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  1. Past hour
  2. Bernie is vaguely aware of Osmosis Anthrax, a small time crust-punk band that frequents the less reputable punk dives of Freedom City. They're generally fine but not very successful, it's possible that they and Multiplicity have even played before, but while Multiplicity is growing bigger and getting more famous, Osmosis is sort of stagnating as a dive bar band chasing the big hit that'll put them on the spotlight. They were definitely looking for some kind of break. Notice Results 1d20+7: 14 [1d20=7] Bernie manages to avoid notice so far. And this is where Michael shows up and accidentally makes things a little more hectic. Let me know what your plan is as we're slowly moving towards a combat.
  3. (Count as Golden Star Post) As Bernie approached the location where Basil Hawthorne- alias The Maestro- was tearing down the building, she was carefully avoiding notice. His band seemed unconcerned with it either, but eventually their heads turned upwards even though the Maestro continued working on whatever he was doing that was slowly tearing down the Orchestra Hall. Above, a golden and red light flashed across the sky back and forth, over the campus and around a few times, like it was looking for something. When it did finally see the Maestro and his boy band, it started to descend towards it, as mute as everyone else on the campus. Even from this far away, Michael was clearly upset- the golden aura tinged with heated reds and pale whites- as he descended. It was somewhat strange to see him mad so fast, so he was probably mad for a reason. But whatever he was saying was as muted as the rest of the campus as he pointed at the Maestro and said something to him. Then sound actually happened, for a moment. Specifically from the man who had paused in tearing down the Orchestra Hall to address the young man speaking to him. That was the first time in several minutes Bernie had heard anything besides ringing in her ears. The Maestro had a surprisingly mellow voice for a famous supervillain; a relaxing, rich tone. Whatever Michael had said, the Maestro could still hear, even if no one else could. "A hero come to stop me? I assure you, sir, I am doing nothing wrong. I left some equipment here many many years ago, and I am intending to retrieve it. So I'd request you stay a bit away from me and my boys here, if you can." The lead singer of the band said something, but Bernie still couldn't hear them; the only person who could hear, and the only person who could be heard, was the man who was the reason for the silence in the first place. The Maestro paused. "They said you look like you need to go back to grade school." he noted to Michael before returning to his work, not even paying attention to Michael anymore. That was probably going to rile him up further, judging from the fact it seemed like he was currently yelling at Basil and pointing with his finger. Michael could be about to cause more problems then he was solving if he didn't calm down.
  4. Having closed in on them a bit last round, Eclipse will try an AoE attack against whomever she can get in her cone - if she can catch the ones fighting Thaurians all the better, but she'll take as many as she can thin out at this point. Same as before, full power attack, taking 10 for an 18 attack roll and DC27 Toughness save.
  5. Gaian Knight will get up with a move action, and...I'm a little tempted to try to grapple Mare but I suppose I don't want to tie GK's array up for that. We attack instead! Ranged Attack Roll vs. Mare (autofire blast): 1d20+15: 33 [1d20=18] DC30 Toughness for Mare. He'll be striking her from the side via Indirect, though in this kind of grand melee I don't imagine that'll catch her off-balance.
  6. Double-check those skills - I count 59 ranks, in which case you've shorted yourself 1 rank somewhere.
  7. Today
  8. you're good! And you put it back together! So go ahead and do some repairs and posting and we'll figure out where we're going next!
  9. (GM Post) "Ooooh, the Professor..." her face went a little darker, like it was somethign she was a little uncomfortable about. "...He was into some dangerous stuff, m'am. Not the kind of stuff a good climber or explorer should be doing." she sad gravely. "The Hidden City and the Sunbright Temple are meant to be hidden for a reason, and we never go looking for it...we'd prefer not to anger the Yetis." she said as she helped Snakebite with several wrapped packages. "...I'd stay away from that sort of stuff if I were you...I'm not comfortable talking about it." She mumbled. The rope seller laughed as he offered her several strongly tied ropes. "Don't worry about Granny. Always with the superstitions. We'd still be walking into doors backwards if we listened to what Granny said all the time. The Professor knows what he's doing; he had a room over at the Silver Yak up the road, you might wanna check there, see if he left anything behind. The Professor always paid good too, and he worked hard, so I'm hoping he's good. I think he went out with Baiyun and Fenzan on his last trip; those were the two who usually went with him...I think Baiyun may have come back a few days ago? I'm not sure though, if he's around, he'll be out at base camp if he's not on the mountain." He pointed down the road towards the very last station before the camping began. "Here, this is the best rope I've made all season, I'll give it to you for cheap, let's call it good luck, huh?" he offered her a heavy, sturdy rope with alternating blue and red strands. The grandmother sniffed. "Baiyun's a notorious liar...I wouldn't trust anything out of his mouth."
  10. Craft , Mechanical: 28 Sorry for the delay. ><
  11. "It is primarily made of water and milk, yes. Usually some sugar and some other flavor aides. You're not supposed to eat too much of it or you'll get fat...I wish it didn't taste good to us either." Dwyane said. With the crisis seemingly paused for the moment, Dwyane flicked his watch to try and return to human form and talk to the kid normally. He was clearly dangerous, but he wasn't dangerous because he meant to be dangerous; he was dangerous because he was a kid. "I won't tell your parents, but only if you're polite and don't cause a ruckus. I'll take you around and we can find some fun things to do, but you need to be a little calmer, okay? No more property damage or big bouts of destruction. There's plenty of fun places to go and see, so let's start with a few of those."
  12. Crap, sorry I've been distracted lately. I'll use the HP to double the dodge bonus and just avoid the hit if that's cool.
  13. @Nerdzul I think coup-de-grace is a valid option. Go ahead and post IC. @Avenger Assembled SD is up next. She still has the monstrosity grappled, its staggered and dazed but still struggling, if barely.
  14. Yesterday
  15. With a roar, the giant skeleton closed on Martinet with a few powerful strides of its gigantic limbs. When it struck, it was with no great accuracy; throwing down a fist larger than a man as it sought to scoop up the Annihilist. It was like watching part of a building collapse, if it was a building the size of a skeleton. The strike knocked the conqueror to their knees, sending a shower of debris flying like a shotgun blast of concrete.
  16. Jack got out of the car opposite Rocky and looked towards the Forrest. "I find peace in de quiet...but wicked thoughts are usually de loudest to drown out in best of times." Jack said, somewhat to himself. "Usually, valking or planting help take mind off tings. Never one to sit still for meditating." A thought occurred to Jack, "or maybe dis place haunted and keep yous from relaxing." He chuckled softly at his idea.
  17. Arctus/Jack Jack noticed the shift in her demeanor, mostly because he was looking at her when it happened. He was curious why a simple statement would hurt her...but Lynn didn't offer an explanation and Jack wasn't the type to pry. He nodded to her words. "Da, my grandparents were a bit over protective...especially after almost dying." He let out an easy going laugh. "But guess cannot really blame them for that. Never had to worry if day loved me or not..." the smile faltered for only a fraction of a second as he thought about his parents, but the smile returned as he looked to Lynn. He tapped his stomach. "Must warn you I 'ave developed appetite of bear while waiting for dis rain check..." He gave her a giant smile. He was mostly kidding. "Hope yous picked out yous favorite place...or is ve finding new place tonight?" Off in the distance Jack's eye caught a glimpse of the fancy teen in green that had greeted him in his language.
  18. Snakebite "Ill by both," replied Cassie. No joke, either. She had a wad of 100 dollar bills in her jacket. And some gold sovereigns in a strap in her backpack as back up. Even out in the great outdoors, off the beaten path, it was good to have currency. And the Crow family - at least usually - plenty. She went to the meat seller first, sniffing the produce to check it was reasonably fresh. For the most part, in her experience, rural meat sellers usually sold fresh produce. You didnt make a living giving people food poisoning. Fresh, but often a lot of off cuts and gristle. She brought out a picture of the missing professor. "Have you seen this man?" she asked, as she haggled for meat. It wouldnt harm to have a few cuts to cook over a campfire later...
  19. GM "Ice Cream? Whats that?" Mr Metal licked his ice creamed lips. "Is this Ice Cream? Its poo!" he muttered (althugh he tried some more, of course). "Its... like made of water. Rust!" He spat it out. "I'm just having fun. Sneaking out of my dimension into yours, so I have can have some fun. Its boring in my home. Everything metal. This place has so much more stuff. Like hydrogen. And nitrogen. So exciting!" He shook his head. "So I'm going to have some fun. And you aren't going to tell my parents, right? That would be so uncool..."
  20. Enough to make him pause... but not win him over!
  21. GM And so... ...Later.... ...In Wharton State Forest Rocky pulled up his moderately expensive car on the outside of the forest. The sun was getting low, but it was not dark. The daylight streamed through rich and tall trees, creating a dazzling speckling of orange beams. Rocky flexed his hands into fists as he got out the car, heading into the woods as if pulled on a lead. "Something in here... it calms me. But never sates me. The Forest is like... like when you relax and feel sleepy, but cant sleep. Like a rest which doesnt refresh you..." He turned back to Jack with a pained smile. "Maybe thats how it is, huh? No rest for wicked thoughts...." He looked like his eyes were hollowed, exhausted. But then he turned back and headed in deeper to the forest.
  22. "Of course we had, we're the freakin' Young Guardians." Nightscale remarked enthusiastically as he walked toward the group in the middle of the plaza, although the occasional growl every few steps, the cracked scales and the collection of bruises underneath suggested that it had indeed been far from a routine scuffle. "And you are?" The young dragon turned his solid gold eyes to the newcomer. "Anyone of you knew these guys?" He continued, his gaze shifted briefly toward Chaz, confident that in fact, his friend would much likely have a pretty encyclopedic knowledge about who those goons might have been. Admittedly though, while celebrating with the rest of the team was for sure important, Luke found his attention quickly moved to Muirne. "You know... I missed a good scrap together..." He grinned as he playfully rubbed his head against her, in a way not unlike how a giant cat would have done (well one that looked like a bus-sized lizard at least). "Dunno about you all, but we should move somewhere more... private... if we wanna have a talk... I for once would love changing into something more comfortable." Especially he could not exactly assume his human form in a crowded street in front of strangers and his super-hero costume still safely stored where he left it before going out for the game, back home...
  23. NEW STUDENTS Name: Alden Underwood/Eòghann Soillearsgian Codename: Harlequin Year: Sophomore Pronouns: He/Him Prospective Roommate: I'm open to any roommates. Goal: Eòghann will be returning to his parent’s kingdom after Claremont, where he hopes to lead his people to a better future in the light. Favorite Music: Alden has been voraciously exploring human music, and while it is too early to call himself a fan of any particular genre he can safely say that he enjoys most of what he has heard.
  24. RETURNING STUDENTS Name: Vueriz Codename: Blue Bolt Year: Junior Pronouns: She/Her Current Intramural Team: Green Squad Current Roommate: Consuelo/Rot- Given Huckleberry seems inactive I am open to a new roommate. Reflection: Vueriz wants to develop both personally and technologically do that she can protect people from the many dangers she has seen in her first year. Independent Thinker: Vueriz has found that many things she thought were quite ordinary in her home galaxy are different on Earth, and is having to rebuild some of her assumptions to better fit in her new circumstances.
  25. @Fox Math, my greatest enemy Okay, fixed total for Abilities. Fixed Grapple bonus. Removed skill ranks to reduce PP for skills by one (removed Gather Information 2 ranks and reduce Medicine 2 ranks). Fixed Skills formatting. Removed Improved Initiative feat to reduce PP by one. That should adjust for the proper total PP now. Removed Affects Insubstantial from Dazzle Removed Ranged from Blast (I probably had it there originally for mathing. :p)
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