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Kaede Kimura

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Everything posted by Kaede Kimura

  1. I just realized that I forgot to roll initiative for Muirne! 1d20+4 = 16 Unless 'Zul rolls 16 or higher then RL will be up first!
  2. Demon got a nice high roll on it's notice, which is unfortunate. 1d20+10 = 26 means that neither Charlie or Luke remain hidden, so at least it's not just Luke... Initiative rolls everyone, the Demon got 1d20+2 = 6, while the Gangster got 1d20+2 = 3, so uh... yeah beat that?
  3. GM The trio set off deeper into the night, the smell of brimstone thick in their noses, fear seemed to cling to the streets like a film. Curtains were pulled, lights were off and the world was silent and still as if death had descended upon every house along with the Rat tag that adorned each wall and window. The oppressive aura did not halt the progress of the heroes through the streets, but something else might cause them . A man with what was clearly one of the demons Ian had mentioned. It was five feet in height, covered in red scales and quills. It held one of the quills in it's hand while surveying the area as the man threatened a pair of teens. The creature growled and spun to face the heroes, catching the gang member's attention. He looked between Nightscale and Nevermore, before swearing and running. Meanwhile the demon quickly scampered up the nearest building, before turning back towards the heroes.
  4. Muirne snarled as she heard Luke start choking after the bastard fired a cannister into his mouth. She searched around for him, seeking for the red dressed villain. Logically she knew she should be afraid given the emphasis Charlie placed on the name 'Red Death' but to her that was all the more reason to be the one to go against him. See how he fared in whatever shadows he was hiding in against her Shadowbeast form. Spotting him she grinned viciously before diving through her link to the Shattenwelt. Darkness surrounded her, and she felt the bitter cold suffusing every part of her. She knew that there would be at least one Shadowbeast nearby, so she didn't waste time. Diving through the shadows she moved to where she saw him and reappeared near him, flooding herself with the power within her as she exited the Shattenwelt. She didn't waste a moment, swarming forwards as a wall of shadowy claws, satisfaction running through her as she felt them bite into something.
  5. Arright. Muirne is gonna try spotting Red Death, 1d20+12 = 25 hot damn! She does see him though! Next, Extra Effort (Spending a PP to not be fatigued) an Alternate Power to her Super-movement 1 (Dimensional Travel [Shattenwelt]) [2PP] for Teleport 1 (100ft.) [2PP] and teleporting to him, after which she'll switch to her Shadowbeast Form and attack, Damage 7 (Extras: Affects Corporeal [8 ranks]; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2 [Full effect], Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage]) Descriptor is Slashing. 1d20+8 = 24 Muirne is doing great tonight!
  6. Alice quietly sighed as Billy squealed. This was not how she had wanted this to go, but nonetheless she'd gotten results. She floated back towards Archer, although she stopped a little bit before reaching it "Alright Billy. Tell us everything you know about 'the big man'. Where is he, do you know any other names, do you know how many guys he has, how do you get in contact with him, everything. After you tell us, I'll return you to the roof and you won't be hurt." There was a challenge in her voice as she said the last sentence staring directly at the vigilante ahead of her. "Of course I can't just let you go, but we'll burn that bridge when we get to it."
  7. The Dreamer nodded to Blackstaff after he talked, picking up after he left off. "Between Blackstaff and I it is almost certain that we could manage to aid you, and if there is something rotten within the Forest Clan that causes your apprehension at the idea of seeking justice it may be causing similar grief to others. Fear is natural and nothing to be ashamed of Advay, but if you let it prevent you from taking action then you have truly lost. Given the nature of your previous study you seem not to be given to fear easily, which makes it all the more concerning to me that you would hesitate. Please let us help you with this, especially if it may also help others." She took a breath, quietly refilling their drinks as she did so, her dream creatures growing denser. "Doing nothing when some dark happening is going on is the same as being for the side of wrong in the end, and I of course cannot speak for any but myself but that sounds far too dire for me. Hence, I intend to do something. If you would satisfy my curiosity, what do you intend to do?" She eyed the pair of men with her as she finished, focusing particularly on Advay as she took a sip of her tea.
  8. 'Ere we go, post coming shortly after this. 1d20+4 = 18! That is a much nicer result.
  9. Intimidate 1d20+5 = 16 not terrible, bit do I get any advantages for being off the ground?
  10. The kiss seemed to last forever as Muirne focused purely upon it, despite only taking moments. She looked up at Luke, smiling giddily before jumping in shock as the enormous heart burst around them. She sent a heatless glare towards the grinning Pan, before laughing herself, her blush matching Luke's. She let out a quiet chuckle at his comment, her face reddening further before she lightly smacked her hand against his chest, whispering, "Þú biaþ angrislic!1" sounding mildly scandalized before her grin returned. "But I suppose you're right about that." 1You are terrible!
  11. Muirne is gonna do the sneaky, 1d20+10 = 27, she is a ghost in the night without even transforming. @Nerdzul if you wanna roll stealth then go ahead.
  12. Shadowborne Muirne frowned as Luke and Charlie talked about what they were up against. She was pretty sure they could take on the gang, but she wasn't looking forward to it. "So one of the questions we want the answer to is where they got the demons then?" She nodded as Charlie suggested finding Luke's friend before spinning to glare at him as Charlie's accusation registered. He was facing away, but he also sounded guilty as he denied it. Regardless of whether he was actually guilty it was satisfying to watch the rock bounce off the top of his head, and she knew she couldn't hurt him even if she stabbed him with her spear. "Okay, let's go help." She finished securing the head of her spear as she walked up to stand next to the boys.
  13. @Nerdzul & @RocketLord this one is a bit longer and will affect things going forward so I figured I'd tag you guys. Okay, so that looks like a good place to get things going, will get a post out with Muirne tomorrow then do a GM post after you guys reply to this, but if people want to rush in some more snark go ahead. For now there are two things to clarify for you guys getting a move on. First, just to confirm, you are heading to the group near the old That's territory yeah, not to Ian out anywhere else? I'm assuming that everyone is in possession of their faculties enough but to split the party. The other one is marching stuff, for example, is everyone sticking absolutely together or is anyone going ahead to scout out anything? Additionally is everyone trying to be sneaky or doing anything else, and if yes then roll stealth or let me know.
  14. Sounds good! And I'm getting some use out of the spoiler tag. Probably not super necessary, but oh well
  15. Alice watched Archer chase after the last man as her schoolmate flailed against her grip. She responded to his struggles and shouting by lifting off the ground, dragging Billy into the air, before silently floating away from the roof. "Alright Billy, I can let you go, doesn't that ground look inviting? Concrete is a lovely soft landing I've found." She glared at the erstwhile schoolboy for a moment before sighing. "You know Billy, I've seen some stupid things in my time, but you might take the cake with this one. I can't look the other way now, you called gunmen into a school and tried to kill me while hopped up on super drugs while threatening to kill Alice. And you did the latter in front of Archer. You know, the Moore Era hero? If what I've heard about him is true you'll be lucky if you make it to the police and I doubt I'd be able to stop him. So make this easier for yourself while you still have all your fingers and toes and just spill the beans." She punctuated the last part by shaking him for emphasis.
  16. Alice is just gonna float off the building and up a bit while holding him.
  17. Shadowborne Muirne tried to convey comfort and warmth through her eyes, seeing the worry in the way Luke held himself. She did have the decency to look sheepish when Charlie admonished her about the lack of codenames, but quickly recovered. "Right, sorry Nevermore." She bowed her head for a moment before lifting it again to listen in. Her blood ran cold as they both lay the situation down. Demons running meant magic, the last thing she wanted to face. She still couldn't watch shows and movies because they had mages in them. But she wasn't about to leave these people to be preyed upon by monsters. Taking a steadying breath she wrestled her fear down. "Okay, I need to get my armour on, so turn around." After giving them both a gimlet eye she quickly started pulling her gear on and kept talking. "So I assume we're to find Nightscale's friend first? So we can get more information? Do you know where they would be out do we have a way to track them?"
  18. Muirne chuckled quietly at Luke's compliment. She didn't quite think the slang and the dance matched up, given what she knew as 'sick moves' from the movies she'd seen. Muirne beamed up at her dance partner, "You're definitely one of the better dance partners I've had." and she meant it. Luke certainly moved with more grace than many of the boys in her village once he just started going with the music, although it could maybe have been some degree of beginner's luck. Muirne blushed and laughed as Pan started singing, settling into the closer dance with the dragon boy. Her heart pounded as she looked back into his eyes. Her already pounding heart jackhammered further as Luke spoke again, his soft time turning her blush atomic. "H- hwæt?1" she gaped up at him for a moment before a smile crept over her lips. "Ic magan ne beliefan ic befeallan innan brýdlufe eac þú!2" she said in a teasing tone, before her expression softened. "I could say the same about you, fýrdraca.3" A thrill of excitement and fear ran through her as Luke leaned in. This was the point where she could either go forward with it, out back out. She knew she liked Luke, hell, she'd just said she loved him to his face, he just didn't know what it meant. But did she want to take the next step? She wrestled with the question for a few moments, before saying stopping. She was overcomplicating it. Besides, if not now then when? She smiled, whispered "Gewif árra sé beale.4" again and leaned into Luke, pressing her lips to his. 1 What? 2 I can not believe I fell in love with you! 3 fire-spewing dragon 4 Fortune favours the bold
  19. Right, I double checked and you can take a 10, so I'll run with the 15. I'm also giving you a +5 bonus due to your familiarity with the area and your own involvement with the gangs (No one who runs a gang doesn't know the other gangs) @RocketLord feel free to roll DC20, not too hard but AFAIK Charlie isn't overly familiar with the area?
  20. 1d20+4 = 9, I don't think Muirne is going first, and if she is then dear god. Not gonna bother to HP it, I feel like I'll need them later.
  21. Shadowborne Muirne held tightly onto Charlie as he drove, the sun dipping lower towards the horizon. Motorbikes were a new method of transportation compared to more... Enclosed vehicles, and she wasn't quite sure she liked them. As they entered the neighborhood the stink of sulphur began to hang thick in the air, and she glared at the shadows as they stretched in the waning light. Feeling her phone vibrate she fumbled it out of her pocket, and quickly read the message. Did Luke not know they were coming? What exactly did he mean by 'spooky troubles'? She typed out a message, cursing under her breath as she messed up a few times. Already on my way, Charlie messaged me. Did he not tell you? See you soon. Satisfied at her message she crammed her phone back into her pocket and picked up her pace, making sure to get her mask on just in case she didn't get the chance to get her armour on. After a few more minutes the pair reached their friend, Muirne sliding off the back of the bike, waving to the dragon boy before following it up with a breathy "Hey Luke." Before she straightened, settling into a serious expression and stance. "What's the trouble?"
  22. Muirne chuckled at Luke's confused expression. "Maybe I will, but to be honest it wouldn't really be helpful for talking to anyone but me." She grinned back up at him. "Although I can't say I'd mind having someone to talk to." Her smile softened as he took her hand. She hummed thoughtfully as he playfully questioned her, waiting a short moment before bobbing her head although her blush belied her delay. "We shall." She said softly. While Luke may not have been the finest dancer, Muirne had practiced many times, and danced at festivals and gatherings in her village and was able to guide him to some degree, although her style of dance was a tad... archaic. Still, regardless of feeling slightly out of place she beamed up at the dragon boy.
  23. GM At Luke's pace it didn't take long to run to Southside. The area was not significantly changed from what he knew, but for the reek of sulphur now in his nose. He'd been able to smell it very slightly from beyond the neighbourhood due to his sensitive nose, but now it hung thick in the air alongside a pervasive feeling of dread. At the edges of the neighbourhood the old gang tags still remained, but quickly they were replaced, painted over with a crude rat head. Waiting for the others he got the feeling that he was being watched. Charlie and Muirne didn't make quite as good a time as Luke did, lacking his speed on foot, but it still wasn't a long distance between the school and their destination. They too noticed the smell and the gang symbols on their way to meet up with the dragon. In the time that the trio took to meet up the sun had begun setting, and glowing eyes seemed to peer from the shadows.
  24. Shadowborne Muirne checked her phone, then sprung into action. She figured that Charlie meant that him and Luke needed superhero help, she piled her armour and gear into a bag before rushing out the door. They'd need to stop for her to change into the armour, but it wouldn't put them any later than if she put it on now since they'd be leaving later in that case. It didn't take long to reach the gate with Charlie. "Hey, what do you need?"
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