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  1. Just some minor notation things: I count it as Grapple +20 (+10 Attack, +8 Strength, +2 Super-Strength), but it's possible I'm missing a bonus somewhere. While the final bonus and cost are correct, double-check the Will saving throw line - it's listing the wrong Wisdom and bought bonuses. The Radiation Array has 7 alternate powers and should cost 39pp, though it's correct in the Powers tally. The cockroach lungs power is listed twice.
  2. Fox

    Sgt Shark

    Un-archiving at player request.
  3. Gaian Knight (maxed) Written in the Stars (1) Eclipse (maxed) Blind Man's Bluff (1-2, depending on time zone) 2-3 posts to roll over, depending on how we cut the time zone off. Roll 1 post each to Nocturne, Masque, and Grim in that priority order, please! Ref point to Nocturne.
  4. Eclipse "Good call," said the good Captain. She seemed to mean it - even giving the running ones a quick nod of approval before she turned to look at the ones who'd surrendered, blaster hissing away extra heat in her hand. "I don't really carry a whole team's worth of cuffs, so you if you like your odds here better than with your friends - and I would, not for nothing - maybe walk really carefully toward the building you were shooting at. Don't get clever." With that, she spun on a heel to run back toward her crewmate...or at least until she had a solid line of sight on the last hunter, blaster up and protesting loudly as she sent a hail of bolts north. It took both hands to brace the thing - she did sometimes so regret not carrying a full rifle - but whatever got the job done before that mech either got up or the upstarts pulled some new threat out of nowhere....
  5. Move action to get a good line of sight on the remaining Hunter and close a little distance. With 2 hero points to burn and stuff winding down, let's stunt an attack power why not; she'll turn her flat Blast 7 [14pp] into Blast 7 (Extras: Autofire 1; Flaws: Distracting) [14pp]. And then, to blasting! Ranged Attack Roll vs. Hunter: 1d20+13: 23 [1d20=10] DC22 Toughness save, +1 for every 2 she beat its defense by.
  6. Fox

    Snakebite (PL9)

    The only thing I can spot is a minor notation issue: the powers tally lists 4PP for the postcognition power rather than 5PP. The power itself is correct and so is the actual final tally cost, though, so assuming you'll fix it up I'm not going to stall approval over it. APPROVED!
  7. Gaian Knight The Gaian Knight grunted as the staff dropped him back into the ground, but he seemed more put out than hurt - he might have envied the types that were made of steel, but he was at least happy to reward his new attacker's strike with a solid thud instead of something more traditionally mortal. He'd bet his chest plate had a solid dent in the back now. "Okay," he said. "Alright." An open palm the size of a person and carved of solid granite slammed into Mare from the side; its creator took the opening to stand back up. "You know, I usually have a dragon with me," he said, grimacing and straightening his coat. "She's going to be really disappointed she didn't get to punch you for that. I don't suppose you would just rather talk?"
  8. Eclipse The troopers having the presence of mind to spread out made it harder for Talisyn to catch them all in one go - but it also spread out their fire, which was a small blessing. Entirely too many years of being shot at let her map it out in her head, lines of fire and how they lagged when she changed direction, that one on the left that couldn't quite place her torso under her cloak.... The moment she had a window she paused, letting bolts of sizzling energy pass by her as she snapped a series of shots off at a trio of soldiers who hadn't been able to spread quite as much as they should have. "No good on the aiming lessons, then. Any of you any good at math?" she called out, twisting around behind some cover while her blaster made angry heat-venting noises; she doubted the cover would hold up to much fire, but she only needed seconds. Hopefully. She had a heat sink somewhere.... "You're losing numbers a lot faster than we are!"
  9. Having closed in on them a bit last round, Eclipse will try an AoE attack against whomever she can get in her cone - if she can catch the ones fighting Thaurians all the better, but she'll take as many as she can thin out at this point. Same as before, full power attack, taking 10 for an 18 attack roll and DC27 Toughness save.
  10. Gaian Knight will get up with a move action, and...I'm a little tempted to try to grapple Mare but I suppose I don't want to tie GK's array up for that. We attack instead! Ranged Attack Roll vs. Mare (autofire blast): 1d20+15: 33 [1d20=18] DC30 Toughness for Mare. He'll be striking her from the side via Indirect, though in this kind of grand melee I don't imagine that'll catch her off-balance.
  11. Double-check those skills - I count 59 ranks, in which case you've shorted yourself 1 rank somewhere.
  12. A very clean sheet! APPROVED!
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