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  1. John Doe


    Rang Power Level: 10 (150/150) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: +5 Attack / -5 Damage (unarmed), +4 Attack / -4 Damage (boomerangs), +5 Defense / -5 Toughness In Brief: A young inventor on the verge of becoming a mad scientist. But for good or evil? Catchphrase: Nemo est supra legem (No one is above the law.) Theme: turbulent piano music Alternate Identity: Anthony Maurice Edwards III (Secret, legal name), Tony (Secret, shortened name), Dr Science (Secret?, what people instinctively call him), Rang (Public, hero name) Birthplace: Toronto, Ontario Residence: Claremont Academy Base of Operations: Freedom City, New Jersey Occupation: None, high school student Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Science! Family: Anthony Maurice Edwards (Dr Zero, great grandfather) Description Age: 16 (born February 2002) Apparent Age: adult Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6'6" Weight: 200 pounds Eyes: brown Hair: brown Tony is huge for a boy his size. Genetically gifted in height and muscle. Although he does work to maintain it, he's not got a bodybuilder's physique. His skin is a darker tone. He wears his hair in a crew cut. He looks to be always thinking. Head down, furled brow and while not frowning, he doesn't smile very often. Most say when he smiles it's pretty unnerving. He walks with a shuffle. People into that always tell him to pick up his feet. When not in hero gear he wears a bit of casual stuff. slacks, loafers, belt, button topped shirt. He doesn't have an official costume, but he does have goggles (which he some times wears when not in hero gear), a lab coat, long boots and gloves. He wears his bandoleer of boomerangs across the chest, where they are easy to draw. History: Doctor Anthony Maurice Edwards was one of the most brilliant scientific minds of his time. He was also a black man before civil rights. No one ever gave him the chance to use his brilliance for furthering mankind, so his heart grew cold. Cold enough to build a reputation as the villainous Dr Zero. The Crime League supported his endeavors as long as he pulled his weight. So Dr Zero showed them all! He lived a long life and went to Canada to retire where he died in a snowmobile accident... OR DID HE? Anthony met a woman, Jane, who shared his love for science. Anthony and Jane lived in Canada, where they raised five children. But Anthony was feeling his age by then. He knew he was going to have to find another way to sustain himself. He and Jane figured out a way to save his prodigious brain. So while Anthony's body died, his mind did not. The accident was set up. His mind was already in a jar in a secret facility. Now his genius would live on forever through his offspring. He made sure of it. Influencing them into scientific fields. A couple of generations later, Anthony Maurice Edwards III was born. The boy was a hoss. Strong and equally graceful. He was the type that sports teams would kill to have. And he did think about it for a while, but not if his great grandfather's brain would have any say in it. And he did! Like many of his offspring before, he guided the brawny athletic kid into the scientific route. Though unlike others before, the boy had the spark. He focused in all sorts of scientific fields, but technology and physical sciences were his master pieces. Also, he could work a machine. the brain that was Anthony Maurice Edwards was pleased that Dr Zero II would be on the horizon. Unfortunately for the brain, Anthony's parents saw his madness spawning. They worried for their son. He was building boomerang weaponry. While he always loved the boomerangs as a kid, this was still troubling. They thought he might be having villainous thoughts. So, they sent him to Claremont to clear his mind and give him heroic direction. Personality and Motivation: Tony is not the cackling genius bent on world domination just yet. And he may never become that. But the ideas given to him by his great grandfather are just too fun not to try out. Growing up he always loved the boomerang and the paper airplane, the more technical it got the more he was interested. While he did try out for sport, it did not keep his interest for long. He was and still is all about the pursuits of the mind. He'll pay more attention to the math quiz than the cheerleaders, homework than parties. He will do social pursuits and other things, as long as his mind is challenged. Powers and Tactics: Rang uses several types of boomerangs as offense. He also has an experimental propulsion device that looks like a boomerang. He can punch very precisely and very hard if robbed of his favored weapon, but he prefers to fly around and pelt villains with his beloved invention. Power Descriptions: The bandoleer of boomerangs is made of a leather metal alloy that wraps around his chest and back and around his waist. it hold small metal looking boomerangs that he loads with cartridges and lets fly at his target. They enlarg and do various effects when hitting the target (covering them in glue, injecting a small amount of poison, flying around annoyingly). Being boomerangs, if they miss they can come back and try again one more time. The hover rang is a propulsion propelled flight board. At first it could only float downward, but he's rigged it to fly at slow speeds. It has straps to hold the rider on. Complications Body by Genetics: He's vain in that way. While birth blessed him with physicality, he likes to keep his body in shape. Dr Zero: Dear old great grandpa is in his head sometimes. He convinces Tony to do things in the name of scientific effort. No matter what the cost. Foreign Exchange: He's from Canada. On a student visa. Girls: He likes girls. But he doesn't like fighting girls. If the villain he's fighting is a woman, he will go path of least resistance, maybe even just defensive, until he can hand it off to someone more qualified. Science: Oh boy howdy does he love numbers and formulas. Sometimes this effects his speech and makes him hard to understand. Also, he gets pegged as a nerd three seconds into any meaningful conversation. Abilities 10 + 14 + 10 + 14 + 0 + 0 = 48PP Strength 20 (+5) Dexterity 24 (+7) Constitution 20 (+5) Intelligence 24 (+7) Wisdom 10 (+0) Charisma 10 (+0) Combat 10 + 10 = 20PP Attack +15 unarmed, +14 boomerangs, +8 range, +5 melee Defense +15 (+5 base, +10 dodge focus), +3 flat-footed Initiative +7 Grapple +10 Knockback -2 Saving Throws 4 + 2 + 6 = 12PP Toughness +5 (+5 CON) Fortitude +9 (+5 CON, +4) Reflex +9 (+7 DEX, +2) Will +6 (+0 WIS, +6) Skills 52R = 13PP Acrobatics 3 (+10) Craft (chemical) 13 (+20) Craft (mechanical) 13 (+20) Drive 3 (+10) Knowledge (physical sciences) 3 (+10) Knowledge (technology) 13 (+20) Language 1 (Latin) Stealth 3 (+10) Feats 32PP Attack Focus (ranged) 3 Attack Specialization (boomerangs) 3 Attack Specialization (unarmed) 5 Dodge Focus 10 Eidetic Memory Evasion Inventor Luck 2 Power Attack Precise Shot 1 Quick Draw 1 Ultimate Effort (Design and Construction checks) 2 Uncanny Dodge (mental) Powers 21 + 4 = 25PP Device 5 (bandoleer of boomerangs, hard to lose; Feats: Restricted [password {int check 17} to access]) [21PP] Blast 6 (BOOM Rang; Extras: Area [Burst]; Feats: Alternate Power 5, Progression 2 [Area, 30ft-150ft]) [25PP] Blast 6 (Rangs-A-Plenty; Extras: Autofire; Feats: Homing, Indirect) Blast 6 (Sharp Rang; Extras: Penetrating; Feats: Homing, Indirect) Dazzle 6 (Whizzer Rang; auditory and visual; Feats: Homing, Indirect) Fatigue 6 (Poison Rang; Extras: Range; Feats: Homing, Indirect) Snare 6 (Glue Rang; Extras: Contagious; Feats: Homing, Indirect) Device 1 (hover rang, hard to lose) [4PP] Flight 2 (25MPH; Feats: Subtle) DC Block Unarmed, +15 Melee, DC 20 Toughness, Damage BOOM Rang, Burst Area (30-150ft), DC 16 Reflex then DC 21 or 16 Toughness, Damage Glue Rang +14 Range, DC 16 Reflex, Snare (Regenerating) Poison Rang, +14 Range, DC 16 Fortitude, Fatigue Rangs-A-Plenty, +14 Range, DC 16-21 Toughness, Damage (Autofire) Sharp Rang, +14 Range, DC 21 Toughness, Damage (Penetrating) Whizzer Rang, +14 Range, DC 16 Reflex then DC 16 Fortitude, Dazzle (auditory and visual) Totals: Abilities (48) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (13) + Feats (32) + Powers (25) = 150/150 Power Points
  2. Player Name: Azuth65 Character Name: Gauss Power Level: 9 (built as PL 8; 120/131PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 11PP In Brief: Teenage surfer girl turned magnetic controller. Residence: Claremont Academy Base of Operations: Freedom City, New Jersey Catchphrase: Alternate Identity: Selena Kwon Identity: Secret Birthplace: Guaynabo, Puerto Rico Occupation: High school student Affiliations: Family: Kwon Sang (Father), Maria Kwon (Mother), Christian Kwon (older brother), Sofia Kwon (little sister) Description: Age: 16 (DoB: April 3rd, 2000) Apparent Age: Mid-late teens Gender: Female Ethnicity: Mixed, Asian and Latino Height: 5'4" Weight: 125lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Black Description: Selena stands a few inches under average height, her wavy black hair hanging most of the way down her back. She likes to dress in shorts and tank tops during the summer when she isn't shredding waves at the beach, when the temps start to drop she sticks to jeans and hoodies. She's made a few alterations to her Claremont jumpsuit to include a few pouches to store bits of metal for combat and she added a cape with some extra material around the neck looking something like a scarf. Power Descriptions: When Gauss uses her powers her left eye and hands glow with a soft purple light but other than floating, metals she is controlling don't show any difference. History: Selena was the middle child born to Sang and Maria Kwon, though her father still prefers traditional form of surname first while the rest of the family has chosen to Westernize. As a child Selena was enrolled in several after-school programs by her fairly career oriented parents including martial arts classes, girl scouts, soccer, and ballet. It wasn't until a family vacation in 2010 when she learned how to surf did she find an extra-curricular activity she truly enjoyed besides her massive intake of genre fiction in various media. One sunny weekend afternoon in late April 2016 while taking a break between wave sets, Selena and a few of her friends were enjoying some snacks when a cargo van roared onto the beach, hitting anyone unable to get out of the way. When it was about to hit Selena her powers manifested and in a burst of magnokinetic force flung the van over her, dropping it on its roof twenty feet down the beach. The driver of the out of control vehicle was seriously hurt, lucky to be alive after Selena's fight-or-flight response to his vehicle's malfunction. Shortly after that event she tried her hand at practicing on her own, which did not go particularly well for her, before representatives from Claremont Academy invited her to come to the school for professional training. Personality & Motivation: Selena attends Claremont to better hone her powers, hoping to learn the finesse needed so that she would never end up hurting anyone in the course of diffusing a situation. Powers & Tactics: Gauss is a fairly straight forward fighter, firing bits of metal to strike her foes while zipping around the battlefield from one ferrous structure or item to another. Moving more than herself and one object is still more than she can handle most of the time. Complications: Identity: Secret Abilities: 2 + 6 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 26PP Strength: 12 (+1) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +7 Attack: +4 (+8 Gauss Blast) Grapple: +4 Defense: +8 (+4 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -3 Saving Throws: 2 + 3 + 3 = 8PP Toughness: +7 (+3 Con, +4 [Force Field]) Fortitude: +5 (+3 Con, +2) Reflex: +6 (+3 Dex, +3) Will: +5 (+2 Wis, +3) Skills: 60R = 15PP Acrobatics 8 (+11) Computers 4 (+6) Concentration 4 (+6) Craft: Structural 4 (+6) Knowledge: Physical Sciences 4 (+6) Language 2 (English [Native], Korean, Spanish) Notice 8 (+10) Sense Motive 8 (+10) Stealth 8 (+11) Swim 10 (+11 Feats: 18PP Attack Specialization (Gauss Blast) 2 Beginner's Luck Dodge Focus 4 Endurance Improved Crit (Magnetic Blast) Improved Initiative Luck 2 Move-By Action Precise Shot 2 Quick Change Ranged Pin Teamwork Powers: 8 + 5 + 2 + 22 = 37PP All powers magnetic, Mutant Flight 4 (Magnetic Flight) 8PP Force Field 5 (Magnetic Force Shield) [5PP] Magnetic Control 10.5 (Feats: Alternate Power) [22PP] Base Power: Move Object 9 (Magnokinesis; Feats; Indirect, Precise, Split-Attack; Extras: Range [Perception]; Flaws: Metal Only) {21/21} Alternate Power: Blast 8 (Gauss Blast; Feats; Variable Descriptor [Blunt, Piercing, Slashing]; Extras: Penetrating [Ranks 1-4]) {21/21} Super Senses 2 (Detect Metals [Mental Detect Metals]) 2PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 16 Toughness Damage (Physical) Gauss Blast Ranged DC 22 Toughness Damage (Magnetic, Blunt/Piercing/Slashing) Totals: Abilities (26) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (8) + Skills (15) + Feats (18) + Powers (37) - Drawbacks (0) = 120/131 Power Points
  3. Player Name: Blarghy Character Name: Pugio Power Level: 10/12 (183PP) Trade-Offs: +5 Attack / -5 Damage (Strike), +5 Defense / -5 Toughness Unspent Power Points: 3 In Brief: Ancient Praetorian resurrected by the Lor Residence: CoVic Station Base of Operations: The Devotion Alternate Identity: Chyrxax Sigga Identity: Public Birthplace: Jolem's Third Moon Occupation: Praetorian Spaceship Pilot Affiliations: Praetorians Family: Long Dead Description: Age: 24 (DOB over 2,000 Years Ago) Apparent Age: 40s Gender: Male Species: Jol Height: 3' 7" Weight: 58 lbs. Eyes: Pink Hair: None The simplest description for Puigo is probably "were-octopus." He's a little ball of whipping limbs and a tail (the two being hard to distinguish without seeing which way his head is facing) dressed in a sky blue mesh uniform with white trim, full of ancient technology courtesy of the now-defunct Delaztri. From behind, Puigo seems to have no head at all thanks to how he instinctively tucks it between his "shoulders," such as they are, unless he cranes his neck for a better view. Said neck and all other appendages can stretch to several times their normal length; his skin is incredibly wrinkly by default to accommodate this, though his bodysuit usually hides that. Instead of fingers, Puigo has three tentacle-like branches at the end of each "arm." His flesh is pale green and his big eyes are solid, featureless pink, beginning to cloud with age; they sit above a pointed snout, which is in turn above his small, round mouth, full of needle-teeth. The Jols were never a long-lived people even after the Delaztri uplifted them to full sentience, and prior to his death and resurrection, Puigo was about halfway through his natural lifespan. Power Descriptions: Jols' limbs are made up of hundreds of specialized joints that can partially dislocate without harm or loss of function. They also possess natural agility and motor control, which made them effective hunters in their original environment. Puigo is no exception. Even before his training and neural enhancements from the Delaztri, he was incredibly flexible and nimble; now, he can move in ways that seem to defy momentum. He's physically weaker than most enemies thanks to his size, but that doesn't stop him from whipping his limbs sharply enough to crack bones, and he's a very capable grappler. Just as dear to Puigo as those appendages is his small, personal ship, The Audacity, so named because of his penchant for dueling far larger or more numerous vessels. It is a sleek, smooth craft shaped like an arrow head with the same color scheme as his uniform (sky blue with white trim). Twin cannons at the front shoot stunning electrical blasts, while along its keel is a devastating plasma lance for cutting apart other ships. History: Before the Delaztri found them, the Jols were predators on a small moon. They glided through the mist in its low gravity, between thin, spiky trees, eating creatures similar to bugs and birds. A dim intellect had begun to flicker among them by the time the Empire put a flag in their chalky soil, which piqued the Delaztri's interest. The Empire had uplifted other species before this one, and in addition to simply doing it again because they could, some Delaztri also saw potential in these strange aliens' rare dexterity. It made them excellent pilots, particularly in small fighter crafts, thanks to the Jols' hunting instincts. Squadrons of them were soon protecting interstellar trading caravans or tracking down pirates, not to mention their military capabilities. The Delaztri had a firm grip on them from the start; these vassals were grateful for how their world vastly expanded, and they served willingly and well. Again, Puigo was no exception--though he soon proved exceptional. A few Jols were inducted into the Praetorians before him, with positive results, and the Empire began a program of selecting the best among them for further training. At the end, the chosen Jol was enhanced with select mutations to become even faster and more agile, along with close combat training. The champion of his generation, the last Jol Praetorian, was born Chyrxax Sigga and renamed after a small Delaztri blade, a word with no direct English equivalent. Thousands of years later, when he came gasping back to life, his universal translator would detect the romanization of his team's name and interpret his title appropriately: Puigo, for the Roman dagger. But that is now, and this was then. He and his clan overflowed with pride from the honor, the highest calling their species could imagine. For about a decade and a half, he dashed across the stars to protect the Empire's citizens and ruin their enemies. Puigo fought alongside the champions of his age; in particular, he respected Daar Val-Ren and learned how to augment such a stronger warrior's capabilities with his own. Such was Puigo's joy that he wasn't saddened when retirement loomed a few years ahead. He accepted that age would begin to slow him, and instead of rejecting the inevitable, he looked forward to settling down with his family. The second half of his life was supposed to shine with glory reflected from the first half; he would dazzle his children with stories, enjoy celebrity status, and perhaps even help train the next generation of pilots, if the Delaztri wished it. Then the Communion came. You've already heard that story. Puigo had a fair role in it; he flew The Audacity in each of those titanic battles that shook the Empire to its foundation, watching friends die and doing his best to take down as many Drones as he could before he met the same fate. And he did, in the final engagement that at last pushed the Communion back, at such a great cost. Laser fire cut through The Audacity's thrusters and sent it spiraling into space during the chaos, like so many other Empire vessels. Power began to fail; communication systems quickly went fuzzy, then flickered out entirely. Puigo knew that life support wasn't far behind. Even once his companions won the battle, he'd be presumed dead, and if he wasn't, finding him in the vast emptiness of space would prove a nigh-impossible task without a working beacon. And yet, Puigo took solace in the likelihood that his allies were winning as last he saw. If his death helped preserve the Empire, then he'd hardly complain; that was a possibility from the start of his career anyway. He had time to make peace with his fate and record a few messages in case his ship was ever discovered, which was more than most soldiers got. He used The Audacity's dying energy for a mission report, then a tight-throated farewell to his wife, some words of wisdom for his children, and finally a brief but heartfelt gratitude to the Praetorians, to express his pride in serving alongside them. "I gladly give my life for the Empire that gave such a fantastic life to me," he said in the end. Puigo's oxygen ran out years before The Audacity crashed onto an uninhabited planet. Its tough frame had no trouble with the atmosphere, and even held up reasonably well upon impact. As Puigo had hoped, there was plenty to recover as soon as somebody managed to find it. He just didn't imagine who that would eventually be. Personality & Motivation: Fearless and duty-driven, Puigo's loyalty remains to the Praetorians even now that their original purpose is long gone. He misses the old universe terribly; this new one is often strange, and he searches for the kind of larger purpose that once fulfilled him. The Coalition provides some of this, but it isn't the same, at least not yet. And of course, being the last of his kind, deprived of almost all his loved ones, save for the remaining original Praetorians, is a difficult burden to bear. Powers & Tactics: In the sky, Puigo and The Audacity are nightmarish to their enemies. They zip along at impossible speeds, even nimbler than the pilot is on his many limbs. When outside of his beloved ship, Puigo remains a skilled martial artist; he snaps his arms like whips to apply quite impressive force despite his size. Normal opponents have plenty to fear, but in this line of work, "normal" is pretty rare. Against tougher foes, Puigo is accustomed to acting indirectly and relying on his stronger friends. He's fully comfortable with the fact that most Praetorians pack a much harder punch than he does; he is trained to assist them by creating openings or throwing their enemies off-guard. Puigo's physiology makes him a very effective grappler too, when appropriate. Complications: Crushing Weight: The Jols evolved in a low gravity environment, to the point that they could jump and glide like flying squirrels. Puigo's uniform compensates for this, even allowing him to fly, but if deprived of it, most planets will become very uncomfortable. GMs could lower his speed, penalize his rolls, and so on. Last of His Kind: Like several of his comrades, Puigo is the last living member of his species. This weighs on him heavily, and furthermore, he might pursue any hints of remaining modern Jols, or the Delaztri Empire, with reckless intensity. Legendary: The Praetorians might be generally well-received by the Coalition, but other galactic groups could remember them differently. The old Empire wasn't always nice to its neighbors. Prized Possession: Puigo values his ship almost as much as his fellow Praetorians. When piloting it, he's still utterly fearless, but that's only because he assumes that being shot down would mean that he'd die with it (as he has once before). If The Audacity is threatened separately from himself, he won't react well. What the Hell Is THAT?!: For anyone accustomed to relatively familiar, humanoid aliens, a Jol looks quite bizarre. Especially when Puigo comes rolling fluidly at someone, squawking and chirping in his native tongue, he's a scary sight. What's It Saying?: The only languages Puigo speaks have been dead for thousands of years. The other ancient Praetorians can probably understand him, but otherwise, if deprived of his uniform's translator, he'll have a hell of a time communicating. You're the Boss: It's true that Puigo would follow his Imperatrix to the ends of the universe, but he still can't help but compare Paradigm to her older brother--and he's keenly aware that she's one of his last connections to the Delaztri empire. Her bold, even reckless, style makes him nervous despite how tough she is. If Paradigm proposed a tactic that would endanger herself or the other original Praetorians, even to save innocent lives, Puigo might be tempted to sabotage it, consequences to the Coalition be damned. Abilities: 0 + 20 + 6 + 4 + 8 + 0 = 38PP Strength: 6 (-2) Dexterity: 30 (+10) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +10 Attack: +15 Strike (+6 Base, +8 Attack Focus [Melee], +1 Size) Grapple: +23/+26 (+15 Attack, -4 Size, +10 Dexterity, + 2 Elongation, / +3 Additional Limbs (Unless using Improved Grapple feat)) Defense: +15 (+6 Base, +8 Dodge Focus, +1 Size), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: +2 Saving Throws: 3 + 3 + 3 = 9PP Toughness: +5 (+4 Con, +2 Defensive Roll, -1 Size) Fortitude: +7 (+4 Con, +3) Reflex: +13 (+10 Dex, +3) Will: +7 (+4 Wis, +3) Skills: 76R = 19PP Acrobatics 17 (+27) Craft (Mechanical) 3 (+5) Drive 5 (+15) Escape Artist 8 (+20) Knowledge (Galactic Lore) 2 (+4) Language (Delaztri, Jolian [Native]) 1 Medicine 1 (+5) Notice 6 (+10) Pilot 17 (+27) Sense Motive 6 (+10) Sleight of Hand 5 (+15) Stealth 5 (+15) Feats: 57PP Acrobatic Bluff Ambidexterity Attack Focus (Melee) 8 Defensive Roll Dodge Focus 8 Elusive Target Environmental Adaptation (Low Gravity, Zero Gravity) 2 Equipment 7 (Bronze Reward, Communal Praetorian Pool) Equipment 21 Evasion 2 Fearless Grappling Finesse Improved Grab (FREE, Additional Limbs, unless using all for Grapple Bonus) Improved Pin Luck 2 Move-By Action Set-Up Skill Challenge (Simultaneous Task: Vehicle Combat) 2 Teamwork 3 Equipment: 105EP = 21PP The Audacity (105EP) Size: Large (-1 Attack/Defense) [1] Strength: 20 [0] Toughness: 10 [3] Features: 7EP Alarm 2 (DC30) Navigation System 4 (+20) Remote Control (Connected to Uniform) Powers: 31 + 8 + 2 + 24 + 10 + 2 + 1 + 16 = 94EP [All Technology] Blast 9 (Extra: Autofire; PFs: Accurate 3, Alternate Power) [31] [Electricity] AP: Blast 15 [30] [Fire/Plasma] Communication 8 (Radio, 2,000 Miles) [8] Concealment 1 (Radar) [2] Flight 12 (50,000 MPH) [24] Impervious Toughness 10 (Force Field) [10] Super-Movement 1 (Interplanetary) [2] Super-Senses 1 (Communication Link [Praetorian headquarters]) [1] Sensor Suite 3.2 (16PP container) [16] Super-Senses 8 (Radar [Accurate, Radius, Ranged Radio Sense], Analytical, Extended 3 [x10,000 increment]) {8/16} Super-Senses 8 (Visual, Analytical (all visual), Extended 2 (all visual) [x1,000 increment], Infravision, Ultravision) {8/16} Powers: 4 + 13 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 5 = 31PP Additional Limbs 3 (4 Limbs and Tail; PF: Innate) [4] [Alien Biology] Device 3 (15PP Uniform; Hard to Lose; PF: Restricted [Jols]) [13] [Technology] Comprehend 2 (Speak and Understand all Languages) {4} Immunity 9 (Life Support) {9} Flight 1 (10 MPH) {2} Elongation 2 (20 Ft. Range Increments; PF: Innate) [3] [Alien Biology] Shrinking 4 (Small; Permanent; PF: Innate) [5] [Alien Biology] Speed 1 (10 MPH, 100 Ft./Move Action) [1] [Alien Biology] Strike 5 (Natural Weaponry) [5] [Alien Biology, Bludgeon] Drawbacks: -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Strike Touch DC20 Toughness Physical Blasters [Ship] Ranged DC24 Toughness Energy Plasma Lance [Ship] Ranged DC30 Toughness Energy Totals: Abilities (40) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (9) + Skills (19) + Feats (57) + Powers (31) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/183 Power Points
  4. Quantum Flux ("The Spaceman") (Previously known as Supercape) Power Level: 13 (250/250) [251] Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: +5 Tough / -5 Defence, +1 Attack/-1 Damage for Nuclear Glow Power. In Brief: Master of Sub atomic physics Alternate Identity: Quentin Quill Identity: Secret Birthplace: London, United Kingdom Occupation: Lecturer / Professor Affiliations: Cambridge University (former), Freedom City University (current) Family: All Deceased Catchphrase: "Fascinating..." Theme Tune: Knee Play 3 [Phillip Glass] Age: 45 Apparent Age: 45 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'11" Weight: 85 Kgs Eyes: Bright Blue Hair: White Description: Flux is a man of average build who engages in light excercise. As a hero, he normally wears a customised space costume made of unstable molecules with blue and white colours. History: Quentin was talented physicist with some radical ideas on quantum mechanics and sub atomic physics. He studied at Cambridge university and taught there, until his radical ideas lead to something "clicking" in his head. He found himself able to psychically sense and manipulate on the sub-atomic scale. Quentin immediately started blabbing about his idea's, which lead to the University electing not to continue with his employment. So, Quentin came to Freedom City to teach. On the outside, he lives the life of a comfortable academic. However, he realises he now has considerable power, and feels morally obliged to use it for good. He started his career as the superhero Supercape, with admittedly mixed feelings. During 2015-2017, Quentin went on hiatus, absent without leave. In actuality, he had become trapped in a microverse of dark energy whilst on one of his exploratory trips around the universe in an attempt to understand the fundamental forces of the universe. During this period he has come to see himself not as an Earth bound hero, but rather as a interdimensional, intergalactic hero who addressed cosmic problems with a scientific eye. He has redesigned his costume and image to a more functional space costume and a new name. Quantum Flux. Personality & Motivation: Flux is at heart an academic with curiosity and intellectual rigour at heart. He is also a loyal and honest man. He has a strongly held sense of ethics; the "end justifies the means". However the flavour of this he is more akin to Mr. Spock than the Punisher. He dislikes violence and destruction and will always attempt to use reason and diplomacy. That's logically ethical to his mind. However, he is a kindly man at heart, not an unthinking machine. Powers & Tactics:Flux has the psychic ability to perceive mass and energy and manipulate atomics telekenetically. This doesn't mean he can actually move matter, but he is able to affect these forces directly. In practice, this means he is able to remotely cause bursts of radiation and weaken or strengthen atomic bonding (most spectacularly, disintegrating matter). As a consequence of this ability and his uncanny understanding of quantum physics, he is able to “link” areas of space (even between different dimensions), for instance teleporting across the multiverse. He wears a “Space” costume made from unstable hyperdimensional matter. This provides him with protection, life support, and the ability to (admittedly rather slowly) fly via gravitational manipulation. Tactically, Flux has immense destructive or offensive potential. Whilst he also is highly resistant to damage when his force field is up, he is vulnerable to biological attacks and is not a particularly skilled fighter. He is thus vulnerable to certain attacks, and has developed a sense of caution. Usually he will float in the air (or space), ensure he is the advantage of distance, and carefully utilise his powers to disable his opposition. He is a very intelligent man (even though not decisive or tactically trained) and will often use his powers in clever or creative ways. He generally avoids large scale destructive powers (such as nuclear explosions). Complications: Quantum Wave Collapse: Flux works with barely understandable sub atomic physics. With other such effects active (particularly in the hands of an antagonist with good physics skills) his powers might fail, or worse, act in a catastrophic manner. Indecisive: Caution is often a positive thing, but Flux has this too much. He is very concerned about not harming or hurting more than the bare minimum necessary, even when there is every indication that this is not an issue. He can pause or hold back with minimal (or even no) reason. Pithecophobia: Early on in his career Flux was rendered idiotic by Dr. Simian. This has manifested as a lingering fear of monkeys and apes. Despite his high will he can easily lose his nerve around such creatures, and will almost certainly be automatically intimidated by them. Masters of psychology might also magnify this phobia significantly. Distracted by shiny: Flux has an amazing degree of super senses both inherently and augmented by his space costume. When significant sub atomic events happen he might get overloaded and miss even basic visual, auditory, or olfactory events! Scientific Curiosity: Flux is drawn to strange phenomena, and driven to understand them. Even if dangerous, distracting, or time consuming, he will have a strong tendency to pursue such activity even if its clearly unwise. Finesse Required: If Flux lost his intelligence or understanding of physics (for instance with a drain or other psychic power), his finesse with his nuclear array would fade. At best, his powers would lose the precise feat. They would then become progressively poorly controlled or dangerous and ultimately be impossible to use altogether. His disintegrate power requires the least understanding of these physics (being "straightfoward" and brute) but even this would be impossible to use eventually. Abilities: 2 + 0 + 2 + 12 + 10 + 2 = 28 Strength: 12 (+1) Dexterity: 10 (+0) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 22 (+6) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 16 + 16 = 32 Initiative: 0 Attack: +8, +14 Nuclear Glow Defense: +8, +4 Flat Footed Grapple: +9 Knockback: -9 Saving Throws: 7 + 8 + 10 = 25 Toughness +18 (+1 Con, +12 Force Field, +5 Costume) Impervious 10 vs Energy Fortitude +8 (+1 Con, +7) Reflex +8 (+8) Will +15 (+5 Wis, +10) Skills: 80 Ranks = 20 PP Bluff 4 (+5) Computers 4 (+10) Concentration 16 (+21) Craft (Electronic) 4 (+10) Diplomacy 8 (+9) Knowledge [Earth Sciences] 4 (+10) Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 16 (+22) Knowledge [Technology] 4 (+10) Language 6 (English [Native], French, Gal Standard, German, Greek, Latin, Lor) Notice 8 (+13) Search 2 (+8) Sense Motive 4 (+9) Feats: 4 PP Benefit 1 (Wealth; Well Off) Equipment 2 Jack of All Trades Equipment: Reserved for pooled super team / organisations (2 PP/10 EP) Powers: 84 + 20 +17 + 3 + 17 = 141 All powers have the quantum descriptor. The "Nuclear" powers also have Nuclear descriptor. Sub-Atomic Manipulation Array (76 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 8) 84 PP BP: Disintegration 10 (Extras: Range Perception, Feats: Precise, Subtle, Indirect) [76/76 PP] AP: Damage 13 (Extras: Range Perception [+2], Area [Burst, 1-650’ r], Feats: Decrease Area 13, Increase Areas 3, Subtle, Precise, Indirect, Affects Insubstantial 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any EM Energy], Incurable) [76/76 PP] “Nuclear Explosion” AP: Dazzle 13 (Radio and Visual, Extras: Range Perception, Area [Burst, 65-6500’], Feats: Increase Area 6, Incurable, Indirect, Precise, Selective [Can choose which sense types to effect], Subtle) [76/76 PP] “Nuclear Pulse” AP: Nauseate 12 (Extras: Range Perception [+2], Area [Cloud, 1-300’ radius], Feats: Increase Area 2, Decrease Area 12, Subtle, Indirect) [76/76 PP] “Nuclear Fallout” AP: Nullify 12 (EM Energy Effects, Extras: Alt Save [Fort, +0], Affects Objects, Range Perception, Duration [Sustained +2], Feats: Indirect, Precise, Selective, Subtle) [76/76 PP] “Nuclear Suppression” AP: Communication 20 (Radio, Anywhere in the Universe, Feats: Dimensional 2 [Alternate Realities], Subtle 1, Flaw: Limited [One way]) [13 PP] linked with ESP 20 (Radio Senses, Anywhere in the Universe, Extras: No conduit, Duration [Sustained], Feats: Dimensional 2 [Alternate Realities], Subtle) [63 PP]) Total cost [76/76 PP] “Quantum Entanglement” AP: Teleport 20 (Anywhere in the Universe, Extras: Affects Others, Accurate, Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Progression Mass 4 [2500lbs], Flaw: Long Range) [66 PP], linked with Super Movement 2 (Dimensional 2 [Alternate Realities], Extras: Affects Others, Feats: Progression Mass 4 [2500lbs]) [10 PP] Total Cost [76/76 PP] “Quantum Tunnel” AP: Transform 13 (10K lbs, Inorganic to Inorganic [5 PP/Rank], Extras: Affects objects only [+0], Range Perception [+1], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Indirect, Precise, Subtle, Flaws: Limited to changing matter state [Gas / Liquid / Solid Etc], not chemical composition or state) [70/76 PP] “Alter Atomic Attraction” AP: Environmental Control 8 (10K’, Bright Light, Extreme Heat, Extreme Radiation [6/Rank] Extras: Independent [+0], Range Perception [+1], Total Fade [+1], Feats: Indirect, Precise, Selective [Customise mix of light, heat, radiation], Slow Fade 6 [1 day], Subtle) [74/76PP] “Irradiate” Device (Device 5, 25 DP, Hard to Lose) [20 PP] “Space Costume” Flight 2 (25 mph, Feats: Environmental Adaptation 3 [Zero, low, high Gravity], Subtle) [8 DP] [Gravity Descriptor] Immunity 7 (Environmental Effects, All Suffocation) [7 PP] Protection 5 [5 DP] Super Senses 4 (Microscopic Vision 4) [4 DP] “Eye Lenses” Enhanced Feat 1 (Alternate Power to Nuclear Array) - Damage 12 (Extras: Sustained Duration Aura [+3], Penetrating, Feats: Accurate 3, Affects Insubstantial 2, Incurable, Selective Aura) [67/76 PP] “Nuclear Costume Glow” [1 DP] Protection 12 (Extras: Impervious 10, Sustained, Flaws: Impervious limited to energy) [17 PP] “Force Field” Immunity 3 (Radio Dazzles [2], Own Powers [1]) [3 PP] Super Senses 17 (Accurate [All Radio], Analytical [All Radio], Counters Concealment [All Radio], Detect Dimensional [1]. Detect EM energy [3], Detect Quantum [1], Extended 1 [x10, All Radio], Radar sense [1], Radio Sense [1]) [17 PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 16 Toughness Damage Disintegration Perception DC 20 Fort and DC 25 Tough Drain + Damage Nuclear Blast Perc/Burst DC 28 Toughness Damage Nuclear Pulse Perception DC 23 Reflex/Fort Dazzle Nuclear Fallout Perc/Cloud DC 22 Fort Nauseate Nuclear Supress Perc DC 22 Fort Nullify Nuclear Glow Touch/Aura DC 27 Toughness Damage Transform Perc DC 28 Fort/Ref (Objects) Transform Totals: Abilities 28 + Combat 32 + Saving Throws 25 + Skills 20 + Feats 4 + Powers 141 = 250/250 Power Points
  5. Jessica Witchblood Power Level: 10 (150/165PP) Unspent Power Points: 15 Trade-Offs: None. In Brief: Witchblood family line continues Catchphrase: "What a lovely predicament." Theme: "Devil Woman" by Cliff Richard Alternate Identity: None. Birthplace: Woodland, New Jersey Residence: Freedom City, New Jersey Base of Operations: None. Occupation: Dancer Affiliations: None. Family: Kara Witchblood (the Witchbloods carry their name to the grave with pride), mother. Jason Kelly, father. Description Age: 21 (born February 1997) Apparent Age: 18 (this is when she stopped aging) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Demon Height: 1.78m Weight: 64kg Eyes: Green Hair: Red Jessica is a tall, averaged sized woman with nice curves and ample features. Her skin is an attractive shade of rose red. Her lips are full, she colors them black else they blend in with her skin. Her hair is long and wavy. While not the exact shade of her skin, it's close enough. Her green eyes stand out in the sea of red, their sharp contrast draws attention. She wears jeans and tanks and sandals. History The Witchblood lineage stretches all the way back to the old old world, pre writing/post cavemen. Both the women and men cavorted with the demons to assure their lineage would be the the strongest. Eventually, their corrupt ways caught up with them and they were enslaved human servitors of the demons. Skip a few millennia and a great hero named Witch, somehow severed the link between the demons and the lineage. In gratitude the Witchbloods took the hero's name. Skip a few more millenia, the family still bears the mark of the demon. Though they still practice strong magic, it was tempered by Witch's guidance. No more sacrificing or blood spilled. They invoke carnal (wrath, lust, pride, et cetera) spirits to give them power. Jessica was, well, not normal. Her red skin made sure of that. That said, she wasn't spurmed. She made friends with all except the most hardened of opinionated people. She loved to create and show off. Perhaps a little too much, but her eagerness to be seen and heard segued into learning the family style of magic easily. Growing up with magic was fun, she liked to open with it when she met someone. "Oh hi, I'm Jessica, did you know that magic exists? Watch this!" The tricks weren't scary or harmful, but they were very expressive. Nonetheless, the ones that it didn't scare off, had each other's attention. During high school, she was somewhat popular and kind of a celebrity for that matter. But afterward, everyone went their separate ways. Then she started thinking about college. There was no way she could pay for it. without being in debt for the rest of her life, she found out quickly. Demons may be one thing, but debt collectors were the absolute worst. So she's taking the road most traveled for people with powers, she's doing hero work. Not that she doesn't want to do it! Helping others is always the right thing to do. But in the back of her mind, she always sees her fate - given to a Witchblood as they are born, they instinctively know it will happen, just not when - of dying, pinned down on a black altar. Personality & Motivation Jessica is adamantly always some kind of cheerful. Not springy or bouncy, but always talkative and in a good mood. The only time that she's quiet is when she's plotting or actually scared. You can most likely tell the difference in the two. Het heroism doesn't have a motivation. She just enjoys doing it. It could be attributed to thrillseeking. But she likes to think doing good is it's own reward. Powers & Tactics Jessica wields ancient demon magic in her blood. Though it's been changed over the millennia, it still has roots in corruption. Even the hero who taught them the less corrupt way only lessened their power. She has to move or say something to cast a spell, invoking one of the carnal spirits. Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, or Wrath. The spirit tailors the spell to their liking, giving the recipient something to remember them by. Though if the spell is resisted, Jessica might take a little bit of the spirit's comeuppance. Her demonic physiology also gives her a near limitless lifespan (until she dies), and the ability to suffer fire and human frailties. She'll always start with a long range spell, keeping her distance. She's not a toe to toe fighter, if pressed, she'll chat up the villain to talk them down or just to throw them off their guard to get to a safe distance to keep away. Complications Contemptible Spirits: If Jessica fails to affect someone with a Sin descriptor, the carnal spirit she invoked will backlash somehow. Dark Fate: Jessica will die pinned to a dark altar. She knows not when, just that it will. Demonic Mark: Jessica's skin is red, the curse given to her lineage millenniums ago. She stands out in a crowd, and tends to get trouble from people who don't like demons. Holy Ground: Her powers take a hit there. Not that she'd ever knowingly go to such a place, due to her fate. Re: Your Soul: Powers with the sin descriptor do not affect beings without souls. Those with inhuman souls may lessen the effect. Show Off: Jessica loves to make herself known. The Sin In My Veins: Jessica's corrupted blood can be used for rituals. She shares for a price and a reason. Though there are sorts who would take it forcefully. Abilities 4 + 6 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 8 = 32PP Strength 14 (+2) Dexterity 16 (+3) Constitution 16 (+3) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 14 (+2) Charisma 18 (+4) Combat 8 + 8 = 16PP Attack +4 Base, +10 Magic Defense +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Initiative +3 Grapple +6 Knockback -5 Saving Throws 2 + 5 + 6 = 13PP Toughness +10 (+3 Con, +7 Protection) Fortitude +5 (+3 Con, +2) Reflex +8 (+3 Dex, +5) Will +8 (+2 Wis, +6) Skills 40R = 10PP Acrobatics 7 (+10) Bluff 7 (+11, +19 Attractive) Craft (artistic) 3 (+5) Diplomacy 7 (+11, +19 Attractive) Knowledge (arcane lore) 8 (+10) Perform (dance) 1 (+5) Sleight of Hand 7 (+10) Feats 23PP Acrobatic Bluff Attack Specialization (Magic) 3 Attractive 2 Distract (Bluff) Dodge Focus 6 Fascinate (Perform) Inspire 4 Leadership Precise Shot Ritualist Taunt Uncanny Dodge (mental) Powers 15 + 3 + 38 = 56PP Note: all powers carry the Magic descriptor. Demon Biology 3 (Container) [15PP] (Demonic Heritage) Immunity 4 (aging, cold environments, disease, hot environments, poison) {5PP} Immunity 5 (fire damage; Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) {3PP} Protection 7 {7PP} Flight 1 (Power Feats: Subtle) [3PP] ("Levitation"; magic) Magic 16 (32PP Array; Power Feats: Alternate Power 6) [38PP] Base Power: Blast 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will]; Power Feats: Sedation, Variable Descriptor [carnal spirits]) {32/32} ("Fill With Sin"; sin, magic) Alternate Power: Damage 10 (Extras: Area [Cone], Penetrating; Power Feats: Knockback 2) {32/32} ("Fire and Flames"; fire, magic) Alternate Power: Drain Wisdom 10 (Extras: Linked [Healing]; Power Feats: Slow Fade, Variable Descriptor [carnal spirits]), Healing 10 (Extras: Action [Standard], Total; Flaws: Limited [Self Only], Limited 2 [If Drain Succeeds, Up To Amount Drained]) {22/32} ("Feed On Sin"; sin, magic) Alternate Power: Emotion Control 10 (Power Feats: Variable Descriptor [carnal spirits], Mind Blank) {22/32} ("Sin Puppet"; sin, magic) Alternate Power: Healing 7 (Extras: Action [Standard], Restoration, Total; Flaws: Limited [Others Only]); Power Feats: Regrowth, Stabilize, Variable Descriptor [carnal spirits]) {31/32} ("Belay Sin's Wages"; magic) Alternate Power: Nullify Magic 10 (Extras: Duration [Concentration]; Power Feats: Variable Descriptor [carnal spirits]) {31/32} ("Dispel Magic"; magic) Alternate Power: Paralyze 10 (Extras: Range [Ranged]; Power Feats: Feature [must speak last sin based on spirit invoked], Variable Descriptor [carnal spirits]) {32/32} ("Past Sins Remembered"; sin, magic) Drawbacks (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Dispel Magic 50ft Range DC 20 Will Nullify Feed On Sin Touch DC 20 Will Drain Fill With Sin 50ft Range DC 25 Will Damage Fire And Flames 100ft Cone Area DC 20 Reflex, DC 20/25 Toughness Damage Past Sins Remembered 50ft Range DC 20 Will Paralyze Sin Puppet Perception DC 20 Will Emotion Control Totals: Abilities 32 + Combat 16 + Saving Throws 13 + Skills 10 + Feats 23 + Powers 56 - Drawbacks 0 = 150/165 Power Points
  6. Pitch Power Level: 11 (250/250) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: -1 Attack / +1 DC, -1 Defence / +1 Tough In Brief: Infernal Biker with a Demon in her belly. Catchphrase: “Fire me up!” Theme: Alternate Identity: Carmen Cantos (Secret) Birthplace: Mexico City Residence: Freedom City Base of Operations: Freedom City Occupation: Journalist, Rock Report Magazine Affiliations: Blacksmoker Motorcycle Club Family: None (Known) Description: Age: 31 (6/6/86) Apparent Age: 25 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian/Hispanic Height: 5’6” Weight: 55Kgs Eyes: Brown Hair: Dirty Blonde (Dyed) Carmen looks like a slightly scruffy but sexy rock musician / biker. She is good looking, and has curves in the right places. She wears a variety of clothes but tends to favour rock styled ones, such as leather trousers, buckled belt, etc. She almost always wears clothes that some part of her spinal tattoo (that reaches from the base of her neck to the sacrum) is visible. One particular piece of clothing she almost always wears is boots of some sort, so that she can wear a titanium brace around her right foot (easing her mobility problems). She walks with a quite visible limp because of this. When she commands the demon living inside her, Tazel to “fire her up”, her body becomes wrapped in smoke and wisps of flame. Her eyes glow a fiery red, and there is a furnace bubbling away down her mouth. Her clothes will change, become studded, leathery, black and red. The combined effect is enough to conceal her appearance (and thus identity). History: Carmen’s story starts with her father, Carlos Canto. He was a skilled sorcerer in a biker gang (The Blacksmokers), not renowned for being a good guy, nor a particularly bad one. He did, however, possess an uncanny knack for black magic: in particular, dealing with demons. His luck and cunning held out for many years, as he rode with his gang, gaining fame and notoriety, and a long list of crimes including (at its height) armed bank robbery. His luck would not hold forever, and ran out when he fell in love and had a child. At this point, the infernal creatures he had bound and tormented took their revenge through his family. They propelled the Feds into busting him in a messy fire-fight. Carlos knew his time was up, but he wasn’t going to let his newborn daughter suffer for his sins. As the guns blazed, he took his baby daughter and tattooed his most powerful signs down her spine. This hasty and reckless action damaged his daughter, leaving her disabled, but protected. No demon could touch her. The creatures he had bound took him and his wife, but could not lay a hand in revenge against his babe. Carmen grew up an orphan, and not in the best of company. She was fostered, and didn’t have a bad life, but struggled with it. She fell in with bad boys, and bad crowds, and given the fame of her father it was not long before she was hanging out with bikers, rock stars, and tattoo artists. When she became a rock music journalist, she started to peel back the history of her father. She eventually found an old haunt of his just outside San Antonia. There, she found a dusty shack lived an old biker friend of her father, Axel ˜Grease” Robinson, who showed her Carlos’ leather bound diary and his fabled devil stick. Tough as his biker friends were, nobody had dared to read the diary or take up his stick. (Un)fortunately, as she read his diary, she unleashed Tazel, the fiery spirit that Carlos had bound many years ago, and who was now bound to her. Carmen bound him tightly indeed, by swallowing him whole! Through her fathers’ Diary Carmen learned black magic. It came, if anything, easier for her. No demon could harm her, and she could delve deeply into the anger and resentment that had built up in her to summon the “infernal forge”, the ways of hammer, steel, smoke and fire. Personality & Motivation: Carmen is a wild child, and has an inability to settle. She is quite “passionat”, in good and bad ways, able to love and hate quickly. She has an anarchic streak and has broken the law on numerous occasions with petty offences. So why be a hero? Carmen, although driven to free her father, is deeply angry at him. His legacy is a disability from her spinal tattoos, an undesirable upbringing, her mother’s death, and a whole heap of legacy problems with demons. She wants to be everything her father was not. She wants to be a hero. Powers & Tactics: Tazel, the demon residing in her belly can be expelled and commanded, but usually is used to fire up Pitch, giving her exceptional strength and resilience. She will use this power in conjunction with her own sorcery, commanding fire, steel and smoke, usually in a blistering full on attack. Pitch has no particular martial art expertise but is what might be called an experienced brawler. She is also a reasonably skilled writer and reporter, and will often try to work out what is going on via subterfuge. Pitch drives a customised bike that is pumped full of infernal oil. It can become smoky, concealing its appearance (which she activates when she drives a pitch), and is faster than most normal bikes, as well as being able to drive up walls and even through the air. As Carmen, she often keeps a set of kunckledusters in her jacket, as befits her biker girl image. On her bike, she has a length of chain concealed in the body of the bike, that she will use when Pitch. Power Descriptions: Commanding the infernal forge dimension via her black magic, Pitch’s powers are all about smoke, fire, and metal, often in combination. For instance, she hurls smouldering blackened shards of metal or chains at her opponents. Pitch can “Forge walk”, moving from one hot metal to another (as all hot metals have some connection to the infernal forge). She will appear to get sucked into one piece of metal (an engine is a good example), in a flurry of oily smoke, and then pop out in a cough of smoke at the other one. Complications: Twisted Tounges: Tazel, her pet demon, whilst technically fanatical (and who must obey her) actually hates her and would do anything to get her into trouble. He is bound to tell the truth, but of course he may tell it selectively or get her into all sorts of trouble by doing so, using deceit and manipulation. Given he is the source of her comprehend power, that would be one way of doing so (giving interpretations that are correct but misleading). Note: Tazel can be played by the GM as a totally malign and deceptive entity. He is, after all, a demon. As he mechanically is bound to obey Pitch he is built as a sidekick. He is somewhat mysterious and mercurial, meaning different GMs may take a different angle on him. Disability: Carmen walks with a noticeable limp. This makes things like acrobatics and so on very hard or impossible for her, and she cannot run far. She would not be able to operate normal vehicles. Should she be without a cane or her callipers for her right lower leg, she would be very unsteady, unable to run. Rolling Stone: Whilst she generally has a reasonable amount of money from her work, she has no permanent abode, and her resources and money do fluctuate. No Exorcisms Please: Tazel, her bound demon (who normally lives in her belly) cannot abide holy grounds, or religious artefacts placed on Carmen. In such cases, he will be forcibly ejected from her. Plume of Smoke: Aside from the normal visibility of powers, the smoke and flames from her powers could lead her to be particularly noticeable, such as spotting a plume of smoke outdoors from miles away, or the fire making her noticeable in the darkness. Burnt Out: If Tazel is ejected and somehow cannot make a beeline back to Carmen's mouth (which he could do at very high speed, more than his regular flight) - for instance, if he was unconscious, or mind controlled, or there was some magical or energy barrier blocking or ensnaring him, she cannot deactivate the summon. Essentially deactivating the summon to change the array to the "Tazel within" alternate power means she must reingest him. Greased: Pitch’s “Headquarters” are not really hers, but her friend Axel “Grease” Robinson’s. It’s a working garage, and clubhouse of the Blacksmokers MC (Motorcycle club), or at least, what little remains of them. Whilst Pitch has technically bought an HQ and minions, and is on good terms with the Blacksmokers (hanging out with them), there agenda’s could clash. Abilities: 2 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 24 Strength 12/24 (+1/+7) With Rage, up to 30 (+10) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 14/24 (+1/+7) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 20 + 20 = 40 Initiative: +6 Attack: +10 Defense: +10, +5 Flat Footed Grapple: +11/+17 (Additional +3 with Rage active) Knockback: -6 Saving Throws: 5 + 5 + 10 Toughness: +7/+12 Fortitude: +7/+12 (+2/+7 Con, +5) Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex, +5) Will: +12 (+2 Wis, +10) Skills: 88 Ranks = 22 PP Bluff 8 (+12) Concentration 8 (+10) Craft (Artistic) 4 (+5) Craft (Mechanical) 4 (+5) Diplomacy 4 (+8) Drive 4 (+6) Gather Information 6 (+10) Intimidate 8 (+12) Knowledge (Arcane) 4 (+5) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 9 (+10) Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 (+5) Language 1 (English [Native], Spanish) Notice 4 (+6) Perform [Singing] 2 (+6) Perform [Stringed Instruments] 2 (+6) Profession [Writer] 8 (+10) Sense Motive 8 (+10) Feats: 25 PP All-Out Attack Attractive Critical Strike Equipment 8 Favoured Opponent (Infernal) Improved Initiative 1 Jack of All Trades Minions 5, Progression [5 minions] 2 Power Attack Rage 2, Increased Duration [10 Rounds] 1 Equipment: 8 PP = 40 EP Multi Tool [1 EP] Camera [0 EP] Brass Knuckles (Strike 1, Mighty) [2 EP] Chain (Strike 2, Mighty, Extended Reach 1 [10’], Improved Trip, Improved Disarm) [6 EP] Headquarters: “Greased Gears” Chop Shop [9 EP] Size: Medium [1], Toughness 10 [1], Features: Fire Prevention System, Garage, Gym, Living Space, Security System 2 [DC 25], Workshop [7 EP] Vehicle: “Infernally powered Motorcycle” 22 EP STR 25 [3 EP], Toughness 10 [5 EP], Size: Medium, Features: Concealed appearance [Smoky], Hidden Compartments 1 [DC 20], Smokescreen, Oil Slick [4], Powers: Speed 6, Super Movement 2 [Wall Crawling 2] [9] Powers: 58 + 1 + 9 + 47 + 4 = 119 Tazel Array (57PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 1) [58 PP] BP: Summon 12 (Tazel, Extras: Continuous, Heroic, Feats: Mental Link, Drawbacks: Full round to expel [3], Disorientated 1 round after expelling [1]) [57 PP] “Tazel Expelled” AP: Alt Form 8 (Extras: Continuous) [48 PP] Immunity 13 (All heat effects, Cold environment, Suffocation [Smoke], Disease) [13PP] Super Senses 5 (Counters Visual Obscure) [5 PP] Enhanced Trait 22 (+12 STR, +10 CON) [22 PP] With Comprehend 5 (Speak, Understand, Read all languages and animals, Flaws: Animal Comprehend limited to animals associated with Dev’lry [e.g. rats, snakes, pigs]) [8 PP] With Feature 1 (Mimicry) [1 PP] Immunity 1 (Aging) Immunity 10 (All Infernal and Celestial Effects, Drawback: Power loss [entire spinal tattoo covered]) [9 PP] Infernal Forge Array (40 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 7) [47 PP] BP: Snare 12 (Extra: Constricting, Feats: Turn on/off constricting as free action, Tether, Reversible, Chokehold) [40/40 PP] “Chains” AP: Damage 11 (Extras: Area [Cone], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Decrease Area 11, Incurable) “Breathe Hellfire” [36/40 PP] AP: Damage 11 (Extras: Range [Perception] 2, Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Incurable) “Hellfire Ignition” [36/40 PP] AP: Blast 12 (Extras: Autofire, Feats: Improved Critical 2, Ricochet, Variable Descriptor [Metal]) “Throw Metal Shards” [40/40 PP] AP: Move Object 11 (Extras: Damaging, Range [Perception], Feats: Precise, Flaws: Limited to Metal) “Command Metal” [34/40 PP] AP: Suffocate 10 (Extras: Range [Perception] 2) “Smoke” [40/40 PP] AP: Transform 10 (Metal object -> Metal Object [Change shape only], Extras: Duration, Flaws: Range [Touch]) (40/40 PP) “Meld Metal” AP: Environmental Control 5 (100’ radius, Distraction DC 5, Extreme Heat Extras: Range [Perception]) linked with Obscure 5 (Visual and Olfactory Senses, 100’ Radius, Extras: Range [Perception]) [20+20=40/40 PP] “Hot Smoke” Protection 5 (Drawbacks: Power loss [Entire spinal tattoo covered]) [4 PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 16/22 Tough* Damage Knuckledusters Touch DC 17/23 Tough* Damage Chain Equipment 10’ DC 18/24 Tough* Damage Chain Power Ranged DC 22 Reflex Snare (Constrict) Metal Shards Ranged DC 27 Tough Damage Hellfire Breath Touch/Cone DC 26 Tough Damage Hellfire Ignition Perception DC 26 Tough Damage Smoke Perception DC 25 Fort Suffocate Totals: Abilities 24 + Combat 40 + Saving Throws 20 + Skills 22 + Feats 25 + Powers 119 = 250/250 Power Points
  7. Power Level: 7 (105/114PP) Unspent Power Points: 9 Trade-Offs: +2 Attack / - 2 Damage, +2 Defense / -2 Toughness In Brief: Down on her luck ex Russian Gymnast Catchphrase: Theme: Alternate Identity: Joule (Secret) Birthplace: Yegoryevsk, Russia Residence: Bedlam Base of Operations: Bedlam Occupation: Part Time Gymnastics Coach Affiliations: FSB, Russian Gymnastics Federation Family: Description: Age: 23 (DoB: 09/30/1994) Apparent Age: Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'4" Weight: 106 Lbs Eyes: Hazel Hair: Brown A very fit young woman with shorter brown hair that she often wears pulled back. She has a very pretty face and delicate looks. As a gymnast she has wonderful poise and a smooth flowing walk. She shares the build with many gymnasts, being very petite in body. Her clothes are a mixture of very nice items left over from when she was touring with the Russian team, and a collection of hand me downs and thrift store bargains which is what she seems to be able to afford lately. When confronted with a problem, she has a serious expression on her face and often looks nearly ready to cry. Often times she looks world weary as if she is expecting the next shoe to drop, which it often does. History: Aliya was targeted at a very young age to be part of a Russian genetics program. Given a serum that altered her DNA and made her far more athletic along with her more esoteric abilities, she was groomed by the Russians to be both a spy, and a member of their Gymnastics team as a cover. Mostly separated from her family, she was practically raised by her coaches and taught by the FSB and military specialists how to fight, and more important how to get information important to the Russian government. For a time, she was quite successful in this, making notable inroads on a global scale, even if she never quite won an Olympic medal. In fact, her handlers were insistent that she didn't win too many accolades or her primary function as a spy would be compromised. As a spy, she was used for minor things and while she never participated in high level espionage, her success in Gymnastics overshadowed this. All of these years of planning were ruined in an instant when her latent powers manifested themselves in a very aberrant way. At the World Championships in Glasgow she was performing her routine when suddenly the judges scoring machines went haywire, attacking the panel and numerous other machines went haywire, attacking fans and judges alike. With her hands crackling with electrical power, the world knew that Aliya was not competing as a normal. Further testing revealed what had been concealed by blockers and other drugs, that Aliya was an engineered human designed to compete at the highest levels. The World Federation banned her from the sport and she returned to Russia in disgrace. However, the FSB was not disappointed with this. They had spent too much time and money on Aliya to consider her finished. Stepping up her training in Systema and trying to increase her espionage capability they began a very rigorous routine to make her the best spy possible. Yet every time they stepped up their efforts, something seemed to go wrong. An instructor would come up lame, equipment would fail, Alyia's powers would short out the facility, always something. After several frustrating years, they abandoned thoughts of placing her as a high level agent and instead set her up as an Asset in Bedlam to help with a number of unsavory tasks. Her ability to cause Chaos around her was a major determinant in her placement as it was hoped she might even become a destabilizing force in the area. Either way, they would get their return on investment. After arriving in Bedlam, Aliya found that life in America was not quite what she had imagined. With little support from the state, she was forced to get a job as a part time Gymnastics Coach. it's barely enough to cover the bills if she rotates which ones to pay on a weekly basis. While she's tried to get better work, or resettle in a better place, nothing she tries seems to work. Instead, her life, which has been a series of disasters, continues in the fashion of a train wreck. Her life seems to be long stretches of drudgery, barely treading water, punctuated by brief moments of stark terror and stressful demands from her homeland. Personality & Motivation: Surprisingly, Aliya is still a cheerful person. However, she comes off as world weary if she is talked to for very long. There is an ever present sadness and a weight on her shoulders that pervades even the times when she's quite happy. Her fierce sense of competition will not let her give up and if life kicks her down more than once, she will get back up again and keep trying. She realizes that she is a focal point for trouble and has decided to help as many people around her as she can... even while she often is sticking a dagger in their backs as she carries out assignments for the Russians. Powers & Tactics: Aliya has a good background in Systema. Her goal is to get to grips with an opponent and apply submission holds and other techniques to subdue an opponent. She will occasionally use her animation powers to confuse or harry foes where she can. Power Descriptions: Aliya's powers are usually announced with the crack of lightning and thunder. Her attacks have a halo of power around her hands and feet when she strikes with them and machines seem to carry more electricity than they should be capable of. Complications: From Russia with Love - Aliya has been placed as a Russian asset in Bedlam. As a failed spy and gymnast, the government calls on her to do... things. Just my Luck - Luck has seemed to plague Aliya all her life. Whenever things get too good, or too comfortable, something goes wrong. Her powers have a habit of manifesting at just the wrong moment. Jobs disappear, items are lost, villians escape, cameras catch her doing something that looks wrong even if it isn't. Look at Me - While Alyia is not incredibly famous, she was on the Russian Gymnastics team and was part of a scandal. Her picture has made the news and she often is recognized as that girl. Red Heat - Trouble has a way of finding Alyia. If she's walking down the street, there's likely a mugger or someone who wants to do her harm. Riots start up around her and chaos seems to just like to begin wherever she is. Look Who's Talking Now - small microcharges of electricity, especially when anxious, can make mobile phones and computers freeze up just at the wrong moment... Flatliners - Alexa's powers have a habit of failing her at the worst moments, when they do she needs to use extra effort or find a large power source to amp up Abilities: 4 + 12 + 6 + 0 + 4 + 2 = 28PP Strength 14 (+2) Dexterity 22 (+6) Constitution 16 (+3) Intelligence 10 (+0) Wisdom 14 (+2) Charisma 12 (+1) Combat: 6 + 6 = 12PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +9 Melee, +3 Ranged, +3 Base Defense: +9 (+3 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +18 (+3 from Static Cling) Knockback: -0 Saving Throws: 3 + 3 + 4 = 10PP Tou + 3 (+3 Con, +5 w/ Defensive Roll) Fort +6 (+3 Con, +3) Ref + 9 (+6 Dex, +3) Will +5 (+1 Wis, +4) Skills: 60r = 15PP Acrobatics 12 (+18) Language 1 (Russian [Base], English) Notice 8 (+9) Perform (Dance) 6 (+8) Stealth 4 (+10) Search 8 (+8) Bluff 7 (+9) Diplomacy 4 (+6) Escape Artist 2 (+8) Investigate 2 (+2) Feats: 20PP Acrobatic Bluff Attack Focus 6 Defensive Roll Dodge Focus 6 Grapple Finesse Improved Grab Improved Trip Improved Throw Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Up the Wall Powers: 10 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 3= 20PP Machine Automation 2 ("Static Charge"; Feats: Progression 2, Horde) [10PP] (Mutation, Electrical, Machines) Damage 3 ("Discharge Strike"; Feats: Mighty, Stunning Attack) [5PP] (Mutation, Electrical) Leaping 1 [1PP] (Training) Speed 1 [1PP] (Training) Enhanced Trait 3 ("Static Cling"; Trait: Grapple) [3PP] (Mutation, Electrical) Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Melee DC 17, Toughness Damage Discharge Strike Melee DC 20, Toughness Damage Stunning Attack Melee DC 15, Fortitude Stun Totals: Abilities (28) + Combat (12) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (15) + Feats (20) + Powers (20) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/114 Power Points
  8. Rene DeSaens Power Level: 12 (250/250 PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: +5 Toughness / -5 Defence In Brief: Famous French Artist Magician and Libertarian Catchphrase: “Zut Alors!” “I am just a helpless old man!” Birthplace: Paris, France Residence: Freedom City, Base of Operations: Freedom City (And Paris) Occupation: Artist Affiliations: Loosely speaking; the French Government, Artistic Communities, the Halbediers. Family: None alive Description: Age: 240 (DOB: 7th July, 1777) Apparent Age: Venerable Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’7” Weight: 68 Kgs Eyes: Brown Hair: White Rene is stooped with age but has a robust energy. He has a wild white grey beard and hair, and usually wears a beret and glasses. History: As a young man, Rene fought in the French Revolution. He ended up helping Broken Crow, master mage of the time, track down and destroy a necromancer in Paris (the nefarious Count Necromme). Impressed with Rene’s passion and bravery, Broken Crow pointed him down the path of magic. Over the centuries, Rene has been a revolutionary, philosopher, and magician but above all an artist! He has come into conflict, several times, with the mysterious Gallia (Spirit of Aristocratic France) and been involved with the rather chaotic and conflicted Halbediers (magicians of France). Rene has always had a sense of something awful happening in Freedom City, and moved there in 2010 as a semi-retired artist. Personality & Motivation: Rene is an irritable, classic “Artist” who can be grumpy at times but this is a bit of an act; he is extremely warm hearted – although has little time for fools. Rene is well known for hugely down playing his powers, insisting he is only a helpless old man, with trivial arcane abilities at most. Aside from his political / philosophical leanings (mainly around “Liberty!”) and general good nature (he has seen plenty of wars and horrors over the years), he also takes a role in protecting Earth from arcane threats. Powers & Tactics: Rene is an extremely experienced and powerful mage, with centuries of skill and wisdom behind him. He has survived partially because he is very careful to down play his power. He is able to “paint” onto reality, creating streaks of magical power such as light or eldritch blasts, or physical objects like cobwebs or chains. This is not reality warping but, with his artistic sensibilities, creating “lines” of force. He carries his magic paintbrush that is more precise, and can alter light, creating illusions, invisibility, and so on. Whilst aged, and physically weak, he is extremely tough and resilient. Whilst his eyesight is failing, he is able to mentally envisage his surroundings, seeing it as if it is an impressionistic painting. Born from the French Revolution, Rene has a particularly desire for liberty above all else, and has a strong connection with the spirit of Liberty; he is able to summon this force to protect both himself and others around him from any form of imprisonment or mind control. In conflict, Rene will avoid showing his hand, tending to plead impotence, helplessness or incompetence. He might happily surrender in order to be taken prisoner. When in a fight his major limitation is extreme lack of mobility; if in possession of his paintbrush, he will usually try to manipulate his environment first, such as plunging the area in darkness, or distracting flashes of twinkling lights. Complications: Elderly and Infirm: Aside from his rather poor physical abilities, Rene has other various problems of advanced age. For instance, he needs would not be able to run fast or long (or even at all), and medical care might be more complicated. Art! Rene may well use sub-optimal tactics in order to make things more dramatic or artistic. For example, he might have to paint the sky a lovely shade of moonlight rather than make everyone invisible. Blurred Vision: Rene needs his reading glasses. Without them, he can’t read, or even paint (at least anything in detail). Washed out: Rene’s magic ink is both limited in quantity (it may run out) and also will wash out in water. Immersion will remove it completely, and it will last a minute at most in rain. Even fog or mist will slowly erode it. Slave to Liberty: Although Rene can snare people for short periods of time, his is a libertarian and will not abide mental control or imprisonment (aside from humanitarian and legal incarceration). Aside from his own passion, any compromise in this area would stop him from summoning the spirit of liberty. In addition, various spiritual or eldritch considerations might prevent him from using this power (such as draconian planets / dimensions or certain eldritch / divinely charged areas). Unmodern Cons: Whilst Rene has plenty of money (from his art), and has plenty of luxuries (like art, fine wines, and so on), he does without modern cons. He does not own a car or mobile phone, and does not even have a T.V. or computer at home (although he does have a radio). It is not that he cannot use these conveniences (although he might be slightly slow on them), he just does not have them to hand. Abilities: -2 - 2 + 0 + 4 + 34 + 12 = 46 Strength: 8 (-1) Dexterity: 8 (-1) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 44 (+17) Charisma: 22 (+6) Combat: 12 + 12 = 24 Initiative: +3 Attack: +6, +12 With Magic Defense: +6, +3 Flat Footed Grapple: +5 Knockback: -8 Saving Throws: 20 Toughness: +17 (+0, +17 Protection) Fortitude: +17 (+0 Con, +17) Reflex: +2 (-1 Dex, +3) Will: +17 (+17 Wis) Skills: 112R = 28 PP Bluff 8 (+14) Concentration 4 (+21) Craft (Artistic) 16 (+33) [NB: Benefit] +2 With Masterwork tools Diplomacy 8 (+14) Intimidate 4 (+10) Knowledge (Arcane) 16 (+33) [NB: Benefit] Knowledge (Art) 8 (+10) Knowledge (Cosmology) 8 (+10) Knowledge (History) 4 (+6) Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 8 (+10) Language 8 (Arabic, English, French (Native), German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Latin, Spanish) Notice [See Disability] +9 Perform [Oratory] 4 (+10) Perform [Wind Instruments] 4 (+10) +2 With Masterwork Flute Profession [Cook] 4 (+21) Sense Motive 8 (+25) Feats: 23PP Artificer Beginner’s Luck (Remembering long forgotten skill!) Benefit 2 (Use WIS for arcane knowledge and craft art) Benefit 2 (Wealth) Equipment 3 Improved Initiative 1 Inspire 5 Luck 4 Ritualist Second Chance (Pretend to be a helpless old man)* Second Chance (Toughness save vs Magic Blast) Taunt *Applies to any skill that involves pretending to be helpless. Usually this will be the bluff skill but could potentially be others (e.g. disguise, or perform [act]) Equipment: 3PP = 15 EP Masterwork Art Tools [1 EP] Masterwork Flute [1 EP] Headquarters: House in Freedom City (Toughness +10 [1 EP], Size: Small, Features: Arcane Library, Arcane Laboratory, Arcane Workshop, Art Workshop, Eldritch Cleaning [All contents and furnishings clean and freshen automatically], Library, Living Space, Masterwork Kitchen, Security System 3 [DC 30]) [11 EP] Alternate HQ in Paris (same as above) [1 EP] Powers: 2 + 11 + 31 + 1 + 44 + 17 + 7 = 113 All powers have the Magic descriptor unless otherwise specified Comprehend 2 (Speak to and understand objects, Flaw: Limited to art) [2 PP] Container 1 (5 CP, Sustained Duration, Extras: Affects Others, Area [Burst, 5’ r], Feats: Progression 2 [up to 25’ Radius], Selective, Subtle) [11 PP] “Spirit of Liberty” (Divine, Spirit Descriptor) Immunity 5 (Entrapment) [5 CP] Device 10 (Easy to lose, Feats: Restricted use [Craft [Art] 5 ranks or more) [31 PP] "Magic Paintbrush" Ink Array (45 PP, Feats: Alt power 5) [50 DP] BP: Morph 5 (Any form, Extras: Area [Bust], Attack + Self [reflex save], Duration [Continuous], Range [Perception], Selective Attack) [45/45 PP] “Ink over” AP: Concealment 5 (All Visual Senses, Mental Blindsight, Extras: Area [Burst], Attack + Self [Reflex], Duration [Continuous], Range 2 [Perception], Selective Attack, Feats: Close Range, Selective [Different degrees of concealment/different parts of body]) [42/45 PP] “Invisible Ink” AP: Environmental Control 10 (Bright Light, 5000’ Radius, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Range [Perception], Feats: Precise, Variable Descriptor 2 [Magic]) [43/45 PP] “Bright Ink” AP: Environmental Control 7 (500’ Radius, Distraction DC 15, Extras: Duration [Continuous], Range [Perception], Selective Attack, Feats: Precise, Variable Descriptor 1 [Magic Light]) [44/45 PP] “Twinkling Ink” AP: Illusion 10 (Visual Senses, Extras: Duration 2 [Continuous], Feats: Progression Area 5 [250’ Radius]) “Ink Painting” [45/45 PP] AP: Obscure 10 (Visual Senses, 5000’ Radius, Extras: Duration 2 [Continuous], Range [Perception], Feats: Precise, Variable Descriptor 2 [Magic]) [43/45 PP] “Ink blot” [43/45 PP] Immunity 2 (Aging, Disease Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) [1 PP] Magic Array (38 PP Array, Feats: Alt power 6) [44 PP] BP: Blast 12 (Feats: Accurate 3, Affects Insubstantial 2, Homing 1, Improved Critical 2, Indirect 3, Precise, Variable Descriptor 2 [Magic]) [38/38 PP] AP: Blast 10 (Extras: Area [Line], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Magic]) [37/38 PP] AP: Dazzle 12 (Feats: Accurate 3, Homing 1, Improved Critical 2, Indirect 3, Precise, Variable Descriptor 2 [Magic]) [36/38 PP] AP: Dazzle 10 (Extras: Area [Line], Feats: Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Magic]) [35/38 PP] AP: Snare 12 (Feats: Accurate 3, Affects Insubstantial 2, Homing 1, Improved Critical 2, Indirect 3, Precise, Reversible, Variable Descriptor 2 [Magic], Drawbacks: Vulnerable to WIS*) [38/38 PP] AP: Snare 10 (Extras: Area [Line], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Indirect 3, Reversible, Variable Descriptor 2 [Magic], Drawbacks, Vulnerable to WIS*) [37/38 PP] AP: Teleport 9 (Anywhere on Earth, Extras: Accurate, Portal [Sustained, +3], Flaw: Long Range, Needs sculpture/image of target area, Feats: Progression 1 [10’x10’ Portal], Subtle [portal]) [38/38 PP] Protection 17 [17 PP] Super Senses 7 (Accurate Mental, Acute Mental, Ranged Mental, Mental Blindsight sense, Mental Counters Concealment) [7 PP] Drawbacks: -4 PP Disability: Weak senses (-8 to Notice Rolls) [2 PP] Vulnerability (Minor, +1 DC, Common [Sleep Effects/Descriptor) [2 PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 14 Toughness Damage Blast Ranged DC 27 Toughness Damage Blast Ranged, Line Area DC 25 Toughness Damage Dazzle Ranged DC 27 Reflex/Fort Visual Dazzle Dazzle Ranged, Line Area DC 25 Reflex/Fort Visual Dazzle Snare Ranged DC 27 Reflex Snare Snare Ranged DC 25 Reflex Snare Morph Perception DC 15 Reflex Morphed Concealment Perception DC 15 Reflex Invisible Totals: Abilities 46 + Combat 24 + Saving Throws 20 + Skills 28 + Feats 23 + Powers 113 - Drawbacks -4 = 250/250 Power Points
  9. Lament (a.k.a. "The Duke of Despair" a.k.a. "The Sultan of Sorrow") Power Level: 10 (229/239 PP) Unspent Power Points: 10 Trade-Offs: +2 Tough / -2 Defence In Brief: Voodoo Showman housing Psychic Horror Alternate Identity: Luther Earl LeGrasse Birthplace: New Orleans Residence: On tour. Has large home in centre of New Orleans Occupation: Magician, Entertainer, Musician Affiliations: Various shows and entertainments. Family: Ella Lagrasse (Older sister, New Orleans Politician), Violet Lagrasse (Younger Sister, Jass Singer), Vincent Lagrasse (Father, retired whiskey distiller), Margreet Lagrasse (Mother, Cook) Age: 26 Apparent Age: 26 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Mixed Height: 5'8" Weight: 60 Kgs Eyes: Brown Hair: Bald Luther is a thin man of sleight build, although execrises enough to compensate and be of average strength. He lost his hair in his early twenties, and is clean shaven. When he appears as the great Voodoo magician "Zombo!" he dressed up in some deliberately torn dinner jacket and with white eye make up. His super hero identity, Lament, is just a bold and magnified version of his stage costume. He wears a ridiculously tall purple top hat, make up, ragged purple jacket and coat tails, and a false white goatee stuck to his face. To complete his image, he keeps a machete by his side coated with stage-blood. However, he is an expert on disguise, so if undercover can often look like pretty much anyone! His mixed ethnicity and mastery of make up means he can change his apparent skin tone from almost jet black to pallid white. History: Luther grew up on the streets of New Orleans in a fairly warm, loving family who were neither rich nor poor, but had a certain artistic flair to them. He remembers well the laughter, music, and smell of his mothers cooking. A small kid, Luther was inclined to be bullied, but soon found he had a knack for entertainment and grew in confidence and charm. As a teenager he did street magic, and became progressively more skilled and famous, until, as a young man, he took up a career as a stage magician, progressing further and further under the stage name "Zombo! Voodoo Master of the undead!", until he was a national figure, doing shows in Las Vegas and even around the world. And doing a trimuphant return to New Orleans show, he attracted a horrifically powerful, near mindless, psychic creature who bonded with him, attracted by the delight he caused in his shows. The void. The void feeds on hope and laughter. Not in a malign way, no more than bacteria on a wound. It is virtually mindless, just a hunger. It loves being happy, and the way it gets happy is to feed off happiness. For Luther, this was awful. His shows became a feeding ground for the Void, and his reviews were awful. However, he did find that the Void gave him super powers. And he devised a way to feed the void in a more useful way, as the superhero, Lament, aiming the hunger of the creature to the cruel and sadistic. Personality & Motivation: Luther loves enteraining people, and all forms of entertainment. Which is why the Void chose him. He is a fairly kind and generous man in any case, but the motivation for becoming a superhero is, to a large part, necessity: if he doesn't keep the void fed, his career will be in ruins, and ultimately the void will feed on his own happiness. So he has struck a balance; direct the Void to feeding off the cruel and villainous, and do something good in the bargain. Powers & Tactics: The void normally resides purely psychologically, gnawing at Luther for "food". Luther can bring forth the Void progressively; firstly into his body (the Void can feed Lament's organs), then extending it to the boundary of his body and the world (making him hard to see due to distrortions), and finally extending the Void from hisbody out into the real world, where its black oily tendrils will thrash about. The Void has some psychic powers that it gives to Lament; the ability to sense emotions, project unpleasant images, or feed on happiness and hope (causing despair). Lament will tend to start with these, as he needs to feed the Void. The symbiosis also allows Lament to focus the void onto parts of his body as a black oily parastic force, for instance: it can manifest as oily smoke or blades from his hand, sapping strength, or make his eyes go black (blinding those that meet his gaze), or breathing out oily smoke, suffocating those around him. In any case, his body is now very resistant to all damage. Aside from the powers of the Void, Luther is a skilled showman, highly charismatic, and well versed in many social and performance skills. He is has a world class ability with magic and cards, and is even able to throw playing cards (or other objects) with great effectiveness as weapons. Lament has a certain dramatic tactical style. He prefers a touch of stealth, then an explosion of presence. Ideally, to keep the Void best fed, he would catch villains laughing and revelling, enjoying themselves, and strike them with a despair emotion (i.e sucking all their happiness out). Power Descriptions: If the void manifests, it has an oily velvet-dark quality, but does not obscure light. In its most dramatic form, when Lament pushes the force out of his skin (albeit still symbiotically connected and living within him), the Void has thick tentacles and tendrils that whilst not particularly strong are very dramatic! Complications: Empty Void: Put simply, the Void must feed. Its preferred meal is positive emotions such as happiness. If it cannot feed on others, it will feed on Luther himself, causing a deep depression. If even that food source dies, it will feed on physical vitality, causing fatigue and somnolence (ideally in others, but then Luther). Full Void: Feeding on happiness will make the Void happy in its own mindless way. That said, it can only stomach so much before being bloated. Too much happiness, and it will refuse to feed further. Possessed: Manifesting the Void in the real world is progressively dangerous as it may take over Lament. From midly gnawing ("Void Inside"), to a bleak and broody streak ("Void 'Betwixt") to the possibility of complete possession and temporarily losing his will ("Void Unleashed). The Void is not malign itself, but it is hungry and virtually mindless. Showman: Luther is a natural showman, and cannot help wanting to be adored and admired. He will prefer tactics and activities that are dramatic and impressive, and feed his own sense of self importance (whist internally of course he frets about his skills and worth). Doop de doo doo: Luther loves music, particularly jazz. He is often tapping his foot or humming a tune, actvities that could give him away or make noise. This is virtually irrsistable when there is music playing. He would sing a long to a tune even if it would reveal himself; it is practically an unconscious tic. Abilities: 0 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 15 = 33 Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 25 (+7) Combat: 20 + 18 = 36 Initiative: +6 Attack: +10 Defense: +8, +4 Flat Footed Grapple: +10 Knockback: -6 Saving Throws: 6 + 8 + 11 = 25 Toughness: +12 (+2 Con, +10 Protection) Fortitude: +8 (+2 Con, +6) Reflex: +10 (+2 Con, +8) Will: +15 (+4 Wis, +11) Skills: 160 R = 40 PP Bluff 12 (+19)Concentration 15 (+19)Diplomacy 4 (+11)Disguise 13 (+20) Skill MasteryEscape Artist 10 (+12) Skill Mastery [Additional +3 if using elongated limbs]Handle Animal 4 (+11) Skill MasteryIntimidate 12 (+19)Knowledge [Arcane] 4 (+5)Knowledge [Art] 4 (+5)Knowledge [Pop Culture] 4 (+5)Knowledge [Theology & Philosophy] 4 (+5)Language 2 (English [Native], French, Spanish)Notice 8 (+12)Perform (Acting) 13 (+20) Skill MasteryPerform (Dance) 4 (+11) Skill MasteryPerform (Percussion) 8 (+15) Skill MasteryPerform (Wind Instruments) 4 (+15)Sense Motive 8 (+12)Sleight of Hand 15 (+17) Skill MasteryStealth 12 (+14) Skill Mastery Feats: 21 PP Benefit 2 (Wealth) Blind-Fight Distract (Intimidate) Fascinate (Perform) Favored Environment [The Stage] Improved Initiative 1 Jack of All Trades Precise Shot 2 Quick Change 2 Set-Up Skill Mastery 2 (Disguise, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Perform [Acting], Perform [Dance], Perform [Percussion], ) Throwing Mastery 5 Equipment: 1PP = 5EP Stage Machete (Strike 2, Feats: Blunted, Improved Critical 1, Mighty) [5 EP] [NB: Blunted indicates the stage weapon can cause non-lethal damage] Standard Disguise Kit [0 EP] Pack of Playing Cards [0 EP] Powers: 12 + 10 + 14 + 22 = 58 PP Powers all have the psychic descriptor Alternate Form 2 (10 PP Container, Feats: 2 Additional Alt Forms) [12 EP] "Void symbiote" [Psychic] Alt Form: "Void Inside" Immunity 10 (Cold and Hot Environment, Fatigue Effects, Sleep, Suffocation[All]) [10 PP] Alt Form: "Void Betwixt" Concealment 10 (All but Tactile, Flaws: Partial, Permanent [+0]) [10 PP] Alt Form: "Void Unleashed" Additional Limbs 3 (Extras: Impervious, 5 Tendrils, Feats: Ambidexterity, Instant Up) [8 PP] Elongation 3 (25', Range Incr 30', Flaws: Permament [+0], Drawbacks: Additional Limbs only) [2 PP] Protection 10 [10 PP] Psychic Array (11 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 3) [14 PP] BP: Emotion Control 10 (Feats: Subtle, Flaws: Limited to Despair) [11 PP] AP: Emotion Control 5 (Extras: Burst Area, Feats: Subtle, Flaws: Limited to Despair) [11 PP] AP: Illusion 5 (Auditory and Visual, Extras: Duration [Sustained], Feats: Progression 1 [10' radius], Flaws: Limited to disturbing or unpleasant images, Phantams) [11 PP] AP: Mind Reading 10 (Extras: Duration [Sustained], Feats: Subtle, Flaws: Limited to reading emotions) [11/11 PP] Void Array (20 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 2) [40 PP] BP: Fatigue 10 (Extras: Sustained Aura, 6 ranks only [+3]) [38 PP] "Void Skin" AP: Dazzle 6 (Extras: Action [+3, Reaction: Looking at Lament], Range [Perception]) [36 PP] "Void Eyes" AP: Suffocate 5 (10-40' radius cloud, Extras: Area [Cloud], Duration [Sustained - Status], Feats: Decrease Area 6) [20 PP] "Void Breath" Drawbacks: Vulnerability (Psychic; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Moderate) [-2PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Stage Machete Touch DC 17 Toughness Damage Emotion Control or Perception DC 20 Will Despair Emotion Control Perc/Area DC 15 Will Despair Mind Reading Perception DC 20 Read Void Touch Touch DC 20 Fort Fatigue Void Eyes Perception DC 13 Reflex / Fort Vis Daz Void Breath Touch/Area DC 15 Fort Suff. Throwing Stuff Ranged DC 20 Toughness Damage Totals: Abilities 33 + Combat 36 + Saving Throws 25 + Skills 40 + Feats 21 + Powers 76 - Drawbacks -2 = 229/239 Power Points
  10. Power Level:: 10/12 (180/185 PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent PP: 5 In-Brief: Intergalactic diplomat and psychic nomad Theme: Dance of Swords -- Avi & Surasshu Alternate Identities: Liora Sylestrin Identity: Public Birthplace: Tetragenesis III Occupation: Diplomat, Mediator Affiliation: The Praetorians Age: 20 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Tegregenisian Height: 5'9" Weight: 120 lbs Eyes: Violet Hair: Black Description: For all intents and purposes Tetragenians look exactly ike humans, and Liora really is no different. Fair-skinned with long black hair. she tends to command attention simply by walking into a room. She tends to dress in a simple dresses or her civilian uniform while not on 'official' business, and when she's un an undercover capacity, she can pull off most anything. As Spectra, her face is covered by a violet butterfly mask and purple/white tights. Power Descriptions: Liora's constructs all carry the same purple hue when she uses them, whether they're real or not. Typicall, Liora's illusions take the form of swordsmen, archers, or mages. This violet theme is further carried by her eyes; when using any ability, all three of her eyes have the same violet glow. She can also arm herself with psychic beams and blades, affecting both corporeal and incorporeal targets. She can also strike at the very soul of another person with her psychic knives, jarring them enough to incapacitate for a few seconds. History: Liora will never deny that her life was one filled with privilege. Her family descended from a long line of Tetragenisian diplomats,, and she was expected to follow in their footsteps. It was a destiny that Liora never questioned; it was everything she knew, and only later did she realize how little information she really had other parents' occupation. Afforded the finest tutors and instructors, Liora wanted for very little, but around the age of 10, Liora began having strange dreams. They grew more frequent when Liora first visited the Caldorian Republic. Embroiled by a civil war that had lasted for nearly fifteen years, the Tetragenian government attempted to open diplomatic channels with the government in order to find a path to peace for both sides. For a few months, the tension seemed to subside. A sudden attack on the embassy, however, shattered the illusion of a ceasefire entirely. While Liora's psychic abilities saved her, many others weren't so fortunate, including her parents. Liora fought back, quickly determining that the attack wasn't initiated by the rebellion in Caldor. In fact much of Caldor had come under attack by a similar force she would later come to know as the Communion. Stranded on Caldor for six months, she survived largely on wit and rudimentary weapons training. For years after, she tracked the Communion--not a difficult task, all things considered. She joined the Praetorians not long after rescue game to Caldor and what was left of its citizenry was saved from the carnage. Liora all but forced herself on the Praetorians through strength of will alone and, though she initially only sought to be a member of their diplomatic corps and pursue her own agenda in seeking justice for her family, it wasn't long before her psychic abilities became much more common knowledge. She struck a compromise in keeping the two separate--Liora the savvy public ambassador and Spectra, the masked psychic of the Praetorians.For a whille, this arrangement was fine, though difficult to maintain. As time passed, however, dreams of the future began to haunt her. In the months before the attack that left much of the Praetorians in stasis, she grew restless and anxious. Reticent to actually tell anyone details of the futures she saw, she knew that fighting the current of time also carried the risk of one getting swept away by it. Her one comfort, though, was seeing the aftermath of her comrades' return. Not even she could predict the length of time that would pass, however, and the natural death of the system where her people resided. Personality & Motivations: Liora is a very driven young woman, determined to bring peace to as much of the universe as she can. Though her psychic abilities and heightened perception do allow her more insight than most, she much prefers to rely on wit and instinct to navigate the more subtle encounters in which the Praetorians find themselves. She generally dislikes violence, having seen all too much of that during civil wars on her former homeworld and others her parents visited in their diplomatic travels. Liora rarely acts without thinking, and carefully examining the mannerisms and motivations of others is second nature to her. This analytical mindset often comes across as a dismissive arrogance, when in reality she simply knows a person better than the information they think she has. Powers & Tactics: Liora is able to use various telekinetic abilities, the most notable of which revolve around the manipulationlf light energy. aided by her own heightened perception due to her alien physiology, she can create semi-solid constructs, illusions, as well as project psychic bursts of light energy over large distances. Her unique perception and third eye also allow her to see an individual's aura, and on occasion she can even see into the future. When Liora absolutely has to fight, she doesn't often engage with an enemy directly. She will either use her illusions to confuse and divide an enemy or simply blind them with a flash of light and allow her allies to do the rest. Her naturally longer range pf vision, even without her psychic abilities, make her an excellent scout, allowing her and her allies to plan accordingly. Complications: Blinded By The Light: Spectra can't always control her visions of the future. When they come, it's often sudden and the ordeal of receiving them can be extremely exhausting. Abilities: 0 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 8 + 6 = 16pp Strength: +10 (+0) Dexterity: +10 (+0) Constitution: +10 (+0) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom 18 (+4) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 14 + 14 = 28pp Initiative: +0 Attack: +7, +9 Psychic Knife, +10 ranged Defense: +10 (+7 base, +3 Dodge Focus; +3 flat-footed) Grapple: +7 Knockback: -10 Saving Throws: 5 + 6 + 8 = 19pp Toughness: +0/+10 Force Field Fortitude: +5 (+5) Reflex: +6 (+6) Will: +12 (+4 Wis; +8) Skills: 72R = 18pp Acrobatics 6 (+6) Bluff 7 (+10)SM Concentration 9 (+13) Diplomacy 9 (+12)sM Gather Knowledge (4 (+7) Languages 2 (Gal Standard [Native], Delaztri, English) Knowledge (behavioral science) 7 (+8) Notice 2 (+6/+14)SM Pilot 4 (+4) Search 7 (+16)SM Sense Motive 7 (+11) Sleight of Hand 8 (+8) Feats: 10pp Attack Focus (ranged) 3 Attractive Connected Contacts Dodge Focus 3 Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Search. Notice) Powers: 46 + 15 + 1 + 10 + 1 + 16 = 89 Illusion 10 (Affects all sense types; Ex: Damaging, Flaws: Phantasms, Thematic 2 [Humanoids Only]) [40pp + 6pp Alternate Powers] (Psychic) AP: Blast 10 (Ex: Alternate Save [Will]; PF: Affects Insubstantial 2) [1pp] AP: Dazzle 10 (Affects Visual; Ex: Selective Attack, Area [Perception, General]) [1pp] AP: Mind Reading 10 (Ex: Sensory Link) [1pp] AP: Strike 10 (PFs: Accurate 1, Split Attack 3, Thrown) + Stun 10 (Linked to Strike) [1pp] (Psychic Knife) AP: Super Senses 21 (Extended Mental 2, Precognition, Radius (Mental), Trace Teleport, True Sight) + ESP 4 (Visual, Ex: No Conduit)[1PP] AP: Teleport 4 (Ex: Affects Others, Portal; PFs: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Turnabout, Progression, Mass 10 [250000 lbs]) [1PP] Communcation 4 (Range: 1 mi., Mental, Ex: Area [Omni-Directional]. PF: Selective) + Comprehend 3 (Read/Speak/Understand All) [15pp] (Psychic) Flight 1 (Flaw: Levitate) [1pp] (Psychic) Force Field 10 (Ex: Impervious; Duration](Concentration]) [5pp] (Psychic) [10pp] Super Senses 1(Mental Awareness) [1pp] (Psychic) Tetragenesian Physiology (PF: Innate) [16pp] Enhanced Trait 4 (Notice +8, Search +8) Super Senses 11 (Danger Sense [Visual], Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Extended Sight 3, Rapid Vision 1, Spatial Awareness) DC Block Attack Range Save Effect Blast 10 100 ft. DC 25 (Will) Damage (Psychic) Dazzle 10 100 ft. DC 20 (Fort/Ref) Dazzle (Visual) Illusion 10 Perception DC 20 (Will) Damage (Illusion) Mind Reading 10 Perception DC 20 (Will) ---- Strike 10 Thrown (250 ft) DC 25 (Tou) Damage (Physical) Stun 10 [Add. Effect] DC 19 (Fort) Staged (Dazed/Stunned) Unarmed Melee DC 15 (Tou) Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities 16 + Skills 18 (72 ranks) + Feats 10 + Powers 89 + Combat 28 + Saves 19 + Drawbacks 0 = 180/185 Power Points
  11. Hellhound Power Level: 12 (180/183PP) Unspent PP: 3 Trade Offs: +2 Damage/- 2 AttackTransitional, +1 Damage/-1 AttackLupine Effective PL: 7 In Brief: Werewolf Biker possessed by a spirit of Vengeance. Alternate Identity: Óscar Davalos Identity: Secret Birthplace: Hardwick Park, Bedlam City Occupation: Bouncer Affiliations: Family: Rafael Davalos (Father), Luz Davalos (Sister), Dora Davalos (Mother), Frederico Davalos (Brother), Javier Davalos (Brother), Description: Age: 23 (DoB: Born 24, December 1994) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Afro-Carribean Height: 5’6"/8'Transitional Form Weight: 140 lbs/500 lbs Transitional Form Eyes: Brown/Red (When in Lupine or Transitional forms) Hair: Black Óscar is muscular man with a variety of tattoos on his torso and arms. His hair is part pompadour, part well-groomed mohawk with a fade going down the sides. His ears have a total of nine different piercings. His clothing is often left in conditions with little to be desired, the leather jacket that Óscar sports everywhere is in immaculate condition. While acting as he wears a balaclava with a canine-like pattern. In his transitional form Óscar is a bipedal combination of his human and lupine form. A sort of transitional state between the two. Able to stand erect on his hind legs, his front paws act as hands unless he needs to take off into a sprint. Size wise he is a good two feet taller than his human form and his teeth are both sharper and longer. Thanks to the effect of the Vengeance Spirit his flesh looks as if it was burning from the inside with his fur glowing akin to magma In his "Lupine" form Óscar appears to be a gigantic wolf. Aside from being larger and more muscular than other modern-day wolves, there aren't any real distinguishing features to separate Hellhound from any other large wolves than his bright red eyes. History: In the 16th century Cuba before the European witch trials reached their peak Santiago Veracruz, a Spanish mage of the time, realized he needed some intermediaries to protect himself from rivals as well as allowing him to act with subterfuge in the paranoid world around him. With Battle Brutes drawing far too much attention, the crafty mage knew he needed something kept closer to the vest. Veracruz cursed his slaves and an assortment of poor beggars. The sort of people society would not be keen to listen to when told tales of coercion by a magical being. The Davalos family were victims of one of Veracruz's curses. The family line was doomed to carry a genetic mutation for lycanthropy. While not every member would become a werewolf, all would be carriers of this "werewolf gene." Long after Veracruz died, long after slavery ended, even long after Cuba had gotten its independence the family curse raged on. In the 1980s, the Davalos family were amongst the 125000 other Cuban immigrants to Miami. But, Rafael Davalos set his sights further north. Moving his family in with an estranged brother in Bedlam City. Promised new opportunities in America, the lawyer quickly learned no one was willing to hire a lawyer who could no longer prove his credentials. Thinking himself destined for greater things than blue-collar work, Rafael refused to look for a job until someone would hire him as a lawyer. Rafael spent many a night bonding with fellow down on their luck young main airing their grievances behind a bottle. That was until his brother became the 6th victim of Capricorn, Rafael organized a neighborhood watch program in Hardwick Park. Tired of the police doing nothing to defend the citizens of Hardwick Park, Rafael swore that they would protect their own. But, by the time the real Capricorn had been arrested, the "neighborhood watch" had become the Lunar Sentry MC. Deeply embroiled in the cocaine boom of the 80s, Rafael had become a terror to the very neighborhood he had sworn to protect. Óscar grew up hearing idealized tales of his father's biker gang and all the supposed good they contributed to the neighborhood. That was until he was to be inducted into the family business at 15 years of age. His dad brought him along to threaten a bakery that was refusing to pay for protection. After the "negotiation" turned sour Rafael brought Óscar back later that night and the older man proceeded to firebomb the bakery right in front of his sons. Already frightened by the sight of the violent act, Óscar turned sick to his stomach when he learned the news that the family lived in the bakery. Disgusted by the sort of man his father really was, Óscar snuck out into the night and set the biker gang's entire armory on fire. Running away into the dark of night. In retaliation, Óscar’s father sent word to Opus Ombra of his son’s existence. Essentially signing a death sentence for the lone wolf. A cell of the supernatural hunting priesthood began hunting Óscar at every turn. Time and time again he barely escaped with his life. Until finally one of the brothers of the Opus Ombra cornered an injured Óscar into an alleyway but just before he could take the werewolf's life a group of bikers made their way into the area. The bikers demanded to know where Óscar had hidden a girl. Apparently, a witness against their illicit activities. Óscar refused to talk, even though his injuries continued to mount he refused to shift into his werewolf form. Making it more likely that the young man was going to die. It was clear to the priest that Óscar was willing to give his life for the woman. And although it went against all the beliefs he had grown to know, the brother of the Opus Ombra saved Óscar's life. The beginning of a shaky and untrusting partnership as the priest officially left the Opus Ombra faking both his and Óscar's death in a fiery inferno. Now, years after the fact Horacio (the priest in question) has taken up a quiet life as the owner/bartender of 8th Circle. A bar in Hardwick Park. With Óscar working as his bouncer (and living in an apartment above the bar). During his free time, much to Horacio's chagrin, Óscar acts as a self-appointed defender of Hardwick Park. Engaging in the exact sort of behavior that originally sent a magical hit squad after him and opposing the criminal elements of Hardwick Park. Although his father's biker gang is his main target, it was actually Jiggsaw who dubbed him with the name Hellhound. Whether by fate or by fortune, on the briefest of moments, after the passing of the previous Master Mage the wardings holding the burning ghost to Claremont waned. Evil magic began making inroads on Earth, and the ghost desired Vengeance. Óscar was pinned in an abandoned pharmacy by Jiggsaw's men avoiding gunfire as best he could. The thoughts of what he would do to the gunmen when finally get his hands on them fueling him and acting as a beacon for the spirit of Vengeance's next unwilling host. But, the werewolf's natural resistance to magic gave him a measure of control over the the vengeance spirit which fed on his preternatural rage. Personality & Motivation: Óscar can come across as cold and uncaring and a penchant for making sarcastic remarks does him no favors. But, the reality behind his detached demeanor is that his powers are tied to his emotions. Requiring a certain level of control. In his own words, he turns the volume down on his emotions to not bite anyone's head off. Although, anger, the anger he still does very well. On the day of a full moon, Óscar actually comes across as a more caring and open person. At least if something doesn't set him off as all his emotions are heightened during these days. Óscar is motivated by guilt. Although he did not directly participate in his father's murdering of a baker's family Óscar is aware he was raised off the profiteering off the suffering of others. He wants to bring the reality of a safe Hardwick Park to the forefront. Powers & Tactics: The Davalos family curse has gifted Óscar with the ability to shift between a lupine form, a transitional wolf-man form, and that of a man. This curse was designed with the goal of killing mages and as such, it is actually quite resistant to the effects of magic. In his wolf form, Hellhound is incapable of speech. In this form, his only real weapon are his fangs. The calmness required to maintain the form actually prevents him from accessing the gifts given by the spirit of Vengeance possessing him. However, while all three states have senses above the human norm it is his wolf form that truly shines in this regard. The best form for both mobility and tracking. In his transitional state, Hellhound moves slower than his lupine but faster than his human form. His claws are powerful weapons with which Hellhound will swing wildly until his opponent is rendered unable to fight. In his human form, Óscar is essentially an experienced brawler. While no one would mistake him for an experienced boxer or the like, he can throw a punch well enough to hold his own well enough to beat the average thug. His nose and ears are more reliable than the average person's but aside from the ability to blend in with the rest of society, the form offers no other real benefits that his transitional and lupine forms don't already provide. As the host of a Spirit of Vengeance, Hellhound can summon hellfire chains from his chest. Which he can then use to bind a target and force them to pay penance for any wrongdoings they have committed in life as the chain squeezes tighter and tighter. He can also breathe out hellfire from his mouth which burns the spirit rather than the flesh. Complications: Enemies: The gangs of Hardwick Park are not to keen on the Hellhound terrorizing their territory. Opus Ombra would rest at nothing to exterminate him if they were to find him again. G-E-Don't: Óscar is a high-school dropout having run away from home during his last semester. Defensive of this fact he will pretend to know more than he can. Even if it puts his own life at risk. Power Loss: Emotional unrest can negatively impact Óscar's control of his power. This could be as simple as overwhelming fear stopping him from being able to shift. Or as dangerous as a grievous injury making it too difficult to focus his regeneration. Whatever the case, until he gets a handle on his emotions the control he has practiced his entire life to maintain slips away from him. His Lupine form requires complete calmness whereas his transitional states and his hellfire control are fueled by rage Secret: Although Óscar has a public reputation as a fixer of sorts, he has to keep his identity as the Hellhound a secret. If for no other reason as to not make Horacio the target of anyone after Óscar. Weakness: Oral tradition in the family states that the curse given to them used Wolf's bane as a catalyst. Perhaps as a direct result, wolf's bane can play havoc on a werewolf's constitution. Different strains and mixtures can bring wildly different effects. Ranging from nausea, hallucinations, to even fatal poisonings. Abilities: 10 + 6 + 10 + 0 + 4 + 6 = 36PP Strength: 20/24/28 (+5/+7/+9) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 20/22/24 (+5/+6/+7) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 10 + 22 = 32PP Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +5 Human and Transitional Forms /+6Wolf Form Defense: +6 (+3 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +8Lupine Form/14Human Form/+24Transiitional Form Knockback: -6Human Form/-11Transiitional Form Saving Throws: 3 + 0 + 1 = 4PP Toughness: +6Human Form/7Lupine and Transitional Forrms(+6 Con,+1/+2 Protection, -1 Size Penalty) Fortitude: +9/+10 (+6/+7 Con, +3) Reflex: +3 (+3 Dex, +0) Will: +3 (+2 Wis, +1) Skills: 52R = 13PP Drive 12 (+15)Skill Mastery Gather Information 7 (+10) Handle Animal 7 (+10)Skill Mastery Intimidate 8 (+11)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Streetwise) 5 (+5) Language 1 (English [Native], Spanish) Medicine 3 (+5) Notice 3(+5) Sense Motive 3 (+5) Survival 3 (+5)Skill Mastery Feats: 9PP Animal Empathy Contacts Equipment 2 Improved Initiative Skill Mastery (Drive, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Survival) Startle Uncanny Dodge (Olfactory) Well-Informed Equipment: 2PP = 10EP Cell Phone [0EP] Motorcycle [10EP] Strength: 20 [2EP] Size: Medium [0EP] Toughness: +8 [3EP] Defense: +0 [0EP] Features: Powers: Speed 5 (250 mph;) [5EP] Powers: 27 + 14 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 10 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 22 + 1 + 7 + 4= 103PP All carry Magical descriptor. Boost and Hellfire Array have Hellfire descriptor. Everything else has Werewolf descriptor. Transformation ( 26PP Array; PF: Alternate Power 1 ) [27PP] BP: Alternate Form 5.2 (26PP Container) [26PP] (Transitional form) Enhanced Attack 1 [2PP] Enhanced Defense 2 [4PP] Enhanced Feat ( Variable Descriptor on Unarmed [Slashing] ) [1PP] (Claws) Growth 4 (Extra: Continuous [+1], Flaws: Permanent [-1], Drawbacks: Reduced Strength 4, Reduced Constitution 2) [7PP] Immunity 2 ( Cold and Heat; Flaw: Limited to Half-Effect ) [1PP] (Fur Coat) Impervious Toughness 1 ( Stacks to Impervious Toughness 7; Drawback: Power Loss [Pure Silver] ) [1PP] (Thick Hide) Impervious Will 1 [1PP] (Single-Minded Rage) Leaping 1 ( Stacks for Leaping 2, x5 Jumping Distance [Running: 190', Standing 95', High Jump: 47'] ) [1PP] Morph 2 ( Single Appearance [Man-Wolf[ ) [2PP] Speed 2 ( Stacks for Speed 3 [50 mph/500 ft. rnd] [2PP] (Powerful Muscles) Super-Senses 2 ( Infravision, Olfactory [Tracking 1; Stacks for Tracking 2 {Normal Speed}] ) [2PP] Super-Strength 1 ( +5 Effective Strength/+15 Total Effective Strength [Heavy Load: 38.4 tons] ) [2PP] AP : Alternate Form 5 2( 26PP Container) [1PP] (Lupine Form) Damage 3 ( Extra: Autofire, Feat: Mighty ) [7PP] (Fangs) Immunity 2 ( Cold and Heat; Flaw: Limited to Half-Effect ) [1PP] (Fur Coat) Leaping 1 ( Stacks for Leaping 3, x10 Jumping Distance [Running: 150', Standing 75', High Jump: 37'] ) [1PP] Morph 2 ( Single Appearance [Wolf] +10 Disguise) [2PP] Protection 1 [1PP] (Thick Hide) Shrinking 4 (Extra: Continuous [+1], Flaws: Permanent [-1], Power Feats: Innate, Normal Toughness, Normal Movement) [7PP] Speed 3 ( Stacks for Speed 4 [100 mph/500 ft. rnd] [3PP] (Powerful Muscles) Super-Senses 4 ( Olfactory [Accurate, Tracking 2; Stacks for Tracking 3 {Full Speed}] ) [4PP] Boost 5 (Any Speed Traits at Once, Extras: Affects Objects only [+0], Feats: Slow Fade 4 [1 Hour], Flaws: Others Only) [14 PP] (Hellfire Nitro) Example Uses would be boosting a vehicle from Speed 5 to Speed 10. Or even gaining Wall Crawling and Water-Walking while moving on a vehicle to drive on walls and water. Comprehend 2 ( Flaws: Broad Group [Canines]; Animals [Speak to, Understand]) [2PP] Enhanced Constitution 2 [2PP] (Werewolf Constitution ) Enhanced Strength 4 [4PP] (Werewolf Strength) Hellfire Array ( 21PP Array; Feat: Alternate Power 1 ) [22PP] BP: Snare 9 ( Extras: Constricting, Regenerating; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Tether; Flaw: Action [Full-Round], Distracting ) {21/21} (Penance Chains) AP: Damage 7 ( Extras: Area [70' Cone, General], Alternate Save [Will] ) {21/21} (Hellfire Breath) Feature 1 ( Animal Harmony ) [1PP] Immunity 20 ( Magic Effects; Flaw: Limited to Half-Effect ) [10PP] (Werewolf Resistance) Impervious Toughness 6 ( Drawback: Power Loss [Pure Silver] ) [5PP] (Werewolf Strength) Leaping 1 ( x2 Jumping Distance [Running: 34', Standing 17', High Jump: 8'] ) [1PP] (Werewolf Strength) Regeneration 4 ( Bruised 1 [1 Round], Injured 3 [1 Minute]; Drawback: Power Loss [Pure Silver] ) [3PP] (Werewolf Healing Factor) Speed 1 ( 10 mph, 100 ft./rnd ) [1PP] (Werewolf Speed) Super-Senses 7 ( Auditory [Accurate, Extended -1 per 100'], Olfactory [Acute, Tracking {Half-Speed}], Low-Light Vision, Ultra-Hearing ) [7PP] (Werewolf Senses) Super-Strength 2 ( +10 Effective Strength [Heavy Load: 2.8k lbs] ) [4PP] (Werewolf Strength ) Drawbacks: 7PP Recurring Nightmares ( Frequency [Uncommon], Intensity [Moderate] ) [-2PP] Vulnerable ( Emotion Effects: Frequency [Common]: Intensity [Minor] ) [-2PP] Vulnerable ( Silver; Frequency [Uncommon], Intensity [Major] ) [-3PP] DC Block: Attack Range DC Effect Unarmed Touch DC22 Toughness Damage (Physical) Claws Touch DC24 Toughness Damage ( Slashing) Fangs Touch DC23 Toughness Damage (Piercing) Hellfire Breath Touch [70’ Cone, General] DC17 Reflex DC22 Toughness Damage (Hellfire) Penance Chains Range DC 17 Reflex Snare (Hellfire) Abilities (26) + Combat (22) + Saving Throws (4) + Skills (13) + Feats (9) + Powers (103) - Drawbacks (7) = 180/183 Power Points
  12. Lobisomem Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: None In Brief: Alien beast that learned to be human, you know, mostly. Catchphrase: "I'm Hunting You!" Theme: None Alternate Identity: Kaida Adachi (very, very public). Birthplace: Parallel dimension of Earth that can be considered hostile to human life. Residence: In an unassuming house in Freedom City, only difference being it is big enough to hold her. Base of Operations: None Occupation: Mostly helping her "father" and delivering mundane goods, she is starting to stop these jobs as she becomes more focused on heroism. Affiliations: None Family: Gaho Adachi, who raised her as a father and gave her a name. Had two actual parents, (knows for a fact that her mother was the pack leader) but can no longer find them and assumes them to be dead. Description: Age: 30 (DoB: Year [Unknown DOB) Apparent Age: Looks rather young for a huge creature, and is still smaller than her Mother. Gender: Female (Or as close as it gets with her species) Ethnicity: Lobisomem Height: 9 ft Weight: 500 lbs Eyes: Pure black eyes that are narrowed significantly. Hair: No hair, scaly What most people notice about her first and foremost is rather obvious, she isn't human. A six-legged snake-like creature stands proudly, capable of rising up to use her front claws (very sharp!) as hands, at which point she almost resembles some kind of centaur. Her teeth are also very sharp, but tend to be hidden behind her lips, as she knows it's frighteing when she grins. She is near twice her height long, making for a rather scary beast indeed. Her eyes are rather small in comparison to its size, but membranous ears extend from her head to make up for this reduced sense. She is covered in thick scales that constantly change color, but typically settle on white, to make her easy to see coming and not startle. A detail that may be missed at first, due to the fact she presses them down, are two scaly wings resting on her back, bristling with muscle. Besides this however, she has a very clear human spirit. Her face changes elegantly, making human expressions very easy for her. She also tends to lower her head to be level with others, despite speaking telepathically. Speaking of telepathy, this seems to originate from a duo of horns atop her head, shimmering golden when used to communicate and looking more like ornaments than a set of weapons. More decoration lines the back of her head and around her neck, manifesting as frills that change color like her scales and raise when she's aggressive (Goho have noticed only the pack leader has these frills, but further research is difficult to gain). History: Scientists are always searching for a new dimension, whether it's due to curiosity or a need for knowledge. One such scientist was Gaho, and he had made his newest discovery. An Earth that received precious little light, populated with what seemed to only be shrubbery and reaching plants that reached as high as skyscrapers, desperate for light. Soon, however, he found there was life...just good luck finding it. Beasts that silently crawled on the tops of the trees, beings that watched him solemnly before burrowing into the ground with nary a sound. He couldn't help but to be unnerved, most of these beings could likely kill him without a sound, yet they didn't. Were they scared? Curious? Or just waiting for a moment to strike? He wished he could get a better view of these creatures, study their behaviors...and he got his wish, only noticing the scaly beast once it was only a few feet from his face, and it was enormous, how had he missed it!? Instantly, he was frightened, it was clearly carnivorous, and he didn't want to be its meal, so he ran. He didn't get far, another of those creatures circled around him and blocked him like a wall, and there were more, though all were smaller than the leader. He had run right into a pack of them, what luck. Except, they weren't attacking. Their horns shimmered, and he got a vague sense of surprise and wonder in his head, not his thoughts. At the time, he didn't understand they had touched his mind, concluded he was sentient, and were attempting communication, and he screamed. He screamed in a place full of creatures adapted to no light, and everything heard. It happened so fast, one of the pack grabbed him and hauled him away, just in time for something huge to crash down behind him. Cries filled the air, silence broken as whatever the jagged beast that burst out of what felt like nowhere. One of the creatures fell, and another, the new monster adapting to whatever they threw at it. Finally, the leader threw something, and the monster dodged, and it collided with Gaho. Something alive, something that emanated fear and clung to him desperately. A tiny version of the leader, who grasped its enemy and refused to let go, tossing her head in a clear signal to go. The creature holding Gaho tossed him back the way he came, throwing itself into the fray, and Gaho ran. He ran all the way back to the portal leading back to his dimension, and only then did he remember that the child beast was still clinging to him. Nothing he did could free himself from its legs, and as the cry of the monster sounded ever near them, he cut his losses and threw himself through the portal with the young creature. It would be years later before he learned these beings called themselves the Lobisomem (why they called themselves a mythical creature usually know as a wolf eludes him, he supposes some words change in the dimensions), and the singular monster had been called Apex, essentially a criminal of that world. But until then, all he knew was that he was entrusted this creature, likely as he was the only being there with a means of escape. The creature was clearly frightened of him though, and the feeling was mutual. Their first interactions consisted of spotting each other in his house, where he had ran the moment he got back, and fleeing from sight. She was convinced her Mother made a mistake, giving her to this four limbed being, surely she had meant to pass her to Father. She didn't want him, she wanted her pack, her family! At the same time, Gaho didn't want her, convinced that once this beast grew hungry, it would take him as a snack. It couldn't believe he was some kind of guardian, surely it would get over its instinctive fear and devour him, it was a baby monster, just waiting for its time to strike...not a monster, I still hate you though...those were not his thoughts! Both realized at the same time, they were sharing a house with a frightened, sentient being, neither with an intent to hurt the other. Thus begun a strange life for the two. While Gaho struggled not to go bankrupt under her ferocious appetite, she learned whatever she could about these strange things called humans, telling about her kind to Gaho whenever she could. Also, whenever they had a chance, they travelled back to her dimension in a futile attempt to reunite her with her pack. All failed, and other Lobisomem refused to take in the young creature. I'm not their family, she explained one day, they don't want me, they think I'm a pack with you, and I should be happy with even one family. Strangly, she never denied they were a pack. One day however, upon coming home, they found the exit of the portal littered with gashes and toppled supplies, and the creature froze. The same scent she had been separated from her pack permeated the air, Apex had come through. Immediately, the portal was closed and had not been opened since. Gaho would have thought the creature would be more upset about not going home, but she instead stuck close to him as they went home, insisting that he not leave her side. They were family now, after all. He couldn't exactly deny that, but he couldn't pretend to others that she was just some pet or experiment, no, when he introduced her to the civilians living nearby, she was Kaida...Adachi...the little dragon that was his daughter, yes, his daughter (yes, they got stares). If Apex showed his face, he'd find a Lobisomem ready to defend her pack, as small as it was. Kaida never seemed to enjoy being around all other humans, being very short and curt and once even snapping at a particularly loud child. He scolded her for that. They weren't family, and she couldn't find a reason to be friendly towards them, Gaho worried she might never be accepted for such an attitude...and then she saved a life. An earthquake, spurred on by some small time villian, and a nearby building collapsed. People were under it, they'd die...and there was Kaida...holding up the building. She was the Lobisomem of this Earth, she declared to them, and just as Gaho was loyal to her, she'd be loyal to them. He asked her about this, and she simply shrugged. He had raised her and told her humans were good, and she could believe him, so she decided that she was good as well, and good creatures help the others...even if they are not family...even if she doesn't like them. So she was called Lobisomem, a frighteing creature that would protect those that dared intrude on others. Personality & Motivation: Kaida, as she's known by most of her civilian allies, is a very quiet creature that prefers to keep her conversations short and relevant. Dragging a conversation out with small talk is a very quick way to get on her bad side. This bad side will award anybody who irritates her short sentences, peppered with rudeness...she usually reseres this for villains. She is also known as a rather "to herself" being, preferring her own company and close friends only (whether this is her personally or just a Lobisomem trait is still being researched). This rather teenage attitude belies her actual age, but it is unknown whether this is slowed aging or just her being herself. She talks in an odd manner, a mix of formal and informal that can easily use the word "thus" and "ergo" in the same sentence as modern curses. However, despite her rather anti-social behaviour, a heroic spirit rather surprisingly jumps out. She'd rather take a hit than let any civilian or even another hero be harmed, and won't regret it for a second. Due to this, she tends to act first and think later. Another trait that comes naturally to her is loyalty. Its her golden rule. Anybody who stands by her side can expect a very protective friend who repays the loyalty back tenfold. Generally, she extends this to normal people as well, all she knows is that a human took her, a hunting beast, in like a child, and now she has to protect the people. She just has to, she was raised that way. Powers & Tactics: Lobisomem possesses no fantastical magic, nor does she breath fire like the dragonic monster people think she is. No, she is just the best natural predator created, as far as she understands her planet. Her senses are top notch and honed, including an ability to teach heat signatures through pits on her snout. Her claws are razor sharp, assisted by her obvious monsterous strength and additional limbs, as are her fangs. Her fangs also come with an additional perk, being filled with a thick liquid that burns through most material. Obviously, due to the nature of this ability, she avoids using it most of the time. She also has another form of attack, using her entire body to constrict and hold down a smaller enemy. Her two wings are also horribly strong, carrying her at a respectful speed, though not as fast as she can run, which is capable of catching most creatures that ran in her birth home. On top of that, she can speak with others without making a sound, though this cannot be used to connect too many people. However, one of her greatest powers is one of the most unexpected. She is a very perspective being and very skilled at avoiding detection, especially in environents that resemble her birth home. This is because of her scales, which change color and make her fade into the background. Her body also allows her to crawl on surfaces, staying out of sight and striking once she got the advantage. With this combination of abilities, her preferred method of attack is a sneak attack from a usually higher advantage. Following this is a vicious assault from a great beast, raging and grabbing anything near her and not stopping until her enemy is defeated, using her venomous spit as needed. Power Descriptions: Almost every single attack of hers is a physical blow, thus it is very visible and very obvious what she's doing. The only fantastical thing she does, spitting her venom, is also very obvious, being a clear liquid that releases black smoke on anything it touches. Her claws clearly do blunt and cutting damage, alongide her fangs piercing, and her venom is acidic in nature. Complications: The Light! The Light!: Being a creature highly designed to survive in a low-light environment, Lobisomem is very sensitive to light of any kind, even artificial. She can be blinded and unaware visually for any time spent in bright light. Cold-Blooded: Literally. She cannot stand cold temperatures, and will quickly break down (scales freezing and breaking, slowing down and becoming tired) if forced in such conditions. Sharp Toothed Smile: She can be incredibly scary to look at, undermining attempts to try and talk a situation down or assure someone that yes, she is trying to save you. Apex Predator: Her nemesis, Apex, knows her scent and is dead bent on destroying her, in some animalistic greed to destroy competition. He comes from her home dimension, which contains more creatures like them but has yet to be accessed after his entry to this world. Hunger: As a huge creature, her metabolism is very high. Any trap or temptation with food will require a powerful will to overcome, becoming more difficult to resist the longer she's gone without eating. Abilities: 12 + 10 + 6 + 4 + 6 + 0 = 38PP Strength 30/22 (+10/+6) Dexterity 20 (+5) Constitution 20/16 (+5/+3) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 16 (+3) Charisma 10 (+0) Combat: 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +5 Attack: +5, +7 Blast; +10 melee [includes -1 penalty from Growth] Grapple: +23/+24 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +5 Dodge Focus, -1 Growth), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -4, -8 including size Saving Throws: 5 + 2 + 6 = 13PP Toughness: +10/+8 (+5 Con, +3 Protection, +2 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +10 (+5 Con, +5) Reflex: +7 (+5 Dex, +2) Will: +9 (+3 Wis, +6) Skills: 96R = 20PP Climb 14 (+20, Skill Mastery) Handle Animal 10 (+10) Intimidate 15 (+15, +17 from size, Skill Mastery) Medicine 2 (+5) Notice 9 (+12) Sense Motive 9 (+12) Stealth 12 (+17/+13, Skill Mastery -4 Growth) Survival 9 (+12, Skill Mastery) Feats: 19PP Animal Empathy Attack Focus [melee] 5 Challenge 2 (Accelerated Climb, Fast Startle) Defensive Roll 1 Dodge Focus 5 Hide in Plain Sight Skill Mastery (Climb, Intimidate, Stealth, Survival) Startle Takedown Attack Uncanny Dodge (olfactory) Powers: 2 + 8 + 2 + 1 + 13 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 5 = 42PP Additional Limb 1 (1 extra limb, PF: Innate) [2PP] Blast 7 (disintegrating venom; PF: Accurate, Flaw: Unreliable [Uses, 5 per day]) [8PP] Concealment 4 (all visual, Flaws: Blending, Passive) [2PP] Enhanced Feats 1 ( Variable Descriptor 1 on Unarmed) [bludgeoning/piercing/slashing]) [1PP] Growth 4 (Large size, Extras: Continuous [+1], Flaws: Permanent [-1], Power Feats: Innate) [13PP] Leaping 1 (x2 distance: 32' running long jump/16' standing long jump/8' high jump) [1PP] Protection 3 (tough hide) [3PP] Speed 1 (10 MPH, or 105' per round) [1PP] Super-Movement 3 (Slithering, Wall-Crawling 2 [full speed]) [6PP] Super-Senses 5 (alien senses; infravision, scent [Accurate, Acute, Tracking olfactory sense]) [5PP] Drawbacks: -3 + -3 = -6PP Vulnerable (cold, common, moderate [+50%]) [-3] Vulnerable (light, common, moderate [+50%]) [-3] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage Blast Ranged DC 23 Toughness (Staged) Damage Abilities (38) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (20) + Feats (19) + Powers (42) - Drawbacks (6) = 150 Power Points
  13. Doctor Deoxy Power Level: 10/11 (175 / 175PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: None In Brief: Brilliant Geneticist in Hyper-evolved Techno-Organic Power armour Catchphrase: None Theme: Radioactive Alternate Identity: Dr. Nathaniel Anderson (public) Birthplace: Manchester; United Kingdom Residence: Maintains various Homes across the world Base of Operations: Emerald City; Genesis Base Occupation: Geneticist, full time super scientist. Affiliations: N/A Family: No immediate family; generally scattered branch families. Description: Age: 39 (DoB: 1978, 12th of March) Apparent Age: Late Thirties Gender: Agender Ethnicity: Caucasian Height:: 5’11 (varies) Weight: 159lbs (Varies) Eyes: Violet with Hourglass like pupils, similar to an octopus Hair: Black, Kept short and parted on the side.(Varies) History: Ever since Nathaniel Anderson was a child, he was interested in genes and mutations, because of a mutation of his own. Seeking the source of this mutation, he took his passion for the subject of genetics, applying himself in the relevant fields. This eventually led him to become one of the forefronts in the fields of genetics, finding good fortune in his work both as a geneticist and a hired lecturer for universities and conferences. While he was on holiday in Romania, he discovered an alien crash site. With his accrued funds, he purchased the land on which the crash site resided, building a holiday home as a cover for his research into the ship. Over the course of his studying of the vessel, he discovered the source of its FTL travel - a time dilation drive. Using his intellect, he reverse-engineered it to a working prototype, which with refinement became what he now calls the Time Dilation Artificial Evolutionary Ligature or Time DAEL for short. After his work on the crashed ship was concluded, he was surprised when he ran a land survey to find it was rich in uranium, possibly from the crashed vessel's power core. After moving the crash back to his homeland, he turned the property for a profit to the highest bidder, and moved back to his homeland, taking residence in London. Using what he had learned from his studies of the crash, he developed a suit of techno-organic power armour, and henceforth began to fight crime as Doctor Deoxy both from a sense of moral responsibility and a desire to test his creations out. Due to extended periods wearing the suit and drawing deeply on its nature he has recently become irrevocably merged with it, his very nature having been altered he Is now no longer human in the traditional sense of the word, though he still has a very human mind-set. He recently moved to Emerald city to pursue his interest in studying the prevalence of minor mutations amongst the populace Personality & Motivation: He is eternally curious and wishes to learn anything he can about everything. This has let people to find his personality grating, as his curiosity often comes at the expense of the personal space of others. He wants to see what his new suit is capable of, but is inclined to heroism Powers & Tactics: His body is augmented by the suit to expand upon his natural state acting as a source and filter for the amazing powers he displays. Generally in a combat scenario, he will pick off the lesser opponents first, prioritizing containment for the safety of civilians. Power Descriptions: Energy projections are typically dark violet in colour. The suit appears to be a metallic film over his body providing protection with little to no rigidity, supplementing it with a helmet, breastplate, gauntlets and boots. Complications: For SCIENCE!: Though he has a strong moral core, Nathaniel Anderson has always had a little trouble with the idea that just because he can do something doesn’t mean he should and as such he will sometimes over indulge his curiosity, focusing his attention on something to the exclusion of all others, this has also given him something of a bad reputation among his peers in the academic community. Space Invader: Nathaniel Anderson has always been a little socially inept, but now with the excitement of his discovery and the opportunities it provides have exacerbated this immensely, now rather taken with all the meta-human specimens around him he is want to prod and poke at them physically and psychologically and generally make a nuisance of himself. Scary Eyes: Due to the unique nature of his eyes, Nathaniel is totally colour blind readily confusing colours; they’re also very off-putting to look into and may make social interactions difficult or impossible. Feed me!: Now One with the armour the suits intensive metabolic energy needs are now his own, certain powers may fail to take full effect or fail entirely if deoxy lacks sufficient energy to fuel them, it has also increased his required daily calorific intake by four fold. Clean Freak: In spite of, or perhaps because of his extensive knowledge of microbes Nathaniel is an obsessive cleaner and germaphobe and when confronted with excessive levels of dirt and the germs, GERMS, GERRRMS! He may seize up, refuse to enter the premises or in an extreme reaction, attempt to clean the entire area with bombardments of scouring energy. Me, Myself and AI: With the suits full merging with Anderson the simple combat computer has found itself vastly improved, now able to tap into decoy’s mind as he can it’s, though it is generally helpful it is still in its infancy and has a naiveté that others might exploit, now being inseparable from Anderson it may also make him vulnerable to effects his once purely organic nature protected him from. The power within: Now a merger of the technological and the biological doctor deoxy’s physiology is forever changed and virtually unrecognizable from the human he used to be and thus his body may react surprisingly or unexpectedly when injured or exposed to certain stimuli, such as venting energy from wounds that might damage, or ignite his surroundings and indirectly or directly harm people in his vicinity. Enemies: Doctor Deoxy holds a great enmity towards Cerberus Rex and his dinosaur minions and they, in turn, have great disdain for him. He has also made an enemy of an alternate version of himself, Doctor Dissector: Who has allowed his fascination with genetics to lead him to dark and terrible places that disgust and offend Deoxy as a scientist and a Transhuman being. Abilities: 0 + 4 + 6 + 14 + 4 + 0 = 28PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 24 (+7) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 8+8 = 16PP Initiative: +15 Attack: +4/+6 (with Symbiotic AI)/+10 (Evolving Technology) Defense: +8/+10 (With Symbiotic AI) (+4 Base, +4 Dodge Focus +2 Symbiotic AI), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +4/+6 (With Symbiotic AI) Knockback: -5/-10 Saving Throws: 5 + 3 + 6 = 14PP Toughness: +10 (+3 Con, +7 Protection) Fortitude: +8 (+3 Con, +5) Reflex: +5 (+2 Dex, +3) Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6) Skills: 56R = 14PP Craft (Chemical): 8 (+15) Craft (Electronic: 3 (+10) Craft (Mechanical): 3 (+10) Knowledge (Behavioural Sciences) 8 (+15) Knowledge (Life Sciences): 8 (+15) Knowledge (Technology): 8 (+15) Language: 2 (+2) (Romanian, German, Native: English) Medicine: 8 (+10) Notice: 4 (+6) Sense Motive: 4 (+6) Feats: 14PP Attack Specialization 2 (Obliteration (Disintegration 10)) (On power) Benefit (Wealth) 3 Dodge Focus 4 Improved Critical 2 (Energy Projection (Blast 10)) (On Power) Improved Initiative 2 Inventor Jack-of-All-Trades Skill Mastery (Knowledge Life Sciences, Technology, Medicine, Craft Chemical) Speed of Thought Uncanny Dodge (Hearing) Equipment: 40ep = 8pp (Silver reward 8/15pp of equipment) Genesis Base (and island) Size: Gargantuan (4ep) Toughness: +45 (8ep) Features: (28ep) Combat simulator Communications Computer Concealed 5 (+30 to checks to locate) Defence System Fire Prevention System Grounds (x3 Size of base) Holding Cells Infirmary Isolated Laboratory Library Living Space Personnel Power System Sealed Security System 5 (DC: 40 Disable Device to bypass) Self-Repairing 2 (Recover from total destruction in 1 Week.) Work Shop Info:Built into the highly irradiated island off the coast of emerald city that once belonged to the atomic brain before his defeat and exile from earth prime, Genesis base is a subterranean system of bio-mechanical tunnels and alcoves spread out under the entirety of the island and even the floor of the surrounding ocean and allows his experiments to roam free within the boundaries of his domain. Doctor Deoxy has spared no expense and no breadth of his genius to ensure that the facility is a veritable fortress both to the outside world and inescapable prison for more dangerous experiments he cannot bring himself to destroy, having constructed the base from a more primitive iteration of the same techno-organic life that once composed his armour and is now permanently bound to him, as such it is capable of repairing and maintaining its various functions directed by the master control core, a bio-organic brain of sub sapient intelligence that acts as the master computer for the base. Intruders would need to not only brave the highly irradiated parts of the island to find an entrance but also face the numerous potentially ferocious life forms the good doctor has concocted and released into the lush jungles of the island environment as well as the bases bio-technological weaponry and Biometric Security systems, though these are far from infallible and can be overcome by determined enough foes they serve as heavy deterrents. Most impressively perhaps is the base’s ability to seal itself off completely from the outside world, retracting access points and shifting its subterranean layout, even redirecting teleportation of people who have not been granted access to its inner levels by the doctor, though this again is not perfect and can be fooled by good enough fakes (Such as morph with precise or a device built to alter the user’s purported genetic code or the effects of magic.) Doctor Deoxy is currently in a private and personal war against the local villain Cerebrus Rex Over the doctors recently cloned and enhanced dinosaurs and thus is loath to be away from his base for extended periods of time so as to be able to repel the saurian raiding of his island’s wildlife; this is because both worried for his creations well-being and enraged by the beings stealing and perversion of his work, he is unwilling to openly admit the situation for fear of the repercussions of his actions resulting in the destruction of all he has wrought and Cerebrus rex for his part is unwilling to mention where his new minions are being sourced from, some of these intelligent dinosaurs have shunned or been rescued from Cerebrus Rex and opted to return to genesis base both as personnel and security for the island. Powers: 1 + 45 + 7+19 + 1+ 7+ 8+ 2 = 90pp Biological Immortality(Immunity 1; Aging) [1pp] Evolving technology (Array 18) ( Techno-organic; 36pp array default power: Snare: PFs: Alternate Power 9) [45pp] BE: Capture Cells (Snare 10) (Array; DC 20; Extras: Contagious; PFs: Accurate 2 (+4), Affects Insubstantial 2 (full power), Precise, Reversible) AE: Energy and matter manipulation (Transform 12) (Array; affects: anything, Transforms: 5000 lbs., DC 22; Flaws: Action (full), Distracting, Range (touch)) AE: Energy Projection (Blast 10) (Default; DC 25, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Energy Projection (Blast 10)); PFs: Accurate 2 (+4), Homing 2 (2 attempts), Incurable, Indirect 3 (any point, any direction), Precise, Ricochet 2 (2 bounces), Split Attack (2 targets), Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group - Any Energy)) AE: Force field Projection (Create Object 10) (Array; Max Size: 10x 50' cubes, DC 20; Extras: Impervious; PFs: Precise, Progression, Object Size 3, Selective, Stationary) AE: Matter Materialization (Create Object 10) (Array; Max Size: 10x 50' cubes, DC 20; Extras: Duration (continuous); PFs: Innate, Precise, Progression, Object Size 3, Subtle (subtle)) AE: Molecular Manipulation (Transform 10) (Array; affects: broad > broad - inanimate to inanimate, Transforms: 1000 lbs., DC 20; Extras: Duration (continuous); Flaws: Action (full), Distracting, Range (touch); PFs: Accurate 2 (+4), Extended Reach 2 (10 ft.), Innate, Precise) AE: Obliteration (Disintegration 10) (Array; DC 25, Feats: Attack Specialization 2 (Obliteration (Disintegration 10)); Flaws: Distracting; PFs: Precise, Reversible) AE: Open Spatial Gate (Teleport 8) (Array; 2000 miles as full action; Extras: Accurate, Portal; Flaws: Long-Range; PFs: Change Direction, Easy, Progression 2 (Portal Size 25x25ft)) AE: Radial Blast (Damage 10) (Array; DC 25; Extras: Burst Area (50-250 ft. radius - Targeted), Auto fire (interval 2, max +5), Selective Attack; Flaws: Distracting; PFs: Accurate 2 (+4), Progression, Increase Area 2 (area x5), Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group - Any Energy)) AE: Kinetic Projectors (Move Object 10) (Array; Strength: 50, Carry: 4.3 tons / 8.5 tons / 12.8 tons / 25.6 tons, DC 25; Extras: Damaging; PFs: Accurate 2 (+4), Affects Insubstantial 2 (full power), Precise, Subtle (subtle)) Impervium Nanoscale Armour (Protection 7) (Techno-organic; +7 Toughness) [7pp] Lesser Augmentations (Array 8) (Techno-organic, Mutations; default power: Hardened Force field; PFs: Alternate Powers 3)[19pp] BE: Hardened Force field (Impervious Toughness 10) AE: Morphic (Morph 4) (Default; morph: any form, +20 Disguise, Feats: Quick Change 2; PFs: Custom (Covers Scent), Precise) AE: Metabolic Energy Form (Insubstantial 3) (Array; Energy.) AE: Tachyon Boosters (Flight 8 (Techno-organic;2500mph 25000 ft / rnd. Extras: Stacks with (Flight 1)) More than a Man, Less than a God (Super-sense 2 ) ( Cosmic Awareness Flaw: uncontrolled) [1pp] Sealed Environment (Immunity 7) (Techno-organic; environmental conditions (all), suffocation (all)) [7pp] Symbiotic AI (Enhanced Trait 8) (Techno-organic; Traits: Attack Bonus +2 (+6), Defense Bonus +2 (+10) [8pp] Tachyokinetic Flight (Flight 1+8) (Techno-organic; Speed: 10 mph, 100 ft. /rnd to 5000mph 50000 ft /rnd) [2pp] Totals: Abilities (28) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (14) + Skills (14) + Feats (14) + Powers (90) - Drawbacks (0) = 176/176 Power Points DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT ATTACK MODIFIER Unarmed Touch DC15 Toughness Damage +6 Capture Cells 100ft DC20 Reflex Snare +10 Energy Projection 100ft DC25 Toughness Damage +10 Energy and Matter Manipulation Touch DC22 Fortitude Transform +6 Molecular Manipulation 10ft DC20 Fortitude Transform +10 Obliteration 100ft DC20 Fort/DC25 Tou Disintegrate +10 Radial Blast 50-250ft radius DC25 Toughness (AF) Damage +10 Kinetic Projectors 100ft DC25 Toughness Damage/Mov-Obj +10
  14. Blodeuwedd Power Level: 12/15 (226/250PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 24 In Brief: A Welsh Ninja trained since an early age to battle rogue gods and spirits. Residence:. Base of Operations: Catchphrase: Alternate Identity: Blodwen Jones, Cerys Pefr, Ellis Bexter Identity: Secret Birthplace: Caerdathyl, Gwynedd, Wales Occupation:University Student Affiliations: Amddiffynnwr O Lleu Llaw Gyffes (Defenders of Lleu Llaw Gyffes), Blue Jay, Crimson Tiger, Kit Family: None, orphaned at birth Description: Age: 19 (DoB: 1st March 1996) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Welsh Height: 5’8” Weight: 125 lbs. Eyes: Hazel Hair: Dark Brown Blodeuwedd plays many parts and with years of practice she plays each part remarkably well. She can go from a high socialite to street kid with an almost perfect attention to detail from clothes to hair to makeup. When not playing a part, or at least Blodwen (or previously as Cerys), she tends to dress simply in loose fitting comfortable clothes with her hair tied into a ponytail or into braid(s). Her costume is simply the artefacts she has been entrusted with by the order, with the cloak around her and the strange glow of the goggles she can cut quite an imposing sight. Power Descriptions: Blodeuwedd has no natural powers only the years of training that has been provided to her by the Order. The Order has however managed over the centuries to have acquired, legally or via industrial espionage and even outright theft, a number of items both magical and technical. The best of this equipment has been given to Blodeuwedd to aid her in the mission. Each has been given a name after one of the fabled treasures of the British Isles. Dyrnwyn "White-Hilt": Scholars of the order debate whether this sword is the actual mythical weapon or a similarly named item. The debate is centred on the fact that the sword is actually a more medieval broadsword than the more suitable Celtic designs. Like the mythical sword this one becomes covered in a magical fire when it is drawn, though whether the sword will burn the unworthy is still unproven. Gwyddbwyll Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio "The Chessboard of Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio": These goggles appear to be a simple set of oversized night vision goggles, and they do indeed allow her to see in the dark. They also however contain a pair of specially prepared magical lenses that allow her to detect magical energies. The large flat lenses glow with a slight green light. Llan Tegau Eurfron "The Mantle of Tegau Eurfron": A tight fitting body suit and floor length cloak, with hood, weaved out of cutting edge materials that are not only light weight and flexible, but provides substantial protection to the owner. The suit is colored a dark blue to assist stealthy operations during night time. Made of advanced fiber panels there mimetic qualities allow it to alter its appearance to appear as almost any form of clothing. Ffoniwch Eluned "Ring of Eluned": This item is an alien ring, of unknown origins, which has been gifted to the order by one of their allies working from Cardiff. The ring projects a thin field of energy around the wearer which not only provides a degree of protection it also allows the wearer to camouflage themselves into the environment History: Blodeuwedd never knew her parents, they died when she was young, all she has known is the sanctuary of the Amddiffynnwr o Lleu Llaw Gyffes (Defenders of Lleu Llaw Gyffes). The men and women of the order were caring people and she was raised in a loving caring environment, but from an early age she was trained as an athlete and a warrior. Trained to be an agent of the order. According to legend the Order was founded by Lleu Llaw Gyffes himself as a body of men (and later women) to help defend him and the Kingdom of Gwynedd (later Wales) from the vengeance from the goddess, and his mother, Arianrhod. Through the centuries the order has expanded there remit to defend the nation from any supernatural threat being from the Celtic gods and spirits. Mostly from within Wales but occasionally the acted on threats outside the country. A small and deeply secretive order they rarely concern themselves with matters outside of Wales, but in the last few years there augers and intelligence network, have heard rumours that one of the Celtic god or goddess have allowed one of their offspring to live in Freedom City in the United States. After much debate the order decided to send an agent to the city to monitor the situation. As the seer showed the main focus was an unusual school they needed someone of the right age to infiltrate the school. Blodeuwedd knew nothing about this; she was being trained to recover dangerous Celtic artefacts. The first she knew was when she was informed of her mission by the Order and sent to America to infiltrate the school. Her orders were simple, find out if such people exists and if they do what danger they present to the order. Her time at Claremont has been where she has bloomed into a young woman who's confident and capable in her abilities. Whilst her loyalty is to the Order that raised her she is confident enough in her abilities to have stayed in Freedom City and finally in her life pursuing the interest that she wants to do with the firm friends that she’s made along the way. Personality & Motivation: Blodeuwedd is a quiet and reserved person with all her word and actions being carefully considered. She’s a quiet and conscientious student who watches everything and considers all the fact before asking questions. She a very stern and serious person but does has developed a very dry wit and is a master of deadpan, very few can tell if she’s serious or not. She also fiercely loyal to both the Order that raised her and the friends she’s made at Claremont’s and would, and has, drop everything to help either of them in her there time of need Powers & Tactics: Blodeuwedd has been trained to be a cautious fighter. She will spend as much time as possible calculating her enemy's abilities and weaknesses, if possible at a distance from a hiding place. Then when she is ready she will strike quickly and swiftly trying to disable her opponent. She has had it drummed into her to always spare her hand against human enemies, only against the gods and their allies are she allows unleashing her full fury. Complications: Rwy'n Cymraeg: Raised by a very pro-Welsh Order Blodeuwedd is naturally very proud of her Welsh heritage, it takes a great effort of will to hide her nationality or even her accent. She, and the order, aren’t however rabid nationalist fighting for independence. In their mind if the Queen was unfit to rule the land then the land we become barren. Only then would they have to act. Dipyn o acen: However hard she tries Blodeuwedd has never been able to completely lose her Welsh accent. Even when she does an almost flawless American accent the odd word or phrase will give away her Welsh heritage. Cyfeillion am byth: Blodeuwedd had forge friendship with her fellow Claremont students that were forged in fire. She would put everything on the line to help any one of them at a moments notice. Pwy ydw i?: Blodeuwedd maintained multiple identities in Freedom City. As well as Blodwen Jones the student she is also Ellis Bexter a young business woman, as well as temporary identities she may adopt to serve the Order. Along with time spent as the hero Blodeuwedd these various identities can take a toll on her time and energies. Abilities: 8 + 14 + 8 + 6 + 10 + 6 = 52PP Strength: 18 (+4) Dexterity: 24 (+7) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 24 + 16 = 40PP Initiative: +15 Attack: +12 Grapple: +16 Defense: +12 (+8 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed Knockback: -6 Saving Throws: 5 + 7 + 5 = 17PP Toughness: +4/12 (+4 Con, +7 [Mantle of Tegau Eurfon], +1 [Ffoniwch Eluned]) Fortitude: +9 (+4 Con, +5) Reflex: +14 (+7 Dex, +7) Will: +10 (+5 Wis, +5) Skills: 208R = 52PP Acrobatics 17 (+24)Skill Mastery Bluff 17 (+20)Skill Mastery Climb 11 (+15)Skill Mastery Diplomacy 12 (+15) Disable Device 12 (+15)Skill Mastery Disguise 2 (+5 +10 w/Llan Tegau Eurfron) Drive 3 (+10) Escape Artist 3 (+10) Gather Information 12 (+15) Intimidate 12 (+15)Skill Mastery Investigate 7 (+10) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 12 (+15) Knowledge (Streetwise) 12 (+15) Language 2 (Welsh [Native], English, Spanish) Medicine 5 (+10) Notice 15 (+20)Skill Mastery Search 7 (+10) Sense Motive 15 (+20)Skill Mastery Sleight of Hand 13 (+20) Stealth 17 (+24)Skill Mastery Survival 1 (+6) Swim 1 (+5) Feats: 30PP Acrobatic Bluff Dodge Focus 4 Elusive Target Equipment 3 Evasion 2 Hide in Plain Sight Improved Initiative 2 Interpose Jack-of-All-Trades Luck 4 Move-by-Action Power Attack Skill Mastery 2 (Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Disable Device, Intimidate, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth) Startle Takedown Attack 2 Throwing Mastery 2 Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Equipment: 3PP = 15EP Grapple Gun: Super-Movement 3 (Slowfall, Swinging, Wall-Crawling) + Speed 1 [7EP] Throwing Knives: Blast 2 (Power Feats: Improved Disarm, Mighty 3) [8EP] Powers: 9 + 4 + 8 + 8 = 29PP Device 2 (Dyrnwyn "White-Hilt", Magical Sword, 10PP, Flaw: Easy to Lose; Feats: Restricted 3 ["The Worthy"]) [9PP] Damage 8 (Power Feats: Mighty, Improved Critical [19-20]) [10PP] (Flaming Sword) Device 1 (Gwyddbwyll Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio "The Chessboard of Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio", Hi-Tech Goggles with Magical lenses, 5PP, Flaws: Hard-to-Loose) [4PP] Super-Senses 5 (Darkvision, Magical Awareness [Visual]) [5PP] Device 2 (Llan Tegau Eurfron "The Mantle of Tegau Eurfron", Hi-Tech Body Suit, 10PP, Flaws: Hard-to-Loose) [8PP] Protection 7 [7PP] Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1PP] Morph 1 (Humans, +5 Disguise) [2PP] Device 2 (Ffoniwch Eluned "Ring of Eluned", Alien Ring, 10PP, Flaws: Hard-to-Loose) [8PP] Concealment 4 (All Visual Senses, Power Feats: Close Range) [9PP] Protection 1 [1PP] DC Block ATTACK ATT RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed (basic) +12 Touch DC 19 Toughness (Staged) Damage Physical Dyrwyn +12 Touch DC 27 Toughness (Staged) Damage Physical Throwing Knives +12 Range DC 20 Toughness (Staged) Damage Physical Totals: Abilities (46) + Combat (52) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (52) + Feats (30) + Powers (29) - Drawbacks (0) = 226/250 Power Points
  15. Delirium Power Level: 10 (150/151) Unspent Power Points: 1 Trade-offs: None In Brief: A stargazing author has the stars gaze back at her. Catchphrase: "Stars aligned!" Theme: Alternate Identity: Valerie Major (secret) Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts Residence: Freedom City, New Jersey Base of Operations: Occupation: Author Affiliations: Family: Description Age: 34 (born January 1984) Apparent Age: mid to late twenties Gender: Female Ethnicity: Irish-American Height: 5'7" Weight: 119 pounds Eyes: white (originally green) Hair: a mixture of red, blue, and yellow (originally blonde) Valerie has a tall and lean build with an hour glass figure. Her skin is a fair white tone. She has patches of freckles all around. Her hair is long and messy, she can never get it straight. Her eyes are star white. If you get close enough, you can see mini star fields in them. Age has treated her well as she looks about ten years younger than her age. She has a tattoo of a dream catcher under her chest, over her heart. She has several different star tattoos on her left shoulder and the top part of her arm. Her ears, tongue and right nipple are pierced. She wears conservative business clothing when out and about promoting her latest book. Though casually she wears colorful long flowing skirts, sleeveless athletic shirts, and no shoes if she can get away with it. Her costume is made of black leather. Boots, pants, belt, and chest piece. Her mask is made of morphic molecules and looks like a domino mask with no eye holes. History Ever since she was young, Valerie looked to the stars. She loved the idea of space and would longingly gaze into it at night, not knowing it was staring right back at her. She excelled in math and science, but really her joy was speaking and writing. She could have been an excellent scientist, but that's the way it goes. Besides, she enjoyed science fiction too much. There was always something in the back of her head that told her there was some truth in these fictions. During her high school years she took up a witchcraft trend that followed astrology and magic. She wanted to fit in somewhere. Not popular he was just some mousy girl with a big voice that got her in trouble. But the more she learned, the more it lined up with her thoughts about the stars. So she followed the group and wrote a small book about her learnings. Her friends pitched in ideas and made a fictionalized story out of it. The book was called 'Magical Star Kingdoms' and her (technically their) pseudonym was Starchild. It got Valerie fired up about doing it again. The next few books were basically dolled up horror stories with her learnings about astrology and and weird science. It was very lucrative. By the time she got out of high school she had enough to pay for college on her own. She majored in writing and math, simple courses she breezed through. After her bachelors' were done, she went back home. She continued her studies on her own about the stars and magic and science and stories that lined up with them. Some called her a conspiracy theorist with the mad things she learned. She didn't care. She was getting closer to the truth. But she didn't know how close she was. The being that had been watching Valerie her whole life decided to harvest its crop one fateful night. She was reading something chthonian and new what lie beneath the text. The true answers to all these folly questions. And then it hit her, full force, and consumed her mind and soul, wearing her like a husk. It wrote down everything she needed to know about her lot in life now. That she was the host of something unspeakable, unknowable entity. It charged her to bring justice, fair and balanced, to the human race. She would be the judge, jury, and executioner. The entity let go of her, filling her with her mind and soul. She knew what happened, but she was somehow different. She saw with the eyes of the entity. She called upon it's power. She felt slightly delirious after this. That's how she chose her name. Delirium. Personality and Motivation Ever since her encounter with the entity, her attitude has bumped up tenfold. What once was a mousy little girl turned into an eloquent speaker, is now someone who can talk your ears off for hours. Valerie is still herself, though the entity's ravening has made her a lot more on edge. She is paradoxically cautious and thrillseeking at the same time. She'll throw her life away for justice if it meant it. But she picks her battles. Besides that she's a nice woman. A little bit talky but not too pushy (unless it's about what she knows to be true). Her motivation is quite simple. She is the soldier of the unknown entity that's given her true purpose in life. He does take control every once in a while and she tries to be ready for it, though she regularly take pain medication for when it does happen. She does enjoy her lot. It's given her a new lease on life. Though it doesn't make it any less painful when it shows up. Powers and Tactics Her powers are derived from an entity that gives her power to smite injustice. She does not need to see with her own eyes or feel with her own skin. It's power flows from her into reality. Judging the unjust and sentencing their souls to psychic pain and torment. Valerie hold back the power when she's in control, but not so when the entity takes control. Complications Blind, kind of: In the incident, she lost her normal human sight. It's been replaced with the sight of the entity. The entity sees the world very differently than normal humans do. It shows her the injustice in everything. She's learned to parse what needs be done, but sometimes the sight gets the better of her. In control, kind of: the entity can pop in any time and use her body as a vessel to mete out justice. She does not remember these moments, but she's in constant pain when it does! Painkillers: She's on these all the time she can. taking prescribed doses like the over the counter bottle says. She just doesn't want to be caught when it takes control of her. She's dependent on the painkillers. Eccentric: She openly speaks her mind nowadays. What's on her mind depends on the time of day. She can have normal conversations, but every once in a while she'll connect dots that aren't there and go off on a rant. Famous: A double edged sword. She's written books both fiction and non-fiction and is known in the horror book circles. Fans might distract her or give her unneeded targets. Bleeding Heart: It hurts her to do some of these. But the entity deems the law is the law. Fair and balanced. Justice for all. Forbidden Lore: She's always on the hunt for some new knowledge that pertains to her expertise. These knowledges are things mankind should not know! Abilities -2 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 6 + -2 = 16P Strength 8 (-1) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 16/26 (+3/+8) Wisdom 16/26 (+3/+8) Charisma 8/28 (-1/+9) Combat 8 + 8 = 16P Attack 4 Defense 4/10 (2 flat-footed) Initiative 2 Grapple 3 Knockback -5, -1 without protection Saving Throws 3 + 3 + 7 = 13P Toughness 10 (2 con, 8 protection) Fortitude 5 (2 con, 3) Reflex 5 (2 dex, 3) Will 10/15 (3/8 wis, 7) Skills 76R = 19P Bluff 0 (-1/+8, +3/+13 attractive) Diplomacy 4 (+3/+13, +7/+17 attractive) Gather Information 4 (+3/+13) Intimidate 4 (+3/+13) Knowledge (all) 0 (+3/+8) Knowledge (arcane lore) 8 (+11/+16) Knowledge (physical sciences) 8 (+11/+16) Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 8 (+11/+16) Notice 12 (+15/+20) Perform (oratory) 8 (+7/+17) Search 12 (+15/+20) Sense Motive 8 (+11/+16) Feats 23P Attractive Benefit 3 (Fame [author], Wealth 2) Connected Contacts Dodge Focus 6 Equipment 4 (20P) Eidetic Memory Fascinate (Perform [oratory]) Quick Change Ritualist Skill Mastery (Notice, Perform [oratory], Search, Sense Motive) Uncanny Dodge (mental) Well Informed Equipment 18 + 1 + 1 = 20P Base Headquarters: Stately Manor Size: Huge; Toughness: 10; Features: Communications, Computer, Concealed, Dock, Garage, Gym, Hangar, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Power System, Security System, Workshop.[18] Alternate Headquarters: Skyscraper (5 stories) Size: Large; Toughness: 10; Features: Communications, Computer, Defense System, Fire Prevention System, Gym, Hangar, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Power System, Security System, Workshop [1] Handcuffs [1] Powers 47 + 4 + 8 + 4 = 63P (all powers are cosmic and psychic descriptor) Cosmic Justice Array 20 (40PP array, Feats: Alternate Power 7) [47] Base Power: Enhanced Ability 40 (Superlative Soul; Intelligence 10, Wisdom 10, Charisma 20) [40/40] Alternate Power: Confuse 10 (Sanity Succumbed; Extras: Duration [Sustained, +2], Range [Perception]) [40/40] Alternate Power: ESP 10 (Senses Spread; sight, sound, Extras: Simultaneous) [40/40] Alternate Power: Fatigue 10 (Slumber Silently; Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Range [Perception, +2]) [40/40] Alternate Power: Mental Blast 10 (Scar Soul) [40/40] Alternate Power: Mind Control 10 (Subdue Sentience; Extras: Duration [Sustained]) [30/40] Alternate Power: Mind Reading 10 (Senses Stolen; Extras: Action [Move/Standard], Duration [Sustained], Sensory Link) [40/40] Alternate Power: Telekinesis 10 (Sunder Shape; Extras: Damaging, Range [Perception]) [40/40] Flight 4 (Star Skimming; 100MPH, Flaws: Platform) [4] Protection 8 (Stellar Skin) [8] Super-Senses 4 (Cosmic Vision; Mental [Accurate, Acute, Ranged]) [4] DC Block Sanity Succumbed Perception DC 20 Will Scar Soul Perception DC 25 Will Senses Stolen Perception DC 20 Will Slumber Silently Perception DC 20 Will Subdue Sentience Perception DC 20 Will Sunder Shape Perception DC 25 Toughness Totals: Abilities (16) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (19) + Feats (23) + Powers (63) = 150/151 Points
  16. Player Name: Bisexuhell Greenheart Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: +1 Toughness/-1 Defense, -2 Attack/+2 Damage In Brief: Naïve, empathetic, academic slime, created to help the world love a little more. Alternate Identity: Lori Lovelle (Secret) Birthplace: Freedom City Residence: Midtown, Downtown Freedom, Freedom City Occupation: Biology lecturer at Freedom City University Affiliations: N/A Family: Maria Lovelle (“mother”, creator, deceased) Description: Age: 5 Gender: Agender (they/them) Height: 5’8” Weight: 210 lbs Eyes: Fully black Hair: None Most Common Morphed Form: Apparent Age: 21 Ethnicity: Caucasian Eyes: Green Hair: Silvery white and straight, goes halfway down their back. When not morphed into a more human looking form, Lori is a humanoid light green slime. Their form is relatively doughy, but has no real distinguishing features on it below their neck. They don’t have any lips, meaning that they tend to give big, toothy smiles whenever they do smile, even in other forms. Their eyes are fully black. The human form that Lori likes to take most is a feminine figure, with long white hair and green eyes (this is their idea of a joke). They don’t get any taller (or shorter), but their doughy form becomes more muscular (to explain away their strength more than anything). Their costume is a pink form-fitting spandex covering everything below their neck, with a purple heart symbol in the center of their chest, and a pink cape with a light green stripe around the edge, complete with hood. History: Maria Lovelle was an accomplished scientist, having made breakthroughs in the field of genetics that had solidified her place in scientific history. She could have retired under that banner quite easily, especially as all the appearances and talks had made her enough money (not that she was in it for the money, but being able to live comfortably was always a plus.) for her final years. However, something was bugging her. She’d made scientific discoveries, yes, but she worried that her work wouldn’t have a material impact on people’s lives – at least, not in her lifetime. She saw strife and pain and hurt in the news and around her, and she didn’t think she’d changed anything about it. So, she decided she was going to use her limited time to do something that would change that. She called in a bunch of favours (and paid a lot of money) to get ownership of a lab space where she could work in privacy, as well as certain technology that she wouldn’t normally be able to get access to. She had decided to create a person. Creating a human was far more than she could have hoped to do, and she didn’t know how long she had left, so she settled on making some sort of slime-based person. She wanted to create someone to help and heal, to spread love and defend the innocent and hurting. After many, many years, she’d done it. She’d created Lori. Lori was very quickly taught how to use their powers, both their shapeshifting, slimy body and their emotional control. Enrolling them in education was tricky, so Maria took to home-schooling them instead, but they picked things up very, very quickly, and were soon studying Maria’s research and moving into her field of study, with her guidance, of course. Unfortunately, Maria passed away peacefully in her sleep. This shattered poor Lori, who’d never learned to cope with such sadness and grief. It took them a month to so much as leave the house again, unable to face a world without their mother in it. Then, one day, whilst cleaning up around the house, they stumbled upon an old diary of Maria’s, from back when she was creating Lori. In it, she’d detailed all her plans, about who she’d wanted Lori to be and what impact they were going to have and how they were going to be her legacy. Lori decided she had to snap out of it and be the person that she wanted them to be. She managed to get a job as a biology lecturer in Freedom City University, and then set out to use their powers to be a superhero. Personality & Motivation: Lori is very optimistic and happy-go-lucky, to the point of being naïve. They make a habit of trying to be friends with everyone, and they believe very heavily in the idea of people being inherently good. However, this view can lead to them being too trusting, at times, and too willing to see redemption in those who have committed evil acts. Powers & Tactics: Lori tends to go for their Emotion Control first, if they are up against a singular foe, from a secluded spot. They’d much rather engage and get co-operation from anyone, rather than getting up in someone’s face for a fight. When up against multiple people at once, however, or if the Emotion Control doesn’t work, they’re willing to defend themselves. They prefer to use their Solid Slime form, especially against groups, due to the protection it offers, but they do have some options on their liquid form if defence isn’t cutting it, especially in a one-on-one. Power Descriptions: Their base body being green slime means that their two Alternate Forms are also green slime, one of them being more solid and hardening, and the other being more like a liquid. When they Morph from one non-base form to another, their body goes green for a moment before it changes to the new form. The Subtle nature of their Emotion Control and Mind Reading mean there are no visible tells at all when they’re using it. Complications: Rather Green for a Person: Lori’s natural body is a whole bunch of slime. They tend to stick to a human guise using Morph as much as possible, even when in costume, and they don’t like going directly from human to slime in front of people, which can come back to bite them – if they need to use their other powers with a lot of civilian witnesses, or if they get cut and start oozing green stuff rather than blood. Made for Love, not Hate: As a side effect of being so full of love, Lori isn’t equipped to handle certain emotions – Fear, anger and hatred, to name a few. They might not be able to think straight, or might even shut down completely, if made to feel those emotions strongly. Thin Logic: When Lori extends to very thin status (like squeezing through small gaps) it can cause them to lose a LOT of intelligence and get confused / moronic for a couple of minutes. They can still react but have a low single figure INT effectively. That Box is Looking at Me: All of Lori's Morphed forms have to have a face of some kind (eyes and a mouth, at least) on the outside. This is fine when they're changing into a human, but makes it harder to disguise as non-human things - especially inanimate objects - even if the face is hidden from immediate view. Abilities: 8 + 2 + 10 + 8 + 0 + 4 = 32PP Strength: 18/30 (+4/+10) [Alternate Form (Solid Slime)] Dexterity: 12 (+1) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 18 (+4) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 16 + 12 = 28PP Initiative: +1 Attack: +8 Base Defense: +9 (+6 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +12/+20 [Alternate Form (Solid Slime)] Knockback: -2/-13 [Alternate Form (Solid Slime)] Saving Throws: 7 + 4 + 9 = 20PP Toughness: +5/+11 (+5 Con/+6 [Alternate Form (Solid Slime)]) (6 Impervious) Fortitude: +12 (+5 Con, +7) Reflex: +5 (+1 Dex, +4) Will: +9 (+0 Wis, +9) Skills: 28R = 7PP Concentration 6 (+6) Diplomacy 8 (+10) Disguise 2 (+4/+54 [Morph]) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 8 (+12)Second Chance Stealth 4 (+5)Second Chance Feats: 18PP Accurate Attack Ambidexterity Chokehold Dodge Focus 3 Eidetic Memory Elusive Target Evasion Improved Disarm Improved Grab Improvised Tools Quick Change 2 Second Chance 2 (Stealth, Knowledge (Life Sciences)) Stunning Attack Takedown Attack Powers: 33 + 12 + 3 = 48PP (descriptors: all mutant) Slime Array (30PP, Feats: Alternate Power 3) [33PP] Base Power: Alternate Form 6 (Liquid Slime) [30/30]: Insubstantial 1 [5/30] Immunity 9 (Life Support, Extra: Sustained (+0)) [9/30] Blast 5 (Slime Shot, Range: 50' increments, 500' maximum) [10/30] Suffocate 3 (Slime Choke) [6/30] Alternate Power: Alternate Form 6 (Solid Slime) [30/30] Density 6 (Effective Strength 40, 1 Ton light load, 2 Ton medium load, 3 Ton heavy load, 6 Ton max load, 15 Ton push/drag, Feats: Buoyant)[19/30] Protection 3 (Extra: Impervious) [6/30] Damage 2 (Feats: Mighty, Extras: Penetrating) [5/30] Alternate Power: Morph 10 (Any form) [30/30] Alternate Power: Anatomic Separation 10 (Extra: Variable Split (+1)) [30/30] Empathy Array (11PP, Feats: Alternate Power 1) [12PP] Base Power: Emotion Control 10 (Feats: Subtle, Flaws: Limited (Love)) [11/11] Alternate Power: Mind Reading 10 (Extras: Action, Feats: Subtle, Flaws: Limited (Emotion)) [11/11] Immunity 3 (Disease, Poison, Aging) [3PP] Drawbacks: (-3) = -3PP Vulnerability (Fire, Common Occurrence, Moderate Intensity) [-3PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Melee Touch DC 19 Toughness Damage Stunning Attack Touch DC 14 Fortitude Stun Slime Shot (Blast) Ranged DC 20 Toughness Damage Slime Choke (Suffocate) Touch DC 13 Fortitude Suffocate Slime Punch (Damage) Touch DC 27 Toughness Damage Emotion Control Perception DC 20 Will Love Totals: 32 + 28 + 20 + 7 + 18 + 48 - 3 = 150/150 Power Points
  17. Power Power Level: 10 (150/152PP) Unspent Power Points: 2 Trade-Offs: +3 Attack / -3 Damage (unarmed), -3 Attack / +3 Damage (powers), -3 Defense / +3 Toughness In Brief: Boisterous boxer with genetic gifts fights felonious foes Catchphrase: "That's a knockout." Theme: Alternate Identity: Secret, Damien Turner Birthplace: Freedom City, New Jersey Residence: Downtown Base of Operations: None Occupation: college student Affiliations: Law, Good, Heroes, Freedom City University Family: Mother, Hope, 36. Description Age: 21 (DoB: July 1996) Apparent Age: early twenties Gender: Male Ethnicity: Black Height: 6'5" (1.96 m) Weight: 260 lb (118 kg) Eyes: Gold Hair: Black Damien is a large man blessed with a strong form. Genetics were definitely on his side, though he still works out to keep it. Not bodybuilder big, but definite muscle. His skin is on the lighter side of dark. He keeps his head shaved clean. His eye color is now permanently gold due to his powers. His style of dress is uniform. Fatigues/BDUs, black sneakers, green or black tshirts that seemingly cling to him, and a brown hoodie. When he gets into costume, he wears a full black morphic molecules costume that covers everything except where the eyes are, they're white. History Damien was born big and never stopped growing. He was the physical sort who always played sports, but he found his passion in boxing. His size and speed made him a shoe-in for the career, but something else stopped that dead in it's tracks. Unbeknownst to him - though other people suspected, due to his size - he was a mutant. It crept in slowly through the years. He never got sick and he would heal from injuries very fast. Some time after high school he began seeing weird things. People's life force weaving a pattern. It would lead to shockingly gross revelations about their health. No one was fully 'clean'. His eyes turned a dark shade of gold after that. But it wasn't over. One fateful day he had the misfortune of having an accident. It was bad. Like crunched metal and mangled bodies. He survived with no injuries. The person with him and the person that hit themwere not so lucky. Unfortunately his 'sight' went into overdrive. Their patterns were massively broken, he almost couldn't stand to look at them. But he felt something in himself reach out and fix his friend. The contact took the near dead person and made them new. No one saw what he did, nor did his friend remember. But Damien knew what happened. He could mess with people's patterns. He had superpowers. No wonder he was this big! He could help others out with this, become a hero like so many others. Unfortunately college was going to have to wait a bit. But school was important for him. He couldn't ignore education. So he signed up for Freedom City University as undecided. Until he gets school and hero work balanced. Personality & Motivation Damien is very charismatic and persuasive. He likes to talk to people. Not that he does it too much, but if there's something need be said, he'll say it. If he weren't a hero he'd be a great pitch man. While he gives off a large, imposing aura, he's a really nice guy and will help anyone. He's not gullible, but sometimes his heart gets the better of him. He's doing this because he wants a better world for everyone. No ulterior motives. Well, he does think the rush of the chase and the fight are very exhilarating. But that's just a nice compliment to the good he's doing! Powers & Tactics Boxing taught him not to back down. You back down and they're in control. He comes out swinging. He only uses his superpowers if it's needed. Due to his special vision, he sees the aftermath in gruesome detail. After it's over and he stands victorious, he'll fix them. Power Descriptions Regeneration is that his pattern fixes itself so quickly that some things don't even phase him. Sense Pattern is not actual sight, but it presents itself to him visually. Showing him extensive information about the person's health in very unsettling ways. Life Control lets him edit the pattern of others, tearing into and fixing their biological patterns Complications Motivation: Good. Not naive, but expressly will help the needy and unprotected. Unsettling Visions: Truly messed up patterns are hard to look at. GM can call for a guts check (fortitude or will) if it's really messed up. School and Work: Those are things he does that might get in the way of doing the hero thing. Big Dude: First impression of a seemingly imposing guy might not be good! Talk, Talk, Talk: While he is gifted with a nice voice and witticisms, he can sometimes control the conversation too much. Abilities 14 + 6 + 14 + 4 + 4 + 6 = 48PP Strength 24 (+7) Dexterity 16 (+3) Constitution 24 (+7) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 14 (+2) Charisma 16 (+3) Combat 10 + 14 = 24PP Initiative +3 Attack +5, +7 (Fray Pattern), +13 (unarmed) Defense +7, +4 flat-footed Grapple +12 Knockback -9 with regeneration, -3 without regeneration Saving Throws 4 + 4 + 4 = 12PP Toughness +13/+7 (+7 con, +6 regeneration; Impervious 6) Fortitude +11 (+7 con, +4) Reflex +7 (+3 dex, +4) Will +6 (+2 wis, +4) Skills 40R = 10PP Acrobatics 7 (+10) Diplomacy 7 (+10) Gather Information 2 (+5) Intimidate 7 (+10) Knowledge (life sciences) 3 (+5) Knowledge (streetwise) 3 (+5) Language 1 (Spanish) Medicine 3 (+5) Perform (oratory) 2 (+5) Sense Motive 3 (+5) Sleight of Hand 2 (+5) Feats 9PP Attack Specialization 4 (unarmed) Contacts Distract (Intimidate) Improved Grab Power Attack Startle Powers 29 + 12 + 6 = 47PP Life Control (28PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [29PP] Base Power: Healing 9 (Fix Pattern; Extras: Total; Feats: Regrowth) {28/28} Alternate Power: Damage 13 (Fray Pattern; Extras: Alternate Save [Fortitude]; Feats: Accurate) {27/28} Protection 6 (Regeneration; Extras: Impervious) [12PP] Super-Senses 6 (Sense Pattern [health awareness (mental; ranged, accurate, acute, analytical)]) [6PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 22 Toughness Damage Fray Pattern Touch DC 28 Fortitude Damage Totals: Abilities (48) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (10) + Feats (9) + Powers (47) = 150/152 Power Points
  18. Power Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: +3 Attack / -3 Damage (unarmed), -3 Attack / +3 Damage (powers), -3 Defense / +3 Toughness In Brief: Boisterous boxer with genetic gifts fights felonious foes Catchphrase: "That's a knockout." Theme: Alternate Identity: Secret, Damien Turner Birthplace: Freedom City, New Jersey Residence: Downtown Base of Operations: None Occupation: college student Affiliations: Law, Good, Heroes, Freedom City University Family: Description Age: 21 (DoB: July 1996) Apparent Age: early twenties Gender: Male Ethnicity: Black Height: 6'5" (1.96 m) Weight: 260 lb (118 kg) Eyes: Gold Hair: Black Damien is a large man blessed with a strong form. Genetics were definitely on his side, though he still works out to keep it. Not bodybuilder big, but definite muscle. His skin is on the lighter side of dark. He keeps his head shaved clean. His eye color is now permanently gold due to his powers. His style of dress is uniform. Fatigues/BDUs, black sneakers, green or black tshirt that seemingly cling to him, and a brown hoodie. When he gets into costume, he wears a full black morphic molecules costume that covers everything except where the eyes are, they're white. History Damien was born big and never stopped growing. He was the physical sort who always played sports, but he found his passion in boxing. His size and speed made him a shoe-in for the career, but something else stopped that dead in it's tracks. Unbeknownst to him - though other people suspected, due to his size - he was a mutant. It creeped in slowly through the years. He never got sick and he would heal from injuries very fast. Some time after high school he began seeing weird things. People's life force weaving a pattern. It would lead to shockingly gross revelations about their health. No one was fully 'clean'. His eyes turned a dark shade of gold after that. But it wasn't over. One fateful day he had the misfortune of having an accident. It was bad. Like crunched metal and mangled bodies. He survived with no injuries. The person with him and the person that hit themwere not so lucky. Unfortunately his 'sight' went into overdrive. Their patterns were massively broken, he almost couldn't stand to look at them. But he felt something in himself reach out and fix his friend. The contact took the near dead person and made them new. No one saw what he did, nor did his friend remember. But Damien knew what happened. He could mess with people's patterns. He had superpowers. No wonder he was this big! He could help others out with this, become a hero like so many others. Unfortunately college was going to have to wait a bit. But school was important for him. He couldn't ignore education. So he signed up for Freedom City University as undecided. Until he gets school and hero work balanced. Personality & Motivation Damien is very charismatic and persuasive. He likes to talk to people. Not that he does it too much, but if there's something need be said, he'll say it. If he weren't a hero he'd be a great pitch man. While he gives off a large, imposing aura, he's a really nice guy and will help anyone. He's not gullible, but sometimes hisheart gets the better of him. He's doing this because he wants a better world for everyone. No ulterior motives. Well, he does think the rush of the chase and the fight are very exhilerating. But that's just a nice compliment to the good he's doing! Powers & Tactics Boxing taught him not to back down. You back down and they're in control. He comes out swinging. He only uses his superpowers if it's needed. Due to his special vision, he sees the aftermath in gruesome detail. After it's over and he stands victorious, he'll fix them. Power Descriptions Regeneration is that his pattern fixes itself so quickly that some things don't even phase him. Sense Pattern is not actual sight, but it presents itself to him visually. Showing him extensive information about the person's health in very unsettling ways. Life Control lets him edit the pattern of others, tearing into and fixing their biological patterns Complications Motivation: Good. Not naive, but expressly will help the needy and unprotected. Unsettling Visions: Truly messed up patterns are hard to look at. GM can call for a guts check (fortitude or will) if it's really messed up. School and Work: Those are things he does that might get in the way of doing the hero thing. Big Dude: First impression of a seemingly imposing guy might not be good! Talk, Talk, Talk: While he is gifted with a nice voice and witticisms, he can sometimes control the conversation too much. Abilities 14 + 6 + 14 + 4 + 4 + 6 = 48PP Strength 24 (+7) Dexterity 16 (+3) Constitution 24 (+7) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 14 (+2) Charisma 16 (+3) Combat 10 + 14 = 24PP Initiative +3 Attack +5, +7 (Fray Pattern), +13 (unarmed) Defense +7, +4 flat-footed Grapple +12 Knockback -9 with regeneration, -3 without regeneration Saving Throws 4 + 4 + 4 = 12PP Toughness +13/+7 (+7 con, +6 regeneration; Impervious 6) Fortitude +11 (+7 con, +4) Reflex +7 (+3 dex, +4) Will +6 (+2 wis, +4) Skills 40R = 10PP Acrobatics 7 (+10) Diplomacy 7 (+10) Gather Information 2 (+5) Intimidate 7 (+10) Knowledge (life sciences) 3 (+5) Knowledge (streetwise) 3 (+5) Language 1 (Spanish) Medicine 3 (+5) Perform (oratory) 2 (+5) Sense Motive 3 (+5) Sleight of Hand 2 (+5) Feats 10PP Attack Specialization 4 (unarmed) Contacts Distract (Intimidate) Improved Block Improved Grab Power Attack Startle Powers 29 + 12 + 6 = 47PP Life Control (28PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) [29PP] Base Power: Healing 9 (Fix Pattern; Extras: Total; Feats: Regrowth) {28/28} Alternate Power: Damage 13 (Fray Pattern; Extras: Alternate Save [Fortitude]; Feats: Accurate) {27/28} Protection 6 (Regeneration; Extras: Impervious) [12PP] Super-Senses 6 (Sense Pattern [detect, ranged, accurate, acute, analytical]) [6PP] DC Block Abilities (48) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (10) + Feats (10) + Powers (47) = 151/150 Power Points
  19. Psy Strike Power Level: 10 (150/151PP) Unspent Power Points: 1 Trade-Offs: None In Brief: Psychic girl discovers her mother's superhero costume after her death, decides to use her powers to help people. Fast and strong, but not smart. Alternate Identity: Rose Callux (Secret) Birthplace: Freedom City Residence: Southside, South Freedom, Freedom City Base of Operations: Southside, South Freedom Occupation: Works at local fast food joint Affiliations: None Family: No living close family; Amy Callux (Mother, deceased), unknown father Description: Age: 18 (Born 1998) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5 ' 9 “ Weight: 190lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Short, scruffy and dark brown. Standing at roughly 5'9”, Rose looks a little bulkier than your average 18-year-old. She's quite attractive in appearance, marred only by a couple of little scars, a small one on her right cheek, and one just above her left eye, from the scrapes she's gotten into during her heroics (there are more on her body, but she's not in a rush to show everyone). She tends to dress quite casually, in t-shirts and jeans and trainers, usually in non-branded ones (they're cheaper, after all). Her costume is a fairly simple spandex bodysuit covering everything below her neck. It is a deep purple colour on the body, with a lighter purple on the legs, and comes with a purple domino mask. It's a little worn out, and the colours have faded slightly. History: Raised by her mother, Amy Callux (her father left when she was a couple of years old), in a small house in Southside, Rose's powers started to manifest at age 6 when she levitated the tv remote over to her when she wanted to change the channel. Amy couldn't afford to send her somewhere or pay for someone to train her power set, so she decided to do it herself, in her back garden or wherever she could find space. Rose was far more interested in training than any academic study, but she was never good at that anyway, so it didn't bother her. In school, she used her powers subtly and tried to go unnoticed (but couldn't resist using them to get on the gymnastics team). She was also naturally very sociable and outgoing. Her life changed when, one night, local mob boss Eddy Garcia broke the front door down and shot Amy right there in front of poor Rose. She tried to fight back using her powers, but he shrugged off her punches and threw her to the ground, laughing as he just walked away. Orphaned at age 12, the police came to take her statement and agreed to put her into foster care, but nothing happened. Maybe a file went misplaced, maybe something worse happened, but they didn't come back to put her in another home. She quietly dropped out of school, and still no-one came to even check on her. She was well and truly alone. Over the next few years, she did what she could to survive. She spent a lot of her time during the day begging (and pickpocketing if she really needed it), and on a night she'd train hard. When she was 16, she managed to get a job at a fast food place. A little later that year, looking through her mother's bedroom, she pulled the right book out of her bookcase and the whole thing span around. An awestruck Rose discovered that, on the other side was a superhero costume! Alongside it was a note, addressed to her. “Dear Rose, if you're reading this it means you've discovered it by accident. I planned to give you it for your eighteenth birthday, along with an explanantion. See, back in the day, I was a superhero. I didn't do much – I mostly operated on Southside, helping random people and foiling the odd robbery – but I helped people. I think you could take on that legacy too, help those who can't help themselves, which is why I took the time to train you. I think you should be the next Psy Strike. I love you more than anything, Rose. Signed, Amy. PS: Try and act surprised when I show you the costume, please.” Overcome with emotions, she did the only thing she thought she should – try the costume on. It fit her well, and from then on, she did the same thing her mother did – help those in need of it, even if it was just in the little corner of the world she knew. Personality & Motivation: Rose is a cheerful, outgoing girl with an optimistic outlook on life and humanity as a whole, despite her childhood being stolen from her. She's very confident in her abilities (almost to the point of cockiness), and will use them however she can to protect the average person. She enjoys a good fight, and is motivated by a strong moral compass and desire to help and save people. She tends to be distrusting of authority, however, especially the police, and can be far too quick to rush into battle when she sees wrongdoing. Powers & Tactics: In a fight, Rose tends to hit hard and fast. When fighting a group, she'll use stealth and intimidation to her advantage before knocking down as many of them as she can as fast as she can. One on one, she'll charge in and start smacking people around before they can fight back on any real level. While she does have ranged options, and limited usage of her telepathy, she prefers to fight up close and personal, unless the situation absolutely needs her to hang back. Power Descriptions: Her psychic powers are mutant in nature, but her movement, dexterity and strength come from her using her psychic abilities rather than due to something inherent to her genetics. When she's not using her powers subtly, they have a golden look to them – for example, her Strikes are done by covering her fists in transparent golden energy, and using them to carry something heavy gives her a golden aura around her. Complications: Wealth – Struggling: Finds it difficult to make ends meet, but at least she still owns her home. Responsibility - Job: She has a job, and it is quite important to her that she keeps it considering her financial situation. If she keeps disappearing on the job, she's gonna get fired. Mistrust of Authorities: Due to her past, and the way she fell through the system, she's gained an apprehension towards trusting authority figures, especially police officers. If someone tries to pull rank or speak from a place of authority, she's going to be openly wary of them. Enemy – Eddie's Mob: Rose has a reputation amongst the Southside crime syndicate that killed her mother as being dangerous to their plans, mostly by virtue of operating in the exact area they work. They know her secret identity, too, as they were familiar with her mother, who used the same costume. Can't Drive: Growing up poor, her mother didn't have a car, so she hasn't the faintest clue how to drive one. Abilities: 2 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 6 + 4 = 20PP Strength: 18/12 (+4/+1) Dexterity: 22/16 (+6/+3) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 10 (0) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 8 + 12 = 20PP Initiative: +10/+7 Attack: +10 Unarmed, +8 Melee, +4 Base Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +16 [Super-Strength] / +13 [Move Object] / +11 Knockback: -5/-2 Saving Throws: 5 + 5 + 3 = 13PP Toughness: +10 (+1 Con, +6 Defensive Roll, +3 Protection) Fortitude: +6 (+1 Con, +5) Reflex: +11/+8 (+3 Dex, +3 Enhanced Dex, +5) Will: +10/+6 (+3 Wis, +4 Enhanced Will, +3) Skills: 40R = 10PP Acrobatics 4 (+10) Bluff 2 (+5) Climb 2 (+6) Concentration 6 (+9) Intimidate 4 (+7) Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 (+4) Language (English [Native]) Notice 5 (+8) Sense Motive 5 (+8) Stealth 4 (+10) Sleight of Hand 4 (+10) Feats: 19PP Attack Focus [Melee] 4 Attack Specialization [Unarmed] 2 Defensive Roll 3 Distract [Intimidate] Dodge Focus 3 Grappling Finesse Improved Initiative Improved Trip Trance Takedown Attack Weapon Bind Powers: 6 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 7 + 4 + 10 + 24 = 68PP Enhanced Strength 6 [6PP] (Telekinetic) Enhanced Dexterity 6 [6PP] (Telekinetic) Enhanced Will 4 [4PP] (Psionic) Enhanced Movement Array 1 [2PP Array, Feats: Alternate Powers 2] [4PP] (Telekinetic) BE: Leaping 2 [x5, Running Long Jump 100', Standing Long Jump 55', Vertical Jump 25'] {2/2} AP: Speed 2 [20 MPH / 250' per Move Action] {2/2} AP: Super Movement [Slow Fall] {1/2} Protection 3 [3PP] (Telekinetic) Super Senses 7 [Mental; Danger Sense, Mental Awareness 2, Uncanny Dodge, Accurate 1, Extended 1, Radius 1] [7PP] (Psionic) Super-Strength 2 [Effective Strength 28, Heavy Load 1200lb] [4PP] (Telekinetic) Telepathic Array 4 [8PP Array, Feats: Alternate Powers 2] [10PP] (Psionic) BE: Communication 3 [Feats: Subtle 2] {8/8} AP: Illusion 5 [Visual, Auditory; Feats: Progression, Flaws: Phantasms, Limited (One Subject)] {6/8} AP: Mind Reading 8 [Mental] {8/8} Telekinetic Array 10 [20PP Array, Feats: Alternate Powers 4] [24PP] (Telekinetic) BE: Move Object 5 [Telekinesis; Strength 25, Heavy Load 800lb, Extra: Range [Perception], Feats: Precise, Subtle, Split Attack] {18/20} AP: Trip 10 [Telekinetic, Extra: Range [Perception]] {20/20} AP: Strike 10 [Telekinetic, Extra: Penetrating] {20/20} AP: Strike 10 [Telekinetic, Extra: Autofire] {20/20} Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP Total: 20 (Abilities) + 20 (Combat) + 13 (Saving Throws) + 10 (Skills) + 19 (Feats) + 68 (Powers) – 0 (Drawbacks) = 151 PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 19 Toughness Damage [Physical] Move Objects Perception Opposed Grapple Check Pinned/Bound Trip Perception DC 20 Strength/Dexterity Trip Penetrating Strike Touch DC 25 Toughness Damage [Physical] Autofire Strike Touch DC 25 Toughness Damage [Physical]
  20. Player Name: Ari Character Name: Mag-Might Power Level: 7 (105/111PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 6 In Brief: Upper-strata Magmin bruiser, dispatched to the surface on an impossible quest. Catchphrase: "MRGH!" Theme: Alternate Identity: Magh'kee/Maggy (Secret: nobody knows Maggy is Mag-Might) Birthplace: The Glasslands, Sub-Terra Residence: An apartment complex in downtown Emerald City, Oregon Base of Operations: The Emerald Cities Occupation: Underwater welder/ knight of the Chasm Affiliations: The Chasm, Sub-Terrans, the Oregon Welder's Union Family: 3000 brothers and sisters born from the same sorcery. Description: Age: 53 (DoB: 1964) Apparent Age: N/A Gender: Woman Ethnicity: Green obsidian Height: 4'6"/1.5m Weight: 330lbs/150kg Eyes: Opal Hair: dark green/black strings Maggy is stocky, a vaguely human-shaped block of green and blue obsidian crystal, burning inside with a never-ending green flame. Her eyes glow, her crystal skin is warm to the touch and slight wafts of flame lick from her mouth when she's angry or excited. Her long strings of glassy hair is shaped into small, numerous loops that frame her head like an elegant crown. Her hands are huge and powerful, and her feet are little more delicate. She's slightly top-heavy, with broad shoulders and a disproportionately large head. Most of the time, she wears large coats and hats to disguise herself among humanity. Sometimes she remembers to wear shoes. On the job, she wears proper protective gear. As Mag-Might, she wears nothing at all. History: Magmin are born from sorcery, transformative spells laid on humans, sub-terrans, morlocks and lemurians. Maggy was born from from fire and volcanic glass, what she once was a mystery never to be revealed, not that she's interested. She had a new life to live. She joined the communities of upper-strata magmin that dwell far above the seething magma flows and smoking lava tubes of their blazing brethren, in the dazzling gardens and wide, pitch-black meadows of razor-sharp. She learned the ways of war by endless skirmishes in broken ruins, ambushes in the depths of sunless seas and one-on-one duels at the blinding mouths to the overworld. Despite the violence and fear, she was content. There was the clan, those who meant it harm, and her, who stood between them. The Chasm was her home, with all its beauties and horrors, and that was all the world she needed. For fifty years Maggy lived like this, and the few times she saw people from the surface she kept well-hidden, her bright eyes watching the slender, frail creatures with awe and pity. Then came Lord Quake and the stonekin. A race of giants who could mould and reshape the very world around them, gods with fiery eyes and an endless hunger. Lord Quake named himself the King-Under-The-Mountain, the Black Spear of Justice and the Saviour of Monsters. He brought hundreds of surface creatures with him, pitiful things not meant for the deep, and made them lush and peaceful homes in the great Chasm. He made a new sun, one that even the morlocks could bear to see by, carved out palaces, reactivated long-forgotten technology that protected all in his dominion, banished or slew terrible monsters and named all Sub-Terra as his rightful domain. He told the people of the underworld of the evils of humanity, their rapacious greed and the need to band together to survive. He demanded peace between all who would join him. The morlocks and the magmin were the first to break this truce, a squabble over tunnel rights leading to a pitched battle which boiled over into Chasm's tiers. Both sides found themselves separated within moments, and forced to confront the fury of Lord Quake. He spoke softly, but in his wrath he forced a terrible price on the feuding peoples: to each give up one of their number in a mission to the surface. Two were chosen, one of them Maggy, who hadn't even been in the fight. They were charged with finding an ancient artefact which was rumored to control the flow of continents, giving one the power to cause or avert earthquakes at will. They had a year to succeed. Training was swift and to the point, instructing the pair in surface politics, culture and language relevant to their mission in the Emerald Cities. They were dismissed with enough money and legal cover identities for their sojourn amongst the humans, aided by a strange fact about the Emerald Cities. For decades they had become a haven for metas and mutants with no interest in heroics or villainy. As a result, truly strange appearances and minor powers weren't as uncommon as they are on most of the surface. Maggy found herself a job helping in the underwater construction of the city's new wave-power generator, with more than enough money coming in to support herself and her strange, chatty partner. Now all she needs to do is find a mysterious mystical weapon, bring it back to Lord Quake, and all will be back to normal. She hopes. Personality & Motivation: Maggy is a straightforward and uncomplicated person. She's the muscle of the operation, a role she's inhabited for half a century, one she understands and enjoys. She's mildly curious about the strange world of humanity, but always as a tourist attraction rather than as a place to really appreciate for its own sake. It's still relatively the same routine as her old life, but the stakes are higher. Deep inside, she relishes this as a jolly, inconsequential adventure. She doesn't entirely trust Lord Quake, but in her own calculations it would be much riskier to defy him than to obey. Her relationship with Mo is one of strict lines and boundaries. He deals with all the things with talking and making problems go away, she steps in when things can't be talked out. She doesn't see Mo as a friend so much as an invaluable tool for their mutual success. Powers & Tactics: By and large Maggy charges in and punches, then punches again. Then breathes fire by venting the inner furnace that powers her crystalline body. Then punches some more. She's a competent but uninspired fighter, with the additional mobility of creating launchers out of the ground. She's confident that if she gets into real trouble she can just regenerate her way out of it. Power Descriptions: All crystal and fire, Maggy is an upper-strata magmin with the power to partially reshape herself and the world she stands on. All the elements that make up her body are, in a real sense, part of her no matter where they are or how scattered throughout the crust. They can be summoned into a fragile pillar that rockets her into the air, used to repair her crystalline lattice and even bolster her already prodigious strength by partially bonding her to the planet. Her inner fires let her create light in deepest darkness and can be concentrated into white-hot bolts or great green waves of fire. Her crystal body lets her ignore most mundane concerns, but has drawbacks. She must eat, sleep, avoid cold places and is totally incapable of human-style speech. Complications: Code: Unlike Mo, Maggy operates on a very strict code of ethics. She can't refuse a challenge, must keep her word under any circumstances and must never reveal the secret of the Sub-Terran Chasm. Mission: To find the Claw of Ghorummaz, a powerful artefact. To protect her ally 'Mo'. To serve the mighty Lord Quake. Secret: To most people she's encountered, Maggy is just a weird mutant with a disfiguring condition and severe disability. That she's kin to the magmin of Sub-Terra must be kept secret, to avoid a LOT of awkward questions and scrutiny her mission can't survive. The Thinnest Veil: Keeping the secret that she's not Mag-Might is impossible in the long-term. Abilities: 10 + 0 + 8 - 2 - 2 + 6 = 20pp STR 20 (+5) DEX 10 (+0) CON 18 (+4) INT 8 (-1) WIS 8 (-1) CHA 16 (+3) Combat: 10 + 8 = 18pp ATK: +5 (+7 Unarmed, Blast) DEF: +7 (4 Base, +3 Dodge Bonus, +2 flat-footed) Init: +8 Grapple: +10/ +20 w/S-STR Saves: 3 + 5 + 6 = 14 pp TOU +7 (+4 Con, +3 Protection, +7/+0 Impervious) FORT +7 (+4 Con, +3) REF +5 (+0 Dex, +5) WILL +5 (-1 Wis, +6) Skills: 6pp = 24r Intimidate 9 (+12) Language 3(American ASL, English, Igneous, Sub-Terran(native)) Notice 6 (+5) Sense Motive 6 (+5) Feats: 10pp Attack Specialization (Unarmed) 1 Dodge Focus 3 Improved Initiative 2 Luck Power Attack Second Chance (Intimidate checks) Uncanny Dodge (tactile) Powers: 1 + 1 + 7 + 5 + 7 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 17 = 45 pp Burrowing 1 (1MPH) [1PP] (Earth/Rock) Environmental Control 2 (10ft radius, Light, Flaws: Range [Touch]) [1PP] (Fire/Heat) Immunity 7 (All Suffocation, Hot, High-Pressure, Radioactive Environments, Disease, Poison) [7pp] (Earth/Rock) Immunity 10 (Fire Damage, Heat Damage; Flaws: Half-Effect) [5PP] (Earth/Rock) Impervious Toughness 7 [7 pp] (Earth/Rock) Protection 3 [3 pp] (Earth/Rock) Regeneration 4 (Bruised 3 [No Action], Resurrection 1 [1 Week]; Power Feats: Regrowth; Flaws: Source [stone]) [2PP] (Earth/Rock) Super-Senses 2 (Tremorsense) [2pp] (Earth/Rock) Mantle Array 7 (14PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 3)[17PP] BP: Blast 6 (Feats: Accurate, Precise) [14PP]( Fire/Heat) AP: Damage 7 (Extras: Area [Cone]) [14PP] (Fire/Heat) AP: Damage 2(Extras: Penetrating 2, Feats: Mighty [DMG7]) [5/14PP] (Earth/Rock/Slashing) + Super-Movement 3 (Wall-Crawling 3) [6/14PP] (Claws/Slashing) + Enhanced Burrowing 2 (to Burrowing 3(5MPH); Extras: Penetrating 1) [3/14PP] (Earth/Rock/Slashing) AP: Super-Strength 10 (+50, 70 (+effective STR; Flaws: Duration [Sustained]; Feats: Groundstrike [50ft radius], Shockwave [50ft max range, DC20 TOU]) [7PP] (Earth/Rock) + Leaping 7 (x250 jump distance (3,750ft long-run/1875ft long-stand/937ft vertical) (Earth/Rock) Drawback: -4 pp Disability (Cannot Speak) (Very Common, Moderate) [-4] Vulnerable (Cold) (Common, Major(x2 DMG rank)) [-4 pp] Cost: abilities 20 + combat 18 + saves 14 + skills 6 + feats 10 + powers 45 - drawback 8 = 105/111PP
  21. Mr. Murk Power Level: 10/13 (250/250) [253] Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: +2 Attack / -2 DC, +4 Defence / -4 Tough In Brief: Blind Immortal Neanderthal Theme: Ligeti - Requiem Alternate Identity: Erasmus Murk, Esq. Birthplace: Northern Africa [Earth Prime] Residence: Varies (London most usually) Base of Operations: Varies (See HQ) Occupation: Lawyer, Businessman Affiliations: Other Immortals Family: None alive Description: Age: Est. 50,000 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Albino Neanderthal Height: 5’7” Weight: 120 Kgs Eyes: Blind (White Opaque) Hair: White, tinged with orange Mr. Murk is an albino Neanderthal, of short, strong and exceptional squat appearance. He is completely blind, having only milky white pale eyes. He has a few ancient scars on his body, particularly one running down the left side of his face. Mr. Murk has taken to the style of an English Gentleman. He wears a suit and tie, and overcoat in colder climates, complete with waistcoat. He is particularly attached to his bowler hat. History: Mr. Murk was born a blind albino in a Neanderthal tribe approximately 50,000 years ago. It was a more brutal time, and he was lucky to have survived, but survive he did thanks to the love of his caring mother. It soon transpired that the child was very strange; able to see the souls of the living, and make strange predictions. He soon became worshiped as a conduit to the gods. But times changed, and his people died out, no matter his actions. Mr. Murk did not age, and the times he was killed, he only rose again. Over the millennia Mr. Murk has “Slept” for thousands of years and awoken periodically. He was there when Alexander came to Egypt, when Rome fell, when the Plague swept through Europe, and countless other times. He seems attached, in some way to eras of great portent. He is surrounded in prophesy himself, an enemy of the old gods, perhaps – he has been called “Godhammer / Gotthammer” in Germanic Europe may centuries ago. Whatever the case, it seems divine beings are uneasy around him. In the 19th Century, Mr. Murk foresaw great changes coming a hundred years hence. He set up shop in London and has been operating there for over a hundred years, building up a network of contacts and wealth that is now considerable. He has kept relatively quiet, even in great events like the Terminus Invasion. But now he is slowly stepping out of the shadows, feeling that something grave and important is coming, and his destiny may just manifest… Personality & Motivation: Mr. Murk has a rather unique perspective on life given his own immortality. There is only one thing he values above it, which is love. Love being the finest distilment of the life. However, he has also seen countless years of misery, hurt, pain, and in any case has precognitive visions. He sees the big picture. Thus his “eye” is towards the greater good at all times. This does not make him callous or ruthless, although he might appear so at times - he is not above sacrificing a few to save the many, even though he may lament the loss. Over the years, Mr. Murk has found that relationships with humans are heart breaking. He does not avoid them, but he tends to only form friendships with the most interesting and charming of them. And he prizes his relationships with immortals over anything else. For this reason, he tries to help out his immortal kin, even if they are morally suspect. In his view, they have an eternity to change. Powers & Tactics: Mr. Murk is connected to a strange dimension he calls “The Murk”, which allows him to become invisible, change his appearance, or create darkness – but sunlight will completely dispel this power. Whilst blind, Mr. Murk can sense, accurately, the “Soul force” of people. Whilst he cannot sense their nature, he can recognise peoples soul force. In addition, Mr. Murk can see, unreliably, into the future, including sensing impending doom or danger. Mr. Murk is very strong and durable (although not superhumanly so), albeit a bit on the clumsy side. His vast experience means he is a capable fighter, although he has no particular martial art expertise. Although Mr. Murk has forgotten much over the years he is extremely wise and astute, and is very skilled. In particular, he has honed his skills in law and business over the past century and has, as a result, acquired vast resources. Tactically, Mr. Murk prefers manipulation and foresight to combat. His strength lies not in combat but in his resources, wisdom, skills, and visions. Whilst Mr. Murk is sensitive and attuned to magic, able to sense it and understand it easily, but this also makes him slightly vulnerable to magic effects. Power Descriptions: When Mr. Murk “walks into the Murk” (uses that array) there is a smokey fog for a moment. When he summons the Murk (Obscure and Environmental control) the area is shrouded in a oily grim grey darkness, it feels unpleasant and their is the sound and sensation of buzzing flies and horrible insects (like the Murk itself). The Murk Complications: Homo Nandethalensis: Mr Murk is not quite human. He looks odd at best, but ugly in truth. He is easily recognisable and can make people uneasy without his powers active. In addition, some medical treatments might be ineffective or dangerous in the wrong hands, as he is not quite human. Codus Immortus: Mr Murk has developed and maintains the “Codus Immortus”, a legal document for immortals (or those that have signed up to it) boiling down to “don’t kill immortals and be good to one another). He will be very well inclined, and tend to protect, Immortals even if they have not signed up to the Codus (and even if they are morally questionable). Bowler Hat: Mr. Murk has enjoyed the last hundred years. He is particularly attached to his bowler hat, bequeathed to him by the late Erasmus Fiddle, the 19th Century Lawyer who taught him. Mr. Murk will attempt to preserve his hat at all costs. Divine Retribution: Divine beings will be uneasy and ill disposed towards Mr Murk. Whilst this applies to all divine beings those that are cruel or malign (or just arrogant) will be especially ill disposed. Linguistic Challenge: Mr. Murk has been everywhere on earth, through the ages. His comprehend power reflects his ability to speak nearly every language on earth. It will not apply to non-terran languages however. In addition, very obscure, rare, or arcane languages might be poorly understood or incomprehensible (as best suits plot!) Abilities: 12 – 2 +12 + 6 + 18 + 10 = 56 Strength: 22 (+6) Dexterity: 8 (-1) Constitution:22 (+6) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 28 (+9) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 20 + 20 = 40 Initiative: +3 Attack: +10 base, +12 Melee Defense: +10 Base, +4 Dodge Focus, +5 Flat Footed Grapple: +16 Knockback: -3 Saving Throws: 4 + 5 + 6 = 15 Toughness +6 (+6 Con) Fortitude: +10 (+6 Con, +4) Reflex: +4 (-1 Dex, +5) Will: +15 (+9 Wis, +6) Skills: 148 Ranks = 37 PP Bluff 12 (+17) Concentration 12 (+21) Diplomacy 12 (+17) Gather Information 10 (+15) Handle Animal 4 (+9) Intimidate 12 (+17) Knowledge (Arcane) 4 (+7) Knowledge (Business) 12 (+15) Knowledge (Civics) 12 (+15) Knowledge (Current Events) 8 (+11) Knowledge (History) 12 (+15) Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 12 (+15) Notice 4 (+7) Ride 2 (+1) Sense Motive 12 (+20) Stealth 4 (+3) Survival 4 (+12) Feats: 17 PP Attack Focus (Melee) 2 Benefit 2 (Wealth) Blind Fight Connected Contacts Equipment 4 Environmental Adaptation [The Murk Dimension] Favoured Opponent (Immortals) Improved Initiative 1 Jack of All trades Trance Well Informed Equipment HQ: “Club Immortus of London. Toughness 10 [1 EP], Size: Medium (Warehouse) [1 EP], Features: Communications, Fire Prevention System, Garage, Infirmary, Library, Living Space, Power System, Security System 3 [DC 30], Staffed [11 EP], Powers: Teleport 8 (2000 miles, Extras: portal [+2], Flaw: Limited to other HQs [-1], Long Range) [16 PP[ [1 EP] Total EP Cost 14 Alternate HQs in: Freedom City, Cairo, Delhi, Rio, Hong Kong, Paris [6 EP] Powers: 7 + 29 + 3 + 10 + 1 + 29 + 8 = 87 Comprehend 2 (Speak, understand, read all languages, Feats: Innate) [7 PP] “Polyglot experience” [Training/Experience] Command Word Array 13 (26 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 3) [29 PP] [Sound, Magic Descriptor] BP: Mind Control 10 (Extras: Conscious, Duration [Sustained], Feats: Dimensional 1 [The Murk], Subtle, Flaws: Partially Limited [5 Ranks - Requires Name of Target]*, Sense Dependent [Auditory], Drawback: Power Loss 1 [Unable to speak]) [26/26 PP] “Command the Soul” *At GM’s discretion number of ranks can change (e.g. 10 Ranks for “Mr. Archibald Boris Charles Drummond”, 5 Ranks for no name at all, and somewhere in between for incomplete names such as “Mr. Drummond” or “Archie”) AP: Communication 11 (2 million Miles, Extra: Omni Directional, Feats: Dimensional 1 [the Murk], Selective, Subtle 2) [26/26 PP] “Far-Reaching Words” AP: Illusion 10 (Auditory, Extra: Duration [sustained], Selective, Feat: Dimensional 1 [The Murk], Progression Area 5 [250'], Flaw: Limited [Speech only]) [26/26 PP] "Voices" AP: Stun 6 (60' Cone, Extra: Area [Cone]) linked with Dazzle 6 (Auditory 60' Cone, Extra: Area [Cone], Alt Save [+0, Fort], Flaws: Touch Range [-1]) [18+6=24 PP] ("Mighty Shout") Device 1 (5 DP, Flaws: Easy to Lose) [3 PP] “The Murk Stick” (Magic) Strike 2 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Mighty) [5 DP] (Bludgeoning) Murk Array 5 (10 PP array, Feats: Alt Power 3, Drawbacks: Power loss 3 [Sunlight]) [10PP] [Dimensional/Magic] BP: Concealment 4 (All visual senses; Feats: Close Range, Selective) [10/10PP] AP: Morph 5 (Any humanoid, +25 bonus) [10/10 PP] AP: Obscure 4 (Darkness/Visual 50’ radius, Flaws: Partial, Range [Touch]) linked with Environmental Control 4 (50' radius, Distraction DC 10, Flaws:Range [Touch]) [2+8=10/10 PP] AP: Supermovement 1 (“the Murk”, Extras: Affects Others, Area [Burst], Feats: Progression Area 3 [50’ radius], Selective) [8/10 PP] Immunity 1 (Aging) [1 PP] [Magic] Regeneration 1 (Resurrection 1 / week) [1 PP] [Magic] Super Senses 29 (Accurate Mental [4], Acute Mental [2], Counters Concealment to Mental [2], Detect Immortals [2], Detect Inked Text [2], Detect Magic [3], Detect “Soul” [3], Detect Divine [3], Dimensional 1 [The Murk], Radius All mental [2], Ranged: all detect [5]) [29 PP] “Soul sight” [Magic] *Detect "Soul" Super Senses 5 (Mental Danger Sense, Precognition; PFs: Uncanny Dodge (Mental) and Dodge Focus 4; Flaws: Precognition is uncontrolled) [8 PP] [Magic, Divination] Drawbacks: -5 = -5 Disability: Blind (Very common, Major) [5PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 21 Toughness Damage Murk Stick Touch DC 23 Toughness Damage Word of Command Perception DC 15 - 20 Will and Reflex Mind Control Mighty Shout Touch/Cone DC 16 Fort Deafness, Stun Totals: Abilities 56 + Combat 40 + Saving Throws 15 + Skills 37 + Feats 17 + Powers 87 - Drawbacks -5 = 250/250 Power Points
  22. Player Name: Bestia Character Name: Cheri Ash Power Level: 8 (143/151PP) Trade-Offs: -2 Defense / +2 Toughness, -2 Attack / +2 DC Unspent Power Points: 8pp In Brief: Animal Aspected Mutant Alternate Identity: Bestia Identity: Public Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family - Father (39) "Trevor Ash IV, aka The Tremor" - Mother (36) "Naome Ash" Description Age: 16 (May 16th) Apparent Age: Mid-Teens Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian / Asian Height: 4'11" Weight: Varies, typically around 115 lbs Eyes: Red Hair: Black Appearance An extremely short, and rather slender looking teenage girl, Cheri would be a somewhat athletic school-age girl in all respects. Not particularly athletic nor slovenly she spent the vast majority of her life being considered a pretty but otherwise average girl. When her mutation struck, her body warped somewhat, growing thinner and leaner and her formerly brown eyes moving to a pinkish red. The most drastic, of course, is the animal-like characteristics she's become well known for around the Academy. While it is typically those of a rabbit, her body takes on the various attributes of whatever she is channeling sometimes multiple breeds and styles if she requires further power. As such, she's become something of a fluffball. Her body is laced with an extremely thin white fur, almost looking like another layer of flesh to the untrained eye. Power Descriptions While channeling, Cheri typically takes on aspects. Her upper arms might grow bear fur when she needs strength, or a cat's tail when she requires finesse and quiet. While these mutations can come and go, her default state appears to be a lithe and nimble rabbit. This could simply be her comfort zone, or her mutations default state as it appears to have had the most effect on her body in general. History Daughter of a rather well off pair, Cheri's life has been mostly filled with softness and ease. She was brought up with tutors and prep schools and kept far from any danger that she could perceive. It allowed her to be at peace but extremely sheltered to the world around her. It wasn't until she started to become a teenager did she even begin to question anything of her lifestyle. Everything had been provided so easily, and the news was constant flurries of action of superhuman feats that she only wished she could see for herself one day. The guards around the estate had always been cold, but she saw them to be more... dangerous as she grew older, and slowly began to understand that for all the simple pleasures her life was afforded, her actual freedom was the price she had paid. There was no leaving the estate except for her classes, no hanging out with less well off friends, or exploring the grand city without a posse of her caretakers. It was only through the rebellious need to know more that she barged in on her father's office, finding him in a state she couldn't comprehend. Masked and wearing some ensemble she'd never seen, he had just finished a video call with his men. His face was the terrifying visage of the Tremor, secretive underworld boss who was known for literally striking fear into the hearts of his enemies. This strange power was struck into Cheri in a rage, who fled back to the safety of her room. The heightened emotions perfect for adolescent's mutation. Taking on aspects similar to the pet rabbit she cared for, she became something quite bizarre, and upon realizing what had happened, her first test of these capabilities would be escaping the mansion she knew as home, and fleeing into the city itself. Now on her own for the first time, and looking as bizarre as she was, it wasn't any surprise she'd picked up attention. Lucky for her, it was exactly the right kind of attention she needed. After making her first attempted outing 'superheroing' she was quickly detained by the veterans of the city, and held by the authorities. Unwilling to betray her father, despite their last encounter, she kept quiet about any of her recent circumstances. She was held for quite some time, before her parents were eventually contacted. When she was face to face with her father once more, Cheri had summoned enough courage to make her ultimatum. Let her be free to grow, and use these powers, or she would tell the police everything that she knew. While it wasn't a particularly perfect solution, her courage earned her the leeway of attending the Claremont Academy for the time being, in hopes that perhaps she could be a useful asset in time. Personality & Motivation Cheri typically comes off as being fairly reserved. She is the type to stand back, take in information and act, rather than trying to involve herself in the drama of a moment. Most of this is a rather intentional visage she portrays, shielding her eagerness and desire to surpass those around her from bleeding out. In truth, she is determined to not only succeed and protect people but prove she can be the absolute greatest hero Freedom City has ever seen. Taking what some would consider a cosmetic mutation and using it to the fullest extent. She doesn't have laser beams or magic powers, but she'll happily face any of that to grow into a woman who can stand entirely on her own. Powers Tactics A scrapper through and through, Cheri expects a great deal of herself and desires to put what is a freakish and useless mutation to good use. She has a variety of tactics depending on what aspects she calls for. She has a tendency to get in over her head, and is extremely defensive about how delicate she looks despite her actual toughness. All these factors make her a frontliner who tries to perform the most heroically in any situation, no matter how outclassed she is. Complications Inexperienced Cheri has little practical experience, despite her relative strength. This makes her arrogant of her own capabilities and unable to understand when the situation has made subtle shifts. Herbivore Cheri's diet has become that of an herbivore, unable to consume anything else properly. Parental Misguidance Daughter of a notorious gangster, her father wishes to either keep her out of the limelight or have her join the family business. Thick Shell, Thin Skin Cheri puts on a display of being an eager, tough as nails superhero wannabe, but she cares quite deeply about what those around her think of her. She's easily embarrassed by many of the little things her mutation has done to her, and tries to mask any show of weakness with strength. However, this might very well be for little effect, as her body responds to her true emotions, and those who know her can easily see how deeply affected she is. Comfort Zone? While Cheri can rather freely change out her abilities and mutate her body into a variety of different styles, it would seem she has a natural resting state with the appearances of a rabbit. The black ears and tail have become a bit iconic of her, to the point that she naturally takes on the Rabbit Totem when she is overwhelmed or overly stressed. This might be a factor of her mutation, or simply a mental block keeping her from the full flexibility of her newfound abilities. Obvious Oddity Due to the nature of her powers making her look a bit less human than normal, she is pretty much instantly recognizable without a lot of work to hide the presence of large rabbit ears and a bushy tail. While her funding through her family allows for clothes to be tailor made for her, this generally takes some time, and most normal wearable articles need some fine adjustments, making a lot of superheroing gear simply unavailable. Emotionally Vulnerable Cheri's transformations are a mixture of conscious effort to 'channel' a totem and modify her body's capabilities combined with unconscious ideas of how they work. It is the basis for her power's capabilities. This unconscious part is also her Achilles heel, however, as her Totems react extremely poorly to intense emotions and instincts. A great fear shifts her body to that of a Rabbit Totem, where as a great rage would take on the Rhino Totem. Various other emotional states can transform her body in various other ways no matter how much willpower she tries to exert over it. Abilities:: 2 + 2 + 2 - 2 + 0 + 8 = 14pp STR 12 (+1) | 30 (+10) w/ Beastly Body. DEX 12 (+1) | 30 (+10) w/ Beastly Body. CON 12 (+1) | 30 (+10) w/ Beastly Body. INT 8 (-1) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 18 (+4) Initiative: +10 (+10 Dex) Combat; 2 + 8 = 16pp Attack: +2 (+2 Base Attack) -Ranged: +2 -Melee: +6 (+4 Attack Focus: Melee) Defense: +6 (+6 Base Defense) -Flat footed: +3 Grapple: +16 (+10 Strength +6 Melee Attack) Saves: 0 + 0 + 5 = 5pp Tough: +10 (+10 Con) Fortitude: +10 (+10 Con) Reflex: +10 (+10 Dex) Will: +5 (+0 Wis +5) Skills: 8pp = 32 Ranks Acrobatics 8 (+8), Bluff 6 (+8), Diplomacy 6 (+8), Gather Information 4 (+8), Notice 4 (+4), Sense Motive 4 (+4), Feats: 10pp Attack Focus (Melee) 4 Benefit 1 (Wealthy) Luck 2 Improved Grab Improved Grapple Power Attack Equipment: 0PP = 0ep Powers: 54 + 36 = 90pp Beastly Body 10.8 [Container; Mutation] [54 pp] Enhanced Dex 18 [18 pp] Enhanced Con 18 [18 pp Enhanced Str 18 [18 PP] Totem Synergy 6 (Variable [6/rank], Animal Mutation Powers only; Continuous, Full Round Action to alter) [36pp] (Mutation) Totals: Abilities 14 + Skills 8 (32 ranks) + Feats 10 + Equipment 0 + Powers 90 + Combat 20 + Saves 5 + Drawbacks 0 = 143 / 151 PP DC Block Name Range Effect Save Unarmed Touch Damage DC 25 Toughness (Staged)
  23. Player Name: Curious Key Character Name: Raiment Power Level: 10 (150/151) Trade-Offs: N/A Unspent Power Points: 1 In Brief: A scarf-slinging sorceress, imprisoned in the Netherworlds for an eon. Newly free, she tries to understand what it means to be a individual. Alternate Identity: Sanna Identity: Secret Birthplace: Dead, Forgotten World/Netherworld Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy, the Netherworlds Family: Unknown Apparent Age: Late Teens Age: No One Kept Track. Adolescent. Height: 6'3" Weight: 220 lbs Eyes: Yellow Hair: Black/White In her human form, Sanna resembles an impressively tall and broad-shouldered human girl. She appears fair-skinned with dark hair that hangs about her ears. Her face is rounded, with wide, piercing eyes and a resting expression that can be best described as 'calm.' Sanna's outfits can vary widely, though he favorites tend to reoccur. She doesn't really know what to do with the attention that she tends to get in crowds, so she tends to pick wardrobes that come with jackets and coats that make her form seem bulkier while her bottoms vary from shorts to skirts to jeans to leggings depending on her wishes that day. She tends to wear a scarf as well, when she can. Her true form is more much more striking. There are several major deviances from the human form. Instead of two eyes, Sanna has three; two in the usual places and a third in the center of her forehead, two dark horns that spiral up and backward from her top of her head, an extra pair of arms emerge from her back, just below her shoulders and she has a long black tail, with a point in the shape of an arrowhead. Aside from that, symmetrical purple 'birthmarks appear as slashes around her normal eyes and her hair is stark white. This unusual appearance can lead people to consider Sanna unsettling, monstrous or even demonic. As Raiment, she wears a purple cloak to hide and keep from restraining her four arms with a hood that she can pull up over her horns. Below that she wears black and gray, tailored to fit her body and spun in a fashion meant to be sturdy and functional rather than pretty. Her hands end in fingerless gloves that overlap with her sleeves while her feet end in brown combat boots. The biggest break to the theme of purple and black is some sort of deep orange scarf around her neck. In costume Raiment cuts quite a striking figure. Power Descriptions: Some aspects of Sanna's powers spring from her inhuman physique. Her extra limbs and disconnection with this reality serve as reminders of her otherworldly origin as a fiend of the Netherworld and her third eye allows her to see magic, which helps to give her an edge which cannot be denied. However, what most defines her power is her influence as a namer. She can 'speak' in any language, to any creature, object or spirit, allowing her to communicate almost anyone or anything, including humans. In addition to broadening her speech, this adds a certain supernatural weight to her words and actions that makes people of all kinds more pliant and eager to please. However, the most the most obvious expression of her power is how she speaks with and Names most of her possessions. Her Named possessions shapeshift according to Sanna's will, allowing her to turn her coat into wings to carry her, unfold her sleeves into great fists, sharpened blades in her hands and much, much more. History: Once upon a time, there was a world that bravely resisted Una, who rules the Netherworlds. Whose heroes were many and brave. Again and again they cast her forces down and forced her back, creating a bulwark she could not surpass. Until she did surpass it, like she always does. Eventually. Una chained their souls into many-eyed towers that forever witness their ultimate failure and in spite seized every person that they had ever known. And before the towers she ripped these people from their bodies, burning their memories, names and selves until all that remained was a writhing, spiritual core, barely aware enough to feel the pain. And these souls she shaped into feral creatures, imps who would fight and die, living as vermin in the world their heroes' had sought to protect them from. Satisfied, Una moved on to her next prize and forgot these remnants of her vengeance. One such remnant, clinging to the aching echo of memory fought amongst the creatures of the Netherworld to preserve the bitter flame of its life, surviving. The creature that she became was scarcely capable of personhood and had no name. But her shell belied the soul inside her, which burned with a brightness that her body could not quite cage. Though true language was beyond her, she could 'speak' to the world, and the world spoke back. In time, the little fiend learned to befriend her surroundings. With a gentle variant of Naming, she set herself above her peers, building herself allies into the walls of her warren and the tattered scraps of cloth across her body. After some time, during a purge of magical vermin, the fiend proved herself to be a particularly resilient creature. Her nascent magery intrigued one of Una's agents, Dankava the Antiquarian, who obtained her, bound her and enthralled her. Intrigued by the fiend's curious magic and bright soul, Dakava carried her with him across the worlds that Una would collapse into the Netherworld. The fiend had no concept of time, but as universe after universe collapsed, her magic matured. Eventually, she grew powerful and self-aware enough to Name herself. She called herself 'Sanna,' and the shell that had imprisoned her soul blossomed into a vessel which suited her. Dankava was delighted by her evolution but he did not understand how much her Naming had weakened his enchantment over her. She continued to work under his thrall but her self-awareness tugged constantly at his spell, chafing under the weight of a heavy-handed compulsion designed for a far weaker-willed creature. In the name of Una's conquest, Sanna worked at Dankava's side on rituals--always thwarted--meant to undermine Prime and deepen Una's foothold. The last one should have worked; Dankava had done everything as he should have. He made his speech, threw open his arms and welcomed the armies of the Netherworld to storm Prime . . . And nothing happened. Eventually, the heroes found out why. Miles away, by the sea, where the sun had begun to set, Sanna had dropped her pieces of the ritual into the sand, stood by the water, feeling the tide wash over her feet and staring longingly toward the horizon. She was taken into custody, where there was some debate over how exactly she should be punished for her crimes against Prime. Ultimately, a mind control clause spared her heavy incarceration, but all the same, it wouldn't do to let an ancient, adolescent netherworlder out onto the world no strings attached. Ultimately, she was deemed an orphan child, which allowed her to be legally established as an orphan child. Claremont Academy was quick to offer a place for her to stay, and the establishment at Freedom found that in a matter of hours she was already being escorted, confused, out the door and into a car. In Claremont, she could have space to learn to be her own person. And in Claremont . . . She could be carefully watched, just in case she was not what she seemed. Personality & Motivation: The work Sanna does with her magic has done a lot to shape her personality. At the heart of it, her magic comes from empathy, from negotiation, from compromise and mutual respect. While she's generally more used to talking to objects and animals than peers, these skills translate well into Sanna's interactions with her peers. She listens intently and with absolute earnestness, which can make her easy to talk to . . . If her predisposition toward quiet doesn't put you off. Ultimately, her worldview revolves deeply around names. She has spent a long time listening to the worlds. Its stones. Its beasts. Its spirits. Each of them with a unique voice, something thorough, vivid, deeply and thoroughly their own. Their own personalities, boiled into the essence of who and what they were. A unique and precious thing, worth respecting. But, as Una conquered worlds, she seized these unique things, paved over their unique names, their unique selves and burned her own into its place. Just as she had once burned Sanna. That is the one thing that raises Sanna's ire. The theft of agency, the erasing of a name. Much crime can be boiled down to that, and she feels it is her obligation to stop it wherever she finds it. Powers & Tactics: Ultimately, it is Raiment's first instinct to negotiate. To talk before a fight breaks out. She will often move into confrontations with an intent to deescalate and hopefully end the combat before it starts and she will leverage every nuance of her supernatural charm to make it happen. If that fails, Raiment prefers to proceed in a supporting role. Restricting her targets, pushing to force them to reveal openings. snaring and inhibiting their movements to try to make it a little easier for anyone she is working with to pick them off. On her lonesome, all her clever tactics of support go out the window, and instead she becomes intensely focused on finishing the fight as quickly as possible with as much force as possible as she reverts back to her original mode of fighting; with fierce focus and brutality. Complications: New Cloak Who Dis? — Raiment's magic only works with clothes which she has had time to get acquainted with. It can take a few days for her to become familiar enough with a new garment to properly name and manipulate it. This can cause problems. Verbal Magic — Sanna's magic relies heavily on her ability to speak. If she can't speak, she can't give instructions to her clothes, which greatly inhibits her ability to use active powers. Netherfiend — Sanna's nature as a magical creature of the Netherworlds comes with many downsides. Many barriers designed to repel supernal intrusion will recognize her as a magical beast to keep out and spells which compel magical creatures into service affect her even if they would normally not affect humanoid creatures. As if that weren't enough, her true form is considered by many to be deeply sinister, which often leads to immediate distrust by those who are predisposed to judge her. Illiterate — Sanna cannot read any of earth's languages reliably. In a society like Freedom's which relies on literacy to navigate, this can cause some problems. The Antiquarian — One of Una's lesser lieutenants, Dankava, is a collector of exotic magical creatures and artifacts. Her ongoing independence galls him, as he considers her to be a fascinating specimen that must be enthralled in his service. Given the opportunity, he will try to snare her again. What's more, others on earth have run into her before, when she was under the Antiquarian's thrall. And not all of them have forgiven Sanna for the things she did . . . Abilities: 8 + 0 + 14 + 0 + 8 + 4 = 34PP Strength: 18 (+4) Dexterity: 10 (+0) Constitution: 24 (+7) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 14/20 (+2/5) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +0 Attack: +4 Base, (+10 Ensemble) Grapple: +8 Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 0 + 7 + 3 = 10PP Toughness: +10 (+7 Con, +3 Protection) Fortitude: +7 (+7 Con, +0) Reflex: +7 (+0 Dex, +7) Will: +8 (+4 Wis, +3) Skills: 36R = 9PP Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 10 (+10) Sense Motive 4 (+8) Notice 6 (+10) Diplomacy 10 (+12/16) Bluff 6 (+8/12) Disguise 0 (+22/27 Morph) Feats: 14PP Fearless Taunt Fascinate (Diplomacy) Distract (Bluff) Power Attack Dodge Focus 6 Inspire Luck Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: 3 + 28 + 1 + 1 + 18 + 6 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 67 Protection 3 [3PP] (Enchanted Garb, Descriptor: Enchantment) Ensemble (25PP Array, Alternate Power 3) 28PP (Descriptor: Enchantment Unless Contradicted) BP: Move Object 10 (25 ft; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Accurate 3, Precise, Split Attack; Drawbacks: Reduced Range 2) 24/25PP (Ensemble Hand) AP: Snare 10 (25 ft; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Accurate 3, Tether, Homing; Drawbacks: Reduced Range 2) [25/25PP] (Ensemble Snare) AP: Damage 6 (Extras: Autofire 10; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Range 2 (10 Feet), Improved Crit, Mighty, Accurate 3) [25/25PP] (Ensemble Lashes, Descriptor: Slashing) AP: Flight 5 (250 MPH, 25000 ft per round) [10/25PP] (Ensemble Wings) Feature 1 (Ontological Inertia) [1PP] (Dimensional Vagabond, Descriptor: Dimensional) Immunity (Aging) [1PP] (Netherfiend, Descriptor: Biological) Comprehend 9 (Understand Languages, Speak One Language at a Time, Speak To Objects, Speak to Spirits, Speak to and Understand Beasts) [18PP] (Namer's Speech, Descriptor: Enchantment) Enhanced Charisma 6 [6PP] (Namer's Charm, Descriptor: Enchantment) Additional Limbs 2 (Two Arms; Feat: Innate) [3PP] (Armed And Dangerous, Descriptor: Biological) Super Senses 3 (Magic Awareness [Visual]) [3PP] (Third Eye, Descriptor: Biological) Morph 6 (“Human Sanna”, +20 Disguise Check) [4PP] (“Sanna”, Descriptor: Enchantment) DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch 18DC Toughness Damage (Physical) Ensemble Lashes Touch 25+ Autofire DC Toughness Damage (Physical) Ensemble Snare Ranged 20 DC Reflex Entangled/Helpless (Physical) Totals: Abilities (34) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (9) + Feats (14) + Powers (67) = 150/151 Power Points
  24. Mo Player Name: Exaccus Character Name: Morris "Mo' Locke" Power Level: 7 (105/105PP) Trade-Offs: -3 Damage / +3 Attack; -2 Toughness / +2 Defence Unspent Power Points: 0 In Brief: Telepathic Morlock, dispatched to the surface on an impossible quest. Alternate Identity: MorahnsuIdentity: SecretBirthplace: SubteraniaOccupation: Private DetectiveAffiliations: Subterrania, Lord Quake, Emerald City, Family: Description:Age: 36Apparent Age: 30's Gender: Male (CIS)Ethnicity: Psionic MorlockHeight: 6'5"Weight: 140lbsEyes: BlackHair: Grey Appearance Tall and slender with sharp angular features and neat but sharp teeth, Morahnu Is considered to be of average appeal in so far as mating requirements go, lacking the bulk of of his elder brother and the sleek beauty of his younger sister he is in every manner of the word average by morlock standards Power Descriptions: What stands out about morahnu most is his gift with mind speech or telepathy as the surface dwellers call it, though he is of middling strength he has an uncanny cunning for applications of the gift, there are very few subtle indications of his powers being in use other than strange behaviour of his targets and changes of facial expression when he concentrates. History: Born the middle child of a Noble clan in morlock society was the only thing that had saved Morahnu from a life as a tunnelling thrall, for he had inherited his ancestors talents in mind speech in spades and whilst his brother learned the art of subterranean warfare and his sister the ways of statecraft and leadership he was largely left to his own devices studying and practising his gifts in whatever way he saw fit. His early life was one of quiet self reflection and isolation from his would be peers and siblings for it was believed that emotional connections weakened mind-speakers abilities to influence others and as his sole desirable trait his family did everything in their power and understanding to cultivate it, both so that he might marry and produce stronger still offspring and to increase their own standing in morlock society. For his own part, he cared extremely little for his cultures strange traditions and the socio-political manuverings of the upper eschelons of the clan and instead preferred to delve into the depths of his own subconscious in search of unparalleled insight of ever greater understanding of the universe and his place within it. This all changed when the clan foolishly opted to ignore Lord Quakes Decree and engage in open warfare over some desolate swath of arable or defensible tunnel and it was demanded that they surrender a member of their house to serve as an agent of the stone throne that he was promptly and unanimously submitted by the majority families outside his own for their own machinations. Personality & Motivation Morahnu is quiet, introverted and prone to long periods of silence and answering questions with questions, he dislikes physical confrontation and would much rather simply compel the weak minded amongst the surface dwellers criminals to surrender themselves without struggle, he is for the most part largely uninterested in returning to subterrania and the seemingly impossible mission he's been given suits him just fine as a form of exile. He greatly enjoys thinking critically and solving problems with his brain, though this is not his sole motivations he is more likely to take cases that interest him than ones that feel too straight forward or petty for him. Powers Tactics When facing Surface criminals Morrison Locke will favor picking off the weaker minds amongst them, forcing them to subdual, surrender or even turn upon their erstwhile allies when faced with sufficiently large numbers, though particularly powerful metahumans he works on damage control, trusting his partner and allies to deal with minds too strong or alien for him to effect. He only resorts to using his not inconsiderable physical strength when faced with aggressive but weak enemies once he has enthralled one amongst them Complications Agent of the Stone Throne Morris "Mo" Locke Is a Morlock, sent on a quest by Lord quake, ruler of subterrania and wanted criminal on the surface world, either of these facts alone with engender mistrust if discovered, both would be catastrophic. The Mo' you know. Morris Locke is a real person in so far as the documentation goes, one with a history, family and all the documentation that goes with and has through his work as a private detective built up quite a social structure around himself complete with friends and colleagues in the ECPD and shadier parts of Emerald city, needless to say it is very important that he keeps some of these things seperate from others, the ECPD would not think kindly on some of his less than legal connections and in turn many of the minor crooks that hold a grudge against the heroes he's helped or even Lord Quake himself would react poorly to seeing one of his agents working against them with their enemies. Blinded By the Light. Though he has become somewhat more adapted to the light of the sun he remains a creature of the deep dark places within the earth and sufficiently bright lights such as flood or search spotlights are still capable of overwhelming him and dazzling or in extreme cases stunning him, even particularly bright days will give him a headache without taking proper precautions. Abilities:: 8 + 4 + 6 + 0 + 4 + 4 = 26pp STR: +4 (18), DEX: +2 (14) CON: +3 (16) INT: +0 (10) WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +2 (14) Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Combat;12 + 8 = 20PP Attack: +6 (+6 Base Attack) -Ranged: +6 -Melee: +6 Defense +8 (+4 Base Defense +4 Dodge focus) -Flat footed: +2 Grapple: +10 (+4 Strength +6 Base Attack) Saves: 4 + 5 + 6 = 15pp Tough: +3/+6 (+3 Con +3 Undercover Vest) Fortitude: +7 (+3 Con + 4) Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex + 5) Will: +8 (+2 Wis + 6) Skills: 14PP = 56 Ranks Bluff 4 (+6), Diplomacy 4 (+6), Disable Device 4 (+4), Disguise 8 (+10), Gather Information 2 (+4), Intimidate 4 (+6), Investigate 4 (+4), Knowledge (current events) 4 (+4), Knowledge (streetwise) 4 (+4), Language 2 (Base: Subterran, English, Korean), Notice 4 (+6), Sense Motive 4 (+6), Stealth 8 (+10) Feats: 10PP Attack Specialization 2 (Unarmed Attack), Dodge Focus 4, Hide in Plain Sight, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Mental) Equipment: 2PP = 10ep Binoculars [1ep] Camera [1ep] Desktop Computer [1ep] Digital Audio Recorder [1ep] Lock Release Gun [1ep] Multi-Tool [1ep] Undercover Vest [4ep] Powers: 2 + 1 + 4 + 11 = 18pp Dark Vision (Super-Senses 2) (darkvision; Biological) [2pp] Super-Senses 1 (danger sense: Mental: Mental BIological) [1pp] Telepathic Communication (Linked; Mental Biological) [4pp] Communication 3 (Linked; sense type: mental 1000' Range) Mind Reading 1 (Linked; DC 11; Extras: Action 2 (free); Flaws: Limited by Language, Limited to Surface Thoughts) Telepathy (Array 5) (default power: mind reading, 10pp array PF: Alternate Power; Mental Biological ) [11pp] BE: Mind Control 7 (Array; DC 17; Extras: Conscious; Flaws: Distracting , Sense-Dependent (Auditory) PFs: Precise, Subtle (subtle)) AE: Mind Reading 8 (Default; DC 18; Extras: Burst Area (40 ft. radius - Targeted), Insidious, Selective Attack; Flaws: Limited to Mind Probe, Range 2 (touch); PFs: Precise, Subtle (subtle)) Totals: Abilities 26 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 10 + Equipment 2 + Powers 18 + Combat 20 + Saves 15 + Drawbacks 0 = 105 DC Block Name Range Effect Save Unarmed Touch Damage DC 19 Toughness (Staged) Mind Reading 40ft burst Mind Probe DC 18 Will save (staged) Mind Control Perception (sense dependant: Auditory) Mind Control DC 17 Will Save
  25. Sensus Power Level: 10 (150/156) Unspent Power Points: 6 Trade-offs: -2 Defense / +2 Toughness, -2 Attack / +2 Damage In Brief: Emotion Vampire learning the ropes of being a hero. Just enough experience not to get killed. Catchphrase: "Don't be mad!" Theme: "Love Theme" Metal Gear Solid 4 OST Alternate Identity: Public, Yamazaki Moe Birthplace: California Residence: Downtown, Freedom City Base of Operations: None Occupation: Waitress Affiliations: Heroes Family: Mother, Haruka, 34 Description Age: 18 (DoB: 9 September, 1999) Apparent Age: Young Adult Gender: Female Ethnicity: Japanese-American Height: 4'10" Weight: 90 pounds Eyes: Mood Ring (originally brown) Hair: Black Moe is a short slight girl. Some people accuse her of being younger than she is! She has a straight body figure. She wears her hair long and hates tying it up. Due to her powers, her eye color shift depending on what she's feeling. Gold is happy, black is sad, red anger, white is spaced out. She has small fangs, unnoticeable unless she smiles. On her back are several quotes written in Japanese text. Her left and right hips have two rabbits looking at each other from either side. Her clothing consists of loose fit jeans and a tanktop. Her costume is dark purple spandex that covers all but her face and neck, and a dark purple domino mask. History Haruka's pregnancy was an accident. She didn't want her family to know so she scraped up enough money for a ticket to California and left one night never to return. Staying five years she got her citizenship. Moe was born on American soil, so she was born American. Haruka raised Moe as well as the young mother could. The two moved around a lot but eventually ended up on the east coast. Freedom City. Despite being full of heroes and villains, Haruka felt safe raising Moe there. Moe's life jumped around for her first bit, but when she got to Freedom, it was great and spectacular. She enjoyed the spectacular heroics happening every day. Even the small stuff. Of course, being the magnet of weirdness it was. Moe lived through invasions and several near apocalypses. But everything was fine in the end. Moe was very optimistic, even when she was shaken. During the past two years, Moe has been getting massive headaches. Little did she know this was her psychic potential waking in her. But it took a dark turn. She would unknowingly suck the fun out of everything to stop her headaches. She could feed on emotions to stop her pain. That happened every so often, but a few months it came to a head. During her classes, her eyes started to bleed from the pain of hunger. She was blind, but she could see everyone around her as an emotion and how much of it there was. She ran out of the class room before she hurt anyone. She hid away from the world, dropping out of high school and taking to the road. Eventually she found some stabilization, but something she realized, she needed to eat the emotions she saw or get grievous pain. She would feed on criminals and low-lifes until she found she could do more than just eat. She could control! Personality & Motivation Moe is an optimistic person, putting a positive spin on even the darkest moments. She can talk almost anyone into a better mood. She's motivated by a pure form of happiness. the better someone feels the better others feel! She's also motivated to be a hero due to her psychic powers. Powers & Tactics Anyone with a mind she can affect and feed on. She has to get in close for the feeding, but controlling emotion is anyone she can see. So she'll engage the opponent by talking to them, manipulating their mind. Once they're incapacitated and if she needs it, she'll feed on the emotions. Power Descriptions Her powers have no 'look' but anyone with mental senses note that she messes with emotions. Complications Feeding: Moe has to feed on strong emotions. If not... Headaches: ... she'll get massive headaches depending on how long she hasn't fed. Those Eyes: It's easy to read her due to her eyes showing what she feels. Has A Job: Works at a diner 40 hours a week. Gotta pay the bills somehow. Struggling: Sometimes she has bad tip days. Short: She's underestimated, and passed over, and sometimes thought a child, all due to her height. Abilities 0 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 26PP Strength 10 (+0) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 16 (+3) Wisdom 16 (+3) Charisma 16/36 (+3/+13) Combat 8 + 10 = 18PP Initiative +2 Attack +4, +8 (Psychic Vampire) Defense +8 (5 base, 3 dodge focus), +3 flat-footed Grapple +4 Knockback -6 Saving Throws 4 + 4 + 9 = 17PP Toughness +12 (+2 con, +10 defensive roll) Fortitude +6 (+2 con, +4) Reflex +6 (+2 dex, +4) Will +12 (+3 wis, +9) Skills 108R = 27PP Bluff 7 (+10/+20) Concentration 7 (+10) Craft (artistic) 7 (+10) Craft (mechanical) 7 (+10) Diplomacy 12 (+15/+25) Drive 8 (+10) Gather Information 12 (+15/+25) Intimidate 7 (+10/+20) Knowledge (current events) 7 (+10) Knowledge (behavioral sciences) 7 (+10) Knowledge (popular culture) 7 (+10) Language 1 (English, Japanese) Notice 7 (+10) Sense Motive 12 (+15) Feats 19PP Attack Specialization (Psychic Vampire) 2 Defensive Roll 5 Distract (Bluff) Distract (Intimidate) Dodge Focus 3 Equipment 2 (10EP) Fascinate (Diplomacy) Luck 2 Uncanny Dodge (mental) Well Informed Equipment 2PP = 10EP Motorcycle (Strength 15 [1EP], Speed 5 [250MPH; 5EP], Toughness 8 [3EP], Size Large [0EP], Masterwork [+2 to Ride checks; 1EP]) [10EP] Powers 10+ 27 + 6 = 43PP (all powers are of the psychic descriptor) Enhanced Traits 10 (psychic suggestion; Leadership, Teamwork 3, Inspire 5, Setup) [10PP] Psychic Vampire (22PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [27PP] Base Power: Emotion Control 10 (Feats: Mind Blank, Subtle) {22/22} Alternate Power: Drain Wisdom 12 (Eat Emotions; Extras: Alternate Save [Will]; Feats: Slow Fade 2 [5 minutes per rank], Subtle) {15/22} Alternate Power: Enhanced Charisma 20 (Presence; Feats: Second Chance [Charisma checks], Subtle) {22/22} Alternate Power: Stun 10 (Emotion Overload; Extras: Alternate Save [Will]; Feats: Subtle) {21/22} Alternate Power: Mind Reading 10 (Extras: Duration [Sustained]; Feats: Subtle) {21/22} Super-Senses 6 (Detect Emotion [mental sense; Accurate, Acute, Ranged]) [6PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Emotion Control Perception DC 20 Will Emotion Control Emotion Overload Touch DC 20 Will Stun Eat Emotions Touch DC 22 Will Drain Wisdom Totals: Abilities (26) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (17) + Skill (27) + Feats (19) + Powers (43) = 150/156 Power Points
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