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Everything posted by angrydurf

  1. Right that'll clear the stairwell pretty quickly with both going full speed. The area below is less warehouse more management and some manufacturing. Some rooms are collapsed some threatening too. Spaceman can detect a larger open space beyond the collapsed hall Though as noted the direct rout will risk further collapse. It'll take more time to get around hte long way though. Due to super sense both of you can navigate in teh dark but neither can read any of the signs so it's not clear what part of the former facility you are heading into. Some parts look like electronics labs and machining rooms based on the outlines of equipment but none of it functional. You'll both hear a burst of gunfire just before reaching the open space (more a series of rooms where the walls have been damaged or broken enough to make a larger space than an area designed to be larger. Go ahead and post your methods for navigating or anything you want to try along the way.
  2. The van's hood crumpled under the heavy impact the cracked engine block slamming into the asphalt as the back of the vehicle reared up under the force of the blow before slamming back to the surface of the road once more. The van disgorged a handful of rough looking 88's weapons already drawn in advance of their planned driveby. They were clearly shaken by the sudden attack, but that really only made them more dangerous, particularly with the crowd around them to be concerned with and the rival gang nearby. This could turn into a very mess shootout in a matter of seconds with the crowd caught in the middle. Already teh initial cries of surprise at the sudden impact were turning to terror as ripples of panic spread through the revelers. Taking up station at each side of the van and peeking around the back the gang members screamed expletives at both the Royals and the Royals unlikely protector.
  3. 88's will pile out of the wrecked car and we'll be fully in rounds with Gauss up @Azuth65 ROUND 1 30 ??? (A mystery) 26 Gauss 3HP (Uninjured) 22 88's Minions (5 Remain) 21 Shooting Star 3HP (Uninjured) 15 Ms. Bright 3HP (Uninjured) 10 Royals Minions (10 Remain) 1 Crowd Bystanders (Panicked)
  4. At the report from Liz confirming his suspicions Kam looked down at the cups with a shrug and ruefull half smile. "authenticity it is then." he murmured with a small laugh turning to welcome his classmate. "Robin, Elizabeth." he introduced politely, "With this school we'd be lucky if it was only alcohol." he mused with a wry grin taking a sip as Robin and Elizabeth became acquainted. Kam watched his date speak a little sadness touching his features as she mentioned her, fraught, relationship with the school. "Only cure for bad memories is good memories." Looking up the secret prince's eyes slid over the room at Judy's question as he nodded, "Yes he's ..." Kam trailed off as he couldn't make out where his roomate had gotten too. "He was right out on the dance floor a moment ago ..." he paused, "Ah, alone." he added hurriedly less he spark the next event in their tumultuous relationship. "Robin, Judy Smith." he introduced adding the default surname given to most students of extradimensional origins and added a quiet aside to Robin, "I apparently was not as adept at avoiding the gossip mill as I had thought."
  5. I think the lack of a wizards council was mentioned in chat but we'll wait on full fluff before I say much more on that. There is the Master mage (Formerly Adrian Eldritch, currently Phantom played by Alderwitch) and a loose coalition of magical heroes that work together among PC's occasionally but nothing that formal. On the crunch: The drawback should be directly on the powers it effects (In this case the magic array I imagine) just from a quick look.
  6. Kimo looked at the down thugs and back to the transports. He wanted to help Justice up top but no what to do it without leaving the transports unprotected. "I got these guys you help out up top yea?" he bellowed to Emerald spider as she quickly dispatched the foes nearest her. He ran through the dome the waters parting to let him through and pulled the swelling waters dripping off the dome in tight by his legs ready to reinforce any part of the dome threatening to give way under the villains assault. As he waited watching with care the water under his command moved in time with his steps rippling in tiny waves in the direction he glanced as if an extension of his own restless energy as he waited for the others to finish off the foes.
  7. Hmm. No good way to get to the roof without dropping the protection on the transports. Kanunu will move into the dome prepared to bolster it. Readied action to reup the dome if it starts to fail.
  8. Kam nodded thoughtfully at Talyas reply. Such situations were unlikely to be completely under ones control of course. He fell into the steps as the instructor tied the scarf to his wrist trying to split his attention between her instruction and keeping the cloth in place. Of course the subtle wordplay mentioning watching his dance space sent his eyes to wander the room and granted her the moment she needed to loose the scarf. He was certain he noticed the absence only because she wished him to. He watched as Talya stepped in to instruct david and copied her placement tying the scarf around one bicep, harder perhaps to maneuver but also harder for his opponent to surreptitiously lay hand on. He followed Leroys lead this time maintaining focus on the other boys movement, while he had to follow the cues he was able to keep his own spin on the steps he hoped. When Leroy managed to finally turn him out in a step that put the scarf in reach he knew he was beat.
  9. "Leroy glad you're enjoying yourself." Kam replied eyes flicking around the room as Robin introduced herself. By the time he'd confirmed Judy and her creepy sullen sister weren't lurking in the corner Leroy however was already gone. He filed that away for the wiry youth's next orbit, Kam really hoped Leroy hadn't forgotten tradition dictate he pick Judy up for the dance, even if it was on the same campus they were boarding on. Perhaps the overprotective sibling had finally won out for one event, in which case Leroy probably should not have attended solo. This would be a problem for tomorrow's Kam he decided. He glanced back to Robin with a smile pleased she'd not been off put by one of the odder balls in the hopper. "Well a life well lived is not without risk after all." He replied and led her for a circuit of the dance floor and when the song came to a close retreated to the punch bowl, toes intact. Pouring a cup for Robin them himself he offered it up with a fond smile, "It may not be good but it's unlikely anyone has tried to add anything untoward yet." He was at ease and even managed to shelve his worries about his date being revealed to his friends and sister should they actually show up, for the moment at least.
  10. Kensei Power Level: 9 (190/207PP) Unspent Power Points: 17 Trade-Offs: +3 Att/-3 Dam; -1 Tou/+1Def In Brief: Haunted Heir of the sinister Crimson Katana bloodline Theme: Numb (Linken Park) Alternate Identity: Utsuwa Ranaga (Secret) Birthplace: Katori, Japan Residence: Claremont Academy Base of Operations: Claremont Academy, Bayview, Freedom City Occupation: Student Affiliations: Raven II, Claremont Academy, 'Raven Family' Family: Toshiro Ranaga (Deceased), Kimiyo Ranaga (mother, it's complicated) Description: Age: 16 (DoB: 2004, 15th of September) Apparent Age: If applicable. Gender: Male Ethnicity: Asian (Japanese) Height: 170cm (5'7") Weight: 89 Kilos (196lbs) Eyes: Dark Brown Hair: Black Utsuwa is sturdily built teen of Japanese descent. While not a towering figure he carries himself with a secure self confidence unusual in boys his age. Broad and athletic from years of grueling training he is constantly alert and moves with the intentional grace of a martial artist. He has handsome features if usually marred by a wary to sullen mien with dark eye peering piercingly out at the world as if constantly expecting attack. He wears his deep black hair with a tight undercut the top swept back in neat and clean lines. Each arm bears a full forearm sleeve in the traditional japanese style with a phoenix prominent on the right and an Oni rising from waves on the left. He dresses almost compulsively free of branding, and almost all identical outfits of black cross trainers, straight leg slate slacks, and a dress shirt or polo depending on weather in dark cool colors. In winter he might add a woolen overcoat when the temperature drops. When in 'costume' his clothing is covered by a spectral samurai armor with a full oni face plate hiding his features. The blood red armor is limned in flickering ghostly blue flame. Those familiar with the Crimson Katana and Katanarchists would recognizes the garb as the same as that of his grandfather. History: Utsuwa is the youngest scion of the Ranaga family, one of two living to his knowledge. Of course as with all matters of his family it is more complicated. His grandfather and mother until very recently continued to share the same body, wresting control from one another and unraveling one anothers plans in the conflict they had engaged since she had become aware of her heritage and awakened the old sorcerer's spirit. Utsuwa was the result of one such conflict as his grandfather's spirit realized his daughter was too strong of will to fully supplant. Whilst possessing her he harvested eggs to begin his project of supplying a more supple heir. When Kimiyo recovered control she thought only that she'd suffered an abdominal injury and their battles continued unabated. Meanwhile on his grandfather's orders an elite cadre of scientists in service to the Katanarchist cause combined the harvested genetic material with that from select stock. They manipulated the embryos genetics for improved physical characteristics along the way and Utsuwa was incubated in a surrogate as were his potential siblings. He was the only one to survive gestation. He never knew his surrogate mother, raised instead from his earliest memories by the Katanarchists trained in body and mind to be his grandfather's vessel when the time came. Diet, physical conditioning, skills training, and education all sharply regimented and carefully crafted to build Utsuwa into the perfect body for his Grandfathers rebirth. He was trained in all the skills of the Katanarchists, the blade, stealth, guile. The tools of an assassin. His body was continually pushed to it's limits ever extending strength, endurance, and agility. He was not however indoctrinated as other recruits were, he was not even allowed to join them, served instead by trainers, sensei, and tutors in the skills he'd need one on one. This proved to be the plans undoing when Kimiyo finally rid herself of her father's spirit. She completed the ritual to sever his tie to her, with nothing to anchor him to this world he should have been forced to his final rest. But there was another, Utsuwa . She thought it successful for a time. But Utsuwa had not been ritually prepared to receive his Grandfather's spirit, it was unable seize the body it had built. The imbued tattoos tied the spirit to Utsuwa, but his mind was not suppressed, his will too great to succumb to that of the spectre. The attempt to commandeer his body did anchor the spirit to Utsuwa, it also fused the spirits spectral powers with the young swordsman. Powers Utsuwa turned on his cruel teachers in making good his escape from the hidden compound in the hills of Chiba prefecture. Utsuwa had little knowledge of the outside world and likely would have been recaptured or fallen to criminal service with his skills if not for the timely intervention of Callie Summers, the Raven. She got word of the destruction of a Katanarchist cell and investigated finding Utsuwa hiding in the woods nearby. Her first thought had been to reunite him with his biological mother. Kimiyo saw the spirit of her father still anchored to Utsuwa and wished to kill him before he was made a vessel as Toshiro had intended. Raven of course did not allow it and took the boy in herself. Utsuwa was trained by the Raven and her scions, educated in the ways of the world and how to resist his grandfather's influence. Now she feels he's ready to rejoin society, if in a controlled fashion and is attending Claremont in the fall. Personality & Motivation: Utsuwa has seen first hand the dangers posed by fanatics and the madmen that would rule if not checked by the heroic actions of those able to stand against them. He also has no comprehension of what life would be without training. Without the rigors of combat. Even if such a life of peace appealed he knows it is not possible whilst he holds his Grandfather's spirit. He is painfully aware that he exists only because the mad cultists of a dead sorcerer created him as a vessel. The closest thing he has to family is the education he's been given by Callie and her merry band of misfits. He doesn't wish to disappoint them, and more he wants to ensure no one has to face the dangers his grandfather and those like him have unleashed on the world. He considers himself expendable in this pursuit but feel honor bound to live and repent for the harm caused by his family over the decades. The teachings of the old masters has left Utsuwa with a bit of a white knight (or samurai) complex and desire to return honor to his family's name despite the crimes committed by his ancestors. Powers & Tactics: Utsuwa has been trained to be the perfect swordsman since birth and it shows. He's an expert already with the blade and has the physical advantages of his modified genetics and early conditioning. He has also been imbued with the spectral powers of his grandfather's spirit. He is able to summon both blades and armor with a thought offering both offense and defense. Training with first the Katanarchists and later Raven II, III, and others has taught him stealth and misdirection. Despite this he remains a straightforward combatant and would prefer to do battle on open and fair terms. Utsuwa will generally move to intercept the largest threat on the field, cutting down any foes in his way to get there. Using his mobility and terrain to advantage where he can he'll close to melee while avoiding exposure to ranged fire. Engaging his opponent Utsuwa strikes hard and fast as soon as he sees an opening he'll seize it to unleash a punishing series of attacks. The goal is to ensure the enemy is not able to retaliate. Against more sturdy foes he'll engage with others in wolf pack tactics moving in to strike then withdrawing to allow another to seize on the enemies distraction. His spectral blades can cut through most material or be turned against the very animus of an enemy cutting to the core of their being. When taxed Utsuwa can siphon the life force from an enemy to aid his own recovery as well though he is sparing with so dark a power. Power Descriptions: Kurodo draws his blades as if from thin air activating them with the draw motion from his hip. His tattoos flare with a spectral light and the blades are in his hands. The blades take the form of a translucent Katana and matching Wakizashi. Ornate scrollwork crawls the sides of the blades in glowing blue ethereal light. The hilts are wrapped in deep crimson cord over bone white, a spiritual echo the the Crimson Katanas original blade. The swords are clearly not entirely of this world and when they slice the wounds they leave are as much on the spirit as the body. When he activates the soul siphon swirling red energies course up the blade and flare over the injuries they heal on his person. With but a thought Utsuwa is able to summon the ghostly raiment of his grandfather. An ethereal suit of crimson samurai armor limned in bluish flames. The face plate stylized like a fearsome oni hides his features and the lacquered plates of the armor slide silently against each other as he moves the entire effect an otherworldly visage of dread. Complications: Haunted: The spirit of Toshiro is anchored to Utsuwa and will distract, torment, and attempt to wrest control of his body. [The GM may give Utsuwa an HP to give him a circumstance penalty on a check due to Toshiros influence. When Utsuwa's will is suppressed such as by mind control or a failed will save of appropriate descriptors the GM can award Utsuwa an HP to have Toshiro seize the reins for the duration of the effect.] Legacy: Utsuwa looks like a phantom Crimson Katana when his powers are active. Even when they are not there are those aware of his ancestry who may blame or fear him for it. [The GM may award Utsuwa an HP to shift NPC reactions toward unhelpful/hostile based on his ancestry] Stranger: Utsuwa was raised and educated within the Katanarchists by cultish devotees of his grandfather. The Ravens and allies have helped to integrate and update his knowledge but there are holes. [The GM may award Utsuwa an HP to force a failure on a knowledge, interaction, or similar skill check where his background left misinformation or was incomplete or to call for checks on information that should otherwise be common knowledge.] Disowned: Utsuwa's biological mother fears he's a threat of his grandfather returning and wants nothing to do with him. While he is supported for the time being by the Ravens and their allies such largess has limits. [Utsuwa is effectively struggling financially and has little to no way to pay his own way if he goes off the reservation or exhausts his benefactors generosity. Gain HP when financial hardship impares his progress in a thread.] Abilities: 6 + 10 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 0 = 32PP Strength: 16 (+3) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 16 + 18 = 34PP Initiative: +17 (+5 Dex, +12 Improved Initiative) Attack: +8 Melee, +8 Ranged, +12 Swords Defense: +10 (+9 Base, +1 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed Grapple: +11 Knockback: -2/-7 Saving Throws: 4 + 8 + 8 = 20PP Toughness: +4/+8 (+4 Con, +0/+4 Protection) [0/6 Impervious] Fortitude: +8 (+4 Con, +4) Reflex: +13 (+5 Dex, +8) Will: +10 (+2 Wis, +8) Skills: 100R = 25PP Acrobatics 14 (+19)* Bluff 4 (+4; +8 w/ Attractive, +9 w/ Cool, +13 w/ both) Concentration 8 (+10) Craft: Artistic 3 (+5) Diplomacy 4 (+4; +8 w/ Attractive, +9 w/ Cool, +13 w/ both) Escape Artist 13 (+18) Knowledge: Arcana 3 (+5) Knowledge: Art 3 (+5) Knowledge: Tactics 3 (+5) Knowledge: Theology and Philosophy 3 (+5) Language 4 (Japanese: Native, English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean) Notice 13 (+15)* Sense Motive 13 (+15)* Stealth 10 (+15)* Swim 2 (+5) Feats: 28PP Acrobatic Bluff Ambidextrous Attack Specialization: Swords 2 Attractive Benefit: Mentor (Raven Family) Blind Fight Cool: Bluff Cool: Diplomacy Critical Strike Dodge Focus 1 Evasion 2 Challenge: Fast Task (Acrobatics): Feint Challenge: Fast Task (Acrobatics): Taunt Favored Opponent: Katanarchists Improved Initiative 3 Luck 2 Monkey Climber Quick Draw Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth) Startle Takedown Attack 2 Trance Powers: 16 + 16 + 21 = 53PP Array: Spirit Blades 7 (14PP Array;Feats: Alternate Power 2)[16PP] (Magic, Spirit) Base Power: Damage 6 (Spectral Strike; Extras: Penetrating; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2) {14/14} (Slashing) Alternate Power: Damage 6 (Spirit Strike; Extras: Alternate Save: Will; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2) {14/14} Alternate Power: Fatigue 6 (Soul Siphon; Extras: Linked: Healing) {12/14} + Healing 1 (Extras: Action: Standard, Linked: Fatigue; Flaws: Personal) {2/14} Container 3 (Spectral Armor; 15PP Container Active/Sustained; Feats: Quick Change) [16PP] (Magic, Spirit) Emotion Control 3 (Spectral Aura; Extras: Area (General:Burst[15']), Aura, Selective; Flaws: Limited:Despair, Limited: Shaken Only, Range: Touch -2) [3PP] Immunity 2 (Critical hits;) [2PP] Impervious Toughness 6 [6PP] Protection 4 [4PP] Container 4 (Enhanced Genetics/Training; 20PP Container; Feats; Innate) [21PP] (Genetic, Training) Immunity 8 (Disease, Poison, Heat, Cold, Starvation/Thirst, Need for Sleep, Suffocation 2; Flaws: Limited 1/2 effect) [4pp] Leaping 1 [1PP] Quickness 2 [2PP] Speed 2 [2PP] Super Movement 5 (Slow Fall, Swinging, Sure-Footed 2, Trackless) [10PP] Super Senses 1 (Low Light Vision) [1PP] Drawbacks: -2 = -2PP Recurring Nightmares (Haunted; Frequency: Uncommon DC 15; Intensity: Moderate)[-2PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 18 Toughness Damage Spectral Strike Touch DC 21 Toughness Damage Spirit Strike Touch DC 21 Will Damage Soul Siphon Touch DC 16 Fortitude Fatigue Totals: Abilities (32) + Combat (34) + Saving Throws (20) + Skills (25) + Feats (28) + Powers (53) - Drawbacks (-2) = 190/207 Power Points
  11. Stairwell is pretty packed with debris, the time frame given was assuming super speed. We'll say around six minutes for Jovian, five with spaceman helping with move object, three if spaceman stunts speed/quickness/rapid or something. RL don't worry too much about the specific power formulation you have enough PP in your arrays that a stunt can get you up to speed with the descriptors you prefer. Without a stunt the most efficient thing would probably be jovian clearing the stairs and spaceman using move object to move what jovian brings up away from the entrance to stable areas of the basement.
  12. Move object isn't going to be a lot faster than doing it by hand in and of itself. Could work as a descriptor for stunting some kind of speed or rapid effect. There is certainly space down below though it seems to be in worse shape than this floor, it's more sizeable but also more full of debris and other objects. Alot of the space is at the fringes of his range to get fine detail. Go ahead and post clearing your way to the lower level.
  13. Kam had held back at the entrance. Just a touch, to let Robin acclimate to the room, he had an inkling this would be difficult, from their discussions of the school as abstract as they had been. When she relaxed he urged her forward her arm on his a small smile, "There is an exceedingly small category of potential guests that are not current students and you m dear are among that august number I assure you." he answered her uncertainty with a teasing lilt to his tone. The list of age appropriate but aware already of Claremonts unique student body was exceedingly small, almost universally former students. He led her a slow circuit of the room allowing both of them to mark the entrance position of students and staff. Perhaps not exactly the usual course for attendees of a school dance but neither of them were exactly the usual attendees at such events, nor really was anyone else in the room. He'd been sure to arrive promptly, no fashionably late for Kam, not only from personal predilection for timeliness but also to ease his sometimes skittish girlfriend into the environs. He frowned at her continued recriminations and gave a miniscule shake of his head, "I want to enjoy the night with you." he countered pointedly, they may have been over this in the limo on the way over. "And you belong here, it's sad that wasn't more clear when you attended courses." he hadn't pried but it didn't take much to have heard the reputation of Robin and the crew she'd run with when a student. Many of the classmates of his year had after all been freshmen when she'd first arrived. He smiled down to her question of what came next and tilted his head as the music started, "I was thinking showing off my date." he grinned and led her to the dance floor. Dancing also put off the awkward potential of introductions to his sister or his other classmates, at least Janus had less than no interest in attending, small blessings.
  14. Either Jovian or Spaceman can punch a hole through the floor with super strength, that risks more collapse obviously. Clearing the stairwell with super speed would take a bit longer, 5-10 minutes for Jovian, half that if spaceman stunts something similar to get super speed/quickness. Searching is faster than digging if you succeed in finding the other way down without taking 10/20. DC 15 and Spacemans super senses give him a +2 circumstance bonus. Jovian can "Aid" at DC 10 to add an additional +2 bonus to Spacemans search.
  15. As soon as Spaceman flew to the crater teh guard backed away a few steps before fleeing the scene at a full run seemingly forgetting his car still conspicuously sitting where the rescuing hero had left it. The crowd edged forward uncertainly as the heroes vanished into the sinkhole trying to catch a glimpse of what might have caused the collapse or a front row seat at Freedoms Heroes in action. Inside the crater were the sheared cuts through supports of an export implosion, the pillars stabbing up through the collapsed rubble from above. Nothing present suggested that there would be remaining instability post collapse and yet it was clear not all had gone as planned. The direct cause of the expanding collapse was clear however. The basement level, some kind of warehousing, probably for the Foundrys illicit dealings, extended off the plot and under the surrounding streets. These portions of hte structure had not been collapsed, preserving the streets above, but also leaving them vulnerable to less controlled circumstance. Here where the street was collapsing the pillars were shattered and saggining the floor cracked and groaning threatening to give way into damaged structures further down below. In one corner the remains of a stairwell signalled there was more to be found below. The floors couldn't be too thick here, it would be a simple thing to punch a hole through to the level below and risk further collapse. With sufficient speed and might one might less quickly clear the collapsed debris from the stairwell, or perhaps there was another way, after all the would be salvagers were nowhere to be seen and must have found a way down.
  16. alright I'm gonna say she autohits the van cus it's moving slow and driver is surprised (Also Van sized target) I assume you're using your base unarmed? That'd be DC 22 Van's toughness check is 1d20+9=12 Fail by ten means disabled so Yea right through the engine block We kinda end up with two surprise rounds because Bright has surprise on the the 88's adn both have surprise on Star and Gauss. The above resolves surprise round one. Surprise round two 30 ??? (A mystery) 26 Gauss 3HP (Uninjured, Surprised no actions) 22 88's Minions (5 Remain) 21 Shooting Star 3HP (Uninjured, Surprised no actions) 15 Ms. Bright 3HP (Uninjured) 10 Royals Minions (10 Remain) 1 Crowd Bystanders (Panicked) 88's reaction to tiffs smash coming once tiff makes her IC post.
  17. Doktor'd! Red Lynx 11PP available Description Age and Apparent Age are now 18 Add Gender: ahead of 'Male' Increase Height to 6'4" Increase Weight to 225Lbs Attributes 8PP spent Raise Int to 24 (+7) Raise Cha to 24 (+7) Combat Initiative should be +7 Skills 3PP spent for 12 ranks Attr increase adds the following Gather information goes to 2 (+9) Intimidate goes to 7 (+14) Add Knowledge: Business 3 (+10) Knowledge: Civics 3 (+10) Knowledge: Streetwise 3 (+10) Language +1 (To 2 add Spanish) Sense Motive +2 to 7 (+14) Feats 0 PP Spent Reduce Wealth Benefit to 1 rank Add Jack of All Trades
  18. Leading a taller partner wasn't entirely familiar to the tall Dakanan. Kam had a passing familiarity with the principles though no formal training. He did however have a reserve of natural talent. He was a natural though certainly not on the level of the supernaturally engaging performance put on by Pan. He gracefully spun and dipped Leroy taking full advantage of the other boys tendency to lose focus when not immediately engaged. In one low dip the loosely knotted scarf fluttered loose from Leroys neck and Kam snatched it from the air as he flung the taller boy upright once more. Maintaining his grasp on the scarf became a matter of keeping the scarf in one outflung hand as he flourished from one showy move to the next. His long limbed partner would have all to easy a time regaining control of the marker should he allow them to close to a close carriage. He maintained the distance as the song came to an end unsure when precisely the exercise was at an end. His eyes flicked to eira as she fled hte dance floor and cleared his throat as he presented the scarf to Talya with a flourish, an attempt at drawing attention from the embarrassed android and to himself and the teachers. "Would not a more efficient method be to have a partner on the floor to pass the object to after acquisition?" he inquired prompting a continuation of hte lesson on a perhaps tangential methodology whilst Eira regained her composure, "It seems this is a very similar methodology to the slight of hand practiced by pickpockets yes?"
  19. Hmm. I think we can go one more, Either of you have anyone that you'd try to drag along?
  20. Ok Ms. Bright makes it. So she'll make the Van as belonging to the Eighty Eights. And it's rolling up slow on a cluster of locals called the Royals that run a sometimes chop shop out of the Fens. Royals are mostly harmless, grand theft auto and petty crime, but their boss has big dreams of growing the org so keeps trying to push into new markets. The way the van is moving through the crowds to not draw attention suggests the Royals may have hit something in 88 territory and the 88's are here for some payback. Looks like a driveby about to kick off. Initiative Please and Ms. Bright will actually have surprise on the 88s. 88's initiative 1d20+2=22
  21. The mood was light as more residents spilled out of the surrounding buildings and joined the festivities. Even the presence of obvious heroes seemed to have no real effect on the crowd earning little more than a few gasps form the youngest revelers or shifty retreat from the imbibers of less than legal substances. Most traffic avoided the crowd turning off before reaching hte impromptu block party though a few drifted through the crowds honking support or for people to just get out of the way. A dark van crept up the street at a crawl not honking just slowly making it's way through the throngs, unremarkable to the untrained eye those more in tune with the streets might make out the subtle clues that the lowered van had the hallmarks of the Eighty Eights, a car theft ring out of out of Greenbank. Not out of the question for them to operate in the Fens but certainly not locals.
  22. Kam stepped back to give room for the students that would actually be attending together post his classes graduation to get to know each other a little better. Having a few acquaintances had been quite the boon in finding a place here for himself and he was glad to have the opportunity to introduce at least one of hte better influences available. He watched with some concern at Muirne seemed again to be on edge of, something, but it seemed the presence or interjection by the Lady Farrington calmed any discomfit adequately. He nodded agreement with the Lady, "With many a matter of technology hands on experience will triumph over purely academic exercise." he agreed readily. "The principle is straightforward enough. Fuel air mix a spark and controlled explosion in series timed and converted to rotational motion." He offered an exceptionally readers digest explanation of the workings of such an engine. "The gardens would be lovely this time of year." Kam was pleased with the suggestion, "We'll have to stop by and see the blooms."
  23. Under the focus of the two heroes the guard froze up for several moments and shook silently before breaking down. "This thing opened up right as that robot guy did his big speech you know?" he eyed the hole uncertainly, "Happened at the same time all over, buildings collapsing in like this, hideouts from that supervillain guy." the fearful guard revealed all too easily. "People say there's stuff in there still you know?" he suggested nervously. He let out a big sigh, "They want down to get salvage, there are guys paying top dollar for that stuff all over." he revealed in a sudden rush, "I don't know those guys really, I'm just supposed to keep an eye out make sure they get in first." He looked at the hole and shuddered, "I dunno what went down, they dropped into the hole half an hour ago and nothing the the ground opened up something musta blown late, they might be trapped or ..." he trailed off and shook his head, "But I'm not with those guys I didn't do nothing but watch." he added defensively.
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