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Everything posted by RocketLord

  1. Just to clarify: I'm guessing Justice has access to the stuff in the standard Ultio Suit, with the Flight Pack, right?
  2. GM As soon as Ashley and Pan disappeared into the cave, die Übermensch finally freed himself. The portal to the Zero Zone closed behind him, he sneered as the explosive rocked the opening to the cave, which fell to pieces in front of him. "Untermenschen." He didn't waste any time. He pulled his arms back, then threw them forward, cosmic energies surging towards the mountain. Within moments, it was reduced to rubble, something that no one should be able to survive. At least not in this time... Led by Macedon, the refugees from the past moved through the dark caves. Winding, twisting, turning, they went where the Mesa willed it. Paths would open and close as they approached, the darkness was absolute, until, after what felt almost but not quite like forever, the cave opened up into the Painted Desert once more...
  3. Forever Boy "Then think happy thoughts!" Golden dust exploded from Pan as he finally pulled back alongside Ashley. No, he would not run and leave her behind, he had made that much clear, and neither would she, so... "Together, then!" Flying backwards, towards the cave, he kept his eyes on die Übermensch, until, finally, he turned and everything turned dark around them. Everyone else was up ahead, further in the cave, but at the speed the two were flying, it would not take long to catch up, even if the space was getting kind of cramped. As the explosion rocked behind them, Pan finally let out a loud laugh that echoed through the caves.
  4. Pan makes Ashley fly, and they get out of there, and we're out of combat, no need for a strict posting order. @secondling, Felix should recover inside the cave, no need to roll, so feel free to start posting again. Just gonna wind down a bit, then move towards ending the thread.
  5. Pan watched, his lips slowly turning into a smirk as the teachers danced, his eyes following their every movement. He stayed silent for once, just watching, his eyes following the dance, following the movements. His eyes were lit up with a keen interest, a hand on his chin as he leaned lightly back. His eyes followed the remote, he was so focused on the dance before him that he failed to notice Eira's approach. "Yes, and it is brilliant." His reply was short, his eyes barely even leaving Erik and Talya to look her in the eye, not until the dagger was thrown and Erik called them all out. Blinking, he was brought out of his daze. He took a single step forward, his eyes shining at Talya. He seemed more than ready to get started. "What do you have?" He was rather short for words at this moment, it seemed.
  6. There's 2 other containers that's not stacked up yet, but they're further away and will take 2 turns each to move.
  7. Pan shrugged, smiling faintly at Kam's explanation. "Neverworld, we call it. As for how I do what I do and speak what you speak, I am sure that Lady Farrington would know the story. I hear it is quite popular where you are from. Second star to the right and all that." He smiled brightly, turned to Synapse and was about to say something, then paused when first the bear and then Ben appeared. He seemed more amused than anything at Eira and Ben's antics, his eyes lingering on both for a moment. He turned his attention to Synapse, making a quick bow to greet her. "Lady Farrington, it is good to see you again. Here to make sure we all behave while Muirne is shown the sights?"
  8. Yep. There's a bit between them, so you'll be going through 3 5-foot squares to hit them all, meaning a -3 penalty to each shot. I'll do them in order of Thug 1 to 4. The first attack hits, the rest miss. Good tactic, unlucky rolls. TOU from Thug 1: 12 Fail by 13, so he's Staggered and Dazed, which means any further damage will KO him. @Wyverntamer give me an IC. @Darksider42, you're up. 16 - Thug 1 - Bruise (x1), Staggered, Dazed 16 - Thug 2 - Unharmed 16 - Thug 3 - Unharmed 16 - Thug 4 - Unharmed 8 - Knight of Earth - 4HP - Bruise (x1) - Wall TOU+10 - Unharmed 7 - Spectre - 1HP - Unharmed
  9. Fixed the knockback, also added calculation for knockback with Enh Con, in case Defensive Roll is denied
  10. Speaking of combat rounds, let's get some initiative rolls.
  11. GM From his spot in the control booth, Armstrong didn't even bother to suppress a smile. The holograms might be preprogrammed, but then, they did just as he had hoped. The moment Max had appeared and stuck the first of the men, the rest all turned on her and shot, what seemed to be real bullets flying at her. Two of them might miss, but the last struck true. Even if the bullets were just hard light, it would still hurt. Below, on the ground, Knight of Earth was left to her own devices. Of course, Armstrong wasn't gonna let that sit. "Get up there, Winters! Your teammate's in trouble! Go, go, go!"
  12. Alright, now Max is up close, all three thugs turn to her and shoot: 24 16 16 That's one hit, give me a DC22 TOU save. The last thug recovers from bruised. @Wyverntamer is up 16 - Thug 1 - Bruise (x1) 16 - Thug 2 - Unharmed 16 - Thug 3 - Unharmed 16 - Thug 4 - Unharmed 8 - Knight of Earth - 4HP - Bruise (x1) - Wall TOU+10 - Unharmed 7 - Spectre - 1HP - Unharmed
  13. <"No need to be so hard on yourself."> Pan replied, speaking the same old language that Muirne had the moment before, the same grin still on his lips. If he noticed that she held some of the golden dust, he didn't seem to show it. He laughed lightly at the question, bent slightly into his knees and held his arms out to the side, as if he was presenting himself. "Well, because I am a forever boy, I suppose." He sounded amused at the question, as well as his answer. "A title from back home, I suppose. One with meaning, one with promise." He paused briefly, as if he was giving his answer great thought, then resumed his full attention on Muirne. "But, what about you, what can you do? What is your secret name?"
  14. Pan had not objected to Eira staying close, he continuously kept an amused smile at all the things that were going on, especially Davyd's little performance, even if he didn't understand the reference. "Is that so?" he asked Eira, to the statement of the opportunity. "You seem to know more than us about all of this, no?" For once, he kept his feet on the ground as they moved to these trainers. He leaned closer to Eira, after Erik had greeted her, before she slipped away. "Another old friend or uncle, I suppose? You could have told me this was going to involve swords." His tone was teasing, even if only slightly so, before he let her leave and instead turned towards the teachers. He made a quick bow to their hosts, turning his head slightly up mid-bow to smile at them. "Hel-lo, I am Pan." He stood up and let his bag drop, then pulled off the jacket and let it drop as well. Fine, fine. Time to see what had Eira all excited.
  15. The pretty boy flew overhead, golden dust trailing behind. Why walk, when you could fly, after all? He slowed down, looking down, his already smiling face truly breaking into a grin as he noticed the group. He dropped abruptly, falling, until he stopped a short distance away, making a quick little bow, his feet never touching the ground. "Hel-lo everyone, good to see you!" He spoke with a noticeable accent, but not one that really stood out as coming from anywhere in particular. It was like he was talking English, and yet not quite, like something was actually helping him be understood, almost like an instant translation. He waved quickly at Cam, Aja and Janus. "You must be new, a pleasure to meet you! I am Pan the Forever Boy!"
  16. Little Mermaid II Power Level: 15 Effective Power Level: 12 Power Points: 212/250PP Unspent Power Points: 38PP Trade-Offs: (Unarmed) ATK-4/DC+4, No defensive In Brief: The second Danish hero to bear the mantle of the Little Mermaid, empowered by H. C. Andersen's hidden true fairy tale. Catchphrase: "Let's make a splash!" Theme: Under The Sea - Jonathan Young Alternate Identity: Mette Madsen (Secret) Birthplace: Copenhagen, Denmark Residence: Copenhagen, Denmark Occupation: Adventurer, Swimming Coach Affiliations: Vanguard Family: Lasse Madsen (Father, Born 1971, Gardener), Tanja Madsen (Mother, Born 1970. School Principal) DESCRIPTION Age: DOB (2000, December 24th) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Scandinavian Height: 5’6’’ Weight: 150 lbs. Eyes: Green Hair: Dark brown Mette is a woman of obvious Scandinavian descent. She has dark brown hair, usually cut into a pixie cut, and dark green eyes. She is toned and in shape from countless hours spent swimming, both with and without the use of her powers. She is good-looking, but not supernaturally so, though she has plenty of charm to make up for that. Mette's style tend to be a clash of frilly dresses in light colors and leather or denim jackets, often with heavy boots. When Mette transforms into her costume, her hair grows to reach her waist, flowing freely. The parts of her costume that covers her upper body are mainly in green scales, with a red pointed mark just below her neck, and red bands aroudn her wrists. She wears a green mask in the same scale material on her head, leaving the top of her head, her mouth and her chin free. The costume's pants are white, with a red line seperating the the green upper body and white lower body. The soles of her feet are red, with three thick red lines on the outside of her lower legs. When Mette enters water, her legs fuse into a white mermaid's tail HISTORY Mette was born on Christmas Eve, 2000. The last Christmas of a millenium, a day full of magic and wonder, of promises of the future. Mette had a normal childhood. Growing up she had friends, she had trouble, she did alright in school, she loved fairy tales and stories. She was a tough girl, standing up to bullies, but all in all, she didn't exactly have much trouble in her life. It was a normal, happy life. Mette's greatest hero was the Little Mermaid, who had been protecting Denmark. The heroine had first been seen on Christmas Eve in the year 2000. A coincidence, perhaps, but it only made Mette love the hero even more. As Luck would have it, Mette met the Little Mermaid by pure chance, during the summer 2012. While out shopping with her mother, Mette was caught in a battle between the Little Mermaid and the villain Metalhead. Mette was saved by the Little Mermaid and then, despite her parents' protest, she seemed to often find herself in the company of the Little Mermaid. Wearing a domino mask of her own making, she became the Little Mermaid's unofficial sidekick and helper, doing all she could to help her hero, even as she struggled to keep up with her obviously supernatural abilities. For five years, Mette had two lives. On one hand, she was just Mette. Growing up, growing older, learning and maturing, going to school, doing homework, spending time with her friends. On the other, she was the Little Mermaid's sidekick, helping her hero however she could, learning all she could from her hero, while doing her best to stay out of fights. After all, she was just a normal girl, right? Things changed on Christmas Eve, 2017. 5 years after they had first met, the Little Mermaid told Mette that she planned to retire. She had been a hero for almost 20 years, and time was taking its toll on her. Mette was distraught, how could her hero do this? Denmark had so few heroes already, what would they do without the Little Mermaid? The hero just smiled as she led Mette to the Little Mermaid statue at Langelinie. There, she revealed the secret of her powers. The power of the fairy tale hidden in the statue, the true legacy of the writer H. C. Andersen. And now, it was Mette's turn to take on the powers. Since then, Mette has acted as the second Little Mermaid, quickly growing to become one of Denmark's most prominent, and beloved, heroes. More powerful and effective than her mentor ever was, Mette has spent most of her time within Denmark's borders, fighting both local and foreign villains, but perhaps the time has come to branch out and try to become something more. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION At first glance, Mette seems headstrong and boisterous. As the successor to her childhood hero, and with a few years of experience herself, one would think that she would be secure in her abilities, and for as long as she stayed in Denmark, one would assume right. Now that she has entered the international scene, Mette seems to have a constant need to prove herself as more than just a small fish, even if she's from a small country with little super human activity. She will go for the biggest target, she will take on any comers, and won't back down from a challenge. She's tough, she's strong. Mette actively tries to hide many of the softer parts of her personality when she spends time with other heroes. She likes what one would consider girly things, like singing and pretty dresses, but generally tries to downplay these qualities, as she thinks it will lead other heroes to take her less seriously. As a hero she has to be strong, tough and always be ready to protect everyone else, so she is sure there's no room for any interests like fairy talesm going shopping or gushing about the latest romance movie she watched. POWERS & TACTICS Mette likes to get in close, hitting as hard and as often as she can. She's quick to use her water manipulation abilities to both protect and attacks, overwhelming foes with water or creating areas of water to hinder villains. If you're surrounded by an ocean, then you're already caught. Mette is not overly fond of her Siren's Song, both because she finds it kind of creepy to actually mind control others, and because she thinks its kind of weird to start singing in the middle of a fight, but if its what's needed, then she will do it. As part of her efforts to prove herself, Mette tends to go for the biggest and baddest enemy first. If someone's the boss or seems to be the strongest enemy, she will go for them. POWER DESCRIPTIONS The Danish writer H. C. Andersen didn't just write fiction, he created what was essentially blueprints for creating super humans, what he had dubbed as Fairytalers. Mette is empowered by the magic of the fairy tale of the Little Mermaid. The particular blueprint that both Mette and her predecessor used was found in the Little Mermaid statue at Langelinie in Copenhagen. Mette posses all the abilities one would expect a mermaid to posses: She can breathe and survive under water, even in crushing pressure, and she is able to swim far faster than any human, by transforming the lower half of her body into a mermaid's tail. On land, her legs retain the strength of her tail, allowing her to leap great distances. She can see in the dark and is able to feel even the slightest tremor through the water around her. She is able to talk under water and communicate with all manner of marine life. Whether the marine life has anything useful to say is another matter entirely. Mette is able to conjure a costume at will, appearing as if by magic. Physically, Mette has been enhanced, being faster, tougher and stronger than she would otherwise be. She posses incredible strength, much more than one would guess given her size. While she cannot outright create water from nothing, she is able to expand a single drop or even the humidity in the air into great amounts of water, which she can manipulate and shape as she wants, such as by creating a high pressure burst of water or by creating waves to crash down on her opponents. Finally, Mette posses a siren's song. By singing, she can erode the mental defenses of others, in turn allowing her to control their actions through a psionic effect. COMPLICATIONS Babysitter: Mette has spent a lot of time as a babysitter, taking care of children. She loves them, and they tend to love her. If anyone want to get her attention, distract her or get her to do something, targeting or threatening children is a good way to do it. If someone targets children to make a situation worse, the GM can award Mette a Hero Point. Fairytaler: Mette's power comes quite litterally from fairy tales. It is a rather vague description, and she honestly doesn't know much about why they work, just that they do. She has a strange connection to other things that could be considered fairy tales. Some "natural" fairy tales, such as various creatures from folk tales, might consider her an artificial fairy tale, something made by man, a perversion of their purpose. Some might attack Mette on sight, others might not want to work with her, some might instinctively fear her, and others might not do anything at all. If this innate reaction to Mette complicates a situation, the GM might award her a Hero Point. H2O Required: In order to create water, Mette needs to have access to a certain degree of humidity, or even just a single drop of water, being able to expand it into great amounts. If she ends up in a desert or similarly arid place where not even the humidity offers any water, she will be unable to create water using her Create Object power, and the GM can award her a Hero Point. I'm Not Ariel: Sure, Mette doesn't mind Disney's Little Mermaid movie at all, she kinda likes it, but it gets a bit tiresome to have people ask why her tail is white and her hair isn't red. She's a great singer, but that doesn't mean she have to start singing all the time, and her life doesn't revolve around any princes. If Mette loses her temper due to such a situation and complicates everything, the Gm can award her a Hero Point. Small Fish in Big Pond: Mette is used to mainly dealing with issues in Denmark, and while they have their share of trouble, the super human population is fairly low. Despite being a succesful hero at home, Mette feels it doesn't matter much in the grander scheme of things, and as such, she is constantly trying to prove herself. For instance, she could try to attack the leader of a group of enemies, or someone that seems to be the strongest, even if that is tactically the wrong choice. The GM can award Mette a Hero Point if her actions to prove herself ends up complicating a situation. ABILITIES 0 + 6 + 8 + 4 + 10 + 10 = 38PP Strength: 10 (+0) / 42 (+16) Dexterity: 16 (+3) / 20 (+5) Constitution: 18 (+4) / 34 (+12) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 20 (+5) COMBAT 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) / +5 (+3 Dex, +2 Enh Dex) Attack: +4 Base, +8 Melee (+4 Base, +4 Attack Focus), +4 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +8 (+4 Base Attack, +4 Attack Focus [Melee]) / +31 (+4 Base Attack, +4 Attack Focus [Melee], +16 Enh Str, +7 Super-Strength) / +32 (+32 Bring the Sea) Knockback: -2 (TOU/2) / -3 w. Defensive Roll / - 5 w. Enh Con / - 6 w. Enh Con and Defensive Roll SAVING THROWS 0 + 7 + 7 = 14PP Toughness: +4 (+4 Con) / +12 (+4 Con, +8 Enh Con) Fortitude: +4 (+4 Con, +0) / +12 (+4 Con, +8 Enh Con, +0) Reflex: +10 (+3 Dex, +7) / +12 (+3 Dex, +2 Enh Dex +7) Will: +12 (+5 Wis, +7) SKILLS 92R = 23PP Diplomacy 15 (+20) SM Gather Information 5 (+10) Intimidate 15 (+20)SM Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 3 (+5) Knowledge [Earth Sciences] 3 (+5)SM Languages 3 (Native: Danish; Learned: Atlantean, English, French) Notice 10 (+15)SM Perform [Singing] 10 (+15)SM Sense Motive 10 (+15)SM Survival 5 (+10) Swim 10(+10) / (+26 w. Enh Str)SM FEATS 29PP Accurate Attack Attack Focus [Melee] 4 Benefit 1 [Famous in Scandinavia, known in Europe] Challenge (Fast Startle) Dodge Focus 8 Evasion 2 Move-By Action Luck 4 Power Attack Skill Mastery 2 [Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge [Earth Sciences], Notice, Perform [Singing], Sense Motive, Swimming] Startle Takedown Attack 2 Uncanny Dodge [Auditory] Enhanced Feats Environmental Adaption [Aquatic] Quick Change POWERS 2 + 16 + 4 + 1 + 53 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 10 = 92 All powers have the Fairy Tale and Magic origin descriptors, unless otherwise noted. Comprehend 2 (Speak with and Understand Animals; Flaws: Limited [Marine Life Only]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Talk to Fish, Physical Enhancement) Enhanced Constitution 16 [16PP] (Descriptors: Physical Enhancement) Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] (Descriptors: Physical Enhancement) Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1PP] (Descriptors: Magical Uniform, Summon Uniform) Fairytaler Array 24 (48PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [53PP] (Descriptors: Mermaid) BP: {32 + 16 = 48/48} (Descriptors: Mighty Mermaid, Physical Enhancement, Underwater Adjustment) Enhanced Strength 32 [32PP] Super-Strength 7 (Feats: Groundstrike, Shockwave) (+35 Strength to checks; Carrying capacity: Heavy load 532.5 tons) [16PP] AP: Blast 12 (Extras: Area [General Line], Penetrating 6; Feats: Knockback 6) {48/48} (Descriptors: High Pressure Water Burst, Water, Impact Damage Type) AP: Create Object 11 (Extras: Duration [Continuous], Movable; Feats: Progression 2, Selective, Tether) (Up to 11x25 feet cubes) {48/48} (Descriptors: Shape of Water, Water, Water Expansion, Water Shaping) AP: Move Object 16 (Extras: Range [Perception]) {48/48} (Descriptors: Bring the Sea, Water, Water Control) AP: {24 + 24 = 48/48} (Descriptors: Siren's Song, Mind Control, Psionic, Song) Drain Will 12 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will] (+0), Area [Auditory Perception], Linked to Mind Control (+0)) [24PP] Mind Control 12 (Extras: Area [Auditory Perception], Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Range 2 [Touch]) [24PP] AP: Stun 12 (Extras: Area [General Cone], Knockback) {48/48} (Descriptors: Siren Scream, Song) Immunity 3 (Breathe underwater, High pressure, Environmental cold) [3PP] (Descriptors: Underwater Adaption, Physical Enhancement) Super-Senses 2 (Tremorsense [Sense Type: Tactile; Extras: Ranged; Flaws: Limited [Only under water]) [1PP] (Descriptors: Tremorsense, Physical Enhancement) Super-Senses 2 (Darkvision [Sense Type: Visual; Extras: Counters Obscure [Darkness Descriptor]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Darkvision, Physical Enhancement) Tail & Legs Array 4.5 (9PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [10PP] (Descriptors: Mermaid, Physical Enhancement) BP: Swimming 8 (Environmental Adaption [Aquatic]) (Swim speed: 500 mph, 5000 ft./rnd.) {9/9} (Descriptors: Mermaid's Tail, Mermaid, Physical Change) AP: {5 + 4 = 9/9} (Descriptors: Powerful Legs) Leaping 5 (x50 Leaping distance, run 500 ft. / 1300 ft.) [5PP] Speed 4 (Run speed: 100 mph, 1000 ft./rnd.) [4PP] DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +8 Unarmed - Mighty Mermaid Touch DC31 Tou (staged) Damage +8 High Pressure Water Burst 120 ft., Line Area DC22 Ref Reduce Damage effect to DC21 if passed Area DC27 Tou (staged) Damage Penetrating 6, Knockback+6 Siren's Song Area, Auditory Perception DC22 Ref Ignore Drain Will and Mind Control effects if passed DC22 Will (staged) Drain Will Linked to Mind Control Effect DC22 Will Mind Control Linked to Drain Will effect Siren Scream 120 ft., Cone Area DC22 Ref Reduce Stun effect to DC16 if passed DC22 Fort Fail: Dazed 1 rnd. >5: Stunned 1 rnd. >10: Unconscious Knockback Totals: Abilities (38) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (14) + Skills (23) + Feats (29) + Powers (92) - Drawbacks (0) = 212/250 Power Points
  17. GM Again, the monster roared as a blast slammed into it from some unknown direction. It turns, swinging its clawed tail, hitting nothing but air and the inside of the container. Then it gasped, grasping at its throat. Robin could see it freezing, perhaps realizing what was happening... Then it turned, starting to desperately claw and strike at the position it had already damaged. It was realizing what was happening, it seemed. Maybe there was more to it than a dumb monster?
  18. Justice "Got it." Keep him busy, right? Try and take him down if she could. She pulled back the Justice Buster and popped out the cartridge, reaching for another in her belt and slotting it in. Alright, she could help with that. One of the full power cartridges. The kickback made it a pain to aim, but if she set up the portals just right, then maybe she could actually hurt that damn thing. Robin grabbed the handle with both hands, raised it and fired, another portal opening in front of her. The force of the kinetic burst sent her stumbling back, but hey, if that was what it took, she'd do it!
  19. Alright, that starts the Suffocate effect. The effect starts at Suffocate 10, rising with 1 per round. Rolling for the monster: 25 Passes with no issue. Justice goes for another shot into the container, with a full +5DC/-5ATK power attack: 21 That's a hit, monster saves vs DC26: 22, gets another bruise. The monster attacks the Container again, DC27 TOU: 24, it takes another Injury. 16 - Emerald Spider - 2HP - Unharmed 13 - Justice - 1HP - Unharmed 9 - Monster - Bruise (x3), Trapped in Container Container: TOU+13 (3 Snares applied) - 2 Injury - Suffocate 10 on Monster
  20. Any comments, anything looking wrong, please let me know. --- Little Mermaid II Power Level: 12 Power Points: 180/180PP Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: (Unarmed) ATK-4/DC+4, No defensive In Brief: The second Danish hero to bear the mantle of the Little Mermaid, empowered by H. C. Andersen's hidden true fairy tale. Catchphrase: "Let's make a splash!" Theme: Under The Sea - Jonathan Young Alternate Identity: Mette Madsen (Secret) Birthplace: Copenhagen, Denmark Residence: Copenhagen, Denmark Occupation: Adventurer, Swimming Coach Affiliations: Vanguard Family: Lasse Madsen (Father, Born 1971, Gardener), Tanja Madsen (Mother, Born 1970. School Principal) DESCRIPTION Age: DOB (2000, December 24th) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Scandinavian Height: 5’6’’ Weight: 150 lbs. Eyes: Green Hair: Dark brown Mette is a woman of obvious Scandinavian descent. She has dark brown hair, usually cut into a pixie cut, and dark green eyes. She is toned and in shape from countless hours spent swimming, both with and without the use of her powers. She is good-looking, but not supernaturally so, though she has plenty of charm to make up for that. Mette's style tend to be a clash of frilly dresses in light colors and leather or denim jackets, often with heavy boots. When Mette transforms into her costume, her hair grows to reach her waist, flowing freely. The parts of her costume that covers her upper body are mainly in green scales, with a red pointed mark just below her neck, and red bands aroudn her wrists. She wears a green mask in the same scale material on her head, leaving her mouth and nose free. The costume's pants are white, with a red line seperating the the green upper body and white lower body. The soles of her feet are red, with three thick red lines on the outside of her lower legs. When Mette enters water, her legs fuse into a white mermaid's tail HISTORY Mette was born on Christmas Eve, 2000. The last Christmas of a millenium, a day full of magic and wonder, of promises of the future. Mette had a normal childhood. Growing up she had friends, she had trouble, she did alright in school, she loved fairy tales and stories. She was a tough girl, standing up to bullies, but all in all, she didn't exactly have much trouble in her life. It was a normal, happy life. Mette's greatest hero was the Little Mermaid, who had been protecting Denmark. The heroine had first been seen on Christmas Eve in the year 2000. A coincidence, perhaps, but it only made Mette love the hero even more. As Luck would have it, Mette met the Little Mermaid by pure chance, during the summer 2012. While out shopping with her mother, Mette was caught in a battle between the Little Mermaid and the villain Metalhead. Mette was saved by the Little Mermaid and then, despite her parents' protest, she seemed to often find herself in the company of the Little Mermaid. Wearing a domino mask of her own making, she became the Little Mermaid's unofficial sidekick and helper, doing all she could to help her hero, even as she struggled to keep up with her obviously supernatural abilities. For five years, Mette had two lives. On one hand, she was just Mette. Growing up, growing older, learning and maturing, going to school, doing homework, spending time with her friends. On the other, she was the Little Mermaid's sidekick, helping her hero however she could, learning all she could from her hero, while doing her best to stay out of fights. After all, she was just a normal girl, right? Things changed on Christmas Eve, 2017. 5 years after they had first met, the Little Mermaid told Mette that she planned to retire. She had been a hero for almost 20 years, and time was taking its toll on her. Mette was distraught, how could her hero do this? Denmark had so few heroes already, what would they do without the Little Mermaid? The hero just smiled as she led Mette to the Little Mermaid statue at Langelinie. There, she revealed the secret of her powers. The power of the fairy tale hidden in the statue, the true legacy of the writer H. C. Andersen. And now, it was Mette's turn to take on the powers. Since then, Mette has acted as the second Little Mermaid, quickly growing to become one of Denmark's most prominent, and beloved, heroes. More powerful and effective than her mentor ever was, Mette has spent most of her time within Denmark's borders, fighting both local and foreign villains, but perhaps the time has come to branch out and try to become something more. PERSONALITY & MOTIVATION At first glance, Mette seems headstrong and boisterous. As the successor to her childhood hero, and with a few years of experience herself, one would think that she would be secure in her abilities, and for as long as she stayed in Denmark, one would assume right. Now that she has entered the international scene, Mette seems to have a constant need to prove herself as more than just a small fish, even if she's from a small country with little super human activity. She will go for the biggest target, she will take on any comers, and won't back down from a challenge. She's tough, she's strong. Mette actively tries to hide many of the softer parts of her personality when she spends time with other heroes. She likes what one would consider girly things, like singing and pretty dresses, but generally tries to downplay these qualities, as she thinks it will lead other heroes to take her less seriously. As a hero she has to be strong, tough and always be ready to protect everyone else, so she is sure there's no room for any interests like fairy talesm going shopping or gushing about the latest romance movie she watched. POWERS & TACTICS Mette likes to get in close, hitting as hard and as often as she can. She's quick to use her water manipulation abilities to both protect and attacks, overwhelming foes with water or creating areas of water to hinder villains. If you're surrounded by an ocean, then you're already caught. Mette is not overly fond of her Siren's Song, both because she finds it kind of creepy to actually mind control others, and because she thinks its kind of weird to start singing in the middle of a fight, but if its what's needed, then she will do it. As part of her efforts to prove herself, Mette tends to go for the biggest and baddest enemy first. If someone's the boss or seems to be the strongest enemy, she will go for them. POWER DESCRIPTIONS The Danish writer H. C. Andersen didn't just write fiction, he created what was essentially blueprints for creating super humans, what he had dubbed as Fairytalers. Mette is empowered by the magic of the fairy tale of the Little Mermaid. The particular blueprint that both Mette and her predecessor used was found in the Little Mermaid statue at Langelinie in Copenhagen. Mette posses all the abilities one would expect a mermaid to posses: She can breathe and survive under water, even in crushing pressure, and she is able to swim far faster than any human, by transforming the lower half of her body into a mermaid's tail. On land, her legs retain the strength of her tail, allowing her to leap great distances. She can see in the dark and is able to feel even the slightest tremor through the water around her. She is able to talk under water and communicate with all manner of marine life. Whether the marine life has anything useful to say is another matter entirely. Mette is able to conjure a costume at will, appearing as if by magic. Physically, Mette has been enhanced, being faster, tougher and stronger than she would otherwise be. She posses incredible strength, much more than one would guess given her size. While she cannot outright create water from nothing, she is able to expand a single drop or even the humidity in the air into great amounts of water, which she can manipulate and shape as she wants, such as by creating a high pressure burst of water or by creating waves to crash down on her opponents. Finally, Mette posses a siren's song. By singing, she can erode the mental defenses of others, in turn allowing her to control their actions through a psionic effect. COMPLICATIONS Babysitter: Mette has spent a lot of time as a babysitter, taking care of children. She loves them, and they tend to love her. If anyone want to get her attention, distract her or get her to do something, targeting or threatening children is a good way to do it. If someone targets children to make a situation worse, the GM can award Mette a Hero Point. Fairytaler: Mette's power comes quite litterally from fairy tales. It is a rather vague description, and she honestly doesn't know much about why they work, just that they do. She has a strange connection to other things that could be considered fairy tales. Some "natural" fairy tales, such as various creatures from folk tales, might consider her an artificial fairy tale, something made by man, a perversion of their purpose. Some might attack Mette on sight, others might not want to work with her, some might instinctively fear her, and others might not do anything at all. If this innate reaction to Mette complicates a situation, the GM might award her a Hero Point. H2O Required: In order to create water, Mette needs to have access to a certain degree of humidity, or even just a single drop of water, being able to expand it into great amounts. If she ends up in a desert or similarly arid place where not even the humidity offers any water, she will be unable to create water using her Create Object power, and the GM can award her a Hero Point. I'm Not Ariel: Sure, Mette doesn't mind Disney's Little Mermaid movie at all, she kinda likes it, but it gets a bit tiresome to have people ask why her tail is white and her hair isn't red. She's a great singer, but that doesn't mean she have to start singing all the time, and her life doesn't revolve around any princes. If Mette loses her temper due to such a situation and complicates everything, the Gm can award her a Hero Point. Small Fish in Big Pond: Mette is used to mainly dealing with issues in Denmark, and while they have their share of trouble, the super human population is fairly low. Despite being a succesful hero at home, Mette feels it doesn't matter much in the grander scheme of things, and as such, she is constantly trying to prove herself. For instance, she could try to attack the leader of a group of enemies, or someone that seems to be the strongest, even if that is tactically the wrong choice. The GM can award Mette a Hero Point if her actions to prove herself ends up complicating a situation. ABILITIES 0 + 6 + 8 + 4 + 10 + 10 = 38PP Strength: 10 (+0) / 42 (+16) Dexterity: 16 (+3) / 20 (+5) Constitution: 18 (+4) / 30 (+10) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 20 (+5) COMBAT 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) / +5 (+3 Dex, +2 Enh Dex) Attack: +4 Base, +8 Melee (+4 Base, +4 Attack Focus), +4 Ranged, see Power attack bonuses in DC Block Defense: +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +8 (+4 Base Attack, +4 Attack Focus [Melee]) / +31 (+4 Base Attack, +4 Attack Focus [Melee], +16 Enh Str, +7 Super-Strength) Knockback: -5 (TOU/2) / -6 w. Defensive Roll SAVING THROWS 0 + 7 + 7 = 14PP Toughness: +6 (+4 Con, +2 Defensive Roll) / +12 (+4 Con, +6 Enh Con, +2 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +4 (+4 Con, +0) / +10 (+4 Con, +6 Enh Con, +0) Reflex: +10 (+3 Dex, +7) / +12 (+3 Dex, +2 Enh Dex +7) Will: +12 (+5 Wis, +7) SKILLS 32R = 8PP Diplomacy 5 (+10) Gather Information 5 (+10) Languages 3 (Native: Danish; Learned: Atlantean, English, French) Notice 5 (+10) Perform [Singing] 5 (+10) Sense Motive 5 (+10) Swim 4 (+4) / (+20 w. Enh Str) FEATS 19PP Attack Focus [Melee] 4 Benefit 1 [Famous in Scandinavia, known in Europe] Defensive Roll 1 Dodge Focus 8 Evasion 1 Luck 3 Uncanny Dodge [Auditory] Enhanced Feats Environmental Adaption [Aquatic] Quick Change POWERS 2 + 12 + 4 + 1 + 53 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 7 = 85 All powers have the Fairy Tale and Magic origin descriptors, unless otherwise noted. Comprehend 2 (Speak with and Understand Animals; Flaws: Limited [Marine Life Only]) [2PP] (Descriptors: "Talk to Fish", Physical Enhancement) Enhanced Constitution 12 [12PP] (Descriptors: Physical Enhancement) Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] (Descriptors: Physical Enhancement) Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1PP] (Descriptors: "Magical Uniform", Summon Uniform) Fairytaler Array 24 (48PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [53PP] (Descriptors: Mermaid) BP: {32 + 16 = 48/48} (Descriptors: "Mighty Mermaid", Physical Enhancement, Underwater Adjustment) Enhanced Strength 32 [32PP] Super-Strength 7 (Feats: Groundstrike, Shockwave) (+35 Strength to checks; Carrying capacity: Heavy load 532.5 tons) [16PP] AP: Blast 12 (Extras: Area [Line], Pentrating 6; Feats: Knockback 6) {48/48} (Descriptors: "High Pressure Water Burst", Water, Impact Damage Type) AP: Create Object 11 (Extras: Duration [Continuous], Movable; Feats: Progression 2, Selective, Tether) (Up to 11x25 feet cubes) {48/48} (Descriptors: "Shape of Water", Water, Water Expansion, Water Shaping) AP: Move Object 24 (Extras: Range [Perception]; Flaws: Limited [Water]) {48/48} (Descriptors: "Bring the Sea", Water, Water Control) AP: {24 + 24 = 48/48} (Descriptors: "Siren's Song", Mind Control, Psionic, Song) Drain Will 12 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will] (+0), Linked to Mind Control (+0), Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Sense-Dependent [Auditory]) [24PP] Mind Control 12 (Extras: Duration 1 [Sustained], Linked to Drain Will (+0); Flaws: Sense-Dependent [Auditory]) [24PP] AP: {24 + 24 = 48/48} (Descriptors: "Siren's Call", Mind Control, Psionic, Song) Drain Will 12 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will] (+0), Area [Auditory Perception], Linked to Mind Control (+0)) [24PP] Mind Control 12 (Extras: Area [Auditory Perception], Duration 1 [Sustained]; Flaws: Range 2 [Touch]) [24PP] Immunity 3 (Breathe underwater, High pressure, Environmental cold) [3PP] (Descriptors: "Underwater Adaption", Physical Enhancement) Super-Senses 2 (Tremorsense [Sense Type: Tactile; Extras: Ranged; Flaws: Limited [Only under water]) [1PP] (Descriptors: "Tremorsense", Physical Enhancement) Super-Senses 2 (Darkvision [Sense Type: Visual; Extras: Counters Obscure [Darkness Descriptor]) [2PP] (Descriptors: "Darkvision", Physical Enhancement) Swimming 5 (Feats: Alternate Power 1, Environmental Adaption [Aquatic]) (Swim speed: 50 mph, 500 feet per round) [7PP] (Descriptors: "Mermaid's Tail", Mermaid, Physical Change) AP: Leaping 5 (x50 Leaping distance, run 500 ft. / 1300 ft.) {5/5} (Descriptors: "Powerful Legs", Physical Enhancement) DRAWBACKS -0PP DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +8 Unarmed - Mighty Mermaid Touch DC31 Tou (staged) Damage +8 High Pressure Water Burst 120 ft., Line Area DC22 Ref Reduce Damage effect to DC21 if passed Area DC27 Tou (staged) Damage Penetrating 6, Knockback+6 Siren's Song Perception DC22 Will (staged) Drain Will Sense-Dependent [Auditory] Linked to Mind Control Effect DC22 Will Mind Control Sense-Dependent [Auditory] Linked to Drain Will effect Siren's Call Area, Auditory Perception DC22 Ref Ignore Drain Will and Mind Control effects if passed DC22 Will (staged) Drain Will Linked to Mind Control Effect DC22 Will Mind Control Linked to Drain Will effect Totals: Abilities (38) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (14) + Skills (8) + Feats (19) + Powers (85) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points
  21. GM "Agent Chromium." Commander Irons made his presence known in Chromium's earpiece. He was, as ever, stern. "That thing is an enemy. Prepare to engage at the first chance." As always, the commander's tone left little in the way of discussion. Chromium had been given his orders. The dragon breathed out, steam releasing from its nostriles. Levity could feel the winds blowing across her as it flapped its wings to stay airborne. "Anne Mistral." It spoke with the voice of an old man. "Do you stand in the defense of this city? Do you stand to keep things as they are? Or do you wish to embrace change? Do you want to free the shackled masses?"
  22. Justice "Hey, ES!" Alright, this was good! Emerald Spider was here, and with the big guy with the water? Yeah, these goons didn't stand a chance! Dropping her gun into a portal, Justice readied herself, spinning up the servos in her gauntlets, while tiny portals opened around her, armor plating attaching. Time to see if it would be enough to stop those guns. She really hoped. Water guy was running for the people on the ground, after creating the water all around her and the vans, and well... "I'll go high." This was a new trick. She'd practiced, of course, but it was still pretty good. Jumping forward, she vanished with a body tight portal opening around her, then jumping out right in front of one of the gunmen on the roof. The motor in her right gauntlet spinning up, she punched, only to have the guy step out of the way... leaving Justice alone on the roof with a good number of bad guys. Alright. Not good. A quick adjustment on the fly, and tiny portals opened up for even more armor, bulking her up. She'd be slower, sure, but she'd deal with that.
  23. The largest cluster on the ground are the three that ES failed to catch, there's none up close so far. Justice switches the M.O.V.E. array to the Armor Plating, Z-Space Arsenal to Justice strike and goes for a Combat Teleport, teleporting up to some of the shooters on the roof. Going on the attack, she has a possible 3 to hit if she KOs with her Justice Strikes and Takedown Attack: 14 15 11, which doesn't matter at all, cus she misses the first one! With that, using a free action to switch the M.O.D. array to +15TOU/+5DEF. Trying to sketch it out: There's about 8 men on the roof, including the one that barked out orders. They're in groups of 3, 4 and the one barking orders. There's 12 men on the ground. 6 on the left side of the building, 3 of those are stuck together with webbing, the other 3 are close together, with Kanunu engaging them in melee. The others 6 on the ground are grouped in groups of two in front of the building. 23 - Kanunu - 4HP - Unharmed 22 - Justice - 4HP - Unharmed 20 - Emerald Spider - 1HP - Unharmed 9 - Mafiya Soldiers x20 - 3 Snared 3x Transports: Protected by Water Dome, TOU 18
  24. GM The preacher seemed to mull over Agnes' words, but he let it go. Jonathan looked like he was about to say something, but remained silent, as he led them further into the cave. They entered a larger cave. The stench was overpowering here. A large hole before them was filled with bodies in various stages of decay. The missing homeless. "Do you see?" The preacher preached, throwing a hand out to show the pit. "We save them! And in turn, the Lord empowers us! We are right, we are just!"
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