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Everything posted by RocketLord

  1. CHEVAL The thing was sucking him in, holding on. It was a struggle, much more than it should have been. Marcus was strong. He was iron, he was Ogoun's cheval! And yet, this creature, this beast of flesh and teeth and blood was all over him, impossible to shake off, impossible to break. And yet, he would break it. One way or another, he would break free! With a groan, he forced his arm out of the creature, a great wound left behind. A weak spot! Somewhere to strike! Before he had the chance, teh thing was lit on fire. Taking a step away from the heat, Cheval looked towards the attacker, as the Woodsman stepped unto the scene. He was dazed, he was shaken. Rambled, even more than Cheval expected of the man, but he had aided them, and Marcus had agreed to trust him. Besides, he had seen the men with the teeth below. "What are they? Vampires of some kind?"
  2. @Thunder King is up, but @TheAbsurdist, feel free to skip ahead. @Avenger Assembled, feel free to make a post if there's no other posts by Tuesday, or once TA has posted.
  3. DC18 Reflex Save vs Trip. Trip power check: 17, reduced to 13 if you make the save.
  4. GM The bars gave away, quickly disappearing as it flaked away and quickly undone. The man inside the cage had taken a step back, looking a bit nervous, but seemed visibly relieved when it turned out Spectre was out to help him. "Guys, guys, you gotta help. This guy, he just grabbed me. Rolled this little ball at me, then he got me in a cage and in this weird place with giant balls rolling everywhere. Didn't really work out, he said I was no fun, then put me in here earlier." He was obviously panicking. He seemed dehydrated, starved, but still strangely active. He quickly ducked out of the cage once the bars were gone. "Aw, guys, that right there? That's so not cool! That's, like, a full tilt! You can't do a full tilt!" There was a vibrating sensation, then suddenly, the entire place shook violently three times. "Ya'll just gotta nudge it!"
  5. Archer II The ball was pinging around, like some kind of pinball. Its trajectory seemed random, nothing he could predict, and the guy in the cage was screaming, but at least Octoman saw what was going on, and jumped to the rescue. While Spectre dealt with the prisoner, Connor moved to the ball. The way it had hit Octoman and been stopped, it didn't seem like it was electrified like the walls had been earlier, so that was something, at least. It didn't mean it wasn't booby trapped in other ways. Or maybe this entire place was just one big trap. Pinball Wizard... he lived up to his theme, at least. "Step back a moment. I'll anchor it." he said, making sure to be turned so Octoman could see his lips. Switching his arrow out, he took a quick shot at the bottom of the ball once Octoman had stepped back, a thick foam quickly spreading out from the arrow and keeping it in place.
  6. Keeping the ball stuck with a Riot Foam Arrow, at Snare 6.
  7. That goes through the bars. ICs for GM and Archer coming.
  8. GM "You stay right there!" Irons barked the order as he watched Chromium struggling to stand. The soldiers that were still standing all took aim at Screwtop, and even as he clutched the automatic rifle in his hands, it seemed clear what would happened if he fired the weapon. Commander Irons face remained stern, like a teacher that was handing out a scolding more than someone beating down an enemy. "You could be so much more, boy, if you had just tried, if you had just thought. Really, a car. You can turn into a car. What kind of cartoon world do you think we live in?" He pulled his fist back once more, then let it fly directly at Chromium's face.
  9. Will do! But, remember the links to the rolls! Screwtop and the soldiers are at a bit of a stand off right now, neither taking any actions aside from aiming at each other. Irons attacks: 22 That's a hit, so DC26 TOU save! If you fail, that's a KO. 21 - Screwtop - Bruise (x1) 20 - Commander Irons - Unharmed 16 - Soldiers x6 - KO x1, Unharmed x5 14 - Chromium - 0HP - Dazed (ends this turn), Staggered
  10. CHEVAL Camellia Blume? Marcus stroked his beard. He had heard about her before. A quick search revealed more information, more things to know. Seeing those pictures, she seemed like someone he recognized, but not just from posters or ads or anything like that. Blume. She was a psychiatrist. Hadn't Persephone been handing out cards for a psychiatrist back when they first met? Offered to help them with any issues, if need be? And, apparently, Miss Blume was a super hero, since she had a profile on EU? Could it be? No... that would be too obvious, wouldn't it? But, those pictures, the familarity, she obviously knew him, and everything else, well, sometimes it was the most obvious choice that was the right one. Switching back to the EU app, Marcus took a deep breath. Alright, time to see if he was right or not. I do not suppose that Rapunzel has plenty of flowers in her hair?
  11. Forever Boy Children! There were children inside that school! As a streak of lightning from above, Pan dove from above, heading straight for the soldier that had withstood Rebound's strikes. Maybe Benny had hit a wrong angle, maybe the man had just been lucky, or maybe he was just lucky, but with a shimmering blade of light materializing in his hands, Pan sought to rectify that stroke of luck! "I do not know Rebound's uncle, but let us imagine that this is another of his greetings!" he declared as ze struck, the man falling to the swing of his blade, shimmering Pixie Dust leaving a trail behind him from the sky to the school's door. One soldier still standing. They had to stop him before getting the children inside out of there.
  12. GM The men inside the tank shouted something in German as Legatus collided with the tank, but either they were lucky, or Legatus were not quite as strong as he thought. Two words from inside the tank stuck out to him, however: Radio and Centurion. The soldiers fell as the bouncing boy stuck first one, then another, then a third... and he seemed to be made of sterner stuff than the others, remaining standing. "Übermensch!" the last of the four soldiers gasped, pointing wildly at Rebound with one hand, while reaching for his radio with the other.
  13. Forever Boy dives down an attacks a soldier with the Forever Weapon: 18 That's a hit, and the soldier's save vs. DC31: 10, another soldier down. Forever Boy uses the rest of his move action to move towards the door of the school. 1 soldier still standing near Forever Boy and Rebound. @Thunder King, you're up.
  14. All hits, let's see how they do. Just rolling 4 saves at once, stopping once one of them doesn't go down: 17, 7, 20, 24 First 2 go down, 2 still standing. There's currently 2 soldiers near Forever Boy and Rebound, and civilians trapped in the nearby school. There's 2 tanks and an unknown number of soldiers near Specimen and Legatus. Watchdog and Daystar should be able to reach Forever Boy and Rebound's position this turn with a Move Action from the driver. 29 - Forever Boy - 5HP - Unharmed 24 - Specimen - 3HP - Unharmed 18 - Rebound - 4HP - Unharmed 17 - Watchdog - 2HP - Unharmed 11 - Daystar - Unharmed 11 - Enemy Combatants _____ Tanks: 1 smashed, 2 operational near Specimen and Legatus _____ Soldiers: 2 KO, 2 standing near Rebound and Forever Boy 2 - Legatus - 1HP - Unharmed Since its Christmas, I'll slack off a bit on the 72 hour posting rule before being skipped, at least until the new year.
  15. Alright, Cheval will try to use his Drain Strike against the thing, if that's possible in his current situation. So that's a Drain Toughness at DC22 Fortitude, and a DC27 Strength effect with Vampiric against the Snare. Still a bit out of it from my way too much overtime, do I need to make any rolls?
  16. New round country. Checking those attacks vs TOU and posting with Forever Boy when I get the time.
  17. YOu should have the time for that, at least for now. @Darksider42: Let me know if you want to update your post and use extra effort to get that AP
  18. GM "No no no! This is not how this is supposed to go! This damn place isn't supposed to have any heroes or villains! Where the hell did all of you come from all of a sudden!?" Sunburn was fuming. Smoke and fire rising from her body, she continued across the sky, leaving a trail of fire behind as she rapidly approached Technaux. "You! Burn! Burn burn burn burn!" Throwing her hands forward, she shot a stream of flames straight towards Technaux.
  19. Sunburn is not a happy about everyone else going down. She blasts at Technaux: 20 @Exaccus: Give me a save at DC26. 35 - Technaux - 1HP - Uninjured 19 - Metamind - Unconscious 19 -- 10x Mind Controlled Civilians - 3 Uninjured, 3 entangled, 4 bound and helpless 18 - Shrike - 1HP - KO 16 - Emerald Spider - 0HP - Bruise (x1) 15 - Sunburn - Uninjured 11 - Dinostroyer - Unconscious 4 - Kanunu - 1HP - Bruise (x2) @angrydurf, you're up
  20. @TheAbsurdist: Can I get some rolls for that? Feel free to do up to 4 rolls, then we can see how far you get on those.
  21. As Grumble said! @Darksider42 if you want to, you can change your attack to one of the options Grumble offered or do something else, up to you!
  22. GM <"Mystery men!"> one of the Nazi soldiers near the school barked, pointing towards the high flying Forever Boy, and then joined by another calling out the bouncing Rebound as he approached. They didn't even notice Specimen leaping high above, not until he crashed into and demolished the tank not too far from the position. "Scheisse!" The four soldiers might be Nazis, but they were professional. They turned away from the school with the crying children inside, two firing shots towards Forever Boy above, and the other two firing towards Rebound. Not far away, Specimen landed heavily on a tank in the middle of the main street of the village. It seemed like it was the first of three tanks driving into the city, the destruction quickly catching the attention of the next ones, with soldiers swarming around them. One of the tanks turrets quickly turned and fired, the shell flying just past Specimen and colliding with a house behind him.
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