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  1. Riverside Freedom City, New Jersey Tuesday June 11, 2024. 7:00 PM Jack and Lynn had communicated via text over the last few days after meeting in Liberty Park and Lynn having to take a rain check on buying Jack lunch. In that time, lunch had changed to dinner, and Lynn suggested meeting in Riverside for the open houses put on by local art galleries on the second Tuesday evenings of each month. This choice certainly made sense, given they both had an interest in art. So, Jack was waiting on the sidewalk in Riverside where Lynn had indicated as a meeting place, near the start of the various art galleries. Jack had not yet really spent any time in this part of Freedom City, down near the bay and the famous Sentry Statute. In addition to various residential neighborhoods with small, well-kept apartment buildings and rows of townhomes, in addition to art galleries, it was filled with restaurants, coffee shops, bookstores and a number of other small boutique businesses. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ever since it had been decided that he would begin attending Claremont Academy in the fall, Eòghann Soillearsgian had begun making some trips to Freedom City to acquaint himself some with the city before he began residing there. During his last visit, he had learned about this regular event hosted by various art galleries in one of the city’s neighborhoods. So, the young prince had once again traveled to Freedom City and was walking down a sidewalk in Riverside, headed towards a street that boosted a large number of galleries. As he walked along the streets, he found them busy with all manner of people. There were couples, groups of friends, individuals and families. While young adults seemed to easily be the most common age group he had seen, there were certainly other teens, and plenty of older adults (in addition to children of various ages among the families).
  2. 8th June, 2024 Mid Afternoon, Somewhere in the streets of Freedom City It started with a hot day on a hot pavement. A straightforward day that would not be proceeding forward in any manner of straightness. A chance encounter. Rock Rockhead, the short, squat, square-headed rock singer of many voices (screeching, crooning, belting, roaring, falsetto and bass) was signing a few autographs as he stepped out of his sports car. Sunglasses, leather jacket, leather trousers. Tattoo and sweat on his skin. And Jack Davydov walking past him. Towering past him, actually. Rock Rockhead was a man in his thirties, strong, an excellent singer, an outstanding composer, but not tall. Even in his subtle height-elevating shoes, he was five foot eight. And there was one "fan" who stood out. Over six foot, wide built, holding a baseball bat, sweating like a pig, face twisted in some kind of screwball lunacy, stammering out some insane words. "Why... wh-wh-why you put a lid on it, Man?" he growled. "Why bottle it up? All the rage?" He hefted his baseball bat. Looking like he might swing at any moment. Although he looked so crazed, it might be a swing onto his own forehead.
  3. Parkside Freedom City, New Jersey Wednesday June 5, 2024. 11:03 AM Summer had clearly arrived in Freedom City, as the sun began approaching its zenith for the day, the temperature was already above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. But that generally pleasant temperature was offset by the rather high humidity that made the air heavier. Jack Davydov was walking along 52nd Avenue along the east edge of Liberty Park, learning his way around the large city his family had recently moved to. Although Summer break had not officially begun (the local primary schools still had a week and a half left) the sidewalk was fairly crowded, a combination of tourists, college students, professionals taking an early lunch, and families with young children, all making their way along the sidewalk or gathered around the many food carts that lined the sidewalk along the edge of the park.
  4. Jack


    Vanya "Jack” Davydov Power Level: 10/built to 8 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade offs: -5 Defense/ +5 Toughness In Brief: Jack is an extremely laid back guy with a love for nature and protecting others. Jack was born with latent Shaman powers that have been augmented by a soul bond with a polar bear spirit, allowing him to tap into primal ice magic. Alternate Identity: Arctus Birthplace: St. Petersburg, Russia Residence: Southside Occupation: Student/Hero Family: Ivan Davydov (Father), Rada Davydov (Mother) Description: Age: 16 (DoB: March 11, 2008) Apparent Age: 18 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Russian, Siberian Ket Height: 6’6” Weight: 300 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: White Jack is a giant among teens, and even among adults and he sometimes gets mistaken for an adult at first glance. Jack has strong Siberian Ket features, softened only slightly by his Russian heritage. He has tan skin, white hair, and is extremely well built prompting anyone who saw him to immediately wonder if he is on steroids (he isn't, but having a giant polar bear spirit bonded to you has some good side effects.) Jack is a soft spoken person by nature, but has always carried a big stick, as is the expression. Despite this calm demeanor, the chaotic nature of his beast bond can often make him quick to show emotions like anger and it is a constant battle to keep his temper in check when he feels himself or perceived territory is threatened, or friends are in danger. All of his life Jack has lived with nature and taken care of it. He would often spend the entire summer in a tent in some remote location with his grandparents in Siberia, living off the land and enjoying the unspoiled natural beauty around them. Other kids his age would often make fun of him for always talking about nature and different adventures he had had, but this only served to toughen his skin. Jack is quick to blame himself for everything, even if it is not his fault, and as a result he has a hard time saying no to anyone, always feeling he has to save everyone. Jack has quite a number of large scars across his torso, arms and legs, sustained during the polar bear attack. These scars emit a soft glow from the magic energy stitching them to the bear spirit. His connection to his Bear Spirit grants him immunity to the cold, but In most warmer climates his body overheats, so Jack typically wears very little, just enough to be modest in most cultures. This typically consists of either basketball or cargo shorts and a hoodie with the sleeves torn off, which is often left unzipped. so the lack of clothing helps to some extent. Jack rarely wears shoes, as he finds them uncomfortable, preferring the feel of nature beneath his feet. He will, however, wear flip flops or sandals when needed in urban settings. When he changes, he will typically remove the hoodie so it doesn’t get destroyed. In his Alternate Form, Jack becomes a giant Werebear covered in frost and ice. Depending on the climate, he typically has vapor coming off him, as he is much colder than the surrounding air. History: Personality & Motivation: Jack is the Epitome of “Don't provoke a sleeping bear”. He is very laid back, until you provoke him, then he can often be scary. Beneath the calm surface he has the spirit of a beast fighting to get out. He can be quick to anger when certain buttons are pushed, but he tries to keep control of himself. Jack is motivated by a love for all things. He understands that there is a cycle of life, and he seeks to preserve freedom in its various forms. He seeks to protect everyone he meets, and doesn't take kindly to anyone messing with someone he deems under his protection. Powers & Tactics: Jack is a brawler by nature, his bear spirit always seeking to prove itself dominant in any situation. He is a Tank and enjoys being the center of attention in a fight, as he sees it as protecting everyone if they are busy with him. He makes use of his heightened senses and ice magic, but he is still in the early stages of implementing them in ways besides smashing. Power Descriptions: His attacks are Bludgeoning or Slashing damage with his fists and claws (possibly with cold damage later), and piercing with his teeth. His abilities come from the Bear spirit within him, so his power descriptors would be Magic. He has Soul Tattoos as part of his shaman magic. These appear as glowing scars on his skin in base form. (Think Last Airbender) Complications: Animal Within: Jack’s connection to the Bear spirit bonded to him tends to give off an aura that makes other animals, and even people, view him as competition, or with suspicion. His connection to the spirit also means he can sometimes be unusually aggressive and will not run from a fight where his bear feels his dominance is in question, and if he loses a fight for dominance, he will often fall into depressive stupor. Always Hungry: The bear spirit within him gives Jack a very big appetite, especially after using his abilities. He is always eating something and if he doesn't keep his hunger sated, he can begin to fall into a hibernation like state and become lethargic. Rgggh: In his Alt Form, Jack can have a hard time articulating complex words, and especially words that begin with an R sound. This can often get worse the more he gets frustrated or angry, to the point where it just sounds like he is constantly growling. Colorblind: Jack can't distinguish colors; everything looks grayscale. This can cause him to become hyper focused and distracted by color control abilities. Soul Bound Scars: The soul binding twisted his spirit with the polar bear, and the scars from that desperate action were imperfect, leaving his Magic changed and the scars emit an icy glow when in use, which can be clearly seen in low lighting, as the spirit magic overflows and spills out. This also makes him light up like a beacon to those sensitive to magic. Snowy Paws: In his base and alternate forms his skin is very cold to the touch and can sometimes cause frost to form on things he touches. Additionally in Alternate Form his giant paws make it hard to handle small objects or perform dexterous tasks. Empathic Healing: Jack’s Shaman Magic allows him to heal damage, but to do so he has to take energy from something else to do so, or he has to use his own energy and that can become quite taxing for him. The bigger the damage, the more likely it is to leave him fatigued. Trade offs, Defense for Toughness Abilities: 8 + 0 + 6 + 0 + 6 + 10 = 30PP Strength 26/18 (+8/+4) Dexterity 10 (+0) Constitution 20/16 (+5/+3) Intelligence 10 (+0) Wisdom 16 (+3) Charisma 20 (+5) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +0 Attack: +4, +9 melee, +8 melee AF [+4 base, +5 Attack Focus, -1 Growth] Grapple: +13/+22 Defense: +4, +3 (+4 Base, -1 Growth), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -3, -10 including size Saving Throws: 5 + 5 + 5 = 15PP Toughness: +6 (+3 Con, +3 Protection) +13 AG (+5 Con, +8 protection) Fortitude: +8/+10 (+3/+5 Con, +5) Reflex: +5 (+0 Dex, +5) Will: +8 (+3 Wis, +5) Skills: 68R = 17PP Climb 4 (+8/+12) Concentration 5 (+8) Craft [Artistic] 8 (+8) Handle Animal 7 (+10) Intimidate 5 (+10, +20 from AF) Knowledge(Art) 4 (+4) Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 5 (+5, Skill Mastery) Knowledge [Theology and Philosophy] 5 (+5, Skill Mastery) Language 2 (English, Russian, Base; Ket) Notice 8 (+11 Skill Mastery) Sense Motive 7 (+10) Survival 8 (+11, Skill Mastery) Stealth 0 (+0/-4) Feats: 12PP All-Out Attack Attack Focus [melee] 5 Animal Empathy Improved Grab Improved Grapple Power Attack Skill Mastery (Survival, Notice, Knowledge Arcane Lore, Knowledge Theology and Philosophy) Takedown Attack Powers: 4+ 19 + 43 = 66PP Shaman Soul Scars (Linked Powers): Immunity 1 (Polar Spirit; Environmental Condition[Cold]) 1PP (Magic) Protection 3 (Thick Skin) 3PP (Magic) Polar Shaman (Magic): Cold Control Array 8 (Magic 16PP Array, 3 Alt Powers) [19PP] Base: Cold Control 8 (Cold Hands, Magic, Range: 80ft Radius: 1000ft DC18) [16PP] Alt: Create Objects 8 (Ice Sculptures, Magic, Range: 80ft, Max Size: 8x 5’ cubes DC18) [16PP] Alt: Healing 8 (Ebb and Flow, Magic, +8 Recovery check) [16PP] Alt: Blast 8 (Boulders/Spikes, Magic, Range: 80ft, DC23) [16PP] Frost Bear (Magic): Alternate Form 8.6 (Werebear Form; 43PP Container) [43PP] (Magic) Enhanced Skill 2 (Intimidation) [2PP] Enhanced Feat (Improved Pin) [1PP] Enhanced Feat (Takedown Attack) [1PP] Protection 5 (Frost Armor) [5PP] Damage 0 (Claw Strike; Extras: Penetrating 5; Feat: Mighty 1, Imporved Critical 18-20) [8PP] Muscle Mass [Linked Powers]: Growth 4 (Bear Size; Flaw: Permanent) [12PP] (Linked with Morph) Growth effects: Strength +8, Constitution +4, Attack -1, Defence -1, Grapple +4, Intimidate +2, Stealth -4, +5' speed, +5' reach, +5 Strength for carrying capacity only [heavy load: 3.7 tons] Morph 3 (Werebear Form) [3PP] (Linked with Growth) Super Senses 4 (Bear Senses; Danger Sense [Olfactory], Darkvision, Tracking 1 [Olfactory]) [4PP] Super Strength 2 (Bear Strength) [4PP] Speed 1 (10 MPH, or 105' per round; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [1PP] Leaping 1 (x2 distance: 32' running long jump/16' standing long jump/8' high jump) [1PP] Swimming 1 (2.5 MPH or 25' per round) [1PP] Drawbacks: -3 -3 = -6PP Involuntarily Change (uncommon, Major DC 15 to avoid, Anger) [-3PP] Vulnerability: Fire Magic (common, Moderate x1.5 save DC) [-3PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed, Base Touch DC 19 Toughness Damage Claws Touch DC 24 Toughness Damage Unarmed Touch DC 23 Toughness Damage Totals: Abilities (30) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (17) + Feats (12) + Powers (66) - Drawbacks (6) = 150/150 Power Points
  5. Vanya "Jack” Davydov Power Level: 8 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 In Brief: Jack is an extremely laid back guy with a love for nature and protecting others. Jack was born with latent Shaman powers that have been augmented by a soul bond with a polar bear spirit, allowing him to tap into primal ice magic. Alternate Identity: Arctus Birthplace: St. Petersburg, Russia Residence: Southside Occupation: Student/Hero Family: Ivan Davydov (Father), Rada Davydov (Mother) Description: Age: 16 (DoB: March 11, 2008) Apparent Age: 18 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Russian, Siberian Ket Height: 6’6” Weight: 300 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: White Jack is a giant among teens, and even among adults and he sometimes gets mistaken for an adult at first glance. Jack has strong Siberian Ket features, softened only slightly by his Russian heritage. He has tan skin, white hair, and is extremely well built prompting anyone who saw him to immediately wonder if he is on steroids (he isn't, but having a giant polar bear spirit bonded to you has some good side effects.) Jack is a soft spoken person by nature, but has always carried a big stick, as is the expression. Despite this calm demeanor, the chaotic nature of his beast bond can often make him quick to show emotions like anger and it is a constant battle to keep his temper in check when he feels himself or perceived territory is threatened, or friends are in danger. All of his life Jack has lived with nature and taken care of it. He would often spend the entire summer in a tent in some remote location with his grandparents in Siberia, living off the land and enjoying the unspoiled natural beauty around them. Other kids his age would often make fun of him for always talking about nature and different adventures he had had, but this only served to toughen his skin. Jack is quick to blame himself for everything, even if it is not his fault, and as a result he has a hard time saying no to anyone, always feeling he has to save everyone. Jack has quite a number of large scars across his torso, arms and legs, sustained during the polar bear attack. These scars emit a soft glow from the magic energy stitching them to the bear spirit. His connection to his Bear Spirit grants him immunity to the cold, but In most warmer climates his body overheats, so Jack typically wears very little, just enough to be modest in most cultures. This typically consists of either basketball or cargo shorts and a hoodie with the sleeves torn off, which is often left unzipped. so the lack of clothing helps to some extent. Jack rarely wears shoes, as he finds them uncomfortable, preferring the feel of nature beneath his feet. He will, however, wear flip flops or sandals when needed in urban settings. When he changes, he will typically remove the hoodie so it doesn’t get destroyed. In his Alternate Form, Jack becomes a giant Werebear covered in frost and ice. Depending on the climate, he typically has vapor coming off him, as he is much colder than the surrounding air. History: Personality & Motivation: Jack is the Epitome of “Don't provoke a sleeping bear”. He is very laid back, until you provoke him, then he can often be scary. Beneath the calm surface he has the spirit of a beast fighting to get out. He can be quick to anger when certain buttons are pushed, but he tries to keep control of himself. Jack is motivated by a love for all things. He understands that there is a cycle of life, and he seeks to preserve freedom in its various forms. He seeks to protect everyone he meets, and doesn't take kindly to anyone messing with someone he deems under his protection. Powers & Tactics: Jack is a brawler by nature, his bear spirit always seeking to prove itself dominant in any situation. He is a Tank and enjoys being the center of attention in a fight, as he sees it as protecting everyone if they are busy with him. He makes use of his heightened senses and ice magic, but he is still in the early stages of implementing them in ways besides smashing. Power Descriptions: His attacks are Bludgeoning or Slashing damage with his fists and claws (possibly with cold damage later), and piercing with his teeth. His abilities come from the Bear spirit within him, so his power descriptors would be Magic. He has Soul Tattoos as part of his shaman magic. These appear as glowing scars on his skin in base form. (Think Last Airbender) Complications: Animal Within: Jack’s connection to the Bear spirit bonded to him tends to give off an aura that makes other animals, and even people, view him as competition, or with suspicion. His connection to the spirit also means he can sometimes be unusually aggressive and will not run from a fight where his bear feels his dominance is in question, and if he loses a fight for dominance, he will often fall into depressive stupor. Always Hungry: The bear spirit within him gives Jack a very big appetite, especially after using his abilities. He is always eating something and if he doesn't keep his hunger sated, he can begin to fall into a hibernation like state and become lethargic. Rgggh: In his Alt Form, Jack can have a hard time articulating complex words, and especially words that begin with an R sound. This can often get worse the more he gets frustrated or angry, to the point where it just sounds like he is constantly growling. Colorblind: Jack can't distinguish colors; everything looks grayscale. This can cause him to become hyper focused and distracted by color control abilities. Soul Bound Scars: The soul binding twisted his spirit with the polar bear, and the scars from that desperate action were imperfect, leaving his Magic changed and the scars emit an icy glow when in use, which can be clearly seen in low lighting, as the spirit magic overflows and spills out. This also makes him light up like a beacon to those sensitive to magic. Snowy Paws: In his base and alternate forms his skin is very cold to the touch and can sometimes cause frost to form on things he touches. Additionally in Alternate Form his giant paws make it hard to handle small objects or perform dexterous tasks. Empathic Healing: Jack’s Shaman Magic allows him to heal damage, but to do so he has to take energy from something else to do so, or he has to use his own energy and that can become quite taxing for him. The bigger the damage, the more likely it is to leave him fatigued. Trade offs, Defense for Toughness Abilities: 8 + 0 + 6 + 0 + 6 + 10 = 30PP Strength 26/18 (+8/+4) Dexterity 10 (+0) Constitution 20/16 (+5/+3) Intelligence 10 (+0) Wisdom 16 (+3) Charisma 20 (+5) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +0 Attack: +4, +9 melee, +8 melee AF [+4 base, +5 Attack Focus, -1 Growth] Grapple: +13/+23 Defense: +4, +3 (+4 Base, -1 Growth), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -1, -6 including size Saving Throws: 5 + 5 + 5 = 15PP Toughness: +6, +13 (+3 base +3 Protection +5 protection +2 Growth) Fortitude: +8/+10 (+3/+5 Con, +5) Reflex: +5 (+0 Dex, +5) Will: +8 (+3 Wis, +5) Skills: 68R = 17PP Climb 4 (+8/+12) Concentration 6 (+9) Craft [Artistic] 8 (+8) Handle Animal 8 (+11) Intimidate 5 (+10, +20 from AF) Knowledge(Art) 4 (+4) Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 5 (+5, Skill Mastery) Knowledge [Theology and Philosophy] 5 (+5, Skill Mastery) Language 2 (English, Russian, Base; Ket) Notice 8 (+11 Skill Mastery) Sense Motive 7 (+10) Survival 8 (+11, Skill Mastery) Feats: 12PP All-Out Attack Attack Focus [melee] 5 Animal Empathy Improved Grab Improved Grapple Power Attack Skill Mastery (Survival, Notice, Knowledge Arcane Lore, Knowledge Theology and Philosophy) Takedown Attack Powers: 4+ 19 + 43 = 66PP Shaman Soul Scars (Linked Powers): Immunity 1 (Polar Spirit; Environmental Condition[Cold]) 1PP (Magic) Protection 3 (Thick Skin) 3PP (Magic) Polar Shaman (Magic): Cold Control Array 8 (Magic 16PP Array, 3 Alt Powers) [19PP] Base: Cold Control 8 (Cold Hands, Magic, Range: 80ft Radius: 1000ft DC18) [16PP] Alt: Create Objects 8 (Ice Sculptures, Magic, Range: 80ft, Max Size: 8x 5’ cubes DC18) [16PP] Alt: Healing 8 (Ebb and Flow, Magic, +8 Recovery check) [16PP] Alt: Blast 8 (Boulders/Spikes, Magic, Range: 80ft, DC23) [16PP] Frost Bear (Magic): Alternate Form 8.6 (Werebear Form; 43PP Container) [43PP] (Magic) Enhanced Skill (Intimidation [2PP] Enhanced Feat (Improved Pin) [1PP] Enhanced Feat (Takedown Attack) [1PP] Protection 5 (Frost Armor) [5PP] Damage 0 (Claw Strike; Extras: Penetrating 5; Feat: Mighty 1, Imporved Critical 18-20) [8PP] Muscle Mass [Linked Powers]: Growth 4 (Bear Size; Flaw: Permanent) [12PP] (Linked with Morph) Growth effects: Strength +8, Constitution +4, Attack -1, Defence -1, Grapple +4, Intimidate +2, Stealth -4, +5' speed, +5' reach, +5 Strength for carrying capacity only [heavy load: 3.7 tons] Morph 3 (Werebear Form) [3PP] (Linked with Growth) Super Senses 4 (Bear Senses; Danger Sense [Olfactory], Darkvision, Tracking 1 [Olfactory]) [4PP] Super Strength 2 (Bear Strength) [4PP] Speed 1 (10 MPH, or 105' per round; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [3PP] Alt: Leaping 1 (x2 distance: 32' running long jump/16' standing long jump/8' high jump) Alt: Swimming 1 (2.5 MPH or 25' per round) Drawbacks: -3 -3 = -6PP Involuntarily Change (uncommon, Major DC 15 to avoid, Anger) [-3PP] Vulnerability: Fire Magic (common, Moderate x1.5 save DC) [-3PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed, Base Touch DC 19 Toughness Damage Claws Touch DC 24 Toughness Damage Unarmed Touch DC 23 Toughness Damage Totals: Abilities (30) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (17) + Feats (12) + Powers (66) - Drawbacks (6) = 150/150 Power Points
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