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  1. Player Name: Trollthumper Character Name: Temperance Power Level: 9/12 (133/203PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 70 In Brief: Daughter of a water elemental turned urban heroine with a sideline in spiritual matters. Alternate Identity: Eliza Oxum Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City, NJ Occupation: Student Affiliations: The Court of Tides (Father's Court) Family: Julia Oxum (mother, fortune teller), Michael Oxum (father, dockworker/water elemental) Description: When in civilian clothes, Eliza usually wears jeans, sneakers, and sweatshirts - nothing too different from the rest of her peer group. As Temperance, her clothing tends towards dark navy shades - a navy peacoat over dark blue body armor and Doc Martens, coupled with a mask made from opaque blue ice to conceal her identity. Age: 16 (DoB: August 3rd, 1995) Apparent Age: 16 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Black Height: 5'8" Weight: 110 lbs. Eyes: Black Hair: Blue Power Descriptions: All Powers - Water, Ice, Magical, Spiritual Blast w/ Autofire - Temperance causes water to swirl about her, then freeze into hail stones. The hail stones launch towards the target with the force of a fast ball from a professional pitcher. (+Bludgeoning) Snare - The water that swirls around Temperance coalesces around a target, then freezes solid. (+Entrapment) Trip - The ground area Temperance frosts over in patches, making it hard to retain balance. Move Object - Temperance raises her hands, and water surges forth from whatever holds it. History: Eliza's parents were always open with her, willing to tell her what she needed to know. The fact that, at a young age, she quickly cottoned to the fact that her "imaginary friends" might not be so imaginary likely had something to do with that. When she was seven, her mother and father sat her down and told her about how they'd really met. Eliza had always known that her father worked at the docks of the Waterfront. What she learned that day was that he wasn't human. He was a water elemental, a high-ranking member of the Court of Tides. Such spirit courts moved invisibly through the fabric of the earth, of it but hidden from it. Michael - whose real name was the thunder of a wave crashing against a cliff - had his eyes on the human world, and in watching the Boardwalk, had taken a shine to Julia, who read cards and palms for tourists. The two enjoyed a whirlwind romance that never faltered, even when Michael revealed what he really was. With the (begrudging) approval of his Court, the two were wed. The matter of Eliza's birth resulted in some consternation - the purists of the various Courts were unsure about spirits siring children with mortals, saying the results could be dire - but their complaints were nothing to the couple as they beheld their beautiful daughter for the first time. As far as Julia and Michael know, they gave birth to a perfectly normal girl, putting to rest the concerns of Michael's colleagues. But unbeknownst to them, Eliza has inherited her some of her father's power. After a lot of practice with glasses, bathtubs, and one embarrassing incident with the kitchen sink, she's attained fairly solid control over water and its various states. She's out to make a name for herself on the streets of Freedom, cleaning up her community and making sure that humanity remains in balance with the spirits. Personality & Motivation: When on the streets, Temperance embodies the term "sangfroid." Her speech is flowery, poetic, but still cold and pointed. She has a tendency towards theatricality and brusqueness, but always shows other heroes warmth. Out of costume, she's much more upbeat, active, and friendly, though quick to jump in and defend others or her beliefs. Powers & Tactics: Temperance usually needs water in some form to influence her powers, which is why she carries a Camelback under her pea coat to provide her with enough water to form into projectiles, black ice, and other armaments. While she can call water that she perceives, she hasn't reached the point that she can sense its mere presence. She will try to subdue targets by ensnaring them or getting them off their feet, relying on projectiles when little else works. Complications: ...And Not a Drop To Drink: In an urban environment with full utilities, and with her Camelback with her, Temperance usually has enough water to use her powers. But in an arid, dehydrated environment, she's pretty much out of luck. Child of Soil, Child of Water: Temperance's dad is a powerful member of the Court of Tides, which means there are a number of water elementals - and other elementals - who have business with him. The fact that Temperance is a "half-breed" is more than enough reason for some of the purists among her dad's kind to take issue with her. It's Ten O'Clock, Do You Know Where Your Daughter Is?: Temperance is keeping her superhero career hidden from her folks - at least, at first. She's afraid of what her dad might say about the fact that his seemingly normal daughter has inherited his elemental mantle. Abilities: 0 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 6 + 4 = 20 PP Strength 10 (+0) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 12 (+1) Wisdom 16 (+3) Charisma 14 (+2) Combat: 10 + 10 = 16 PP Attack: +5 (+8 Aquatic Mastery) Defense: +9 (+5 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Initiative: +6 Grapple: +4 Knockback: -8/-1 Saving Throws: 5 + 6 + 4 = 15 PP Toughness: +8/+2 (+2 CON, +6 Protection) Fortitude: +7 (+2 CON, +5) Reflex: +8 (+2 DEX, +6) Will: +7 (+3 WIS, +4) Skills: 68r = 17 PP Acrobatics 6 (+8) Concentration 4 (+7) Diplomacy 4 (+6) Gather Information 7 (+9) Intimidate 8 (+10) Knowledge (arcane lore) 8 (+9) Knowledge (current events) 5 (+6) Knowledge (streetwise) 8 (+9) Notice 6 (+9) Sense Motive 6 (+9) Swim 6 (+6) Feats: 12 PP All-Out Attack Dodge Focus 4 Evasion Improved Initiative Luck 2 Power Attack Uncanny Dodge (audio) Well-Informed Powers: 33 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 2 = 49 PP Aquatic Mastery, 27 PP Array (Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Power 3) [29 PP] Base: Blast 9 (Extras: Autofire 1) [27 PP] “hailstorm†Alternate Power: Snare 9 (Extras: Regenerating) [27 PP] “permafrost†Alternate Power: Trip 9 (Extras: Duration [Concentration], Area Shapeable) [27 PP] “black ice†Alternate Power: Move Object 9 (Extras: Area Shapeable, Range [Perception]; Flaws: Limited to Water) [27 PP] Alternate Power: Transform 9 ​(Water to Ice) [27PP] Comprehend (Spirits) 1 [2 PP] Flight 3 (50mph, Flaws: Platform) [3PP] Immunity 3 (cold, high pressure, suffocation from drowning) [3 PP] Protection 6 [6 PP] Super-Senses (Detect Spirits Ranged) 2 [2 PP] Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Blast Ranged DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Snare Ranged DC18 Reflex 1/2 save DC18 Reflex (Staged) Ensnared Trip Ranged DC18 Reflex 1/2 save DC18 STR, DEX, or Acrobatics Prone Move Object Ranged DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities (20) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (17) + Feats (12) + Powers (49) - Drawbacks (0) = 133/203 Power Points
  2. Player Name: GranspearZX Character Name: Crusader Power Level: 11 (173/174PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent PP: 1 Progress to Gold Status: 24/90 (Silver Status earned with >Arcturus) In Brief: A high school teacher trying to follow in the footsteps of his father. Alternate Identities: Clark Allen Noble Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: High School Teacher Affiliations: FDR High School, The Vanguard Family: Carla Noble (mother), Benjamin Noble (brother), Regina Noble (sister) Age: 32 (DoB: May 1979) Apparent Age: 32 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Irish Height: 6'2" Weight: 231 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde Description: Clark Noble could easily be mistaken as a professional athlete; tall and muscular, Clark is a wide-shouldered and often imposing figure to most. His short, blonde hair is often hidden underneath a featureless black cap, and sunglasses usually shade his dark blue eyes. As the Crusader, his costume is white and red, with red boots and gloves. He also wears a white mask that covers his entire face. His round shield is white, as well, with a red cross dominating its center. Power Descriptions: Clark doesn't appear to have much in the way of superpowers, but he manages to hold his own with the help of extensive physical training and the help of his shield. The shield itself seems to have unusual properties of its own, virtually indestructible. History: Clark lead a fairly simple life. He was the first in a set of triplets, and for years it was speculated that being the first-born afforded him a unique advantage. He was an especially charismatic and focused young man, and while he was a fairly perceptive child, he never really noticed that his father wasn't around all that often. As a 5-year old, he was a bit too young to understand what exactly his father was doing. Eventually, Clark did find out, after finding his father sneaking into the house late one night--in costume as the Crusader. In exchange for keeping his father's secret, Brian Noble promised to teach Clark everything that he knew; with the climate as it was for superheroes in the early 80s, Brian could only hope the city would relinquish its ban on their activities. Tragedy struck in 1993; the Terminus Invasion caused widespread chaos across the city, and Brian Noble went missing during the evacuation of their neighborhood, and when it was all over, many heroes were gone--including the Crusader. Only Clark knew his father's secret, and only he knew that his father was more than just 'missing'. It forced him to grow up a bit faster, taking on the responsibilities of his family even as his twin brother and sister put an increasing strain on his grief-stricken mother. In 1998, he graduated from high school; he nearly joined the military until he started having odd, unsettling dreams of his father. Keeping the part-time job he'd found, he started recreating his father's costume from memory--memories that, he soon discovered, weren't entirely his own. Visiting his father's grave in Memorial Grove, he was suddenly flooded mentally by a vision of his father's spirit--and every Crusader before him, stretching back to the 13th century. When he awoke, nearly a week had passed, and his father's shield lay along side his gravestone. Using his newly acquired powers, he began building on the legacy his father and his ancestors left behind. Operating largely out of Hanover, Clark put himself through college and earned a B.S. in Athletic Training with a minor in biomechanics, later earning a Master's in education. By then, his sister had moved on, working for the World Health Organization; Robert, however, had developed a gambling addiction. More than once, Clark tried to bail his brother out of situations involving drugs and owing mobsters money, only to later have to take him down along with the other criminals he encountered as the Crusader. Personality & Motivation: Most people who get to know Clark find him to be very easy going, although his naturally competitive nature often manifests itself from the sidelines when he's coaching. As the Crusader, he tries to curb that instinct and is exceptionally well-suited to working with others. As a leader, he can be an insufferable optimist, stubborn and unrelenting when it comes to achieving his goals. Driven by the desire to honor the Crusader legacy, he presses forward, no matter what, though never at the expense of sacrificing anyone but himself. He isn't at all the single-minded simpleton that his moral code and lax attitude would lead one to believe, however; while strives to be the quintessential hero, he recognizes that he's human. If nothing else, he tries to conduct himself as a role model, but even he has moments of weakness where righteous indignation overtakes any pretense of taking the moral high road. Powers & Tactics: Crusader's martial ability with the shield stems from an ancestral knowledge passed down through several generations of heroes who have taken up the Crusader mantle. Though still well within the range of his physical capabilities, Crusader's core abilities come not from any one object, but lifetimes of memories and instinct. Clark has never been one to shy away from a fight, but he's surprisingly adept at team tactics, able to analyze both his allies' strengths as well as his enemies' strengths and weaknesses. He often prefers to use the Crusader Shield's ricochet effect to dispatch weaker enemies before focusing on the greatest threat, charging shield-first into foes too tough to be taken out from a distance. Complications: Hatred: Clark's dislike for organized crime borders on the irrational; he's often a little bit rougher with gangsters and mobsters than he probably should be. Mistaken Identity: Clark's twin brother, Ben, is a notorious gambler and owes a lot of people money, superpowered and not. Despite Clark's best efforts to keep his brother out of trouble, he often gets caught in the crossfire of his brother's immoral behavior. People's Champ: Clark is guided--and often bound--by his moral code, and he finds it difficult to do anything that might be perceived as 'unheroic'. He'll never willingly strike a downed opponent, and is extremely reluctant to put women or kids in jeopardy. Secret Identity: No one else knows that Clark Noble is the Crusader--a separation that Clark will go to great lengths to keep a secret. Warrior's Pride: Clark has difficulty backing down from a fight, especially a one-on-one challenge. Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?: Clark finds most reptiles to be repulsive, but snakes are the absolute worst. Working Stiff: Clark Noble is a high school football coach and history teacher at FDR High School. He takes his job pretty seriously, and has been known to lose sleep over trying to keep up with his double life. Abilities: 8 + 6 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 32PP Strength: 18 (+4) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 16 + 8 = 24PP Initiative: +7 Attack: +8 (+10 Shield Fighting Mastery) Grapple: +12 Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +0 Dodge Focus, +6 Shield), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -10 (-16 w/ Impervium Shield) Saving Throws: 4 + 5 + 7 = 16PP Toughness: +10 (+5 Con, +5 Costume); Imp 10 w/ Impervium Shield Fortitude: +9 (+5 Con, +4) Reflex: +8 (+3 Dex, +5) Will: +8 (+1 Wis, +7) Skills: 60R = 15PP Acrobatics 9 (+12) Climb 2 (+6) Craft (Mechanical) 5 (+6) Disguise 2 (+4) Diplomacy 2 (+4) Intimidate 4 (+6) Knowledge (History) 4 (+5) Knowledge (Tactics) 7 (+8) Language (Native: English; Russian) Notice 4 (+5) Search 4 (+5) Sense Motive 6 (+7) Stealth 6 (+9) Swim 4 (+8) Feats: 34PP Acrobatic Bluff All-Out Attack Assessment Attack Specialization (Shield Fighting Mastery) Blind-Fight Cunning Fighter [uses attack bonus instead of Bluff skill for feints; Warriors & Warlocks] Defensive Attack Defensive Throw [if an opponent attacks and misses, can immediately make a trip attempt at full attack bonus as a free action; Warriors & Warlocks] Elusive Target Improved Critical 2 (Shield) Improved Defense Improved Initiative Improved Throw Inspire 3 Interpose Leadership Luck 2 Move-By Action Power Attack Precise Shot Quick Change Quick Draw Reversal [When escaping from being grappled, can immediately make a grapple check vs. attacker; Warriors & Warlocks] Takedown Attack 2 Teamwork 2 Ultimate Effort (Intimidate) Unbalancing Strike [May throw an opponent off balance instead of dealing damage (Reflex save vs 10 + damage bonus); Warriors & Warlocks] Up The Wall Powers: 15 + 2 + 5 + 21 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 52PP Device 4 (20PP Container, Extra Effort applies to user, Flaws: Easy To Lose, Feats: Indestructible, Restricted 2 [Crusader]) (Crusader Shield, Impervium) [15PP] Immovable 6 (Resist Movement +24, Resist Knockback -6; Flaws: Action [free]) [3PP] Impervious Toughness 10 [10PP] Strike 5 (Feats: Mighty, Thrown [5 10ft range increments]) [7PP] Leaping 1 (Feat: Innate; x2 [28ft Running Long Jump, 14ft Standing Long Jump, 7ft Vertical Jump]) (Training) [2PP] Protection 5 (Costume) [5PP] Shield Fighting Mastery (20PP Container, Feats: Innate) [21PP] Shield 6 (+6 dodge bonus; Flaws: Limited [Requires shield]) [3PP] Blast 6 (Feats: Mighty 5, Ricochet 1; Extras: Area [burst, Targeted, 30ft. Radius], Selective Attack; Flaws: Limited [Requires shield], Side Effect [Disarmed on missed attack roll], Drawback: Minimum Range [1/4 max range]) (Shield Throw) [17PP] Speed 2 (Feat: Innate; 25mph / 250ft per Move Action) (Training) [3PP] Super Movement 1 (Slow Fall; PFs: Innate) (training) [3PP] Super Senses 2 (Accurate Hearing; PFs: Innate) (training) [3PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC19 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Shield Strike Touch DC25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Shield Throw Ranged* DC24 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) *(60 ft, 30 ft. Targeted Burst Radius; 15 ft. minimum range) Abilities (32) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (16) + Skills (15) + Feats (34) + Powers (52) - Drawbacks (0) = 173/174 Power Points
  3. Players Name: Ecalsneerg Power Level: 15 (230/250PP) [287] Trade-Offs: +1 Attack for -1 DC, +1 Defence for -1 Toughness Unspent PP: 20 In Brief: Former Claremont student and loud-mouthed animal-powered costumed adventurer. Older sheets found here. Alternate Identity: Christopher James Kenzie Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City, NJ Occupation: Student in psychology and criminology, costumed adventurer. Affiliations: Formerly Claremont Academy and Young Freedom, currently Interceptors Family: Elizabeth Lawlett/Spellbound (girlfriend), James & Marsha Kenzie (father & mother) Description: Age: 20 (DoB: 17th May 1992) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'11'' Weight: 175 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Chris Kenzie is a normal-looking guy, a little bit scrawny and scruffy, but other than that he's just your usual teenage boy. He's not often without a smile on his face, though and tends to wear long-sleeved t-shirts and baggy jeans to hide his Geckoman costume. The costume itself is lurid green and close-fitting, the hood covering all of the face except the mouth. The eyes are covered up by orange-hued goggles to further hide his identity. And because he enjoys wearing goggles. Across the chest is a large yellow G symbol, and he arms himself with a pouched belt of stiff yellow leather, inside which he stashes many gadgets and tools for crimefighting. For sentimental reasons, tucked in among the pouches is a small silver 'YF' badge, to remind him of his time on Young Freedom. Power Descriptions: None of Geckoman's powers are especially visual, being passive and defensive abilities. His palms, soles, fingertips and toes are able to cling to surfaces by electrostatic charge. He has reflexes far in excess of that of a normal human, moving with an assured speed and grace. His enhanced recuperative powers mean his wounds heal as they are observed, and his body exudes health and energy. History: Christopher james Kenzie was a bit of a slacker. All the teachers said so. He wasn't stupid, far from it, but he didn't apply himself to anything. This continued all the way up until high school, until he was on the brink of dropping out altogether. Then, one day, he'd skipped school and was just walking about when he stumbled upon a cordoned-off warehouse. It had evidently been raided by the police, or Freedom League, or somebody, but the contents hadn't yet been removed. And, hey, nobody was around, were they? Chris went in for a quick look around, and was amazed at his discovery. The place was some sort of mad scientist's laboratory! He found blueprints and prototypes for digital equipment, lightweight body armour, and even some sort of wrist-mounted 'zapper' thingies. Not even stopping to consider he might be 'thieving', he began gathering the things up in a sack to take home. After all, they were all pretty awesome. It was just pretty damn annoying that he'd pricked himself on some needle while taking the stuff, man, that smarted. But, the piece de resistance was found under a huge dust-sheet, evidently untouched for a while due to the layers of dust on it. Some sort of spaceship! The thing was a bit boxy, sixteen feet long with several seats and storage cupboards in the interior. But the real fun part were the electrical blasters. Sadly, you just couldn't get away with stealing this... I mean, it'd get noticed. This didn't prove a problem, as without warning Chris began having some sort of fit, jerking forwards into the controls. The thing lurched upwards, crashing through the roof of the warehouse and erratically flying across the city before crashing into a hillside outwith its limits. Chris awoke several feet from the ship, to the sight of his hand lying beside him on the ground. In shock, he looked down... to see a replacement growing out of the stump. On closer inspection, he found he could stick to surfaces and had improved vision. In addition to this, the ship and the technology he'd pilfered didn't seem to have been damaged very much, just some things even a slacker like him could replace... if he learned to. So Chris Kenzie miraculously began studying electronics and mechanics overnight, his teachers shocked. All the while, he spent his evenings fixing up his ship and fashioning a superhero costume for himself. He would be the Gobsmacking Geckoman, in his airship the Ptychozoon! (although that soon got shortened to Pitchoo) The teenager came to Duncan Summer's attention as soon as he became an active 'superhero', flying across the city in pursuit of a bank robbery and accidentally blowing some cars up in his eagerness. Summers got in contact with Geckoman and invited him to pay a visit to his school for superhumans. Well, he wasn't going to say no, was he? While at the school, Chris became Geckoman near fulltime, eventually joining the team of Young Freedom. His time there was spent fighting many foes, perhaps the worst being when his girlfriend, Elizabeth Lawlett, turned out to be the supervillain Spellbound from whom he's stolen his gadgetry and super-serum, their final confrontation leading to a near-gang war due to Spellbound ultimately being a teenage girl, not a hardened criminal. Geckoman fought back the gangs and made his peace with her, them both retiring to focus on their studies. But it was not to last. Not being Geckoman made Chris miserable, and ultimately at Liz's prompting, he donned the mask again during the recent Grue Invasion. She also began to provide him with maintenance and gadgetry to at least aid him in not dying. After graduating Claremont, Chris has ended up studying psychology and criminology at FCU, and joined the Interceptors at the prompting of Doktor Archeville. After the events that transpired with the team and the Doktor's madness, Geckoman is one of the few members remaining on the team, fighting crime both with them and on his own. Personality & Motivation: Feeling slightly guilty for stealing his airship and powers, Chris seeks to atone through fighting crime as Geckoman. However, he'd likely do it even sans guilt, as flying around beating up crooks and getting the girl is a boyhood dream come true. Chris acts pretty much the same in costume as without, talking loudly and freely, going off on rambling tangents mid-sentence and merrily joking. He doesn't let things get him down or worry him, even if caution would be advised. The downside of this is that he is often inadvertently blunt and rude without meaning offence. Except when trying to rile villains up in combat. Then he does mean it. Powers & Tactics: Geckoman has the proportionate agility and healing power of a gecko, giving him superhuman-level reflexes and the ability to regenerate severed limbs in the space of a few hours. In addition, he can also scale sheer surfaces by clinging to them with his hands and feet, see in low light and the infrared spectrum, and has a slightly heightened resisilence to physical damage and diseases. He also possesses a variety of gadgets, often themed around lizards and reptiles. Frequently, he alternates between throwing curved Geckorangs, striking with an electrically tipped staff, and merely resorting to fisticuffs. He also possesses an airship known as the Pitchoo capable of flying at hundreds of miles an hour and being remotely piloted. He generally uses the Pitchoo for an opening volley, before dropping down to fight at close range, throwing his foes off-guard with taunts and jeers. Complications: Regeneration - While cuts and bruises don't sap his energy much, it Geckoman ever had to regenerate from severe injuries he would have to use up much of his body's energy possibly leading to muscle and bone wasting, extreme hunger or many other debilitating effects. This complication is essentially license for the DM to start using Fatigue, Drain or Nauseate effects on him as the plot demands if he has made recovery checks from effects like being disabled or having severed limbs. Relationship (Elizabeth Lawlett/Spellbound) - The love of his life. His room mate. His support network. His arch nemesis. Chris will defend Liz to the death, even though she disapproves of his lifestyle. He'll also do anything to stop her from falling into old habits, and if she does so, to stop other heroes from arresting or hurting her. Responsibility (team loyalty) - Formerly of Young Freedom, and now on the Interceptors, while he may grate on his team mate's nerves, he would walk through fire to protect them and guard them from harm. Secret (identity - Chris Kenzie, while he acts little different between his costumed and civilian identity, does attempt to maintain a secret identity to allow himself privacy and space. Vulnerable Nose - Geckoman's powers make him slightly more vulnerable to certain things than other people. Apart from the energy requirements noted under the above Regeneration complication, he has the equivalent of a x2 Vulnerability to effects based on scent, due to his powerful nose. Abilities: 8 + 14 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 10 = 44PP Strength 18 (+4) Dexterity 24/28 (+7/+9) Constitution 18/22 (+4/+6) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 10 (+0) Charisma 20 (+5) Combat: 20 + 16 = 36PP Initiative: +10/+12 Attack: +10, +14 melee, +16 unarmed, +14 Geckorangs Grapple: +21/+23 Defense: +13/+15 (+8 Base Defense, +5 Dodge Focus, +2 Enhanced Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed Knockback: -3/-4, -2/-3 FF Saving Throws: 3 + 5 + 7 = 15PP Toughness: +6/+9, +4/+7 FF (+4/+6 Con, +2 Defensive Roll, +1 Protection) Fortitude: +7/+9 (+4/+6 Con, +3) Reflex: +12/+14 (+7/+9 Dex, +5), Evasion 2 Will: +7 (+0 Wis, +7) Skills: 120R = 30PP Acrobatics 6 (+13/+15, Skill Mastery) Bluff 16 (+21, Skill Mastery) Craft (Electronic) 8 (+10) Diplomacy 10 (+15) Disable Device 8 (+10) Drive 1 (+8/+10) Escape Artist 6 (+13/+15) Gather Information 10 (+15, Skill Mastery) Investigate 13 (+15) Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Technology) 8 (+10) Language 2 (English [Native], French, Spanish) Notice 9 (+9) Pilot 11 (+18/+20, Skill Mastery) Search 8 (+10) Stealth 1 (+8/+10) Feats: 55PP Attack Focus (melee) 4 Attack Specialisation (unarmed) 1 Attack Specialisation (Geckorangs) 2 Beginner's Luck Challenge 2 (Fast Taunt, Improved Feint) Connected Defensive Roll 1 Dodge Focus 5 [7 with Enhanced Dexterity] Equipment 19 Evasion 1 [2 with Enhanced Dexterity] Fearless Grappling Finesse Improved Initiative 1 Improved Throw Improved Trip Luck 3 Jack of all Trades Power Attack Quick Draw Set-Up Sneak Attack 1 Skill Mastery 1 (Acrobatics, Bluff, Gather Information, Pilot) Takedown Attack Taunt Teamwork 2 Well-Informed Powers: 12 + 4 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 13 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 4 = 49PP Device 3 (The Utility Belt, 15pp of traits, Hard to Lose) [12PP] (all powers technological) Flashy Gadgets Array 5.5 (11pp of traits, Power Feats: Alternate Power 4) [15PP] BP: Blast 2 (Geckorangs, Power Feats: Improved Critical, Improved Ranged Disarm, Mighty 4, Ricochet 1)[11PP] (bludgeoning) AP: Strike 2 (staff, Power Feats: Extended Reach, Improved Trip, Stunning Attack, Variable Descriptor [electric charge], Power Complication: can be disarmed) [6PP] (bludgeoning+[electrical]) AP: Obscure 5 (visual, 250', Extras: Independent [+0]) [10PP] AP: Concealment 5 (chameleonic field inducer, radar and all visual, Extras: Affects Others [+1], Flaws: Blending [-1], Power Feats: Close Range) [11PP] AP: Super-Movement 1 (grapple line, swinging) [2PP] and Speed 4 (Limited towards large metal objects [-1], total rank 5, 250MPH) [2PP] [total 4PP] Enhanced Constitution 4 [4PP] (genetic, mutation) Enhanced Dexterity 4 (Power Feats: Dodge Focus 2, Evasion +1) [7PP] (genetic, mutation) Leaping 1 (x2 distance, 46'/23'/11' w/ Skill Mastery Acrobatics) [1pp] (genetic, mutation) Protection 1 [1PP] (genetic, mutation, regeneration) Regeneration 12 (bruised 3/no action, injured 6/no action, staggered 1/20 mins, disabled 2/hr; Power Feats: Regrowth) [13pp] (genetic, mutation, regeneration) Speed 1 (10 MPH) [1pp] (genetic, mutation) Super-Movement 2 (Wall-crawling 2 [full speed]) [4pp] (genetic, mutation, electrostatic) Super-Senses 2 (Infravision, Low-Light Vision) [2pp] (genetic, mutation) Super-Senses 4 (Normal Olfactory, Extras: Accurate 2, Acute, Tracking) [4pp] (genetic, mutation) DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 19 Toughness (Staged) Damage Unarmed/Sneak Attack Touch DC 21 Toughness (Staged) Damage Staff Touch DC 21 Toughness (Staged) Damage Staff/Sneak Attack Touch DC 23 Toughness (Staged) Damage Geckorang Range DC 21 Toughness (Staged) Damage, Improved Critical 1 Geckorang/Sneak Attack Range DC 23 Toughness (Staged) Damage, Improved Critical 1 Abilities (44) + Combat (36) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (30) + Feats (56) + Powers (49) - Drawbacks (0) = 230/250 Power Points
  4. Player Name: Tiffany Korta Character Name: Blodeuwedd Power Level: 11 (158/199PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 41 In Brief: A Welsh Ninja trained since an early age to battle rogue gods and spirits. Alternate Identity: Cerys Pefr Identity: Secret Birthplace: Caerdathyl, Gwynedd, wales Occupation: Student Affiliations: Amddiffynnwr O Lleu Llaw Gyffes (Defenders of Lleu Llaw Gyffes) Family: None, orphaned at birth Description: Age: 17 (DoB: 1st March 1996) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Welsh. Height: 5’7†Weight: 125 lbs. Eyes: Hazel Hair: Dark Brown Blodeuwedd is a pretty young woman but her features are not overly distinctive, the order has taken time to teach how to follow the fashion of the day. She could be any girl off the streets of Cardiff or Merthyr Tydfil. She is actually an attractive young woman, but unless she making an effort rarely apply make-up or styles her hair beyond a simple ponytail. Her body is lithe and athletic, a figure gained from years of dedicated training. Whilst she tries to dress in all the latest fashions, it always seem to come across as slightly off as if she doesn’t quite understand the whole process (which is close to the truth), she also tends to pick clothes which allow for movement in case of trouble. Her costume is simply the artefacts she has been entrusted with by the order, with the cloak around her and the strange glow of the goggles she can cut quite an imposing sight. Power Descriptions: Blodeuwedd has no natural powers only the years of training that has been provided to her by the Order. The Order has however managed over the centuries to have acquired, legally or via industrial espionage and even outright theft, a number of items both magical and technical. The best of this equipment has been given to Blodeuwedd to aid her in the mission. Each has been given a name after one of the fabled treasures of the British Isles. Dyrnwyn "White-Hilt": Scholars of the order debate whether this sword is the actual mythical weapon or a similarly named item. The debate is centred on the fact that the sword is actually a more medieval broadsword than the more suitable Celtic designs. Like the mythical sword this one becomes covered in a magical fire when it is drawn, though whether the sword will burn the unworthy is still unproven. Gwyddbwyll Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio "The Chessboard of Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio": These goggles appear to be a simple set of oversized night vision goggles, and they do indeed allow her to see in the dark. They also however contain a pair of specially prepared magical lenses that allow her to detect magical energies. The large flat lenses glow with a slight green light. Llan Tegau Eurfron "The Mantle of Tegau Eurfron": A tight fitting body suit and floor length cloak, with hood, weaved out of cutting edge materials that are not only light weight and flexible, but provides substantial protection to the owner. The suit is colored a dark blue to assist stealthy operations during night time. Made of advanced fiber panels there mimetic qualities allow it to alter its appearance to appear as almost any form of clothing. Ffoniwch Eluned "Ring of Eluned": This item is an alien ring, of unknown origins, which has been gifted to the order by one of their allies working from Cardiff. The ring projects a thin field of energy around the wearer which not only provides a degree of protection it also allows the wearer to camouflage themselves into the environment History: Blodeuwedd never knew her parents, they died when she was young, all she has known is the sanctuary of the Amddiffynnwr o Lleu Llaw Gyffes (Defenders of Lleu Llaw Gyffes). The men and women of the order were caring people and she was raised in a loving caring environment, but from an early age she was trained as an athlete and a warrior. Trained to be an agent of the order. According to legend the Order was founded by Lleu Llaw Gyffes himself as a body of men (and later women) to help defend him and the Kingdom of Gwynedd (later Wales) from the vengeance from the goddess, and his mother, Arianrhod. Through the centuries the order has expanded there remit to defend the nation from any supernatural threat being from the Celtic gods and spirits. Mostly from within Wales but occasionally the acted on threats outside the country. A small and deeply secretive order they rarely concern themselves with matters outside of Wales, but in the last few years there augers and intelligence network, have heard rumours that one of the Celtic god or goddess have allowed one of their offspring to live in Freedom City in the United States. After much debate the order decided to send an agent to the city to monitor the situation. As the seer showed the main focus was an unusual school they needed someone of the right age to infiltrate the school. Blodeuwedd knew nothing about this; she was being trained to recover dangerous Celtic artefacts. The first she knew was when she was informed of her mission by the Order and sent to America to infiltrate the school. Her orders were simple, find out if such people exists and if they do what danger they present to the order. So far her first days in her new identity as Cerys haven’t gone well. On arrival at Claremont the Headmaster called her in and proceeded to tear apart her newly constructed identity, only to inform her that she had undergone an excellent training and telling her that she was welcome to stay. Personality & Motivation: Blodeudwedd is a quiet and reserved person with all her word and actions being carefully considered. She’s a quiet and conscientious student who watches everything and considers all the fact before asking questions. She a very stern and serious person who will have little to do with any kind of frivolity. Having grown in as part of a small order, based near a tiny village in North Wales, Bloeudwedd doesn’t have much experience with dealing with the vast multitude of people who live in Freedom City. She can come across as curt and rude, but is in fact is more than a little shy, not to mention awe struck. Powers & Tactics: Blodeuwedd has been trained to be a cautious fighter. She will spend as much time as possible calculating her enemy’s abilities and weaknesses, if possible at a distance from a hiding place. Then when she is ready she will strike quickly and swiftly trying to disable her opponent. She has had it drummed into her to always spare her hand against human enemies, only against the gods and their allies are she allows unleashing her full fury. Complications: Ceyrs Matters: Raised from birth in an isolated location with a focus on training for her chosen task Blodeuwedd has never had any concerned other than her duty. As Ceyrs she now has time to herself, and almost no idea what to do with herself. I thank the Lord I’m Welsh: Raised by a very pro-Welsh Order Blodeuwedd is naturally very proud of her Welsh heritage, it takes a great effort of will to hide her nationality or even her accent. She, and the order, aren’t however rabid nationalist fighting for independence. In their mind if the Queen was unfit to rule the land then the land we become barren. Only then would they have to act. Secret Identity: Blodeuwedd know the importance of secrecy to both her personal safety and to the order as a whole. So she endeavours to keep up the facade of the cover story she has been provided with. So Unpretty: Blodeuwedd is still uncomfortable in her Cerys persona. Her interactions with other people are hindered by an almost crippling shyness and her general posture tends to downplay her attractiveness. All this combines to make it difficult for her to use her highly honed social skills. Abilities: 8 + 10 + 8 + 2 + 4 + 6 = 38PP Strength: 18 (+4) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 16 + 8 = 24PP Initiative: +9 Attack: +8 Base, +10 Unarmed, +10 Dyrnwyn Grapple: +11 Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -4 Saving Throws: 5 + 3 + 6 = 14PP Toughness: +9/4 (+4 Con, +4 [Mantle of Tegau Eurfon], +1 [Ffoniwch Eluned]) Fortitude: +9 (+4 Con, +5) Reflex: +8 (+5 Dex, +3) Will: +7 (+1 Wis, +6) Skills: 144R = 32PP Acrobatics 15 (+20) Skill Mastery Bluff 9 (+11, +18 w/Attractive) Skill Mastery Climb 7 (+11) Skill Mastery Diplomacy 8 (+10, +14 w/Attractive) Disable Device 12 (+13) Skill Mastery Disguise 4 (+7) Gather Information 6 (+9) Intimidate 11 (+14) Skill Mastery Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 9 (+10) Knowledge (Streetwise) 8 (+9) Language 1 (Welsh [Native], English) Medicine 1 (+3) Notice 12 (+14) Skill Mastery Sense Motive 14 (+16) Skill Mastery Sleight of Hand 11 (+16) Stealth 15 (+20) Skill Mastery Survival 1 (+3) Swim 1 (+5) Feats: 24PP Attack Specialization (Unarmed) Attractive 1 Dodge Focus 6 Elusive Target Equipment 3 Evasion 2 Hide in Plain Sight Improved Initiative 1 Interpose Jack-of-All-Trades Luck 1 Skill Mastery 2 (Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Disable Device, Intimidate, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth) Startle Takedown Attack 1 Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Equipment: 3PP = 15EP Grapple Gun: Super-Movement 3 (Slowfall, Swinging, Wall-Crawling) + Speed 1 [7EP] Throwing Knives: Blast 2 (Power Feats: Improved Disarm, Mighty 3) [8EP] Powers: 6 + 4 + 4 + 8 = 22PP Device 2 (Dyrnwyn "White-Hilt", Magical Sword, 10PP, Flaws: Easy-To-Loose) [6PP] Damage 6 (Power Feats: Accurate 1, Mighty, Improved Critical [19-20], Weapon Bind) [10PP] (Flaming Sword) Device 1 (Gwyddbwyll Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio "The Chessboard of Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio", Hi-Tech Goggles with Magical lenses, 5PP, Flaws: Hard-to-Loose) [4PP] Super-Senses 5 (Darkvision, Detect Magic [Visual]) [5PP] Device 1 (Llan Tegau Eurfron "The Mantle of Tegau Eurfron", Hi-Tech Body Suit, 5PP, Flaws: Hard-to-Loose) [4PP] Protection 4 [4PP] Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1PP] Device 2 (Ffoniwch Eluned "Ring of Eluned", Alien Ring, 10PP, Flaws: Hard-to-Loose) [8PP] Concealment 4 (All Visual Senses, Power Feats: Close Range) [9PP] Protection 1 [1PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Dyrnwyn Touch DC25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Knives Ranged DC21 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Unarmed Touch DC19 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities (38) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (14) + Skills (36) + Feats (24) + Powers (22) - Drawbacks (0) = 158/199 Power Points
  5. Player Name: Arichamus Character Name: King of Suits Power Level: 15 (221/250PP) [258] Trade-Offs: +4 Attack / -4 Damage (Unarmed); +4 Defense / -4 Toughness Unspent PP: 29 Progress To Platinum Status: 108/120 Old sheet here. In Brief: French unpowered crime-fighter come to Freedom City to test and improve his abilities and help anyone he can. Alternate Identity: Marceau Suvou Identity: Secret Birthplace: Aude, France Occupation: Janitor, superhero Affiliations: House of Suits (European superhero alliance), Legio de Halberdiers (French magician's group, members include magical artist Rene de Saens) Closest Family: Masud Suvou (Father), Kioni An-Sallah-Suvou (Mother), Mossar An-Sallah (Maternal Uncle), Erran An-Sallah (Maternal Aunt) Age: 24 (November 2nd 1987) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Moroccan/Kenyan Height: 6'5" Weight: 178 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Description: In his regular attire Marceau is a largely forgettable figure in drab earth-toned coveralls and work boots. In-costume, he wears a 'typical' black and red cape-and-cowl with the insignia of one of the four card suits emblazoned on the chest in attractive white shades. He keeps his hair short and at a remove from his face, giving him a high forehead, which combined with his far-spaced eyes gives him a look of constant apprehension. His nose is also short and blunt, his mouth is thin and often curved slightly upwards at some remembered joke, and he wears a a short, bristling beard. His voice is low, deep and resonant, with a slight French accent. Power Descriptions: Marceau's gadgets have a general trend of belying their efficacy through unassuming exteriors, mostly by making them look like cards from a standard playing deck, though a close examination quickly alerts the observer to the fact that they all are much thicker. His electricity-delivering Shock Rods are much less in line with the rest of his contraptions, and thus more obviously resemble some kind of weapon, looking like small nightstick with two copper and zinc wires meeting at the tip, which deliver the shock. Newest to his arsenal is a pair of chemically-powered Gauntlets that use the burst of a small explosion triggered by the puling of two levers on the palm to increase the force of a punch with a small ram. History: Marceau Suvou was born in the Aude river valley on the south coast of France, to a teacher at the College Varsovie in Carcassonne, and his bride, an electrical engineer. They lived in peace in an old stone house converted out of an ancient Roman villa. Nothing of note happened besides the quiet, introspective personality Marceau developed while living in the river valley. At the age of seven, his parents, having saved up enough money, embarked on a series of two-month long vacations throughout the Eurasian continent. The cumulative effect was for the boy's already deep interest in the smaller things of life to turn into a near-obsession. For hours when not in the rigorous schooling his parents took upon themselves to give him, he would watch ants walk under leaves, observe the movements of pebbles in the shallows of the river near his home, and stared in awe at a dust devil he happened across one night when he and his family were sleeping in the Afghanistan desert, entranced by the way it swirled the grains about itself. To his parents' relief, he made friends easily, and learned the languages spoken around him with a moderate effort. He wasn't immune to misfortune however, and suffered several potentially dangerous accidents, including one that rendered him permanently impotent. It took his move to Reims at the age of thirteen, when his mother got a job at the Chooze nuclear power plant, for him to take a wider view. One Saturday morning, while walking in the Jardin de la Patte-d'Oie with a Czech schoolmate of his named Aloysius Novak, when the Raven II and Bowman IV appeared, fighting a flying giant. As they stared in dumbfounded incredulity, the two unpowered heroes managed to lure the giant into a cloud of what turned out to be anesthetics, knocking it out and sending it crashing to the ground. Even back then the two were quick on their feet, and managed to speak for a few seconds with their new idols before the two left to rejoin the rest of the visiting Freedom League. Neither of the two young men took lightly the Raven's joking suggestion that they become heroes themselves to help out. For the next ten years whenever they had time from schooling, the two trained rigorously, offering their help to any who happened to need it. Their early successes were helped in no small part by the duo's enthusiastic acceptance of the smallest or largest of cases. Aloysius soon took on the role of leader due to the simple fact that as the dashing, swashbuckling sort, he assured others of their legitimacy more than the more subdued Marceau, and when the two set up shop in Serbia in 2007 it was Aloysius who drew up the ranking system and enthusiastically designed the guild's uniform, assenting to Marceau and the later King of Spades(a Romanian woman named Sabine Vaduva)'s wish for more concealing colors only after the Frenchman showed him how easily a competent gunman could track a target in the flashier garb the boisterous Czech loved. The two soon had well over a dozen allies, all of whom as enthusiastic about the kind of work the two often did(dealing with unsolved crimes, fighting the incursions of crime families, capturing supervillains), and all equally dedicated to the kind of training program the two required for all members. After becoming well-entrenched in the European superhero family as a reliable group of problem-solvers and competent fighters, Marceau and Aloysius began to discuss the idea of starting a branch in the U.S.A., a long-time dream of theirs on account of nearly mythical Freedom City. The discussion was finalized after Marceau uncovered and thwarted a wide-ranging conspiracy in the lower levels of the European Union's government, a long and maddening case that led to the resignation and jailing of a French politician that Marceau in civilian life had deeply admired. In the investigation the King of Suits had found links between the conspirators and numerous criminal families throughout the continent, including ones that previously had appeared totally self-sufficient. Embittered at this discovery at his work, he gladly took the chance for a change of scenery. Arriving in 2010, he unsurprisingly couldn't find much in the way of work on the New England coast, and found himself moving further and further south from his earlier landing point of Maine, ending up in Freedom City shortly after the Grue invasion in April. He found himself a job as a janitor at an office building used by the American Grant Conglomerate branch's accounting staff, performing sundry maintenance work whenever the place needs it for wages that could be charitably described as "Sub-optimal". As a result, he set up a delivery system to get needed supplies for his costumed adventuring from the base in Europe, which is maddeningly slow and often needs repair after arrival. Nonetheless, the Frenchman is eager to continue his work in his new home, and potentially help people get into his business, and fight the corporeal evils of the world on a level they otherwise would never have the chance to do. Personality & Motivation: Marceau is usually brisk and cheerful, seeing no reason to dwell on misfortune or become over-demonstrative of one's feelings, although he is still as vulnerable as any other human to irrational emotional responses. He tries to carry himself as he feels he should to inspire others, the knowledge that people follow the exploits of people in his line of work partially for encouragement an ever-present aspect in his mind. He doesn't have the charm that some others do, but he'll gladly try to live up to others' expectations, something he knows first-hand as a marvel to behold. Powers & Tactics: Marceau's favored tactic is to make his way to a suitable hiding spot and launch a sneak attack against any opponents he can manage, disarming any with firearms he can beforehand. If caught in the open he'll try to escape to a place where he can use his experience with ranged weapons to even the odds. If trapped, he'll use a smokebomb to blind his enemies before attempting to subdue all opponents around him with whatever will defeat them quickest and quietest. He finds lengthy battles increasingly difficult to fight, meaning he relies overmuch on quick defeats to win his battles. Complications: An Army Marches...: Marceau relies on shipments of supplies from Europe to operate at peak effectiveness, as he doesn't have nearly the resources to replicate the chemicals and metals he requires. A disruption of this lifeline would be dangerous for him. Bad Bosses: Marceau is blissfully ignorant of the Grant Conglomerate's misdeeds, and would probably severely overreact if he found out about them. Hatred: Conspiracies. Responsibility: Caring for the needy, especially his 'posse' of sundry homeless, harmless lunatics and underemployed vagrants who have latched onto him as their protector against street-gangs and minor organized criminals. If any threat comes against them, Marceau feels honor-bound to aid them. Secret: Identity. Struggling: Maintenance work doesn't pay much. Abilities: 8 + 10 + 8 + 8 + 0 + 4 = 38PP Strength 18 (+4) Dexterity 20 (+5) Constitution 18 (+4) Intelligence 18 (+4) Wisdom 10 (+0) Charisma 14 (+2) Combat: 20 + 18 = 38PP Initiative: +9 Attack: +10 Base, +14 Armaments Belt, +18 Unarmed Grapple: +12 Defense: +18 (+9 Base, +9 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed Knockback: -3/-2 Unarmored Saving Throws: 6 + 6 + 13 = 25PP Toughness: +8 (+4 Con, +4 Costume) Fortitude: +10 (+4 Con, +6) Reflex: +11 (+5 Dex, +6) Will: +13 (+0 Wis, +13) Skills: 168R = 42PP Acrobatics 10 (+15) Bluff 8 (+10) Climb 6 (+10) Craft(Chemical) 8 (+12) Diplomacy 9 (+11) Skill Mastery Disable Device 6 (+10) Drive 6 (+10) Escape Artist 5 (+10) Gather Information 13 (+15) Intimidate 9 (+11) Investigate 12 (+16) Skill Mastery Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 6 (+10) Knowledge (Streetwise) 10 (+14) Skill Mastery Knowledge (Tactics) 10 (+14) Languages 6 (Arabic, Cantonese, English, French [Native], Hindi, Russian, Serbian) Notice 12 (+12) Search 12 (+16) Sense Motive 10 (+10) Stealth 10 (+15) Skill Mastery Feats: 46PP Attack Specialization (Armaments Belt) 2 Attack Specialization (Unarmed) 4 Benefit (Can use Knowledge [Tactics] for Master Plan checks) Dodge Focus 9 Endurance Equipment 9 (45EP) Evasion Improvised Tools Improved Initiative Jack of All Trades Luck 2 Master Plan Power Attack Quick Change Quick Draw Set-Up Sneak Attack Skill Mastery (Diplomacy, Investigate, Knowledge [streetwise], Stealth) Startle 2 (Move Action) Takedown Attack 2 Throwing Mastery 2 Well-Informed Equipment: 9PP = 45EP 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 15 + 11 = 45 Binoculars [1EP] (Masterwork) Cell Phone [0EP] Concealable Microphones [1EP] Costume w/ Armored Underlay: Protection 4 (Power Feat: Subtle) [5EP] Gas Mask [1EP] (Masterwork) Grapple-Gun: Super-Movement 3 (Slow Fall, Swinging, Wall-Crawling) [6EP] Handcuffs [1EP](Masterwork) Mini-Tracers [1EP] Multitool [1EP] (Masterwork) Night-Vision Goggles [1EP] (Masterwork) Re-breathers [1EP] Zultasian Grav-Cycle [15EP] Strength: 15 [1EP] Size: Medium [0EP] Toughness: +8 [3EP] Defense: 10 [0EP] Powers: Flight 6 (500 mph; Power Feat: Subtle, Drawbacks: Low Ceiling 2 [Maximum 15']) [11EP] Utility Belt 4 (8PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [11EP] BE: Blast 2 (10 20-ft. Range Increments / 200ft Max Range; Power Feats: Homing, Improved Ranged Disarm, Mighty 2 [as DMG 4]) (boomerangs) [8PP] AP: Dazzle 4 (Visual Senses) (flash grenades) [8PP] AP: Obscure 2 (Visual Senses; 10'. radius; Extra: Independent) (smoke card) [8PP] AP: Snare 4 (bolos) [8PP] Powers: 28 + 3 + 1 = 32PP Device 7 (Armaments Belt, 35PP; Flaw: Hard-To-Lose) [28PP] Armaments Array 14.5 (29PP; Power Feats: Alternate Power 6) [35PP] BE: Blast 6 (Extras: Autofire, Penetrating 6 [as DMG 14]; Power Feats: Improved Critical [19-20], Precise Shot, Improved Ranged Disarm, Mighty 2 [as DMG 8]) [29PP] (razor cards AKA Kings of Spades) AP: Blast 9 (Extras: Area [Targeted, Burst; 45' radius]; Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial 1, Knockback 1) [29PP] (explosive cards AKA Kings of Clubs) AP: Dazzle 14 (Visual Senses; Power Feats: Accurate) [29PP] (flash grenades) AP: Snare 14 (Power Feats: Tether [Max Range 1400']) [29PP] (coil cards AKA Kings of Hearts) AP: Strike 8 (Extra: Autofire; Power Feats: Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Improved Overrun, Improved Trip, Knockback 4, Mighty [as DMG 12], Split Attack, Weapon Break) [29PP] (ram gauntlets) AP: Stun 14 [28PP] (shock rods) AP: Obscure 14(Visual Senses) [28PP] Immunity 2 (Cold, Heat; Power Feat: Innate) [3PP] (training, conditioning) Speed 1 (10 MPH / 100' per Move action) [1PP] (training, conditioning) DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 19 (21*) Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Bolas Ranged DC 14 Reflex (Staged) Entangled/Bound Boomerang Ranged DC 19 (21*) Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Coil Cards Ranged DC 19 Reflex (Staged) Entangled/Bound Explosive Cards Ranged DC 24 (26*) Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Flash Grenade Ranged DC 24 Fortitude Blinded Gauntlet Touch DC 27 (29*) Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Shock Stick Touch DC 24 Fortitude Stunned Razor Cards Ranged DC 23 (25*) Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical); Penetrating [as DMG 14] *Sneak Attack Totals: Abilities (38) + Combat (38) + Saving Throws (25) + Skills (42) + Feats (46) + Powers (32) - Drawbacks (0) = 221/250 Power Points
  6. Player Name: Blue Rose Character Name: Samantha Vance Power Level: 7/11 (116/166PP) Trade-Offs: +5 Attack/-5 Damage, +2 Defense/-2 Toughness Unspent Power Points: 50 In Brief: The girl from Hell. Alternate Identity: Kit Identity: Public Birthplace: Planet Dis Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Family: None living (adopted by the late slave, Shrike, then the now-imprisoned imp, Mouse, then the thief known as the Phantom Fox, and currently adopted by the recently-unmasked heroine Masque) Description: Age: 16 Apparent Age: 16 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'0" Weight: 97 lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Red Kit is a small, scrawny girl. Hers is pale, lightly-freckled skin on her narrow, slightly gaunt face clearing up as it goes down along her long, porcelain neck. She doesn't have a proper costume since she abandoned her old one (a black cat burgler's suit and a domino mask), regularly fighting crime in a tee shirt and jeans. She's given the witch ensemble a try a couple times, once as mage robes and pointy hat, once as mini-skirt and pointy hat, abandoning the idea outright. She refuses to wear Claremont's official uniform. Lately, having grown in power, she's had to stick to outfits that either hang very loose or expose her upper back, where she's branded with an intricate sigil. An ugly black mark that seems to shift as you look upon it, defying any attempt to discern its actual shape. Staring at it long enough is unsettling, and even physically painful, causing mild headaches. As she uses her powers, it begins to glow and produce heat, potentially burning through clothing if she really pushes herself. Her smile, even at its most cheerful, is that of the cat that ate the canary, though she's quite skilled at capturing the many flavors of angry in glorious detail, from minor-but-still-amused annoyance to full-on homicidal rage. She carries herself with a cocky swagger, and tends to look at people in about the same way she'd look at a toy. Power Descriptions: Though she tries to play her powers off as traditional magic, hers is black magic. Hellfire, energies stolen from demons. In practice, there isn't much difference, however. She has an array of 'spells,' from a small burst of hellfire to various mind-bending tricks to walking across the city in an instant through the shadows, and even changing faces. They're suited more to sneaking and subterfuge than actual combat, though she is capable of both. History: The prison world of Dis. A distant, barren world where the galaxy's worst criminals are left to rot. No one ever leaves. Centuries of warfare have rendered it completely incapable of supporting life. And yet, it is home to more than ten billion people, supported by the only trade they can manage. Trade across planes. Barter with the infernal. The entire world revolves on an economy of expendable people; slaves and blood sacrifice, with the constant influx of prisoners finding themselves crushed and sold for water, food, power, and luxury. The strong and the devious are the ones who survive. The invincible and the genius are the ones who rule. The world's unquestioned (but oft-resisted) leader, known only as The Empress, is an enigmatic and ruthless being who's held onto power for decades. Few children are born in this fiery pit, as few are willing to take the risk. Here, a child was born, her father already dead, her mother dead before she could give her a name. Instead, she was immediately branded as fodder for the world's demonic patrons, to be collected at a later date. Before anyone could make good on the mark, there was turmoil. There's always turmoil. She moved around dozens of times for breakouts, rebellions, and routs, but there were two constants in the chaos. First, there was Mouse. An imp. A small, weak creature, but as devious as they come. He managed to become the child's nominal owner, but wasn't strong enough to do much of anything with her. Second, there was Shrike. A repentant mercenary who, in his guilt, became the girl's protector. He's the one who gave her a first name, Samantha. This went on until the girl was nearly ten, and she learned a great deal about combat and skulduggery from the duo. Then, at age ten, everything changed. They'd spent a decade on the run before they found their break. One powerful secret. Mouse uncovered a way into one of the Empress' vaults. A repository for some of the treasure and power she'd bartered for. Supposedly, this one contained a portal out of Dis. Treasure and freedom in sight, the trio went in, a bumbling series of disasters. They snuck through when they could, fought through when they couldn't, and ran when that failed. There was a great deal of running, but they found their treasure, absorbing considerable power before they were cornered on a runed dais. Surrounded by enemies, they had no options left. The first shot went straight for Sam's heart. Shrike took it instead, his blood spilling across the dais. It turns out the portal was real, and had been locked away due to one crippling design flaw. To work, it required heartblood drawn from a pure soul; something The Empress never expected to find on Dis. Even the children are twisted too soon, yet the penitent merc was a good man. His sacrifice was enough, and Sam and Mouse were sent through space and time. To Earth. Free, Mouse went more than a little mad. Well, madder- demons rarely begin sane. Away from Dis, he thought himself free to conquer, and used the little girl as his pawn. Turns out Earth has his own protectors and he found himself sealed away by a powerful mage in an AEGIS holding cell. Before the law could get to her to arrest her or find her a guardian or eat her liver or whatever it is the law does to little girls like Sam after they dabble in supervillainy, the 'unknown magic-wielding child' was spirited away by a third party. A master thief known only as the Phantom Fox. A mere human, but a sly one, and very good at her chosen trade. She convinced Kit that, if AEGIS got their hands on her, they'd put her away for a very long time, and made her an offer; she'd protect the girl from the law if she'd become her sidekick. A ploy to exploit her powers for all they're worth, or a genuine offer for help? Who knows? Either way, that day, Kit was born. Sidekick to the master thief. The Phantom Fox was not in it for the money, however. She was in it for adventure; for fun, a gentlewoman thief as it were, keeping little more than what it took to fund the heists themselves and maintain a modest level of luxury (as much as wouldn't draw too much attention). Together, they pulled of some of the most spectacular thefts in history, even once stealing and returning the Mona Lisa three times in as many months because they could, though usually they stuck to the Chicago area. And from her new guardian, she expanded her already-considerable knowledge of the family trade. But more importantly, she learned boundaries. Mercy. A theif's honor. That there are lines not to be crossed, that you should not cause unnecessary harm, to never take from those who can't afford to lose. More than once, the duo even teamed up with the recently-unmasked heroine Masque, with whom the Phantom Fox had a long-standing and exceptionally friendly rivalry with, despite being on opposite sides of the law. Unfortunately, times change and people change. The Phantom Fox began to change. Though still not interested in money, she became far more interested in power. Specifically, anything linked to longevity or immortality, having grown to fear her own mortality. She became more aggressive, skirting the line on many of her values and Kit began to worry. Then, in one heist, her guardian blew out a huge section of a Foundry installation. She killed people. Possibly bad people, but it was a cruel, brutal, and graceless move opposed to everything she'd raised Kit to believe. She did not leave with her guardian that day; she stayed behind, let herself get captured by AEGIS to face judgment. There was a great deal of arguing over what to do with her. A question of how to classify her legally. Is she an accomplice to be tried as an adult, or a victim exploited by a criminal mastermind? She was still a minor, true, but many argued that she was old enough to know better than to serially steal world treasures. But in the end, one voice saved her. Masque (real name Talia Vance) intervened and publicly offered to take custody of and responsibility for the girl. AEGIS agreed. So, Kit was formally adopted, and even gained a last name. She tried to be Masque's sidekick instead, but the two didn't really get along. Miss Vance had no family, and other than the Phantom Fox, she'd always worked alone (Kit was just a third wheel when she was with that pair). Heck, other than the Phantom Fox, she didn't even have anyone she'd call a friend, except maybe her cat. Although the spirit was willing, she just wasn't cut out to be Kit's mentor. And so, she sent the girl to Claremont Academy. Personality & Motivation: Most of what Kit knows about life, she learned from a damned mercenary and a queen among thieves. Not exactly the best place to get one's values, but you take what you can get. She has a firm grasp of the more practical basics (murder is bad), but when it comes to matters of courtesy and consideration, she can be a bit rough. And trust? Rare, difficult, but easy to fake. Usually, she can manage to hide such misunderstandings under an excessively sunny disposition. Some might say obnoxiously so. It's usually very difficult to get her down, as no matter how things get, she knows first hand that they can get much, much worse. Usually, when something goes awry, she'll offer a peevish look and maybe that will be the end of it. Or maybe a convenient mirage will have you walking into the wrong locker room tomorrow. That said, she does have a code of honor, even if she hasn't quite figured out what it is yet. Or maybe she's just erratic with a few hot buttons. Either way, while she may be happy-go-lucky much of the time, cross the wrong line and you will know her wrath. The exact tenets shift, but a few stay constant; never take from someone anything they can't afford to lose, never rat out a partner, never break a promise, and so on. Powers & Tactics: Sneak up. Try and manipulate enemies into defeating themselves. If it comes to a straight fight and there's no team backing her up, she'll fall back and try and get the jump on her enemies again. In general, a fair fight is something to be avoided at all costs. That said, if she's in a team, she'll provide what backup she can, usually less interested in dealing the finishing blow than providing cover fire or misdirecting adversaries. Of course, if someone starts going after her specifically, she won't hesitate to give them a face full of hellfire. Complications: Enemies: As far as any demons are concerned, Kit is stolen property. She's marked as sold, and ready for immediate collection. She's already forfeit, no haggling required. The Empress also takes umbridge with the little thief, and is eager for revenge. Also, the Phantom Fox is still out there, somewhere in the world, status unknown, possibly scheming for revenge. Horrible Judge of Character: In her youth, Kit picked up a mistrust for others' good intentions that has never really gone away; a survival instinct. At the same time, she needs to believe in the good in all people, that even the most vicious can be redeemed. After all, she had two stints as a supervillain already, herself, and she's a worthwhile human being. Hopefully. This comes together to make her a rather poor judge of character, liable to doubt her allies and give her enemies a second chance at just the wrong moment. Reputation: If it weren't for Masque vouching for her, AEGIS would have brought Kit in. Even now, quite a few of their number aren't fond of the arrangement, and they're still quite suspicious of her and keep her on a watch list. Abilities: -2 + 10 + 2 + 4 - 2 + 10 = 22PP Strength: 8 (-1) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 8 (-1) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +5 Attack: +4, +12 with Blast Grapple: +3 Defense: +9 (+4 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -2, -0 flat-footed Saving Throws: 6 + 5 + 6 = 17PP Toughness: +5 (+1 Con, +4 Defensive Roll), +1 flat-footed Fortitude: +7 (+1 Con, +6) Reflex: +10 (+5 Dex, +5) Will: +5 (-1 Wis, +6) Skills: 76R = 19PP Acrobatics 5 (+10) Bluff 8 (+13, +17 /w Attractive) Skill Mastery Computers 3 (+5) Diplomacy 6 (+11, +15 /w Attractive) Disable Device 8 (+10) Escape Artist 5 (+10) Skill Mastery Investigate 3 (+5) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 1 (+3) Knowledge (Art) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Current Events) 1 (+3) Knowledge (History) 1 (+3) Knowledge (Popular Culture) 1 (+3) Knowledge (Streetwise) 1 (+3) Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 1 (+3) Language: Demonic 1 Notice 6 (+5) Search 3 (+5) Sleight of Hand 7 (+12) Skill Mastery Stealth 12 (+17) Skill Mastery Feats: 15PP Attractive Defensive Roll 2 Distract: Bluff Dodge Focus 5 Evasion Teamwork 3 Skill Mastery (Bluff, Escape Artist, Sleight of Hand, Stealth) Uncanny Dodge (Mental) Powers: 4 + 2 + 21 = 27PP Super-Senses 4 (Magic Awareness 3 [Mental], Extras: Radius) [4PP] Super-Senses 2 (Darkvision 2) [2PP] Demonic Brand Array (15 points; Power Feats: Alternate Power 6) [21PP] Base Power: Blast 2 (Power Feats: Accurate 4, Affects Insubstantial 2, Homing 1, Improved Range 3, Indirect 1) [15/15PP] (Fox Fire, Infernal) Alternate Power: Illusion 6 (Auditory, Visual; Flaws: Phantasm, Power Feats: Progression 3 [100' area]) [15/15PP] (Mirage, Infernal, Mental) Alternate Power: Concealment 10 (All Non-Tactile; Flaws: Phantasm, Power Feats: Close Range, Selective) [12/15PP] (Mind Veil, Infernal, Mental) Alternate Power: Emotion Control 7 (Power Feats: Subtle) [15/15PP] (Empress' Eye, Infernal, Mental) Alternate Power: Teleport 8 (800'/2000mi; Flaws: Medium [shadows], Power Feats: Easy, Progression 6 [10,000 lbs]) [15/15PP] (Shadow Walk, Infernal, Shadow) Alternate Power: Stun 7 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Range [Perception, +2], Sleep, Flaws: Distracting, Sense-Dependent [Visual; eye contact], Power Feats: Subtle) [15/15PP] (Mind Suppression, Infernal, Mental) Alternate Power: Morph 2 (Humanoids; Extras: Attack [+1], Range [Perception, +2], Selective Attack Flaws: Phantasm, Power Feats: Progression 4 [25 people], Subtle) [15/15PP] (False Visage, Infernal, Mental) DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC14 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Fox Fire 20' Increment DC17 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Infernal) Mirage Perception DC16 Will Illusion (Infernal/Mental) Empress' Eye Perception DC17 Will (Staged) Emotion Control (Infernal/Mental) False Visage Perception DC12 Will Morph (Infernal/Mental) Totals: Abilities (22) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (19) + Feats (15) + Powers (27) - Drawbacks (0) = 116/166 Power Points
  7. Player Name: Arichamus Character Name: Wave-Eye Power Level: 10/11 (152/170PP) Trade-Offs: -3 Attack/ +3 Damage (Conch) Unspent Power Points: 18 Progress To Gold Status: 50/120 (Gold Status earned with King of Suits) In Brief: De-powered and disgraced triton who has come to Freedom City hoping to gain entry to the Freedom League(believing them to be Siren 's retinue), and make amends for what he's done. Alternate Identity: Nochehuatl Identity: Public Birthplace: What is now the Rocas Atoll off the coast of Brazil. actual birthplace lost in geologic shifts. Occupation: Marine guardian, superhero. Affiliations: Atlantis, sea gods, marine creatures, Freedom City Coast Guard, Charity. Family: Chimali(biological father, long deceased), Tlaloc(stepfather) Chalchiuhtlicue(mother) Description:Age: 12,007 (DoB: 9989 B.C. Apparent Age: N/A Gender: Male Ethnicity: Red-scaled from waist to foot(when transformed), otherwise vaguely ruddy, with prominent facial features with no distinguishable analog to human ethnicity. Height: 7ft. Weight: 400lbs./181.4kg. Eyes: Blue. Hair: Dull green. Nochehuatl is an unusually tall, broad-shouldered, roughly human sort. His broad mouth full of sharp teeth, interconnected hairs, bulging eyes(a trait he inherited from his father), spined, claw-like hands and reddish, finely scaled skin proves otherwise however; not to mention the fact that he can transform his legs into a powerful tail, tipped with a dragon's arrowhead. A marker of his cultural origin, he retains the piercings, tattoos and ritual scars that cover most of his body from head to tail from his days in the armies he has fought with. In imitation of the heroes who protect the surface world he wears a costume in the form of light ornamental bronze armor decorated with carvings of sea life. Power Descriptions:None of his external powers have returned yet, though he can change his tail into a pair of scaled legs similar to a humans with a flash of light. History:A "triton" is one of two things: the oceanic deity and messenger of the sea, or one of the manifold children of sea gods who serve as guards and solders of the marine deities. Wave-Eye is one of the second. Born thousands of years ago off the coast of what was to become Brazil to the ancient human sailor Chimali, and Chalchiuhtlicue the Aztec goddess of water, Nochehuatl lived many years in the rush of constant training, eager to take his place in the serried ranks of the marine deities' armies. His adoption by the dreaded fertility god Tlaloc after his marriage to Chalchuihtlicue was a profound impetus in that direction due to the god's distinct disfavor on a half-blooded creature as his ward. In those days, the waves hurled and crashed over an immense, bitter struggle for control of the waters of the planet, into which he enthusiastically flung himself at the tender age of 56, an auxillary commander in the army of his mother. His motivation by filial affection was tempered somewhat by the ever-present fear of his father, who while he ruled a pastoral afterlife of ease and plenty, never lost his taste for blood. One of his first duties as a young triton was to gather the souls of those sacrificed to his father and bring them to the Tlalocan, which left an indelible impression on him, a mingling of fear at what the god demanded in return for his services, and awe that people would give so much for them. In contrast to his distant paternal relationship, he often saw and spoke with his mother in her murky home far below the surface, in the underground lakes and rivers that he spent much of his childhood in and learned the rudiments of morality in her care. At the age of 240 he obtained his parent's permission to leave his home, and travel abroad, where he fought for and against nearly every power in the waters, watching with curiosity as the Atlanteans built up their civilization after sinking beneath the waves. He tended to avoid them, as they had little love for creatures like him. By the time the majority of the war was over in 4000 B.C., he had been banished into the worming caves beneath the surface of the Earth, serving whatever dragons or small gods would have his power, deformed by a curse of the dragon Mizuchi to bear a mark of shame for his initial refusal to send deadly serpents into the boats and homes of fishermen who refused to worship him(an incident resulting from the stirrings of a late-born conscience), gnawing the bitter anger of his shaming for what he saw as a foolish and childish exercise. At length, as he slid and swam through the dark caverns of the world, he heard rumors of the slow changes, and he felt the shift of the dimensions at the sealing of the Pact. Encouraged by this though grieved that it would now be much harder to visit his parents, he ventured out into the wider world of the dimly-remembered waters in the year 1500 A.D. In the ensuing ages, he gave his strength to whatever cause seemed kindest and most likely to benefit humans. However, aside from bringing fish to people and driving away sea monsters, his efforts were distressingly limited. It was in the year 2004 A.D. that he first heard about Siren, from two Newfoundland fishermen. The paucity of truly beneficial work he could do led him to thinking: seeing as this Siren did good works all over the world, maybe he could make up for some of his evil actions towards humans if he got into her service. After deliberating for the better part of a decade, he finally set out for the Freedom City in 2010, taking care to reconnoiter the waters around the city as best as he could. In the centuries after the 1800's, he had done very little in the way of exercise or combat practice, and so had gradually retreated from battle altogether, leaving him in a state he knew was downright pitiable compared to his old glory. At last, in 2012, he ventured into the city itself, centuries since he had last walked among humans... Personality & Motivation:After all that's happened to him, Nochehuatl is grim. A life filled with endless struggle, battle and nearly ceaseless killing on the behalf of others has deeply embittered him to fighting after learning its real cost, but it's the only thing he's known or fully understood in eons, and old habits die hard. The ancient gods hold the majority of his awe(though he knows how selfish and cruel most of them can be), but humans he has much more indeterminate feelings about, a mingling of curiosity at what they'll end up doing in the physical world and envy that he'll never really be part of it. On the other hand, he bitterly regrets the evils he did to them in the past, and has been wondering how to make up for them in the eons after he was cursed. Ultimately he has no idea what he really wants to do, whether to remain in Siren's service if he gets into it, seek out something higher, or to find a way to become more human in his morals and thought. Powers & Tactics:The deterioration of his skills has reduced the once nigh-legendary warrior to a simple brute. He leaves finer combat to others, and simply lunges into the fray, relying on his diminished strength to win the day for him. Defensively, his skin is tough enough to repel small arms fire, and even the shots of a machine gun, so he rarely seeks cover unless he absolutely needs to. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complications:Monster!: Nochehuatl looks quite fearsome to humans, and his appearance is likely going to get him into trouble sooner or alter. Reputation: Among magical circles, Nochehuatl's history as a a brutal mercenary is well-known, and finding allies amongst such beings might be that much more difficult. "This looks like a job for...!": He tends to assume he knows more about a situation than he really does, which translates to him attempting to take the lead on things he often knows next to nothing about. Abilities: 16 + 6 + 16 + 0 + 2 - 4 = 36PP Strength: 26 (+8) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 26 (+8) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 6 (-2) Combat: 12 + 14 = 26PP Initiative: +3 Attack: +6 Base, +10 Unarmed Grapple: +20, 22 w/Move Object Defense: +10 (+7 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -9 Saving Throws: 2 + 2 + 6 = 10PP Toughness: +10 (+8 Con, +2 Protection, +8 Impervious) Fortitude: +10 (+8 Con, +2) Reflex: +5 (+3 Dex, +2) Will: +6 (+0 Wis, +6) Skills: 48R = 12PP Handle Animal 12 (+10) Intimidate 8 (+6) Knowldege (Arcane Lore) 8 (+12) Knowledge (History) 12 (+12) Knowledge (Theology) 8 (+8) Feats: 11PP Animal Empathy Attack Specialization 2(Unarmed) Dodge Focus 3 Environmental Adaption(Underwater) Improved Grab Improved Pin Interpose Power Attack Powers: 2 + 6 + 13 + 4 + 8 + 2 + 4 + 12 + 9 = 60PP Comprehend 2(Animals; Flaws: Broad Type(Sea Creatures))[2PP] Comprehend 3(Languages, All Spoken and Understood)[6PP] Device 4(Easy-To-Lose, Feats: Restricted(divine beings)[13PP] Conch of the Red Wave Wave-Forming Array 9(18PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 2)[20PP] BP: Damage 12( Extras: Area(Targeted, Cone 1200ft), Selective; Flaws: Action(Full-Round), Distracting; Feats: Indirect, Homing 2, Progression(Area) 3)[18PP] AP: Create Object 12(120ft. cube; Extras: Continuous, Movable; Flaws: Action(Full-Round), Distracting, Fades; Feats: Innate, Progression(Size), Slow Fade, Stationary, Subtle, Tether)[18PP] AP: Move Object 18(Effective Strength 90, Heavy Load 32k tons, Grapple 22, Range 240-1200ft.; Flaws: Limited(Water)[18PP] Immunity 4(Aging, Cold(environment), High Pressure, Drowning)[4PP] Impervious Toughness 8 [8PP] Protection 2 [2PP] Super-Senses 4(Darkvision, Tremorsense)[4PP] Super-Strength 6(Light Load: 685Lbs., Medium Load: 1466Lbs., Heavy Load: 1840Lbs., Maximum Load: 3680Lbs.)[12PP] Tail Array 2(8PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power)[9PP] BP: Swimming 8 (500MPH, 5000' per rounf)[8PP] AP: Speed 3(50 MPH, 500' per round)[3PP] + Leaping 5 (x50 distance) [5PP] Drawbacks: (-3) + (-0) = -3PP Vulnerable(vs. Fire Attacks)(Common, Moderate)[-3PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Blast Touch DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Create Object Ranged DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities (36) + Combat (26) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (12) + Feats (11) + Powers (60) - Drawbacks (3) = 152/170 Power Points
  8. Player Name: Blue Rose Character Name: Captain Silvia the Stormbreaker Power Level: 12 (153/177PP) Trade-Offs: Attack/Damage (Variable) Unspent Power Points: 24 Progress To Silver Status: 27/60 (Bronze Status earned with >Kit) In Brief: Former mystical space dragon turned mystical space pirate. Alternate Identity: Notus the Summer Breeze (lost) Identity: Public Birthplace: Wyrmward Gate Occupation: Intergalactic space pirate Affiliations: South Wind Pirates Family: None by blood Description: Age: Ancient Apparent Age: 34 Gender: Female (originally sexless) Ethnicity: Apparently caucasian Height: 5'6" Weight: 132 lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Blonde Captain Silvia, or Stormbreaker as has become her more common name when doing battle on Earth, looks nothing like a giant space lizard/deity. In fact, archaic dress aside, she looks like a perfectly normal human woman in her mid thirties, attractive but not extraordinary. A lean, slender body with a light layer of athlete's muscle beneath a face framed by shoulder-length, wavy flaxen hair. Her full features would likely be cheerful and pleasant, were they to move normally. They don't; a fact that's undeniable on sight, yet hard to pin down. The way her face expresses itself, the way she moves, it's all odd, unnatural, inhuman. It's all controlled and graceful, to be sure, but more akin to some breed of predator. Perhaps a cornered, feral cat. Even when supposedly "relaxed", her face appears constantly wary and her body is always ready to strike. Adding to the appearance is a slightly inhuman set of teeth, not monstrous, but seeming rather more fang-like than is the norm. Her bicuspids in particular are long and sharp, though the right front bicuspid is cut short. Her usual attire might have been considered the height of warrior's fasshion once upon a time, centuries ago, were it a time that accepted women in such a line of work as inserting long pieces of metal into people they don't like. Nowadays, it looks expensive if not high class and highly eccentric, though perhaps less so than those who go around in public wearing rubber pajamas. She wears an entirely functional chain shirt visible beneath her outer garments, usually some manner of gold- or silver-embroidered vest in a rich blue, violet, or green and all manner of battle-appropriate jewelry, from belt buckles designed in intricate knots of steel to amulets and clasps in the shape of various leaves, nuts, and emblems. On her back, she always wears a heavy cloak, less prone to billowing in the wind than many heroes', and always tilted to the left, covering her left arm. Or rather, the vacant air that would be her right arm; it was cut off past the elbow. And capping off the entire ensemble is a shining rapier of the highest quality, its hilt twisting in patterns of blue steel roses. A work of art as much as a weapon, but well-used regardless. Power Descriptions: Silvia's powers, relatively limited though they may be, revolve around the wind. As one normally can't see air, there is little to describe; she swings her sword, one does not see the shockwave flying through the air, and then a gash appears on her target. Her presence also calms the weather immediately around her. Nothing flashy, but one does tend to take notice when, in the middle of a hurricane, a woman walks along, everything around her hit by nothing more than a light drizzle. Expanding 'power' to 'property,' her most impressive possession is the Ages Lost, her ship. Her space ship, in fact, though it looks very much like a much larger, fancier version of a Spanish galleon. Just floating in the sky. And made of golden dragon scales. And equipped with an exterior hyperdrive. But that aside, it is much like a galleon on the exterior, even including a fully-functional weatherdeck, solar sails, and mooring lines, though the anchor is unlike anything seen on Earth; a large bulb with a gravity lock to hold itself in place, allowing it to anchor to empty space and sky. History: Notus the Summer Breeze. A dragon. A timeless, nigh godlike entity that took up residence in the Red Belt; a sector in space so named as a result of merchants' losses trying to conduct business in the area, only to lose their product to the storms. A calm spirit of the winds, Notus' presence brought peace to a section of the Red Belt large enough for trade to pass through. This place became known as Wyrmward Gate, and those reverent to the dragon (mainly some humans it had taken with it as its own personal cult) were permitted to settle on the now-habitable planets in the area, where they profitted greatly from their position on a now-vital trade route. Where Notus came from before settling in the Red Belt, no one knows. Even it did not recall, or at least did not care to answer when asked. The real story, however, is fairly uninteresting to those not studying the more esoteric aspects of the multiverse. This dragon was never born. Nor was it made. It was one of the oldest entities in the universe, and like life itself, simply came into being by... whatever it is that created all life in the universe. Will of God, natural processes, burgeoning cosmic ley lines, tap dancing pixies, or something of the sort. But some how, some cosmic storm took to consuming meteors and other spacial munchies, then excreting star dust and repeating the cycle, growing increasingly complex in the process over the course of eons, slowly gaining sapience as it drifted about the universe until it coalesced into the form of the godlike dragon, Notus. A living, intelligent being, in a manner of speaking, but so far removed from conventional mortals as to make the status meaningless. Once it landed in the Red Belt, it stayed for centuries. A choice. Perhaps the first real, fully-cognizent choice it had ever made; merely maintaining its own massive existence was an enormous feat, and the creature normally operated on instinct alone. So it found a nice place for a rest, sometimes chatting, sometimes hording, sometimes fending off invaders, but mostly sleeping and feeding on the Red Belt's hot gases and unstable energies, its mere presence bringing great fortune and rendering entire planets warm and fertile. Then, he came. Serge the Swordsmith, a warrior and craftsman of legendary pedigree, and one ruthlessly dedicated to his craft. First, he attacked by surprise, a single strike that claimed a single fang. It seemed like nothing at first; a grave insult, but no threat, but that was incorrect. With that piece of the great dragon, Serge was able to forge an incredible weapon, melding it with other stolen elements to create Fang of Five Dragons, one of the mightiest blades in the galaxy, whose creation syphoned much of the dragons power, in addition to it being an absolute defense against its power. In the second attack, Notus was defenseless; protected by the Fang of Five Dragons, the Swordsmith crushed the godlike being and this time, he claimed its left forelimb and left the creature to die. He began forging the limb into Lash of Four Winds, a yet mightier blade whose creation drained still more of Notus' power, reducing it to almost nothing (comparatively speaking), not even enough to retain her form, or her life. With her power gone and her wounds fatal, the Red Belt began to encroach on the gate once more, dooming the planets within to certain annihilation. Evacuations were conducted as best as possible, though growing storms destroyed many evacuation ships. However, a number of Notus' most loyal worshippers gathered, calling on great magics to save their god's life the only way they could. The vessel, the giant lizard? It was damaged beyond repair, yet it could be consumed, absorbed to create a new vessel for the creature's soul. A human vessel. Many sacrificed their lives in the ritual, and even once it was done, they had no way off the doomed planet and the former dragon's powers now failed to reach even a hundred feet. Thankfully, the survivors included several skilled spacefarers and a talented shipwright, and they gathered many of the dragon's shed scales, fashioning it into a crude ship (they made it a thing of beauty later). With the scales amplifying the human captain's power, they safely ignored the storms and escaped. Soon after, they took up their chosen profession, harassing the aggressive, oppressive nations in their quadrant, attacking their warships and stealing their goods for resale to more benevolent allies. A lucrative business, and they survived by fleeing into ion storms and destructive anomolies where they couldn't be followed, thanks to the power of their captain, who took the name Silvia and was given the title Stormbreaker. Her greatest goal, however, was to retrieve the swords made of her body, to regain her power, but the Swordsmith was a slippery one, especially with his masterwork incomplete. She eventually received word of those dealing with him taking base on Earth, a planet she barely remembered from the time before her transformation. There, she arrived to continue her old ways; thrashing evil, knicking their less intergalactically illegal stuff (and research notes as well), then selling it to the highest unobjectionable bidder. In the case of information, sometimes several times. The thrashing of evil was well received, though the knicking of stuff caused considerably more strife. To smooth such things over, she has people. She has a manager and an agent, both to work on her image both publically and within the crimefighting community, and to determine which villains are particularly worthy of an eye, due to the high value of their posessions. Both goods and clients are gauged carefully, and any particularly uppity hero who dare call her a soulless mercenary crook or some sort can get a nice, long look at the ledger for the ten million she received for sale of a dimensional generator a couple weeks back- formerly used to store enough poison gas to wipe out all of Freedom City, now being used to evacuate the population of a planet suffering natural ash storms violent enough to render it nigh-uninhabitable. Twenty million to medical research. Thirty million to educational programs. Forty million to funds meant to repair damage from supercrime in locations not fortunate enough to have their own guardian spirit. Five million to local works projects, including a much-needed renovation to South Freedom Elementary's library. And of course, a few million cut out for parts and fuel for her ship, food and supplies for her crew. And some new furniture for her room, a very nice new set of boots, a feast or five that wouldn't be out of place atop Mount Olympus... hey, there's nothing wrong with a little cut for personal foibles. Personality & Motivation: The dragon Notus was tired. Eternally tired. Even when awake, it was always at the brink of collapse, overwhelmed by its own physical and magical magnitude. There was much it aspired to do, yet it was always too weary, even with its infinite time. And every time it woke up, it was to the sound of hundreds of worshippers. Now, as a human, she is awake, and free to indulge in ambition to her heart's content. She does not stop and muse; she takes action, pouring all she has into everything she deems worth doing, eager to explore the world. Unfortunately, she's also used to mortals deferring to her in absolute reverence. She's gotten used to this no longer being the case, more or less, but insolence will still raise her ire far too swiftly. She also learns with exceptional speed, and takes great pride in this, always eager to compete in any field and grow stronger. She especially can't resist a challenge to a duel. Powers & Tactics: Face foe. Stab foe. If they are far away, cut the sky from afar. If there are many foes, engulf them all in slashing winds. If they're flying in the sky, slam them down to Earth. If the fight's in the open air, call in Ages Lost and blow the foe away with the cannons, then take the baddies' stuff and sell it. Silvia relies on mundane swordplay as much as powers, using them as a supplement rather than a replacement. Her wind powers, while useful, are far from the most impressive, though her ship is considerably more imposing. Either way, her means are rarely subtle. Complications: One Arm: The dragon Notus had its left forelimb lopped off, and the wound persisted into the human vessel, Captain Silvia. Although she can fight just fine with one arm, it does have its down sides. Draconic Arrogance: Silvia is used to being worshipped by mortals, and the bulk of her crew is still composed of survivors of her cult. While she's learned a little bit about how to have reasonable expectations of humans who don't worship her, she is brittle and easily insulted. Brash: Silvia's is a bold and adventurous spirit, still used to being a nigh-invincible dragon, even after that's been disproven. As such, with her newfound energy, she is far too apt to jump into a dangerous situation without a plan or go off and do something foolhardy simply because it's interesting. Enemies: The South Wind Pirates, Silvia's crew, are pirates known for taking on the most ruthless empires in the galaxy. As such, the bounty on the captain's head is astronomical. Unstable Cash Flow: While generally quite wealthy, Silvia's funds come from large, sporadic bursts of precious (legal) technology or information that she then sells to relatively trustworthy buyers. This is profitable, but inconsistent, and while she's still acquisitive as any dragon, she has also recently discovered the joys of spending money in vast quantities, meaning despite her incredible income and resources, she occasionally finds herself completely broke and struggling to even feed her crew. Duelist's Pride: Silvia's is a highly competetive spirit, eager to prove herself in any manner of competition. She has trouble turning down a direct challenge, especially if it's a fair sword duel. No tricks, no powers. Wind Reader: Sound is merely vibrations in the air. As such, Silvia is particularly aware of them, and far more vulnerable. Various sounds may effect her far more than her peers, in ways they could not possibly be affected. A shrill shriek her compatriots cannot even hear may bring her to her knees, and an enchanted song to bring her team into a daze may enthrall her outright. Abilities: 10 + 2 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 0 = 26PP Strength: 20 (+5) Dexterity: 12 (+1) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +1 Attack: +4, +10 w/ Blast, +12 w/ Sword Grapple: +9, +16 w/ Hands of Air Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5, -3 flat-footed Saving Throws: 5 + 6 + 6 = 17PP Toughness: +10 (+3 Con, +4 Defensive Roll, +3 Chain Mail), +6 flat-footed Fortitude: +8 (+3 Con, +5) Reflex: +7 (+1 Dex, +6) Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6) Skills: 48R = 12PP Acrobatics 5 (+6) Skill Mastery Escape Artist 5 (+6) Intimidate 10 (+10) Skill Mastery Knowledge (Arcane) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Business) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Technology) 3 (+5) Notice 5 (+7) Skill Mastery Pilot 14 (+15) Skill Mastery Feats: 29PP Attack Specialization 4: Sword Benefit 3 (Crew, Wealth 2) Defensive Roll 2 Dodge Focus 6 Equipment 12 (60 EP: Sword [5], Chain Mail [3], Ages Lost [52]-Space Vehicle) Quick Draw Skill Mastery: Acrobatics, Intimidate, Notice, Pilot Ages Lost (Vehicle)Size: Colossal [4EP] Strength: 50 (medium load 8 tons, hvy load 12 tons, max load 24 tons) [0EP] Defense: 2 [0EP] Toughness: 13 [0EP] Feature: [1EP] Remote Control Powers: [26 + 21 = 47EP] Blast 12 (PFs: Accurate 2) [26 EP] Flight 7 (1,000 mph/10,000 feet per Move action) [14 EP] Space Travel 7 (100c) [7 EP] Chain Mail (Protection 3) [3 EP] Sword (Damage 3 [Feats: Improved Critical, Mighty]) [5EP] Powers: 6 + 3 + 10 + 7 + 27 = 53PP Environmental Control 3 (Calm Weather + Provide Breathable Air, 25-ft. radius) [6PP] (Stormbreak, Magic) Enhanced Environmental Control 3 (to Environmental Control 6 [250-ft. radius]; Calm Weather + Provide Breathable Air; Flaws: Only on Ages Lost) [3PP] (Enhanced Stormbreak, Magic) Flight 5 (250 mph / 2,500 ft. per move action) [10PP] (Wind Rider, Magic, Wind) Super Senses 7 (Accurate Auditory Sense [2], Extended 2 on all auditory senses [4], Ultra-Hearing) [7PP] (Wind Reader, Magic) Wind & Air Magics 12 (24 points; PFs: Alternate Power 3) [27PP] Base Power: Blast 10 (Extras: Homing, Accurate 3, Alternate Power 3) [27PP] (Sky Cutter, Magic, Wind) Alternate Power: Move Object 8 (Str 40 [med load 2 tons, hvy load 3 tons, max load 6 tons]; Extras: Range [Perception]) [24/24PP] (Hand of Air, Magic, Wind) Alternate Power: Nullify Flight 10 (Extras: Range [Perception]) [20/24PP] (Downdraft, Magic, Wind) Alternate Power: Damage 10 (Extras: Area [50-ft. Burst]) [20/24PP] (Slicing Gale, Magic, Wind) DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECTUnarmed Touch DC20 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Sword Touch DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Sky Cutter Ranged DC25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Magic/Wind) Slicing Gale 50' Burst DC20 Ref/DC25Tough(Staged) Damage (Magic/Wind) Downdraft Perception DC20 Will/Effect Nullify Flight (Magic/Wind) Hand of Air Perception +8 Disarm/Trip/Grapple Move Object (Magic/Wind) HoA (Thrown Object) Perception DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities (26) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (12) + Feats (29) + Powers (53) - Drawbacks (0) = 153/177 Power Points
  9. Player Name: Thunder King Character Name: Crimson Tiger Power Level: 10/12 (156/194) Trade-Offs: +3 Attack / -3 Damage, +2 Defense / -2 Toughness Unspent Power Points: 38 In Brief: Muay Thai fighting legacy hero Alternate Identity: Mali Benjawan Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Lives with parents, does chores and responsibilities around the house Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: Father Annan, mother Apsari Description: Age: 20 DoB: August 5th, 1995 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Thai Height: 5'6" Weight: 150 Eyes: brown Hair: black Mali has a pretty, if unremarkable face, with bright eyes and a wide smile. She carries the attitude of a fun loving, sweet young woman. If she's happy, her eyes are like a clear sky. When she's angry or spoiling for a fight, her eyes narrow and become more like a thunderstorm. She has a sinister-looking grin that she adopts when enjoying a fight. She stands at a little over five and a half feet tall, and packs far more muscle onto her slender frame than most would suspect. She favors comfortable, stylish clothing in the latest brands, no longer caring how people react to her physique. She keeps her hair short and often slightly spiky. Since graduating Claremont, she has gotten a lip stud in the middle of her bottom lip, and a tattoo of a tiger on her back near her shoulder. Mali's costume is red and black, designed to resemble a stylized tiger. Her mask covers most of her face. She wears black boots and gloves. The costume is form fitting yet flexible, to allow her to take advantage of her natural agility. History: Mali has walked two paths for her entire life. Her father believes that she should be allowed to choose her own path, and has for her entire life. She likes the taste of Thai cooking (and asian cooking in general), is a Buddhist, and adheres to many Thai traditions. Still, she listens to American music, watches American movies, and embraces her home country. Her family is well off due to her grandfather having invested his money well in the stock market years ago. Her father took that to heart and became an accountant. Now he makes money advising people on how to invest their funds, and invests his own funds wisely. One night, when she was twelve years old, her father sat her next to him and told her a story, the story of Black Tiger, her great-grandfather. Black Tiger had likely been Thailand's first true super hero. He told her stories that his father had told him, how Black Tiger fought against the oppressive government. How he was a champion Thai boxer. Mali sat beside him, eyes wide with wonder. Her great grandfather sounded like an unparalleled warrior. He sounded like the kind of man who's legacy could be followed. Mali did not tell her father, but it was on that day that she resolved to follow in his footsteps. Over the next few years, Mali began taking her Muay Thai training seriously. Her father had been teaching her for exercise and self defense purposes for a few years, but she barely paid attention. Now a fierce fire burned within her that he both admired and worried about. At fourteen, she handily beat her father in a spar. On that day, he abandoned his nickname for her 'little kitten', and changed it to 'little tiger'. She grinned in triumph, knowing she was closer to her goal. She resolved that by her twenty first birthday, she would debut as a superhero. On a cool autumn evening, Benjawan Mali put on her costume and became the Crimson Tiger. She did not, however, anticipate that her father would discover her new double life. He was upset, but, was willing to forgive her. It was decided; she would enroll at Claremont. Mali vanished over the summer for over a month. As far as anyone at home knew, she was visiting family in Thailand. It was only a partial truth. In truth, she was in Thailand. She found an old trainer, one of the true masters. By day she studied under him. It took time to convince him to train a girl, but her skill impressed him enough to pass his techniques on to her. By night, she cut her teeth on Bangkok. She and her cousin Tarrin worked in conjunction, enabling her to sharpen her skills to greater heights. Upon her return to Freedom City towards the end of the summer, she refocused on her crime fighting. Personality & Motivation: Benjawan Mali has no great tragedies in her life. Her parents and both sets of grandparents are alive, and prosperous. No great pain drives her to heroics. She has no guilt, and no angst. What drives her is a burning desire for justice, and a love for a good fight. She is dutiful and respectful to her family and friends, and they love her for it. When in costume, however, she is a different person. She hides a wild streak that loves adventure, action, and a good fight. She tends to be unflappable in a crisis and keeps a level head. Overall, Mali is driven by an inner fire that makes her go out and do things in the world. Powers & Tactics: Mali, the Crimson Tiger, is a Muay Thai fighter. She uses a brutal, efficient, and painful martial art. Against ordinary humans and thugs, she emphasizes fast and efficient take downs. When she's against a superhuman foe, however, she lays on the hurt the best she can. She is a pragmatic combatant that knows that some foes are too strong to fight fair. She wil fight dirty if she feels she needs to. She will never kill, but she knows her enemies might try. Complications: Secret: Very few people know she is the Crimson Tiger, and she prefers to keep it that way. Family: As yet, Mali is not on her own, so she has duties to her family she must fufill Body Image: Mali is a muscular woman. She fears that this might put people off. Enemies in Low Places: Crimson Tiger's tendency to hit the streets means some criminals will know her by reputation. The New Girl: Mali is pretty new to Claremont, and exposure to super powers in general. Never Again: She hates the thought of hurting people, despite her love of fighting. These two concepts inevitably clash. Punching Drug Dealers: Mali has a special distaste for the drug trade which could be exploited by the right people. Violence is never the answer (but it sure is fun): Mali loves a good scrap, and unless her foe is clearly beyond her, she'd rather settle things with a fight than with words. Abilities: 14 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 6 + 4 = 42PP Strength: 24 (+7) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 10 + 8 = 18PP Initiative: +7 Attack: +13 Melee, +5 Ranged +13 Chakram Grapple: +18 Defense: +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -3, -2 flat-footed Saving Throws: 5 + 5 + 5 = 15PP Toughness: +7 (+3 Con, +2 Defensive Roll, +2 under-costume), +5 flat-footed Fortitude: +8 (+3 Con, +5) Reflex: +9 (+4 Dex, +5) Will: +8 (+3 Wis, +5) Skills: 92R = 23PP Acrobatics 12 (+16)Skill Mastery Diplomacy 9 (+11) Drive 8 (+12) Escape Artist 8 (+12)Skill Mastery Intimidate 9 (+11) Knowledge (streetwise) 9 (+11) Language 1 (English [Native], Thai) Notice 9 (+12) Search 9 (+11) Sense Motive 9 (+12)Skill Mastery Stealth 9 (+13)Skill Mastery Feats: 54PP Accurate Attack Acrobatic Bluff All-Out attack Assessment Attack Focus Melee 8 Attack Specialization 4 (Chakram) Benefit (wealth) Challenge (Fast Acrobatic Bluff) Dazzling Attack Defensive Roll 2 Dodge Focus 8 Elusive Target Equipment 6 Evasion 2 Fearless Improved Grapple Improved Initiative 1 Luck 2 Move-by action Paralyzing Attack Power Attack Prone Fighting Set Up Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Sense Motive, Stealth) Stunning Attack Takedown Attack 2 Uncanny Dodge (hearing) Ultimate Effort (Toughness Saves) Equipment 25EP = 5PP Tigercycle [12EP] Motorcycle Size: Medium. Str 20 [2EP], Toughness +8 [3EP] Features [2EP] Alarm 2 (DC 25) Powers [5EP] Speed 5 (250 mph / 2,500 feet per Move action) [5 EP] Chakram: Blast 2 (PFs: Mighty 4, Ricochet 1) [9EP] Flashlight [1 EP] Under-Costume Armor: Protection 2 [2EP] Grapple Gun: Super-Movement 3, Slow Fall, Swinging Wall-Crawling, [6 EP] Powers: 1 + 1 +2 = 4PP Leaping 1 (x2; running long jump 30 feet, standing long jump 15 feet, high jump 7 feet) [1PP] Speed 1 (10 mph / 100 feet per Move action) [1PP] Super Senses 2 (Accurate Hearing) [2PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 22 Toughness (staged) Damage (Physical) Chakram Touch DC 21 Toughness (staged) Damage (physical) Stunning Attack Touch DC 17 Fortitude Stun Dazzling Attack Touch DC 17 Fortitude Auditory Dazzle Paralyzing Attack Touch DC 17 Fortitude Paralyze Totals: Abilities (36) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (23) + Feats (54) + Powers (4) - Drawbacks (0) = 156/194 Power Points
  10. Foreshadow II Power Level: 15 (250/250PP) Effective PL: 12 Trade-Offs: +2 Defense / -2 Toughness, 5 Attack / -5 Damage (Unarmed) Unspent Power Points: 0 In Brief: Acrobatic legacy to the Foreshadow name. Alternate Identity: Erick Sloane Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Student [London Business School]/Investor Affiliations: Vanguard Family: David Sloane (Adoptive Father) Description: Age: 22 (DoB: Born 14, February 1993) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian (Of Russian Descent) Height: 5'11" Weight: 172 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde Erick is 5'11 which is quite a deal taller than the average male gymnast. As such his muscular physique is lean far more than it is bulky. Scuplted in such a way to favor the explosive moments of a gymnast with a maddening lack of body fat. Erick's medium length hair sits reaches his shoulders comfortably maintaining a professional appearance. His blonde hair is complimented by piercing blue eyes. Erick maintains a regular level of stubble across his face. As the Foreshadow, Erick dons a modified version of the original outfit worn by David Sloane. Being a realist Erick's costume is lined with multiple body armor inlays, due to the fact that as fleet footed as he is chances are he's still going to take on more hits than his mentor. Instead of a cowl his hood is draped down in such a way as to cover a domino mask. His uniform is also outfitted with a utility belt with multiple compartments to house the equipment he uses while on the job. Off which most is already carried inside of his multi purpose escrima sticks. Lastly Erick's multi purpose Escrima Sticks are usually kept holstered on his right leg. History: At only ten years of age Erick was considered a child prodigy ready to take the gymnastics world by storm. Of course, all the implications and hardships of said talent at an early age came with the title. While the demanding sponsors and incessant reporters weren't so bad because he could leave them at the door. His parents and coaches, however, were an entirely different story. Every moment of his life followed a set schedule down to the minute and he hated it. The fact that they opted to home-school him so he could maximize his time practicing routines didn't help. He couldn't count how many times he wished for his parents to just go away so he could relax for a day. That was until the incident happened. Late one night while Erick was undergoing his studies, a drugged out mobster armed with a flame thrower had been cornered by the costumed detective Foreshadow in the alley behind the boy's home. In a moment of desperation and beginning to hallucinate, the mobster started setting the area nearby ablaze. Which in turn was the very tragedy Foreshadow had been attempting to prevent when he cornered the man. Letting the villain escape, Foreshadow instead began to attempt to try and calm the ferocious flames or at the very least save anyone who hadn't already escaped as soon as the fires started. As sounds of the clash and the faint smell of smoke filled the night air, Erick's parents ran downstairs to see what all the commotion was. Something that Erick made no move to stop, as it actually meant he'd have a schedule free moment in his life. It didn't take long for them to note that the first floor of their home was engulfed in flames. Unfortunately, the foundation had already taken quite a beating and the stairs collapsed from under them as they turned to try and get their child out of immediate danger. Hearing a loud crashing noise, the now terrified and confused Erick decided to go after his parents only to see the horrible state they were in at the remains of the stairwell. He wanted to help them, he wanted to scream, he wanted to something. Anything. But he couldn't. Erick couldn't even move, he was paralyzed in a state of shock. To this day he doesn't remember the details of how Foreshadow rescued him from the burning building. Erick only blamed himself for what happened to his parents. His head was quickly filled to the brim with thoughts such as, "If only I were quicker"or "If only I had stopped them from going downstairs." Sympathizing with the boy's plight and blaming himself for failing to prevent the deaths of the his parent's, David Sloane did the unexpected and took Erick in. An ordeal that was a bit difficult with various coaches claiming that they wanted to adopt Erick. It was inevitable that David would have to reveal his identity as the costumed detective Foreshadow to the child if their new arrangement was ever to work. Foreshadow swore Erick to secrecy, and in exchange he trained the youth in the many talents that he used in his costumed identity. Despite agreeing to train him, Foreshadow outright forbid Erick from joining the fight against crime in the Southside at least until the youth finished school. Having enrolled him in public school. As such, Erick spent the next six years of his life with relative normalcy. He quit competitive gymnastics all together and just did the regular teenage thing. Not counting the training sessions with Foreshadow of course. The youth had also come into his own money having invested the money from his sponsors with Rath & Stromsberg upon David's advice. He also graduated from High School early at the age of sixteen solely so he could round off the start of his career by training his talents visiting many of the same locations David Sloane did as a youth. It also gave him a chance to tie up some loose ends and closure with the man he was originally supposed to grow into as he competed (and dominated) at Worlds. Shocking many whom didn't expect him to be in condition to compete after withdrawing from gymnastics competition. Having returned to Freedom City, Erick dipped into his personal fortune to pay his tuition in full as he enrolled in FCU. Moving into a private penthouse within looking distance of the Atlantis hotel and casino, he reached out to a childhood friend, Alaina Zelichonok, revealing his intention to operate as a costumed vigilante and needing her help in the purchase and development of equipment. Omen's venture into superheroics has already earned him the ire of the Freedom City Mob just by wearing the same emblem as his mentor. During the events of the Day of Wrath, Erick found himself badly injured barely scrapping by a victory with the robotic replacement of Foreshadow. Upon the real Foreshadow's return, both men had to come to the realization that after all his years of crime fighting David was beginning to miss a step. Even if it was time for him to retire, the Southside needed a Foreshadow, and David thought Erick was just the man for the job. The only stipulation would be that Erick would have to undergo training with an acquaintance of David's. Erick agreed to the terms and began a training regiment with Gilles Gordeau a master Savateur. Unfortunately, she had a busy schedule (being a criminal and all) and left in the middle of their training leaving him weekly instructions through a private podcast. Deciding it best to move from the penthouse, Erick opted to buy a mansion near the marina. The location would be a strange one if the man's focus was solely to lie in the South, but he was far too ambitious to settle on cleaning up crime in just one part of the city. That ambition would almost cost him his life. During his first run in with an assassin known as Jade Spider, Erick found himself eviscerated at the waist. Erick barely escaped the assassin in a closely contested brawl over the rooftops of the city. But it was clear he needed immediate medical attention. Barely able to drag himself back to the manor, the young hero lost consciousness on his own doorstep. Where David was already waiting for his arrival. Due to the tremendous amount of blood Erick lost in the brawl a blood transfusion was needed. Luckily, David was a compatible donor and all too willing to give up his blood to save his adopted son. The treatment carried on throughout the entire night with many a close call in terms of Erick's health. But in the end he survived. When Erick came to he received his first vision much to the surprise of all present. The blood transfusion somehow being the catalyst for activating some latent clairvoyant ability. Personality & Motivation: Erick is quite relaxed and even when on the job he's known to be chatty and crack a joke. Unlike his mentor, he's more than willing to work with others than David Sloane was. In fact Erick Sloan is a downright social butterfly. Relying on his social skills to gather information from local underworld personalities almost as often as his precognitive gifts. Part of Erick's attitude actually has do to his gift of Foresight. He has taken it to translate into feeling that he is armed with the knowledge that he will always come out on top. Erick fights the good fight simply because it's the right thing to do. Filled with a passion for life and a desire to make a difference, every time Erick dons the Foreshadow costume he's ready to go to work. A bit of an adrenaline junkie, Erick loves crime fighting perhaps a bit too much. His enjoyment of risk taking almost borders on recklessness. Which is why he keeps himself grounded by remembering why he dons his domino mask in the first place. More than anything Erick wants to make sure no one else has to go through the pain of losing their family because of the criminals in Freedom City especially those under Al Driogano's thumb. Powers & Tactics: When first starting out Foreshadow was more of an acrobat than martial artist. Relying more on misdirection and agility than pure combat prowess. Reflecting this his fighting style relies on movement and precision. His mastery of savate allows him to maintain a lateral control of the, the gymnastic art of tricking allows him to feint his opponents or attack them from odd and unexpected vertical angles, and a solid base in escrima affords him a brutal fallback when precision and mobility allow fail. His custom built high polymer Escrima Sticks are lightweight so that he can overwhelm foes without sacrificing power for speed. At a distance they can also be thrown to take out foes. The staves can combine into a singular bo staff, which Foreshadow uses when in need of supplying his attacks more power. One end of the weapon can fire a stored swing line made out of airplane cable, and both escrima sticks can be discharge a powerful electric shock akin to a heavy duty stun gun. Last but not least, Erick is able to foresee events before they come to pass. A secondary effect of this ability is he is actively aware of his surroundings almost intuitively combined with the fact that Erick is intuitively aware of foreboding danger allows him to always be alert. This sensation manifests as a tingling feeling at the base of his skull, alerting Erick to danger in proportion to the severity of whatever the threat is. Complications: Enemies: Ever since taking over the mantle of Foreshadow from David, Erick has inhereted his predecessor's old rogues gallery. Most notably being the assassins belonging to the Murder League and the the Freedom Mob. Flirt: Erick enjoys the company of the fairer sex, and won't hesitate to let them know. It can get him knee deep into trouble as he doesn't always use his head when it comes to beautiful women. Responsibility: As a university student Erick has to make sure his late hours don't interfere with his school work. As a heavy investor and philanthropist in various start up businesses and charities he has to make sure his money is in good hands further dividing his attention. Secret: Erick has the difficult task of keeping his identity a secret from those around him. It places a great strain on any relations he tries to form as most of his nights are spent fighting crime in Freedom City and London Scry vs Scry: Foreshadow can foresee events before they come to pass. Unfortunately there is a bit of psychic interference when dealing with foes with other precognitive gifts. Making it harder to rely on the visions Abilities: 8 + 14 + 10 + 10 + 6 + 12 = 60PP Strength: 18 (+4) Dexterity: 24 (+7) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 22 (+6) Combat: 16 + 34 = 50PP Initiative: +16 (+8 Dex, +8 Improved Initiative) Attack: +8 Base, +14 Melee, +16 Double Cannes/Thrown, +20 Unarmed Defense: +17 (+17 Base), +9 Flat-Footed Grapple: +21 Knockback: -3 Saving Throws: 1 + 6 + 6 = 13PP Toughness: +7 (+5 Con, +2 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +6 (+5 Con, +1) Reflex: +13 (+7 Dex, +6) Will: +9/17* (+3 Wis, +6) *Vs Fear Effects Skills: 180R = 45PP Acrobatics 18 (+25) Skill Mastery Bluff 9 (+15) Skill Mastery Climb 1 (+5) Computers 5 (+10) Concentration 7 (+10) Diplomacy 9 (+15) Skill Mastery Disable Device 5 (+10) Drive 5 (+12) Escape Artist 8 (+15) Gather Information 7 (+10) Intimidate 4 (+10) Investigate 5 (+10) Knowledge (Business) 15 (+20) Knowledge (Current Events) 5 (+10) Knowledge (Popular Culture) 5 (+10) Knowledge (Streetwise) 15 (+20) Language 13 (Arabic, ASL, Chinese [Mandarin] English [Native], Filipino, French, Galstandard, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish) Medicine 2 (+5) Notice 11 (+14) Search 5 (+10) Sense Motive 7 (+10) Sleight of Hand 3 (+10) Stealth 13 (+20) Skill Mastery Survival 2 (+5) Swim 1 (+5) Feats: 59PP Acrobatic Bluff Ambidexterity Attack Focus (Melee) 6 Attack Specialization (Thrown) 3 Attack Specialization (Unarmed) 3 Benefit 4 (Status [Vanguard Membership], Wealth 3 [Billionaire]) Blind-Fight Challenge 4 (Accelerated Acrobatics, Fast Task [Acrobatic Feint], Perfect Balance, Perilous Balance) Defensive Attack Defensive Roll Eidetic Memory Elusive Target Endurance Equipment 0 (+10 50EP Veteran Reward ) Evasion 2 Grappling Finesse Hide in Plain Sight Improved Critical 2 [Unarmed] Improved Disarm Improved Initiative 2 Improved Ranged Disarm Improvised Tools Jack-Of-All-Trades Lionheart 2 [+4 bonus per rank on Will Saves VS fear and related effects.] Move-by Action Power Attack Prone Fighting Quick Draw [Draw] Redirect Set-Up Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Stealth) Takedown Attack 2 Taunt Teamwork 3 Trance Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Weapon Bind Well-Informed Equipment: 10PP = 50EP Binoculars [0EP] Cell Phone [0EP] Digital Audio BRecorder [0EP] Digital Camera [0EP] Evidence Bags [0EP] Flashlight [0EP] Lock Release Gun [1EP] Handcuffs [1EP] (Masterwork) Medkit [1EP] Mini-Tracer [1EP] Multitool [1EP] (Masterwork) Rebreather [1EP] Video Camera [0EP] Zultasian Grav-Cycle [26EP] Strength: 20 [2EP] Size: Medium [0EP] Toughness: +8 [3EP] Defense: +0 [0EP] Features: Alarm 3 [DC30], Computer, Communications, Grav Boost [same as Nitro Injector], Hidden Compartments 2 (DC 25), Remote Control, Smokescreen [10EP] Powers: Flight 6 (500 mph; Power Feat: Subtle, Drawbacks: Low Ceiling 2 [Maximum 15']) [11EP] HQ: Erick's Freedom City Villa[18EP] Location: North Bay, Freedom City, USA, Near the North Bay Marina. Appearance/Details: 1 Size: Large/Mansion-Sized [2EP]; Toughness: +10 [1EP]; Features: Communications, Computer, Concealed, Dock, Fire Prevention System, Garage, Gym, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Pool, Power System, Security System x1 (DC 20) [14EP] Alternate HQ: Erick's English Estate[17EP] Location: Hertfordshire, England. UK. Appearance/Details: 1, 2, 3 Size: Large/Mansion-Sized [2EP]; Toughness: +10 [1EP]; Features: Combat Simulator, Communications, Computer, Concealed, Fire Prevention System, Garage, Gym, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Pool, Power System, Security System x1 (DC 20) [14EP] Powers: 6 + 12 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1= 23PP Device 2 ( 10PP Container; Flaws: Easy-To-Lose; User suffers Fatigue from Extra Effort rather than Device ) [6PP] (Multi-Function combinable cannes) Canne D'arme ( 8PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2 ) [10PP] BP: Damage 4 ( Feats: Accurate, Mighty, Split Attack, Thrown ) {8/8} AP: Stun 9 ( Flaw: Action [Full]; Drawback: Full Power ) {8/8} AP: Super-Movement 3 ( Slow Fall, Swinging, Wall-Crawling 1; Extra: Linked to Speed [+0] ) + Speed 1 ( Stacks for Speed 2 [25 mph/250 ft. rnd]; Extra: Linked to Super-Movement [+0] ) {8/8} (Grappling line) Foresight 2.4 ( 12PP Container, [Passive, Permanent] ) [12PP] (Psionic) Enhanced Feat ( Seize Initiative ) [1PP] (Precognitive Awareness) Luck Control ( Force Rerolls; Flaw: Limited to Attack Rolls Made Against Foreshadow [-2] ) [1PP] (Precognitive Dodging) Super-Senses 8 ( Mental Sense [Accurate, Acute, Danger Sense, Extended, Radius, Ranged], Uncanny Dodge [Mental] ) [8PP] (Precognitive Spatial Awareness) Super-Senses 4 ( Precognition [Mental]; Flaw: Uncontrolled ) [2PP] Probability Control 1 ( Flaws: Limited 2 [Unarmed]) [2PP] (Martial Mastery) Speed 1 ( 10 mph, 100 ft./rnd ) [1PP] (Training) Swimming 1 ( 2.5 mph, 25 ft./rnd ) [1PP] (Training) Super-Sense ( Communications Link [mental] with Synapse ) [1PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE DC EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC19 Toughness Damage (Physical) Escrima Sticks Touch/Ranged DC23 Toughness Damage (Bludgeon) Stun Rods Touch DC19 Fortitude Stun (Electricity) Totals: Abilities (60) + Combat (50) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (45) + Feats (59) + Powers (23) - Drawbacks (0) = 250/250 Power Point Note: Foreshadow is technically PL15 with a full, five point Attack and Defense trade-off. His Defense and Toughness are capped to place him at PL12 defensively, while his Damage is intentionally under-capped so that his Attack and damage bonuses average out to PL12 as well while unarmed, even though +20 attack in only achievable by PL15 characters.
  11. Net Fly Power Level: 9/10 (130/157 PP) Trade-Offs: -2 Attack / +2 Damage, +2 Defense / -2 Toughness Unspent Power Points: 27 In Brief: Young gadgeteer genius Serge Explinker dons a simple yet sophisticated sonic harness/vibro-suit, in order to enhance his mutant powers and fight crime as the masked superhero Net Fly. Identity: Secret Alternate Identity: Serge Explinker Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Student Affiliations: None Family: Father: Andrew Explinker. Mother: Catherine Coldear. Step-Father: Gregory Lineburg. Description: Age: 16 (DoB: March the 19th, 1995) Apparent Age: 16 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5' 10" Weight: 180 pounds Eyes: Green Hair: Blonde Description: A lean, light-skinned teenager of medium height, Serge has curly short blonde hair and green eyes. He wears prescription reading glasses, although ever since his powers awoken, he stopped needing them. His casual attire consists of lion-colored baggy pants or jeans, a light-grey tank-top and a green camp shirt. His costume is mostly grey, composed of a spandex-like material, and covers most of his body, except the eyes, and it has extra pockets strapped at his thighs. He wears black boots and black briefs, on top of the suit, with a blue tool belt. He has blue mechanical gauntlets, and a white megaphone strapped on a blue x-shaped harness, in front of his chest. Finally, he has two blue head-pieces that cover his ears, on top of his mask. Power Descriptions: Net Fly is a mutant, with the power to influence his body's vibrations. This gives him an assortment of innate abilities, like enhanced agility, strength, and stamina, the ability to "stick" on surfaces, and the ability to fly. Further-more, he has costumised his Vibro-Suit so that he can further harness those powers and re-focus them into sonic energy. He can concentrate his gloves with sonic energy in order to enhance his fists or produce Sonic Blasts and hit his opponents from a distance. He can also opt to redirect his powers to his chest-phone, and unleash a powerful Sonic Beam. The suit also channels Net Fly's vibrational energies to create a protective Vibro-Field, which lessens the impact of attacks. Finally, his suit comes equipped with a Net Dive device, which allows him to interact with machinery and even enter the cyberspace. History: Serge was a gifted young boy, and he showed from an early age an aptitude with complex machinery and computers. While he comes from a divorced family, his parents have managed to keep a good relationship with each other and their son. When he became an adolescent, Serge started exhibiting his latent mutant abilities. It wasn't, however, until much later, when he became unwittingly entangled with a heist, that he decided to use his powers for a purpose. A group of armed robbers ambushed an armory car and stole a bunch of high-tech equipment. During the heist, things quickly escalated, and Serge, allong with a few other bystanders, was captured as a hostage, and held against his will. At first, he was paralyzed from fear, until he witnessed the robbers shot a man in front of him, in order to force the police to meet their demands. Finding an opportunity, Serge sneaked out of sight and undid his bonds with his strength. He took a few devices that were laying close to him, and tinkered with them as quickly as he could, fashioning them into Sonic Blasters. Before the robbers realized what had happened, Serge, wearing a makeshift outfit to conceal his identity, attacked them, and quickly subdued them. After rescuing everyone, Serge left the crime-scene. For the next few days, he reflected on what had just transpired. He realized that he could use his powers to fight crime, but in order to do so, he needed to make a costume for himself. Tinkering and improving upon the devices he aqcuired during the heist, and using a few more that he had created on his own, Serge was able to adapt them into a functioning suit. Now, Serge has emerged as the superhero Net Fly. He has performed adequately, but after a few close calls too many, he decided to enroll in Claremont Academy, and further hone his crime-fighting abilities. Personality & Motivation: Serge's desire to help people is matched only by his curiosity and inquisitiveness. Serge spends a lot of his time fine-tuning his suit or practicing his programming skills. When he isn't tinkering with his devices, Serge can often be found socializing with his friends. Powers & Tactics: Net Fly doesn't take hits well, so he prefers a hit-and-run fighting style over duking it out for prolonged periods. Having said that, however, he is perfectly capable of unleashing devastating attacks in close range, as well as take care threats from a distance. If he wishes to avoid fighting, he can opt to hide in the ceilings. Complications: On the Job Learning: Is learning as he goes. Secret: Identity. Snarker Within: Extreme insecurity about his own faillings has developed into a sort-of split personality/alter self that tends to point out said flaws. Even so, Serge is usually more than willing to point his own errors himself, without outside, or for that matter, inside help, and thus, this alter self pops up very occasionally, during times of extreme duress(That is to say, more extreme than usual for a kid hero) Technobabble Motormouth: Is prone on making tangential notes about science, whenever he finds the opportunity. Trying Hard to Keep Up: Is prone on overexerting himself Abilities: 0 + 0 + 0 + 10 + 2 + 0 = 12PP Strength: 10/16/30 (+0/+3/+10) Dexterity: 10/16 (+0/+3) Constitution: 10/20 (+0/+5) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 10 + 12 = 22PP Initiative: +12/+15/+19 Attack: +5 Base, +7 Sonic Converter Grapple: +4/+7/+20 Defense: +9/+11 (+6 Base, +3/+5 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -3/-2/-1 Saving Throws: 2 + 5 + 5 = 12PP Toughness: +5/+7 (+3/+5 Con, +2 [Defensive Roll]) Fortitude: +5/+7 (+3/+5 Con, +2) Reflex: +8 (+3 Dex, +5) Will: +6 (+1 Wis, +5) Skills: 52R = 13PP Acrobatis 7 (+10) Climb 3 (+3/+5/+9) Computers 13 (+18)Skill Mastery Craft (Electronics) 5 (+10)Skill Mastery Craft (Mechanical) 1 (+6) Disable Device 10 (+15)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Technology) 5 (+10)Skill Mastery Notice 4 (+5) Stealth 4 (+7) Feats: 11PP Defensive Roll Dodge Focus 3 Improved Initiative 3 Inventor Online Research Move By Action Skill Mastery (Computers, Craft (Electronics), Disable Device, Knowledge (Technology)) Powers: 34 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 8 = 56PP Device 8 (40PP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose, Feats: Restricted 2[Net Fly]) [34PP] (Vibro-Suit) Sonic Converter 12 (24PP Array; Feats: Accurate, Alternate Power 4) [27PP] Base Power: Enhanced Strength 16 (Extras: Linked [super Strength]) + Super Strength 4 (Effective Strength 52, Heavy Load 16 tons, Extras: Linked [Enhanced Strength]) [16 + 8= 24PP] (Volume Amp) Alternate Power: Damage 8 (Extras: Autofire, Penetrating 4 Feats: Mighty) [21PP] (Sonic Fists) Alternate Power: Damage 9 (Extras: Area[burst] 200ft Radius, Linked[Trip], Selective, Flaws: Action(Full-Round), Distracting, Feats: Progression[Area] 2) + Trip 9 (Extras: Area[burst], Linked[Damage], Selective, Flaws: Action(Full-Round), Range(Touch), Feats: Improved Trip, Progression[Area] 2) [11+12=23PP] (Sonic Maelstorm) Alternate Power: Blast 11 (275-1'100 feet, Feats: Improved Range, Split Attack) [24PP] (Sonic Blasts) Alternate Power: Blast 11 (110-1'100 feet, Extras: Linked [stun], Linked [Trip], Flaws: Action (Full Round), Distracting) + Stun 11 (Extras: Linked [blast], Linked [Trip], Range [Ranged], Flaws: Action (Full Round), Daze, Unreliable) + Trip 11 (Extras: Linked [blast], Linked [stun], Knockback, Flaws: Action (Full Round), Feats: Improved Trip, Knockback) [5 + 5 + 12 = 22PP] (Sonic Beam) Datalink 3 (Radio, 1000 feet, Feats: Cyberspace) [6 +6 + 12PP] (Net-Dive Harness) Enhanced Constitution 4 [4PP] (Mutation Enhancement) Enhanced Dodge Focus 2 [2PP] (Mutation Enhancement) Enhanced Improved Initiative [1PP] (Mutation Enhancement) Enhanced Strength 6 (Heavy load 230 lbs) [6PP] (Mutation) Enhanced Dexterity 6 [6PP] (Mutation) Enhanced Constitution 6 [6PP] (Mutation) Fly Movement 3 (6PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [8PP] (Mutation) Base Power: Flight 2 (25mph/250ft per Move Action, Feats: Subtle) [5PP] Atlernate Power: Speed 5 (250mph/2500ft per Move Action, Feats: Subtle) [6PP] Alternate Power: Super Movement 2 (Wall Crawling, 3mph/30ft per Move Action, Feats: Subtle) [5PP] Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Enhanced (Unarmed) Touch DC18 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Volume Amp (Unarmed) Touch DC25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Sonic Fists (Damage) Touch DC25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Sonic) Sonic Maelstorm (Damage+Trip) Area DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Sonic) 1d20+8 vs. STR or DEX(worse) Trip Sonic Blasts (Blast) Ranged DC25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Sonic) Sonic Beam (Blast+Stun+Trip) Ranged DC25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Sonic) DC20 Fortitude Dazed 1d20+10 vs. STR or DEX(worse) Trip Totals: Abilities (12) + Combat (22) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (13) + Feats (11) + Powers (60) - Drawbacks (0) = 130/157 Power Points
  12. Midnight II Power Level: 15 (247/250PP) [325] Trade-Offs: +2 Attack, -2 Damage Unspent PP: 3 Theme: Creatures of the Night by The Creepshow In Brief: A soft-spoken young man upholding the legacy of Freedom City’s original mystery man. Alternate Identity: Trevor Hunter Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City, North Bay Occupation: University Student (Engineering Major) Affiliations: Young Freedom/Claremont Academy (alumni), Liberty League (legacy hero) Family: Travis Hunter (Midnight I, grandfather), Ted Hunter (father), Janet Pryce-Hunter (mother) Description: Age: 21 (DoB: February, 1993) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6'2" Weight: 185 lbs. Hair: Black Eyes: Black Sclera With Red Irises Trevor Hunter’s height and angular features give his powerfully athletic frame an impression of leanness that suits his relaxed demeanour and dark hair just a little too long to be kept tidy. Dressing largely in subdued browns and blacks, he eschews logos and accessories, preferring plain long-sleeved shirts and jackets with a generally uncluttered appearance. His only concessions are a battered black fedora which he wears whenever convenience allows and a pair of heavily tinted sunglasses which conceal his clearly metahuman eyes. As the second Midnight, he wears a costume only slightly altered from the one used by his grandfather, starting with a lightly armoured jump-suit. Trevor has shortened the trench coat to a jacket to make it more practical for riding the Night Cycle, and added a matte black utility belt containing an array of gadgets. His featureless mask and fedora are in fact the very same ones used by Travis Hunter, although the mask’s functional elements had to be replaced. The entire costume is pitch black save for glowing red eyes. History: Shortly after the Liberty League disbanded in the late 1950s, the mysterious vigilante known as Midnight disappeared, never to be seen again. Remaining active but underground for several years, chemist Travis Hunter eventually settled down and raised a family. Though the occasional crisis would bring him out of retirement, it was never for long and always without public knowledge. The years of exposure to his ‘midnight mist’ had left a greater mark of Hunter than he realized, however. With his son forced to move often due to his job, Hunter’s grandson Trevor came to live with the now elderly, though still remarkably vigourous, chemist in his sizeable estate. This turned out to be fortuitous, for when Trevor’s metahuman abilities manifested at puberty, his grandfather instantly recognized the familiar light blocking gas he produced. Calming the confused youth, Hunter revealed to him the long abandoned ‘Midnight Manor’ hidden below their home and explained his history as a masked crime fighter. The moment the old, flickering lights illuminated the glass case containing the Midnight costume, Trevor’s fate was sealed. He knew his destiny was to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps and, seeing the boy’s determination, Hunter had to agree. Trevor’s training began immediately, with the condition that he was not to venture out into the city until he earned his license and refurbished one of the Manor’s decrepit vehicles to drive himself there. To Hunter’s chagrin the mechanically inclined Trevor not only met both conditions with surprising ease, but insisted on claiming the Night Cycle as his transportation of choice. The new Midnight’s first forays into the world of super heroism caught the attention of Duncan Summers, who recognized the modus operandi of the hero who was in many ways the spiritual predecessor of the Raven. Sending his daughter out to make contact with the teen, Summers invited Trevor to enroll at Claremont Academy. With his grandfather’s blessing he accepted, eager to give a new generation of villains a very good reason to be afraid of the dark. Trevor’s time at Claremont proved to be eventful, although his most fantastic adventures as a part of Young Freedom took place in a number of alternate dimensions and timelines, affording him a continued low profile on Earth-Prime. Harsh battles developed both his superhuman abilities and considerable skills while forging friendships and ultimately romance. There can be no doubt that Midnight has come to Freedom City once more. Personality & Motivation: Trevor is outwardly reserved without being cold. He’ll smile slightly rather than laugh, and he’ll narrow his eyes rather than shout belligerently. What sense of humour he does display is bone dry, often leaving those he interacts with uncertain if he made a joke or not. Slow to anger, he has little interest in social drama and is unfailingly genuine in his sentiments. Content to let others have the spotlight, when he does speak his words carry a weight that belies his years. Fighting crime is a point of family pride for Trevor, one he takes very seriously. The exploitation of the innocent is one of the few things sure to draw a reaction from the typically demure teen, and he takes a good deal of satisfaction from utilizing fear against the villains who make it their stock and trade. Powers & Tactics: Trevor is able to produce clouds of “midnight mistâ€, the gas invented by his grandfather, at will. The mist blocks out light, plunging those caught in its wake into darkness. Initially using his specially designed goggles to see through this miasma, Trevor eventually found his metahuman physiology adapting to make them unnecessary, at the price of a disconcerting appearance. The presence of the mist saturating his muscle tissue grants Trevor a surprising durability. A quirk of his metahuman nature, arguably a secondary mutation, makes him resistant to mental intrusion and all but undetectable by telepathic means. Supplementing these powers are an array of compact gadgets secreted about the pockets of his coat and belt. Complications: Camera-Shy: Trevor prefers to remain unseen by the public; the shadows are where he does his best work. Disarmed: Trevor's coat and belt need to be removed to completely deprive him of his gadgets, but many of the individual items are hand-held, and can be disarmed as such. Don’t Touch The Hat: Don’t. Touch. The Hat. Frightening: The Midnight costume is great for scaring bad guys, not so great for reassuring civilians, especially kids. Legacy: Living up to his inherited code name means the world to Trevor. Loyalty: Trevor made some good friends at Claremont Academy. Relationship: Erin White AKA >Wander. Abilities: 10 + 10 + 6 + 8 + 6 + 10 = 50PP Strength: 20 (+5) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 18 (+4) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 20 + 12 = 32PP Initiative: +5 Attack: +10/+14 Melee Grapple: +19 Defence: +12 (+6 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -4/-2 Flat-Footed Saving Throws: 4 + 5 + 8 = 17PP Toughness: +12 (+3 Con, +4 Defensive Roll, +5 Protection) Fortitude: +7 (+3 Con, +4) Reflex: +10 (+5 Dex, +5) Will: +11 (+3 Wis, +8) Skills: 148R = 37PP Acrobatics 5 (+10) Skill Mastery Craft (Mechanical) 11 (+15) Disable Device 8 (+12) Drive 10 (+15) Skill Mastery Gather Information 5 (+10) Skill Mastery Intimidate 20 (+25) Second Chance, Skill Mastery Investigate 11 (+15) Knowledge (History) 6 (+10) Knowledge (Streetwise) 6 (+10) Knowledge (Tactics) 11 (+15) Knowledge (Technology) 6 (+10) Language 3 (ASL, French, English [Native], Mandarin) Medicine 2 (+5) Skill Mastery Notice 12 (+15) Skill Mastery Perform (Dance) 5 (+10) Sense Motive 12 (+15) Skill Mastery Stealth 15 (+20) Skill Mastery Feats: 41PP Attack Focus 4 (Melee) Benefit 3 (Nice Hat, Wealth 2 [Rich]) Blind-Fight Defensive Roll 2 (+4 Toughness) Dodge Focus 6 Evasion 2 Equipment 7 + 4 (Veteran Reward) Hide in Plain Sight Jack of All Trades Luck 3 Master Plan 2 Minion 11 (Veteran Reward) Power Attack Second Chance (Intimidate) Skill Mastery 2 (Acrobatics, Drive, Gather Information, Intimidate, Medicine, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth) Sneak Attack Startle Takedown Attack 2 Well-Informed Equipment: 11PP = 55EP 5 + 4 + 5 + 21 + 20 = 55EP Strike 3 (Feats: Mighty, Subtle) [5EP] (Collapsible Escrima Sticks) Immunity 4 (Suffocation Effects, Visual Dazzles) [4EP] (Midnight Mask) Speed 1 (10mph / 100ft per Move Action) [1EP] + Super-Movement 2 (Slow Fall, Swinging) [4EP] (Grappling Hook Gun) Night Cycle (Vehicle) [21EP] Size: Medium [0EP]; Strength: 20 [2EP]; Defence: 10 [0EP]; Toughness: +10 [5EP] Features: Alarm 2 (DC 25), Computer, Communications, Disguise, Hidden Compartments, Nitro Injectors, Remote Control [8EP] Powers: Speed 5 (250mph / 2,500ft per Move Action, Feats: Subtle) [6EP] >The Midnight Manor (HQ) [20EP] Powers: 36 + 12 + 5 + 1 + 6 + 10 = 70PP Gadgets 4 (20PP Variable Power, Any Power, Multiple Powers At Once, Extras: Action 2 [Free], Duration [Continuous], Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [36PP] (Utility Belt & Coat) Example Gadgets Spoiler EMP Grenade [15 + 5 = 20PP] Drain Toughness 15 (Extras: Affects Objects, Area [General, Burst, 50ft radius], Linked [Damage], Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics]) [15PP] + Damage 10 (Extras: Area [General, Burst], Linked [Drain], Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics]) [5PP] Teleportation Signal Hijack [1 + 19 = 20PP] Super-Senses 1 (Trace Teleport) [1PP] Teleport 4 (Extras: Accurate, Affects Others, Power Feats: Change Velocity, Easy, Progression [Cargo] 1 [200 lbs.]) [19PP] Original Night Gun [3 + 17 = 20PP] Obscure 3 (Visual Senses, 25ft radius; Extras: Independent, Linked [stun], Flaws: Action [Full]) [3PP] + Stun 5 (Extras: Area [General, Cloud, 25ft radius], Linked [Obscure], Range [Ranged], Flaws: Action [Full], Power Feats: Progression [Area], Sedation) [17PP] Tight-Beam Sonic Emitter [17 + 3 = 20PP] Dazzle 15 (Auditory Senses, Power Feats: Accurate 2) [17PP] Communication 3 (Auditory (Ultrasonic); 1000ft) [3PP] Universal Translator [5 + 15 = 20PP] Super-Senses 5 (Acute Analytical Smell, Analytical Hearing, Analytical Vision, Ultrasonic Hearing) [5PP] Comprehend 5 (Codes, Languages 4 [Read/Write/Speak/Understand Any/All Simultaneously], Extras: Affects Others) [15PP] Obscure 3 (Olfactory & Visual Senses, 25ft radius, Extras: Action 2 [Free], Independent, Flaws: Range [Touch]) [12PP] (Gaseous Cloud) Protection 5 [5PP] (Saturated Muscle Tissue) Super-Senses 1 (Communication Link [Mental, Eve Martel/Sage]) [1PP] Super-Senses 6 (Counters Obscure [Visual Senses, All Descriptors], Infravision) [6PP] Telepathic Resistance 2 (10PP Container, [Passive, Permanent]) [10PP] (Mutant Neurology) Concealment 2 (All Mental Senses, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Flaws: Permanent) [4PP] + Concealment 1 (ESP Effects, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Flaws: Limited [Mental/Psionic Effects], Permanent) [1PP] Immunity 10 (Psionic Effects, Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) [5PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC20(22*) Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Escrima Sticks Touch DC23(25*) Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) *Sneak Attack Abilities 50 + Combat 32 + Saves 17 + Skills 37 + Feats 41 + Powers 70 = 247/250 Power Points Redbird Spoiler Character Name: Redbird Power Level: 7 (Minion 11 = 165PP) Trade-Offs: -3 Defence/+3 Toughness In Brief: Furion autonomic machine intelligence with the ability to merge with and enhance any vehicle. Birthplace: Silverwood Affiliations: Furions, Midnight II Family: Red Falcon (partner, deceased) Description: Gender: Currently ‘Female’ Height: 24 cm Weight: 1 kg Redbird’s physical form is a polished silver egg roughly the size of a small melon. While appearing featureless from the outside, the artificial intelligence is able to observe her surroundings from any direction and speak in an alto voice which has grown quieter and more deliberate since imprinting upon the human Trevor Hunter. When merging with a vehicle, the Furion technology of Redbird’s ‘egg’ melts into the control system, be it steering wheel or computer interface, and proceeds to enhance its temporary body with increased speed and other capabilities. These enhancements can range from subtle to clearly not-of-the-world, but in deference to Midnight’s preferences, cosmetic alterations typically include a light-devouring black colour scheme accented by a dark crimson wing motif. On the rare occasions she bothers to create any kind of holographic representation of herself, Redbird appears as an athletic woman roughly six feet tall and in her late twenties, slight only the the Furions’ statuesque standards. With dark red hair and high cheekbones, she shares many features in common with both Red Falcon and Trevor Hunter while dressing in motorcycle leathers or a chauffeur’s uniform as appropriate. History: Redbird is an autonomic machine intelligence created by the Furions, the powerful race of Terminus natives that are the last true opposition to Omega’s forces in that wretched blight of a realm, and like them she is very, very old. Computers in only most rudimentary of terms, such intelligences served many functions, with Redbird acting as copilot to some of the Furions’ greatest pilots, bridging the divide between rider and vehicle. Until recently Redbird was partnered with the Furion warrior known as Red Falcon. When the latter was injured too gravely to fly during Omega’s latest gambit to destroy Earth-Prime, Trevor Hunter, the second hero of his world to go by the name Midnight, stepped in, displaying a hitherto unseen level of fast-twitch muscle fibre compatibility. Red Falcon’s last act before a heroic sacrifice against a literal army of Omegadrones was to ensure that Redbird was safely entrusted to the care of the Earth-Prime heroes, thereby surviving his suicide run. Redbird subsequently imprinted on Midnight, a process which adjusts a machine intelligence’s behaviour to better compliment that of its new partner, often resulting in a completely new personality, albeit with all the same memories, skills and core traits the intelligence had previously possessed. Though it is traditional for the intelligence to take on a new name as well - and ‘Nightbird’ was briefly considered - given the nature of Red Falcon’s demise, both Redbird and Midnight agreed an exception would be appropriate. Earth-Prime is a much different world than Silver Tree, and Redbird is still adjusting to her new role, but it is enough to know that there is evil to be vanquished and battles to be won. In that, the two worlds are no so different at all. Personality & Motivation: Redbird’s current personality paradigm is level-headed and methodical - by Furion standards, at least. While previously jittery and almost anxious, Red Falcon’s passing has had a sobering effect on top of her current partner’s calm nature. She still possesses a temper than ignites into fiery rage at the sight of Omega’s lackeys and unsurprisingly has a passion for high speeds and daring maneuvers. Adopting a female voice and persona after observing Midnight’s close teamwork with Wander, Redbird elected to hold to that choice even after the a few relevant subtleties of human interaction were explained. She’s also stopped referring to herself in the third-person for the most part, discovering it was off-putting to her new allies, but still slips back into the habit when excited. Powers & Tactics: In her own, independent form Redbird is immobile but still able to speak in any sentient language, observe her surrounding in broad spectrum and deliver a nasty surge of cosmic energy to anyone foolish enough to pick up her ‘egg’ without permission. Paired with a vehicle and sufficiently skilled rider, however, she is force to be reckoned with. Merging with any vehicle and enhancing it with what could loosely be considered the ‘technology’ of Silver Tree, she can outfit her host chassis with ground speeds nearly light speed, flight and space-faring capabilities, powerful cosmic weaponry and whatever other equipment might be useful to the task at hand. Abilities: -10 - 10 - 10 + 6 + 8 + 6 = -10PP Strength: - Dexterity: - Constitution: - Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 6 + 0 = 6PP Initiative: +3 Attack: +7 (+3 Base, +4 Size) Grapple: - Defence: +4 (+4 Size), +4 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5 (+3 Size) Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 6 = 6PP Toughness: +10 (+10 Protection, Impervious 7) Fortitude: - Reflex: - Will: +10 (+4 Wis, +6) Skills: 64R = 16PP Computers 12 (+15) Skill Mastery Drive 0 (-/+12) Skill Mastery Intimidate 10 (+7/+13) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 7 (+10) Skill Mastery Knowledge (Technology) 7 (+10) Skill Mastery Language 1 (English, Furion [Native]) Notice 11 (+15) Skill Mastery Pilot 0 (-/+12) Skill Mastery Sense Motive 6 (+10) Skill Mastery Stealth 10 (-/+10) Skill Mastery Feats: 11PP All-Out Attack Eidetic Memory Fearless Interpose Power Attack Skill Mastery 2 (Computers, Drive, Knowledge [Physical Sciences], Knowledge [Technology], Notice, Pilot, Sense Motive, Stealth) Speed of Thought Teamwork 3 Powers: 8 + 1 + 20 + 30 + 29 + 17 + 5 + 14 + 12 = 136PP Comprehend 4 (Read, Speak and Understand All Languages Simultaneously) [8PP] Datalink 1 (10’, Radio) [1PP] Enhance Vehicle 4 (20PP Variable Power, Any Power, Multiple Powers at Once, Extras: Affects Others, Flaws: Action [Full Action], Limited 2 [Only Others, Only Vehicles]) [20PP] Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30PP] Autonomic Machine Intelligence Array 14 (28PP, Power Feats: Alternate Power 1) [29PP] Base: Possession 4 (Extras: Action [Free, +2], Affects Objects, Alternate Save [Reflex], Flaws: Limited 2 [Objects Only, Vehicles Only]) [16PP] + Enhanced Skills (Drive 12, Pilot 12) [6PP] + Morph 3 (+15 Disguise, Any Vehicle of Type Possessed) [6PP] AP: Damage 7 (Extras: Aura, Duration [sustained, +2]) [28PP] (Cosmic Energy Defence) Protection 10 (Extras: Impervious 7) [17PP] Regeneration 5 (Recovery Bonus +0) [5PP] Shrinking 12 (Diminutive, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Flaws: Permanent, Power Feats: Innate, Normal Toughness) [14PP] Super-Senses 12 (Terminus Awareness [Visual], Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Infravision, Ultravision, Extras: Analytical 2 [All Visual], Radius 2 [All Visual], Tracking 3 [Terminus Awareness]) [12PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Cosmic Defence Touch (Aura) DC22 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy) Totals: Abilities (-10) + Combat (6) + Saving Throws (6) + Skills (16) + Feats (11) + Powers (136) - Drawbacks (0) = 165/165 Power Points
  13. ASAD Power Level: 11/14 (201/215PP) Trade-Offs: -4 Attack / +4 Damage, -5 Defense / +5 Toughness Unspent Power Points: 14 In Brief: Egyptian American Billionaire with Energy Absorbing powers Quote: "I decided that instead of keeping my identity a secret it's easier just to hire a PR firm." Alternate Identity: Amir ibn Jafar ibn Abd al-Aziz al-Misri, Amir al-Misri, Amir Misri Identity: Public Birthplace: New York City. Occupation: Hero, Philanthropist, Super Wealthy Businessman Affiliations: Summit Transnational, Freedom City's Muslim Community, Local Politics and Charitable Organizations, International Business Community Family: Father - Abu Naseef Jafar ibn Abd al-Aziz ibn Amir al-Misri, Mother - Amatullah bint Haroun bint Khaldun al-Misri,(siblings have patrilineal names, and are shortened) Brother - Kareem al-Misri , Sisters - Fatima al-Misri, Hida al-Misri, Shafiah al-Misri. Order of children is this Fatima, Hida, Amir, Shafiah and Kareem. Description: Age: 46 Apparent Age: Early 30s. (D.O.B 1971) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Arabic. Height: 6'2 Weight: 193 Eyes: Dark brown Hair: Pitch Black. Description: If Asad were to describe himself, in a word, that word would be dashing. In another word, smoldering. Most often he had a relaxed expression on his face and in his overall demeanor. Since becoming a hero, he had put on some mass, a sign of a new workout regime, hours spent boxing and doing charity runs has added mass in a lean, brawler sort of way. No matter the event he is normally impeccably groomed and dressed, though there again was a casual flair to his clothes, even if he prided himself on being the best dressed person at any social function. Every single hair purposed for the event or task at hand, and contributing to the mood he wants to present. Though is reluctant to wear any kind of jewelry, except a watch. Asad generally opts for something a bit more simple, a morphic molecule short sleeved shirt. This generally worn under whatever clothes he has on, so he can 'change' quickly. Burgundy in color, with a white stripe up each side and over the sleeves. A stylized front facing golden lion's face is on the chest of his shirt. He pairs this with his normal khaki-cargo pants, and either track-jacket with similar colors as his shirt, in addition to gloves, and whatever shoes he has on. Though he does experiment with different color schemes and various other outfits. Power Descriptions: All of his powers are Inherited Genetic Mutations, activated by the massive amount of energy from the supercollider breach. This would indicate that others in his family have energy based powers as well. As such all his powers carry the Mutation descriptor. Amir is possessed of the ability to absorb massive amounts of kinetic energy, and thus far all energy from the electromagnetic spectrum. This is both passively, in a fashion that affords him the ability to resist harm, and actively in a manner to remove non-latent energy. Currently it seems as those he can metabolize the absorbed energy to some degree and it has prevented his aging, as well as allowed for greater physical prowess than before. He no longer seems to be required to ‘charge up,’ and has been able to generate energy he is not currently exposed to. This may be related to the Fission Chips episode that him absorbing a small fission based thermonuclear reaction. Finally there are some visual cues that comes from his absorption powers that occur when he absorbs large quantities of energy, or if he is emotionally distressed. This can present as a simple glow, to coruscating blue light that resembles Cherenkov radiation, which seem to correspond to the fission chips embedded in his skin He also possesses the ability to fly, the mechanics of which is unknown, as he has been reluctant to be tested. History: Amir Al-Misri was just a rich, gadfly playboy type. He drove insanely fast cars (badly). He regularly traveled to Monte Carlo and Las Vegas. He hit up as many red carpet and high profile events as possible. Skied at all the best resorts. Flew in his private jet to New York just for the Pizza, and L.A. just for a movie premiere. Drinks like a fish a lot of the time, and has eaten gold dusted beluga caviar on more than one occasion. And often he is doing all of this with some starlet hanging on his arm (or pop-star, or celebrity bad girl, or heiress, or... well you get the picture). Yes, Amir Al-Misri led a charmed life, not that he seemed aware of it. Ostensibly in control of the former American subsidiary of his family's financial empire (because he was the only one born in the U.S.), it was hoped that sequestered as that he would not negatively impact the Al-Misri Holdings Group at large. They also separated all overt ties between Summit Transnational and the rest of the Group. It was the outcome he had hoped for his entire life. The truth was that his parents were individuals who felt that competition amongst their children would help them succeed. Amir was the child to successfully seize control of his fate aware from their well intentioned efforts. A natural talker, he spent his formative years in various expensive boarding schools using his natural silver tongue to maneuver through life among the children of the super-rich and the ambitious. This carried through to college to Oxford, then Harvard, and finally Stanford (though not necessarily a degree from any and/or all of them). And while he will admit he doesn't remember every class lesson, he came out with a Rolodex (contact list for the kids) that would buckle a desk. All of that helped when handed the keys to Summit Transnational in 2003. Calling in every favor owed, and every friend he had made throughout the years, and he brought them with him into the company, changing it's corporate climate and direction. Of course no one really credited him with assembling such a skilled group of people. In 2008, he hired a former classmate, and someone who had shown herself to be immune to his charms, Anastasia van Cleef, as his personal aid. Recently, though his course in life would change. Already an extensive philanthropist, he had started to look into Islam, in part because of a request of his father, but also years of posing as the playboy he had to become unfulfilled. He started reaching out to the local Muslim to community, though unable to reconcile his beliefs with some of the elements he felt were antiquated. Due to his philanthropy he supported various scientific endeavors at universities. During a tour of a supercollider facility Summit Transnational helped fund in part for FCU (for tax breaks!) there was a failure in the containment system. His last conscious thought was managing to throw Ms. Van Cleef and the scientist giving the door through the automatically closing blast doors. Amir was struck with the full force of the energy produced by the experiment gone wrong, and he was sent into the secondary containment wall, slamming into the composite shell over the foot thick metal bulkhead, buckling both like wet cardboard. Amir's heart stopped during the course of taking him to the hospital, though it restarted at the defibrillation attempt, his powers unknowningly draining that unit as well as killing the ambulance as well. A second emergency managed to get him there, though his vitals were restored. He was unconscious for almost two weeks, and when he did awake the first words out of his mouth was asking after a sip of his favorite scotch. The doctors labeled it a miracle that he survived the incident with no injuries, and that there was no radiation that seemed to have leaked from the incident as well, well publicly they labeled it as such. Privately, they had concerns but his recoverly was also hailed as a miracle there, considering the injuries he had sustained. Amir gave a series of 'aw shucks, I am lucky and this has put my life into perspective' series of interviews, and it did. So at the next opportunity, the casual Muslim decided to take his Hajj for his 40th birthday. Forced into a level of introspection and retrospection he didn't feel as if he had a choice. This, too, was also covered by the tabloids and even some financial news, as they pondered if his near death experience had forced him to turn a corner. Which was accurate. What wasn't covered was what happened during the Hajj. During the Stoning of the Devil portion, an old man fell, and was about to be trampled by a group of people, he jumped, farther than he had ever before, snatching up the old man, and landing in a rough roll, carrying the old man to safety, and leaving both of them stunned as the distance had been moved in such a brief period of time. It was enough to reinforce his prayers and meditations. He received no answers. His return was quiet, matching the sort of behavior one would have when faced with such drastic and recent change. It was during this time that an attempted kidnapping happened, it made sense with some of the more mainstream press he had. The snatch happened as he was jogging in Freedom Park, and when he had made it to Heroes Knoll, three armed men appeared, and attempted to take him. This was the first time he was conscious of his powers, as he shrugged off first their blows and gunshots, before able to stop the effort with display of new found force. Afterward, before the statues of the deceased heroes on the knoll, he prayed, really prayed for a sign, wondering what he should do, what should happen. Well that, and he saw a shrink just in case. During this time he explored his new powers, testing them covertly. In the wake of the Gorgon Event Amir knew he couldn't just sit idly by the wayside from here on out. Personality & Motivation: Asad is not the face he puts out. Having stuck with the guise thus far he has decided to keep it, as it has distinct advantages. He is, by and large, a manipulator of sorts, and apt to use his words as his foremost weapon. Not that he'd shy from adversity. In fact for the first time in his life, he is driven by something greater than his ambitions. Or maybe his ambitions are aimed in a more altruistic bent. Powers & Tactics: Asad is direct in a fight, generally eschewing overly complicated tactics in his efforts, as his powers are not subtle.. He opens with trying to talk down the situation, given that he has an ability to take a fantastic level of punishment. Once battle has started he does tend to try and become the most visible person in the fight, in the hopes of drawing attention and attacks, as well as placing himself in harm’s way to take the punishment aimed at others. Since training from Mali, he improved his versatility. Adjusting his tact in his efforts. He will use Fast Feint and Improved Grab to great effect. Taunting as needed. With his goal shifting from slugfests to locking down opponents and getting in close. If need be he will use his blasts and ability to expel massive amounts of energy to Complications: Dang It Jim, I am a Billionaire Not A Scientist: Asad’s power grants him more latitude than he exercises. As such he is hampered by his less than stellar creativity when it comes to it’s use. Enemies: Whether by personal action, or just happenstance, Asad enters the arena already with some enemies in the wings. Some personal, and some just plain business. It doesn't help that at least one woman formerly linked romantically to him is villainess Madame Marvelous. Fame: He was a social mover and shaker before getting his company. Dated starlets, pop singers, and princesses. Frequent interviews in various forms of media. And then adding his company, and it's rise to prominence has only fueled this. Unfortunately people can sometimes take a less than sterling view of him because of his Reputation. History: He is old enough, and shaken enough hands and signed enough deals that it may come back to bite him in unexpected ways. I Am Not Scared: His powers afford a great ability to take punishment. While not fearless, he may be apt to jump in over his head in such situations, and as such may not try to dodge, if he feels he can take the punishment. My Powers Are What Scare Me: They’ve changed… especially after some incidents. Is this natural progression or something else? Public Identity: He is not hiding the fact that he is a superhero, with only feeds... Reputation: Rake, fop, playboy, feckless, lazy and more. He was, and still is, tabloid fodder, so few people will initially take him seriously. Responsibility: He is ostensibly the head of a multi-billion dollar equity firm. And recent life changes had nudged him to take a more direct hand in the business, and he takes personal umbrage if someone messed with what's his. Shut Up Already!: A talented speaker, he sometimes talks too much. And can be apt to make long speeches just like villains. Abilities: 10 + 6 + 14 + 2 + 8 + 6 = 44PP STR 40 [20] (+15/+5) DEX 16 (+3) CON 40 [24] (+15/+7) INT 12 (+1) WIS 18 (+4) CHA 16 (+3) Combat: 14 + 12 = 26 PP Initiative: +7 Attack: +7 Grapple: +27/+12 Defense: +6 Knockback: -12/-3 Saving Throws: 0 + 2 + 5 = 7PP TOU +16 (CON +16, Base CON +7, Protection +1, Impervious +10) FORT +15/+7 (CON +7, CON w/Enhanced +15, ) REF +5 (DEX +3, +2) WILL +9 (WIS +4, +5) Skills: 88R = 22PP Bluff 12 (+15 / +19 Attractive)Skill Mastery Concentration 1 (+5) Diplomacy 12 (+15 / +19 Attractive)Skill Mastery Drive 4 (+7) Gather Information 15 (+18)Skill Mastery Intimidate 2 (+5) Knowledge (Business) 8 (+9) Knowledge (Civics) 8 (+9) Knowledge (Current Events) 4 (+5) Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+3) Languages 4 (Arabic, Farsi [Persian], French, Portuguese) (Base: English) Notice 4 (+8) Sense Motive 12 (+16)Skill Mastery Feats: 19PP Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Attractive Benefit (Wealth 3) Challenge (Fast Feint) Connected Equipment Improved Grab Improved Initiative Interpose Luck 2 Move By Action Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Sense Motive) Taunt Ultimate TOU Well-Informed Equipment: 1PP = 2/5EP Commlink [1EP] Smartphone [1EP] Powers: 36 + 16 + 8 + 10 + 11 = 81PP All carry the ‘Genetic Mutation’ descriptor. Absorption Array 16.5 (33 points; PFs: Alternate Power 3) [36PP] BE: Nullify Energy 11 (Area of Effect 55’ Radius, All Energy types; Extras: Alternative Save [Fortitude +0], Effortless, Nullifying Field [+0], Selective; Flaws: Distracting) [33PP] AP: Damage 10 (Area of Effect 200; Extras: Area [burst], Selective Attack; PFs: Progression [Area] 1, Variable Descriptor 2 [Energy]) [33PP] AP: Blast 15 (Range 1500; PFs: Precise, Variable Descriptor 2) [33PP] AP: Enhanced Strength 20 (to 40/+15) + Super-Strength 5 (effective Str 65, Heavy Load: 100 Tons; PFs: Groundstrike, Shockwave) [20+12=32/33PP] Enhanced CON 16 [16PP] (Energized Metabolism) Flight 4 (1000 ft/ 100mph) [8PP] Immunity 10 (aging, Life Support) [10PP] (Absorption, Sublimation) Protection 1 + Impervious TOU 10 [11PP] (Absorption, Sublimation) DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch Toughness DC 20/DC 30 Damage (Physical) Blast 1500' Toughness DC 30 Damage (Variable) Damage(Burst) 200' Radius Reflex DC 20 Damage (Variable) Nullify Energy 55’ Radius Fort DC 26 PP Cancel/Negate Groundstrike 150' Radius Reflex DC 25/Trip Check .5 DC of Trip Check/Trip Shockwave 150' Cone Reflex DC 25 Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities 46 + Combat 26 + Saves 7 + Skills 22 + Feats 19 + Powers 81 = 201/215PP
  14. Sage Power Level: 15 (202/250) [300] Trade-Offs: +3 Attack / -3 Damage, +5 Defense / -5 Toughness Unspent PP: 48 In Brief: Eve Martel is an athletic teenage telepath and telekinetic from an exceptionally wealthy though altruistic family whose psychic members have been fighting the good fight for hundreds of years. Previous version here. Alternate Identities: Eve Alexis Martel, La Renarde Bleue ["The Blue Fox"] Identity: Secret Birthplace: Orléans, France Occupation: Student, Gymnast (former) Affiliations: Claremont Academy (Student), Martel Enterprises (Family Company), Young Freedom Family: Leon Martel (Father), Josephine Martel (Mother), Nicholas Marius Martel/Paladin (Brother), Isabel Jade Martel/Binary (Sister), Faith Martel/Seraph (Cousin), many others. Age: 18, Born 11 April (1994) Gender: Female Ethnicity: French Height: 5'0'' Weight: 110 lb. Eyes: Green Hair: White Description: Small in stature but possessing a powerful, toned, athletic frame, Eve Martel views the world through striking green eyes. Chin-length soft white hair frames a pretty, if otherwise unremarkable, heart-shaped face. Eve tends to dress in intense, rich colors accented with jewel tones, or contrasted with brighter white or icy pastels as these colors tend to compliment her cool complexion. Regardless of the color choices, her clothing is comfortable and well-made, though it tends to be rather understated in design. History: The youngest of three children, Eve Martel was born in France one year after the Terminus Invasion. Though Eve had been separated from her oldest brother Nicholas, she grew up with plenty of cousins her age. On occasion she would visit the extended family in the United States, where she would see her brother Nicholas or her cousin Faith, but she would always return home to France eventually. Enjoying every privilege the Martel family had to offer, Eve was encouraged, and provided the means, to set her own goals and pursue her dreams. As early as the age of seven, Eve took an interest in gymnastics bordering on obsession. That she had a natural talent for it only seemed to make her more determined to see just how far that natural talent could take her. Eve withdrew from school at the age of nine so she could focus on gymnastics, receiving tutoring while she was not working out in the gym. Soon she started to compete at a national and international level, doing well enough over the years that speculated she would earn a spot in the 2012 Olympics, even if she would be nearly two years older than most competitors. The day she turned fourteen was also a day of competition. The beginning of the day had already started on a high note with Eve scoring rather well in both the vault and the uneven bars. Then it all went pear-shaped. Twisting through the air on the balance beam the thoughts of everyone around her, from the spectators to the judges to the other competitors slammed into her mind. In one heartbeat she went from intensely focused to disoriented and confused and the results were tragic. Eve fell, the tip of her shoulder slamming into the balance beam, dislocating the collarbone. Eve screamed as the agony tore through her body and a pulse of mental energy slammed into everyone present in the area. The entire arena was brought to its knees, those present linked with Eve in her moment of suffering, a problem compounded as the link fed back in itself. Mercifully the event was short-lived, as Eve eventually passed out. Eve never fully recovered from that day, the awakening of her psychic voice robbing her of her physical one. While she continued to have the warmth and support of her family, she was officially barred from competition on the grounds that she wasn’t a “normal†human. Not one to sit idle, Eve shifted her focus to more martial pursuits and over the next two years under the tutelage of her father and other Martel family members, learned to refine her control over her mental abilities. Still, Eve doesn’t have complete control over her psychic ability, to those that have the ability to sense it she is like a beacon of psychic energy and those near her tend to pick up on her emotions. In the hope of somehow helping his daughter recover, Leon Martel sent Eve to live with her brother Nicholas, to put her as far away from the memories of what she lost and yet still near family, and it worked. The past year has seen a transformation in Eve, she's regained some measure of confidence, regained her ability to speak and made some deep and lasting friendships. Personality & Motivation: Eve possesses an athlete’s mentality, tackling obstacles before her with a single-minded ferocity. From a young age she has refused to accept limits and failure, and trained her mind and body to push through doubt, pain and fatigue. Eve is a very private individual and tends to keep to herself, presenting a mask of emotionless self-control to the rest of the world. But that's all it is, a mask, for she has a cheerful disposition and a warm, ready smile for those that she has opened up to. As a Martel, Eve holds herself to a high standard. The Martel motto of "I stand between evil and its victims, between darkness and light, between right and wrong. I stand between those I have sworn to defend and death." binds her. It takes only a handful of years to make a Martel, it takes far longer to create a civilzation worth defending. Amelie Dutemps, the Rogue Fox ["la Renard Rogue"], Eve's late Great Aunt is a prominent example of the Martel commitment to this ideal. Powers & Tactics: Eve possesses a great deal of psychic power in addition to being in phenomenal physical condition and leverages her telepathic and telekinetic abilities in a multitude of ways. In a straight up fight Eve will use her excellent physical conditioning to approach a target quickly and quietly, flanking and harassing her foe before retreating back into hiding just to repeat the process. Complications: Age: Eve is seventeen years old, a minor, which places numerous restrictions on what she is allowed to do without the consent of her guardian. And, honestly, sometimes adults simply don't take kids seriously. Enemies: Sage has spoiled the plans of numerous villains across a number of worlds. Fame: Eve is a former elite level gymnast and Olympic hopeful before injury forced an early retirement. In addition she is the youngest of the Martel's, a family internationally known for its philanthropy and social activism as well being the private owners of one of the world's largest biotechnology companies. Sage on the other hand enjoys the reputation being a member of Young Freedom. Identity: It's a constant struggle for Eve to keep her private and hero lives separate. Prejudice: Eve is a young, gay, Frenchwoman. Relationship: Eve is extremely fond of Etain Maher (Changeling) and thinks with her heart rather than her head where Etain is concerned. She also had a sibling like bond with Trevor Hunter (Midnight II), as well as a literal telepathic bond to the concealed crusader (a result of continual mental contact.) In addition, Eve maintains relatively close ties to former and current members of Young Freedom. Reputation: Sage helped take down an incarnation of Omega, Lord of the Terminus, an event guaranteed to bring the mortal teenager to the attention of other cosmic entities (let alone the Terminus!). Responsibility: Eve is a student at Claremont Academy and hero work is no excuse for missed class or late assignments! She is stubborn and will, if allowed, ignore injury and fatigue to place herself in harm's way and protect others be they her family, her friends, her teammates or an innocent. Abilities: 4 + 14 + 8 + 2 + 8 + 4 = 40PP Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 24 (+7) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +15 Attack: +16 Psionics, +6 Base Grapple: +13 Defense: +18, +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -4 Saving Throws: 3 + 3 + 6 = 12PP Toughness: +8 (+4 Con, +4 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +7 (+4 Con, +3) Reflex: +10 (+7 Dex, +3) Will: +10 (+4 Wis, +6) Skills: 88 Ranks = 22PP Acrobatics 18 (+25, Skill Mastery) Concentration 6 (+10) Escape Artist 8 (+15, Skill Mastery) Knowledge (Business) 4 (+5) Languages 2 (French [Native], English, ASL) Notice 16 (+20) Sense Motive 16 (+20, Skill Mastery) Stealth 18 (+25, Skill Mastery) Feats: 48PP Acrobatic Bluff Attack Specialization 5 (Psionics) Beginner's Luck Benefit 4 (Status [Martel Heiress], Wealth 3 [Filthy Rich]) Challenge: Fast Task 1 (Acrobatic Bluff) Defensive Roll 2 Dodge Focus 12 Eidetic Memory Evasion 2 Grappling Finesse Hide in Plain Sight Improved Initiative 2 Jack-of-All-Trades Leadership Luck 4 Power Attack Quick Change 1 Set-Up Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Sense Motive, Stealth) Teamwork 3 Ultimate Save (Will) Up The Wall Powers: 24 + 11 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 9 = 56PP Psionics 11 (22PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 2) [24PP] BP: Strike 8 (Extras: Penetrating 5 [Damage 15], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2 [100%], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Knockback 2, Mighty [+2 Damage], Split Attack, Subtle) (Psionic Blade; mutant, slashing, piercing) AP: Strike 8 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2 [100%], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Mighty [+2 Damage], Subtle) (Psionic Blade; mental, mutant) AP: Move Object 7 (STR 35 [Heavy Load: 1.5 tons], Extras: Range [Perception], Feats: Precise) (Telekinesis; mutant) Psionics 5 (10PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 1) [11PP] BP: Communication 6 (Mental [Range], Feats: Rapid [x10], Subtle) linked Mind Reading 1 (Extras: Action 2 [Free], Effortless, Mental, Flaws: Duration [instant/Lasting], Limited [surface Thoughts]) (Networked Telepathy; mutant, mental) AP: Move Object 3 (STR 15 [Heavy Load: 200 lb.], Extras: Range [Perception], Feats: Precise) (Telekinesis; mutant) Comprehend 2 (Languages 2 [understood by All/Understand All]) [4PP] Super-Senses 1 (Communication Link [Mental, Trevor Hunter/Midnight II]) (Telepathic Conduit; mental, mutant) [1PP] Super-Senses 2 (Danger Sense [Mental], Uncanny Dodge [Mental]) [2PP] Super-Senses 5 (Normal Mental Sense [Accurate 2, Acute, Radius, Ranged]) [5PP] Telekinetic Augmentation 1.8 (9PP Container [Passive, Permanent]) [9PP] Leaping 2 (x5 [Running Long Jump: 60 ft.]) [2PP] Speed 1 (10 mph, 100 ft./rnd) [1PP] Super-Movement 1 (Slow Fall) [2PP] Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2 [Full-Speed]) [4PP] Drawbacks: -0PP None DC Block: ATTACK RANGE DC/SAVE EFFECT Psionic Blade Touch 25/Will Damage (Staged) Psionic Blade Touch 25/Toughness Damage (Staged) Unarmed Touch 17/Toughness Damage (Staged) Abilities (40) + Skills (22) + Feats (48) + Powers (56) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (12) - Drawbacks (0) = 202/250 Power Points Notes: There is a bunch of stacking going on with this sheet. Both Leaping powers combine to form Leaping 2 (the combined effect is noted on the Leaping inside the Telekinetic Augmentation container) and Move Object 3 and Move Object 7 stack to create the following: Move Object 10 (STR 50 [Heavy Load: 12.8 tons], Extras: Range [Perception], Feats: Precise)
  15. Jack of all Blades Power Level: 15 (250/250PP)* [392] Trade-Offs: +5 Attack, -5 Damage, +5 Defense, -5 Toughness Unspent Power Points: 0 Theme: Spark by Fitz and the Tantrums *Jack's caps average out to PL13. For Jack's original sheet, click here. In Brief: Swashbuckling scion of a secret society of sorcerous swordsmen, shepherding streetwise superheroes! Alternate Identity: Erik Espadas Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City, West End Occupation: Self-Defense Instructor Affiliations: The Interceptors Family: Minerva Espadas/Guardian Willow (wife), Eden Espadas (daughter), Mia Espadas (daughter), Ellie Espadas/Jill O'Cure (sister), Gina Espadas (mother), Jean Pique (father) Description: Age: 27 (DoB: April 4, 1988) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Latino/French Height: 5'11" Weight: 160 lb. Hair: Dusty Brown/Black as Jack of all Blades Eyes: Dark Blue Erik Espadas is a lithe, athletic young man with attractively angular features and a boyish grin. He keeps his dusty brown hair shorn short, but regularly sports a day or two of stubble. Preferring to dress is a mixture of blues and blacks, Erik is typically seen in a fitted t-shirt and well-worn jeans topped with an undone button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. As Jack of all Blades, his current costume consists of a knee-length, royal blue greatcoat cut in a jaunty, high-collared style and worn open over a black body suit. A matching blue bandana serves as a mask, attached to a black wig of wavy hair which helps to conceal Erik's true identity. Dark grey boots with a slightly metallic sheen and broad, buckled belts help to break up the outfit's dark colour scheme. Power Description: Erik can manipulate electromagnetic and mystical energies to form an effectively-solid construct in the shape of a sword. While he has a bit of leeway with regards to the weapon's specific appearance, he almost always uses a fencing rapier. Functioning in most respects as a normal sword, the tight concentration of power allows the blade to pierce most defenses, while it retains the basic nature of its source energy. In order for Erik to form a sword, there must be a power source for him to draw from. A sword of flame might be drawn from a butane lighter, an electrical blade from a nearby powerline. More exotic energies require a more exotic source; Erik may draw from a blaster's light beam or a magic user's mystical attacks, neither of which would be accessible to him in their ambient forms. Erik's metamagi powers also grant him awareness of all manner of energies. This sixth sense registers in a sometimes disorienting, synesthesia-like manner with each distinct energy having its own whispered textures and aromatic hues, not all of them pleasant. History: Erik was born in 1988 to Gina Espadas, a Freedom City beat cop. His father left months before Erik's sister, Eliza, was born in 1993. Erik never considered this any great loss: growing up in the West End, his mother was all the parent he ever needed, always making time for her children despite her demanding career. She returned to the force from maternity leave just in time for the Terminus Invasion. Her stories of working alongside heroes during both the Invasion and its aftermath instilled in Erik a fascination with superheroes. As he grew, it was the witty Golden Age tricksters like Spitfire Jones and la Renard Rogue who captured his attention, facing impossible odds with skill and style. A diet of swashbuckling movies and pulp novels were eventually replaced by physical pursuits in his teen years. Naturally agile, Erik joined his school's gymnastic and fencing teams, as well as the drama club, becoming a popular athletic star. It was Erik's senior year which would radically alter his life. An armed robbery at a local convenience store went horribly wrong, and Gina was shot and paralyzed from the waist down, forcing her into a wheelchair and early retirement. Although she remained strong in the face of adversity, Erik was galvanized. The Espadas family had never been very well off, and Erik dropped out of extracurriculars to work an unsteady stream of odd jobs to help make ends meet. He turned down a number of modest athletic scholarships when he graduated to work full time, determined to support the family and save enough to put the more scholastically inclined Ellie through university. One such odd job involved cleaning out the storage area of an antique store. Amidst the ornate lamps and jewelry boxes, Erik discovered what appeared to be a positively ancient playing card: the Jack of Swords, depicting a slyly winking prince. When he asked the store's owner about it, the old man bid him keep it as a souvenir, as the rest of the deck had long since been lost or destroyed. Pocketing the weathered card, Erik made his way home. Along the way, he encountered a group of toughs menacing a young woman. As the leader of the gang pulled out a cigarette and arrogantly flicked open his lighter, an incensed Erik leapt forward. The lighter's tiny flame flared brilliantly, flowing unnaturally through the air to the young man's instinctively outstretched hand, where it solidified into a blazing rapier. A moment later half of the thug's cigarette had been seared away, the other half smouldering in his trembling lips. The toughs beat a hasty retreat, with a shocked Erik quickly following suit, leaving behind a grateful but confused young woman. Experimenting in secret, Erik found he could create swords not only of flame, but of sparking electricity, crackling cold and a multitude of other energies, provided that there was a source to draw upon. Redoubling his abandoned training, he donned the garb of Jack of all Blades, and became the wise-cracking, acrobatic protector of his community. For years the only person aware of his double life was his sister Ellie, who discovered Erik collapsed in their backyard after a particularly brutal fight. Fortunately the teen had begun preparing to study medicine after high school, and her first aid skill likely saved her brother's life. With the safety of his family paramount, Erik kept his identity a closely held secret, initially avoiding alliances with other heroes. As Jack, however, he soon drew the interest of the similarly themed Jaci O'Cups, Coinpurse Jack and most dangerously Jakken Staff, all of whom attacked Erik on sight, making cryptic references to a Tournament of Suits and giving the young hero his first hints at his true origins and the mysterious House of Swords. Eventually this tournament came to a head with the reappearance of Erik's father, revealed to be the previous Jack of Swords, and a massive assault orchestrated by Jakken Staff and the House of Staves. In the aftermath, Coinpurse Jack lay dead, the mages of the House of Staves were defeated and Ellie's own latent metamagi powers had been awakened. As Jack of all Blades, Erik was a founding member of the experimental team, the Interceptors. Personality conflicts and a constantly shifting roster plagued the team from its inception, and just as Erik felt he had found a group he was able to trust with his secrets betrayal and catastrophe rocked the team to its foundations. From those ashes Erik emerged as the leader of a new team of Interceptors, a family of heroes dedicated to protecting the streets. Settling into the unexpected role of responsibility, Erik opened the Espadas School of Self-Defense and Swordsmanship in the West End both as a place to teach the community's young people the skills to defend themselves and as the Interceptors secret headquarters. A romance with the immortal guardian Willow gave rise to a daughter, Eden Espadas, and eventually marriage and a second daughter, Mia. Personality & Motivation: Erik is a man who's words and actions are at odds. Outwardly, he seems easy-going and carefree, with a clever tongue and a love of the spotlight. Most conversations become friendly verbal sparing matches as Erik actively avoids serious topics, and marriage has only barely dulled his reputation as an incorrigible flirt. What isn't immediately obvious is Erik's deep sense of responsibility to his family, friends and community. Considering his word to be his bond, Erik will always be there for a friend in need, and truly wishes to leave the world a better place than he found it. He possesses an unbreakable spirit coupled with stubborn pride, resulting in a complete inability to admit defeat. Where Jack of all Blades was at first an outlet for Erik, the two sides of his personality have found some balance as he has matured. Although often swept up in the high adventure of larger threats, he considers himself first and foremost a defender of the little guy, stopping crimes that might seem trivial for such an established hero. Remembering what happened to his mother, Erik feels that a simple hold-up can be just as devastating as a supervillian's rampage. Well known by both the public and the hero community and generally well liked thanks to his levity and charm, Jack's sense of humour has been known to inspire annoyance in equal measure. Whether it's leaping headlong into the battle against villainy, making egregious puns while dodging bullets or kissing a cosmic menace to save humanity, Jack of all Blades never fails to leave an impression. Powers & Tactics: Surpassing even his notable lineage, Erik is potentially the world's greatest living swordsman, ranking among history's most notable weapons masters. An accomplished hand-to-hand fighter, with a sword in his hands he is nearly unmatched. His metamagi senses bolster his awareness of his weightless blades and surroundings, giving him a further edge. Even so he is quite human in his frailties and relies entirely on acrobatic evasion to survive. Against lesser threats, Erik rushes in dramatically, forming a sword and quickly disarming them before taunting them into surrender or retreat. When fighting superhumans, he prefers a more reactionary approach, keeping them off balance with acrobatics and jibes until he can assess their specific abilities, often taking the opportunity to form a sword using the energy from their attacks. Preferring to lead from the fore, Erik would rather place himself in harm's way than his teammates but respects their abilities and directs them decisively. Serving as a rallying point and ample distraction he remains almost incapable of considering retreat as an option. Complications: Enemies: Erik has made a habit of not only defeating villains but more dangerously humiliating them. Grandstanding: Erik's style revolves around showing off, in and out of combat, even when discretion might be wiser. Relationship: Erik is married to Minerva Espadas née Salix, AKA Guardian Willow. They have two daughters together. Secret: Superhero Identity Sidekick: Erik's no less protective of his sister now that she's an accomplished superhero too. Struggling: Erik is a small business owner supporting his growing family. Sucker for a Pretty Face: Erik is married, not dead. He can still be distracted by attractive women, be they bystanders, fellow heroes or even villains. Teacher: Erik operates the Espadas School of Self-Defense and Swordsmanship and feels a responsibility toward his students. Teammates: Interceptors past and present are family to Erik, whether or not he openly admits it. West Ender The West End is Erik's 'turf'; he's extremely protective of his neighbourhood, and knows it much better than the rest of the city. Abilities: 6 + 10 + 8 + 2 + 8 + 14 = 48PP Strength: 16 (+3) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 24 (+7) Combat: 14 + 36 = 40PP Initiative: +9 Attack: +7 Base, +14 Melee, +20 Swords Grapple: +19 Defense: +18 (+18 Base), +9 Flat-Footed Knockback: -4/-2 Saving Throws: 6 + 10 + 8 = 24PP Toughness: +8 (+4 Con, +4 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +10 (+4 Con, +6) Reflex: +15 (+5 Dex, +10) Will: +10 (+2 Wis, +8) Skills: 84R = 21PP Acrobatics 10 (+15) Skill Mastery Bluff 18 (+24) Skill Mastery Climb 5 (+10) Gather Information 8 (+15) Knowledge (Streetwise) 14 (+15) Knowledge (Tactics) 4 (+5) Language 3 (Cantonese, English [Native], Persian, Spanish) Notice 11 (+15) Skill Mastery Stealth 10 (+15) Skill Mastery Survival 1 (+5) Feats: 72PP Agile Climber Attack Focus (Melee) 7 Attack Specialization (Swords) 3 Beginner's Luck Defensive Roll 2 Elusive Target Equipment 0 + 4 (Veteran Reward, 20EP) Evasion 2 Fascinate (Bluff) Fearless Grappling Finesse Improved Critical (Swords, 18-20) Improved Initiative Inspire 5 Jack-of-all-Trades Luck 4 Move-By Action Power Attack Quick Change Set Up Sidekick 29 + 11 (Veteran Reward, 200PP) Skill Mastery 1 (Acrobatics, Bluff, Notice, Stealth) Takedown Attack 2 Taunt Ultimate Will Uncanny Dodge 2 (Mental, Visual) Equipment: 4PP = 20EP Grappling Hook; Leaping 2, Super-Movement 2 (slow fall, swinging), Speed 2 [8EP] Interceptors Communicator; Communication 6 (Radio, 20 miles; Extra: Area; Flaw: Limited [Other Interceptors Communicators]), Super-Senses 1 (Radio, Communication Link [HQ/VINCE]) [7EP] 5EP contributed to The Espadas School of Self-Defense and Swordsmanship Powers: 29 + 22 + 2 = 53PP Damage 3 (Extras: Autofire 6, Linked [+0], Penetrating 4; Power Feats: Improved Critical [18-20], Mighty, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Available, Concentrated Energy or Magic]) + Drain Toughness 6 (Extras: Affects Objects) [29PP] (energy sword) Super-Senses 14 (Mental; EM Spectrum Awareness [3], Magic Awareness [3], Extras: Accurate 4, Acute 2, Radius 2)[14PP] (metamagi senses) Swordsmanship Supremacy 1 (Probability Control, Flaws: Limited 2 [Swordsmanship]) [2PP] (training) DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC18 Toughness (Staged) Damage Energy Sword Touch DC16 Fortitude (Staged) Drain Toughness DC21 [Autofire] Toughness (Staged) Damage Totals: Abilities 48 + Combat 40 + Saves 24 + Skills 21 + Feats 72 + Powers 45 = 250/250 Power Points Note: Jack is technically PL15 with a full, five point Attack and Defense trade-off. His Defense and Toughness are capped to place him at PL13 defensively, while his Damage is intentionally under-capped so that his Attack and damage bonuses average out to PL13 as well, even though +20 attack in only achievable by PL15 characters. Note: As a metamagi, Erik's powers are the result of a mystically enhanced mutation, blurring the line between genetics and sorcery. This enhancement specifically allows him to form his borrowed energy into swords. Magic nullification removes the 'sword' descriptor from his 'energy sword' power, which means he will no longer benefit from his Attack Specialization or Improved Critical feats. Effects that nullify mutant/genetic powers shut off said power entirely, as well as his Super-Senses.
  16. Player Name: Davis Character Name: Edge Secret Identity: Mark Mason Lucas Age: 19 Power Level: 15 (234/250pp) [271] Trade-Offs: None Unspent PP: 16 Progress to Orichalcum: 180/180pp Click here for Edge's old sheet, used before August 21, 2011. Age: 19 Apparent Age: 19 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6’0” Weight: 175 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Ash Blond Description: At eighteen years old, Mark Lucas is a charming, muscular young man with a chiseled jawline, ashy blond hair, a good tan, and perfect winning smile. He prefers open-collared, colorful dress shirts and slacks when he’s relaxing but of course wears the famous UNISON blue uniform and beret when he’s on duty as a UNISON agent. When visiting indigenous peoples, he wears their costumes as if he’d been born to them. His costume when in action as Edge is a merger of his UNISON uniform and Young Freedom costume; a white cape, blue and gold body suit, with the UN logo on the chest and goggles on his face. Personality and Motivation: Having been to the edge of the multiverse and back, Mark Lucas can deal with what life throws at him. He’s a sympathetic champion to people in need, a stalwart opponent of evil, a loyal friend, and always reliable in a crisis. He’s come through the fire and come out a sharper, stronger young man: he’s only 18, but he’s ready to meet the challenges of being an adult hero and agent of the United Nations. Backstory: Mark Lucas is heir to many legacies: the Golden Age legacy of Jimmy Lucas and his Genie, the Silver and Bronze Age stories of Rick Lucas, the sidekick and good buddy of the Centurion; and the leader of the Young Freedom team that faced down the Lord of the Terminus and lived to tell the tale. He’s a hero in his own right as well as scion of a proud heroic legacy in the Freedom City universe, though only a select few in Freedom City and Switzerland know that the heroic Edge is the same man as Mark Lucas. He’s survived more than most heroes do in a lifetime at the age of 18, which is probably why he was able to skip college and head straight into grownup work. He still worries about his mom in the wake of his father’s death, but Martha has recovered from her time as companion to the late Rick Lucas and has resumed her career as an artist for Andi Comics in Freedom City. He has his own life to worry about, anyway, and his own problems. These days, the recent Claremont graduate is an agent of UNISON, the United Nations organization charged with using superhuman power for the benefit of all mankind. It’s his dream job, one that lets him get out from under his family legacy while still working for the benefit of everyone in the world. Though Mark signed on to help fight world hunger, the most powerful super-being in the employ of the United Nations doesn’t have the luxury of spending his days just building houses for the poor and needy. UNISON has recognized the tremendous asset they hired on fresh out of high school, and they’re determined to make sure he gets used as he deserves. Again and again, he’s finding himself deployed to exotic areas of the world where the help they need is bad guys defeated rather than the humanitarian work he signed on to do. He’s the perfect UNISON agent, his native superpowers letting him operate freely (if in his disguise as Edge) even in places where UNISON agents aren’t authorized to carry weapons. Having superpowers is a tremendous responsibility, and even graduation and moving out of Freedom isn’t enough to keep him from living up to his duty to the world and to his friends. Luckily, he’s a true hero and able to roll with this as best he can. He works out of Geneva these days, but when Young Freedom calls (or any of his other old friends), he’s always ready and willing to answer even if it means a hop right back into Freedom City. But getting away from his family legacy may be harder than he expects. Some enemies never really go away, and some rivalries aren’t forgotten. Complications: Allies (former Young Freedom members, the Liberty League) Enemy (Nazis, the Terminus) Fire-Forged Friends (Cobalt Templar, Midnight, Sage, Wander) Legacy (The Lucas family, Young Freedom, the Liberty League) Reputation (UNISON agent, former Young Freedom member) Responsibility (Martha Lucas, UNISON agent) Secret (ID) Vice (Lovely Ladies) Abilities: 4+4+4+2+0+14=28 pp STR: 14 (+2) DEX: 14 (+2) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 10 (+0) CHA: 24 (+7) Combat: 12 + 12 = 24 pp Initiative +6 Attack +6, +12 w/ Genie Magic Grapple +8, +30 w/ Move Object Defense +15 (+6 Base, +9 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback -6 Saves: 6+6+8=20 pp TOU: +15 (+2 Con, +3 Protection, +10 Defensive Roll) FORT: +8 (+2 Con, +6) REF: +8 (+2 Dex, +6) WILL: +8 (+0 Wis, +8) Skills: 80 r=20 pp Bluff 13 (+20) SM Diplomacy 13 (+20) SM Gather Information 13 (+20) SM Knowledge: Civics 4 (+5) Knowledge: History 9 (+10) Knowledge: Pop Culture 9 (+10) Languages 6 (Arabic, English [base], French, German, Grue, Lor, Russian) Medicine 5 (+5) Notice 5 (+5) SM Survival 3 (+3) Feats: 43 pp Attack Specialization (Genie Magic) 3 Beginner’s Luck Benefit (Security Clearance [uNISON]) Connected (UNISON) Defensive Roll 5 Dodge Focus 9 Evasion Fearless Improved Initiative Inspire 5 Interpose Luck 7 Quick Change Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Info, Notice) Ultimate Check (Genie Magic power checks) Uncanny Dodge (visual) Well-Informed Powers: 12 + 65 + 2 + 13 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 98 pp Enhanced Feats 4 (Ultimate Save 4 [Fortitude, Reflex, Toughness, Will]; Extras: Affects Others, Range 2 [Perception]) [12 pp] Genie Magic Array 30 (60 points, PFs: Alternate Power 3, Indirect 2) [65 pp] BE: Create Object 15 (Extra: Duration [Continuous/Lasting]; PFs: Innate, Precise, Selective, Subtle) {48/60} AP: Move Object 15 (Effective STR 75, Heavy Load: 384 tons; Extras: Damaging, Range [Perception]) {60/60} AP: Teleport 10 (1000 ft/Earth to Moon; Extras: Accurate, Affects Others, Area [burst], Selective) {60/60} AP: Transform 10 (1000 lbs, any inanimate to any inanimate; Extra: Duration [Continuous/Lasting]) {60/60} Immunity 2 (aging, despair effects) [2 pp] Luck Control 4 (cancel GM Fiat, cancel HP expenditure of others, give someone else HP, spend HP for someone else; PF: Subtle) [13 pp] Protection 3 [3 pp] Regeneration 1 (Resurrection 1/week; PFs: Persistent, Regrowth) [3 pp] ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 17 Toughness (Staged) Damage (physical) Create Object Ranged DC 25 Reflex Trapped Move Object Perception Grapple Pinned/Bound (Grappling) Move Object Perception DC 30 Toughness (Staged) Damage (physical) (Crushing Pinned/Bound Subject) Move Object Ranged DC 30 Toughness (Staged) Damage (physical) (Thrown Object) Transform Ranged DC 20 Fortitude TransformedAbilities 28 + Combat 24 + Saves 20 + Skills 20 + Feats 43 + Powers 98 = 234/250 pp
  17. Ms. Britannia Player Name: Tiffany Korta Power Level: 11/12 (182/199 PP) Trade-Offs: none Unspent PP: 17 In Brief: The merger of a young woman and the Spirit of Justice. Alternate Identity: Agnus Stone (real name), Annice Avebury / Annice Stone (stage names), Young Britannia Identity: Secret Birthplace: Glastonbury, Somerset, England, United Kingdom Occupation: Businesswoman, Pop Star Affiliations: Vanguard aka Team UK Family: Geri Stone (Mother), Winston Stone (Father) Description: Age: 24 (DoB: July 24th 1991) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Mixed (Caucasian / Afro-Caribbean) Height: 6'0" Weight: 165 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Agnes is the type of person who tends to stick in the memory whether it's from large hair, her strong North London accent or her general friendly confident demeanour. She also a naturally cheerful person and her face is almost always lit up by one of her smiles Agnes is cursed, as she would put it, with a natural ability to look good in just about anything. When not in stage clothes, or doing business, she tends to dress in comfortable, practical clothes without much make-up. Since the full merging between herself and the Spirit she has also grown dramatically in height (she was originally 5'3") instead of downplaying this fact she tends to over emphasise the fact with large heeled shoes, normal platforms. Ms. Britannia is an extenuation of Agnes's natural charms. Lit up with an inner light she takes on a timeless quality she carries herself with a more regal bearing, whilst her voice is more commanding with a musical sing song tone. This could easy come across as superior and condescending, but Agnus's natural cheery demeanour softens this into a much friendlier attitude. Ms. Britannia's costume is a simple jumpsuit in blue emblazoned with the Union Jack. One bar of the cross runs down the middle whilst the other wraps around her waist. Her face is partially covered by an open mask similar to Britannia's. Power Descriptions: When in her Ms. Britannia form Agnes is bathed in an aura of bright white light, which tends to expand or contract depending on both her moods and the effort required for a task. When she using one of her light based abilities the energies tend to concentrate around that body part, so her hand when she's throwing blast or her around her legs when in flight. History: Unlike most Genius Loci the point when the so called Spirit of Justice came into existence can be pinpointed to a specific moment the 15th of June 1215, the day the Magna Carta was signed. Within this document were the principles of justice for all people regardless of status and social class. Apart from time of countrywide crisis when the she has been subsumed into Britannia, the spirit has empowered women down the ages to ensure that justice is served. Agnes Stone knew none of this; since she was young she'd always wanted to be a singer and she finally got her chance as a contestant on a talent show. At the tender age of eighteen she won the chance to launch a pop career. With a genuine powerful singing voice and a great stage presence she was marked for great things. And with a string of number one hit, in the UK, Annice seemed to be destined for a long and promising career. But the pressure of the career began to get the young star and her behaviour became more and more demanding just as her popularity began to fade. Hearing that she had been dropped by her label rather than just give up Agnes decided to make a direct appeal to the woman who had help discover her the pop guru Simmone Kowal. As she was about to pitch her plans for revitalizing her career another failed star took more direct approach bursting into the office with a loaded gun. Without a concern for her own safety she attempted to protect Simone and wrestle the gun from the assailant. In the struggle the gun went off grievously wounding Agnes. Whilst in a coma fighting for her life she was visited by a Spirit of Justice who gave her another chance at life, but that second chance would come with a price. She would have to serve the Spirit of Justice as her host, and whilst her body healed itself the Spirit would be in control of the body. Already feeling guilty over her actions of the last year, and wanting to make amends, Agnes agreed to the offer. Later that day a remarkably recovered Annice checked herself out of hospital and disappeared. For the next year reports came in from all over the United Kingdom of a strange woman who would turn up out of the blue to help people before disappearing again. Whilst descriptions of the woman and her costume always seemed to vary she always seemed to wear a combination of the colors of the Union Jack. One of the UK tabloids coined the name Young Britannia(s) to describe these women, and title which was rapidly adopted. After this year a much humbler and wiser Agnes returned home to try a rekindle her musical career, whilst beginning her hero career as the newly named Young Britannia. Her career got a boost when a hot young Freedom City producer not only offered her a chance to sing on one of his track but to also buy into his struggling Zenith Studio. Not only did their track do well, opening up new market for her music, she also proved a capable business woman as the studio begun to flourish. Regally commuting from the UK to Freedom City Agnes soon discovered that her transformation wasn't quite complete. The year spent under the Spirits control was conceived by her a ritual that allowed the two to combined in way that had rarely happened before. Not only did it allow her finer control of her power it also transformed her until her regular build was the same as that taken on as Young Britannia. The only downside was that prolonged absence from the United Kingdom seemed to sap her powers. Things look rosy for once with Young Britannia finding her place in both the United Kingdom and Freedom City, whilst Agnes has become a successful business woman on the verge of a new music career. But the shadow of what Annice had become before her fall still hangs over her like a Sword of Damocles. Personality & Motivation: Agnes has a cheerful upbeat personality, but also possesses a quick wit and a wicked sense of humour. She's also fairly laid back; it takes a lot to upset Agnes and she quick to forgive those who do harm against her. Her only true flaw is a tendency to speak her mind even when it would be better to keep her opinion to herself. At heart Agnes is a good person who whilst she can come over as a little condescending, wants to do what she can to help people. Part of her is afraid that if she loses sight of this she tip back into the selfish self-centred self from her worst excessive of her Annice days. Powers & Tactics: Not known as a tactical generous Young Britannia tends to go for simple dependable tactics. If possible she'll first blind an opponent before attacking them with bolt of light. All if possible from a distance. She can however adapt rapidly to differing situation and can at time quite creative with her power pushing them to do things they've never done before. Complications: Almost Famous: Whilst Annice was never a big star in the US there are a few who are aware of her song and could recognize her face. This is especially true in Freedom City where the success of her studio has attracted media attention. For Queen and Country: The Spirit of Justice has strong ties to Britannia and the United Kingdom as a whole. Whilst Agnes can travel freely around the world, if she stays away from the UK for too long her powers begin to fade. In the United States and other Commonwealth counties this is much as six months, whilst in countries hostile to the UK it can be a little as a few days. Secret identity: Despite the drastic change in height Agnes has still managed to keep her two identities separate. Abilities: 0 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 6 = 12PP Strength: 32/10 (+11/+0) Dexterity: 12 (+1) Constitution: 32/10 (+11/+0) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 10 + 10 = 20PP Initiative: +1 Attack: +5 Base, +11 Burst of Light, +11 Unarmed (Past Lives) Grapple: +18 up to +22 with Dynamic Super-Strength Defense: +11 (+5 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -10/-0 Saving Throws: 0 + 6 + 5 = 11PP Toughness: +11/+0 (+10 Con) Fortitude: +11 (+11 Con, +0) Reflex: +7 (+1 Dex, +6) Will: +7 (+2 Wis, +5) Skills: 29R = 8PP Bluff 3 (+6) Diplomacy 3 (+6) Notice 8 (+10) Perform, (Dance) 3 (+6) Perform (Singing) 10 (+13) Sense Motive 4 (+6) Feats: 8PP Benefit 1 (Wealth 1) Fearless Interpose Leadership Luck 2 Quick Change Takedown Attack 1 Powers: 13+ 22 + 22 + 7 + 2 + 10 + 10 + 29 + 7 = 122PP Aura of Light Array 5 (10PP; Feats: Alternate Power, Dynamic Power 2) [13PP] Base Power (Dynamic): Flight 5 (Rank 6 Total, 500MPH / 4,400' per Move Action) [12PP] Alternate Power (Dynamic): Super-Strength 5 (Lifting STR 55 [Heavy Load: 30 tons]) [12PP] Enhanced Constitution 22 [22PP] Enhanced Strength 22 [22PP] Enhanced Feats 7 (Beginner's Luck, Dodge Focus 6) [7PP] Flight 1 (10MPH / 100' per Move Action) [2PP] Immunity 10 (Life Support, Starvation & Thirst) [10PP] Impervious Toughness 10 [10PP] Light Control Array 12.5 (25PP, Feats: Alternate Power 4) [29PP] Base Power: Blast 11 (110 ft Range; Feats: Accurate 3) [25PP] (Burst of Light) Alternate Power: Dazzle 6 (Visual Senses, 60 ft Range, 60 ft Burst Radius; Extra: Area [General, Burst], Selective, Feats: Progression [Area] 1) [25PP] (Blinding Light) Alternate Power: Healing 12 (Feats: Regrowth) [25PP] Alternate Power: Light Control 11 (110 ft Range; Feat: Slow Fade 2 (5 minutes)) [24PP] Alternate Power: Teleport 10 (200,000 miles as full action, up to 1,000 lbs; Extra: Accurate, Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Progression Mass 3 Flaw: Long-Range) [25PP] Past Lives Array 3 (6PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power) [7PP] Base Power: Comprehend 3 (Languages 3 [speak, Understand and Read All]) [6PP] Alternate Power: Enhanced Feats 6 (Attack Specialization [unarmed] 3, Eidetic Memory, Jack of all Trades, Well Informed) [6PP] DC Block: ATTACK ATT RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed +11 Touch DC 26 Toughness Damage (Physical) Burst of Light +11 Ranged DC 26 Toughness Damage (Light) Blinding Light -- Area DC 16 Ref/Fort Blinding Dazzle (Light) Totals: Abilities (12) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (8) + Feats (8) + Powers (122) - Drawbacks (0) = 182/199 Power Points
  18. Player Name: Arichamus Character Name: El Heraldo ("The Herald") Power Level: 10 (159/201PP) Trade-Offs: -2 Defense / +2 Toughness, -1 Attack/ +1 Damage Unspent Power Points: 42 Progress To Platinum Status: 96/120 (Gold Status earned with King of Suits) In Brief: Son of recently-immigrated Puerto Ricans granted powers by the burgeoning national spirit of Puerto Rico, who uses his new-found abilities in defence of those most vulnerable to crime. A student at the Claremont Academy. Alternate Identity: Subito Sondo Identity: Secret Birthplace: Puerto Rico, Adjuntas Municipality, Guayo Barrio Occupation: Student, grocery store worker Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Labor Union (Grocers) Family: Pavor Sondo (Father), Broma Sondo (Mother), Galanta Sondo (Sister), Rodrigo Fuego (Cousin) Description: Age: 17 (July 5th, 1995) Apparent Age: 19 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Latin American Height: 5'6" Weight: 184 lbs. Eyes: Hazel Hair: Dark Brown A stocky fellow, Subito nonetheless manages to look taller than he actually is by the practice of good posture and carriage, which he augments with thick-soled boots and a baseball cap. His hair is thick and curly, and long enough to nearly reach his ears, his eyes are spaced close together and are often shaded out of sight by the cap, and in the midst of strangers they have a narrow, suspicious look, though in the presence of friends they widen and sparkle with enthusiasm. His nose is short and broad, while his mouth is often turned slightly downward to help convey the message given by the eyes. His limbs are short, and he has rather large hands and feet for his age. he frequently wears white t-shirts and blue jeans. In his guise as the gaudy El Heraldo, he wears a brilliantly-colored and heavily-padded jacket. His pants are blue-and-red gold-checkered tights, and his feet are covered with heavy leather boots. A broad cloth bandanna around his head suffices to conceal his identity, with a sky blue feathered hat hat completing the bizarre costume. He carries in this guise a large flagpole, to which is bound the flag of Puerto Rico. Power Descriptions: El Heraldo's powers are signaled by a glow around Subito's body, which takes the rough form of an immense flag made of golden smoke. His powers are an extension of the national spirit he is the host of, which increased his physical power and hearing, as well as the power of flight and a slowly increasing range of powers related to communication. Personality & Motivation: As El Heraldo, Subito acts as he thinks he ought to, doing his best to be just, kind, fair and honest as he knows how. He enjoys the anonymity of the mask, as it lets him be what he likes without repercussion on how he is viewed as Subito. Out of costume, he is loud, impetuous and full of gusto for whatever he does, having been brought up to see silence as suited only for holy or sorrowful occaisions. His morals are fairly straightforward, and he gives litle thought or time to the why of his ethics. He equates thinking with doing, incomprehending how somebody could think up things they might do, and never act on any of them, and has a hard time understanding how one philosophy or belief system being true doesn't negate the others' validity. On the other hand, he is loath to bring issues like that up in conversation, seeing them as interesting challenges to be overcome on one's own, and would never dream of trying to make people more like himself. Powers & Tactics: El Heraldo has limited resources and severe limits to his gifts, meaning he must take great care with whom and how he fights. As a profoundly heated individual, however, he is unlikely to do so, instead dashing into the fray with unmitigated aplomb and vigor, no matter how outmatched he might be, using the power of his standard to evoke hope for victory in any compatriots. Complications: Power Loss: Subito is granted his powers only so long as he uses them for the benefit of others. If he uses them for the sole purpose of bettering himself, they shall be revoked. Responsibility: Family. He feels honor-bound to serve his family's needs above his own. Secret: Identity. While he always has his powers, he knows his family is largely defenseless. Underaged: Subito isn't a legal adult, with all the restrictions that come with that condition. The Who-What Now?: Subito has almost no idea who's who or what's what in the complex world of jet-powered apes and time travel he's gotten himself into. Feel free to blindside him. What are you wearing?!: El Heraldo's garb is..distinctive, to say the least, and it's flashiness is fertile ground for misconceptions, easy recognition by enemies, and being nearly impossible to sneak in. Abilities: 10 + 4 + 10 + 2 + 0 + 8 = 34PP Strength: 30/20 (+10/+5) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 10 + 8 = 18PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +5 Base, +9 Unarmed Grapple: +19/+14, +22 w/Super-STR Defense: +8 (+4 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -7/-2 Saving Throws: 2 + 3 + 10 = 16PP Toughness: +12 (+5 Con, +1 Protection (Costume), +6 Protection (Dame's Ward); [impervious 10/0]) Fortitude: +9 (+5 Con, +4) Reflex: +5 (+2 Dex, +3) Will: +10 (+0 Wis, +10) Skills: 36R = 9PP Diplomacy 6 (+10, +14 with Attractive) Intimidate 4 (+8) Knowledge (Civics) 2 (+3) Knowledge (Current Events) 4 (+5) Knowledge (Popular Culture) 4 (+5) Knowledge (Tactics) 2 (+3) Languages 2 (English, Latin, Spanish [Native]) Notice 4 (+4) Sense Motive 8 (+8) Feats: 20PP Accurate Attack Attack Specialization (Unarmed) 2 Attractive Dodge Focus 4 Interpose Inspire 4 Leadership Luck 3 Move-by Action Power Attack Quick Change 1 Powers: 2 + 22 + 31 + 4 + 6 = 65PP Comprehend 1 (Languages [understand all spoken]) [2PP] Device 7 (Bandera de la Victoria [banner of Victory]; 35PP Container; Flaws: Easy-To-Lose; Power Feats: Restricted 1 [Magic Users]) [22PP] Array 10(20PP Array; Power Feats: Alternate Power 2)[22PP] Base Power: Emotion Control 10[20PP] AP: Healing 10[20PP] AP: Immovability 10(Extras: Affects Others)[20PP] Feature 1 (Repair Clothes) [1PP] Impervious Toughness 10 [10PP] Protection 1 [1PP] (Costume)] Herald's Charge 6 (32PP Container [Active, Sustained], Drawback: Noticeable [banner of Light]) [31PP] Enhanced Strength 10 (to 30 [+10]) [10PP] Flight 3 (50mph / 500ft per Move Action) [6PP] Protection 6 (Dame's Ward) [6PP] Super-Strength 3 (Effective Str 43; Light Load: 1 1/2 tons; Power Feat: Super-Breath) [7PP] Strike 1(Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial 1, Mighty) [3PP] Immunity 4 (Cold, Drowning, Pressure, Poison) [4PP] Super-Senses 4 (Auditory; Accurate, Counters Concealment, Extended 2 [1,000' Notice Increments]) [6PP] Drawbacks: -2PP Vulnerability (Sonic Powers, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Moderate [x1.5]) [-2PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECTUnarmed Touch DC 24/20 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical)Bandera Perception DC 20 Will Emotion ChangedHealing Touch DC20 Fortitude(Harmless) HealedSuper-Breath Area [Cone] STR/DEX vs Opposed at +9 TripStrike Touch DC26/22 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities (34) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (16) + Skills (9) + Feats (19) + Powers (65) - Drawbacks (2) = 159/201 Power Points
  19. Player Name: Tiffany Korta Character Name: Revenant Power Level: 12 / 15 (250/250PP) [289] Trade-Offs: None Unspent PP: 0 In Brief: Once she was a brave lawyer that did her duty, and paid the ultimate price. Now she carries on that duty from the "other side". Alternate Identities: Lucy Harker Identity: Public, but thought dead Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: ex-Lawyer Affiliations: Bloodhound Detective Agency Family: Florence Harker (Mother, Deceased), Abraham Harker (Father, Deceased) Age: 119 (DoB: May 26th 1897) Apparent Age: 30 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Undead Height: 5'3" Weight: 125 lbs. Eyes: Black Hair: Black Description: Before her "accident" she had an average appearance, a face that wouldn't stand out in a crowd. Something she took advantage of in her profession so not to scare those working around her. Unlike most people though death seems to have improved her looks. Her pale white skin and black eyes have given her an exotic alluring appearance. And her ability means her skin is flawless with no marks or blemishes, except for a small dimple on her forehead where the bullet ended her previous life. Her only clothes are those she wore on her last day in 1927. A simple but particle dress suit, though her only defiance of 20's fashion was a pair pants. Well preserved by her disposal they still seem to be in a relatively good shape. Power Descriptions: Her mystical nature keeps her body perpetually in the state it was just before she died, though her flesh is now pale and cold to the touch. This allows her to almost instantly regenerate any damage caused to her. History: When one of the first Mystery Men bought in one of the city notorious Mob bosses Sebastian "the Revenant" Giovanni there was a problem. An excessively violet man, even by the standards of his fellow gangsters, he and his men murdered and intimidated anyone that stood in his way. So naturally none of the lawyers in or out of the city wanted to risk their life to prosecute this man. Except one. Lucy Harker was a fine civil lawyer chafing at the small minor cases she was allowed to try, after all she was "just" a woman. A male lawyer would have been moved on to higher profile case, whilst she was stuck trying petty claims. She knew that unless she could find a case to make her name, she would be stuck in this position in the rest of her career. The trial of Giovanni could be just the kind of case to catapult her to fame, though the risk could be just as colossal. After consulting with her family and her fiance, Lucy volunteered to prosecute the Mob Boss. Though not yet a highly skilled lawyer the defence had not expected anyone to dare tackle such a dangerous case. That and jury confidence was bolstered by this brave woman's actions, along with the newly active Mystery Men, resulting in a cursing Giovanni going down for his crimes, promising his revenge on the young lawyer. His men came for her two days later. Bundling her into a car they drove her down to one of their new building projects down Broadway. There they simply shot her and dumped her into the foundation of the building. Stoic to the end she showed no signs of fear, instead looking her killers straight in the eyes. And that should have been the end of Lucy Harker. But unknown to her in her youth her mother had been bitten and almost turned into a vampire, only to be saved at the last minute by some courageous vampire hunters. Somehow the curse of the vampire was passed to her through her blood, so when she was buried her mystical nature was triggered keeping her "alive" but in a state of hibernation. When the building was demolished this year Lucy awoke to a brave new world. The last few weeks Lucy has been enjoying the wonders of this new world. Slowly she has come to realize that her time "dead" has somehow changed her. Despite having nothing in this world but the clothes on her back she has decided to use her new found gifts to help those around her as one of these Mystery Men now wait is that what they're called now? Taking the nickname of the man who ordered her death the Revenant has started her journey to a wider world. Personality & Motivation:Despite all that has happened to her she still remains a rather upbeat personality. Though she still mourns for the loss of everyone she's ever know, after all to her it all happened yesterday. This chipper and upbeat, something that tends to confuse those who judge her by looks alone. A defense mechanism of the time as "just" woman in a man's world is a snide sarcastic sense of humor which has started to drift towards black humor. Her logical side tell her that all those involved in her death have long since perished. But that doesn't stop her enjoying attacking mobsters. At the moment she has restricted herself to low level hoods as least until she can discover some of the high level boss. And return the favour that bought her to this second life. Though this time she'll make sure to keep an eye on the prosecuting lawyer! Complications A woman out of her time: Must has changed in the world in the 80 odd years since she died. Though she voraciously consumes modern culture, as much as she can without money, many terms and idea still confuse and confound her. Dining on Ashes: Her undead state has dulled her sense of touch, smell and taste. Only strong smells and tastes well even register as being there. (Grand)Father-in-Darkness: The vampire whose blood has led her to this state is dimly aware of his Daughter-in-Darkness. If he ever learns of her existence he may become curious how she has escaped the disadvantages of being a vampire. Abilities: 20 + 8 - 10 + 10 + 8 + 10 = 46PP Strength: 30 (+10) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: -- (-10) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 20 + 20 = 40PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +10 base, +12 unarmed Grapple: +22 (Base Attack + 10, Strength +10, Super Strength +2) Defense: +12 (+10 Base, +2 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed Knockback: -11 Saving Throws: 0 + 9 + 10 = 19PP Toughness: +12 (- Con, +12 Protection); Impervious 5 Fortitude: - (-) Reflex: +13 (+4 Dex, +9) Will: +14 (+4 Wis, +10) Skills: 128RP = 32PP Bluff 16 (+21) Diplomacy 16 (+21) Gather Information 10 (+15) Investigate 5 (+10) Knowledge (Arcane) 10 (+15) Knowledge (Business) 10 (+15) Knowledge (Civics) 12 (+17) Knowledge (Popular Culture) 10 (+15) Knowledge (Streetwise) 10 (+15) Languages 1 (English [Native], Latin) Notice 16 (+20) Sense Motive 12 (+16) Feats: 6PP Attack Specialization (Strike) 1 Dodge Focus 2 Fearless Improved Initiative 1 Taunt Powers: 30 + 24 + 32 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 13 = 110PP Immunity 30 (Fortitude Saves) [30PP] Protection 12 (Extra: Impervious 12) [24PP] Regeneration 30 (Recovery Bonus 14 [+9], Disabled 8 [no action] Injured 6 [no action] Resurrection 2 [1 day], Feats:Persistent, Regrowth) [32PP] Speed 4 (100 mph / 880 ft. per move action) [4PP] Strike 2 (Feats: Mighty) [3PP] Super-Senses 2 (Darkvision) [2PP] Super-Senses 2 (See Undead [Extended]) [2PP] Super-Strength 6 (Lifting Strength 60 [Heavy Load : 50 tns] Feats: Groundstrike) [13PP] Drawbacks: -4PP Vulnerability (Fire, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Major [x2]) [-4PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC27 Toughness Damage Strike Touch DC29 Toughness Damage (Physical) Abilities (46) + Combat (40) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (32) + Feats (7) + Powers (110) - Drawbacks (4) = 250/250 Power Points
  20. Ghost Girl Power Level: 15 (250/250 PP) [285] Trade-Offs: Ghost Array: None; Soul Scythe: -2 Attack, +2 Damage Unspent PP: 0 Theme: Dance Apocalyptic by Janelle Monáe In Brief: Teenage poltergeist with an upbeat personality and chilling powers. Alternate Identities: Kimber Storm Identity: Public Birthplace: Thunder Bay Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy, DuTemps Building, Midnighters, Young Freedom Family: None Description: Apparent Age: Early Twenties (DoB: August, 1979; DoD: January, 1996) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Deceased-Canadian (Caucasian) Height: 5'7" Weight: None Eyes: Ice-Blue (Sea Green) Hair: Ice-Blue (Chestnut Brown) In her natural state, Kimber appears as the image of a young woman rendered in frosty, luminous blues, slightly translucent and floating a few feet off of the ground as though she were swimming through the air. Hair trimmed short on the sides and long on top is ruffled by an absent wind, while the faint chill of fresh snow surrounds her. The disturbing sight is considerably softened by her perpetually chipper expression and broad, friendly smile - even if she still had bones, none of them would be mean. Expressive and given to animated gestures, she tends to flit about a room, chattering excitedly. Her phantasmal abilities allow her to take on a more lifelike appearance, returning colour to her flesh and bright green eyes, though she has taken to affecting a black and light blue colouration for her hair as a small acknowledgement that she is no longer who she once was. Although she can appear as almost anyone she likes, direct sunlight reveals her true form, making it impossible for her to maintain the day-to-day illusion of a normal life. Since forging her soul scythe she's altered her costume as Ghost Girl to include a long, hooded coat with a tattered fringe and an ornate ice crystal pattern over the shoulders, buckled at the waist. She still includes a domino mask to the ensemble from time to time even if she makes little effort to maintain an actual secret identity. Powers Description: Kimber's ghostly nature renders her both completely incorporeal and translucent to a degree. Keeping the aura of cold that perpetually surrounds her to a barely perceptible minimum takes considerable concentration on her part; if she is distracted the temperature about her rapidly drops to well below freezing. She is also able to render herself completely invisible, though telepaths may sense her as a mental echo and electronics equipment will hiss with static at her passing. Not being restrained by any actual physiology, Kimber has a considerable ability to alter her appearance, from her clothing and apparent age to disguising herself as other individuals. The most extreme application of this sees her taking on an aspect that combines heartbreaking beauty and the sheer, existential horror of piercing, for a moment, the veil between life and death. The more paranoid might wonder if this is, in fact, her true nature revealing itself. Her soul scythe is formed from a curved snath of faintly luminous wood and a long, wicked looking blade of impossibly reflective metal. The tang is ornamented with what looks suspiciously like human bone while a charm in the shape of a highly stylized skull hangs from the far end of the shaft. The scythe grants Kimber a number of abilities, most notably the option to take on a corporeal form and interact with the world directly. The weapon can only be picked up by one who has died: a normal mortal attempting to lift it will find their hand passing through the handle as thought it were empty air. History: Kimber's life before her passing is largely a mystery. Her own memories are few and indistinct - she could tell you who the Prime Minister was when she was alive or what her favourite brand of cereal was, but she has little actual context for any of that information. Even after her death, she lost several years, punctuated by infrequent but steady reports of strange, terrifying activity surrounding a particular log cabin in the camping grounds near Thunder Bay. Trespassing teenagers related tales of horrible faces in windows, dishware smashing itself against the walls and an unearthly chill that defied campfires and generator-powered space heaters alike. Eventually the stories caught the attention of Daniel Storm, an outdoorsman with no small amount of experience with the sorts of supernatural hazards that become more frequent the further north and away from large settlements one travel. A terse, unsociable sort, Storm wasn't typically one to get involved, but for whatever reason, his interest was piqued. Despite the poltergeist's repeated attempts to drive him away, he eventually found the long dead remains of a young woman in the woods. What little cooperation the admittedly suspicious Storm was able to get from the local authorities pointed to the winter of 1996, one of the coldest on record, as the time of death. Taking it upon himself to give the Jane Doe a proper cremation should have put the ghostly apparition to rest. Instead, Storm found himself face to face with the floating but quite distinct image of an alarmed girl. Although understandably distressed as she came to understand her situation, the phantom adapted with surprising speed, taking the name Kimber because, "I just feel like a 'Kimber', right?" Storm did his best to fill in as many blanks for her as he could over several weeks, and contacted various occult peers when it became clear that the situation fell well outside his personal experience, not just in terms of supernatural phenomena, but also dealing with a teenage girl! Eventually, through friends of friends, he was put in touch with Duncan Summers, a gentleman with no small expertise in helping teenagers of unusual natures. Nonchalantly suggesting that she might as well use his last name for the resulting paperwork, he sent the heroine-in-training out into the world for a second shot at life! Kimber attended Claremont Academy, where she joined an iteration of Young Freedom alongside her roommate Wraith, a Kinigosi warrior who had adopted the human identity of Indira Singh. Since neither girl actually needed to sleep they instead spent their nights talking and exploring, quickly becoming inseparable. The team's numerous adventures culminated in a desperate battle against the Curator at the Centurion's Sanctum. Witnessing the heroic sacrifice of her friend Sharl Tulink, Citizen of Tronik, had a profound effect of Kimber, planting a desire to become stronger to better protect the people she care for. After graduating Kimber accepted an offer from fellow Young Freedom alumnus Eve Martel to stay in the newly finished castle atop the DuTempts Building. Somewhat adrift for a time she continued to adventure with her friends and became a well liked part of Freedom City's supernatural community. Turning her attentions to expanding her arcane knowledge, the poltergeist began looking for a solution to her inability to interact with her world and the people around her in a truly tactile manner. Personality & Motivation: Despite her regrettable situation, Kimber retains a surprisingly upbeat attitude. She tends to react to any new situation with curiosity and enthusiasm, asking lots of questions and rapidly jumping from thought to thought. Looking oddly doesn't seem to particularly bother her, but a surprising talent for reading people makes her acutely aware of how disturbing her undead nature can be for some. As a result, she may compensate with an even cheerier manner or make reassuring attempts at humour. Death has done nothing to dull Kimber's sense of empathy - if anything, it's given her a greater perspective on the preciousness of life. Despite her positive mindset, she considers herself to have very little to lose, or at least to be in very little danger of true harm, and so is quick to lend whatever aid she can. The adventure and romance of the superheroic lifestyle certainly appeals to her as well, though her notion of it is more than a little idealized. After all, people might be scared of a ghost, but who could be scared of the marvelous Ghost Girl! Successfully forging her soul scythe with the help of her friends has helped Kimber come to terms with the idea that she is her own person now, distinct from whomever she might have been had her life not been cut short. This has added a layer of genuine confidence underneath her good cheer and made her less likely to avoid serious or uncomfortable topics. She still prefers to resolve situations through talking but is sure of her ability to handle herself should gentler measures fail. Powers & Tactics: Kimber's main offensive ability outside of her scythe is a bone-chilling ethereal touch that drains the strength from her target's limbs, eventually leaving them helpless and shivering. She can also let loose a blast of frigid wind that quickly coats anything in her path in a hindering layer of ice. Although reluctant to engage in violence in the first place, particularly given how little threat convention weapons pose to her, when her teammates are put at risk she moves to disable their opponents as quickly as possible. She takes advantage of her unhindered mobility, but is not entirely beyond being hurt, and her sense of invulnerability can get her into trouble. Her incorporeal nature, along with her powers of invisibility and disguise, make Kimber an ideal scout and infiltrator. A side-effect of her concealment scrambles radio signals in a small radius, a handy trick for disabling nearby communications even as it serves as an unfortunate tell for those who are familiar with spirits and their ways. After years of relying solely on her telekinesis to interact with the world it remains her default even with her soul scythe offering the option of traditional touch. A quick study, Kimber rounds out her repertoire with a number of minor tricks and cantrips picked up from her friends. Complications: Amnesia: Kimber's memories before her untimely demise are foggy at best. Avro: A pet manticore kitten is a big responsibility, missy! Carry A Big Stick: Kimber's soul scythe is an object of considerable power, likely to draw interest. Naive: Kimber's a naturally trusting sort inclined to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Pyrophobia: Intense heat and fire are one of the few things that can actively harm Kimber, and she's understandably hesitant around either. She's Dead, Jim: It's a living man's world, Kimber's just haunting in it. Truly, Truly Outrageous: Kimber missed out on a lot of pop culture and world history after her death, though she's been quickly catching up. Untouchable: Kimber has no physical form without the aid of her scythe. Young Freedom 2.0: Kimber's friends are pretty rad. Abilities: -10 + 6 - 10 + 0 + 6 + 6 = -2PP STR: - /16 ( - /+3) DEX: 16 (+3) CON: - (-) INT: 10 (+0) WIS: 16 (+3) CHA: 16 (+3) Combat: 16 + 12 = 28PP Initiative: +3 Attack: +8 Base, +10 Scythe, +12 Ghost Array Grapple: - /+11 (+8 Attack, +3 Strength [Scythe]) Defense: +12 (+6 Base), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -6/-11 Saving Throws: 2 + 9 = 11PP Toughness: +12 (+12 Protection; Impervious 10 [Scythe]) Fortitude: - Reflex: +5 (+3 Ref, +2) Will: +12 (+3 Wis, +9) Skills: 19PP = 76R Bluff 6 (+9/+13 Attractive) Diplomacy 13 (+16/+20 Attractive) Intimidate 9 (+12) Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 15 (+15) Languages 1 (French) (Base: English) Notice 8 (+11) Sense Motive 12 (+15) Stealth 12 (+15) Feats: 20PP All-Out Attack Attack Specialization [Scythe] Attractive Critical Strike [Undead] Dodge Focus 6 Fascinate [Diplomacy] Favoured Enemy [Undead] Improved Critical 2 [Scythe] Luck 2 Minion 8 Power Attack Second Chance (Diplomacy) Startle Takedown Attack 2 Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: 30 + 15 + 40 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 30 + 21 + 12 + 7 + 3 + 10 = 177PP Ghost Array 13 (26PP, Feats: Alternate Power 4) [30PP] Base: Concealment 8 (Invisibility; All Visual, Auditory and Olfactory, Extras: Linked, Feats: Close Range, Selective, Drawbacks: Power Loss [Necromantic/Undead Awareness, -1]) [17PP] + Concealment 2 (Mental Echo; All Mental, Extras: Linked, Flaws: Displacement) [2PP] + Obscure 4 (Static; Radio, 50' radius, Extras: Action [Free, +2], Linked, Flaws: Partial, Range [Touch], Feats: Reverse Progression 1 [Area, min 25']) [5PP] AP: Damage 12 (Disrupt Electronics, Extras: Affects Corporeal, Autofire, Linked [Drain], Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics], Feats: Accurate 2) [14PP] + Drain Toughness 12 (Extras: Affects Corporeal, Affects Objects, Linked [Damage], Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics]) [12PP] AP: Drain Strength 12 (Chill of the Grave; Extras: Affects Corporeal, Feats: Accurate 2) [26PP] AP: Emotion Control 12 (Beautiful Terror; Extras: Area [Perception, +2], Flaws: Range [Touch, -2], Sense Dependent [Vision], Drawbacks: Power Loss [in Sunlight, -3]) [9PP] Morph 6 (Terrible Beauty; Any Humanoid, +30 Disguise, Feats: Attractive, Fascinate [Diplomacy], Drawbacks: Power Loss [in Sunlight, -3]) [11PP] Super-Senses 6 (Fear Awareness [Mental], Extras: Acute, Analytical, Radius, Ranged, Tracking) [6PP] AP: Snare 12 (Ice Breath; Extras: Affects Corporeal, Area [General, Cone], Flaws: Action [Full Action]), Range [Touch], Feats: Progression 1 [Area, max 275'], Reverse Progression 1 [Area, min 100']) [26PP] Friendship is Magic Array 4 (8PP, Feats: Alternate Power 7) [15PP] Base: Enhanced Feats 8 (All-Out Attack, Attack Specialization [Scythe], Critical Strike [Undead], Favoured Enemy [Undead], Improved Critical 2 [Scythe], Takedown Attack 2) [8PP] (Indira’s Instruction) AP: Flight 4 (Rank 5 Total, 250 MPH) [8PP] (Koshiro’s Kiting) AP: Healing 8 (Extras: Restoration, Total; Flaws: Empathic, Limited 2 [Others, Touched by der Schattenwelt]) [8PP] (Tarva's Touch) AP: Nullify Illusion 12 (Extras: Nullifying Field [+0]; Flaws: Limited [Technological Effects]; Feats: Progression 2 [Area, 300’ radius]) [8PP] (Sharl’s Skepticism) AP: Obscure 4 (Visual Senses, 100' long, icy fog; Extras: Action [Move], Area [Cone, +0], Independent [+0], Flaws: Range [Touch]) [8PP] (Siobhan's Shroud) AP: Super-Movement 2 (Dimensional Movement 2 [Realms of Death and Cold]; Extras: Portal [+2]) [8PP] (Dimitri’s Doorway) AP: Super-Senses 4 (Death Awareness [Mental]; Extras: Extended 1 [100'], Radius, Ranged) [4PP] + Super-Senses 4 (Postcognition; Extra: Affects Others, Flaw: Limited [Moments of Death]) [4PP] (Nick's Necrovision) AP: Telekinesis 2 (Rank 4 Total; Extras: Affects Corporeal, Range [Perception]) (Heavy Load: 400 lbs Total) [8PP] (Eve's Elevation) Device 12 (Soul Scythe; 60PP Container; Flaws: Easy to Lose; Feats: Indestructible, Restricted 2 [Only Lifted by Those Who Have Died], Subtle [Transforms into Necklace]) [40PP] (cosmic, necromantic) Base: Drain Will 14 (Spirit Sever; Extras: Affects Corporeal, Affects Objects, Alternate Save [Will, +0]; Flaws: Limited [vs. Spirits/Undead], Objects Only; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Alternate Power 2) + Damage 14 (Extras: Affects Corporeal, Alternate Save [Will]) [18 + 42 = 60PP] AP: Damage 12 (Reap; Extras: Affects Corporeal, Area [General, Cone], Selective; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Knockback 8) [58PP] AP: [33 + 25 = 58PP] Corporeal Form 6.4 (33PP Container; [Active, Sustained]) [33PP] Duration 4 (on Insubstantial; Continuous; Feats: Selective) [5PP] Enhanced Strength 16 (+3, Heavy Load 230 lbs; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2) [18PP] Impervious 10 [10PP] Mental Transform 12 (Restore Lucidity; Extras: Area [General, Cone], Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Action [Full Round], Limited [Undead]; Feats: Progression [Area]) [25PP] Comprehend 1 (Spirits) [2PP] Enhanced Feats 1 (Quick Change) [1PP] Environmental Control 3 (Extreme Cold, 25' radius, Extras: Duration [Special], Flaws: Range [Touch]) [3PP] This power is always active by default, but can be 'turned off' with a free action and a sustained duration. If Kimber is unable to take the free action required, it automatically reactivates. Flight 1 (10 MPH, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Flaws: Permanent, Feats: Subtle) [3PP] Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30PP] Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal, Affected by Fire/Heat, Extras: Permanent, Feats: Innate) [21PP] Protection 12 [12PP] Regeneration 7 (Recovery Bonus [+0], Resurrection 2 [One Day]) [7PP] Super-Senses 4 (Counters Concealment [Visual, Flaws: Limited (Undead)], Darkvision) [3PP] Telekinesis 2 (Extras: Affects Corporeal, Range [Perception], Feats: Precise, Subtle) (Heavy Load: 100 lbs) [10PP] Drawbacks: -3PP Vulnerability (Fire/Heat, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Moderate [x1.5 DMG]) [-3PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Disrupt Electronics Touch DC22 Fortitude Drain Toughness DC27 Toughness [Autofire] Damage Drain Strength Touch DC22 Fortitude Drain Strength Emotion Control Perception DC22 Will Emotion Ice Breath 100 - 275' Cone DC22 Reflex Snare Reap 120' Cone DC27 Toughness Damage [Knockback as 20] Spirit Sever Touch DC24 Will Drain Will DC29 Will Damage Totals: Abilities (-2) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (19) + Feats (20) + Powers (177) - Drawbacks (-3) = 250/250 PP Avro the Manitcore Kitten
  21. Wraith Power Level: 12/15 (210/250PP) Trade-Offs: -3 Defense / +3 Toughness Unspent PP: 40 In Brief: A kind, polite teenage girl who's actually a terrible alien made of fluid metal. Alternate Identities: Indira Singh Identity: Secret Birthplace: Kinigos Occupation: Student (Criminal Justice) Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Freedom City University, >Ghost Girl Family: Mother & Father Age: 19 (in your human years) Apparent Age: 19 Gender: Female (apparent) Ethnicity: Kinigosi (true), Indian (apparent) Height: 5'10" Weight: 350 lbs. Eyes: Solid Black (alien), Dark Brown (human) Hair: None (Alien), very Dark Brown (human) Description: In her human guise, Indira Singh is a charming young lady with a pleasant face, dark eyes, and long dark brown hair; an athletic build and oddly fluid grace belie her true weight and the true nature that causes it. Indira favors slim, light clothing - more often than not she's making it herself with her shapeshifting, and heavy or complex layers are simply harder to create and maintain. As she truly is, Indira is a largish and usually humanoid being made of seamless silvery metal, polished-looking and warm to the touch. She has three eyes (the third of which is in the center of her 'forehead', vertically oriented), all of which are pure black; she has no mouth and (for that matter) no other visible orifices. Everything else is likely to change with mood and the needs of the moment, though the longer she's on Earth and in human form the more feminine the 'body' of her alien form tends to be at default. Rather absurdly, she often gives her alien form a small raised area around the eyes, like a (three-eyed) domino mask...because heroes wear masks, of course. Power Descriptions: See "Powers & Tactics" below. History: Crime has always spread to wherever there was room to hold it, and as the name would imply there's a lot of room in space. So much room, in fact, that crime can be had on a scale unheard of on any single planet - but the problem with large, sprawling criminal empires is that sometimes you need front businesses, bean counters, legitimate employees, paper trails...and sometimes someone you've 'encouraged' to work for you gets ahold of some terribly sensitive information, something they can take to the authorities to help hurt or bring down a sizeable piece of your empire. Unfortunately for them, this is probably enough to do some very painful damage but not enough to cripple or end your organization, so they're almost certain to have to be relocated somewhere where they won't be found by angry humanoids with squinty eyes and middle names like "Big Jim" or "the Claw". This was something of a problem for the Lor, once the case was finished and the testimony given. They had three members of a relatively rare race that needed to be hidden somewhere, away from the seeking eyes of a sprawling and angry criminal group suspected to have connections anywhere and everywhere worth having connections. Fortunately, there was a little planet that wasn't so developed that a few aliens couldn't remain fairly anonymous, but developed enough to be comfortable; a place with a good variety of distinct cultures and peoples, where the odd was almost common in places and where the Lor just so happened to have a few contacts in good standing. And so it was that Indira and her family came to Earth: first to India, where they established an identity for themselves, and then to Freedom City, where even the odd alien sighting would hopefully be lost in the unsettlingly high concentration of metahumans and mythological beings come to life. As an added bonus, Indira could be sent to a school where she wouldn't stand out quite so much.... Personality & Motivation: A kind but fierce soul, Indira fights crime mostly because she feels that she must. Not only is it an excellent excuse to let loose and - literally - be herself for a while, but in a world of fragile fleshy beings she's...well, not exactly the Centurion, but more equipped to deal with high crime than many. She can't sit idly by with that kind of strength while bad things happen around her. She's very curious about how humans live - human culture and interaction, local animals, and whatever else captures her fancy. By and large she tends to be a bit formal and straight-laced as a consequence of her upbringing, but that doesn't mean she's one to turn down an opportunity to cut loose if she can get away with it and it sounds like fun.... Powers & Tactics: Wraith is capable of shifting and reshaping her own body mass in response to what she needs to do and/or be for the task at hand: if she needs to run quickly she becomes sleek and quadrupedal, if she needs to fight her way through a sea of minions she sprouts long whip-like limbs tipped with hammers or scythe-like blades, and so on. She can similarly change her solidity, anywhere from a viscous but fluid metal to more solid than any Earthly steel. This ability isn't without limitations, however: bits of herself that are completely separated from her main mass are lost forever if not quickly recovered (and the separation is very painful), and her ability to change her color is extremely limited. A normal member of her race can only shift between metallic shades, and generally only in shades of silver or grey; a combination of Kinigosi and Lor technology has introduced a mutation that lets her kind assume a single humanoid form and to - with practice - change details of that form in the way of clothes and hairstyle and the like. The basic template, however, is relatively fixed and most shapeshifting will create obvious breaks in the facade (eg, she could elongate a limb, but it would be a normal human upper arm connected to a normal human lower arm by a long silver tentacle). Her people are born with castes, not genders (though the social importance of one's caste has decreased dramatically since less civilized times); Wraith would be considered a prime specimen of the warrior caste, highly fit with excellent shapeshifting control and good fighting instincts. That said, she has relatively little fighting training or experience, and relies heavily on those instincts to get her through combat. She tries diplomacy if it seems likely to work but otherwise hits hard, fast, and has a bad habit of depending on her considerable durability over complex tactics. Complications: Alien: Alien. Not only does she often look and move like a sci-fi horror movie monster, but even her human guise is essentially skin-deep: if you cut her she bleeds silver, she weighs too much for her size, her inhumanity is immediately apparent to many super-senses, etc. Secret: Identity. Space-Fish Out of Space-Water: She's been on the planet for a little while already but is still an alien; humans are weird and their culture is weirder (but the TV's pretty neat), and she has to deal with being foreign both as an alien and as a recently-immigrated Indian. Witness Protection: This is why she and her family are on Earth to begin with; while most up in space aren't likely to be watching broadcasts from that little blue planet full of under-developed monkeys, there are people out there looking for her parents, and would find her terribly useful as leverage - this puts certain risks on whatever she does, and means there's probably an overworked Lor witsec officer somewhere who'd rather she kept a low profile. Your Car Was Delicious: While she can't starve she does require mass (in the form of metals) to replace any mass that is lost or too damaged to heal. Abilities: 14 + 6 + 14 + 6 + 4 + 4 = 48pp Strength: 24 (+7) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 24 (+7) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 12 + 10 = 22pp Initiative: +7 Attack: +6 Base, +12 Melee Grapple: +17 Defense: +9 (+5 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -7/-3 Saving Throws: 4 + 7 + 6 = 17pp Toughness: +15/+7 (+7 Con, +8 Protection) Fortitude: +11 (+7 Con, +4) Reflex: +10 (+3 Dex, +7) Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6) Skills: 120R = 30pp Acrobatics 12 (+15) Bluff 6 (+8, +12 Attractive) Concentration 4 (+6) Diplomacy 6 (+8, +12 Attractive) Disguise 0 (+2, +4 Shapeshift, +42 Morph [Human Form]) Gather Information 13 (+15) Intimidation 8 (+10) Skill Mastery Investigate 12 (+15) Knowledge (Civics) 7 (+10) Knowledge (Current Events) 2 (+5) Knowledge (Galactic Lore) 7 (+10, +15 Kinigosi) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 2 (+5) Language 3 (English, Galstandard, Hindi, Kinigosi [Native]) Notice 14 (+16) Skill Mastery Search 13 (+18) Skill Mastery Sense Motive 5 (+7) Stealth 15 (+18) Skill Mastery Survival 9 (+11) Feats: 27pp Acrobatic Bluff Ambidexterity Attack Focus (Melee) 6 Attractive Benefit (Native: Kinigosi) Dodge Focus 4 Environmental Adaptation (Zero Gravity) Fast Task (Acrobatic Bluff) Improved Grapple Improved Initiative Improved Pin Interpose Luck Move-By Action Set-Up Skill Mastery (Investigate, Notice, Search, Stealth) Takedown Attack 2 Ultimate Save (Toughness) Powers: 37 + 8 + 16 = 61pp Alien Biology 7.2 (36pp Container [Passive, Permanent]; Feats: Innate) [37pp] Immunity 23 (Critical Hits, Falling Damage, Magnetic Effects, Life Support [Disease, Poison, Environmental Cold/Heat/Pressure/Radiation/Vacuum, Suffocation], Sleep, Starvation/Thirst) [23pp] Insubstantial 1 (Extras: Special [Free Action / Sustained Duration to become Solid], Flaws: Permanent, Feats: Selective, Subtle) [7pp] (Liquid Metal) Super-Senses 6 (Acute Smell, Darkvision, Infravision, Ultrasonic Hearing, Ultravision) [6pp] Protection 8 [8pp] Shapeshift 2 (10pp, +10 Disguise) [16pp] Sample Configurations: Spoiler "Give Us A Hug" Additional Limbs 3 (+5 Limbs; Flaws: Duration [sustained]) [3pp] Elongation 3 (25ft) [3pp] Super-Strength 2 (+10 STR) [4pp] [3 + 3 + 4 = 10/10pp] Human Form Morph 8 (One Form, +40 Disguise, Feats: Quick Change 2) [8pp] Hunter Leaping 2 (x5 [Running Long Jump: 75ft]) [2pp] Speed 1 (10mph / 100ft per Move Action) [1pp] Super-Movement 3 (Slithering, Wall-Crawling 2) [6pp] Super-Senses 1 (Tracking Scent [1/2 Speed]) [1pp] [2 + 1 + 6 + 1 = 10/10pp] "Om Nom Nom" Drain Toughness 6 (Extras: Affects Objects, Linked [Damage, Healing], Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Metal]) [3pp] + Damage 6 (Extras: Linked [Drain, Healing], Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Metal]) [2pp] + Healing 4 (Recovery +9, Extras: Action [standard], Linked [Drain, Damage], Flaws: Personal, Source [Metal], Feats: Regrowth) [5pp] [3 + 2 + 5 = 10pp] Whip-Blades/Clubs Elongation 2 (10ft) [2pp] Speed 1 (10mph / 100 feet per Move Action) [1pp] Strike 5 (Feats: Improved Critical [19-20], Mighty) [7pp] [2 + 1 + 7 = 10/10pp] Drawbacks: -0pp None DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC22 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Strike Setting Touch (~15ft w/ Elongation) DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Abilities (48) + Combat (22) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (35) + Feats (27) + Powers (61) - Drawbacks (0) = 210/250 Power Points
  22. Lord Steam Power Level: 9/14 (206/211PP) Trade-Offs: +4 Attack / -4 Damage (for revolver, +5 attack/-5 Damage), +5 Defense / -5 Toughness Unspent PP: 6 Progress To Impervium Status: 100/150 (Platinum Status earned with Supercape) In Brief: Steampunk Sherlock Residence: Steam Manor, North Bay, Freedom City Alternate Identities: Lord Lucien Lockwood Identity: Public Birthplace: London (Earth Victoriana Dimension) Occupation: Aristocrat Gentleman / Diplomat. Affiliations: Ministry of Extraordinary Affairs (Earth Victoriana) Family: Lord Lombard Lockward, elderly aristocrat. Residence / Base: Steam Manor (North Bay) Age: 32 (DoB: 03/03/1981) Apparent Age: 30 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6'1" Weight: 85 Kgs Eyes: Blue-Green Hair: Brown Description: "Lord Steam", or Lord Lucien Lockwood, is the official diplomat from Earth Victoriana to Earth Prime, and has volunteered for the Job as it sounded so damned exciting. He is a famous adventurer, inventor, and detective, and whilst perfectly able as a diplomat, he can't help throwing himself into the service of Freedom City and rushing to meet any adventure. Physically he is a handsome man in his prime, tall, athletic, with a mop of hair who wears excellent quality 19th Century fashion clothes. Power Descriptions: None. Whilst Lord Steam is a polymath, athlete, and dripping in wealth, he has no human powers. His mental functioning approaches human maximum potential. History: Lord Steam is part of a very wealthy aristocratic family from Earth Victoriana. All his life, he has been a curious even reckless adventurer. It became obvious from an early age that he was a polymath, and a restless one at that, always keen to stretch his mind to some puzzle or another. Even as a teenager, he had taken to solving crime as a hobby. and he has become well known as an amateur sleuth. After a stint at Oxford studying the classics, he has since driven his own education in a variety of fields, including engineering, forensic science, and pretty much anything he can wrap his head around. A restless soul, he has taken to all sorts of philanthropic work over the past eight years, such as help improve railway design, campaign for human rights, improve factory working conditions etc. Alongside this he has been an avid cricket player, and a hit on the social circuit with a reputation for magnificent parties and great wit. More recently, crime has been his hobby, and it looks like this one will stick. He has taken up the martial art of Baritsu and become a skilled fighter. Whilst he has had a few bar room brawls with seedy and rude gentlemen, his main goal is the apprehension of master criminals and the solving of mysteries. Crimes where he can put his superior intellect to bear alongside his martial prowess. When interdimensional contact between Earth Victoriana and Earth Prime was made, Lord Steam instantly volunteered to be official dimplomat to the Empire in this wonderful new dimension - unable to resist the lure of its magnificent adventures and tales. And whilst he does, technically serve in some limited capacity as a diplomat, his real reason for coming to Freedom City is to continue his adventures, solve crime, and be a hero! Technically as an interdimensional envoy, he has diplomatic immunity in this dimension (At least to most nations), but he has hardly one to break the Law - at least intentionally. Personality & Motivation: Lord Steam is a restless and curious soul, unable to keep his nose out of trouble. Despite his intellect - and it is an intellect he uses - he is by nature somewhat reckless, a thrill seeker. One must also consider his upbringing - he believes in doing the right thing, in manners, politeness, law, and social order. In some ways, his aristocratic upbringing holds on to the code of "chivalry" from days past. He is no stick in the mud, however. He is also charismatic and charming, and loves throwing a good party and the company of equally charming women. He has a taste for all the fine expensive things in life, and only the best will do! Powers & Tactics: Whilst generally fearless and a man of action, and not afraid to jump into the thick of a brawl, Lord Steam prefers to use intellectual masterstrokes and battles of wits. If he can outwit an opponent, so much sweeter the victory. Goading, taunting, trickery, and planning are all spices to his fight. Complications: Antiquated Attitude: Lord Steam is somewhat antiquated in his view on servants, class, and women, although always polite about it. Curiosity killed the Cat: The finest mind means the finest curiosity. Poking his nose in, and never letting go till the mystery is unravelled! Schmoozer: With an eye for the ladies, fine wine, and parties, Lord Steam can be distracted... Silver Spoon: Only the best will do. Lord Steam simply can't do without luxuries or living in anything but splendour. Steampunk Mechanic: Whilst clever with steampunk technology, modern stuff usually defeats Lord Steam. Abilities: 6 + 8 + 8 + 12 + 12 + 10 = 56PP Strength: 16 (+3) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 22 (+6) Wisdom: 22 (+6) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 26 + 28 = 54PP Initiative: +8 Attack: +13 (+14 with masterwork revolver) Grapple: +21 Defence: +14, +7 Flat Footed Knockback: -2 Saving Throws: 2 + 6 + 2 = 10PP Toughness: +4 Fortitude: +6 (+4 Con, +2) Reflex: +10 (+4 Dex, +6) Will: +8 (+6 Wis, +2) Skills: 156R = 39PP Bluff 10 (+15) Craft (Chemical) 4 (+10) Craft (Mechanical) 14 (+20) Craft (Structural) 2 (+8) Diplomacy 5 (+10) Disguise 4 (+9) Disable Device 14 (+20) Drive 4 (+8) Gather Information 2 (+7) Intimidate 5 (+10) Investigate 14 (+20) Knowledge (Behavioural Sciences) 4 (+10) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 4 (+10) Knowledge (Technology) 14 (+20) Languages 7 (English [Native]. French, German, Greek, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Spanish) Notice 14 (+20) Perform (Keyboards) 2 (+7) Pilot 4 (+8) Ride 4 (+8) Search 14 (+20) Sense Motive 9 (+15) Sleight of Hand 2 (+6) Feats 47PP Attractive Benefit 6 (Diplomatic Immunity, Earth Victoriana Culture, Status [Aristocrat], Wealth 3 [Filthy Rich]) Chokehold Connected Critical Strike Defensive Attack Eidetic Memory Equipment 16 Favoured Opponent (Robots) Improved Block Improved Disarm Improved Grab Improved Initiative 1 Improved Pin Inventor Grappling Finesse Master Plan Minion 6 (Charles Blakely, Butler) Power Attack Takedown Attack Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Weapon Bind Equipment: 16PP = 80EP 1 + 4 + 1 +1 +1 + 1 +1 + 10 + 39 + 21 = 80 Concealable Microphone [1 EP] Fine Baritsu Walking Cane (Damage 2, Feats: Mighty, Thrown) [4EP] Flash Goggles [1EP] Masterwork Investigative Tools [1EP] Masterwork Mechanical Tools [1EP] Mini-Tracer [1 EP] Rebreather [1 EP] Steam-powered Revolver (Blast 4, Feats Stun Ammo, Masterwork) [10EP] Vehicle Array (37EP Base, Alternate Vehicles 2) [37EP] Vehicle no1: "Bessie, the Steam Powered Horseless Chariot" [37EP] Strength: 35, Speed: 5, Defence: -2, Toughness: 13, Size: Huge, Features: Alarm, Caltrops, Oil Slick, Smokescreen, Hidden Compartments [12EP] Powers [25EP] Speed 5 (250mph) [5EP] ("Steam powered wheels!") Blast 5 (Extras: Autofire 1, Feats: Improved Range 2, Increased Range 2) [19EP] (Gatling Guns) Super-Senses 1 (Radio) Vehicle no2: "Alice the Underwater Ship" [37 EP] Strength: 70, Swimming: 5, Defence: -8, Toughness: 13, Size: Colossal, Features: Alarm, Hidden Compartments [10EP] Powers [26EP] Swimming 6 (100mph) [6EP] Blast 5 [10EP] + Snare 5 (Extras: Linked, Flaws: Entangle Only, Feats: Tether) [6EP] (Harpoon Cannon) Super-Senses 1 (Radio) [1EP] Super-Senses 6 (Ultra-Hearing, Accurate, Extended 1) [4EP] (Sonar) Vehicle no3: "Cressida the Dirigible" [35EP] Strength: 50, Flight: 4, Defence: -8, Toughness: 13, Size: Colossal, Features: Alarm [6EP] Powers: 28EP Blast 5 (Extras: Autofire, Feats: Improved Range 2, Increased Range 2) [19EP] (Gatling Guns) Flight 5 (250mph) [8EP] Super-Senses 1 (Radio) [1EP] Headquarters: "Steam Mansion" (20EP, Alternative HQ 1) [21EP] Size: Large, Toughness 10, Features: Communications, Dimensional Portal, Dock, Fire Prevention System, Garage, Grounds, Gym, Hangar, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Pool, Power System, Security System 1, Stables, Staffed, Workshop Note: Grounds increases Size to Gargantuan for the purposes of gardens, estates, etc (used in 3E); Stables functions as Garage for horses and similar animals. Alternate HQ is identical to above, but located in Earth Victoriana Dimension. Powers 0PP None Drawbacks -0PP None DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC18 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Cane Touch DC20 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Revolver Ranged DC19 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities (56) + Combat (54) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (39) + Feats (47) + Powers (0) - Drawbacks (0) = 206/211 Power Points Player Name: Supercape Character Name: Charles Blakely Esq. Power Level: 6 (90/90) Trade-Offs: +2 Attack/-2 Defence, +2 Defence/-2 Toughness Unspent Power Points: 0 In Brief: Ex-Army Butler Birthplace: Canterbury, England (Earth Victoriana Dimension) Occupation: Butler / Aide Affiliations: Lord Steam Family: Horatio Blakely (Brother, Admiral), Maurice Blakely (Son, Newspaper writer) Description: Age: 59 Apparent Age: 59 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’10†Weight: 63 Kgs Eyes: Blue Hair: Grey-Black Charles Blakely looks like a mature man with a thin build and a refined air. History: Charles grew up in a Military Family, and soon was doing the tours of Africa and India.His career came to an end (as a Sergeant) when he was stabbed by a Zulu Spear in the leg. A nagging injury and middle age put paid to his career, and, truth be known, he was looking for something else at that point anyway. His impressive credentials and service ended up with him meeting Lord Steam, and being taken on as an aide and head butler.A proper Englishman, Blakely soon adapted to this life, acting as a rather stiff and mannered caretaker of the wild genius that was Lucien Lockwood. He has one child, born out of wedlock, aged but 25, who is a roving reporter for a newspaper in London, Earth Victoriana, who constantly presses him for information and gossip, and gets into all sorts of trouble. Personality & Motivation: Charles is in general a slow, reflective, and measured man, always polite and diplomatic. That said, he has a desire to see the world and adventure, and enjoys the unusual and wonderful in the world. His main motivation is to observe the world, and Lord Steam, a man for which he has immense, but not unquestioning respect. He is rather passionate about good cooking, cleanliness, and manners. Powers & Tactics: Blakely has no powers and in general will not fight. He assists Lord Steam in more mundane duties, including driving and some of his mechanical work. That is not to say he will not take on a thug or two if needed. Whilst past the prime of his life, he is in reasonable shape and is a seasoned military officer. Abilities: 0 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 12PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 10 (+0) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 16 + 16 = 32PP Initiative: +4 Attack: +8 (+9 with masterwork revolver) Grapple: +8 Defense: +8, +4 Flat-Footed Knockback: 0 Saving Throws: 4 + 2 + 4 = 10PP Toughness: +4 (+0 Flat Footed) Fortitude: +4 (+4) Reflex: +2 (+2) Will: +6 (+2 Wis, +4) Skills: 100R = 25PP Bluff 8 (+10) Craft (Cooking) 8 (+10) Craft (Mechanical) 4 (+6) Diplomacy 8 (+10) Drive 4 (+6) Handle Animal 4 (+6) Intimidate 4 (+6) Knowledge (Art) 4 (+6) Knowledge (Current Events) 2 (+4) Knowledge (History) 4 (+6) Knowledge (Tactics) 4 (+6) Languages 4 (English [Native], French, German, Hindi, Spanish) Medicine 4 (+6) Notice 8 (+10) Pilot 4 (+6) Ride 4 (+6) Search 4 (+6) Sense Motive 8 (+10) Stealth 4 (+4) Swim 4 (+4) Survival 2 (+4) Feats: 11PP Benefit 2 (Earth Victoria Culture, Diplomatic Immunity) Defensive Roll 2 Equipment 2 Jack of All Trades Improved Initiative Teamwork 3 Equipment 10 EP = 2 PP Steam Powered Revolver (Blast 4, Stun Ammo, Masterwork) DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage (Physical) Revolver Ranged DC 19 Toughness Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities (12) + Combat (32) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (25) + Feats (11) + Powers (0) - Drawbacks (0) =90/90 Power Points
  23. Player Name: GizmoCharacter Name: WailPower Level: 15 (250/250 PP) [258]Trade-Offs: -5 Attack / +5 DamageUnspent PP: 0 Theme: The Man by Sons of SlumIn Brief: Veteran hero from the late 1970s and 80s with super-dense muscle tissue granting strength, durability and a powerful sonic wail, come out of retirement to continue the good fight.Alternate Identities: Keith LaMarrIdentity: PublicBirthplace: Freedom CityOccupation: High School Civics TeacherAffiliations: 1-800-JUSTICEFamily: None Description: Age: 60 (DoB: December, 1954) Gender: Male Ethnicity: African-American Height: 6'6" Weight: 1175 lbs (235 x 5) Eyes: Brown Hair: Black, Streaks of Grey Keith LaMarr is an imposing mountain of muscle, the weathering of the decades only enhancing the effect. His clean-shaven head is contrasted by a a beard of dense, curly hair on his square jaw, marked by two streaks of grey. He tends to favour darker, utilitarian clothing, typically with a slightly dated cut. As Wail, his outfit reflects a respect for tradition far more than any attempt to conceal his identity. Dark jeans are fasted with a broad, metal belt over a black sleeveless top adorned with a long, yellow 'W'. Each wrist is covered by a matching black and yellow bracer, while round sunglasses add to an already impassive visage. History: Born in Freedom City's Lincoln neighbourhood in the mid-1950s, Keith LaMarr was not afforded many advantages in life. The son of a factory worker, LaMarr was taught from an early age that anything in life worth having was worth working and fighting for. Run-ins with local gangs as a youth sharpened his wits and fighting skills, but he refused to join up, convinced that the promise of easy money and power was a sucker's bet. That sense of integrity would cost him dearly when, in 1972, a jilted gang carried out a drive-by shooting of LaMarr's home. His mother was killed immediately, while his father survived long enough to be rushed to hospital where, thanks to a shoddy investigation, LaMarr was arrested at his bedside on suspicion of belonging to a rival gang. Vincent LaMarr succumbed to his injuries while his son was sentenced to prison time on fabricated drug charges. LaMarr was involved in an increasing number of altercations with other inmates and guards during his imprisonment at South River State Penitentiary, developing a reputation for a short temper and willingness to attack opponents more than twice the stringy young man's size. Several months into his sentence, he joined an experiment conducted by Dr. Burton Noah, an AEGIS scientist, in exchange for early parole. An attempt to induce muscle growth through a combination of chemical treatments and precise sonic frequencies, sabotage by a vengeful guard resulted in LaMarr's skeletal and muscle structure becoming super-dense. Besides increased strength, durability and endurance, the most notable effect was phenomenally enhanced lung muscles enabling a devastating sonic wail! Escaping from South River, LaMarr almost immediately ran into an altercation between the villain Bronze and the police. The convict's timely intervention not only subdued the superpowered criminal but also save a school bus full of elementary school students. Combined with his willing surrender to the authorities, this was enough to have LaMarr's case reopened, revealing a number of irregularities which were enough to have him permanently released. Taking the moniker Wail based on a comment made by a grateful grade schooler, LaMarr initially set up shop as a metahuman bodyguard after encountering difficulty finding work despite his cleared record. It was through this that he met Yelena Vostok, a Ukrainian mercenary who had received a cybernetic arm after an early mishap with her teleportation powers, and Javed Randeep, a Indian-American polyglot who's amazing skills extended to translating human body language, making him a formidable martial artist. The trio eventually joined together to form an agency that solved unusual problems while serving any worthy cause as 1-800-JUSTICE. Upon hearing Yelena refer to her teleporting ability as 'jumping', Javed, in a fit of the playful wit that would make him the team's heart, adopted the code name Jive. The hired heroes handled everything from gang violence to mystic robots to international incidents throughout the 1970s and into the 1980s, skirting the anti-cape laws introduced by Mayor Franklin Moore. Over the years, LaMarr developed romantic feelings for Javed, though he was reluctant to admit to them. By the 1990s, 1-800-JUSTICE had all but faded into obscurity, but were among the heroes who reappeared to combat the Terminus Invasion. In the heat of battle, Yelena managed to teleport her friends out of harm's way a split second before being vaporized by a massive laser weapon. Devastated, LaMarr and Javed officially retired their heroic identities and settled down to start a new life together. Javed's talents allowed him to support the couple as a high profile translator while LaMarr earned his degree and a position teaching civics at Joseph Clark High School. They lived happily for several years, with infrequent bouts of excitement as Javed foiled an assassination attempt or one of LaMarr's rouges gallery reappeared for a final confrontation. Unfortunately, exposure to Terminus radiation had riddled Javed's body with cancer, and after a long battle he passed away at the age of 55 in 2009. Having buried the love of his life, LaMarr grappled with what to do next. Ultimately the decision was made for him when the Grue invaded Freedom City en masse. Defending his students from a massive creature released by the aliens, he found that his powers had only grown stronger over time. Freedom City still called out for justice, and weary though he was, Keith LaMarr was still the man on the other end of the line. With a new costume and a renewed commitment, Wail is back in action! Personality & Motivation: LaMarr has suffered a great many hardships in his life. These trials have forged an ironclad will stronger even then his superhuman skin, and while a lesser man may have become embittered, he has developed a keen empathy. His sense of integrity demands that he use his experience and abilities to defend those who cannot defend themselves. That isn't to say he is without his rough edges; Javed once commented that there was very little of Keith that was not rough edge. His age and profession have given him a didactic tone and his expectations for both his students and the latest generation of heroes are high indeed. The years have helped to mollify his temper but have not removed it. Dramatically aware of his own mortality, he is determined to continue to make a difference for as long as he is able. Powers & Tactics: With superhuman strength and durability, LaMarr is a powerhouse to be reckoned with, standing shoulder to shoulder with many of the modern day bruisers. His true might, however, comes from his namesake sonic wail, an extraordinary torrent of concussive force that can deafen foes as easily as it sends them flying. This is thanks to the tremendous lung strength and capacity which resulted from his enhanced physiology. Against mundane foes, Wail typically restrains himself to hand to hand combat, but is not afraid to let loose with his full fury should the situation call for it. His super-dense biology also prevents him from floating in water, and gives him a mass several times that of an average person of his already impressive stature. Complications: Age: LaMarr has sit his early sixties, although he's aged remarkably well. Destructive: LaMarr's sonic wail has the potential for massive collateral damage. Enemies: Over the decades LaMarr built up a substantial rogues gallery, some of whom now have younger successors. Lost Love: Javed's death remains a fresh wound for LaMarr. Prejudice: A gay black man born to a low income family, LaMarr is no stranger to unfair treatment. Public Identity: Although he goes by Wail in the field, LaMarr has never maintained a true secret identity. Responsibility: Joseph Clark High School. Temper: The wisdom of age aside, LaMarr does not react well when backed into a corner. Abilities: 12 + 4 + 10 + 2 + 10 + 4 = 42PP Strength: 36/22 (+13/+6) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 16 + 16 = 32PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +8 Grapple: +23/+12 Defense: +13 (+8 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed Knockback: -11/-2 Saving Throws: 9 + 5 + 10 = 24PP Toughness: +13/+5 (+5 Con, +5 Protection, +3 Density) (Impervious 6/0) Fortitude: +14 (+5 Con, +9) Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex, +5) Will: +15 (+5 Wis, +10) Skills: 112R = 28PP Gather Information 13 (+15) Intimidate 10/18 (+12/+20) Investigate 14 (+15) Knowledge (Civics) 14 (+15) Knowledge (History) 14 (+15) Knowledge (Streetwise) 14 (+15) Languages 1 (English [Native], Hindi) Medicine 2 (+7) Notice 15 (+20) Sense Motive 15 (+20) Swim 0 -/+6 Feats: 20PP Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Contacts Dodge Focus 5 Endurance Fearless Improved Grab Improved Grapple Improved Initiative Improved Pin Interpose Luck 2 Power Attack Startle Takedown Attack 2 Powers: 18 + 1 + 2 + 10 + 3 + 8 + 6 + 56 = 104PP Density 6 (x5 Mass, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Flaws: Permanent) [18PP] Enhanced Strength 12 Immovable 2 Protection 3 (Extras: Impervious) Super-Strength 2 Enhanced Feats 1 (Endurance) [1PP] Enhanced Strength 2 (Total +14 with Density, Heavy Load: ~7 tons) [2PP] Immunity 10 (Sonic Effects) [10PP] Leaping 3 (x10, Running Long Jump: 230', Standing Long Jump: 115', High Jump: 57') [3PP] Protection 5 (Extras: Impervious 3) [8PP] Regeneration 6 (Bruised 3 [No Action], Injured 3 [1 Minute]) [6PP] Sonic Control 27 (54PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 2) [56PP] (Genetic, Sonic) Base: Damage 18 (Sonic Wail; Extras: Area [Targeted, Line, 5' x 180'], Feats: Knockback 18) [54PP] AP: Damage 13 (Sonic Scream; Extras: Area [General, Cone, 130'], Linked [Stun, +0]) + Stun 9 (Extras: Area [General, Cone], Linked [Damage, +0]) [26 + 27 = 53PP] AP: [12 + 13 + 21 + 2 = 48/54PP] Communication 6 (Sonic Shout; Auditory, 20 miles, Extras: Area) [12PP] Dazzle 13 (Sonic Bellow; Auditory Senses, Extras: Area [General, Cone, 130'], Flaws: Range [Touch]) [13PP] Emotion Control 13 (Fearsome Roar; Extras: Area [General, Burst, 65' radius], Linked [Trip, +0], Flaws: Limited [Fear], Range 2 [Touch]) + Trip 13 (Extras: Area [General, Burst], Linked [Emotion Control, +0], Flaws: Range [Touch], Feats:Improved Trip) [7 + 14 = 21PP] Enhanced Skills 8 (Intimidate 8) [2PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC28 Toughness (Staged) Damage Sonic Wail 180' Line DC33 Toughness (Staged) Damage Sonic Scream 130' Cone DC28 Toughness (Staged) Damage DC19 Fortitude (Staged) Dazed/Stunned/Unconscious Sonic Bellow 130' Cone DC23 Reflex Deafened Fearsome Roar 65' Radius Burst DC23 Will (Staged) Shaken/Frightened/Panicked Contested +13 vs worst of STR/DEX Prone
  24. Subject: Wisp (PL 12) - Azuth65 (Bronze) [floatr][/floatr] Player Name: Azuth65 Character Name: Wisp Power Level: 13 (189/212PP) Trade-Offs: +2 Attack / -2 Damage Unarmed, -1 Attack / +1 Damage Cosmic Energy Control, +2 Defense / -2 Toughness Unspent PP: 23 Progress to Gold Status: 62/90 In Brief: The teenaged daughter of two super-spies. One effectively Superior’s daughter, the other a teleporter. Alternate Identities: Victoria Knight Identity: Secret Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois Occupation: High-school student Affiliations: Claremont Academy, The Irregulars Family: John Knight (father), Natasha Knight (mother) Age: 17 (Born March 24, 1994, Cook County Hospital) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5' 4†Weight: 110lbs Eyes: Red Hair: White, just past her shoulders, usually in a braid. Description: Victoria is a shy and modest girl, despite her undeniably pretty face and developed curves. She keeps her long hair, recently turned white from her powers emerging, in a braid and her red eyes show glints of the sharp mind behind them. Power Descriptions: Wisp's teleporting leaves a small cloud of red and white smoke in her place and another around her when she arrives. Her recently discovered energy blasts come in the form of light blue crackling energy with randomly appearing black streaks. History: Victoria Anastasia Knight is the only child of Johnathan and Natasha Knight. John was a CIA operative during the Cold War while Natasha was a Soviet double-agent, feeding the Americans intel from the KGB. Both had participated in their nation's super-soldier serum. John's was a variant on the serum The Patriot was given that, instead of making a man into the peak of humanity, granted him two powers that would aid greatly in espionage and assassination, invisibility and teleportation. Natasha's however, due to the Soviet Union's crippled financial condition and their war in Afghanistan, used a serum left-over from The Great Patriotic War, a serum based on blood samples taken from Superior found in a captured Nazi lab. She was the best qualified person who volunteered for the test. It left her with super-human strength and abilities of the Ultiman, if to a limited degree, some of which (such as the energy blasts) she had better control than others. Her commanders assigned her mostly to body guarding and espionage missions. Her mother and father ran into each other multiple times over the years where, after years of romancing and convincing, she eventually began feeding intel to the Americans and giving false information to her own people. In the late '80s, she defected West and assumed a new life in America with John. As a child Vicky, named after her paternal grandmother, learned as much as she could from her parents, in case any old enemies showed up (obviously, they didn't tell her that last part). The result however left her less than outgoing, thus her reclusive personality, retreating into Sci-Fi and Fantasy of all sorts. Before her powers manifested, she might have been well on her way to a life locked in her home with few friends or outside contact. When her powers did emerge, they did so in a way that pretty much destroyed a chance at keeping them secret. The local cheerleaders, most of whom had tormented Vicky for openly reading books like World War Z and Mistborn, though mainly because she read the Russian language versions of those books, had cornered her and were about to spray paint her and her backpack again. As the head cheerleader moved in with the can of purple spray paint aimed at Vicky's face, her fear and anger caused her to teleport behind her and before she knew what she was doing she had laid out the squad. More amazing to her was that the scrapes and bruises on her knuckles from where she'd punched the girls healed before for her stunned eyes. The next few weeks were, tense to say the least. Her parents were less than pleased she'd been suspended for the incident. The principal had always been one to side with the cheer squad, since their parents usually donated the most, so when Vicky was found standing over the group of girls groaning in pain, she was removed from the school. When the representative from Claremont Academy came and offered her a place to attend class with other meta-humans, to practice with and gain full control of her powers. She and her parents agreed this was an excellent idea and they began preparations for the move. Upon seeing the campus she was hooked. Seeing it as a chance to start over, and with that in mind she made a concentrated effort to come out of the shell she'd built around herself. Taking up the mask she wears now, she picked a codename that focused on the stealth training and puffs of smoke her teleportation leaves and thus Wisp was born. Personality & Motivation: Bullied and abused by those with more power, be it physical or social, Vicky has sworn a personal oath to use her powers responsibly, helping those who can't help themselves. Powers & Tactics: Wisp's strength is in the range of the pinnacle of what a normal human is capable of and between her stealth and high mobility she has little trouble leading a charge. She's not afraid to go toe to toe with anyone, knowing she'll heal quickly. Complications: Dark Legacy: Her super-strength and energy blasts come from a super-serum using genetic material taken from a Nazi war criminal and foe of the Centurion. Enemy: Brannagh and his boss might be a tad angry from the result of her first "visit" to their realm. Family: She loves her parents and would do almost anything for them. In Soviet Russia...: Her Russian heritage has caused trouble with people who just can't let the Cold War go. Secret (Identity): The fact she feels much more confident while behind the mask means Vicky will go to great lengths to keep her nightly activities a secret. Spy Kid: Her parents are both retired spies and have made enemies. Said enemies may come looking for revenge. Abilities: 4 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 26PP Strength: 28/14 (+9/+2) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 28/14 (+9/+2) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 16 + 16 = 32PP Initiative: +11 Attack: +8, +9 Melee, +13 Unarmed Grapple: +24/+11 Defense: +13 (+8 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed Knockback: -4/-1 Saving Throws: 0 + 5 + 5 = 10PP Toughness: +9/+2 (+9/+2 Con) Fortitude: +9/+2 (+9/+2 Con) Reflex: +8 (+3 Dex, +5) Will: +7 (+2 Wis, +5) Skills: 80R = 20PP Acrobatics 12 (+15) Bluff 11 (+13) Computers 8 (+10) Craft: Artistic 8 (+10) Diplomacy 4 (+6) Languages 1 (English [Native], Russian) Notice 12 (+14) Sense Motive 12 (+14) Stealth 12 (+15) Feats: 26PP Acrobatic Bluff 2 (Move Action) All-Out Attack Attack Focus (Melee) Attack Specialization (Unarmed) 2 Dodge Focus 5 Evasion 2 Improved Initiative 2 Inspire 2 Interpose Leadership Luck 3 Power Attack Quick Change Teamwork Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: 27 + 14 + 3 + 31 = 75PP Cosmic Energy Control 13 (24PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power) [27PP] Base Power: Cosmic Energy Blast 12 ( Feats: Accurate, Homing) [26PP] Alternate Power: Enhanced Strength 14 [14PP] + Super-Strength 6 (Lifting STR 58, Extras: Linked) [12PP] Enhanced Constitution 14 [14PP] Regeneration 3 (Recovery Rate: Bruised 3 [1/round/no action]) [3PP] Teleportation Array 15 (30PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power) [31PP] Base Power: Teleport 9 (900ft per Move Action, 5 miles per full action, Extras: Accurate, Flaws: Limited [short-Range ranks 6-9], Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Hide In Plain Sight, Progression [Cargo] 2 [500 lbs.], Turnabout) {30/30} Alternate Power: Enhanced Strength 0 (Extras: Area [Targeted, Burst] [9], Autofire [9], Selective [9], Feats: Improved Critical, Progression [Area] 2 [225ft radius]) {30/30} DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC22/17 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Teleport Touch/Area DC22*/17 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Cosmic Blast Ranged DC 27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy) *Up to DC25 with Autofire. Abilities (26) + Combat (32) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (20) + Feats (26) + Powers (75) - Drawbacks (0) = 189/212 Power Points
  25. Player's Name: Quinn Character's Name: Crow Power Level: 11/12 (180/184 PP) Trade-Offs: Defense +2 / Toughness -2; Melee: Attack -2 / Damage +2; Ranged: Attack +2 / Damage -2; Talon Barrage and Talon Wire: Attack +4 / Damage -4 Unspent PP: 4 In Brief: A son of the Morrigan, child of the Irish gods, of the same blood borne by Cuchulainn. Without any superpowers. Heaven help him. Alternate Identities: Morgan Crowe Identity: Secret Birthplace: Boston, USA. Occupation: College student, magical security specialist (Crowe Security Consulting) Affiliations: Irish Pantheon (technically demigod), various insundri minor gods and spirits (troubleshooter), Claremont Institute (student), The Irregulars (founding member), Parkhurst Denizens (member). Family: Patrick Crowe - Red Hand (father), The Morrigan (mother). Age: 22 (DoB: Oct. 31, 1994) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'10" Weight: 180 lbs (approx.) Eyes: Gold Hair: Black Description: Morgan Crowe is, in a word, imposing. Not in the physical height or weight sense, but there always seems to be a gravity around him, an intimidating mean that he almost unconsciously projects. He's every inch Black Irish, raven haired, with angular features that look almost avian on first glance (fine-boned, thin, slightly fragile; vaguely reminiscent of a raptor); his looks aren't what you'd call handsome, but they are striking. And while he is young, his muscles are considerably well-developed for a young man, hard-packed slabs that don't have the same "pretty" look a bodybuilder would have, but honed by years of physical labour. His clothing is generally fairly comfortable, tracksuits and the like when he's exercising, when out and about he tends to wear jeans and one of his favorite hoodies. As for accessories, he actually has a pair of (as he puts it, extremely manly) jewelry that he wears now and again - a shark-tooth necklace that was probably (keyword, probably) purchased at some cheap souvenir store, and a silver ring with Celtic engravings. When "on the job" as Crow, he takes to wearing a costume he's cobbled together from clothes he's made himself, and with his father: a pair of black jeans with Celtic emblems up the legs in white, a black hoodie with the same across the collar of the hood and the emblem of a crow in flight on the chest (very observant individuals may spot a slight bulge underneath that, where he has taken to wearing a bulletproof shirt), a new pair of black gloves with steel plates across the back of the hand (the plates having a trio of runes on them apiece), black steel-soled boots that thud ominously on the ground...and the coat. A great black coat, the collar usually turned up, reaching down to his ankles; gifted to him grudgingly by his mother. Covering the back, up the arms, and on the shoulders are numerous ancient and arcane runes, that smoke and burn whenever he calls upon them; as well as burn marks in the odd location, and a spot on the hem that looks slightly ragged - as if clawed. Combined with the darkened face once he pulls up his hood, and the eyeless, solid black-iron mask that now covers the top half of his face; he looks every inch a dangerous bird of prey. History: Several years ago, during the time when Centurion was running around and tussling against the likes of Roman and OverShadow's machinations, there was a young man in Boston, name of Patrick Crowe. He was a teacher of history, a kind and gentle man, given to a quiet demeanor. But yet, he found in himself a certain fire that he could never quench. Every time he saw the heroes on television or the news, he thirsted to help, to see the battle in person, to fight. This thirst scared him, and he suppressed it as best he can...until the day destiny came knocking. He was in a history class when all hell broke loose, teaching his students (ironically) about the legend of Cuchulainn of the Red Hand, the great Irish hero. The man who slew a thousand men in a single battle, who rejected the Morrigan when she sought to seduce him, who died standing, lashed to a rock so that his enemies would not see him fall - a true warrior hero of the ages. A spear and shield, said to have been wielded by the hero, lay on his desk. And a villain chose then, when Patrick held those two pieces of history, to strike at the university, attacking the son of a hero said to have attended there. He burst through the door in a blaze of fire and fury, saying that he would pay unto this child tenfold everything his father had done unto him! And then, out of nowhere, recieved a ringing blow across the head. Turning to face his assailant, there stood Patrick Crowe, his shirt stretched by new-grown muscles, grinning like a madman, eyes flashing, the spear and shield in his hands as if they belonged there; and the teacher bore down upon him bellowing an ancient war cry. Caught off-guard, the villain put up a valiant defense, and the two fought through the university – neither side giving nor asking quarter, until finally the villain lay defeated, battered, and broken on the steps of the school. As the haze lifted from Patrick, he stared at the weapons, looking at the applauding students. He was given a commendation by the city, treated like a hero, and granted a visitation from the gods of the ancient Celtic pantheon themselves, who informed him of a long-lost connection between his family and the legendary Cuchulainn; for the teacher, it was a dream come true. Keeping the weapons with the museum's blessing, he took on the moniker Red Hand, and made an armored costume to mask his identity (not really), and live up to the ideal he'd built in his head. After many years fighting in Boston, earning a reputation as a savage, yet noble hero, he eventually traveled to Freedom City to meet one of his idols, the great Centurion. It was a wonderful experience for the man, and he decided to settle down in the great metropolis for a while. It was at the behest of the Irish pantheon (specifically the Morrigan) and his own initiative that he fought beside Raven and the Freedom League on many an occasion, even earning an honorary membership (to his great surprise and honor). And it was about a year or two before Centurion's death that Red Hand began to feel the age of his years; he chose to hang up his spear and shield shortly thereafter, returning to Boston. It was about a day after his return to his old brownstone house that he received a message - a powerful individual wished to speak with him. He repeated an incantation he'd learned years ago, and promptly appeared in a dark forest clearing; standing before him was a young woman, clad in a black cloak and dressed from head to toe in black, with a raven on her shoulder. Crowe immediately knelt in respect, for he recognized her as one of the most dangerous women he'd ever known; the Celtic goddess of battle, strife, and fertility. Mor Rioghain, the Morrigan. She paced around him like a shark as he knelt, the (increasingly nervous) retired hero asking to what honor she had requested his presence, and she smiled. A chill went down his spine. She informed him that he had...pleased her, with his exploits. His legend might have not transcended the great stories of Cuchulainn, but he was a truly legendary figure in his own right. He demurred, acting humbly, and hoped to all his might she wasn't about to ask him what he thought she was. She did. She gave him an offer similar to what she'd given Cuchulainn; lie with her, and let her bear a child that would become an even greater hero than he, one whose name would ring throughout history. Patrick Crowe shuddered at the offer. Red Hand smiled wolvishly. Unlike his idol, Crowe did not deny her. Something that lingers in the back of his mind to this day. It was about a year later when a knock came on the door, and Crowe opened it to see a basket on the doorstep. A baby was there, and it looked up at him with big eyes. He stared at it briefly, then smiled goofily at it. The baby laughed, and his fate was sealed. For fifteen years, he raised Morgan Crowe as his only son, weaned him on stories of the ancient Irish heroes and his own days as Red Hand, raising him to remember what he'd learned during his long career. To fight your battles with joy, to protect those who couldn't protect themselves, and (he'd always grin at this one) never be afraid to fight dirty. It was on Crowe's sixteenth birthday that both Patrick and his son were summoned again, and they appeared in the same clearing Morgan's father had met the Morrigan in years ago. She approached the two, looking at her child in anticipation. Then stopped. And stared. Her face appeared puzzled. Then confused. Then astonished. Then angry. Very, very angry. She swore in a tongue no longer used by man, the two men stepping back as she raged. The boy had no legendary powers. Nothing in his blood that would match that of Cuchulainn's! He could not even wield Red Hand's ancient shield and spear! This boy could never be a hero like his ancestors before him! She cast them away, and the two returned to their home, very much shaken. Patrick silently gave thanks that his son, while knowing what was Right, wouldn't be following in his footsteps. Morgan, on the other hand...Morgan was angry. He was angry at his mother, angry at life in general (he was sixteen, after all). He'd grown up hearing stories of his dad as Red Hand, he'd seen those old weapons on the mantlepiece and prayed for years that he'd get to wield them one day. And now, for some unearthly reason he couldn't fathom? He'd never get to wield them. Never become a hero. He raged. He fumed. He showed for a time that he and his mother had a very similar temper. Eventually, he settled, but his resentment smouldered. Then, one day, he met somebody. It was a demonstration that Crowe had been interested in at his high school, the art of the "sweet science". Besides the legends of the heroes, he'd always had a great interest in old-school Irish boxing, Dornálaíocht, Coraíocht, and Speachóireacht . He watched the competitors go at it hammer and tongs, cheering with his classmates as they watched the show - when it got disrupted. In an act of sweet irony, a villain from Red Hand's heroing days invaded the school, breaking into the gym and roaring that if Red Hand didn't show himself immediately, he'd find his son and punish him for his father's "crimes". Crowe's resentment, still smouldering, exploded, and he stepped up and roared that if the villain wanted a fight, then he was right here! Crowe...got the stuffing beat out of him. The villain, grinning evilly, proceeded to slam his foot into the ground, kicking up a wall of earth to separate him from the other students and teachers who tried to run forward to aid him. Laughing, he punched Morgan with blows far beyond anything the young man could match, kicked him with kicks that made Morgan go sailing, savagely beat him while insulting Red Hand with every other breath. Morgan endured this punishment silently, desperately trying everything he'd managed to learn from the classes he'd taken, the old moves his dad had shown him, and nothing worked. Lying bleeding on the ground, he watched the villain turn and laugh, demanding that Red Hand show himself and not leave his son so broken and battered. Then, he remembered something; fight your battles with joy, protect those who couldn't protect themselves...and never be afraid to fight dirty. Silently clambering to his feet, he reached out and grabbed a nearby fire extinguisher - then cracked the assailant over the head with it with a mighty CLANG. The villain staggered briefly, spinning angrily to return the favor, then received a faceful of foam, blinding him, followed by another savage crack across the head. A solid kick to the shins hurt Crowe's foot horribly, but the villain tumbled down, clutching it and wheezing as another blast filled his vision. Crowe rained down blows with the fire extinguisher, finally stopping once the villain had stopped moving (but still breathing), and dropped the fire extinguisher on the man's groin. Crowe realized something. While mighty powers were the purview of a lot of different heroes, they weren't all like that. Didn't his father tell him about Raven, and wasn't there this new hero in Freedom City his dad had mentioned, Arrowhawk? They weren't superpowered, but they knew how to fight smart rather than stupid. From there, Crowe was a changed teen. He took his resentment and turned it around, becoming determined to prove his mother wrong. He took jobs on the docks to build up his muscles, followed a strict training regime that had even his dad sweating, practiced his skills endlessly. His father tried his best to dissuade him from his path (after the attack he'd undergone a serious bout of overprotectiveness) but eventually he gave up, essentially becoming Morgan's coach. He introduced him to a few old hero friends, even took him to meet the old Raven, now running the Claremont Institute, and Crowe's skills increased further. Finally, a knock came at the door while Crowe's dad was away. A spirit of the woods, having run from her ancestral home, was looking for the legendary Red Hand, begging for help with a Formorian hunter who sought to capture her. Morgan, now sixteen and full of bantam courage, told her he'd handle it. And, rather unbelievably, actually did. He remembered the lessons of the past, ambushing the hunter in an alleyway and giving him several solid sucker-punches that sent the beast reeling. After finishing the job with a heavy iron bat, he looked up at the sky, picturing his mother looking down...and gave a very rude gesture, grinning. He told the spirit his name was Crow, and if she ever had a problem, he'd be happy to help. Unfortunately (for him), she took him up on his offer. And so did her friends. And several other friends. Armed with nothing but ingenuity, his fists, and the muscle he was rapidly accumulating, he gained a reputation amongst the lower parts of the Tuatha de Dannan and their ilk as a troubleshooter and guardian. He actually managed to keep this a secret from his dad for a while, until he came back home covered in blood and bruises, just as his dad pulled up in the driveway from grocery shopping. This was followed by a very, very long explanation. Red Hand, Patrick Crowe, sighed. And then made a call. Morgan stood there, dripping and bandaged heavily, as his dad said a few things into the phone, something about Claremont, Freedom City, and an old favor. Then he nodded. And looked at Morgan. And told him to pack his bags. As Crowe went upstairs to pack, he opened his closet. And found something rather odd. A big black coat, hanging there, covered in old runes he'd never even seen before. He took it down off the hangar to admire it, and a note fell out. He gave it a cursory look-over, then a far more serious stare. Then simply burst out laughing. "Consider this a wager. On the future. Good luck, Crow. -M." He crumpled the note in his hand, and threw his stuff together. For better or worse, the eyes of the gods were on him now. And come hell or high water, one day his legend'd be just as big as his dad's! Personality & Motivation: Morgan Crowe's always been fairly easy to read, if you've known him long enough. It's pretty easy to tell that he wears his heart on his sleeve. He's quick to anger, quick to forgive, and can go from laughing to nail-spitting mad pretty fast if you push the right buttons. Granted, at times he can be a bit rough around the edges, but he's the sweetest guy in the world if you're his friend, and he'll back anyone he calls that to the bitter end. To call him stubborn would be a misnomer, he's a very determined individual, and when he sets his mind on a goal, it's very tough to dissuade him. Still, he has learned from experience that while determination is a good thing, taking time to plan and "fight smart" is always a far better idea than "fighting stupid". Don't get him wrong - his main motivation is to become a great hero, to forge his own legend like his dad and great ancestor, and to be a great hero that people would tell stories about; but some time and experience have caused him to do some re-evaluation on whether focusing on his own legend is truly what’s best for him as a hero. Still, for now, he's a young man with a great legacy to live up to, close friends that he'd do next to anything for, several secrets that need hiding, and a girlfriend who never fails to make his head spin. This is what he shows to the world. Power Descriptions: Generally, when Crow taps into one of his runes, it flares to life in whatever location it is on his coat. Depending on the strength of the rune, it might either smoke briefly, or burn with a near-blinding light as the power flows from the coat (or glove) into him. The Talon Gloves are generally a lot less noticeable than the coat, however; the throwing knives there simply appear in his hand or sleeve when required, and disappear when their use is concluded. Powers & Tactics: Crowe's motto has always been "Fighting smart hurts a hell of a lot less than fighting stupid", and it shows. He's an expert pugilist (for his age), being wicked fast and possessing an absolutely thunderous right hook. He's never afraid to just dive right into a fight, despite his obvious shortcomings compared to the vast majority of Freedom City, but he always tries to take the time to set the stage beforehand, ensuring the environment is favorable to him, preparing some dirty tricks that'll give him an edge, or at least keeping the villains off-kilter enough for him to nail that one lucky shot that deflates them fast. He never goes anywhere anymore without his duffel bag and girlfriend's ring, to boot. Post-training trip, Crowe has re-examined the use of his runes in combat, as well as done some tweaking of his own to the coat (with the aid of Logan Angusson, a dwarf mechanic and artificer of his acquaintance); he still uses the Rune of Wind Walking like it's going out of style, attacking from all angles with a variety of strikes, but there's a far more tactical element to his work (courtesy of old late-night planning sessions with Myrmidon, as well as cross-training in multiple types of martial arts with the others). Repeated long-range strikes using the Talons; followed up by the use of either a lightning-charged wire trap of his own devising, or several hard shots from different wind-walked angles using a new Lightning Rune-infused 'taser-punch' to slow them down further for his compatriots (he's learned the hard way that he just hasn't got the stamina for the kinds of close-range hand-to-hand slugfests they can handle, and it does rankle). Although, should he be flying solo, the same tactic is still useful; just saving the lightning shots until they're firmly trussed up with the wires, and operating from concealment whenever possible. In short, he's swiftly becoming an expert at hit-and-run tactics, as befitting his namesake. Complications: An Irregular Situation - Let it never be said that Morgan doesn't care deeply for those he considers close to him; in this case, the (former) Irregulars. Each former member of small group is a good friend (one moreso in particular) to him, and it's not an exaggeration to say that he would take a bullet for any of them (though he'd ream them up and down afterwards for getting into that situation in the first place). A canny villain could likely exploit that - one already has. An Eye For An Eye - Crow's reputation has grown somewhat in the world of the supernatural, as both a hero and as a troublemaker; however, one fact stands above quite a few others. Crow took by force the eldritch artefact known as the Eye of Balor from Bres the Beautiful himself - a powerful tool of chaos magic that several villains and monsters would literally commit murder to own. Any villains knowledgeable of this fact may focus their attentions on him, hoping to pry the location of the Eye from the young hero; by any means necessary. Eyes Of The Gods - The eyes of the Celtic pantheon, the Tuatha de Dannan, are upon Crow, now that he's taken a route in direct defiance to his mother. On the one hand, some of them are proud and fascinated by this young and resourceful mortal...but others consider him an upstart and a rogue who does not know his place in the way of things. Combine that with the fact that his mother has considerably mixed feelings about him (a great deal of rage that he isn't a superpowered warrior of lore, but a tiny inkling of pride that her son is making his way like this), and you see just how complicated things can get for the young man. Lovebird - Morgan is currently in a comfortable mutual relationship with Victoria Knight, also known as the heroine Wisp. Two young folks in their early twenties, dating, with considerable complications in their respective family histories. What could possibly go wrong? Not Subtle, Yet Quick To Anger - If it's one thing Crow's inherited from his mother, it's her fearsome temper. It's quite easy to make him angry if you know what buttons to push, and he'll never tolerate mocking of his family or especially his father. Although some re-evaluation as to his mother has reduced his antipathy towards her - not much, but still. Reputation - A few years of monster-busting and troubleshooting for minor spirits and demigods of the Tuatha have given Crow a bit of a rep as an expert problem-solver for those in need. This can lead to slight complications, as most spirits don't seem to realize that even though he's clever and resourceful, he is only mortal, and not all of their problems are suitable for a mortal to solve. This has only been exacerbated by going into the 'magic security' business, too... Seventh Deadly Sin - Crow, although he is loath to admit it, is a very prideful person. He knows he's of a great lineage, his dad was a great hero, his mother's a goddess (though he doesn't like to talk about her), and his own exploits have gained him a small bit of renown in the Tuatha. He's begun to learn humility (a thoroughly painful training trip, and years working with the formerr Irregulars, who didn't hesitate to whack him on the head when he got too overconfident, has done wonders for that), but he still has his moments. Home Is Where The Heart Is - Parkhurst Hotel is one of Crow's prides and joys, a sanctum he actually had a hand in creating, and a place he knows he has a home in once his years at Claremont are finished. He doesn't have quite the same level of trust for the inhabitants as he does with his friends, but he still cares for the place and the people who helped build it - enough that he'd drop whatever he has on hand to rush to the place's assistance if they needed it. Sins Of The Father - Crow's dad was a great hero back in the day, the legendary Red Hand, and Crow knows it. He's full of pride of that fact, but while he inherited a lot of his dad's resources and old contacts...he's also inherited a lot of his dad's enemies, as well as a great deal of expectation. Struggling - He's a young entrepreneur running an extremely oddball business. What is this thing you call cash flow? Abilities: 8 + 8 + 10 + 4 + 4 + 2 = 36PP Strength: 18 (+4) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 14 + 10 = 24PP Initiative: +8 Attack: +7 Base, +9 Melee, +13 Ranged, +15 Talon Barrage/Talon Wire Grapple: +10 Defense: +14, (+5 Base, +9 Dodge Focus) +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -3, -1 Flat-Footed Saving Throws: 3 + 6 + 6 = 15PP Toughness: +10 (+5 Con, +1 Tough, +2 Undercover Shirt, +2 Defensive Roll), +7 Flat-Footed Fortitude: +8 (+5 Con, +3) Reflex: +10 (+4 Dex, +6) Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6) Skills: 88R = 22PP Acrobatics 1 (+5) Bluff 9 (+10) Craft (Artistic) 8 (+10) Concentration 8 (+10) Gather Info 9 (+10) Skill Mastery Intimidate 9 (+10) Skill Mastery Languages 1 (English [Native], Gaelic) Knowledge (History) 8 (+10) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 8 (+10) Notice 8 (+10) Skill Mastery Sense Motive 8 (+10) Stealth 11 (+15) Skill Mastery Feats: 33PP All-Out Attack Attack Focus (Melee) 2 Artificer Beginners Luck Defensive Attack Defensive Roll (+2 Toughness) Dodge Focus 9 Equipment 3 (15EP) Evasion 2 Fearless Hide In Plain Sight (Engraved Ring) Improved Initiative Luck Master Plan Move-By Action Power Attack Quick Change 2 (Engraved Ring) Skill Mastery (Gather Information, Intimidate, Notice, Stealth) Startle Takedown Attack 2 Tough Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Equipment: 3PP = 15EP 3 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 5 = 11EP Undercover Shirt: Protection 2 (Feats: Subtle) [3EP] Encrypted Commlink: (Feats: Subtle, Insidious) [2EP] Gas Mask [1EP] Smoke Bombs: Obscure 2 (visual, 10' radius; Feats: Independent) [4EP] Parkhurst Hotel (Shared HQ) [5EP] Powers: 12PP + 28PP + 6 PP + 4 PP = 50 PP Descriptors: General Damage Types (Bludgeoning/Piercing), Magic, Iron, Lightning Device 3 (15PP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [12PP] (Runic Coat) Runes (8PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 1) [9PP] Base Power: Healing 8 (Flaws: Empathic) [8PP] (Magic) (Rune of Revival) Alternate Power: Concealment 4 (All Visual Senses) [8PP] (Magic) (Rune of The Veil) Teleport 4 (400ft per Move Action, Flaws: Limited [short-Range], Feats: Subtle, Turnabout) [6PP] (Magic) (Rune of Wind Walk) Device 7 (35PP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [28PP] (Runic Gloves) Rune Glove Array (30 PP Array, Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Power 3) [35PP] Base Power: Strike 9 (Feats: Mighty, Knockback 2) + Stun 8 (Extras: Contagious [+1]; Flaws: Daze [-1]; Feats: Slow Fade) [12 + 17 = 29PP] (Bludgeoning/Magic/Lightning) (Rune of Lightning Strike) Alternate Power: Blast 9 (Feats: Precise 2, Ricochet 3, Indirect, Improved Range 2 [450'], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Subtle) [29PP] (Iron/Piercing) (Summoned Crow's Talons) Alternate Power: Blast 6 (Extras: Autofire; Feats: Accurate, Precise 2, Ricochet 3, Indirect, Improved Range 2 [300'], Improved Critical 2 [18-20]) [29PP] (Iron/Piercing) (Talon Barrage) Alternate Power: Snare 6 (Feats: Accurate, Indirect, Improved Range 1 [150'], Subtle, Tether, Reversible) + Blast 6 [18 + 12 = 30PP] (Magic/Lightning) (Iron Wire and Rune of Lightning) Device 2 (10PP Container; Flaws: Easy-To-Lose) (The Iron Mask) [6PP] Super-Senses 10 (Analytical Vision [+2], X-Ray Vision (Cannot Pierce Lead) [+4], Darkvision [+2], Infravision, Tracking [infravision]) [10PP] (Magic) (Eyes of the Rook) Device 1 (5PP Container; Feats: Hard-To-Lose) [4PP] (Engraved Ring) Dimensional Pocket 1 (100 lbs) [2PP] (Magic) (Rune of The In-Between) Enhanced Feat 2 (Quick Change 2) [2PP] (Rune of Swift Raiment) Enhanced Feat (Hide In Plain Sight) [1PP] (Lesser Rune of The Veil) Drawbacks: -0PP None DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC19 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Lightning Strike Touch DC28 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Touch DC18 Fortitude (Staged) Dazed Crow's Talons Ranged DC24 Toughness Damage (Physical) Talon Barrage Ranged DC21+ Toughness Damage (Physical) Iron Wire Ranged DC16 Reflex Entangled/Bound Ranged DC21 Toughness Damage (Physical) Abilities (36) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (22) + Feats (33) + Powers (50) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/184 Power Points
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