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  1. Today
  2. Dwayne shrugged at the firewoman as he sent the alien flying with a lightning bolt. His eyes only moved away from the alien (alternate dimensional?) creature for a moment to acknowledge her with a compassionate glance. "Not saying it's easy. Just gotta do it." he said with calm certainty as he approached the dazed big brother. "But I'm handling it." He was accomplishing his goal with clarity and assurance; there was no fear, no hesitation, and no concern. He had a job he had to do, and he was going to do it. He held his hand out in front of him again and sent out a bright blue bolt of lightning directly at the Big Brother. "We can stop this whenever you want."
  3. Attack Roll Results 1d20+10: 22 [1d20=12] same roll! DC25 Toughness !
  4. alright, give me a semi-detailed post here of you either setting up camp or heading up into the mountains and a pair of accompanying Survival and Climb rolls to work on the first leg of this challenge!
  5. DC23 Reflex = 25 with Evasion, she makes it!
  6. (GM Post) "If you can get it fixed, that'd be a big help, yeah. We have to take different paths due to that being unstable for now. Why don't you rest with us for the night and then you can head off in the morning when the rest of the camp breaks; you don't really want to be wandering around in the middle of the night in a place you've never been before, after all. Pitch a tent and take a seat." She may not have their full respect; Baiyun might still be looking at her like she's poisonous, but the rest of the guides seemed to not particularly mind her at this moment; maybe they felt embarrassed about Baiyun, maybe they were just curious if she really was going to go gallivanting around in the mountains looking for someone they were pretty sure was dead.
  7. Michael wasted no time in following up after Buzz, while he was distracting the boss. "You know you're always supposed to ignore the adds and go after the boss, or something, right?" He said as he flew directly at the lady with the gun, attempting to swing a kick at her. But he missed wildly, just as he had before- his excitement was making him zip around far too fast, making him massively overshoot all his targets over and over again-. "Or uh, was it to take out the adds then the boss?"
  8. No reason to not try and take out the boss! All Out Power Attack! Attack Roll Results 1d20+7: 8 [1d20=1] Natural one! That's a miss!
  9. Yesterday
  10. GM One of the groaning firemen, bent over double, hands over her mouth, flashed Dwayne a glare. "Easy for you to say..." she said, before violently vomiting once again. "Har har har! PUNY FLESHLINGS!" said the big brother. The blast of energy smashed him straight in the middle of a laugh, right between the eys. He spun, and the impact pushed him right back into a steel girder, where flailing arms and legs swirled. Fortunately, the buzzing vibration stopped.
  11. 16 so bruised and dazed, meaning you are up again!
  12. 1. Where is your hero from? San Fransisco 2. How would your hero physically describe him/herself? Is this different from how others would? Pretty average. I am – I think – transgender, and open about it, but most people would think I’m a girl. Maybe a tomboy. And sometimes, I have bad skin. 3. Does your hero have distinguishing speech characteristics or recurring mannerisms? I run my hands through my hair when I’m thinking. 4. What is your hero's motivation? First, do no harm – which is important when you are in a symbiotic relationship with a mutated fungus. So that mean’s controlling it. What else? Some day I need to work out what to do with the family estate, and the memories of mother. And then I have a duty to use my powers for something positive. So I guess work out what that positive is going to be. 5. What are your hero's greatest strengths and weaknesses? Open mindedness is my greatest strength. There is a grain of truth in everything, and I always change my mind. My greatest weakness is speaking my mind, even if that offends someone. 6. What does your hero love? What does your hero hate? Interesting people are the best people. Fanatics, Idealogues, Cultists are the worst – people who know they are right and wont rest until everyone else conforms. 7. How would you describe your character's mental and emotional state? Healthy. I practice meditation, mindfulness, relaxation and self awareness, and go to therapy. But… I can get anxious about how healthy I am. 8. What does your hero fear the most? Burning alive. Or maybe accidentally setting a fire that burns someone else alive. 9. What is your character's greatest ambition? Save the world. Create a new strain of blue cheese. 10. How does your hero feel about the state of the world and his/her place in it? It depends where you are in the world, it’s a big place and its hell in North Korea, Swell in the states. I am concerned about the rise of populism and ideologies. 11. Does your hero have any prejudices? How does he/she get along with others? No – I make great efforts to avoid any prejudices. We are all victim to some unconscious bias, by prejudice has to be something conscious. 12. Where do your heroes loyalties lie? In what order? People. Democracy. Freedom. 13. Does your hero have a lover or partner? How do they feel about the hero now? Not yet. But one day… 14. Does your hero have a family? What is the relationship there like? I have an Aunt, who manages the estate. I love her, and I think she loves me. 15. How would the people closest to your hero describe him or her? Introverted but not shy. Uncertain but still decisive. 16. Is your hero a role model? I try very hard to have no role models as everyone is a mixed bag. But Jesus was cool. 17. How spiritual is your hero? Does your hero follow a relgious tradition? I’m an atheist, or maybe an agnostic, interested in some spiritual practices. I wouldn’t close my mind to religion. Like, why was Jesus a role model? Because I think he was a cool dude without believing he was the son of God. 18. Is your hero part of a team, or would he/she like to be? Why? Not yet, but Claremont is a soup of possibilities. 19. How does your hero feel about the place of metahumans and aliens on Earth? My concern is power differentials. The strong can easily dominate the weak. How do we prevent it? 20. If you could give one piece of advice to your hero, what would it be? Take half the advice you are given.
  13. This one was my bad. The Steam Monster just fails its Toughness save and is now Bruised x2. Nick will use his Healing power on the first of the wounded to keep them from dying of being parboiled. The Steam Monster, on the other hand, decides to be a dick and uses his Damage 10 (Targeted Area Shapeable) to try and hit everyone who has directly attacked him - which means Nick, Artificer, and Sea Devil, but not the artists. As an Area attack, that means DC23 Reflex to avoid/reduce, DC28 Toughness if it hits in full. Nick rolls a 27 on his Reflex save, then a 26 on his Toughness save. Which is good.
  14. Shock and Awe- the Tempestian form of Dwayne Devon Davidson- corrected himself as the station stumbled and rocked under him, sending him this way and that. He tripped and stumbled but didn't fall, keeping his eyes on the Big Brother as he did so. His voice rang out with a slight static-y effect, like he was talking through a microphone too close to speakers. "Come on, guys. You've dealt with a little vomit before, we're rescue workers. Just think of it as one of the ladder trucks." He called to them, but his focus was intensely on the Big Brother. He clenched his fist, forming an orb of static around it, then hurled it, sending a ball of lightning directly at Big Brother. "And you, you're just making it worse for yourself, but I'm through trying to talk you down."
  15. alright! Reflex + Fot Results 2#1d20+8: 2 # 18 [1d20=10] 17 [1d20=9] So a successful Reflex Save, then a successful Fort Save thanks to the reduced DC off the Reflex save. So I'll respond in kind, with a Blast attack! Attack Roll Results 1d20+10: 22 [1d20=12] if that hits we're looking at DC25 Toughness
  16. Last week
  17. I don't think Puma will be doing much outside asking a few hurried questions. If it's alright to post?
  18. Jack's anger surged, a seething core of fury bubbling up from deep inside. The thugs' sneers and jibes only fueled the fire, each taunt pushing him nearer to the brink. His fists tightened, knuckles whitening with the effort to control himself. 'Tearing these scum to pieces would be so effortless...' he caught himself thinking. The bear spirit within him roared, demanding release. Jack gritted his teeth, struggling against the urge to transform and rip these men apart. They deserved it, didn't they? These men had shown themselves to be the real monsters. Their cruel taunts and callous actions proved they had no regard for other's lives. Why shouldn't he unleash his full power and teach them a lesson they'd never forget? He could almost savor the satisfaction of seeing fear replace their smug expressions. The bear spirit roared its approval at the thought, urging Jack to embrace his wild nature. But even as the temptation threatened to overwhelm him, a small voice of reason pierced through the rage like a lifeline. This wasn't who he was. Jack had always aimed to protect others, not to inflict pain and terror. If he gave in now, how would he be any better than these thugs? Jack took a deep breath, forcing his fists to unclench. The bear spirit threw itself against its mental prison, roaring it's dissatisfaction with the decision, but he stood firm. He had to be the better man, to rise above the base instincts that threatened to consume him. It wasn't easy. But Jack knew that once he crossed that line, there would be no turning back. He couldn't let himself become the very thing he despised. As his fury peaked, Jack exhaled sharply. The air around him and the muggers plummeted, dropping to freezing in an instant. Frost formed on the alley walls, and the thugs' breath appeared in visible puffs. Despite trying to shift his anger into the icy air around him, Jack' body still quivered with the effort of suppressing his transformation. The veins in his arms bulged against his skin and though he remained in human form, nothing about his demeanor was human any longer. His eyes blazed with a supernatural rage, and his stance shifted to that of a predator who had found his prey. "Dis my territory now," Jack growled, his voice barely his own. The bear within had already claimed this neighborhood, the neoghborhood where his family now lived, and Jack felt driven to protect it with all his might. "Yous vill not harm dese people." The temperature continued to fall as Jack towered over the would-be muggers, his massive frame casting them in shadow. He could feel the bear spirit clawing at the edges of his mind, desperate to be unleashed. "Last chance…" Jack said, his eyes boring into theirs with a ferocity meant to incite primal fear, the kind that would make their instincts scream at them to flee.
  19. GM "Pfft, I don't care." The lead robber just chuckled before he and his henchmen left. The library was destroyed by this point. Yet it seemed as though the danger had passed for the moment. The poor old lady would wipe her tears and get up before starting to clean what was left. It seemed as though she had resigned herself to her fate. "Well dear...I think you'll have to leave..I'm probably going to close the library anyway. It was a mistake to open it, it seems." Natasha sighed as she paused her cleaning to look back at Renee. "I hope you have a nice day...please stay safe." With that she got back to work, her back to the younger girl. If Renee looked around the destroyed place, she would see that there were other rooms, specifically a toliet, if she wanted to change then she could right now. If not well...the criminals hadn't gotten far. At the end of the day it was her choice. What will she do?
  20. GM "Huh-?" The woman started to speak after hearing what Gamma Buzz had said. It was a split second of confused weakness...but that was enough for the hero to exploit. His fist collided with her face. "OOF-!" She was pushed back a little bit before wiping her mouth and glaring at the cockroach man. This solider would move up to aim her gun at him...
  21. Snakebite Cassandra took the card gladly. A vague thought manifested as she did - that Baiyun was some super ninja who would snatch away the card and use it as a shuriken. Or maybe it was poisoned. But Snakebite was immune to poison, and Cassandra knew it was a silly notion. A few silly notions did keep her on her toes, though. "I can handle a few rough climbs" she replied, confidently. At least - she sounded confident. Whether she was or not, was another matter. She could climb, and climb pretty good. But this was the Himalayas. "And thanks for the warning about the bridge..." she said. "If you guys want, I'll see if I can get it fixed up, hows about that?" How hard could fixing a rope bridge in the middle of the night halfway up a mountain be, after all?
  22. GM "Settled DOWN is it? HAR HAR HAR! I hear you FLESHLINGS cant stand up!" The vibrating metal of the fire station started vibrating at a tremendous speed. Ultrasonic waves ripped through Dwaynes body - and that of the firemen. The concrete floor cracked, and every single piece of metal in the firestation, including the flooring, started vibrating so fast it looked like it was blurring. Around him, the Firemen of the station started clutching their head and hurling their guts, their inner ear unable to cope with the movement and sound. The smell of vomitus had a cascade effect, causing more and more men and women to empty their own stomaches. And the smell didn't help Dwayne maintain control of his own innards either...
  23. 15 for Big Brother Round 1 15 - Big Brother - Unharmed 7 - Dwayne - Bruised - 4 HP Big Brother will start off with a VIBRATION attack! This is a Nauseate 8 effect from the motion, which will effectively wipe out (but not KO) the fire men. Reflex 18 and Fort 18 (or 14) saves!
  24. Initiative Results 1d20+2: 7 [1d20=5]
  25. (Golden Star Post) "..." Michael wanted to frown, watching her claws, watching her struggle, but he smiled instead, kissing her cheek in response and keeping his focus forward. "I can't promise that, you know. My job is to get hurt so other people don't have to, even if it's you, and you're tough and fast as can be. But I'll try to be more aware of how that looks to other people, you included. So...I'm sorry for worrying you." he said honestly, offering his best smile to her. He couldn't help her issues, really; he didn't know enough, not about curses or magic or her history or anything like. The only thing he had was that he could give her- and would give her- absolutely unflinching support for whatever she needed, so that's what he was doing. "...When you're ready, we'll need you to find this last guy."
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