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Everything posted by RocketLord

  1. There's 2 nazis left outside the school near Rebound. As far as Rebound and Forever Boy (and Watchdog and Daystar if they passed by it on the way to the front) can see, there were no Nazis inside. Watchdog, Daystar, Forever Boy and Specimen are on the road somewhere between the 1 and 7 marks on the map. Legatus is somewhere between the 2 and 3 on the map, with 1 tank near him.
  2. Doktor'd Cheval Please increase Cheval's Luck feat to Luck 4, spending 3PP and leaving him with 3 unspent PP.
  3. Archer II Corona was the one to spill her lunch in the paper bags? Connor hadn't seen that coming, to be honest. He thought it'd be him doing that... maybe Merge. Or Facs, though his powers probably helped there. Not Corona. She was too bad ass for that, wasn't she? The plan was reasonable. Defenders in front, attackers in the back. He reached for an arrow, just to check if it was still there. "I might have something that can help with that mind control," he added, after waiting a moment. "Got some of the old man's old arrows. Some of them can throw psychics for a loop, but it all depends on how she does her thing. Might turn out to be a dud." If not... well, he'd go anyway. Find a way to get through this. "I'll keep the specifics to myself, if you don't mind. Figure there's no reason to give Heather a chance to find out what it is ahead of time."
  4. Doktor'd Archer II Please increase Archer's Luck feat to Luck 3, leaving him with 2 unspent PP.
  5. Forever Boy Turning back around to a proper orientation, Pan descended to stand in front of Mia, where he still stood a few inches above the ground and made an exaggerated bow, leaning forward with his right arm in front of his chest, his left behind him, right leg bowed in front of his left. "I am Pan, the Forever Boy! A pleasure to meet you, Mia." It seemed he did know her name, after all. He stood up straight again, floating a foot back or so, the wide grin still on his lips. "You looked bored, that was all. Thought I might try to help there. Life should be an adventure, and I was looking for something fun to do anyway!" There was a slight accent to his voice, hard to please. He spoke with no contractions, his voice sounding like English was not quite his language of choice, yet only barely so.
  6. The man is obviously getting more violent, so time to choose what to do! Post order doesn't matter yet.
  7. GM "What was that?" the angry voice had paused the sound of violence looked up. "I thought I'd locked that damn door." There was some rustling, and a man came into view, behind Pan's one way wall. He looked to be in his late thirties or early fourties. Short blonde hair with a goatee, he wore a pair of round glasses that obscured his eyes. He wore blue jeans and heavy black boots, with a grey jackets and black gloves. In his right hand, he was holding the missing leg from the chair on the floor. He looked around, obviously suspicious, before turning towards the back room, slapping the chair leg hard into a bookshelf back there, causing several books to fall to the floor. "Last chance, old man! Where is it? Where's that damn book?"
  8. Nice hit. Ref save: 9 Wrapped up, bound and helples, but the monster still got his spikes all over dealing damage to anything around him, like the snare. So give me a DC24 TOU save for the Snare!
  9. REBELLION Of course that flying freak had some kind of energy blasts. Throwing himself to the side, Rebellion moved out of the way before the blasts tore through the ground where he had stood moments before. A quick glance made it seem like Maghkee and Meta-Naut had things well in hand, at least. Grabbing the enemy, good tactic. Divide and conquer, he stood alone with the flying man, but fine, he would deal with that. Twirling his baton around his hand, he threw it at a nearby wall, which it bounced off, then continued to the back of the flying man's head. It made a satisfying sound as it bounced off the man's backhead, off a wall and back into Rebellion's hand as he moved forward.
  10. GM "What the ¤#&%! Let me go you =¤#%&!" The Dealer wasn't exactly thrilled as the Meta-Naut grabbed him with her strange weapon, the beam covering him. "I'm not telling you %&#¤, ya hear!?" He struggled, fought against the tractor beam that he was caught in, fought to get loose, fought to get free before the Meta-Naut brought him higher and higher up. "What are you supposed to be?" The Muscular Man was far less foul mouthed than the dealer, at least. Still, he also seemed much stronger, as he pushed back against Mag-Might, pushing to get her out of the way, to break her grip. He was strong, that much was clear, but the question was if he was stronger than the magma that made up Mag-Might? Finally, the flying man. His eyes and mouth continued to glow as he slowly moved his head, turning in the sky. There was something inhuman about his movements, something that just seemed kind of off. He opened his mouth wide, letting loose a powerful blast of energy from his eyes and mouth both, straight towards Rebellion.
  11. Alright, the dealer tries to break out of the pin: 18 @Shofet: Can I get an opposed check for that? Same with the muscular man: 30 @Ari: Can I get an opposed check for that? The Floating Man goes for Rebellion, since he's the only one not occupied, attack roll for his blast: 20, which misses Rebellion. Rebellion throws a baton: 20, which is a hit and gets +1 to DC because of Autofire 1 and being 1 step above the Floating Man's defense. Floating Man TOU vs. DC22: 17, fail by 5, Dazed and Bruise. @Ari, you're up! 20 - Rebellion - 1HP - Unharmed 18 - Mag-Might - 2HP - Unharmed 15 - Meta-Naut - 3HP - Unharmed 11 - Dealer - Unharmed, Pinned 10 - Muscular Man - Unharmed, Pinned 6 - Floating Man - Bruise (x1), Dazed
  12. GM It didn't take that long to find the captain, and aside from finding a few unconscious pirates that the others had left behind, the rest of the voyage to the nearest port was uneventful. Sure, the few remaining pirates acted up now and again, but they were quickly subdued, and they actually garnered some attention from the crew and guests. With Torpedo Lass walking the halls, some of the ship's guests even came to believe that it had all just been an elaborate show. Queen Anne's Revenge sailed on... and the Sky-Pirates sailed on in the sky. Perhaps their threat would come true, perhaps not. Only time would tell.
  13. GM "You're not cleared for that kind of information yet, son." Irons voice sounded heavy. Almost like the constraints and the field inside the box would make Chromium feel. "Your father's fine. Got his own little cell not too far from here. My superiors believe it'll be better for keeping you in line." He paused, there was a sound like metal rubbing against metal, then he continued. "I didn't want to do this, but my superiors know your type, son. If the military complex comes calling, you'll run away. If there's a chance of you coming to the rescue of someone, even criminal scum liek your dear old dad, then you'll jump at the call." Another pause. "And if that's what you think of your country, then I'll have some bad news for you, son. Heroes are what they're meant to be. Not everyone gets to put on spandex and wave at the kids. Some of us is gonna have to make the hard choices. Not all heroes get to wear a cape." Another pause. Chromium could hear the soldier breathing. "Will you behave if I let out out?" Commander Irons' tone was as hard as ever. "If you want to be what your country really needs, then I won't accept you acting out in any way. Got that, son?"
  14. Sense motive from Jonathan: 23 Sense motive from the Preacher, with -5 adjustment since Jonathan and Crimson Cross believes: 28-5 = 23 Alright, give me an IC.
  15. Since enough time has passed, I'll get two rolls to try getting rid of that bruise, vs DC10: 13 Made it on the first one Monster Initiative: 9 Justice Initiative: 13 You're up first, then! The bad guy seems pretty clearly stronger than before! 16 - Emerald Spider - 2HP - Unharmed 13 - Justice - 1HP - Unharmed 9 - Enemy - Unharmed
  16. He's paralyzed, so that's a hit! DC31 TOU: 22 Since he's staggered, that's a KO! Give me an IC!
  17. CHEVAL Well, maybe he should make a decision, then. It certainly seemed like she pushed in that direction. Marcus knew that he wasn't the fastest moving or thinking man. Depsite the attraction, this had all still thrown him more than a fair. It seemed that Persephone underestimated just how much exposure he tended to get when out on town. How much people followed, snapped pics, everything. He hadn't even known her real name until this evening, and she wanted to throw that all out on a night on the town? No, he wouldn't let her do that, not just yet. Staying in sounds good. I'm sure we can find something to do, at least. Tell me when and where to be, and I will be there. He would have to figure out something to bring. Couldn't show up to an invitation like that empty handed, though just flowers seemed a bit too on the nose.
  18. Justice "Hey, don't worry, its not bad." Alright, yeah, it had smarted, but the armor had taken most of it. She'd built it well, after all. Still, she shouldn't complain. She could only stare at the Meta-Naut's blaster as it morphed into something else. Some kinda fluid tech, some kinda awesome WonderTech! Not really anything like what Robin could build, but still... it could be interesting to try and make something like that. It was from another universe though... Robin was completely lost in her thoughts, staring at the tool, before Meta-Naut pressed it against her, and hey, it did feel better. Moving her arm around a bit, Robin grinned under her helmet and stretched her arm. "Hey, its much better! That's awesome!" So, the question. Interrogate one of them? That was... err. Robin wasn't a fan of something like that, but, she hadn't seen any of these things around here before... so maybe it was for the best? "I guess. It might be good to know where they came from." She took a step away from one of them. "Can you understand them? 'Cause I got no idea what they've been saying."
  19. Recovery check: 14 And that's the bruise away.
  20. GM The ship remained above, remaining stationary above the ship as the pirates began to climb the ladder one by one. One carried the captain, still unconscious, all made various grumbling noises and curses, some in English, some in another language, a rather melodic sound, though with some harsh words. It wasn't long before they had all climbed aboard, and the ladder was pulled up. The pirate that had agreed to Torpedo Lass' offer leaned over the ship and shouted something. It was difficult to make out exactly what, but something about them remembering this. Slowly, the ship started to fade from sight, before it was gone, leaving Torpedo Lass and Queen Anne's Revenge behind.
  21. GM "I'll burn you! Burn you all! Once I get up there, you'll burn you freakin' spam in a can!" Struggling to her feet from the fall, the drenched Sunburn raised her hands to the sky towards Techneaux, all her attention clearly drawn to him. And then came the blasts of quantum filaments from the Emerald Spider, raining down over her. Several hits, not enough to stop her entire, but throwing her arms up to protect her face did little to stop the blows from knocking the air out of her lungs. Bending over, wheezing, Sunburn did her best to catch her breath.
  22. Sunburn is dazed, so skipping her turn. @angrydurf you're up. 35 - Technaux - 0HP - Uninjured 19 - Metamind - Unconscious 19 -- 10x Mind Controlled Civilians - 3 Uninjured, 3 entangled, 4 bound and helpless 18 - Shrike - 1HP - KO 16 - Emerald Spider - 0HP - Bruise (x1) 15 - Sunburn - Bruise (x1), Demoralized (ATK/CHECK -2, till Init 35) 11 - Dinostroyer - Unconscious 4 - Kanunu - 1HP - Bruise (x2)
  23. Justice This was UK playing. Robin's eyes were lit up like the Christmas lights of last month, shining as she stared up at the scene. Of course she'd come for this, the MarsTech New Year's Bash was something she'd never miss, if nothing else to get a chance to get a good look at all of Max Mars' new ideas and innovations! And for the fun! It was always so much fun! This year probably wouldn't be any different from normal like that, but still, this was UK playing! It was already worth putting on a nice dress for this! Robin quickly joined the cheer, eagerly clapping her hands and shouting for UK! She was complely absorbed, almost didn't hear what Max Mars said until he called her up. Robin froze. Her eyes went wide behind her classes, her hands stopping mid-clap. Last time Max Mars had called her up on stage, giant robots had been involved, yeah. She'd managed to switch to Justice, take care of the whole thing, and honestly, she'd felt kind of cheated at that, buuut... this was still her having to go up on stage, in front of everyone, and it was kind of scary to do that without her mask on. Justice could do it. Justice was made for the spotlight! Robin? Not so much. Still... this was Max Mars calling her up on stage, by name! Her parents had to be watching from home, they'd see her, and... and this was Max Mars! "Yes!" she finally shouted after a moment, pushing through the crowds and hurrying up the stairs to the stage, a great goofy grin on her lips. As she got up on the stage, everyone would be able to see her long dark red dress. It was a simple thing that reached at her ankles, though she wore sneakers under it. Too cold for nice shoes, she'd thought. She was wearing a small, open black jacket with fur trim around her neck on top of it, with her usual dark red backpack covered in pins behind. A bit of a mixed message, sure, but she was a bit of a mixed person, wasn't she? Her hair was done up in a long braid, which looked pretty awesome, if she'd say so herself.
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