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Avenger Assembled

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About Avenger Assembled

  • Birthday 11/10/1981

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  1. DC23 Reflex = 25 with Evasion, she makes it!
  2. Maybe this was the end, Neko reflected, as she and Owain retreated from the drones under the cloak of invisibility he'd erected. She could hear him praying to the Christian god as they did so, leaving open the line of retreat for any fleeing civilians down into the sewers. She'd torn apart the air and summoned a creature of the old tales but it was slowly being crushed by the drones that swarmed it like so many sharp-bladed butterflies - for all that it was still certainly in the fight. She was sorry things had come to this, but she'd known she was mortal since the first time she'd licked up a man's blood. She took Owain's hand, and after a moment's thought and a smile, joined him in his prayer.
  3. https://orokos.com/roll/1016539 there's one https://orokos.com/roll/1016540 and the other.
  4. Okay: What he senses isn't really time-travel or dimensional shenanigans, but it feels like someone using these things. (i.e., it's an effect with a temporal descriptor that isn't Super-Movement: Temporal, in fact it doesn't seem to be based on movement at all. It's located in the upper tiers of the oil rig, probably at the very top.
  5. Keep chipping away with the Golden Sign! The advantage of area effects is that the thing can't hardly have a reflex save.
  6. A purring Neko closed her eyes and let herself be petted - producing an actual resonant vibration in her chest. She licked the back of one hand for a moment, then said "Alien is good. It has a cat." That was all a good movie needed anyway. As she sprawled on the couch, another fluffy white and brown-spotted cat appeared from nowhere and settled on her legs, where it promptly flopped down and made itself at home. Another walked right up to Vik and stared at her with gold eyes, licking its paw as it did so. She listened to all still, her ears twitching. She only knew the shadow-majo slightly but was struck by the thought that the girl must be very content with her new life - or very desperate. It wasn't really her business anyway.
  7. Owain casts a spell to make himself and Neko invisible, activating his Concealment power. The two of them, Neko using total defense, retreat as far as their movement speed allows towards the rest of the group. The giant steps on Madrigal. https://orokos.com/roll/1015860 = 10 seems inadequate, even though I know we're doing this as area effects anyway. Let's spend that HP Neko got. https://orokos.com/roll/1015861 17! Well it will have to do.
  8. Let's say it's Timeout, @Dracostern! And @Thevshi: While that's a bad roll, it is enough for Timeout to get an impression of some sort of time anomaly in the oil rig. This is the first time he's sensed anything like this, at least in this location.
  9. "Thank you for your courteous offer," said Dalekos with a pleasant smile. "But by Poseidon's blessings, I can travel on my own." He gave an order to his men who nodded, the boat beginning a notably slower journey towards the tower. And then he rose in the air to the faint sound of the fluttering of invisible wings, previously-barely-visible sigils on his armor glowing with a power Michael and Daniel didn't recognize but could certainly feel. "Now to answer your question about architecture," he added as he flew slowly, almost conversationally over towards the Deep One colony, "I consider myself a minor specialist..." - Back at the tower, the mood got tenser as the flying duo approached. Sea Devil busied herself with drill among her assembled people, reminding her people that they would not spill any blood unless theirs was spilled, that they would show how strong they were by not fighting. Iris could feel the emotions popping around her; Aquaria's concern and palpable embarrassment, the suppressed anger of the other Deep Ones, and all the rest. The Deep Ones under the water were playing coy, but she could tell they too were preparing for - something. Meanwhile, something peculiar was happening somewhere else...
  10. Neko takes 20 on her Notice, since we're not in a rush, gets 28. She does the same w/Search for 20.
  11. On her back, her hands folded above her, Neko rolled over and sniffed the air with a look that could best be described as sulking. "I don't like snakes. They make me jump." With an air of long-suffering and somewhat-bedraggled dignity, she stepped back into the shoes she'd kicked off when she flopped down. "The Serpent People are enemies of your father and sister," she said to Kazra. "Did they try and kill you, you think? Okay. I can look," she said, folding her legs beneath her as she closed her eyes. As she did, the jungle seemed to come alive with cats, peeking through the leaves and underbrush, peering around for any lurking snakemen.
  12. I know I've held you up already, TV, and you've been very patient - you can go ahead and skip me.
  13. @Dr Archevilleslipping ya a tag! =D
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