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  2. Multi-Girl Shadowborne's attack knocked Visor to the ground, badly injuring him, although he still managed to remain conscious. Back over closer to the AEGIS vehicle that had initially alerted the team to what was going on, Ghule leapt into the air to try to hit one of the prone Legion duplicates. However, at the last moment, the duplicate rolled out of the way, causing Ghule’s elbow to slam into the pavement instead. Multi-Girl moved over toward where Visor and the original Legion were both lying on the ground trying to get up. Several of her duplicates followed as the redheads managed to land solid punches on the two villains, knocking both out. As the original Legion went unconscious, the various duplicates facing off with the other Young Guardians vanished. With that, the area around the laser tag arena went quiet, save for the approaching sound of police sirens. Bernadette took a look around as she took in a deep breath, dismissing her own duplicates. "That was some row." She said to Murnie with a small smile as she moved back toward the center of the street where Charlie, Leon and Pol were standing. Star Khan walked back over toward the center of the street as well, a smile on his face as he regarded the group of young adults. "Well fought! They were a challenging group of opponents, but you prevailed through perseverance and teamwork."
  3. Okay, Multi-Girl will take part of the +5 from Stormcrow's inspire to Power Attack -2 atk/+2 dam, making her area attack, focusing on putting down Visor and the original Legion. First roll is terrible, 14, so will use last HP for a reroll, this time hitting 27. So DC 29 toughness saves: Legion: 17, she was already staggered, so, she goes out, which means all the other Legion disappear. Visor: 16, he was also already staggered, so he is out as well. And that will end combat!
  4. Bernie gets a 17 As she moves to find Maestro, she will Take 10 on Stealth for a 20 (thanks to Skill Mastery)
  5. Harlequin Eòghann smiled and waved to the trio as they returned his greeting (Although he had to admit 'comrade' was a strange turn of phrase) he continued on with a bounce in his step, frequently greeting others as he passed, a large grin on his face. He had never seen so many humans before! The largest villages he had visited had scarcely hundreds, all huddled behind palisades against (him and) his people, his efforts as Harlequin may have lightened the burdens his own lessons imparted and raised their hopes, but they still existed within the shadows of dark mountains and grim forests. Here though! This was truly the City of Freedom! No walls to keep the night at bay, children wandering the street unafraid! At this point nothing could dampen his spirits as he approached the galleries, concentrating so that his magic would translate the signs. Which one should he go into he wondered? The words washed through him and he could feel his interest rising. How might this 'Modern' art gallery differ from traditional contemporaries? Perhaps it dealt more with the wondrous technologies these humans had access to, like the 'Cellular Phone' he had paid a whole Noble for- He had thought he had offered some grave insult with the way the Shopkeep's face had grown pale, but the young man had seemed quite happy to accept it after conversing with his 'Manager'. Still, he had yet to quite figure out it's many riddles- That could make it difficult to interpret without the familiarity that was evident amongst the crowd, but his determination was unshaken, he would learn of the art. But perhaps he should take a more oblique approach. If subtleties might be lost upon him, the large man(?) he had seen earlier was presenting the pair he had seen with a (very nice) drawing. Clearly an artist of some kind, so he might make an excellent mentor on the subtleties of the displays. Perhaps some of his pieces might be on display here? That would be most excellent. He turned to try and spot the trio, before pursing his lips. He could not see over the crowd, and had no idea where they might have gone. How did humans find their way in such large crowds with such tall folk?
  6. 1d20+13 = 19, not a great roll, but this is what we have big bonuses for!
  7. Sounds good to me, Vueriz got an 11, this race could go to anyone.
  8. 1d20+13 = 31, Blue Bolt may not be the greatest at understanding what is happening, but she's a quick draw!
  9. GM The Dreamer accepts Christopher's help getting into the car, while a handful of her Dreams work to fold down the wheelchair so that it will fit into the car. The car starts with a familiar rumble, the engine taking less time to heat up than Blackstaff had expected, as if it had only been parked recently. Driving away, the car is full of a tense silence, The Dreamer seemingly lost in thought. Occasionally small dreams tussle in the backseat over the best seat or view, but even they remain quiet. Once or twice Christopher could swear he saw the grin of the Cat in the rear view mirror, but it is gone as soon as his eyes focus. Lark would experience her own confusion, having only recently watched her employer drive away when all of a sudden he returns. Given the traffic at this hour he could scarcely have parked for a quarter of an hour on the streets before coming back.
  10. Shadowborne Aoife's tendrils rippled as she understood Charlie's instructions. The others would be able to defeat the Legion, and the other was currently tied up in Charlie's net. That just left the one who with the laser eyes. She skittered forwards, claws carving small marks into the concrete as she surged up behind the villain while he was still distracted by Leon's attack. Her claws lashed out, several meeting their mark. Shadowy claws found his flesh, biting deeply into the villain. A grim chuckle emanated from her, glowing green eyes staring deeply into Visor's own. "You should have surrendered when you had the chance..."
  11. excellent as always! Let's get some Initiatives! Initiative Results 1d20+2: 12 [1d20=10] I don't know why I put +2, Michael doesn't have a +2, so his is only 10. Mike Fink Initiative Results 1d20+6: 23 [1d20=17] Paul Bunyan Initiative Results 1d20+0: 15 [1d20=15] Babe Initiative Results 1d20+0: 10 [1d20=10]
  12. (GM Post) Carmen's nose was unerring in it's ability to sniff out these strange creatures, no matter what. And it didn't take much longer for her to continue leading her and Michael into the City Center. Which was helped immensely when a giant ox ran through an intersection stomping on cars. Babe, the Big Blue Ox, was starting to live up to it's name; it was as large as a monster truck now, stomping on cars as it cantered around in apparent anger, or maybe it was just confused about where it was, since the cars were screaming with their alarms when she stomped on them and people were screaming and running away from the slowly growing ox. Paul Bunyan, the great lumberjack, was standing a full 9 feet tall now, hefting his logging axe over his shoulder as he chopped his way through an avenue, leaving chopped down trees behind him as he moved with the purpose of one whose only effort was ever chopping down trees. If that was all, it would be a big enough problem, but the bushy bearded Mike Fink was also here, and like Paul Bunyan, he'd grown himself; he was as tall as Michael now, and much thicker with muscle. As people fled, he was chucking cars like they were toys, sending them flying into buildings with a cackle, as if he was testing his own strength. "Weeee hooo! I'm finally getting back to my real might and muscle here! Come on, Paul Bunyan, I'll dunk you straight in the sound, and put your Ox over my shoulder and run a hundred miles! You ain't got nothing on me, Fightin' Mike Fink!" He called out, causing the giant Lumberjack to look at him with what could only be viewed as disdain "Oh shush you half pole-cat. We ain't been free half a day and you're starting fights 'tween us? We got other people who'll give us plenty of runnin fun." The big man said, swinging his axe into the closest tree. It sounded like a thunder-crack and the tree had a massive gouge cut in it in an instant. "That glowy boy and that other pole-cat'll give us enough entertainment to last a day and change, and then we'll head on out to the Mississippi!" The destruction was getting worse, and that was with William Tell still missing. This wasn't going to be catching a handheld John Henry, this was going to be a full on brawl between the two teens and the two (and an ox) fairy tales.
  13. @Thevshi roll me a Knowledge: Pop Culture to see if you can identify the Maestro's associates!
  14. (GM Post) As Bernie made her way out, the ground shook again. What was this guy doing!? It eventually became clear what, exactly, he was doing. In a broad sense, at least. The Maestro was standing boldly in front of the FCU Orchestra Hall; it wasn't too far from where the radio station holed up, used not just for performances but also for music classes. This was not the aged, withering Maestro of before; this one was new. He looked like a man in his prime, with only a streak of white in his hair, holding a fancy looking baton. His tailored black suit with his blue vest, tie, and pocket square was pressed and cleaned as he coordinated...nothing. He was waving his baton aggressively at the Orchestra Hall, and with each moment of his conduction, the Hall cracked as brick and plaster was thrown from it. He was using...magic? Some sort of sonic power at least, to tear down the building, brick by brick. Was this random revenge, or something more? With the sound completely dampened, it was difficult to know if he'd hear Multi-Girl approaching, but he wasn't alone either. A group of four younger individuals; probably college aged, were sitting near him, mostly watching him work. They were equally dressed for a performance, though it was a very different performance than the Maestro's. They looked like a punk band, mohawks and piercings and spiked bracelets alongside a selection of instruments that seemed a bit more advanced than usual. They certainly were a pair of guitars, a fancy microphone, and handheld keyboard, but something about them seemed quite a bit more advanced, with digital power lines shining green on them. They were somewhat idly playing along with the Maestro's conducting, but they didn't seem to be the source of the effect that was tearing down the building, or the silence in general; that seemed to be a Maestro specific thing going on.
  15. Stormchild Power Level: 8 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: +3 Attack / -3 Damage (Sword), None (Arctic Freeze & Exposure), -4 Attack, +4 Damage (Lightning Bolt); -4 Defense / +4 Toughness In Brief: Weather controlling swashbuckler/pirate from a parallel world Theme: Liberation, by DizzyEight and Errol Allen Alternate Identity: Kadene Estime (Public) Birthplace: Paralogue, Earth-Aquivan (Earth Prime has no analogous town, but it’s in the Caribbean equivalent) Residence: Claremont Dorms (Weekdays), Happenstance (ship, Weekends) Base of Operations: Freedom City Occupation: Aquivan Pirate, Claremont Student Affiliations: Crew of the Happenstance Family: Serendipity (Riel Estime, fraternal twin sister) Description: Age: 16 Apparent Age: late teens/early 20s Gender: Female Ethnicity: Ambiguously Brown (mishmash of what on Earth Prime is African, European, and Native American) Height: 5’ 11” Weight: 140 lbs Eyes: Dark Brown Hair: Black (Describe what they look like! Cover their physical appearance, typical clothing and of course their costume if they have one.) History: (Remember we are a relatively family friendly site. Your story should be PG-13 at most. If your character wouldn't fit in an episode of Justice League Unlimited, The Dresden Files, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you'll need to rethink it. When in doubt, ask a Staff Member.) Personality & Motivation: (Describe why they do what they do here.) Powers & Tactics: (In-character descriptions of how they do what they do.) Power Descriptions: (Describe the appearance of their powers as applicable: the colour of energy blasts, the shape of portals, the design of a battlesuit. Also give an idea of the Descriptors those powers use: fire, technological, cosmic energy, etc.) Complications: Name: Description Example: Everyone Deserves A Second Chance: The character believes in everyone's better nature, even if it would be more prudent to be wary. Abilities: 4 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 6 = 24PP Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 12 (+1) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 16 (+6) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +1 Attack: +4 Base, +7 Melee, +11 Sword, +8 Arctic Freeze & Exposure Defense: +4 Base), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +9 Knockback: -10 (w/ Wind Screen), -1 (without) Saving Throws: 4 + 3 + 6 = 13PP Toughness: +12 (+2 Con, +10 [Wind Screen/Force Field]) Fortitude: +6 (+2 Con, +4) Reflex: +4 (+1 Dex, +3) Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6) Skills: 84R = 21PP Acrobatics 4 (+5) Bluff 12 (+15) Concentration 8 (+10) Diplomacy 7 (+10) Gather Information 7 (+10) Knowledge (earth sciences) 3 (+5) Knowledge (streetwise) 8 (+10) Language 4 (Dutch, English, French Native, Portuguese, Spanish) Notice 8 (+10) Perform (dance) 7 (+10) Sense Motive 8 (+10) Survival 8 (+10) Feats: 12PP Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Attack Focus (melee) 3 Attack Specialization 2 (Sword (Device 1)) Challenge - Improved Taunt Move-by Action Precise Shot Second Chance (Concentration checks to maintain powers) Taunt Enhanced Feat Improved Critical (Sword Strike (Strike 3)) Powers: 35 + 3 + 8 + 18 = 64PP All powers except the Sword use magic as a source descriptor Weather Control Array 13.5 (27PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 8)[35PP] (weather) Base Power: Blast 12 (Lightning Bolt; Feats: Indirect 3) (27/27PP) (electricity) Alternate Power: Blast 8 (Hailstorm; Extras: Cloud Area (40-80 ft diameter, lingers – General); Feats: Indirect 2, Progression, Increase Area) {27/27PP} (Bludgeoning, Ice) Alternate Power: Dazzle 8 (Blinding Arc; Extras: Perception Area (General), Selective Attack; Flaws: Range (touch)) {27/27PP} (light) Alternate Power: Fatigue 8 (Exposure; Extras: Range (ranged); Feats: Accurate 2, Variable Descriptor (Heat/Cold)) {27/27PP} (heat or cold) Alternate Power: Illusion 8 (Mirage; Visual Senses, Extras: Duration (sustained); Feats: Progression, Area 3 (50 ft radius)) {27/27PP} (light) Alternate Power: Move Object 8 (Tornado; Str 40, 2.1k lbs Light, 4.3 k lbs Medium, 3.2 tons Heavy, 6.4 tons Max Load; Extras: Cylinder Area (40-400 ft radius + height – General), Damaging; Flaws: Duration (concentration); Feats: Progression, Increase Area 3 (x10)) {27/27PP } (air/wind) Alternate Power: Move Object 9 (Air Control; Str 45, 4.3k lbs Light, 4.3 tons Medium, 6.4 tons Heavy, 12.8 tons Max Load; Extras: Range (perception)) {27/27PP } (air/wind) Alternate Power: Obscure 9 (Heavy Fog; Range 90 ft, Radius 2500 ft; Extras: Selective Attack) {27/27PP} (water) Alternate Power: Snare 8 (Arctic Freeze; Extras: Autofire; Feats: Accurate 2) {26/27PP } (ice) Device 1 (Sword; 5PP Container; Flaws: Easy-To-Lose) [3PP] (sword) Strike 3 (Sword Strike; Feats: Improved Crit, Mighty) [5PP] (slashing) Flight 4 (Windrider; 100 mph, 880 ft/rnd.) [8PP] (air/wind) Force Field 10 (Wind Screen; Extras: Imperious (8 ranks only)) [18PP] (descriptors) DC Block Name Attack Bonus Range Save & DC Effect Unarmed +7 Melee 17 Toughness Damage Sword Strike +11 Melee 20 Toughness Damage Arctic Freeze +8 Autofire Ranged 18 Reflex Evade +8 Tou vs Str/Dam Resist Snare Blinding Arc Perception Area Melee 18 Reflex Evade (Area & then Effect if failed) 18 Fort Resist Dazzle Exposure +8 Ranged 18 Fortitude Fatigue Hailstorm Cloud Area Ranged 18 Reflex for half effect 23 Toughness (19 if Reflex successful) Damage Lightning Bolt +4 Ranged 27 Toughness Damage Tornado Cylinder Area Ranged 18 Reflex for half effect 23 Toughness (19 if Reflex successful) Damage (Move Object) Totals: Abilities (24) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (21) + Feats (12) + Powers (64) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150 Power Points
  16. (GM Post) The combatants; Forever Boy and Shooting Star and the interviewer Mz. Grue- are quickly led away from the tables where Starshine continues to ply his trade. The center of this grand casino is a Roman coliseum in miniature, with a pro wrestling ring in the center. Tun only barely understands (U)Earth customs, it's become very clear, and she's mixing up quite a few different things in her attempt to produce interesting results for her viewers. Currently flexing in the center of the ring is a great large creature a bit like a Triceratops if a Triceratops walked and talked like a man and wore a singlet, a 9 foot tall pile of muscle and a clubbing tail, all in thick, brownish-purple skin. With that creature was a whale-shark creature, six rows of teeth and as wide as it was tall, just as much rippling muscle. The most obvious thing that connected them was an intricate, ritual looking scar over where both of their hearts would be. "Those are two members of the Titans Three! They've currently been defeating every opponent and have wracked up quite a bunch of cash on their own....plus the other one of theirs is betting on them. If you can upset them, I think that'll be a huge story!" Tun says, clapping. "The Great Honey Heist!? Nooo! Tell me more, tell us more!" The camera drones swarmed around Forever Boy. "Tell us about this Ho-nay!" She clapped. And she turned to Shooting Star immediately after. "And don't you worry, my good audience members, you may not be able to see, but I assure you, the weight on this lady is quite correct! She's got a heavier atomic density than Osmium! She might not even be a Hoo-man! We'll find out for sure when she goes to work! These Uearth specimens are always the best!" She grinned back at the three. "If you want to throw hands, that's your goal right there! Place your bets, jump in, and win your own fortunes on the back of those fists!" Meanwhile! As Mr. Diamond and The bird man were talking, the bird man seemed to think. "My name is Ziz, of the Titans Three. I am the lord of the Sky, you see?" it cawed. "As long as there is joy, it doesn't much matter. Because the truth is I agree with thee, I think that we are just being offered as a platter." he nodded. "The creature needs us to stay alive, but all we want is a piece of riches." It tossed some chips on the table as it watched the screen light up to where his friends were wrestling. "Now you see, those are the other Three. I'll put all my chips but one on them winning. They've only let me down a few hundred times, so I'm sure that for them this will be a shining victory."
  17. Yesterday
  18. "Oh dear, are you okay?" Dwayne used his super speed to run down the side of the wall without hurting himself fall, over towards the poor child. He slowed to a stop when he got there, looking around and finding a towel. "Come on buddy, let's get you cleaned up. No need for anymore violence, right? You've cooled down?" he said soothingly, trying to pull the cone off the kid's head and wipe him down with the towel. "We can have a talk like adults now, right? Here, have some ice cream, you might like it." He offered him a Captain Thunder Bar as he wiped his face.
  19. (GM Post) The village, with it's brightly painted doors and windows, it's laundry lines and the men and women working around in it, was inviting to say the least. There were several vendors and sherpas handling the last preparations for climbers. These people would probably make climbs on smaller, well-trodden peaks, taken care of for a great price by the careful watch of the sherpas tending to them; being able to claim a successful climb thanks to the efforts of those who made their living in doing so. As Snakebite entered the village, she could smell grilled meat and food; the town was set up so that 'main street', such as it was, was set up for the precise transport of climbers. Stalls of food, inns for staging grounds, last minute checks and sherpa's offices, all had their place on the well trodden streets. Under a canvas yurt, a woman was grilling some meat on a skewer and waved at Snakebite. "Yes! I'll answer any questions you have so long as you buy some meat!" she said with a smile, cutting off a big piece to try and entice the new arrival. "Oh no, me, me! You buy some of my good rope and I'll answer whatever you want!" called another voice. The selling had begun. How much these people actually knew about Dr. Zhai was difficult to say, but surely someone could at least point her in the right direction.
  20. GHULE As her opponent falls to the ground, Vik nods at her friends that came to her rescue. Though she temporarily felt somewhat ashamed that she couldn't take down the duplicates by herself, she reminded herself that she was working with a team and that they backed each other up. "Thanks for the assist," she says, somewhat abashed. Though she didn't feel pain in the way that the others did, her injured arm was starting to throb like a sore tooth. This might be a problem... 'Charlie's right; this rather vexing situation isn't going to end until we uncover the primary. So, let's hope it's you!' she declares, turning back towards the fallen duplicate. She swiftly leaps into the air and attempts to deliver a powerful elbow drop on Legion. 'I've seen this move on TV!'
  21. GM The Hunter engaged with Rock continued to struggle with the hulking mercenary, pulling its plasma blade free from the rocky giant. Swinging it around once more, the mecha struck Rock again with the superheated weapon. The other Hunter, with no easy means of injuring the young Star Khan turned back toward the town and started forward in the direction of the intensifying firefight that had begun around the central plaze. Meanwhile, the Khanate dropship lifted back up into the air, the unconscious Justicar now aboard. Turning away from the town, the dropship began flying back towards the hills to the north of the town. In the town, Eclipse easily dodge four energy blasts aimed her direction as several of the Kanate troops closed with her. They were still maintaining their spacing to avoid making themselves easy targets. The other group of troopers continued to fire at the Thuarian guards that were defending the building the leaders were hiding in. A could of Thuarians went down, likely out of the fight, but at the same time, several of the Khanate troops fell to the ground as well….
  22. Okay, going to try to get this wrapped up The Hunter will attack Rock again, hitting with a 25, a DC 25 toughness save @Gizmo Four troopers fire at Eclipse, all missing. Just going to fluff the other shooting between the NPCs to speed things up. Round Six 21 Thuarian Guards (7 unharmed) 19 Eclipse 2 HP (unharmed) 14 Star Khan (unharmed) 14 Rock 0 HP (unharmed) 13 Dropship Pilot (unharmed) (dropship injured 3) 13 Dropship gunner (unharmed) 9 Rogue Khanate Hunters (1 unharmed, 2 bruised) 8 Rogue Khanate Troopers (13: 8 engaged with Eclipse, 5 engaged with Thuarians) @Fox Eclipse is up!
  23. A very clean sheet! APPROVED!
  24. GM Once again Ghost manages to strike the snake-like alien. But once again, the alien recoils slightly from the attack, but otherwise seems unharmed. Down in the hanger, several of the enemies entrapped by Gaian Knight’s power are rendered unconscious as the hard sand constricts them. A few are still resisting, but are unable to free themselves from being entrapped. Up near the bridge, Tal'gar quickly rises back up to her feet, swinging her psychic blade at Traveller once more. This time, the glowing blade manages to strike the Praetorian, sending needles of pain through her body as the psychic energy spreads through her body.
  25. Just a tiny notation thing - while the actual final cost is correct at 4+4=8PP, the individual Bouncy Shape powers are listed at 3PP instead of 4PP. Best to catch that now before it fouls up future edits and updates!
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