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  1. OOC for This Thread Featuring: Jack / Arctus Haper Hale / Spore Daphne / Mz. Grue Sarah / Seraphim Renee / King Cole III
  2. A thread for some after-school shenanigans involving Golden Star Blue Bolt Torpedo Lass II
  3. Nick Cimitiere, Sea Devil, and Artificer explore signs of Deep One activity in the Salton Sea.
  4. OOC for this thread @Kaede Kimura @Jack
  5. OOC for this thread @Dracostern @RocketLord @Jack @FlyingFresh Go ahead and post with how you plan to try to get into the bank to deal with the bank robbers.
  6. OOC for this. Please give me Initiative rolls so we're ready once the assessment starts.
  7. OOC for this Thread More Emerald Spider Adventures
  8. OOC for this Thread Featuring Slipstream Spaceman Animist Blue Bolt
  9. @Lone_Star @Tiffany Korta @EternalPhoenix @FlyingFresh Time for initiative rolls! FlyingFresh, we use Orokos for our dice rolls.
  10. OOC for this. @Kaede Kimura @Thunder King @Epiphany @Tiffany Korta @Poncho Let me know how you want to approach the room or if there's anything you want to try to roll for!
  11. ooc for this. @Thevshi @Spacefurry @Avenger Assembled let's get some Notice rolls while we get another round of posts in.
  12. OOC for this thread ( @Poncho @EternalPhoenix @Supercape )
  13. OOC for this Thread Featuring Lament
  14. OOC for this Thread Featuring La Puma Negra Spore Centuria Harlequin
  15. OOC for this Thread Something fairly simple to start up this new adventure! A sudden storm, suspiciously strong! @EternalPhoenix @Lone_Star
  16. OOC for this thread Featuring Predator Echohead Rewind
  17. OOC for This Thread featuring Emerald Spider
  18. Poncho

    2,4,6,8 (OOC)

    OOC for This Thread, staring Captain Cosmos! Buddy Brand has just had a successful end to a telethon at Champion's and the Superhero museum, but trouble may be afoot! @Supercape
  19. and Nightscale is ready for action!
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