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Everything posted by Nerdzul

  1. Ok so Mr. Tak is terrified and won't do anything, a couple of new goons however are joining the scene to drag him away. The ring of fire around the arena flickers out of existence for a short while allowing Neko to join the fray, but then another of the Masked picks up the slack and renew them not long after. Ms. Nagi and the other people in the backstage are no longer involved in the fight at the moment so I have removed them from the initiative. Horrorshow can see that Chain Lightning at the moment is enjoying a drink and chatting with some wealthy looking patrons not too far from the backstage. He can also see Owain and Chimera fighting with The Gentleman and Fiery fury under the spotlight and notice that Neko is nearby as well. His uncle is still observing the fight. Fiery Fury sees Neko join the Arena and sneers at her. She also manages to free her massive sword from the ground and swings at her with a 22 to hit. She is pretty strong. Save DC is 25. @Avenger Assembled You can roll the save and go. The Gentleman decides to throw a shower of force knives at Chimera instead. And is pretty luck with a 27 to hit. Thanks to autofire, the toughness save DC is 24 ouch @Spacefurry 26 - Mr Tak (no damage) - Scared and blinded 19 - The Gentleman (bruised) 18 - Fiery Fury (no damage) 14 - Neko (no damage) - 3 HP 13 - Owain (bruised) 11 - Horrorshow's (Bruised) - 1 HP 4 - Chimera (no damage) - 3 HP 3 - Gorilla Goon A 3 - Gorilla Goon B
  2. @Tiffany Korta it's Bee's turn Hehe I have confused her for one of the enemies in the initiative order or I'd have asked you to go with Heri... (Environmental Effect: Distracting DC 15) Mirror Knight (no damage) - 26 Hp 4 Rocket (no damage) 21 - Hp 4 Queenie (no damage) 15 - Hp 2 Bee Drone 3 (no damage) 16 Bee Drone 2 (no damage) 15 Enthralled Policemen (Paralyzed) 15 Crystal-Gazer (no damage) 11 - Hp 2 Bee's (no damage) 11 - HP 3 Drone Swarm (no damage) 10 Bee Drone 4 (no damage) 9 Other Enthralled Civilians (Paralyzed) 3
  3. "Yeah... He had been there for a while." Hopefully he hadn't hurt anyone. Luke frowned again. His eyes focused on the horizon toward his missing friend. "I dunno... He... he is not in control of himself." That was messed up. "Whoever did this...." Is not more guilty than I am... "They can like, force him to do what they want through the implants." "I hoped that school could do something about it. But not even there..." Even with all the superscience and powers available they couldn't...
  4. “This? This shouldn’t be here. This shouldn’t be anywhere…” Luke gave his friend a puzzled look, tilting his head slightly. How? It was there right? Then again, this place very clearly wasn't normal. What the- Is going on? “But it shouldn’t be here. When I was 8, my mother was reading it to me before bed, trying to pretend her son wasn’t a freak…” As he listened to his friend's narration, the boy found short on words. Himself, well, his family never had much, damn himself he had been kidnapped from gods know where and yet, the Landers were very close. Sure they had their moments when things didn't work out (like when Luke decided to use his superpowers to play gangster), but in truth, he could not imagine mom and dad not being in his corner.... He could barely imagine how painful it could have been for Leon. "Hey I'm sorry man..." Gently he squeezed his friend's shoulders as if to quietly say that he was there for him. "You are not a freak by the way..." He added shortly thereafter. "A bit quirky maybe." Luke teased his Leon, with a genuine smile. "Or a lot..." He chuckled. It was then that he realized that his friend's arm had changed back, but he said nothing, after all, it was Leon's choice if he wanted to delve on the matter. “How is this possible?” "I dunno..." His gaze shifted toward the batter soccer ball that was still in his arms. "It's like... stuff we have lost or somethin'..." "This must... It has to be right?" So many hours spent pretending to be a pro-player on the concrete lot of the trailer park with his dad. "I got this when I was a little kid I... Damn I cried so much when that ass took it." He clearly remembered it now. The smirk of older kid who just stole what was at the time, his favorite toy, himself, looking with teary eyes from the ground, with just bruises as rewards from trying to take it back. A lesson, in how the world works. "I..." Well, the conclusions that he had taken about it at the time didn't make him proud today. "This thing though. I have no freakin' idea." He said, taking the strange smooth polished and seemingly obsidian shard in his hand, still, it gave him the same sense of familiarity as the soccer ball. Weird. He shrugged. "You think we should keep some of this stuff?"
  5. Well Nightscale is gonna switch his Dragon! Array around and try one of the new tricks: Mind Control 9 (Extras: Conscious, Duration [Sustained]; Flaws: Sense Dependant [Sight]) {27PP/36} On the bug guy (if he can see him) and send him to keep the glowy eyed villain busy. However the guy also gets a DC 19 reflex save to negate tg(by closing his eyes or something as Nightscale needs eye contact to start controlling people). If he doesn't save the power check is 23 opposed by the target will save.
  6. "Nobodies?" Luke chuckled. "And who are you exactly mate?" The young dragon smirked. Now usually one would have to match bravado with words right? Unfortunately for him this wasn't exactly the case, even when he called the powerful claws from his true form into reality to rip through his captive villain he still didn't manage to inflict more than a few bruises. "You are tough buddy I give you that..." He conceded.
  7. Yes it's a miss. You can post IC And it's @Dr Archeville time to shine
  8. Luke rubbed his shoulders trying to fight the cold that was creeping back, his eyes however, were fully focused on his friend's deft attempt to break trough the ancient lock. What was gonna wait for them inside? More treasures perhaps? Although honestly speaking, he could have traded their gold coins for something warm to wear (although given the swim that was ahead of them he was probably more comfortable in just his shorts anyway), a pair of sneakers maybe, or food to put in his stomach... or... or ... Whatever. The only thing he could do was wait. He grinned when the loud click broke the silence. "Yeah! Well done man!" He gave his friend an enthusiastic pat on the back. He peered inside. It was full of, well, all kind of stuff, but... It was... Trash? Could it be? Why would someone take all of this effort to bury underwater in a chained test what looked like the content of a lost and found bin. He began to dig inside as well. Unfortunately, most of the stuff was broken or hardly in any condition to help improving their situation. Still, he grinned when he pulled out an old battered soccer ball, Chewy leaned up from the water, but the boy pulled it away from the baby monster's fangs, cradling it under his right arm. It was, well strangely familiar. The small creature gave him a disappointed clack in response, as Luke kept searching inside with his left hand. He pulled out a strange fragment of some kind of smooth obsidian-like substance, giving it a puzzled look, sensing a similar pang of familiarity, but being unable to truly realize where it was coming from. "What the hell do you thin-" Leon though, was now apparently close to tears. What was going on? Meanwhile, Chewy leaned against Leon and began to rub itself against him, as if the creature was trying to console him. A thought that elicited a tiny smile from Luke before he could give a worried look toward his friend. "Hey... Are you ok man? What's that" The boy put one arm on Leon's shoulders as he leaned closer.
  9. "nks man..." Luke nodded, throwing a glance toward the motorcycle, on another day he probably would have teased his friend a bit for his themed ride (maybe out of a tiny bit of jealousy as well, the Feather was pretty rad), but his mind was too focused on the task at hand. "Get up and lead the way, I'll drive. We gotta be quick, right? And if Matt or whoever's got him sees you flying in..." "Yeah..." He jumped on, with a fluid movement. It made sense, he was almost thinking about shifting and flying toward his friend on dragon wings, but it was better this way, safer, for both him and Matt. Truth was, though, without Chaz he would have never had taught of that. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. "Sure Let's go. I can lead the way." He closed his eyes again and focused on Matt. "He's at the airport." Damn. There would be a lot of people there and plenty of damage to be done. I hope you are -ing fine man. The boy clenched his fists.
  10. A bit boring perhaps, but Nightscale is gonna try again to take down the guy that he has pinned. Save DC is 23 (24 if I can use the PL 9 upgraded version and linked with a drain toughness 9 in that case)
  11. Nightscale didn't wait for the supervillains to take the first shot, instead, he dashed against the one who had challenged them, calling for his wings to propel himself briefly in the air so that he could fall directly on Anarchilles with all his weight, unleashing a gust of wind as he landed, hopefully enough to unbalance his target.
  12. Nightscale is gonna try and hit Anarchilles. He is gonna use his new version of wing buffet (that is a normal attack linked with Trip). To hit: 20 If it is a hit the toughness save for the attack is 24 and the trip is a 19 (opposed by a strength or dexterity check)
  13. Mr. Tak fails the emotion control roll by a lot, he is pretty much out from the fight. 11 @Avenger Assembledit's Owain turn as well. @Spacefurry and @Dr Archeville you can also go since there is no active enemies in between
  14. Sorry for being a bit late, got covid, but I think I'm better today. Queenie manages to KO the Bee Drone she is attacking 14... @EternalPhoenixyou can post IC if you like. The two remaining drones generate a beam of energy from their stingers, one aimed at Queenie and the other at Rocket, Drone 3 also chimes in to replace Drone 1 in maintaining the distraction field. Bee Drone 3 vs Rocket hits with a 25. Tou Save dc is 25 @RocketLord Bee Drone 2 vs Queenie 11 misses horribly. The policemen are paralyzed and skip their turn. Time for Crystal-Gazer @Heritage (Environmental Effect: Distracting DC 15) Mirror Knight (no damage) - 26 Hp 4 Bee Drone 1 (OK) 26 Rocket (no damage) 21 - Hp 4 Queenie (no damage) 15 - Hp 2 Bee Drone 3 (no damage) 16 Bee Drone 2 (no damage) 15 Enthralled Policemen (Paralyzed) 15 Crystal-Gazer (no damage) 11 - Hp 2 Bee's (no damage) 11 - HP 3 Drone Swarm (no damage) 10 Bee Drone 4 (no damage) 9 Other Enthralled Civilians (Paralyzed) 3
  15. Thanks! For some reason I had slow fall at 1 PP in the Google Sheet page I made for the character, I'll just spend one more pp (Although 191 is less elegant hehe), and add 1 feat (fearless) to the dragon form that I wanted to add, but I didn't get the point when sticking to a 190 limit. I have edited the grapple as well.
  16. Leon can roll Disable Device to try and open the lock without doing any damage. Luke can't (he has no ranks), but in case Leon fails he might try to force it open, but risking the content.
  17. “Don’t suppose it’s attached to a giant plug, maybe labeled Acme?” Now it was Luke's turn to chuckle. "Hope not man..." He replied as he pictured in his mind the two of them being flushed down a giant drain after pulling out a cartoonishly oversized plug. "No problem man I got it." He nodded back, rubbing his shoulders as he tried to somehow fight the chill that was running down his spine since his unexpected immersion. He did not object however, when Leon followed behind him, together with Chewy that kept cheerfully a few feet away from them, uninterested in the prize the boys were seeking, but always in search for a new meal. Fortunately, while the riverbed was deeper close to the chest, they didn't need to swim much until they got to the 'treasure', it was a massive rusty crate, held in place by a few chains, that were surprisingly in good conditions all things considered, but were still no match for the teenage dragon strength, now that he was prepared. The boy did his best to wrap one of the chains, wondering if it could be useful down the road. Dragging it up on the surface so that they could examine it wasn't too hard as well, once it was free and, with Leon's aid Luke deposited the big box on top of a rocky outcrop nearby. "That's freakin' weird..." He shook his head. Not that it was the strangest thing that happened since their awakening of course. "Do you think you can open it mr Drake?" He grinned as his gaze shifted toward the lock, it was waterlogged and ruined, perhaps Luke could bash it with a rock or just try to force it open, but there was always the risk of ruining whatever was inside, maybe a gentler touch would be a more appropriate solution, given the situation.
  18. "You are an impressive man Dr. Genadyevich. And from what I have learned about your skills, or rather the ones of Mr. Egorov, we would be honored to have you join us in the arena..." She smiled from under her mask as her eyes shifted toward the pile of goons that Davyd had managed to take down. "The public would approve and much likely so would my boss." Again she gestured the guard to relax and the remaining Gorilla abandoned his aggressive stance almost immediately. "Although, admittedly, right now we are having a small issues with some local capes and I was wondering if you can lend us your talents in dealing with them." "And of course I can. I mean, we are not animals here." She smirked. "No coercion, supernatural or otherwise, but, to be completely transparent with a perceptive individual such as yourself, some of them are here not just for the thrill. They seek rewards that few, but my master, are willing or able to provide." The teen boy lowered his eyes and clenched his fists a little. --- "Wait! Wait! Stop!" Mr. Tak, startled by Neko's display. For a few moments he tries to somehow shake the images away from him, his hands clawing at the empty air, until finally managing to recover some resolve to strike back. "You... You are not running away..." He muttered angrily between breaths, sniffing the air for any trace of the young cat-girl. "There." He remarks, the malice in his voice barely concealing his tension as conjured a ring of flames, not unlike the ones that now surround the fighters, albeit much smaller in size around her position. --- The Gentleman winced under his mask. "Rab-" He metaphorically bit his tongue. "Bad doggie..." Doing his best to pretend like if he was unaffected by the wolf biting in (not exactly successfully all things considered), before unleashing a burst of telekinetic energy aimed at Owain, the blast missing the time displaced knight only by a few inches as the man hovered higher over the arena to put some more distance between himself and the danger. "Nice try. I give you that darlin'" Fiery Fury shrugged off the burst of electricity much better than her companion had with Owain's fangs. She was still unable to liberate her massive sword from the ground however, but that didn't seem to deter her. Instead, a weave of heat ratidated from her, flowing through the blade and into the ground, melting the concrete into a line of boiling 'quicksands' that snaked dangeroursly toward Chimera.
  19. 26 - Mr Tak (no damage) - Shaken 21 - Gorilla Goon B (Horrorshow) (no damage) 19 - The Gentleman (no damage) 18 - Fiery Fury (no damage) 14 - Neko (no damage) - 3 HP 13 - Owain (bruised) 11 - Horrorshow's (Bruised) - 1 HP 10 -Shadowy Teen (no damage) - Delayed initiative. 9 - Miss Nagi woman (no damage) 4 - Chimera (bruised) - 3 HP Miss Nagi seems convinced by Horrorshow charade. The goon that is with Horrorshow will not attack again under her direction. Nor will the Shadowy Teen. Mr Tak is intimidated again and remains shaken (he auto fails the roll as courage is not his forte). He is also unable to see Neko, but she gets the impression that he could still track through some form of enhanced scent, he conjure a circle of flame with a roughly 5ft radius at her position that roughly surrounds her, but does not harm her, at least unless she tries to cross it. The Gentleman unleashes a telekinetic burst toward Owain (it's a trip+knockback attack) but he barely misses with a 17. Fiery Fury creates a line of molten earth starting from her sword and headed toward Chimera. Reflex Save DC is 18. And it's both damage (DC 21/18) and a linked snare (DC 18/14). @Avenger Assembled is Neko's and Owain's turn again
  20. Toughness for Nightscale 10... Nope. Hero point. 9 from the roll+10 for the hero point when rolling less than 10 +8 toughness -1 for the bruise = 26
  21. Luke was short on breath when he met with his friend and in truth, it had very little to do with the exertion from the run. "It's Matt. He is awake." Now, perhaps the young man hadn't shared with Chaz every detail about the relationship with his friend, but his comatose state and unwilling transformation into a cyborg was not a secret to him, or to the other young guardians. "And he is gone." The young man lowered his eyes. "Dunno why. Or how. Or... Whatever. I can feel where he is. I need to find him. And..." I don't think that I can do this alone. He left the last part unsaid, but it wouldn't take much for Chaz to figure it out with just a glance to the eyes of the teenage dragon.
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