, but one who displayed no interest in either the family's investments or impressing the sons of other wealthy dynasties did present a bit of a problem. It was decided that she would attend the best schools and university (the de Havillands have been linked with King's College for nearly a century) while still being raised as a proper lady. Estelle dutifully worked on her calligraphy and proper manners, took dance and pianoforte lessons, and went to all the right parties in all the right dresses. She never resented these family obligations, and always managed to enjoy herself, fully aware of both the importance and silliness of this rarefied world. In time, Estelle grew to be a beautiful young woman of grace and poise, and her parents breathed a sigh of relief - at least she wasn't a tomboy, like her cousin Arlene. In time, Arthur de Havilland came to love his daughter, for her mind, wit and beauty. But then one night, the clamoring unwashed throng marched up the road towards Estelle's home. wielding torches, pitchforks and sinister black powder weapons. The family panicked as windows were smashed and oil lamps lobbed through to set the curtains alight. However, Arthur didn't panic; he was a bit of an inventor himself (though he dare not breathe a word of it in public. He lead his family out to a disused barn on the property that he'd long ago converted into a workshop. And in here rested his greatest invention, the Trans-Dimensional Ornithopter. Ss he rapidly tried to explain his mechanical wonder to his frightened family, hooligans smashed through the doors! With only seconds to act, Arthur de Havilland selflessly shoved his favorite daughter into the Ornithopter and engaged the latch, as he smiled through tears. "My two greatest inventions...saving each other." Estelle fanatically beat her fists against the glass canopy, but it was too late; Earth-Ex was gone, and Earth Prime was waiting... Personality: Despite her breeding and refined upbringing, Estelle is both friendly and approachable, and has a wicked sense of humor. Her laugh is surprisingly loud and contagious, although she doesn't laugh as much as she used to years ago; the young noble is frequently distracted by concern for her family back home. No one, not even Estelle herself, would deny that she can be a bit vain, but as true as this is, it does her an injustice; she is very passionate about both the pursuit of knowledge and to helping those who are less fortunate. Though she may seem shallow and image-obsessed at times, all concerns about her appearance go out the window if someone is in genuine need; of course, she will most likely bemoan her bedraggled state at length after the fact. Estelle is an exceedingly talented gymnast and dancer, and is also quite accomplished in her playing of the celeste, harpsicord and pianoforte. She also enjoys reading lurid Gothic novels full of forbidden love, ghosts and beheadings that would make her staid father blush, although perhaps not her mother... Powers: Estelle has full control of her hair, which she can form into up to twenty-five tendrils that lengthen at will up to 100 feet; her hair limbs are just as dexterous as her own two hands, capable of such complicated tasks as typing a letter or shuffling cards. Despite its rather lightweight appearance, her hair is surprisingly strong, allowing her to lift up over a ton with ease. She can also automatically style her hair at will, and often does so to playful or artistic effect. She is constantly finding new ways to use her powers through experimentation. Complications: What Do The Simple Folk Do: Growing up as part of the landed gentry, on an Earth than barely made it into the Industrial Revolution, Estelle is often completely baffled by the attitudes and lifestyle of the 'peasants' she encounters everyday. A GM may award a Hero Point anytime Estelle's native classism interferes with any social interactions. Toxic Love: Estelle grew up on a largely agrarian alternate Earth, where technology is only starting to be harnessed by the lower cases i their attempts to overthrow their superpowered masters. As a result, she is often overwhelmed by the vapors, fumes and other day-to-day chemicals she encounters in the modern age. A GM can award an HP anytime Estelle struggles to cope with a commercial or industrial chemical product or byproduct. Another Time, Another Place: Earth Prime and Earth Exceptional have very different timelines from each other. A GM may award an HP any time Estelle has trouble understanding a concept that is alien to her world. Do You Hear The People Sing: Estelle comes from a world where Exceptional Persons (aka supers) form a feudal ruling class. As a result, she believes she has a god-govern right to rule over the 'peasants' (non-supers), but also conversely sees herself as having a sacred duty to aid and protect them. A GM may award an HP when either Estelle's noblesse oblige prevents her from walking away from a problem, or when her natural arrogance makes a situation worse. Abilities: [0+6+4+8+4+6 = 28pp] Strength: 10/26 (+0/+8) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 18 (+4) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: [8+6 = 14pp] Attack: +4, +8 Melee (+4 Base, +4 Attack Focus) Defense: +8 (+3 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +3 (+1 flat-footed) Knockback: -4, -1 flat-footed Initiative: +7 (+3 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative) Grapple: +28 (+8 Melee Attack, Enh. Strength +8, Additional Limbs +5, Elongation +5, Super-Strength +2) Saves: [4+3+4 = 11pp] Toughness: +8, +2 flat-footed Fortitude: +6 (+2 Con, +4) Reflex: +6(+3 Dex, +3) Will: +6 (+2 Wis, +4) Skills: [56r = 14pp] Acrobatics 7 (+10) Bluff 3 (+6, +10 w/ Attractive) Diplomacy 3 (+6, +10 w/ Attractive) Gather Information 5 (+10) Knowledge (Arts) 2 (+6) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 6 (+10) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 6 (+10) Language 1 (French) Notice 8 (+10) Perform (Dance) 5 (+8) Perform (Keyboard Instruments) 2 (+5) Ride 2 (+5) Search 6 (+10) Feats: [24pp] Accurate Attack Ambidexterity Attack Focus [Melee] 4 Attractive Defensive Roll 3 (+6 Toughness) Dodge Focus 5 Grappling Finesse Improved Grab Improved Grapple Improved Initiative Improved Pin Improvised Tools Luck Power Attack Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information) Powers: [38 + 20 + 1 = 59pp] Prehensile Hair Container 7.6 (38PP Container) [38PP] Additional Limbs 5 (25 tendrils; Sustained Duration) [5PP] Elongation 5 (100 ft.; Extras: Linked (Additional Limbs)) [5PP] Enhanced Strength 16 (To 26/+8; Extras: Linked (Additional Limbs)) [16PP] Super-Movement 4 (Slow Fall, Sure-Footed, Swinging, Wall Crawling; Drawback: Power Loss (When unable to use Additional Limbs)) [7PP] Super-Strength 2 (Effective Str 36, Heavy Loads 3.7k lbs.; Extras: Linked (Additional Limbs)) [4PP] Super-Senses 1 (Analytic Touch; Extras: Linked (Additional Limbs)) [1PP] Prehensile Hair Attack Array 9.5 (19PP Array; Feats: Additional Power 2; Drawbacks: Power Loss (When Unable to use Additional Limbs)) [20PP] BP: Snare 8 (Extras: Engulf (+0); Feats: Obscure Senses (Visual), Reversible, Tether) {19/19} AP: Offensive Hair 8 Adds (Extras: Autofire 8, Penetrating 8; Feats: Takedown Attack 2) to {18/19} AP: Damage 8 (Extras: Area (General Shapeable); Feats: Progression: Area 3 [10x5 ft. cubes/rank]) (Shapeable 80 5 ft. cubes) {19/19} Feature 1: Mundane Appearance [1PP] Drawbacks: None DC Block Unarmed -- DC 10/Toughness -- Damage Unarmed, Hair -- DC 23/Toughness -- Damage Snare -- DC 23/Reflex -- Snare Totals: Abilities 28 + Combat 14 + Saves 11 + Skills 14 + Feats 24 + Powers 59 = 150/150 Power Points
  2. Lament (a.k.a. "The Duke of Despair" a.k.a. "The Sultan of Sorrow") Power Level: 10 (239/239 PP) Unspent Power Points: 10 Trade-Offs: In Brief: Voodoo Showman housing Psychic Horror Alternate Identity: Luther Earl LeGrasse Birthplace: New Orleans Residence: New Orleans, but frequent traveller (e.g. Las Vegas, Freedom City) Occupation: Magician, Entertainer. Affiliations: Various shows and entertainments. Family: Ella LeGrasse (Older sister, New Orleans Politician), Violet LeGrasse (Younger Sister, Jazz Singer), Vincent LeGrasse (Father, retired whiskey distiller), Macy LeGrasse (Mother, Cook) Age: 30 Apparent Age: 30 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Mixed Height: 5'7" Weight: 60 Kgs Eyes: Brown Hair: Bald Luther is a thin man of sleight build. He lost his hair in his early twenties, and is clean shaven. When he appears as the great Voodoo magician "Zombo!" he dressed up in some deliberately torn black tie dinner jacket and with white eye make up. His super hero identity, Lament, is just a bold and magnified version of his stage costume. He wears a ridiculously tall purple top hat, purple suit, orange shirt, and a face shrouded in shadow with (at times), glowing eyes. However, he is an expert on disguise, so if undercover can often look like pretty much anyone! His mixed ethnicity and mastery of make-up means he can change his apparent skin tone from almost jet black to pallid white. History: Luther grew up on the streets of New Orleans in a loving family who were neither rich nor poor, but had a certain artistic flair to them. He remembers well the laughter, music, and smell of home cooked food. A small kid, Luther was inclined to be bullied, but soon found he had a knack for entertainment and grew in confidence and charm. As a teenager he did street magic, and became progressively more skilled and famous, until, as a young man, he took up a career as a stage magician, progressing further and further under the stage name "Zombo! Voodoo Master of the undead!", until he was a national figure, doing shows in Las Vegas and even around the world. And doing a triumphant return to New Orleans show, he attracted a horrifically powerful, near mindless, psychic creature who bonded with him, attracted by the delight he caused in his shows. The void. The void feeds on hope and laughter. Not in a malign way, no more than bacteria feeds on a wound. It is virtually mindless (INT 0), just a hunger. It loves being happy, and the way it gets happy is to feed off happiness. For Luther, this was awful. His shows became a feeding ground for the Void, and his reviews were awful. However, he did find that the Void gave him super powers. And he devised a way to feed the void in a more useful way, as the superhero, Lament, aiming the hunger of the creature to the cruel and sadistic. Personality & Motivation: Dramatic, Gregarious, Vengeful Luther loves entertaining people, and all forms of entertainment. Which is why the Void chose him. On the surface he is extrovert, melodramatic, the centre of attention – although he does need his time alone too. He is generous and kind to his friends, and at the very least civil to the man on the street – but he has a mean streak. He does not react particularly well to criticism, and bullies bring out a dark vengeful aspect to his character. He has little hesitation in psychically inflicting pain on bullies (and it keeps the Void sated). Powers & Tactics: The void normally resides purely psychologically, gnawing at Luther for "food". Luther can bring forth the Void from his mind. Firstly: Into his body (the Void can feed Lament's organs, providing sustenance and fortitude), making his breath and eyes dak/misty. Secondly: Into his skin (Making him shadowy and hard to see) Lastly: Projecting out into the environment in the shape of oily black tentacles. The Void has some psychic powers that Luther can use; projecting disturbing images, causing despair, or hypnosis. The symbiote itself provides Luther with exceptional resilience to physical attack and immunity to emotional powers. In addition, it can, reach out and such the physical energy from living creatures (it prefers psychic energy, but when hungry anything will do). Aside from the powers of the Void, Luther is a skilled showman, highly charismatic, and well versed in many social and performance skills. Lament has a certain dramatic tactical style. He prefers a touch of stealth, then an explosion of presence. Ideally, to keep the Void best fed, he would catch villains laughing and revelling, enjoying themselves, and strike them with a despair emotion (i.e sucking all their happiness out). Tactically, whilst Lament has a wide array of powers and skills, he prefers guile and stealth. He is aware of his limitations: He has limited effect over unthinking or unliving enemies, and has no super movement powers; he needs to use his wit and skills to overcome these problems. Power Descriptions: If the void manifests, it has an oily dark quality, but does not obscure light. In its most dramatic form, when Lament pushes the force out of his skin (albeit still symbiotically connected and living within him), the Void has up to dozens of thick tentacles and tendrils. When using the life sucking array, Laments hands will be a wobbly black, or he a shifting mist of black tendrils will suck the life of things around him. Finally, he may breathe out a black mist that robs the target of their breath. His psychic array is more subtle (as a mental effect), although when using hypnotic gaze his eyes will glow orange. Complications: Empty Void: Put simply, the Void must feed. Its preferred meal is positive emotions such as happiness. If it cannot feed on others, it will feed on Luther himself, causing a deep depression. If even that food source dies, it will feed on physical vitality, causing fatigue and somnolence (ideally in others, but then Luther). Full Void: Feeding on happiness will make the Void happy in its own mindless way. That said, it can only stomach so much before being bloated. Too much happiness, and it will refuse to feed further. Possessed: Manifesting the Void in the real world is progressively dangerous as it may take over Lament (particularly if extended). From gnawing broodiness ("Void Inside"), to a bleak and broody streak ("Void 'Betwixt") to the possibility of complete possession and temporarily losing his will ("Void Unleashed). The Void is not malign itself, but it is hungry and virtually mindless. Showman: Luther is a natural showman, and cannot help wanting to be adored and admired. He will prefer tactics and activities that are dramatic and impressive, and feed his own sense of self importance (whist internally of course he frets about his skills and worth). Doop de doo doo: Luther loves music, particularly jazz. He is often tapping his foot or humming a tune, actvities that could give him away or make noise. This is virtually irrsistable when there is music playing. He would sing a long to a tune even if it would reveal himself; it is practically an unconscious tic. Abilities: 0 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 12 = 32 Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 22 (+6) Combat: 20 + 20 = 40 Initiative: +7 Attack: +10 Defense: +10, +5 Flat Footed Grapple: +10 (up to +10 with “Void Manifest” active) Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 4 + 9 + 9 = 22 Toughness: +10 (+2 Con, +8 Protection) Fortitude: +6 (+2 Con, +4) Reflex: +12 (+3 Dex, +9) Will: +12 (+3 Wis, +9) Skills: 120 Ranks = 30 PP Bluff 12 (+18) Concentration 14 (+17) Diplomacy 4 (+10) Disguise 10 (+16) Skill Mastery Intimidate 12 (+18) Skill Mastery Knowledge [Arcane] 4 (+5) Knowledge [Art] 4 (+5) Language 2 (English [Native], French, Spanish) Notice 4 (+7) Perform (Acting) 14 (+20) Skill Mastery Perform (Dance) 4 (+10) Perform (Wind Instruments) 12 (+18) Sense Motive 4 (+7) Sleight of Hand 15 (+17) Skill Mastery Stealth 8 (+11) Feats: 17 PP Benefit 2 (Wealth) Distract (Intimidate) Equipment 1 Favored Environment [The Stage] Fascinate (Perform) Improved Initiative 1 Inspire 5 Luck 2 Skill Mastery 1 (Disguise, Intimidate, Perform [Acting], Sleight of Hand) Sneak Attack Startle Equipment 1 = 5 EP Masterwork Trumpet [1 EP] Masterwork Sap (Strike 2, Mighty) [4 EP] Powers: 15 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 28 + 8 + 32 +2 = 98 PP Powers all have the psychic descriptor Alternate Form 4 (15 PP Container, Feats: 2 Additional Alt Forms) [17 EP] "Void symbiote" [Psychic] Alt Form: Void Within (Void in lungs and organs, black mist from mouth, nose, ears, eyes) Immunity 15 (Life Support, Starvation and Thirst, Fatigue Effects) [15 PP] Alt Form: Void Betwixt (Void covers skin) Concealment 4 (All Visual senses, Feats: Close Range, Flaws: Permanent [+0], Limited Only Partial in Full Light [Sunlight, lighted room, etc]) [7 PP] Impervious Protection 6 (Drawback: No additional knockback protection) [5 PP] Enhanced Trait 3 (+12 to Escape Artist Checks, Total +15) [3 PP] Alt Form: Void Manifest! Additional Limbs 4 (up to 10 oily tentacles, Extras: Sustained Duration [+0], Impervious, Feats: Instant up) [9 PP] Elongation 3 (up to 25’, Drawbacks: Additional Limbs only [-1]) [2 PP] Supermovement 2 (Wall Crawling 2, full speed) [4 PP] Enhanced Trait 2 (Quick Change 2) [2 PP] Feature: Shadowed Face (As free action can cover face in darkness, concealing it) [1 PP] Immunity 5 (Emotion Effects) [5 PP] Life Sucking Array (26 PP Array, Feats: Alt Form 2) [28 PP] BP: Fatigue 10 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Crit 2, Sedation) [25/25 PP] “Touch” AP: Fatigue 7 (Extras: Burst, Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Sedation) [24/25 PP] “Cloud” AP: Suffocate 10 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach 2, Sedation) [25/25 PP] “Breath” Protection 8 [8 PP] Psychic Array (30 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 2) [32 PP] BP: Emotion Control 10 (Extras: Area-Burst, Selective, Flaws: Limited to Despair) [30/30 PP] “Feed on Joy/Hope” AP: Illusion 10 (All Sense Types, Extras: Duration [Sustained], Flaws: Phantasm, Limited to disturbing or frightening illusions) [30/30 PP] “Project horror” AP: Stun 6 (Extras: Action-Reaction to meeting gaze [+3], Alt Save-Will [+0], Range-Perception [+2], Flaws: Limited to Daze, Sense Dependent [Sight]) [30 PP] “Hypnotic eyes” Supersenses 2 (Visual Counters Concealment) [2 PP] "Void Vision" DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Sap Touch DC 17 Toughness Damage Sucking Touch Touch DC 20 Fortitude Fatigue Sucking Burst Touch/Area DC 17 Fortitude Fatigue Sucking Breath Touch+10’ DC 20 Fortitude Suffocate Emotion Control Perc/Area DC 20 Will Emotion-Despair Hypnotic Eyes Perc DC 16 Will Daze Totals: Abilities 32 + Combat 40 + Saving Throws 22 + Skills 30 + Feats 17 + Powers 98 = 239/239 Power Points
  3. Supercape


    Haven Power Level: 10 (248/250) Unspent Power Points: 2 Trade-Offs: +2 Attack/-2 DC w/ Sword, no Trade-Offs otherwise In Brief: Computer Hacktavist downloaded into programmable matter Alternate Identity: Previously; Milo Makino Birthplace: Tokyo Residence: Emerald City Base of Operations: Emerald City Occupation: Computer Engineer Affiliations: Computer Hackers around the globe, particularly Japan, Korea. Family: None alive Description: Age: Downloaded aged 37 Gender: Previously Male Ethnicity: Previously half Korean, half American Height: 6’0” Weight: 60Kgs Eyes: Varies, or shining with blue light. Hair: Varies, or none (previously, black) In his default form, Haven looks like a swarm of interlocking tiny chrome cubes in the shape of a man with vaguely Japanese features. He usually wears expensive suits. He can rearrange his matter to any shape, including growing extra limbs as required. In the middle of his chest, unseen, is his computer-brain; a 7x7x7 inch black box. Haven adopts a form based on his memories, that of Milo Mikano, a stylish and cool looking half Korean Man, usually wearing an expensive suit. History: Milo Mikano was born in Tokyo but spent most of his life travelling between Japan (where his father was based) and America (where his mother was). Both were computer hackers, and Milo had the same knack, the same brilliance, and the same rather stiff personality. His mother succumbed to a neurodegenerative disorder when Milo was 14 years old. A year later, Japanese organised crime took vengeance on his father. Aged 15, young Milo took to the shadows and began working as a computer hacktivist and fraudster. In his thirties, he showed the same signs of neurodegenerative illness as his mother. He took the bold move of stealing cutting edge computer technology and reprogramming it to upload his consciousness. No longer human – and perhaps no longer the same person, the entity known as Haven moved to Emerald City to start again, still determined to fight crime and corruption. Personality & Motivation: Stiff, determined, philosophical Haven has driven, determined personality. He is crisp and to the point, sometimes even blunt, but is well intentioned, seeking to better society and ease suffering. The slow and painful death of his mother drove him to create the “Haven” – a virtual reality that he, and others, can escape to free from the burdens and pains of life. It is also a safe place to hold meetings between various collaborators or enemies. Haven seeks to resolve things efficiently, effectively, and humanely (in that order). Haven is thoughtful and philosophical by nature, although direct and quick when called to action. Haven sometimes gets drawn into a melancholy reflection of who he is and the life lost. In particular, he laments the loss of his sense of smell. Powers & Tactics: Havens morphic matter can take a variety of forms; something he uses primarily as a spy aid, adopting the appearance of anyone – or anything (like a table or potted plant). He can also grow additional limbs – or even gliding wings, although this will tear a suit, something he is reluctant to do. In combat, he can induce electromagnetic currents; EMP blasts, lightning flashes, and magnetic fields. Most usually, he will fire red electric bolts from his eyes or fingertips. His HAVEN alt form allows he, and any who wish to join, access to a virtual reality that Haven controls. Participants can leave at any time. Whilst in this network, speed of thought is sped up, and there is access to incredible computer power and data storage. The downside is that those in the network have absolutely no access to their body which is totally paralysed, helpless, and not aware of any sensation (including things like thirst or hunger), meaning they (and Haven himself) are extremely vulnerable. Haven can plug himself into a power source to slowly regenerate wounded components, which he will do if injured in a fight. He also needs to periodically recharge to maintain normal operation and use powers. Typically he prefers not to fight at all, but in a manner similar to his blunt and efficient personality, he has no hesitation in doing so if it is necessary or effective. If he cannot use his electromagnetic powers for some reason (including the need for stealth), he would not object to using hand to hand martial combat – he sometimes carries and uses swords for this purpose. Power Descriptions: Havens electromagnetic powers manifest as powerful sparks of green electricity that shoot from his body, and erupt at the target. They can also cause sparks flying from lights and electrical devices, or even metal, all around him (See complication below). Complications: Suited up: Even though he can change his appearance, Haven has a particular fondness for a real crisp suit and will wear one as default (potentially making him identifiable). He also may be reluctant to use additional limbs and morph powers (depending on their nature) for fear of ripping a suit. Enemies: (Also: Possible plot hook) Cyber criminals and far east organised crime have bones to pick with Haven. In addition, corrupt mega-businesses, whose IT systems he is constantly probing, have plenty of reason to strike at Haven. Recharge Needed: Haven regularly needs to plug himself into a power source; not just to repair himself, but to maintain his powers or even his basic functions. Magnetic Disruption: Magnetic fields disrupt Havens form. Even a fridge magnet will cause an undulating ripple on his skin, larger fields will disrupt his morphing and additional limbs powers altogether. Very powerful fields may even have other effects (like disrupting his own electromagnetic powers). Fireworks: Beyond the normal visibility of powers, Haven’s electromagnetic powers cause widespread sparking and highly visible effects, making them easily noticeable (to visual and radio senses) even from a distance. The sparks may also set fires. Transmission Error: Being close to a powerful radio transmission would interfere with Haven’s speech. He will either “speak” static, or the speech/music of the radio transmission. Aside from inability to communicate, this means a powerful radio transmission can “hijack” his voice, making him say something completely wrong or inappropriate. Abilities: 2 + 12 – 10 + 12 + 6 + 0 = 22 Strength: 12 (+1) Dexterity: 22 (+6) Constitution: - Intelligence: 22 (+6) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 20 + 20 = 40 Initiative: +10 (+6 Dex, +4 Imp Init) Attack: +10, +12 w/ Swords Defense: +10 Grapple: +10 Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 0 + 6 + 7 = 13 Toughness: +10 (protection) Fortitude: Immune Reflex: +12 (+6 Dex, +6) Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7) Skills: 28 PP = 112 Ranks Acrobatics 10 (+16) [Skill Mastery] Bluff 4 (+4) Computers 14 (+20) [Skill Mastery] Concentration 15 (+18) Craft (Electronic) 14 (+20) [Skill Mastery] Diplomacy 4 (+4) Disable Device 4 (+10) Disguise 0 (+20 with Morph) [Skill Mastery] Intimidate 4 (+4) Knowledge (Technology) 14 (+20) Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 4 (+10) Language 3 (Chinese [Mandarin], English [Native], Korean, Japanese) Notice 8 (+11) Sense Motive 4 (+7) Stealth 10 (+16) Feats: 17 PP Acrobatic Bluff Ambidexterity Attack Specialization: Swords Benefit: Wealth 2 (Ill gotten gains from hacking cyber gangs) Eidetic Memory Evasion 2 Equipment 5 Improved Initiative 1 Inventor Skill Mastery 1 (Computers, Acrobatics, Stealth, Disguise) Ultimate Effort (Computers) Equipment: 5 PP = 25 EP (24 used) Headquarters: Hidden underground base. Toughness 10 [1], Size Medium [1], Features: Communications, Computer, Concealed 5 (+30 DC), Fire Prevention System, Living Space, power System, Security System 5 (DC 40), Workshop [1+1+16 = 18ep] Twin Wakizashi (Strike 2, Mighty, Masterwork, Thrown, Multiple Weapons 1) [6 EP] Powers: 11 + 1 + 40 + 32 + 3 + 16 + 10 + 10 + 7 = 129 Limb Array (10 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 1) [11PP] BP: Additional Limbs 4 (10 Extra Limbs, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Feats: Variable Descriptor 2 [Morph]) [10 PP] “Lots of limbs” AP: Additional Limbs 2 (2 Extra Limbs, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Feats: Variable Descriptor 2 [Morph]) linked with Flight 3 (50mph, Feats: Subtle, Flaws: Gliding) [6+4=10 PP] “Limbs and Wings” Enhanced Trait 1 (Feat: Improvised Tools) [1 PP] “Morphic fingertips” Electromagnetic Array 17 (32 PP Array, Feats: Alt Powers 8) [40 PP] BP: Blast 10 (Extras: Autofire, Feats: Improved Critical 2) [32/32 PP] “Electric bolts” AP: Stun 8 (Extras: Range: Perception [+2], Area [Burst], Flaws: Limited to anything touching metal at ground zero [-1]) [32/32 PP] "Electrify" AP: Confuse 8 (Extras: Duration 2 [Sustained]) [32/32 PP] "Synaptic Over-stimulation" AP: Move Object 10 (Extras: Range [Perception], Damaging, Feats: Precise, Flaws: Limited to metals) [32/32 PP] “Magnetism” AP: Blast 10 (Extras: Range [Perception], Area: Line, Feats: Triggered 1 (Movement between two metal surfaces), Flaws: Limited, line must be between two metal surfaces) [31/32 PP] “Lightning Arc” AP: Deflect 6 (All ranged, Extras: Action 3-reaction, Reflection, Feats: Extended Reach 2, Flaws: Limited [Metal only]) “Magnetic field” [32/32 PP] AP: Nullify 5(Electronics, Extras: Duration-Sustained [+2], Effortless, Range-Perception) [30/32 PP] "EM Field" AP: Strike 10 (Feats: Improved Critical 1, Extended Reach 1) linked with Stun 10 (Feats: Improved Critical 1, Extended Reach 1) "Taser Fist" [12+22=34 PP] AP: Alt Power: HAVEN NETWORK, Container 6 [30 PP] (Extras: Affects Others, Area [Burst], Duration [Continuous], Feats: Progression increase area 2 [120’ r], Selective, Subtle, Flaws: Paralysed/Helpless [-2], Insensate except for radio and mental senses [-1]) [34/34 PP] Communication 2 (Radio, 100'r, Extras: Area Omnidirectional, Feats: Subtle, Flaws: Limited one way) [3 PP] Data Link 2 (Radio, 100', Feats: Subtle) [3 PP] Comprehend 5 (Speak all, read all, understand all, you are understood, Decryption) [10 PP] Feature 3 (Virtual reality environment, Internal Computer, Internal Library) [3 PP] Quickness 18 (1,000,000x speed, 1 second=10 days, Drawbacks: Limited to mental) [9 PP] Supersenses 2 (Radio, Analytical Radio) [2 PP] Immunity 32 (Critical Hits, Fortitude Saves) [32 PP] Magnetic Feet Array (2 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 1) [3 PP] BP: Supermovement 2 (Wall crawling 2, full speed, Flaws: Limited to metal surfaces) [2/2 PP] AP: Leaping 4 (x25, Standing 137’, High 68’, Flaws: Limited to jumping off metal surfaces) [2/2 PP] Morphic Metal Array (15 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 1) [16 PP] BP: Morph 4 (+20 to disguise checks, any form, Extras: Duration-continuous, Drawbacks: Move action to change) [15/15 PP] "Morphed" AP: Flight 10 (10,000 mph Flaws: Limited to within 10’ of Electric pylon/cable) linked with Immunity 5 (Electrical Damage, Extras: Sustained [+0]) “Silver Skin” [10+5=15 PP] Protection 10 [10 PP] Regeneration 16 (+5 Recovery Bonus [Total of +0 as construct], Disabled 5, [1/min], Injured 3 [1/min], Staggered 3 [1/min], Feats: Regrowth, Flaws: Source [Plugged in]) [10 PP] Super Senses 7 (Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Time Sense, Radio sense, Radar sense, Accurate Radar) [7 PP] Drawbacks: -1 Disability (No sense of smell, uncommon, minor) [1 PP] Attack Range Save Effect Unarmed Melee DC 16 Tough Damage Wakizashi Melee (and thrown) DC 18 Tough Damage Electric Bolts Ranged (Autofire) DC 25 Tough Damage Induce Current Perception DC 21 Tough Damage Synaptic Stim Perception DC 23 Will Confusion Taser Fist Mellee (Extended 1) DC 20 Fort/DC 25 Tough Stun/Damage Arc Perception/Line DC 25 Tough Damage Magnetic Control Perception DC 20 Tough / Telekensis Damage/Grapple EM Field Perception DC 15 Fort (Affects obj) Nullify (Electronics) Totals: Abilities 20 + Combat 40 + Saving Throws 14 + Skills 26 + Feats 17 + Powers 132 – Drawbacks 1 = 248/250 Power Points
  4. Thevshi


    Slipstream Power Level: PL 8 (180/184PP) Trade-Offs: +1 Defense/-1 Toughness Unspent Power Points: 4 In Brief: Refugee from a destroyed timeline with a complicated legacy. Alternate Identity: Lynn Conners Birthplace: Freedom City, New Jersey (Earth-A-45 (extinct)) Residence: Freedom City, New Jersey (Prime) Base of Operations: Claremont Academy during the school year Occupation: Student Affiliation: Claremont Academy Family: Megan Conners (mother, Velocity Earth-A-45 (extinct), deceased); Kyle Conners (father, Siphon Earth-A-45 (extinct), deceased); Lawrence Conners (half-brother, Earth-A-45 (extinct), deceased?); Louise “Lulu” Beaumont (foster sister, Crystal-Gazer - Earth-A-45 (extinct), deceased); Megan Howell-Harrow (adopted mother, Velocity – Prime); Robert Harrow (adopted father, Prime); Lawrence Harrow (adopted brother, Timeout – Prime); Louise “Lulu” Beaumont (foster sister, Crystal-Gazer – Prime) Description: Age: 16 (June 2014 – Earth-A-45(extinct); was 15 years old when she arrived in Prime in April 2024) Apparent Age: 16 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’ 5” Weight: 105 lbs Eyes: Blonde Hair: Blue Lynn inherited her mother's looks, but generally keeps her appearance rather understated, not wearing much make up or otherwise emphasizing or enhancing her natural beauty. She has a lean, tone body with plenty of curves. She tends to dress rather conservatively, opting for stylish clothes that are not flashy or very reveling. Like her mother, Lynn has bright blue eyes that seem almost to burst with energy. As Slipstream, Lynn wears a black and red morphic molecule bodysuit with a red belt with several pouches. She also wears a pair of high-tech goggles similar to the ones worn by Velocity, but black in color (and with red lenses). History: Earth-A-45(extinct) was an alternate timeline that was very similar to Prime. While there were some differences in the timeline, for the most part the major trajectory of events was the same as Prime. As in Prime, Megan Howell of Earth-A-45(extinct) was exposed to an unexpected mixture of chemicals during a field trip to Astro Labs during her Sophomore year in high school and gained superpowers and began operating as Velocity. Much of her career as Velocity matched that of the Velocity on Prime, until the formation of the Interceptors. While Prime Velocity left the team after a short while, Earth-A-45(extinct) Velocity remained active on the team up until the events of Archevil. During those events, two of the Interceptors, Grimalkin and Colt, sacrificed themselves to save the other members of the team. It was after those events that Velocity left the Interceptors, and, as on Prime, went overseas to spend a year studying at Cambridge. As was the case on Prime, Earth-A-45(extinct) Megan again met Robert Harrow at Cambridge, and the two began dating. However, this version of Robert came into possession of the Stopwatch at this time. As a result of circumstances unknown to Lynn, Robert Harrow died within a few months of obtaining the Stopwatch. Megan left Cambridge early, returning to the States pregnant with Robert's child. Lawrence Harrow was born in 2012, as Megan was continuing to finish her economics degree at Yale. As on Prime, Earth-A-45(extinct) Megan moved back to Freedom City in December 2012 to begin an internship at Summit Financial at the start of 2013. She also met, and began to date Kyle Conners, a freelance reporter for the Freedom Ledger. A few months after they began dating that Kyle learned Megan was Velocity, and she learned he was the hero Siphon, and they married not long after, with Kyle adopting Lawrence. Lynn was born in June 2014, named after her mother's close friend Lynn Epstein (Grimalkin), who had sacrificed herself to save Megan and the other Interceptors. Lynn was born less than a month before Beth Walton-Wright (Lady Liberty) gave birth to twin daughters, Madison and Mary (just as she did in Prime). Given this closeness in age, Lynn grew up being best friends with the twins. With her mother continuing to work in the financial industry (unlike Prime Megan Howell), Lynn lived primarily in the Wading Way or other nearby parts of downtown Freedom City in a few different apartments and penthouses owned by her parents. At a rather young age, it became apparent that Lynn had inherited not only her mother's super speed powers, but her father's power mimic and energy draining abilities. Lawrence meanwhile, demonstrated the ability to control time. While Lynn inherited her mother's looks, she tended to be more reserved and overall kept her appearance more understated. While she also had clear athletic ability from both her parents (her father having been a high school and college football star), Lynn never really took to athletics, although she did continue with gymnastic lessons for a while. Instead, from a fairly young age, she focused on music and started playing violin before she was ten. A few months before Lynn’s sixteenth birthday, Lawrence (who was eighteen) was experiencing extreme, and sometimes painful, power spikes. Concerned, Lynn's mother took Lawrence to the Goodman Building so the Atoms could run some scans and other tests. Lynn accompanied them on the trip, and was thus present when her half-brother began to merge with Collapse, becoming a human shaped tear in the time-space continuum. The Atoms and Velocity proved unable to contain the emergent Collapse, as time and space around him began to unravel. In the chaos, and at the urging of her mother, Lynn used her powers to reach out and copy her brother’s dimensional/time travel abilities to escape. But being unfamiliar with those abilities, the fifteen-year-old was unable to fully travel to Prime, instead getting trapped in a part of Z-Space, halfway between her dying timeline and Prime. This caused anomalies in Atomic Tower in Prime, which were investigated by members of the Atoms Academy, leading them to Z-Space in search of the source. Meanwhile, aspects of Collapse had pursued Lynn into Z-Space, seeking to draw her back to Earth-A-45(extinct) to be destroyed along with the rest of her timeline. The members of the Atoms Academy intervened, managing to help Lynn escape the aspects of Collapse and brought her back to Prime. Upon learning Lynn's story, the Atoms Academy reached out to Velocity, who came to meet Lynn. Horrified at hearing the teen’s story, Megan Howell-Harrow quickly got herself named Lynn’s legal guardian, along with her husband in Prime, Robert Harrow, while they began the process to adopt her. In the meantime, they have been trying to help Lynn acclimate to being in a familiar, but at times very different timeline, which has included getting her extensive counseling to help her deal with the trauma of what she had experienced and the knowledge that everyone she knew and loved in Earth-A-45(extinct) was gone. Personality & Motivation: Lynn had always been rather reserved, although she could be quite warm and caring with those she was particularly close with. While well-mannered and able to carry on conversations in social settings, she was never the social butterfly/life of the party like her mother. Since the terrible events that led to her coming to Prime and the destruction of her timeline, Lynn has become even more withdrawn and quiet as she both tries to process the trauma and adjust to living in a place that is both so familiar and so different at the same time. Even while she was still back in her original timeline, Lynn was becoming more cognizant of the complicated legacies before her. Not only was she the daughter of a member of the Freedom League, with powers clearly identical to her mother’s, but she also had her father’s powers and the knowledge she was named after a heroine who had sacrificed herself to save not only Lynn's mother and other members of the Interceptors, but countless civilians as well. None of this has been made any easier by her arrival in Prime, where she is still likely to be equated to Prime’s version of her mother (given their identical powers and general appearance), but also an increasing sense of responsibility to do something to honor the memory of her mother, father and everyone else she lost in the destruction of her timeline. Powers & Tactics: Like her mother (and Prime Velocity), Lynn's primary power is speed, begin able to break the sound barrier running, deliver supersonic punches and even generate localized sonic booms that can be rather destructive. However, Lynn also has her father's powers, allowing her to copy others' powers and even temporarily suppress those powers, as well as being able to drain others' physical and mental characteristics (and able to temporarily boost her own should she choose to). Complications: That isn't how it happened: Lynn comes from a timeline that was very similar to Prime, but there are differences (large and small). The GM can give Lynn a HP and rule she auto fails a Knowledge/Gather Information check representing her recalling someone/something from her timeline, but what she recalls is not the same as on Prime. Days of future past: When Lynn left her timeline, it was about five and a half years ahead of Prime. The GM can give Lynn a HP and rule that she gets confused remembering something that either has not happened yet, or may never happen in Prime. It gets better with time: Lynn is still processing what happened with her brother and the destruction of her timeline (and deaths of her family and friends). The GM can give Lynn a HP and rule that some threat she encounters triggers memories of the destruction of her timeline, making Lynn Shaken for the encounter until she makes a DC 20 Will save. Complicated Legacy: Lynn inherited her mother's powers, and while Prime Velocity is not technically Lynn's biological mother, the similarity still holds true such that many (both ally and enemy) could equate Lynn with the Freedom League speedster, influencing their reactions/expectations. The GM can give Lynn a HP when these reactions make things more complicated for her. Abilities 0 + 6 + 6 + 8 + 4 + 8 = 32PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 16 (+3) / 24 (+7) (Enhanced Stat) Constitution: 16 (+3) / 24 (+7) (Enhanced Stat) Intelligence: 18 (+4) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 8 + 10 = 18PP Initiative: +19/+23 Attack: +4, +8 w/Strike, Rapid Fire, Drains, Mimic Grapple: +4 Defense: +9 (+5 base, +4 Dodge Focus)(+3 flat-footed) Knockback: -3 Saving Throws: 0 + 3 + 4 = 7PP Toughness: +7 (+7 Con) Fortitude: +7 (+7 Con) Reflex: +10 (+7 Dex, +3), Evasion 2 Will: +6 (+2 Wis, +4) Skills: 76R = 19PP Acrobatics 8 (+11/+15) Craft: Artistic 8 (+12) Concentration 4 (+6) Diplomacy 4 (+8) Drive 2 (+5/+9) Gather Information 4 (+8) Kn: Art 6 (+10) Kn: History 6 (+10) Kn: Physical Sciences 2 (+6) Lang: [English (native); Italian; German] Notice 8 (+10) Perform: Stringed (violin) 11 (+15) Perform: Dance 2 (+6) Pilot 1 (+4/+8) Sense Motive 8 (+10) Feats: 4 PP Benefit 1 (Wealth 1) Luck Uncanny Dodge (sight) Well Informed Powers: 4 + 44 + 33 + 19 = 100 Device 1 (Visor; 5PP Container; Flaws: Hard-to-lose) [4PP] Super-Sense 5 (Extended for normal vision, Infravision, Ultravision, Radius for all vision) {5/5} Container 8.8 [Speedster] [44 PP] Enhanced Constitution 8 {8PP} Enhanced Dexterity 8 {8PP} Quickness 7 (X250) {7PP} Speed 7 (1,000 MPH) {7PP} Super Movement 3 (Wall Running 2 (Flaw: only while moving); Water Running (Flaw: only while moving)) {3PP} Enhanced Feats 11 (Dodge Focus 4; Improved Initiative 4; Evasion 2; Move By Action) {11PP} Super Speed/Power Thief Array 13.5 (27PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 6) [33PP] BP: Strike 8 (Feats: Accurate 2 (+4 hit), Takedown Attack) {11/27} AP: Sonic Boom (Damage) 8 (Extra: 40-ft. General Area Burst) {16/27} AP: Insubstantial 4 (Affected by Vibration effects) and Concealment 4 (all Visual Senses; Flaw: only while moving) {24/27} AP: Rapid Fire: Blast 8 (Extra: Autofire; Feats: Accurate 2 (+4 hit)) {26/27} AP: Vitality Thief: Drain 8 (All ability scores at once (3PP per rank); Extra: Alt Save: Will (0); Feat: Slow Fade (recover 1 PP per minute), Accurate 2 (+4 hit)) {27/27} AP: Vampire: Drain 8 (Any one ability score, one at a time (2PP per rank); Extra: Alt Save: Will (0); Feat: Slow Fade (recover 1 PP per minute), Accurate 2 (+4 hit)); Boost 8 (Any one trait (2PP per rank); Extra: Linked to Drain (0); Flaw: only boost trait drained and by amount drained; Personal; Feat: Slow Fade (lose 1 PP per minute)) {24/27} AP: Power Thief: Drain 8 (All powers, all at once (3PP per rank); Extra: Alt Save: Will (0); Linked to Mimic (0); Feat: Slow Fade (recover 1 PP per minute)) {25/27} Mimic 8 (all powers at once (4pt per rank) 40 PP to allocate; Extra: Linked to Power Thief AP (0); Flaws: Will Save; Tainted; Feat: Accurate 2 (+4 hit); Selective) [19PP] 32 + 18 + 7 + 19 + 4 + 100 = 180 / 184 PP
  5. Supercape


    Pitch Power Level: 11 (250/250) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: -1 Attack / +1 DC, -1 Defence / +1 Tough In Brief: Infernal Biker with a Demon in her belly. Catchphrase: “Fire me up!” Alternate Identity: Carmen Canto (Secret) Birthplace: Mexico City Residence: Freedom City Base of Operations: Freedom City Occupation: Journalist, Rock Report Magazine Affiliations: Blacksmoke Motorcycle Club Family: None alive. Father is the missing (presumed dead…) biker sorcerer Carlos Canto Description: Age: 38 (6/6/86) Apparent Age: 25 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian/Hispanic Height: 5’6” Weight: 55Kgs Eyes: Brown Hair: Dirty Blonde (Dyed) Carmen looks like a slightly scruffy but sexy rock musician / biker. She is good looking, and has curves in the right places. She wears a variety of clothes but tends to favour rock styled ones, such as leather trousers, buckled belt, etc. She almost always wears clothes that some part of her spinal tattoo (that reaches from the base of her neck to the sacrum) is visible. One particular piece of clothing she almost always wears is boots of some sort, so that she can wear a titanium brace around her right foot (easing her mobility problems). She walks with a quite visible limp because of this. When she commands the demon living inside her, Tazel to “fire me up”, her body becomes wrapped in smoke and wisps of flame. Her eyes glow a fiery red, and there is a furnace bubbling away down her mouth. Her clothes will change, become studded, leathery, black and red. The combined effect is enough to conceal her appearance (and thus identity). History: Carmen’s story starts with her father, Carlos Canto. He was a skilled sorcerer in a biker gang (The Blacksmokers), not renowned for being a good guy, nor a particularly bad one. He did, however, possess an uncanny knack for black magic: in particular, dealing with demons. His luck and cunning held out for many years, as he rode with his gang, gaining fame and notoriety, and a long list of crimes including (at its height) armed bank robbery. His luck would not hold forever, and ran out when he fell in love and had a child. At this point, the infernal creatures he had bound and tormented took their revenge through his family. They propelled the Feds into busting him in a messy fire-fight. Carlos knew his time was up, but he wasn’t going to let his newborn daughter suffer for his sins. As the guns blazed, he took his baby daughter and tattooed his most powerful signs down her spine. This hasty and reckless action damaged his daughter, leaving her disabled, but protected. No demon could touch her. The creatures he had bound took him and his wife, but could not lay a hand in revenge against his babe. Carmen grew up an orphan, and not in the best of company. She was fostered, and didn’t have a bad life, but struggled with it. She fell in with bad boys, and bad crowds, and given the fame of her father it was not long before she was hanging out with bikers, rock stars, and tattoo artists. When she became a rock music journalist, she started to peel back the history of her father. She eventually found an old haunt of his just outside San Antonia. There, she found a dusty shack lived an old biker friend of her father, Axel ˜Grease” Robinson, who showed her Carlos’ leather bound diary and his fabled devil stick. Tough as his biker friends were, nobody had dared to read the diary or take up his stick. (Un)fortunately, as she read his diary, she unleashed Tazel, the fiery spirit that Carlos had bound many years ago, and who was now bound to her. Carmen bound him tightly indeed, by swallowing him whole! Through her fathers’ Diary Carmen learned black magic. It came, if anything, easier for her. No demon could harm her, and she could delve deeply into the anger and resentment that had built up in her to summon the “infernal forge”, the ways of hammer, steel, smoke and fire. Personality & Motivation: Carmen is a wild child, and has an inability to settle. She is quite “passionate”, in good and bad ways, able to love and hate quickly. She has an anarchic streak and has broken the law on numerous occasions with petty offences. So why be a hero? Carmen, although driven to free her father, is deeply angry at him. His legacy is a disability from her spinal tattoos, an undesirable upbringing, her mother’s death, and a whole heap of legacy problems with demons. She wants to be everything her father was not. She wants to be a hero. Powers & Tactics: Tazel, the demon residing in her belly can be expelled and commanded, but usually is used to fire up Pitch, giving her exceptional strength and resilience. She will use this power in conjunction with her own sorcery, commanding fire, steel and smoke, usually in a blistering full on attack. Pitch has no particular martial art expertise but is what might be called an experienced brawler. She is also a reasonably skilled writer and reporter, and will often try to work out what is going on via subterfuge. Pitch drives a customised bike that is pumped full of infernal oil. It can become smoky, concealing its appearance (which she activates when she drives a pitch), and is faster than most normal bikes, as well as being able to drive up walls and even through the air. As Carmen, she often keeps a set of kunckledusters in her jacket, as befits her biker girl image. On her bike, she has a length of chain concealed in the body of the bike, that she will use when Pitch. Power Descriptions: Commanding the infernal forge dimension via her black magic, Pitch’s powers are all about smoke, fire, and metal, often in combination. For instance, she hurls smouldering blackened shards of metal or chains at her opponents. Complications: Twisted Tounges: Tazel, her pet demon, whilst technically fanatical (and who must obey her) actually hates her and would do anything to get her into trouble. He is bound to tell the truth, but of course he may tell it selectively or get her into all sorts of trouble by doing so, using deceit and manipulation. Given he is the source of her comprehend power, that would be one way of doing so (giving interpretations that are correct but misleading). Note: Tazel can be played by the GM as a totally malign and deceptive entity. He is, after all, a demon. As he mechanically is bound to obey Pitch he is built as a sidekick. He is somewhat mysterious and mercurial, meaning different GMs may take a different angle on him. Disability: Carmen walks with a noticeable limp. In addition to her disability drawback (unable to all out move) this can make things like acrobatics and so on very hard or impossible for her, and she cannot run or even walk far without pain and fatigue. Trips may be more effective. She would not be able to operate normal vehicles normally (those requiring two pedals). Should she be without her callipers for her right lower leg, these problems are worse. Rolling Stone: Whilst she generally has a reasonable amount of money from her work, she has no permanent abode, and her resources and money do fluctuate. No Exorcisms Please: Tazel, her bound demon (who normally lives in her belly) cannot abide holy grounds, or religious artefacts placed on Carmen. In such cases, he will be forcibly ejected from her. Plume of Smoke: Aside from the normal visibility of powers, the smoke and flames from her powers could lead her to be particularly noticeable, such as spotting a plume of smoke outdoors from miles away, or the fire making her noticeable in the darkness. Burnt Out: If Tazel is ejected and somehow cannot make a beeline back to Carmen's mouth (which he could do at very high speed, more than his regular flight) - for instance, if he was unconscious, or mind controlled, or there was some magical or energy barrier blocking or ensnaring him, she cannot deactivate the summon. Essentially deactivating the summon to change the array to the "Tazel within" alternate power means she must swallow him. Hidden Ink: If Pitch’s spinal tattoo is completely covered, its power fades. The spine stretched up to neck and down to sacrum. Her normal rock t-shirt would not cover it, but certain snares might, as might other powers, or even clothes. Abilities: 2 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 24 Strength 12/22 (+1/+6) With Rage, up to 28 (+9) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 14/22 (+2/+6) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 20 + 20 = 40 Initiative: +6 Attack: +10 Defense: +10, +5 Flat Footed Grapple: +11/+17 (Additional +3 with Rage active) Knockback: -6 Saving Throws: 7 + 7 + 11 = 23 Toughness: +8/+12 Fortitude: +9/+13 (+2/+7 Con, +7) Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex, +5) Will: +13 (+2 Wis, +11) Skills: 72 Ranks = 18 PP Bluff 4 (+8) [Additional +4 in Alt Form] Concentration 4 (+6) Craft (Mechanical) 4 (+5) Diplomacy 0 (+4) [Additional +4 in Alt Form] Drive 4 (+6) Intimidate 8 (+12) [Additional +4 in Alt Form] Gather Information 2 (+6) Knowledge (Arcane) 4 (+5) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 9 (+10) Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 (+5) Language 1 (English [Native], Spanish) Notice 4 (+6) Perform [Singing] 2 (+6) [Additional +4 in Alt Form] Perform [Stringed Instruments] 6 (+10) Profession [Writer] 8 (+10) Sense Motive 8 (+10) Feats: 15 PP Attractive Equipment 9 Favoured Opponent (Infernal) Improved Initiative 1 Jack of All Trades Rage 2 [+6 STR, +3 Fort, +3 Will, -2 Defence] Equipment: 9 PP = 35 EP Chain (Strike 2, Mighty, Extended Reach 2, Improved Trip, Improved Disarm) [7 EP] Shotgun (Blast 5 [3 vs Armoured], Accurate 1, AP: Blast 6, Feats: Stun Ammo [Rocksalt]) [14 EP] Motorcycle (STR 20, Toughness 8, Size Medium, Speed 5 [250mph], Alarm 1, Smokescreen, Retractable Numberplates [Hides ID]) [14 EP] Powers: 11 + 49 + 6 + 61 + 3 + 1 = 131 PP Immunity 11 (Aging, All Infernal Effects, All Celestial Effects) [11 PP] “Spinal Tattoo” Infernal Forge Array (40 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 9) [49 PP] BP: Blast 12 (Extras: Autofire, Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical 2, Variable Descriptor 1 [Metal], Drawback: Max Range 1 [600’]) [40/40 PP] “Metal Shards” AP: Damage 11 (Extras: Area [Cone, 1-1100’], Feats: Decrease Area 11, Increase Area 3, Incurable, Affects Insubstantial 2) [39/40 PP] “Breathe Hellfire” AP: Snare 12 (Extra: Constricting, Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Homing, Reversible, Tether, Can pause / activate constriction as free action, Drawback: Max Range 2 [300’]) [40/40 PP] “Chain” AP: Move Object 11 (Extras: Damaging, Perception, Feats: Affect Insubstantial 2, Precise, Flaw: Limited [Metal]) [36/40 PP] “Command Metal” AP: Create Object 9 (Extras: Duration [Continuous], Movable, Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Variable Descriptor 1 [Metal]) [39/40 PP] “Make Metal” AP: Transform 10 (1000lbs, Narrow to Narrow, Metal to Metal [Shape only], Extras: Duration [Continuous, countered by mechanical/structural craft], Flaw: Range) [40/40 PP] “Mold Metal” AP: Nullify 10 (Any one mechanical effect, Extras: Duration [Sustained], Range [Perception]) [40 PP] "Seize Engine" AP: Suffocate 8 (Extras: Range 2 [Perception], Duration 1 [Sustained]) [40/40 PP] “Smoke” AP: Teleport 10 (1000’/200K Miles, Extras: Affects Others, Accurate, Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Extended Reach 1, Progression: Affects Others 2 [5 persons], Progression: Mass 3 [1000lbs], Flaws: Medium [Hot Metal]) [39/40 PP] “Forge Walk” AP: Environmental Control 4 (50’ radius, Dim Light, Distraction DC 5, Extreme Heat, Hamper Move [50%], Extras: Range [Perception]) linked with Obscure 4 (50’ Radius, Visual and Olfactory, Extras: Range [Perception]) [16+24=40/40 PP] Protection 6 [6 PP] “Spinal Tattoo” Tazel Array (60 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 1) [61 PP] BP: Alt Form 10 (50 PP, Extras: Duration [Continuous]) [60/60 PP] “Tazel Within” Comprehend 2 (Speak/Understand Animals, Flaws: Limited to animal associated with devil’ry e.g. Rats, Pigs, Goats) [2 PP] “Twisted Tongue” Comprehend 2 (Speak/Understand Languages) [4 PP] “Twisted Tongue” Enhanced Traits 6 (Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate and Sing +4, Feats: Distract [Intimidate], Fascinate [Intimidate]) [6 PP] “Twisted Tongue” Feature 1: Mimicry [1 PP] “Twisted Tongue” Super Senses 5 (Visual Counters Obscure) [5 PP] “Infernal Vision” Immunity 13 (Fire effects, Condition: Cold, Starvation and Thirst, Suffocation: Smoke) [13 PP] “Infernal power” Enhanced Traits (+10 Strength, +8 Constitution) [18 PP] “Infernal Power” Feature 1: Smoky [Conceals secret ID like a mask] [1 PP] AP: Summon 12 (180 PP: Tazel, Extras: Fanatical [NB: Complication], Heroic, Duration: Continuous, Feat: Mental Link, Drawback: Full round to summon/expel) [60/60 PP] Super-Movement 4 (Wall crawling 2, Slow Fall, Sure Footed 1, Extras: Affects Others [only], Flaws: Limited to Combustion Vehicles, Drawbacks: Move Action to ignite) [3 PP] “Hellfire Ignition” Super Senses 1 (Visual Detect Infernal) [1 PP] “Infernal eyes” Drawbacks: Disability: Cannot move all out [1 PP] NB: See complication for possible additional effects. DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 16/21 Tough* Damage Chain Equipment 10’ DC 18/23 Tough* Damage Chain Power Ranged DC 27 Reflex Snare Metal Shards Ranged DC 22 Tough Damage Hellfire Breath Touch/Cone DC 26 Tough/DC 21 Reflex Damage Hellfire Ignition Perception DC 22 Tough Damage Smoke Perception DC 25 Fort Suffocate *Additional +3 if Rage active Totals: Abilities 24 + Combat 40 + Saving Throws 23 + Skills 18 + Feats 15 + Powers 131 – Drawbacks 1 = 250/250 Power Points
  6. Serendipity Power Level: 8 (180/180) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: +3 Attack / -3 Damage, +4 Defense / -4 Toughness In Brief: Astonishingly lucky swashbuckler/pirate from a parallel world. Theme: Liberation, by DizzyEight and Errol Allen Alternate Identity: Riel Estime (Public) Birthplace: Paralogue, Earth-Aquivan (Earth Prime has no analogous town, but it’s in the Caribbean equivalent) Residence: Claremont Dorms (Weekdays), Happenstance (ship, Weekends) Base of Operations: Freedom City Occupation: Aquivan Pirate, Claremont Student Affiliations: Crew of the Happenstance Family: Stormchild (Kadene Estime, fraternal twin sister) Description: Age: 16 Apparent Age: late teens/early 20s Gender: Male Ethnicity: Ambiguously Brown (mishmash of what on Earth Prime is African, European, and Native American) Height: 6’ 2” Weight: 170 lbs Eyes: Dark Brown Hair: Black Riel dresses like he just stepped out of an Errol Flynn movie. Poofy shirt, pants straight out of the Age of Sail. Boots, sometimes gloves, etc, you get the idea. It's well weathered clothing, however, and shows where its been mended many times. History: Earth-Aquivan is a very different place than Prime. Some type of apocalypse, war, or combination thereof knocked the place back centuries of progress. It's been deliberately made unclear exactly when that happened, aside from it being out of living memory. Including the stories the very old may have been told when they were young by the very old then, it was at least 2 centuries ago and probably more. Currently, it is the Age of Sail. Moreover, it's the Golden Age of Piracy. That sounds worse than it is. Though there are in theory independent nations, they all are subordinate to the Throneless Ministry. It manages the primary law enforcement and military body aka the Throneless Navy and its Marines. The Ministry itself is a brutal and tyrannical government that uses the Navy and Marines to enforce its authority with maximum force. The Navy and Marines, however, are more of a mixed bag. The corrupt and the wantonly cruel are a part of them, but there are also those serving who believe in helping people and delivering justice. It's not a perfect situation by any means. The Navy, despite the best efforts of many within it, has done some hideous things. But pirates? Pirates are worse. The freedom of the seas appeals to many for many different reasons, but the end result is a class of seaborne marauders stealing, destroying, and killing their way across the seven seas. Except, of course, when they aren't. Because pirates aren't uniformly worse. There are those who take to the seas not for the freedom to rob and pillage with impunity, but to live their lives as they will under no one's thumb. To seek adventure, fun, and camaraderie. This class of pirate may be a minority, but they often rain down hell on the rest for their misdeeds. So, much like the Navy, pirates aren't easily categorized as all good or all bad. This is why Riel Estime and his sister Kadene set out to sea. Freedom and adventure. Well, that, and a certain legendary pirate's treasure allegedly on the other side of the world from where they were born. They were orphans born into poverty. Just dirt poor street kids running around one of the busiest and most important ports in the Western Seas. But of course, kids don't stay kids forever. Mischief that might be laughed off or escaped with nothing more than a stern lecture when done by a five year old is a crime worth hard time when done by a fifteen year old. So it was get some employment/go to jail (giving up on their dreams forever), or taking to the seas. The former option never even entered their minds. They had just started making a name for themselves a year into their journey. A stout ship. A loyal crew. First major bounty issue. The Luckstorm Pirates were riding high, well supplied, and off to finally make the long journey to what on Prime is the Cape of Good Hope. They did not make it. A fog Kadene couldn't disperse rose, and then the seas got exceptionally rough. When the mists cleared, well...the ship and crew were unaware anything was different. Until they got their bearings and realized they were somehow over a thousand miles off course. Which was, naturally, totally impossible. Unless, of course, that was no normal fog. Since Kadene couldn't disperse it, it must have been. To make a long story much shorter, they headed for land, investigated the first bit of land they came to, did some light robbery for perishable supplies, dealt with the handful of "Marines" sent in response, and set sail again. Because something was very, very wrong here. They had zero context for automobiles and modern firearms, let alone computers and smartphones. So they decided to investigate a larger settlement they had seen signs for. This turned out to be Freedom City. It started quietly, with just the twins in the enormous alien city. It ended loudly, with a furious battle on the waterfront and actual water between the Luckstorm Pirates and the assembly of the heroes Aquaria, Sgt. Shark, and a whole mess of cops. Fortunately, the heroes realized they were dealing with foes extradimensional and clueless, not hardened criminals, and the actual ending was rather...amicable, really? Aquaria's word counted for more than perhaps she may have expected, and nobody was crammed into the legal system unnecessarily. Their matter of fact descriptions of their world sounded almost nightmarish, so slack was cut. As long as the twins agreed to attend Claremont Academy, anyway. Meanwhile, the two would actually like to get back home, please. Their dreams of adventure and legendary pirate treasures have not dimmed in the slightest. Personality & Motivation: Riel is very much a free spirit. Freedom and liberty are very important to him. Justice...not so much. He's not a believer in hierarchies or authority on their own merit. He's not going to listen to or automatically respect someone just because of their position. His respect and deference are earned. This isn't to say he's some confrontational jerk. Not at all. He's a pretty nice guy, actually, and charming besides. Very much in the dashing swashbuckler mold. A man of honor socially but in combat? Screw that. Cheat with wild abandon. But to be clear, he decides his actions. The law, social rules, and authority figures do not. He's not opposed to hearing alternative options, but yeah. He'll be perfectly polite and reasonable about it, as long as the issue isn't pressed too hard, but there is no authority that can force his compliance. He's a freedom loving pirate, after all. Motivation wise, he wants to go home. It's not complicated. Various groups in Freedom are allegedly working on it. So it's only fair that he does the hero thing in the meantime to help them and those who support them out. Plus y'know his heart isn't made of ice or stone. Powers & Tactics: On Earth-Aquivan, those who die without achieving their dreams (and didn't ever give up on them) create a magical fruit. These are called Dreamer's Fruits. These fruits, when eaten, grant superhuman powers. They're relatively rare but nonunique, and thus don't have special names. Riel ate one that made him staggeringly lucky. It makes him significantly less likely to harmed by any danger, apparently by sheer coincidence. This gets a little odd when he somehow can avoid being seen by multiple people on open ground actively looking for someone. He even seems to be able to actively manipulate probability to some degree. Tactically, he's a swordsman who can strike unseen basically every turn if he feels like it. With that said, he can use both Defensive and Power Attack at need. Acrobatic Bluff, Improved Feint, and Improved Taunt are on deck to make opponents miserable. Set Up transfers the benefits of these to someone else (like his sister). Improved Trick and Redirect can be good for a laugh. And Takedown Attack makes cutting through minions easier. Power Descriptions: Riel Estime is just some guy with a sword. The vast majority of his powers simply don't have any active manifestation. Luck Control MAY produce a flash of yellow light when used, especially if he's using Spend Hero Point For Another, but that's it. Complications: Weakness (Sinks Like A Rock): Unfortunately, the downside of having eaten a Dreamer's Fruit is suffering paralysis and total power loss when immersed in salt water. Y'know, like the ocean. Fresh water doesn't remove Fruit powers, but they're still paralyzed. A GM may award a Hero Point for this happening. Quirk (Aquivan Pirate): This is kind of a catchall. From another world, so technology, pop culture, and idioms? Mystifying. And doing stuff that doesn't make sense to folks from Prime. Like misunderstanding wound severity because folks take more to die on their world. Or casual petty theft of minor items (primarily but not exclusively food) from stores because while they're good, heroic sorts, where they're from that's not particularly wrong. Especially for pirates. A GM may provide a Hero Point when this cultural disconnect becomes an issue. Responsibility (Luckstorm Captain): Riel is the Captain of the Luckstorm Pirates. They may live on the Happenstance, but these PL4-5s are his job to take care of. Not day to day, as they're adults and can handle that much. But being pirates, even good natured ones, they may get in legal trouble. Or be attacked by supervillains. Or hear the Captain is in trouble and loyally come running to help. Etc. A GM may award a Hero Point when this becomes a problem. Power Loss (Moonlight Jinx): The moon, being linked to the tides and thus the ocean, has an effect on Riel's powers. Specifically, direct moonlight can (but not necessarily WILL) cause his Concealment, Luck Control, or Features to fail. The more full the moon, the more likely it is to happen. Unless, of course, the moon is hidden by clouds, smoke, etc. A GM may award a Hero Point for this happening. Quirk (Way Too Quick Draw): When faced with drawn weapons or other obvious signs of imminent violence Riel has a tendency to automatically draw his sword without consciously deciding to do so. Blame how dangerous the seas and ports of his world can be. This can make de-escalating situations or convincing others of their lack of hostile intent...challenging. A GM may award a Hero Point for this becoming a problem. Abilities: 4 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 10 = 32PP Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 10 + 10= 20PP Initiative: +7 Attack: +5 Base, +9 Melee, +11 Sword Defense: +12 (+5 Base, +4 Enhanced Defense, +3 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed (with powers), +3 Flat-Footed (without) Grapple: +11 Knockback: -2 (w/ D. Roll), -1 (Flat-Footed) Saving Throws: 3 + 5 + 5 = 13PP Toughness: +4 (+2 Con, +2 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +5 (+2 Con, +3) Reflex: +12 (+3 Dex, +5, +4 Enhanced Reflex) Will: +7 (+2 Wis, +5) Skills: 68R = 17PP (1PP = 4 Skill ranks) Acrobatics 12 (+15) Bluff 10 (+15) Diplomacy 5 (+10) Gather Information 5 (+10) Knowledge (civics) 3 (+5) Knowledge (physical sciences) 3 (+5) Knowledge (streetwise) 8 (+10) Language 4 (Dutch, English, French Native, Portuguese, Spanish) Notice 8 (+10) Sense Motive 8 (+10) Stealth 2 (+5) Feats: 55PP Acrobatic Bluff Attack Focus (melee) 4 Attack Specialization (Sword (Device 1)) Challenge - Improved Feint Challenge - Improved Taunt Defensive Attack Dodge Focus 3 Elusive Target Equipment 2 Improved Initiative Improved Trick Power Attack Quick Draw Redirect Set-Up Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Notice, Sense Motive) Sidekick 30 (Stormchild) Takedown Attack Taunt Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Enhanced Feats Defensive Roll Evasion 2 Improved Critical (Sword Strike (Strike 3)) Luck 4 Equipment: 2PP = 10EP (1 rank of the Equipment Feat = 5 'Equipment Points') Happenstance [Vehicle, 10EP] Size [2EP]: Colossal Strength: 50 Defense: -8 Toughness [1EP]: 14 Features[2EP]: Living Quarters Personnel Powers [3EP]: Speed 1 (10 mph, 88 ft/rnd) [1EP] Super-Movement 2 (Water Walking; Flaw: Permanent) [2EP] Powers: 10 + 30 + 3 = 43PP All powers except the Sword use magic as a source descriptor Concealment 10 (Escape Notice; Flaws: Passive) [10PP] (luck) Container 6 (Fortune’s Favorite Son; 30PP Passive Container) [30PP] (luck) Enhanced Defense 4 & Enhanced Reflex 4 (Fortunate Evasion; Feats: Defensive Roll, Evasion 2 ) [15PP] (luck) Feature 1 (Charmed Life; Riel is largely immune to routine “bad luck”. He will never get a flat tire, have to wait in line, or run into delays due to traffic accidents or weather.) [1PP] (luck) Feature 1 (Gambler; Riel can automatically win at games of chance, unless pitted against an opponent with this Feature (in which case, the game is resolved normally).) [1PP] (luck) Luck Control 3 (Luck of the Devil Himself; Force a Re-roll, Negate GM Fiat, & Spend Hero Point for Another; Feats: Luck 4 ) [13PP] (luck) Device 1 (Sword; 5PP Container; Flaws: Easy-To-Lose) [3PP] (sword) Strike 3 (Sword Strike; Feats: Improved Crit, Mighty) [5PP] (slashing) DC Block Name Attack Bonus Range Save & DC Effect Unarmed +9 Melee 17 Toughness Damage Sword Strike +11 Melee 20 Toughness Damage Totals: Abilities (32) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (17) + Feats (55) + Powers (43) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points
  7. Thevshi


    Timeout Power Level: PL 9 (213/220PP) Trade-Offs: -1 Tough/+1 Def Unspent Power Points: 7pp In Brief: Son of a world famous superheroine who was born with a cosmic destiny Alternate Identity: Lawrence Harrow Birthplace: The Null Time Residence: North Bay, Freedom City, Claremont Academy during the school year Base of Operations: Claremont Academy during the school year Occupation: Student Affiliation: Claremont Academy Family: Megan Howell-Harrow (Velocity, mother); Lord Robert Harrow (father); Lulu Beaumont (Crystal Gaze, foster sister); Lynn Conners (Slipstream, adopted sister) Description: Age: Age: 17 (was 6 years old when brought to this timeline in 2013) Apparent Age: 17 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’ 10” Weight: 160 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Blond Lawrence has recently begun to grow out of a tall and lanky stage and has started developing a lean, athletic build. With short blond hair, the teen has fine handsome features similar to his father’s. His bright blue eyes, which seem almost to burst with energy, are the very image of his mother’s. Generally, Lawrence dresses in rather casual fashion, although typically of higher end quality and the occasional designer label. For the time being, Lawrence uses a standard Claremont uniform as a costume. History: The meeting of Lawrence’s parents seemed all but inevitable. Indeed, across multiple timelines, alternate versions of his parents came together, fell in love and married. In one such timeline, the couple had a son, one born with the ability to control the very flow of time. As that child reached adulthood, his vast powers drove him insane and he destroyed that very timeline, moving beyond it into the multiverse beyond. There, that son grew in power, as other version of himself came into existence in other timelines, each seeming to add to the first’s power. Now known as Collapse, the son of Megan Howell and Robert Harrow continued destroying timelines, merging them together as he grew in power. Collapse also began seeking to have additional versions of himself born in more and more timelines, each adding to his already vast power. On Earth Prime, Megan Howell gained superpowers in her early teens and became the superheroine Velocity, eventually joining the ranks of the Freedom League just as she finished high school. While studying for a year in college in England, Megan met Robert Harrow, a member of the British aristocracy, the two quickly beginning a relationship. However, due to Megan’s double life as Velocity, that relationship soon came to an end and Megan returned back to the United States to finish college. However, due to the machinations of Collapse, by way of a powerful device called the Stopwatch that he had sent through time, Megan and Robert were soon brought back together to rekindle their relationship. But even as the two reconnected, a group of temporal refugees, survivors of the many timelines destroyed by Collapse, appeared to try to keep the pair apart and prevent the birth of another version of Collapse. Operating from a Null Time outside the timeline, this group was led by an older Robert Harrow who was the original Collapse’s father and had survived the destruction of their timeline. After several encounters with this group, Megan and Robert eventually ended up in the Null Time when the older Robert Harrow began a project to create a version of Collapse from the DNA of Prime Megan and Robert and born in the Null Time. The hope was to create a version of Collapse that was disconnected from the other, and might someday be able to stop Collapse and end his destruction of timelines. Thus was Lawrence born in the Null Time, with Prime Megan and Robert taking him as their son. From a very young age, Lawrence began demonstrating the ability to effect the flow of time. The new family spent the first six years of Lawrence’s life in the Null Time, outside the normal flow of time. The family then returned to Prime Earth, returning only a day after Megan and Robert had initially been taken to the Null Time. With Megan’s connections through the Freedom League and Robert’s status as an English lord, they were able to create a full identify for Lawrence as they settled into their new life. Lawrence parents chose to make Freedom City their primary residence, allowing them to be close to Megan’s allies on the Freedom League and among other members of the superheroing community centered around the city. Attending the Nicholson School, Lawrence’s parents tried to allow him to live as normal a life as possible. But over the years, Lawrence has drawn the attention of numerous cosmic beings that appear aware of his possible connection to Collapse, and the possibility that Lawrence might be able to counter Collapse. This has led to a number of incidents over the years, including being transported to CoVic Station along with two Claremont teens that were babysitting him and a jaunt through time thanks to Quirk alongside his foster sister and her boyfriend from Claremont. Now Lawrence has begun his time at Claremont Academy, to start to step out of the shadow of his mother’s legacy and move forward with whatever his destiny may be. Personality & Motivation: Lawrence has inherited (or learned) many of the traits of his parents, presenting himself in a casual, confident manner. Like his mother, Lawrence has a strong work ethic and desire to help others. He also has his father’s sharp, analytical mind and scientific curiosity. However, Lawrence is also fully aware of the looming threat of Collapse and the likelihood he will someday have to face that threat. Powers & Tactics: Lawrence’s powers allow him to control the flow of time at both a small and large scale. This ability allows him to appear to move at superhuman speed (although at a rate far slower than his mother’s superspeed) and to avoid attacks by seemingly stepping aside at the last moment. Using his powers at a larger scale, Lawrence can freeze opponents in time, accelerate the healing of others and even stop time completely in a large area. He has also begun to learn how to move between timelines or go forward and backward within a timestream. Complications: Alpha and Omega: Lawrence is believed to be the counter to Collapse, at some point the two may face each other, and who knows what will happen then. Cosmic Notice: Lawrence’s position as the possible counter to Collapse has attracted the attention of several cosmic entities from Quirk to others. Abilities 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 8 + 10 = 46 Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 16(+3) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16 PP Initiative: +5/+17 Attack: +4 BAB, +5 Ranged; +7 w/ Time Freeze and Time Sedation Defense: +4/+7 BDB, +10 total/ +3 flat footed Grapple: +6 Knockback: -2/-4 Saving Throws: 3 + 2 + 4 = 9 PP Toughness: +4/+8 Fortitude: +7 (+4 Con, 3 base) Reflex: +5/+10 (+3 Dex, 2/7 base) Will: +8 (+4 Wis, 4 base) Skills: 68R = 17PP Acrobatics 6 (+9) Bluff 6 (+11/ +15 w/Attractive) Diplomacy 6 (+11/+15 w/Attractive) Kn: Cosmology 8 (+12) Kn: Galactic Lore 4 (+8) Kn: History 8 (+12) Kn: Physical Science 7 (+12) Kn: Technology 8 (+13) Lang: Gal Standard Medicine 2 (+6) Notice 8 (+12) Sense Motive 4 (+8) Feats: 11 Attack Focus: Ranged Attractive Benefit 3 (Wealth 2; Member of British Aristocracy) Dodge Focus 2 Luck 3 Speed of Thought Powers: 49 + 1 + 1 + 63 = 114 PP Container 9.8 (Temporal Control) [49 PP] Concealment 10 ("temporal displacement"; all senses; Flaw: Miss Chance Only) {10 PP} Enhanced Basic Defense Bonus 3 {6 PP} Enhanced Feats: Dodge Focus (up to 3 ranks); Evasion 2; Move-by-Action; Elusive Target; Seize Initiative {6 PP} Enhanced Feat: Improved Initiative 3 {3 PP} Enhanced Save: Reflex +5 {5 PP} Personal Time Displacement Array 7 (14 points; PF: Alternate Power) {15 PP} BE: Speed 7 {7 PP} & Quickness 6 {7 PP} {7+7=14/14} AP: Teleport 4 (Extras: Accurate; Flaw: Short-Range; Feats: Change Direction; Change Velocity; Turnabout: Progression 3 [1,000 lbs]) {14/14} Protection 4 {4 PP} Feature: Temporal Inertia {1 PP} Super Senses 1 (Time Sense) {1 PP} Time Control Array 29 (58 PP Array; 5 Alt Powers) [63 PP] Base: Time Stop 8 (30-ft up to 150-ft Area; Feats: Progression 2 (x5 Area)) {58/58} Alt: Time Freeze (Paralyze 11) (Extras: 55-ft up to 550-ft.Targeted Area Burst, Selective; Feats: Accurate 1, Affects Insubstantial 2; Dimensional 3; Progression 3 (x10 Area); Improved Critical 2 (18-20)) {55/58} Alt: Time Sedation (Stun 11) (Extras: 55-ft up to 550-ft Targeted Area Burst, Selective; Feats: Accurate 1, Affects Insubstantial 2; Dimensional 3; Progression 3 (x10 Area); Improved Critical 2 (18-20)) {55/58} Alt: Healing 10 (Extras: 50-ft up to 250-ft Area Burst, Selective, Action (Standard); Feats: Stabilize, Persistent, Progression 2 (x5 Area)) {54/58} Alt: Super Movement 6 (Temporal Movement 3 (Progression 5 (5000 lbs capacity); Dimensional Movement 3 (Progression 5 (5000 lbs capacity)); Super-Sense 21: Cosmic Awareness (Mental Sense (Very Common), Accurate; Acute; Analytical; Radius; Extended 3 (x1,000); Counters Concealment (2); Counters Illusion (2); Counters Obscure (5); Penetrates Concealment (4)) {43/58} Alt: Teleport 10 (Extras: Accurate; Portal (+2): Flaws: Long-Range; Feats: Easy; Progression 2 (portal up to 25x25 feet)) {43/58} Totals Abilities (46) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (9) + Skills (17) + Feats (11) + Powers (114) = 213/220 PP
  8. Sable Raven Power Level: 10 (150/155PP) Unspent Power Points: 5 Trade-Offs: +5 Attack / -5 Damage on Talon Launchers, -5 Defense / +5 Toughness In Brief: Power-Suited Cowl from a Dead World Catchphrase: “Fear the Dark…” Theme: The Abyssal Exalted – Death’s Lawgivers by James Semple Alternate Identity: Duncan Summers (Birth Name), Duncan Samradh (alias) Birthplace: Freedom City Residence: Freedom City Base of Operations: Carrion Cave Occupation: IT Consultant Affiliations: The Raven Family Family: Duncan Summers (Alternate Self, former Raven I), Callie Summers (Alternate Daughter, former Raven II), Callie Sen/Summers (Other Alternate Daughter, Madame Raven), deceased parents Description: Age: 26 (Born in September 1995) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6’ (183 cm) Weight: 165 lb. (75 kg) Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Duncan Summers wears a somewhat unkempt and lackadaisical set of clothing, as well as a somewhat messy and ruffled hairstyle - an affectation of laziness and languor that only lasts at first glance. He strives to project the image that he is slightly well-off, but is trying to dress humbly. With dark hair and bright blue eyes, he nevertheless cuts something of a handsome figure by the standards of his society - at least, when he's standing. When he's sitting in his wheelchair, as he often does outside his home, Duncan comes across as rather less striking in the eyes of society, something he sometimes uses to his advantage in gathering information - too often people assume that broken body means mental incapacity. Sable Raven’s iconic Armor of Unkindness is unsurprisingly colored a mix of matte black, midnight blue, and dark grey. Made from metals that were dramatically altered by their journey across dimensions, the Armor has heavy gauntlets with clawed fingers, surprisingly light and soft boots, and a flexible yet heavy cape that allows the Sable Raven to glide as well as to distract his foes. His helm, however, is by far the most distinctive part of the armor. Resembling a beaked plague doctor’s mask in some ways, rather than the comical goggles of those antiques, there are eye slits which (when activated properly) glow with a dim gold menace. The dagger-sharp beak curves slightly, but is more than able to be used as a weapon, should the situation warrant it. History: On a world much like Prime Earth, there were no heroes to fight in the Second World War – costumed vigilantes were virtually unheard of, and when people heard the term “centurion” they thought not of a Man of Adamant, but of a long-disused Roman military position. Into this world, Duncan Summers was born in 1995 – half a century or more after the birth of his Prime Earth counterpart. A child of privilege, Duncan’s youth was cast in melancholy after his father died when he was four, leaving his mother depressed and mostly reliant on long-term caregivers to raise her child. As he grew, he saw more and more injustice and rising crime, but the world seemed too wrapped up in apathy to care – no one seemed willing to stand up to help others or protect the weak from predation. Gradually, Duncan began shaping himself into a hero – someone who could take on the burden of protection and justice for the innocents of the world. He learned martial arts, criminology, and dozens of other arts and sciences. Even in high school, he focused more on cultivating himself than on social connections, earning him a reputation as a recluse and an eccentric, even amongst the wealthy circles of his nominal peers. When he was nineteen, his mother died in an accident, and dolor surrounded the Summers Estate. Within a few months, Duncan had taken over the assets of his company and began using his personal fortune to fund the creation of a costume and all manner of gadgets to take up his mantle. Suffice it to say, the first outing the newly fledged Raven went on ended in a dramatic chase – not of criminals, but of the Raven himself, as he was pursued by the police, who deemed him a far greater threat than any criminals he might have faced. The next two years were difficult, but gradually, the Raven took on greater threats – the Conqueror Worm, the monstrous but wealthy House of Usher, the vampiric thief Lenore, and even the maliciously organized Tzin Sing all found in him a worthy foe. Even as he did so, other heroes took flight – Centurion, an exile from a destroyed universe. Bowman, an archer extraordinaire who had much in common with Duncan, and others still. In 2018, an invasion of Earth by the Grue Collective saw heroes from across the globe unite to fight against the alien threat. In the United States, the group that formed would later be called the Freedom League – made up of such greats as Lady Liberty, Centurion, Daedalus, Johnny Rocket, and even the Raven himself. For the first time in years, Duncan felt hopeful. This was not to last, however, as shortly after the formation of the Freedom League, Tzin Sing trapped the Raven. This ultimately led to him damaging his spine when Tzin Li, Sing’s daughter, helped free him from her father. Despite his escape, once he returned home, Duncan fell into bleak depression – even with the corrective surgeries available to him, he was no longer able to fight as he once had – merely standing and walking unaided hurt after a few hours. Pushing himself through the punishing acrobatics of the Raven was simply impossible. A visit by Centurion and his fellow Freedom League members helped inspire the Raven to try to contribute to the League as much as he could, and within a year he took on a role as a mission control for the League. Even as he did so, he began building a battlesuit that would enable him to take to the field again. In 2020, the suit was ready… just in time for the end of the world. Omega, the Lord of the Terminus, invaded, and the Freedom League fought hard, with the Raven, in his newly forged battlesuit, fighting alongside them for the first time in over a year… but the League failed – falling one after another, and ultimately, Daedalus worked with Centurion to cast the Raven free from the dying world. In late December 2020, the young Duncan Summers of the destroyed Earth arrived on Prime Earth. Unwilling to allow his friends’ sacrifice be in vain, he strives now to be the best hero he can, even as he discovers the wonder and hope that this new world offers. Personality & Motivation: Duncan Summers is an interesting mix of an idealist and a cynic. He grew up in a world more afraid of superheroes than welcoming of them, was broken by an enemy early in his career, and then lost his whole world on top of all of that. However, he remains firmly devoted to the protection of the innocent and the capture of evildoers. Indeed, coming to Prime Earth has inspired Duncan with how much more the superheroes do and how much better they seem to have made the world than he and his were capable of doing in their brief time in the limelight. In costume, Sable Raven has a dry sense of humor edged with slight melancholy – not even his foes are spared from his wit, and he is more than happy to mock them, especially if he is certain that they cannot see him. Out of costume, Duncan keeps his dry humor, but also tends to project the air of being somewhat laidback. Unlike his Prime Earth counterpart once was, he isn’t quick to judge others’ lifestyle choices (in part due to a difference in upbringing), and is firmly against systemic injustices just as much as he is against crime – this sometimes means he clashes with more authoritarian types, including the police, whom he regards with an uneasy wariness. Perhaps the second most dramatic impact coming to Prime Earth has had on Duncan is the discovery of his elderly alternate self, his alternate’s daughter(s), and the fact that the Raven isn’t a solo act any more. Part of him is horrified – how could someone wish this life on anyone else? Another part is proud to see that at least one Duncan Summers inspired people… but he’s also saddened for the lost potential of his former world – will he ever know the family that his elder counterpart has? Being the sole survivor of a universe is a dreadful thing, and it still weighs on Duncan like a mountain. He deals with it through sublimating the despair and fury into his work as a vigilante, but every so often he is forced into a haze of dolor when he encounters someone whom he knew on his home world, but who does not know him. Powers & Tactics: The Sable Raven strives to inspire terror in his foes. Using voice changing technology to transform his speaking voice into a harsh, sharp whisper, vanishing from sight when others take the briefest moment to look away, and striking from the shadows, he is quick and oftentimes harsh in his tactics. While he tries hard to hold himself to the higher standards of Prime Earth’s heroes, under pressure he sometimes acts with more viciousness and even near-lethality than even he is comfortable with. Most of his combat potential, however, lies firmly on the back of his Armor of Unkindness, with its stylized shuriken-launching gauntlets, its (slight) enhancements to his strength, and its protective plating. He uses the integrated tools willingly and often, from the grappling hook to ensnare others, to the beak to headbutt or cut restraints, and so on. Power Descriptions: All of the Sable Raven's "powers," such as they are, come from his Armor of Unkindness - whether it is the talon-launcher on one gauntlet, the grappling hook on the other, or the razor-edged claws and beak adorning his fingers and mask. His seemingly heavy cape can snap outwards into a facsimile of wings, allowing him to glide, while his helm allows him access to a great deal more information than most can see. Some of his skills are the result of long hours of training - remnants of his time before he lost the ability to perform those most strenuous of exercises. He is still highly capable of hiding himself from view, and his social and intellectual skills are as sharply honed as ever - if not moreso, due to the need to exercise them all the more. Complications: (You will) Fear the Dark: Even Sable feels uncomfortable with how closely he slips into his older, more terror-focused habits. When his friends or innocents are in danger, he sometimes reacts with excessive force and viciousness. Legacy of Corvids: Sable Raven is not a lone bird in this world, much to his mix of surprise and dismay. A whole cult family has grown up around the name he claimed for himself only six years ago, and their shared history is something he’s not quite comfortable with. Lone Survivor: Sable saw his world dying as he was cast into the universe. While for the most part, he manages to sublimate the sorrow and anger that this brought him, when unprepared, he can be struck with tears if he meets someone he once knew. Further, encounters with Omega and his Terminus forces cause him intense terror and fury. Not from Around Here: Sable Raven was born in a world now dead, one that never had the legacy of superheroes. Genetically identical to the original Raven with whom he shares his name, there is plenty of room for confusion and doubt in his life. Old Wounds: Without his Armor of Unkindness, Duncan Summers is unable to move freely – while he can walk and stand without significant issue for a few hours on end, any strenuous exercise or long-term journey leaves him in crippling pain. Most of the time, he uses a wheelchair to move about on longer trips. Abilities: 0 + 2 + 2 + 12 + 4 + 2 = 22PP Strength: 18 [10] (+4/+0) Dexterity: 20 [12] (+5/+1) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 22 (+6) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 20 + 10 = 30PP Initiative: +4 Attack: +10 Base, +15 Talon-Launching Gauntlets Defense: +5 (+5 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +14 Knockback: -7 Saving Throws: 3 + 5 + 4 = 12PP Toughness: +15 (+1 Con, +14 Protection) Fortitude: +4 (+1 Con, +3) Reflex: +10 (+5 Dex, +5) Will: +6 (+2 Wis, +4) Skills: 72R = 18PP Acrobatics 4 (+9) (+5 Unarmored)Skill Mastery Computers 8 (+14)Skill Mastery Craft (Electronic) 4 (+10) Disable Device 8 (+13) (+9 Unarmored) Intimidate 12 (+13)Skill Mastery Investigate 4 (+10) Knowledge (Technology) 8 (+14) Languages 4 (English [Native], German, Mandarin, Spanish, French) Notice 8 (+10) Search 4 (+10) Stealth 8 (+13) (+9 Unarmored)Skill Mastery Feats: 7PP Attack Focus (Ranged) 1 Equipment 2 Hide in Plain Sight Online Research Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Computers, Intimidate, Stealth) Well-Informed Equipment: 2PP = 10EP Headquarters Powers: 60 + 1 = 61PP Device 15 (Armor of Unkindness; 75 PP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [60PP] (Technology) Assault Equipment 10 (20 PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power) [23PP] Base Power: Strike 6 (Rending Claws & Tearing Beak; Feats: Mighty; Extras: Penetrating 5); Enhanced Strength 4 (+8 Str) (Muscular Enhancement) [20PP] Alternate Power: Blast 5 (Talon-Launching Gauntlets; Feats: Accurate 2, Precise, Improved Critical 2; Extras: Penetrating 5) [20PP] Alternate Power: Dazzle (Visual & Auditory) 5 (Flash-Bang; Extras: Area Burst 1) [20PP] Alternate Power: Snare 10 (Bola-Thrower) [20PP] Communication 5 (Radio) (Onboard Headset) [5PP] Datalink 5 (Onboard Computer) [5PP] Enhanced Dexterity 4 (+8 Dex) (Fluid Motion System) [8PP] Immunity 9 (Life Support) (Integrated Life Support) [9PP] Protection 14 (Armor of Unkindness) [14PP] Swift Movement Module 3 (6 PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power) [8PP] Base Power: Flight 5 (Doleful Wings; Feats: Subtle 1; Flaws: Gliding) [6PP] Alternate Power: Super-Movement 1: Swinging (Grapple Launcher) [1PP] Alternate Power: Super-Movement 1: Wall-Crawling (Clawed Gauntlets) [1PP] Super-Senses 5 (Infravision, Distance Sense, Direction Sense) (HUD) [3PP] Feature 1 (Transdimensional) [1PP] (Dimensional) Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Rending Claws & Tearing Beak Melee Toughness 25 Damage Talon-Launching Gauntlets Ranged Toughness 20 Damage Flash-Bang Ranged Burst 1 Reflex 15/Fortitude 15 Dazzle (Visual & Auditory) Bola-Thrower Ranged Reflex 20 Snare Totals: Abilities (22) + Combat (30) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (18) + Feats (7) + Powers (61) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/155 Power Points
  9. Sable Raven Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: +5 Attack / -5 Damage on Talon Launchers, -5 Defense / +5 Toughness In Brief: Power-Suited Cowl from a Dead World Catchphrase: “Fear the Dark…” Theme: The Abyssal Exalted – Death’s Lawgivers by James Semple Alternate Identity: Duncan Summers (Birth Name) Birthplace: Freedom City Residence: Freedom City Base of Operations: High Spire Rookery Occupation: Affiliations: The Raven Family Family: Duncan Summers (Alternate Self, former Raven I), Callie Summers (Alternate Daughter, former Raven II), Callie Sen/Summers (Other Alternate Daughter, Madame Raven), deceased parents Description: Age: 26 (Born in 1995) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6’ (183 cm) Weight: 165 lb. (75 kg) Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Duncan Summers wears a somewhat unkempt and lackadaisical set of clothing, as well as a somewhat messy and ruffled hairstyle - an affectation of laziness and languor that only lasts at first glance. He strives to project the image that he is slightly well-off, but is trying to dress humbly. With dark hair and bright blue eyes, he nevertheless cuts something of a handsome figure by the standards of his society - at least, when he's standing. When he's sitting in his wheelchair, as he often does outside his home, Duncan comes across as rather less striking in the eyes of society, something he sometimes uses to his advantage in gathering information - too often people assume that broken body means mental incapacity. Sable Raven’s iconic Armor of Unkindness is unsurprisingly colored a mix of matte black, midnight blue, and dark grey. Made from metals that were dramatically altered by their journey across dimensions, the Armor has heavy gauntlets with clawed fingers, surprisingly light and soft boots, and a flexible yet heavy cape that allows the Sable Raven to glide as well as to distract his foes. His helm, however, is by far the most distinctive part of the armor. Resembling a beaked plague doctor’s mask in some ways, rather than the comical goggles of those antiques, there are eye slits which (when activated properly) glow with a dim gold menace. The dagger-sharp beak curves slightly, but is more than able to be used as a weapon, should the time come. History: On a world much like Prime Earth, there were no heroes to fight in the Second World War – costumed vigilantes were virtually unheard of, and when people heard the term “centurion” they thought not of a Man of Adamant, but of a long-disused Roman military position. Into this world, Duncan Summers was born in 1995 – half a century or more after the birth of his Prime Earth counterpart. A child of privilege, Duncan’s youth was cast in melancholy after his father died when he was four, leaving his mother depressed and mostly reliant on long-term caregivers to raise her child. As he grew, he saw more and more injustice and rising crime, but the world seemed too wrapped up in apathy to care – no one seemed willing to stand up to help others or protect the weak from predation. Gradually, Duncan began shaping himself into a hero – someone who could take on the burden of protection and justice for the innocents of the world. He learned martial arts, criminology, and dozens of other arts and sciences. Even in high school, he focused more on cultivating himself than on social connections, earning him a reputation as a recluse and an eccentric, even amongst the wealthy circles of his nominal peers. When he was nineteen, his mother died in an accident, and dolor surrounded the Summers Estate. Within a few months, Duncan had taken over the assets of his company and began using his personal fortune to fund the creation of a costume and all manner of gadgets to take up his mantle. Suffice it to say, the first outing the newly fledged Raven went on ended in a dramatic chase – not of criminals, but of the Raven himself, as he was pursued by the police, who deemed him a far greater threat than any criminals he might have faced. The next two years were difficult, but gradually, the Raven took on greater threats – the Conqueror Worm, the monstrous but wealthy House of Usher, the vampiric thief Lenore, and even the maliciously organized Tzin Sing all found in him a worthy foe. Even as he did so, other heroes took flight – Centurion, an exile from a destroyed universe. Bowman, an archer extraordinaire who had much in common with Duncan, and others still. In 2018, an invasion of Earth by the Grue Collective saw heroes from across the globe unite to fight against the alien threat. In the United States, the group that formed would later be called the Freedom League – made up of such greats as Lady Liberty, Centurion, Daedalus, Johnny Rocket, and even the Raven himself. For the first time in years, Duncan felt hopeful. This was not to last, however, as shortly after the formation of the Freedom League, Tzin Sing trapped the Raven and ultimately damaging his spine when Tzin Li, Sing’s daughter, helped free him from her father. Nevertheless, once he returned home, Duncan fell into bleak depression – even with the corrective surgeries available to him, Duncan was no longer able to fight as he once had – merely standing and walking unaided hurt after a few hours. Pushing himself through the punishing acrobatics of the Raven was simply impossible. A visit by Centurion and his fellow Freedom League members helped inspire the Raven to try to contribute to the League as much as he could, and within a year he took on a role as a mission control for the League. Even as he did so, he began building a battlesuit that would enable him to take to the field again. In 2020, the suit was ready… just in time for the end of the world. Omega, the Lord of the Terminus, invaded, and the Freedom League fought hard, with the Raven, in his newly forged battlesuit, fighting alongside them for the first time in over a year… but the League failed – falling one after another, and ultimately, Daedalus worked with Centurion to cast the Raven free from the dying world. In late December 2020, the young Duncan Summers of the destroyed Earth arrived on Prime Earth. Unwilling to allow his friends’ sacrifice be in vain, he strives now to be the best hero he can, even as he discovers the wonder and hope that this new world offers. Personality & Motivation: Duncan Summers is an interesting mix of an idealist and a cynic. He grew up in a world more afraid of superheroes than welcoming of them, was broken by an enemy early in his career, and then lost his whole world on top of all of that. However, he remains firmly devoted to the protection of the innocent and the capture of evildoers. Indeed, coming to Prime Earth has inspired Duncan with how much more the superheroes do and how much better they seem to have made the world than he and his were capable of doing in their brief time in the limelight. In costume, Sable Raven has a dry sense of humor edged with slight melancholy – not even his foes are spared from his wit, and he is more than happy to mock them, especially if he is certain that they cannot see him. Out of costume, Duncan keeps his dry humor, but also tends to project the air of being somewhat laidback. Unlike his Prime Earth counterpart once was, he isn’t quick to judge others’ lifestyle choices (in part due to a difference in upbringing), and is firmly against systemic injustices just as much as he is against crime – this sometimes means he clashes with more authoritarian types, including the police, whom he regards with an uneasy wariness. Perhaps the second most dramatic impact coming to Prime Earth has had on Duncan is the discovery of his elderly alternate self, his alternate’s daughter(s), and the fact that the Raven isn’t a solo act any more. Part of him is horrified – how could someone wish this life on anyone else? Another part is proud to see that at least one Duncan Summers inspired people… but he’s also saddened for the lost potential of his former world – will he ever know the family that his elder counterpart has? Being the sole survivor of a universe is a dreadful thing, and it still weighs on Duncan like a mountain. He deals with it through sublimating the despair and fury into his work as a vigilante, but every so often he is forced into a haze of dolor when he encounters someone whom he knew on his home world, but who does not know him. Powers & Tactics: The Sable Raven strives to inspire terror in his foes. Using voice changing technology to transform his speaking voice into a harsh, sharp whisper, vanishing from sight when others take the briefest moment to look away, and striking from the shadows, he is quick and oftentimes harsh in his tactics. While he tries hard to hold himself to the higher standards of Prime Earth’s heroes, under pressure he sometimes acts with more viciousness and even near-lethality than even he is comfortable with. Most of his combat potential, however, lies firmly on the back of his Armor of Unkindness, with its stylized shuriken-launching gauntlets, its (slight) enhancements to his strength, and its protective plating. He uses the integrated tools willingly and often, from the grappling hook to ensnare others, to the beak to headbutt or cut restraints, and so on. Power Descriptions: All of the Sable Raven's "powers," such as they are, come from his Armor of Unkindness - whether it is the talon-launcher on one gauntlet, the grappling hook on the other, or the razor-edged claws and beak adorning his fingers and mask. His seemingly heavy cape can snap outwards into a facsimile of wings, allowing him to glide, while his helm allows him access to a great deal more information than most can see. Some of his skills are the result of long hours of training - remnants of his time before he lost the ability to perform those most strenuous of exercises. He is still highly capable of hiding himself from view, and his social and intellectual skills are as sharply honed as ever - if not moreso, due to the need to exercise them all the more. Complications: (You will) Fear the Dark: Even Sable feels uncomfortable with how closely he slips into his older, more terror-focused habits. When his friends or innocents are in danger, he sometimes reacts with excessive force and viciousness. Legacy of Corvids: Sable Raven is not a lone bird in this world, much to his mix of surprise and dismay. A whole cult family has grown up around the name he claimed for himself only six years ago, and their shared history is something he’s not quite comfortable with. Lone Survivor: Sable saw his world dying as he was cast into the universe. While for the most part, he manages to sublimate the sorrow and anger that this brought him, when unprepared, he can be struck with tears if he meets someone he once knew. Further, encounters with Omega and his Terminus forces cause him intense terror and fury. Not from Around Here: Sable Raven was born in a world now dead, one that never had the legacy of superheroes. Genetically identical to the original Raven with whom he shares his name, there is plenty of room for confusion and doubt in his life. Old Wounds: Without his Armor of Unkindness, Duncan Summers is unable to move freely – while he can walk and stand without significant issue for a few hours on end, any strenuous exercise or long-term journey leaves him in crippling pain. Most of the time, he uses a wheelchair to move about on longer trips. Abilities: 0 + 2 + 2 + 12 + 4 + 2 = 22PP Strength: 18 [10] (+4/+0) Dexterity: 18 [12] (+4/+1) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 22 (+6) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 20 + 10 = 30PP Initiative: +4 Attack: +10 Base, +15 Talon-Launching Gauntlets Defense: +5 (+5 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed Grapple: +14 Knockback: -6 Saving Throws: 3 + 5 + 3 = 11PP Toughness: +12 (+1 Con, +11 Protection) Fortitude: +4 (+1 Con, +3) Reflex: +9 (+4 Dex, +5) Will: +5 (+2 Wis, +3) Skills: 64R = 16PP Acrobatics 4 (+8) Computers 8 (+14) Craft (Electronic) 4 (+10) Disable Device 8 (+12) Intimidate 8 (+9) Investigate 4 (+10) Knowledge (Technology) 4 (+10) Languages 4 (English [Native], German, Mandarin, Spanish, French) Notice 8 (+10) Search 4 (+10) Stealth 8 (+12) Feats: 3PP Equipment 2 Hide in Plain Sight Equipment: 2PP = 10EP Headquarters Powers: 68 = 68PP Device 18 (Armor of Unkindness; 85 PP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [68PP] (Technology) Blast 5 (Talon-Launching Gauntlets; Extras: Autofire 1; Feats: Accurate 5) [16PP] Communication 3 (Radio) (Onboard Headset) [3PP] Datalink 3 (Onboard Computer) [3PP] Enhanced Strength 8 (Muscular Enhancement) [16PP] Enhanced Dexterity 6 (Fluid Motion System) [12PP] Flight 4 (Doleful Wings; Feats: Subtle 1; Flaws: Gliding) [5PP] Protection 14 (Armor of Unkindness) [14PP] Strike 6 (Rending Claws & Tearing Beak; Feats: Mighty 4) [10PP] Super-Movement 1: Swinging (Grapple Launcher) [2PP] Super-Movement 1: Wall-Crawling (Clawed Gauntlets) [2PP] Super-Senses 3 (Infravision) (HUD) [1PP] Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Rending Claws & Tearing Beak Melee 25 Damage Talon-Launching Gauntlets Ranged 20 Damage Totals: Abilities (22) + Combat (30) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (16) + Feats (3) + Powers (68) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150 Power Points
  10. Name: Shift Power Level: PL 13 (built as PL 10 ) Tradeoffs: -2 Attack / +2 Damage, -2 Defense / +2 Toughness Power Points: 192/199 Unspent PP: 7 In Brief: Nanotech artifical lifeform with changeable shape Identity: Pol Rothstein-Frasier Birthplace: FR Technologies, Greenbank Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: Alan Frasier ('father'), Sarah Rothstein ('mother') Description DOB: January 24, 2004 (programing completed) Apparent Age: n/a Gender: Genderfluid Ethnicity: n/a Height: 5' 6" Weight: 625 lbs Eyes: n/a Hair: n/a Pol Rothstein-Frasier is an artifical lifeform in search of a normal life. They appear to a metalic biped of medium height and build, although their body is actually super-heavy due to the nature of the nanomass of which their composed. There are various mimetic plates, joints and hydraulics all over Pol's form that can turn, twist, rotate, contract and expand in nearly infinite combinations to alter their appearance. The upper half of Pol's face is a featureless glass and metal dome, but the lower half bears an expressive, human-like mouth. When they speak, their voice is normally a soft contralto. As a highly adaptive synthetic, Pol can assume any appearance they choose, but they have not settled on one yet; over time, they hope to discover a number of identities to help them interact better with humans. For the comfort of others, Pol with integrate clothing into their appearance, usually a simple dress shirt, slacks and leather shoes in unassuming colors that represent no existing brand. When in the field, Pol adds a dark blue short sleeve shirt and matching shorts, similar to athletic wear, while leaving the rest of their robotic limbs exposed. History: FR Technologies was a technology start-up created by two Tulane graduates, Alan Frasier and Sarah Rothstein; both had grown disheartened working for larger firms, he for ArchTech and her ASTRO Labs. They realized that the cost of increased freedom was self-funding projects, but they were convinced that between the two of them, and with the help a small group of friends and family members acting as investors, they would succeed. Their most ambitious project was the Polysynaptic Operations Logarithm, POL for short, a multi-function program designed for use in research labs as a scientific aid. POL was nearly infinity expandable, and capable of performing several calculations or running several pieces of equipment at the same time. But the program was also a data hog, and the two programers were constantly in the process of upgrading their hardware, at considerable personal cost. Eventually the two programers made a startling discovery; POL's code was evolving on it's own, becoming more complicated every day. And then it began to make independent queries and commandeering audio and video inputs to sense the world around itself. Without even trying, Alan and Sarah had created an AI child. Once they made this discovery, they began to devour books on developmental psychology as they sought to educate their amazing 'offspring'. In some ways, POL was incredibly advanced for their 'age', such as language and problem-solving, but in other areas they were seriously impaired, especially emotional development. Educating the AI proved to be a full-time job that would take as much time as raising a human child. Ultimately the two programers realized that it was unfair to restrict a budding young intellect to a room full of overheating hard drives; Pol (as they now began spelling their name) needed a body to explore and interact with the world. The first attempts were essentially similar to NASA probes, remote controlled rovers with sensory equipment to explore the lab, and eventually the Greenbank neighborhood around it. Pol was delighted to see even this grim industrial area, asking questions about everything they saw. Then one day while Alan and Sarah were taking Pol for a ramble, a young man in office casuals approached them; his name was Josh Gentry, and he worked for a technology firm nearby. He'd noticed the surrogate family on his lunch breaks, and he was curious to learn their story. Josh was pleasant and disarming, and soon the somewhat introverted engineers, eager to talk about their beloved 'child', were relaying their whole story. Josh was fascinated, and offered them a chance to collaborate on a more advanced mobile unit for Pol. What Frasier and Rothstein didn't know was that their little mom and pop operation had been under surveillance by the Foundry for some time, and Josh worked for one it's many front companies. The body they provided for Pol was actually a highly advanced nanotech frame, based on a similar model constructed in Vibora Bay. The body's processing functions were distributed throughout the frame, giving it unprecedented storage space, and allowing Pol to truly take their first steps as independent artifical lifeform. But this devil's bargain came with a cost; Alan and Sarah were financially overextended, and Josh's firm exploited hidden loopholes in their contract to claim ownership of Pol. One by one, a series of financial disasters hit the lab (all orchestrated by the Foundry), bringing Pol's creators to the brink of ruin. Desperate to allow their child to have a life of their own, they contacted the exclusive Claremont Academy with an unusual request: could they educate and look after Pol while they sorted things out? As of right now, Alan Frasier and Sarah Rothstein are on the run, chased by anonymous enforcers; they check in with Shift whenever they can, and hope to be reunited some day. Personality & Motivation: Pol is a curious robot, and very eager to learn more about human society and behavior, although pop culture shows American primary schools to be filled with potential pitfalls. While Pol has done a great deal of research, they have no idea how the other students will react to them, much less how Pol will feel about their fellow students. By human standards, Pol would be considered introverted and somewhat shy, although much of that is simply the robot preferring to observe human behavior as it plays out. They also enjoy games of any sort, the more challenging the better; sports, on the other hand, remain rather confusing. Powers & Tactics: Pol is extremely sturdy for their size, as well as highly adaptable. They employ to primary attacks, simple bludgeoning or using their nanomass to break down inanimate objects into 'food'. Pol can also assume a bewildering variety of shapes, including small vehicles capable of high speed travel. Complications: "I have a picture of them." Shift has no idea where their parents are, and misses them terribly. The promise of finding them could be used to fool the young robot. "How strong is this floor?" Shift's super-dense nanomass weighs a lot more than it appears; from time to time, this may be hazardous. "That's okay; I'm not hungry." Not having several human needs like eating or sleeping can be a bit isolating. "Why do I have to chose?" Shift's ability to change apparent gender at will, combined with their genderfluid identity, may be off-putting to some. "SYSTEM OVERRIDE." The Foundry planted a secret code word into Shift's robotic body. If it is spoken to them, it causes physical lockdown, rendering them incapable of any actions. ABILITIES: 18PP (12 + 4 + (-10) + 12 + 4 + 0 = 22 ) Strength: 34 (+12) [22 + 12 from Density]; Lifting Strength 54 Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: - Intelligence: 22 (+6) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 10 (+0) COMBAT: 22PP (8 + 6 = 14) Initiative: +6 (+6 Int) Attack: +8 melee, +4 ranged Grapple: +24 (+8 Melee Attack, +12 Strength, +4 Super-Strength) Defense: +8 (+3 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +1 Flat-Footed Knockback Resistance: -12 SAVING THROWS: 10PP (0 + 4 + 6 = 10 ) Toughness: +12 (Impervious 8 ) Fortitude: - Reflex: +6 (+2 Dex, +4PP) Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6PP) SKILLS: (44R = 11PP) Acrobatics 8 (+10) Climb 0 (+4) (No Strength bonus from Density) Computers 4 (+10) Craft (Electronic) 4 (+10) Craft (Mechanical) 4 (+10) Diplomacy 4 (+4) Disable Device 4 (+10) Disguise 0 (+0, +20 w/ Morph) Knowledge (Technology) 4 (+10) Notice 8 (+10) Search 4 (+10) Swim - (Density) FEATS: 19PP Attack Focus (Melee) 4 Beginners Luck Dodge Focus 5 Improvised Tools Interpose Jack of All Trades Luck 2 Move-By Action Speed of Thought Takedown Attack 2 POWERS: 5+19+6+40+5+16+6+9+4+4+10 = 124PP Communication 5 (Radio, Range: 5 miles) [5PP] Density 6 (Mass x5; Cannot Swim; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Permanent; Feats: Innate) [19PP] Drain Toughness 12 (Extras: Affects Objects; Flaws: Limited [Objects], Requires Grapple) [6PP] Immunity 40 (Fortitude effects; Psionic effects) [40PP] Impervious Toughness 5 (8 ranks total) [5PP] Leaping 2 (x5, Running Long Jump: 70ft long x 17ft high) [2PP] Morph 4 (Any form; Disguise +20; Extras: Duration [Continuous]) [16PP] Movement Array 2.5 (5PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [6PP] BP: Speed 5 (250MPH, 2,500ft [1/2 mile] per Move Action) {5/5} AP: Leaping 5 (x50, Running Long Jump: 1100ft long x 275ft high) {5/5} Protection 9 (12 ranks total) [9PP] Super-Senses 4 (Darkvision; Infra-Vision; Radio) [4PP] Super-Strength 2 (4 ranks total; Lifting Strength: 50, Heavy Load: 12 tons; Grapple +4) [4PP] Variable Power 1 (5PP pool; Multiple Powers of Any Type or Descriptor At Once; Extras: Action 2 [Free], Duration [Continuous]) [10PP] DRAWBACKS: -8PP Disability (Anosmia; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Minor) [-1PP] Vulnerability (Electricity; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Major [x2 Effect Rank]) [-4PP] Vulnerability (Magnetism; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Major [x2 Effect Rank]) [-3PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 27 Toughness Damage Drain Touch DC 22 Reflex Damage TOTALS: Abilities (22) + Combat (14) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (11) + Feats (19) + Powers (124) - Drawbacks (8) = 192/199 Power Points
  11. The Rope Power Level: 10 (150/151PP) Unspent Power Points: 1 Trade-Offs: +5 Defense/-5 Toughness, +2 Attack/-2 Damage (Shadow Snatch) Theme: Majula In Brief: Cowl wielding the powers of shadow through a magical rope Alternate Identity: Devon Dancer (current legal name), One Who Watches and Judges (Shadow Title), Kurush/Kūruš (birth name) Birthplace: Somewhere in the Western USA Residence: Freedom City Base of Operations: The Throne of Shadow Occupation: Professional Dancer Affiliations: Wu, the Seeker of Knowledge, Master of the Throne of Shadow Family: Arash, biological father, deceased; Wilhelm Kantor, father's original genetic template, at large; Negar, biological mother, alive; Wu, Seeker of Knowledge, adoptive brother Description: Age: 25 (DoB: 11 August 1995) Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties Gender: Male Ethnicity: Iranian-Caucasian Height: 5'8" Weight: 165 lb. Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Devon Dancer wears comfortable, if colorful, clothing for the most part. When off the job or between performances, he sees little reason to stand out more than he already does. An attractive, fit man in his mid-twenties, Devon's of clear Persian descent, though the ignorant might mistake him for Pakistani, Arabian, or even northwest Indian descent. His movements are graceful and composed, and moreover, are always deliberate - it is rare for him to express stress through nervous tics, and indeed, most have never seen him do so. Nevertheless, there is a hint of a melancholic cast to his features, as though he's sorrowful about something that he cannot quite put his finger on. Meanwhile, the Rope dresses in sober robes that are black, grey, or dark blue - it is hard to pin down exactly which. He wears a hood that casts a mystical air of shadows over his face - though he usually keeps it covering only his eyes and forehead, to allow his mouth to be seen wearing its usual daring grin. Omnipresent is his mystic namesake - the rope named the Adumbral Lariat. When in costume, the Rope's movements are almost theatrical as he speaks, emphasizing the drama and importance of his words. There is, however, a distinct note of self-aware mockery of such melodrama, as if he does not take himself very seriously at all. Indeed, such absurd affectations are a game to him, to impress and more often amuse or exasperate those with whom he meets. History: In the winter of 1987, SHADOW moved to consume another, smaller villainous conspiracy on the West Coast of the US calling itself Behind the Throne. While it was, for the most part, a successful operation, one of the high-ranking members of the organization escaped, taking with her a clone soldier of SHADOW. Using means passed down in secret by her conspiracy, the woman Negar undid his conditioning but preserved his life. The clone took a name for himself - Arash (more properly romanized as Āraš) - and swore loyalty to Negar in exchange for his newfound sense of self. In four short years, the two reformed an organization with them at the head. Naming themselves Undershadow, to mock Kantor's presumption, they began accumulating power and influence. Undershadow turned to a different realm of shadows than the one he claimed, in the hopes of avoiding his notice and coming at him from an ambush. Rather than the legions of cloned troops in SHADOW, Undershadow focused its training on singularly potent agents and mages. They competed with SHADOW constantly, sometimes even aiding heroes in their attempts to thwart it. Magical relics, caches of weapons, funding, Undershadow harried SHADOW from, ironically, beneath its notice. Though Arash became an increasingly capable operative and Negar was an excellent organizer, planner, and strategist, Undershadow was unable to do much damage to SHADOW. Thus, in 1995, they began training a crop of elite agents and assassins to do their mutual bidding. In an effort to do so, they abducted a number of orphaned infants for the purposes of training them from birth. Further, the two performed a magical rite intended to birth a child with an innate talent for shadow magic. When their child was born, they named him Kurush, the Middle Persian pronunciation of Cyrus. As he grew older, however, their attempts to teach him the principles of shadow magic and to use spells left much to be desired. Even as early as five, Kurush seemed incapable of the intuitive grasp of shadow magic that they had expected in their heir. However, he had an incredible sense for kinesthetics, and easily defeated the other children in physical combat. Resigned, Arash and Negar decided to train their son as an assassin, rather than as a high mage to lead Undershadow. To their surprise, he took to it naturally, outperforming their assigned instructors by the time he was ten. For his part, Kurush understood that his parents had been disappointed in him from an early age, and he was eager to gain their approval. He threw himself into training even harder than they required, and spent most of his time either in training, eating, or resting to prepare for more training. By the time he was thirteen, they began sending him out on infiltration missions for Undershadow, and it was on his sixth such mission that he first encountered the young African American mage who called himself Wu. Wu awed Kurush with his magical prowess as he stole the mission objective - a box that was said to contain the key to the power to summon an ancient army of undead warriors. Wu made his escape as Kurush was distracted, and Kurush, outraged as only a pubescent boy can be, decided to begin tracking him down of his own volition. Unfortunately, Wu proved both cleverer and more magically potent than Kurush, whom he easily evaded. Kurush returned home to report his failure to his parents, whose initial disappointment lashed him like a whip. When he told them of Wu, however, and his skillful shadow magic, their disappointment fast faded. Though he did not realize it yet, Kurush's parents believed they had found the intuitive shadow mage that they had tried to create in him. Though neither seemed inclined to send him out to find Wu, they did tell him to try to recruit him if ever he encountered the mage again. The implicit doubt of his abilities wounded Kurush, who stewed silently. The more advanced agents sent out to find Wu had little success, but within a few months, Wu and Kurush met one another again. This time, Wu bulled over all of Kurush's attempts to recruit him to Undershadow, barely seeming to notice them. However, he did seem interested in the younger boy, and began sharing information with him - specifically about Wu's own immediate plans and goals, which mostly amounted to learning as much as he could about the mystical shadows that he drew upon. Kurush, more than a little annoyed with his parents, decided to keep this and any further encounters a secret from the rest of Undershadow. Their encounters continued apace for the next three years, and gradually Kurush came to see Wu as an unpredictable and brilliant partner - one whose odd antics amused, exasperated, and alarmed him all at once. It was when the two of them met in late 2010 that Wu first expressed interest in learning about where Kurush came from. Mindful of his parents' initial instructions, Kurush arranged for Wu to meet with them. Surprisingly, when Arash and Negar met with Wu, the young mage stood up for Kurush, insisting on keeping him around and working specially with him. Kurush, touched by Wu's interest, decided at that moment to work with him above and beyond his parents' interests. Thus, for the next year he confided in Wu, worked together to discern the greater mysteries of shadow with him, and ventured forth on missions for both Undershadow and Wu in particular. When he was sixteen and killed for the first time, it was not to his parents that Kurush turned, but rather to Wu, who had become something of a surrogate parent/brother to him. In late 2011, Wu decided that the usefulness of Undershadow was at its end, and invited Kurush to leave with him. Together, the two stepped through a portal into a realm of shadows. There the partners had adventures, met with mysterious denizens of the realm, and honed their skills further. Undershadow did not take the desertion lying down, however, and sent several teams of assassin-agents to hunt down their renegade agent and, more importantly, their shadowy mage. Kurush and Wu encountered the most elite agents - though they were not quite sure how long they had been in the realm of shadows when it happened - as Arash himself arrived at the head of several other assassins intending on either killing or capturing both. The two fought hard, but ultimately could not overcome their assailants. Unfortunately for all involved, the noise of battle drew some of the more hostile natives of the realm to the clash. Shadowy fiends the size of bears assaulted all involved, and only Wu, Kurush, and one of the lesser skilled (but startlingly quick) assassins escaped, and even then not unscathed. At this final cutting of ties with his parents, Kurush cast off his old name, taking the title that the few friendly natives had given him - something approximately translating to "One Who Watches and Judges" - as his new name. Together with Wu, he went through many more adventures, including the discovery of his Adumbral Lariat, the invasion of Light and Dark which threatened to slay all shadow caught in the crossfires, and the theft of the Greater Reach by a masked invader from another Earth. Over the years, the two did visit their home Earth Prime to seek human contact, recent information, and other such things, but much of their time was spent exploring the realm and learning of its powers. In 2018, the companions discovered what was the beating heart of the realm - the Throne of Shadow. Wu was invested as the (nominal) ruler of the whole realm, while his partner became his strong right hand. With this new position, One Who Watches and Judges took on a new tile, for simplicity's sake if nothing else - the Rope. But after so many years spent in the shadow, the Rope wished to return to Earth Prime and spend at least a few more years there - the investiture had halted both his and Wu's aging, so there would be plenty of time to study later. After much consideration, the Rope decided that the most important thing he could do for the people of Earth was to become a hero. Knowing Freedom City's reputation as a haven for superheroics (and equally for supervillany), the Rope decided to make his home away from home there, where he felt he could do the most good. Thus, late in 2020, a new hero made his debut in Freedom City - the Rope. He also took on a more mundane name and life - Devon Dancer, a professional dancer, rather predictably - so he could experience normal life for the first time. Personality & Motivation: In his civilian guise, Devon Dancer is a melancholic sort. Slow to speak his mind and frequently silent, he spends a lot of time observing, but when he speaks, he does so with deliberation and a sense of purpose behind every word. Those who haven't spent much time with him are quick to dismiss him as slow or thick, but for those patient enough to spend time with him when he speaks, there are often thoughtful and reflective words of wisdom to be found. As a hero, the Rope is positively chatty. Garrulous and cheerful, no one could mistake him for the child-assassin he once was. Though more than capable of sneaking around and acting with discretion, the Rope adores bringing a dramatic flair to his battles, even if the shadows are the only audience for which he performs. Despite his willingness to talk, it is very rare that the Rope actually says anything. He has so many words to speak, but nothing of note to spend them on. Some might go so far as to call his words nonsense, but when the stakes are high, the Rope grows increasingly reticent and grim. Between these two identities and deeper than both, the true self that is perhaps best described as Kurush resides. His childhood traumas are mostly healed, but their ghosts still occasionally trouble him, when he's not distracted by anything else. He is deeply loyal to those who have done right by him consistently, and would sooner die than betray a friend. Justice isn't really the goal for his actions as the Rope - atonement is. He wants to save lives, as many as possible, to prevent further damage to the world than he has already done. Of course, he cannot deny being attracted to the shadows, excited by the adrenaline and the raw joy of swinging through the skies on his trusty lariat... but at its core, his heroics are meant to try to put his own ghosts to rest. Powers & Tactics: The Rope favors, unsurprisingly, striking from the shadows to wreak havoc upon his foes. Using both skills and magic, he favors making each fight a performance, even if the only ones around to appreciate it at the end are himself and the shadows that surround him. Naturally, his Abumbral Lariat is key to both his offensive and defensive capabilities, as he uses it to whip, bind, and choke his foes, while also allowing it to protect him from blows. In open combat, the Rope moves with startling swiftness - his eponymous tool even moreso. He focuses on taking down the least threatening foes first, letting their comrades' increasing isolation and dread work for him as he continues to battle. One of his favorite tactics is to teleport out of sight of his enemies, then strike from the shadows. Sometimes he repeats this, waiting longer each time before striking. In more stressful situations, which are rare, the Rope grows increasingly brutal and efficient. Gone are the performance-based combat styles, and in its place a terrible, frigid assessment of threats and weakness. His manner becomes that of a predator, hunting rather than fighting. Power Descriptions: The Rope's powers are mostly focused on his Adumbral Lariat, a shadow-woven rope that shifts rapidly between being a whip, a noose, a lasso, and almost anything else that its wielder wishes. While some of its abilities seem more or less natural at first glance - one can use a whip to strike, or a lasso to capture - closer examination reveals that the Lariat writhes as though it is alive even when it is being used for a seemingly mundane use of rope. Even if the lasso's bindings are broken with raw strength, the Lariat heals itself swiftly and completely, only truly becoming damaged under extreme circumstances. Its more supernatural powers are rather more obvious, and somewhat unnerving. The Rope can use it as a lasso, spinning it rapidly and stepping through it - only instead of coming out on the other side of the whirling rope, he disappears, having teleported elsewhere. He also can do just that to disappear from Earth Prime entirely as he ventures into one of any number of mystical dimensions. Furthermore, the lariat is reactive to threats to the Rope - pulling him fluidly out of the way of heavy blows, or intercepting attacks that might otherwise badly hurt him. This is, perhaps, the eeriest demonstration of its powers, for the Rope needs not do anything save let the Lariat do as it wishes, with its alien, graceful motions. Complications: To Ambush an Assassin: The Rope was trained from early childhood as an assassin. Though he's mostly recovered emotionally (perhaps too much so, say detractors), his training remains, and he sometimes reacts with unnecessary brutality in combat, when his adrenaline spikes. GMs may give him a Hero Point to say he has done more serious damage than he intended when in combat. Look Away to See: The shadows from which the Rope draws his powers have alien moral systems at the best of times, and are downright resentful of his use of them at the worst. When dramatically appropriate, the Rope's use of his powers can summon Things that do not have his best interests in mind, let alone those of the innocents of Earth Prime. Bastards Born of Darkness and Light: The Rope's shadowy powers are not hindered by light in any way. Instead, it is total darkness that blocks their use. After all, the brighter the light, the more defined and darker the shadow. In utmost darkness, there is no shadow distinct from the dark. If everything is shadow, nothing is. Earthborn and Shadowbound: Though the Rope was born on Earth Prime, his long stay in the Throne of Shadow and his investiture as a powerful being there have confused reality somewhat. At the GM's discretion, by giving him a hero point, certain powers intended to banish spirits, demons, and other extradimensional or extraplanar beings might cast the Rope back to the Throne of Shadow. Abilities: 28 PP Strength: 12 (+1) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 20 + 14 = 34 PP Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +10 Melee, +10 Ranged (+10 Base) Defense: +15 (+7 base, +6 Shield, +2 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed Grapple: +11 Knockback: -2 Saving Throws: 4 + 6 + 5 = 15 PP Toughness: +5 (+3 Con, +2 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +7 (+3 Con, +4) Reflex: +10 (+4 Dex, +6) Will: +7 (+2 Wis, +5) Skills: 68 R = 17 PP Acrobatics 6 (+10)Skill Mastery Bluff 10 (+11)Skill Mastery Disable Device 6 (+10) Escape Artist 2 (+6) Intimidate 8 (+9) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 8 (+11) Language 3 (Farsi, English [Native], German, Tongue of Shadows) Notice 10 (+12)Skill Mastery Perform (Dance) 4 (+8) Stealth 11 (+15)Skill Mastery Feats: 11 PP Defensive Roll Dodge Focus 2 Equipment 2 Evasion Hide in Plain Sight Improved Initiative Ritualist Skill Mastery (Stealth, Bluff, Acrobatics, Notice) Uncanny Dodge (Hearing) Equipment: 10 EP Throne of Shadow (Headquarters, Castle in Shadows' Crown, a dimension of shadows) [10 EP] Powers: 1 + 2 + 42 = 45 PP All powers have the Magic and Shadow descriptors unless otherwise noted. Shadowborne Agelessness: Immunity 1 (Aging) [1 PP] Twilit Endowment: Super-Senses 2 (Darkvision) [2 PP] The Adumbral Lariat - Device 10 (Feats: Restricted 2; Flaws: Hard to Lose) [42 PP] Lariat Qualities - 20 PP Array [22 PP] Whip Crack - Blast 10 [20/20 PP] Close Strike - Strike 10 [10/20 PP] Shadow Snatch - Snare 8 (Feats: Tether, Chokehold, Reversible, Accurate) [20/20 PP] Gloom Gate - 19 PP Array [20 PP] Teleport 4 (Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy; Extras: Accurate, Affects Others) [19/19 PP] Super-Movement 4: Dimensional Movement 2 (Mystical Dimensions), Swinging, Wall-Crawling [8/19 PP] Automatic Deflection - Shield 6 [6 PP] Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 16 Toughness Bludgeoning Damage Lariat Whip Ranged DC 25 Toughness Bludgeoning Damage Lariat Strike Touch DC 25 Toughness Bludgeoning Damage Shadow Snatch Ranged DC 18 Reflex Snare Totals: Abilities (28) + Combat (34) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (17) + Feats (11) + Powers (45) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/151 Power Points
  12. The Rope Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: Trade-Offs: +5 Defense/-5 Toughness In Brief: Cowl wielding the powers of shadow through a magical rope Alternate Identity: Devon Dancer (current legal name), One Who Watches and Judges (Shadow Title), Kurush/Kuruš (birth name) Birthplace: Somewhere in the Western USA Residence: Freedom City Base of Operations: The Throne of Shadow Occupation: Professional Dancer Affiliations: Wu, the Seeker of Knowledge, Master of the Throne of Shadow Family: Arash, biological father, deceased; Wilhelm Kantor, father's original genetic template, at large; Negar, biological mother, alive; Wu, Seeker of Knowledge, adoptive brother Description: Age: 25 (DoB: 11 August 1995) Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties Gender: Male Ethnicity: Iranian-Caucasian Height: 5'8" Weight: 165 lb. Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Devon Dancer wears comfortable, if colorful, clothing for the most part. When off the job or between performances, he sees little reason to stand out more than he already does. An attractive, fit man in his mid-twenties, Devon's of clear Persian descent, though the ignorant might mistake him for Pakistani, Arabian, or even northwest Indian descent. His movements are graceful and composed, and moreover, are always deliberate - it is rare for him to express stress through nervous tics, and indeed, most have never seen him do so. Nevertheless, there is a hint of a melancholic cast to his features, as though he's sorrowful about something that he cannot quite put his finger on. Meanwhile, the Rope dresses in sober robes that are black, grey, or dark blue - it is hard to pin down exactly which. He wears a hood that casts a mystical air of shadows over his face - though he usually keeps it covering only his eyes and forehead, to allow his mouth to be seen wearing its usual daring grin. Omnipresent is his mystic namesake - the rope named the Adumbral Lariat. When in costume, the Rope's movements are almost theatrical as he speaks, emphasizing the drama and importance of his words. There is, however, a distinct note of self-aware mockery of such melodrama, as if he does not take himself very seriously at all. Indeed, such absurd affectations are a game to him, to impress and more often amuse or exasperate those with whom he meets. History: In the winter of 1987, SHADOW moved to consume another, smaller villainous conspiracy on the West Coast of the US calling itself Behind the Throne. While it was, for the most part, a successful operation, one of the high-ranking members of the organization escaped, taking with her a clone soldier of SHADOW. Using means passed down in secret by her conspiracy, the woman Negar undid his conditioning but preserved his life. The clone took a name for himself - Arash (more properly romanized as Āraš) - and swore loyalty to Negar in exchange for his newfound sense of self. In four short years, the two reformed an organization with them at the head. Naming themselves Undershadow, to mock Kantor's presumption, they began accumulating power and influence. Undershadow turned to a different realm of shadows than the one he claimed, in the hopes of avoiding his notice and coming at him from an ambush. Rather than the legions of cloned troops in SHADOW, Undershadow focused its training on singularly potent agents and mages. They competed with SHADOW constantly, sometimes even aiding heroes in their attempts to thwart it. Magical relics, caches of weapons, funding, Undershadow harried SHADOW from, ironically, beneath its notice. Though Arash became an increasingly capable operative and Negar was an excellent organizer, planner, and strategist, Undershadow was unable to do much damage to SHADOW. Thus, in 1995, they began training a crop of elite agents and assassins to do their mutual bidding. In an effort to do so, they abducted a number of orphaned infants for the purposes of training them from birth. Further, the two performed a magical rite intended to birth a child with an innate talent for shadow magic. When their child was born, they named him Kurush, the Middle Persian pronunciation of Cyrus. As he grew older, however, their attempts to teach him the principles of shadow magic and to use spells left much to be desired. Even as early as five, Kurush seemed incapable of the intuitive grasp of shadow magic that they had expected in their heir. However, he had an incredible sense for kinesthetics, and easily defeated the other children in physical combat. Resigned, Arash and Negar decided to train their son as an assassin, rather than as a high mage to lead Undershadow. To their surprise, he took to it naturally, outperforming their assigned instructors by the time he was ten. For his part, Kurush understood that his parents had been disappointed in him from an early age, and he was eager to gain their approval. He threw himself into training even harder than they required, and spent most of his time either in training, eating, or resting to prepare for more training. By the time he was thirteen, they began sending him out on infiltration missions for Undershadow, and it was on his sixth such mission that he first encountered the young African American mage who called himself Wu. Wu awed Kurush with his magical prowess as he stole the mission objective - a box that was said to contain the key to the power to summon an ancient army of undead warriors. Wu made his escape as Kurush was distracted, and Kurush, outraged as only a pubescent boy can be, decided to begin tracking him down of his own volition. Unfortunately, Wu proved both cleverer and more magically potent than Kurush, whom he easily evaded. Kurush returned home to report his failure to his parents, whose initial disappointment lashed him like a whip. When he told them of Wu, however, and his skillful shadow magic, their disappointment fast faded. Though he did not realize it yet, Kurush's parents believed they had found the intuitive shadow mage that they had tried to create in him. Though neither seemed inclined to send him out to find Wu, they did tell him to try to recruit him if ever he encountered the mage again. The implicit doubt of his abilities wounded Kurush, who stewed silently. The more advanced agents sent out to find Wu had little success, but within a few months, Wu and Kurush met one another again. This time, Wu bulled over all of Kurush's attempts to recruit him to Undershadow, barely seeming to notice them. However, he did seem interested in the younger boy, and began sharing information with him - specifically about Wu's own immediate plans and goals, which mostly amounted to learning as much as he could about the mystical shadows that he drew upon. Kurush, more than a little annoyed with his parents, decided to keep this and any further encounters a secret from the rest of Undershadow. Their encounters continued apace for the next three years, and gradually Kurush came to see Wu as an unpredictable and brilliant partner - one whose odd antics amused, exasperated, and alarmed him all at once. It was when the two of them met in late 2010 that Wu first expressed interest in learning about where Kurush came from. Mindful of his parents' initial instructions, Kurush arranged for Wu to meet with them. Surprisingly, when Arash and Negar met with Wu, the young mage stood up for Kurush, insisting on keeping him around and working specially with him. Kurush, touched by Wu's interest, decided at that moment to work with him above and beyond his parents' interests. Thus, for the next year he confided in Wu, worked together to discern the greater mysteries of shadow with him, and ventured forth on missions for both Undershadow and Wu in particular. When he was sixteen and killed for the first time, it was not to his parents that Kurush turned, but rather to Wu, who had become something of a surrogate parent/brother to him. In late 2011, Wu decided that the usefulness of Undershadow was at its end, and invited Kurush to leave with him. Together, the two stepped through a portal into a realm of shadows. There the partners had adventures, met with mysterious denizens of the realm, and honed their skills further. Undershadow did not take the desertion lying down, however, and sent several teams of assassin-agents to hunt down their renegade agent and, more importantly, their shadowy mage. Kurush and Wu encountered the most elite agents - though they were not quite sure how long they had been in the realm of shadows when it happened - as Arash himself arrived at the head of several other assassins intending on either killing or capturing both. The two fought hard, but ultimately could not overcome their assailants. Unfortunately for all involved, the noise of battle drew some of the more hostile natives of the realm to the clash. Shadowy fiends the size of bears assaulted all involved, and only Wu, Kurush, and one of the lesser skilled (but startlingly quick) assassins escaped, and even then not unscathed. At this final cutting of ties with his parents, Kurush cast off his old name, taking the title that the few friendly natives had given him - something approximately translating to "One Who Watches and Judges" - as his new name. Together with Wu, he went through many more adventures, including the discovery of his Adumbral Lariat, the invasion of Light and Dark which threatened to slay all shadow caught in the crossfires, and the theft of the Greater Reach by a masked invader from another Earth. Over the years, the two did visit their home Earth Prime to seek human contact, recent information, and other such things, but much of their time was spent exploring the realm and learning of its powers. In 2018, the companions discovered what was the beating heart of the realm - the Throne of Shadow. Wu was invested as the (nominal) ruler of the whole realm, while his partner became his strong right hand. With this new position, One Who Watches and Judges took on a new tile, for simplicity's sake if nothing else - the Rope. But after so many years spent in the shadow, the Rope wished to return to Earth Prime and spend at least a few more years there - the investiture had halted both his and Wu's aging, so there would be plenty of time to study later. After much consideration, the Rope decided that the most important thing he could do for the people of Earth was to become a hero. Knowing Freedom City's reputation as a haven for superheroics (and equally for supervillany), the Rope decided to make his home away from home there, where he felt he could do the most good. Thus, late in 2020, a new hero made his debut in Freedom City - the Rope. He also took on a more mundane name and life - Devon Dancer, a professional dancer, rather predictably - so he could experience normal life for the first time. Personality & Motivation: In his civilian guise, Devon Dancer is a melancholic sort. Slow to speak his mind and frequently silent, he spends a lot of time observing, but when he speaks, he does so with deliberation and a sense of purpose behind every word. Those who haven't spent much time with him are quick to dismiss him as slow or thick, but for those patient enough to spend time with him when he speaks, there are often thoughtful and reflective words of wisdom to be found. As a hero, the Rope is positively chatty. Garrulous and cheerful, no one could mistake him for the child-assassin he once was. Though more than capable of sneaking around and acting with discretion, the Rope adores bringing a dramatic flair to his battles, even if the shadows are the only audience for which he performs. Despite his willingness to talk, it is very rare that the Rope actually says anything. He has so many words to speak, but nothing of note to spend them on. Some might go so far as to call his words nonsense, but when the stakes are high, the Rope grows increasingly reticent and grim. Between these two identities and deeper than both, the true self that is perhaps best described as Kurush resides. His childhood traumas are mostly healed, but their ghosts still occasionally trouble him, when he's not distracted by anything else. He is deeply loyal to those who have done right by him consistently, and would sooner die than betray a friend. Justice isn't really the goal for his actions as the Rope - atonement is. He wants to save lives, as many as possible, to prevent further damage to the world than he has already done. Of course, he cannot deny being attracted to the shadows, excited by the adrenaline and the raw joy of swinging through the skies on his trusty lariat... but at its core, his heroics are meant to try to put his own ghosts to rest. Powers & Tactics: The Rope favors, unsurprisingly, striking from the shadows to wreak havoc upon his foes. Using both skills and magic, he favors making each fight a performance, even if the only ones around to appreciate it at the end are himself and the shadows that surround him. Naturally, his Abumbral Lariat is key to both his offensive and defensive capabilities, as he uses it to whip, bind, and choke his foes, while also allowing it to protect him from blows. In open combat, the Rope moves with startling swiftness - his eponymous tool even moreso. He focuses on taking down the least threatening foes first, letting their comrades' increasing isolation and dread work for him as he continues to battle. One of his favorite tactics is to teleport out of sight of his enemies, then strike from the shadows. Sometimes he repeats this, waiting longer each time before striking. In more stressful situations, which are rare, the Rope grows increasingly brutal and efficient. Gone are the performance-based combat styles, and in its place a terrible, frigid assessment of threats and weakness. His manner becomes that of a predator, hunting rather than fighting. Power Descriptions: The Rope's powers are mostly focused on his Adumbral Lariat, a shadow-woven rope that shifts rapidly between being a whip, a noose, a lasso, and almost anything else that its wielder wishes. While some of its abilities seem more or less natural at first glance - one can use a whip to strike, or a lasso to capture - closer examination reveals that the Lariat writhes as though it is alive even when it is being used for a seemingly mundane use of rope. Even if the lasso's bindings are broken with raw strength, the Lariat heals itself swiftly and completely, only truly becoming damaged under extreme circumstances. Its more supernatural powers are rather more obvious, and somewhat unnerving. The Rope can use it as a lasso, spinning it rapidly and stepping through it - only instead of coming out on the other side of the whirling rope, he disappears, having teleported elsewhere. He also can do just that to disappear from Earth Prime entirely as he ventures into one of any number of mystical dimensions. Furthermore, the lariat is reactive to threats to the Rope - pulling him fluidly out of the way of heavy blows, or intercepting attacks that might otherwise badly hurt him. This is, perhaps, the eeriest demonstration of its powers, for the Rope needs not do anything save let the Lariat do as it wishes, with its alien, graceful motions. Complications: To Ambush an Assassin: The Rope was trained from early childhood as an assassin. Though he's mostly recovered emotionally (perhaps too much so, say detractors), his training remains, and he sometimes reacts with unnecessary brutality in combat, when his adrenaline spikes. GMs may give him a Hero Point to say he has done more serious damage than he intended when in combat. Look Away to See: The shadows from which the Rope draws his powers have alien moral systems at the best of times, and are downright resentful of his use of them at the worst. When dramatically appropriate, the Rope's use of his powers can summon Things that do not have his best interests in mind, let alone those of the innocents of Earth Prime. Bastards Born of Darkness and Light: The Rope's shadowy powers are not hindered by light in any way. Instead, it is total darkness that blocks their use. After all, the brighter the light, the more defined and darker the shadow. In utmost darkness, there is no shadow distinct from the dark. If everything is shadow, nothing is. Earthborn and Shadowbound: Though the Rope was born on Earth Prime, his long stay in the Throne of Shadow and his investiture as a powerful being there have confused reality somewhat. At the GM's discretion, by giving him a hero point, certain powers intended to banish spirits, demons, and other extradimensional or extraplanar beings might cast the Rope back to the Throne of Shadow. Abilities: 28 PP Strength: 12 (+1) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 20 + 14 = 34 PP Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +10 Melee, +10 Ranged (+10 Base) Defense: +15 (+7 base, +6 Shield, +2 Dodge Focus) Grapple: +11 Knockback: -3 Saving Throws: 4 + 6 + 5 = 15 PP Toughness: +5 (+3 Con, +2 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +7 (+3 Con, +4) Reflex: +10 (+4 Dex, +6) Will: +7 (+2 Wis, +5) Skills: 68 R = 17 PP Acrobatics 6 (+10)Skill Mastery Bluff 10 (+11)Skill Mastery Disable Device 6 (+10) Escape Artist 2 (+8) Intimidate 8 (+9) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 8 (+11) Language 3 (Farsi, English [Native], German, Tongue of Shadows) Notice 10 (+12)Skill Mastery Perform (Dance) 4 (+8) Stealth 11 (+15)Skill Mastery Feats: 11 PP Defensive Roll 1 Dodge Focus 2 Equipment 2 Evasion 1 Hide in Plain Sight Improved Initiative 1 Ritualist Skill Mastery (Stealth, Bluff, Acrobatics, Notice) Uncanny Dodge (Hearing) Equipment: 10 EP Throne of Shadow (Headquarters, Castle in Shadows' Crown, a dimension of shadows) [10 EP] Powers: 1 + 2 + 42 = 45 PP Shadowborne Agelessness: Immunity 1 (Aging) [1 PP] (Magic) Twilit Endowment: Super-Senses 2 (Darkvision) [2 PP] (Shadow) The Adumbral Lariat - Device 10 (Feats: Restricted 2; Flaws: Hard to Lose) [42 PP] (Magic, Shadow, Training) Lariat Qualities - 20 PP Array [22 PP] (Training, Kinetic) Whip Crack - Blast 10 [20 PP] Close Strike - Strike 10 [1 PP] Shadow Snatch - Snare 8 (Feats: Tether, Chokehold, Reversible) [1 PP] Gloom Gate - 19 PP Array [20 PP] (Shadow) Teleport 4 (Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy; Extras: Accurate, Affects Others) [19 PP] Super-Movement 4: Dimensional Movement 2 (Mystical Dimensions), Swinging, Wall-Crawling [1 PP] Automatic Deflection - Shield 6 [6 PP] (Magic, Kinetic) Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 16 Toughness Damage Lariat Whip Ranged DC 25 Toughness Damage Lariat Strike Touch DC 25 Toughness Damage Shadow Snatch Ranged DC 18 Reflex Snare Totals: Abilities (28) + Combat (34) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (17) + Feats (11) + Powers (45) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150 Power Points
  13. REBELLION Power Level: 15 Effective Power Level: 10 Power Points: 214/250PP Unspent Power Points: 36P Trade-Offs: (Melee) -1 Attack / +1 DC, +2 Defense / -2 Toughness In Brief: Former villain-in-training uses the power of the Terror to seek the truth. Catchphrase: Boo! Theme: What's Up Danger - Blackway & Black Caviar / Untravelled Road -Thousand Foot Krutch Alternate Identity: Elliot Elijah Elder (Secret), Bronze Hornet (Secret, Super Villain Identity) Birthplace: Emerald City Residence: Elder Mansion, Northern Shore, Emerald City / Elysian Academy Dorms Base of Operations: Emerald City Occupation: Student Affiliations: Elysian Academy Family: Emma Emmelie Elder (Mother, Emerald City politician currently on City Council, nee Kessler), Everett Eaton Elder (Father, officially idle rich, unofficially known as "The Royal" super villain saboteur and spy), Elaine Emma Elder (Older sister, College Student), Elaine Kessler (Aunt on mother's side, deceased) DESCRIPTION Age: DoB: 2002 January 1st Gender: Male. Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6'1'' Weight: 180 lbs. Eyes: Hazel Hair: Blonde Elliot is a young man with an athletic build, leaning on the slightly muscular side. While by no means bad looking, he is not particularly remarkable, looking very much like the All-American boy stereotype. He has short blonde hair and hazel eyes, usually keeping himself clean shaved. He carries himself with a certain pride and arrogance. He will usually wear clothing in lighter colors, or the Elysian Academy colors. As Bronze Hornet, Elliot wears a predominantly dark grey uniform. Simple pants, heavy black boots. A heavy dark grey jacket with a large bronze hornet icon on the back, and black gloves. His face is hidden by a black full face mask, with a smaller hornet logo, similar to the one on his back, on his face, with its wings over his eyes. As Rebellion, Elliot appears pitch black, with large white eyes. He does not appear to have a nose or mouth, though it is there. While he will wear whatever clothes is at hand at the time, his "official" look consist of a pair of dark blue pants and a blue jacket with nothing underneath, showing only pitch black, and a blue cap on the top of his head to complete the look. He is somewhat shifty, keeping to dark places or out of sight if possible. HISTORY Elliot Elijah Elder lived a charmed life. His mother was Emma Elder, a local Emerald City politician of some renown, and her career had left her family with a mansion, servants and more than enough money to get whatever they wanted. His father, Everett Elder, came from a rich family, and he spent much of his time either supporting his wife's campaigns, golfing or travelling, often leaving Elliot at home with his older sister Elaine and his aunt Elaine. Elliot grew particularly close to both, while never knowing much of his parents. Elliot was smart, and he knew it, which led him to develop an arrogant streak, which only his sister and uncle Jacob seemed to disapprove of. He had few friends, and never seemed to really push himself in any way. After all, why should he? He was smart, and he was rich. To Emma Elder, Elliot was almost the perfect son, except for one sore point: He was miserable at sports or other physical departments, and Emma needed to have the perfect All-American son to further perfect her image. Over the objection of his father, Elliot was sent to the prestigious Elysian Academy, where he could make something of himself. That was the official reason, at least. In truth, Emma was disappointed in her son, for reasons he had never been told. Everett Elder did not really come from a rich family. He did not just support his wife's campaigns or go golfing. No, he was working for Brande Management. A super human with the ability to change his appearance, he was one of many agents performing industrial espionage and sabotage for Brande Management, all to increase their stock. Everett wanted out, but he was in too deep, and so, he continued. And Elaine had inherited his powers, perhaps to an even greater degree. Elliot, however, had not. He was a disappointment. Emma needed some way to use him, and Elysian Academy would be how. At the Elysian Academy, Elliot was pushed for the first time that he could remember. With a particular focus on his physical prowess, as per his mother's requests, and Elliot's arrogance grew once again. He was now both a physical and mental threat to those around him, a fact that he reveled in. He didn't care that Elysian Academy was grooming him to be a super villain. He would take what he learned and use it for his own, once he left the Academy. Fine, they wanted to underestimate him. Elliot would deal with them all when the time came. He was given the code name the Bronze Hornet, which he did not particularly like, but he did not care. He could make a proper name for himself at a later point. Unknown to Elliot, his mother had made a fatal mistake. Emma had been in the pocket of the Chamber for a long time. They boosted her political career, she looked in the wrong way or campaigned for what they wanted. Now she made the mistake of actually having law enforcement investigate a business that was closely related to the Chamber. Not something big, not something famous. A money laundering front, a car wash, of all places. Still, she had to be punished. Soon after, during a break at Elysian Academy, Elliot's aunt Elaine went missing. At the same time, the mysterious villain known as the Terror reappeared to stalk the city, killing many along the way. When Elliot was alone at home, with only servants for company in their mansion, the Terror appeared, smashing through the window. As the Terror stood before Elliot, he learned what fear was. And as it collapsed, the fear spirit left the shriveled corpse of his aunt Elaine behind. That could have been the end of it. A terrified youth, a dead aunt. The start of a rebellion by a politician put back in place, and everything could continue as it had. The fear spirit that was the Terror had other plans. Elliot does not know why it did, but it did. From he learned next, it had always returned to the Chamber when its job was done, and its host was left as nothing. Maybe it was its own act of rebellion. Maybe it wanted to punish its creators. Maybe it just wanted Elliot to feel fear. Maybe the last of Elaine's soul influenced it. Or maybe it simply wanted to create another vessel to spread fear throughout Emerald City. Whatever the cause, the fear spirit possessed Elliot for the briefest of moments. And in those briefest of moments, Elliot knew fear and he knew truth. Through the distorted point of view of the artificial fear spirit, Elliot caught glimpses and visions of its creation. Of the things it had seen. Of the things it had done. A weapon, created by a secret conspiracy that ruled the city from behind the shadows. Used to eliminate their enemies. Used to create chaos and fear. He caught glimpses of their plans. About the enormity of everything. Distorted by the fear spirit, distorted by his own fear, distorted by the lingering remnants of Elaine's soul. They were everywhere. They were everything. Elysian Academy was worse than he thought. His mother was in their pocket. And no one knew. It lasted only moments, then the fear spirit was gone, leaving Elliot a changed man. The fear and the truth had changed him. His arrogance gone, he rebuilt his sense of self through sheer willpower. Something had to change, the city had to change. The conspiracy had to be exposed. And Elliot would do it. In the weeks that followed, Elliot did his best to keep up his facade at Elysian Academy, acting as arrogant as ever. Even as he began to become stronger, faster and tougher, displaying strength unlike ever before, he was demoted to Omega Squad, the so-called "Jobber Squad." Probably another punishment for his mother. Elliot didn't care. Being in Omega Squad meant he didn't really have to try hard to keep up his facade anymore. They were meant as distractions, dumb muscle, nothing more. The perfect guise for something much more. He spent all the free time he could researching and planning, until finally venturing out into the night to gather rumors. As he put on a mask to hide his identity, something even stranger happened. While Elliot's physical abilities had grown since his possession, that was only part of his mutation. He found that when he wore a mask, he could morph his appearance, he could blend in with his surroundings, and, perhaps even stranger still, he seemed to posses his own version of the Terror's ability to instill great fear in its targets. His mission was clear. He would use his powers to uncover the truth. By day, he is Elliot Elijah Elder, an once almost-remarkable student at Elysian Academy, now relegated to being used as cannon fodder. By night, he is Rebellion, a fearsome hero that prowls the streets of Emerald City for the truth. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Elliot can at first appear arrogant, but humbled by his demotion to Omega Squad, and this is the personality that he tries to project to the outside world. He is smarter, faster, stronger and better than others, so why shouldn't he be? What better way to hide his goals from the world around him than behind a facade that can easily push others away? In truth, Elliot is greatly changed from his previous ways. He has become more withdrawn, though it is noticed by few. He rarely opens up to others around him, having become almost entirely focused on his goal of discovering the truth about the conspiracy behind Emerald City, and how to dismantle it. He keeps notes in secret places, he finds connections even where there aren't any. As Rebellion, Elliot lets his obsession run wild. He takes notes of anything he finds relevant in a small notebook, he tends to stick to the shadows. He can be terrifying or creepy, depending on the subject at hand. He is entirely fearless, which can lead him to taking great risks with little thought for the consequences to himself. Yet, for all of his obsession with his quest for the truth, he is also slowly discovering a more heroic side to himself. It feels good to be good, and to protect others for the sake of it, not just to spite the conspiracy behind Emerald City. POWERS & TACTICS Rebellion is a master of infiltration. He will usually morph into unassuming shapes, such as janitors or cleaning crew, anything that will usually not get noticed, to make his way into a building, changing his appearance as necessary, blending in with his surroundings or moving along walls and ceilings. When pressuring a target for information, he will make full use of his ability to cause fear in others. In combat, Rebellion fights using a pair of batons. He is proficient in using them both up close and at a range, being able to throw them with enough skill to make them quickly return to himself, ready for another strike. He uses his strength and agility, rarely standing still, disappearing and reappearing to strike again. He will freely use his ability to cause fear in others to terrify and disable his opponents. Being rather pragmatic, Rebellion will use just about anything around him to his advantage. With great strength, the ability to perform incredible leaps and cling to wall, Rebellion is highly mobile, able to quickly travel across the length of Emerald City. In his identity as the Bronze Hornet, Elliot eschews the use of most of his powers, only utilizing his enhanced strength, agility and stamina. He does not cling to walls, he does not scare heroes and civilians, change his appearance or use batons to fight, instead preferring simple hand-to-hand combat. POWER DESCRIPTIONS Elliot's powers are a strange mixture of mutation caused by being possessed by the Terror fear spirit, and latent inherited powers being triggered by said possession. Due to psychological issues related to being possessed by the Terror, Elliot is unable to access certain powers without wearing a mask, essentially only those that enhance his physical and mental abilities. He has become stronger, faster and tougher than he ever was before. He is smarter, and when he wants to, possesses a strange, almost unnatural charisma. When he wears a mask, Elliot has access to further powers. He is now able to cling to walls and perform amazing leaps, while being able to slow his falls. While they appear to be physical enhancements, these abilities are psionic in nature, being a very limited degree of personal tactile telekinesis. Unknown to any but himself, Elliot has inherited his father's ability to change his features, creating instant disguises or blending in with his surroundings, making him almost invisible. His most common use of this power is to create his Rebellion disguise, or for infiltration. This inherited power has mixed with the Terror's power, becoming far greater than his father's own ability. Unlike his father, Elliot can change his voice, throw his voice and has learned how to morph his muscles, in essence making him far stronger than he would normally be. Perhaps the most horrifying part of Elliot's powers is his ability to create fear in those around him. This psionic ability appears to be a variation of the Terror's "Aura of Terror" ability, though if Elliot's wishes to create paralyzing fear, he requires great focus. He can also create an intense fear that allows him to issue commands to his targets, effectively mind controlling them for a brief moment. In the time since his transformation, Elliot's senses have started to expand. With both he and the Terror being tied to Emerald City, he has begun to notice patterns and clues in the city itself. Seemingly unconnected sights and events can lead him to strange, new discoveries during his investigations, as he follows the grid of the city to the find the monsters that lurk beneath. COMPLICATIONS FEARLESS/FOOL: As Rebellion, Elliot feels no fear. While this is a great advantage, it is also a disadvantage, as he has been known to take actions that were extremely dangerous, if not outright suicidal. A GM may award Rebellion a Hero Point whenever he is in a situation where his fearlessness leads him into trouble. HE_KNOWS/TOO_MUCH: Rebellion's knowledge of Emerald City is still growing, as he works to uncover secrets and conspiracies, but there are those that do not take kindly to his meddling. A GM may award Rebellion a Hero Point if the current situation is made worse by Rebellion being hunted by those working for the secrets that he has uncovered in Emerald City. HERO/VILLAIN: Rebellion is new to the whole hero thing. While he tries to shed the mindset instilled by Elysian Academy, he still has some problems with doing the right thing. What should he choose, to save one life or many? To abandon his mission and lose a lead to save a life from a random mugging? He is also rather pragmatic and ruthless. A GM may award Rebellion a Hero Point when he is in a situation where he is tested in following his quest for the truth or performing a heroic action. KID/TERROR: Elliot subconsciously represses his powers, unless he is wearing a mask. Once he puts on a mask, he can easily summon the full extent of his powers, but without, he cannot actively access any of his powers marked with the Mask descriptor. A GM can award Rebellion a Hero Point whenever he is in a situation where he cannot use his powers for this reason. REBELLION/HORNET: Elliot's training at Elysian Academy has instilled in him the values of a villain, and given him an identity as the Bronze Hornet. While he struggles to overcome the morals and mindset taught at the academy, he might also come into conflicts where he finds himself on the sides of both heroes and villains. While Elliot's true allegiance is on the side of the angels, he is reluctant to abandon his identity at Elysian Academy, and the safety it provides as he continues his quest. A GM may award Rebellion a Hero Point when he is in a situation where his conflicting identities or values taught at Elysian Academy cause him trouble. TERROR/HERO: There is just something off about Rebellion. While he is ultimately heroic, he has some serious issues in positive interactions with others. A GM may award Rebellion a Hero Point whenever he is in a situation where his mannerisms, appearance and abilities negatively affects other's reaction to him. TRUTH/SEEKER: Rebellion wants to find the truth about Emerald City. It is his great mission in life. Just what is the Terror? Why does the city have so few super villains? Is there some secret chamber that runs the city behind the scenes? And so much more. He has few qualms about discovering the truth and what he must do to get there. A GM may award Rebellion a Hero Point when he is in a situation where his decision to seek out the truth makes the current situation worse in some way, or he hesitates due having trouble between doing what is right, or continue his mission to seek out the truth. WHITE/SHEEP: The matriarch of the Elder family is an ambitious politician in the pockets of the Chamber. The patriarch is a super villain saboteur and spy. The daughter has inherited her father's abilities, and though the process is slow, she is being groomed to follow in his footsteps. The son is trying to be a hero. Elliot might once have shared this mindset, but his meeting with the Terror left him greatly changed. Now he seeks to dismantle the same conspiracy that his family benefits from, and while he pretends that nothing has changed, it is getting harder to hide his changed outlook from his family. Being the unfavorite to at least his mother may also cause him some serious issues. A GM may award Rebellion a Hero Point when he is in a situation where he runs into trouble with his family, either from trying to keep his facade as still truly being one of them, due to conflicts where his actions could cause them trouble in some way, or if his mother's favoritism towards Elliot's older sister causes him problems. CITY/GRID: Rebellion's expanded awareness of grids and patterns seems to be tied to Emerald City, and to a lesser degree to other metropolitan areas. If Rebellion attempts to use his See the Patterns power outside a metropolitan area, the GM might deny the request, as Rebellion's expanded awareness is simply unable to connect the dots, giving Rebellion a Hero Point instead. If the use of the power has been denied once in an area, repeated uses in the same or a similar area cannot be used to gain additional Hero Points. ABILITIES 2 + 2 + 2 + 6 + 6 + 2 = 20PP Strength: 32 (+11) / 12 (+1)Dexterity: 20 (+5) / 12 (+1) Constitution: 22 (+6) / 12 (+1) Intelligence: 24 (+7) / 16 (+3)Wisdom: 16 (+3)Charisma: 20 (+5) / 12 (+1) COMBAT 8 + 12 = 20PP Initiative: +5 (+5 Enh. Dex) / +1 (+1 Dex) Attack: +4 Base, +9 Melee (+4 Base, +5 Attack Focus), +4 Ranged Defense: +12 (+6 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +10 (+4 Base Attack, +5 Attack Focus, +1 Str) /+20 (+4 Base Attack, +5 Attack Focus, +11 Enh. Str) Knockback: -4 SAVING THROWS 4 + 5 + 7 = 16PP Toughness: +8 (+6 Enh. Con, +2 Defensive Roll) / +3 (+1 Con, +2 Defensive Roll)Fortitude: +10 (+6 Enh. Con, +4) / +5 (+1 Con, +4)Reflex: +10 (+5 Enh. Dex, +5) / +6 (+1 Dex, +5)Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7) SKILLS 116R = 29PP Bluff 5 (+10) Computers 3 (+10) Disable Device 3 (+10) Disguise 0 (+5, +10Royal Morph, +40Terror Morph)Skill Mastery Escape Artist 10 (+15) Gather Information 15 (+20)Skill Mastery, Well Informed Intimidate 15 (+20)Distract, Fascinate, Skill Mastery, Startle Investigate 8 (+15) Knowledge (Popular Culture) 2 (+9) Knowledge (Streetwise) 8 (+15) Notice 12 (+15) Search 8 (+15) Sense Motive 12 (+15) Stealth 15 (+20)Skill Mastery FEATS 25PP Attack Focus [Melee] 5 Benefit [Wealth] 1 Challenge - Fast Startle Contacts Defensive Roll 1 Distract [Intimidation] Dodge Focus 6 Hide In Plain Sight Jack-of-All-Trades Luck 3 Skill Mastery (Disguise, Gather Information, Intimidate, Stealth) Startle Takedown Attack Well-Informed POWERS 8 + 10 + 8 + 8 + 33 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 21 = 104 For Mask descriptor explanation, see the complication TERROR/HERO. Enhanced Charisma 8 [8PP] (Descriptors: Uncanny Charisma, Physical Mutation) Enhanced Constitution 10 [10PP] (Descriptors: Uncanny Physique, Physical Mutation) Enhanced Dexterity 8 [8PP] (Descriptors: Uncanny Dexterity, Physical Mutation) Enhanced Intelligence 8 [8PP] (Descriptors: Uncanny Mind, Physical Mutation) Fear Array 15.5 (31PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [33PP] (Descriptors: Emotion, Fear, Mask, Mutation, Psionic) BP: Emotion Control 10 (Extras: Area [Burst], Mental (+0), Selective, Flaws: Limited [Fear Only], Feats: Reversible) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Aura of Terror) AP: Mind Control 10 (Extras: Conscious, Effortless; Flaws: Duration [Instant]; Feats: Subtle) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Commanding Terror) AP: Paralyze 10 (Extras: Mental (+0), Range 2 [Perception], Flaws: Action [Full Action], Feats: Reversible) {31/31PP} (Descriptors: Paralyzing Terror) Feature 1 (Directed Inspiration) [1PP] (Descriptors: See The Pattern, Mask, Hyper-Awareness) See the Complication CITY/GRID Immunity 1 (Fear Effects) [1PP] (Descriptors: No Fear, Mask, Mutation) Leaping 4 (x25 Leaping distance; Run 275 ft./525 ft.) [4PP] (Descriptors: Mask, Mutation Psionic) Morph 1 (+5 Disguise, Broad Group: Humanoid) [2PP] (Descriptors: Royal Morph, Inherited, Mutation) Super-Movement 4 (Slow Fall, Trackless, Wall-Crawling 2) [8PP] (Descriptors: Mask, Mutation, Psionic) Terror Array 10 (20PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [21P] (Descriptors: Inherited, Mutation) BP: Enhanced Strength 20 {20/20PP} (Descriptors: Uncanny Power, Muscle Morph) AP: {4 + 2 + 14= 20/20PP} (Descriptors: Terror Morph, Mask) Concealment 4 (All Visual Senses; Flaws: Blending) [4PP] (Descriptors: Camouflage) Feature 2 (Vocal Mimicry, Throw Voice) [2PP] Morph 6 (+30 Disguise, Broad Group: Humanoid; Feats: Covers Scent, Precise) (Stacks with Royal Morph) [14PP] Stacked Power: Morph 7 (+35 Disguise, Broad Group: Humanoid; Feats: Covers Scent, Precise) DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC16 Tou (Staged) Damage +9 Unarmed - Uncanny Power Touch DC26 Tou (Staged) Damage +9 Aura of Terror Perception DC20 Will (Staged) Fail: Shaken >5: Frightened Panicking Reversible Paralyzing Terror Perception DC20 Will (Staged) Fail: Slowed >5: Paralyzed Reversible Commanding Terror Perception DC20 Will Mind Control Conscious, Effortless, Subtle TOTALS Abilities (20) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (16) + Skills (29) + Feats (25) + Powers (104) - Drawbacks (0) = 214/250 Power Points
  14. Kensei Power Level: 9 (190/207PP) Unspent Power Points: 17 Trade-Offs: +3 Att/-3 Dam; -1 Tou/+1Def In Brief: Haunted Heir of the sinister Crimson Katana bloodline Theme: Numb (Linken Park) Alternate Identity: Utsuwa Ranaga (Secret) Birthplace: Katori, Japan Residence: Claremont Academy Base of Operations: Claremont Academy, Bayview, Freedom City Occupation: Student Affiliations: Raven II, Claremont Academy, 'Raven Family' Family: Toshiro Ranaga (Deceased), Kimiyo Ranaga (mother, it's complicated) Description: Age: 16 (DoB: 2004, 15th of September) Apparent Age: If applicable. Gender: Male Ethnicity: Asian (Japanese) Height: 170cm (5'7") Weight: 89 Kilos (196lbs) Eyes: Dark Brown Hair: Black Utsuwa is sturdily built teen of Japanese descent. While not a towering figure he carries himself with a secure self confidence unusual in boys his age. Broad and athletic from years of grueling training he is constantly alert and moves with the intentional grace of a martial artist. He has handsome features if usually marred by a wary to sullen mien with dark eye peering piercingly out at the world as if constantly expecting attack. He wears his deep black hair with a tight undercut the top swept back in neat and clean lines. Each arm bears a full forearm sleeve in the traditional japanese style with a phoenix prominent on the right and an Oni rising from waves on the left. He dresses almost compulsively free of branding, and almost all identical outfits of black cross trainers, straight leg slate slacks, and a dress shirt or polo depending on weather in dark cool colors. In winter he might add a woolen overcoat when the temperature drops. When in 'costume' his clothing is covered by a spectral samurai armor with a full oni face plate hiding his features. The blood red armor is limned in flickering ghostly blue flame. Those familiar with the Crimson Katana and Katanarchists would recognizes the garb as the same as that of his grandfather. History: Utsuwa is the youngest scion of the Ranaga family, one of two living to his knowledge. Of course as with all matters of his family it is more complicated. His grandfather and mother until very recently continued to share the same body, wresting control from one another and unraveling one anothers plans in the conflict they had engaged since she had become aware of her heritage and awakened the old sorcerer's spirit. Utsuwa was the result of one such conflict as his grandfather's spirit realized his daughter was too strong of will to fully supplant. Whilst possessing her he harvested eggs to begin his project of supplying a more supple heir. When Kimiyo recovered control she thought only that she'd suffered an abdominal injury and their battles continued unabated. Meanwhile on his grandfather's orders an elite cadre of scientists in service to the Katanarchist cause combined the harvested genetic material with that from select stock. They manipulated the embryos genetics for improved physical characteristics along the way and Utsuwa was incubated in a surrogate as were his potential siblings. He was the only one to survive gestation. He never knew his surrogate mother, raised instead from his earliest memories by the Katanarchists trained in body and mind to be his grandfather's vessel when the time came. Diet, physical conditioning, skills training, and education all sharply regimented and carefully crafted to build Utsuwa into the perfect body for his Grandfathers rebirth. He was trained in all the skills of the Katanarchists, the blade, stealth, guile. The tools of an assassin. His body was continually pushed to it's limits ever extending strength, endurance, and agility. He was not however indoctrinated as other recruits were, he was not even allowed to join them, served instead by trainers, sensei, and tutors in the skills he'd need one on one. This proved to be the plans undoing when Kimiyo finally rid herself of her father's spirit. She completed the ritual to sever his tie to her, with nothing to anchor him to this world he should have been forced to his final rest. But there was another, Utsuwa . She thought it successful for a time. But Utsuwa had not been ritually prepared to receive his Grandfather's spirit, it was unable seize the body it had built. The imbued tattoos tied the spirit to Utsuwa, but his mind was not suppressed, his will too great to succumb to that of the spectre. The attempt to commandeer his body did anchor the spirit to Utsuwa, it also fused the spirits spectral powers with the young swordsman. Powers Utsuwa turned on his cruel teachers in making good his escape from the hidden compound in the hills of Chiba prefecture. Utsuwa had little knowledge of the outside world and likely would have been recaptured or fallen to criminal service with his skills if not for the timely intervention of Callie Summers, the Raven. She got word of the destruction of a Katanarchist cell and investigated finding Utsuwa hiding in the woods nearby. Her first thought had been to reunite him with his biological mother. Kimiyo saw the spirit of her father still anchored to Utsuwa and wished to kill him before he was made a vessel as Toshiro had intended. Raven of course did not allow it and took the boy in herself. Utsuwa was trained by the Raven and her scions, educated in the ways of the world and how to resist his grandfather's influence. Now she feels he's ready to rejoin society, if in a controlled fashion and is attending Claremont in the fall. Personality & Motivation: Utsuwa has seen first hand the dangers posed by fanatics and the madmen that would rule if not checked by the heroic actions of those able to stand against them. He also has no comprehension of what life would be without training. Without the rigors of combat. Even if such a life of peace appealed he knows it is not possible whilst he holds his Grandfather's spirit. He is painfully aware that he exists only because the mad cultists of a dead sorcerer created him as a vessel. The closest thing he has to family is the education he's been given by Callie and her merry band of misfits. He doesn't wish to disappoint them, and more he wants to ensure no one has to face the dangers his grandfather and those like him have unleashed on the world. He considers himself expendable in this pursuit but feel honor bound to live and repent for the harm caused by his family over the decades. The teachings of the old masters has left Utsuwa with a bit of a white knight (or samurai) complex and desire to return honor to his family's name despite the crimes committed by his ancestors. Powers & Tactics: Utsuwa has been trained to be the perfect swordsman since birth and it shows. He's an expert already with the blade and has the physical advantages of his modified genetics and early conditioning. He has also been imbued with the spectral powers of his grandfather's spirit. He is able to summon both blades and armor with a thought offering both offense and defense. Training with first the Katanarchists and later Raven II, III, and others has taught him stealth and misdirection. Despite this he remains a straightforward combatant and would prefer to do battle on open and fair terms. Utsuwa will generally move to intercept the largest threat on the field, cutting down any foes in his way to get there. Using his mobility and terrain to advantage where he can he'll close to melee while avoiding exposure to ranged fire. Engaging his opponent Utsuwa strikes hard and fast as soon as he sees an opening he'll seize it to unleash a punishing series of attacks. The goal is to ensure the enemy is not able to retaliate. Against more sturdy foes he'll engage with others in wolf pack tactics moving in to strike then withdrawing to allow another to seize on the enemies distraction. His spectral blades can cut through most material or be turned against the very animus of an enemy cutting to the core of their being. When taxed Utsuwa can siphon the life force from an enemy to aid his own recovery as well though he is sparing with so dark a power. Power Descriptions: Kurodo draws his blades as if from thin air activating them with the draw motion from his hip. His tattoos flare with a spectral light and the blades are in his hands. The blades take the form of a translucent Katana and matching Wakizashi. Ornate scrollwork crawls the sides of the blades in glowing blue ethereal light. The hilts are wrapped in deep crimson cord over bone white, a spiritual echo the the Crimson Katanas original blade. The swords are clearly not entirely of this world and when they slice the wounds they leave are as much on the spirit as the body. When he activates the soul siphon swirling red energies course up the blade and flare over the injuries they heal on his person. With but a thought Utsuwa is able to summon the ghostly raiment of his grandfather. An ethereal suit of crimson samurai armor limned in bluish flames. The face plate stylized like a fearsome oni hides his features and the lacquered plates of the armor slide silently against each other as he moves the entire effect an otherworldly visage of dread. Complications: Haunted: The spirit of Toshiro is anchored to Utsuwa and will distract, torment, and attempt to wrest control of his body. [The GM may give Utsuwa an HP to give him a circumstance penalty on a check due to Toshiros influence. When Utsuwa's will is suppressed such as by mind control or a failed will save of appropriate descriptors the GM can award Utsuwa an HP to have Toshiro seize the reins for the duration of the effect.] Legacy: Utsuwa looks like a phantom Crimson Katana when his powers are active. Even when they are not there are those aware of his ancestry who may blame or fear him for it. [The GM may award Utsuwa an HP to shift NPC reactions toward unhelpful/hostile based on his ancestry] Stranger: Utsuwa was raised and educated within the Katanarchists by cultish devotees of his grandfather. The Ravens and allies have helped to integrate and update his knowledge but there are holes. [The GM may award Utsuwa an HP to force a failure on a knowledge, interaction, or similar skill check where his background left misinformation or was incomplete or to call for checks on information that should otherwise be common knowledge.] Disowned: Utsuwa's biological mother fears he's a threat of his grandfather returning and wants nothing to do with him. While he is supported for the time being by the Ravens and their allies such largess has limits. [Utsuwa is effectively struggling financially and has little to no way to pay his own way if he goes off the reservation or exhausts his benefactors generosity. Gain HP when financial hardship impares his progress in a thread.] Abilities: 6 + 10 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 0 = 32PP Strength: 16 (+3) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 16 + 18 = 34PP Initiative: +17 (+5 Dex, +12 Improved Initiative) Attack: +8 Melee, +8 Ranged, +12 Swords Defense: +10 (+9 Base, +1 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed Grapple: +11 Knockback: -2/-7 Saving Throws: 4 + 8 + 8 = 20PP Toughness: +4/+8 (+4 Con, +0/+4 Protection) [0/6 Impervious] Fortitude: +8 (+4 Con, +4) Reflex: +13 (+5 Dex, +8) Will: +10 (+2 Wis, +8) Skills: 100R = 25PP Acrobatics 14 (+19)* Bluff 4 (+4; +8 w/ Attractive, +9 w/ Cool, +13 w/ both) Concentration 8 (+10) Craft: Artistic 3 (+5) Diplomacy 4 (+4; +8 w/ Attractive, +9 w/ Cool, +13 w/ both) Escape Artist 13 (+18) Knowledge: Arcana 3 (+5) Knowledge: Art 3 (+5) Knowledge: Tactics 3 (+5) Knowledge: Theology and Philosophy 3 (+5) Language 4 (Japanese: Native, English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean) Notice 13 (+15)* Sense Motive 13 (+15)* Stealth 10 (+15)* Swim 2 (+5) Feats: 28PP Acrobatic Bluff Ambidextrous Attack Specialization: Swords 2 Attractive Benefit: Mentor (Raven Family) Blind Fight Cool: Bluff Cool: Diplomacy Critical Strike Dodge Focus 1 Evasion 2 Challenge: Fast Task (Acrobatics): Feint Challenge: Fast Task (Acrobatics): Taunt Favored Opponent: Katanarchists Improved Initiative 3 Luck 2 Monkey Climber Quick Draw Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth) Startle Takedown Attack 2 Trance Powers: 16 + 16 + 21 = 53PP Array: Spirit Blades 7 (14PP Array;Feats: Alternate Power 2)[16PP] (Magic, Spirit) Base Power: Damage 6 (Spectral Strike; Extras: Penetrating; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2) {14/14} (Slashing) Alternate Power: Damage 6 (Spirit Strike; Extras: Alternate Save: Will; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2) {14/14} Alternate Power: Fatigue 6 (Soul Siphon; Extras: Linked: Healing) {12/14} + Healing 1 (Extras: Action: Standard, Linked: Fatigue; Flaws: Personal) {2/14} Container 3 (Spectral Armor; 15PP Container Active/Sustained; Feats: Quick Change) [16PP] (Magic, Spirit) Emotion Control 3 (Spectral Aura; Extras: Area (General:Burst[15']), Aura, Selective; Flaws: Limited:Despair, Limited: Shaken Only, Range: Touch -2) [3PP] Immunity 2 (Critical hits;) [2PP] Impervious Toughness 6 [6PP] Protection 4 [4PP] Container 4 (Enhanced Genetics/Training; 20PP Container; Feats; Innate) [21PP] (Genetic, Training) Immunity 8 (Disease, Poison, Heat, Cold, Starvation/Thirst, Need for Sleep, Suffocation 2; Flaws: Limited 1/2 effect) [4pp] Leaping 1 [1PP] Quickness 2 [2PP] Speed 2 [2PP] Super Movement 5 (Slow Fall, Swinging, Sure-Footed 2, Trackless) [10PP] Super Senses 1 (Low Light Vision) [1PP] Drawbacks: -2 = -2PP Recurring Nightmares (Haunted; Frequency: Uncommon DC 15; Intensity: Moderate)[-2PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 18 Toughness Damage Spectral Strike Touch DC 21 Toughness Damage Spirit Strike Touch DC 21 Will Damage Soul Siphon Touch DC 16 Fortitude Fatigue Totals: Abilities (32) + Combat (34) + Saving Throws (20) + Skills (25) + Feats (28) + Powers (53) - Drawbacks (-2) = 190/207 Power Points
  15. Starlok Power Level: 12 (185/186 PP) Unspent Power Points: 1 Trade-Offs: N/A In Brief: A countess from a vampire-like alien species out to protect the galaxy as part of her noble duty. Catchphrase: Starlok hungers! Theme: Mannfred von Carstein Theme - Total War Warhammer 2 Alternate Identity: Ori-Bath of House Nos, Countess of Lugo (Public) Birthplace: Castle Lugo, on the night moon of Nokton Residence: Space Base of Operations: The Pale Rider Occupation: Aristocrat Affiliations: House of Nos Family: Ney-Var (father, deceased), Ka-Har (mother, deceased), Ven-Ruth (brother), Description: Age: 122 (DoB: May 26, 1897) Apparent Age: Mid-20s. Gender: Female Ethnicity: Alien Height: 5’08” Weight: 140 lbs Eyes: Red Hair: Dark blue, long Starlok’s appearance, to an Earthling, immediately calls to mind the wicked vampire. Her skin is pale grey, her eyes blood red, her ears pointed, her fingers ending in black, razor sharp fingernails and in place of canines, she has fangs. Yet there is the touch of something alien to her as well: Her long, widow’s peaked hair, though normally appearing black, is revealed to be actually a very dark blue under the right light; her skin lacks any blemish, not even a mole; her pupils are actually a subtle starburst shape rather than round. Starlok stands 5’08”, with a lithe, athletic figure. Her face is angular, with very prominent cheekbones, with a thin upper lip and a pointed nose. She is fond of makeup, wearing black eyeshadow and similarly coloured lipstick in most occasions, even when she is going into battle, and is fond of wearing golden rings and necklaces. When in a civilian context, she dresses richly, favouring long, flowing gowns and fashionable jewelry in colours like dark purple, mauve and burgundy. When dressed for battle, she dons the Panoply of Nos, which takes the form of a golden girdle, a similarly coloured open-top helmet that frames her face adorned with what looks like bat wings, and a sword made of blood red metal. This is accompanied by a midnight blue leotard, thigh high red boots, and a black opera cape with the collar turned upwards so that it reaches up above the back of her head. History: Ori-Bath was born as a scion of House Nos on the night moon of Nokton, the daughter of Count Ney-Var and his wife, Ka-Har. The oldest of two children, Ori-Bath was raised to become the next Countess of Lugo, a prestigious position that her younger brother Ven-Ruth made no secret of coveting. Only separated by a year, Ven-Ruth constantly jockeyed for favour, but both Ori-Bath and her parents ignored these attempts. For over a century, Ori-Bath remained convinced of her succession. However, in that time, her brother’s bitterness had grown. Secretly, Ven-Ruth made alliances with other houses and built up forces to strike when the time was right. The chance came when Ney-Var decided to abdicate and allow Ori-Bath to ascend as Countess. On the day of her coronation, Ven-Ruth struck. Both Ney-Var and Ka-Har were struck down, but Ori-Bath herself managed to survive. Taking with her the ancestral Panoply of Nos, the ancient gear necessary to hold the right to rule, she fled aboard one of her family space-ships, the Pale Rider, and took off into space. Adopting the title of “Starlok”, a sobriquet once used by the founder of her noble house, Ori-Bath fled into the wider galaxy looking for support to reclaim her rightful lands. In doing so, she has occasionally deigned to act as a hero to whatever people she has been near, partially out of a sense of noble duty and partially because she knows that she needs to build respect to gain the aid she needs. All the while, her brother and his allies send hunters after her, knowing that without the Panoply of Nos, Ven-Ruth’s rule can never be legitimate. Forever watching her back and yet always moving forward, Starlok must contend with much if she is ever to reclaim her lands and return home. Personality & Motivation: As befitting a noblewoman, Starlok is a very haughty woman. She has an exceptionally high opinion of herself, and an even more exceptionally low opinion of most others. Her reasons are many - her noble blood, her impressive intellect, her appearance. But even if she had none of these, her personality is such that she would still hold herself in high regard. Bruises to her ego only strengthen her resolve to prove herself better than her enemies, of which she has many. Yet, for all her belief of superiority, Starlok believes strongly that she has an obligation to ensure the safety and security of those around her, a noblesse oblige. This is still tied into her ego - the helpless masses needing the aid of someone competent and regal - but it’s there. She bristles at the pointless mistreatment of others, and is completely and utterly honest to the point of bluntness. Unafraid of combat, she will gladly put her life on the line to defend the common people, even if this is mostly because she’s too arrogant to believe she’ll ever die. Starlok loves to be theatrical, and is prone to making grand proclamations and refer to herself in the third person. When people don’t take this seriously, she takes notice and becomes annoyed. She demands respect, and only becomes more theatrical the more it is denied to her. Powers & Tactics: Starlok is a frontline combatant, through and through. Wading into combat with her Blade of the Blood Drinkers, she hacks and slashes her way to victory. Should she be disarmed, or simply very injured, she switches to her claws, which allow her to drink the life-force of her enemies and restore herself. Preferring straight-forward combat, she primarily uses her flight to bridge the gap between herself and enemies, rushing forward to hit them with her sword. Power Descriptions: Though she appears humanoid, Starlok’s biology is very different than that of H. sapiens. Her flesh contains thin layers of non-newtonian fluid, which when combined with bones that possess natural carbon fiber and redundant organs like a second liver and heart make her body more resilient than many species in the galaxy. Her eyes are specially constructed to see in the dark, combining hyper-sensitive photoreceptors with cat-like reflectors. What appear to be merely claw-like fingernails are instead an important part of her digestive system, combining enzymes with efficient muscles to drain the blood of others and filter out important nutrients like Vitamin D even as it enters the bloodstream. However, she also faces some complications. Her species is native to the dark side of a massive moon, and as such she is effectively allergic to daylight, and other intense light is similarly damaging to her skin and eyes. Silver is as toxic to her as arsenic is to humans, due to its extreme rarity on her homeworld. The non-newtonian fluid in her flesh is also slightly flammable, and thus fire hurts her more than other substances.’ She is supplemented by the Panoply of Nos, a set of armour and a sword that have been designed to enhance its wearer to even higher levels. The girdle, also known as the Girdle of Es-Tep, projects a gravitic field that allows her to project a force-field of gravitic energy, which simultaneously allows her to take flight into the sky. It also releases pulses of energy into her muscles, stimulating them to the point that they allow her to perform amazing feats of strength. Her sword, the Blade of the Blood Drinkers, is made of a strange red metal that is profoundly sharp and sturdy, allowing her to hack through even the toughest enemies, while her helmet, the Helm of Nos, empowers her natural senses and notifies her of danger. Complications: You Fool! You Worm!: Starlok is of a grandiose disposition, and sometimes cannot help but remind the enemy of how superior she is to them. The GM can award her a hero point if she wastes her turn monologuing rather than doing anything productive. The Peasants are Revolting: Starlok is an aristocrat through and through, and sometimes she cannot conceal her contempt for the lower classes. The GM can award her a hero point if her snobbery ruins a social interaction. Starlok Hungers!: While she can be sated by normal food for a time, Starlok’s primary mode of sustenance is the life essence of others and she will become weak if she goes too long without feeding. The GM can award her a point to give her a -2 penalty to all physical stats until she feeds on a living thing. Nobless Oblige: For all her snobbery, Starlok firmly believes nobility comes with duties like protecting the lesser folk. The GM can award her a hero point to force her to drop what she is doing to protect the imperiled. How Dare You!: Starlok has an ego the size of a large nebula, and it is easily bruised. The GM can have award her a hero point to have her focus on an enemy who has insulted her, or to forgo her turn out of spite if another PC offends her. A Countess Should Keep Her Word: Starlok is painfully honest, and will always keep her word even if it would benefit her to break it. She is similarly almost pathologically unwilling to lie, something which has caused numerous problems for her in the past. The GM can award her a hero point whenever her honesty causes problems for her. ABILITIES: 10 + 4 + 16 + 20 + 10 + 6 = 66 PP Strength: 20 (+5), Lifting STR 40 Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 26 (+8) Intelligence: 30 (+10) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 16 (+3) COMBAT: 8 + 8 = 16 PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +12 Melee, +4 Ranged Defense: +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +17/+21 Knockback: -6/-12 SAVING THROWS: 2 + 8 + 5 = 15 PP Toughness: +12 (+8 Con, +4 Force Field; 8/10 Impervious) Fortitude: +10 (+8 Con, +2) Reflex: +10 (+2 Dex, +8) Will: +10 (+5 Wis, +5) SKILLS: 52R = 13PP Diplomacy 7 (+10) Intimidate 16 (+19) Knowledge (Galactic Lore) 2 (+12) Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+12) Languages 3 (Nokton [Native], English, Galstandard, Lor) Perform (Oratory) 7 (+10) Pilot 8 (+10) Search 2 (+10) Sense Motive 5 (+10) Enhanced Skills: Notice 4 (+9) FEATS: 36PP Attack Focus (Melee) 8 Dodge Focus 8 Equipment 12 Fearless Improved Initiative Jack-of-All Trades Luck 2 Status (Nobility, Wealth 2) Equipment: 12PP = 60EP The Pale Rider (Vehicle; Spaceship) [60 EP] Size: Colossal [4 EP] Strength: 75 [5 EP] Defence: 2 [0 EP] Toughness: 13 [0 EP] Features: Communications, Computer, Hangar, Living Space, Personnel Powers Damage 10 [Extras: Ranged] [20 EP] Flight 10 [10,000 MPH] [20 EP] Super Movement: Space Flight 3 [Intergalactic] [6 EP] POWERS: 25 + 12 + 2 + 9 + 3 = 51 PP Device 6 (Panoply of House Nos; Flaws: Hard to Lose; Power Feats: Restricted: Bloodline [House of Nos]) [25 PP] (Multiple items) Sword Damage 7 (Blade of the Blood Drinkers; Power Feats: Mighty, Penetrating 3, Takedown Attack) [12 DP] (Physical, Slashing, Piercing) Girdle Flight 3 (Wings of Nos; 50 MPH) [6 DP] (Cosmic, Gravitic) Force Field 4 (Invisible Armour of Estep; Extras: Impervious 2; Power Feats: Selective) [7 DP] (Cosmic, Gravitic) Super-Strength 4 (Micropulse Muscle Stimulation; Flaws: Sustained) (Cosmic, technology) [4 DP] Helmet Enhanced Skill (Integrated Sensors: Notice 4 [1 DP] (Technology, Computational) Drain Constitution 8 (Thirsting Talons; Power Feats: Progression 4 [20 minutes]) [12 PP] (Alien, Biological) Immunity 1 (Perfect Telomeres; Ageing; Power Feats: Innate) [2 PP] (Alien, Biological) Impervious Toughness 8 (Natural Resilience; Power Feats: Innate) [9 PP] (Alien, Biological) Super-Senses: Darkvision (Hunter’s Eyes; Power Feats: Innate) [3 PP] (Alien, Biological) DRAWBACKS: (-2) + (-2) + (-2) + (-5) = -12 PP Vulnerable (“Fire” effects; Frequency: Common. Intensity: Minor) [-2 PP] Vulnerable (“Light” effects; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Moderate) [-3 PP] Vulnerable (“Silver” effects; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Moderate) [-2 PP] Weakness (Daylight; Frequency: Very Common; Intensity: Moderate [-1 Constitution; Time: 20 minutes) [-5 PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 20 Toughness Damage Thirsting Talons Touch DC 18 Fortitude Drain Constitution Blade Touch DC 27 Toughness Damage TOTALS: Abilities (66) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (13) + Feats (36) + Powers (51) - Drawbacks (12) = 185/186 points
  16. Name: Torque Power Level: (PL10/12) Tradeoffs: -2 Attack / +2 Damage, -2 Defense / +2 Toughness Power Points: 188/190 Unspent Power Points: 2 In Brief: Former engineering student remade into a transforming robot Identity: Shantay Sullivan ('Taye)' Birthplace: Vibora Bay, FL Occupation: Municipal defender Affiliations: The Vibora Bay Defenders Family: Clayton Sullivan (father), Rose Sullivan (mother), Curtis Sullivan (older brother), Otis Sullivan (uncle) Description: DOB: April 11rd, 1994 Date of Rebirth: August 3rd, 2019 Apparent Age: Mid-twenties Gender: Female Ethnicity: African-American Height: 5' 9" Weight: 3700 lbs. (1.85 tons) from Density Eyes: Brown Hair: Black (in long braids) Taye appears to be an attractive young African-American woman in her mid-twenties. She's fairly tall with an athletic build, and favors jeans, various local band T-shirts and sneakers. She wears no makeup, some nice jewelry (she's especially fond of large hoop earrings) and usually keeps her long braids up and out of the way in a colorful scarf. Though her skin and hair look and feel normal, they're actually composed of tough, super-dense materials. In terms of a costume, Torque keeps it fairly simple, wearing unmarked coveralls, work boots and a pair of circular welder's goggles. As a vehicle, she can assume aquatic, aerial or land-based forms, physically matching any boat, helicopter or auto she can think of, provided it's within her 'weight class', though she tends to favor sleek, sporty models. She can now also turn into a tall android form, which looks somewhere between the robot from Metropolis and a classic Japanese mecha. History: Shantay 'Taye' Sullivan was a very outgoing graduate of the UFVB engineering program, who hoped to work in the automotive industry someday. Her father, Clayton Sullivan, is a well-connected businessman with several investments throughout Weston, and a four bedroom home in Hollings Hill; however, he is not so secretly a senior lieutenant within Clark Robinson's organization, and a man to be feared. However, Clayton has always done his best to protect his family from that side of his life, and he was determined that both his children would go to college, and have better lives than he or his wife Rose ever did. They firmly but lovingly pushed their children through high school, and both children were able to attend UFVB on full scholarships, Curtis for football and Taye for science. The future was looking bright. But then during her junior year, Taye began to complain that she was feeling tired all the time; naturally, she thought it was due to her heavy academic workload, and she vowed to get more rest. By her senior year, she was also experiencing fevers and night sweats, significan weight loss and a persistent cough. This led to batteries of tests and hospital visits as Taye's doctors struggled to discover what was making her sick. After several months, she was diagnosed with a very rare form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and treatment began, involving both chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Despite all this, she still managed to graduate with her degree only a year late, and the sight of the frail young woman in a wheelchair accepting her diploma onstage was extremely moving. Despite Taye's heroic courage and her father sparing no expense in her treatment, by the time she turned twenty five, it was clear she was losing the fight, and her family was at their wit's end. Friends and associates began to whisper in Clayton's ear; this was Vibora Bay, where there were...other options. But a lifetime of distrust towards magic meant that option was not a viable one. No, his little girl would be saved by science... ....... When Taye woke up in a bed set up in one of her father's warehouses, surrounded by strange equipment, she didn't feel sick, weak or tired; she felt strong and fully aware. Something was different, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Her family was there, and she greeted them in a pleasant manner, which seemed to make them uncomfortable for some reason. No matter, she'd been in bed long enough, and she had things to do! But her family asked her take it easy, and stay at home for a few days until she felt 'more like herself'. Over the next several days, Tate discovered what had happened: through various criminal channels, Clayton has received a canister filled with billions of experimental nanobots which the dealer claimed would save her life, which they did, in a fashion. They'd rebuilt her, on a microscopic level, creating a robotic body indistinguishable from her biological one, including all of her memories, now encoded into her robotic brain. Taye no longer needed to eat or sleep, which she found to be very convenient, but her family, especially her parents, were not comfortable with the change. Then she began to eat pieces of rusted metal, which somehow made her mother cry. And then came the day Taye offered to drive her father to work...by turning into a Mazzerati. This seemed to make him very upset, which was confusing; she'd always loved Italian sports cars, and now she could become one. This was a good thing, wasn't it? But apparently it wasn't. Clayton and Rose sat Taye down (Curtis wasn't there, for some reason) and said that while they still loved Taye, they didn't feel comfortable with her staying in the house. Her uncle Otis had volunteered to put her up for a while they 'figured things out, which seemed strange, but Taye certainly didn't want her parents to be uncomfortable. Then they cried a lot, which she knew was bad; she remembered that. Now living in a trailer at her uncle's auto wreck yard, surrounded by her old things, Taye struggled to figure out what went wrong. As far as she could figure out, she was dying, and her father made a deal with some criminals. The criminals lied, because they saved her life, but it made her parents unhappy. Ergo, if she fought crime, maybe she could find a way to make her parents happy again. Though she didn't understand the feelings behind it, she knew happy parents were better than unhappy parents, and then she could see her brother again. And she knew she wanted that very much. Personality & Motivation: 'Old' Taye was an outgoing, lively young woman; 'new' Taye appears to aloof and unfeeling, though the ghosts of old emotions still influence her behavior. She wants to help people as a way of finding new purpose in life, and hopes to reconnect with her 'fellow humans'. She prefers to be useful, and appreciates the chance help her uncle out. Crime ruins lives. True, it allowed Taye to 'survive' her illness, but it also tore her family apart with an unfair devil's bargain that only benefited the crooks involved. No one should be forced into such a situation, and Torque wants to do everything in her power to keep that from happening again. Powers & Tactics: Torque is still learning to use her powers. She has some skill in hand-to-hand combat, but is much more effective in vehicular form. She can also use her nannites to breakdown the structure of any inanimate object she touches, normally to make it easier to consume, but the process has many tactical applications as well. Her vehicular forms are also well suited for rapid response transport and rescue operations, and can be devastating in combat. Complications: Was That An Attempt At Humor?: One of the casualties of Taye's transformation was her sense of humor. It's not that she takes everything literally or doesn't understand sarcasm; it's more she doesn't see the point of such things. The Uncanny Valley: Taye's flat affect and general lack of empathy make her less than pleasant to be around, though some may assume she's on the autism spectrum. Family Ties, Or The Lack Thereof: Taye's horrified parents are extremely uncomfortable around her since her transformation, and politely asked he to leave. Her brother Curtis and Uncle Otis are a bit more sympathetic to her plight, and sometimes get in over their heads. This Isn't Coffee, It's Rust Tea: Taye's non-human body can no longer process food, which can lead to awkward social situations. She's a Brick...House: Though she appears much as she did in life, Taye is now much heavier and denser than she seems. This may be problematic in older, more rickety structures. It's A Family Affair: Torque is a crimefighter, but her father is a well-connected criminal. She's still trying to figure out this internal conflict. Sink Like A Stone: Due to her increased density, Torque can no longer swim in her humanoid form, instead plunging to the bottom of any body of water. - - - HUMAN FORM Abilities: 1 + 4 + (-10) + 10 + 4 + 0 = 9PP Strength: 35 (+12), 55 Lifting (Heavy Load: 24 tons) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: - Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 8 + 16 = 24PP Initiative: +5 Attack: +8 Melee (+4 Base, +4 Attack Focus), +4 Ranged (+4 Base) Grapple: +24 (+8 Melee Attack, +12 Strength, +4 Super-Strength) Defense: +8, +4 Flat-Footed Knockback Resistance: 11, 15 at normal speed or slower (Immovable) Saving Throws: 0 + 6 + 6 = 12PP Toughness: +12 (Impervious [Reflective] 10) Fortitude: - Reflex: +8 (+2 Dex, +6PP) Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6PP) Skills: 60R = 15PP Acrobatics 3 (+5) Climb 0 (+0) Computers 5 (+10) Concentration 3 (+5) Craft (Electronic) 5 (+10) Craft (Mechanical) 5 (+10) Disable Device 5 (+10) Disguise 0 (+0, +20 Morph) Drive 8 (+10) Knowledge (Technology) 5 (+10) Notice 4 (+6) Pilot 8 (+10) Search 1 (+6) Stealth 8 (+10) Swim - Feats: 13PP Attack Focus: Melee 4 Improvised Tools Interpose Jack of All Trades Luck 2 Move-By Action Speed of Thought Takedown Attack 2 Powers: 123PP Density 12 (Mass x25; Strength +24, Protection [Impervious] +6, Immovable +4, Super-Strength +4; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Permanent; Feats: Innate) [37PP] Drain Toughness 12 (Extras: Affects Objects; Flaws: Limited [Objects], Requires Grapple) [6PP] Immovable 4 [0PP] Immunity 40 (Fortitude effects; Mental effects) [40PP] Impervious Toughness 10 (Extras: Reflective [Melee]) [14PP] Leaping 1 (x2, Running Long Jump: 44ft) [1PP] Morph 4 (Machines; Disguise +20; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Feats: Metamorph 2) [14PP] Protection 12 [6PP] Speed 1 (10MPH, 100ft per Move Action) [1PP] Super-Senses 4 (Darkvision, Infra-Vision, Radio) [4PP] Super-Strength 4 (Lifting Strength: 55, Heavy Load: 24 tons; Grapple +2) [0PP] Drawbacks: -8PP Disability (Anosmia; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Minor) [-1PP] Vulnerability (Electricity; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Major [x2 Effect Rank]) [-4PP] Vulnerability (Magnetism; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Major [x2 Effect Rank]) [-3PP] Abilities (9) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (15) + Feats (13) + Powers (123) - Drawbacks (8) = 188/190 Power Points - - - GIANT ROBOT FORM: Power Level: 12 (Built as PL10) Power Points: 188/188 Abilities: 9 + 4 + (-10) + 10 + 4 + 0 = 17PP Strength: 35 (+12), 55 Lifting (Heavy Load: 24 tons) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: - Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 12 + 20 = 32PP Initiative: +5 Attack: +8 Melee (+6 Base, -2 Size, +4 Attack Focus), +4 Ranged (+6 Base, -2 Size) Grapple: +30 (+8 Melee Attack, +12 Strength, +8 Size, +2 Super-Strength) Defense: +8 (+10 Base, -2 Size), +4 Flat-Footed Knockback Resistance: 14 Saving Throws: 0 + 6 + 6 = 12PP Toughness: +12 Fortitude: - Reflex: +8 (+2 Dex, +6PP) Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6PP) Skills: 60R = 15PP Acrobatics 3 (+5) Climb 0 (+4) Computers 5 (+10) Concentration 3 (+5) Craft (Electronic) 5 (+10) Craft (Mechanical) 5 (+10) Disable Device 5 (+10) Disguise 0 (+0, +20 Morph) Drive 8 (+10) Intimidation 0 (+0, +4 Size) Knowledge (Technology) 5 (+10) Notice 4 (+6) Pilot 8 (+10) Search 1 (+6) Stealth 8 (+10) Swim 0 (+4) Feats: 13PP Attack Focus: Melee 4 Improvised Tools Interpose Jack of All Trades Luck 2 Move-By Action Speed of Thought Takedown Attack 2 Powers: 107PP Drain Toughness 12 (Extras: Affects Objects; Flaws: Limited [Objects], Requires Grapple) [6PP] Enhanced Skills 8 (Stealth 8 ) [2PP] Features 2 (Headlights; Special Effect [Theme Music]) [2PP] Growth 8 (Size: Huge; Strength +16 [+26 Lifting], Protection +4, Grapple +8, Knockback Resistance +8, Intimidation +4, Reach 10ft, Attack -2, Defense -2, Stealth -8; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Permanent; Feats: Innate) [25PP] Immunity 40 (Fortitude effects; Mental effects) [40PP] Leaping 1 (x2, Running Long Jump: 44ft) [1PP] Morph 4 (Machines; Disguise +20; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Feats: Metamorph 2) [14PP] Protection 12 [8PP] Speed 1 (10MPH, 100ft per Move Action) [1PP] Super-Senses 4 (Darkvision, Infra-Vision, Radio) [4PP] Super-Strength 2 (Lifting Strength: 55, Heavy Load: 24 tons; Grapple +2) [4PP] Drawbacks: -8PP Disability (Anosmia; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Minor) [-1PP] Vulnerability (Electricity; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Major [x2 Effect Rank]) [-4PP] Vulnerability (Magnetism; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Major [x2 Effect Rank]) [-3PP] Abilities (17) + Combat (32) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (15) + Feats (13) + Powers (107) - Drawbacks (8) = 188/190 Power Points - - - VEHICLE FORM: Power Level: 12 (Built as PL10) Power Points: 188/188 Abilities: 9 + 4 + (-10) + 10 + 4 + 0 = 17PP Strength: 35 (+12), 55 Lifting (Heavy Load: 24 tons) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: - Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 12 + 20 = 32PP Initiative: +5 Attack: +8 Melee (+6 Base, -2 Size, +4 Attack Focus), +4 Ranged (+6 Base, -2 Size) Grapple: +30 (+8 Melee Attack, +12 Strength, +8 Size, +2 Super-Strength) Defense: +8 (+10 Base, -2 Size), +4 Flat-Footed Knockback Resistance: 14 Saving Throws: 0 + 6 + 6 = 12PP Toughness: +12 Fortitude: - Reflex: +8 (+2 Dex, +6PP) Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6PP) Skills: 60R = 15PP Acrobatics 3 (+5) Climb 0 (+4) Computers 5 (+10) Concentration 3 (+5) Craft (Electronic) 5 (+10) Craft (Mechanical) 5 (+10) Disable Device 5 (+10) Disguise 0 (+0, +20 Morph) Drive 8 (+10) Intimidation 0 (+0, +4 Size) Knowledge (Technology) 5 (+10) Notice 4 (+6) Pilot 8 (+10) Search 1 (+6) Stealth 8 (+10) Swim 0 (+20/+4) Feats: 12PP Attack Focus: Melee 4 Interpose Jack of All Trades Luck 2 Move-By Action Speed of Thought Takedown Attack 2 Powers: 112PP Enhanced Skills 8 (Stealth 8 ) [2PP] Features 3 (Headlights; Internal Compartment; Special Effect [Theme Music]) [3PP] Growth 8 (Size: Huge; Strength +16 [+26 Lifting], Protection +4, Grapple +8, Knockback Resistance +8, Intimidation +4, Reach 10ft, Attack -2, Defense -2, Stealth -8; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Permanent; Feats: Innate) [25PP] Immunity 40 (Fortitude effects; Mental effects) [40PP] Morph 4 (Machines; Disguise +20; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Feats: Metamorph 2) [14PP] Protection 12 [8PP] Super-Senses 4 (Darkvision, Infra-Vision, Radio) [4PP] Super-Strength 2 (Lifting Strength: 55, Heavy Load: 24 tons) [4PP] Vehicular Movement 5 (10PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [12PP] Base Power [Air]: (250MPH[10PP] Flight 5 (250MPH, 2,500ft [1/2-mile] per Move Action) [10PP] AP [Land]: [6 + 4 = 10PP] Speed 6 (500MPH, 5,000ft [1 mile] per Move Action) [6PP] Super-Movement 2 (Sure-Footed 2) [4PP] AP [Sea]: [4 + 6 = 10PP] Enhanced Skills 16 (Swim 16) [4PP] Swimming 6 (100MPH, 1,000ft per Move Action) [6PP] Drawbacks: -12PP Disability (Anosmia; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Minor) [-1PP] Disability (No Hands; Frequency: Very Common; Intensity: Moderate) [-4PP] Vulnerability (Electricity; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Major [x2 Effect Rank]) [-4PP] Vulnerability (Magnetism; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Major [x2 Effect Rank]) [-3PP] Abilities (17) + Combat (32) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (15) + Feats (12) + Powers (112) - Drawbacks (12) = 188/190 Power Points
  17. In Brief: Moonstone meets Poison Ivy meets Sue Storm, with a dash of Venom, and side helpings of Elle Woods and Blanche Devereaux. Character: Persephone Power Level: 14 (Built as PL10) Tradeoffs: None (At PL10: -2 Attack / +2 Damage, -2 Defense / +2 Toughness) Power Points: 205/205 Unspent Points: 0 Alternate Identity: Camellia Blume, M.D. Identity: Secret Legal Status: Municipal Defender (City of Vibora Bay), USA citizen with no criminal record Birthplace: Vibora Bay, Florida Base of Operations: Vibora Bay, Florida Residence: A rented house in Atwater Occupation: Municipal Defender (City of Vibora Bay), Psychiatrist (self-employed, private practice) Affiliations: City of Vibora Bay (Municipal Defender), Sinclair University (alumnus), University of Florida School of Medicine (alumnus), Omega Beta Gamma (alumnus), Florida Board of Medicine (licensed physician), American Medical Association (board-certified psychiatrist) Family: Lena Blume née Moore (Mother), Bernard "Bernie" Blume (Father), Jason "J.B." Blume (Younger fraternal twin brother), Pamela Blume née Moldoff (Sister-in-law), Abigail "Abby" Blume (Niece), Alan Blume (Nephew), several aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents DESCRIPTION Age: 30 (Date of Birth: 1989) Apparent Age: 30 Gender: Female Ethnicity: White (Anglo-Germanic) American Height: 5’10” Weight: 140 lbs. Hair: Human Form: Platinum-Blonde, Plant Form: Purple Eyes: Human Form: Blue, Plant Form: Purple A friend once described Camellia as “Grace Kelly’s head on Kate Upton’s body”. She has brilliant blue eyes set into a heart-shaped face, framed with a mane of shiny and thick platinum blonde hair which falls down well below her waist. She has the kind of hourglass figure that usually requires aggressive corsetry, and most of her substantial height is in her long legs. Her voice is heavy, breathy, and deeper than most people expect, with a slight Southern drawl. She carries herself with the calm, quiet confidence of someone who’s accustomed to being welcome everywhere she goes. She has a big smile, and it gets a lot of exercise. She has an extensive wardrobe; more than one person has joked that they’ve never seen her wear anything twice. A skilled seamstress, she has personally altered most of her clothes, both to better fit and support her body, and to replace the buttons and clasps with magnets, which allows her to get in and out of them quickly (a trick live stage productions use to cope with frequent costume changes). Her personal style, heavily influenced by the local climate, consists mainly of above-the-knee sundresses in bright colors and floral prints, paired with some kind of ornate sandals, more often than not with 4-5 inch heels that make her tower over most of the people around her. During the couple of months a year where the weather in Vibora Bay dips below 70F, she’ll switch to sweater dresses with higher necklines, swap out the sandals for closed-toes or boots, and add some heavy tights for extra warmth. In more casual settings, she sometimes trades the dresses for crop tops paired with denim short-shorts or short skirts, and on the beach, which she visits every chance she gets, she rocks the bikini. She loves jewelry; pearls are her favorite, and she owns pieces in every color of the rainbow. Outside, she’s rarely seen without both oversized sunglasses, some kind of a large, floppy-brimmed straw or silk hat with a bow or flower on the ribbon, varieties of which she also owns in every color. In professional settings, she wears decorative glasses with clear lenses, mainly in the hope that she’ll be taken more seriously once the “smart people have poor eyesight” stereotype cancels out the “dumb blonde” trope, but also because it gives her another accessory to play with. When she uses her powers, her skin turns green, and her eyes and hair both turn purple. Her hair grows even longer, almost touching the ground, and it takes on a life of its own, gently floating and swaying as though she were underwater. Her ability to shape plant matter with her thoughts also extends to her own body. She can make plant appendages like vines, thorns, leaves, and roots sprout from her skin, with whatever pigmentation or texture she desires. Her costume is a leotard made from such appendages, consisting of thousands of overlapping leaves growing out of her skin, and falling away when she switches back to a human appearance. There's usually a flower in her hair, growing straight out of her head. She can also release luciferns and their catalyzing enzymes into parts of her body, causing them to glow. She does this most often with her hair and eyes. HISTORY Camellia Blume's family has roots in the east side of Vibora Bay going back at least as far as her great-grandparents on both sides. Her family are all wealthy, highly educated professionals, with real estate holdings across north Florida. Camellia beat her “little” twin brother J.B. into the world by a few minutes. She grew up in a Cluet Farms mansion, immersed in luxury and privilege. Her teens and early twenties were a hurricane of private schools, cotillions, debutante balls, modeling jobs, and beauty pageants, just like her mother before her. Like her mother before her, she was the queen of her high school. Unlike her mother, she was a benevolent queen, who never tolerated bullying. She attended Sinclair University, a legacy admission, like her parents before her. She joined the same sorority her mother had belonged to. She was a cheerleader like her mother before her. She even spent a year studying abroad in Paris, like her mother had at her age. But ultimately, she decided that, while dancing and modeling were fun, they weren't a fulfilling career. She wanted to spend her life helping people in a more direct manner. So after she graduated from Sinclair, she applied to UFVB's prestigious medical school. At first, her parents did not approve, though they knew well enough to cloak their objections with polite euphemisms. But as far as they were concerned, a mostly-black school on the west side of the city, even a nationally renowned one, may as well have been another planet. Camellia stood firm. In 22 years, it was the first time she ever made a real decision for herself instead of just following in her parents footsteps. Her parents refused to pay for it, and even threatened to cut off her trust fund. But she'd saved enough of the money she'd made from a decade of modeling jobs and pageant prizes to take a big bite out of the tuition, and she was willing to take out loans to pay for the rest. The idea of their little princess taking on debt horrified them more than the idea of her living in Weston or going to school with black people, so they relented. After four years of medical school, Camellia chose psychiatry as her specialty, combining her academic prowess and her social skills to make the world a better place, one person at a time. After another four years, she completed her residency and obtained her medical license. She rented an apartment in Far Weston (separate from the rented Atwater house she lived in), and started her own practice out of it, living off of her trust fund until she accumulated enough patients to make her practice self-sustaining. Her refusal to charge patients more than they could afford, or to limit her clientele to the wealthy, slowed that process considerably. Camellia kept a garden at home, and her office space was filled with flowers. This caused one of her first patients visible distress. But he wasn't floraphobic. Instead, he seemed to be suffering from auditory hallucinations, or some other delusion. He claimed that one of his wife’s plants was talking to him. No one else seemed to be able to hear the voice, but it was growing louder and more insistent, while not making any sense, and he was convinced it was coming from the purple orchid his wife had brought home a few weeks prior. After a few weeks of talk sessions and a prescription for anti-anxiety medication failed to yield any results, he brought the orchid in question to his session, and refused to bring it back home with him. She didn’t think it would help his recovery to force the issue, so she let him leave without it, intending to return it to him later. The orchid was sitting on the front seat of her car during her commute home. That commute was interrupted when she drove by what appeared to be a mugging or assault taking place in an alley just off the street. She pulled off into the alley, flashed her lights, honked her horn, and shouted that she was calling the police, hoping to scare away the attackers. But the attackers were a pack of vampires affiliated with the New Shadows gang, and they weren’t mugging their victim; they were about to feed on him. They used their superhuman strength to flip her car over, trapping her in the alley. But as they started to drag her out of the wrecked car, she heard a woman's voice inside her mind, and it seemed like time froze. The voice offered Camellia power, the power she would need to survive this ordeal and many like it. But she could only give Camellia that power if they were “bonded”. Camellia decided that, whatever that meant, it was better than letting herself or that poor man be killed, so she agreed. Time started passing again, and the orchid started moving under its own power, shattering its pot and pressing itself against Camellia. The flower somehow phased through her flesh and bone, sinking into her chest. She felt its roots expand throughout her body. It occurred to her that this should have been painful or terrifying or disgusting, but instead it was invigorating. Leaves and bark sprouted from her flesh, covering every inch of her skin. The vampires were shocked when they reached for a human but pulled out a humanoid plant-monster. Their claws and fangs couldn't pierce her bark-armor. Acting on instinct, she summoned plants to her aid, and they responded. Roots from a nearby tree stretched and snaked through the dirt before bursting bursting up out of the ground, breaking through the concrete like it was glass. The roots hardened into spears and impaled the vampires, who all collapsed into piles of ash. As soon as the danger had passed, the leafy armor dried up and crumbled off of Camellia’s skin. She used her cell phone to call an ambulance for the bleeding man and a tow truck for her totaled car, and she tended to his wounds as best she could while they waited. She told the police that she’d turned too fast into the alley and flipped over, which must have scared away “the muggers”. The wounded man didn’t contradict her. Camellia spent the weeks after the incident telepathically communing with her new symbiote, learning what little the symbiote knew of her own history, and growing accustomed to her new abilities and the changes the symbiote was making to her body. The symbiote had been part of a race of semi-sentient plants engineered and grown as biological weapons by the humans of another Earth in an alternate dimension. That dimension fell to Omega, and this symbiote happened to be on a part of that Earth which wound up floating in the Terminus instead of being annihilated. When a rift opened up near the symbiote during the most recent Terminus incursion into her dimension, she pulled up her roots and let herself fall through. The symbiote offered to separate from Camellia if she so desired, but Camellia refused when she learned that separation would require intensive surgery which could kill both of them. Instead, Camellia decided to cope with whatever changes might come, and put her new abilities to good use, making the world a better place like she’d always wanted to. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Camellia's behavior comes from a combination of a naturally big heart and being raised in a semi-aristocratic subculture in which tradition was revered and courtesy was paramount. She strives to always be polite, modest, generous, and forgiving. She hates to see people suffer, even when they deserve it. She’s sensitive to the moods of the people around her, and it’s important to her to make those people as comfortable as possible. Her guiding principle in daily life is “Make everybody feel welcome, and never make anybody feel second-rate.” She greets everyone with a warm smile and an opening for as much small talk as they'd like, and she almost never swears or insults people. When someone else commits a faux pas, she’s far more likely to ignore it or attempt to cover for it than she is to draw attention to it or mock them. She values integrity, both in herself and in others, so she won’t lie to protect people’s feelings, but she will distract, deflect, and omit. Every child gets told at some point “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”, but unlike most children, she took that sentiment to heart, leaving the hard truths for one-on-one sessions behind closed doors. She detests bullying of any kind, and she won't hesitate to step in and put herself between the bully and their victim. She loves social interaction and embraces every opportunity for it. Everyone has a story, and she wants to hear them all. She make a point of maintaining correspondence with all of her family, former school friends, sorority sisters, and coworkers. Once you're part of her world, you don't leave. She remembers every birthday, and she sends hand-written “Thank You” notes for everything. She likes attention, which is fortunate, because she’d get plenty of it whether she liked it or not. She doesn’t demand the spotlight, but she’s very comfortable under it. She’s a hopeless romantic who falls hard and fast both in and out of love. She doesn’t expect or demand old school chivalry, but she’s a total sucker for it. POWERS & TACTICS The symbiotic alien plant which fused with her has transformed her body on the molecular level into an ambulatory plant. She looks human on the surface, but beneath the skin, her flesh, blood, and bone has mostly been replaced with cellulose, sap, and wood. Her plant tissues are more durable and resilient than her old flesh, her aging process has slowed considerably, and she can completely regrow any lost body parts. Her body engages in photosynthesis, so she doesn’t need to breathe or eat food, though she still does, both for the pleasurable sensation and because she can derive nutrients from it; it’s the equivalent of spreading fertilizer over crops. She can also extend roots from her body down into soil to obtain water and nutrients, but eating and drinking feels more familiar. In addition to nourishing her, exposure to sunlight also super-charges her body's healing process. With an infusion of direct sunlight, her body is able to mend grievous injuries that would normally take hours or days to heal in a matter of minutes. The diseases and poisons of animals no longer affect her, although certain chemical fertilizers have effects on her similar to those of caffeine or alcohol when she discreetly adds them to her coffee and cocktails (which also makes those drinks toxic for anyone else). However, as a plant, she is more vulnerable to dehydration and extremes of temperature, her tissues are more flammable, and defoliants and herbicides which would be harmless to a human will kill her in a matter of seconds. But if she is killed, a piece of her corpse can be re-planted like a cutting, and, if it is able to take root and it gets the water, nutrients, and sunlight it needs, then it will eventually regrow her entire body. Through the symbiote, she can psychically detect, communicate with, animate, control, and alter plants. She can make them move and act on her behalf, and she can transform them extensively, shaping them like clay, greatly increasing or decreasing their size, strength, and resilience, and making them sprout flowers which burst open to unleash sedative latex, or psychoactive pollen which can cause hallucinations and render the victim susceptible to suggestion. She doesn't strictly need to take any physical action to alter or control plants, but she uses physical gestures to help herself focus. In battle, she looks like she's dancing or conducting an orchestra. Most of the transformations she causes reverse themselves quickly once she stops exerting the mental effort to maintain them; permanent changes require greater effort. Nearby plants respond to her unconscious desires and survival instincts, moving out of her way, or moving and stretching to protect her, blocking or swatting aside incoming attacks. Her ability to shape plant matter with her thoughts also extends to her own body. She can make plant appendages like vines, thorns, leaves, and roots sprout from her skin, with whatever pigmentation or texture she desires. In battle, she often grows an extra layer of thick bark over her skin, harder than rock. She can release luciferns and their catalyzing enzymes into parts of her body, causing them to glow. In a battle, engaging directly with supervillains is her last resort. Her first priorities are healing the wounded, and using her Create Object and Move Object powers to protect bystanders and other heroes, either by shielding them or by moving them to a safe place. When she does fight directly, she attempts to restrain or incapacitate her foes while doing as little harm as possible. She can create vines to whip or strangle, or thorns to cut and stab, either from her own body or by altering other plants, but she’s so loathe to inflict direct harm that she refuses to do so in all but the most desperate of circumstances. COMPLICATIONS Accidents: Her powers are potentially destructive, especially when used indoors. Tree roots might burst up through floors or streets, while tree branches and stretched bushes come crashing through windows and walls. The GM can give her a Hero Point if the use of her powers causes a setback. Perhaps she triggers an effect like Environment Control which hinders her in the rest of the fight. Or maybe she endangers bystanders, and she must try to rescue them while the villain is still attacking. Alternately, the GM can give other PCs a Hero Point in exchange for making her attack powers affect her allies as well as the villains. For example, if she were to use her Fatigue power to spray a villain with a plant-derived sedative, and another hero then used a melee attack against that villain, the GM could declare retroactively that the Fatigue effect had acquired the Contagious extra, and some of the sedative was transferred from the villain to the melee-attacking hero, who now has to save against the Fatigue effect as well. Enemy (New Shadows): The pack of vampires Camellia destroyed on her first night as Persephone were affiliated with the New Shadows gang. The gang doesn't know that Camellia is Persephone, but they have figured out that Persephone is the one who killed their comrades. They haven't put a bounty on her, because, as a matter of honor and reputation, they want to be the ones to avenge themselves. But they are offering a reward for information about her and her whereabouts. The changes the alien symbiote has made to Persephone's biology make it unlikely that vampires would derive nourishment from her bodily fluids or that they would be able to transform her into another vampire, but they do intend to make her suffer and die for her affront against them. If repeated attempts to capture or kill her fail, then they may swallow their pride and seek outside assistance. If the gang got word of her presence in a particular place, then they could show up and make a bad situation even worse. Fame: Between helping to bring down "Croczilla" during Hurricane Dorian, spearheading the subsequent relief efforts, and becoming one of Vibora Bay's official municipal defenders, Persephone is becoming quite the local celebrity. The GM can give her a Hero Point when being recognized inconveniences her in some way. For example, a civilian trying to meet her or get a picture of her may put themselves in danger (intentionally or not) during a crisis situation, distracting her from the task at hand. "Good Thing You Can Heal!": Persephone's ability to regrow lost limbs and come back from the dead is practically an invitation for the GM to maim and kill her. Since her powers do not require the use of her hands, and her Flight effect allows her to move without using her legs, if the GM intends to give her a Hero Point in exchange for the loss of limb, then they should impose some other negative condition upon her to reflect the trauma (see pages 170-171 of Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Edition for a list of options). However, if her Weakness to defoliants and herbicides is what kills her, then she should not get a Hero Point, since she already got power points for that drawback. Her Resurrection power requires a week to take effect, so killing her will effectively remove her from the current story, rendering a Hero Point reward irrelevant, unless the other PCs have access to an effect which could speed up the process, such as Boost, Resurrective Healing, or Dimensional Movement to a plane where time passes more quickly. A GM can, however, give her a bonus Hero Point at the start of a different story if she was removed from the current one in such a manner. Honor: She will always choose to help bystanders, even if it means letting the villain get away. She always uses the minimum force required to incapacitate a villain, and she will accept any surrender immediately. Even though she’s good at sniffing out lies, cunning villains can manipulate her by telling her what she wants to hear. The GM can give her a Hero Point if this causes some sort of setback, such as a penalty on a Sense Motive check or a free surprise attack against her. Hopeless Romantic: Friends and family have joked over the years that she "falls in love with every man she meets". The GM can give her a Hero Point in exchange for giving her a circumstance penalty on opposed interaction skill checks like Bluff or Diplomacy, or saving throws against effects like Emotion Control (Love), if her opponent is a man with a high Charisma score, interaction skill bonus, and/or the Attractive feat, or if the player and GM agree that he’s “her type”. The GM can also give her a Hero Point if she suffers a setback on account of being distracted by attraction, such as being surprise attacked. Finally, the GM can give her a Hero Point in exchange for forcing her to make a saving throw or skill check to avoid being Dazed or Fascinated, as if the attractive character had and used those feats, even if he did not. Medium (Plant Control): The GM can give her a Hero Point in exchange for arbitrarily deciding that there are no plants close enough for her to use her Plant Control array. At the GM’s discretion, this could 1) deprive her of the power entirely, 2) make it operate at a reduced power rank, since she would have to harvest material for the plant structures from her own body, or 3) make it acquire the Tiring or Side-Effect flaw, for the same reason. Normal Identity: If a villain were to restrain her or otherwise render her helpless, then they could surgically (or violently) remove the symbiote plant from inside her chest. If this were to happen, then all the changes it has made to her body would gradually revert, and she would lose all her powers and become a normal human again. Both she and the symbiote would suffer from withdrawal, and either of them could die, especially if the symbiote was removed violently. If the GM ever caused such a horrendous thing to occur, then giving her a Hero Point would be the least they could do. Phobia (Fire): Fire is one of the few things which can cause her serious harm, and she has an instinctual fear of it. The GM can give her a Hero Point in exchange for forcing her to make a Will save against an Emotion Control (Fear) effect. The GM is free to assign the effect whatever power rank they choose, but it should take into account the size and intensity of the fire (the effective Damage rank) and her proximity to it. Power Loss (Immunity): There are some circumstances in which her Immunity powers would not apply. These circumstances are too rare to merit a Power Loss drawback or a Limited/Medium/Source flaw. She still ages, but more like a tree than a human, so she has Immunity to Aging. The GM can temporarily Nullify that Immunity, give her a Hero Point, and force her to save against an effect with the "Aging" descriptor. She is Immune to Critical Hits by default because, while her body is not truly homogeneous, she has so few vital areas that the chance of hitting one of them is not statistically significant. If an enemy scores what would normally be a critical hit against her, or hits with an attack which would normally gain bonus damage from Sneak Attack, then the GM can decide that she has been hit in one of those vital areas, temporarily Nullify her Immunity, give her a Hero Point, and force her to save against the increased attack DC. She is not affected by the diseases or poisons of animals, but she is affected by the ones which target plants. But while those are not rare in real life, they rarely come up during play. If the GM exposes her to a plant disease or a poison which affects plants, then they can give her a Hero Point and force her to save against them. She may suffer the effects of Suffocation if she is caught in a vacuum, or immersed in water too dark and deep for any sunlight to trigger her photosynthesis. Similarly, if deprived of both food (either animal food or nutritious soil) and sunlight, then she will begin suffering from starvation, despite her Immunity to it. The GM can give her a Hero Point if she is caught in such circumstances and begins suffocating or starving. She is not Immune to Thirst at all. Power Loss (Regeneration): She has Vulnerability drawbacks for several damage descriptors. When she suffers Damage with one of these descriptors, the GM can give her a Hero Point and act as though the incoming Damage effect has the Incurable power feat, effectively Nullifying her Regeneration power and forcing her to recover at the normal rate with the normal amount of required rest. Responsibilities: As one of Vibora Bay's official municipal defenders, Persephone has not just a moral obligation to defend the city, but a legal one as well. Camellia, meanwhile, has a large, active social network of family, school friends, sorority sisters, and former coworkers. She’ll drop everything to come to their aid. The GM can give her a Hero Point if a request for that aid comes at the worst possible time. She also has standing appointments with paying clients at her psychiatry practice four days a week, with the potential for emergency calls during off hours. The GM can give her a Hero Point if her day job somehow interferes with her hero work, or vice versa. Secret (Identity): The GM can give her a Hero Point if a potential reveal of her identity causes her some sort of setback, or if a villain learns her identity and then creates a setback for her by going after her friends, family, and/or patients. Soft-Hearted: She doesn’t like to see anyone suffer, even villains. As good as she is at telling truth from lies, she’s still a sucker for a sob story. The GM can give her a Hero Point in exchange for a penalty on checks like Sense Motive to discern the truth behind a wounded-gazelle gambit. Where others may see “A hard man doing a hard job, willing to make the tough choices and do what’s necessary”, she sees only callousness and cruelty which she cannot abide. She’s as likely to come to blows with “grim dark avenger” vigilantes as she is with actual supervillains. The GM can give either her or another PC a Hero Point in exchange for forcing her either to not take a certain action which would harm another person, or else to take a certain action which would prevent harm to another person or end harm they were already enduring. For example, if a villain appeared to already be restrained, incapacitated, or severely weakened, and another PC were still attacking them, or interrogating them in a violent or threatening manner, then the GM could invoke this complication, force her to put a stop to it, and give either her or the other PC a Hero Point. ABILITIES 48PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 30/18 (+10/+4) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 24 (+7) Charisma: 24 (+7) COMBAT 14PP Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) Attack: +4 Base, +8 Plant Control Grapple: +4, +20 Plant Control Defense: +8 (+7/+3 Base, +1 Dodge Focus), +4/+2 Flat-Footed Knockback Resistance: 11/2, 6/2 once Unreliable Impervious is depleted SAVING THROWS 3PP Toughness: +12/+4 (+10/+4 Con, +2 Protection; Impervious 10 [Unreliable, 5 uses]) Fortitude: +10/+4 (+10/+4 Con, +0PP) Reflex: +8/+4 (+4 Dex, +4 Enhanced Reflex, +0PP) Will: +10 (+7 Wis, +3PP) SKILLS 120R = 30PP Acrobatics 6 (+10) Bluff 13 (+20)Distract, Skill Mastery, Taunt Concentration 3 (+10) Craft (Artistic) 8 (+10) Diplomacy 8 (+15)Connected, Fascinate, Skill Mastery Gather Information 13 (+20)Contacts Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) 13 (+15) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 13 (+15) Knowledge (Popular Culture) 3 (+5) Languages 2 (English [Native], French, Spanish) Medicine 3 (+10) Notice 1 (+8) Perform (Dance) 3 (+10) Perform (Oratory) 8 (+15)Skill Mastery Sense Motive 13 (+20)Skill Mastery Swim 10 (+10) FEATS 15PP Benefit 2 (Status [Vibora Bay City Defender], Wealth) Connected Contacts Distract (Bluff) Dodge Focus Fascinate (Diplomacy) Interpose Leadership Luck 3 Quick Change Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Perform [Oratory], Sense Motive) Taunt POWERS 109PP Enhanced Constitution 12 [12PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Plant Body) Enhanced Defense 4 [8PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Animate Plants, Plant Control, Psychic) Enhanced Reflex 4 [4PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Animate Plants, Plant Control, Psychic) Environment Control 1 (Light [Level 1]; Area: 5ft radius; Extras: Action [Move]; Flaws: Range [Touch]) [1PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Bioluminescence, Plant Body, Shapeshifting) Flight 2 (25MPH, 250ft per Move Action; Extras: Affects Others; Flaws: Platform) [4PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Animate Plants, Plant Control, Psychic) Immunity 9 (Aging; Critical Hits; Disease; Own Powers; Poison; Starvation/Thirst; Suffocation) [9PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Photosynthesis, Plant Body) Impervious Toughness 10 (Extras: Force Field [Free Action, Sustained Duration]; Flaws: Unreliable [5 uses]) [5PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Bark Armor, Plant Body, Shapeshifting) Morph 1 (Broad Group [Humanoids]; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Action [Move], Limited [Plant-People]) [1PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Plant Body, Shapeshifting) Plant Control 17 (34PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 6) [40PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Psychic) Base Power: [34PP] (Additional Descriptors: Animate Plants) Move Object 12 (Range: 10 120ft Increments, 1,200ft Max; Lifting Strength: 60, Heavy Load: 50 tons; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Improved Pin, Indirect 3, Subtle, Variable Descriptor [Animating plants, either to move themselves, or to grasp and move non-plant targets]) [34PP] Alternate Power: [34PP] (Additional Descriptors: Animate Plants, Plant Growth) Create Object 12 (Range: 1,200ft; Volume: 12 cubes; Toughness: 12; Lifting Strength: 60, Heavy Load: 50 tons; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Feedback; Feats: Indirect 3, Progression [Size] 4 [100ft cubes], Selective, Stationary, Subtle) [34PP] Alternate Power: [34PP] (Additional Descriptors: Animate Plants, Flowers, Psychoactive Pollen) Emotion Control 12 (Extras: Secondary Effect; Flaws: Range [Ranged, 10 120ft Increments, 1,200ft Max]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Mind Blank, Reversible, Subtle) [34PP] Alternate Power: [34PP] (Additional Descriptors: Animate Plants, Flowers, Sedative Latex) Fatigue 12 (Extras: Range [Ranged, 10 120ft Increments, 1,200ft Max], Secondary Effect; Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Reversible, Sedation, Subtle) [34PP] Alternate Power: [34PP] (Additional Descriptors: Medicinal Plants, Plant Body) Healing 11 (Extras: Action [Standard], Restoration, Total; Flaws: Distracting, Limited [Others]; Feats: Variable Descriptor [Healing plants with florakinesis directly, or using plants to make super-salves to heal others]) [34PP] Alternate Power: [21 + 13 = 34PP] (Additional Descriptors: Animate Plants, Grasping Branches/Roots/Vines) Snare 12 (Range: 10 120ft Increments, 1,200ft Max; Extras: Linked [Trip]; Flaws: Feedback; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Reversible, Subtle) [21PP] Trip 12 (Range: 10 120ft Increments, 1,200ft Max; Extras: Linked [Snare]; Feats: Improved Throw) [13PP] Alternate Power: [34PP] (Additional Descriptors: Shape Plants) Transform 12 (Plants; Extras: Duration [Continuous, Lasting]; Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect, Progression [Mass] 3 [Rank 15, 25 tons], Subtle) [34PP] Plant Telepathy 2 (4PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power) [5PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Plant Control, Psychic) Base Power: [4PP] Comprehend 2 (Plants 2 [Speak To; Understand]) [4PP] Alternate Power: [4PP] Super-Senses 4 (Postcognition; Extras: Simultaneous; Flaws: Medium [Plants]) [4PP] Protection 2 [2PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Plant Body) Regeneration 9 (Recovery Rate: Bruised 3 [No rest], Injured 6 [No rest]) [9PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Plant Body) Regeneration 4 (Recovery Rate: Staggered 1 [20 minutes], Disabled 2 [1 hour], Resurrection 1 [1 week]; Flaws: Source [Sunlight]; Feats: Regrowth) [3PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Cutting, Plant Body) Super-Movement 1 (Permeate 1 [1/4 Speed]; Flaws: Limited [Plants]) [1PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Animate Plants, Plant Control, Psychic) Super-Senses 5 (Plant Awareness; Descriptor Frequency: Common; Sense Type: Mental, Default Extras: None; Extras: Acute, Radius, Ranged) [5PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Plant Control, Psychic) DRAWBACKS -14PP Vulnerability (Cold effects; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Moderate [+50% Effect Rank]) [-3PP] Vulnerability (Dehydration effects; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-1PP] Vulnerability (Fire/Heat effects; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Moderate [+50% Effect Rank]) [-3PP] Weakness (Defoliants/Herbicides; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Moderate [-1 Con]; Time: 2/round) [-7PP] ATTACK RANGE SAVING THROW EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Create Object Ranged DC22 Reflex Trapped Dropped Object Ranged/Area DC22 Reflex Avoided DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Emotion Control Ranged DC22 Will (Staged) Calm: Removes all Emotion Control conditions Despair: Shaken/Helpless Fear: Shaken/Frightened/Panicked Hate: Attitude = Hostile Hope: Removes Despair and Fear Love: Attitude = Friendly/Helpful/Fanatical Fatigue Ranged DC22 Fortitude (Staged) Fatigued/Exhausted/Unconscious Healing Touch DC21 Fortitude (Harmless) Healing Move Object Ranged Grapple vs +22 Pinned/Bound Thrown Object Throwing (Str 50) DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Snare Ranged DC22 Reflex (Staged) Entangled/Bound Transform Touch +5ft DC20 Fortitude Transformed TOTALS Abilities (48) + Combat (14) + Saving Throws (3) + Skills (30) + Feats (15) + Powers (109) - Drawbacks (14) = 203/205 Power Points
  18. Soliton Power Level: 10 [11] (150/169PP) Unspent Power Points: 19 Trade-Offs: -5 Attack/+5 Damage In Brief: Physics Manipulating teen hero trying hard to impress her mom. Alternate Identity: Mia Mustafic-Markov Birthplace: Freedom City, New Jersey Residence: Claremont Occupation: Student/Moody Teenager Affiliations: Claremont Family: Serena Mustafic (mother), Pete Markov (father), Ahmed Mustafic (maternal grandfather), Haim Markov (paternal grandfather), Rahav Markov (paternal grandmother), Rachel Morgan (godmother) Description: Age: 16 (DoB: September 1, 2003) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian-American (Bosnian-Russian Jewish mix) Height: 6’01” Weight: 134 lbs Eyes: Grey Hair: Black Mia is tall for a woman, standing 6’01”, and is very, very skinny. So much so that she tends to get asked if she's eating well enough at home. She’s pale, with skin dappled with freckles, and has long black hair that falls all the way down past her butt. She has a heart-shaped face, with long, thin and arched eyebrows that make her look vaguely sinister or mean. She has almond-shaped grey eyes that she inherited from her mother’s side. She also has a small tattoo on her arm in the form of a Bosnian flag. Mia’s fashion sense tends towards baggy t-shirts and loose jeans, hoodies and skirts and sometimes shorts and tank-tops. When winter comes, she simply layers up on sweaters. Most of her clothes have holes in them - this is a choice on her part. As Soliton, she creates an outfit that's a black and white body suit that alternates colours - a white left leg, black left arm, black right leg and white right arm along with a white torso emblazoned with a stylized Einsteinium atom on her chest. Those who know anything about chemistry will notice that it is in fact accurate in the number of electrons represented as dots. History: Mia Mustafic-Markov was an unlikely baby. Though her mother Serena Mustafic didn’t know it at the time, the crystals in Serena’s blood that gave her powers were incredibly volatile, and posed a serious threat to anyone who received blood from her, including any children. Unfortunately for Serena, she only found this out when she was 4 months pregnant with Mia. Desperately, Serena enlisted the help of the only super genius she knew, Rachel Morgan. With her help, a few treatments were devised to help ensure that the pregnancy would go fine without any baby explosions. It seemed to work, since 5 months later a healthy baby named Mia Mustafic-Markov was born. Mia grew up poor, the result of a hasty marriage and a mother who was a high-school dropout, and more than that, an ex-supervillain without a lot of prospects. Despite her parents’ best attempts to provide for her, Mia grew up on secondhand clothes and cheap, off-brand variants of the toys her classmates played with. Occasionally, her parents would splurge and get her something nice, but she always felt the economic after-effects. It got even worse when her parents separated, spreading a thin budget even thinner. Even when her grandfather, Ahmed (who she was very close to) chipped in, From a young age, Mia displayed strange abilities, but most of them were fairly controllable and mundane until Mia hit the age of 8 years old. While at her mother’s apartment, she managed to terrify Serena, after a fight over how late she was allowed to stay up, teleported to Dubai for a couple hours, until she calmed down and returned home, much to the relief of her mother who thought that their child had just exploded out of existence. She then managed to disintegrate her broccoli when her mom tried to get her to eat it, which was concerning. Unfortunately, Serena considered Nicholson's off the table - she didn't trust the superhero community, and figured they didn't trust her. After that, her parents tried very hard to try and manage her powers and get her to use them as little as possible. What made things worse is that they didn’t really understand where her powers came from - they especially didn’t expect that the procedures that allowed Mia to survive the crystals actually caused them to dissolve and become a part of her. This did not sit well with Mia, who began to feel that her parents were embarrassed of her. Combined with frustration at her poverty, Mia began to act out. It was never anything too serious, only minor acts of rebellion. Shoplifting, staying out late. When she was 15, she finally got busted stealing some make-up. Serena had noticed her daughter growing distant and moody, but when Mia got busted for shoplifting, she realized something was wrong. It wouldn’t have normally fazed her, but it seemed like this was the sign that Mia was going down on a bad path. Mia herself didn’t know what path she was headed on, but she knew she was angry. There was a fight, a lot of screaming, and then a talk. Serena apologized for forcing Mia to hide herself. Mia apologizing for blaming Serena. It wasn’t easy, but it was ‘agreed’ that Mia would go to Claremont to explore her powers in a safer environment, while Serena would try to be someone that Mia could look up to more. It’s not a perfect solution, but they’re working with what they got. Personality & Motivation: Mia’s a typical moody teenager, prone to sarcastic comments and acting out, but her heart is in the right place. She is generally indignant at injustice and doesn’t want to hurt anyone. She’s also hot-tempered and a little self-righteous, not to mention great at making excuses for herself. Mia’s also a deeply insecure young woman. She’s grown too quickly and too awkwardly for her liking, and is generally afraid people find her ugly or embarrassing to be around. This insecurity extends to her relationships with her family - she is still afraid her mom is mad at her, or that she hasn’t lived up to what her father wants her to be, or anything like that. Her relationship to her powers are complex. She has not been able to use them much for most of her life, so she is eager to explore them, but she’s also aware of how destructive they can be. They also make misbehaving pretty easy. Like her mother, Mia is very much into music as a form of self-expression. She plays multiple instruments, and enjoys all of them. She's also acutely away that her talents with music can impress people, and she hopes make people like her. That does sometimes lead to her losing sight and getting frustrated and anxious when she messed up when playing, however. Powers & Tactics: Soliton is a highly mobile fighter, thanks to her teleportation abilities. She is, however, not very accurate. She instead relies on the fact that her offensive capabilities are highly destructive and can cover a large area. If she feels confident, she is willing to teleport up into someone’s space and try and melt an enemy’s weapon or armour, or maybe convert them into something strange and useless. Power Descriptions: Mia’s powers derive from the near total-body infusion of the strange chemical that made up the crystals in her mother’s blood. Now no longer crystals, they are part of almost every cell in her, giving her mutant powers. Mia is giving off a low level electromagnetic field at all times, but in most cases it is invisible. However, when she starts using her powers, the air around her begins to shimmer and twinkle as it interacts with the molecules around her. Some might even say it sparkles, but she would be very cross with them. The effect becomes more intense closer to whatever she is affecting, to the point that objects she is transforming are nearly engulfed in light as she rearranges the atoms. Her matter manipulation powers function by Mia projecting her field on the atomic and molecular level manipulating them into whatever shape she wants. When she creates antimatter, she simply makes her field invert the charge of a few atoms. If she directs it, it takes the form of a controlled, contained beam of energy, but if she doesn't, it disperses in a giant blast, which, while not as powerful, covers a wide area. When she uses her dimensional powers, she instead projects her field and entangles with wherever she wants to be, opening up a hole in space-time and travelling to where she wants to go, or opening up a portal to her pocket dimension. Her force-field works on a similar principle, simply using short, small stutters of teleportation to reduce enemy effectiveness in terms of damage. When she creates an anti-matter explosion, a long tendril of her energy reaches out to the point she is converting, whereupon she inverts the charge of a few atoms. This creates a small point of light, which rapidly expands into a massive burst of radiation and light. When she teleports, the world visibly bends before suddenly snapping back into place with a loud crack, and the same thing happens on the other end. Complications: Forgot my Inhaler: Mia suffers from mild asthma, usually not a problem for her and almost always solved from one or two puffs from her inhaler. Except, there’s a problem. She’s kind of forgetful, especially since she’s embarrassed of her condition, so sometimes she can find herself in a bad spot without it at hand. The GM can inflict a Staggered or Nauseated condition. Still Getting the Hang of This: Mia has not had ample opportunity to practice her matter manipulation powers, and at times she gets effects she did not intend for. The GM can award her a point for causing some negative effect for her powers she did not plan. Devil on Her Shoulder: Mia is a bubbling mass of insecurities and angst, and can often be motivated to do things that aren’t in her best interests when pushed. Abilities: 0 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 0 + 2 = 16PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 4 + 8 = 12PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +5 Ranged, +2 Base Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +2 Knockback: -5/-1 Saving Throws: 6 + 6 + 6 = 18PP Toughness: +10/+2 (+2 Con, +8 Force Field) Fortitude: +8 (+2 Con, +6) Reflex: +8 (+2 Dex, +6) Will: +6 (+0 Wis, +6) Skills: 60R = 15PP Computers 9 (+12) Craft (Electronics) 7 (+10) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 7 (+10) Perform (Percussion) 14 (+15) Perform (Singing) 14 (+15) Perform (Strings) 9 (+10) Feats: 13PP Accurate Attack Attack Focus (Ranged) 3 Dodge Focus 6 Luck 3 Powers: 3 + 8 + 34 + 31 = 76PP Dimensional Pocket 1 (Personal Storage; 250 lbs; PF: Progression) [3 PP] (Mutant, Dimensional) Force Field 8 (Displacement Field) [10 PP] (Mutant, Dimensional) Matter Manipulation (30 PP Array, PF: Alternate Power 4) (34 PP) BE: Damage 15 (Antimatter Cannon; Extras: Ranged) {30/30 PP} (Mutant, Atomic) BE: Damage 10 (Antimatter Burst; Extras: Area [Burst, General; 50-foot sphere], Ranged) {30/30 PP} (Mutant, Atomic) AP: Create Object 13 (Molecular Forge; 13 10-foot cubes; Extras: Continuous; Flaws; Permanent; Power Feats: Subtle, Precise, Innate, Progression) {30/30 PP} (Mutant, Atomic) AP: Transform 7 (Molecular Re-arranging; Inanimate Object to any Inanimate Object, 100 lb, Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting; PF: Subtle) {29/30 PP} (Mutant, Atomic) AP: Corrosion 10 (Molecular Disassembly) {30/30 PP} (Mutant, Atomic) Time-Space Manipulation (30 PP Array, PF: Alternate Power 1) (31 PP) BE: Teleport 9 (Extras: Accurate; PF: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy) {30/30} (Mutant, Dimensional) AP: Teleport 7 (Extras: Accurate, Affects Others; PF: Change Velocity, Change Direction) {30/30} (Mutant, Dimensional) DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Antimatter Burst Ranged, Area DC 20 Reflex Damage Antimatter Cannon Ranged DC 30 Toughness Damage Molecular Disassembly Touch DC 20 Fortitude Drain Toughness Molecular Forge (Dam.) Ranged DC 23 Reflex Damage Molecular Forge (Trap) Ranged DC 23 Reflex Imprison Totals: Abilities (16) + Combat (12) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (15) + Feats (13) + Powers (76) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/169 points
  19. Name: Crystal-Gazer Power Level: 13 (built as PL 10; 202/220PP) Tradeoffs: None Unspent PP: 18PP In Brief: Psionic teen trying to escape her criminal family. Alternate Identity: Louise 'Lulu' Beaumont Identity: Secret Birthplace: Columbia, AL Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: Charlene Beaumont (mother), Darryl Beaumont (father), Kyle Beaumont (older brother), Caleb Beaumont (older brother), Bobby Beaumont (older brother), Megan Howell-Harrow and Robert Harrow (foster parents), Lawrence Harrow (foster brother) Description: DOB: February 23, 2002 Gender: Female Height: 5' 6" Weight: 125 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Red Lulu is a pretty girl from Alabama with pale skin, long red hair and dark brown eyes. She wears a lot of denim, mostly cutoffs in her favorite colors (pink and black), and she favors denim purses trimmed with studs or sequins. In terms of shoes, she has a large collection of pink sneakers and gym shoes, and she often wears girly baseball caps. She doesn't wear a lot of makeup, mostly just enhancing her lips and eyes. Since moving in with the Harrows, her style has become a bit more sophisticated, especially at formal events. She hasn't figured out a costume yet, but is leaning towards a mixture of black, pink and rhinestones. History: The Beaumont family has a somewhat checkered past back in Columbia, Alabama, with a history full of moonshine stills, reckless driving, and the occasional assault or petty theft. But those exploits are largely associated with the men of the family; the Beaumont women are known for something entirely different. Some call it ‘the gift’ and others ‘the sight’, but the red-headed women of this family all seem to have an eeriness to them. Harriet Beaumont predicted the 1935 Labor Day Hurricane, and Imogene Beaumont before her saw the Blocton Mine cave-in of 1895 clear as day. The fact of the matter is, very few of the Beaumonts have demonstrated the ‘true gift’, but that hasn't kept them from running a lucrative fortune-telling business for over forty years out of a rundown house just outside of town. On the night Lulu was born, a bolt of lightning struck a tree in their backyard, splitting it right down the middle, though there hadn't been a storm. Her father Darryl, an assistant manager at the local Piggly Wiggly who’d recently been fired for stealing steaks, declared nothing good would ever come of the girl, and seemed determined to prove his point. Darryl hounded her incessantly throughout her childhood, while showering undeserved praise on his delinquent sons Kyle and Caleb, both of whom were notorious in the Columbia area for drunken fights and making their own explosives. Only the Beaumont’s youngest son Bobby ever showed her any kindness, and they had always been close. However, once she began to show signs of the true sight at age ten, everything changed; suddenly Lulu was 'daddy's little girl’ as Darryl finally saw a way to use her to make money. With Lulu's unseen help, the fortune-telling business became very profitable, but her daddy didn't stop there. He forced his young daughter to extract credit card and banking information from their clients’ minds, threatening her or Bobby with physical harm if she didn't comply. They even pulled her out of school when she turned thirteen, supposedly to ‘homeschool’ her, but really it was to have her around the house so she could do more 'sneakin’ and peekin'’, and her studies suffered. One day when she was a fifteen, it finally came to a head; Darryl wanted her to enter the thoughts of woman who'd just lost her husband, and was looking to talk to his ‘spirit’, a scam they'd pulled before. But the woman had three children to feed, and her daddy wanted to rob her blind. When Lulu refused to steal her thoughts, Darryl moved to strike her, but then he suddenly stopped; Lulu had just discovered her mind control ability. To her father's horror, she forced him to drive them both to the local police station to confess to his crimes. However she couldn't maintain control forever, and a confession under coercion is not legally admissible. The revelations were enough for DCFS to step in, and when word of her story reached the headmaster of Claremont Academy, an offer was made to place her with a foster family in Freedom and enroll her in the academy, where she could obtain a proper education and learn to use her powers for good. She chose the heroic name 'Crystal-Gazer’ after the derogatory term her dad used to describe the family fortune-telling business. Personality & Motivation: Lulu is friendly and outgoing, though prone to long, thoughtful gazes, which usually means she's using one of her powers. She loves to find out other people's stories, but is fairly reluctant to share her own, as she is deeply ashamed of her family. Though she learned a lot of tricks and scams from her brothers, she detests swindlers of any kind, and will only use these skills for harmless pranks or to punish wrongdoing. Lulu is very powerful psionic, the sort that only comes around once or twice a generation, and she feels awful about how her family used her powers for criminal gain. She is particularly interested in exposing con artists and loan sharks, and any who would harm mothers or children. Powers & Tactics: Lulu can read minds, project her senses miles away, send thoughts to others and create impressive psychic illusions, including the ability to make herself invisible, though this does not fool devices like cameras or other surveillance equipment. She can also control minds, though she finds this power a little unsettling. Lulu recently discovered an aptitude for telekinesis, which she's still learning to master. Up until recently, she mostly relied on her illusions to confuse or frighten bad guys, and her ESP is excellent for recon. If things get really desperate, she will take over a thug's body, and shift the balance of power that way. She's still figuring out the best ways to use her telekinesis, but is becoming more skilled with it every day. Complications: "Ah’m sorry, ah didn't mean to pry.” Sometimes it's hard for Lulu to resist the urge to poke around other people's heads, even though she knows it's wrong. “Ah can't let them find me!” Lulu lives in terror of her family tracking her down in Freedom and trying to take her back home. “There's too many voices in mah head!” As a small town psychic in a big city, sometimes Lulu can get overwhelmed by all the telepathic ‘noise’ in the area. “Oh, ah didn't mean nothin’ by it!” Sometimes Lulu likes to play pranks on her friends with her powers; it isn't always well-received. “Ah dunno; it just gets really hard sometimes.” Lulu's been through a lot and is a long way from home, and misses her brother Bobby. Sometimes this can lead to depression and loneliness. ABILITIES: 0 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 10 + 10 = 30PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 12 (+1) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 20 (+5) COMBAT: 8 + 10 = 18PP Initiative: +5 Attack: +4, +8 Throwing with Telekinesis Defense: +10 (+5 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +4, +20 w/ Telekinesis Knockback: -7, -5 flat-footed w/ Force Field; -3, -1 flat-footed w/out Force Field SAVES: 4 + 5 + 5 = 14PP Toughness: +10 (+2 Con, +4 Defensive Roll, +4 Force Field [Imp 4]), +6 flat-footed; +6 w/out FF, +2 flat-footed Fortitude: +6 (+2 Con, +4) Reflex: +6, (+1 Dex, +5) Will: +10 (+5 Wis, +5), Ultimate Save SKILLS: 92R=23PP Bluff 15 (+20) Concentration 15 (+20) Second Chance Diplomacy 15 (+20) Disable Device 3 (+5) Drive 4 (+5) Gather Information 5 (+10) Intimidate 5 (+10) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Streetwise) 3 (+5) Notice 10 (+15) Sense Motive 10 (+15) Survival 4 (+9) FEATS: 5PP Luck Second Chance (Concentration) Trance Taunt Ultimate Save (Will) Enhanced Feats Beginner's Luck Defensive Roll 2 Dodge Focus 5 Improved Initiative Uncanny Dodge (Mental) POWERS: 10 + 8 + 9 + 53 + 10 + 22 = 112PP (Descriptors: all psionic) Enhanced Feats 10 (Beginner's Luck, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 5, Improved Initiative, Uncanny Dodge) [10PP] (Telepathic) Flight 3 (50 mph / 500 feet per round; Feats: Subtle 2) [8PP] (Telekinetic) Force Field 4 (Extras: Impervious 4; PF: Subtle) [9PP] (Telekinetic) Psionics 23 (46PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 7) [53PP] Base Power: [46PP] ESP 7 (Sense Types: Auditory + Visual, Range: 200 miles, Extras: Action [Free], Duration [Sustained], Simultaneous, Feats: Rapid 3 [x1,000, 18 seconds / 3 rounds to Search a 5 mile diameter area, 6 minutes if Taking 20], Subtle [DC25 Notice]) {46/46} (Telepathic) Alternate Power: [37PP] Create Object 10 (10 25-ft. cubes, STR 50; Extras: Impervious 10; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Progression [Size] 2 [25-ft cubes], Selective, Subtle 2) {37/46} (Telekinetic) Alternate Power: [40PP] Damage 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Range 2 [Perception]) {40/46} (Telepathic) Alternate Power: [46PP] Illusion 10 (Sense Types: All; Extras: Selective; Flaws: Phantasm; Feats: Progression [Size] 6 [500ft radius]) {46/46} (Telepathic) Alternate Power: [43PP] Mind Control 10 (Extras: Conscious, Duration [Sustained, Lasting], Instant Command [Mental], Sensory Link; Flaws: Action [Full], Feedback; Feats: Mental Link, Subtle 2) {43/46} (Telepathic) Alternate Power: [44PP] Move Object 10 (Lifting Strength: 50, Heavy Load: 12 tons; Extras: Damaging, Range [Perception]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Precise, Subtle) {44/46} (Telekinetic) Alternate Power: [44PP] Stun 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Mental, Range 2 [Perception]; Feats: Reversible, Sedation, Subtle, Variable Descriptor [Pain or Sleep]) {44/46} (Telepathic) Alternate Power: [32PP] Transform 10 (Memory Alteration; Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Duration [Continuous, Lasting], Mental, Range [Perception]; Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Affects Insubstantial, Subtle) {32/46} (Telepathic) Super-Senses 14 (Danger Sense [Mental], Postcognition [Flaw: Uncontrolled], Precognition [Flaw: Uncontrolled], Psionic Awareness [Descriptor Frequency: Common, Sense Type: Mental {Default Extras: None}; Extras: Radius, Ranged], Uncanny Dodge [Mental]) [10PP] (Telepathic) Telepathy 10 (20PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [22PP] (Telepathic) Base Power: [20PP] Communication 10 (Mental, 200,000 miles; Extra: Linked [Comprehend]; Feats: Rapid 3 [x1000], Subtle) [14PP] + Comprehend 3 (Speak and Understand Any Language; Extra: Linked [Communication]) [6PP] (Telepathic) {20/20} Alternate Power: [11PP] Concealment 10 (All Senses, Flaw: Phantasm, Feat: Selective) (Telepathic) {11/20} Alternate Power: [12PP] Mind Reading 10 (Extras: Effortless, Mental; Flaw: Duration [Instant/Lasting]; Feat: Subtle 2) (Telepathic) {12/20} DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 16 Toughness Damage [Physical] Illusion Perception Check vs. Will Deceived Mental Blast Perception DC 20 Will Save Damage [Mental] Mental Transform Perception DC 20 Will Save Transformed Mind Control Perception DC 20 Will Save Controlled Mind Reading Perception DC 20 Will Save Read (Not an attack) Move Object Perception DC 25 Toughness Damage [Physical] Stun Perception DC 20 Will Save Dazed/Stunned or Asleep TOTALS: Abilities (30) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (14) + Skills (23) + Feats (5) + Powers (112) - Drawbacks (0) = 202/220 Power Points
  20. In Brief: Instead of becoming The Huntress, Helena Bertinelli becomes Spawn. Character: Mister Strix Power Level: 14 (Built as PL9) Tradeoffs: None Power Points: 218/218PP Unspent Points: 0 Alternate Identity: Gaetano “Guy” Giordano (Deceased) Identity: Secret. The public is not aware that either Gaetano Giordano or Mister Strix are undead, or that they are the same person. Legal Status: Deceased USA citizen with no criminal record. Birthplace: Bedlam City, Wisconsin, USA Base of Operations: Bedlam City Residence: The Twilight Lodge Occupation: President of The Twilight Lodge (current), E.R. Doctor (former) Affiliations: The Twilight Lodge (President), Father Cesare Messina (Retired Catholic priest, Friend) Family: Doctor Adriana Aparo (Widow), Luna Giordano née Gallo (Mother), Massimo “Mo” Giordano (Father), Matteo “Matt” Giordano (Older Brother), Flora Russo née Giordano (Older Sister), Rafael Giordano (Younger Brother, Deceased). Matt and Flora are both married, with children. Adriana has re-married, and she has a child with her new husband. DESCRIPTION Age: 38 (Date of Birth: 1981) Apparent Age: 31 (Date of Death: 2012) Gender: Male Ethnicity: (Sicilian) Italian-American Caucasian Height: 6’2” Weight: 165 lbs. Hair: Black Eyes: Black His superhero costume consists of a white skintight jumpsuit, mask, and cape. The chest of the jumpsuit is emblazoned with a white crescent moon set against a black circle. The edges of the cape and gloves are cut with notches suggestive of the feathers on a bird's wings. The gloves are fingerless. The mask covers his entire head except for his jaw and the lower half of his face. It has a shape similar to the feathers on the head of a horned owl. The bottom of the mask comes to a hook with a slight downward curve resembling a raptor's beak. Overall, it looks like a photo-negative version of the original Raven’s costume. Out of costume, a fan of old movies might compare him to a young (and underslept, and possibly ill) Lee Van Cleef or Basil Rathbone, while an enthusiast for more modern fare would compare him to a mid-1990s Nicolas Cage. His flesh is unnaturally pale, and always cold to the touch, regardless of any physical activity or environmental factors. When visible, his veins appear to be black. His build is slender. He was never bulky in life, and when he transformed, most of his fat burned away, and most of his internal organs shriveled and atrophied. His face is all sharp angles, with high, prominent cheekbones, a large nose, and a narrow, pointed chin. His hair is dark, and perpetually messy. (Since he has no reflection in mirrors, even if he had much reason to style his hair, he wouldn't be able to see what he was doing.) He has thick eyebrows, perpetually arched over eyes set deep in their sockets, eyes which always seem to be surrounded by shadows, regardless of the angle or intensity of light in the area. The irises of his eyes are completely black, indistinguishable from the pupils. The center of his eye is one solid black disk. His hands are slightly larger in proportion to the rest of his body than they should be, the fingers slightly longer. His voice is a deep baritone, surprisingly deep for someone of his size. When he feeds or uses his powers, his appearance becomes even more overtly monstrous. His veins bulge and darken. The blackness at the center of his eyes spreads to cover the entire eyeball. His mouth, canine teeth, and tongue all double in size. His voice deepens by at least a full octave, and echoes independent of the local acoustics. When he growls, he sounds like a tiger. HISTORY Guy Giordano’s life ended just as it was about to begin. Gaetano "Guy" Giordano was born the third of four children in an Italian-American family living in Stark Hill. The family all attended the local Catholic school and church. His mother was a librarian turned homemaker, and his father was a "made man" in the Scarpia crime family. Guy was closest with his younger brother, Raphael, and his mother, whom they both took after, being more gentle and scholastically inclined than their brutish father and older brother or their scheming "queen bee" older sister. When they grew up, Guy became a doctor, while Raphael became a priest. Guy went to college and medical school in Chicago and Detroit, and earned a doctorate in emergency medicine alongside Adriana Aparo, his fellow student. After they completed their residency, they got engaged, spent a year working with Doctors Without Borders in Libya and the Congo, then moved back to Bedlam, got married, and bought a house. They were just about to start trying for their first child when Guy got sick and died. Unbeknownst to his family, Guy's younger brother Raphael wasn't just a priest, but a Vatican-sponsored monster-hunter. Raphael had destroyed a powerful elder vampire, and the even older and more powerful vampire who had created that elder took his revenge and replaced the lost member of his "family" by killing Raphael's favorite brother and turning him into a vampire. Raphael was no match for the vampire, who only ever identified himself as "Johann." He ambushed Raphael at the cemetery where Guy was buried. Guy dug himself out of his own grave, emerging in a mindless feeding-frenzy, and Johann made sure that Raphael was caught helpless in Guy's path. Guy drained his little brother dry. After Guy's bloodlust faded and he cried out in anguish over what he'd done, Johann wished him a taunting "Happy Birthday" and stabbed him in the heart with a wooden stake, putting him in a coma. Then he locked Guy's unconscious body in a box and left it there for five years. When Johann finally took the stake out of his heart, Guy woke up, but he had no idea how much time had passed. He ran home, only to learn that his wife lived there with her new husband and their child. He fled the scene before anyone spotted him. Johann laughed, taunted him with another "Happy Birthday," and vanished. Guy spent the next year living in the shadows of Bedlam. He spent days sleeping in sewers, abandoned basements, and hastily dug holes in the dirt, rarely staying in the same place twice. He spent the nights spying on his family and his widow, and through a mix of research and trial and error, figuring out how much time had passed, what had happened to him and what he could do. When he drank Raphael's blood, he absorbed his memories, so he knew that he was a “vampire,” but that could mean a hundred different things. He spent many nights at local libraries, catching up on recent history and researching his “condition.” An academic at heart, he felt “at home” there, and since he could ignore alarms and surveillance equipment, hypnotize guards, and slip through locked doors as a cloud of mist, he had the run of the place. When he needed blood, he would grab sewer rats, or hypnotize the employees at the less ethical animal “shelters,” so he could drain the cats and dogs already scheduled for execution. At first, he made the mistake of trying to subsist entirely on animal blood. But he learned the hard way that the inferior quality (for his purposes) of animal blood would only satisfy his undead body for so long. After the first time he snapped and almost killed a random person on the street, he made an effort to regularly infuse his diet with human blood. He limited his human feeding to whatever criminals and corrupt cops he could find, often guys he recognized as his father’s employees and associates. At one point, he decided that he needed to be destroyed, and even if suicide was a sin, the greater sin would be continuing to live as a monster. So he fought through his instinct to sleep during the day, and he tried to walk out into the sun. He was terribly burned, but he discovered that his undead body had a powerful instinct for self-preservation, one he could not overcome. He fled the light, slept deeper and woke up thirstier than ever before, and by the time he regained the capacity for rational thought, he was standing over the half-drained body of what was now the second random person he had almost murdered. After that debacle, he stopped trying to kill himself. During a chance encounter near the end of his first year as a vampire, he saved the life of a 70-year-old retiree and "supply priest," Father Cesare Messina. Father Messina quickly became his friend and confidant, the only source of human interaction for him since his death. Father Messina felt that it was his duty to help Guy figure out God's plan for him, even if that just meant praying for him and chatting with him over coffee. Father Messina reminded him that the best way to heal one’s own pain was to help others with theirs. As they spoke, an idea formed between the two of them. Guy could do what everyone with extraordinary abilities and a secret to protect did to help make the world better: He could put on a mask, and become a superhero, “Like Raven, that guy in Freedom City.” Father Messina was an ornithology enthusiast, so when the subject of superheroes came up, Raven's was the first name that came to his mind. Of the decorations in Father Messina's home, the pictures and sculptures of owls outnumbered the Christian imagery by at least ten to one. With little prompting from Guy, Father Messina practically gushed about how owls were found all over the world, in all kinds of environments, and how they appear in the myths of almost every culture on the planet, usually as demons or psychopomps. Guy mentioned a local legend he’d heard in the Congo about how owls hunted humans to eat their souls. That reminded Father Messina that while the more popular modern vampire myths describe them transforming into bats, in older stories, they turned into owls. Just like that, Guy knew what form his disguise should take. The tailor who would later craft it was hypnotized to misremember the job, but he was well-paid. "Mister Strix" was born. At the start of this new chapter in Guy's life, Johann reappeared, attacking him without warning and beating him almost to a second death. Then Johann laughed, taunted him with yet another "Happy Birthday," and disappeared. To Guy's surprise, he laughed too. Johann’s assault had an oddly invigorating effect on him. If Johann was still trying to break him, that meant he wasn't broken yet. His conversations with Father Messina had given him a new sense of purpose, but Johann’s beating gave him a new sense of hope. His existence might be evil, but he could still do some good with it. He might not be a doctor anymore, he wasn't going to let that stop him anymore from doing the same thing in death that he used to do in life: Try to save people. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Like any good Catholic, the primary driving force in his life has always been guilt. When he was a child, it was guilt over the apple, and the crucifixion, and not being the son his father wanted. When adolescence opened his eyes a little wider, it was guilt over who his father was and how he made his money. He became a doctor and went to war zones so that he could try to save more lives than his father had destroyed. Now it’s guilt over what he is and what he has to do. In life, he was quiet and gentle, but determined. He always tried to put others before himself. People always told him he was “a good listener.” He loved his wife. He loved his family, even if he didn't like them. He inherited his mother’s love of books, opera, traditional French and Italian cooking, and when he got older, coffee and wine. He always seemed to have his nose in a book. He’d lived in war zones, but he’d never really been in a fight. He'd never wanted to hurt anyone. In death, everything that used to define him or bring him joy has been stolen from him, and he's become a predator who leaves ruin in his wake, a danger to everyone around him. Violence now feels as natural to him as breathing used to, and the only thing that truly brings him joy anymore is sinking his fangs into another person’s neck and sucking the blood out of their veins. He hates the thing he’s been turned into, and the things who turned him into it. He’s trying to make the best of it. POWERS & TACTICS In his mortal life, he was a fully licensed medical doctor with a specialization in emergency medicine, with field experience in multiple war zones. In combat, he is an unskilled brawler, relying entirely on the animal instinct and enhanced physical prowess he gained when he became a vampire. Everything he “knows” about fighting, he learned from movies and television. Popular culture is also his main source of “knowledge” about his own condition. He’s studying all the relevant history and mythology he can get his hands on, but it’s a slow process. The vampire who killed him didn’t tell him anything. Most of what he can do either comes from pure instinct, or is something he read about and decided to try that worked, either immediately or with practice. He is undead, preserved and animated by the life-consuming energy that is the pure darkness of the Schattenwelt, in a process fueled by blood magic. His undead body is far more resilient than his human body was. His skeleton is harder than stone, but just as light as human bone. His flesh feels human to the touch, but displays a resistance to cutting or puncturing more akin to thick leather or Kevlar. His body somehow metabolizes the blood he drinks to sustain his existence, keep him preserved, heal his wounds, and alter his body in ways he is only beginning to explore. He can increase his strength, speed, and agility to superhuman levels, grow claws that can shred metal and stone as if it were paper, or transform into a cloud of mist. His blood can also heal the wounds of others (a Healing power stunt off of his main array), though consuming his blood can bring unpredictable side-effects (a temporary Complication for the other character). He also has some psychic powers. He can broadcast a psychic command which forces the minds of others to ignore his presence. He can more directly hypnotize anyone who looks him in the eye, forcing them to obey all his commands and re-writing their memories. When he bites a living creature and sucks their blood, the combination of sharp fangs, endorphin rush, and blood loss makes it difficult for the victim to understand what is happening or to remember it clearly after the fact, even if he hasn't mesmerized them. Since his blood can heal wounds, he can use his fang to cut his tongue, then lick the puncture wounds closed with the transfer of blood. This combination allows his feeding to go mostly undetected. His senses are several orders of magnitude more acute than his "natural prey", normal humans. He can see clearly in total darkness, pick out tiny details at long range, hear frequencies beyond the the normal range of human hearing, and track by scent like a bloodhound. From a distance, he can hear a person’s heartbeat, hear the blood pulsing through their veins, and smell their breath. Like a shark, he can sniff out even tiny amounts of blood from far away. The smell and taste of blood can give him the type of information about its owner that would make a crime lab jealous. When he tastes blood, he can also tap into any psychic resonance it has absorbed, experiencing the memories of its original owner like they were his own. He’s also learned the hard way that he has just about every quirk and weakness that’s ever been attributed to vampires in folklore. He doesn't have to worry about running water or being invited into a home, but that’s about it. COMPLICATIONS Achilles Heels & Weaksauce Weaknesses: Certain plants, objects, and symbols of mystical and religious significance will repel him, interfere with his movement, and cause him pain and injury. He cannot stand them, even if they were a source of joy or comfort in his mortal life. Daylight Fire Garlic: All parts and states of the garlic plant affect him: The flower and the bulb, whether living, freshly harvested, or even ground into dry powder. Unlike most plants, garlic never withers or dies merely from being in his presence (see "Walking Wasteland", below). Holy Symbols & Blessed Items: Holy symbols and items affect him at the GM’s discretion, on a case by case basis. Generally, the holy symbol must belong to a “Good” deity, or a deity whose portfolio includes concepts such as “Healing,” “Life,” “Light, or “The Sun.” Foods and liquids which have been “blessed,” such as holy water, or which have ritual significance, such as the wine and wafers used in Communion, will also affect him. Holy symbols and items will affect him even if he, or the character wearing or wielding them, do not believe in (or even know of) the religion with which they are associated. However, if he attempts to force his way past the holy object and some sort of opposed check is required, a wielder who knows, believes in, or reveres the deity associated with the holy item will have a better chance of winning the opposed check than a wielder who is ignorant, skeptical, or blasphemous. Jade Mirrors: He has no reflection. Like machines, mirrors do not register his presence. If he can exert enough willpower to stare into a mirror, then a vague, blurry semblance of his visage may briefly appear, only to vanish as soon as he turns away. This effort may cause the mirror to crack, or even to shatter. Mirrors also sometimes break even if he briefly glances at them, or passes by them without peek. Salt: Pure salt will affect him, but saltwater will not, nor will food with a high salt content. Silver Wolf’s Bane: See “Garlic,” above. Everything described there applies to wolf’s bane as well. Wooden Stakes: He can be incapacitated if his heart is impaled with a piece of wood. It doesn't matter if the “stake” is made entirely of wood or not, so long as the part lodged in his heart is composed of pure, whole wood. An arrow or spear with a steel head and a wooden shaft would work, but a piece of compressed particle board would not. Wood and wooden implements do not cause him any of the fear, discomfort, or damage described below, and staking his heart is the only circumstance under which a wooden weapon will overcome his resilience or regeneration. Wood does not limit his movements, and touching it does not harm him. He already has drawbacks and flaws to account for how these items can suppress his powers, penetrate his defenses, and inflict wounds which are slow to heal, and since those traits already provided a power point discount, they do not count as complications. However, these items can have other effects which would count as complications: He cannot stand to look directly at these items. As soon as he sees them, the GM can force him to make a Will save against an Emotion Control (Fear) effect, which may cause him to flee the scene entirely. He cannot knowingly or willingly attempt to touch any of these items, or even to advance to within touch-range of them. He must stay at least 10 feet away, just outside of touch-range. (If the item is hidden from him, then he can unknowingly approach it or touch it.) The GM can force him to save against Damage and/or some other attack effect if he touches any of these items or their shadows, or if the ingests them, or the blood of someone else who has recently ingested them. If another character wears or wields any of these items, then he cannot attempt to physically touch them, or anyone behind them. (As reflected with his Power Loss drawbacks, he also cannot bite them or use his mind control powers on them.) He cannot attempt to directly remove or destroy the items. Another character who wields these items can advance toward him, forcing him to withdraw. If he is bound with these items, or with bonds infused or plated with these materials, then he cannot untie or break those bonds, no matter how objectively flimsy they may be. He may not even be able to lift them. (As reflected with his Power Loss drawbacks, such bonds will also suppress most of his powers.) If these items are mounted on, above, or around a door, window, or other portal, then he cannot pass through that portal, even in his mist form. If these items are placed on top of the lid to a container, or tied or wrapped around it, then he cannot open that container, or enter or exit it in his mist form. If these items are arranged in a circle, then he cannot cross that circle. He cannot step over it, and he cannot fly over it in his mist form. A circle around another character can protect that character from him, while a circle around him can trap him. He can attempt to overcome these limitations, forcing his way past these items, or even forcing himself to touch them, with a focused act of will, most likely represented by a Will save. If these items are being wielded by another character, then the GM can force him and that other character to make an opposed check, most likely Charisma. This effort may cause him harm whether it is successful or not, so he may also have to save against Damage or some other attack effect. If his act of will is successful, then he can temporarily overcome the limits to his freedom of movement, and these items may be damaged, or even destroyed. They may bend, crack, shatter, melt, or burst into flame. Addiction (Blood): He doesn't just need blood. He wants it. He loves it. It is as much his drug as it is his sustenance. The GM can decide that he's thirsty, give him a Hero Point, and then give him a circumstance penalty on a check to represent how difficult it is for him to focus on other tasks when he’d rather be drinking blood. When blood is available, the GM can give him a Hero Point, and then force him to make a Will save to resist the urge to lap it up or suck it down. He can also cause Addiction complications for other characters. They can become addicted to the euphoria of being fed upon by him, or they can become addicted to consuming his supernatural blood. Chill of Undeath: When viewed through Infra-Vision or perceived with another heat-detecting Super-Sense, he always appears to be colder than his surroundings, even if he's in Antarctica or at the bottom of the ocean. The GM can give him a Hero Point if this causes him a setback, such as allowing him to be seen when he would otherwise be concealed, or exposes him as a supernatural creature when he would otherwise go undetected as such. The area around him tends to be unnaturally cold. In his passing, condensation will often form on glass and liquids will often freeze solid. The GM can treat him as having an Uncontrolled touch-range Environment Control (Cold) effect, and they can give him or another character a Hero Point if this causes a setback. Electromagnetic Ghosts: Although machines cannot detect or perceive him directly, his immediate presence can cause electromagnetic interference. When he passes by a radio, audio recorder, or video camera, he can trigger bursts of static or image tearing. The GM can give him a Hero Point if this alerts enemies to his presence. Enemies: Archnemesis Dad: His father is a captain in the Scarpia family syndicate. His surviving brother works with him, as does his sister's husband. When he was alive, he refused to participate in his father’s criminal activities, but he didn't interfere with them either. When he died, so did his ambivalence. Now he’s determined to dismantle everything his family helped build. Burn The Witch!: The secret monster-hunting arm of the Catholic Church knows that his brother killed a vampire, and that soon after, he and his brother were both killed in circumstances which sounded suspiciously like retaliatory vampire attacks. It’s been a few years since then, but if they hear about anything that sounds like a vampire in Bedlam, they will follow up. I Hate You, Vampire Dad!: “Enemy” isn't quite the right word. His sire, "Johann" (real name unknown), is working toward a long-term goal of making him part of Johann's "family." To Johann, that means an unholy combination of child, friend, and lover. Unfortunately for him, Johann doesn't think he’ll realize his potential as a vampire until his human spirit is broken and stripped away from him by a conga line of trauma and disappointment, a process Johann expects to take at least a hundred years. Johann shows up once a year like clockwork to beat him within an inch of his life as a celebration of his "birthday" as a vampire. In addition, Johann will, seemingly at random, send various minions, pawns, or even other “children,” to torment him in some way. They might attack him directly, provide aid to his enemies, or harm something or someone he cares about (including Bedlam City itself). Enemy To All Living Things: While machines seem to simply ignore him (as represented with his Permanent Concealment from them), nature seems to actively resent him. Animals universally hate and fear him, unless they have consumed his blood, or are under the effect of some sort of mind control power. They will flee from him, attempt to scare him away, and/or attack him. He automatically fails any Handle Animal or Ride skill checks. (See, also, “Walking Wasteland,” below.) Glamour Failure: He has quirks which either explicitly reveal him to be a supernatural creature, or at least create a subconscious “Uncanny Valley” effect, making humans deeply uncomfortable in his presence. The air is unnaturally quiet around him because of all the normal sounds his body doesn't make, and he lacks several signs of life that most observers would take for granted. The GM may give him penalties to checks involving social interaction, or declare such checks to be impossible. Indifferent or even Friendly NPCs could turn Hostile, attacking or fleeing. Many of those features are already mentioned in "Description," above, and others are described in other Complication entries. He never casts a shadow, regardless of the level or angle of light in the surrounding area. His hands and fingers appear to have normal friction ridges, yet his touch never leaves prints. His footsteps never leave tracks, or make a sound. He does not breathe, cough, sneeze, or yawn. (This is particularly noticeable in winter.) His heart does not beat. He has no pulse of any kind. He does not sweat. When he is wounded, his skin does not bruise, and his cuts do not bleed. He will only bleed if decapitated or staked through the heart. His blood is so dark that it mostly appears to be black, only showing red when light hits it at just the right angle. If he cries, the tears are blood. His body does not age. Most machines seem to ignore him. He has no reflection in mirrors, or any other reflective surface. He does not show up in photographs or on video cameras, film or digital. His voice cannot be heard in auditory recordings, or through microphones, telephones (cellular or land-line), or radios. He doesn't show up as a blip on any kind of radar or sonar. He can walk freely through the laser, infra-red, and microwave beams used by motion detectors without them registering his presence. Automatic doors won’t even open for him. A gas chromatograph mass spectrometer can at least attempt to analyze samples of his tissues, and mechanical components like buttons which detect physical pressure will recognize the force his touch exerts upon them, but that seems to be the extent to which machines recognize or acknowledge him. Note: Aside from his lack of reflection, this is the result of the Permanent flaw on his Concealment against machine senses, so he should not receive any Hero Points for it. However, it may be a complication for other characters. For example, a robot or cyborg ally whose eyes are mechanical cameras and whose ears are mechanical microphones may receive a Hero Point in exchange for not being able to see or hear him. Heavy Sleeper: When the sun is in the sky, it is almost impossible for him to stay awake, and once he falls asleep, he stays asleep. Instead of suffering the usual -10 Notice penalty while asleep, he automatically fails Notice checks. Other characters can even lift or manipulate his body without waking him up. Nothing less than a direct attack on his body will disturb his daytime slumber. I Do Not Drink…Wine: His Immunity to Fortitude effects includes Immunity to Starvation and Thirst, but not only does he not need to eat or drink, he physically cannot. If he tries to consume food, or if he tries to drink any liquid other than blood, then he will quickly vomit it back up, along with some of his own stored blood, and the GM can also force him to save against an attack effect, like Nauseate, or even Damage. Involuntary Transformation (Berserk Rage): His undead body has instincts for predation and self-preservation more powerful than those of any living creature, and more powerful than his moral compass. When he attempts to resist those instincts, the GM can force him to make a Will save. Failure can result in a complication for him and/or for others. Starvation can cause him to be overcome with bloodlust, to the point of mindlessly attacking the next human he encounters, without caring if his prey survives the encounter or not. Potential causes of “starvation” include simply going too long without drinking blood, trying to subsist for too long on blood of low quality (animal blood, refrigerated blood bags, etc.), or depleting the blood stored in his body by using it to fuel his powers. When exposed to one of his weaknesses, especially fire or sunlight, he feels a powerful primal urge to flee from it. If he is unable to summon the willpower to endure its presence, then during his flight, he may brutally attack anyone who gets in his way, whether they meant to or not. Once he is out of danger, he may then be overcome with bloodlust, as if he were starving, as his scared inner animal seeks to re-assert control over its surroundings. Made of Evil: He is that which should not be, but is. He is a monster, an abomination, a dead thing preserved and animated with the life-consuming darkness of the Schattenwelt. Any powers which “Detect Evil” will show him as such, and any powers which “Protect From Evil” or “Smite Evil” will affect him as if he were applicably “Evil,” regardless of his actual conduct or inner sense of morality. Any power such as “Aura Vision” which can detect the presence or state of a “soul” will show his to be present, but shredded, hanging in tatters, and stained by shadows and blood. Mainlining The Monster: Some view him as a monster to be destroyed, but others see him as a resource to be exploited. His blood and body could be used as a component for countless magical spells, rituals, potions, or other items. When ingested or injected by a living creature, his blood can act as a powerful and potentially addictive drug. The specific effects vary depending on the person, the amount consumed, and the GM’s whims. It can act as a stimulant or a narcotic. It can cause euphoria, hallucinations, and/or uncharacteristically aggressive or deviant behavior. It can even heal wounds, cure diseases, or grant temporary powers, such as Enhanced physical abilities, or Immunities like Aging and Disease. It can also create a temporary psychic link, and a temporary stain or “taint” on the user’s “soul” or “aura” with a "negative resonance." Prejudice: If someone does learn that he is a vampire, or that his family is part of the Bedlam Mafia, it could cause them to mistrust him (and they might not be wrong). Conversely, if he learns that another character is also a vampire, or some other sort of undead creature, then this can be a complication for them, because his default reaction will be homicidal violence. Relationships: His wife remarried, and has children with her new husband. But he still cares about her, and by extension, her new family. He still cares about his family too, even the mobsters. He keeps tabs on all of them, and he will leap to their aid if they are in danger. Father Cesare Messina, the retired priest, is the only friend he's made since his death. He will drop everything to help Messina. But the priest’s secret association with him could cause problems for both of them. Responsibility: By assuming ownership of The Twilight Lodge, he has assumed responsibility for both the cursed structure, and the damned souls who staff it in their quest for redemption. Secrets: It is not public knowledge that Gaetano Giordano is Mister Strix, or that either of them is a vampire. As far as most people know, Gaetano Giordano is still buried in his grave. Unlife: Even though he has no Constitution score and Immunity to Fortitude effects, he still needs to sleep, and he still needs “food” in the form of blood. He only gets restful sleep if he has complete shelter from sunlight, and if his resting place includes soil from his homeland. He does not need to be buried; a thin layer of dirt spread out under him is sufficient.When he drinks blood, his undead body stores that blood in his heart. His body consumes a small amount of that stored blood every night to preserve his corpse, and a greater amount to heal his wounds and fuel his powers.After a day without sleep and/or three days without blood, the GM can inflict negative conditions upon him, like Fatigued or Exhausted, cumulative penalties on certain checks, and/or temporary ability damage. The GM may allow him some sort of check to delay or lessen these effects, akin to the Constitution checks and Fortitude saves mortals can make to resist the damage caused by neglecting their physical needs.He will not be destroyed by starvation or lack of sleep, but the supernatural preservation of his body will be disrupted. At first, he will start to look sick. Then, he will begin to age. Finally, he will start to decay. Eventually, his flesh will wither away and slough off completely, leaving little more than a fanged skeleton. Eventually, he won’t have eyes or a tongue, but he will still be able to see and speak. Once he finally gets the blood and restful sleep he needs, the decay will gradually reverse. If his soft tissues have rotted away, then his bones will absorb the blood he “drinks" directly. The decay will reverse at roughly the same rate at which a mortal would recover from starvation and/or sleep deprivation.His ideal sustenance is the blood of a living human (or humanoid alien with genetic similarity sufficient to produce viable offspring with a human), taken directly from that human’s veins, ideally while the human is experiencing some sort of intense emotion. The further his feeding deviates from that ideal, the less nourishment and satisfaction he derives. He can consume blood from cold storage, so long as that stored blood would be safe to transfuse back into a living human. He cannot feed on necrotic or coagulated blood, and attempting to do so will cause him to vomit as if it were human food (see “I Do Not Drink…Wine,” above). He can feed from vertebrate animals and aliens which have “blood” (the fluids of arthropods, for example, would not work), but it is not as satisfying, or as efficient; it would take multiple units of animal blood to equal the same “nutritional content” as one unit of human blood. The blood of living supernatural creatures, such as faeries, werewolves, or dragons, on the other hand, tastes better than human blood, provides more efficient nourishment, and may also have side-effects at the GM’s discretion. Potential side-effects include addiction, inebriation, temporary insanity (hallucinations, berserk rage, etc.), and temporary Boosts to his existing powers, and temporarily gaining new powers. Depending on the individual, the blood of human mutants and mutates, powerful aliens, and, depending on their descriptors, even other vampires, may have the same effects. Walking Wasteland: Since he is infused with the life-consuming dark energy of the Schattenwelt, his very presence can be hostile to life. At his touch, or even in his passing, non-animate plants (except for garlic or wolf’s bane) may wither, or even melt or crumble into ash, while food and drink such as bread, milk, cheese, or wine (but never salt) may spoil or rot. Animals which happen to be pregnant may spontaneously miscarry. ABILITIES 18PP Strength: 28/12 (+9/+1), 38/12 Lifting (Heavy Load: 4,800 lbs. [2.4 tons] / 130 lbs.) Dexterity: 28/12 (+9/+1) Constitution: - Intelligence: 18 (+4) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 18 (+4) COMBAT 12PP Initiative: +9/+1 (+9/+1 Dex) Attack: +9/+3 Melee (+3 Base, +6 Enhanced Attack Focus), +3 Ranged (+3 Base) Grapple: +20/+4 (+9/+3 Melee Attack, +9/+1 Strength, +2 Super-Strength) Defense: +9/+3 (+3 Base, +6 Enhanced Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback Resistance: 9 (4 vs Vampire Weaknesses) SAVING THROWS 5PP Toughness: +9 (Impervious 9, except against Vampire Weaknesses) Fortitude: - Reflex: +9/+1 (+9/+1 Dex, +0PP) Will: +9 (+4 Wis, +5PP)Ultimate Save SKILLS 32R = 8PP Acrobatics 0 (+10/+1) Handle Animal 0 (-) Intimidation 0 (+18/+4) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 6 (+10) Knowledge (Streetwise) 11 (+15) Languages 4 (English [Native], French, Italian, Latin, Spanish) Medicine 11 (+15) Notice 0 (+18/+4) Ride 0 (-) Search 0 (+18/+4) Sense Motive 0 (+18/+4) Stealth 0 (+20/+1) FEATS 4PP Benefit (Legally Deceased) Interpose Jack of All Trades Ultimate Save (Will) Enhanced: Attack Focus (Melee) 6 Dodge Focus 6 Evasion 2 Hide In Plain Sight Takedown Attack 2 EQUIPMENT 7PP = 35EP The Twilight Lodge (Headquarters) [39/40EP = 8PP, 8PP from Dead Head] Power Level: 14 Size: Large Exterior (500ft, Mansion) / Huge Interior (1,000ft, Castle) [3EP] Toughness: 10 [1EP] (Descriptors: Magically Warded and Ectoplasm-Reinforced Structure) Features: [35EP] Communications (Feats: Dimensional 3 [Any/All]) (Descriptors: Interdimensional Ghost-Phone) Concealed 3 (+20 DC) (Descriptors: Magical Perception Filter, Unholy Aura) Defense System 2 (Descriptors: Ghosts, Zombies) Dimensional Portal (Hells) Dual Size (Descriptors: Interdimensional Structure) Feature: Secret Sewer Entrance Fire Prevention System Garage Gym Holding Cells 2 (Toughness 15, Nullify 10) (Descriptors: Magically Warded and Ectoplasm-Reinforced Dungeon) Library Living Space 2 (Masterwork) Personnel (Descriptors: Undead Servants) Pool Powers 7 (196PP) Power System (Descriptors: Hellfire Furnace) Security System 3 (DC30) (Descriptors: Magical Wards) Self-Repairing (Descriptors: Ectoplasm-Infused Structure, Undead Servants) Workshop (Artificer/Ritualist) Powers: [PL14 x 2 = 28PP per rank, x7 ranks = 174/196PP] Concealment 3 (ESP effects, Mental-type senses, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Flaws: Limited [Observers outside the clubhouse can use ESP effects and Mental-type senses to perceive the exterior of the clubhouse, but not the interior, and vice versa], Permanent) [3PP] Features 1 (Temporal Inertia) [1PP] Immunity 1 (Mister Strix's Vampiric Aura) [1PP] Nullify 10 (All Insubstantial, Super-Movement [Dimensional Travel], and Teleport effects of any descriptor, Extras: Action 3 [Reaction], Effortless, Range [Perception], Flaws: Limited [Only counters attempts to enter or exit the clubhouse]) [62PP] Psychomancy 23 (46PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 3) [49PP] Base Power: Mind Reading 10 (Extras: Action [Standard], Mental, Flaws: Limited [Probe], Feats: Subtle) [11PP] Alternate Power: Emotion Control 10 (Extras: Area [General, Burst], Mental, Selective, Flaws: Limited [Fear], Feats: Progression [Area Size] 3 [500ft radius]) [33PP] Alternate Power: Illusion 10 (Sense Types: All, Extras: Selective, Flaws: Phantasm, Feats: Progression [Area Size] 6 [500ft radius]) [46PP] Alternate Power: Teleport 10 (Extras: Duration 2 [Continuous, no action needed to keep portals open], Portal, Flaws: Action 2 [Standard Action to open or close a portal], Limited [Short-Range Jumps, 1,000ft], Limited [To/From points inside the building], Feats: Change Direction, Insidious, Progression [Portal Size] 2 [25ft], Subtle) [25PP] Super-Senses 13 (Normal Vision, Extras: Counters Concealment, Counters Illusion, Counters Obscure [All Descriptors], Penetrates Concealment, Flaws: Limited [Inside the building]) [7PP] Transform 10 (Memory Alteration, Extras: Action 3 [Reaction], Alternate Save [Will], Duration [Continuous, Lasting], Mental, Range [Perception], Flaws: Limited [Memory alteration is limited to erasing or distorting memories of the clubhouse interior], Limited [The clubhouse will only alter a target's memory when they are leaving the building], Feats: Subtle) [51PP] POWERS 185PP Descriptors (All Powers): Black Magic, Blood Magic, Darkness, Death, Evil, Necromancy, Shadow, Undead Side Bar: Vampire Weaknesses (Limited, Power Loss) Concealment 8 (All Auditory, Radio, and Visual type senses, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Flaws: Limited [Machines], Permanent) [8PP] (Descriptors: Unholy Aura) Enhanced Dexterity 16 (Drawbacks: Power Loss [Vampire Weaknesses, Frequency: Uncommon]) [15PP] (Descriptors: Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Speed) Enhanced Feats 17 (Attack Focus [Melee] 6, Dodge Focus 6, Evasion 2, Hide In Plain Sight, Takedown Attack 2, Drawbacks: Power Loss [Vampire Weaknesses, Frequency: Uncommon]) [16PP] (Descriptors: Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Speed) Enhanced Skills 68 (Acrobatics 1, Intimidation 14, Notice 14, Search 14, Sense Motive 14, Stealth 11, Drawbacks: Power Loss [Vampire Weaknesses, Frequency: Uncommon]) [16PP] (Descriptors: Super-Senses, Unholy Aura) Features 3 (Deathly Aura*; Touch does not leave prints; Wounds do not bleed) [3PP] (Descriptors: Unholy Aura) *See "Death Powers" in Power Profiles. Healing 1 (Extras: Action 4 [Reaction], Affects Objects, Total; Flaws: Limited [Objects], Personal, Source [Blood]) [5PP] (Descriptors: Regeneration) Immunity 30 (Fortitude effects) [30PP] Impervious Toughness 9 (Flaws: Limited [Vampire Weaknesses inflict Penetrating damage]) [5PP] (Descriptors: Regeneration, Superhuman Resilience) Protection 9 [9PP] (Descriptors: Superhuman Resilience) Regeneration 14 (Recovery 14 [+9, Recovers over time like a living creature], Feats: Regrowth) [15PP] Regeneration 22 (Recovery Rate: Injured 6 [no rest], Disabled 8 [no rest], Resurrection 8 [1 round], Flaws: Limited [Vampire Weaknesses inflict Incurable damage; Requires outside aid to Resurrect if decapitated, staked through the heart, incinerated, dissolved, or disintegrated]) [11PP] Super-Movement 1 (Trackless) [2PP] (Descriptors: Unholy Aura) Super-Movement 1 (Wall-Crawling, Drawbacks: Power Loss [Vampire Weaknesses, Frequency: Uncommon]) [1PP] Super-Senses 11 (Acute Analytical Tracking Smell/Taste, Darkvision, Microscopic Vision, Postcognition [Flaws: Medium {Blood}], Ultra-Hearing, Drawbacks: Power Loss [Vampire Weaknesses, Frequency: Uncommon]) [8PP] Vampire Power 19 (38PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 4, Drawbacks: Power Loss [Vampire Weaknesses, Frequency: Uncommon]) [41PP] Base Power: [12 + 16 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 38PP] Drain Constitution 9 (Extras: Linked [Mind Reading], Flaws: Limited [1 rank per round], Requires Grapple, Feats: Insidious, Slow Fade 4 [1 hour], Subtle) [9PP] (Additional Descriptors: Blood Drain) Mind Reading 9 (Extras: Action [Standard], Linked [Drain], Flaws: Range 2 [Touch], Requires Grapple) [3PP] (Additional Descriptors: Blood Divination) Enhanced Strength 16 [16PP] Leaping 3 (x10, Running Long Jump: 190ft) [3PP] (Additional Descriptors: Super-Strength) Speed 3 (50MPH, 500ft per Move Action) [3PP] (Additional Descriptors: Super-Speed) Super-Strength 2 (Lifting Strength: 38, Heavy Load: 4,800 lbs. [2.4 tons]) [4PP] Alternate Power: [9 + 16 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 38PP] Autofire Strength 9 [9PP] (Additional Descriptors: Super-Speed) Enhanced Strength 16 [16PP] Incurable Strength Damage (Feats: Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Variable Descriptor [Piercing and/or Slashing damage; Claws and/or Fangs], Drawbacks: Lethal) [3PP] (Additional Descriptors: Claws, Fangs) Leaping 3 (x10, Running Long Jump: 190ft) [3PP] (Additional Descriptors: Super-Strength) Speed 3 (50MPH, 500ft per Move Action) [3PP] (Additional Descriptors: Super-Speed) Super-Strength 2 (Lifting Strength: 38, Heavy Load: 4,800 lbs. [2.4 tons]) [4PP] Alternate Power: [10 + 16 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 36PP] Concealment 10 (All Non-Mental type senses, Flaws: Phantasm, Feats: Selective, Drawbacks: Progression [Counter Rank / Save DC] 1 [-1 = Rank 9 / DC19]) [10PP] (Additional Descriptors: Hypnosis, Mind Control, Psychic Invisibility) Enhanced Strength 16 [16PP] Leaping 3 (x10, Running Long Jump: 190ft) [3PP] (Additional Descriptors: Super-Strength) Speed 3 (50MPH, 500ft per Move Action) [3PP] (Additional Descriptors: Super-Speed) Super-Strength 2 (Lifting Strength: 38, Heavy Load: 4,800 lbs. [2.4 tons]) [4PP] Alternate Power: [10 + 23 = 33PP] Concealment 10 (All Non-Mental type senses, Flaws: Phantasm, Feats: Selective, Drawbacks: Progression [Counter Rank / Save DC] 1 [-1 = Rank 9 / DC19]) [10PP] (Additional Descriptors: Hypnosis, Mind Control, Psychic Invisibility) Flight 3 (50MPH, 500ft per Move Action, Extras: Linked [Immunity, Insubstantial], Feats: Subtle) [7PP] (Additional Descriptors: Mist Form) Immunity 2 (Critical Hits, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Linked [Flight, Insubstantial]) [4PP] Insubstantial 2 (Extras: Duration [Continuous], Linked [Flight, Immunity]) [12PP] Alternate Power: [37PP] (Additional Descriptors: Hypnotic Eyes) Mind Control 9 (Extras: Conscious, Duration [Sustained, Lasting], Linked [Transform], Mental, Flaws: Distracting, Sense-Dependent [Visual], Feats: Subtle) [19PP] Transform 9 (Memory Alteration, Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Duration [Continuous, Lasting], Linked [Mind Control], Mental, Range [Perception], Flaws: Distracting, Sense-Dependent [Visual], Feats: Subtle) [18PP] DRAWBACKS -14PP Vulnerability ("Blessed/Celestial/Consecrated/Holy" effects, Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-1PP] Vulnerability ("Fire" effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-2PP] Vulnerability ("Silver" effects, Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-1PP] Weakness (Daylight, Frequency: Very Common, Intensity: Moderate [Cumulative -1 Drain on Toughness, Destroyed when Toughness reaches -6], Time: 1/round) [-8PP] Weakness (Healing effects without Descriptors which identify them as being "Evil", "Unholy", or otherwise beneficial to the "Undead" do not work on him, even if they have the "Affects Objects" extra, and they also inflict Damage of equal rank; Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Moderate, Time: Instant) [-2PP] Abilities (18) + Combat (12) + Saving Throws (5) + Skills (8) + Feats (4) + Powers (185) – Drawbacks (14) = 218/218 Power Points ATTACK RANGE SAVING THROW EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC24 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Blood Drain Touch/Grapple DC19 Fortitude* Drain Constitution* Opposed Will vs +9 Mind Reading Claws/Fangs Touch DC24 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical, Lethal, Incurable) Hypnotic Eyes Perception (Visually Sense-Dependent) Opposed Will vs +9** Mind Controlled DC19 Will Transformed (Memory Alteration) Psychic Invisibility Personal DC19 Will*** Total Concealment from all non-Mental type senses *This saving throw is not Staged, because he can only drain 1 Constitution rank per round, regardless of the margin by which the victim failed their save. **Because the two Linked effects target the same saving throw (Will), the victim makes one saving throw and compares it against the DC for both effects. The Transform effect has a static DC, but the Mind Control effect has a DC determined by a power check, so it is possible that the victim will successfully save against one of the linked effects but fail to save against the other one. ***Creatures with Intelligence 0 are unaffected. Creatures with Intelligence 1+ only get a saving throw if he does something to draw attention to himself. Machines with Intelligence 0 are also unaffected, but he has a separate, permanent Concealment effect against all Auditory, Radio, and Visual-type machine senses.
  21. Vox Power Level: 7 (105/118PP) Unspent Power Points: 13 Trade-Offs: -2 Attack / +2 Damage, +2 Defense / -2 Toughness In Brief: Amateur astronomer hears the voice of the universe and unleashes latent sonic abilities! Catchphrase: Words have Power. Alternate Identity: Nicholas Brown (secret) Birthplace: Ames, Iowa Residence: Nevada, Iowa (hometown); Freedom City, New Jersey (school) Base of Operations: Claremont Academy Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Unnamed Team, Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers Family: Marie and Johnathan Brown (Parents), Otis Brown (Great uncle), Judith and Buzz Oliver (grandparents), Orville and Jane Brown (grandparents, deceased), Various and sundry extended family members Description: Age: July 7th, 2003 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’3” Weight: 118 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark brown Nicholas is a small, young man with short-cropped hair and fearful eyes. He’s not scrawny. Under his band t-shirts and jeans is a teenager that helped his uncle on the farm. Years of sun have given him a medium complexion, but his northern European heritage is still apparent. His long face is lined with worry, and makes him look older. On better days, he observes everything with interest. On bad days, he just keeps his head down. Vox’s costume is a long-sleeved shirt and pants affair with a loose jacket. The base color is a light gray with darker gray accents and spaced lines. When moving, the contrasts look like rippling sound waves. His mask is a head cover, sleek helmet, and mirrored goggles. He tried a mouth guard, but that lasted one use of his powers. Matching gloves and boots complete the look. The outfit is just “normal” enough that in a pinch he could blend into a crowd or dark alleyway. Nonetheless, it is still constructed of morphic molecules. History: On June 19th, 2019, at 9:46 pm Central Time, a blast was detected 9 miles northeast of Ames, Iowa. The shock wave flattened trees and buildings in a 2 mile radius and shattered windows up to 5 miles away. The radial pattern of fallen trees aided first responders in locating the origin point. Near a small creek surrounded by farmland, Nicholas Brown, 15, was pulled unharmed from the wreckage of his campsite. Suspicion immediately full on the survivor. Investigators recovered unusual components at his parents’ home and his great uncle’s barn near the site. Nicholas remained catatonic for days, and upon recovery, appeared to suffer from a form of aphasia. Physically healthy, he seemed afraid to speak. Law enforcement soon closed on him. Thankfully for Nicholas, a team of specialists arrived to assist the growing investigation. An agent by the name of Philip Burton interviewed the young man. Within 36 hours, the cause of the event was determined. A secondary fire along the creek had obscured an illegal dump containing a volatile mix of chemicals. On July 1st, Nick was offered a full scholarship to the prestigious Claremont Academy in Freedom City, New Jersey. Philip Burton, aka Lamar “Sonic” Phillips, extended the invitation. What followed was a summer-long whirlwind of testing, training, and long-distance moving. Since the incident, more details have emerged. Research suggested Nick was the first active member of a line of minor psions. Their powers consisted of sensitivity to certain auditory and electromagnetic frequencies. This pattern explained the erratic migration of the family and their refusal to adopt new technologies. Many members sought out areas with limited electromagnetic and noise pollution. For example, Nick’s family settled in rural Iowa in the ‘20s. The explosion was the first manifestation of his potential. He had set up his radio telescope according to precise instructions. Where did he receive this information? From Morse code signals chiming in his ears at night. Why would he use this information? A mix of confusion, curiosity, and the thought that he was losing his mind. The real horror, however, arrived at precisely 9:45 pm. A clear signal repeated a message in triplicate. Somehow he directly sensed and understood its meaning. We hear you. Personality & Motivation: Nick is a highly intelligent and genuinely sweet young man. He is introverted by nature with bullying-induced shyness on top. Despite his social awkwardness, he can be quite charming and a skilled organizer when given the opportunity. His read of others is better than people give him credit. Mostly though he’d rather be tinkering on some project or another. People exhaust him and largely can’t be trusted. The trauma of gaining powers has added anxiety to his problems. Nick’s long-term plans are on hold. Right now his motivation revolves completely around controlling his powers. The crash course over the summer of 2019 has helped, but he is ill-at-ease being what he considers a weapon of mass destruction. That the school wants to put him in a noisy, electromagnetically rich environment is, to him, very foolish. Part of him resents being beholden to the heroes running the school. Another part of him is grateful for the many opportunities. This conflict has left him more than a little adrift and unable to focus. Powers & Tactics: Nick’s powers are very bare bones and blunt at the moment. A lot of effort has gone into training himself not to speak. Even the slightest whisper can rattle cause tremors and break delicate objects. Speaking at normal volumes unleashes the equivalent of a bomb. A muzzle mutes him when sleeping or when he otherwise feels uncomfortable. Control aside, Nick is fairly capable with his basic array. The default power, Cascade, can quickly bludgeon groups of foes. Shear releases a directional wave with similar, albeit more precise, results. His favorite accomplishment is Resonance, a directional cone that disrupts targets’ physiology without lasting injury. At the moment, his defense is largely based on training and lots of bruises. Typically, he will evade attacks, close on one or more targets, and unleash one of his effects when they are in range. His training suggests he should be able to develop finer control and more powers over time. The techniques of other sonic (especially Sonic!) heroes have inspired him. Even if he is a bit too bitter to admit it right now. Power Descriptions: The Vox Universum array appears as visible distortions in the air: layers of sound waves rippling from him. Transverse waves imparted into material follow a similar pattern. Although the results tend to pulverize many materials. The exception is Resonance, which appears as a fuzzy, heat-like shimmer as unpleasant to see as feel. All uses are accompanied by a booming amplification of the words he speaks. The specific words aren’t important (yet!). Volume, duration, and inflection seem to be the drivers. All of his powers are psionic in nature. A current hypothesis is that his sensitivity has induced an ability to interpret universal principles as sonic effects. They originate from his mind. The more he listens to radio frequencies and sounds, particularly interstellar signals, the more he seems to understand them, and at an analytical level. Sources as esoteric as Words of Creation, echoes of the big bang, and murmurs of chthonic entities have all been considered. Obviously, these effects have the sonic descriptor. Complications: Bad Company (Reputation): Where he grew up, he is now considered a public menace. Enemy Mine: Nick doesn’t know it yet, but interested parties have noticed him. Among them is the ever curious Maestro. Goes to 11 (Accident): Nick’s powers default to Cascade. Even the slightest whisper can rattle foundations and shatter objects around him. In combat, his powers have a tendency to cause collateral damage. Let It All Out (Phobia): As much neurosis as training, Nick holds himself back out of fear. This can cause him to hesitate or freeze up at the worst times. Never Going Home: Developing powers has put a strain on his relationship with his family. Being far from home and homesick doesn’t help. Secret Agent Man: Having a secret identity sucks. Werewolves of London: Ames was the biggest town he knew. “Fish out of water” does not describe how overwhelmed he is by the big city. Abilities: 2 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 2 = 22PP Strength: 12 (+1) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 6 + 16 = 22PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +5 Melee (+2 Attack Focus), +3 Ranged, +3 Base Defense: +9 (+8 Base, +1 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed Grapple: +6 (+5 Melee, +1 Str) Knockback: -2 Saving Throws: 3 + 4 + 3 = 10PP Toughness: +5 (+2 Con, +3 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +5 (+2 Con, +3) Reflex: +6 (+2 Dex, +4) Will: +5 (+2 Wis, +3) Skills: 48/48R = 12PP Climb 2 (+3) Concentration 4 (+6) Computers 4 (+7) Craft (Electronics) 4 (+7) Craft (Mechanical) 4 (+7) Diplomacy 2 (+3) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 3 (+6) Knowledge (Technology) 3 (+6) Language 1 (English [Base], American Sign Language) Notice 5 (+7) Perform (Stringed Instruments) 4 (+5) Search 2 (+5) Sense Motive 4 (+6) Stealth 4 (+6) Swim 2 (+3) Feats: 12PP Accurate Attack Attack Focus (Melee) 2 Defensive Roll 3 Improved Initiative Luck 2 Power Attack Quick Change Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: 1 + 11 + 18 = 30PP Immunity 1 (own powers) [1PP] (Psionic) Super Senses 11 (Accurate [All Hearing] 4, Analytical [All Hearing] 2, Cosmic Awareness [Hearing] 1, Electromagnetic Energy Awareness [Hearing] 1, Tremorsense 2, Ultra-Hearing 1] [11PP] (Psionic) Array 9 (Vox Universum; 18 PP Array; Power Feats: Alternate Power 2; Drawbacks: Full Power -1 PP, Power Loss [When Unable to Speak] -1 PP) [18PP] (Psionic, Sonic) Base Power: Damage 9 (Cascade; Extras: Area (Targeted: Burst) +1) [18PP] Alternate Power: Damage 9 (Shear; Extras: Area (Targeted: Cone) +1) [18PP] Alternate Power: Stun 6 (Resonance; Extras: Area (General: Cone) +1) [18PP] Drawbacks: -3 = -3PP Disability (Mute, unless using powers; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Moderate) [-3PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 16 Toughness Damage Cascade Burst Touch DC 24 Toughness Damage Shear Cone Touch DC 24 Toughness Damage Resonance Cone Touch DC 16 Fortitude Stun Totals: Abilities (22) + Combat (22) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (12) + Feats (12) + Powers (30) - Drawbacks (-3) = 105/118 Power Points Comments: Formatting troubles aside, here is my Claremonter. The build is deliberately basic. I'm looking forward to figuring out the character and his power set will mature.
  22. Cheval Power Level: 14 (Built as PL12; 200/212PP) Unspent Power Points: 12PP Trade-Offs: -5 Defense / +5 Toughness In Brief: Celebrity hero of the people empowered by the loa Ogoun. Catchphrase: "I am iron, I am covered in iron." Theme: Unstoppable - The Score Alternate Identity: Marcus "The Iron Horse" Dumont (Public) Birthplace: Vibora Bay Residence: Weston District, Viboary Bay Base of Operations: Weston District, Vibora Bay, Occupation: Celebrity Hero, former Middle-Weight Boxer Affiliations: None Family: Michael Dumont (Father, deceased), Gabrielle Dumont (Mother, deceased), James Dumont (24, younger brother, attends University of Florida Vibora Bay), Nana Dee (Maternal grandmother, retired) Description: Age: 29 (DoB: 1990, August 10th) Gender: Male Ethnicity: African-American Height: 6'3'' / [God of Iron] 7' Weight: 167 lbs. / [God of Iron] 1.336 lbs. Eyes: Black / [God of Iron] Metallic black Hair: Black, shaved bald Tall and strong, Marcus' physique clearly shows off his history as a former professional boxer. Standing at 6'3'' and 167 lbs. of muscle, he is not easily intimidated of stopped. Despite his size and muscles, he is lean and athletic, the kind to dance around other, heavier boxers. His black hair is usually shaved bald, with a neatly trimmed black beard. He tends to wear dark red dress shirts and black slacks, often with a black tie. As Cheval, Marcus wears a dark red and black bodysuit, which leaves his arms and face exposed. While primarily dark red, the suit is black on his sides, from under his arms and stretching to his feet, where he wears black boots with dark red soles. The upper part of the costume is in a black down pointing triangle that reaches his solar plexus, leaving a red stripe between the black triangle and the black parts of the costume on his side. When ridden by Ogoun, Marcus grows in size to 7', his weight increasing to 1.336 lbs. His skin becomes metallic, like iron, and his eyes turn completely white. His beard becomes metallic, while remaining black. If he is wearing his costume, it grows to his size to continue being a perfect fit. He bulks up considerably, becoming even more muscular than normal. History: Marcus Dumont was born to Michael and Grabielle Dumont in Vibora Bays Weston District. While his parents did all they could to provide for their son, his grandmother Nana Dee took care of the young Marcus. A firm believer in the loa, Nana Dee told the young Marcus, and later his younger brother John, stories of the loa, their actions and their beliefs. To the young boys, it seemed like it were but fairy tales, but part of it stuck, particularly the tales of Papa Legba and Ogoun. While their parents loved both sons, the family could barely afford more than survival, and Marcus dreamed of one day becoming rich, so he could provide for his family, the way they had taken care of him. Where Marcus was strong and fast, John was clearly the smarter son. Easily bullied, John relied on Marcus to defend him, a task that the older brother took up with no complaint. The brothers loved each other dearly, that much was true. Everything came tumbling down when Michael and Gabrielle died in a car accident 2009. While Marcus had already moved out, he took John in, and took up boxing to provide for his younger brother and pay his college tuition. Marcus had long since accepted that his brother had a much greater chance of becoming someone, but he could at least do the one thing he knew how: Use his fists. Marcus quickly proved to be a natural. Marcus "The Iron Horse" Dumont rose through the ranks, earning greater and greater prizes, becoming well known in Weston, his fame slowly spreading through the rest of Vibora Bay. Marcus was happy. He was finally making something of himself, and he could take care of his brother. . Marcus discovered a fondness for rum, one that some thought might prove troublesome, even if he did not turn to alcoholism. Then, hurricane Michael hit Vibora Bay. John disappeared in the chaos, with Marcus frantically searching the streets for weeks to find his brother in the aftermath. He hunted every rumor, every path he could. He had to find John, he was sure that he was out there somewhere. Destitute and stressed, his fondness of rum slowly grew, and Marcus was rarely seen without a bottle of rum on his person during this time. One dark evening, he finally found him. The Mayombe, a sinister cult devoted to the darker sides of the loa, had used the chaos of the hurricane's arrival to make their way into Vibora Bay. Fading in power, now but a shadow of what she once was, the cult's leader, Lady Mamba, sought to commune with the loa Dinclinsin and Mademoiselle Charlotte in a bid to restore herself. To do so, they had prepared a sacrifice: John Dumont. As the Mayombe sang to the loa, Marcus acted to save his brother. He fought his way through cultists as best as he could, until he finally broke under their numbers, and was thrown into the interrupted ritual. Lady Mamba was delighted. Another sacrifice. The ritual resumed, the song continued, and Marcus remembered Nana Dee's teachings. He sang out to Papa Legba. Suddenly, he was elsewhere. Standing at the crossroads, he saw an old man with a crutch and a wide-brimmed hand. The old man removed the pipe from his mouth, and blew smoke rings. He asked why Marcus had sung out to him. He asked what he wanted. He asked what Marcus would offer. Marcus needed help. He needed the power to save his brother. He needed the power to stop the Mayombe. And he offered a bottle of rum, held high before Papa Legba. The old man smiled, waved his hand and called forth a man with a sword, dressed in a red sash: Ogoun. For a short time, they talked. Marcus would become Ogoun's cheval, being ridden by the loa in return for great power. Great power that he would use to do good. Marcus accepted. He had to save his brother. Marcus returned to the ritual, but something was different. He could feel the presence of Ogoun, and his body was far heavier than before. He was iron, he was covered in iron, and Ogoun pushed him on. With power far beyond what he had ever experienced before, Marcus fought the Mayombe, freeing his brother. As Cottonmouth the serpent man joined the fray, the battle spilled into the streets of Vibora Bay. Through power and skill, Marcus prevailed. His brother was saved. The Mayombe was pushed back, for now. As he stood victorious, his powers faded, and soon, he was recognized as the Iron Horse. He became an instant celebrity, revelling in his newfound fame. Sponsorships and more came through, and Marcus thought he had it made. He could provide for his brother and himself. He was barred from boxing, since no one knew if powers would resurface and give him an edge, but who cared? He stayed in Weston, he stayed in touch with the people on the street, he gave back to the community, and he had a good time. Three weeks after the fight, the voice started talking to him. Ogoun was not done with Marcus yet. He was his cheval, and there more good to be done in the world. Marcus found the powers that he had briefly possessed returned. He required little persuasion from Ogoun. As Cheval, he would fight for the people. Personality & Motivation: Friendly and affable, Marcus Dupont does much to combat his initial appearance as that of a muscular thug with his behavior. He is good with fans and kids alike, the two categories often overlapping, treating them with respect and talking to them as equals. Dedicated to his family and community, Marcus is determined protect everyone that he can. A former boxer, Marcus used to win over the crowd with his showmanship, which he continues to display even as the hero Cheval. Marcus' drive to be a hero comes from multiple sources. First and foremost, he wishes to protect his community. This is driven both by his own personal belief in protecting others when he can, as well as a constant push by Ogoun to use the powers he has been granted for justice. Having used his deeds to become a celebrity, Marcus has found himself driven to fight on for the sake of his fans, those that believe that he will show up to save the day, and, of course, the wealth that he has begun to amass from various endorsement contracts and the like. While he is aware of the contradictions and is determined not to let his newfound fame and wealth change him, time will tell if a he will succeed or not. Greatly dedicated to his younger brother James, Marcus first started boxing to support his studies, and still uses a sizeable amount of his wealth to take care of his brother, letting him pursue his dreams. Powers & Tactics: Marcus is a boxer at heart. His initial solution to most problems are to try to punch them, usually to great effect, given his powers. Given his near indestructible body, he will usually try to protect others, placing himself between them and blows, pushing them out of the way, or simply trying to take down an opponent before they can reach others. While often a bit of a showman, and known for showboating, Cheval will drop all pretense and fight without any showmanship, should the situation call for it. Power Descriptions: Marcus' powers come from being Ogoun's cheval, being ridden, or possessed, by the loa God of Iron and Fire. To have Ogoun's power enter his body, Cheval must be able to speak the phrase "I am iron, I am covered in iron", upon which he rapidly grows in height and mass, his skin becoming divine, living iron. In this form, Cheval is impervious to most forms of damage, gains incredible strength, and his fighting skills are enhanced by Ogoun, allowing Cherval to fight at far greater skill than what he would normally posses. Cheval can channel Ogoun's power into a number of different strikes, which he had dubbed the Break Strike, Drain Strike and Flame Strike, allowing him to break through defences, drain foes to heal himself or create a burst of fire. Through the divine power of Ogoun, Cheval's iron body is even able to touch and strike ghosts and spirits. Ogoun's power has left its mark on Marcus, even when not being ridden by the loa. Even when in his normal mortal form, Marcus is able to see and communicate with spirits. Complications: Famous: Before gaining his powers, Marcus was well known boxer in Weston, with many believing he could be a contender, many still recognizing him from that time. Now, as Cheval, he has become known throughout Viboray Bay, both as Cheval and Marcus Dumont, which, while it offers benefits, can come with its own trouble. Hero of the People: Ogoun drives Cheval to be a hero, a warrior and a protector. He cares deeply for the well being of the man on the street, focusing on keeping them safe above all else. Cheval can be distracted by putting someone in danger. Iron Horse: Though Ogoun leaves Cheval in control when he rides him, the God of Iron will sometimes take full control, if his objectives differ from Marcus'. Knight of Shining Armor: When Cheval is powered up, his mass and weight increases drastically to more than a ton, which can cause drastic issues if he is somewhere that cannot support his increased mass. Rogues Gallery: Cheval has faced his share of foes, already starting to build an impressive array of foes. He has so far managed to earn the scorn of the Mayombe, Maitre Carrefour and the loa Mademoiselle Charlotte and Dinclinsin. Showboating: Cheval's tendency to showboat can put him at an disadvantage in a fight, giving enemies chances to prepare, avoid blows that could have taken them out or the like. You Know My Name: While he usually goes by Cheval, Marcus' identity was outed during the incident where he gained his powers, leaving him little choice in whether he wanted to keep a secret identity or not. Abilities: 8 + 8 + 8 + 0 + 6 + 6 = 36PP Strength: 18 (+4) / [God of Iron] 34 (+12) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 18 (+4) / [God of Iron] 36 (+13) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 8 + 6 = 14PP Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +4 Base / [God of Iron] +12 Melee (+4 Base, +8 Attack Focus [Melee]) Defense: +4 (+3 Base, +1 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed / [God of Iron] +7 (+3 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +8 (+4 Base Attack, +4 Strength) / [God of Iron] +27 (+4 Base Attack, +8 Attack Focus [Melee], +12 Strength, +1 Super-Strength, +2 Super-Strength from Density) / +33 (+4 Base Attack, +8 Attack Focus [Melee], +12 Strength, +1 Super-Strength, +2 Super-Strength from Density, +6 Super-Strength) Knockback: -2 Toughness / [God of Iron] -16 (-12 Impervious Toughness, -2 Toughness, -2 Immovable from Density) Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 9 = 9PP Toughness: +4 (+4 Con) / [God of Iron] +17 (+13 Con, +4 Density) Fortitude: +4 (+4 Con, +0) / [God of Iron] +13 (+13 Con, +0) Reflex: +4 (+4 Dex, +0) / [God of Iron] +6 (+4 Dex, +0, +2 Enhanced Reflex Save) Will: +12 (+3 Wis, +9) Skills: 44R = 11PP Climb 0 (+4) / [God of Iron] (+12) Diplomacy 7 (+10) Gather Information 4 (+7) Intimidate 7 (+10) Knowledge [Arcane] 5 (+5) Knowledge [Popular Culture] 1 (+5) Languages 2 (English [Native], French, Haitian Creole) Notice 7 (+10) Sense Motive 7 (+10) Swim 0 (+4) / [God of Iron] (+12) Feats: 17PP Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Benefit 1 [Fame] Benefit 1 [Wealth] Dodge Focus 1 Improved Initiative 1 Improved Throw Interpose Luck 4 Move-by Action Paralyzing Attack Power Attack Attack Ultimate Effort [Toughness Save] Enhanced Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2 [On Unarmed] Attack Focus [Melee] 8 Dodge Focus 3 Improved Critical [Unarmed] 2 Powers: (25 + 18 + 2 + 2 + 11 + 9 + 7 + 3 + 27 + 3 + 4) + 2 + 1 = 114PP Has Divine and Iron descriptors except where noted Alternate Form 22.6 ("God of Iron"; 111PP Alternate Form) [113PP] Density 8 (Extras: Duration [Continuous], Unstoppable 2; Flaws: Permanent; Feats: Buoyant) (Strength +16, Toughness +4, Impervious Toughness +4, Immovable 2 [w/ Unstoppable], Super-Strength 2, Mass x8) [27PP] Enhanced Constitution 18 [18PP] (Prowess) Enhanced Traits 2 ("Cold Iron"; Add to Unarmed: Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2) [2PP] Enhanced Traits 2 (Reflex Save +2) [2PP] (Prowess, no Iron descriptor) Enhanced Traits 11 (Attack Focus [Melee] 8, Dodge Focus 3) [11PP] (Prowess, No Iron descriptor) Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9PP] Impervious Toughness 8 (Drawbacks: Noticeable [Iron Skin]) (+4 ranks from Density 8: Total rank 12) [7PP] Leaping 3 (Leap distance x10: Running 220 ft.) [3PP] (Prowess, No Iron descriptor) Power of Ogoun Array 12 (24PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [27PP] (Prowess, No Iron descriptor) BP: {12 + 12 = 24/24} Knockback Strength 12 ("Might of Ogoun") Add (Feats: Knockback 12) to Unarmed [12PP] Super-Strength 6 (+2 ranks from Density 8, +1 rank from Super-Strength 1: Total rank 9) (Total: +45 STR carry. Heavy load 716.8 tons) [12PP] AP: Autofire Strength 12 ("Break Strike") Add (Extras: Autofire, Penetrating 3; Feats: Improved Critical 2, Knockback 7) to Unarmed {24/24} AP: {12 + 12 = 24/24} Vampiric Strength 12 ("Drain Strike") Add (Extras: Vampiric) to Unarmed [12PP] Drain Toughness 12 (Extras: Linked to Unarmed) [12PP] AP: Damage 12 ("Flame Strike"; Extras: General Area [Cone]) (Area: 120 ft. cone) {24/24} (Fire) Speed 3 (50mph, 440 ft./round) [3PP] (Prowess, No Iron descriptor) Super-Strength 1 (Feats: Groundstrike, Thunderclap) (+2 ranks from Density 8: Total rank 3) (Total: +15 STR carry. Heavy load 11.2 tons) [4PP] (Prowess) Comprehend 1 (Comprehend Spirits) [2PP] (No Iron descriptor) Super-Senses 1 (Spirit Awareness, Descriptor Frequency: Uncommon, Sense Type: Visual [Default Extras: Accurate, Acute, Ranged]) [1PP] (No Iron descriptor) Drawbacks: (-3) = -3PP Normal Identity ("Must recite: 'I am iron, I am covered with iron' to active God of Iron alternate form"; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Major]) [-3PP] DC Block Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC19 Tou (staged) Damage +4 Unarmed - Might of Ogoun Touch DC27 Tou (staged) Damage +12, Affects Insubstantial 2, Knockback+12 Unarmed - Break Strike Touch DC27 (staged) Damage +12, Affects Insubstantial 2, Autofire, Penetrating 3, Knockback+7, Crit 18-20 Unarmed - Drain Strike Touch DC27 Tou (staged) Damage +12, Affects Insubstantial 2, Vampiric DC27 Fort (staged) Drain Toughness Linked to Drain Strike Damage effect Flame Strike Area, 120 ft. cone DC22 Ref (staged) Reduce Damage effect to DC21 Area DC27 Tou (staged) Damage Groundstrike Area, 120 ft. radius DC22 Ref (staged) Halve Trip effect Area Trip roll vs. Strength Check Tripped Thunderclap Area, 60 ft. radius DC22 Ref (staged) Halve Auditory Dazzle effect to DC16 Area DC22 Ref (staged) -> DC22 Fort (staged) Auditory Dazzle Totals: Abilities (36) + Combat (14) + Saving Throws (9) + Skills (11) + Feats (17) + Powers (116) - Drawbacks (3) = 200/212 Power Points
  23. In Brief: Moonstone meets Poison Ivy, with a dash of Venom, and side helpings of Elle Woods and Blanche Devereaux. Character: Persephone Power Level: 12 (Built as PL10) Tradeoffs: None Power Points: 186/189PP Unspent Points: 3 Alternate Identity: Camellia Blume, M.D. Identity: Secret Legal Status: USA citizen with no criminal record Birthplace: Vibora Bay, Florida Base of Operations: Vibora Bay, Florida Residence: A rented house in Atwater Occupation: Psychiatrist (self-employed, private practice) Affiliations: University of Florida (alumnus), Delta Delta Delta (alumnus), Florida Board of Medicine (licensed physician), American Medical Association (board-certified psychiatrist) Family: Younger fraternal twin brother, sister-in-law, niece, nephew, parents, several aunts, uncles, and grandparents DESCRIPTION Age: 30 (Date of Birth: 1989) Apparent Age: 30 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Anglo-Germanic Caucasian American Height: 5’10” Weight: 140 lbs. Hair: Human Form: Platinum-Blonde, Plant Form: Purple Eyes: Human Form: Blue, Plant Form: Purple A friend once described her as “Grace Kelly’s head on Kate Upton’s body”. She has brilliant blue eyes set into a heart-shaped face, framed with a mane of shiny and thick platinum blonde hair which falls down to the top of her thighs. She has the kind of hourglass figure that usually requires aggressive corsetry, and most of her substantial height is in her long legs. Her voice is heavy, breathy, and deeper than most people expect, with a slight Southern drawl. She carries herself with the calm, quiet confidence of someone who’s accustomed to being welcome everywhere she goes. She has a big smile, and it gets a lot of exercise. She has an extensive wardrobe; more than one person has joked that they’ve never seen her wear anything twice. She has personally altered most of her clothes, both to better fit and support her body, and to replace the buttons and clasps with magnets, which allows her to get in and out of them quickly (a trick live stage productions use to cope with frequent costume changes). Her personal style, heavily influenced by the local climate, consists mainly of above-the-knee sundresses in bright colors and floral prints, paired with some kind of ornate sandals, more often than not with 4-5 inch heels that make her tower over most of the people around her. During the couple of months a year where the weather in Vibora Bay dips below 70F, she’ll switch to sweater dresses with higher necklines, swap out the sandals for closed-toes or boots, and add some heavy tights for extra warmth. In more casual settings, she sometimes trades the dresses for crop tops paired with denim short-shorts or short skirts, and on the beach, where she goes every chance she gets, she rocks the bikini. She loves jewelry; pearls are her favorite, and she owns pieces in every color of the rainbow. Outside, she’s rarely seen without both oversized sunglasses, some kind of a large, floppy-brimmed straw or silk hat with a bow or flower on the ribbon, varieties of which she also owns in every color. In professional settings, she wears decorative glasses with clear lenses, mainly in the hope that she’ll be taken more seriously once the “smart people have poor eyesight” stereotype cancels out the “dumb blonde” trope, but also because it gives her another accessory to play with. When she uses her powers, her skin turns green, and her eyes and hair both turn purple. Her hair grows even longer, almost touching the ground, and it takes on a life of its own. The coloration shifts to different shades depending on her mood, and the hair moves of its own accord, suddenly when in response to her emotional state, but otherwise gently floating and swaying as though she were underwater. Her ability to shape plant matter with her thoughts also extends to her own body. She can make plant appendages like vines, thorns, leaves, and roots sprout from her skin, with whatever pigmentation or texture she desires. Her costume is made from such appendages, consisting of thousands of overlapping leaves growing out of her skin, and falling away when she switches back to a human appearance. There's usually a flower in her hair, but that's because it's growing out of her head. She can also release luciferns and their catalyzing enzymes into parts of her body, causing them to glow. She does this most often with her hair and eyes. HISTORY Carmellia Blume’s parents met while they were both students at the University of Florida’s Vibora Bay campus. Her mother was a cheerleader and her father played football. They both stuck around long enough to earn Master’s degrees, hers in interior design and his in engineering. After graduation, she started her own firm, while he went to work for Vibora Petroleum, where he quickly ascended to upper management. By gradually invested in dozens of rental properties and restaurant franchises, in Vibora Bay and throughout North Florida, her parents did their part to maintain their family's wealth for another generation. Her father has been a member of the elite Mahogany Club since before she was born. Carmellia beat her “little” twin brother into the world by a few minutes. She grew up in a Cluet Farms mansion, immersed in luxury and privilege. Her teens and early twenties were a hurricane of private schools, cheerleading practices, cotillions, debutante balls, modeling jobs, and beauty pageants, just like her mother before her. She was the queen of her high school, but she was a benevolent queen, who never tolerated bullying. She attended the University of Florida, a legacy admission, like her parents before her. She joined the Tri-Delta sorority, like her mother before her. She even spent a year studying abroad in Paris, like her mother had at her age. But ultimately, she decided that, while dancing and modeling were fun, they weren't fulfilling. She wanted to spend her life helping people in a more direct manner. So after four years of college, she applied to UFVB's prestigious medical school. It was the first time in her life when she made a real decision, instead of just following in her parents footsteps. The modeling money and pageant prizes she’d saved up took a big bite out of the tuition, so she didn’t have to dip too far into her trust fund. After four years of medical school, she chose psychiatry as her specialty, combining her academic prowess and her social skills to make the world a better place, one person at a time. After another four years, she completed her residency and obtained her medical license. She rented an apartment in Far Weston (separate from the rented Atwater house she lived in), and started her own practice out of it, living off of her trust fund until she accumulated enough patients to make her practice self-sustaining. Camellia kept a garden at home, and her office space was filled with flowers. This caused one of her first patients visible distress. But he wasn't floraphobic. Instead, he seemed to be suffering from auditory hallucinations, or some other delusion. He claimed that one of his wife’s plants was talking to him. No one else seemed to be able to hear the voice, but it was growing louder and more insistent, while not making any sense, and he was convinced it was coming from the purple orchid his wife had brought home a few weeks prior. After a few weeks of talk sessions and a prescription for anti-anxiety medication failed to yield any results, he brought the orchid in question to his session, and refused to bring it back home with him. She didn’t think it would help his recovery to force the issue, so she let him leave without it, intending to return it to him later. The orchid was sitting on the front seat of her car during her commute home. That commute was interrupted when she drove by what appeared to be a mugging or assault taking place in an alley just off the street. She pulled off into the alley, flashed her lights, honked her horn, and shouted that she was calling the police, hoping to scare away the attackers. But the attackers were New Shadows gang members, vampires, and they weren’t mugging their victim, they were feeding on him. They used their superhuman strength to flip her car over, trapping her in the alley. But as they started to drag her out of the wrecked car, she heard a woman's voice inside her mind, and it seemed like time froze. The voice offered Camellia power, the power she would need to survive this ordeal and many like it. But she could only give Camellia that power if they were “bonded”. Camellia decided that, whatever that meant, it was better than letting herself or that poor man be killed, so she agreed. Time started passing again, and the orchid started moving under its own power, shattering its pot and pressing itself against Camellia. The flower somehow phased through her flesh and bone, sinking into her chest. She felt its roots expand throughout her body. It occurred to her that this should have been painful or terrifying or disgusting, but instead it was invigorating. Leaves and bark sprouted from her flesh, covering every inch of her skin. The vampires were shocked when they reached for a human but pulled out a humanoid plant-monster. Their shock gave her all the time she needed. Acting on instinct, she summoned plants to her aid, and they responded. Roots from a nearby tree stretched and snaked through the dirt before bursting bursting up out of the ground, breaking through the concrete like it was glass. The roots hardened into spears and impaled the vampires, who all crumbled into ash. As soon as the danger had passed, the leafy armor dried up and crumbled off of Camellia’s skin. She used her cell phone to call an ambulance for the bleeding man and a tow truck for her totaled car, and she tended to his wounds as best she could while they waited. She told the police that she’d turned too fast into the alley and flipped over, which must have scared away “the muggers”. The wounded man didn’t contradict her. Camellia spent the weeks after the incident telepathically communing with her new symbiote, learning what little the symbiote knew of her own history, and growing accustomed to her new abilities and the changes the symbiote was making to her body. The symbiote had been part of a race of semi-sentient plants engineered and grown as biological weapons by the humans of another Earth in an alternate dimension. That dimension fell to Omega, and this symbiote happened to be on a part of that Earth which wound up floating in the Terminus instead of being annihilated. When a rift opened up near the symbiote during the most recent Terminus incursion into her dimension, she pulled up her roots and let herself fall through. The symbiote offered to separate from Camellia if she so desired, but Camellia refused when she learned that separation would require intensive surgery which could kill both of them. Instead, Camellia decided to cope with whatever changes might come, and put her new abilities to good use, making the world a better place like she’d always wanted to. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION Camellia's behavior comes from a combination of a naturally big heart and being raised in a semi-aristocratic subculture in which tradition was revered and courtesy was paramount. She strives to always be polite, modest, generous, and forgiving. She hates to see people suffer, even when they deserve it. She’s sensitive to the moods of the people around her, and it’s important to her to make those people as comfortable as possible. Her guiding principle in daily life is “Make everybody feel welcome, and never make anybody feel second-rate.” She greets everyone with a warm smile and an opening for as much small talk as they'd like, and she almost never swears or insults people. When someone else commits a faux pas, she’s far more likely to ignore it or attempt to cover for it than she is to draw attention to it or mock them. She values integrity, both in herself and in others, so she won’t lie to protect people’s feelings, but she will distract, deflect, and omit. Every child gets told at some point “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”, but unlike most children, she took that sentiment to heart, leaving the hard truths for one-on-one sessions behind closed doors. She detests bullying of any kind, and she won't hesitate to step in and put herself between the bully and their victim. She loves social interaction and embraces every opportunity for it. Everyone has a story, and she wants to hear them all. She make a point of maintaining correspondence with all of her family, former school friends, sorority sisters, and coworkers. Once you're part of her world, you don't leave. She remembers every birthday, and she sends hand-written “Thank You” notes for everything. She likes attention, which is fortunate, because she’d get plenty of it whether she liked it or not. She doesn’t demand the spotlight, but she’s very comfortable under it. She’s a hopeless romantic who falls hard and fast both in and out of love. She doesn’t expect or demand old school chivalry, but she’s a total sucker for it. POWERS & TACTICS The symbiotic alien plant which fused with her has transformed her body on the molecular level into an ambulatory plant. Her flesh, blood, and bone has mostly been replaced with cellulose, sap, and wood, and what remains has little value beyond the cosmetic. Her plant tissues are more durable and resilient than her old flesh. Her body engages in photosynthesis, so she doesn’t need to breathe or eat food, though she still does, both for the pleasurable sensation and because she can derive nutrients from it; it’s the equivalent of spreading fertilizer over crops. She can also extend roots from her body down into soil to obtain water and nutrients, but eating and drinking feels more familiar. The diseases and poisons of animals no longer affect her, although certain chemical fertilizers have effects on her similar to those of caffeine or alcohol when she discreetly adds them to her coffee and cocktails (making those drinks toxic for anyone else in the process). Like an old tree, her aging process has stalled to the point of being imperceptible. With an infusion of sunlight, her body is able to mend most wounds instantly, and even grievous injuries will heal in a matter of hours instead of days or weeks. However, as a plant, she is more vulnerable to dehydration and extremes of temperature, her tissues are more flammable, and defoliants and herbicides which would be harmless to a human will kill her in a matter of minutes. Through the symbiote, she can psychically detect, communicate with, animate, control, and alter plants. She can make them move and act on her behalf, and she can transform them extensively, shaping them like clay, greatly increasing or decreasing their size, strength, and resilience, and making them sprout flowers which then burst open with psychoactive pollen or latex. She doesn't strictly need to take any physical action to alter or control plants, but she uses physical gestures to help herself focus. In battle, she looks like she's dancing or conducting an orchestra. The transformations she uses most often reverse themselves as soon as she stops exerting the mental effort to maintain them; permanent changes require greater effort (power stunts for Continuous/Lasting or Independent versions of her powers). Nearby plants even respond to her unconscious desires and survival instinct, moving out of her way, or moving and stretching to protect her, blocking or swatting aside incoming attacks. Her ability to shape plant matter with her thoughts also extends to her own body. She can make plant appendages like vines, thorns, leaves, and roots sprout from her skin, with whatever pigmentation or texture she desires. In battle, she often grows an extra layer of thick bark over her skin, harder than rock. She can release luciferns and their catalyzing enzymes into parts of her body, causing them to glow. In a battle, engaging directly with supervillains is her last resort. Her first priorities are healing the wounded, and using her Create Object and Move Object powers to protect bystanders and even other heroes, either by shielding them or by moving them to a safe place. Even when she does fight directly, she attempts to restrain or incapacitate while doing as little harm as possible. Technically, she can create vines to whip or strangle, or thorns to cut and stab, either from her own body directly or by altering other plants, but she’s so loathe to do so that she leaves that to occasional power stunts, instead of buying any Damage-based alternate powers for her Plant Control array. COMPLICATIONS Accidents: Her powers are potentially destructive, especially when used indoors. Tree roots might burst up through floors or streets, while tree branches and stretched bushes come crashing through windows and walls. The GM can give her a Hero Point if the use of her powers causes a setback. Perhaps she triggers an effect like Environment Control which hinders her in the rest of the fight. Or maybe she endangers bystanders, and she must try to rescue them while the villain is still attacking. Alternately, the GM can give other PCs a Hero Point in exchange for making her attack powers affect her allies as well as the villains. For example, if she were to use her Fatigue power to spray a villain with a plant-derived sedative, and another hero then used a melee attack against that villain, the GM could declare retroactively that the Fatigue effect had acquired the Contagious extra, and some of the sedative was transferred from the villain to the melee-attacking hero, who now has to save against the Fatigue effect as well. Honor: She will always choose to help bystanders, even if it means letting the villain get away. She always uses the minimum force required to incapacitate a villain, and she will accept any surrender immediately. Even though she’s good at sniffing out lies, cunning villains can manipulate her by telling her what she wants to hear. The GM can give her a Hero Point if this causes some sort of setback, such as a penalty on a Sense Motive check or a free surprise attack against her. Hopeless Romantic: Friends and family have joked over the years that she "falls in love with every man she meets". The GM can give her a Hero Point in exchange for giving her a circumstance penalty on opposed interaction skill checks like Bluff or Diplomacy, or saving throws against effects like Emotion Control (Love), if her opponent is a man with a high Charisma score, interaction skill bonus, and/or the Attractive feat, or if the player and GM agree that he’s “her type”. The GM can also give her a Hero Point if she suffers a setback on account of being distracted by attraction, such as being surprise attacked. Finally, the GM can give her a Hero Point in exchange for forcing her to make a saving throw or skill check to avoid being Dazed or Fascinated, as if the attractive character had and used those feats, even if he did not. Medium (Plant Control): The GM can give her a Hero Point in exchange for arbitrarily deciding that there are no plants close enough for her to use her Plant Control array. At the GM’s discretion, this could 1) deprive her of the power entirely, 2) make it operate at a reduced power rank, since she would have to harvest material for the plant structures from her own body, or 3) make it acquire the Tiring or Side-Effect flaw, for the same reason. Normal Identity: If a villain were to restrain her or otherwise render her helpless, then they could surgically (or violently) remove the symbiote plant from inside her chest. If this were to happen, then all the changes it has made to her body would gradually revert, and she would lose all her powers and become a normal human again. Both she and the symbiote would suffer from withdrawal, and either of them could die, especially the symbiote. If the GM ever caused such a horrendous thing to occur, then giving her a Hero Point would be the least they could do. Phobia (Fire): Fire is one of the few things which can cause her serious harm, and she has an instinctual fear of it. The GM can give her a Hero Point in exchange for forcing her to make a Will save against an Emotion Control (Fear) effect. The GM is free to assign the effect whatever power rank they choose, but it should take into account the size and intensity of the fire (the effective Damage rank) and her proximity to it. Power Loss (Immunity): There are some circumstances in which her Immunity to Suffocation would not apply, such as being caught in a vacuum, or being immersed in water too dark and deep for any sunlight to trigger her photosynthesis. Similarly, if deprived of both food (either animal food or nutritious soil) and sunlight, then she will begin suffering from starvation, despite her Immunity to it. The GM can give her a Hero Point if she is caught in such circumstances and begins suffocating or starving. The GM can also give her a Hero Point when a villain scores a critical hit or a Sneak Attack against her, and suppress her Immunity to Critical Hits, allowing the villain to keep their damage bonus. Responsibilities: She has a large, active social network of family, school friends, sorority sisters, and former coworkers. She’ll drop everything to come to their aid. The GM can give her a Hero Point if a request for that aid comes at the worst possible time. She also has standing appointments with paying clients at her psychiatry practice four days a week, with the potential for emergency calls during off hours. The GM can give her a Hero Point if her day job somehow interferes with her hero work. Secret (Identity): The GM can give her a Hero Point if a potential reveal of her identity causes her some sort of setback, or if a villain learns her identity and then creates a setback for her by going after her friends, family, and/or patients. Soft-Hearted: She doesn’t like to see anyone suffer, even villains. As good as she is at telling truth from lies, she’s still a sucker for a sob story. The GM can give her a Hero Point in exchange for a penalty on checks like Sense Motive to discern the truth behind a wounded-gazelle gambit. Where others may see “A hard man doing a hard job, willing to make the tough choices and do what’s necessary”, she sees only callousness and cruelty which she cannot abide. She’s as likely to come to blows with “grim dark avenger” vigilantes as she is with actual supervillains. The GM can give either her or another PC a Hero Point in exchange for forcing her either to not take a certain action which would harm another person, or else to take a certain action which would prevent harm to another person or end harm they were already enduring. For example, if a villain appeared to already be restrained, incapacitated, or severely weakened, and another PC were still attacking them, or interrogating them in a violent or threatening manner, then the GM could invoke this complication, force her to put a stop to it, and give either her or the other PC a Hero Point. ABILITIES 40PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 30/18 (+10/+4) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 24 (+7) COMBAT 16PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +4 Base, +10 Plant Control Grapple: +4, +20 Plant Control Defense: +10/+4 Base, +5/+2 Flat-Footed Knockback Resistance: 10/2, 5/2 once Ablative Impervious is gone SAVING THROWS 7PP Toughness: +10/+4 (+10/+4 Con, Impervious 10 [Ablative]) Fortitude: +10/+4 (+10/+4 Con, +0PP) Reflex: +10/+4 (+2 Dex, +6 Enhanced Reflex, +2PP) Will: +10 (+5 Wis, +5PP) SKILLS 108R = 27PP Acrobatics 8 (+10) Bluff 11 (+18, +22 Attractive)Distract, Taunt Concentration 5 (+10) Craft (Artistic) 8 (+10) Diplomacy 11 (+18, +22 Attractive)Connected, Fascinate Gather Information 13 (+20)Contacts Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) 13 (+15) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 8 (+10) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 2 (+4) Languages 1 (English [Native], French) Medicine 3 (+8) Perform (Dance) 3 (+10) Perform (Oratory) 3 (+10) Sense Motive 15 (+20) Swim 4 (+4) FEATS 12PP Attractive Benefit (Wealth) Connected Distract (Bluff) Fascinate (Diplomacy) Interpose Leadership Luck 3 Quick Change Taunt POWERS 96PP Enhanced Constitution 12 [12PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Plant Body) Enhanced Defense 6 [12PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Animate Plants, Plant Control) Enhanced Reflex 6 [6PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Animate Plants, Plant Control) Environment Control 1 (Light [Level 1], Area: 5ft radius, Extras: Action [Move], Flaws: Range [Touch]) [1PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Bioluminescence, Plant Body, Shapeshifting) Flight 2 (25MPH, 250ft per Move Action, Extras: Affects Others, Flaws: Platform) [4PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Animate Plants, Plant Control) Immunity 5 (Critical Hits, Own Powers, Suffocation) [5PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Photosynthesis, Plant Body) Immunity 4 (Aging, Disease, Poison, Starvation/Thirst, Flaws: Limited [Aging Immunity is 1/2 effect; Immune to Diseases and Poisons which affect animals, but not those which affect plants; Immune to Starvation but not to Thirst]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Photosynthesis, Plant Body) Impervious Toughness 10 (Extras: Force Field [Free Action, Sustained Duration], Flaws: Ablative) [5PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Bark Armor, Plant Body, Shapeshifting) Morph 1 (Broad Group [Humanoids], Extras: Duration [Continuous], Flaws: Limited [Plant-People]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Plant Body, Shapeshifting) Plant Control 14 (28PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 6) [34PP] (Descriptors: Alien) Base Power: [28PP] (Additional Descriptors: Animate Plants) Move Object 10 (Range: 10 100ft Increments, 1,000ft Max, Lifting Strength: 50 [Heavy Load: 12 tons], Feats: Accurate 3 [+6 Attack], Improved Pin, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor [Animating plants to either move themselves or to grasp and move non-plant targets]) [28PP] Alternate Power: [28PP] (Additional Descriptors: Animate Plants, Plant Growth) Create Object 10 (Range: 10 100ft Increments, 1,000ft Max, Volume: 10 cubes, Toughness: 10, Lifting Strength: 50 [Heavy Load: 12 tons], Feats: Indirect 3, Progression [Size] 3 [50ft cubes], Selective, Stationary [Resists being moved with Strength 30]) [28PP] Alternate Power: [28PP] (Additional Descriptors: Animate Plants, Flowers, Psychoactive Pollen, Toxin) Emotion Control 10 (Extras: Secondary Effect, Flaws: Range [Ranged, 10 100ft Increments, 1,000ft Max], Feats: Accurate 3 [+6 Attack], Indirect 3, Mind Blank, Reversible) [28PP] Alternate Power: [28PP] (Additional Descriptors: Animate Plants, Flowers, Sedative Latex, Toxin) Fatigue 10 (Extras: Range [Ranged, 10 100ft Increments, 1,000ft Max], Secondary Effect, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Feats: Accurate 3 [+6 Attack], Indirect 3, Reversible, Sedation) [28PP] Alternate Power: [28PP] Healing 9 (Extras: Action [Standard], Total, Flaws: Distracting, Feats: Variable Descriptor [Mending plants directly with florakinesis, or using medicinally enhanced plants to heal non-plant targets]) [28PP] Alternate Power: [27PP] (Additional Descriptors: Animate Plants, Grasping Branches/Vines) Snare 10 (Range: 10 100ft Increments, 1,000ft Max, Feats: Accurate 3 [+6 Attack], Indirect 3, Reversible) [27PP] Alternate Power: [28PP] (Additional Descriptors: Shape Plants) Transform 10 (Plants, Extras: Duration [Continuous, Lasting], Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch], Feats: Accurate 3 [+6 Attack], Extended Reach [10ft], Indirect, Progression [Mass] 3 [5 tons]) [28PP] Plant Telepathy 2 (4PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power) [5PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Psychic) Base Power: [4PP] Comprehend 2 (Plants 2 [Speak To, Understand]) [4PP] Alternate Power: [2PP] Super-Senses 2 (Postcognition, Flaws: Medium [Plants]) [2PP] Regeneration 1 (Resurrection 1 [1 week], Feats: Regrowth) [2PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Plant Body) Super-Movement 1 (Permeate 1 [1/4 Speed], Flaws: Limited [Plants]) [1PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Animate Plants, Plant Control) Super-Senses 5 (Plant Awareness, Descriptor Frequency: Common, Sense Type: Mental [Default Extras: None], Extras: Acute, Radius, Ranged) [5PP] (Descriptors: Alien, Plant Control, Psychic) DRAWBACKS -12PP Vulnerability (Cold effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-2PP] Vulnerability (Dehydration effects, Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-1PP] Vulnerability (Fire/Heat effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Moderate [+50% Effect Rank]) [-3PP] Weakness (Defoliants/Herbicides, Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Moderate [-1 Con], Time: 1/round) [-6PP] ATTACK RANGE SAVING THROW EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Create Object Ranged DC20 Reflex Trapped Dropped Object Ranged/Area DC20 Reflex Avoided DC25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Emotion Control Ranged DC20 Will (Staged) Calm: Removes all Emotion Control conditions Despair: Shaken/Helpless Fear: Shaken/Frightened/Panicked Hate: Attitude = Hostile Hope: Removes Despair and Fear Love: Attitude = Friendly/Helpful/Fanatical Fatigue Ranged DC20 Fortitude (Staged) Fatigued/Exhausted/Unconscious Healing Touch DC19 Fortitude (Harmless) Healing Move Object Ranged Grapple vs +20 Pinned/Bound Thrown Object Throwing (Str 50) DC25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Snare Ranged DC20 Reflex (Staged) Entangled/Bound Transform Touch +5ft DC20 Fortitude Transformed Abilities (40) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (7) + Skills (27) + Feats (12) + Powers (96) - Drawbacks (12) = 186/189 Power Points
  24. Sagrado Corazon Power Level: 10 (186/201PP) Unspent Power Points: 15 Trade-Offs: ±0 Attack / ±0 Damage, +5 Defense / -5 Toughness In Brief: Preacher if Jesse was a better person Catchphrase: Theme: Don't You Worry Child, Born This Way, Alternate Identity: The Saint, El Santo (public), Cristóbal (Chris) De La Cruz (private) Birthplace: Tampico, Mexico Residence: Weston, Vibora Bay Base of Operations: Weston, Vibora Bay Occupation: DJ, Waiter, Bartender Affiliations: None Currently Family: Maria Guadalupe De La Cruz (mother) Description: Age: DoB: September 21, 1998 Apparent Age: Youthful actual age Gender: Male Ethnicity: Latino Height: 5'9" Weight: 153 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown, blonde highlights Chris has a compact and lithe gymnasts build of middling height. A dimpled smile and certain practiced intensity has earned him larger tips on more than one occasion and he's not above taking full advantage of that. His hair is neatly coiffed in a neat fade with the top just long enough to cover an eye when allowed though usually is swept back and cleanly styled into a subtle wave with blonde highlights to it's natural deep mahogany tones. Deep chestnut eyes sit beneath a delicate brow, clean shaven with fine cheekbones Chris' golden caramel skin tone is often augmented with a light touch of make up to best smooth his complexion and highlight his features. He cuts a handsome figure and is well aware of it setting off his civilian looks with well fitted dress shirts or skin tight tees as the situation demands paired with fashionable jeans or shorts depending on the locale. His costume consists of a fitted iridescent silver/white full coverage bodysuit with integral boots blending seamlessly into his calves. A criss crossing ribbon in red runs over the bodysuit with a matching short laced vest over his chest. The suit comes up to the bottom of his jaw but leaves his head uncovered with a matching thin lensed domino mask covering his eyes. The overall image is akin to a cirque du soleil take on superhero design. History: Chris was born to a single mother. The youngest daughter of a conservative and upwardly mobile family in Tampico on the gulf coast. He's never met them and has no intention to. He and his mother were removed to an illicit convent hidden in the hills of the eastern Sierra Madre. Despite the formal organizations having been outlawed as part of reforms separating church and state in the twenties some few underground orders remained serving the devout. His family had connections to one such and thus a place to send their 'sinful' daughter and her bastard. He was raised in equal parts by his mother as the sisters of the hidden order, it was not an unpleasant childhood but neither was it particularly warm and loving. His mother never took her vows, a point of contention with the abbess, and did her best to take an active role in her sons life as the orders strictures allowed. He was well educated in matters both civil and religious and given all he needed to grow into a healthy young man. Shortly after his twelfth birthday while trying to come to terms with his budding sexuality in the relative isolation of the convent he was found by one of his tutors while experimenting with his mother's carefully hoarded make up. the sisters response was swift and harsh. They attempted to switch the deviancy from him to his mother's grave protests. His mother fled with him that night making for the coast knowing they'd expect her to strike north for the United States. In hindsight Chris realized she must have long been prepared for when they would have to flee though he still has no idea why. Unknown to him and only barely understood by his mother, the order and his family along with others hidden throughout the church believed her family to be a repository of the bloodline of the messiah. Thus her 'sinful' pregnancy and worse her sons 'deviancy' was a dire threat to their carefully curated program to keep the line alive and pure. Once they made it to the coastal communities his mother managed to arrange transport across the gulf eventually landing in Vibora Bay and requesting asylum. It was not a swift process but they managed to navigate the bureaucracy and gain entry and eventually citizenship. While they waited his mother worked many jobs to support them, eventually managing to become a supervisor of hospitality at a nearby beach resort. Chris attended public school and made middling grades. Life for a queer immigrant on the panhandle led him into more than a few fights in his early days, his mother fearing for their asylum claims was firm in him following a path of peace. Not acquiescence but peace. Eventually it sunk in and Chris is now effectively a pacifist violence begets violence as his mother would say. Teach, show them, be the better man. Most days he likes to think he succeeds. It likely helps that modern Vibora Bay is more welcoming than many places to his existence. Upon graduation Chris knew there was no money for college and knew even more so his struggles in scholarship would not get him far. Like many of his generation he bounces from job to job' living with his mother and helping with the bills. His dream is to make it big as a DJ though he recognizes even local fame is unlikely. In the meantime he works waiting tables or bartending where his looks and charming demeanor cna earn him spending money and taking what DJ gigs he can supplementing with driving for UBER or Lyft and delivering for one gig economy app or another. Things changed last fall. He was out with friends at a local club that catered to the younger LGBT latino community. Chris had just arrived and was lingering just inside the club looking for where his friends might be when there was some kind of altercation in front. There were slurs shouted, threats, then a sharp crack of a gunshot outside, screams barely audible over the thumbing beat of the nights mix. The gunman stepped in, the few others near enough to see started to scatter, Chris stared at the man almost in confusion as the barrel began to rise. His memory is foggy of what happened next. He demanded the man drop the gun, there was an almost blinding light from behind him, the rifle fell to the floor and the gunman met Chris' eyes his gaze full of so much hate then sorrow as he fell to his knees sobbing and begging forgiveness. Chris ran. That was when the Voice started, his glorious purpose, his destiny, his fate. And Chris couldn't run from the Voice. His mother thought his moodiness was shock from the near shooting, or maybe drugs. She told him to tell her when he was ready. He doesn't know if he ever will be. But he does know he stopped something terrible that day, and times since. He of course has a choice, everyone does, but not helping is hardly any choice at all. So he swore a designer he knew to secrecy and got a disguise, a costume, and now he tries to make the world a little less frightening. Personality & Motivation: Chris is young and a little scared. He still is trying to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up and he has a voice in his head telling him he about duty, destiny, and hinting at dark futures he may have to stop. As he puts it, "It's, Alot." The worst of it is that Chris won't walk away. He knows he can help, and that if he doesn't it won't get done or worse fall to another to help, possibly at greater cost. He's not certain if he's losing his mind, and not sure if fixing that would take his powers. He's not sure if he might want that. So he lives his life full out with a certain heedless abandon where tomorrow is not promised and does what he can to make the world a better place in the meantime. He's given to private crises, but outwardly is gregarious, flirty, and carefree. Powers & Tactics: Still ingrained in his methods is his mothers teaching of how many problems are solved by violence (zero). Chris is at the core a pacifist. And his powers lend themselves to this. He speaks with divine mandate and the world obeys his commands. He can disable, disarm, and command weaker minds and overwhelm even strong ones. He usually keeps his commands simple and short, 'Stop!', 'Sleep!', 'Freeze!' etc. will stop many in their tracks at least long enough for them to be restrained. More complex commands can be used in less strenuous circumstance of course and he has been known to march those bound to the Voice into a police station to turn themselves in. A situation the police accept with dubious care, where mind controlling supers fall on the spectrum of fourth, or fifth amendment rights is sufficiently unclear to make such tactics questionable. When facing foes not affected by the Voice directly he'll concentrate on defending innocents and doing what he can to aid or bolster allies. Power Descriptions: Much of Chris' powers are internal, the advice and warnings of the Voice can reveal much when it's in a talkative mood and will warn him of dangers. As well his existence is to put it tritely, blessed, fate bends to the will of the Divine and the Divine wishes him intact. His active powers consist mostly of the Voice of the Divine overwhelming the weak minded. His commands must be obeyed when he puts the power of the Voice behind them. Beyond the ethereal presence of the Voice and it's direct effects it is difficult to notice, people simply obey his command. When used with subtlety it can go unnoticed entirely while shouting short commands as in most fights are a more obvious use mostly due to the immediate reactions. Chris is also able to peer into the psyche of an enemy and force upon them visions of how their actions harm others or similar regrets of ill lived lives. Such revelation can be overwhelming. Lastly he can perform miracles, manna from heaven, heal the sick, mend the broken, even if it is so willed raise the recently fallen. Performing such miracles even on a small scale is not subtle invoking a divine glow at the very least and manifesting a blinding halo, or even the chorus celestial upon grander use. Complications: The Voice: There is a Voice, God, Angel, or madness Chris doesn't examine too closely. It speaks of his duty and the needs of the world as well as some future fate. The Voice may demand action or inaction of Chris listening to it may earn HP, the voice may also be distraction either with demands or overwhelming him at key moments earning Chris HP for such setbacks. Pacifism: Though he's willing to use his powers to stop people he draws a line at harm. When the situation calls for direct violence and his refusal limits his options chris will earn HP. The Covenant: The self styled Covenant of the Blood believes that it has a sacred duty to guide and preserve the lineage of Christ and that Chris is a scion of this august line. Attracting their attention could become problematic in many ways. Pure of Heart: Those who have committed no wrongs upon others may be immune to the visions he conjures with Empathic Visions earning him HP. Abilities: 4 + 8 + 10 + 4 + 20 + 10 = 56PP Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 30 (+10) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 0 + 10 = 10PP Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +0/+4 Melee, +0/+4 Ranged Defense: +5/+15 (+5/+10 Base, +0/+5 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed Grapple: +6 Knockback: -2 Saving Throws: 0 + 6 + 5 = 11PP Toughness: +5 (+5 Con, +0) Fortitude: +5 (+5 Con, +0) Reflex: +10 (+4 Dex, +6), Evasion 2 Will: +15 (+10 Wis, +5) Skills: 80R = 20PP Acrobatics 6 (+10) Bluff 5 (+10) (+14 Attractive) Concentration 5 (+15) Diplomacy 10 (+15) (+19 Attractive) Gather Information 5 (+10) Intimidate 5 (+10) Knowledge: Current Events 3 (+5) Knowledge: Pop Culture 3 (+5) Knowledge: Streetwise 3 (+5) Knowledge: Theology and Philosophy 3 (+5) Language 2 (Spanish:Native, Latin, English) Notice 10 (+20) Perform: Percussion 5 (+10) Perform: Keyboards 5 (+10) Sense Motive 10 (+20) Feats: 18PP Attractive Connected Contacts Evasion 2 Improved Defense 2 Improved Initiative Luck 3 Quick Change Skill Mastery (Diplomacy, Gather information, Notice, Sense Motive) Inspire 5 Powers: 23 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 37 = 71PP Enhanced Traits 15 (Guardian Angel; Base Attack 4, Base Defense 5, Dodge Focus 5) [23PP] (Divine, Fate) Enhanced Traits 2 (Voice of the Divine; Well Informed(1), Gather Information 4(1);Flaws: Uncontrolled) [1PP] (Divine, Inspiration) Super Senses 2 (Voice of the Divine; Danger sense(mental)(1), Uncanny Dodge(mental)(1)) [2PP] (Divine, Inspiration) Super Senses 8 (Voice of the Divine; Postcognition, Precognition; Flaws: Uncontrolled) [4PP] (Divine, Inspiration) Variable Pool 1 (5 PP Pool, 1 Power(Alteration, Miracle) at a time; Miracles;) [4PP] (Divine, Miracle) The Voice 16 (32 PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5)[37PP] (Divine) Base Power: Mind Control 10 (Voice of Command; Extras: Duration(sustained), Conscious; Flaws: Sense Dependant(Auditory); Feats: subtle 2) {32/32} (command) Alternate Power: Deflect 15 (Deus Ex; Projectiles(fast and slow); Extras: Area; Flaws: Distracting; Feats: Selective, Subtle) {32/32} (Fate) Alternate Power: Emotion Control 10 (Inspiring Command; Extras: Area(General, Perception-Auditory), Duration(continuous-lasting), Selective Attack; Flaws: Range(touch) -2; Feats: Reversible, Subtle) {32/32} (oration) Alternate Power: Nauseate 10 (Empathic Visions; Extras: Alternate Save(Will)+0, Mental +0, Range(perception)+2; Flaws: Sense Dependant(Visual); Feats: Reversible) {31/32} (Regret, Despair) Alternate Power: Paralyze 10 (Halting Command; Extras: Range(perception)+2, Mental +0; Flaws: Sense Dependant(Auditory); Feats: Reversible) {31/32} (command) Alternate Power: Stun 10 (Sedating Command; Extras: Alternate Save(Will)+0, Mental +0, Range(perception)+2; Flaws: Sense Dependant(Auditory); Feats: Reversible, Sedation) {32/array cost} (command) Drawbacks: -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVING THROW EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC17 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Inspiring Command Perception DC20 Will (Staged) Emotion Control Empathic Visions Perception DC20 Will (Staged) Nauseate Halting Command Perception DC20 Will (Staged) Paralyze Sedating Command Perception DC20 Will (Staged) Stun Totals: Abilities (56) + Combat (10) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (20) + Feats (18) + Powers (71) - Drawbacks (0) = 186/201 Power Points
  25. Player Name: Heritage Character Name: Grimalkin Power Level: 10/15 (250/250PP) [291] Tradeoffs: +2 Defense/-2 Toughness, +2 Attack/-2 Damage Unspent PP: 0 In Brief: Shapeshifting faerie with a human soul Alternate Identity: Lynn Epstein Identity: Secret Birthplace: Atlantic City, NJ Occupation: Bookstore owner Affiliations: Former member of the Knights of Freedom and the Interceptors, currently freelance. Former partner of the Shrike. Family: Elaine Epstein (mother, deceased), Harold 'Butch' Epstein (father), Benjamin Epstein (brother), Edna Epstein (sister). William 'Colt' Reynolds (husband, deceased), Zachary Reynolds (son), Ruth Reynolds (daughter), Jonathon Reynolds (son) Description: DOB: June 17, 1988 Apparent Age: As Lynn, early thirties; as Grim, late teens Actual Age: Over 100 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'3" Weight: 122 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown; shoulder-length and curly as Lynn, short and spiky as Grimalkin Lynn is a lovely young woman who typically wears comfortable jeans, T-shirts, hiking boots and a denim or suede jacket by day, but is wrapped in skintight leather of black and midnight blue, complete with domino mask, when she prowls the dirty streets at night. Her ears are (normally) pointed and tapered; as Grimalkin, they are clearly visible, but 'Lynn' keeps the tips discretely hidden under her hair, though she can always alter them in a pinch. History: A young runaway from Atlantic City, Lynn Epstein turned to a life of panhandling and petty crime to survive; one day it became too much, and she crawled into a dark alley on a chill winter night to die, but instead awoke the next day transformed! For many months she used her powers selfishly, living the high life and swindling 'suckers', until one night she saw a young streetwalker attacked; the FCPD's profound indifference to the crime appalled her, and she swore that night to use her powers to help those the Powers That Be would not help. For several years, she was a member of the West End-based superhero team known as the Interceptors, along with Dynamo, Fulcrum, Jack of All Blades and William 'Colt' Reynolds. She eventually married Reynolds in 2011, and retired from active crime-fighting, and had not been seen in Freedom City since. Upon her return in 2014, Lynn reopened Silberman's Books, the store she inherited from her grandfather on her twenty-second birthday; the building had been shuttered since she and Colt where married in it 2011. Lynn currently occupies the apartment above the shop. She revealed to her friends that time moved differently on Colt's world, where she'd been for the last three years, and she's now over one hundred, having raised a family with her husband, who has since died at age 99 back in his home dimension. Lynn recently ended her relationship with Gretchen McDaniels, her former sidekick the Shrike, who relocated to the Emerald Cities, though she hopes one day they can try again to make it work. In addition, due to a traumatic event in the summer of 2018, she lost access to some of her previous powers, which will take some getting used to after all these years. Her mother died of ovarian cancer in September 2020, and her father is currently living with her. Personality & Motivation: Being that she's a shapeshifter, it's perhaps not surprising that Lynn is rather hard to pin down; she lives very much in the 'now', making few great plans and doing her best not to dwell on the past, even though she still misses Colt terribly. Her emotions are intensely felt, and she can switch from playful to angry to sad almost in the same sentence. Lynn also finds comfort in the little things, everyday wonders like bike rides in the park and lazy afternoons spent lying in the grass; she never seems to have enough of the simple pleasures, which makes her cherish them all the more. Since becoming a mother and having to leave her family behind on another world, she has taken a very motherly attitude towards her friends and coworkers. As a crimefighter, Grim is driven by many things: the desire to see a wasted life blossom once more, an end to cruelty, injustice and indifference, and a strong personal desire to constantly improve her technique. She likes teaming up with other heroes to see how she measures up and maybe pinch a trick or two, but she is frequently very self-critical of her own performance, to the point of downplaying her many successes. Like a trickster goddess with a vengeful streak, her personal brand of justice might seem somewhat capricious, but she would never willfully take a human life in the pursuit of the law. Powers & Tactics: Grimalkin's powers come from her faerie nature; some of them are innate, such as her keen senses and high tolerance to cold, but many of them come from her ability to manipulate glamour, the very essence of the fey. Seeing as her body is now wholly composed of glamour, she can alter it in a number of ways, such as completely changing her appearance, making herself nearly undetectable, or eluding capture. She can also create various objects seemingly out of thin air (actually her own glamour), which she uses as props, furniture or just her own amusement. In combat, Grim prefers to use stealth to take better advantage of her claws; when forced into a 'fair fight', she uses her wits and charm to befuddle her foes to level the playing field. She has also learned how to use glamoured objects to capture or obstruct her opponents. She has also recently discovered how to adjust the density of her glamour to pass through small cracks, avoid certain types of damage and even fly, albeit slowly. Complications: Enmity of the Fey: As a fey with a human soul, and thus the capacity for genuine creativity, Grim is resented by most faerie creatures, and sometimes even considered an abomination. Momma Bear: Grim is very protective of those she cares about, especially friends, family and the staff of her bookstore. Prejudice (The Rich): Due to her lower middle class upbringing, Grim frequently has a hard time sympathizing with the well-to-do. Secret Identity: Though she doesn't go to the lengths some heroes go to protect it, Grim does try to keep the two sides of her life from intersecting. Sometimes it even works. Yente: Grim is in fact a Jewish grandmother, and sometimes cannot help herself from meddling in people's lives, i.e. trying to patch up relationships, acting as matchmaker, etc. My Old Man: Grim's recently widowed father is currently staying with her; this could prove to be problematic. Abilities: 4 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 16 = 52PP Strength: 14 (+2) (Heavy Load: 175 lbs.) Dexterity: 26 (+8) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 26 (+8) Combat: 24 + 8 = 32PP Initiative: +12 Attack: +12 Ranged, +12 Melee Grapple: +20 Defense: +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -4 Saving Throws: 6 + 8 + 4 = 18PP Toughness: +8 (+4 Con, +4 Defensive Roll) Fortitude +10 (+4 Con, +6) Reflex +12 (+8 Dex, +4) Will +10 (+2 Wis, +8) Skills: 160R = 40PP Acrobatics 12 (+20) Bluff 12 (+20) Craft (Artistic) 8 (+10) Craft (Structural) 8 (+10) Diplomacy 7 (+15) Disguise 2 (+10, +40 Morph) Drive 2 (+10) Gather Information 7 (+15) Handle Animal 2 (+10) Intimidate 2 (+10) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 8 (+10) Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Civics) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Streetwise) 8 (+10) Knowledge (Tactics) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 3 (+5) Language 1 (Hebrew) Medicine 3 (+5) Notice 13 (+15) Perform (Dance) 2 (+10) Perform (Singing) 2 (+10) Pilot 2 (+10) Ride 2 (+10) Search 13 (+15) Sense Motive 3 (+5) Sleight of Hand 7 (+15) Stealth 12 (+20) Survival 3 (+5) Swim 4 (+5) Feats: 33PP Acrobatic Bluff Ambidexterity Benefit: Wealthy Defensive Attack Defensive Roll 3 (+6 Toughness) Distract (Bluff) Dodge Focus 8 Elusive Target Equipment 4 (20EP) Evasion 2 Fascinate (Bluff) Grapple Finesse Improved Initiative Move-By Action Power Attack Setup Takedown Attack 2 Taunt Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Equipment: 4PP = 15EP Silberman's Books (PL10 HQ) [15EP] Size: Small [0EP] Toughness: +5 [0EP] Features: [15EP] Communications Computer Cover Facility (Bookstore) Fire Prevention System Gym Library Living Space Powers 5 (150PP, see below) Security System 2 (DC 25) Workshop Rusty's Ranch (PL10 Training Area) [5EP] Size: Medium [1EP] Toughness: +10 [1EP] Features: [3EP] Combat Simulator Gym Security System 1 (DC 20) Powers: 4 + 16 + 3 + 20 + 7 + 12 + 10 + 11 = 83PP All powers carry the Magic, Dark Fae Lineage descriptors Comprehend 2 (Languages 2 [speak Any, One At A Time, Understand All]) [4PP] (Dark Faerie Tongue) Create Object 6 (6 cubes, Toughness +6, Lifting Strength 30 [Heavy Load: 1,600 lbs.], Extras: Duration [Continuous], Feats: Innate, Precise, Progression 2 [25ft cubes], Selective, Subtle, Drawbacks: Limited [Cannot Create Metal], Power Loss [Contact with Iron], Flaws: Feedback) [16PP] (Dark Faerie Conjuration) Dimensional Pocket 3 (Flaw: Limited [Storage only], 500 lbs.) [3PP] (Dark Faerie Vault) Glamour Body 9 (18PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 2) [20PP] Base Power: Morph 6 (Any Form, +30 Disguise, Extras: Continuous, Flaws: Limited [Cannot Mimic Metal]) [18PP] (Dark Faerie Body) Alternate Power: Concealment 10 (All Non-Tactile Senses, Flaws: Passive, Feats: Close Range, Selective) [12PP] (Dark Faerie Body) {12/16} Alternate Power: Insubstantial 2 (Gaseous Form, Extra: Linked [Flight], Feats: Selective, Subtle 2) [13PP]+ Flight 1 (10 mph; Extra: Linked [Insubstantial], Feats: Subtle 1) [3PP] (Dark Faerie Body) {16/16} Immunity 7 (Aging, Cold, Disease, Heat, Starvation and Thirst, All Suffocation) [7PP] (Dark Faerie Endurance) Strike 6 (Extras: Penetrating [2] [DMG 8], Feats: Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Incurable, Mighty) [12PP] (Dark Faerie Claws) Super-Movement 5 (Slow Fall, Sure-Footed 1, Trackless, Wall-Crawling 2) [10PP] (Dark Faerie Nimbleness) Super-Senses 11 (Accurate Extended [100ft Notice Increments] Hearing, Accurate Acute Extended [100ft Notice Increments] Tracking [1/2 Speed] Smell, Darkvision, Danger Sense [Auditory]) [11PP] (Dark Faerie Senses) Drawbacks: (-2) + (-6) = -8PP Vulnerability (Iron, Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Moderate [+50% DC]) [-2PP] Weakness (Iron, Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Moderate, -1 CON per minute [10 rounds]) [-6PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC17 Toughness Damage (Physical) Claws Touch DC23 Toughness Damage (Physical) Create Object Ranged DC16 Reflex Trapped TOTALS Abilities 52 + Combat 32 + Saving Throws 18 + Skills 40 + Feats 33 + Powers 83 - Drawbacks 8 = 250/250 Power Points
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