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  1. Luke Landers Aka Nightscale Power Level: 9 [12] (190/193PP) Unspent Power Points: 3 Trade-Offs: Human form: None In Brief: Friendly neighborhood Dragon. Catchphrase: Nope Theme: Fly (Blind Guardian) Alternate Identity: Luke Landers, Nightscale Birthplace: Unknown Residence: Southside Trailer Park, Freedom City \ Claremont Academy Base of Operations: Claremont Academy Occupation: Student (delivery boy\whatever odd job he can find) Affiliations: Young Guardians Family: George Landers (Adoptive Father, 40 years old Dockworker), Johanna Bowers (Adoptive mother, 38 years old, Waitress), Gabriel Landers (younger brother, 11 years old) Description: Age: 17 (2004.15.11) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian. Height: 5'11'' Weight: 165 lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Blond (dyed black) Luke is a young man in his late teen he has a lean athletic build, he is green eyed and has a playful smile almost permanently stuck to his lips. He tries to stay clean shaved (he consider the first few sprout of beard to be pretty ugly looking), but doesn't always find time for it. He dyes his naturally blond hair black, although he had sparks of his natural color show up here and there. Naturally pale, his skin has a tanned hue due to the time spent outside. He has a few tattoos, a black band on one arm, a tiger on his right shoulder and an abstract tribal that goes up from his right leg and navigate up on his back stopping before the shoulders. He dresses casually and on the cheap side, clearly assembling his outfit thanks to bargain bins or the salvation army shops. Well worn sweatpants or jeans, sneakers that had seen better days, sleeveless t-shirts, tank tops or flannel shirts, faded old hoodies, with the logos of rock or metal bands from ages ago (in teenage terms). He wears no jewelry, with the exception of a simple leather strap around his neck and a fang necklace, he doesn't own a watch, he worn a stolen one for a while, but he had ditched it when he had his change of heart. When change shape Luke becomes a massive scaled monster, taking the semblance of a western dragon, like the ones you see in fantasy books, or old depictions of monster slaying saints and demigods. He has polished black scales, with golden hues, sharp claws and a collection of fearsome fangs and long series of golden crests that go from the back of his neck to his tail. His eyes lose their natural coloration and shift to a solid yellow-gold. He flies on bat-like wings, with all the grace that a beast of his size could muster (so none of it). He hasn't figured out his super-hero costume yet (but he definitely wants one), during his first few attempts he just did his best to hide his face and dress in black, matching the coloring of his scales. A bit of a show off, he wears his Claremont uniform without sleeves once he enrolls properly. History: Luke doesn't exactly know where he comes from. What he had managed to pierce together, after a few extremely awkward confrontations with his adoptive parents, Johanna and George, is that he was born from a dragon egg, stolen by a warlock, kept human by a spell that his mother helped maintain. For what purpose? He isn't sure, but by the way mom and dad evade the subject it must have been something nasty. His adoptive parents were his caretakers while he grew up, they were young and still without children of their own and became fond of the young boy. Before their master could enact his plans, they snatched Luke and ran away as far as they could, choosing to rise the kid as their own. "Assistants to an evil wizard" as previous work experience didn't exactly help them finding remunerating professions. Neither did being in hiding. To make end meets they both had to take a series of odd jobs, staying long hours away from their trailer and being forced to frequently leave Luke to his own devices, while at the same time doing their best to show the love they had for their adoptive son. A few years after their escape, the couple had a child of their own, Gabriel. Now Luke loves his little bro, but things got even more hectic in the small family and the boys found themselves more and more frequently alone as his parents had to take extra shifts with another mouth to feed. Crime was rampant in his neighborhood and every day the young Like could see the local ‘families’ and gangs getting fat out of their misdeeds, walking around like they owned the place, while himself and his hardworking parents had to keep their heads down, struggling every month. It was unfair. And himself? Well, he was sure that no one would mind if he learned from their example. Besides, he wanted to help his family and there was nothing wrong if he relied on the five fingers discount from time to time to get something for his little 'bro right? He was fourteen, when after a string of pickpocketing, shoplifting and small burglaries, he was caught in the act and sentenced to serve time in the, perhaps ironically named, Freedom Juvenile Hall. On his first day he got into a scuffle to protect his new bunkmate, Matt Warner, an orphan and petty thief, with a playful spirit and a motor mouth, that was one head shorter than Luke and had caught the attention of a teenage gang. Eventually Luke ended up earning an extra month inside for bad behavior and frequent fights. Few of those ended well for him, despite his determination to make himself tougher most times he found himself biting the dust. After a while, two or three months perhaps, weird dreams and nightmares, began to plague him, alien, unfamiliar, scary at time, yet strangely fascinating. The spell that trapped his monstrous soul was faltering without his adoptive parents attention. As the weeks kept going, Luke realized that he was growing stronger and sure, something had to do with the training he was getting at the school of hard knocks, but it could not just be that. Soon, he could easily bend metal with his bare hands and did not even feel the punches that just a week before had left him with bad bruises or broken ribs. When he got out, Luke confronted his parents and they eventually confessed. It was so absurd. More importantly for a teenage boy though, they had lied to him all his life. He wasn’t their son. He wasn’t even human. Strong words were traded and Luke stormed out swearing that he didn’t want to see them again. There were not going to be tears going down his cheeks. Not at all. (yeah…well) Whatever. He didn’t need them anyway. With his powers still growing, he felt like he could do or take whatever he desired. Who could stop him right? He could freaking breathe fire now. He and his friends got the money they wanted and no longer had to keep their head down while walking the streets. It felt great. Life in the neighborhood though, well it did not get better, not with both the 'families' and a teenage monster with an oversize ego running around. It was Matt the first that tried to show him, but the sixteen years old just ignored his friend. He changed his mind though, not long after in an ER waiting room. Matt had been shot in back alley to send Luke a message. He survived, barely and no thanks to him. The next day, as the boy walked down the streets to go and tell his parents that he was sorry (they forgave him, as parents do), he swore that he was going to become a better man. Clean up his act. Use his powers for good. His first few attempts though, well, they hadn’t been without some collateral damage and in truth, Luke has no idea about how to be a superhero, eventually though, after more than a few mishaps, news of his exploits reached a certain school for gifted youngsters and he had been there ever since. During his first year, he has had plenty of adventures and made many new friends, including the ones that together with him would end up forming the Young Guardians superhero team. At school, he also fell in love with a young shadowmancer a woman whose life have been touched by the same warlock that had kidnapped him. Personality & Motivation: Luke has a playful, friendly attitude. He is boastful, cocky, sometimes arrogant and definitely a show off, but he can manage to not take himself too seriously (not as much as he would want to, though, but he tries). He cares deeply for the ones that are close to him and is ready to put his life on the line for them, earning his trust however isn't easy. He has a bit of a big brother complex and feels responsible for his family and friends (excessively so at times). He loves his adoptive parents and despite the frequent clashes, the boy wants to make them proud. He has a soft spot for his neighborhood and while sure, he can see the big picture and knows that his powers can be put to a good use, but he would much rather see the friends he had grown up with prosper. Deep down, he is afraid that with this new life as a superhero he will lose the bound he had with those he loves and will not always be able to be there for them and while he would rarely admit it, the thought scares him a little. The young man is pretty impulsive and will frequently throw himself into a new shenanigan without much thought about the consequences. He is very hungry for life and passionate about fulfilling his desires, respect, wealth, power, friends, lovers, Luke wants it all. He is also quite possessive and more than a little jealous. Perhaps this is due to his draconic nature, although, he himself recognizes that it would be an easy excuse to justify his more selfish tendencies with what he is, rather than who he is. He had let this side of him rule his choice in the past, but today he tries his best to channel his ambition for a good cause. He is working on a personal code of honor, but at the moment it’s more of a vague idea rather than a strict set of rules. When he change to his natural shape, Luke’s finds some traits of his personality magnified, he is more prone to just follow his whims and emotions, more possessive, greedy and arrogant. He doesn’t know if that’s a side effect of his powers, or just another aspect of his personality. Powers & Tactics: In his natural draconic form, Luke fight with raw strength, trying to overwhelm his opponent and push them to submit. He likes so snatch his targets from the ground and bring them to the sky where he feels like he could more easily intimidate them. He tries to resort to dragonfire only when he feels like he is not going to cause much collateral damage (after learning from experience). Feeling invincible in that shape he fight with abandon caring little for defense like if he could just shrug off any hit that manages to land. As he has spent most of his life as a human however, he is finds himself much more comfortable in that shape. While still imbued with a sense of invincibility he had been on the receiving end of more than a few beatings and he fights more pragmatically. He relies on his enhanced strength and speed, but also banks on his powers and the abilities he had picked up on the streets to sneak close to his targets and trying to neutralize them. During his time at Claremont, he has also learned how to use his powers to try and avoid a fight, if needed or to confuse and manipulate his opponents. Power Descriptions: With some effort, Luke can switch between his human form and his natural dragon shape, even when he is changed however; he retains most of the strength and resilience of his mythic soul. His skin maintain the properties of the powerful natural armor of his monstrous side, but only appear as such while otherwise being seemingly normal. As a human, he can conjure echoes of his dragon form, spectral wings to help him jump and run faster, claws, fangs and horns to enhance his fighting abilities. His rending claws that can cut through metal and stone and he can use his wings to make his opponents lose their balance. His dragon soul gives him a natural resistance to magic and infuses his attacks with power, making the manifestation of his claws affect even immaterial beings. He also has access to a form of innate magic, that requires however for him to abandon the protection against the supernatural that his essence usually provides. It is largely an instinctive process, not relying on gestures or formulas, but still requires a modicum of concentration. He can summon his inner fire to breath a cone of golden flames, create illusions to confuse his foes, manipulate the emotions, sense a person desires and feel the presence of riches by scent alone. He has a strong supernatural bond with anything that is part of his ‘hoard’, all of his material possessions, but also the people he has a strong emotional attachment with and can try to locate them even at great distances. His touch can turn inanimate objects into gold, although, it eventually return to normal and its false nature is easily detectable with a cursory examination. When he transforms, what he loses in agility he gains in massive size and enhanced strength. He can fly, but he is as agile as a monster of his size could be. He has powerful fangs and claws that cut deep and lacerate both flesh and armor. His scales become completely impervious to the supernatural, although he is forced to abandon this protection when he performs magic of his own. Even his powers are somewhat amplified by the transformation into his natural form, but are deprived of the finesse he can channel as a human, his dragonfire burns harder and can easily consume both flesh and metal and he can exhale a cone that turns his victims into gold, his ability to affect emotions is no longer a subtle affair, but rather a brute force attempt to overwhelm his target willpower. The blast from his wings is no longer directed and instead throws around everyone within. Finally, Luke has recently discovered that he has a bond to some strange dream-like realm, that is somewhat connected and powered by his spirit, a vast and ever-shifting complex of caves, filled with treasures (that unfortunately can't be brought into the real world) and perils, the place shifts responding to his subconscious thoughts and sometimes it appears to have a will of its own, not always seemingly aligned with the one of the young dragon. Still, he had figured out how to access this domain on his own and how to temporarily banish his foe within its caves, if the need araise. Complications: Broke: He comes from an impoverished family, doesn’t have much to his name, no personal vehicle, lives in a trailer park. His clothes are usually well worn. Much likely he has to take mundane odd jobs to help himself and that might interfere with his super heroics. His moral code prevents him from using his powers to fix this. Impulsive: Luke doesn't always thing thinks through, especially when his friends and loved ones are in danger and he might act brashly and without thinking much of the consequences. Former Criminal: He used to be a petty criminal, but he had decided to stay on the straight and narrow since his powers fully manifested, although he doesn’t mind using the skills he had picked up before his epiphany if needed for the cause. He had a short stint in juvie and is criminal record is not clean. My friends. My Responsibility: some of Luke's friends are petty criminals and do remember that Luke was too before his change of heart and they would much rather have him back that way. On his side, they still are his friends and the young man wants to keep them safe. Possessive: he is very possessive of the things he has, at school, he is the kind of guy that will think up an excuse about why he can lend you a pencil, he hates parting of any of his things with passion. He never forget a debt (although on the other side of the coin, he doesn’t forget his either) That also applies to relationship, making him a bit of a jealous partner\friend Stolen “property”: the people that brought him into this world have done so planning to use him for some kind of ritual and consider him like a missing property. They have lost tracks of him when his family went in hiding, however, the more openly he gets into superheroics the more likely it is for him to be found out. Arcane component: his blood, his heart and his scale can be used as arcane components, unscrupulous hunters might be after him. ABILITIES (10+8+10+0+2+2) 32 PP Strength: 28/20 (+9/+5) (Heavy Load: 2,400 lbs/800 lbs / 16 tons with Super Strength) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 28/20 (+9/+5) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 12 (+1) COMBAT (8 + 8 ) 16PP Initiative: +4/(+4 Dex) Attack: +4, +9 Melee (+4 Base, +5 Attack Focus), +4 Ranged (+4 base) Grapple: +23/+18/+14 (+9 Melee Attack, +9/+5 Strength, +5 Super Strength) Defense: +9 (+4 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback Resistance: -9(impervious tou)/ -2 SAVING THROWS (5+8) 13PP Toughness: +9/+5 (+9/+5 Con, Impervious 9) Fortitude: +9/+5 (+9/+5 Con, +0PP) Reflex: +9 (+4/ Dex, +5PP) Will: +9 (+1 Wis, +8PP) SKILLS 24PP (96R) Acrobatics 6 (+10) Bluff 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Climb 1 (+10/+6) Diplomacy 4 (+5) Gather Information 4 (+5) Intimidate 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 5 (+5) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 5 (+5) Knowledge (Streetwise) 5 (+5) Languages 1 (Atlantean, English [Native]) Notice 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Perform (Dance) 2 (+3) Search 10 (+10) Sense Motive 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Sleight of Hand 6 (+10) Stealth 6 (+10) Survival 4 (+5) Swim 1 (+10/+6) FEATS 24PP Attractive Attack Focus (Melee) 5 Beginners Luck Challenge (Bluff: Fast Feint) Dodge Focus 5 Equipment 3 (Headquarter: Dragon's Hoard) Improved Grab Interpose Luck 3 Move-by action Skill Mastery (Bluff, Intimidate, Notice, Sense Motive) Takedown Attack Headquarter: Dragon's Hoard POWERS (12 + 30 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 2 + 3 +3 + 6) 81 PP Draconic Fury 4.5 (9 PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2, Variable Descriptor [blunt/piercing/slashing]) [12PP] (Descriptors: Dragon) Base Power [9PP]: (Additional Descriptors: Dragon Rage) Strength Attack (Extras: Autofire 1 [9 ranks] ) {9PP/9PP} Alternate Power [9PP]: (Additional Descriptors: Wing Buffet) Trip 9 (Flaws: Range [Touch], Extra: Linked (Strength Attack)) {9PP/9PP} Alternate Power [9PP]: (Additional Descriptors: Rending Claws) Drain Toughness 9 (Extra: Linked (Strength Attack)) {9PP/9PP} Dragon Magic 12 (24PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 6) [30PP] (Descriptors: Dragon, Magic) Base Power: [10+10+4 = 24 PP] (Additional Descriptors: Creature of Myth) Immunity to Magic 20 (Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) {10PP/24PP} Super Strength 5 (Heavy Load: 16 tons) {10PP/24PP} Add: Feats: Affect Incorporeal 2 and Improved Critical 2 to Strength Attack {4PP/24PP} Alternate Power: [19 PP] (Additional Descriptors: Molten Breath, Fire) Damage 9 (Extras: Area [Type: General; Shape: Cone; Size: 180ft with area 1], Secondary Effect; Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Progression [Area 1]) {19PP/24PP} Alternate Power: [20 PP] (Greed Magic, Psionic) Emotion Control 9 (Feats: Mind Blank, Subtle) {20PP/24PP} Alternate Power: [24PP] (Greed Magic, Psionic) Illusion 9 (Sense Types: Auditory + Visual; Extra: Duration [Sustained], Flaws: Action [Full], Phantasm; Feats: Progression 6 [250ft radius]) {24PP/24PP} Alternate Power: [5 + 5 + 14 = 24PP] (Additional Descriptors: Greed Magic) Super-Senses 5 (Greatest Desire Awareness; Descriptor Frequency: Very Common; Sense Type: Olfactory, Default: Radius, Ranged; Extras: Acute, Analytical) {5PP/24PP} Super-Senses 5 (Valuable Object Awareness; Descriptor Frequency: Very Common; Sense Type: Olfactory, Default: Radius, Ranged; Extras: Acute, Tracking) {5/24PP} Telelocation 9 (Range: 20,000 miles / Anywhere on Earth; Extras: Duration [Sustained, Lasting]; Flaws: Limited [Personal possessions and close acquaintances]; Feats: Subtle, Rapid 4) {14PP/24PP} Alternate Power: [20 + 3 + 1 PP = 24 PP] (HoardBound, Greed Magic) Dimensional Pocket 9 (The target are sent to the Dragon's Hoard, Capacity 250,000 lbs with progression 2, Feats: Progression 2) {20PP/24PP} Dimensional Movement 1 (Extra: Affect Others+1, Flaws: Limited [Only to the Dragon's Hoard and Back]) {3PP/24PP} Feature 1 (Can create coins out of thin air by drawing them from the Dragon's hoard, they however vanish after a few moments) {1PP/24PP} Alternate Power: [18 PP] (Fool's Gold, Greed Magic) Transform 9 (Broad group into one result [Inanimate Objects into Gold]. Flaws: Distracting, Range [Touch])) {18PP/24PP} Enhanced Constitution 8 [8PP] Enhanced Strength 8 [8PP] Impervious Toughness 9 (Drawback: Weak Point [Behind his neck]) [8PP] Morph 2 (Dragon Form, Extra: Duration [Continuous], Flaw: Action 2 [Standard Action], Feat: Metamorph ) [2PP] Leaping 3 (x10, Running Long Jump: 180ft long x 90ft high) [3PP] Speed 3 (50MPH, 500ft per Move Action) [3PP] Super-Movement 1 (Slow Fall) [2PP] (Descriptors: Dragon Magic, Spectral Wings) Super-Senses 6 (Acute Tracking Normal Olfactory Sense; Danger Sense [Sense Type: Olfactory]; Darkvision; Uncanny Dodge [Sense Type: Olfactory]) [6PP] TOTALS Abilities (32) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (24) + Feats (24) + Powers (81) = 190/193 Power Points DC BLOCK Unarmed (with no powers) Touch + 9, DC 19 Tou, Damages + Improved Grab Unarmed Touch + 9, DC 24 Tou, Damages + Improved Grab, Variable Descriptor [Blunt, Slashing, Piercing] (Affect Incorporeal 2, Improved Critical [Crit 18-20], if with Creature of Myth active) Draconic Frenzy Touch + 9, DC 24 Tou, Damages, Autofire, Variable Descriptor, (Affect Incorporeal 2, Improved Critical [Crit 18-20], if with Creature of Myth active) Wing Buffet Touch + 9, DC 24 Tou, Damages + Trip (Power check + 9 vs Str or Dex) Variable Descriptor, (Affect Incorporeal 2, Improved Critical [Crit 18-20], if with Creature of Myth active) Rending Claws Touch + 9, DC 24 Tou, Damages + Drain Toughness (DC 19) Variable Descriptor, (Affect Incorporeal 2, Improved Critical [Crit 18-20], if with Creature of Myth active) Molten Breath General Area Cone 180 ft, Save DC 19 Reflexes to half and Save DC 24/20 Tou, Damages Dimensional Pocket Touch + 9, DC 19 Reflex not to be teleported to the Dragon's Hoard, DC 19 Will with +1 each turn in order to come back. Fool's Gold Touch + 9, DC 19 Fortitude not to be transformed into gold (Affects only objects) Emotion Control Perception Range, DC 19 Will.
  2. GM Friday, December 17th 7PM Riverside The Benedict Sans Office Tower 25th Floor The Benedict Sans Officer Tower was a newer addition to the Riverside skyline. It towered over its neighbors as an collection of office floors. Importers liked its proximity to the river and as did start up tech firms like to distinguish themselves from their Hanover counterparts. Representatives from numerous technological and import companies, both local and from outside the city, gathered for a pre-holiday party at the offices of Dumass and Prude Imports. The offices occupy most of the 25th floor. Networking and deal-making was done under the veil of festive cheer. Everyone knew the party was a thinly disguised ploy at gaining favor with key companies. Everything was going fine. Champagne flowed, hors d’oeuvres were nibbled, and schmoozing abound through out the large room where the party was being held. Offices lined two walls of the party room, while floor to ceiling widows encompassed the exterior wall, overlooking the courtyard and offering a magnificent view of the river in the distance. Suddenly, gunfire pierces the evening cheer as armed goons dressed in black stand aside from the open doors of the party room. Five men, one a large man with a thick red mustache and bear paws for hands, another scrawny man with large fly-like wings, bug eyes and arms. A bald, heavyset man in wrestling pants and a long grey/black hair man with glowing eyes flanked them. Finally, another man, obviously younger then the others stood to one side, with a drawn out nose and mouth that gave him a shark like resemblance to match the sharp white teeth his grin shows off. The red-haired man steps forward and spoke up. “Listen here ya prissy, walking checkbooks. This here’s a robbery, you’re gonna cough up whatcha got while we rummage through your offices for pretties, or I’ll know why.” “Now see here!” An older man in a expensive suit steps forward from the terrified guests. Mr. Russell Dumass. The co-owner of Dumass and Pride Imports and the man hosting the party. “You would do well to leave before you face trouble.” Mr. Dumass glanced over at large, suited man with an earpiece and nodded. As if on cue the man and several others around the room draw pistols on the intruders. The party crashers laugh as the armed guards aim there weapons at them in return. The black clad goons aimed small assault rifles and the tension in the room thickened until the red-haired man raised a bear paw of a hand and the goons relaxed some. What happened next was swift and vicious. Four of the men moved with purpose while the one with glowing eyes simply watched. The guards quickly fell under the assault of the villains. Some knock unconscious while others were less fortunate. With the shark faced man being the least restrained. The man he took a bite out of bled profusely and this seemed to only drive him into a frenzy. The other villains only watched as the shark man bite the man over and over until in a rage he picked the bloodied guard up like a rag doll and tossed him through one of the floor to ceiling widows to have him land in a blood mess in the building’s courtyard 25 floors below. The speed and ferocity of the attack cowed any further resistance in the crowd as they began to comply with the men and their goons. Satchel carrying goons began to move through the crowd as the villains regrouped. They spoke in hushed tones before splitting up. The bald villain in wrestling pants and boots took several goons and left the party room as the bear-handed man turned his attention to Mr. Dumass. “You.” He commanded. “Your office, now.” The frighten businessman followed the command and lead the villain into his office. The villain closing the door behind him for privacy. The remaining three villains watched the goons moving through the party guests like vultures waiting on their next meal.
  3. Fall 2021 It was a nice fall day, cool and crisp, the sort of day where you can still go outside but you should wear sweaters to do it. Leon and Luke had taken their lunch period outside under the fiercely blue sky of a cool autumn day when suddenly a large black raven descended from the sky and landed between them. "Fellows!" it declared in what was clearly Owain's voice, booming out as clearly as if he was with them in human flesh. "Have you see my friend Neko?" (There had been no sign of Claremont's cat girl that morning, not that the boys had spotted anyway.)
  4. Freedom City, New Jersey Saturday November 20, 2020 With Claremont being closed the upcoming week of Thanksgiving, Murine had invited Luke to join her for part of the week in England to meet her guardians. In order for Luke to be back to Freedom City in time for Thanksgiving, the plan was for the two to travel to England at the start of the weekend and come back on Tuesday. Murine had not been terribly specific about how they would be traveling to England, so it was not too surprising that the pair caught a Lyft from the Claremont campus early Saturday morning. What was a bit more unexpected was that the Lyft did not take them to Southside, where Jordan International Airport was located, but instead took them downtown to the British consulate in City Center. Murine's ID badge had them quickly through security and into the consulate, where a member of the consulate staff was waiting for them. Despite it being early in the morning on a Saturday, the man was immaculately dressed in a finely tailored suit. The British diplomate was polite and friendly as he led the pair of teens through the consulate, taking them down into the basement of the building. After going down several levels, the diplomate had led them through a corridor where several armed Royal Marine Commandos had been stationed and into a somewhat small concrete room with a high ceiling. In the center of the room was a large steel archway that was clearly some sort of high tech machine. The diplomate moved over to what appeared to be some sort of control panel to one side of the archway and removed a keycard from around his neck which he inserted into the panel. The man spent a few moments operating several of the controls and the archway began to hum as it powered up. As the humming continued to increase in volume and electricity began to arc across the surface of the metal, a hollow "THUMP" echoed within the room as the archway pulsed with energy and what appeared almost to be a silvery pool of energy sprung into existence within the archway. With Murine leading him forward, Luke felt a slight tug as he entered the strange silvery energy and instead of stepping through the archway to the other side of the subbasement room in the Freedom City British consulate, he and Murine were stepping past a similar archway that sat in rather different room. London, England Undisclosed Location Under the Thames Saturday November 20, 2020 2:14 PM local time While this new room was generally the same size and shape, it was not made solely of concrete. Instead, along the walls were several columns of arched metal that appeared both structural and decorative. There was a similar control panel as had been back at the consulate sat off to one side of this archway. The only visible exit from this room was on the wall the two teens had been facing as they had come through the portal, an open doorway that seemed to lead into a much larger space beyond. Moments after the two arrived, a mechanical sounding voice filled the air. "Greetings Murine Scaedusangere, aka Shadowborne." "Secondary individual identified, Luke Landers, aka Nightscale. Secondary individual's clearance preapproved. Welcome Luke Landers." "Synapse is waiting in the Central Hub."
  5. OCC for this if needed. @Spacefurry The place works pretty much on dream logic and it messes with their powers. Since I'm gm-ing I won't award Luke any free hero points for that, but Leon is definitely not subjected to that rule. They could also only bring with them what they wear while they sleep. The idea is, that the boys would have to rely a lot on their wits and on each other to get out of trouble. If you like the idea, as we have discussed on Discord, perhaps Leon can have his arm back in there, at least it makes sense to me that he will still consider it to be part of him. (Plus I imagine it will freak him out a bit). The way I imagine the place, is that it is built mostly on Luke's subconscious mind, but since Leon is also there, it might shift to accommodate details taking from his own as well. If you have anything you think would be fun for them to encounter there, let me know
  6. Nightscale Way too late Leon and Luke's dorm room or perhaps somewhere else. It was not unusual recently, for Luke to spend his nights shifting in his bed, to the charging of his roommate that had found himself having to contend with the restlessness of the young dragon boy. What little sleep he could get was plagued by nightmares, of the kind you wake up from covered in cold sweat and with only vague dreadful memories the morning after. That night, though, it felt different. It wasn't the aftermath of a bad dream to wake him up. It was... Well it was freaking cold. An icy breeze was dancing on his bare flesh, clad as he was only in the pair of black gym shorts that the seventeen years old used to sleep in. Still under the haze of dreams, the young man turned, his hands stumbling around in search for his blankets. They weren't there. Gone. Weird. Truth was, that, well, it were not only his blankets that were missing. In fact, as he began to properly wake up, Luke soon realized that he was no longer even in his bed. Instead, he was laying with his back on a mix of cold, rough stone and dirt. It felt like the floor of a cave. What the hell! The seventeen years old jumped on his feet. Adrenaline pumped in his veins and dispelled what was left of his drowsiness. It was dark. He rubbed his eyes and a shiver ran down his spine when he realized that they could not pierce the shadows as he was used to, since the day his dragon soul awakened. The world was eerily quiet, all he could hear, at first, was just the sound of his breath, his quickly accelerating heartbeat and dripping water in the distance. It was when his senses had began to adapt to the situation that he noticed that perhaps, there was actually another noise. Rhythmic, slowly paced, it was another set of breaths. Someone was asleep nearby. He stumbled in the dark, toward the source of the noise, until he found the sleeping form of his friend. "Leon." He whispered. "Wake up man!" They were not in Kansas anymore.
  7. Phantom had debated strongly about whether or not to go in costume or civvies. While she was less recognizable in her civvies, and would be able to avoid a great deal more of the inevitable small talk, it really was the Master Mage that Callie wanted to see and unlike some of the other famous heroes, Phantom actually did hold onto her secret identity. So, she was there, floating over the fountain in front of the school in her full costume. The ghostly folds of her cloak floated out, blowing in astral winds. It was a very dramatic pose, one that most people would certainly chalk up to being a spooky spell caster. Only some of them would recognize that it was dread of such a large social gathering that had her hovering over the fountain to provide some sort of buffer. Hell, she hadn't talked to some of these people since JJ was little... Shying away from those memories, Phantom finally bit the bullet and drifted down to the pathway, buried deep in the shadows of her cloak. With a small nod towards the schools headmistress, she floated through the walls of the school proper and towards the classroom that she'd occasionally taught a lecture or two in for the more magically inclined to await the first student appointment. Inside the classroom, she relaxed at the familiar surroundings. Crowds had never been comfortable but classrooms... Really, what was a Master Mage but a very, very gifted nerd. With a slight smile, Phantom gestured, lighting up the room with a soft purple glow that filled the runes and ward lines etched in the walls with the fire of her magic.
  8. OOC Thread for this @RocketLord, @Spacefurry, @Nerdzul, @Lone_Star
  9. GM Rath & Stromberg Plaza in Wading Way, Freedom City October 24th, 2021 3:32 AM The doors to Rath and Stromberg caved in, a group of four standing in the entrance. A tall man in a trenchcoat and welder's mask stood silhouetted, an enormous rifle smoking in his large, gauntleted hands. The red lenses of his mask were glowing red. Behind him stood a titan of a man, ten feet tall and plated in armour from head to toe. On his shoulders sat a small, brunette woman with a vulpine grin and a fluffy mane of hair, a domino mask covering her eyes. Finally, there was another woman, surrounded by soft green light, who didn't seem to be very interested in the events unfolding. Those who'd been paying attention to their phones would have seen the clips caught on phones of this group doing a series of smash and grabs across Freedom, sometimes teleporting in, others simply running or driving across the city. After a short dramatic pause they started marching inside, the lead man talking as he walked. "Everyone on the ground, and hands where we can see them. Don't try to be a hero, I'm sure the professionals are on the way. Just stay down, we'll take what we're after and be out of your hair. Stay quiet and none of you will be in any danger." The words were calm and measured. Clinical. The grinning woman laughed slightly before speaking up. "Come on Shadey-" "Don't call me that." " -we're robbin' a bank! You can live a little! Have some fun! Come on, back me up Anarchilles." The large, armoured man, Anarchilles, laughed. It was a sound like a volcano erupting. "I wouldn't mind having some fun." The glowing woman just mumbled something unintelligible. Ignoring them Steel Shade just marched forwards, knocking out a pair of security guards who tried to intercept him and striding past the reception desk. Just as he was about to head through a Staff Only door, he turned to the trio. "Keep the heroes busy for the next two minutes. Non-lethal only. Don't hurt the civillians." To the tones of some more mumbling and a cheery "You gots it boss!" He disappeared through the doors.
  10. Lincoln, Freedom City, New Jersey Friday October 1, 2021 (10:23 PM) A cool night breeze blew over the dark empty street corner of a rundown section of Lincoln. Along the block there were a few occupied storefronts, an all-night convenience store, a liquor store and a currently closed pawn shop. But the majority of the storefronts were empty and dark. Above many of the storefronts were low-income apartments, several in equally bad shape as the storefronts. Perched on the third story roof of one of the buildings was a small group of teenagers. Nevermore II had been looking into reports of a local street gang that was causing a considerable amount of trouble for the police. Based on the reports, it sounded as if the gang had gotten ahold of a cache of Foundry tech that had been left behind when Talos had established Rurland. Based on the few reports thus far, it sounded as if the gang had at least a few energy weapons and some personal forcefields among the cache. Of course it was always possible that the gang had access to more Foundry tech. Normally this might have been something Charlie continued to investigate on his own, or perhaps brought Callie in to help as well. But recently Headmistress Summers had been encouraging him to try to include the other members of his intermural team from school in some of his investigations. So, he had brought the other members of Grey Team with him tonight. A couple blocks down the street from where the members of Grey Team were gathered was a dilapidated four story tenement building. Many of the windows of the building were broken out and boarded up and graffiti covered much of the first level exterior. From information Charlie had been able to gather, the gang was using the abandoned building as a base of operations.
  11. GM Afternoon, September 25th Millennium Mall, Midtown Freedom City It was raining, hard. Like so many other teens, young adults and older, Muirne, Luke, Leon and Charlie had found their way to Millennium Mall to have something to do now that classes were out for the week. Something somewhere dry, hopefully. Bernadette, for her part, happened to be in the mall at the same time. Maybe just a single her, maybe several, or maybe it all depended on the moment. As one would expect on a day like this, the mall was absolutely packed. People everywhere, in stores, in the food court, well... everywhere. The PA system routinely mentioned events like clean up to the toilets on the 2nd floor, a missing child near a toy store, lost phones and the like.
  12. Thevshi

    First and Ten

    Kord Dormitories, First Floor Claremont Academy, Freedom City, New Jersey Saturday, September 4, 2021 Like the rest of the dormitories at Claremont Academy, the first floor of the Rita Kord Dormitory was a scene of somewhat controlled chaos. Classes were set to start early next week after Labor Day, so the dorms had opened up this weekend for new and returning students to get moved in.
  13. RocketLord

    Team Talk

    Millenium Mall A summer afternoon in 2021 Charlie had learned a lot during his first year at Claremont. Time travel, juggling life with the rest of the Raven Family and life at the academy, and of course his own unstable little group that he had got together to deal with Casanova and his crew. Last time they'd met? Cas had tried to brainwash Muirne. Something had to be done about it, and well... not like the rest of his friends knew of his relationship with the headmistress. Charlie, Muirne, Leon and Luke were at the Millenium Mall, at a burger joint, sitting around a table. Just hanging out, talking. He hadn't been able to get a hold of everyone, but this should be fine, right? Lowering his burger after a bite, he finally asked the question he'd wanted to ask. "So... y'know that whole New Young Freedom thing that Casanova's got going? How about we start our own team?"
  14. GM An afternoon in the middle of July, 2021 Claremont Academy For whatever reasons, a group of students had arrived early at Claremont this year, before the classes were even about to start. They came from very different lives, and had very different powers, but for whichever reasons, they were to stay at Claremont, along with a few others, during the summer months. And, despite the summer vacation, they needed someone to show them around, and that job had fallen to Luke and Leon. They had probably complained, but headmistress Summers had promptly shut them down by reminding them about some of their misbehaviour during the past school year. They four new students, Onyx, Effigy, Invisigirl and Freedom Eagle were all ready in normal clothes, waiting for Nightscale and Paper to show them around.
  15. GM Friday, April 2nd 7:30 PM, sunset Two blocks North-West of the Millennium Mall, 52nd Avenue runs along Liberty Park. A police cruiser turns down off the avenue, making its way down towards the mall. The uniformed officers inside glance around at the sidewalks, paying close attention as they passed. There had been several disappearances reported over the last month, mostly homeless folk. But a young couple had gone missing right off the sidewalk less than a week prior, just outside the museum a few blocks away. Officials have been able to keep it out of the media, so far. But the locals know better and as the sun sets the sidewalk crowds thin out. Two twenty-something, university students walking from the mall towards the park pay no mind of the police car as it passes them. The girls talking lively as behind them, from the shadows of an alley, a large figure steps out on to the sidewalk. Its long stride allowing it to easily close the distance with the girls, until it reaches out. With a grunt and a swipe, the figure knocks one of the girls aside and grabs her friend as she begins screaming. “Jamie!” Jennifer cried out as she scrambled to her feet. A large, broad man was carrying her roommate into a dimly lit alley. The figure didn’t seem to care about her, ignoring her yells as it just walked away carrying the struggling Jamie. “Put her down you giant creep!” Jennifer ran into the alley after them. A moment later, the silvery-gray metallic tendril covered Chimera came flying back out over the sidewalk and slammed loudly into the side of a parked car. Chimera groans as she starts to pull herself out of the dented side of the car.
  16. OOC for this. @Nerdzul, @Spacefurry
  17. GM April 2nd 2021, 11:30 An abandoned warehouse in Kingston The music was loud. The beat was good, people were having fun, with the music blaring through the empty warehouse in Kingston. Things were slowly starting to return to normal after the Terminus Invasion. At least normal enough that plenty of people were feeling brave enough to get to the abandoned areas near the Doomforge to take over the buildings for underground parties. Like the one that Luke Landers and Leon Moore found themselves at. The music was loud. The party was fun.
  18. GM Robbing banks is not the profitable business it once was. In the daytime you're more likely to leave with a bullet than leave with cash. And even if you did leave with cash, the banks in Bedlam aren't large enough to hold enough money to retire on. It just wasn't good money. What it was however was noisy. Especially in the dead of night, Hardwick Park was filled with the sound of an alarm blaring through the streets. Coupled with the unmistakable sound of glass shattering. A crowd slowly forming outside of the bank and actively egging on the crime being committed. And at the center of the commotion were the four thieves. They were Latina women armed with a crowbar, a steel chain, a hockey stick, and what appeared to be inflatable or enlarged boxing gloves. Boldly, they dared to steal from BMF National bank. A small local bank with only three locations. And each one was within Mara territory.
  19. Claremont Academy, Freedom CIty 10am 15th March 2021 As you entered the secretaries room of the Headmasters Office, to which you’d just been mysteriously summoned, a strange an unusual sound was drifting from the imposing room, that of laughter. Even stranger on being waved in it was the Headmistress herself that was laughing, a sound you’d never thought you’d hear in all your days. “Ah Mr Landers, Mz Sceadusangere, please come in I have someone I wish to show around.” She gestured to the relaxed looking woman in the chair opposite her.
  20. OOC for this. We'll start off with just @Kaede Kimura and @Nerdzul, I'll call in @RedSpine, @Cubismo and @Lone_Star as everyone else gets involved!
  21. GM Claremont Academy March 9th, 2020 Afternoon, after class Aside from Casanova and Stinger's grudges, things seemed to have calmed down considerably since the fight between New Young Freedom and the group of young heroes in October. New Young Freedom had resumed their patrols in December and, so far, they seemed to stay on the straight and narrow path. Well, things between the two groups had been mostly calm. A week or so before, Muirne, Luke's girlfriend, had been teamed with Sebastian for a project. Soon after, she had started talking about how maybe Sebastian wasn't that bad, that Luke and the others should try to give him another chance...
  22. In some ways, going to Claremont Academy was like going to any high school. There was plenty of academic work, meals in the cafeteria, sports, dances, all the same drudgery and fun that any teenager could expect from their education. In other ways, though, it was very different. Not all students, for instance, got signed up to do after-school study with members of the Freedom League! Patrol with the Freedom League was something of a pilot program this year. The Claremont students got to experience patrolling the city with experienced heroes who could offer tips and answer questions, and the League members got to serve their community and build ties with the school. It seemed destined to be a winning combination. At least, Stesha certainly hoped it was going to be. Fleur de Joie had been a vocal proponent of the program, and she was eager enough to see it succeed that she volunteered to take the first patrol shift. When she'd gotten the profiles of the students she'd be working with, well, it had been easy to decide who she'd ask to work with her. Tiamat seemed a natural fit, and it would probably be very entertaining to watch her interacting with the kids. Claremont patrols started fairly early, around 9pm, so at 8:45 Stesha was waiting outside the school gymnasium, wearing her costume and browsing through the League's text-tip line to see if anything might be brewing tonight. "Well, here we go," she murmured to Tiamat while they waited for the students. "Ready to teach the next generation?"
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