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Found 24 results

  1. Early to Mid October, 2024 It had started with a complaint to Parker and Michael while they were helping another student. Thomas- a student at Claremont with limited magnetic manipulation powers- had complained that he had been suddenly accosted by Dr. Metropolis one night while he was off school grounds. He quickly realized it wasn't Dr. Metropolis when the Hero had attacked him, displaying all the usual powers of Dr. Metropolis. But Thomas had escaped before suffering serious harm. A further investigation- and telling the teachers- had revealed more incidents. Not always Claremont students, but always superpowered people, Heroes or not; a member of the Freedom League appearing suddenly and attacking them, then leaving just as quickly. Quickly after, there had been a decision made for Claremont students. No one truly believed that the Freedom League would attack Claremont students or other super-powered individuals with no cause; not just because it was quite easy for some students to simply call their parents or guardians and confirm that-, but if someone was pretending to do it, the students of Claremont needed to be careful. And that was why they mostly now were required to travel with their teams, or with other students, to rely on safety in numbers. Call for help, don't engage if it's a bad idea, all the usual precautions. But for Heroes, and those who wanted to be Heroes, could they really stay on the sidelines when duty called? When people's lives were in danger, could they sit idly by and allow others to risk themselves, or let civilians be hurt? The question was about to be answered in the middle of Freedom City. Vueriz, Parker Powers, Lynn Conners, and Diego D'Angelo had just dropped off some archival books to the Freedom Public Library for storage; older versions of text books and spare yearbooks and copies of the School Newspaper- all stored in the public library archives-. But while they were preparing to head back to Bayview and Claremont, the Freedom Monorail passed above them, and then let out a loud groan. The front car shifted as if it's alignment had been broken. Then the second car jackknifed, bouncing violently up and down and then swinging left and right. Each car after swung even more violently, then as the fourth car hit the problem spot in the rail, the entire rail snapped; the three cars in front continued careening forward wildly, even as sparks flew from them with the emergency brake activated. Meanwhile, the fourth car was falling straight down, heading towards a congested intersection of cars and people, who were screaming as it fell towards them. Meanwhile, the metal bars and gears of the destroyed monorail line was also falling towards other people, threatening to crush them under the mass of metal. And above that, on the destroyed monorail line, bolts of lightning were striking nearby buildings as a blur of black and green sped across the shiny faces of the large buildings of Freedom's City Center, avoiding the bolts that were blowing out windows and twisting metal in the buildings.
  2. GM 3:30 PM, Friday April 12th, 2024 City Center, Freedom City Powers Holdings Office Building It started innocently enough. Parker had been to a family dinner, his family had asked him about his friends and students, and he had mentioned a few of them. When he mentioned Iris and Daniel and their telepathic powers, Tracy, his older sister, had perked up and asked more about them, how powerful they were and so on. Apparently, one of the R&D teams under her is working on a device that should, hopefully, be able to expand the scope of telepathic powers, potentially allowing a telepath to aid rescue efforts in a much wider area in terms of catastrophes. So... Parker had asked Iris and Daniel to come with him, explaining things as well as he could, and when Michael had overheard, Parker invited him along as well. The weather is nice for mid-April, as the group exits the car that had been sent to get them once classes were over for the day, once it has stopped in front of the Powers Holdings office building in Midtown. The building doesn't particularly stand out. Sure, it is tall, but so are most of the buildings in midtown, and the area is dominated by Freedom Hall, City Hall and the DuTemps Building, so, it doesn't particularly stand out. Still, there is a big POWERS HOLDINGS INC. name plate over the revolving glass doors, and on the window next to them, the large P with an explosion inside the upper part of the letter that makes up the Powers Holdings logo, which makes it easy to identify the building, at least.
  3. Edward Jon Carter Dormitories, Second Floor Claremont Academy, Freedom City, New Jersey Saturday, September 7, 2024 The cloudy sky insured that the weather in Bayview Heights this Saturday was rather warm and pleasant. School was set to begin on Monday at Claremont Academy, so the move in for students had begun, the campus filled with students and their families. For the returning students it was a chance to catch up with friends. For the new students and their families, it was trying to find their way around. Thankfully a number of the older students had been asked to assist in directing the new students in the right direction. Lawerence Harrow was one such student, the blond Junior having recently arrived with his adopted half-sister, Lynn. His things already put away in the room he shared with Baz, Lawrence was walking along the halls, both looking for his friends and anyone that might need assistance…
  4. Sunday February 18, 2024 Late afternoon After over a day and a half of fun in the water and sun at the Harrow estate on Wakaya Island, Fiji (in addition to some more serious topics), it was unfortunately time for the Claremont Academy students to return back to Freedom City for the start of the next school week. After about an hour or so of chaos, everyone was eventually gathered back on the large deck at the back of the main house for Lawrence Harrow to teleport them all back to campus. As the group of teens stepped into the temporal portal Lawrence created once again, they initially felt a similar sensation to what they had the day before when transported to the South Pacific. But suddenly, rather than stepping out the other side of the portal back at the Main Quad at Claremont, the teens felt as if something tugged on them, causing each to stumble forward and as the world reformed around them and they were not at Claremont Academy. Lawrence Harrow, Parker Powers, Mizuki Iwasaki, Baltazar Botez, Consuelo Nunez, Ryan Jacobs, Vueriz, and Michael Adon all found themselves in a dead end alleyway between a pair of three story buildings. Out past the open end, they could see and hear a large crowd of people gathered, though none seemed to notice the sudden appearance of the teens. The weather was cool, but much warmer than the February cold they had expected. The teens were still in the clothes they had been wearing, and Vueriz had her skyboard, but all the rest of their bags and other things were nowhere to be seen. Wearing a pair of jeans and a red Arsenal hoody, Lawrence looked about the alleyway, a concerned expression on his face before he seemed to focus on something distant and out of view. "This is not right." He simply stated, a hint of concern evident in his refined British accent.
  5. GM A Saturday evening in early January... It is dark and cold, but the streets in Southside are active anyway, with people moving around, doing their business, whatever it might be. Southside is not the nicest neighborhood in town, but it is not the worst either. Still, there is a good chance of trouble, and it has been one of the spots where Parker, Baz and Lawrence has snuck out to look for trouble and do some patrols. It has not been a regular thing, but they have done it a few times so far. It has mostly been stopping purse snatchers or would be robbers. Nothing big, nothing that they couldn't handle pretty easily. But today, as they're watching from the top of a building overlooking a street, waiting for anything to happen? They all have a feeling that it might be different.
  6. OOC for this. @Supercape @Thevshi
  7. Mid-late January, 2024 The End of January brings the beginning of February. As the first month ends, so to do many resolutions fall by the wayside. But change has not stopped occurring just because a new year has begun! In fact, often the last shackles of the prior year's poor decisions can only be thrown off during the first month of the new one! Our new group of heroes, having encountered a group of delinquents, are now in a position to restore some level of normalcy to the lives of 5 troubled young girls. ------------------------------------- Ashley did not like losing. She didn’t lose often, of course, and whenever she did it put her in a foul mood. She had excuses, of course. Ashley didn’t lose, she reasoned to herself. It was the other three; they couldn’t keep up their end of the engagement. She was fighting off two of them at once and winning, the other three had a numbers advantage and they couldn’t keep up with them. They were pathetic. What was even the point of all of them having powers if they were so useless! Power should go to the strongest! That was why she had the powers she did, after all. Those who weren’t deserving, shouldn’t have power. ------------------------------------- Felix didn’t care about losing, but he was annoyed. He wasn’t the strongest, after all, but he liked his niche; he liked the new powers he had. And he had barely gotten to use them at all before that British kid had made him so slow he couldn't even move. Which was whatever. Paradox had acted all high and mighty about it ‘that’s inevitable, you aren’t on his level; your borrowed speed can't compete with his natural abilities'. Paradox didn’t know anything about anything, no matter what he acted like. What really grinded his gears was the Bug Boy. The one who had actually knocked him out. That bug didn't really understand anything about how cool FX was. GBB? GBB was garbage compared to FX! He thought he was cool, but Felix was actually the cool one! He just didn’t get how cool Felix was. He was gonna show him how wrong he was about that. ------------------------------------- Ashley had always been entranced by the Starstone ever since she first saw it. It had as many facets in it as there were stars in the sky- something she realized was meaningful-, and when you looked through one of the facets you could see a constellation. Each facet had a different one stored in it. It was also a clear source of tremendous energy, something the girl given the codename Eclipse was always desperate for. It had given her a tremendous amount with the Draco constellation, but it clearly had more; there were 88 constellations in the sky, but there were only 7 Starlights right now. So there had to be more juice in the gem than it was giving. It sat on the stage of what had once been a bustling theater just off Michigan Street; a prismatic gem that shifted through the hues of every color imaginable- and some beyond that-, about the size of a man's chest. Ashley didn’t know where it came from- the other girls did, but they seemed uninterested in telling her-, but she didn’t care anyway. She floated over to it and placed her hands on it, concentrating and breathing in its energies. “...Now come on, give me what you’re hiding...” “Ashley!? What the heck are you doing!?” someone called behind her, but she wasn’t paying attention to them. She had something bigger going on, after all. All this stuff; the color coding, the ‘Starblights’. They were small time. She was Eclipse, and she was big time. ------------------------------------- Lawrence had been right about one thing; Michael had thought Mizuki was insanely cool for getting the abandoned boat house out of the Headmistress and the faculty. He hadn’t gotten all overbearing about it, but he was clearly appreciative of Mizuki being willing to share something she had obtained with her own hard work with her friends. What was maybe less exciting was the realization that both of the groups had been harassed by color-coded schoolgirls- and one guy-, though appropriate congratulations had also been given to Baz, Mizuki, and Lawrence that they had handled their group so easily while the one at the Aquarium had been a bit more troublesome. It had also been noted that Parker, Consuelo, and Carmen had been excellent, though. Parker had even managed to open a line of communication to one of them thanks to his gentle nature. That was what the group was doing now, after school two days later, waiting for Parker to call the girl who had given him her number to continue their communications. When everyone had arrived and was prepared- including whatever preparations they had made for this-, the number was dialed, and after three rings, it was picked up. “Alright, listen. I’m gonna talk for a second and then you can ask questions, but we need to be quick about it.” The voice definitely belonged to the orange wearing Orion from the Aquarium. “About 2 years ago, a weasel named Enoch approached me, Kitty, Ashley One, Zoe, and Jenny. He said he was being hunted by magical things from another dimension and turned us into the Starbrights. We got super powers that he gave us from a gem called the Umbra Star.” she clearly sucks in breath through her teeth. “It sucked. A bunch of terrible stuff happened to us because of it, and Enoch wasn’t exactly great at being a mentor. We were constantly fighting monsters sent by this evil queen named Solus, they were threatening and hurting our friends and family. Then, about a year ago, one of her monsters killed Enoch. And we didn’t even have him anymore. So we gave up. Stopped bothering to fight the monsters, didn’t really go to school. We only had each other. But sometimes the monsters still found us.” She talks fast but it’s not hard to understand her, and her frustration is clear even in just her words; she’s not a delinquent lashing out because it’s fun, she’s a girl their age who is hurt and wounded. “Ashley II and Felix weren’t part of our group. They ended up caught up when one of those monsters attacked us. But the Umbra Star that gives us our powers gave them powers too. They already had powers, so it just made them even stronger. We all could see they were a problem, even beyond us, but we couldn’t really do anything about it; we don’t decide who gets the powers and who doesn’t, only Enoch could figure that out and he never told us. So we had to stick with them. But it’s not gonna fly anymore. They’re way too violent, and they’re clearly working for some other purpose.” she was quiet again, for a second. “...If you take them out, get them arrested, beat them down and take them away to Juvie or some prison or something, maybe the connection will break. And we can be free of them. The others won’t ask this because they’re concerned about each other; no one wants to get blasted by Ashley or watch someone else get blasted. But I’ll do it, because we need the help. We don’t want to fight you. The others don’t know I’m talking to you, but if I show up with you, they won’t side with Ashley and Felix. If you help us, we’ll call it even and split, no hard feelings.” she paused. She was tense, extremely. And it honestly could have been seen as quite suspicious that a girl that had just been trying to punch everyone was now asking for help. "...Okay, sorry. I can answer any questions now." She finally said.
  8. OOC for the other thread. We're going to split up after a bit but we'll keep this as the first thread; there will be a split when the team splits up, then reconverge in here. For now, feel free to give a little blurb about anything you would have done in between, or anything you would have brought to this little meet-up. If it needs a roll, we'll figure it out
  9. Okay, pulling this out. @RocketLord @The Sailor @Huckleberry @MoonSimply Dragon Star Initiative 1d20+7: 23 [1d20=16] Puma: 29 Dragon Star: 23 Spaceman: 20 Rot: 20 Torpedo Lass II: 17 I have intentionally left it vague how you are entering; feel free to enter dynamically and cooly as you wish to; you don't have to just walk down the narrow corridor to the boss arena, you can break in through the ceiling or emerge from a hidden area upstairs and leap at her or whatever. Be explosive!
  10. ( @RocketLord @MoonSimply @Huckleberry @The Sailor ) Starlight Theater on Michigan street had once been a place of culture. 50 years ago, it held many popular plays. Lauren Hammond once performed there, in an adaptation of Carmilla, staring as the titular Vampiress. But not long after Hammond gave her curtain call, the theater followed not long after. Silver Scream had haunted the theater once, but eventually stopped; the despair of her major starring performance in the theater also being a horror-themed play made the spirit unwilling to stay there for long. Despite that, or rather, because she had been there before, no one had wanted to invest in the theater. That made it the perfect place for a group of disaffected, burnt-out teens to set up shop when the pressures of super-heroing and school life became too much. It had been the same reason that Ashley and Felix had gone to take a look around, unaware of the Starblights, that led to them gaining powers. And now, sitting on the stage was a gem that was the source of a beam of violet energy that shattered the roof and reached into the sky. While the gem was prismatic, it was slowly turning dark as pitch; with each star that fell from the sky to become one of those strange star zombies, one of the facets of the Gem turned black. This was what happened when Magic was twisted to dark purposes; the darkness became self-perpetuating, and given enough time, the Umbra Star would turn into the center of a Netherworld. But the star wasn't the biggest attraction, it was the Dragon. The Dragon was less solid than pure energy, made of a deep, rich purple. It had defined scales, each representing one of the constellations in the sky; it was western in appearance; two forelimbs, two back limbs, and two giant wings, a long, twisting neck, and a tapered snout. It's long tail didn't really end; it twisted and turned and disappeared into the Umbra Star like a tether, attaching the giant dragon to the gem in the center of the stage. There was a form in the very center of it; a human shaped bundle of darkness that was the source of it. And when the dragon opened it's mouth and Draco's voice boomed out of it, it was clear who that human was. "IT DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE. I've never felt better! This gem is the greatest source of power I could have ever hoped for! I'm going to live up to my name now; I'm going to Eclipse the sun itself!" Then the dragon pulled back it's mouth and roared, loud enough to vibrate the entire theater. This was it's roar of challenge to Spaceman, Torpedo Lass II, Rot, and Puma. Amid the destroyed theater; seats of rotted wood, the collapsed second story boxes, the forgotten, faded posters, there was a Dragon, and there were those who wanted to stop it.
  11. Spaceman Power Level: 12 Effective Power Level: 9 Powers Points: 189/207PP Unspent Power Points: 18PP Trade-Offs: -5 Defense / +5 Toughness In Brief: Young paragon with space manipulation powers, heavily Superman inspired. Theme: Million - Divide Music Alternate Identity: Parker Powers (Secret) Birthplace: Freedom City Residence: Bayview, Freedom City Base of Operations: Freedom City Occupation: Student at Claremont Acadeny Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Powers Holdings Inc. Family: Peter Powers (Born 1975, father), Penny Powers (Born 1972, mother, CEO of Powers Holdings Inc.), Tracy Powers (Born 2003, sister, CEO of Powers Holdings) Description: Age: 16 (DoB: 2007 [May 27] Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6'1'' Weight: 200 lbs. Eyes: Light blue Hair: Blonde Parker has short blonde hair, and light blue eyes that seem almost inhuman in color. He has an athletic build, somewhat powerful build. He tends to stand up straight, and will usually have a friendly smile on his lips. While in normal clothes, Parker tends to wear dress shirts and ties, ranging from solid colors to more abstract shapes and colors and to cartoon characters. He will usually wear dark pants or jeans, often in contrast to his shirt and tie. He has a habit of using his hands much when talking, gesturing to get his point across. As Spaceman, Parker wears a primarily white costume, with a black triangle shape at the top of his chest, starting from his solar plexus. He wears a black cape directly attached to the black area of his costume, near his shoulders. In the center of the black area on his chest, he displays his logo, a stylized golden "S". He wears a golden belt and golden armbands. He wears no mask. When he uses his powers, black bubble-like krackle tend to appear around him, growing in size and intensity the greater the feat. History: Peter and Penny Powers: What had started as a business partnership had evolved into romance and eventually marriage. Philanthropists, adventurers, explorers, they travelled across the world, spending their wealth and time to try and make the world a better place. Penny came from old money from the Freedom City Powers family, but she was all too happy to take Peter up on his offer to actually start using that money for good. Not even the birth of their daughter Tracy seemed to slow them down. During late August 2006, when their daughter Tracy was 3, the Powers family visited one of the many laboratories that Penny had set up, one that was researching alternative sources of power. One particular research group led by one Doctor Joseph Siegel was working on a device that would siphon energy from a theoretical buffer zone that laid between universes. While Doctor Siegel explained the machine and its potential uses to the Powers couple, young Tracy grew restless and bored, and started toying with the machine, unnoticed by all. One fateful click of a button, and Penny was bombarded with a cascade of rainbow energy from the machine. She screamed in shock, but the shock soon turned to confusion, as it seemed to be nothing more than colors. While Doctor Siegel scrambled to shut off the machine and was quick to apologize and subject Penny to a number of tests, all but one came up as negative: Penny was unharmed by the burst of energy, but she was pregnant with the Powers couple's second child. The experiment into the theoretical buffer zone continued, before eventually being shelved a few years later. On May 27nd the following year, Parker Powers was born into a loving family. A doting older sister, parents that loved both siblings and did their best to teach them wrong from right, to threat everyone with respect and offer what help they could. In short, the Powers children were taught to believe in truth and justice, and to always apply those lessons to the best of their abilities. They attended the very best private schools in Freedom City, both Parker and Tracy loving the old Freedom Friends cartoon. Parker in particular idolized the Centurion, while his sister was always more fond of the Daedelus. The siblings were inseperable, spending virtually all their time together. In 2007, on his tenth birthday, Parker first displayed super human abilities, as he found himself floating above the ground. Tracy was of course the first to discover it, even when Parker tried to keep it hidden. Still, after some experimentation where they discovered that flight was simply the first of Parker's abilities, the siblings came clean to their parents, revealing Parker's ability to seemingly manipulate space itself. While worried for their child's safety, Penny and Peter showed nothing but love for their children as they did their best to help Parker understand his strange new abilities and what he could do. Still, despite his parents' help, it was Parker's sister that helped him understand how he could use his abilities on not just the world around him, but himself as well, allowing him to emulate several abilities of his heroes. Parker spent the following years struggling with his powers and keeping them to himself. He couldn't risk discovery by the Moore Administration, but with everything he had been taught and how he had been raised by his parents, it felt wrong to not use his powers to help others. Eventually, in an effort to master both his powers and learn to become a true hero. Personality & Motivation: Parker is a confident young man, who is nonetheless struggling with the complexity of his power and what he might end up doing if he is unable to control them. While acting in his secret identity, he hides some of his confidence and changes his posture, hunching over somewhat and doing his best to appear different from his Spaceman identity. He has a strong sense of justice and has trouble accepting being unable to help others, even if he has to keep his identity secret. While acting as Spaceman, Parker tries to act much like he saw Centurion do in the old Freedom Friends cartoon: He is a champion, a defender, standing up for everyone in danger. He focuses on keeping people safe and tries to avoid violence whenever possible. If he finds himself believing that a villain can be redeemed, he will try to help them to the best of his ability, whether behind the scenes or with their knowledge, depending on their individual needs. Powers & Tactics: Parker tends to present himself as a typical paragon. Strong, fast, tough and can fly. While the more advanced uses of his powers are not exactly a secret, its not something he will boast about using. Spaceman's first priority is keeping people safe and out of harms way, and he prefers to solve conflicts through words. If the situation allows him to talk down a foe instead of fighting them, he will attempt to do so. Power Descriptions: Parker's powers come from a peculiar connection to Z-Space, the realm between universes in the multiverse. On top of a general physical enhancement, giving him greater reflexes and making him physically tougher, the connection allows him to manipulate space, the distance between two objects. He has a total spatial awareness and a constant sense of the exact distance between everything around him. He is also granted a peculiar ability to seem unassuming and have a forgettable apperance when he is out of his costume, an unconscious effect of his connection to Z-Space, a sort of dimensional ripple effect that makes him harder to recognize By manipulating the distance between himself and other things, Parker can fly, or, by moving himself instantly, achieve a teleportation effect. Turning his powers on himself, he can make himself harder to hurt and move or stronger by increasing his molecular density and space, or become incorporal by decreasing his molecular space. Turning his powers outward, Parker can decrease the distance between himself and his targets, allowing him to hit someone far away, even from different angles, or alternatively to hit everyone in an area at once, applying the full force of his strength at once. He can change the physical distance between two objects, effectively moving them through space, slam space itself into a target, create a sense of vertigo by manipulating the distance that a target's senses inform them about, or even effectively locking a target in place by increasing the distance between them and everything around them. As Parker uses his powers, black bubble-like krackle tend to appear around him, growing in size and intensity the greater the feat. Complications: Chronic Hero Syndrome: Parker has always had some serious issues with not helping those in need. Walking ladies over the street, getting beat up fending off muggers, you name it. This makes it very difficult for him to ignore someone in need, a fact that can, and has been, used against him numerous times. Deviant Doctor: Spaceman has earned the attention of a villain known that he knows only as Doctor Deviation, though he so far knows little about her, aside from that fact that she is a villain and primarily acts through various minions. While Doctor Deviation will never do anything to target Spaceman's family and friends, she is prone to aiding other villains when fighting Spaceman, either by sending minions, directly interfering or simply finding ways to make the situation more difficult, earning Parker a Hero Point from the GM in the process. Son, Brother, Hero: Parker has a lot of responsibilities to his family. While his family might be understanding, that doesn't mean Parker won't feel responsible if he lets them down. The GM can award Parker with a Hero Point if he ends up in a situation where having to choose between his responsibilites somehow hinders Parker, including putting them in harms way, or even just having to answer a call from his mother who wants to chat while he is fighting Gargaton the Unspeakable. Redemption Sponsor: Even if he is by no means naive, Parker would much rather redeem any villains or criminals into using their abilities for the good of society and others, rather than just beat them up. Of course, they have to be judged as the law dictates, but before, during and after serving their sentence, he is more than willing to help them. This also means that, if it is possible in the situation, Spaceman will often try to diffuse a situation without violence, and at least offer a villain a chance to surrender and turn their skills to good before a fight. A GM can award Spaceman a Hero Point if this stalls him during a battle or gives the villain a chance. Secret Identity: Parker's parents and sister knows of his secret identity, though as the son of the owners of Parker Holdings Inc., getting found out might put his somewhat well known family in trouble. Z-Spaceman: While he is aware that his powers are tied to somewhere or something else, Parker doesn't know how deep this connection runs, or just how the connection works, but it gives Parker a certain feel and background radiation that interdimensional travellers tend to be able to sense, attracting him a lot of the wrong kind of attention. The GM can award Parker a Hero Point if someone being able to sense or detect him due to being interdimensional travellers or having the right equipment causes trouble. Abilities: 0 + 2 + 2 + 6 + 6 + 8 = 24PP Strength: 10 (+0) / 28 (+9) w. Spatial Strength Dexterity: 12 (+1) / 16 (+3) Constitution: 12 (+1) / 38 (+14) w. Enhanced Constitution Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 8 + 4 = 12PP Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Attack: +4 Base, +9 Melee (+4 Base, +5 Attack Focus [Melee]) Defense: +4 (+2 Base, +2 Dodge Focus), +1 Flat-Footed Grapple: See table below Knockback: -7 (TOU 14/2) / -21 (TOU 5/2, -9 Imp. TOU, -10 Spatial Constant) Grapple Table Total Score Base Attack + Attack Focus (BA) Increase Molecular Space (IMS) Infinite Reach + Spatial Strength (IR) Change Physical Distance (CPD) Values +9 +10 +16 +28 BA +9 +9 CPD +25 +28 IMS +19 +9 +10 IR +25 +9 +16 IR+IMS +35 +9 +10 +16 Saving Throws: 0 + 3 + 7 = 10PP Toughness: +14 (+1 Con, +13 Enhanced Con) Fortitude: +14 (+1 Con, +13 Enhanced Con) Reflex: +6 (+3 Dex, +3) Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7) Skills: 56R = 14PP Bluff 6 (+10) Diplomacy 11 (+15) Gather Information 6 (+10) Knowledge [Behavioral Sciences] 2 (+5) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 7 (+10) Language 3 (Native: English; French, German, Spanish) Medicine 2 (+5) Notice 7 (+10) Search 3 (+6) Sense Motive 7 (+10) Survival 2 (+5) Feats: 19PP Accurate Attack Attack Focus [Melee] 5 Benefit 2 (Wealth) Chokehold Dodge Focus 2 Improved Grab Improved Grapple Interpose Luck 3 Power Attack Ultimate Save [Toughness] Powers: 33 + 22 + 35 + 12 + 8 = 110PP Enhanced Physiology 6.6 (33PP Container) [33PP] (Descriptors: Physical Mutation, Z-Space) Enhanced Constitution 26 [26PP] Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] Feature 1 (Forgettable appearance out of costume) [1PP] Flight 1 (Flight Speed: 10 mph, 100 ft./rnd) (Stacks with Spatial Flight from Space Movement Array) [2PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Flight, Space/Spatial, Personal Spatial Placement Manipulation) Stacked Power: Flight 5 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 250 mph, 2500 ft./rnd) (Descriptors: Spatial Flight) Personal Space Control Array 10 (20PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [22PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space, Personal Density Manipulation) BP: {9 + 10 = 19/20} Impervious Toughness 9 [9PP] (Descriptors: Increase Molecular Density) Immovable 10 [10PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Constant) AP: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal) {20/20} (Descriptors: Decrease Molecular Space) AP: Super-Strength 10 (+50 Strength to checks; Carrying capacity: Heavy load 51.2 tons (base), 417 tons (Spatial Strength)) {20/20} (Descriptors: Increase Molecular Space) Space Control Array 16 (32PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [35PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) BP: {12 + 18 = 30/32} (Descriptors: Personal Space Manipulation) Elongation 7 (Feats: Indirect 3, Subtle 2) (Reach: 500 ft., range incr 70 ft.) [12PP] (Descriptors: Infinite Reach, Distance and Position Manipulation) Enhanced Strength 18 [18PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Strength) AP: Move Object 14 (Extras: Range [Perception]; Flaws: Distracting; Feats: Insidious, Precise, Subtle 2) {32/32} (Descriptors: Change Physical Distance, Distance and Position Manipulation) AP: Blast 10 (Feats: Accurate 2, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Hazardous Environment]) {27/32} (Descriptors: Bring Hazard, Change distance to hazardous environment or effect) AP: Paralyze 9 (Extras: Alternate Save [Reflex] (+0), Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Distracting; Feats: Subtle 2) {29/32} (Descriptors: Unending Prison, Distance Manipulation) Space Movement Array 5 (10PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [12PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) BP: Flight 4 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 100 mph, 1000 ft./rnd) {10/10} (Descriptors: Spatial Flight, Personal Spatial Position Manipulation) Stacked Power: Flight 5 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 250 mph, 2500 ft./rnd) (Descriptors: Spatial Flight) AP: Teleport 4 (Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity) (Range: 400 ft. as move action, 1 mile as full action) {10/10} (Descriptors: Change Personal Position, Instant Personal Spatial Position Manipulation) AP: Area Strength 9 Adds (Extras: Area [Targeted Burst] 8, Selective 8; Flaws: Action [Full Round]) to Strength (40 ft. radius) {9/10} (Descriptors: Reach Everything) Super-Senses 8 (Distance Sense, Spatial Awareness [Sense Type: Mental, Extras: Accurate, Acute, Extended 2 [Range Increment x100], Radius, Ranged]) [8PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Senses, Enhanced Senses, Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +9 Unarmed – Infinite Reach + Spatial Strength Touch at 500 ft. Range incr: 70 ft. DC24 Tou (staged) Damage +9, Elongation 7, Indirect 3, Subtle 2 Change Physical Distance - Thrown Objects 140 ft. DC24 Tou (staged) Damage Perception Range, Insidious, Precise, Subtle 2 Bring Hazard 80 ft. DC24 TOU (staged) Damage +8, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Hazardous Environment] Unending Prison Perception DC19 Ref (staged) Fail: Slowed 2nd Fail or Fail >5: Paralyzed Perception Range, Subtle 2 Totals: Abilities (24) + Combat (12) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (14) + Feats (19) + Powers (110) - Drawbacks (0) = 189/202 Power Points
  12. December 1, 2023 Claremont Academy As if gym class wasn't bad enough... They'd been divided up as partners for basic unarmed combat when the flash of light came, a snap and boom of white that was all-too-familiar to La Puma Negra. The scene was familiar to none of them, however. They were no longer standing on the washable firm mats of the Claremont gym floor, instead they were standing inside a strange place. It was a room full of trophies; statues of a caped figure holding up a gigantic globe, surrounded by smaller statues of men and women in togas, artifacts from countless worlds and timelines. The walls on either side were of some exotic metal, as was the floor; with doors visible that seemed to lead off to a much larger tunnel complex. This was the lair of the late legendary Centurion, long a museum --- or was it? The whole place had a strange air about it as if long-neglected air had just been recently been disturbed, the air thick with dust and the distinct scent of blood. And then a man appeared; blonde and blue-eyed, he was wearing the Centurion's costume but clearly wasn't him. La Puma Negra recognized the adult form of Quirk (and perhaps a few others did too) - his daughter was no longer with him. "Welcome, combatants!" he called in a booming, artificially amplified voice. "You have reached the Centurion's stronghold! But be warned, if you seek to claim his true power, the guardians may not be what you expect! You must defeat them and reclaim the Centurion's rocket if you wish to be victorious. Let the combat begin!" And then, he vanished.
  13. (GM Post) Mid January, 2024 What should be an easy assignment turns violent! A fun visit turned into a semi-nautical nightmare! What's a high school assignment compared to the aggression of Supervillains!? Can our Heroes save the day AND complete their assignment!? The Freedom City Aquarium was always open for students doing projects, especially ones from the well-funded Claremont Academy, whose headmistress was a significant donor for the massive, three story building and it's attached research vessel. A big exhibit now was a live Blue Whale, currently swimming in a fenced in area of the harbor while it recovered from injuries sustained in the wild. But there were plenty of other exhibits throughout the three stories of the building. Parker Powers, Consuelo Nunez, and Michael Adon had, in their Sophomore level Biology Course, been given an assignment along with the rest of the class to go around the city and examine a microbiome in the city; the same assignment that sent Mizuki, Lawrence, and Baz to the local Estuary underneath the amusement park. Carmen had gotten the chance to earn some extra credit by going along with them, partially as a chaperone and partially by writing her own essay about some of the more interesting examples of sea life at the aquarium. While it wasn't a microbiome in reality, since obviously it wasn't natural, it did allow the group to present comparisons between creatures of the same species that were adapted to different locations; a major example of this were Otters, as the Aquarium had both Sea Otters and River Otters among it's other exhibits. With special permission from the handler, the group was currently standing on a platform in the sea otter exhibit, taking notes to compare it to the River Otters they had visited before. With it's thicker fur and heavier body, the creature was quite different from the slick, svelte river otter that was it's biological cousin. It wasn't anything specifically straining or dangerous, it was actually pretty relaxing. Right up until the alarms went off, flashing red lights in the exhibit the group is in as a voice echoed over the loud speaker. "All Visitors and non-security personal please exit the Aquarium. Metahuman Activity is occurring." Which wasn't great to begin with, but it got worse when Carmen, her senses naturally more heightened than the three Sophomores, could hear a wail of pain by the largest beast in the area. It was too high to be heard at first, but on it's second scream, even Parker and Consuelo could hear it. Someone was torturing the Blue Whale, and the poor creature was screaming in fear and pain, loud enough that it could be heard inside the building. The otters fled off the platform into deeper water to escape the sound, and the crying whale was interwoven with the sounds of violence occurring on the lower levels of the Aquarium.
  14. OOC for This Thread Featuring: Spaceman La Puma Negra Rot Golden Star So with her Ultrahearing, Carmen heard the Blue Whale first, but it quickly became audible to everyone, so everyone can react to it without needing to wait for now.
  15. Sub-basement of Claremont Academy Bayview, Freedom City, New Jersey October 2023, 9:45 AM Lawrence Harrow looked about the large room on one of the sub-basements beneath the grounds of Claremont Academy. The room was rather Spartan, with smooth white and grey walls, a floor that had a hexagon pattern and a high, almost cavernous ceiling. Along one of the walls, a couple dozen feet above the floor, was a dark set of plexiglass windows. "So, this is the Doom Room." The blond teen stated with his refined British accent as he looked back over his shoulder towards his roommate and gave a small grin. "Ready to show off what you can do Baz?" The faculty had arranged time in the school’s training room for several of the new students in order to start gathering baseline information on their powers for the year. As such, Lawerence was wearing the standard blue and yellow Claremont uniform, the morphic molecule costume tightly fitting his lean athletic build. The teen began slowly scanning the apparently empty room before his bright blue eyes fixed on the windows to the control room for a few moments. He then turned back to Baz. "Parker said he was in our testing group right? Wonder who the others will be."
  16. Kord Dormitories, Second Floor Claremont Academy, Freedom City, New Jersey Monday, September 4, 2023 The start of the new school year was just a week away, and the activity on Claremont Academy had increased in anticipation. Today, students (and some parents) had descended on the school’s dormitories, getting students moved in ahead of the start of classes. The weather in Freedom City was still quit warm, pushing towards the 90’s, with the humidity making it seem even warmer. Lawrence Harrow exited the stairwell on the second floor of the dorms, a backpack over one shoulder and a large suitcase in tow. The blond sixteen year old’s parents had seen him off at home in North Bay and he had driven himself to campus. He was looking to get some of his things to his room and catch up with Baz so they could start meeting more of the classmates.
  17. Spaceman Power Level: 13 Effective Power Level: 10 Powers Points: 185/202PP Unspent Power Points: 17PP Trade-Offs: -5 Defense / +5 Toughness In Brief: Retired hero returns to action when his powers return. Now he has to balance his life, family and need to use his powers for good. Theme: Shooting Star - Kirby Krackle Alternate Identity: Parker Powers (Secret) Birthplace: Freedom City Residence: Bayview, Freedom City Base of Operations: Freedom CityOccupation: Teacher at the Nicholson SchoolAffiliations: Nicholson School, Powers Holdings Inc.Family: Penelope Powers (nee Thomas) (Born 1980, wife, Writer), Paris Powers (Born 2006, son), Pia Powers (Born 2011, daughter), Peter Powers (Born 1949, father, Retired), Penny Powers (Born 1948, mother, Retired), Tracy Powers (Born 1975, sister, CEO of Powers Holdings) Description: Age: 41 (DoB: 1979 [May 27] Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6'1'' Weight: 265 lbs. Eyes: Light blue Hair: Blonde Parker has semi-long blonde hair with a full beard, and light blue eyes that seem almost inhuman in color. He has an athletic build, having done his best to keep in shape even during his retirement. He tends to stand up straight, and will usually have a friendly smile on his lips. While in normal clothes, Parker tends to wear dress shirts and ties, ranging from solid colors to more abstract shapes and colors and to cartoon characters. He will usually wear dark pants or jeans, often in contrast to his shirt and tie. He has a habit of using his hands much when talking, gesturing to get his point across. As Spaceman, Parker wears a primarily white costume, with a black triangle shape at the top of his chest, starting from his solar plexus. He wears a black cape directly attached to the black area of his costume, near his shoulders. In the center of the black area on his chest, he displays his logo, a stylized golden "S" with light grey, almost silver, borders in a diamond shape. He wears a golden belt and golden armbands. He wears no mask. When he uses his powers, black bubble-like krackle tend to appear around him, growing in size and intensity the greater the feat. History: Peter and Penny Powers: What had started as a business partnership had evolved into romance and eventually marriage. Philanthropists, adventurers, explorers, they travelled across the world, spending their wealth and time to try and make the world a better place. Penny came from old money from the Freedom City Powers family, but she was all too happy to take Peter up on his offer to actually start using that money for good. Not even the birth of their daughter Tracy seemed to slow them down. During late August 1978, when their daughter Tracy was 3, the Powers family visited one of the many laboratories that Penny had set up, one that was researching alternative sources of power. One particular research group led by one Doctor Joseph Siegel was working on a device that would siphon energy from a theoretical buffer zone that laid between universes. While Doctor Siegel explained the machine and its potential uses to the Powers couple, young Tracy grew restless and bored, and started toying with the machine, unnoticed by all. One fateful click of a button, and Penny was bombarded with a cascade of rainbow energy from the machine. She screamed in shock, but the shock soon turned to confusion, as it seemed to be nothing more than colors. While Doctor Siegel scrambled to shut off the machine and was quick to apologize and subject Penny to a number of tests, all but one came up as negative: Penny was unharmed by the burst of energy, but she was pregnant with the Powers couple's second child. The experiment into the theoretical buffer zone continued, before eventually being shelved a few years later. On May 27nd the following year, Parker Powers was born into a loving family. A doting older sister, parents that loved both siblings and did their best to teach them wrong from right, to threat everyone with respect and offer what help they could. In short, the Powers children were taught to believe in truth and justice, and to always apply those lessons to the best of their abilities. They attended the very best private schools in Freedom City, both Parker and Tracy loving the Freedom Friends cartoon, even years after the Freedom Leagoe disbanded. Parker in particular idolized the Centurion, while his sister was always more fond of the Daedelus. The siblings were inseperable, spending virtually all their time together. After going public with their criticism of Mayor Moore, The Powers couple saw their wealth dwindling during the Moore administration, leading to the eventual shutdown or many of their humanitarian efforts during Freedom City's Iron Age, though they still did what they could to make the world a better place. In 1989, on his tenth birthday, Parker first displayed super human abilities, as he found himself floating above the ground. Tracy was of course the first to discover it, even when Parker tried to keep it hidden. It wasn't a good time to have powers in Freedom City, after all. Still, after some experimentation where they discovered that flight was simply the first of Parker's abilities, the siblings came clean to their parents, revealing Parker's ability to seemingly manipulate space itself. While worried for their child's safety, Penny and Peter showed nothing but love for their children as they did their best to help Parker understand his strange new abilities and what he could do. Still, despite his parents' help, it was Parker's sister that helped him understand how he could use his abilities on not just the world around him, but himself as well, allowing him to emulate several abilities of his heroes. Parker spent the following years struggling with his powers and keeping them to himself. He couldn't risk discovery by the Moore Administration, but with everything he had been taught and how he had been raised by his parents, it felt wrong to not use his powers to help others. In 1993, he got his wish. The Terminus Invasion struck Freedom City, and as the largest alliance of heroes united to repel the invaders, Parker couldn't just look on anymore. Donning a pair of jeans, a t-shirt with a stylized S, a pair of goggles and a leather jacket, Spaceboy made his debut fighting the minions of the Terminus. Stumbling into the battles and saving anyone that he could, Spaceboy joined the fight against Omega and saw as his hero, the Centurion, sacrificed himself to save the world. In the years after the Terminus Invasion, Spaceboy became a regular sight in Freedom City, flying across the sky, fighting villains and saving the day. Despite the extent of his abilities, he would only rarely use them to their full extent, instead prefering to give the appearance that he only possessed flight, super strength, invulnerability, intangibility and not much else. As he fought for truth, justice and protect the people, Parker found his powers slowly increasing, and as he grew more comfortable in the role of a hero, he gradually changed his look. By 1996, the now 17 years old Parker started calling himself Spaceman, and by 1998, he started wearing the costume that he would be known for. Through trials, battles, partnerships and more, Parker gradually grew into a better man and hero, often being the sponsor to give villains and criminals the chance to redeem themselves before, during and after serving their sentence. While his parents stood by him the entire time, offering help, advice and shoulders to cry on, none was closer to Parker than his sister Tracy, who he credited with keeping him grounded as Spaceman soared to ever greater heights. He met Penelope Thomas in 1997, and the two immediately hit it off. An aspiring writer, Penelope sought to write the story of the heroes of Freedom City, her first goal being the story of Spaceman. While he was amused, Parker did not wish to deceive Penelope, and soon after they started dating, he revealed his identity to her. What kind of hero would he be if he lied to his significant other, after all? The two remained a steady couple, with Parker eventually proposing in 2000. In the years that had followed since his debut on the super hero scene, it seemed that Parker met and fought a veritable who's who of super heroes and villains, including encounters with the Atom Family, the Delinquents, Flashforward and Hologram, Doctor Metropolis and many, many more, but since her first debut in 1999, his most recurring and personal foe was the mysterious villain known as Doctor Deviation. Seemingly Doctor Deviation's only target, and a quite personal one at that. While strangely never targeting any of Parker's friends or loved ones, Doctor Deviation seemed all too willing to target any other civilian or public gathering that could draw Spaceman's attention. While Spaceman would triump again and again during their battles, Doctor Deviation always worked through proxies or managed to escape, and her motives never seemed clear, beyond hurting and stopping Spaceman. Even when Parker confronted Doctor Deviation alongside allies, she seemed intent on targeting him. As the years passed, Doctor Deviation's methods grew more brutal, as did their battles. Spaceman remained a respected member of the hero community in the years that followed. In 2003, Parker and Penelope married, and by 2006, Penelope was pregnant with the couple's first child. Then, Doctor Deviation struck. More unhinged than ever, Deviation lured Spaceman to Greenland, where they fought what would turn out to be their final battle. At the end of an extended, gruelling duel where Doctor Deviant held the life of a small village in her grip, Spaceman finally prevailed, seemingly defeating his archenemy for good, as Doctor Deviation disappeared below the arctic waters. Sustaining massive injuries that left him wheelchair bound for months and walking with a cane for a year after, Parker found that his powers had disappeared, and the Spaceman disappeared from the public eye, his fate left uncertain to the world at large. With his young son Paris to take care of and be an example to, Parker decided that he still had to do something, even if he couldn't be a super hero anymore. Despite his access to the Powers fortune meaning that he didn't actually have to work for a living, Parker started to study to become a teacher. By 2011, Penelope gave birth to their daughter Pia, and both Parker and Penelope agreed to keep their father's past as a hero secret, at least until the children were old enough to properly understand. By 2012, Parker earned a position as a science teacher at the Nicholson School in Freedom City, happily teaching the super powered children of the world. Since then, Parker had lived a quiet life with his family, letting his sister Tracy run the revived Powers Holdings Inc., carrying out the family's vision, while he was content to teach and spend time with his family. Still, despite being content with his life, Parker would at least admit to himself that he missed being a hero, and he still felt a twinge of regret when he heard of situations where he could have helped. Parker woke in the morning to find small black bubbles generating from his body as he once again affected space around him. It seemed that it was once again time for Parker to put on the cape, but if Spaceman returned, could Doctor Deviation be far behind? Personality & Motivation: Parker is a loving father, a devoted husband and a respected teacher. He is caring and slow to anger, secure in himself and his life. Despite feeling the pull of heroics, and still ending up putting himself in harms way to protect his loved ones and students a few times, he had accepted that his days as a super hero was over, and he was happy with his life. Compassionate and always prefering to talk through problems rather than fight, Parker is the calm presence that keeps his family together. With the return of his powers, Parker has once again taken on the mantle of Spaceman, unable to deny the responsibility that his powers give him, though he feels out of place in the world of modern heroes, which has moved on since he hung up his cape. He recognizes few of the current generation, but despite his prior heroics, he has found himself content to let the younger heroes act on their own, rather than try to force them to conform to the way he thinks heroes used to be. Despite the return of his powers, Parker has found himself feeling less secure in his abilities than he used to. Was it his injuries that caused his powers to disappear, or something else? They might have returned, but he is weaker than he used to be, and as his familarity with his powers have resurfaced, he has found himself acting as if they were at their old levels on numerous occassions. Having yet to tell his children of his secret identity, Parker struggles with whether he should tell them, hating that he is, so far, keeping secrets from them. While acting as Spaceman, Parker acts much like he used to: He is a champion, a defender, standing up for everyone in danger. He focuses on keeping people safe and tries to avoid violence whenever possible. If he finds himself believing that a villain can be redeemed, he will try to help them to the best of his ability, whether behind the scenes or with their knowledge, depending on their individual needs. Powers & Tactics: Parker tends to present himself as a typical paragon. Strong, faster, tough and can fly. While the more advanced uses of his powers are not exactly a secret, its not something he will boast about using. Spaceman's first priority is keeping people safe and out of harms way, and he prefers to solve conflicts through words. If the situation allows him to talk down a foe instead of fighting them, he will attempt to do so. Power Descriptions: Parker's powers come from a peculiar connection to Z-Space, the realm between universes in the multiverse. On top of a general physical enhancement, giving him greater reflexes and making him physically tougher, the connection allows him to manipulate space, the distance between two objects. He has a total spatial awareness and a constant sense of the exact distance between everything around him. He is also granted a peculiar ability to seem unassuming and have a forgettable apperance when he is out of his costume, an unconscious effect of his connection to Z-Space, a sort of dimensional ripple effect that makes him harder to recognize By manipulating the distance between himself and other things, Parker can fly, or, by moving himself instantly, achieve a teleportation effect. Turning his powers on himself, he can make himself harder to hurt and move or stronger by increasing his molecular density and space, or become incorporal by decreasing his molecular space. Turning his powers outward, Parker can decrease the distance between himself and his targets, allowing him to hit someone far away, even from different angles, or alternatively to hit everyone in an area at once, applying the full force of his strength at once. He can change the physical distance between two objects, effectively moving them through space, slam space itself into a target, create a sense of vertigo by manipulating the distance that a target's senses inform them about, or even effectively locking a target in place by increasing the distance between them and everything around them. As Parker uses his powers, black bubble-like krackle tend to appear around him, growing in size and intensity the greater the feat. Since his powers returned after being unable to access them for more than 10 years, Parker has found them greatly weakened than before. Complications: Broken Pedestal: While the majority of Freedom City in general is happy to have Spaceman back, some people might feel differently, perhaps feeling that he abandoned the city, especially since he has done little to explain where he has been. The GM can award Spaceman with a Hero Point if a situation is made more difficult by encountering someone that has taken offense to his disappearence. Chronic Hero Syndrome: Even before and after losing his powers, Parker has always had some serious issues with not helping those in need. Walking ladies over the street, getting beat up fending off muggers, you name it. This makes it very difficult for him to ignore someone in need, a fact that can, and has been, used against him numerous times, and makes it nigh-impossible for him to not start using his powers as a hero once again. Dented Iron: Parker isn't as powerful as he used to be and still feels the effects of his last battle before he lost his powers. The GM can award him with a Hero Point if he tries to do something he just can't anymore, or if his old injuries act up causing him to lose concentration. Alternatively, not wanting to let others down, he might end up in situations that he could once have handled, but are now much more difficult. Deviant Doctor: During his years as an active hero, Spaceman was the almost sole target of the villain Doctor Deviation, who seemed to personally target him at every opportunity, doing everything she could to draw him out, even doing small and petty acts just to annoy him. While Spaceman would eventually emerge victorious in most of their battles, Doctor Deviation was never captured, and he never learned her true identity. After their final fight, which greatly injured Spaceman and, at least temporarily, cost him his powers, Doctor Deviation disappeared. Now that Spaceman is back, Doctor Deviation is bound to return as well. While Doctor Deviation will never do anything to target Spaceman's family and friends, she is prone to aiding other villains when fighting Spaceman, either by sending minions, directly interfering or simply finding ways to make the situation more difficult, earning Parker a Hero Point from the GM in the process. Enemies: As the Spaceman, Parker fought a number of enemies before losing his powers and retiring. When he retired, some of these enemies remained active, while others disappeared. Now that he is back, they might return, looking to settle old scores, or new villains might take a shot at the once prominent hero. Father, Husband, Son, Brother, Teacher, Hero: Parker has a lot of responsibilities to his parents and to his students. Now that his powers have returned, he has even more. While his family might be understanding, that doesn't mean Parker won't feel responsible if he lets them down. The GM can award Parker with a Hero Point if he ends up in a situation where having to choose between his responsibilites somehow hinders Parker, including putting them in harms way, having to finish up something before picking up his children, dealing with curious students or even just having to answer a call from his mother who wants to chat while he is fighting Gargaton the Unspeakable. Redemption Sponsor: Even if he is by no means naive, Parker would much rather redeem any villains or criminals into using their abilities for the good of society and others, rather than just beat them up. Of course, they have to be judged as the law dictates, but before, during and after serving their sentence, he is more than willing to help them. This also means that, if it is possible in the situation, Spaceman will often try to diffuse a situation without violence, and at least offer a villain a chance to surrender and turn their skills to good before a fight. A GM can award Spaceman a Hero Point if this stalls him during a battle or gives the villain a chance. Secret Identity: Parker's wife, parents and sister knows of his secret identity. Even his children haven't been told, though now that his powers have returned, it is getting harder and harder to keep the secret. Z-Spaceman: While he is aware that his powers are tied to somewhere or something else, Parker doesn't know how deep this connection runs, or just how the connection works, but it gives Parker a certain feel and background radiation that interdimensional travellers tend to be able to sense, attracting him a lot of the wrong kind of attention. The GM can award Parker a Hero Point if someone being able to sense or detect him due to being interdimensional travellers or having the right equipment causes trouble. Abilities: 0 + 2 + 2 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 20PP Strength: 10 (+0) / 30 (+10) w. Spatial Strength or Reach Everything Dexterity: 12 (+1) / 16 (+3) Constitution: 12 (+1) / 40 (+15) w. Enhanced Constitution Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 20 + 4 = 24PP Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Attack: +10 Base Defense: +5 (+2 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +1 Flat-Footed Grapple: See table below Knockback: -8 (TOU 15/2) / -23 (TOU 5/2, -10 Imp. TOU, -10 Spatial Constant) Grapple Table Total Score Base Attack (BA) Increase Molecular Space (IMS) Infinite Reach + Spatial Strength (IR) Change Physical Distance (CPD) Values +10 +10 +17 +28 BA +10 +10 CPD +28 +28 IMS +20 +10 +10 IR +27 +10 +17 IR+IMS +37 +10 +10 +17 Saving Throws: 0 + 3 + 7 = 10PP Toughness: +15 (+1 Con, +14 Enhanced Con) Fortitude: +15 (+1 Con, +14 Enhanced Con) Reflex: +6 (+3 Dex, +3) Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7) Skills: 44R = 11PP Diplomacy 13 (+15) Gather Information 3 (+5) Knowledge [Behavioral Sciences] 2 (+5) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 7 (+10) Language 3 (Native: English; French, German, Spanish) Medicine 2 (+5) Notice 7 (+10) Sense Motive 7 (+10) Feats: 11PP Benefit 1 (Fame) Benefit 1 (Wealth) Dodge Focus 3 Improved Grab Improved Grapple Interpose Luck 3 Powers: 35 + 22 + 35 + 11 + 6 = 109PP Enhanced Physiology 7 (35PP Container) [35PP] (Descriptors: Physical Mutation, Z-Space) Enhanced Constitution 28 [28PP] Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] Feature 1 (Forgettable appearance out of costume) [1PP] Flight 1 (Flight Speed: 10 mph, 100 ft./rnd) (Stacks with Spatial Flight from Space Movement Array) [2PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Flight, Space/Spatial, Personal Spatial Placement Manipulation) Stacked Power: Flight 5 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 250 mph, 2500 ft./rnd) (Descriptors: Spatial Flight) Personal Space Control Array 10 (20PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [22PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space, Personal Density Manipulation) BP: {10 + 10 = 20/20} Impervious Toughness 10 [10PP] (Descriptors: Increase Molecular Density) Immovable 10 [10PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Constant) AP: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal) {20/20} (Descriptors: Decrease Molecular Space) AP: Super-Strength 10 (+50 Strength to checks; Carrying capacity: Heavy load 819.2 tons w. Spatial Strength) {20/20} (Descriptors: Increase Molecular Space) Space Control Array 16 (32PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [35PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) BP: {12 + 20 = 32/32} (Descriptors: Personal Space Manipulation) Elongation 7 (Feats: Indirect 3, Subtle 2) (Reach: 500 ft., range incr 70 ft.) [12PP] (Descriptors: Infinite Reach, Distance and Position Manipulation) Enhanced Strength 20 [20PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Strength) AP: Move Object 14 (Extras: Range [Perception]; Flaws: Distracting; Feats: Insidious, Precise, Subtle 2) {32/32} (Descriptors: Change Physical Distance, Distance and Position Manipulation) AP: Nauseate 10 (Extras: Range [Ranged]; Feats: Subtle 2) {32/32} (Descriptors: Vertigo, Sensory Distance Manipulation) AP: Paralyze 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Reflex] (+0), Ranged; Feats: Subtle 2) {32/32} (Descriptors: Unending Prison, Distance Manipulation) Space Movement Array 5 (10PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [11PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) BP: Flight 4 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 100 mph, 1000 ft./rnd) {10/10} (Descriptors: Spatial Flight, Personal Spatial Position Manipulation) Stacked Power: Flight 5 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 250 mph, 2500 ft./rnd) (Descriptors: Spatial Flight) AP: Teleport 4 (Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity) (Range: 400 ft. as move action, 1 mile as full action) {10/10} (Descriptors: Change Personal Position, Instant Personal Spatial Position Manipulation) Super-Senses 6 (Distance Sense, Spatial Awareness [Sense Type: Mental, Extras: Accurate, Acute, Radius, Ranged]) [6PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Senses, Enhanced Senses, Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +10 Unarmed – Infinite Reach + Spatial Strength Touch at 500 ft. Range incr: 70 ft. DC25 Tou (staged) Damage +10, Elongation 7, Indirect 3, Subtle 2 Change Physical Distance - Thrown Objects 140 ft. DC25 Tou (staged) Damage Perception Range, Insidious, Precise, Subtle 2 Vertigo 100 ft. DC20 Fort (staged) Fail: Sickened 2nd Fail or Fail >5: Nauseated 3rd Fail or Fail >10: Helpless +10, Subtle 2 Unending Prison 100 ft. DC20 Ref (staged) Fail: Slowed 2nd Fail or Fail >5: Paralyzed +10, Subtle 2 Totals: Abilities (20) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (11) + Feats (11) + Powers (109) - Drawbacks (0) = 185/202 Power Points
  18. Spaceman Power Level: 13 Effective Power Level: 8 Powers Points: 180/193PP Unspent Power Points: 13PP Trade-Offs: -3 Defense / +3 Toughness In Brief: Young paragon with space manipulation powers, heavily Superman inspired. Theme: Million -- Divide Music Alternate Identity: Parker Powers (Secret) Birthplace: Freedom City Residence: Bayview, Freedom City Base of Operations: Freedom City Occupation: Student at Claremont Acadeny Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Powers Holdings Inc. Family: Peter Powers (Born 1975, father), Penny Powers (Born 1972, mother, CEO of Powers Holdings Inc.), Tracy Powers (Born 2003, sister, CEO of Powers Holdings) Description: Age: 16 (DoB: 2007 [May 27] Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6'1'' Weight: 200 lbs. Eyes: Light blue Hair: Blonde Parker has short blonde hair, and light blue eyes that seem almost inhuman in color. He has an athletic build, somewhat powerful build. He tends to stand up straight, and will usually have a friendly smile on his lips. While in normal clothes, Parker tends to wear dress shirts and ties, ranging from solid colors to more abstract shapes and colors and to cartoon characters. He will usually wear dark pants or jeans, often in contrast to his shirt and tie. He has a habit of using his hands much when talking, gesturing to get his point across. As Spaceman, Parker wears a primarily white costume, with a black triangle shape at the top of his chest, starting from his solar plexus. He wears a black cape directly attached to the black area of his costume, near his shoulders. In the center of the black area on his chest, he displays his logo, a stylized golden "S". He wears a golden belt and golden armbands. He wears no mask. When he uses his powers, black bubble-like krackle tend to appear around him, growing in size and intensity the greater the feat. History: Peter and Penny Powers: What had started as a business partnership had evolved into romance and eventually marriage. Philanthropists, adventurers, explorers, they travelled across the world, spending their wealth and time to try and make the world a better place. Penny came from old money from the Freedom City Powers family, but she was all too happy to take Peter up on his offer to actually start using that money for good. Not even the birth of their daughter Tracy seemed to slow them down. During late August 2006, when their daughter Tracy was 3, the Powers family visited one of the many laboratories that Penny had set up, one that was researching alternative sources of power. One particular research group led by one Doctor Joseph Siegel was working on a device that would siphon energy from a theoretical buffer zone that laid between universes. While Doctor Siegel explained the machine and its potential uses to the Powers couple, young Tracy grew restless and bored, and started toying with the machine, unnoticed by all. One fateful click of a button, and Penny was bombarded with a cascade of rainbow energy from the machine. She screamed in shock, but the shock soon turned to confusion, as it seemed to be nothing more than colors. While Doctor Siegel scrambled to shut off the machine and was quick to apologize and subject Penny to a number of tests, all but one came up as negative: Penny was unharmed by the burst of energy, but she was pregnant with the Powers couple's second child. The experiment into the theoretical buffer zone continued, before eventually being shelved a few years later. On May 27nd the following year, Parker Powers was born into a loving family. A doting older sister, parents that loved both siblings and did their best to teach them wrong from right, to threat everyone with respect and offer what help they could. In short, the Powers children were taught to believe in truth and justice, and to always apply those lessons to the best of their abilities. They attended the very best private schools in Freedom City, both Parker and Tracy loving the old Freedom Friends cartoon. Parker in particular idolized the Centurion, while his sister was always more fond of the Daedelus. The siblings were inseperable, spending virtually all their time together. In 2007, on his tenth birthday, Parker first displayed super human abilities, as he found himself floating above the ground. Tracy was of course the first to discover it, even when Parker tried to keep it hidden. Still, after some experimentation where they discovered that flight was simply the first of Parker's abilities, the siblings came clean to their parents, revealing Parker's ability to seemingly manipulate space itself. While worried for their child's safety, Penny and Peter showed nothing but love for their children as they did their best to help Parker understand his strange new abilities and what he could do. Still, despite his parents' help, it was Parker's sister that helped him understand how he could use his abilities on not just the world around him, but himself as well, allowing him to emulate several abilities of his heroes. Parker spent the following years struggling with his powers and keeping them to himself, but with everything he had been taught and how he had been raised by his parents, it felt wrong to not use his powers to help others. Eventually, he enrolled at Claremont Academy in an effort to master both his powers and learn to become a true hero. Personality & Motivation: Parker is a confident young man, who is nonetheless struggling with the complexity of his power and what he might end up doing if he is unable to control them. While acting in his secret identity, he hides some of his confidence and changes his posture, hunching over somewhat and doing his best to appear different from his Spaceman identity. He has a strong sense of justice and has trouble accepting being unable to help others, even if he has to keep his identity secret. While acting as Spaceman, Parker tries to act much like he saw Centurion do in the old Freedom Friends cartoon: He is a champion, a defender, standing up for everyone in danger. He focuses on keeping people safe and tries to avoid violence whenever possible. If he finds himself believing that a villain can be redeemed, he will try to help them to the best of his ability, whether behind the scenes or with their knowledge, depending on their individual needs. Powers & Tactics: Parker tends to present himself as a typical paragon. Strong, fast, tough and can fly. While the more advanced uses of his powers are not exactly a secret, its not something he will boast about using. Spaceman's first priority is keeping people safe and out of harms way, and he prefers to solve conflicts through words. If the situation allows him to talk down a foe instead of fighting them, he will attempt to do so. Power Descriptions: Parker's powers come from a peculiar connection to Z-Space, the realm between universes in the multiverse. On top of a general physical enhancement, giving him greater reflexes and making him physically tougher, the connection allows him to manipulate space, the distance between two objects. He has a total spatial awareness and a constant sense of the exact distance between everything around him. He is also granted a peculiar ability to seem unassuming and have a forgettable apperance when he is out of his costume, an unconscious effect of his connection to Z-Space, a sort of dimensional ripple effect that makes him harder to recognize By manipulating the distance between himself and other things, Parker can fly, or, by moving himself instantly, achieve a teleportation effect. Turning his powers on himself, he can make himself harder to hurt and move or stronger by increasing his molecular density and space, or become incorporal by decreasing his molecular space. Turning his powers outward, Parker can decrease the distance between himself and his targets, allowing him to hit someone far away, even from different angles, or alternatively to hit everyone in an area at once, applying the full force of his strength at once. He can change the physical distance between two objects, effectively moving them through space, slam space itself into a target, create a sense of vertigo by manipulating the distance that a target's senses inform them about, or even effectively locking a target in place by increasing the distance between them and everything around them. As Parker uses his powers, black bubble-like krackle tend to appear around him, growing in size and intensity the greater the feat. Complications: Chronic Hero Syndrome: Parker has always had some serious issues with not helping those in need. Walking ladies over the street, getting beat up fending off muggers, you name it. This makes it very difficult for him to ignore someone in need, a fact that can, and has been, used against him numerous times. Deviant Doctor: Spaceman has earned the attention of a villain known that he knows only as Doctor Deviation, though he so far knows little about her, aside from that fact that she is a villain and primarily acts through various minions. While Doctor Deviation will never do anything to target Spaceman's family and friends, she is prone to aiding other villains when fighting Spaceman, either by sending minions, directly interfering or simply finding ways to make the situation more difficult, earning Parker a Hero Point from the GM in the process. Son, Brother, Hero: Parker has a lot of responsibilities to his family. While his family might be understanding, that doesn't mean Parker won't feel responsible if he lets them down. The GM can award Parker with a Hero Point if he ends up in a situation where having to choose between his responsibilites somehow hinders Parker, including putting them in harms way, or even just having to answer a call from his mother who wants to chat while he is fighting Gargaton the Unspeakable. Redemption Sponsor: Even if he is by no means naive, Parker would much rather redeem any villains or criminals into using their abilities for the good of society and others, rather than just beat them up. Of course, they have to be judged as the law dictates, but before, during and after serving their sentence, he is more than willing to help them. This also means that, if it is possible in the situation, Spaceman will often try to diffuse a situation without violence, and at least offer a villain a chance to surrender and turn their skills to good before a fight. A GM can award Spaceman a Hero Point if this stalls him during a battle or gives the villain a chance. Secret Identity: Parker's parents and sister knows of his secret identity, though as the son of the owners of Parker Holdings Inc., getting found out might put his somewhat well known family in trouble. Z-Spaceman: While he is aware that his powers are tied to somewhere or something else, Parker doesn't know how deep this connection runs, or just how the connection works, but it gives Parker a certain feel and background radiation that interdimensional travellers tend to be able to sense, attracting him a lot of the wrong kind of attention. The GM can award Parker a Hero Point if someone being able to sense or detect him due to being interdimensional travellers or having the right equipment causes trouble. Abilities: 0 + 2 + 2 + 6 + 6 + 8 = 24PP Strength: 10 (+0) / 26 (+8) w. Spatial Strength Dexterity: 12 (+1) / 16 (+3) Constitution: 12 (+1) / 32 (+11) w. Enhanced Constitution Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 16 + 4 = 20PP Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Attack: +8 Base Defense: +5 (+2 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +1 Flat-Footed Grapple: See table below Knockback: -5 (TOU 11/2) / -18 (TOU 3/2, -8 Imp. TOU, -10 Spatial Constant) Grapple Table Total Score Base Attack (BA) Increase Molecular Space (IMS) Infinite Reach + Spatial Strength (IR) Change Physical Distance (CPD) Values +8 +10 +15 +28 BA +8 +8 CPD +24 +28 IMS +18 +8 +10 IR +23 +8 +15 IR+IMS +33 +8 +10 +15 Saving Throws: 0 + 3 + 7 = 10PP Toughness: +11 (+1 Con, +10 Enhanced Con) Fortitude: +11 (+1 Con, +10 Enhanced Con) Reflex: +6 (+3 Dex, +3) Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7) Skills: 56R = 14PP Bluff 6 (+10) Diplomacy 11 (+15) Gather Information 6 (+10) Knowledge [Behavioral Sciences] 2 (+5) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 7 (+10) Language 3 (Native: English; French, German, Spanish) Medicine 2 (+5) Notice 7 (+10) Search 3 (+6) Sense Motive 7 (+10) Survival 2 (+5) Feats: 11PP Benefit 2 (Wealth) Chokehold Dodge Focus 3 Improved Grab Improved Grapple Interpose Luck 2 Powers: 27 + 22 + 35 + 11 + 6 = 101PP Enhanced Physiology 5.4 (27PP Container) [27PP] (Descriptors: Physical Mutation, Z-Space) Enhanced Constitution 20 [20PP] Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] Feature 1 (Forgettable appearance out of costume) [1PP] Flight 1 (Flight Speed: 10 mph, 100 ft./rnd) (Stacks with Spatial Flight from Space Movement Array) [2PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Flight, Space/Spatial, Personal Spatial Placement Manipulation) Stacked Power: Flight 5 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 250 mph, 2500 ft./rnd) (Descriptors: Spatial Flight) Personal Space Control Array 10 (20PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [22PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space, Personal Density Manipulation) BP: {8 + 10 = 18/20} Impervious Toughness 8 [8PP] (Descriptors: Increase Molecular Density) Immovable 10 [10PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Constant) AP: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal) {20/20} (Descriptors: Decrease Molecular Space) AP: Super-Strength 10 (+50 Strength to checks; Carrying capacity: Heavy load 51.2 tons (base), 417 tons (Spatial Strength)) {20/20} (Descriptors: Increase Molecular Space) Space Control Array 16 (32PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [35PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) BP: {12 + 16 = 28/32} (Descriptors: Personal Space Manipulation) Elongation 7 (Feats: Indirect 3, Subtle 2) (Reach: 500 ft., range incr 70 ft.) [12PP] (Descriptors: Infinite Reach, Distance and Position Manipulation) Enhanced Strength 16 [16PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Strength) AP: Move Object 14 (Extras: Range [Perception]; Flaws: Distracting; Feats: Insidious, Precise, Subtle 2) {32/32} (Descriptors: Change Physical Distance, Distance and Position Manipulation) AP: Nauseate 8 (Extras: Range [Ranged]; Feats: Subtle 2) {26/32} (Descriptors: Vertigo, Sensory Distance Manipulation) AP: Paralyze 8 (Extras: Alternate Save [Reflex] (+0), Ranged; Feats: Subtle 2) {26/32} (Descriptors: Unending Prison, Distance Manipulation) Space Movement Array 5 (10PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [11PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) BP: Flight 4 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 100 mph, 1000 ft./rnd) {10/10} (Descriptors: Spatial Flight, Personal Spatial Position Manipulation) Stacked Power: Flight 5 (Feats: Subtle 2) (Flight Speed: 250 mph, 2500 ft./rnd) (Descriptors: Spatial Flight) AP: Teleport 4 (Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity) (Range: 400 ft. as move action, 1 mile as full action) {10/10} (Descriptors: Change Personal Position, Instant Personal Spatial Position Manipulation) Super-Senses 6 (Distance Sense, Spatial Awareness [Sense Type: Mental, Extras: Accurate, Acute, Radius, Ranged]) [6PP] (Descriptors: Spatial Senses, Enhanced Senses, Mutation, Space/Spatial, Z-Space) Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +8 Unarmed – Infinite Reach + Spatial Strength Touch at 500 ft. Range incr: 70 ft. DC23 Tou (staged) Damage +8, Elongation 7, Indirect 3, Subtle 2 Change Physical Distance - Thrown Objects 140 ft. DC23 Tou (staged) Damage Perception Range, Insidious, Precise, Subtle 2 Vertigo 100 ft. DC18 Fort (staged) Fail: Sickened 2nd Fail or Fail >5: Nauseated 3rd Fail or Fail >10: Helpless +8, Subtle 2 Unending Prison 100 ft. DC18 Ref (staged) Fail: Slowed 2nd Fail or Fail >5: Paralyzed +8, Subtle 2 Totals: Abilities (24) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (14) + Feats (11) + Powers (101) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/193 Power Points
  19. GM The Nicholson School, Freedom City September 9th, 2020 9:00 AM Most of the students at Claremont Academy started their super heroic student life just there. Few were even aware that a school existed for younger children, where they could learn to control and use their powers, just be children or maybe learn a little something more. Students from the Nicholson School would at times visit Claremont, but students from Claremont coming to Nicholson was rare. But as it happened, two students from Claremont had been requested to visit Nicholson. A work study, of sorts. Helping out in a few classes, show the kids that you could end up anywhere and be just fine. A blonde haired man around 40 was waiting for them as they approached the school gates. He had a full beard, his long hair tied into a ponytail. He was wearing a white dress shirt and dress pants. He wore a red tie with Mickey Mouse heads printed all over it. He was fiddling with his tie while he waited for the Claremont students to arrive.
  20. OOC for this. @Heritage, @Nerdzul
  21. April 2020 Approximately 1 week after the founding of Rurland 9:00 PM Ruins of Former Foundry Depot Two weeks ago this strip mall was shuttered, tenants bought out of their leases and ordered clear of the premises effective immediately. The convenience store and frozen yogurt shop that anchored the suburban holdfast vacated without even time for a going out of business blowout. One week ago the mall folded in on itself and fell into the hidden sub-basement of the Foundry weapons depot it had served as cover for. The owner of record claimed no ownership nor responsibility for the clean up. Curious teens crossed the police barriers some nights to poke at the craters edge. Private security had been placed within a few days to oversee the site at night when the initial cyclone fencing proved insufficient to deter the locals. Few had questioned why land that was left unclaimed was now under guard. They simply went about their lives happy the kids would be safe until it was cleaned up. Even fewer saw the small crew arrive and descend into the crater under the guards watchful eyes with nothing more than a knowing nod and wave. Which was why they had waited, now it was an eyesore best ignored not a recent disaster under careful watch from local authorities. Half an hour later the neighborhood shook with an all too familiar rumble as the edged of the crater began to collapse inward swallowing most of the street surrounding the hole. Alarms sounded up and down the streets and dogs were set to barking as lights lit up up and down the blocks shrouding the former depot with frightened civilians emerging to look on in fear as the crater slowly grew and broken pipes spewed water and natural gas into the sky just awaiting a spark. The guards car teetered on edge not quite swallowed by the growing sinkhole, but threatening to topple with every movement from the terrified rent-a-cop inside. Something had gone desperately wrong.
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