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About Thevshi

  • Birthday January 15

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  1. GM The superpowered teens quickly went into action, Gookgak and Iris heading around to a side to sneak into the bank when the other three took the direct approach and heading through the front doors of the building. The three acting as the distraction quickly dealt with the robbers positioned toward the front of the building as they moved into the large open lobby where there were several tellers and bank patrons. Up above, Gookgak and Iris had managed to make their way in undetected, and were just about in position to try to deal with the surprised robbers among the tellers and patrons. But before they could act, Gookgak was distracted by a plate of cookies, running over to gobble one up, before having his horrified reaction…which served to alert the robbers to their presence. When the nearest turned his weapon toward the Gobylen, Iris quickly took the man down with a mental blast. But the other alerted robbers had a chance to act, a couple grabbing hostages to uses as shields from the approaching heroes. Then a voice called out from the vault area. "Typical Freedom City, always inevitable that some do-gooders will show up." Stepping out into view was man dressed in a jester’s outfit, which was white and a checkered red-and-black pattern. Bells jingled from tassels on his boots and the jester’s hat. "Though, looks like they sent in the JV team this time." Added Wildcard, a member of the Crime League with a laugh. But even as the two sides faced off with one another when what sounded like a young girl called out from somewhere. "Ugh, so predictable. BOOOOORING!" Everything seemed to hang motionless in the air as the Claremont teens found their bodies refusing to move. The bank’s walls rippled like the tracking lines of an old magnetic VHS tape. Then a young girl blonde girl that appeared maybe five or six popped into view, she was wearing sweatpants and T-shirt emblazoned with faded logos and was hovering a few feet off the floor, an impish grin on her face. Another figure popped into view next to her, this one a blond-haired man that looked perhaps to be in his early thirties, similarly dressed causally as if relaxing on the couch to watch TV. He held in one hand an oversized TV remote, while the other jabbed at the hundreds of buttons that covered the remote’s surface. "Oh, I agree sweetie. Seen it!" He replied with an impish grin of his own. "Frankly, the original starting the Freedom League was WAAAAY better than this uninspired reboot." He looked down at the remote with a frown. "Ugh, with the cosmic wi-fi down, I can't stream our favorite universes!" The little girl floated closer to some of the Claremont students. "Oh! I love the one with the theme park robots breaking free! It's the best!" "I'm sorry sweetie." The male figure responded. "I know it's been so boring, so I went poking around the multiverse's attic and found a bunch of grandma's old timelines." From nowhere he pulled out a cardboard box filled with videocassettes marked "QHS." He then snorted. "Found this, but no way I'm watching this ancient garbage." He paused, and then looked up at the group of Claremont teens. "Unless….." A light blub appeared over the man's head and he snapped his fingers. Then the world turned to static…..
  2. Multi-Girl The original Bernadette squeezed Charlie's hand lightly in return as her gaze remained focused on her friends as they discussed the next movie to watch. When Muirne spoke up about wanting to avoid anything with magic due to a past unpleasant experience with it, the redhead spoke up. "Shoor things Muirne, there are plenty o' horror movies without magic in them." She stated, before grinning slightly and adding. "Besides, I expect we all had our fill with magic fer the time bein' back in December." In the kitchen, the Bernadette duplicate had finished getting the pizza in the oven to warm up when Neko joined her and asked to talk privately. "O' course Neko." The Irish teen duplicate quietly replied with a warm smile to her roommate and friend. "Let's go out this way," she continued, indicating a door leading out of the kitchen into a hallway and away from the room the rest of the group was gathered in. As the pair left, another of Bernadette's duplicates arrived in the kitchen to watch the pizza. A few doors down from the kitchen, Neko and the duplicate she was with stepped into the mansion's library. "What's up?"
  3. Timeout Lawrence did not miss Sam's cold reception, while Jack seemed a bit uneasy with the change in her demeanor, the blond Junior did not let it bother him, simply giving her a polite nod in return. He gave Lacie another warm smile as she commented on his choice of outfit. "Hobbies? Oh, the normal life of leisure, dinner parties and the like." He replied with a grin, playing the part of a disinterested noble. "But more seriously, I enjoy reading, but also try to stay physically active. Though I would not profess to be an expert climber or especially skilled at parkour." He then added, his expression becoming more relaxed. It was then that Estelle arrived. "Good afternoon. Estelle isn’t it? Lawrence Harrow." The blond teen said in greeting with a warm smile, his upper-class British accent very distinct. "I have not, but was planning to go see them."
  4. Slipstream Lynn's entire body seemed to tense at Lulu’s question and her expression saddened even further. "Yes…yes, something like that happened to me." She replied quietly. There was a brief pause, as she seemed to prepare herself to continue. "My….my timeline is gone, destroyed." Tears started to run down Lynn's cheek. "I understand you have been told about Collapse? From what everyone can tell, my brother…the Lawrence of my timeline…merged with Collapse and destroyed my timeline. I was barely able to escape."
  5. Slipstream Lynn bit her lip nervously as Lulu asked if there was more to the story. "Y…yes." She managed to say weakly, clearly pained by the admission. The blonde teen followed Lulu as the Southern redhead lead the way into the living room, a large spacious room with a pair of leather sofas that faced each other across a glass coffee table. The teenage took a seat at one end of the sofa Lulu selected, taking a deep breath as she seemed somewhat apprehensive of the coming conversation. "I probably have something of an unfair advantage, having known you, well, my timelines version of you, for years. Though…I have been learning that there can often be differences with things here, even when things seem so similar." "Like, here my moth…this timelines Megan Howell didn't marry my father, only dated him for a couple months."
  6. @Kaede Kimura That makes it, so you can go ahead and post coming back awake (which will be your action for the round). @Jack You just maintain the grapple, go ahead with your action!
  7. Slipstream Lynn chuckled slightly as Mattie mentioned her experiences in her hometown after she gained powers and some of the other people in town gained powers as well. Although she had heard some of Mattie's stories over the summer, it was still rather charming to hear her friend's much more….innocent experiences with powers. Lynn certainly hoped Mattie would not be too shocked when she encountered more of the typical super criminals that were active in Freedom City and beyond. "Nice to meet you Estelle, I'm Lynn." The blonde teen had stated when Estelle arrived to introduce herself as Renee’s roommate. Soon the pair were off to get situated in their room as Daphne made her way to her room as well. Lynn looked over to her roommate. "So, you want to go get things unpacked as well?" Of course, the blonde speedster could do that in moments, so it was not as if she felt a particular rush. "Or did you want to try to meet more of our new classmates?"
  8. Well, on one hand this was not an overly dangerous encounter, but sure, will give you a HP for staying true to character
  9. Slipstream As Jack went into his rage and slammed OD to the floor of the gallery, the man in the top hat took in the scene, a slightly frightened look on his face. "I am sorry OD." He said before he also turned and ran after the two Avant Guard. Lynn also was slightly shocked to see Jack's rage, but recovered quickly. "I'll try to stop the others." She managed to stated before disappearing in a blur of motion, speeding past the man in the top hat and catching back up with the two Avant Guard that had run. *CRACK* *CRACK* Two more quick attacks took down the last two Avant Guard as the teenage speedster skidded to a halt in front of the man in the top hat. "Going somewhere?" Back in the gallery, OD once again struggled against Jack's powerful grip, trying to break free…
  10. Okay, the guy in the top hat isn't going to try to keep fighting given Jack's range, so he is cutting and running as well. ROUND FIVE 34 Slipstream 1 HP (unharmed) 23 OD (bruised x2, grappled/pinned) (-4 PP to all powers started Round 2) 21 Harlequin 1 HP (unconscious) 17 Avant Guard (2) 8 Arctus 1 HP (unharmed) 4 Renoir (unharmed) Slipstream will chase after the fleeing bad guys, going after the Avant Guard first and catching up to them. She will again Take 10 to hit them (-2 atk/+2 dam): DC 25 toughness saves: they both miss, so the remaining Avant Guard are down. @Jack OD will try to break free from the grapple again, getting a 32 this time on his Grapple Check. @Kaede Kimura If you want to spend your last HP, you can get a recovery check (DC 10 Fort save) to try to wake back up.
  11. @Dracostern @RocketLord @FlyingFresh @Jack Okay, we are not going to bother with initiative for this opening scene, go ahead and post IC with your characters going into action (will say those sneaking in are able to do so). You can post dealing with a normal thug or two in your IC posts (no need to roll, taking 10 they are just likely to go down). Will start having rolls after you are all in and encounter Wildcard.
  12. Okay, OD gets a 26 on his toughness save, so only takes a bruise. And he gets a 29 on his fort save, so stay's conscious!
  13. Ouch, that means Harlequin is unconscious. Going to skip a GM post for the last two Avant Guard, who are going to run away. So @Jack you are up!
  14. Slipstream Lynn was interrupted in her attempt to follow after Gookgak by the sudden appearance of a group of Claremont students. Kaede, Iris and Carmen had made their way into the makeshift building, accompanied by another teenage girl who Lynn believed was named Sarah. "No, that is not what Mattie was trying to say at all." The blonde teen said in response to Alden's playful casting of Mattie as the villain in Gookgak's mischief. "We need to try to find him before he causes even more trouble!" She stated to the group, wondering where he could have gotten off to.
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