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Tiffany Korta

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About Tiffany Korta

  • Birthday 12/29/1982

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  • Location
    The Town

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  1. Sorry for being super late, no excuses just me being lame! She can grapple 50ft or glide 440ft, if there's any kind of consistent breeze to get into the right place, kept it super vague so either or a combination works. if necessary will spend a hp to get an extra action so it all works out.
  2. Madame Raven As hard as it was Callie knew she shouldn't focus on the strange environment, instead thinking of the place like a giant jungle gym to get her to where she needed to go. As leap, a tumble here, a grapple when needed, she even spent a moment gliding in the strange messed up breezes of this place. It seemed like hours, it could be considering this weird messed up place. But finally, she was close enough to put her, simple, plan into action. With the care and attention of someone well-practised she captured the woman in her grapple ready to pull her toward them and out of danger. Now she had to hope none of the shadows interfered before she could finish the job...
  3. Starshine Rosalind always tried to keep up a positive attitude in the worst of situations, but with a sky full of drones it was a struggle. Zig-zagging around to try and keep out of their way she fired off a few shots at one of the more impressive-looking drones, all the while wondering just where all the heavy hitters were in the sky. "Got to say this is really not the way I saw the day going when I got up this morning!"
  4. We're just the worst really! Straight-up attack Attack Roll: 1d20+8=19, if it hits DC 23 toughness.
  5. Madame Raven Hong Kong Hair (1) Teenage Dream (1) Mz Grue The House of the Caged Sun (1) Ref Point to Merge please.
  6. Toughness Save: 1d20+8=10, let's go for a reroll here! So... 1d20+8=10, something really wants that roll to stand! At least its an 18, which I believe is just a Bruise.
  7. If possible I'd like to grapple the poor woman, gently, and pull her towards us. Maybe some light platforming to get nearer, assuming throwing chunks of metals isn't going to do more than make the holes mad!
  8. Mz Grue "He's a very active person! If he doesn't get something to keep him busy he'll get cranky. And cranky means pranks, and you really don't want that to happen!" She leaned and held up one of her hands, mock whispering to the AI. "Have you heard of the Great Honey Heist? No well that was him, the Racoons feasted very well that day and Cyril learned not to cross Forever Boy!" If they wanted a story, might as well make it a whopper!
  9. Madame Raven Callie shot Charlie a filthy look, the fact that she and the headmistress were (and weren't, it was complicated) were the same person known only to the rest of the Raven family. "She's tough but fair, and only because she's gone through more than you'd expect!" she paused adding in a softer more sisterly manner "And don't wish your school days away too quickly, being an adult is amazing, but so are the friends and experiences you'll make at Claremont! Things won't be quite the same once you leave!" she smiled so not to sully the tone to much "But tonight is for good music and dancing!"
  10. Madame Raven's Initiative: 1d20+15=17, roll a little low!
  11. Madame Raven Up in the rafter Callie spent a moment to consider her options, she was out of smoke pellets (a Thai temple) and flashbangs (a Japanese railcar), so she'd have to improvise a little. Positing herself a little away from the exits she pulled a few Ravenrangs, throwing them so they'd just miss the thugs, close enough to get their attention. "Sure you're boss would be happy for you to capture me, so what are you waiting for boys?" She prepared herself ready to start moving, keeping enough lead for merry little chasse whilst the others got themselves outside of the warehouse! Or at least that was the plan!
  12. Cheeky little late post post, everything basically got away from me! Mz Grue The House of the Caged Sun (1) Starshine Darkest Day (1) Ref point to Merge Trois please!
  13. Oh telepathy, someone should remember that they have that! Would my emotional power also pick up mostly the same thing?
  14. Starlight Something was wrong, well everything was wrong what with all these Omegadrone flying around, but things felt off. Maybe it was all the power she was challenging, and apparently, more fighting was coming. Normally she'd wait until they attack, but a freakin' invasion most definitely counted as the worse kind of attack you could get. So charing up her powers again, causing her to glow like a mini star, as she fired off a burst of light energy towards the leading drone. They looked tougher, but her attack seemed to cause some damage, hopefully it would be enough for now.
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