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  1. In Brief: Huntress learns kung fu in K'un-L'un after getting Daredevil's powers from Captain America's super-soldier serum. Player: ShaenTheBrain Character: Kingsnake Power Level: 13 (10) Tradeoffs: None (+2 Attack / -2 Damage, +2 Defense / -2 Toughness) Power Points: 192/193 Unspent Power Points: 1 Bronze Status Reward: 4PP of Equipment for Kingsnake, 11PP of Equipment/Minions/Sidekick unspent Silver Status Reward: Increased PL7/105PP character to PL12/180PP (Kingsnake) Residence: A modest townhouse in the Southside neighborhood of Freedom City. Base of Operations: The hidden basement of his townhouse. Alternate Identity: Brian Markus Brubaker Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City, New Jersey, USA Occupation: Freelance Transcription Translator Affiliations: Shambala Temple (former student), Freedom City University (former student) Family: Franklin "Frank" Brubaker (Father, Estranged), Ann Miller-Brubaker (Mother, Deceased), Wade Brubaker (Younger Brother, Deceased), Geraldine "Dina" Nocenti (Ex-Girlfriend) Catchphrase: "..." (or the crack of his whip) Description Age: 30 (DoB: 1985) Apparent Age: 30 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian (Anglo/Celtic/Germanic mutt) Height: 6ft 2in Weight: 225 lbs. Eyes: None (Grey prosthetics) Hair: Blonde with Grey streaks The skin on the top half of his face is still heavily scarred from being lacerated and burned by jagged shards of superheated shrapnel. He wears a set of acrylic prosthetic eyes which mimic his original grey eye color. When out in public in his civilian identity, he wears the dark sunglasses and wields the white cane which universally mark him as a blind man. Aside from his blindness, he is in perfect health. He intentionally wears ill-fitting clothing in an attempt to hide his physique. Power Description Thanks to the DNAscent process, all of Brian's physical abilities are just outside the normal human range. His strength, speed, endurance, and agility are all slightly higher than what any normal person could achieve. All of Brian's non-visual senses absorb information with far greater detail and sensitivity than a normal human. He can hear a person's heartbeat from across the room, hear a tear sliding down their cheek, and feel the vibration through the floor when they take a step. He can rest a pretzel on his tongue and count exactly how many grains of salt are embedded into it. He can hold a pistol in his hand and know exactly how many bullets are in it by how heavy it feels. He can run his fingers along a page of text and "read" it by feeling the difference between the ink and the paper, or "view" a picture by feeling the differences between the colors of ink or paint. He can carress an object gently enough to feel any fingerprints left on it without disturbing them, and he can perceive enough detail to compare them to other prints. His nose acts as a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer, able to distinguish the chemical makeup of a substance by the smell of its molecular components. In essence, his hyperkeen senses turn him into a walking crime laboratory. His enhanced senses of hearing and touch also give him superhuman balance and physical coordination. Brian no longer has eyes, but his brain processes and interprets most of his enhanced sensory input visually. He can hear sound and feel vibration just as a normal human would, but he can also momentarily "see" it, with the waves of different frequencies and different decibel levels of sonic energy appearing to him as differently-colored and sized lines, coating and illuminating the space and/or objects around them. Scents appear in his mind's eye as translucent clouds of mist or smoke, in various colors and sizes, leaving trails he can follow. His sense of smell is acute enough to judge the distance between himself and its source, as a normal human would with sound. As he moves closer to the source of the scent, it becomes measurably "louder" to him. The DNAscent process not only enhanced Brian's original senses, but provided new ones as well. His brain has been altered to include a disk similar to a whale or dolphin's melon, which emits waves of ultrasound in all directions, receives the reflected waves after they bounce off of surrounding objects, and interprets the results. This allows him to "see" in all directions at once, though he focuses on one roughly 180-degree field of "view" at a time, with the rest appearing as translucent overlays. This allows him to "see" just as a normal human would see in the visual light spectrum, only in black, white, and various shades of grey, with the "color" dependent upon the physical surfaces and contours of the objects around him, and their relative distance from him and from each other. For example, he would perceive the bricks and grout of a wall as different shades of grey, with no correlation to their actual color in the visual light spectrum, and he would not perceive chalk drawings or spraypaint at all, unless the paint was thick enough to form a layer visible to the naked eye. The echolocation is far more advanced than that of any existing animals or technological devices, granting him acuity roughly on par with human vision in the visible light spectrum. He can turn his echolocation "off," in a manner similar to how a human closes their eyes. While it is active, anyone capable of perceiving ultra-sound can detect the waves emanating from his brain and the echoes returning to it. History Brian Brubaker never saw things clearly until the day he lost his eyes. "You can have anything you want, but you have to want it enough. With hard work, anything is possible. People get what they deserve." Frank Brubaker made sure his sons lived by those words. He was a self-described "city college kid" who "pulled myself up from nothing." Ann Miller was a minimum-wage kid who hitched a ride out of the trailer park as soon as she could pass for 18. They were young and hungry, willing to do whatever it took to get ahead. By the time their first child was born, Brubaker Imports was one of Freedom City's most prominent shipping empires, moving just about anything that needed moving to just about anywhere in the world. Their kids grew up in a penthouse and went to private schools. But Frank always stressed the importance of hard work. His kids weren't going to have a free ride. They were going to work for everything they had, just like he had. Brian idolized his father, and spent every waking moment striving to earn his pride. He got near perfect grades, tried out for every sport, auditioned for every play, took after-school jobs and summer internships. Brian was 20, home from his sophomore year of university, the day he saw his family for the last time. His mother and little brother were already waiting in the limo. Brian was running down the driveway when the driver turned the key. They were going to pick up Brian's father on the way. They didn't make it. The ignition switch set off the car bomb. Ann and David were blown to pieces. Shrapnel shredded Brian's eyes and left deep cuts in his face. Brian woke up in the hospital to his father's voice, telling him that he was going to fix everything. He'd only been there a couple of days when his father told him he was being moved to a "private clinic." Brian didn't know why the new nurse sedated him. He was kept in an induced coma for months, but he could still hear the people around him. As the "treatments" progressed, he could hear them louder, more clearly, from further away. He heard things he was never meant to hear. Frank Brubaker's life was a lie. If he had told his sons the truth, then their words to live by would have been "In devastation, there is opportunity. When there is blood in the streets, buy property." The car bomb was meant for Frank, a "gift" from one of his "business rivals." The Brubaker fortune didn't come from moving freight. It came from human trafficking, on an industrial scale. Frank and Ann's operation was built during the tail end of the Franklin Moore era and the aftermath of the Terminus Invasion. With a period of low superhero presence in town, and the sudden death and destruction of so many Freedom City citizens and their properties (legitimate businesses and mob fronts alike), they were able to quietly build up and then quickly fill a niche. These days, Brubaker Imports is a subsidiary of Delphic Industries, which is in turn owned and operated by Constantine Urallos, part of the inner circle of Taurus. Most of the trafficked victims are sold to sweatshops or into domestic slavery. Some are given to The Labyrinth to become test subjects for the DNAscent process. When Brian lost his eyes, Frank called in a favor. He didn't want Brian to become a brainwashed super-thug. He just wanted to give his only surviving son his eyes back. He didn't bother to get Brian's consent before submitting him to the DNAscent process. As far as the Labyrinth scientists were aware, the treatment failed. Brian's body was enhanced just past the peak physical condition for a non-powered human, but his eyes failed to regenerate. Brian had heard enough to know he should keep the unintended side-effects to himself. He didn't tell anyone about how all his other senses had been enhanced, or how he now possessed a natural sonar that would be the envy of every navy on Earth. The DNAscent process didn't restore what he'd lost, but it enhanced everything he had left. He knew that he would need to keep his cards close to his chest if he were ever going to be able to use his new gifts to dismantle the horrific empire his father had built on a foundation of blood and human misery. He was quiet and distant after his "recovery." His father didn't press the issue. Frank was consumed with guilt, a foreign sensation to him. When Brian decided to "study abroad," Frank didn't try to stop him. The school in Spain returned Brian's tuition cheque. He had never shown up. Brian eluded the bodyguards Frank had secretly sent after him before they made it out of the airport. His trust fund sat untouched. Brian Brubaker vanished off the face of the Earth. He wandered through Europe and Asia for a time, before he found himself chasing the legend of Shambala Vale, scaling the mountain peaks, and finding refuge among the ancient order of monks. They taught him how to focus his new senses. They instructed him in the original martial art from which all others descended. They helped to temper his rage. Seven years after he left, Brian Brubaker quietly returned to Freedom City. His father employed coyotes and snakeheads, who preyed upon the innocent and the desperate, as vipers prey upon the smaller, weaker animals in their path. But there is a snake who hunts the vipers...the Kingsnake. Personality Brian grew up as a happy son who idolized his father. Now that idol has fallen farther than he ever thought possible. The revelation of his father's true nature forced Brian to re-examine everything he ever thought he knew about himself and the world around him. Good things didn't always come to those who worked hard for them like he was always taught. In fact, more often than not, the worst things happened to the best people, while the worst people took advantage of them and laughed all the way to the bank. Even if you never give up, you can still lose. Those revelations, and the trauma of his injuries, lost family members, and subsequent transformation, left him bitter, cynical, and full of rage. Gaining the ability to know when most people are lying showed him just how often people lie, which eroded his faith in human nature even further. His time with the Shambala monks helped to soften that edge, but he still believes that justice only happens in the world when you force it to. The monks showed him that the world can be a better place than it is, without vipers like his father poisoning it. But they will, unless a kingsnake comes along to eat them first. So much of the world he thought he knew is a dirty lie, that he's not even sure it's worth saving. But he'll die before he stops trying. These days, Brian enjoys solitude, partially as a result of his disillusionment and partially as a practical matter of his enhanced senses amplifying every outside stimulus. Just as everyone a speedster meets is the annoyingly slow customer in front of them in the ATM or checkout line, every person Brian meets is the neighbor who blasts his TV or stereo at all hours of the night or the guy sitting next to him on the bus who hasn't showered in a week. He rarely engages in conversation at all, and even when he does engage, he remains laconic, withholding, almost sullen. He does have a sense of humor, but it leans toward the dry, the morbid, and the self-depricating. He is reluctant to volunteer information, and his reaction to those he meets defaults to suspicion (though his powers make clearing that suspicion and earning some measure of trust a faster process than it would be otherwise). Everyone is guilty (of something) until proven innocent. Powers & Tactics Brian is an expert martial artist, and a world-class detective, athlete, and inflitrator. The DNAscent process left him at peak physical condition, just barely superhuman. His enhanced senses make it almost impossible to lie to him or to catch him off-guard. He prefers to strike from stealth, ending a fight in one decisive blow before it begins. When facing a foe directly, his fighting style is primarily defensive, focused on avoiding or parrying incoming attacks until the enemy leaves an opening for one finishing blow or series of rapid strikes, or until he can lure the enemy into overextending themselves and creating that opening. He will remain in constant but relaxed motion, saving his strength, circling back and forth around his target while moving closer and/or farther from them. When he finally does lash out, he does so almost faster than the eye can follow. Above all, his fighting style is rooted remaining unpredictable. He often moves or strikes in unexpected directions, such as 45-degree angles relative to his opponent. His favored weapon, a whip, allows him to strike foes at a distance from a variety of angles and directions, either by swinging the lash in an arc toward them, or by launching the end directly at them. He can confuse and intimidate opponents by spinning and cracking the whip back and forth. Shifting his grip allows him to vary the length, making his strikes unpredictable. It can wrap around an opponent's limb or weapon, allowing him to pull the weapon free from their grasp or pull them down to the ground for a follow-up strike with his other fist, elbow, knees or feet. Complications Addiction (Caffeine, Painkillers): Brian's enhanced senses cause him headaches and make it difficult for him to get restful sleep. The meditation techniques he learned in Shambala Vale mitigate this problem, but they do not eliminate it entirely. The GM can force Brian to save against effects like Nauseate, or automatically inflict conditions like Sickened, to represent the pain caused either by his powers or by withdrawal. The GM can also inflict conditions like Fatigued upon Brian to represent lost sleep. Disability (Blindness): Brian's enhanced touch can feel the difference between ink and paper, and even between different pigments, which allows him to perceive color by touch. His echolocation, on the other hand, can perceive distance, size, and shape, but not color. It can perceive texture, but not with the same level of detail as normal human vision. This means he can only read text or view pictures if they are within arms reach. The screens of television sets, computer monitors, tablets, and smartphones may as well be blank to him, even to his touch, unless they are versions of those devices specifically made for blind users. He cannot perceive the level of light in the local area directly. At best, he can guess if he is in close enough proximity to a light source to feel the heat from it, if it emits significant heat at all. (He can feel the heat from incandescent bulbs, but LED bulbs are difficult to impossible.) Anything in his surroundings which depends on light, text, or color is invisible to him once it is physically out of reach. His enhanced smell can identify people by their individual scent, and his echolocation and tremorsense together provide enough detail to differentiate between people based on size, shape, and mass, but not enough to let him tell their faces apart from one another. He is physically capable of operating a vehicle or heavy machinery, but he cannot obtain a license to do so while maintaining his secret identity. Enemies (Frank Brubaker, The Labyrinth, Katanarchists): Neither Brian nor his father understand the full scope of The Labyrinth. Brian's father is a very small piece in a vast game. On the last leg of his trek home, Brian also ran afoul of a splinter sect of Katanarchists who have been corrupted by the Schattenwelt, and they now count him among their targets. Lost Love: Brian had a girlfriend in college, Geraldine "Dina" Nocenti. When he vanished from her life without warning, she came looking for him. When she asked too many questions, Frank Brubaker panicked and overreacted. He had her kidnapped and subjected to the DNAscent process, turning her into his brainwashed bodyguard and enforcer. The woman Brian loved now stands at his hated father's side. Noticeable (Echolocation): Anyone with Ultra-Hearing, or any other applicable Super-Senses, can hear the waves of ultrasound being broadcast and received by Brian's brain when he uses his echolocation. This includes animals such as dogs, bats, dolphins, and whales. Obligation (Shambala Temple): The monks of the Shambala Vale took Brian in and trained him. One or more of their number may call upon him for aid in the future. Secret (Identity): Brian may be superhuman, but he's not invincible. One sniper's bullet could end him. And if Brian's father finds out who's targeting him, then he'll make Brian wish for a bullet to the head. Vulnerability (Sensory Overload): A GM can inflict a penalty, or a degree of automatic failure, upon Brian's ability to save against any power effect which overwhelms non-Visual type senses, such as an Auditory Dazzle effect from a loud noise, or a Nauseate effect from noxious gas. Brian may also suffer Damage (or some other attack effect), either automatically or with a failed Concentrate check, just by being in close proximity to the source, target, or area of any power with a relevant sensory descriptor, such as "Sonic." A GM may also require Brian to make a Concentrate check in order to take actions or avoid penalties while in the vicinity of a strong senory stimulus. Abilities 16 + 16 + 16 + 6 + 6 + 2 = 62PP Strength: 26 (+8) (Heavy Load: 920 lbs.) Dexterity: 26 (+8) Constitution: 26 (+8) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +8 (+8 Dex) Attack: +4 Ranged (+4 Base), +12 Melee (+4 Base, +8 Attack Focus [Melee]) Grapple: +20 (+8 Str, +12 Melee Attack) Defense: +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback Resistance: 4 Saving Throws 0 + 4 + 7 = 11PP Toughness: +8 (+8 Con) Fortitude: +8 (+8 Con, +0PP) Reflex: +12Evasion (+8 Dex, +4PP) Will: +10Ultimate Save (+3 Wis, +7PP) Skills 144R = 36PP Acrobat 7 (+15)Skill Mastery Climb 7 (+15)Skill Mastery Concentrate 7 (+10) Disable Device 7 (+10)Ultimate Skill Escape 2 (+10)Ultimate Skill Gather Info 14 (+15) Intimidate 14 (+15)Skill Mastery Investigate 12 (+15)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Streetwise) 7 (+10) Languages 7 (Braille, Cantonese, English [Native], Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish) Notice 17 (+20)Skill Mastery Search 17 (+20)Skill Mastery Sense Motive 17 (+20)Skill Mastery Stealth 7 (+15)Skill Mastery Swim 2 (+10)Swimming Feats 37PP Acrobatic Bluff Attack Focus (Melee) 8 Dodge Focus 8 Equipment 4 (20EP)Veteran Reward Evasion Fast Task 2 (Acrobatic Feint, Demoralize) Grapple Finesse Hide In Plain Sight Improved Disarm Improved Trip Luck 2 Quick Change (Costume) Quick Draw Skill Mastery 2 (Acrobat, Climb, Intimidate, Investigate, Notice, Search, Sense Motive, Stealth) Stunning Attack Takedown Attack Trance Ultimate Save (Will) Ultimate Skill 2 (Disable Device, Escape Artist) Well-Informed Equipment 1 + 5 + 14 = 20EP Smoke Pellets [3EP]: Obscure 2 (10ft radius, Visual-Type Senses, Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Limited [Single Sense: Normal Vision], Unreliable [5 Uses], Feats: Slow Fade [1 minute], Drawbacks: Reduced Range 2 [2 20ft Range Increments = 40ft Max Range]) [1EP] Whip [5EP]: Damage 0 (Feats: Extended Reach 2 [+10ft], Features 2 [+2 Disarm, +2 Trip], Mighty) [5EP] Townhouse with Secret Basement (PL13 HQ) [14EP] Size: Tiny [-1EP] Toughness: +10 [1EP] (Earthquake-Proofing, Bulletproof Windows) Features: Communications, Computer, Concealed (+15DC), Fire Prevention System, Gym, Laboratory 2 (Masterwork), Library 2 (Masterwork), Living Space, Power System, Security System 2 (DC25) [14EP] Powers 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 1 = 30PP Immunity 6 (Fear, Interaction Skills, Flaws: Limited [1/2 Effect]) [3PP] (Intentional Mutation, Super-Science, Super-Senses) Leaping 1 (x2 [Running Long Jump: 36ft]) [1PP] (Intentional Mutation, Martial Arts, Parkour, Super-Science, Training) Speed 1 (10MPH / 100ft per Move Action) [1PP] (Intentional Mutation, Martial Arts, Parkour, Super-Science, Training) Super-Movement 1 (Swinging) [2PP] (Intentional Mutation, Martial Arts, Parkour, Super-Science, Training) Super-Senses 6 (Danger Sense 3 [Sense Types: Auditory, Olfactory, Tactile], Uncanny Dodge 3 [Sense Types: Auditory, Olfactory, Tactile]) [6PP] (Intentional Mutation, Super-Science, Super-Senses) Super-Senses 4 (Normal Hearing [Sense Type: Auditory, Default Extras: Acute, Radius, Ranged], Extras: Accurate, Extended [100ft Notice Increments]) [3PP] (Intentional Mutation, Super-Science, Super-Senses) Super-Senses 5 (Echolocation / Ultra-Hearing [Sense Type: Auditory, Default Extras: Acute, Radius, Ranged], Extras: Accurate, Extended [100ft Notice Increments]) [4PP] (Intentional Mutation, Super-Science, Super-Senses) Super-Senses 5 (Normal Smell/Taste [Sense Type: Olfactory, Default Extras: Radius, Ranged], Extras: Acute, Analytical, Extended [100ft Notice Increments], Tracking 2 [Normal Speed]) [5PP] (Intentional Mutation, Super-Science, Super-Senses) Super-Senses 1 (Normal Touch [Sense Type: Tactile, Default Extras: Accurate, Acute, Radius], Extras: Analytical) [1PP] (Intentional Mutation, Super-Science, Super-Senses) Super-Senses 3 (Tremorsense [Sense Type: Tactile, Default Extras: Accurate, Acute, Radius], Extras: Extended [100ft Notice Increments], Ranged) [3PP] (Intentional Mutation, Super-Science, Super-Senses) Swimming 1 (2.5MPH / 25ft per Move Action, Can Take 10 on Swimming checks) [1PP] (Intentional Mutation, Super-Science, Training) Drawbacks -0PP [None] Totals: Abilities (62) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (36) + Feats (32) + Powers (30) - Drawbacks (0) = 192/193 Power Points Combat Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Whip Touch +10ft DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical)
  2. Ardent Power Level: PL 10 / 14 185/229 PP Trade-Offs: None Unspent PP: 44 In Brief: Girl from Hell doing Good, and also her homework Real Name: Phaedra Morningstar Identity: Secret Birthplace: Throne the Red City Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy Age: 16 Gender: Female Height: 5'9" Weight: 145 lbs. Eyes: Grey Hair: Red A tall and slender young woman, the grey-eyed Phaedra's near flawless appearance is owed more to her heritage than concerted effort. Phae's red hair is usually kept short, the longest it ever gets is just barely touching her shoulders. She doesn't confine herself to one particular fashion or style, wearing what she feels like, but she prefers rich colors accented with jewel tones. Generally though she's a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl, maybe a jacket or sweater since she likes layers, but she avoids skirts unless it's part of her cheerleader uniform--skirts are bad for fliers. When drawing on the more demonic parts of her heritage the color of Phaedra's eyes shift, the iris becoming a burning crimson and the whites of her eyes bleeding away to inky black. In addition her red hair starts to glow slightly taking on the appearance of fire, her nails start to resemble claws and her canine teeth (upper and lower) become just a little longer and sharper. History The young woman known on Earth as Phaedra Morningstar began her life in the hell dimension known as Throne. The massive city, from which the dimension gains it's name, was founded by Fallen and though other denizens would arrive in time it was they who ruled. Among the first to arrive in Throne were the exiled, self or otherwise, who were useful to the Fallen and though few in number filled a role of mediator between them and those that were still Loyal. Phae's mother, Laphrael, was one such exile. Her father was a demon, a quite ambitious one who was unsatisfied with the position his kind held in Throne, who sought won the service and support of an exile--Phaedra's mother. A compassionate being by nature, Laphrael worked with Phaedra's father to improve the lot of the infernals that lived in Throne, using her position as a mediator to win concessions from the Fallen. That changed she gave birth to a daughter. For a time Phaedra's existence was kept hidden from Throne, and she was raised independently by her mother. However nothing stays secret in the Red City for long, and the young half-breed was soon thrust into the middle of the delicate political situation. Taking harder and harder measures to protect her child, Laphrael called in a favor to an old friend to see her child away safely. Personality & Motivation There are very few things that scare Phaedra, but the idea that someone may discover her heritage--and judge her accordingly--sits high on that list. When the subject comes up the young angel/demon hybrid practically shuts down, becoming evasive and stand-offish, growing angry if pressed. It's not because of shame, both of Phaedra's parents still have her love and loyalty, but more that nobody would understand. Phaedra makes an effort to be friendly and approachable, but even on her best days she's slow to trust. Trust was a precious commodity when she was growing up, and the young half-breed can be a bit stingy with it even in a relatively safe place like Freedom City. Though she was raised with a strong moral center, she's seen the cost of maintaining it in the face of absolute darkness; even beings with the most noble of intentions can't walk away from Hell unchanged. Ultimately Ardent wants to do good, to right wrongs and to triumph over evil. The how is a matter of some debate. All too aware that evil acts were done on her behalf, Ardent want to balance the scales. And hopefully, some day, restore her mother to the person she once was. Powers & Tactics Phaedra would prefer to not fight at all, using diplomacy, guile or outright intimidation to end a conflict before it gets too far out of hand. Mainly this is because Ardent is reluctant to call upon the more obvious aspects of her infernal heritage, limiting her tactics to teleportation and melee combat. Some circumstances might render such reservations dangerous, in which case she would her to call up the full aspect of her infernal heritage; revealing her wings to fly and slinging about hellfire being some common examples. Complications None. Lots. I'll fill this out later. Abilities: 12 + 4 + 14 + 6 + 4 + 14 = 54 Strength: 22 (+6) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 24 (+7) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 24 (+7) Combat: 12 + 8 = 20 Initiative: +2 Attack: +6 (+10 Infernal Magic, +10 Soul Glaive) Grapple: +12 Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus, +2 Flat-Footed) Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 0 + 3 + 6 = 9 Toughness: +10 (+7 Constitution, +3 Protection) Fortitude: +7 (+7 Constitution, +0) Reflex: +5 (+2 Dexterity, +3) Will: +8 (+2 Wisdom, +6) Skills: 56 Ranks = 14 PP Bluff 13 (+20, Skill Mastery) Concentration 3 (+5) Diplomacy 3 (+10, Skill Mastery) Gather Information 8 (+15, Skill Mastery) Intimidate 13 (+20, Skill Mastery) Knowledge: Arcane Lore 2 (+5) Knowledge: Theology & Philosophy 7 (+10) Language 1 (Ascended Speech [Native], English) Notice 3 (+5) Sense Motive 3 (+5) Feats: 17 PP All-Out Attack Distract (Bluff) Dodge Focus 6 Fearless Power Attack Quick Change Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate) Takedown Attack 2 Taunt Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Well-Informed Equipment: None Powers: 28 + 17 + 5 + 6 + 3 + 6 + 6 = 71 Array 12 (Infernal Magic, 24PP, Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Powers 2) [28 PP] BP: Damage 10 (Hellfire Bolt, Extras: Range [Ranged], Feats: Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Improved Range, Incurable) [24 PP] AP: Damage 10 (Hellfire Blast, Extras: Area [General, Cone], Feats: Incurable) [21 PP] AP: Teleport 6 (600 ft./move, 20 miles/full, Extras: Portal) [24 PP] Array 7 (Soul Glaive, 14PP, Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Powers 1) [17 PP] BP: Damage 4 (Extras: Penetrating, Vampiric, Feats: Incurable, Mighty) [14 PP] AP: Nullify 10 (All Magic, Flaws: Range [Touch]) [10 PP] Flight 3 (50 MPH, 500 ft./round, Drawbacks: Restrainable) [5 PP] Immunity 6 (Aging, Environmental Conditions [All]) [6 PP] Protection 3 [3 PP] Super-Senses 6 (Darkvision, Divine Awareness [Visual], Infernal Awareness [Visual]) [6 PP] Teleport 2 (200 ft. Extras: Castling, Feats: Change Direction, Turnabout) [6 PP] Drawbacks: -0 DC Block Attack Range Save Effect Unarmed Touch DC 21 Toughness (Staged) Damage Hellfire Bolt Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage Hellfire Blast Touch/Area (Cone) DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage Nullify Magic Touch DC 20 Will Nullify Soul Glaive Touch DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage Totals: Abilities (54) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (9) + Skills (14) + Feats (17) + Powers (71) - Drawbacks (0) = 185/230 PP
  3. Player Name: Almilee Character Name: Shell Power Level: 10 (150/152PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 2 In Brief: Deserter from the Stellar Khanate Residence: Varies Base of Operations: Varies Catchphrase: Alternate Identity: Khulan Chakha Identity: Public Birthplace: Zultas Occupation: Mercenary Affiliations: The Stellar Khanate Family: None Description: Age: 26 Apparent Age: Mid-20s Gender: Female Ethnicity: Zultasian Height: 5'7” Weight: 136lbs Eyes: Black Hair: Lavender Khulan is an average-sized, muscular woman. She could almost pass for human, but for her purple skin, black eyes, and long, lavender-colored hair. She usually wears her hair up in a ponytail, and when she chooses to not wear her link-suit (whenever not on duty), she wears simple, comfortable clothes with a large hood to hide her head in. Her link-suit is a skintight black bodysuit, with holes along her spine to allow her implants through. The mech itself is built for size and efficiency. Standing at just over seven and a half feet tall, the grey machine looks humanoid, with two arms (one of which is capped by a plasma cannon rather than a hand), and two legs with rear-bending knees, allowing for greater agility than certain other mechs might have. Instead of eyes, it has a single sensor that acts as the center for the suite of optics the machine transmits to its pilot. Power Descriptions Khulan's powers are built around her mech-suit. She controls it via a neural link, through her spine implants, while she herself is curled up inside a protective bubble, compacted to save space. The suit is equipped with everything necessary to keep her alive, as well as a suite of plasma weaponry, the cannon retracting and forming a plasma blade when it becomes necessary. History: Khulan grew up in the Stellar Khanate during a special time in its history - under the rule of Star-Khan's expansionist regime. Growing up amid the propaganda and emotions of the era imprinted a pride in the Khanate that could only be imprinted on someone who lives far from the true consequences of expansion. Even more influential, was the fact that her family believed in the Khanate as much as she did, and gave her a name similar to that of their rulers. After spending so much time watching Star-Khan's occasional victory parades, and seeing the dumbed-down broadcasts of Khanate victory over whatever planet was currently being conquered, Khulan surprised none of her family when she put in her application to join the military as soon as she was physically able to - like many of her friends. After a series of tests for skill and compatibility, Khulan was assigned into what she considered to be a prestigious branch of the military: piloting a Hunter battlesuit in the vanguard. Hunters were designed for orbital drop in packs, to lead the way and eliminate primary targets such as artillery batteries and enemy commanders. As they had been in service since long before the rule of Star-Khan, and even long before the rule of his mother, assignment to a Hunter was considered a hallowed tradition, and one that Khulan was glad to participate in. After her spine-jacks were put in for the neural interface, and she went through several months of training to adapt her to the strange feeling of piloting a Hunter, Khulan was put into service. War was nothing like what she'd imagined, or been shown. Later, she considered that, if she'd been put into a branch that didn't jump in ahead of time and act as roaming assassins, she might have been able to maintain some idealism. However, she was not. Even just within her first operation, deep within enemy territory, wreaking the devastation that came with hunting a commander, she began to doubt her choice. Watching as that particular war played out in front of her, made it worse. By the end, she was disillusioned, and already considering desertion. However, in the state it was in, she knew that a deserter would be swiftly found and brought down, and her family punished for her actions. So she stayed, and waited for a time where she might actually make it. The opportunity came after years of service, after the Incursion. As part of the forces that had evaded the Communion and moved to help the Coalition, Khulan was far from Khanate territories afterwards. As worlds split, and the Khanate was forced to look inwards and rebuild, she took her chance, and her mech, and fled. Repainting the Hunter into a drab gray and passing from planet to planet, she eluded what few former comrades came after her, and scraped together a living as a short-term-contract mercenary, picking and choosing contracts based on how much she believed in their cause. Personality & Motivation: Khulan is largely looking to redeem herself. As a Hunter, she was the vanguard that broke a hole in a target's defences, and paved the way for the conquering forces of the Khanate. Because of that, she feels partly responsible for the atrocities that followed, on top of those she and her pack caused already. She often comes across as irreverent, the facade behind which she hides her real feelings on any given subject. Powers & Tactics: Khulan's training as a Hunter has never really left her. Despite the fact that the Hunter can handle multiple opponents without too much issue, at close or long ranges, she prefers to split enemies apart, picking them off one by one, and removing leaders before anything else - cutting the heads off of the snakes. Her first act in any situation is to identify Primary Targets, which she removes before anything else. If surrounded, however, she adapts quickly, activating her plasma blade and cutting through anything between her and her current target. Complications: Infamy: Not only is Khulan a clear Zultasian, like many of her kind she has served in the Stellar Khanate's invading army – a fact clearly indicated by the symbols on her weapon and armor. Deserter: As a deserter from the Khanate's army, Khulan is not welcome on any of their worlds, and is wanted dead by what remains of the government. One-Handed: While Khulan herself has two working hands, her battlesuit does not. One arm is entirely taken up by its plasma weapon array, leaving it with only one hand to operate other things. In addition, this hand is only three-fingered and fairly clumsy – unsuited for fine manipulation. Abilities: 10 + 10 + 8 + 10 + 0 + 0 = 38PP Strength: 20 (+5) (35 (+12) [Battlesuit]) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 18 (+4) (21 (+5) [Battlesuit]) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 16 + 12 = 28PP Initiative: +8 Attack: +8 Melee, +8 Ranged (+10 Weapons Array) Grapple: +13/+20 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -2/-10 Saving Throws: 0 + 1 + 4 = 5PP Toughness: +4/10 (+4Con, +6 [Battlesuit]) Fortitude: +4/8 (+4 Con, +0, +4 [Battlesuit]) Reflex: +6 (+5 Dex, +1) Will: +4 (+0 Wis, +4) Skills: 32R = 8PP Craft (Electronic) 4 (+9) Craft (Mechanical) 4 (+9) Computers 4 (+9) Disable Device 4 (+9) Knowledge (Galactic Lore) 4 (+9) Knowledge (Technology) 4 (+9) Language 1 (GalStandard; Native: Khanate) Medicine 5 (+5) Pilot 2 (+7) Feats: 7PP Ambidextrity Benefit (Native: Stellar Khanate) Dodge Focus 4 Takedown Attack Powers: 68 = 68PP Device Rank 17 (Khanate Military Battlesuit; 85PP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [68PP] Array 10.5 (Weapons Array; 21PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [24PP] Base: Blast 10 (Plasma Cannon; Feats: Accurate) {21/21} AP: Blast 6 (Plasma Barrage; Extras: Area (Explosion); Feats: Progression 3 (Range; 6000ft)) {21/1} AP: Blast 6 (Plasma Burst; Extras: Area (Cone); Feats: Incurable) {19/1} AP: Strike 10 (Plasma Blade; Extras: Penetrating 8; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Accurate) {21/1} Communication 9 (Combat Radio; Feats: Subtle) [10PP] Enhanced Strength 9 (Servos) [9PP] Enhanced Fortitude 3 (Life Support Systems) [3PP] Growth 3 (Mech-Suit; Feats: Innate; Extras: Duration (Continuous); Flaws: Permanent) [10PP] Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9PP] Immovable 5 (Inertia Dampers; Extras: Unstoppable) [10PP] Protection 5 (Armor) [5PP] Super-Senses 5 (Darkvision, Tracking Infravision, Extended Vision) [5PP] Drawbacks: (-4) = -4PP Normal Identity (Full Round to Enter Battlesuit; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Major) [-4PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 20/25 Toughness Damage 5/10(Physical) Plasma Barrage Ranged DC 21 Toughness Damage 6(Energy) Explosion Plasma Blade Touch DC 25 Toughness Damage 10(Energy) Plasma Burst Ranged DC 21 Toughness Damage 6(Energy) Cone Plasma Cannon Ranged DC 25 Toughness Damage 10(Energy) Totals: Abilities (38) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (5) + Skills (8) + Feats (7) + Powers (68) - Drawbacks (-4) = 150/152 PP
  4. Waverider Power Level: 8 (119/123 PP) Trade-Offs: +2 Damage, -2 Attack(Blast & Drain); +2 Attack, -2 Damage (Nauseate); +2 Toughness, -2 Defense Unspent PP: 4 In Brief: Normal teenage girl with dreams of deaf advocacy back slapped by irony, becomes deaf and mute vibration controller. Residence: Claremont Academy dorms Base of Operations:Freedom City in general with a focus on Bayview Catchphrase: “…” Alternate Identites: Naomi Suleiman Identity: Secret Birthplace: Los Angeles, California Occupation: Student Affliations: Spectacle (Los Angeles street level hero), Claremont Academy in general Family: Armaan Suleiman (a lawyer), Jana Suleiman (a doctor), Saloni Suleiman (currently Pre-Med and engaged), Navin Suleiman (elementary school student) Age: 16 Apparent Age: 16 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Indian-American Height: 5’ 5” Weight: 110 Eyes: Dark Brown Hair: Black Description: Naomi is of Indian descent, which means chocolate skin and straight jet black hair. She keeps her hair cut just above her shoulders and her makeup is on the minimal side. Her clothes are quite preppy and put together. Usually a ruffled shirt and cute skirt with some ballet flats and tasteful jewelry. As being a superhero wasn’t in her future plans until relatively recently, she wears a variation on the standard Claremont uniform. The tights have been replaced by relatively loose fitting slacks of the same material. The top is a bit looser of a fit, as well. History: Naomi was born in Los Angeles. No one knew it, but she’d been absorbing vibrations since she was a small bundle of cells in her mother’s womb. Which made the pregnancy slightly more…interesting…than most, but caused no real complications. Growing up, she was the source of the occasional mysterious loud bang, which gradually made her persona non grata among her peers. There were some earthquake scares as well (which really didn’t help), but those weren’t traced to her until later. However, there was one group that didn’t reject her for the occasional weirdness that surrounded her. They were the deaf and hearing impaired kids at her school. So she made friends, and learned sign language explicitly so she could talk to them. She was a normal kid, doing normal kid things. Then it happened. Summer break, 2014. Naomi was waiting for a friend downtown, having planned a beach day. They had agreed to meet at a parking garage, but her friend was late. So she’d stepped into the shade of the parking garage to wait. She felt the vibrations (not that she knew what they were at the time) churn inside her. This had happened many times before. See the mysterious loud noises and odd earthquake scares. The problem was that these were much stronger than before. They…hurt. She leaned against the wall of the parking garage. Her skin touched it, and instantly the mysterious force inside of her ripped its way out, with all the pain that verb implies. It was a sound and quake burst, at the same time, and with more force that she could conceive of. Her eardrums burst immediately. The cilla in her inner ear were smashed down. The bones in her inner ear shattered. The pain was immense. No one wouldn’t have screamed. Unfortunately, that was the last thing she should’ve done. The vibrations had found an easier way out, and tore her larynx to shreds on the way. No parking garage, even in Los Angeles, is built to take that kind of strain. Hell, the surrounding buildings were in trouble. Naomi might have even triggered a real earthquake and endangered the entire city. Except there just happened to be a hero in the area. Spectacle. Claremont class of 2008. The name…didn’t fit his powers. He was stronger, faster, and more durable than any unarmored human could possibly be, but it was his power of infinite capacity (but not infinite rate) energy absorption that saved the day. He chucked his groceries aside, and dove in to save a girl who was having a very bad day. He saved the city. He saved the neighborhood. He saved the girl. He even saved the parking garage attendant. Unfortunately, he couldn’t save the parking garage. It collapsed, crushing all the cars inside of it. Spectacle was not an idiot. He knew the girl, now unconscious, would be blamed. This wasn’t Freedom City. She ought to get away from the justice system, but the civil suits and media coverage would destroy her family. So he got gone, and fast. He dropped her off at a hospital in another district. Spectacle poked his head in now and again, while Naomi was recovering, making it clear in no uncertain terms that they needed to have a conversation. Something Had To Be Done, and such like. When they finally had it, she anxiously begged him not to ship her away just yet. Her parents would never allow it. She had friends here. She was still adjusting to her new life. And so on. He actually had no intention of doing that (otherwise he’d have spoken with someone at Claremont by now), but watched the girl squirm under the idea before announcing he’d train her. Spectacle always wanted a sidekick, after all. When Naomi protested even that much, he told her it was either that or being shipped away. He knew of someone who could be very persuasive, if it came to that. And so Waverider was born. After school training. The occasional easy mission. That sort of thing. When it came down to it, Spectacle was a good teacher, and his energy absorption and overall toughness helped make up for any…mistakes along the way. Until, around the end of the school year, he realized his pupil was growing past his skills. It was sad, but he had to revisit their initial Something Had To Be Done conversation. During this time, Naomi had gotten to know him, and on the whole he wasn’t a bad guy. A skilled and effective hero, who just so happened to be exasperatingly easygoing about everything under the sun. That said his relaxed deadpanning of virtually everything was funny when directed at others. Such as whoever was on the other end at that superhero school he was talking about. Leaving might not be so bad. Her family had grown a bit distant from her, which made some sense. She couldn’t hear them anymore, and sign language was a pain in the butt to learn without a powerful motivation and sufficient spare time to do so. She knew that from personal experience. She also knew the person on the other end of that call (who was growing ever more exasperated, a position with which she both sympathized and found funny) would easily persuade her parents to let her go. And honestly? The prospect was a little exciting now. Sure, leaving her friends would be sad. But she’d be going to a place where she didn’t have to hide her powers from everyone around her. She didn’t have to pretend she didn’t notice when people spoke to her. And, like virtually every teenager ever born, she was always up for a bit of an adventure. . Personality & Motivation: Naomi isn’t one of those ultra-driven hero types. She’s a good person, and she’ll help out people in trouble, but her sights remain set squarely on her dream of being a lawyer who advocates for deaf rights. Maybe even politics, if she can swing it. In the meantime, she’s got no problem with the Wake Up, Go To School, Save The World thing. She’s…rather remarkably well adjusted, actually. She’s calm, rational, and only dwells on the things she can change. This doesn’t mean she doesn’t get frustrated, anxious, or depressed, but that she’s learned to deal with such emotions in a way that stops them from inhibiting her life. Power Descriptions: Naomi is a vibration controller. She can theoretically induce, increase, or reduce vibrations in virtually any material. As sound is simply vibration that can be heard by humans, she can manipulate that as well, although somewhat less effectively at present. She has a personal force field made of high resonance vibrations to protect her. She does not, however, generate the vibrations out of nothing. In fact, her body absorbs and stores vibratory energy for later use. This renders her immune to vibratory (and thus sonic) attacks of any kind, and provides a measure of defense against bludgeoning attacks. She can feel vibrations on her skin, as well. Practice allows to even differentiate between people’s voices. However, actually telling what they’re saying on a consistent basis is currently beyond her, and thus she must lip read or have the speaker(s) use sign language instead. Powers & Tactics: Naomi is essentially a blaster. She’s got a few neat tricks, like deadening the sound in an massive area, increasing the vibrations in a target’s inner ear to sickening levels, or unleashing a deafening wall of sound in a small area. However, the core of all of that is blasting away with vibratory energy. With both Accurate Attack and Power Attack she can shift the damage and accuracy of her attacks around, so it’s not quite as one dimensional as it sounds. Her force field is stops bullets with little effort, and it’d take a very powerful blunt strike to get past her absorption and the field. And, of course, vibratory/sonic attacks are entirely useless, as she absorbs them. Complications: I’m Sorry, I Didn’t Catch That:Naomi’s inner ear is destroyed. She can’t hear anything. At all. Whatsoever. That said, she does have the ability to feel vibrations. If she focuses, she can even understand speech. Unless, of course, there’s too much background noise. Or she’s tired. Or distracted. You name it. Lip reading can help with this, but it has its limits. So sometimes she can garble people’s words. Or miss them entirely. A GM may award a hero point when this becomes a…problem. Seen And Never Heard: Naomi cannot talk. Her larynx is ruined. Most people don’t know sign language, so she keeps a pen and pad on her person. Easy enough, right? Well…that requires the person she’s “speaking” with to look at her. Which may or may not always be possible in the middle of superheroics. Add to that, her pad and/or pen could be ruined by damage, and then what can she do? A GM may award a hero point when communications between her and anyone else become compromised in this manner. Bad Vibrations: Naomi’s powers run on vibratory energy, such as sound. Her body is constantly absorbing such energy from the environment. However, she has an upper limit to the amount she can absorb. Reaching it triggers a devastating Burst Area of vibratory energy (rank 7 at minimum, with any more left to GM’s discretion) to explode from her body, instantly and agonizingly depleting her reserves (making her stunned from the pain). Therefore, from time to time she must release some lest this happen. Conversely, she can use up her reserves in combat (repeatedly Power Attacking and/or taking lots of hits to her force field) rendering her attack array and force field useless until she absorbs enough energy to use them again. A GM may award a hero point for either of these situations occurring. No, I Don’t Know That Guy From That Show: Naomi is of Indian descent. Both parents were born and raised in India, and immigrated later. Americans have some…unfortunate misconceptions about the Indian people. And others can…mistake her ethnicity for another one, such as Arabic. That’s without getting into the fact that she does not, in fact, practice Hindism or Islam, the two dominant religions of India. She’s agnostic, thank you very much. No, her parents don’t approve. A GM may award a hero point for Waverider having to deal with the ignorant and/or prejudiced. Abilities: 0+2+4+2+2+4=14 Strength 10 (+0) Dexterity 12 (+1) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 12 (+1) Wisdom 12 (+1) Charisma 14 (+2) Combat: 8+6=14 Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +4 Base (+6 Ranged, +10 Nauseate) Grapple: +4 Defense: +6 (+3 Base, + 3 Dodge Focus, +2 Flat Footed) Knockback: -8 w/ Force Field, -1 without Saving Throws: 3+4+6=13 Toughness: +10 (+2 Con, +8 Force Field); Impervious 8 Fortitude: +5 (+2 Con, +3) Reflex: +5 (+1 Dex, +4) Will: +7 (+1 Wis, +6) Skills: 44 SP = 11PP Bluff 5 (+7) Concentration 11 (+12) Diplomacy 5 (+7) Knowledge (civics) 4 (+5) Knowledge (current events) 4 (+5) Language 1 (American Sign Language; English Base) Notice 7 (+8) Sense Motive 7 (+8) Feats: 11PP Accurate Attack Attack Focus (ranged) 2 Challenge (Notice-Lip Reading) Dodge Focus 3 Improved Initiative Power Attack Precise Shot Uncanny Dodge (tactile) Powers: 4+16+10+3+24=57 Flight 3 (Power Feat: Subtle; Flaw: Platform) [4PP] Force Field 8 (Extra: Impervious) [16PP] (Vibration Field) Immunity 10 (Vibration/Sonic) [10PP] Super Senses 3 (Extended(Tactile), Ranged(Tactile)) [3PP] (Vibration Feeling) Vibration Control 10 (20 pp array; 4 Alt Powers) [24PP] BE: Damage 10 (Vibration Control; Extras: Range(Ranged)) {20/20} AP: Drain Toughness 10 (Extras: Affects Objects [Only], Range [ranged]) {20/20} AP: Nauseate 6 (Power Feats: Accurate 2; Extra: Range [ranged]) {20/20} AP: Obscure 8 (Auditory, 1000 ft radius; Extra: Selective Attack) {18/20} AP: Dazzle 6 (Sonic Control; Auditory; Extra: Area(General, Burst; 30ft Radius), Selective Attack) {18/20} DC Block: Unarmed (+3 Hit, Melee, DC 15 Toughness) Vibration Control (+5 Hit, Ranged, DC 25 Toughness) Drain Toughness (+5 Hit, Ranged, DC 20 Fortitude [Objects only!]) Nauseate (+9 Hit, Ranged, DC 16 Fortitude) Sonic Control (30 ft Burst Area, DC 16 Reflex) Abilities 14 + Combat 14 + Saving Throws 13 + Skills 11 + Feats 10 + Powers 57 – Drawbacks 0= 119/123
  5. Player Name: Almilee Character Name: Rahman the Undying Power Level: 9 (150/153PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 3 In Brief: Lich Mage Residence: His mausoleum. Base of Operations: His mausoleum. Catchphrase: Alternate Identity: Ibraheem El-Hashem (when necessary to pass unremarked, he hides behind an illusion of a polite, well-dressed Arabic gentleman with a striking resemblance to the Rahman of flesh...not that most would remember what that looked like.) Identity: Rahman Nehjem Birthplace: London Occupation: Wizard Affiliations: The Order of Hermes Family: None Description: Age: 656 (6 August, 1959) Apparent Age: Dead Gender: Male Ethnicity: Arabic Height: 6'2” Weight: 90lbs Eyes: Blue-White Hair: White A tall drink of water, Rahman towers easily over the average person, but is about as muscular as a twig. His skin has been reduced to paper-thin, crackling and opening as he moves, and sits extremely close to his bones, close enough to allow them to be visible. Overall, he looks like a mummy who's wrappings someone took off. Where his eyes should be, there is nothing but a ghostly blue light that crackles like fire. Long threads of white hair sit on his head, patches of it missing, along with the skin that should have been under it, revealing greyish-white bone only a slightly different color from his skin. Rahman, when being himself, wears a set of deep red and black robes, as well as a slightly oversized hat. However, sometimes, he finds it enjoyable to throw on a fuzzy red bathrobe and slippers, when he's about to settle down with a good book - being a lich, after all, is no reason not to appreciate fine clothing. Power Descriptions: Rahman, quite simply, uses magic. Though the spells take different forms, they often look the same – waving and a short burst of chanting. The only real exception is when he uses the spells in his staff – those spells are permanently stored, and can be activated merely with his will and a wave of the staff (though that's mostly because it looks suitably dramatic). History: In Eastern Europe, during the mid 13th century, operated a group of wizards who called themselves simply by the moniker of The Order of Hermes. When young Rahman discovered the mysteries of magic in the late 13th century, these were the mages who came to teach him. They took him into their sanctum, and taught him the secrets of the schools of magic. When it came time to choose his own path, however, he surprised them. The Arabian wizard had been studying in secret, poring through the Order's ancient tomes, and had found a school of magic that he had barely been taught about – necromancy. However, the Order members, firm believers in pure knowledge, did not prevent him from choosing this path – a choice they would later regret. In the depths of the sanctum, over the next few years, Rahman studied. His attention was utterly devoured by his studies, as he dived deeper and deeper into the darkest art. One day, after having almost forgotten of the necromancer's existence, the Order was called to his workshop in the middle of the night by loud rumbling and manic chanting. What they found there surprised none of them, though it horrified them nonetheless. They watched, powerless to stop him, as Rahman carried out a dangerous ritual and tore his soul from his body, binding it into his staff in exchange for eternal life. Once the ritual was concluded, the wizard used a simple spell of Conjuration to disappear from the Sanctum, taking his tomes and secrets with him. Rahman did not stay hidden for long however, resurfacing within a week, as he sent hordes of skeletons to conquer a small town on the outskirts of what is now France. The wizards of the Order spent days following as he carved a swathe of destruction for no apparent reason beyond his own mad desire to bring about the Ends of things. Their tracking culminated in a long battle, wherein both sides called upon powers not meant for the ken or mortal minds but, finally, the Order prevailed over Rahman through sheer force of numbers. They trapped him in a sarcophagus, binding it with spells from each school, so that he would not escape, and finally, as an ultimate punishment, binding a scrying spell into it, that he could watch the world around him change and survive without him. A pact was struck by the Order, that their descendants would continue to watch the sarcophagus and renew the spells, and prevent such darkness from being brought down upon the world. The sarcophagus remained in place, watched over by the Order, until World War 2 came down onto Europe. Fearing that the Thule Society would release Rahman, whether on purpose or not, they took his sarcophagus and took it to Freedom City. It was placed into a mausoleum in the Lantern Hill Graveyard, and they continued to watch over it. However, in recent time, the Order disappeared from the sight of man or lich, and the spells binding Rahman into his eternal punishment weakened. Sensing his chance, the lich called upon what power he could and blasted open his prison, making an escape. Right when he thought he was free, however, the most dastardly of the original Order's traps sprang into action. A powerful spell, taking the form of an almost-imperceptible enchanted chain, wrapped itself around the necromancer, binding large parts of his power, and forcing him to follow the morals of the Order. Though he strains against the magic, Rahman is bound to the side of the Light in the eternal war, at least until he manages to remove his chains... Personality & Motivation: Rahman is not what one would normally think of as a 'hero'. He takes on crime and disorder more out of obligation than he does out of choice, though he would be lying if he said he didn't quite enjoy it...sometimes. Most of the time, it's something that gets in the way of his studies – but if he refuses to participate, the chains tighten and cause discomfort, on top of restricting his magic further. However, more often than he freely admits, he takes pleasure from demonstrating his power by removing some lesser villain. How dare they commit crimes in Freedom City anyway? It should be kept crime free, until it's his turn. It's only fair, after all. He's waited over six hundred years for it. Rahman has a simple motivation: freedom. He longs for the day when he cuts away the magical chains that bind him and is freed to use his magic however he wishes once more. Powers & Tactics: Due to his skill with magic – even bound as it is – Rahman is a versatile combatant. Depending on what is necessary, he can summon allies to fight his opponents, seek to trick them, or simply crush them like the insects he believes they are. In a situation where no special effort is necessary to defeat his enemies, he simply raises the bodies of the dead and hits his opponents with blasts of pure entropic energy, ripping the life from their very bodies as he strikes. One of his most common tactics for combat is simply to sheathe himself in entropic energy, summon a horde of the undead, and read a book while they beat whoever has aroused his ire, into unconsciousness. Despite how little he thinks of his enemies, Rahman is incapable of outright killing them - or even harming them beyond what is necessary. Trying to do so locks the chains and his magic with them, leaving him quite defenseless. Complications: Prejudice: As a powerful necromancer, Rahman faces much prejudice – his arts rip the dead from their graves to serve him, and even he is an undead abomination. How could anyone trust him? Infamy: Students of ancient obscure history may recognize the name Rahman as that of a necromancer who wreaked havoc in Europe in the late 13th and early 14th centuries before being captured and imprisoned by fellow mages. Chains of Magic: The ghostly chains that occasionally appear around Karahazar indicate a simple fact: Rahman is bound to work his magic only in the pursuit of order and upholding the law. Though the spells woven pull largely from his personal perception, they still heavily restrict his actions. If he tries to work against their restriction, his magic is locked away temporarily and he experiences terrible pain. Phylactery: Being a lich, Rahman has bound his soul into a gem on the top of his staff; should it be destroyed, it would deprive him of his eternal life and weaken him significantly. In addition, any who possess it literally have his soul, allowing them a great degree of power over him. Abilities: 2 + 0 + (-10) + 20 + 16 + (-4) = 24PP Strength: 12 (+1) Dexterity: 10 (+0) Constitution: -- (--) Intelligence: 30 (+10) Wisdom: 26 (+8) Charisma: 6 (-2) Combat: 10 + 12 = 22PP Initiative: +0 Attack: +5 Melee, +5 Ranged (+9 Blast, +9 Strike) Grapple: +6 Defense: +9 (+6 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -9 Saving Throws: 0 + 3 + 0 = 3PP Toughness: +9 (+0 Con, +9 [Entropic Shield]) Fortitude: -- (+0 Con, +0, Immunity) Reflex: +3 (+0 Dex, +3) Will: +8 (+8 Wis, +0) Skills: 24R = 6PP Craft (Artistic) 2 (+12) Craft (Structural) 2 (+12) Investigate 2 (+12) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 5 (+15) Knowledge (Tactics) 5 (+15) Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 5 (+15) Medicine 1 (+9) Sense Motive 2 (+10) Feats: 6PP Artificer Dodge Focus 3 Fearless Ritualist Powers: 3 + 30 + 37 + 24 = 94PP Regeneration 4 (Lich; Resurrection 4; Extras: True Resurrection; Drawback: Power Loss (If Phylactery is Destroyed)) [3PP] Immunity 30 (Fortitude Saves) [30PP] Magic 16.5 (Spellcasting; 33PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5; Drawbacks: Power Loss (Requires Chanting and Waving) [-1PP]) [37PP] (Magic) Base Power: Summon 10 (Karahazar's Rising Dead; Feats: Progression 3; Extras: Horde) {33/33} (Necromancy) Alternate Power: Teleport 7 (Endymion's Mystic Tunnel; Extras: Portal) {28/1} (Conjuration) Alternate Power: Healing 14 (Zeniri's Undying Blessing; Feats: Persistent, Stabilize, Regrowth) {31/1} (Necromancy) Alternate Power: Illusion 7 (Fenk's Unreal Constructs (All Senses); Feats: Progression 5) {33/1} (Illusion) Alternate Power: Move Object 15 (Bigby's Invisible Hands; Feats: Precise) {31/1} (Conjuration) Alternate Power: Drain Ability Scores 9 (Karahazar's Wasting Touch; Feats: Incurable, Affects Insubstantial, Selective) {30/1} (Necromancy) Device Rank 8 (Phylactery Staff; 40PP Container; Flaws: Easy-To-Lose) [24PP] (Magical, Necromantic) Protection 9 (Entropic Armor; Extras: Impervious) [18PP] Magic 10.5 (Stored Attack Spells; 21PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power) [22PP] Base Power: Blast 9 (Bolt of Decay; Affects Insubstantial, Accurate 2) {21/21} Alternate Power: Strike 9 (Lifesapping Blow; Feats: Affects Insubstantial, Accurate 2) {12/1} Drawbacks: (-3) + (-2) = -5PP Vulnerable (Fire; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Moderate) [-3PP] Weakness (Holy Symbols; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Moderate) [-2PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 16 Toughness Damage 1(Physical) Bolt of Decay Ranged DC 24 Toughness Damage 9(Energy) Lifesapping Blow Touch DC 24 Toughness Damage 10(Physical) Wasting Touch Touch 5ft DC 19 Fortitude Lose (19 - Save Result) PP from every Ability Score [Max 9] Unreal Constructs Perception DC 17 Will Believe the Illusion. Totals: Abilities (24) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (3) + Skills (6) + Feats (6) + Powers (94) - Drawbacks (-5) = 150/153 PP
  6. My next planned PC. Durf beat me to the punch of making a dream-themed PC, but I think this character has a good niche nonetheless with his Cthulhu-ish overtones. As always, PEACH and enjoy. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: The Stranger Power Level: 12 (180/180PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Platinum Status: 0/30 In Brief: An inhuman creature bonded to a human shell. A protector of the dreamscape. Alternate Identity Identity: Seth Machan (Secret) Birthplace: The Dreamspace/Atlantis Occupation: Life Emergency Counselor Affiliations: Project Freedom, Freedom City Medical Center Family: None, and innumerable. Description Age: ~16,000 years old (Incarnated during the Pleistocene) Apparent Age: Mid-thirties Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian by default Height: 5’ 8” Weight: 140 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Seth Machan is not a man who stands out in a crowd. He’s of average height and skinny, with unlined skin and dark hair that grows straight and smooth and thick to the nape of his neck. He favors black Oxford shirts, dark sport coats, slacks and dark brogues. He’s almost never seen in anything more casual. He often wears a silver lapel pin depicting what looks like a leaf or frond. When on patrol, the Stranger does not wear a cape or bright colors. He still wears a black shirt, a black sportcoat, and black slacks. His feet are bare, though, and his hair is wild and tangled. His hair isn’t just black anymore either; it almost looks absent, like it absorbs all light that touches it. His skin becomes pale as china, and his face becomes a smooth expanse of flesh from his brow to his chin with mere slits for his black-on-black eyes. The frond-symbol moves to his forehead and has the same not-quite-there coloration as his hair. In the dream realm, the Stranger looks even less human. Superficially he still appears to be a man in pale skin with messy hair and dark clothes, but his face is a stylized noh mask and he rarely takes his hands out of his pockets. Instead, his sport jacket bulges like there are great, tunneling creature moving underneath it, and either the hems of his slacks cover his feet or his feet meld into the dream terrain. Power Descriptions: The Stranger’s powers come from his otherworldly lineage. His body is not something that grew around him; it’s a thing he constructed. As such he has incredible control over his biological processes, rendering him immune to virtually all the natural toxins that plague humans. In addition he can tap into his eldritch nature to empower himself, either to supercharge his physical body or attack his enemies’ minds in different ways. If he’s injured , he can reach out and absorb the power within a particular person or object to heal himself. Finally, as a creature native to the mindscape, he can enter the minds of sleeping creatures and travel via dreams to any other dreaming creature in this universe. In the realm of dreams, he is much more powerful and much stranger. He can reshape the dreamscape to his will and uses that to create walls and other structures to defend himself or tie up enemies, or to create attacks to overwhelm his enemies. He can even attack the very nature of the dream dimension itself to remove enemies History: The history of the creature most often known as the Stranger goes back to ancient Atlantis. A mage, his name forgotten to all, became aware of the strange beings that prowled on the edges of the dream realms. He enticed one in and captured it, forcing the creature to manifest physically. At first the creature was a formless mass, but as it spent more time around humans the spirit took on a more human form. Eventually the mage created a body for it, for the dream entity to move around the city and see its wonders. The creature survived the mage and was inherited by his family, but it was never regarded as anything but a monster to be studied and contained. The spirit’s body did not age or die, however, and it was around to see the city sink. The spirit escaped to Mesopotamia, settling among the proto-Sumerians in the region and tried to live as just a man. However, there was a suffering that he couldn’t ignore. The dreams and minds of Atlanteans and mages were protected, but out in the wilds there were monsters and demons and worse to prey on people. The spirit had the knowledge of thousands of years of observing the greatest mages in history, and his own nature allowed him to travel to the dreamworld and do battle directly with the predators there. Time passed, and the creature traveled the world. Every place that he found evil preying on innocents he fought against it, often triumphing, sometimes dying, always returning. He’s spent tens of thousands of years this way, observing humanity’s slow climb up it its current state. He settled in Freedom City a few decades ago and eventually found a job with the Freedom Medical Center, helping those who had recently gone through a traumatic life change. He remains a defender of the dreamscape, though, a terror to nightmares and an eerie defender of the waking world. Personality & Motivation: Seth appears rather distant to most people, even cold. Even when he claims to have strong feelings on a subject, he’ll often explain himself in a detached, logical fashion. This can be unsettling when he acts calm and collected in a stressful situation, even carrying on casual conversation in the middle of dangerous fights. The truth is that Seth views humanity as a fascinating mystery, full of questions and inconsistencies. He’s spent tens of thousands of years in and among them, and yet every day there is something that surprises him. He will protect humanity until he can unravel their mysteries. Powers & Tactics: There’s a marked difference between how the Stranger fights in the physical world and how he fights in the dreamworld. In the physical world he’s more or less a straight-up brawler, mixing bone-shattering blows with the occasional psychic dagger. If he’s too injured he can reach out and eat the energies that sustain a certain thing, dissolving it to dust and repairing himself. As a last resort he can drop the illusion of normality that covers him and subject everyone who can see him to his true, unnatural, mind-shattering shape. In the dreamworld fighting the Stranger is like fighting the land itself. He can use the mutable landscape to cause mountains to crash onto an opponent, freeze them solid one moment and boil them alive the next. He’s much less restrained in these fights, since all the damage is metaphorical; it takes a concerted effort to kill someone in the dreamscape, allowing him to fight with much less restraint. Complications Not Meant to Be Seth is a creature not of this dimension, and his very nature is against the rules of this dimension. This means that animals react negatively to his presence, either becoming angry or running away from him. Staring into the Abyss Seth’s magical and psychic nature is a stain on the world. Anyone observing him with Magic Awareness or Mental Awareness will immediately know that he is something weird and dangerous. Constant Observer Seth is fascinated with the actions of humanity and its reasons for such. In the heat of the moment he may stop acting to simply observe, or even to interrogate someone engaged in delicate work. Never Forget In his very first incarnation Seth was essentially a slave of an Atlantean wizard. While that family is long dead, he still doesn’t trust any Atlantean or anyone of Atlantean descent (including Ulti-men and the inhabitants of Ultima Thule). Abilities: 0 + 4 + 0 + 2 + 10 + 6 = 22PP Strength: 30/10 (+10/+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +6 Melee, +6 Ranged, +10 Pseudonatural Dreams Grapple: +6/+20 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -10/-5 Saving Throws: 8 + 4 + 5 = 17PP Toughness: +10 (+0 Con, +10 Protection, 10 Impervious) Fortitude: +8 (+0 Con, +8) Reflex: +6 (+2 Dex, +4) Will: +10 (+5 Wis, +5) Skills: 100R = 25PP Diplomacy 7 (+10) Intimidate 17 (+20)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 14 (+15)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) 14 (+15)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Civics) 9 (+10) Knowledge (Current Events) 9 (+10) Knowledge (History) 9 (+10) Medicine 5 (+10) Notice 10 (+15) Sense Motive 6 (+11)Skill Mastery Feats: 10PP Dodge Focus 4 Challenge (Fast Startle) Fearless Ritualist Second Chance (Will save vs. Mind Control) Skill Mastery (Intimidate, Knowledge [Arcane Lore, Behavioral Sciences], Sense Motive) Startle Powers: 4 + 6 + 1 + 28 + 37 + 7 + 1 = 84PP All powers have the pseudonatural and magic descriptors Flight 2 (25 MPH) (Forsake the Earth) [4PP] Morph 2 (Any humanoid, +10 Disguise, Feats: Metamorph, Quick Change 2) (Shape this Shell) [6PP] Morph 0 (+0 Disguise, Feat: Metamorph) (Dream Self) [1PP] Pseudonatural Biology Container Immunity 30 (Fortitude, Feat: Trance, Flaw: Half Effect) (Constructed Body) [16PP] Protection 10 [10PP] Immunity 2 (Ageing, Sleep) [2PP] Pseudonatural Dreams Array 15 (30PP, Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Power 5) [37PP] BE: Enhanced Strength 20 (Extra: Linked [+0] [Impervious]) + Impervious Protection 10 (Extra: Linked [+0] [Enhanced Strength]) (Inhuman Might) [30/30PP] AP: Stun 10 (Extras: Range/Ranged, Sedation) (Psychic) (You Sleep) [30/30PP] AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Range/Ranged, Alternate Save [Will]) (Psychic) (Visit Your Nightmares) [30/30PP] AP: Emotion Control 10 (Extras: Action/Free, Area/Perception, Feats: Mind Blank, Flaws: Limited [Fear], Range/Personal, Sense Dependant [Visual]) (Unveil Myself) [21/30PP] AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Range/Ranged, Vampiric) (I Hunger!) [30/30PP] AP: Dreamwalking [14/30PP] Super-Movement 1 (Dimensional 1 [Dream dimension]) [2PP] Teleport 20 (Anywhere in the universe, Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Flaws: Limited [Long-Range Only], Medium [Dreams]) [12PP] Super Senses 5 (Mental sense, +Accurate, +Acute, +Radius, +Ranged, Feat: Extended [100 ft], Uncanny Dodge) (Spatial Awareness) [7PP] Regeneration 1 (Resurrection, 1 week) [1PP] Drawbacks: (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Inhuman Might Touch DC 15/25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) You Sleep Ranged DC 20 Will (Staged) Sleep Visit Your Nightmares Ranged DC 25 Will (Staged) Damage (Psychic) Unveil Myself Melee/Area [Perception, Visual] DC 20 Will Fear I Hunger! Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Pseudonatural) Totals: Abilities (22) + Combat (22) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (25) + Feats (10) + Powers (84) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points Powers: 7 + 41 + 37 + 7 = 92PP All powers have the pseudonatural and magic descriptors Morph 2 (Any humanoid, +10 Disguise, Feats: Metamorph, Quick Change 2) (Dream Self) [7PP] Pseudonatural Biology Container Immunity 30 (Fortitude, Feat: Trance) (Constructed Body) [31PP] Protection 10 [10PP] Dreamcrafting Array 15 (30PP, Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Power 5) [37PP] BE: Create Object 10 (Extra: Moveable) (Modeling the Dreamscape) [30/30PP] AP: Damage (Extra: Autofire, Range/Ranged) (Dream Barrage) [30/30PP] AP: ESP 10 (200 000 miles; All senses, Flaw: Feedback) (Spy on Dreams) [30/30PP] AP: Concealment 10 (All senses, Extra: Linked [+0] [Insubstantial]) + Insubstantial 2 (Gaseous, Extra: Linked [+0] [Concealment]) (Fade Into Dreams) [30/30PP] AP: Dimensional Pocket 10 (Extra: Range/Ranged) (Into My Dreams) [30/30PP] AP: Snare 10 (Extra: Contagious) (Dream Quicksand) [30/30PP] Super Senses 5 (Mental sense, +Accurate, +Acute, +Radius, +Ranged, Feat: Extended [100 ft], Uncanny Dodge) (Dream Awareness) [7PP] Drawbacks: (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Dream Barrage Ranged DC 25+Autofire Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Into My Dreams Ranged DC 20 Reflex Trapped Dream Quicksand Ranged DC 20 Reflex (Staged) Snare
  7. Zhenshchina-voin Power Level: 14 (built as PL 10; 187/250PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 63 In Brief: Amazon woman who’s come out of retirement after raising a family.  Residence: Doncaster, Yorkshire, United Kingdom Catchphrase: "Теперь вы сталкиваетесь воин женщина" Alternate Identity: Klara Svoboda, Clara Matthews, Женщина-Воин , Warrior Woman Identity: Public Birthplace: Shamany Vstrecha, Altai Republic, Russia Occupation: Housewife Affiliations: Ministry of Powers Family: Zora (First Mother), Alloura (Second Mother), Tracy Theodora Matthews (Wife), Claire, Lucy and Alexis Mathews (Daughters) Description: Age: 244 (DoB: 1771) Apparent Age: Early Thirties Gender: Female Ethnicity: Mixed Height: 7'0” Weight: 197 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Klara is a striking figure standing at seven feet tall with an athletic build her skin lightly tanned and her black hair worn long a loose. Her facial feature is a mix, her Scythian and Mongolian ancestry giving her a rather striking noble bearing. Her costume is the ceremonial armour of her people gold scale mail with silver plates in places covering from neck to feet, with only her lower arms left bare. On her arms she wears a pair of elaborate bracers inserted with large red gems glowing with an inner power. Power Descriptions: Apart from her physique, making her more capable than the most normal humans. She also wears the armour of her warrior clan and a pair of magical bracelets filled with magical power. History: Long ago several of the shamans of the nomadic tribes would gather at a secret spot in the shadow of the Altai mountains. They would discuss peace among the tribes and protecting the steppes from threats both physical and supernatural. Over time the shamans began to bring families, then tribes and finally they settled building a city hidden from the rest of the world. Led by wise rulers the city prospered and as they grew wise there people benefited growing tall in stature and long in lifespan. Whilst they watched the world go by they generally kept to themselves only rarely venturing out and withdrawing into legend, whilst many wished nothing to do with the outside world and few wished to venture out and aid humanity. Klara was one of these. Born through magic into the warrior caste she trained to fight in a city of peace, she wanted to go into the world and help others with the skills she had trained for almost a century. When the world descended into war and vast magical power were unleashed by the Axis she could no longer stand by and left her home, possibly forever to help the allies fight their war. Presenting herself to a rather shock local Soviet commander, she was rapidly shipped to Moscow, where after some testing of both her powers and her loyalty she was assigned to the People's Heroes where she fought with distinction on many fronts, she was moved around often and kept away from the troops as coming from a society of relative freedom she often spoke out about the Soviet system. Despite the best efforts of the party when the Axis was defeated and the fragile peace descended she defected from the People's Heroes and the Soviet Union into the hand of the British. Once British Intelligence determined she wasn't a double agent they were at a loss as to what to do with her, as her presence in Europe would threaten the fragile peace, so they assigned her to help restructure MI-13 into the Ministry of Powers. Her assigned guide during this time was one Tracy “Teddy” Matthews a former SoE agent, now assigned to the Ministry. They spent many months together and over that time a tentative friendship developed into something more. After a few years, Tracy and Klara moved in together and Klara retired from superheroing to keep the household. When the Cold War began to thaw the two of them traveled back to Klara’s home and about a year later returned with three newly born daughters. Apart from the occasional crisis, Klara has spent the last couple of decades raising their daughters and looking after her partner, and finally once the law had caught up her wife, quite happy to be a housewife. The children now fully grown and gone on to successful careers (Claire is a Doctor, Lucy a Lawyer with an interest in Politics and Alexis is an actor) Klara has been itching to get back into the superhero business, Personality & Motivation: Klara has a very strong will and is not an easy person to persuade from any course of action she set her mind upon. At the time she can be stern and unforgiving, but she is also an incredibly warm and generous person. She will drop everything to help her friends without question and will do everything in her power to help and will double her efforts if it's her family involved. As a warrior, she follows her own personal code of conduct and will endeavor to treat her opponent with some kind of dignity, once they'd been defeated. Powers & Tactics: Raised in ancient warrior culture Klara is not one for complicated plan or tactics. She is all being the first in and the last out, overwhelming the opposition with brute force. She’s not stupid however and if the foe is obviously more powerful then she will instead resort to hit and run tactics. Complications: Свобода народов Герой: Though few and far between there are a few that remember her time as one of the Soviets People’s Heroes. Many are not overly friendly due to her defection to the West after the war. нетрадиционный: Klara lives by her own way caring not for how to see her life, in fact, she’s quite open about her lifestyle choices. There are many out there who wouldn’t Старая женщина: Tracy is a woman in her 80 and despite benefiting from Klara’s people's science and magical knowledge is starting to feel the passing of the years. Despite this Klara still loves her deeply and would do almost anything to keep her safe and healthy Abilities: 20 + 6 + 10 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 54PP Strength: 30 (+10) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 16 + 12 = 28PP Initiative: +11 Attack: +8 Base, +10 Melee Grapple: +20/+30 (Super-Strength) Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -7 Saving Throws: 5 + 6 + 6 = 17PP Toughness: +10 (+5 Con, +5 Protection [5 Impervious]) Fortitude: +10 (+5 Con, +5) Reflex: +9 (+3 Dex, +6) Will: +9 (+3 Wis, +6) Skills: 100R = 26PP Bluff 12 (+15) Diplomacy 12 (+15) Drive 2 (+5) Gather Information 12 (+15) Intimidate 12 (+15) Language (English, Russian, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin, Mongolian, Arabic, [Native Altai]) +2 Notice 12 (+15) Sense Motive 12 (+15) Search 12 (+15) Survival 8 (+11) Feats: 23PP Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Attack Focus (Melee) 2 Dodge Focus 4 Evasion 2 Fearless Improved Initiative 2 Improved Trip Luck 1 Master Plan Move-by Action Power Attack Startle Takedown Attack 2 Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Well-Informed Powers: 8 + 28 + 3 = 39PP Scale Armour 2 (10 point Device, Hard to Lose) [8PP] (magical) Protection 5 (Extra: Impervious) [10PP] Gemmed Bracelet 7 (35 point Device, Easy to Lose) [28PP] (magical) Blast 10 (100ft range) [21PP] AP : Super Strength 10 ( Effective STR 80 [Heavy Load=819.2 lbs] ) {20/20} Flight 5 (250mph, 2,200 ft/rnd) [10PP] Teleport 4 (Flaw: Long range) [4PP] Immunity 3 (Aging, Disease, Poison) [3PP] DC Block ATTACK ATT RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed +10 Melee DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Physical Blast +8 Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Magic Totals: Abilities (54) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (26) + Feats (23) + Powers (39) - Drawbacks (0) = 187/250 Power Points
  8. Player Name: Almilee Character Name: Fallout Power Level: 7 (105/108PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 3 In Brief: Claremont Student and Radiation Controller Residence: Claremont Academy Base of Operations: Claremont Academy Catchphrase: Alternate Identity: Jeremy "Jimmy" Stone Identity: Secret Birthplace: New York City Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: Parents, Brother, Sister. Description: Age: 16 (December 12th, 1999) Gender: Male Ethnicity: African-American Height: 5'3" Weight: 110lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Short, scruffy kid. Light brown hair that seems perpetually mussed up, and light brown eyes. Usually wears cheap, easy-to-replace clothing, usually with a sweater on top of a t-shirt. He's also quite thin, despite the fact that he greatly enjoys eating. Jimmy is often smiling or grinning, which gives him noticeable dimples. His Claremont uniform is about the same, but in Claremont colors - a hoodie over t-shirt, with jeans and sneakers. He wears a simple eye-covering mask, since if he's in combat uniform, he won't be Jimmy for long. Fallout, by contrast, is a giant. Standing almost eight feet tall, he is a humanoid lacking in most distinguishing features, including a mouth, nose, or genitalia (which is good, as he seems to not be a fan of clothing, either). The only part of him that is not bluish-black "skin" is two black eyes sitting right where they should on his head. Power Descriptions: In his human form, Jeremy Stone is a mostly ordinary boy. He has no powers that he consciously controls, although he occasionally puts out small levels of radiation - just enough to trip a geiger counter. However, that isn't the core of his power. If it were, he would find it awfully boring. Fallout is what he calls his alternate form, His powers are entirely radiation-based: he's able to control it, send it out as blasts, protect himself with it, and use it to weaken others physically. He, too, puts out radiation passively, though it's quite a bit more than Jimmy. To change forms takes a few seconds of concentration, during which Jimmy's radiation output spikes dramatically, rapidly sickening people who are too close. Jimmy's powers are as much curse as blessing, however. The whispers of the Entity often wake him up at night, in strange places, and the low levels of radiation he puts out periodically can slightly sicken those who spend too much time around him. Even worse, once he assumes the shape of Fallout, it takes hours for enough radiation to bleed off for him to regain his human form. History: Jeremy Stone was not a lucky child. His life didn't start out so bad - born to a pair of pure-bred Americans in the great city of New York, New York, he had all the advantages of upper middle-class life: a good school, good food, good clothes, fun toys. He even had two older siblings who didn't mess around with him too much, though that might just have been his parents' influence. His was an enjoyable life, for the first few years of it. Unfortunately, that couldn't last. When he was 10, a severe, very long-lasting case of coughing convinced his parents to take him to the doctor after a few days. After a series of tests were run, and all possibilities explored, the cause was discovered - an extreme case of lung cancer. It was already too big for them to operate, having been in just the right spot to avoid symptoms until then. They started treatment immediately, first with chemotherapy, then, after a year's treatment with few signs of improvement, they started irradiation treatments. After that didn't work either, they spent the next three years cycling through various different treatments, from the common to the almost unheard-of. Nothing seemed to work, until the Stones were contacted by a mysterious stranger. The man, from whom they never received a name, offered them a possible solution, one that he was sure would work. However, nothing would come without a cost. It was an untested cure, using a new form of radiation that spilled from what he referred to as an 'extradimensional rift'. The treatment was applied, and improvement was seen within a few weeks. The cancer grew smaller and smaller, until eventually it dissolved back into its bloodstream. Jimmy was cured. Soon after, the doctor took a several-thousand dollar payout from the family, and disappeared. Jimmy was feeling much better, and began to start enjoying life. He went out to try new things, eating new foods, convincing his parents to take him bungie-jumping, indoor sky-diving, and scuba diving. However, within a few months, his nights began being filled with terrible nightmares - dreams of an impossible Entity, a being so vast and alien that a mere human mind couldn't grasp it. It had no name, and its goals were too strange for Jimmy to understand, and when the dreams kept coming, his parents took him to see a parahuman therapist. After hearing of his problem, the therapist - who used mental powers to examine his patients' dreams - immediately leapt into action. He put the boy into a hypnotic sleep, and entered his dreams. He came out within just a few minutes, his face white as bone. He described the same Entity as Jimmy, but added one more thing: these were not mere dreams, but messages. Whatever had been on the other side of rift, it had sent through the radiation, and it had used it to get its claws into Jimmy. That night also marked the first emergence of his powers. Sensing an invasion of its host's mind, the Entity took control and handed over certain powers, so that it could defend him. That night, Jimmy transformed into Fallout in his sleep, under the control of the Entity, wreaking havoc in the building and then in the city block, before the local heroes managed to bring him down and under control, trapping him until the Entity released Jimmy and he returned to his normal form. An awakened Jimmy was extremely surprised at what had happened - he'd been dreaming, the first time in a long time that he'd had normal dreams. They educated him about what had happened, and the powers he'd manifested, then took him into a controlled environment and asked him if he could do it again. It took much effort and stretching of new 'muscles', but he finally did achieve it. Fallout emerged again, though this time under the control of Jimmy Stone. However, he could feel the Entity at the back of his mind much more clearly, even if it was quiet. Its will was present, occasional pangs of alien emotions drifting through. Even after he managed to bleed off the radiation and reassume his human form, he could feel it now. He was returned to his home and put under a close watch, lest a criminal organization try to add him to its ranks. A few weeks later, Jimmy received a letter in the mail, informing him that he had received a scholarship to go to Claremont Academy. After calling the number attached, his parents received an explanation - at the Academy, Jimmy would be trained to control his powers, resist the Entity, and maybe even eventually completely sever their link. It took a little while, but his parents agreed, and sent him off on his junior year of high school, to Claremont Academy. Personality & Motivation: Having spent a very large chunk of his remembered life being moved from hospital to hospital, or lying in bed, Jimmy intends to enjoy life. He throws himself happily into whatever it is he's doing, but tends to forget all about it and move on when something more interesting or entertaining comes up, or his current action becomes boring. He lives every day as if it's his last, because he remembers what it was like when that was a distinct possibility. Every now and then, however, he lapses into silence and stillness, staring off into the distance as if listening for something. It rarely lasts more than a few seconds, and then he shakes his head and returns to the real world. Powers & Tactics: As it takes time for Fallout's form to appear and recede, Jimmy prefers to do it in preparation for any fight, when he has plenty of concentration to spare for it. When he enters the form, he takes full advantage of its powers, though certain things limit him. Fallout is mostly only useful in a combat situation, given the fact he cannot touch anything without risking potentially severe harm, and tends to be relegated to guard or assault duty while other heroes do the kitten-rescuing. Not that he minds - it makes life more fun! Complications: Secret: Identity - Thanks to Fallout's different form, Jimmy has managed to keep his identity mostly secret. Several people here and there suspect, thanks to his radiation output, but no one outright knows. Accident - Jimmy is still new to his powers, and is prone to accidentally overusing them and rendering others sick. Foolhardy - Jimmy intends to enjoy life to its fullest! Sometimes, that means he jumps headfirst into a situation without thinking it over, but so what?! Extradimensional Whispers - In his human form, the Entity has less power over Jimmy. It exists as a lurking whisper in the back of his mind, sometimes distracting, and can only takes overt control while he is asleep or unconscious, which it does but rarely, taking him out sleepwalking or performing some strange action. Extradimensional Will - When Fallout emerges, the Entity gains the ability to exert greater control. This rarely causes injury to Fallout - the Entity would not tolerate anything hurting its host - but sometimes forces him to run in the face of danger, or perform some action that is not necessarily in the best interest of the mission, in exchange for his own safety. Abilities: 4 + 2 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 0 = 18PP Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 12 (+1) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 6 + 12 = 19PP Initiative: +1 Attack: +3/2 Melee, +3/2 Ranged (+4 [Radiation Control Specialization], +1 [Ranged Focus], -1 [Growth]) Grapple: +5/9 Defense: +8/7 (+6 Base, +2 Dodge Focus, -1 Size), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -2/3 Saving Throws: 3 + 3 + 4 = 10PP Toughness: +7 (+4 Con, [+3 Force-Field]) Fortitude: +7 (+4 Con, +3) Reflex: +4 (+1 Dex, +3) Will: +5 (+1 Wis, +4) Skills: 24R = 6PP Acrobatics 4 (+5) Gather Information 6 (+6) Medicine 4 (+4) Sense Motive 6 (+6) Survival 4 (+4) Feats: 6PP Attack Specialization 2 (Radiation Control) Attack Focus (Ranged) Dodge Focus 2 Evasion Precise Shot Powers: 53 = 53PP Human Form: Alternate Form 12 (Irradiated Form; Drawbacks: Unreliable [DC10 Check to Activate] (-4), Action 3 [Full Action] (-2)) [53PP] (Radiation) Irradiated Form: (All Abilities have "Radiation" descriptor) Radiation Control 9 (Radiation Control 15PP; Feats: Alternate Power 3; Drawbacks: Full Power) [16PP] Base Power: Blast 7 (Radiation Control; Feats: Improved Range) {15/15} Alternate Power: Drain Toughness 7 (Destroy Life; Extras: Ranged; Feats: Improved Range) {15/1} Alternate Power: Environmental Control 5 (Radiation Zone (Moderate Irradiation); Extras: Selective) {15/1} Flight 6 (Flight; 500 MpH) [12PP] Insubstantial 3 (Radiation Form; Extras: Continuous; Flaws: Permanent; Feats: Innate) [16PP] Immunity 5 (Radiation Environments, Suffocation, Mind Control) [5PP] Protection 3 (Radiation Aura) [3PP] Super-Senses 3 (Tracking Infravision, Ultravision) [3PP] Growth 4 (Large; Extras: Continuous; Flaws: Permanent, Dispersal; Feats: Innate) [5PP] Drawbacks: (-3) + (-4) = -7PP Normal Identity (Human Jimmy; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Major) [-4PP] One-Way Transformation (Bleed off Energy; Frequency: Very Common; Intensity: Minor (Few Hours)) [-3PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Jimmy Punch Touch DC 17 Toughness Damage 2(Physical) Radiation Control Ranged DC 22 Toughness Damage 7(Energy) Totals: Abilities (18) + Combat (19) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (6) + Feats (6) + Powers (53) - Drawbacks (7) = 105/108 Power Points
  9. Argonaut Power Level: 10/14 (206/212) Trade-Offs: +3 Attack/-3 Damage (Power Pike), -2 Defense /+2 Toughness Unspent PP: 6 In Brief: Omegadrone Agent of A.E.G.I.S! Alternate Identity: Yves Zermeño, Yvejskrujanharbh'aar Identity: Secret Birthplace: Lor-Zul Occupation: AEGIS Field Agent Affiliations: AEGIS Family: Carlos Zermeño (Husband), Luz Zermeño (Eldest Daughter), Anna Zermeño (Middle Daughter), Sophia Zermeño (Youngest Daughter) Description: Age: 50 (DoB: Born March, 16 1968) Apparent Age: 30 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Lor Height: 5'2 Weight: 210 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Yves is a slightly muscular brown skinned woman with no visible natural body hair. The missing hair on her head was replaced with a very expensive lace wig. The wig is styled into a short bob. She often dresses in modest fashions that leave very little skin showing. Hiding the various scars throughout her body that she actually opted not to have surgically removed. Never wanting to forget the monster that she was. As Argonaut, Yves' MEGA-MAX bears a recolored Shocktrooper Omegadrone Armor. The face plate retains an all too familiar skull like design. The armor does not have wings due to having a far sleeker design than Steelgrave's original bulky model. The back does, however, have secondary thrusters to to aid the jet boosts propulsion outside of atmospheric conditions (although the secondary boosters are currently damaged), The rocket boots can maneuver through the air with no issue having lost no air superiority. The Armor's left breastplate has the AEGIS emblem engraved. History: In another world in which the Lor's First Age never came to a close, the Lor Republic stretched to every corner of explored space. The military existed primarily for the purpose of exploration and further colonization of Lor Space. Quality of Life for citizens of the advanced civilization was such that only a sci fi novel could compare. Yvejskrujanharbh'aar was a freshly graduated university student with a future as a star faring diplomat in all but certain. Her life was pretty much uneventful. She had friends, family, loved ones and her personal tragedies were no more exciting than a lost pet here or there. Having never left her home planet, her dream was to engage in interplanetary relations perhaps to eventually take a seat as a Senator. The Lor citizens born on the planet of Lor-Zul are known for being born with two very distinct features. The first being a long life span in which they maintain a youthful appearance, only showing signs of aging during the last quarter of their lives. The second a natural affinity with languages their mind able to comprehend all spoken and written word as if they were living ciphers due to a unique psionic mutation. It was only the first trait that appealed to Shadivian Steelgrave after the Terminus came. With no enemies to oppose the Lor the military was nowhere near qualified to handle the unified front of the combat drones that swept their world. The Lor were crushed and in the end there was only the Terminus. Life as a conquered slave with the Hundred Worlds was far different for the Lor. Gone from Spacemen to cavemen one had to let a piece of himself die just to survive. In Nihilor only the strong survive. And what she lacked in physical might, Yvejskrujanharbh'aar made up for with sheer willpower and luck. Engaging in brutal gladiatorial fights until she scrapped by on top of her opposition. Her prize? Her mind was torn asunder as she underwent the unspeakable acts that defined the Omegadrone conditioning. Brainwashed by the Omegadrone conditioning Yvejskrujanharbh'aar had long faded she was merely a servant of Omega. Serving on the front lines as an Omegadrone Shocktrooper. Many people remember the Terminus Invasion of 1993 differently. Most of those memories are not looked back on too fondly. But for Yvejskrujanharbh'aar it was her first real memory since her first shot at life had ended. As one of those very invaders, she found herself barely clinging to life by the time the battle had come to a close. Her armor was skewered onto a steel rod at her abdomen. Recovered by AEGIS field agents, she was given medical treatment as the organization wasn't out to just let people die. Even those part of a foreign invasion force. Of course if it brought about the opportunity to learn more about the Terminus forces more power to them. It took a think tank of the top AEGIS psychologists and doctors to match Daedalus efforts in deprogramming the Omegadrone conditioning. They even crafted a new identity for her to live, monitored by a field agent, just outside of their Baltimore offices. Yvejskrujanharbh'aar or Yves as she had now come to be known just had to agree to surrender her armor to them as well as acting as a consultant whenever the need struck the agency. When Dr. Doris Volk joined AEGIS in 1997 amongst the many projects she pursued was the development of MAX series Power Armors. Shorty after completing the designs on the Super-Max armor Dr. Volk had already begun considering the process for advancing upon her design. Searching through old AEGIS files for inspiration Dr. Volk eventually came to learn about the deal AEGIS made with Yves. It took a decade to combine the technology of the Omegadrone with that of a SUPER MAX armor creating the first flight capable power armor, far before the distinctly more well known models used by Subjects V and V2. The most problematic bit of integration was that the armor's neural interface would only respond to omegadrones like the armor's previous pilot, Yves. A neural interface was originally designed to reinforce the Omegadrone conditioning and improve Nihilor's Mixed Murder Arts by recording combat data and aiding the pilot adapt in all situations. Dr. Volk's attempts of repurposing the interface to aid field agents in saving lives could not completely overcome the fact that only a mind whom had gone through Steelgrave's brainwashing was the only one capable of conceptualizing such an idea. So she requested Yves assistance in improving the combat data of the interface as Dr. Volk attempted to overcome the flaw in the design. An offer that went through a very long series of refusals before Yves finally relented with some trepidation. Spending weekends as a test pilot for the tongue in cheekily named MEGA-MAX armor. Breaking away from the training simulation when the armor caught the transmission of a nearby alarm system in which a shoe store was being robbed by three heavily armed men. Within the comfort of her armor she was able to easily able to deal with the crooks. Disappearing before AEGIS latest line in experimental technology could be shaken. Upon her return she wasn't admonished for taking off with government property as she expected. Instead there was a congratulatory fanfare and applause and she was offered a real job with the agency. After weighing her options and the sense of satisfaction that came with actually doing something good with the armor she took the job. In her personal life, Yves and her handler had wed some years back. Together they were raising three girls from his first marriage. Although at this point the eldest was studying at FCU, so the children did not exactly outnumber the parents in the household. Eventually the Zermeños requested a change in duty station from Baltimore to Freedom City. Marking her return to the city after 20 years as the armored hero Argonaut. After Argonaut returned from a mission off planet. Dr. Volk claimed to have attained enough data to begin work on the MEGA-MAX series of prototypes. AEGIS set about fully repairing Argonaut's Shocktrooper armor and upgrading both it and her pike with the information on display. Personality & Motivation: Yves may not have been quite herself when she worked as a soldier of Omega. But she remembers every waking minute of that nightmare. Every slash, every stab, every atrocity committed in the name of the Lord of the Terminus. She tries not to let it weigh on her conscious too much and for the most part succeeds with bravado and gumption (albeit a silent gumption), but the memory is always there gnawing at the back of her head. Despite that one would be hard pressed to find her without a smile on her face. Whether it is forced or not. Outwardly confident, albeit carefully spoken, she works hard at covering up her own insecurities of not being qualified for being a 'hero' due to her past a Terminus soldier. Despite the fact that AEGIS already has a solid history of working with reformed criminals. Yves is very good at seeing through people's intentions. Above all else, she feels as if she has seen enough death in her lifetime and will go through absurd lengths to try and save everyone she can even if it cost her life in doing so. In her daily life, Yves can be downright domestic. Attempting to portray the image of a perfect mom next door type, while still keeping conversations as short as possible. Yves is not a talker by any measure for those outside her family. But, when she does speak it's usually either snark covered or blunt with absolutely no sense of tact. A self described realist through and through Argonaut does not mince words or paint optimistic pictures. Powers & Tactics: Yves relies on the Argonaut armor to do all her heavy lifting. Even with her now rusty training in the mixed murder arts, she is quite effective at using her power pike for close range combat. At a distance, Argonaut fires bolts of cosmic energy at her foes from her pike. Her Shocktrooper armor has multiple thrusters throughout potentially allowing her to fly through the air with ease. The rear thrusters allow her to traverse the atmosphere with much more force than she can muster inside the planet without risking damaging the surroundings. Taking a cue from Omega himself, Yves can compress the entropic energies of her Blast blade creating a small endothermic reaction that releases in a bright flash of light to blind her foe. Lastly, AEGIS has created a sort of funnel exhaust to allow Yves to release the entropic energies of her power pike from the middle of the shaft. Specifically forming it into the shape of a shield with AEGIS’ symbol on the center. Seeing as the pike is both collapsible and kept on a wrist sheath underneath her arm this can make it appear as if her only weapon is the shield itself when not wearing the armor. The Shocktrooper Nanites in her body use a "stim pack system". Using a chemical delivery system with a variety of entropic fueled stimulants designed to appeal to an Omegadrone's implants. This activates the whenever she successfully slices matter with her entropic blast blade. In turn creating a sort of painkiller effect in the heat of battle to keep fighting. This allows the mindless drones to push forward in the heat of battle with even less care for their well being. For a freed Omegadrone like Yves, it means having to combat her baser urges every time she fights. Yves body contains tiny nanofibers that are far stronger than human muscle fibers of equal size. The tiny nano muscles allow her to perform feats of strength above what is humanly possible. In fact her very physical condition is improved well above what should be humanly (or rather Lorly) possible. Her neural implants allows her to react with split second timing. When not in use the Omegadrone armor is stored in a portable suitcase Complications: AEGIS Defend!: Yves has an almost unhealthy obsession with pursuing redemption. Nominally this just presents in her wanting to try and protect as many lives as she possibly can. Which on its own is not a problem. But ,Yves runs blindly into action without thinking of the consequences if she thinks it can help someone. Theoretically making her an easy target for a villain's manipulations Broken Arrow: The Terminus did the former Omegadrone no favors. Matters related to Omega and his Annihilists, are a possible trigger for Yves' PTSD to flare up. Flashbacks, hallucinations, and panic attacks are among the many possibilities of how this can manifest. While distracting all on their own, it can be real inopportune in the midst of a high stress chaotic combat zone. Calling for Pegasus: Her identity as Argonaut or even as a former Omegadrone is not common knowledge. AEGIS keeps its secrets well guarded. Her would be allies could even assume her to be a criminal due to the design of her armor looking as if it was a riff on Omegadrones. Local law enforcement or overly enthusiastic civilians may try and attack the Azure Omegadrone mistakenly believing themselves to be attacking a villain. Shield Cracked: The neural interface on the Argonaut armor connects her mind to the machine. This means that , Argonaut's brain can be "hacked" by means that would normally only affect machines while connected to her armor. GM's can feel free to have not only be affected by attacks meant to "mind control" technology but even have her auto fail it. Shields High!: Yves is given a lot of autonomy as an AEGIS agent, but still she has to formally request permission to activate her Omegadrone Armor unless the situation is exigent enough for her to do otherwise. Shield Wall!: Argonaut's Vampiric Damage Effect doesn't really heal her. The Vampiric effect is only a temporary stimulant release for sedation. The GM can at any point in time have any healed injuries return. Furthermore, the stimulant release was not designed with a conscious person in mind. The GM could apply any number of new conditions (such as nauseate, paralyze, etc) with or without the prior healed Damage condition to show her body is suffering from adverse effects from the entropic energies flush in her body. Abilities: 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 10 + 2 = 36PP Strength: 16/24 (+3/+7) Dexterity: 16/24 (+3/+7) Constitution: 16/24 (+3/+7) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +7 Attack: +4/10Armored Ranged, +7/13Armored Melee Grapple: +16/+17 Defense: +5/+8 (+4/7 Base, +3/ Dodge Bonus), +4 Flat-Footed Knockback: -9/-10 Saving Throws: 3 + 0 + 2 = 5PP Toughness: +12 (+7 Con, +2 Density, +2 Armor, 7 Impervious) Fortitude: +10 (+7 Con, +3) Reflex: +7 (+7 Dex) Will: +7 (+5 Wis, +2) Skills: 104R = 26PP Acrobatics 1 (+8) Computers 12 (+15) Skill Mastery Craft (Structural) 2 (+5) Craft (Mechanical) 2 (+5) Disable Device 7 (+10)Skill Mastery Diplomacy 4 (+5) Drive 1 (+8) Gather Information 1 (+2) Intimidate 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Investigate 2 (+5) Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) 2 (+5) Knowledge (Civics) 2 (+5) Knowledge (Cosmology) 10 (+13) Knowledge (Current Events) 2 (+5) Knowledge (Galactic Lore) 5 (+8) Knowledge (Streetwise) 2 (+5) Knowledge (Tactics) 2 (+5) Medicine 1 (+6) Notice 9 (+14) Pilot 8 (+15)Skill Mastery Search 2(+5) Sense Motive 10 (+15) Stealth 3 (+10) Survival 5 (+10) Feats: 10PP Attack Focus (Melee) 3 Benefit (AEGIS Security Clearance) Dodge Focus 1 Favored Opponent (Omegadrones) Fearless Interpose Skill Mastery (Computers, Disable Device, Intimidate, Pilot) Startle Powers: 6+ 8 + 20 + 1 + 1 + 29 + 50 = 115PP Communication 4 ( Radio [1 Mile]; Power Feats: Selective, Subtle ) [6PP] Comprehend 4 ( Codes & Ciphers, Languages [Read All, Speak Any One at a Time, Understand All ) [8PP] Device 6 ( 30PP container; Feats: Restricted to Omegadrones, Subtle; Flaw: Easy-to-Lose ) [20 PP] (Collapsible Power Pike) Concealment 4 (Normal Sight; Flaw: Passive ) [2DP] (Cloaking) Terminus Blast Array (25PP Array; Feat: Alternate Power 3 ) [28DP] BP: Damage 10 ( Extra: Ranged; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Incurable, Precise, Split Attack) (Entropic Blast) {25/25} AP: Damage 0 ( Extras: Penetrating 7, Vampiric 7 ; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [5'], Improved Critical 2, Incurable, Mighty, Precise, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Technological] ) (Blast Blade) {24/25} AP: Deflect 5 ( All Ranged Attacks; Extras: Redirection, Reflection ) {25/25} (Shield of AEGIS) AP: Dazzle 10 ( Visual Senses ) {20/25} (Blinding Blast) Feature 1 ( Temporal Inertia ) [1PP] Immunity 1 ( Aging; Flaw: Limited to Half-Effect ) [1PP] Device 8 ( 40PP Container; Feat: Restricted to Omegadrones; Drawback: Full-Round to Don the Suit [-4] Flaw: Hard to Lose ) [29PP] (AEGIS Upgraded Omegadrone Armor) Enhanced Attack 6 [12 DP] (Combat Computer) Enhanced Defense 3 [6DP] (Combat Computer) Flight 3 ( 50mph, 500 ft./rnd; Feat: Move-by-Action ) [7DP] (Jet Boots) Immunity 4 ( Disease, Poison, Sleep, Starvation & Thirst; Flaw: Limited to Half-Effect ) [2DP] Immunity 6 ( Environmental Conditions [Cold, Heat, High Pressure, Radiation], Suffocation[All] ) [6DP] Protection 3 [3DP] Super-Movement 1 ( Space Travel [Interplanetary] ) [2DP] Super-Strength 1 ( Effective STR 39 [Heavy Load 2.8 Tons] )[2DP] Omegadrone Shocktrooper Nanite Enhancements ( 50PP Container ) [50PP] Density 4 (x2 Weight, Flaws: Permanent, Feats: Innate, Subtle) [14PP] Enhanced Constitution 8 [8PP] Enhanced Dexterity 8 [8PP] Enhanced Feats 2 ( Affects Insubstantial [Unarmed] ) [2PP] Impervious Toughness 5 [5PP] Speed 1 ( 10 mph, 100' per round ) [1PP] Super-Senses 10 ( Analytical [All Vision], Darkvision, Infravision, Microscopic Vision 3 [Molecule Size], Radio, Tracking [Infravision/Half-Speed] ) [10PP] Super-Strength 1 ( Effective STR 34 Heavy Load=2.8k lbs ) [2PP] Drawbacks: -2PP Vulnerability (Magnetism; uncommon, Major, +50%) [-2PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE DC EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC22 Toughness Damage (Physical) Blinding Blast Ranged DC20 Fort/Reflex Dazzle (Light) Blast Blade Ranged DC22 Toughness Damage (Technological) Entropic Blast Touch DC25 Toughness Damage (Cosmic) Totals: Abilities (36) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (5) + Skills (26) + Feats (10) + Powers (115) - Drawbacks (2) = 206/212 Power Points
  10. Phalanx Michael Harris, AKA Phalanx is a child of the Terminus. Born with spectacular powers due to the effects of the Terminus energies unleashed on the world during the 1993 invasion on him while in utero he takes to the skies and streets of Freedom City defending the innocent and stopping those who would exploit and abuse those weaker than themselves. The fel energies of the terminus have granted him amazing resiliency and might as well as speed, the power of flight and enhanced senses. Despite the dark circumstances at the root of his powers Mike is a kind hearted individual with a deep feeling of responsibility to do what he can to improve the world and help others. History Mike Harris was born mere months after the Terminus Invasion of 1993, this makes him one of the oldest of this generation of Terminus Babies. His parents discovered his powers when he floated himself out of his crib to continue playing after they had put him down for a nap he was not yet willing to take. They kept it secret for a time but with their good friends the Albrights in much the same situation they soon revealed his nature to a select circle none the less they tried to keep the super kids secret trust in the government had improved with the fall of the Moore regime but not been restored in its entirety. Alex Albright the young telepath daughter of the albright family and Mike became fast friends and in these early years formed a tight bond via the young psychics powers their minds joined almost as one. The pair attended a regular preschool together, Alex already clever enough to mask her abilities and help Mike do the same, it seemed that keeping it all secret might just work though both pairs of parents wondered if the government might be able to help understand what was happening with their children. The choice was however made for them when Mike was around four and got in a schoolyard scuffle with another boy. It was a minor altercation over a ball and mike shoved the smaller boy, who flew across the schoolyard. Panic erupted, authorities were called, the child made a full recovery and Aegis saw to it the family was well taken care of to keep it quiet. They however did not inform the Harris' of this, it was all couched in secrecy but the implication was hte boy had been badly injured possibly killed. The agent in charge of the newly formed Terminus Energy Mutation Syndrome Task Force hoped to keep the Mikes Father and his ties to the media quiet with the threat of mike being revealed as some kind of monster. And for a time it worked. The Task Force gathered suspected and confirmed T-babies at a special facility at STAR Labs. There the tests for TEMS were perfected and the children's powers and psyches monitored. Some of the best behavioral psychologists available were on hand to see to it the children were raised as normally as possible, the parents visited regularly and schedules were maintained to allow the children the illusion of freedom they lacked, the more precocious students of course were less fooled but most played along at the least. Due to the close quarters in which they were raised most of this generation, at least those born in and around Freedom, are familiar with one another and some cursory knowledge of one another's powers. Over time the threat of the assorted children being outed grew less of a concern and the parents took legal action to have hte kids returned to their homes. for some the adjustment was difficult though not for Mike. From that point until they reached fourteen years of age the children lived at home and could even vacation if they alerted Aegis of their movements. Mike regularly vacationed with his family at his grandparents farm in the countryside, sometimes joined by Alex and her family sometimes on his own. It was a place of peace and relaxation and a place remote enough he could truly test the bounds of his powers without constant worry. When the TEMS children reached high school age the slow wheels of justice turned another small rotation and they were released if not deemed a high risk case to attend the high school of their parents choice. Both Alex and Mike ended up with invitations to the Claremont Academy which they attended happily. The secret school for supers was an excellent match for the young T-Babies others with similar but different experiences to relate to and adults far more prepared to handle super teens than available elsewhere. Of course it was still high school with all the usual ups and downs, and a few not so regular ones. For the first time Mike really connected and made friends outside of Alex and his family, it was slow going and he had a lot of residual guilt about his youthful loss of control among other issues related to his powers and his fear of them. Erin White a dimensional refugee with some of the same issues though far less angst about them became a friend, helped by her rooming with Alex, as well as the always chipper and good natured Mark Lucas, Mikes own roommate. The four of them as well as several fellow students thwarted a mad scheme at a baseball game field trip and formed Young Freedom who had many assorted adventures, once even stopping their teammate hellion from allowing himself to be used as a gate to bring Hell on Earth. They grew close as a team and dealt with many of hte usual teen issues of romance and break-ups and friendships strained and strengthened by the rigors of school and superheroics. Also the not so usual issues of time displaced offspring, and fighting Anihilists over spring break. After graduation Mike grew apart form his friend slowly, he still clung to a dream of a normal life, of the simpler things. While Alex went and built a multibillion dollar institute, Mike pursued Jr. College and the police academy. While his friends went forth to fight all manner of villains he fought with criminal justice exams and not tipping his hand in physical training exercises. He often questioned if it was the right thing, in many ways he could do more as Phalanx than as Mike the Police officer, or Matt as his AEGIS records from his youth followed him requiring a false identity. His former companions and even his fiance did great things and he strived for a normalcy that he ought have known could never be his. His stint as an active duty officer lasted less than a week, He was outed doing what of course he would stepping in front of bullets to save a crowd. It was all over the news and though his identity was kept mostly out of it the gig was up. With his powers he could not serve the FCPD directly, too much risk and liability of breach of civil rights at the least. Now and adult Phalanx steps onto the stage to greater things perhaps, certainly more honest with himself and those around him. Costume and Appearance Currently Phalanx wears a variation on his Claremont Academy uniform like many of the original Young Freedom did in the past. His is the standard blue and gold skin tight suit high necked with a deep V of yellow on the chest. A yellow belt, Boots, Bracers and cape finish off the high contrast look. This look of course may soon change as he emerges as an adult hero and attempts to differentiate himself. Powers The Terminus energies he was exposed to have wrought many changes upon the young hero granting him many stupendous powers. Phalanx is a physical powerhouse in the main. His titanic strength has outstripped most available methods of testing but is well in excess of a freight train his impervious flesh can accept anti tank fire with out a scratch and even more potent weapons are unlikely to cause him significant harm. He is as well incredibly fast on land or when taking flight able to circumnavigate the globe in under an hour and move at interstellar speeds in vacuum. His senses are enhanced well beyond human norms able to see and hear vast distances and sight that can penetrate even solid surfaces of low enough density. Focusing the energies empowering him allows him as well to project powerful beams of light from his eyes with startling accuracy. Allies Phalanx has been close friends since childhood with Psyche, Alexandra Albright, She has as long as he can remember been a constant presence in his life and his mind and they are now engaged. He also maintains friendships with several of his friends from the Claremont Academy, particularly, Edge, Wander, and Midnight. He has been invited to potentially join them on the revived Liberty League though it has yet to be formalized. Mike has recently undertook a somewhat disastrous career in Law Enforcement with the FCPD and though due to his powers and the legal issues that would spring from them he no longer is an officer he maintains friendships with fellow cadets from the academy and veterans he served with if briefly though the upper echelons are less warm he may be able to call upon his police contacts upon occasion. (Sidekick, HQ, Etc) Phalanx does not maintain such a location on his own though he does have some access to his fiances resources through AEON and is currently if temporarily staying with Trevor and Erin at the Midnight Manor. Playlist Come With Me Now - Kongos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz2GVlQkn4Q Shake it out - Florence and the Machine - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbN0nX61rIs I Won't Back Down - Johnny Cash - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8i5NLyXZdc Shut up and Dance - Walk the Moon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JCLY0Rlx6Q (For Mike and Alex) Timeline Placement Tests - Phalanx Arrives at Claremont Academy and his abilities are tested. Take Me Out To The Ballgame - Young Freedoms Inaugural Adventure after which the Team forms! String and Tin Cans - Alex helps Mike through a rough patch with how to be a hero and not be afraid. Some Girls - Mike is manipulated by Daisy Gibbons to believe hte worst about Mark and Alex My Best Friends Girl - Mike and Mark work out most of their differences after Some Girls. Invasion! - Riverside: Gate - Young Freedom Faces one of its greatest challenges yet when one of their own is used to open a Gate to Hell Itself! It's a Jungle Out There - Young Freedom face down the sinister Shadivaan Steelgrave and stop Omegas plans... For Now. Save Tonight - Alex throws a Prom for her friends and classmates and perhaps discovers why Summers does not have an official one... It's Five O'clock Somewhere - Mike recovers from his disastrous try at the simple life with a little help from his friends
  11. Player Name: GooseInduced Character Name: G.R.F.A.N. or Gryphon Power Level: 10 [150/150 pp] Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: In Brief: Teenager with out of control powers builds a device to contain them… Then a suit of powered high tech armor. Alternate Identity: Flynn Michael Ramsey Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Student Affiliations: (People and/or groups you work with) Family: Mother: Jackie Mills (Living) , Father: Michael Ramsey (Deceased), Uncle: Tye Mills (Living), Uncle: Aaron Ramsey (Living) Description: Tall and lean, Flynn looks like any average teenager. His skin isn’t as dark as his mothers, but gives his heritage away in its deep tan. His hair is brown and while not unmanageable, the curls are a bit of a hassle and Flynn keeps it tamed in a mane of thin, chin length dreadlocks. Because his skin and hair are such a similar shade, his blue eyes stand out and look almost piercing. He looks much like his mother with her rounded nose and the set of her brow, but he has thin lips like his father and his tall physique. He’s already about six feet tall and not done growing. The armored stealth suit G.R.F.A.N is Flynn’s baby. He constructed most of the suit out of scavenged materials, using his uncle’s car garage and junk yard to make many of the pieces. Despite that the suit looks as polished as any high tech device. Sleek and armored with steel, the suit provides protection against most attacks any crook in Freedom City might dish out. Many of the surfaces have been intentionally scuffed instead of shined to keep with the low profile appearance. Because of its conductive properties Flynn also used a lot of copper in the suit and channels of it are visible in the armor. The helmet is streamlined and aerodynamic; the eyes the glow a bright icy blue, mimicking the stare of a predator. The back of it is tiered, mimicking the look of ruffled feathers. The same design is carried down over his spine, a reinforcement of the suit to protect his spine. It is in this reinforced backing that he stores his staff, able to draw it at a moment’s notice to defend himself and fight. Age: 16. August 13th, 1999 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian/African American Height: 5”11 Weight: 125 Eyes: Blue Hair: Dark Brown Power Descriptions: G.R.F.A.N. is the acronym for General Radiation Field Absorption Net. It is the working name for the device Flynn designed to keep his powers in check and later grandfathered to represent his cybernetic suit and become his alias as Gryphon. The suit itself is a marvel considering it is made of exclusively scavenged materials. Beyond the suit, Flynn’s powers are very limited. His natural mutation manifests in mental quickness and intelligence. The accident jumpstarted his mutation, turning his nervous system into a hyper efficient conductor of energy. He’s able to passively absorb and store background energy. Though his internal battery has its limit. If he’s ever unable to drain that battery the energy may escape in unintended channels, bursts of emp or static shocks. History: Flynn never knew his dad. He died when his mother was still pregnant. He really knows only two things about him: He was in a gang. He was white. There are a few old pictures of his parents. Their brothers were friends, hung out with the same crowds. Unfortunately they both hung out with the wrong crowds. His mom never approved, but she could never stop him either. The story goes that the three of them had gone out. It was just a ‘routine’ job, nothing major, nothing dangerous. They hadn’t counted on the cops that night, or the stray bullet that would leave his mom on her own. The bullet that ensured her dropping out of school to get any job she could to pay the bills, to take care of her baby. Things never got easy. His mom has always worked two or three jobs to make ends meet. Even then ends never really met. His uncles offered, many times to help either with money or ‘job’ opportunities, but his mom always said no. She wanted no part of that life for her or for Flynn. Especially not after it had taken his father. It was exactly their lifestyle that kept his intelligence in the shadows. No one took the time to see exactly past the label of ‘ADD’. He squeaked by his schooling. He did only what he had to. He had other things to worry about besides school. Like seeing a ‘past due’ power bill sitting on the coffee table or trying to take a shower only to find out there wasn’t any water. It was only as he got older that Flynn’s intelligence really started to bloom. His grades got better, but not because he was trying. He started to realize exactly how much he could remember. The math equations that most kids struggled to learn he had the moment he set eyes on them. Like energy production. It gave him an idea, small at first. Only it grew, the idea of creating an efficient energy source. Nothing huge just… just enough to power a house. He couldn’t let it go. The idea rolled around and around in his head until finally the slacker took action. He put down his skateboard and took his notebook to his uncle’s scrap yard (chop shop). He worked for almost a week straight. He had no idea what he was onto, how close he came to something brilliant. Only the experiment backfired. Nearly blew up his other uncle’s garage and set off a black out that plunged half of Freedom City into darkness. He woke up with a concussion, a few bruises and one wicked headache but nothing a few days of rest wouldn’t cure. Or so he thought. It started small at first. The headache didn’t go away, in fact it got worse. He had trouble sleeping, then eventually stopped sleeping all together. It was like he couldn’t turn off, like his mind was connected to some energy source that wouldn’t let him sleep. It was only when he blew the transformer by his house (Flynn sneezed while touching a lamp) that he realized how accurate that was. Realizing that his experiment was a success, just not in the way he envision, Flynn set out to contain the energy, and eventually to harness it. Needless to say his creation never made it to the science fair. He found another application for it. First he managed to harness the energy, creating a energy/radiation net that would draw the energy from him: G.R.F.A.N. General Radiation Field Absorption Net. A device that in its most crude form was a series of wire electrodes on a vest under his clothing. It absorbs the energy and transfers it to battery packs for later use. At first he put them to use in their house, hooking multiple packs together and hooking them into the home’s power grid. After that, he let his ambition get the best of him. What if power was the least of their worries? What if they could get whatever they wanted? They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions and Flynn was bound and determined to take that route. He’d seen power suits made by other heroes: Bright, flashy things that granted flight and super strength. Flynn didn’t want that. He didn’t want to be seen. He wanted something sleek, something fast, something that could get him anywhere. It was probably best that Claremont had their eyes on him since causing the black out. That their people knew what he was up to. That they knew he’d been successful. Flynn was damn lucky they were waiting for him at that bank. He wasn’t trying to rob it necessarily. He just wanted to test out his baby: The Gryphon Stealth Combat Suit. It had worked well enough. He’d gotten all the way to the vault before they could stop him. But all it took was locking him in with the money. He had two options: Jail or Claremont. At least at Claremont they would help supply him with materials. Personality & Motivation: Flynn’s greatest motivation is his mother. He might be a lazy slacker and have ‘better things’ to do than school but if nothing else he loves his mom. The experiment that jump started his mutation was done in the hopes of her not having to work so hard. Over all Flynn is a pretty laid back guy. He’s not quick to rile up or get angry. He loves video games but has never really been able to afford them. His hobbies are his skateboard and the small bit of parkour that one of his friends got him in to. Though lately a large portion of his down time is spent working on the Gryphon suit. He still doesn’t consider himself smart, never has. Though while many would classify him as quick, he isn’t the wisest of the bunch. Powers & Tactics: The Gryphon suit has been designed with a wide array of abilities. A built in HUD keeps him alert and allows him to zoom in on an object up to 10 times. Various visual filters and programs allow him to see in total darkness and the infrared spectrum. He is even capable of tracking individuals by their heat trail. It can even pick up on sounds outside the normal human range of hearing. Combat algorithms and aiming protocols help with accuracy and evading attacks. The suit grants him increased speed, dexterity and strength. The suit has a compartment on the back to store a telescopic staff that Flynn can fight with in close quarters. At a distance, the suits programs work with wrist mounted launchers to shoot a charged “Shuriken” projectile. The suit also features arm mounted grappling hooks that allow him to reach roof tops and other areas with ease. He is also capable of using it to slow his fall and swing to out of reach areas. Though the most impressive feature of the suit falls under its stealth capabilities. Designed to be quiet and the efficient, the suit is able to harness the energy and radiation that Flynn absorbs in a unique way. It is able to distort light waves outward, bending them around the suit and rendering it invisible to the naked eye. It was that property that caused him to build the suit with one idea in mind: Ninja. Complications: Splitting Headache: Flynn needs to discharge his internal “Battery” on a regular basis. Instead of trying to find a ‘normal’ way of channeling his ability, he opted for a more… inventive method. His current set up gives him two days on a battery pack before it becomes full and he has to switch out (With 24/7 wear) Hooking up to and using the suit does help maintain his stores and keep them in check, but just putting the suit on isn’t enough. If he is ever caught unable to change his batteries (Either because of not having any empty ones or not having access to the necessary tools) the first stage is headaches and sleeplessness (two to three days) ZAP: The second stage is static discharges that are uncontrolled and unpredictable. Potentially acting as EMP or interference with energy and electrical sources (Three to four days) ???: (A week or more) After that the potential effects are unknown. Death? Coma? Potentially. He could also turn into pure energy or a walking H bomb… He just really hopes it doesn’t come to that. That Money Thing….: To be blunt, he dosn’t have much, if any extra money. If things came down to it, he’s just out of luck. They are barely scraping by and at least at Claremont he’s less of a financial burden. Gangsters of Freedom: One of his biggest fears in going into the crime fighting business is running into someone he knows. His uncles, cousins, even his next door neighbors are in with the various groups in freedom. After what happened to his dad, they leave Flynn and his mom out of it well enough. Still, he doesn’t know what he would do if he ever ran into one of them. I Don’t Give A-: Flynn isn’t very good with authority. A product of his environment or just his personality? Who knows? He isn’t fond of being told what to and is known to put his foot right in his mouth when people get ‘bossy’. Hot Blooded. Check it: He is normally pretty laid back, but get him mad and his fuse burns quick. It blinds him and is liable to cause him to make mistakes. Abilities: 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 0 + 0 = 14PP Strength: 12 (+1) Suit: 14( +2) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Suit: 20( +5) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 14(+2) Enhanced: 18(+4) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +2 Suit: +9 Attack: +4 Base Grapple: +5 Suit: +6 Defense: +10 (+4 Base, Dodge Focus 6) Knockback: -2 Suit: -5 Saving Throws: 6 + 6 + 5 = 17PP Toughness: +4/+10 (+2 Con, +2 Defensive Roll, +6 [Suit]) Fortitude: +8 (+2 Con, +6 base) Reflex: +8/+10 (+2/+5 Dex, +5 base) Will: +6 (+0 Wis, +6 base) Skills: 48/48R = 12PP Acrobatics 5 (+7) (Suit +14)SM Computers 8 (+12) Craft (Electronics): 9 (+13) Escape Artist 0 (+2) (Suit +9)SM Knowledge: Physical Science 8 (+12) Knowledge: Technology 8 (+12) Notice 5 (+5) (Suit +9)SM Search 0 (+8) (Suit +12) Stealth 5 (+7) (Suit +14)SM Feats: 5PP Defensive Roll Eidetic Memory­­ Inventor Luck Quick Change Powers: 7 + 74 + 4 + 1 = 86 Device 2 – Bo Staff (9/10PP Container, High Tech Power Suit; Feats: Subtle (Collapsible, Stores in Armor); Flaws: Easy to lose) [7PP] · Strike 8 (Feats: Mighty) [9] Device 18 - High Tech Power Armor (90/90PP Container, Restricted 2 (Flynn Only: Power Source); Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [74PP] · ‘Shuriken’: Blast 10 (Feats: Accurate 3) [23] · Communication 4 (Sense type: radio – 1 mile) [4] · Concealment 4 (Concealment from all Visual) [8] · Enhanced Dexterity 6 [6] · Enhanced Strength 2 [2] · Enhanced Feats (Acrobatic Bluff, Attack Specialization 3: Bo Staff, Challenge: Fast Acrobatic Bluff, Dodge focus 6, Evasion 2, Improved Initiative, Quick Draw, Skill Mastery [Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Notice, Stealth], Uncanny Dodge (Ultrahearing) [17PP] · Enhanced Skills: (Acrobatics: 4, Escape Artist: 4, Notice: 4, Search: 4, Stealth: 4) [5pp] · Grappling Line: (Super Movement: Slow Fall, Swinging, Wall Crawling) [6] · Leaping 2 (Jumping distance: x5) [2] · Protection 6 [6] · Quickness 2 (x5 Flaws: Physical only) [1] · Speed 4 (100mph) [4] · Super-Senses ( Darkvision, Extended Vision (Normal) – 100 Ft. , Infravision, Tracking (Infravision), Ultra-Hearing) [6] Enhanced Intelligence 4 (Mutation)[4PP] Quickness 2 (x5 Flaws: Mental only; Mutation) [1PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE Save EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 17 Toughness Damage (Staged) Shuriken Ranged DC 25 Toughness Damage (Staged) Bo Staff Touch DC 25 Toughness Damage (Staged) Totals: Abilities (14) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (12) + Feats (5) + Powers (86) - Drawbacks (0) = (150/150) Power Points
  12. Player Name: Geez3r Character Name: Bastion, Power Level: 12/13 (195/196PP) Trade-Offs: +2 Attack / -2 Damage (Melee), -3 Attack / +3 Damage (Ranged), -4 Defense / +4 Toughness Unspent Power Points: 1 In Brief: One of the world's most infamous super-villains attempts to redeem himself. Residence: Penthouse, Downtown Freedom Base of Operations: as above Alternate Identity: Eric Michaels Identity: Public Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Super-hero and scientist Affiliations: AEGIS, Blackstone prison (inmates & staff), Archetech Family: Emily Michaels, mother (estranged) Description: Age: 35 (DoB: May 19th, 1980) Apparent Age: Same as actual Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'9” Weight: 155lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Deep Red Eric has changed a fair amount since the last time he was in the public eye. He still has a fair complexion, and he still wears his hair in a side parted ponytail. But his face has a few traces of early wrinkles, but his eyes seem to be much softer and sagely. The most prominent change is of course the plated metal arm on his right side, Eric decided to leave it shiny and chrome rather than to make it look like a regular arm. Several years outside of the power armor, as well as plenty of free time have allowed Eric to dedicate time to an exercise regimen, putting quite a bit more muscle on his previously rather skinny frame. Power Descriptions: Eric still uses the red, white and blue Mantle of Freedom that he created so long ago. It has however gone through many upgrades and revisions. This latest version is his first true foray into purely energy based weaponry, wanting to distance himself somewhat from what Malice stood for. As such, this suit is a little more trimmed down than other power armor suits he has used in the past. It offers the basic package of flight, protection and super strength, with this newest version having baseline super-strength running in parallel to the weapons system. The weapons system offers basic energy blasts, but also allows for creation of hard-light objects and the ability to manipulate objects at a distance. With this new design Eric wanted to show that power armor was something more than just a weapon. History: Most of Eric's history is well known and documented. By most accounts he was a normal, albeit brilliant citizen of Freedom City for most of his youth, and even into his early adult life. He was the only child of Hank and Emily Michaels, attended the local schools and graduated high in his class at HIT. His life would take a tragic turn when his father was killed in the crossfire of a meta-brawl, having pushed Eric out of the way and taking the hit himself. Something inside of Eric broke on that day, and he swore vengeance on the heroes of Freedom City for letting such a tragedy befall this city. He began funneling resources from the company he worked for as its head researcher, Darts (the very same company that would later become Archtech) to build the tools required for his crusade. He built an underground complex beneath his own house in a quiet Riverside suburb. He also constructed a suit of power armor, in the colors of the American flag, that he would later dub “The Mantle of Freedom” as he would come to perceive himself as a champion for the way of the future. His crusade of violence and 'social justice' would finally be brought to an abrupt end in June of 2009, when an explosion rocked Freedom City, one centered at Eric Michael's door step. Eric would lose his right arm in the aftermath, as well as most of his possessions, and the world knew he was Malice. He surrendered to the police without incident and was summarily sentenced to Blackgate Prison. That is where most people believe that the story stops, but this is where Eric's life would take yet another turn. While Eric sat in his jail cell, day after day, his anger grew and his bitterness began to fester. In any other time or place, he would have been left to rot for his crimes. But this was today and it was Freedom City, and that meant a second chance. There had been some success in years prior with convicted super-villains turning over a new leaf, the largest of which being the pardoning (or lessening of sentences) of prisons who fought against the Terminus Invasion of '93. It was after that day that leading members of AEGIS saw that possibility of using incarcerated villains as impromptu agents. Similar ideas had been tossed around before, most notably Project Strong-Arm during the Moore years, where the idea was to use inmates as expendable shock troops, but they rarely gathered much traction (at least officially). But as one psychological study after another pointed out, many of these criminals could be wildly successful if they merely applied their talents toward legal ends. So the idea was introduced to give inmates a means by which they could contribute to society, slowly, but surely, until it was deemed that the inmates were reformed at which point they would be released. Serving in a law enforcement or military capacity was still on the table course, but now it was not the only course of action. They called it the Fresh Start program. The program was championed by Harriet Wainwright, head of the probation department. She had success with work release programs with lesser criminals before hand, but now in the years leading up to her retirement, she wanted to end on a high note, and to prove, once and for all, that anyone could be redeemed if given the right environment. The Freedom City prison system had no shortage of inmates in need of rehabilitation, but the problem was finding one with enough “brand recognition” for lack of a better term that wasn't a complete nutcase; after all you don't try to scale the largest mountain on your first rock climbing expedition. The one name they kept coming back to was Malice. At one point in time he may have been the most notorious villain in Freedom City, but what set him apart was the fact that he wasn't captured, but he had surrendered himself into police custody without a struggle. Bonus points for first calling his mother so that he could tell her himself that he was a villain rather than her finding out on the 6 o'clock news. Harriet believed that Eric had once been a good man, but he had lost his way after tragedy struck, she merely needed to show him the way to being the man he once was. They started to give Eric more involved counseling and evaluation, a process which continued throughout the program's duration and is even scheduled to continue after his release. They also gave him avenues to put his talents to use. It started as small things, getting his opinion on a new gadget or other piece of tech AEGIS was developing, or his insight on a case they were working on. Then they allowed him access to build a robotic prosthetic arm to replace the one lost in his final battle. It would later to progress to Eric helping to repair the MAX armors at the prison, he even went so far as to start proposing ideas for upgrading them. It wasn't long before AEGIS was allowing him outside of the prison for supervised missions. But the real change came from what Eric saw when he was working with AEGIS. In the past he had blamed the system that had allowed super heroes to run rampant; the same system that had allowed his father to die. But now, he saw there never was a system; it was always just people. Regular, ordinary, every day people who were trying to make the world a better place. They were struggling under the burden they were trying to carry, and every day they knew that there was a chance that they would fail, but they tried anyway because it was the right thing to do. And in that moment, Eric saw his actions as Malice for what they really were; someone who claimed to be a savior lending a helping hand was really a bully crushing those weaker than him under his heel. Eric swore to himself, never again. Personality & Motivation: Eric is a man that has committed a great number of atrocities that now knows how far he has fallen and is now trying to claw his way back to being a good man. He does not shy away from what he has done or who he was. He answers questions about his past bluntly and truthfully. He says that pretending our past didn't occur is the surest way to repeat its mistakes. He is sincere in his desire to make sure that he is a better person today than he was yesterday. Powers & Tactics: Eric fights like a very smart man in a very expensive flying tank. He weighs his options, and sizes up his opponents before deciding on a course of action. That being said, his usual tactic is to use a gun, and if that doesn't work, to use more gun, some habits are hard to break that way. He can mix it up with melee style combat, but ranged is still his preferred style. He has modified the weapons array on his Mantle of Freedom to offer options beyond simply blast everything in sight. The titular bastion-field in particular is the newest innovation. It allows for the creation of hard-light constructs and it can serve to both restrain enemies and protect allies. Complications: Infamous – As Malice, Eric made literally thousands of enemies, switching sides only added people to that list. He is not liked by many, and loathed by most. Indebted – Eric owes his freedom to the efforts of the probation department and the members of Blackstone prison, especially Harriet Wainwright and Warden Drummer. Come hell or high water, he will do right by them. Ex-Con – Eric is a convicted felon and though his sentenced was commuted, there are many things he simply can't do anymore, and many watch lists he shows up on. Stats: 8 + 2 + 8 + 20 + 4 + 4 = 46PP Str: 18/28 (+4/+9) Dex: 12 (+1) Con: 18 (+4) Int: 30 (+10) Wis: 14 (+2) Cha: 14 (+2) Combat: 16 + 8 = 24 PP Attack: +8, +13 Melee Grapple: +18, +24 in suit, +30 at full Super-Strength Defense: +7 (+4 Defense, +3 Dodge Focus) Knockback: -13 in suit, -2 without suit Initiative: +10 Saves: 6 + 2 + 6 = 14PP Toughness: +4/+15 (+4 Con, +11 Protection) – Impervious 10 Fortitude: +10 [+4 Con, +6] Reflex: +3 [+1 Dex, +2] Will: +8 [+2 Wis, +6] Skills: 80r = 20 PP Bluff 8 (+10) Computers 5 (+15) Craft (electronics) 5 (+15) Craft (mechanical) 5 (+15) Diplomacy 8 (+10) Disable Device 5 (+15) Intimidate 13 (+15) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 5 (+15) Knowledge (Tactics) 5 (+15) Knowledge (Technology) 5 (+15) Notice 8 (+10) Sense Motive 8 (+10) Feats: 19 PP All-Out Attack Attack Focus (Melee) 5 Benefit (Wealth 2) Dodge Focus 3 Eidetic Memory Inventor Luck 2 Master Plan 2 Power Attack Speed of Thought Powers: 68 PP Device 19(Hard to lose; 95pp pool) [76pp] (12 + 21 + 15 + 4 + 9 + 34 = 95 Enhanced Strength 10 [10pp] Protection 11 Extras: Impervious 10 [21pp] Flight 6 (Max Speed 5,000 ft/round; 500mph) PF: Dynamic [15pp] * DAP – Super-Strength 6 (Maximum Effective Strength: 58; 25,600/ 51,200/ 76,800/ 153,600/ 384,000) Super-Senses 4 (Darkvision, Infravision, Ultra hearing) [4pp] Immunity 9 (Life support) [9pp] Blast 14 [34pp] * AP – Snare 14 * AP – Move Object 14 * AP – Damage 9 Extras: Targeted Area Burst, Selective; Flaws: Full Round Action * AP – Create Object 11 PF: Precise, Progression x2, Selective, Stationary, Tether Drawbacks: -4 Normal Identity (Full Round Action to don Battlesuit) [-4] DC Block: Unarmed (no armor) DC 19 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) - Melee Unarmed (in armor) DC 24 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) - Melee Blast DC 29 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy - Laser) - Ranged Damage DC 24 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy - Laser) - Melee Snare DC 24 Reflex (Staged) - Hardlight Constructs Costs: Abilities (46) + Combat (24) + Saves (14) + Skills (20) + Feats (19) + Powers (76) - Drawbacks (4) = 195/ 196
  13. Bombshell (Original Sheet for Bombshell) Power Level: 10 (14) (201/245PP) Trade-Offs: +5 Attack / -5 Damage, +2 Defense / -2 Toughness Unspent Power Points: 44 In Brief: Immortal Femme Fatale, (Heel? Face? Who knows?) Residence: Base of Operations: Freedom City Catchphrase: Alternate Identity: Natalya Browning, aka. Rebecca Danvers Identity: Public (Talya) / Secret (Rebecca) Birthplace: London Occupation: Idle Rich / ex-thief Affiliations: Allies of Freedom (1939-1945), MI6 (1945-1954), Thief (1960-1970), Prison (19702-2009) Family: None currently living Description: Age: 98 (DoB: September 7, 1917) Apparent Age: Mid twenties Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'6" Weight: 135 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde A curvy bombshell, for lack of better term. Talya didn't look out of place as a sultry songbird in the 1940s. In fact, low end lounge singer was her cover for much of the war years. These days, she's only average in height but in her hey-day she was considered statuesque. Talya always makes the effort to blend in with the current decade. In the '40s she did femme fatale. In the '60s it was go-go boots and micro-minis. These days, while swinging from lines across Freedom City, she favors a leather cat-suit and domino mask. In order to keep up with the times, she's updated the look to include more straps and a pair of goggles that she never actually wears. In any era, however, she is a stunning woman with a smokey voice and a rare wry wit. Power Descriptions: Talya's powers look like nothing at all. Although she's been imbued with immortality and few more tricks up her sleeve post her efforts in Europe during the second World War, its to her benefit that they look like nothing at all. Most of what she has going for her is skill and carefully honed ability, and then a little bit over the years to even the playing field. History: Bombshell started out hero. Born in England to an upper-class family, when the war arrived, Talya was quick to head overseas with her group of friends to serve as a spy. Mental training helped her shield her thoughts and presence from the Nazis. They were even lucky enough to break into a cache of one of the mystical artifacts that was one of the secret weapons. In the ensuing explosion, all four Brits were gifted with eternal life and minor protections. For Talya, that enhanced her natural aptitudes for stealth and shielding into mystically enhanced physiology. Gifts that she was quick to turn into weapons for the Allies during the war. Once the war was at an end, Talya remained with MI6 and her talents were turned towards the potential threat that Russia posed for the Western world. This, however, was a much murkier world and Talya lost her taste for the spy game as it became much less clear what good and evil war. Abandoning war-torn Europe, Talya gave into her thrill-seeking ways, becoming a pre-eminant thief. As England was still rebuilding, she left European shores for the prosperous US. Still slightly bitter at how her country had been decimated while America thrived, she had no moral qualms with helping herself to that bounty. She only stole artifacts that were not native to the Americas. Never anything as gauche as money. She favored ancient jewelry but any British artifact would do. She clashed with Freedom League greatly during the '60s, enjoying a special game of cat and mouse with the Scarab as her abilities helped her remain elusive to his senses. When her old "friends" from her first caper showed back up, Talya was quick to catch up for old times sake. Unfortunately, they had grown far darker than Bombshell was willing to go. She was a thief but never a killer. In fact, Talya worked with the Freedom League to turn on her old friends in exchange for a minimum sentence. Twenty-five years instead of the life terms the others got. She didn't intend to stay in prison but when Scarab died a few months after her sentence began, she changed her mind. No one knew she was unaging. She'd kept that secret carefully. Instead, she's spent her time and used her disguise skills to look more fragile with the years. After breaking out on the scene, Talya found that the villains of the era weren't any sort that she wanted to throw her lot in with. No style. No panache. Too much murder. After another heel-face turn, Bombshell was back on the side of good. Ish. When the chips are down, Talya's always on the side of 'lets not blow up the world'. Burning buildings. Rescuing cats from trees. Sure. She still has a bit of a weakness for taking things from rich people who fail to appreciate them. Personality & Motivation: Bombshell has always been chaotic, never evil. Although she stole and broke many laws but she's always had her own own moral code. She worked with heroes occasionally even during her more criminal days. She will, not, however play by a hero's rules. She won't kill or cause harm to innocents. Afflicted by moral ennui, she's about to embark on a heel-face turn. Once the threads for those finish, Bombshell will be much more in line with her golden age morals. A spy for the good guys, and struggling to not get assumed to have slipped back to her felonious habits. Powers & Tactics:Bombshell will do her best to cut and run from most conflicts. She's not interested in exchanging blows with meat-heads and considers it a win if she gets away. She prefers, when she has to fight, to strike from stealth and distract or taunt her opponent. She fights with her head but the years have left her a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, the lingering magic buffs she has don't hurt. Complications: Adopted Family: Talya long ago outlived her biological siblings but her former Allies of Freedom teammate, Dimitri, is a brother in all but blood. I Got A Record: In her long life, Talya's done lots of things and not all of them on the side of angels. I'm Just Drawn That Way: Femme fatale means having to say you're sorry. A lot. Old Friends, Old Enemies: Talya has lived a long life and has no shortage of old friends needing help, old enemies that want to fight and old lovers that could fall into either category. Pretty Baubles: She has a bit of a thing for the glitz and glamour. She might be a hero but occasionally personal property laws don't really count in her estimation. Relationship: Talya is currently involved with the married Espadas: Jack and Min and while the two are formidable in their own right, there's little that Talya wouldn't do to ensure their safety. Responsibilities (Team): For the first time since the golden age, Bombshell is on a team roster with the Interceptors. Considering that her last team was predominently murdered by Kantor, despite her bluffing to the otherwise - she takes their safety and her responsibility there seriously. Ward(s): In addition to her parental role to Eden and Mia (and the twins on the way), Talya's taken on mentorship of Raina as well. Wrong Place, Wrong Time: Sometimes the cops assume that she's there to commit a crime, not solve one. For some reason, Talya tends to end up on the scene at the absolute worst time Abilities: 6 + 14 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 14 = 50PP Strength: 16 (+3) Dexterity: 24 (+7) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 24 (+7) Combat: 18 + 16 = 34PP Initiative: +7 Attack: +11 Melee, +9 Ranged / +15 Baton Grapple: +14 Defense: +12 (+8 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed Knockback: -2/-4 Saving Throws: 1 + 0 + 0 = 1PP Toughness: +8 (+4 Con, +4 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +5 (+4 Con, +1) Reflex: +7 (+7 Dex, +0) Will: +2 (+2 Wis, +0) Skills: 140R = 35PP Acrobatics 13 (+20) Skill Mastery Bluff 13 (+20) Skill Mastery Disable Device 13 (+15) Skill Mastery Disguise 13 (+20) Skill Mastery Escape Artist 13 (+20) Skill Mastery Gather Information 3 (+10) Skill Mastery Investigate 5 (+7) Language 5 (English [Native], French, German, Polish, Russian, Spanish) Notice 8 (+10) Perform (singing) 5 (+12) Search 8 (+10) Skill Mastery Sense Motive 8 (+10) Slight of Hand 8 (+15) Stealth 13 (+20) Skill Mastery Feats: 31 PP Attack Focus: Melee x 2 Benefit: Wealth 3, Status: Fame, Status: Veteran (British Forces; DBE), Alternate Identity x 2 Blind Fight Defensive Roll x 2 Distract (Bluff) Dodge Focus x 4 Evasion x 2 Hide in Plain Sight Improvised Tools Luck 2 Quick Change 2 Jack of All Trades Power Attack Skill Mastery 3 (Acrobatics, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Bluff, Search, Stealth, Perform (Dancing, Singing), Sleight of Hand, Notice) Sneak Attack Uncanny Dodge (auditory) Powers: 6 + 3 + 1 + 10 + 22 + 6 + 7 = 55 PP Concealment 3 (Mental Senses, ESP, Extras: Duration: Continuous, Flaws: Permanent) (Magic; Imbued) [6 PP] Concealment 3 (Visual, Auditory, Extras: Duration: Continuous, Flaws: Passive, Blending) (Magic; Imbued) [3 PP] Immunity 1 (Aging) (Magic; Imbued) [1 PP] Immunity 10 (Psychic Effects) (Magic; Imbued) [10 PP] Regeneration (Feats: Regrowth) (Bruised/No Action, Injured/1 Round, Staggered/No Action, Disabled/5 Minutes, Resurrection/5 Minutes) (Magic; Imbued) [22 PP] Super Movement 3 (Slow Fall, Wall Crawling 2) (Training) [6 PP] Device 2 (Bombshell's Batons; 10DP, Flaws: Easy-to-Lose [-2], Feats:Subtle [Collapsible]) (Technology; Device) [7PP] Damage 4 (Feats: Accurate 2, Mighty) [7DP] Super-Movement 1 (Swinging) [2DP] Speed 1 [1DP] Drawbacks: (-5) = -5PP Vulnerable (Magic [Very Common], Major [x2]) [5PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 18 Toughness Damage (Physical) Sneak Attack Touch DC 20 Toughness Damage (Physical) Baton Touch DC 22 Toughness Damage (Physical) Baton-Sneak Attack Touch DC 24 Toughness Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities (50) + Combat (34) + Saving Throws (1) + Skills (35) + Feats (31) + Powers (55) - Drawbacks (5) = 201/245 Power Points
  14. Sandman The hero known as Sandman is the guardian of dreams. He is empowered by the mystical sands of sleep and charged with defending the dreamlands and waking world from the depredations of creatures of nightmare. His more mundane alter ego is Dr. Elis Sanford, an anesthesiologist at Freedom Medical Center. A recent widower and father of two he plays a careful balance of work, family and the mandate of his powers. History Elis was born to Harold and Maude Sanford of Hanover New Jersey on June 14 1977. Harrold was an ad executive in Freedom city and Maude a homemaker, their suburban home would be joined six years later by his only sibling Grace. The Sanford family lived a delightfully mundane life their moderate wealth and privilege as well as the relative safety of Hanover even amidst the struggles, invasions, and near catastrophes that so often strike Freedom City kept them insulated from the often harsh realities of life in the ever exciting city. Elis worked hard and made good marks in school, though more through thorough effort and strong familial support than native talent. He saw the effort as the cost that must be paid for his eventual dream, becoming a doctor. The quick reactions of a doctor to his grandfathers minor stroke had stoked an admiration for the profession in the young mans heart and he strove to join that respected profession. When he graduated high school, high marks ensured his entry to Freedom City University on the Pre-Med program, his fathers prudent savings ensured that they could afford the program. College in the competitive Pre-Med program at FCU was initially a bit of a shock to Elis who questioned his dedication for a time but resolved to prove to himself he could stick it out. He was aided in this by a woman he met in one of his early Biology courses, Barbara Braska. She was studying clinical psychology and the relationship begun as study partners soon bloomed into more. Barbara was brilliant in Elis' opinion, she ought have been the doctor he oft would say though she did not have his devotion to her studies with part time jobs and frequent family obligations eating up much of her study time. He asked her to marry him nearly a year before they graduated, and to his great joy she said yes. Elis made his way through his pre-med program and into medical school at FCU, with the support of Barbara who went on to graduate studies in psychology, they agreed to hold off on the wedding until they were better established, Elis always felt there was more to her reluctance likely something to do with her family who often needed her for this or that but who he had met only her father a gruff man of militant demeanor. While pursuing their advanced degrees they got an apartment together and the oddities of Barbaras schedule became more obvious to Elis, he feared many things when he'd wake to find her gone or so deeply asleep he couldn't wake her for an hour or more. Eventually she had to reveal her secret. She was a hero, of sorts, a defender of dreams, as she would put it poetically. The Braska line had passed on the legacy and power of the sands of sleep for innumerable generations, defending the lands of dream and waking world from fearsome creatures of nightmare. It was a shock but Elis loved her, and was in no small part relieved it was not something simpler like an affair, addiction, or criminal tendencies. They however did not often discuss her other life. She wanted their time together to be for them after all. He did know she had potent abilities to affect dreams and that her father had trained her (in a major break with tradition) in the many secrets of the lands of dream and creatures of nightmare. She shared tidbits of this knowledge over the years but Elis always considered her sideline as dream hero something akin a hobby he indulged as she indulged his golfing. Elis and Barbara were wed shortly before he began his internship not long after she achieved her masters and became a licensed therapist. They were happy despite his long hours in internship and residency, perhaps because of them as his grueling schedule left plenty of time for his wife's extracurriculars without eating into time available for the both of them in most cases. It was of course more difficult once the children were born, her father came briefly out of retirement when she carried each of the children first hte girl Jenifer, then Gabe their youngest and a boy. Unfortunately a long life in service of the dreamlands finally caught up with the elder Braska when their youngest was just shy of a year of age. A heart attack, in his sleep, Elis hadn't at the time thought twice about that oddity of course, many men his age with hard living suffered worse. Barbara took it harder, he was her last surviving relative, but with Elis help and through no small measure of personal fortitude she pulled out of the dip. Elis felt her even stronger for it, more balanced to be sure. Two years later Elis completed his residency and his parents left Hanover for Boca Raton Florida for their retirement. The lack of grandparents took some adjusting but Elis sister Grace stepped up to help with childcare when both Elis and Barbara were busy becoming a common fixture in the children's lives. Elis began work at Freedom Medical Center as an attending physician and Barbara was able to cut back her time as a therapist converting and updating a small granny unit on the property to an office to see occasional clients. Life had settled into a comfortable routine despite Barbara's continued duties to the world of dream, their eldest was past the age when Barbara had begun her own training though she had yet to begin training her perhaps waiting for the traditional male heir to come of age or perhaps the difficulties of her father's death being too much to bear to begin the training. Elis was quite satisfied with this as the only real concern he had maintained over her heroic moonlighting had been the perceived injustice of foisting such responsibility upon children so young. It was just over a year after the end of his residency that it all came crashing down. Elis had been working a late shift and didn't get home until well after midnight. When he arrived the door to the house was torn from its hinges, rushing inside as he called 911 he found Barbara collapsed at the top of the stairs. He pulled her into his arms as her costume faded back to her nightclothes, her breathing was labored and he tried to calm her keep her from sliding into shock but she was already beyond that. With rattling breath she explained an ancient foe of her family had come for the children, she had protected them but only barely. Her own wounds were too great and she knew it. Pulling Elis to her she shared one final kiss and passed her power to him, telling him he had to care for the children. She was dead by the time the paramedics arrived. Elis was able to ensure the children didn't see her like that but was himself at a loss. For him it was as if the world had come to an end. Of course it hadn't. The kids needed him, and of course there was the media circus and inevitable investigation. The hospital was understanding, his parents came up and stayed with the kids and Grace and her husband were available as well and somehow he made it through. The investigation turned up frustratingly little, the wounds didn't seem to match any known weapons though in freedom city that meant little, three neighbors reported seeing a tall man in a suit very unsettling in the neighborhood that evening though none could recall any details of his appearance beyond that. The perpetrator was never found not that that was a surprise to Elis, she had told him the truth, it had been the boogyman, the monster in the closet or under the bed, humanity's fear of hte unknown and dark places made manifest. When he began to manifest the powers of the sands of sleep he breifly considered hunting the creature down. But his wife in the fullness of her training and powers hadn't been the things equal and he knew he'd only leave his children orphans if he sought it out. As life returned to a semblance of normal Elis tried to forget about the powers he'd gained, and about the promise that had gone with them. Barbara had been taken from them because of this legacy and he wanted none of it. When the kids had nightmares about her however he reached out to still their dreams, they'd lived through waking nightmare they didn't need them in their sleep. He started to forget to sleep himself, never noticed the need and would be caught up in a case study or good book, time just slipped by. Elis had Grace and Frank move into barbaras old office as the kitchenette still worked and the help with the kids was more than worth it to Elis, and their parents felt better knowing someone was on hand to keep an eye on him. Slowly he got back into the swing of work and spent more time home with the kids of course, it wasn't the life he'd have wanted but there was comfort in it and he and the children were moving forward. It was a year later before Elis started to really understand what his wife had charged him with. The full duties of the Braska line, She had said to protect the children and she hadn't meant just thiers. It was slow and creeping, didn't even turn heads outside of a few very esoteric corners of the occult world. The nights seemed a little darker, the dawn a little further. At the hospital he'd heard rumors of children with night terrors so bad they went days sometimes a week or more with little to no sleep afraid to close their eyes. The real wake up call came when they started to go missing. The police suspected a human trafficking ring, or worse a serial. But no bodies turned up giving people hope at least. elis knew he hadn't a choice any longer, the work his wife had done was too important. He cracked open the boxes he'd carefully packed her personal Items in, things too personal to donate but too painful to keep around in the open and began to dig through her journals and diaries. Most of it was personal, about him or hte kids or her family. Some however touched on her work and he slowly managed to piece together a shell of her knowledge. He had over the year practiced here and there with what the sands could do they reacted to his will almost instinctively and after a few close calls of revealing himself he at least managed to control them well enough to not out himself. A little more and he learned a few basic uses that might aid him if the creature returned for hte kids as she'd warned. He came for the nest of Boggarts the next night, letting the sand carry him through the dream to the tenement the fear hungry beasties called home. It was not perhaps as shining a moment has he would have hoped. He routed the nightmare creatures only barely and their claws were all too real. He was able to stitch himself back up and more importantly able to free the children. Most too dazed from the experience to recall him beyond knowing something had driven off the monsters and taken them to the candy shop where the patrolmen found them. It was chalked up to childish fancy and trauma in large part but they all seemed to recover over time. Elis' recovery was longer, he couldn't go to another doctor or hospital for treatment so he managed his own care, hiding it from the children and Grace as he did so. He also resolved to better master his powers channeling them into protections for himself as well as others and spending further study on the limited resources left behind by his wife. He now knows how to look for patterns and trail potential breaches. But his inexperience is taking its toll, he knows he can step to the dream realms but not why and they remain for now under-defended whilst he concentrates on the waking world. Costume and Appearance In his civvies Elis dresses the part of the well to do suburbanite dad, Khakis and polos, deck shoes or the cardinal sin of sandals with socks. He wears an expensive Rolex on one wrist, a gift from his late wife upon the completion of his residency and retains a tan line where until recently his wedding band resided, it has now joined his wife's rings on a chain around his neck. He keeps his blonde curls close cropped less he achieve perpetual bed head and is blessed with just enough southern European ancestry to manage a passable tan without resorting to the oompa-loompa factories so common in the region. His face is gentle and kindly with an easy dimpled smile belied only by a quiet sadness in his piercing blue eyes. He cuts a handsome figure in that infuriating unaging way older men manage to look only better as they mature. At work it's business casual, a tie for department meetings quickly jettisoned when dealing with patients, On late nights he'll usually stumble home still in his scrubs to try and beat bedtimes. When adopting his sandman persona he projects a much more ethereal look. The base of hte costume is a white body suit topped with a loose deeply cowled vest in blue. Cuffed mid forearm length gloves and folded calvary boots in a matching blue accent the outfit which is finished with a thick belt in gold and loose gold scarf as well as a classic domino mask in white. On the chest of the suit is an ancient emblem of his position as defender of the dreamlands though he is not certain of its meaning. He tends to plant himself firmly very grounded when engaging enemies though this has more to do with his lack of training in basic hand to hand combat than any particular stylistic choice, he'd just like not to be knocked over mostly. Powers All of Sandmans powers are drawn from the ancient gift to mankind by the dreamlands, the Sands of Sleep. The bring the world of dreams to our reality and allow the user to cross those barriers as well in body and spirit. The most noteable power of the sands is the ability to render nearly any dreamer calm, lethargic, or unconscious. Additionally it can bring dreams to reality in the form of complex and vivid illusions or as the fears of a foe made manifest a vicious attack on the psyche. Manipulation of dreams and entry to the dreamers mind also are possible with care and Sandman may use the dreamscape to travel vast distances nearly instantly should the need arrive. Finally and as a departure form previous wielders of the Sands Sandman will actually channel them into whatever form he may need be it shield or weapon or grasping arm. Allies So far the only other hero Sandman knows is Phantom who has offered her aid though she also terrifies him so for the time being he's on his own. Though inevitably as he does more and more he will make more contacts. Playlist Dream a Little Dream of Me - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRpLb4PXVyQ Last Kiss - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0B-hJ_gotc Dream On - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHRNSeuvzlM Timeline Fall 2015 Nighttime Wanderings: Phantom captures a small nightmare and discovers not only the fate of the last Guardian but the plight of her woefully unprepared replacement.
  15. Replaced by sheet here Woodsman Power Level: 11/11 (182/184PP) Unspent Power Points: 2 Trade-Offs: +4 ATK/-4 DMG, +4 DEF/-4 TOU In Brief: Dimension-lost archer with a technical bent, trying to prove himself alongside walking gods and find a way to save his people Alternate Identity: Riley Smith Identity: Secret [Registered] Birthplace: Freedom City, Earth-J-Disaster-1 Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: Casey Smith (father, dead), Peyton Quinn-Smith (mother, alive) Description: Age: 18 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Black Height: 5'6" Weight: 165 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Short and slim for a man his age, albeit muscular and well-defined, Riley's favorite look is layers and outdoor-friendly wear - on all but the warmest days, he'll wear a flannel shirt, windbreaker, jeans and heavy hiking boots that go above the ankle. He keeps his hair cut very short in an almost military-style cut. Now that he's moved out of North Bay and doesn't have to worry about being confused for his counterpart, he's making plans to grow a mustache and goatee - he's just waiting to find exactly the right style. He's capable of sitting perfectly still for hours at a time, but when he does move it's with explosive bursts of energy that can take people by surprise. His voice is higher than he would like, slowly evolving into the tenor he'll have as an adult. Riley's Woodsman costume adds further layers to his outfit - a greenish-brown hooded poncho, a leather harness to carry his crossbow at his back, and a carrying belt holding various useful items like matches, a compass, and other survival gear - along with various one-use crossbow bolts. He wears his hatchet at his left side, to better facilitate a quick draw and throw. History: Earth-J-Disaster-1 (tentative) The old world died on the night of December 31, 1999. As the sun dipped across the horizon around the world, the darkness brought with it a terrible Event - a sudden super-imposition of an unnatural forest across the landscape of the globe. Trees shattered roads and broke buildings, killing millions in architectural collapses and road accidents across the world as thick forest growth was suddenly everywhere, passing right through man’s technological civilization. The news media, and the Freedom League, had time to track the horrific event as it happened, beginning in eastern China and stretching across the planet with the terrible fall of darkness, time to observe that the new growth matched whatever forests were native to the landscape they were devouring - but not time to stop it. In the frigid days after the catastrophe, those few places that still had power were reassured by the government and by the Freedom League that help was coming. But no help came. It was the heroes who vanished first; the superheroes and brave humans who went into the forest looking for answers. And then the others began to vanish too - humans all over the planet left behind their families, their loved ones, and simply walked into the newborn Forest Primeval. The mystery of their disappearances was solved when they returned, feral and maddened by animal impulses and predatory desires, and began attacking the surviving human communities. The war between the Children of the Forest and the survivors of the old world lasted for several years and resulted in the deaths of most of the world’s surviving superhumans and many of the survivors - there was no treaty, no negotiation, no mercy - the Ferals simply stopped coming. Gradually the survivors learned how to cope with the new world - how to forage in the cities for food and gear without being caught by the Maddening Wild (avoiding the darkness was the key), how to resist the Maddening Wild’s call (sticking together in groups was the ticket), and about the small number of people, all of them without other superpowers, who had the ability to forage in the woods _without_ being maddened by the Wild. 2015 is the fifteenth year since the world ended. Freedom City lies, broken, by an impossibly old oak and pine forest in which trees with hundreds of years worth of rings lie at the heart of the civilization they impaled. The largest population of survivors lies at the edge of the city, a few thousand hearty souls dwelling in the community around the Raymond Nuclear Power Plant at the edge of North Bay. They can go into the city to scavenge and explore, but only during daylight hours. The Maddening Wild still calls - though perhaps less forcefully than it did in the grim days at the start of the new century. The woods themselves are haunted by the past - the murdered city they devoured, and what lies within. The Ferals themselves are dangerous enough, savage, animalistic humanoids, many of them with superpowers, but they are not the worst of it. The Forest Primeval came with animals too; bears and wolves and bobcats, all the creatures once endemic to coastal New Jersey. But they came back unnatural - too clever by half, and with an intelligence that has grown unnaturally in recent years. Bears have been seen in the Deep Woods wearing human clothing, and wolves howling to each other in some grim parliament. They have shown a terrible intelligence when fighting humans - hitting men carrying flashlights to blind them in the dark, making man-like noises to lure unwary travelers, and otherwise making it clear that the forest is theirs. Many kill not to feed - but to terrify the human survivors. The Forest is full of monsters - and the Forest is everywhere. Riley Quinn was only about two months old at the Millennium. His parents, Casey and Peyton Smith-Quinn, lived in North Bay when he was born - their home was a mansion, small by the standards of the neighborhood, but spacious enough after the relative poverty of their youths in Mississippi. Maybe because they came from poverty themselves, with a history of dealing with emergency situations, they took action promptly on that terrible night of the 31st as the news of threatening global destruction came. When the Forest Primeval hit Freedom City, they had taken shelter at the nearby Raymond Nuclear Plant where his mother worked as a plant nuclear engineer, trusting in its solid construction to save them. And it did, to an extent - the Forest devoured the plant, too, but fate, radioactivity, and maybe just good engineering kept Raymond together. An oak tree's sudden growth shattered one reactor and a scrub pine forest sent one cooling tower cascading to the Earth in a deadly shower of debris, but quick hands prevented a meltdown and even kept electricity pumping from the plant's generators. It was a natural place to send refugees in the early days before the true horror of the situation had settled in. Riley doesn't remember much about those days, but he's heard the stories a thousand times. The way the refugees at the power plant first scavenged for food, then began growing crops in their own right in the hastily-converted greenhouses. The way desperate engineers babied a wounded power plant, keeping two of five nuclear reactors alive and producing life-giving electricity even a decade and a half after the end of the world. The way they built a school, and a chapel, and a clinic, and a hospital out of the old plant, building an outpost to human dreams in the middle of an inhuman wilderness. The days when the Ferals hit the fences almost daily. The crack of gunfire, then of melee weapons, again and again. The heroic sacrifice of Lady Liberty, who finally succumbed to infection days after her last battle with the group of Feral metahuman teenagers who had so often led attacks against the reactors, willing to poison the whole city to stop the power plant. The horrific screams from Lonely Point as what had been the populations of Bayview and Port Regal, backed by a rampaging Feral Captain Thunder broke through the defenses. His father, whose cancer could have been easily caught five years earlier, and his grave in the old plant garden. Riley is almost certain he can remember his father's voice. For various reasons, Riley grew up dissatisfied with his lot in life. He had ample reason for this, raised in a community at the edges of a world murdered by the Forest Primeval. He knew how lucky they were, especially compared to other survivor communities that lacked things like power, machine shops, and other tools providing some echo of what had once been modern life, but he also knew from his exploration of the (long-since-picked-over) homes near the Raymond site just how much they'd lost. So he dreamed, in between schoolhouse lessons and chapel prayers, between working in the greenhouse and going fishing, of the world that had been lost - and the wonders that had once been his birthright. But most of all, when he climbed the long-deserted Cooling Tower #4 and looked out at tree-skewered Freedom, he dreamed of the lost city of Freedom, and wondered what secrets lay within. Now these were no small dreams in the Raymond community, not when once a year or so someone would zone out and be sucked into the Maddening Wild, wandering into the Forest Primeval to either be eaten by animals or join the Ferals. So he kept them to himself as he got older, instead learning his mother's engineering skills with the idea of one day taking her place managing the reactors. But boys will be boys - by day he read technical manuals and worked in the machine shop, and by night he studied old city maps and the notes of those few explorers who had survived the journey into Freedom Primeval. On his fifteenth birthday, he presented himself to the Security Force as a volunteer for the Woodsmen, a dangerous, but highly valued part of life in their little community given the number of things the community's technology needed to survive - and how valuable the remaining scraps of super-tech scattered through the city still were. His mother wasn't happy - but after he demonstrated his skills at climbing and hunting, at marksmanship and hiding, even she couldn't say no. Freedom Primeval was everything he'd dreamed - beautiful and terrifying, wonderful and dangerous, marvelous and lethal. He rested in the shade of the oak trees that had split Freedom Hall in half; he battled the wolf colony that had taken over lost Lincoln. He fought a desperate battle against the Feral pack in Bayview; he prayed beneath the pine tree cathedral in St. Sebastian's Church. From his fellow Woodsmen, he learned how to sneak and survive in the city, how to hunt and fish to keep himself alive (skills he'd already begun to learn in Raymond), and how to navigate the ruined metropolis. He also learned how to kill - building his own crossbow, he was able to fend off attacks from bears, wolves, and other of the too-clever, too-wise beasts roaming Freedom City. And the unclever beasts too - the savage, cannibalistic Ferals who might once have been people. It was grim work; but it was war. No - it was survival. At the beginning of summer, 2015, Riley joined his fellow Woodsmen on an especially dangerous mission - a scrounging run into the heart of the Goodman Building, loaded with vital super-technology that, suitably adapted as spare parts, could potentially keep the Raymond reactors running for another decade and a half. But the risk was great. The Atom children had survived the Forest Primeval, though tree damage had eventually destroyed their grandfather's systems - but become a particularly bloodthirsty pack of Ferals. But the risk was greater than the Woodsmen knew - the Atom pack had, by whatever inhuman, unholy means, _bred_ - and a pack of Feral, superpowered younglings waited inside the tree-ruined building to greet them. Separated from the rest and trying to tune out the screams of horror he heard from his fellows, Riley ran. Fleeing down a darkened, overgrown emergency stair, he found his way blocked and so ducked inside what turned out to be a long-abandoned, nearly pristine research laboratory. Fascinated by the discovery, Riley locked the doors behind him and wandered through what had once been Alexander Atom's sanctum sanctorum. He was particularly fascinated by one particular piece of technology; a big, circular, open disc mounted in the middle of the room - one that he realized with some shock still was powered up! Succumbing to temptation, he pressed a few buttons, bringing the big machine to life with a whine of long-dead circuits and the sudden sound of alarms! At the sound of fists pounding on the door he'd locked behind him and against the inhuman shrieks outside, Riley hefted his crossbow and dived through the hole to take up a firing position on the other side. Except he found himself somewhere else entirely. The Goodman Building had seen its share of dimensional refugees before and while Riley (or 'Woodsman' as he called himself initially, with vague memories of watching some old war movies on the projector in his school) was different than others, there was nothing particularly alien about him compared to some of the visitors they'd seen. He was kept in isolation for nearly two weeks, both to make sure he was no longer violent (he had made free use of his crossbow to try and escape the populated, brightly-lit, tree-free laboratory he'd stumbled into) and to make sure that whatever mysterious disaster had beset his homeworld wouldn't be coming with him. But nobody had any answers - consultants like Phantom and Harrier were unfamiliar with either the timeline he described or the kind of apocalypse that had destroyed his world's native civilization, and something seemed to make it impossible to return him to his homeworld. All attempts to trace the dimensional line that he carried with him led to tangled snarls along the generally smooth course of the Cosmic Coil. Being unable to go home was hard. He knew his mother, his fellow Woodsmen, and his people would think he was dead - devoured by the Atom pack. And how strange it was to see them, alive and well, in a healthy, thriving city full of living human beings! As much as he missed home, he loved this place. He avidly read every book he could get his hands on and (once he learned how to use modern computers) and soon found himself taking online high school classes to keep up. He was behind in a lot of areas, but not too far behind - and determined to make up for lost ground as soon as possible. If he couldn't go home yet, and if even this world full of living cities and heroes had no answers for him, he could at least make himself better here. Once he was out of isolation, he could even go to the building's gym, where he kept himself in shape by exercise and drill, determined not to lose a step when he made it back home. Riley was so focused on learning about Earth-Prime that he barely noticed when it was time to move out. He was shocked by the thought; where could he possibly go? But then his counselor told him remarkable news - news that in retrospect he could immediately have expected. On this world, Riley Smith and his mother Peyton lived in their North Bay mansion just as they always had after his father had divorced his mother six years earlier. (And what a strange thought that was!) And that other Peyton, upon learning that a dimension-lost version of her son was in Freedom City, had thrown open her doors to that other Riley. They talked by email, then by phone, Riley a little surprised by his counterpart's voice - had he been born different in this universe? Riley and Riley met in one of the Goodman Building's rec rooms - Riley was reading a book while his counterpart, noticeably taller and heavier, entered the room, his sharp suit a contrast to Riley's flannel shirt, windbreaker, and jeans - all of them clothes he'd taken with him from his own planet. Riley met the eyes of his counterpart, saw his mustache and goatee, heard his deep-voiced, tentative greeting, and despite himself blurted out a question that, months later, still embarrasses him. "Jesus! How did you grow a mustache?!" Riley had read about his condition in pre-Millennium books, of course - in the old days, men born with women's bodies had treated themselves with testosterone, the male hormone. But synthetic testosterone was out of reach of Raymond's medical facilities (an expanded version of the old plant's emergency clinic) and crystallizing it from other men was an idea that made him nervous. So he'd resigned himself to a lifetime of bulky clothing over tight bindings, and probably never getting so much as a girlfriend, much less getting married. But in the Prime reality, the chemicals were readily available - with a doctor's prescription, anyway. His double had come out to his parents at the age of 12 and had been transitioning (a whole new word!) ever since - and had been on hormones for years. This really was, he decided the first time he took a hormone shot, a wonderful dimension. But of course it wasn't as easy as that. The two Rileys sharing a room was not the same as having a sibling; it was like having a shadow, and an alien one, at that. Riley-Prime was a smart kid on the school academic challenge team, a member of the Gay-Straight Alliance on campus and a future nuclear engineer. The other Riley was restless and angular, sleeping on the floor or a rope hammock, roaming the rooftops by night and converting the basement into a lab to rebuild his crossbow. One Riley had lost his beloved father to cancer and an early grave; the other Riley had lost his father to divorce when he was in his early teens. (It had been acrimonious - Casey hardly saw his family anymore) Competing for a mother's love, both of them young men going through changes, they clashed - and finally they fought. Healthy and strong though he was, Riley-Prime was no trained fighter; and the Riley from offworld hadn't learned to pull his punches. The loss of his temper, the feeling of boiling, surging rage, and the look on Peyton's face all came together to make Riley feel for a frightening moment like he'd gone Feral - like he was the barbarian his counterpart had accused him of being. He grabbed his crossbow and jumped out his window, vanishing into the North Bay night over the alien sound of arriving sirens. Running away from the angry, frightened reflection of his mother, Riley roamed the city for four days, scrounging to survive and even stealing a dose of synthetic testosterone, before Bowman tracked him down and gave him two pieces of news. One was that his mother, and even his counterpart, had forgiven him - his counterpart had even reluctantly admitted to provoking him into the fight, even though Riley was pretty sure that had been all him. The other piece of news came from Bowman himself. He'd tracked Riley through the city and been impressed by his stealth and ability to survive - and had helped clean up after Riley had used some well-placed speciality crossbow bolts to take down a gang who'd been harassing homeless kids by the airport. Bowman couldn't help Riley figure out where he fit in on Earth-Prime, but he could make a suggestion - there was this school Bowman himself had graduated from... Personality and Motivation: Riley is at heart a good kid, an upright human being who does his best to do the right thing almost all of the time. He wants desperately to learn all he can about this world and take back what he's learned if he ever manages to find his way back to his native timeline; or even better, to find out exactly what it was that destroyed the Earth of his youth to make sure it doesn't happen here - and can perhaps be undone on his homeworld. He likes a good joke, as long as nobody seriously gets hurt, and doesn't even mind being the subject of them. In some respects, he's the perfect Claremont student. In other respects, though, the young man has demons. There are the nightmares, of course, of hordes of bloody-faced Ferals sweeping through the windows and tearing him, his friends, and everyone else to pieces; the inner voices that drive him out of bed at night to patrol the streets of this strange Freedom. And it's hard for him not to resent the people around him sometimes, especially the pretty kids with pretty superpowers, who have lived all their life in luxury and think that a broken nail means real suffering. He bottles that temper up, disgusted by the rage he feels, but being sixteen and going through some hormonal changes, it's impossible for him to bite that rage back forever. And he's not well-suited to picking fistfights with people who can benchpress cars. Powers and Tactics: Woodsman is primarily a sniper - in a confrontation, his first instinct will be to climb up to a secure spot, conceal himself, and then make free with crossbow bolts at targets below. He'll stay mobile in a long battle, moving from location to location to avoid detection. When facing groups, he'll target obvious leaders or alpha creatures, the better to throw off the others (this works particularly well for Ferals, who will sometimes turn on their wounded in a blood frenzy.) Armored-looking creatures get an impervium arrow aimed right at their vitals. If faced with an enemy he can't reliably hurt, he'll use his magnesium-tipped flare arrow or his smoke/stink-bomb arrow to blind, confuse, or otherwise keep his targets from tracking his escape. His crossbow is a modified hunting crossbow, heavily customized by him in a basement laboratory. It uses a repeating action on the ancient Chinese model (albeit with a metal rather than wooden body) with a built-in arbalest-style crank if he needs real penetrating power (albeit at the cost of mobility). Almost all the bolts he uses are modified in some way, often with some explosive at the tip - repeating crossbows have little power, and so need some help. If forced into melee, he'll make free with his hatchet, hacking and striking his way free before making his escape that way. In combat, or expecting combat, he always has at least two magazines at his hip, and one mounted in the bow itself. He wears his hatchet on his left side for a quick draw. He has trouble in confrontations in the open given the nature of his chosen weapon and his combat experience - and with the non-lethal fighting style he's learning at Claremont. In the world of his birth, fighting and hunting isn't a place where you pull punches - not when your weapons are drawn, anyway. Complications: Breakaway: Other Riley and Other Mom are Riley's only family on Earth-Prime - but his relationship there is complicated. Dark Side: Riley has a temper. Mr. Know-It-All: Riley has lived a much more independent life than most teenagers from Earth-Prime and has some issues with going along with others. My Life Would Suck Without You: Riley misses home - and might make mistakes if confronted with the ability to make it back there. Never Again: Too-smart animals, too-insane people; Beasts and Ferals, and all the things like them - these are the stuff of Riley's nightmares, and he may make mistakes when confronted with their like on Earth-Prime. People Like Us: Riley is a black trans teen - and pretty put off by how these are all social problems in what's supposed to be the happy, shiny world of Earth-Prime. Stronger: Riley doesn't like being shown up by people with powers. Abilities: 6 + 12 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 38PP Strength 16 (+3) Dexterity 22 (+6) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 16 (+3) Wisdom 16 (+3) Charisma 14 (+2) Combat: 28 + 20 = 48PP Initiative: +10 Attack: +14, +15 Hatchet, +16 Ranged Grapple: +17 Defense: +16 (+10 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed Knockback: -2/-1 flat-footed, -3/-2 with costume Saving Throws: 4 + 6 + 5 = 15PP Toughness: +6/+4/+2 (+2 Protection, +2 Defensive Roll, +2 Con) Fortitude: +6 (+2 Con, +4) Reflex: +12 (+6 Dex, +6) Will: +8 (+3 Wis, +5) Skills: 120R = 30PP Acrobatics 6 (+12) Climb 7 (+10) Skill Mastery Craft (Chemical) 2 (+5) Craft (Electronic) 2 (+5) Craft (Mechanical) 7 (+10) Handle Animal 8 (+10) Intimidate 12 (+14) Knowledge (Tactics) 7 (+10) Knowledge (Technology) 7 (+10) Medicine 2 (+5) Notice 14 (+17) Skill Mastery Search 7 (+10) Sense Motive 9 (+12) Stealth 14 (+20) Skill Mastery Swim 2 (+5) Survival 13 (+16) Skill Mastery Feats: 32PP Acrobatic Bluff Attack Focus (Ranged) 2 Challenge (Fast Startle) Defensive Roll 1 Dodge Focus 6 Equipment 3 Evasion 2 Hide in Plain Sight Improved Initiative Improved Ranged Disarm Improvised Tools Inventor Luck Master Plan Power Attack Precise Shot 2 Quick Draw Skill Mastery (Climb, Notice, Stealth, Survival) Startle Takedown Attack Track (Visual) Uncanny Dodge (auditory) Equipment: 15EP = 3PP Costume: Protection 2 (Feat: Subtle) [3EP] Hatchet: Damage 3 (Feats: Masterwork [+1 Attack], Mighty, Thrown) [6EP] Masterwork Binoculars [1EP] Masterwork Handcuffs [1EP] Masterwork Nightvision Goggles [1EP] Masterwork Medical Kit [1EP] Weighted Gauntlets: Damage 1 (Feat: Mighty) [2EP] Powers: 12 + 1 + 6 = 19PP Device 4 (Repeating Crossbow, 20PP, Flaw: Easy to Lose) [12PP] Trick Arrow Array 8 (16DP, Feats: Alternate Powers 4) [20DP] Base: Blast 6 (augmented bolts, Feats: Improved Crit 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Chemical/Ballistic/Bludgeoning/Concussive/Piercing/Slashing]) {16/16} AP: Blast 6 (poison, Extra: Linked [Drain], Flaw: Unreliable [5 Uses/Day], Feats: Improved Crit 2, Incurable, Variable Descriptor 1 [Chemical]) + Drain Dexterity 6 (Extras: Linked [Drain], Secondary Effect, Flaw: Unreliable [5 uses/daily]) {10 + 6 =16/16} AP: Blast 11 (what's a box gonna do?, Extras: Area [General, Burst], Flaw: Unreliable 2 [1 Use/Day], Feats: Variable Descriptor 2 [Chemical/Ballistic/Bludgeoning/Concussive/Piercing/Slashing) {16/16} AP: Dazzle 6 (stinkbomb, visual and olfactory, Flaw: Unreliable 1 [5 Uses/Day], Feats: Improved Crit 2, Variable Descriptor 2 [Chemical/Ballistic/Bludgeoning/Concussive/Piercing/Slashing]) {16/16} AP: Speed 1 (grapple line, 10 MPH/100' per Move Action) + Super-Movement 3 (Swinging, Wall-Crawling 2) {7/16} Feature 1 (From Another Dimension) [1PP] Gadgets 1 (Hunter's Arsenal; 5PP Variable Power, Any One Power At A Time; Extra: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [6PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 18 Tou Bruised/Injured Augmented Bolts Ranged DC 21 Tou Bruised/Injured Penetrating Fire Ranged DC 21 Tou Bruised/Injured [Penetrating 6, as DMG 12] Flash Bolt Ranged DC 16 Ref/Fort Blinded Weighted Gauntlets Touch DC 19 Tou Bruised/Injured Totals: Abilities (38) + Combat (48) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (30) + Feats (32) + Powers (19) - Drawbacks (0) = 182/183 Power Points
  16. Player Name: Jimb011 Character Name: Interventor Power Level: 10 150/150pp Trade-Offs:None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: A Mind Wiped Tech-Ninja Scientist from another dimension sent to protect His time line. Residence: (Optional) Where the character normally resides / lives (if anywhere). Base of Operations: Junk Yard Base Catchphrase: Alternate Identity: Identity: Birthplace: Occupation: Affiliations: People and/or groups you work with. Family: Description: Age: ??? (DoB: 2089 Earth #2133 time.) Apparent Age: If applicable. Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6'1” Weight: 187 Eyes: Brown Hair: Bald (Out of suit: A young, war-torn 30 year old. Scars in various places some visible on his face and arms. Wears Bi-Focal glasses. Not very muscular but always a curious look in his eyes) Power Descriptions: His power suit glows with a blue energy when in combat mode, Concealed in a blur of shadow when in stealth mode. History: In the Year 2077 The Eradicator finally overwhelmed the nuances of Law and Order and waged a war across the world. The devastation was immense and millions innocents and heroes lost their lives. Freedom city, at ground zero, was turned to ash. Soon other nations fell to the Eradicator's War until each country was either a war-zone or enslaved. In the year 2089 Earths remaining defenders formed a resistance: an alliance of nationalities that still fought against the Eradicator's iron fist. With constant warfare of attrition the resistance soon became desperate for a tipping point. They began sending Time-Travelers called Chrononauts to the year parallel to the present in Freedom city. However it was unknown that Time-Travel was flawed and instead of sending these brave warriors back to their past they ended up in an alternate dimension. An alternate earth. Once more, the Chrononaut's were voluntarily mind-wiped before they traveled through time. This was to insure only minimal damage to the past. However, Chrononauts were given psych evaluations to make sure they were suited to be heroes and implanted with mental instincts towards the completion of their mission. In the year 20101; at the brink of the resistance's collapse, Dr Greenwald.became the last Chrononaut to be sent through before the time traveling machine was destroyed. Given only minimal technology so as to further the protection of the time-line Dr. Greenwald, with no memory, became a citizen of Freedom city. Fighting for justice against an unknown inner demon and the scum and villainy of an alternate dimension's Ground Zero. His mission; whether he knows it or not, is to ensure the safety of a Miss Patriot: earths final defense against The Eradicator. Whether She exists in this dimension or not remains to be seen. Personality & Motivation: Greenwald is an intellectual always scientific about the tasks at hand. He is Motivated by finding out who he is and where he comes from. By merging his scientific prowess into crime-fighting created a public identity as Lance Isley: Private eye. But In reality he is a crime-fighting superhero known as: The interventor. Powers & Tactics: Being a warrior scientist from the past; Interventor strikes with the fury and calculation of a soldier. Most of the time he sneaks up on his enemy through cloaking technology and then strikes from above. His technology Gives him super strength, Protection, Power senses and Super Leaping: All of this is built into a battle-suit. Complications: Name: He doesn't know his real name due to his mind-wipe Identity: Detective Isley is his public name he gave himself, Interventor is his secret identity. Abilities: 0 + 0 + 4 + 10 + 4 + 0 = 18 PP Strength: 10/20 (+5) Dexterity: 10/16 (+3) Constitution: 14 (+2) 4pp Intelligence: 20 (+5) 10pp Wisdom: 14 (+2)4pp Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 21 + 18 = 39PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +14 Melee, +7 Ranged (21pp) Grapple: +14/+19 Defense: +12 (+6 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +6 Flat-Footed (18pp) Knockback: -4 Saving Throws: 5 + 3 + 4 = 11PP Toughness: 8 (+2 Con, +6 [Other]) Fortitude: +5 (+3 Con, +2) (5pp) Reflex: +3/6 (+3 Dex, +0/3) (3pp) Will: 5 (+2Wis, + 3) (4pp) Skills: 0R =56PP Acrobatics 12 (+12/15) Bluff 12 (+12) Computers 12(+17) Concentration 4(+6) Craft (mechanical) 12(+17) Craft (Electronic) 12(+17) Craft (Chemical) 12(+17) Disable Device 9(+14) Escape Artist 4(+4/7) Gather information 9(+9) Intimidate 12(+12) Investigate 12(+17) Knowledge (Technology) 12(+17) Knowledge (Streetwise) 12(+17) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 12(+17) Medicine 8(+10) Notice 12(+14) Pilot 8(+8/11) Profession (detective) 4(+6) Search 9(+14) Sense motive 12(+14) Stealth 12(+12/15) Survival 4 (+6) Feats: 13 PP Eidetic Memory Elusive Target Equipment 3 Evasion Fearless Improved Trip Inventor Move By Action Power Attack Skill Mastery: Computers, Disable device, Medicine, Gather information Take down 1 Equipment (15EP = 3PP) Junkyard (HQ) Size: Medium [1 ep], Toughness: 8 [0 ep], Features: Living Space, Computer, Power System, Defense System, Workshop (Mechanical, Electronic), Laboratory, Concealed, Garage, Fire Prevention System [ ep 10] - Total EP: 11 Quarterstaff strike 3 (PF Mighty) (4EP) Powers: 16PP Device 4 (Armor, 20PP, Flaw: Hard to Lose) [16PP] Super-Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) [1PP] Leaping 2 [2PP] Array 8 (Power feats, Alternate power 1) (17PP) BE: Enhanced STR 10 + Force Field 6 [10+6=16/16} AP: Concealment 2 (normal vision, Flaw: Passive) [2PP] + Enhanced Dexterity 6 [6PP] + Force Field 6 [6PP] Super-Senses 2 (Infravision, Tracking [Infravision) [2PP] + Drawback (EMP Vulnerable; Frequency: [rare]; Intensity: [ Major]) [-3PP] DC Block ATTACK 14 Melee Quarterstaff 2dmg RANGE 7 SAVE DC 22 EFFECT Bludg. Unarmed 14 Touch 6 DC 15 Toughness 7 Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities (18) + Combat (39) + Saving Throws (8) + Skills (59) + Feats (13) + Powers (16) - Drawbacks (3) = (150/150) Power Points
  17. Reagent / Alkahest Power Level: 8 / 15 (232/250PP) [258] Unspent Power Points: 18 Trade-Offs: Reagent: +2 Attack / -2 Damage (Bartitsu Cane), None (Alchemical Flasks), +4 Defense / -4 Toughness Alkahest: -5 Attack / +5 Damage, -5 Defense / +5 Toughness In Brief: Victorian-era alchemist struggling to contain a merciless force of nature. Theme: Heads Will Roll by Yeah Yeah Yeahs Alternate Identity: Winifred Wei Identity: Semi-Secret Birthplace: London, England Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: None Living; Wei Chao (father, deceased), Wei Xia (mother, deceased) Description: Age: 18 (Subjectively; DoB: April, 1839) Gender: Female Ethnicity: British Chinese Height: 5'4" / 8'6" Weight: 120 lbs. / 600 lbs. Eyes: Green Hair: Black Winifred Wei is a slim young woman characterized by her impeccable comportment and intense demeanor. Her jet black hair has recently been styled in a tidy pixie cut with sharp edges that keep it off of her heart-shaped face. Perpetual dark circles under her eyes speak to a lack of sleep and abundance of stress but her tone of voice is nevertheless clipped and precise. While gradually growing accustomed to modern fashions she still tends toward conservative styles and colours. When expecting trouble she carries a broad leather bandolier filled with stoppered vials of alarmingly coloured alchemical concoctions and is rarely seen without her elegant mahogany walking stick with its serpentine styled head. Alkahest, by contrast, is a pallid mass of twisting, too-dense muscle with a greyish, corpse-like tint. Towering even with a pronounced stoop, her proportions are only nominally human and give only the most general indication of gender. Milky white eyes staring out from behind long, disheveled hair and a flat expression betray nothing as the beast stalks her target with a terrifying single-mindedness. The transformation is violent and chaotic, shredding conventional clothing and taxing the capabilities of skin-tight morphic molecules. Fortunately the Academy has been able to provide her with a looser, high collared lab coat made of the adaptive material. History: Wei Chao emigrated from Hong Kong to London in 1833 by taking a job as a deckhand for a prominent shipping company. Skilled at absorbing and applying new information and with a humble charm that ingratiated him with the company's officers, he made himself an indispensable assistant to the ship's doctor when a seafaring mishap left several sailors injured. With the help of his sponsor, in impressively short order and causing something of a stir Chao was accepted to the University of Cambridge to study medicine. Artfully walking the line between impressing his teachers and peers with his abilities without stepping on anyone's toes in a few year's time he had established himself enough to send for his wife, Xia. Similarly brilliant, she soundly invested the early profits of her husband's modest practice and the couple made themselves quite comfortable. In 1839, after considerable difficulty, they had a daughter, Winifred. Fully assimilated and conscious of their social standing Chao and Xia practiced only enough of their homeland's traditions to benefit from the Western fascination with orientalism. Raised as a native Londoner, Winifred demonstrated prodigious intelligence from a very young age, if not the restraint and moderation her parent's practiced so carefully. Frustrated by the assumptions leveled against her based on ethnicity, gender and youth her talents for biting sarcasm and humiliating her detractors were a frequent source of contention at home. Assimilated or not, Chao was uncomfortable with the idea of his daughter marrying an Englishman and was convinced after months of cajoling to allow her to work as his assistant, at least for the time being. Having devoured the contents of her father's medical texts even as a child, as a teenager Winifred chafed under the limited scope of a practicing physician. Scouring the city for more obscure tomes she found herself drawn into the booming community of fringe researchers who preferred to refer to their collective areas of study as 'rogue science' but were referred to in hushed tones in polite society as simply mad. Thrilled to learn from such progressive - if frequently unhinged - thinkers Winifred was particularly drawn to the mysteries of alchemy, throwing herself into its study unbeknownst to her parents. Starting with a foundation in the alchemy of Hellenistic Egypt, pouring over diagrams purportedly copied from originals saved from the Library of Alexandria, she studied the writings of Jābir ibn Hayyān and Roger Bacon, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa and Jan Baptist van Helmont among so many others. She found early success in dramatically improving the effectiveness of her father's tonics and moved on to more outlandish concoctions, such as a sticky tar that burst into flames when it came into contact with air and in one case a particularly potent airborne hallucinogen. Expanding her scope to Chinese alchemy and Indian rasayāna then even dubious information surrounding supernatural creatures she began to form her own theories about a serum that would not only cure infirmity but strengthen a person to the limits of human capability, granting perfect health, clarity and perhaps even immortality. Her initial experiments along these lines were not promising but she could feel herself getting closer, on the very cusp of a monumental breakthrough. It was at this point that her parents discovered the increasingly conspicuous laboratory she had been hiding in her room along with her collection of esoteric writings. Horrified and frightened both for Winifred's safety and the family's public image they forbade her from any further scientific studies. Blaming themselves for leaving her too idle they hurriedly made plans to have her married off, hoping to put the whole thing behind them before the matter could become explosively public - perhaps literally. Railing against the injustice and indignity, Winifred locked herself in her room and redoubled her efforts in a frenzy. Deciding that the consequences could be damned, she downed the latest version of her serum and immediately doubled over in agony. What followed she was only ever able to recall in a hazy blur: tearing clothing, the wall of her family home reduced to loose brick and dust, a thunderous boom and spreading flame, sharp cracks and wet pops and shouting constabulary. When she came to, gasping for air and wearing tattered rags, barely strong enough to stand, she knew she had created something truly monstrous, become something monstrous. She could feel the creature, her other self, barely contained and threatening to emerge again and could see only one solution. Stumbling from shadow to shadow, she broke into the hidden laboratory of one of her fellow rogue scientists she mixed a poison that would do more than just kill her, even taking into account the formidable fortitude she estimated the creature to possess. It would render her body wholly inert, preventing any chance of contamination or of her work being replicated through the study of her remains. With a sobbed plea for forgiveness, she swallowed the draught. Her flesh hardened, turning to a glossy, jade-like substance and leaving Winifred Wei, alchemical prodigy, an unexplained statue of a huddled, grief stricken youth. Personality & Motivation: Well aware of her own impressive intelligence and used to having to prove it to others, Winifred has had her confidence severely undercut by the botched serum that created Alkahest. Given what now happens when she becomes upset, however, both aspects have been bottled up as best she can manage. She strives to be collected and professional at all times, leaving her seeming somewhat cold and distant apart from a dry wit that seeps through from time to time. The only thing her condition hasn't been able to damped is her curiosity and need to understand how things work. She is ultimately a scientist before all else and she now has the entirely new world of the modern day to discover and peel apart. She's happiest given solitude and a well stocked chemistry lab. Although her transformed state is obviously more physically capable Winifred sees little potential for good in it. Principled and steadfast, she won't back down from a confrontation particularly in the defense of others but much prefers to labour under her own merits, doing everything she reasonably can to avoid turning into Alkahest. While she views the creature as a largely separate entity from herself she considers herself responsible for its actions all the same and works hard to do as much good as she can when she's herself to make up for them. Powers & Tactics: In combat Reagent carries a bandolier of flasks with a variety of alchemical potions. These range from a fairly straight-forward explosive to a fast acting hallucinogenic cloud to a draught that rapidly accelerates natural healing. Most of these she tosses like grenades, the flasks shattering on impact and releasing their contents, but since she can only carry so many at a time and because they are indiscriminate in their effects she in careful to choose her moments. More precise is her reinforced walking stick with which she is fully proficient but if a conflict has come down to a face to face confrontation something has probably gone very wrong along the way. Alkahest is a single-minded force of nature. It has no tactics, only its target, which it pursues without pause or mercy. Strong and nigh-invulnerable, Alkahest will plow through walls, obstacles, friend and foe alike to get at the subject of its unspoken wrath then pummel it until it stops moving. Once that happens the creature chooses a new target, on and on until it has calmed enough to revert back to an exhausted Winifred. Complications: Chemical Mixture That Creates Chaos: Winifred is continuing to experiment with the serum that turned her into Alkahest, searching for a cure. Dangerous knowledge in the wrong hands. Electing to Ignore It: Winifred was an iconoclast to begin with and removed from concerns over societal standing she's apt to simply ignore any instruction with which she doesn't agree. Need a Little Old-Fashioned: Winifred clings to certain mannerisms such as her style of clothing to mitigate her future shock. No Version of This: Upon transforming Alkahest will pursue whomever or whatever triggered the stress reaction with an inhuman single-mindedness, be they friend or foe. So That's What That Does: An alchemist learns through experimentation! Winifred's sense of inquiry frequently outweighs her sense of caution. Some Form of Electricity: While a prodigy in her own time Winifred has missed out on more than a century of scientific advancements that are now common knowledge. Take That Away: Winifred is without a home, funds or familial connections. She relies on Claremont Academy for the necessities. That's My Secret: Winifred's uncontrollable transformation into Alkahest is triggered by elevated stress, be it anger, fear or other trauma. She has to constantly work to keep her emotions in check. Abilities: 4 + 2 + 4 + 14 + 0 + 8 = 32PP Strength: 14/50 (+2/+20) Dexterity: 12 (+1) Constitution: 14/40 (+2/+15) Intelligence: 24/8 (+7/-1) Wisdom: 10/20 (+0/+5) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 16 + 20 = 36PP Initiative: +5/+1 Attack: +8 Base, +10 Melee Defense: Reagent: +12 (+10 Base, +2 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed Alkahest: +10, +5 Flat-Footed Grapple: +12/+36 Knockback: -2/-22 Saving Throws: 3 + 5 + 9 = 17PP Toughness: Reagent: +4 (+2 Con, +2 Defensive Roll) Alkahest: +20 (+2 Con, +2 Defensive Roll, +3 Density, +11 Enhanced Constitution, +2 Growth) [Impervious 12] Fortitude: +5/+18 (+2/+15 Con, +3) Reflex: +6 (+1 Dex, +5) Will: +9/+14 (+0/+5 Wis, +9) Skills: 84R = 21PP Bluff 2 (+6/+10) Attractive Craft (Chemical) 13 (+20/+12) Skill Mastery Concentration 5 (+5/+10) Diplomacy 2 (+6/+10) Attractive Disable Device 3 (+10/+2) Skill Mastery Intimidate 4/16 (+8/+22) Enhanced Skill, Growth Investigate 3 (+10) Knowledge (Business) 1 (+8/+0) Knowledge (History) 1 (+8/+0) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 5 (+12/+4) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 13 (+20/+12) Skill Mastery Language 4 (Arabic, Cantonese, English [Native], Italian, Latin) Medicine 5 (+5/+10) Skill Mastery Notice 5 (+5/+10) Perform (Stringed Instruments) 6 (+10) Perform (Vocals) 4 (+8) Search 3 (+10) Sense Motive 5 (+5/+10) Stealth 0 (+1/-3) Growth Feats: 10PP Attack Focus (Melee) 2 Attractive Challenge (Fast Startle) Defensive Roll 1 Dodge Focus 2 Eidetic Memory Improvised Tools Inventor Power Attack Skill Mastery (Craft [Chemical], Disable Device, Knowledge [Physical Sciences], Medicine) Speed of Thought Startle Powers: 20 + 3 + 1 + 95 = 119PP Device 5 (Bandolier of Alchemical Flasks; 25PP Container; Flaws: Hard-to-Lose) [20PP] Base: Damage 8 (Byzantine Fire; Extras: Area [General, Burst], Ranged, Secondary Effect, Flaws: Action [Full Round], Unreliable [5 Uses], Feats: Alternate Power 5, Incurable, Progression 1 [Increased Area; 40' - 80' radius], Triggered 2) [25DP] (chemical, fire) AP: Confuse 8 (Hallucinogenic Fumes; Extras: Alternate Save [Fortitude, +0], Area [General, Burst], Flaws: Unreliable [5 Uses], Feats: Progression 5 [Decrease Area 4, Increase Area 1; 20' - 80' radius], Ricochet, Triggered 2) {16/20} (chemical, inhalant) AP: Drain Toughness 8 (Inorganic Solvent; Extras: Affects Objects Only [+0], Ranged, Secondary Effect, Flaws: Unreliable [5 Uses], Feats: Incurable, Ricochet, Triggered 2) {20/20} (chemical, acid) AP: Healing 8 (Lesser Elixir; Extras: Total, Flaws: Unreliable [5 Uses], Feats: Stabilize, Persistent, Regrowth) {19/20} (chemical, qi) AP: Obscure 5 (Magnetic Dust; Radio, Visual; Extras: Action [Move], Independent [+0], Flaws: Unreliable [5 Uses], Feats: Progression 2 [Decrease Area; 25' - 100' radius], Ricochet, Triggered 2) {20/20} (chemical, magnetism, smoke) AP: Snare 8 (Resin Adhesive; Extras: Contagious, Flaws: Unreliable [5 Uses] Feats: Reversible, Ricochet, Triggered 2) {20/20} (chemical) Device 1 (Bartitsu Cane; 5PP Container; Flaws: Easy-to-Lose) [3PP] Damage 4 (Feats: Mighty) [5DP] (chemically treated wood) Enhanced Feats 2 (Presence of Mind; Dodge Focus 2, Flaws: Limited [Human Form]) [1PP] (training) Alkahest Form 20 (100PP Container [Active, Sustained]; Drawbacks: One-Way Transformation [When Calm, -3], Temporary Disability [Exhausted Upon Transforming Back, -2]) [95PP] Density 6 (Mass x5; +12 Strength, +3 Toughness [Impervious], +2 Immovable, +2 Super-Strength) [18PP] Enhanced Abilities 48 (Enhanced Strength 16, Enhanced Constitution 22, Enhanced Wisdom 10; Drawbacks: Decreased Intelligence 16) [32PP] Enhanced Combat 2 (Counteracting Growth Penalty; Attack 1, Defence 1) [4PP] Enhanced Feats 2 (Challenge [Fast Startle], Startle) [2PP] Enhanced Skills 3 (+12 Intimidate) [3PP] Growth 4 (Large; +8 Strength, +4 Constitution, -1 Combat, +4 Grapple, +2 Intimidate, -4 Stealth) [12PP] Impervious 9 (Total 10) [9PP] Immunity 7 (All Chemical Effects [Half-Effect, +5], Environmental Cold, Environmental Radiation) [7PP] Regeneration 9 (Bruised 3 [No Action], Injured 6 [No Action]) [9PP] Super-Senses 4 (Olfactory; Accurate [+2], Acute, Tracking 1) [4PP] Drawbacks: -3PP Vulnerability (Emotion Effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Moderate [x1.5 Effect]) [-3PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed (Reagent) Touch DC 17 Toughness Damage Unarmed (Alkahest) Touch DC 35 Toughness Damage Bartitsu Cane Touch DC 21 Toughness Damage Byzantine Fire Ranged, 40'-80' radius DC 23 Toughness Damage [Secondary Effect] Hallucinogenic Fumes Ranged, 20'-80' radius DC 18 Fortitude Confuse Inorganic Solvent Ranged DC 18 Reflex Drain Toughness [Secondary Effect] Resin Adhesive Ranged DC 18 Reflex Entangled/Bound Totals: Abilities (32) + Combat (36) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (21) + Feats (10) + Powers (119) - Drawbacks (3) = 232/250 Power Points
  18. Grim Power Level: 10 [15] (205/241PP) Trade-Offs: +2 Attack / -2 Damage Unspent PP: 36PP In Brief: Teenage rebel psychopomp. Alternate Identity: Matthew Rivera Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City, USA Residence: Claremont Academy Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Family: None living. Description: Age: 17 (DoB: 1999) Gender: male Ethnicity: Hispanic Height: 5'10" Weight: 130lb Eyes: dark brown Hair: black Matthew Rivera has spent most of his young life physically active: he's built long and lean by nature, but time at school with a better diet and more attention to his health has started to put some good meat on his bones, rather than just the whipcord he enrolled with, the quiet muscle definition promising great things for his future. A thin budget and lack of access to fine shopping informs his personal fashion: his hair is black, straight, and eternally scruffy, hanging down to frame a handsome face or pulled back into a couple inches of rough ponytail. Most of his clothes are clean and intact, but distinctly second-hand - faded jeans, old t-shirts, and sneakers past their prime seem to be favored over anything school-provided, often with a flannel shirt or jacket thrown over top. Even the outfit he puts on to fight crime is only slightly better-kept: a mask made out of an old bandanna, black pants tucked into durable black boots, and matching vest & gloves (black with gold highlights) over a clean grey shirt. Power Descriptions: Grim's powers are largely subtle or internal, changes wrought by his connection to his dogs, but when he strikes with their power his hands become enveloped in black smoke or fire - and when he teleports, he seems to briefly become more of the same, dissolving into a rolling, insubstantial mess of dark energy. History: Matthew Rivera may have been born and raised in Freedom City, but when his life got turned upside-down it wasn't due to crime or the antics of the super-powered: he and his parents were on the way back from a camping trip when their car, well overdue for too-expensive repairs, sent them careening off the road and down a steep hill. It was, in every possible way, an ordinary, mundane accident befitting of an ordinary, mundane family...and as is so often the case for the mundane and ordinary, Mr. and Mrs. Rivera would never wake up. Their young son fared better, but only just, and he likely would have followed after them if not for some very un-ordinary visitors: a pack of psychopomps, great black dogs of smoke and shadows, had been attracted by the deaths and arrived to escort their souls to where all good souls go to rest. They looked down on the injured child with eyes like burning coals and decided to keep him. By the time help arrived they found only the wreck, two bodies, and a miraculously unhurt ward of the state whose life was no longer mundane. The sum total of his parents' assets barely covered their funeral and burial. The orphanage was kind and wanted only the best for him (or, at least, the best they could afford in that part of town), but young Matt was sleepless, restless; he was quiet, distant, and his increasing age and worsening attitude made it difficult to find him a permanent home. The dogs certainly didn't help - he always seemed to have at least one, often more, great dark things of indistinct breed that always showed up no matter how many times they were thrown out or shut away. Still, his teachers had to grudgingly admit that for all his attitude and truancy, the boy was bright and often well-intentioned - abrasive to authority, yes, but hard-working and protective of the younger children...and with the dogs around, the orphanage had few problems from those gangs heartless enough to cause trouble. And then one day, one would-be graffiti artist got chased off the grounds and swore up and down that one of the dogs had talked and walked through walls. That young man talked to his friend, who told her friend, who was overheard by a hero breaking up a fight - and the right words in the right ear put an invitation to Claremont in an envelope in the mailbox by a charity building down in the Fens. Personality & Motivation: Matthew is taciturn, withdrawn, and frequently dismissive of authority, but he has a strong sense of right and wrong and as much as he might claim to not want to be involved, he has a very hard time sitting on the sidelines when there's action to be taken. He is, in all things, always driven to stand up for the little guy - the innocent, the impoverished, the down-trodden. He's been there, he knows what it's like, and he hates seeing life made worse for those who have already fallen on hard times. He also, unsurprisingly, has a noteworthy soft spot for animals. As a nascent psychopomp and from experience dealing with the dead he has great sympathy for lost souls and the recently deceased. He has precious, precious little for those who try to use their new un-life for personal gain or to manipulate or hurt others. His experience with the dead gives him an almost nihilistic approach to life: so many people die with so many regrets every day, and death holds few answers. But that doesn't mean we just give up trying. Powers & Tactics: Why fight fair when you can fight dirty? Matthew's experience fighting is largely from dealing with street thugs and the occasional unruly specter, and he has absolutely no desire to pull punches with either. Despite his general patience he doesn't like sitting still or peacefully putting up with people he'd much rather be punching in the face, making his tactics straight-forward and unorthodox...albeit not entirely unpredictable. Complications: Death-Aware: Matthew's death awareness does not turn off, ever - his is passively aware of every death in a fairly significant area around him, which wears at his psyche a bit and may cause significant discomfort or distraction if the event being sensed is bad enough in scope or nature. Delinquent: Matthew has a long history of truancy, fights, and a general disrespect for authority in general and the police in particular. He doesn't have a criminal record, yet, but the police who know him assume it's only a matter of time. Don't Touch My Dog: Matthew is very fond of his dogs. Even though they are extremely hard to kill long-term, they're essentially his family and he doesn't take kindly to people being mean to them. Orphaned: Matthew has no family, and few real friends (of the two-legged variety). Raised By Wolves: Having literal dogs for family and a generally withdrawn nature, Matthew tends to lack social grace and patience. Abilities: 6 + 6 + 8 + 2 + 6 + 8 = 36PP Strength: 16 (+3) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +7 Attack: +12 Melee, +4 Ranged Grapple: +15 Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 4 + 5 + 4 = 13PP Toughness: +10 (+4 Con, +6 Protection) Fortitude: +8 (+4 Con, +4) Reflex: +8 (+3 Dex, +5) Will: +7 (+3 Wis, +4) Skills: 80R = 20PP Bluff 3 (+7 / +11) Attractive Craft (Mechanical) 8 (+9) Diplomacy 0 (+4 / +8) Attractive Drive 3 (+6) Intimidate 8 (+12) Notice 10 (+13) Perform (Singing) 12 (+16) Perform (Stringed Instruments) 12 (+16) Sense Motive 5 (+8) Stealth 12 (+15) Survival 7 (+10) Feats: 25PP Attack Focus [Melee] 8 Attractive Dodge Focus 6 Equipment 2 Evasion Fast Task [Startle] Improved Initiative Luck Move-By Action Power Attack Startle Uncanny Dodge [Audio] Equipment: 2PP = 10EP Mid-Size Car (1969 Chevrolet El Camino) [10EP] A gift from a departed ghost who had it under a tarp in a barn - definitely a fixer-upper. Strength: 30 Speed: 5 Defense: 8 Toughness: 10 Size: Huge Features: Alarm, Police Scanner Powers: 12 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 4 + 2 + 48 + 2 + 7 + 7 + 4 = 96PP Drain Toughness 8 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2; Flaws: Limited [Undead]) + Strike 5 (Feats: Mighty) [12PP] Enhanced Feats 2 (Affects Insubstantial 2 [on Strength]) [2PP] Feature (Able to escort the willing dead to their afterlife) [1PP] Leaping 1 (x2) [1PP] Protection 6 [6PP] Regeneration 4 (Recovery Bonus +2; Resurrection 2 [1 day]) [4PP] Speed 2 (25mph, 250' / move) [2PP] Summon Minion 11 (165pp dogs; Feats: Mental Link, Progression 2 (5 dogs), Subtle; Extras: Fanatical, Horde) [48PP] Super-Movement 1 (Trackless) [2PP] Super-Senses 6 (Extended Audio 1 [1], Acute Olfactory [2], Ultra-Hearing [1], Darkvision [2], Vision [Counters Concealment, Limited: Undead] [1]) [7PP] Super-Senses 7 (Death Awareness, Mental [1]; Acute [1], Extended 3 (-1 per ~2 miles) [3], Radius [1], Ranged [1]) [7PP] Teleport 4 (400'; Feats: Change Velocity, Turnabout; Flaws: Short-Range) [4PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 18 Toughness Damage (Physical) Strike Touch DC 18 Fortitude Drain Toughness (Undead Only) + DC 23 Toughness Damage (Physical) Drawbacks: (-1) = -1PP Impoverished [-1PP] Totals: Abilities (36) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (20) + Feats (25) + Powers (96) - Drawbacks (1) = 205/241 Power Points
  19. Sparkler Power Level: 10 [12] (236/250PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 14 In Brief: A young pyrokinetic witch whose comfortable world was shattered by the revelation of her parents' horrific crimes. She is determined never to be taken advantage of by anyone again. Residence: Claremont Academy Base of Operations: Claremont Academy Catchphrase: None Alternate Identity: Raina Sanderson Identity: Secret Birthplace: Angel Mounds, Indiana Occupation: High School Student Affiliations: None Family: Eric Sanderson (father), Rochelle (Miller) Sanderson (mother), Maxwell Miller (grandfather), Margaret Miller (grandmother) Description: Age: 21 (DoB: 08/28/1999) Apparent Age: 16, unless she wants to look older Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'10 Weight: 135 Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde Aside from being unusually tall for her age, Raina in the wild doesn't have a lot of distinguishing features. She can use makeup to make herself look considerably older and more attractive, when the right tools are available. She has honey-blonde hair that she currently wears shoulder length, and her clothes are an odd mixture of Walmart shapeless specials and a few designer pieces. Power Descriptions: Sparkler's powers are all of the Magic descriptor, and when she uses them, she is obviously casting spells with words and hand gestures. (Some of them are more subtle than others.) Some of her spells require props or components, which she carries with her in her purse or in a pouch on her uniform. Fire being controlled by her power tends to burn unnatural colors, sickly yellow or bright red mostly, but will revert to normal color when she releases control. History: Growing up, Raina always believed she was special. Not only was she an only child, she was one of the very few children at all in her tiny hometown of Angel Mounds, Indiana, so there wasn't much competition for adult attention. And not only that, but her parents were Very Important People, which made her that much specialer by proxy. Dad was the mayor of Angel Mounds, and had been since long before Raina was born (surprisingly long, though she didn't notice that till it was too late), while Mom was the most beautiful woman in Spencer County, and one of the most socially active. Their big house was always full of people and parties, and even before she was old enough to stay up past nine pm, Raina had a polished set of social manners and a wardrobe large enough to need an entire second bedroom. She went to an exclusive private school in Evanston and got excellent grades, partially because she was smart and partially because her family were Important Donors. Grownups fawned over her, other children wanted to be her friends. But that wasn't why Raina believed she was special. Raina always knew she was special because of the magic. Down beneath the ballroom and the formal dining room and all the fancy landscaping, there was another wing to the Sanderson home, one that was shrouded in grown-up mystery and thus endlessly fascinating. After the fancy parties were over, Dad and Mom and some of their good friends would slip down to those rooms and not come out till morning, usually looking exhausted, dirt-smeared and very pleased with themselves. Raina was only seven years old the first time she palmed a key from her mother's wardrobe and made her way down the secret stairs to find rooms filled with old, stinky books, weird jars of herbs and animal parts and different kinds of stones, and big iron cauldrons hanging over cold firepits, waiting to be used. She understood right away what it was all for, of course. She wasn't stupid. She'd already read the first Harry Potter book! Everybody knew that magic was real, but now it was really-real, and it was inside her own house. Having parents who were a witch and wizard (they preferred “practitioners,” but Raina knew better) wasn't always all it was cracked up to be. She'd barely been in the basement five minutes before her mother and father were racing down the stairs, looking scarier than Raina had ever seen them before, their faces hard and mean and ready for a fight. She hid behind one of the cauldrons, but not before her dad caught sight of her. He rolled his eyes, the scary look dissolving away as he caught Raina by the arm and swung her up into the air like she was a little kid, making her giggle helplessly. “We've got an intruder all right,” he told Raina's mom, “and she's a menace! A menace!” Both parents laughed, and then Dad tickled Raina until she nearly wet her pants and completely forgot that she'd been scared. After that, though, she had to explain how she'd gotten down there, which had led to the dreadful punishment of an entire weekend not being able to ride her pony or go out and play among the many strange mounds that gave her little town its name. But it was all worth it when her parents decided she was ready to learn magic herself. It was almost better than getting a letter from Hogwarts (even if she continued to hold out secret hope for several more years.) Dad explained to her that she would not be ready for “initiation into the mysteries” until she was sixteen, but there were things she could learn beforehand. They taught her useful little bits of magic to make life easier and more fun. A translation spell made foreign language classes a breeze, while a lockpick spell made pranks on classmates so much more satisfying. Learning to fly when she was fourteen was, of course, amazing, even if she could only do it while invisible. But her favorite, favorite spell of all was the fire control. Sure, it made lighting the ritual candles easy, which was what it was for, but it could do so much more. One too many mishaps with the curtains got her a stern injunction to only practice that spell outdoors, but that did nothing to dampen Raina's enthusiasm. As she got older, Raina started noticing her parents getting busier and busier. Her father often went on trips for days at a time, while her mother was frequently away from dawn till dusk, with people over at night as well, downstairs in the ritual rooms and never letting her so much as watch. Raina might have worried that something bad was happening with them, except that they were so embarrassingly affectionate with each other when they were both home. She was fairly certain she was scarred for life just by watching a couple of their reunions after her dad had been away for a long weekend. And it wasn't as though she were a neglected child. There were summer camp trips that were more like resorts, vacations with friends, new clothes, shoes and hair for every new season. She knew there were bad things in the world. At school they talked about how the unsolved murder rate in the city was at an all-time high, and the teachers warned them not to go places on their own. People told stories about weird lights in the sky sometimes, and places near the river where plants died and animals wouldn't set foot. A lot of those places seemed to be near Angel Mounds, which had some of the only undisturbed forest left in the area. But none of that stuff really had any impact on Raina, so she pretty much ignored it. Life was good for Raina at fourteen, but it was also somewhat lonely. Her friends from school lived in Evanston, and there were no kids her age nearby. When her parents were busy, she had nothing but the internet, which bored her. When she pestered her mother one too many times about it, Mom had snapped at her to get a familiar already, but not that damned smelly pony, and shut her out of her bedroom. Raina pouted, but went down to the basement and did her homework. She learned about familiars, learned how to create the bond, and had only to decide what animal she wanted. Black cats were definitely out, what could be more boring and obvious? Though she might have done it just to spite her mother, the pony was just too big (and kind of stupid, even though she still loved him). Birds were too noisy, dogs too obnoxious, snakes and lizards too icky. She was stuck for ideas until one day at school when her one vegan friend all but burst into tears while giving an oral report about the local research facility and their animal testing experiments. She gulped and sniffled her way through horror stories about fuzzy little mice and sweet bunny rabbits and even tiny little baby monkeys, and suddenly Raina had an idea. Breaking into the research facility was hardly Raina's first foray into breaking and entering, but it was the first time she'd done it for more than practice or harmless pranking. Silent and invisible, she'd snuck through the facility till she'd found the animal testing labs, quiet and dark in the nighttime. She'd turned on the lights, had a look around, barfed into a trash can, then gotten down to business. As promised, among the cages of other animals was one small capuchin monkey, scared to death and with some kind of paint smeared over his fur, but otherwise apparently unharmed. He had a clever face, Raina decided. “You wanna get out of here?” she asked him, and he indicated that yes indeed, he would very much like to get out of this place. She opened his cage, and all the other cages for good measure, and after a heart-pounding and really entertaining chase through the corridors, got her new prize safely out of captivity and home with her. She gave him a bath, named him Merlin, and performed the familiar spell, greatly pleased with her own cunning and daring. Merlin took to being a familiar extremely well. Like, extremely well. Like, all familiars got some measure of their human companion's intelligence, but sometimes Raina wondered if the monkey might not be just a little bit smarter than her. He was certainly smart in different ways. When she had to leave him home and go to school, she taught him how to use the computer and the internet to keep himself entertained. By the end of the second week, he'd started ordering parts off Amazon and building himself a new computer system because hers was too old and slow for video games. After a couple of months, he was winning tournaments and using a voice synthesizer to randomly swear at other players in order to throw off suspicion. He loved Raina, and the feeling was mutual, but she'd really kind of hoped to have a little more in common with her familiar. She might have been better off with something a little dumber. But then he showed her how he'd hacked into the files at her school and changed the faculty page of her least favorite teacher to include a number of extremely unflattering descriptions he must have learned while gaming, and Raina was sure she'd made the exact right choice. Her parents had been surprisingly unperturbed by the story of how she'd gotten her new friend, and even when Raina took him into town or the city with her, nobody ever asked a single question. Freshman year of high school kept Raina super-busy. She was at a new school, every bit as elite and exclusive as the last, but she was suddenly having more trouble than she'd ever had before. For one thing, she was getting tall. Like, really tall. Unfortunately, freakishly tall, especially compared to the tiny little freshman boys in her class. She was developing proportionately, at least, so she got some hips and breasts to go with the monstrous tallness, but that was only slight consolation. Merlin, ever pragmatic, pointed out that with her birthday being what it was, she was already older than most of the other kids in her class. She might as well hang out with older students. Some YouTube tutorials and a lot of shopping acquired her makeup and clothes to meet the challenge, and with her family's money and a few words from her mom into the right ears (Raina suspected), she was soon back on top again. She got herself a boyfriend who was a junior and had a nice car, arranged her lunch table to suit herself, and shamelessly exploited her familiar to keep herself from failing math. All of this, though, was really just killing time. She was going to be sixteen next year, and sixteen was Old Enough. When she was sixteen, she would be inducted into the true mysteries of magic. She would know exactly what her parents and their friends did down in the basement when she wasn't allowed. She would finally get a taste of real power! Raina's entire world came crashing down three weeks before Christmas. One night she was awakened from sleep by her mother shaking her roughly and telling her to get to the basement and hide, and not to say anything to anybody or make a single noise. Raina would've whined on general principle, but the look of fear on her mother's face wasn't something she'd ever seen before. Barefoot and in her nightgown, Merlin on her shoulder, she'd raced into the basement, where Dad and a half-dozen of her parents' closest friends were dressed in black robes, dark stuff smeared all over their faces. They seemed scared too, even after Mom had rejoined them and they'd all begun chanting around the largest cauldron. Raina didn't recognize any of the words, but she could feel the weight of magic in the air. It didn't feel good and comfortable and exciting the way magic usually felt, though. It felt... evil. Were they under attack? Were her parents trying to fight off some huge evil force bearing down on them? She thought about trying to help, but then the walls began to shake, and terror handily overwhelmed any heroic impulse. Cuddling Merlin like a stuffed animal, she hid her face against her knees and cowered behind the bookshelves while the chanting increased and the walls shuddered and the air grew almost too heavy with magic to breathe. She didn't even notice when the superheroes started to appear, not until the fighting started. It wasn't a very long fight. The practitioners in Mom and Dad's coven were intellectuals, not hand-to-hand fighters, and they obviously hadn't expected to be teleported in on. Raina didn't understand what was going on, but she saw that people were attacking her parents, so she rushed to help, wielding underpowered fireballs for all she was worth, not even remembering she was still in her pajamas. She was subdued almost instantly, frozen in place and hoisted into the air, Merlin still clinging to her neck and just as immobilized. Within ten minutes, the entire coven was under arrest, Raina included, and being dragged off to... she didn't even know where. She'd never been more indignant and frightened in her entire life. What right had anybody to do this to her and her family? Indignation had dissolved into hysteria when a man in green and gold had tried to take Merlin away from her, and he'd finally been allowed to stay when she was put into an empty interrogation room. Raina had thought to ask for a lawyer, or at least a grownup, but when the superheroes came to talk to her, it was more like an intervention than an interrogation. They wanted to know about the plot to end the world, but in the face of her genuine bafflement and fear, they realized quickly she had no idea what was going on. So they told her. It wasn't an easy story to believe. Raina's parents weren't evil! They were wealthy and powerful and well-connected, people liked them! They donated to charities all over the county! But that money, according to the heroes, was blood money, acquired through dark rituals and horrifying exploitation. Half the civic leaders of Evanston, and a few of Indiana, were trapped under the magical influence of the coven, willing to give them anything they wanted. Huge spells had been in place for decades to cloak and shield the practitioners of Angel Mounds while they used black magic to build their fortunes and eradicate their enemies. People who had crossed the Sandersons and their friends had been ending up missing for decades, with nobody willing to talk about it. Raina remembered hearing whispers like that, but who would believe something like that? It was crazy! The coven had used forbidden rituals to suck the lives out of animals, patches of land, even people, creating magically and psychically dead spaces near Angel Mounds, which was itself a deep well of dark power. They had kidnapped more than a dozen people in Evanston, brought them to the ritual space underneath the mansion, and ritually murdered them in an attempt to turn themselves into powerful lower beings. At that point, Raina had needed a little break from all the explaining, and had taken it with her head between her knees and a woman in white encouraging her to breathe a little more slowly. Raina hadn't wanted to believe any of it, but there was evidence, so much evidence. And there were things she'd seen, things she had noticed and just hadn't ever really paid attention to. But how could her parents be evil? In the end, it hadn't mattered what Raina believed. With barely a moment for goodbyes, her parents and their friends were all bundled off to Blackstone Prison in Freedom City to await trial for a shockingly long list of charges. Raina hadn't been arrested and wasn't going with them, but she had nowhere to go. The mansion and all its contents were seized by the police and the superheroes. Raina had been allowed to pack one suitcase of her clothes and diaries and photos, after letting an agent dig through all of it to make sure she wasn't hiding evidence. She didn't even get to keep Merlin's computer. Everything else was just gone, even the pony. And so was all the money. Broke and alone, Raina suddenly found herself enmeshed in a system she had no influence over whatsoever, subject to the whims of people she didn't know, but was supposed to trust to look out for her best interests. But why the hell would she do that, when the people she trusted most had (maybe, surely not) done such horrible things? As the shock wore off she became more defiant, more angry, but it didn't have any more effect than if she'd been pliable. She was shipped off to grandparents she'd only met twice, her mother's parents, who disapproved of magic, money, anything fun, and most especially Raina herself. Moving in with her grandparents meant not only switching schools but switching states, moving to Ohio and settling in a town far more isolated than Angel Mounds had ever been. It was far enough away that none of her friends would visit (not that it seemed likely anyway, after all that had happened), but close enough that the news had been saturated with coverage of the superbattle and the arrest of the evil demon-consorting coven. Raina quickly found herself a miserable outcast at school, with no way to fix things this time even if she'd had the energy. Home was no better; they treated Merlin like an animal and Raina like a delinquent, as though if she were given the least iota of freedom, she'd start trying to summon demons and murder people as well. Frustration and anger boiled inside Raina, and she welcomed it because it was a lot better than being afraid and lonely all the time. She began to strain against the rules, sneaking out of the house, getting into fights at school. She set one particularly obnoxious sophomore's brand new car on fire with a wave of her hand, though she'd make sure to do it when it couldn't be pinned on her. Her grades for the year were abysmal, barely passing, but she didn't care. Her grandparents threatened to put her in foster care, but it didn't seem like that could be any worse. When the representative from Claremont Academy showed up, it seemed too good to be true, but Raina jumped on it anyway. Maybe it was a scam, and maybe this was just another group trying to take advantage of her, but at least it meant getting the hell out of Ohio and into a city big enough to get lost in. One thing was for sure, she wasn't going to ever trust anything an adult said to her ever again. Personality & Motivation: Raina grew up sheltered and more than a little spoiled, but she was a people-pleaser at heart, happiest in the center of an adoring crowd. She also had a tendency to take things at face value and believe that people had her best interests in mind. All of that bit her very hard on the ass, and now she's in a rebound phase. She is defensive and untrusting, rebellious for the sake of rebelling, unwilling to believe that anybody might have an uncomplicated desire to help her in any way. She wants to learn hero work to distance herself from the crimes of her parents, both in order to silence the people who say she's a villain by nature, and to extend a middle finger to the parents who betrayed her trust. Until she truly believes she can trust someone again, she's going to continue fighting authority just to let herself feel in control. Powers & Tactics: Planning is not Sparkler's strong suit; she's never had any training and had very little fighting experience. When she is pushed into combat, she will try and stay at a safe distance, preferably invisible, and launch fireballs at opponents until they fall down or go away. She currently has little capacity for teamwork, since there's nobody she'd trust to watch her back. Complications: Stray Cat Sitting On A Fence: Raina sits between two worlds, the villainous legacy of her parents and the heroic aspirations of Claremont Academy. Neither is very accepting of her at the moment, villains see her as a quisling and heroes see her as a bad seed. Ain't Got Enough Dough to Pay the Rent: All of Raina's family assets were frozen and seized when her parents were arrested, leaving her to cope with a much different style of living. Right now she has no income and no savings, not much to her name beyond the clothes on her bck and her monkey. Strut Right By With My Tail In The Air: Raina is much too proud to ask for help in pretty much any circumstances, which includes trying to beg for friendship from people who are socially better positioned than she. This pride often manifests as aloofness and can be offputting, as well as keeping her from getting help when it would be really useful. Get Shoes Thrown At Me By A Mean Old Man: Raina's relationship with her family is pretty terrible right now. Her parents are in prison and she can only see them once or twice a month, even if she wants to. Her grandparents basically hate her, and have pawned her off on Claremont with great relief. Of course, if she were to get kicked out of Claremont... Howling in the Moonlight on a Hot Summer Night: Raina is currently in what might be charitably described as a rebellious phase. Nobody, in her opinion, can be trusted to look after her except herself, so she will make all her own decisions whether or not the rules say she can. In many ways, this makes her even easier to manipulate. Got Cat Class, Got Cat Style: Unfortunately for someone who grew up in the Midwest, Raina hates cold weather. Hates being cold, hates feeling cold. It makes her fingers numb and messes up her powers, sometimes it feels like it even makes her fire less effective. She enjoys warmth and shuns cold whenever possible. Wish I could Be As Carefree and Wild: Raina's main offensive power is throwing fireballs, which looks awesome and can be very effective, but it's also a little unpredictable. When she's doing something big with fire, especially if she's stunting with it, the chances of burning herself (or singeing off her hair and eyebrows) goes way up. This has not yet stopped her from playing with matches. Abilities: 0 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 0 + 14 = 28PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 24 (+7) Combat: 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +6 Base, +10 The Sun, +12 Sick Ninja Moves Grapple: +6 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5/-1 Saving Throws: 4 + 4 + 10 = 18PP Toughness: +10/+2 (+2 Con, +8 Protection) Fortitude: +6 (+2 Con, +4) Reflex: +6 (+2 Dex, +4) Will: +10 (+0 Wis, +10) Skills: 88R = 22PP Bluff 17 (+24) SM Concentration 8 (+8) Diplomacy 10 (+17) SM Disable Device 0 (+3/+15) The Fool Disguise 0 (+5/+25) The Moon Intimidate 10 (+17) SM Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 8 (+11) Knowledge (Theology/Philosophy) 6 (+9) Notice 6 (+6) Sense Motive 15 (+16) Stealth 8 (+10) SM Feats: 43PP Attack Specialization (Fire Blast) 2 Challenge (Fast Taunt) Dodge Focus 4 Luck Quick Change Ritualist Sidekick 30 Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Stealth) Taunt Uncanny Dodge (Visual) Enhanced Feats Second Chance (Disable Device) The Fool Powers: 10 + 7 + 10 + 4 + 12 + 1 + 8 + 4 + 11 + 34 = 101PP Comprehend 5 ("The Tower"; Speak to and Understand Animals; Speak, Read and Comprehend Any One Language At a Time) [10PP] Damage 2 ("Sick Ninja Moves", Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Critical, Innate) [7PP] Device 2 (Broom, Flaw: Hard to Lose, Feats: Restricted 2 [Raina]) [10PP] Enhanced Flight 3 (to Flight 7; 1,000mph/10,000fpm; Extra: Affects Others, Feats: Moving Feint) [10DP] Enhanced Feat 1 (Second Chance [Disable Device]) [1] + Enhanced Skills 12 (Disable Device 12 [+15]) [3] "The Fool" [4PP] Flight 4 ("The Chariot"; 100mph/1,000fpm; Extra: Affects Others) [12PP] Immunity 1 (Environmental Heat) [1PP] Protection 8 (The Empress) [8PP] Super-Senses 4 ("The Magician"; Magic Awareness 3, Visual, Enhancement: Analytical) [4PP] The Moon Array 5 (10PP, Sneakiness; Feats: Alternate Powers 1) [11PP] Base Power: Concealment 4 (All Visual, Feats: Close Range, Selective) {10/10} Alternate Power: Morph 4 (+20 Disguise; Feats: Covers Scent, Precise) {10/10} The Sun Array 15 (30PP, Fire; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Alternate Power 2) [34PP] Base Power: Blast 10 ("Fire, and lots of it!"; Extra: Autofire) {30/30} Alternate Power: Damage 10 ("Disco Inferno"; Extras: Area [General, Burst, 50-ft. radius], Selective Attack} {30/30} Alternate Power: Move Object 10 ("hands of flame"; Extra: Damaging) {30/30} DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Sick Ninja Moves Touch DC 17 Toughness Damage Fire Blast Ranged DC 25 Toughness Damage Totals: Abilities (28) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (22) + Feats (43) + Powers (101) - Drawbacks (0) = 236/249 Power Points
  20. Sandman Power Level: 12 (175/198 PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 8PP In Brief: Widower trying to fulfill his wifes legacy as ancestral defender of the dreamlands. Residence: Suburban Hanover Base of Operations: Throughout Freedom City Alternate Identity: Dr. Elis Sanford Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Doctor Affiliations: People and/or groups you work with. Family: Mrs. Barbara Breska-Sanford (Wife, Deceased), Shelby Sanford (Daughter, 8), William Sanford (Son, 5), Grace Fellows (Sister) Description: Age: 34 (DoB: June 14th 1981) Apparent Age: 34 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'11" Weight: 185 Eyes: Blue Hair: Sandy Blonde Elis is a fit man in his mid thirties. He's toned without being bulky and of average height with a calm confidence in his movement. His hair is neatly cut and styled with the simplicity of a busy schedule. He is usually in scrubs or business casual, khakis, button down and tie though on weekends revels in his god given right to sandals with socks and cargo shorts. As sandman he's costumed in a blue and white, a long hooded vest belted at the waist over a bodysuit matched with Cuffed gloved and cavalier boots. His chest is emblazoned with the symbol of a crescent moon. Power Descriptions: His powers manifest as swirling almost luminescent yellow brown sand. At its most basic he forms it into grasping limbs or weapons or fashions walls and cages to entrap his foes or form into illusory living dreamscapes. He may call upon them to swirl about in vortices putting his targets into a deep sleep, sapping their energy or calming a crowd with their somnolent touch. At its more esoteric it serves as a conduit for Sandman to touch on the dreams and nightmares of his friends or foes for aid or to make them deadly real in the mind of the beholder. His form is almost as if built from flowing sand and bullets or fists pass through with little to no effect only for the holes to fill in from the surrounding mystic sands. History: Elis is not a remarkable man. He's a hard worker and clever enough that that work has paid off though none of it came with great ease. He was raised in a firmly middle class household with a single younger sister and grew up with the luck to be spared the greater pains and losses many residents of Freedom suffered throughout the corruption of the Moore years, or the invasions and assorted chaos that followed. He graduated high school near the top of his class and was accepted to FCU in a pre-med program. Though no longer a bigger fish in a small pond led to some growing pains he managed to get through in no small part due to the support of his future wife Barbara. They met in an intro to biology course and her presence pushed him to attend more regularly. Late nights studying together often seemed on the verge of their friendship developing to something more though she seemed to hold back. Elis accepted her reluctance and enjoyed her friendship and what company her busy schedule allowed. In time the friendship blossomed into more and by the time they graduated they were engaged. It is in that relationship that Elis' future would be forged. The Braska family were inheritors of an ancient mandate. Defenders of the waking world from the creeping darkness of nightmare realms, guardians of the vale of sleep, knights of dream. Barbara was their last scion. Elis knew nothing of her grander purpose though he often worried about her odd habits and exceedingly busy schedule throughout their relationship as friends and romantically he allowed her enough space and she managed her dueling responsibilities well enough it never came to a head. As they entered graduate studies (he in med school her in psychology) they got an apartment together, He'd awake at night to find her mysteriously absent, or so deeply asleep he could not wake her as she did battle in the realms of dream or hunted nightmare things crossed into our realm. When he finally asked her about it she could no longer hide her double life from him. Elis worried for her after that, no loving partner would not, but he had come to understand her devotion in time. They were wed shortly after he began his residency and not long thereafter their first child was born. Barbara's vigils as their daughter slept seemed odd but Elis accepted she needed the comfort of watching and she never seemed to tire at the least. In due course another child joined the first, a younger brother his sister adored. All seemed well in their lives. Balancing family and superheroics was never easy but Barbara managed and despite the long hours of his residency Elis was there to support her. Not long after Elis completed his residency and joined the hospital staff as an attending physician it all came crashing down. He returned from a late night call for emergency surgery to find the front door of the house torn off its hinges. Calling 911 he rushed inside, he found her at the top of the stairs the power of her legacy slowly fading, the costume he rarely saw reverting to her nightclothes as he ran to her side. As he tried to staunch the bleeding he cradled her in his arms. She whispered to him of the boogeyman who had come for the children, the scions of her line. She had driven him off but at a great price. She made him promise to protect the children, it wasn't until her last kiss passed the power of the Sands of Sleep to him he understood she meant all of them. She was gone by the time the paramedics arrived. Barbara's loss was hard on Elis, and of course the children though he sheltered them from the worst of the details schoolmates and teachers all knew at least some of it and it has been difficult for them. He keeps upbeat and makes sure they celebrate they life they had with her rather than focusing on her absence. So far it seems to be working. For a time he tried to forget his promise, the legacy of the guardian of dreams had taken his wife from him he was not charitable in thought toward it now. It was nearly a year later before he embraced his role, children gone missing from locked homes, dark figures spotted in the shadows, he could hear his wifes voice telling him to protect the children, so that is what he does. Personality & Motivation: Elis is an affable gentle man with a quick smile and easy demeanor. He doesn't stand out much in a crowd but those that know him usually remember him fondly. A devoted father and skilled doctor he is a very busy man but none the less seems to find time for tidbits of conversation with the coffee cart barista or the nurses on his way in to the hospital. His wife's death has left a certain melancholy to his manner but it is a quiet kind melancholy that he rarely inflicts upon others, and is quick to apologize with a self deprecating jest at his maudlin behavior. Elis' relationship with superheroics is complex. This job cost his wife her life. Something he'll like as not never forgive it, she knew the risks and he knows would have done nothing differently yet still a part of him blames the responsibility laid upon her for her death. On the other hand he respects her sacrifice and her convictions of the importance of this work. He knows as few others do how close the monsters really are in the world and how spread thin its defenders are. When it comes down to it however he made a promise and he intends to keep it. There is a darkness in the world and he will be the light to ward it off. Powers & Tactics: Sandman is first and foremost a guardian of the innocent. Thus he usually opens with seeing to it that bystanders are safe by calming them or erecting barriers to cover their retreat. Once that is achieved he'll move in to engage more directly and will focus on entrapping or disabling his foes. It is a last resort to turn to the crude brutality of attacking more directly, only the most heinous of offenders are treated tot he special horror of being rent asunder by their own worst nightmares, Sandman knows such power must be used sparingly. Complications: Identity: Secret; The mild mannered anesthesiologist is not what most imagine when they think of super heroics, he'd like to keep it that way. Responsibility: Job; He is holding down a day job if not for his lack of need for sleep it would like as not all come crashing down. Responsibility: Parent; Single parent at that. He has two children who he WILL ensure are safe and secure. Code: Sandman hunts the things that go bump in the night, the monsters under the bed and in your closet. He makes sure the nightmare things that creep across the veil go back where they belong, pursuit of such creatures take priority over lesser foes. Code: Defender of innocents. Bystanders and especially children must be protected at all costs. Enemy: The Boogeyman is still out there. Barbara hurt it, drove it off but it will recover and be back. Sandman plans to be ready. Abilities: 0 + 6 + 8 + 6 + 10 + 4 = 34PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 16 (+6) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 14 (+4) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +3 Attack: +4 Base; +4 Melee, +4 Ranged Grapple: +4 (+20 Move Object) Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -7 Saving Throws: 4 + 3 + 5 = 12PP Toughness: +14 (+4 Con, +10 [Protection]) Fortitude: +8 (+4 Con, +4) Reflex: +6 (+3 Dex, +3) Will: +10 (+5 Wis, +5) Skills: 64R = 16PP Diplomacy 3 (+5) Intimidation 3 (+5) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 12 (+15) Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) 7 (+10) Knowledge (Cosmology) 12 (+15) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 7 (+10) Medicine 10 (+15) Notice 5 (+10) Sense Motive 5 (+10) Feats: 8PP Attractive Benefit (Wealth) 1 Dodge Focus 6 Powers: 64 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 10 + 4 + 9 = 104PP Array Rank 28 (Sands of Dream; 56AP; Extras: none, Flaws: None, Feats: Alternate Power 8, Drawbacks: None) [64PP] (Dream, Mental, Magic) Base Power: Create Object 15 (Walls of Sand; Extras: Duration(Continuous +1); Flaws: none; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Selective, Stationary, Tether, Precise, Progression 5 [250' cubes]; Drawbacks: none) {56/56} (Dream, Magic) Alternate Power: Damage 12 (Nightmares to Life; Extras: Penetrating 2 +1, Range (Perception, +2), Alt Save (Will, +1), Mental (+0); Flaws: none; Feats: Dimensional(Dream), Indirect 3, Reversible, Subtle; Drawbacks: None) {56/56} (Dream, Mental, Magic) Alternate Power: Emotion Control 12 (Sands of Calm; Extras: Area (General, Shapeable, +1), Selective (+1); Flaws: Limited (Calm Only, -1); Feats: Reversible, Progression 19 (Rank x1000 5' Cubes);) {56/56} (Dream, Mental, Magic) Alternate Power: Fatigue 12 (Sands of Exhaustion; Extras: Range (Perception, +2); Flaws: none; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Sedation, Reversible, Incurable, Slow Fade 2, Subtle; Drawbacks: none) {56/56} (Dream, Magic) Alternate Power: Illusion 12 (Sands of Illusion; All Senses, 2,500' Area; Extras: Selective Attack (+1); Flaws: Phantasms (-1); Feats: Progression 8; Drawbacks: none) {56/56} (Dream, Mental, Magic) Alternate Power: Illusion 12 (Sweet Dreams (Dream Control); Extras: Duration (Sustained, +1); Flaws: Limited (Sleeping Targets, -1), Range (Touch, -2); Feats: Triggered, Progression 15 (50 mile radius); Drawbacks: none) (Dream, Mental, Magic) Mind Reading 12 (Dream Travel; Extras: Affects Others (+1), Duration (Continuous, +2); Flaws: Limited (Sleeping Targets, -1), Range (Touch, -2); Feats: Insidious, Sedation, Subtle 2; Drawbacks: None) {40 + 16 = 56/56} (Dream, Mental, Magic) Alternate Power: Move Object 14 (Shifting Sands; Extras: Damaging (12 ranks, +1), Range(Perception) (+1); Flaws: none; Feats: Affects insubstantial 2; Drawbacks: none) {56/56} (Dream, Magic) Alternate Power: Stun 12 (Sands of Sleep; Extras: Range (Perception, +2), Alt Save (Will, +0), Sleep (+0); Flaws: none; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Reversible, Sedation, Slow Fade 3, Subtle; Drawbacks: none) {56/56} (Dream, Mental, Magic) Alternate Power: Teleport 10 (Dream Step; Extras: Accurate (+1), Portal (+2); Flaws: none; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Progression 2 (50' by 50'); Drawbacks: none) {56/56} (Dream, Magic) Comprehend 3 (Speak and Understand all Languages; Language of Dreams; Extras: None, Flaws: None, Feats: None, Drawbacks: None) [6PP] (Dream, Mental, Magic) Enhanced Feats 1 (Quick Change 1) [1PP] (Dream, Magic) Feature 1 (Special Effect: Otherworldly Presence; Dramatic wind that affects only him, able to float slightly off the ground, echoed speech) [1 PP] Immunity 9 (Need to Sleep (1), Fear Effects (1), Dream/Nightmare (2), Sleep Effects (5); Extras: None, Flaws: None, Feats: None, Drawbacks: None) [9PP] (Dream, Mental, Magic) Protection 10 (Body of Sand; Extras: None, Flaws: none, Feats: None, Drawbacks: None) [10PP] (Dream, Magic) Super-Movement 1 (Into the Vale of Sleep; Dimensional Movement 1 (Dreamlands); Extras: Affects Others (+1), Attack (+1), Flaws: none, Feats: none, Drawbacks: none) [4PP] (Dream, Magic) Super-Senses 9 (Dream Sense; Dream Awareness (Mental) 1, Ranged 1, Radius 1, Accurate 2, Acute 1, Analytical 1, Tracking 2 Extras: none, Flaws: none, Feats: none, Drawbacks: none) [9PP] (Dream, Mental, Magic) Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP None DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage (Physical) Nightmares to Life Perception DC 25 Will Damage (Mental) Sands of Calm Perception DC 20 Will Emotion Control(Calm) Sands of Exhaustion Ranged DC 20 Fortitude Fatigue Sands of Sleep Ranged DC 20 Will Stun Shifting Sands Ranged DC 25 Toughness Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities (34) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (16) + Feats (8) + Powers (104) - Drawbacks (0) = 190/198 Power Points
  21. Player Name: Shojikitsune Character Name: Apex Power Level: 7 (105 PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: Poor little rich girl who wants to play with the other heroes. Frustrated because she is trying to reverse-engineer 31st century technology “as that TV character put it, ‘using stone knives and bearskins’. It’s a wonder I haven’t pulled out my hair!” Residence: If you have to ask, you can’t make it past the gate… Base of Operations: Various. Catchphrase: “MUST I *remind* you of my superiority?” Alternate Identity Alexandria Lorne Identity: Public Birthplace: unknown Occupation: Brat, engineer. genius, dilettante, multibillionaire. Affiliations: LorneTek, The Financial District, banking and robotics industries, fashion industry Family: Parents – everyone has them. Alexandria’s are stuck in a stasis field from the 31st century. Such an unfortunate accident. She hopes to free them soon. Description: Age: 21 (D.O.B.: 1998) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian. Height: 5’8” Weight: 120 lbs. (Dawson! Are you giving confidential information to the media again?!) REDACTED Eyes: Green Hair: Red Alexandria Lorne is a strikingly attractive young Human redhead who takes pride in her long, almost waist-length hair. She has medium green eyes, a light smattering of freckles, and a heart-shaped, very attractive face. She dresses in avant-garde cutting edge designs from only custom labels. Power Descriptions: Lexi is a engineering genius, who has designed a series of labor, construction and rescue suits. She is possibly the best mind in LorneTek, and has dedicated herself to understanding, reverse-engineering, and eventually disseminating the knowledge that makes the high-tech temporal device they have recovered work. The sooner she solves this problem, the sooner her parents and their co-workers can be freed. Although she has designed some impressive robotic suits, most are far to clumsy for superhero work. Instead, she has developed other systems from the detailed research notes on the strange device. Key to her public heroic efforts are the LT series drone system. The LT series drones consist of 2 or more disk-shaped devices, generally fielded in pairs to overcome their limited individual functionality. An LT Drone will generate a force field and interpose itself between its owner and a designated threat. Alternatively, it can use the force field projector to fire a bolt of stunning force. This is why they are often fielded in pairs. Stepping onto a drone's force field platform allows the rider to fly, much like riding a surfboard. These LT drones form the basis for her powers. To detail those powers, Lexi can 'ride' the force field effect, allowing her to fly - although very slowly. They provide a fair amount of defense, although she's aware that they'll overload against seriously heavy attack. Offensively, they can fire cylindrical bolts of force a fair distance, generate a massive kinetic potential to anywhere on her body to deliver a stunning melee attack, or attach themselves to a target and apply a 'zero-point' force field that resists the actions of the person inside it, slowing or immobilizing a target. Tactically, Lexi uses her flight and kinetic blasts to engage enemies. She can deploy the snare drones early, trying to reduce any incoming attacks. If she must get close or go past a target, or if the force bolts and snare don't stop the threat, she will use her stun punches and kicks. She is not a trained fighter, and knows she must stay at range to be most effective. Lexi is likely to have dozens of these small, ring-like drones on her at any given time, and can activate them with manual or voice commands. Although powerful, they are not 'smart' and do not engage in complex plans on their own. This is a deliberate move on Lexi's part. She is fully aware she could create an AI to run the drones and reduce her workload managing them, but is rightfully concerned that making robots as smart as herself might not be the greatest idea. Unknown to many people, Lexi's set of drones are ever-evolving prototypes. Even as her marketing team sell her earlier designs, she keeps developing new applications for the tech. She is even shown on camera using some of these abilities. LorneTek force field drones may eventually make guns obsolete, enable flying cars and other futuristic tech, and bring law enforcement up to parity or even the odds when dealing with super-powered criminals. LorneTek drones are fast becoming popular with the media, as they can be piloted remotely, carry high-quality cameras and the ability to connect to audio equipment, and are much cheaper than a news van for nearly the same capability. (Spoiler - unbeknownst to anyone except Alexandria, the drones all have a system link to LorneTek, giving her vast quantities of data to search, and the ability to shut down the drone remotely. This is *naturally* to prevent criminal misuse.) History: Born to the wealthy Lorne family, Alexandria grew up in a world without want of material goods. It lacked a warm family setting though, as both her parents were stupidly rich and active in global affairs. A brilliant student, ‘Lexi’ as she came to be called, went through tutors like crazy – not because she abused them, or made them quit, but because she rapidly exceeded their own knowledge and skills. No subject was too difficult for her, no intellectual activity was a challenge. She also had to play dutiful daughter at events her parents planned. She learned decorum and manners, and in the process how to read people and get what she wanted without being a total brat. She received her High School Diploma and a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering on the same day, and with clever use of the local University’s course challenge system, received a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering the following year. She actually was invited to LorneTek to assist her parents, which she was thrilled about doing. They were researching a strange spherical device dredged from the ocean. It turned out to be a time capsule, built with (they believe) 31st century technology. The team at LorneTek attempted to reverse-engineer the device, but in an odd backfire, Alexandria’s parents and several researchers were caught in the resulting stasis bubble. The controls to undo the effect are INSIDE the bubble, as is the power source. This almost decapitated the company. Almost immediately, infighting at the Board level nearly brought the whole company to a halt – but Alexandria had her parent’s proxies and her own shares in the company and quickly rallied her family's supporters. Now there are staff analyzing every scrap of data on the LorneTek Anomaly, including outside researchers, in an effort to save the people sealed inside. Meanwhile, the preliminary research has led to very strong showings for LorneTek in the fields of electronics, computers, robotics and engineering of a more conventional manner. Labor suits that allow one man to replace ten, construction models with built in tools, even fire and rescue models with attachments for hoses and acoustical scanners that help find victims in smoke. Camera drones with all the capabilities of a TV news van, small enough to launch from your hand. Cell Phones that compete with the best that anyone else is making, and revolutionary new high-speed computers that are very cost-effective to make. And Alexandria is the driving force behind all of this, having consolidated her position as one of the East Coast’s wealthiest entrepreneurs at the age of 19. “LorneTek! It’s more than just a company! It is a DREAM. To soar in the heavens, leap the greatest obstacles, outrun a locomotive. To be more than merely super.” Personality & Motivation: Alexandria “Lexi” Lorne is a genius, and she knows it. She is strong-willed, intelligent, and some might say single-minded. She is also usually bored out of her skull. She fights in the boardrooms and in the halls of power, but these battles are old hat to her. Her super heroics using the Apex model LT drones are part daredevil, part showmanship, part advertising. She channels funds into charities and start-ups, gives generously to Freedom City, and seeks ways to improve the economy. She does this so that LorneTek can keep producing its excellent products and researching the anomaly her parents are trapped in. At least they are outside time’s ravages, and are in perfect suspended animation. Still, she wants to free them, sooner rather than later. She wants them to see how she’s done. Maybe they’ll actually be proud of her, show a little appreciation. To keep the funds coming for such an endeavor, LorneTek must continue to grow, expand, and develop. Powers & Tactics: Lexi is a 10th level intellect, easily among the top 5% of intellects on the planet. Although no Dr. Archeville, she prides herself on having accomplished as much as she has in so little time. Although aware that a large battle suit is imposing, Lexi has gone a very different route. Her Apex drones are usually deployed in groups of 3-6. One will serve as a flight platform by directing its force field generator downward, creating a platform she can stand on. She can move in three dimensions and steer by leaning/shifting positions much like a surfboard. Other drones will operate defensively, and any impacts deflected will cause the hexagonal defensive barrier to become visible, glowing a soft lavender color. The rest will operate as a rapidly reconfiguring group of weapons, each firing a cylindrical bolt of force. She doesn't have to point them, nor are they attached to her, giving her weapons better coverage than her senses currently provide (upgrades imminent!). Alternatively, the disks will ram a target with their force fields up, causing a concussive stunning effect. The last group of deployable drones attach to their targets and deploy a faint lavender field that is not hexagonal, but adheres to the target like glue. Unlike most force fields, which absorb incoming energy, these absorb outgoing energy, attempting to maintain a zero-point ratio and leaving most targets immobile. She can change drone modes manually, via radio control, or via voice command. Naturally, it has to be *her* voice and many of the commands are obscure or advanced engineering terms. The drones also include a biometric scanner, using Lexi's data as a baseline. A close female relative, such as her mother, would likely also be able to make the drones work. This also means that a calibration session is required every day, updating both the drone's software and their operating restrictions. Someone with access to Lexi's bedroom or laboratory could alter the data, but Lexi has a very convoluted password, a 'kill phrase' and thumbprint scanner just in case. In a worst case scenario, she can reset each drone manually with these. Some will point out that Lexi is a bit of a glory hound, and that she seems to keep the best tech of the company for herself. Oddly, this isn't completely true. She has modified her personal drones with her own ideas, basing them off the stock drones she has already marketed. Stock LT drones lack the offensive capabilities, but can be used as shields or as a way to levitate large objects. Propulsion is possible as well. Complications: Day Job: businesswoman, dilettante, rich heiress, robotics engineer, multimillionaire. Fame: Often seen on patrol, also whenever LorneTek is closing a deal. Helps that she's quite photogenic. Showoff: As long as it’s good PR! Might also be read as 'grandstanding' by more subtle heroes... Abilities: -2 + 4 + 0 + 12 + 2 + 6 = 22PP Strength 8 (-1) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 10 (+0) Intelligence 22 (+5) Wisdom 12 (+1) Charisma 16 (+3) Combat: 10 + 8 = 18PP Attack: +5 Base, +7 Drone Swarm Defense: +7 (+4 Base, +3 Device Shield Power) +2 Flat-Footed Initiative: +2 Grapple: +4 Saving Throws: 4 + 3 + 3 = 10PP Toughness: +7 (+0 Con, +7 Force Field) Fortitude: +4 (+0 Con, +4) Reflex: +5 (+2 Dex, +3) Will: +4 (+1 Wis, +3) Skills: 68r = 17PP Bluff 4 (+7, +11 with Attractive feat) Computers 7 (+12) Craft (Electronics) 6 (+11) Diplomacy 5 (+8) (+12 with Attractive Feat) Disable Device 5 (+10) Intimidate 7 (+10) Knowledge (Business) 6 (+11) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 5 (+10) Knowledge (Technology) 5 (+10) Notice 6 (+7) Sense Motive 6 (+7) Gather Information 6 (+9) Feats: 8PP Attractive Inventor Master Plan 1 Improvised Tools Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Benefit 3 (Wealth 3) Powers: 30PP Device 7 (Drone Swarm; 35PP Container; Flaws: Hard-to-Lose, Feats: Restricted 2 [Lexi]) [30PP] (technology, force, drone) Restricted to Lexi via a combination of biometric sensors and voice recognition; gotta bypass or foll several sensors for anyone else to use. Base: Blast 7 (Drone Kinetic Bolt; Feats: Accurate, Alternate Power 2) [17PP] AP: Snare 7 (Drone Snare; Feats: Accurate) [15PP] AP: Stun 7 (Drone Ram; Feats: Accurate) [15PP] Force Field 7 (Drone Primary Force Field) [7PP] Flight 4 (Drone Carry) [8PP] Shield 3 (Drone Secondary Force Field) [3PP] Abilities (22) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (17) + Feats (8) + Powers (30) - Disadvantages (0) = 105 PP
  22. Player Name: GooseInduced Character Name: Polarity Power Level: 10[11] [150/161 pp] Trade-Offs: +2 Defense / -2 Toughness Unspent Power Points: 11 Progress To Bronze Status: 11/30 In Brief: Female gymnast with electricity based teleportation, blasts and enhanced dexterity. Alternate Identity: Juno Dempsey Identity: Secret Birthplace: Tampa Florida Occupation: Gymnast/Student Affiliations: (People and/or groups you work with) Family: Mother: Annabelle (Deceased), Father: Brian (living), Brother: Davis (living), Grandmother: Juno/June (Living) Description: Age: 16 November 12th 1997 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5â€7 Weight: 125 Eyes: Normally a pale blue Hair: Dark Brown Juno tends to keep her hair rather short, stopping right near her chin with long strands in the front that tend to fall in her eyes. Sometimes she clips them back, other times she could care less. She has fair skin and prefers to stay out of the sun so she doesn’t fry. Her eyes are narrow and sometimes get lost beneath her hair or smile. A small nose and a rounded jaw make her somewhat of a plain Jane but when she really smiles it’s the kind that can light up a room. Makeup isn’t a priority but she isn’t adverse to it, normally just something simple like mascara and eyeliner. Her clothes aren’t the best brands but they are clean and don’t have holes. She tends to layer a lot of dark with splashes of color. For example dark jeans and a dark gray military style jacket with a bright blue shirt underneath. Most of what she wears isn’t very girly either and she never wears skirts. It’s hard to tumble around with your underwear hanging out. Shoes are normally flat like converse so she can feel the ground beneath her and stick better to surfaces. She holds herself like the gymnast she is, back straight and chest out. It's more a force of habit than anything but it gives her an air of perpetual attitude that she doesnt necessarily mean to put out. In costume she wears a special outfit her grandmother gave her. It’s a two piece body suite made of a thin but sturdy material. It hugs her form, allowing her to flip and tumble without worry that she will get caught in her clothing. It affords her a level of protection against physical attacks that she otherwise would not have. A belt fits snug around her waist that houses the components for a communicator that fits in her ear, attached to a pair of curved polycarbonate goggles that help obscure her face and hide her identity. Most of the suite is white aside from the thin knee high boots, the belts, a band around each thigh and at the shoulders where the outfit is a cobalt blue. The sleeves are white and end in fingerless gloves allowing her better conductivity for channeling electricity Power Descriptions: The electricity she produces is usually hued blue to some degree, ranging from almost white to nearly bright blue depending on the intensity of the charge. Her eyes glow and spark to match but only when she is actively using her powers. Also might be noted that the static charge from using her powers can make her hair stand on end. History: Growing up Juno was just like any other kid. Her family was unassuming. Her parents were the type who everyone else thought was the perfect couple. Two beautiful people with two cute children. Her brother Davis is three years older and ever the thorn in her side like a proper sibling should be. Her father owned a restaurant in Tampa Florida, a place that became popular with both the locals and with tourists. The tacky tropical theme wasn’t what he had first envisioned doing after he graduated from culinary school, but in the end it did well. Well enough for her mother to only work part time at a local office and go back to school. She’d always wanted to be a journalist, interact with the world and see excitement first hand. One day at school her gym class had a special guest, a woman from a local gymnastics studio. She was there to teach them a little about what gymnastics was. There was even a balance beam that they could try and do a few basic turns on, something Juno was proud to accomplish on her first try. She went home, raved to her parents like any excited ten year old would and practically shoved a pamphlet in their face. She talked and talked for weeks until eventually her parents took her seriously. So, while her mother was in school and her brother at football, Juno started gymnastics. No one could call her a prodigy, or say she was destined for the Olympics, but Juno didn’t care. She loved it and for the next year she was the happiest girl in the world. When Juno was eleven everything changed. Not all at once and not in a way she noticed at first. The first time she noticed it was while helping her mother cook dinner.. They wanted to have it ready for her dad when he got home since he’d been cooking all day at work. Simple stir-fry, nothing complicated. Juno washed the veggies, set them on the cutting board for her mom to finish. Yet, as she watched her mother pick up the knife, she couldn’t help but notice the way her hands shook, the concerned expression on her mother’s face. It scared her for a moment, but her mother adjusted her grip on the knife and when the shaking stopped, started to cut. Juno didn’t think of it again for almost three months. She was waiting for her mom to pick her up from gymnastics, looking out the front door and watching her mother climbs the few steps up to the landing. She needed to be signed out or she would have met her half way. Only her mother never made it. She went down out of nowhere and Juno bolted out the door. It would take months of testing and poking and prodding only for the doctors to say they didn’t know what was causing it. Juno’s grandmother, the woman she was named after, a woman she usually only saw on holidays and the occasional trip to Disney, flew down from Freedom City. Juno didn’t know much about her, just that they had the same name and that she was a scientist. That she worked at a lab or a hospital or something to do with medicine. She only stayed a few weeks, trying desperately to convince them to all come back with her, where the doctors might be able to help. At first her parents resisted, not wanting to uproot the family and convinced the doctors might find a way to help. By the time Juno was in eighth grade they had relocated to Freedom City, her mother’s condition only getting worse and worse. Juno didn’t sleep much anymore, always worried, always wanting to be by her mother’s side. She started doing poorly in school, started having trouble focusing. The work she did turn in was sloppy and scribbled. Everyone, Juno included, just attributed it to what she was going through with her mom. The only thing that could hold her focus was gymnastics. When she wasn’t at school or the hospital, she was there, working her frustration out in tumbles and tricks. The worse her mother got the more time Juno spent there. Until a fall that she should have been able to shake off, had her grounded. Dizzy, disoriented. Her grandmother ran a few simple tests, compared Juno’s results to her mother’s and found probably the worse news she could have gotten. Whatever Juno’s mother had was genetic and she passed it to her daughter. Only Juno was already showing symptoms, the lack of focus, sloppy handwriting, problems focusing, insomnia…. Everything they attributed to stress were the early symptoms of the condition. It was only a matter of weeks before her mother finally passed and the family was nearly torn apart with grief. The restaurant her father had tried to open in Freedom City was failing because he just couldn’t devote the energy to get it going. Her brother starting hanging out with some punks and ended up spending the night in a cell after spraying graffiti all over the school. Juno was bedridden, stealing first her balance and robbing her of the only thing that still made her happy. The condition was progressing remarkably fast and at the rate it was going she only had months to live. Her grandmother though was the only one with more energy instead of less. In the months leading to the death of her daughter, Grandma June had found the cause of the condition, isolating it in her daughter and hoping to find a way to reverse it or cure it. It was something she had been working tirelessly at but unfortunately, even with all her intelligence she couldn’t save her daughter. Maybe though, with a bit of luck, she could still save Juno. It was nearly six weeks after the death of her daughter that she finished it. A machine, much like a hyperbaric chamber that was designed to counteract the decay the condition was causing, to fix the genetic marker and override it. Remarkably enough after six hours in the machine and two days of a drug induced coma, Juno came out of it cured. Any decay the condition caused to her nervous system was reversed. The victory was bittersweet, coming too late to save her mom but in time for Juno to come out the other side alive. After that Juno’s father decided they should stay in Freedom City, stay close to Grandma June. He started putting everything he had into the new restaurant, a place he named after his wife, Annabell’s. Over the next year he made it the restaurant he always wanted to own and he did it for his wife. Juno’s brother got back into football and got a scholarship to college for sports. While Juno’s life got much more complicated. It started small at first, almost like an over abundance of static electricity, shocking other people if they were both touching something metallic and wall sockets sparking electricity whenever she plugged something in. When she got back to gymnastics everything felt easier. Back flips and bends, flips, floor routines, she even felt like she had better grip on the balance beam. Like her feet and hands were rooted to the spot. It wasn’t until one night when she was on the trampoline just messing around. She wanted to see if she could jump high enough to touch the beam that ran the length of the ceiling in the studio. It was high, but she saw people do it before. Higher and higher she jumped until finally she managed to touch it. The moment her hand touched the metal beam sparks arched between them and made the light flicker. She did it again on the next jump and again on the next and on the last jump she grabbed onto the beam and her hands stuck and when she swung her legs up so did her feet. She wasn’t even holding on, just clinging to the metal as if she were a giant magnet. The next six months were full of discoveries and finally when her brother pulled a prank that resulted in him getting jolted back ten feet and Juno somehow on the roof of their house, her family found out. It was a shock at first to all but Grandma June. She knew why, she even knew how. The changes were not temporary and were not going away. It wasn’t something they could ignore. Her father was angry at first, confused. He didn’t understand how the machine could do this to her. With time he came to accept it, to understand that Juno was still his Juno and nothing would change that. Eventually Grandma June came to find out about Claremont and what it offers to young people like Juno. With a little convincing, she talked pall into letting Juno enroll. She needed to finish school and since many of her powers are still new to her the risk of a normal school is too great. Personality & Motivation: It’s been about a year since her mother died and it’s only time that has made her not the emotional wreck she was. Juno is still guarded because of it, almost wary to let people in. She hides her insecurities under a veneer of snark and attitude, not wanting people see just how scared she is. She never imagined herself as a superhero, as having powers. Now that she has them, they scare her. Not necessarily for herself but those around her. She fears losing control, of hurting the people she cares about. It’s what drove her to go to Claremonte, to learn how to live her life now. Powers & Tactics: Because of the way the ‘cure’ altered her nervous system, all of Juno’s abilities revolve around electricity and electrical impulses in her body. These impulses are magnified and made more efficient, enhancing her reflexes and overall dexterity. As well as having a latent charge capable of sticking her to most any surface with static electricity. She is also capable of producing a charge high enough to damage, paralyze or stun an enemy. Perhaps the most drastic of abilities is her capacity to teleport, able to use electrical pulses to send her instantaneously from place to place. Juno is relatively new to her abilities and combat in general. Her hand to hand skill are rudimentary but her enhanced Dexterity helps compensate. Complications: Can’t…. Stop…. Snarking: Normally Juno’s snarking is just playful and harmless. Little jabs meant to tease and it’s a way for her to deflect attention. When she’s agitated though, she can’t make herself stop. She always has to have the last word no matter the repercussions. This means that sometimes she gets into fights that could have been avoided if only she shut up. Secret Identity: Not a secret from her family. They know about what she can do and why she is at Clarmonte. Fighting crime isn’t what her father wants for his little girl but at this point he knows he can’t stop her. Ordinary Family: Juno is the only super powered one in her family. Her father, brother and grandmother are just average people. So if her identity ever becomes compromised they are all but helpless without her. Family Secret: The genetic disorder that claimed the life of Juno’s mother and ultimately resulted in her powers started somewhere familiar, with her grandmother. The woman harbors a vast intellect that is much higher than she allows anyone to believe. The subject of early genetic experimentation, she passed on a flawed version of her altered genes to her daughter and ultimately Juno. She had hoped to pass on her intellect or for the gene to remain dormant. Instead it turned destructive, starting to shut down their nervous system. Grandma June blames herself and fears anyone in the family finding out. She already blames herself for her daughter’s death and she doesn’t want her family hating her as well. Abilities: 0 + 10 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 22PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 20/30 (+5/+10) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 14(+2) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +9/+14 Attack: +4 Base, +10 Array Grapple: +10 Defense: +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -4 Saving Throws: 6 + 0 + 6 = 12PP Toughness: +2/+8 (+2 Con, +6 [suit]) Fortitude: +8 (+2 Con, +6 base) Reflex: +5/+10 (+5/+10 Dex, +0) Will: +7 (+1 Wis, +6 base) Skills: 64R = 16PP Acrobatics 14(+19/+24) Computers 5 (+7) Escape Artist 10 (+15/+20) Knowledge: Biological Science 5 (+7) Knowledge: Pop Culture 5(+7) Knowledge: Technology 5 (+7) Notice 10 (+11) Stealth 10 (+15/+20) Feats: 18PP Acrobatic Bluff Challenge: Fast Acrobatic Bluff Dodge focus 8 Evasion Improved Initiative Luck Power Attack Quick Change Set-Up Skill Mastery: Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Notice, Stealth Uncanny Dodge (sight) Powers: 26 + 12 + 10 +1 + 1 + 4 + 12 = 66PP Electrical Control 10 (Electricity, Mutant; 20PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3, Accurate 3) [26PP] Base Power: Blast 10 [20/20] Alternate Power: Strike 10 (Extras: Penetrating 4; Improved Critical 2, Incurable, Takedown Strike 1) [18/20] Alternate Power: Paralyze 10 [20/20] Alternate Power: Stun 10 [20/20] Device 3 (15PP Container, Protective suite; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [12PP] Communication 4 (Sense type: radio – 1 mile) [4pp] Super-Senses (Darkvision, Infravision, Accurate Hearing) [5PP] Protection 6 [6pp] Enhanced Dexterity 10 [10PP] Leaping 1 (Jumping distance: x2) [1PP] Speed 1 (10mph) [1PP] Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2 full speed) [4PP] Teleport 5 (500ft move action, 5 miles full action; Extra: Accurate; Power Feats: Change Velocity, Progression; Flaws: Short Range) [12PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Blast 100 ft DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage Strike Touch DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage Stun Touch DC 20 Fortitude (Staged) Stun Paralyze Touch DC 20 Will (Staged) Paralyze Totals: Abilities (22) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (16) + Feats (18) + Powers (66) - Drawbacks (0) = (150/161) Power Points
  23. Nighthawk Power Level: 10/12 (171/204PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 33PP In Brief: Fens Street Vigilante given a free ride at Claremont Academy (Or... what if Bruce Wayne had been poor and female!) Residence: Claremont Academy (Formerly a runaway) Base of Operations: The Fens Catchphrase: "Yeah, it's a crappy part of town but its my crappy part of town." Alternate Identity: Robin Chevalier Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Student, Former Street Rat Affiliations: Family: Deceased / Foster kid runaway Description: Age: 16 (DoB: October 30, 1999) Apparent Age: Same Gender: Female Ethnicity: Biracial (African American / Caucasian) Height: 5'5" Weight: 145 lbs. Eyes: Grey Hair: Black Robin is built like a gymnast or athlete although it's usually hidden in baggy, tattered clothes. Her dark curly hair is braided back or, when loose, stuffed under whatever second-hand cap she can find. Her worn leather jacket is well loved and has been patched more that once but its her most common accessory. As Nighthawk, she wears a black fabric mask that covers her hair and the upper half of her face. It was cobbled together from a black t-shirt and a ragged shirt under her leather jacket marked with a bird in flight and steel-toed boots. Power Descriptions: Nighthawk has no overt powers. She's a world class athlete and gymnast and a self-taught hand to hand combatant with two years of street fighting experience. The fact that she's accomplished so much on her own is remarkable but as far as anyone knows or has tested, it comes from no supernatural source just an uncanny natural ability and a dogged determination for justice that earned her a spot at Claremont academy. History: Robin's early life was a happy one. Her family wasn't wealthy by any stretch of the imagination but they were making ends meet in the Fens and working towards a better future. Although there wasn't much in the way of disposable income, her parents set just enough aside that she could take classes; tumbling, acrobatics, gymnastics. Robin had a real talent for it and although she did well in school, her heart was in the sport and it was clear she had a potential future in it. By the time she was ten, there was serious talk of turning competitive and perhaps eventually, taking a run at the Olympics. However that life, and all of those plans, were derailed the night her parents never came home from their date night. Despite her efforts, Robin's run down only the vaguest of details, that they were shot and robbed on their way back home. With her parents dead and no next of kin, Robin was shuttled into foster homes. Her foster-care wasn't bad, but it wasn't spectacular. Overcrowded and ill equipped, Robin's anger had no productive outlet and she became problematic for her care givers. She got into fights at school and at home that she lost more often than she won. Robin could have gone down a very dark path indeed but when lurking in the alley that had claimed her parents life, perhaps hoping for some illumination, she chanced on another robbery in progress. At last, her anger had an outlet. Driven by sorrow and rage, and backed with years of hard-won strength and nimbleness, she drove off the attacker. It gave Robin a sense of purpose. She couldn't bring her parents back, but she could try to keep anyone else from feeling that loss. That night, Robin left home for good, haunting the streets as a pint-sized vigilante at night and training during the day harder than she'd ever trained before. It's been two years since she began her self-appointed watch and she'd still be in the Fens but for an offer from the Claremont headmaster. It's no surprise that Nighthawk's efforts resonate with someone who once wore the cowl of Raven but without proper training, Robin's flirting with an early grave for all of her potential. As for Robin, she's been told that Claremont might have the sort of resources to help her find the men that killed her parents. The regular meals and hot showers don't hurt though. Personality & Motivation: Robin's claimed the Fens as her own and it bothers her to be away even though she's well aware that the offer of 'unique teaching' that Claremont can provide is something she is in desperate need of. She's used to being on her own and comfortable with the odd life she'd carved out. The attempt to return to even Claremont-normal teenage life is a bizarre experience and it discomfits her, although Robin does her best not to betray that particular weakness. She's more comfortable in what she knows, which at this point is generally fighting or looking for someone to fight. Still, she has a lot more potential than just her fists, she's canny and cunning and learning to use those as weapons in the same way she's learned to use her fists. Justice and a need to protect those that can't protect themselves are very much her driving goals but she still has a short-sided view of how to accomplish it. Powers & Tactics: Robin is a world-class athlete - fast, strong and sturdy and backed with an iron-will to push herself past her limits. In a fight, Robin relies on her fists as they've always been the one weapon she can count on. Her style is a mix-mashed hodge podge of quick strikes and she's entirely willing to use every dirty trick she has at her disposal to win. Any fight you can walk away from is perfectly fair. Robin's willing to toe-to-toe slug fest it out but she's also comfortable with cutting and running to strike from a higher vantage point and will exploit her acrobatic experience to gain the advantage. She's no mindless scrapper, though. Robin's very smart and although she's not had proper school in years, she has a knack for picking up information and odd skills. Her background on the streets has left her with a unique skill set. Robin knows the Fens like the back of her own hand. Further, she has the advantage of having been an active street level hero before her time at Claremont. Complications: Impoverished: Robin has nothing of her own but her clothing, not even bus fare. She's got all the skills TO steal but unless its for survival, its against her moral code. It's a hard knock life and having no family or pocket money isn't exactly helping her outsider status. Justice: She can't let go of what happened to her parents and its an ever burning need. Although the trail is long cold, if Robin can find a thread of who might have done it, she's going to have to follow it to the ground. On top of that, her parents have been tied to the Fens and the fact that she's left it 'undefended' bothers her regularly. Sometimes the draw is too hard to resist. Experienced: Sometimes experience isn't a good thing. Robin can be impatient with exercises that she feels are less than helpful or, worse, that she already knows. Yes, her school of hard knocks has its perks but it also has its draw backs and sometimes its harder to unlearn something to learn how to do it properly. Abilities: 20 + 20 + 20 + 12 + 8 + 10 = 90 PP Strength: 30 (+10) Dexterity: 30 (+10) Constitution: 30 (+10) Intelligence: 22 (+6) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 20 + 20 = 40PP Initiative: +10 Attack: +`10 Melee, +10 Ranged Grapple: +20 Defense: +10 (+10 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +10 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 5 = 6PP Toughness: +10 (+10 Con, +0 [Other]) Fortitude: +10 (+10 Con, +0) Reflex: +10 (+10 Dex, +0) Will: +10 (+4 Wis, +6) Skills: 32R = 8PP Acrobatics 4 (+14) Climb 4 (+14) Disable Device 4 (+14) Escape Artist 4 (+14) Gather Information 8 (+13) Stealth 4 (+14) Survival 4 (+8) Feats: 21PP Attractive Beginner's Luck Blind-Fight Chokehold Contacts Eidetic Memory Elusive Target Endurance Evasion x 2 Hide in Plain Sight Improvised Tools Instant Up Interpose Jack of All Trades Luck Power Attack Takedown Attack 2 Ultimate Save (Will) Well Informed Powers: 2 + 2 + 3 = 7PP Leaping 1 (x2 Running 40', Standing 20', High 10'; Power Feat: Innate ) (Training) [2 PP] Speed 1 ( 10 MPH, Power Feat: Innate ) (Cosmic) [2 PP] Super Movement 1 ( Slow Fall, Power Feat: Innate ) (Training) [3 PP] Drawbacks: (-1) = -1PP Drawback Impoverished; [-1PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 20 Toughness Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities (90) + Combat (40) + Saving Throws (6) + Skills (8) + Feats (21) + Powers (7) - Drawbacks (1) = 171/204 Power Points
  24. Player Name: Hero Lad Character Name: Myth Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: A low profile hero working to help others but possibly leaving behind the question: Real or Myth? Residence: Lantern Hill Base of Operations: Freedom City Catchphrase: Wazzat? Alternate Identity: Ian CantnorIdentity: SecretBirthplace: Rosemont, VAOccupation: Program Director, Piedmont Cultural SocietyAffiliations: None.Family: Ross Cantnor (Father), Lily Cantnor (Mother), Asia Cantnor (Sister) Description: Age: 25 (DoB: April 1, 1990) Apparent Age: 25 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'10" Weight: 190 lbs. Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Ian prefers to dress in line with his nostalgia. This usually means suit and tie, often of the gray double-breasted and pinstripe variety, but often more colorfully too. He is rarely without his Fedora or his rather elegant walking stick. He carries himself with a certain sense of grace and presence. Power Descriptions: Magic/Dimensional Energy known as MythFire (Hellfire Control variant). It is often subtle (invisible) to keep the “fog of war” element going. Although sometimes, it is allowed to be seen in glimpses. When this is done, it appears as a purple energy. History: Ian is a Golden Age nostalgist, but not just for heroes or that time period, but for all of yesteryear. Because of elements he sees as important. Being a gentleman. Having a sense of honor and duty. Chivalry. Good worth ethic. Opposing tyranny. All the "good" elements man has displayed through history. Even to the point of legends or myth. King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table? Perfect example for him. But know that he is more akin to Percival than the king. An errant knight who seeks results over recognition, for the good of all. He became a frequent member and sometime co-moderator of many internet sites relating to his hobby. He even tailored his college degree to work in a field that gave him more opportunities to explore heroes, and history, and culture, and myth. So when he was offered a position as Program Director for the Piedmont Cultural Society, a private club for nostalgia enthusiasts, he jumped at the chance. Especially when he discovered he’d be moving to Freedom City, home of heroes. His life would be forever changed the night he was walking home late after helping authenticate and value a member’s collection of items about to be placed on auction. His attention was drawn to strange sounds and elusive lights that seemed to flicker, vanish, and re-appear somewhere else. The sounds were muffled, but he thought he heard music and laughter. A strong wind came up suddenly and he felt a pain in his head and then things went black. A police officer found him lying against the curb and a large tree branch nearby. The officer put the pieces together and determined Ian must have been struck by the branch when the wind picked up and was delivered a blow to his noggin that knocked him out. A quick trip to the hospital found no major injuries and Ian returned home. Only to be overcome with a memory of a strange dream he had that was something like A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court mixed with Celtic Fae Legends and Alice in Wonderland. There were more elements of legend and myth that seemed to swirl in the back of his mind. Ian would later discover that his strange dream and the others to follow were actually experiences in another dimension. One where myth and legend abounded in truth. He had been chosen to carry the torch of heroics in this realm, and given the power to do just that, a magical interdimensional energy that he calls “MythFire.” Ian wishes for others to experience the powers of legend and myth for themselves and to strengthen the bond in our world. To do this, he has taken on a persona that might help him act as a myth himself. Working as much from the shadows as possible, almost more dream than reality. Personality & Motivation: Ian Cantnor feels as if he has the world on a string. He has the perfect job in a nearly-perfect city, and a perfect gift, his powers. So he’s always smiling at those he meets or offering a friendly wave as he strolls along. He likes to think of himself as a “man-about-town” as he takes regular walks through the different parts of Freedom City. He’s also willing to make a friend where he can, whether it is other fans of nostalgia, the market keeper who always has the freshest produce, or the older gents who gather at the park to swap stories. As Myth, he likes to keep himself as secretive as possible, but he can’t let that keep him from the real objective. He gets to be a hero and help out others and helping comes first, whether it is another hero or a citizen. Myth likes to lend his support when and where he can. Powers & Tactics: Myth prefers to work as invisibly and silently as possible, only allowing glimpses of himself and his power when needed and attempting to use it as a “fog of war” tactic against his foes. When he can’t be completely hidden, he acts as a trickster character, keeping opponents off-guard with taunts and tweaks. His illusion powers are used both to keep his foes off-kilter and to mask himself, leaving them unsure of what exactly happened. His nauseate and teleport powers aid in this as well. Alongside other heroes, he happily falls in line with their powers and strategies and acts as a utility team member to help as best he can. Complications: Identity: Secret Responsibility: Job 'This Was A Mythtake' : Ian sometimes gets caught up in the moment. When he does so, he attempts to add extra difficulty to certain things involving his costumed identity in a challenge to himself and an attempt to rival the best heroes of myth and medium. Abilities: 4 + 4 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 4 = 30PP Strength 14 (+2) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 18 (+4) Intelligence 16 (+3) Wisdom 14 (+2) Charisma 14 (+2) Combat: 8 + 10 = 18PPInitiative: +2Attack: +4 Base, +10 MythFire ArrayGrapple: +6Defense: +10 (+5 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-FootedKnockback: -5 Saving Throws: 5 + 6 + 6 = 17PPToughness: +10 (+4 Con, +6 Protection)Fortitude: +9 (+4 Con, +5)Reflex: +8 (+2 Dex, +6)Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6) Skills: 36R = 9PP Computers 4 (+7) Diplomacy 4 (+6) Disable Device 4 (+7) Gather Information 4 (+6) Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 (+7) Notice 4 (+6) Search 4 (+7) Sense Motive 4 (+6) Stealth 4 (+6) Feats: 18PP Benefit 1 (Wealthy) Dodge Focus 5 Equipment 5 (25EP) Hide in Plain Sight Inspire Jack of All Trades Leadership Master Plan Teamwork Well Informed Equipment: 5PP = 25EP The Underground (PL10 HQ) [25EP] Size: Huge [3EP] Toughness: +25 [5EP] Features: [17EP] CommunicationsComputer ConcealedDefense System Fire Prevention SystemGarage GymHangarHolding CellsInfirmaryLaboratory Library Living SpacePool Power System Security System [DC 20] Workshop [Electronic] Powers: 10 + 7 + 35 + 6 = 58PP Concealment 5 (All Visual, Normal Hearing) [10PP] Flight 3 (50 MPH/500' per Move; Feats: Subtle) [7PP] "MythFire" Array (20PP; Feats: Accurate 3, Affects Insubstantial 1, Alternate Powers 10, Subtle) [35PP] BE: Create Object 10 [20PP]AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Ranged) [20PP]AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will]) [20PP]AP: Dazzle 5 (All Senses) [20PP] AP: Emotion Control 10 [20PP] AP: Environmental Control 10 (Visibility, 1 mile radius; Extra: Selective Attack) [20PP]AP: Healing 9 (Feats: Persistent, Regrowth) [20PP]AP: Illusion 4 (All Sense Types, Extra: Selective Attack) [20PP]AP: Nauseate 10 [20PP] AP: Obscure 5 (All Sense Types, 25' radius) [20PP] AP: Teleport 10 (1000' per Move) [20PP]Protection 6 [6PP] DC Block:ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECTUnarmed Touch DC17 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical)MythFire (Blast) 100' DC25 Toughness Damage (Energy)Overload (Dazzle) 25' DC16 Reflex/Fortitude Damage (Energy)Emotion Control Perception DC20 Will Damage (Energy)Healing Touch DC19 Fortitude HarmlessIllusion Perception DC16 Will SensoryTopsy Turvy (Nauseate) Touch DC20 Fortitude (Staged) Damage Soul Blast 100' DC20 Will Drain Will Totals: Abilities (30) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (9) + Feats (18) + Powers (58) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150 Power Points
  25. (Having been gone a while and having a massive amount of points to spend, an overhaul was necessary on the original. Same character just... rearranged/evolved/etc.) Character Name: Arcturus Power Level: 12/14 (215/219 PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent PP: 4 In Brief: Heir to the magical birthright of primal magic. Alternate Identities: Marcus Irons Identity: Public Birthplace: Chicago, IL, USA Occupation: College Student Affiliations: N/A Family: Richard Irons (Father, 50) Age: 22 (DoB: March 1994) Apparent Age: N/A Gender: Male Ethnicity: African-American Height: 6' (8'4" in Bear Form) Weight: 225 lbs. (475 lbs. in Bear Form) Eyes: Brown (Red in Bear Form) Hair: Black (Black Fur in Bear Form) Description: In his normal form, Marcus seems like a normal young man Tall and broad-shouldered, he's a bit on the heavy side, and looks like he was built for sports. His head is usually shaved bald, and his facial hair is trimmed into a nice, even goatee. Despite his size, Marcus is deceptively agile--he's no gymnast, but he's actually capable of more mobility than a tank. His brown eyes are often half-closed, and he always looks a little worn out--not that there's anything wrong with him. He simply looks disengaged from everything around him unless he's specifically focused on a person or a conversation. Most of Marcus's Beast Rune forms are humanoid with noticeable beast-like qualities; in his Tiger Form, for instance, his skin fades into a tawny, black-striped hide, and his head resembles that of a tiger from about the nose up, making it look more like a cowl than his actual flesh. His Bear Form, however, is a complete transformation. History: Marcus Irons lead somewhat of a sheltered life. Being an only child, he couldn't remember a time when he wasn't in the company of at least one of his parents, and he never wanted for anything. That certainly wasn't to say that he was spoiled; Richard Irons was a gruff disciplinarian, almost military in his imposition of order on his only son. While both parents often had to go away on business from time to time, he more often than not spent that time with his father. Richard taught him all sorts of things--fishing, hunting, and even how to fight when he started getting bullied at school. His mother was a lot less heavy handed; she wouldn't let Marcus get away with just anything, of course, but she gave him considerably more freedom. It gave him plenty of chance to wonder why his parents had so many books on occult subjects, but he rarely acted on the impulse to read any of them. He had enough problems with just algebra. Marcus and his father had just come from celebrating his 15th birthday a few weeks early, watching a Blades game. He thought it would be an unforgettable night; the two of them stuck around the stadium and he managed to get Andre Leroux to sign his jersey. It was, in fact, a night he'd always remember, but not for the reasons that Marcus thought. They went home, and hours later he was awakened by the breaking of glass and a lot of yelling. Marcus arrived in the living room just in time to see a group of men tackle his father. Without thinking he rushed to try and help, leaping uselessly on one of their backs, only to get thrown off. The landing hurt, but something else in him snapped... Everyone was especially surprised when the 15 year-old boy came back at the SWAT-geared man, grabbing him by the collar with a clawed hand and slinging him across the room. The next few moments were a blur. The room flooded with more people and he remembered something giving him a nasty shock. He remembered his father's voice, sounding uncharacteristically desperate, and then... nothing. He woke up several days later in the hospital, with a strange man in his room, introducing himself as Duncan Summers. That was when he learned the truth--his parents were wanted supervillains. At first, he didn't believe it. His parents, as far as he knew, hadn't even had so much as a speeding ticket. Sure, his dad was over six and a half feet tall and intimidating as all hell, but imagining his father as a monster? No way. Seeing the evidence, however, was sobering. His father could transform, just as he had that night, only his form was... far less friendly on the eyes. He had a body count well into the triple digits, most before he was born. He wasn't sure he'd be able to cope with the reality that his father was even capable of the destruction of which he'd been accused. His mother's involvement was considerably more obscure. As the sorceress Runic, she had managed to suppress his father's transformation through the use of her knowledge and research on magical artifacts and symbols, allowing them to lead normal lives. She was wanted for hiding him, among other things... and Marcus was almost certain that it contributed to her not showing up when his father was carted off to jail. He wasn't stupid--he realized that his father never fought back, and that he'd plead guilty, skipping a trial entirely. Marcus wasn't sure what to do next... Summers provided him with an option. After graduating, Marcus spent a year and a half away from the United States. He doesn't talk much about what he did or where he went; there had been various sightings of him in Japan and Africa and everywhere in between. Eventually he returned to Freedom City, and is currently enrolled in Freedom City University. Personality & Motivation: Marcus is surprisingly mature for his age, often coming off as stand-offish, humorless, and far more serious than necessary. He's actually notoriously big-hearted and loyal to the people who actually earn his trust, and something of a pacifist at heart--contrary to the look and overall aggressive nature of the Beast Rune on his back. It's certainly not that he isn't capable; on the contrary, it's knowing that he could potentially lose control and seriously hurt someone that keeps him from doing anyone serious, crippling harm. Seeking largely to guard against the stigma of his parents' pasts, Marcus makes it a point to know as much as he can about both the magical and physical world and how they interact with one another. Powers and Tactics: Marcus is a brawler by nature, and his mastery of the Beast Rune often reflects the aggressive and combative nature that hides beneath his otherwise calm exterior. He tends to assess a situation as best he can with his heightened senses, but if push comes to shove, Marcus tends to push back. Complications: AAAAH! Bear!: Arctutus tends to give off an aura that screams 'predator'. As such, civilians have a tendency to panic when they see him outside of his natural form. Aspect of The Beast: Marcus is exceptionally aggressive and blunt in his hybrid forms, and finds it difficult to back out of a fight. Collateral Damage: When under the influence of the Beast Rune, Arcturus has an exceedingly difficult time gauging his own strength, potentially causing a notable amount of damage to his surroundings. Colorblind: In his hybrid forms, Arctutus can't really distinguish colors; everything looks grayscale. Abilities: 0 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 0 = 12PP Strength: 34/26/10 (+12/+8/+0) Dexterity: 12 (+1) Constitution: 34/30/14 (+12/+10/+2) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 20 + 14 = 34PP Initiative: +5 Attack: +10 (+12 melee, +12 Bear Form) Grapple: +22, +37 Bear Form Defense: +10, +12 Bear Form Knockback: -5, -10 Bear Form Saving Throws: 0 + 7 + 6 = 13PP Toughness: +10, +12 Bear Form Fortitude: +10 (+0, +10 CON), +12 Bear Form (+0, +12 CON) Reflex: +8 (+7, +1 DEX) Will: +8 (+6, +2 WIS) Skills: 18PP = 72R Acrobatics 6 (+7, +15 Tiger Form)SM Craft [Artistic] 10 (+11)SM Concentration 10 (+12) Intimidate 11 (+11)SM Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 11 (+12)SM Knowledge [Earth Sciences] 3 (+4) Knowledge [Life Sciences] 3 (+4) Language (English [Native], Greek, Latin, Japanese, Russian) 5 Notice 4 (+6) Sense Motive 4 (+6) Stealth 6 (+7) Feats: 21PP Artificer Attack Focus (melee) 2 Dodge Focus 3 Fearless Fearsome Presence 3 Improved Grab Improved Grapple Improved Initiative Luck 2 Quick Change Second Chance (TOU vs. Unarmed) Ultimate Effort (TOU) Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Craft (Artistic), Intimidate, Knowledge (arcane lore) Takedown Attack 2 Powers: 62 + 56 = 118 PP Beast Rune Physiology (62PP Container [Free Action, Sustained Duration], PF: Innate) [61PP] (Beast Rune, Magic) [62PP] Strike 1 (PFs: Mighty, Affects Insub 1, Variable 1 [fire, ice, earth, thunder]) [4PP] Enhanced CON 16 [16PP] Enhanced STR 16 [16PP] Regeneration 9 (Bruised 3 [no action], Injured 6 [no action]) [9PP] Super Senses 11 (Acute Extended [2] Smell, Danger Sense [Olfactory], Extended [1] Hearing, Low-light vision, Tracking 2 [Smell]. Detect Magic [Smell]) [11PP] Super-Strength 2 (+10 STR carry) [4PP] AP: Leaping 4 (x25) [1PP] Shapeshift 7 [56PP] (Beast Rune, Magic) Bear Form (35PP) Enhanced Traits 3 (Dodge Focus 2, Attack Bonus 1, Defense Bonus 1) [6PP] Features 1 (Insulated fur: immunity to cold & sunburn) [1PP] Growth 4 (+8 STR, +4 CON, Large Size [-1 Attack, -1 Defense]) [12PP] Super-Strength 6 (+30 STR carry [+40 total]; PFs: Countering Punch, Groundstrike) [16PP] AP: Snare 12 (EX: Constricting, Flaws: Medium, Range [Touch], Requires Grapple) [1PP] AP: Blast 12 (Flaw: Limited [existing stone/earth]) (Terra Pugnum, Stone Fists, magic) [1PP] Tiger Form (35PP) Additional Limb 1 (Prehensile tail) [1PP] Elongation 2 (10 ft; Flaw: Limited [Prehensile Tail only]) [1PP] Enhanced Skill 2 (Acrobatics +8) [2PP] Enhanced Feat 7 (Catch Attack 2 [Melee weapons, Unarmed], Elusive Target, Evasion 1, Improved Critical 2 [Unarmed], Redirect) [7PP] Silence 1 (total concealment, normal hearing) [1PP] Speed 6 (500 mph; 4400 ft./rnd) [6PP] Super-Movement 5 (PFs: Slow Fall, Sure-Footed, Swinging, Wall-Crawling) Strike 1 + Nauseate 12 (Flaws: Sicken, Requires Grapple) (Subito Ventus, Violent Tornado Throw) (7PP) AP: Strike 2 (PFs: Mighty, Affects Insubstantial 1; EX: Penetrating, Autofire 1; Flaw: Tiring) (Saevus Tigris, Raging Tiger) [1PP] DC Block: Attack Range Save Effect Unarmed Touch DC23 TOU (Staged) Damage (variable) Unarmed (Bear) Touch DC27 TOU (Staged) Damage (Variable) Unarmed (Tiger) Touch DC23 TOU (Staged) Damage (Variable, Crit 18-20) Snare 12 Touch DC22 REF (Staged) Entangled/Bound Terra Pugnum 120 ft. DC27 TOU (Staged) Damage (Physical) Subito Ventus Touch DC22 FORT (Staged) Sicken, Damage (Physical) Saevus Tigris Touch DC25 TOU (Staged) Damage (Variable) Drawbacks: -1PP Shifting Distraction (loses dodge bonus while Shapeshifting; Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Minor) [-1PP] Abilities (12) + Combat (34) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (18) + Feats (21) + Powers (118) - Drawbacks (-1) = 215/219 Power Points
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