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Everything posted by RocketLord

  1. GM The bell on the door jingled, as Pan pushed it open, but the shop itself was silent. Rarely busy even at the best of times, the Never-Ending story was empty. Books and papers were littered across the floor and shelves, and the little three legged chair that the owner sat on behind the counter lay broken in the middle of the room, a single chair leg missing. There were a trail of papers leading ahead, into a backroom, where the noise of raised voices could be heard. "Where is it? Where is the book!" called one, angry and loud. "Just listen to me! I don't have it!" An older voice, trembling. Then, a loud *TWACK!* and the older voice groaning in pain.
  2. Archer II Connor reached for a group of three arrows as he took a step to the side, narrowly avoiding another of Fly-Boy's charges. The flying insect was annoying. One touch, and he'd probably be down, but right now, Connor couldn't focus on him. Of course Facs was going all out now. All bravado, turning into some kind of metal form. Wouldn't be Facs without that, wouldn't it. Jumping to another part of the scaffoldings, he let the three hypodermic arrows fly towards Bear-Knuckle. The old man had told him about them before he got involved, and Bear-Knuckle was clearly the most dangerous one. They had to take him down now, and the rest should follow soon after. At least he'd be able to focus on Fly-Boy if Facs could just stop Bear-Knuckle.
  3. GM The floor rose up around Facsimile once more, threatening to swallow him up whole, but once more, he managed to move out of the way. "Take him down! C'mon, before he does something big again!" The desperation was clear in TKO's voice, giving away his position. Bear-Knuckle was nothing but roar and fury and screams. He swung, slashed, tore, did everything he could to try and get at Fascimile, who seemed to have a second wind now, easily dodging him. Heavyweight stared at the pretty lights, lost to the world. And above, Fly-Boy flew and buzzed all around Archer, diving and lunging at him before pulling back, missing again and again.
  4. TKO goes for another snare on Facs: 14 He should just give up! Bear-Knuckle attacks in melee: 14-1 = 13 A miss! Archer ignores Fly-Boy for now and fires a Hypodermic Arrow set to Drain TOU at Bear-Knuckle, with the Rapid Fire Arrows add-on: 27 That's a hit. Going above Bear-Knuckle's DEF by 10 because of his slowed status, so +5DC, meaning Fortitude DC21 vs Drain Bear-Knuckle Fort save: 14 Loses 6 points of TOU save! Heavyweight save vs. Paralyze: 4 Still paralyzed Fly-Boy goes for Archer again: 22 That's a miss! And you're up once I'm done with ICs. 26 - Fly-Boy - Bruise (x1) 20 - Facsimile - 1HP - Bruise (x2), Staggered, Dazed 20 - TKO - Unharmed 14 - Bear-Knuckle - Unharmed (Rage Count: 3), Slowed (-1 ATK/DEF/REF), TOU Drain (-6) 11 - Archer II - 2HP - Unharmed 6 - Heavyweight - Bruise (x1), Staggered, Paralyzed
  5. REBELLION "Hn." Rebellion realized he should have seen that coming. They had super power drugs. Of course they were gonna use them. Still, strange that the dealer didn't take the pills himself. Fine. No need to waste time. One flier. One big and strong. Dealer was probably just an ordinary guy. If not, well, then he would probably show them otherwise soon. Big guy first, then. Stop him, break his nose. Make the others reconsider. One quickly thrown baton collided with the large man's nose, ricocheting back into Rebellion's hand, and... nothing. He didn't even flinch. Seemed like he would have to get rougher.
  6. Rebellion Initiative: 20 Dealer Initiative: 11 Floating Man Initiative: 6 Muscular Man Initiative: 10 20 - Rebellion - 1HP - Unharmed 18 - Mag-Might - 2HP - Unharmed 15 - Meta-Naut - 3HP - Unharmed 11 - Dealer - Unharmed 10 - Muscular Man - Unharmed 6 - Floating Man - Unharmed Rebellion goes for the Muscular Man, with a rapidly thrown baton to the face: 20 That's a hit, 4 above his Defense, so +2 to DC from Autofire: DC23 TOU He makes the save at: 25 @Ari, you're up
  7. GM "Ah, screw it!" Screwtop was the first to speak up after the order was given. With far more speed and precision than one would imagine, he slammed his elbow directly into the nose of the one still standing soldier. Completely surprised, the soldier dropped to the ground while Screwtop quickly reached for his weapon, taking aim at the surrounding soldiers as they started reaching for their weapons and rising to their feet. Commander Irons rushed forward. He was silent now, moving in quick, focused strides. He lunged forward with his right arm, the sound of chrome meeting iron creating a metallic clang as he punched Chromium directly in the face.
  8. Commander Irons: 20 Soldiers: 16 Screwtop: 21 Well, guess Chromium goes last! 21 - Screwtop - Bruise (x1) 20 - Commander Irons - Unharmed 16 - Soldiers x6 - x5 Tripped 14 - Chromium - 0HP - Unharmed Screwtop goes for the still standing soldier: 22 Soldier has to make a TOU save vs. DC18: 8 As a minion taking damage, the soldier's down. Screwtop grabs his gun. Commander Irons runs for Chromium and goes for a punch: 18 That's a hit, and a DC26 TOU save for you. 5 of the soldiers get up the, using their other action to grab their weapons. 21 - Screwtop - Bruise (x1) 20 - Commander Irons - Unharmed 16 - Soldiers x6 - KO x1, Unharmed x5 14 - Chromium - 0HP - Unharmed
  9. GM Rita kept the smile from her lips as she walked away from Nicole. It had all worked out just as she had hoped. The fact that Nicole turned out to be a super hero had just been icing on the cake. What could possibly be better than a super hero swooping in and helping save the day from the big, evil Guy? Yes, Nicole had played her part even better than Rita could have hoped for. Oh, Rita was sure that Nicole was absolutely livid. She should have left it at that. No need to drop any hints, no need for the veiled threat, but she really could not have Salvo showing up for any further investigations. With Guy revealed as a crazy would-be super villain, all support for rushing the project would dry up. She could keep doing this right. No more mistakes, even if that mistake she had introduced turned out to work so well. A little bit of extra code was all that it took, and the nanomachines did exactly what she wanted them to do. Not just curing patiens, but controlling them, reusing their bodies... It had been a rush controlling it all. Maybe there were other things she could use the nanomachines for, after all. Maybe it would soon be time for Rita Lang to take control.
  10. GM The ball came rolling, ricocheting off the walls a few times, before its direction finally brought rolling directly towards the man in the cage. He screamed, holding his hands up in front of himself in a futile effort to do anything to stop it, when Octoman threw himself in, grabbing on to walls and ceiling and floor with his octo-arms! The sight of the many armed octopod only made the man in the cage scream even louder, though it stopped as the ball collided with Octoman. His arms stretched. He was pushed back, but slowly, the ball's momentum slowed and it came to a halt, held against the loudmouth leviathan himself, stopping only inches from squishing him against the cage!
  11. @Avenger Assembled The closest are the 4 soldiers near near the Northern School that Rebound spotted, which are about 1800 feet from the starting position.
  12. @TheAbsurdist how about an IC to go with that OOC? =D @Avenger Assembled you're up!
  13. Assuming I understand the rule right, otherwise feel free to correct me: It's creative and makes sense, so I'll allow the use of the flud characer mechanic, but since you're basically anchoring yourself in place, I don't think the Defense Roll feat should apply in this case. Its a DC27 TOU damage effect, so you'll need to make a DC19 TOU save, where the Defensive Roll should apply. IC coming after we see if you make the save.
  14. That's a hit. TOU: 6 You take one out. Hit me with an IC and I'll follow up.
  15. @TheAbsurdist you notice a group of 4 soldiers near the school on the way to the church. There's civillians inside the school, with the sound of very young children crying.
  16. @Ari, @Shofet: Can I get some Initiative rolls?
  17. GM "What the ####?" The dealer looked up from his deals, towards the black shadow in blue that dropped in from out of nowhere. He saw the weapons in Rebellion's hands, and looked at the pills in his hands, then around to the people around him. "Take it! Now!" Most of the people around him didn't follow his orders, just running, but two of them quickly swallowed their pills. Within moments, their bodies began to change, twist and turn. One, a blonde man in his twenties in a fast food restaurant uniform suddenly started flowing a foot above the ground, yellow light shining from his eyes and mouth. The other, an older man in a business suit, groaned, as his suit began to rip and tear, before he suddenly stood tall, his body now grotesque, mismatched, oversized muscles. He gently reached up and pulled his glasses away before crushing them in his hand. "Get 'em!" the dealer shouted, obviously not following his own orders.
  18. REBELLION Maghkee smashed a wall. Alright, she was strong. At least Meta-Naut could understand. "Fine. Will be a learning experience, then." No more need to talk, as far as he was concerned. Slipping his batons out from his sleeves, he moved to the edge of the roof, looking down at the little trade that was going on. He gave the others another quick look, then jumped from the roof, landing heavily about 15 feet from the group on the floor. "Drop what's in your hands. Now."
  19. GM The lock was destroyed, and for a moment, there was silence from inside the container. Slowly, the door was pushed open, a teenage girl looking out. She was dirty with stained clothes, a fearful look in her eyes until she noticed Justice. She turned and shouted back into the container. "Guys, I think its alright! Its not him!" Slowly, they pushed the door open, revealing a total of five teenagers, two boys and three girls. All things considered, they look alright, but some had cuts, and one of the boys seemed like he had a fever. "Please, you gotta help us. That guy with all the bones and everything, he took us here, he'll take us out one by one and we never see them again." The first girl spoke up again, quickly looking around. Above the container, the Emerald Spider felt something. Her quantum senses were stirring, something dangerous was about to happen.
  20. Justice "I'll catch up in a sec!" Robin had gotten the container open, she might as well look inside. She pulled it open, peeked in, and... it was empty. Well, so much for that. With a quick burst from her rockets, she bounced over the containers in an arc much like Emerald Spider's, landing heavily in front of the container. Catching herself before falling over from the impact, she stood up straight and moved to the opening. Another lock, sure. She could deal with that. Raising her gun, she took aim. Pausing a moment, she looked up at the Emerald Spider. "Ready?" Whatever was banging inside the thing, there was someone in there, at least. She couldn't just let them stay there. "Step away from the door, please. I'm gonna shoot the lock off, and I don't want to hurt you by accident!" Robin took the shot, sending a blast at the lock.
  21. GM The winged wonder stared for a moment, at the golden lasso of light in her hand, and how it was wrapped tightly around Ms. Bright. It seemed obvious that she hadn't really thought that far yet. "I... Give me a moment." She thought for a moment, before making her choice. "Fly with me, then. I''ll take you to the Priest. He will know what to do about you!" Of course, she didn't even stop to think that Ms. Bright shouldn't be flying, if she had lost her powers... --- It wasn't long before they arrived at a rundown church, not far from where they had fought. A man was standing outside, one that Ms. Bright would surely recognize. The large man that she had talked with earlier. "What do you think you are doing, Cross?" The flying woman shook her head, her grin visible behind her ruined mask. "No, no, it's fine, Jonathan. Look!" She held up the glowing lasso of light in her hand. "She is bound, and she loses her powers when bound! I'm sure the Preacher can save her now! She might be scum now, but imagine if she is saved!"
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