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  1. Past hour
  2. "Oh dear, are you okay?" Dwayne used his super speed to run down the side of the wall without hurting himself fall, over towards the poor child. He slowed to a stop when he got there, looking around and finding a towel. "Come on buddy, let's get you cleaned up. No need for anymore violence, right? You've cooled down?" he said soothingly, trying to pull the cone off the kid's head and wipe him down with the towel. "We can have a talk like adults now, right? Here, have some ice cream, you might like it." He offered him a Captain Thunder Bar as he wiped his face.
  3. Today
  4. (GM Post) The village, with it's brightly painted doors and windows, it's laundry lines and the men and women working around in it, was inviting to say the least. There were several vendors and sherpas handling the last preparations for climbers. These people would probably make climbs on smaller, well-trodden peaks, taken care of for a great price by the careful watch of the sherpas tending to them; being able to claim a successful climb thanks to the efforts of those who made their living in doing so. As Snakebite entered the village, she could smell grilled meat and food; the town was set up so that 'main street', such as it was, was set up for the precise transport of climbers. Stalls of food, inns for staging grounds, last minute checks and sherpa's offices, all had their place on the well trodden streets. Under a canvas yurt, a woman was grilling some meat on a skewer and waved at Snakebite. "Yes! I'll answer any questions you have so long as you buy some meat!" she said with a smile, cutting off a big piece to try and entice the new arrival. "Oh no, me, me! You buy some of my good rope and I'll answer whatever you want!" called another voice. The selling had begun. How much these people actually knew about Dr. Zhai was difficult to say, but surely someone could at least point her in the right direction.
  5. GHULE As her opponent falls to the ground, Vik nods at her friends that came to her rescue. Though she temporarily felt somewhat ashamed that she couldn't take down the duplicates by herself, she reminded herself that she was working with a team and that they backed each other up. "Thanks for the assist," she says, somewhat abashed. Though she didn't feel pain in the way that the others did, her injured arm was starting to throb like a sore tooth. This might be a problem... 'Charlie's right; this rather vexing situation isn't going to end until we uncover the primary. So, let's hope it's you!' she declares, turning back towards the fallen duplicate. She swiftly leaps into the air and attempts to deliver a powerful elbow drop on Legion. 'I've seen this move on TV!'
  6. GM The Hunter engaged with Rock continued to struggle with the hulking mercenary, pulling its plasma blade free from the rocky giant. Swinging it around once more, the mecha struck Rock again with the superheated weapon. The other Hunter, with no easy means of injuring the young Star Khan turned back toward the town and started forward in the direction of the intensifying firefight that had begun around the central plaze. Meanwhile, the Khanate dropship lifted back up into the air, the unconscious Justicar now aboard. Turning away from the town, the dropship began flying back towards the hills to the north of the town. In the town, Eclipse easily dodge four energy blasts aimed her direction as several of the Kanate troops closed with her. They were still maintaining their spacing to avoid making themselves easy targets. The other group of troopers continued to fire at the Thuarian guards that were defending the building the leaders were hiding in. A could of Thuarians went down, likely out of the fight, but at the same time, several of the Khanate troops fell to the ground as well….
  7. Okay, going to try to get this wrapped up The Hunter will attack Rock again, hitting with a 25, a DC 25 toughness save @Gizmo Four troopers fire at Eclipse, all missing. Just going to fluff the other shooting between the NPCs to speed things up. Round Six 21 Thuarian Guards (7 unharmed) 19 Eclipse 2 HP (unharmed) 14 Star Khan (unharmed) 14 Rock 0 HP (unharmed) 13 Dropship Pilot (unharmed) (dropship injured 3) 13 Dropship gunner (unharmed) 9 Rogue Khanate Hunters (1 unharmed, 2 bruised) 8 Rogue Khanate Troopers (13: 8 engaged with Eclipse, 5 engaged with Thuarians) @Fox Eclipse is up!
  8. Fox

    King Cole III (Pl 7)

    A very clean sheet! APPROVED!
  9. GM Once again Ghost manages to strike the snake-like alien. But once again, the alien recoils slightly from the attack, but otherwise seems unharmed. Down in the hanger, several of the enemies entrapped by Gaian Knight’s power are rendered unconscious as the hard sand constricts them. A few are still resisting, but are unable to free themselves from being entrapped. Up near the bridge, Tal'gar quickly rises back up to her feet, swinging her psychic blade at Traveller once more. This time, the glowing blade manages to strike the Praetorian, sending needles of pain through her body as the psychic energy spreads through her body.
  10. Just a tiny notation thing - while the actual final cost is correct at 4+4=8PP, the individual Bouncy Shape powers are listed at 3PP instead of 4PP. Best to catch that now before it fouls up future edits and updates!
  11. Also, @Fox Gaian Knight is up! (and still lying on the ground)
  12. Fox


    The Abilities tally line still needs updating (still lists 6pp for only 14 Wisdom). Otherwise, no further issues here! Edit: APPROVED!
  13. Yes, that is a hit, but once again it makes its toughness save vs the damage. All the bound bad guys in the hanger cannot do anything (and some probably go unconscious this round, so will skip to Tal'gar. She stands up and attacks Traveller, hitting with a 28. DC 26 Will save @Tiffany Korta
  14. Ghule will attempt to KO the prone duplicate closest to her using a thrown bone weapon (free action to switch to Thrown Bone Weapons in her array): 1d20+12 = 13. A critical failure!
  15. Okay, hoping to push this towards a resolution soon while Blue Bolt puts her plan in motion. @The Sailor TL2 is up! Right now there are no immediate threats near her or within ranger/movement. So she has a chance to move back towards Lawrence and the others toward the center of the park if she wants to take it.
  16. Jack looked from the unconscious thug to Rocky and shrugged. "Sounds okay to me." Something was nagging at the back of Jack's mind about all of this but he had no idea what it could be. Jack started following the Rockstar, keeping an eye out for any other crazed fans that might be about. "I understand about bottle up rage. I have bear inside me..." Jack said, starting up a conversation. "Forrest ist often good place to 'chill' " "Rage and malaise, good rhyme"
  17. GM "Your acquiescence is unnecessary." The robbed figure responded in its cold, hollow voice as Parker’s attack exploded across the surface of the temporal barrier surrounding it. There was countless temporal ripples that spread across the barrier, but if he had managed to weaken it, the teenager was less certain. Across the park, the chaotic scene seemed to grow even more so, as many of the now restored aliens began engaging with the remaining Communion drones. Lor, Khanate and Gruen soldiers found themselves suddenly aligned against a common enemy. Alien civilians that sudden found themselves on a strange world and in the middle of an assault by the Communion sought cover. Meanwhile, the Freedom League members, suddenly not under nearly as much pressure and having new allies, turned their attention to clearing the immediate area above the park of needle fighters, while. The restored Praetorians focused on trying to subdue or at least slow down their teammates that were still victims of the Communion. As the silvery hulking Praetorian with the spiked tail charged towards Lawrence, Paradigm flew down to block its path. Though considerably smaller in size, the Naram was quickly able to wrestle the formerly reptilian Praetorian to the ground and pin him. Parker could see the robed figure taking in what was going in the area around the park. "This will not do." He thought he heard the figure say.
  18. Haven There was disruption. Orange sparks, flying from oscillating chrome squares. Haven was hurt. It hurt. Yes, it was only projected electronic data. But Haven was intimately linked to the data. And it hurt. Perhaps organic hackers wouldnt feel the feedback so bad. they might not feel it at all. But he did. He dropped to one knee, trying to keep his data-architecture together. "Wait..." he said, voice blurring and flat. "I'm not here to hurt you. But to help you..." A pathetic bluff. But it was all he could do.
  19. 17 So bruised, Injured and stunned - I will take that for now
  20. GM Mr Metal took the blow fairly solidly - almost too solidly. His liquid fluxing state was just a bit too solid at that moment. On the flip side, whilst he was unharmed, he still took the force of the blow. He was small, but heavy - but a blow from Dwayne was enough to unbalance the already unbalanced. Mr Metal flipped on his head and tumbled down to the street, twenty feet below, with a resounding thud. For some reason, he had landed on an ice cream vendor, and smahed the the thing into a crumpled mess. The fridge hummed furiously, trying to keep up with the carnage. Mr Metal hismelf had ice cream splattered over his body, and wore a cornetto cone on the top of his head - making him look like the dunce he clearly was.
  21. OK Mr Metal will fall to the ground in response, so lets move out of combat - ish (if you want to jump down and follow up - please do )
  22. GM the Strobe lights whizzd passed the Albino, their lights flickering on the waxy skin. And the ... thing... paused, trembling. A hypnotic trance? A Catatonic State? Maybe. Maybe not. The tremulous flesh started to peel, burn. And then the thing... EXPLODED! Huge chunks of fleshy globules fountained into the air. Amongst them, one could vaguely see things that were probably human organs. But not human as we know them. A more immediate concern for the Archer was the spray of semi-solid goo that flew his way...
  23. Just hits, with a DC 17 Save 11 on save, so fully paralysed. And the Albino proceeds to explode! Could you throw me a DC 20 Fort Check from the goo. You can use Evade on that (DC 20)
  24. GHULE Vik grins as Bernie produces a duplicate for her and Charlie to fight. "Well, you're right Bernie. That does make things interesting." "Ugh," she says, rolling her eyes dramatically. "Puh-lease. Flirt on your own time, lovebirds. There are more important things to do at the moment, like...settle who's the strongest. And it's obviously me!" She extends her arms out, and long claws extend from her fingertips. Stilt-like hinged bony protrusions emerge from her legs, and she now resembles a horrific praying mantis. Vik's eyes have turned a milky white, and she takes a step back, and gestures towards Bernie with a mocking "come hither" motion. "Your move, Bernie!"
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