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Dr Archeville

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Everything posted by Dr Archeville

  1. Horrorshow Excited barely began to describe his reaction! Davyd's jaw dropped and eyes bulged, far more than any human should be able to, but he quickly regained his composure with a vigorous shaking of his head. "This is amazing!" He instantly began rifling through them. He had a few of the issues already (gifts from Uncle Sasha), and bits of others as low-res pdfs on his computer (from the publisher's initial attempts at online distribution), but this was a treasure trove! "Where did she find all of these? And how mu- oh, wow, this one takes me back!" He picked up one issue of Fangoria, which has the original articles he'd first seen reprinted in a limited edition special Fangoria Legends he'd gotten when he was 11... and, a few moments later, he's shrunk down and was his eleven-year-old self! He barely seemed aware of the shift, so engrossed he was in the magazine, until he remembered the reason for his visit that day. "Oh, yeah, I came by to tell you something. Maybe ask something, too. You and Daphne. It's not, like, time-sensitive or anything, but- when did you get so tall?" he asked, finally tearing his eyes away from the lurid images and looking at -- up at -- Lynn. He looked down at himself, raised one hand to his face, then the other; his expression went from shock to embarrassment to amusement. "I guess nostalgia's a powerful thing, yeah?"
  2. Silberman's Books 2021, Mid-November (not long after Spies Like Us and Friend Like Me), a weekday afternoon Davyd Palahniuk had graduated from the Claremont Academy some five months ago, yet was still unsure what to do with his life. He'd sought out advice from family and friends, and friends of friends -- including some rather (in)famous folks! -- and was getting a better idea of what he'd wanted to do with himself. (At the very least, he'd learned some harsh truths which made him rethink and discard some ideas.) There was one more stop he wanted to make on this quest, two women who'd already offered him an immense amount of guidance and assistance, who he'd come to view as surrogate aunts: Grimalkin and Miss Grue. The silver bell above the door jingled merrily as he entered, just audible over the few customers in the store. In one spot, two young men were arguing by the comics section over which writer "got" the Raven better. Elsewhere, a woman was looking at dice sets, waiting for her daughter to pick out her first one. And over at the counter, chatting with one of the store's regulars, was Lynn Epstein. Davyd waved at her, then slowly began walking around the store, waiting until the owner was free to talk. Ooh, the new Best Horror of the Year anthology is out!
  3. Artificer "I do," Heroditus replied, in English. He nodded to Geckoman, then rose to his feet. "I am called Artificer, though that is as much a title as it is a code-name. To others I am known as..." He paused a moment, unsure whether or not to reveal his family or personal name. That is normally how one would introduce themselves to a new mentor, back home, but here, among the "superhero community," things seemed a bit more complex. He decided to remain guarded. "Well, perhaps that should come later. May I ask, what sort of mentorship will you be providing for us?" He turned slightly to address Geckoman, "will you be sharing your expertise of technology, or of combat? Or both?"
  4. Artificer Ah, so our mentor is only slightly more prepared for this environment than I am, Heroditus thought to himself. But he was careful to keep such bitter musings to himself. He took some faltering steps to stand nearer to Danica, and felt a strange sensation. She spoke true, he did not feel as hot or thirsty while in close proximity to her, though he was still far from comfortable. But he also saw the ghostly image of a great tortoise, formed around her like a suit of armor. And while Danica was all kindness and smiles, as she so often was, the Tortoise gave him the same disapproving glare it always did. Heroditus wasn't sure if it was contempt or pity that Tortoise felt for the young Atlantean, who came from and required such a diametrically opposed environment -- he just knew it made him feel decidedly uneasy. He tried to distract himself by focusing on the others, and their environment. "I must point out," he said, feeling a bit of his strength return, "that if there is something nasty down in that dark cavern, Naomi's invisibility may not be of much help, if it is used to hunting in the dark and so does not rely on sight. But," he quickly added, looking directly at her and hoping he sounded somewhat encouraging, "I know you can do far more than that, so I am confident you can provide ample cover for us."
  5. Artificer 4 posts = 1pp A Gathering of Mages (1) The Kids are Alright (1) Survival Class: Prussian Blue (2) Horrorshow 12 posts = 2pp Calling on the Aunties (6) Dakar Rally (1) Eurotrip: The Rhythm of the Rails (1) Friend Like Me (1) Silver Screen Dreams (1) Tyger Tyger, Burning Bright (2) Protectron 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp ??? --Titanium Characters-- Dead Head 0 posts, to ??? Bedlam in Bedlam: Let Him In (0) Doktor Archeville 0 posts, to ??? ??? --Other-- Mod point, to Protectron
  6. In order to make sure the Refs accurately count all your IC posts and award you the due amount of power points, please post with a list of all the threads in which your player character, NPC or sidekick posted IC this month (including the News forum). Also list any threads which you are GMing. GM posts count as double and can be assigned to whichever of your characters needs a 'push'. This topic will automatically close on the seventh day of the following month (i.e., December 7th, 2021 at Midnight EST). When you make your list, post a link to your first post for the month for each IC thread so we can jump right to it. When you start a thread, make sure IC is the first tag and topic prefix of the In Character thread, and OOC is in the first tag and topic prefix of the Out Of Character thread. It's not required, but additional tags including the major players and locations are viewed as a courtesy. Please list your threads in alphabetical order. Please clearly note any threads in which you are both player and GM/running an NPC. In threads where you are both player and GM/an NPC, please be sure to mark each post so we can tell who it should be allocated to. Please list your threads in a timely manner. Extending the deadline one week into the following month is already a grace period. If you've done any "extracurriculars" -- artwork, HellQ, 20 Questions, NPC, vignettes, guidebook pages, etc. -- please be sure to list them along with your active threads. For more information on ways to earn power points, see Character Advancement and Awards in the House Rules section of the Guide. Post counts should be formatted similar to the following: To make clear how many posts from rollover and GM posts are assigned to each character. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the ghosts of angry turkeys hunting you down your post counts being postponed or skipped completely. If you missed the deadline, see this thread.
  7. Horrorshow "Oh, no, no," Davyd chuckled at Andromeda, holding up one hand defensively, "I have no desire to become a paparazzi! Those guys are just mean." He put the GoPro into his pocket -- though a more observant viewer would have noticed that he'd really put ti next to his hip, and something like a mouth opened there and swallowed the camera -- before responding to Ace, pointedly ignoring what Andromeda was saying about naked body photos. "No pitches, no. Not yet, at least. Well, maybe... no, no." He shook his head, "heh, y'know, I'd watched a lot of public access television growing up, both the new stuff and the older stuff my dad loved." He nodded, "I could see myself doing that, yeah, though probably not full-time. Maybe a recurring guest star, yeah?" He shrugged, smiled, "but stunt work for some of the productions DI is involved in would be great!"
  8. Horrorshow "They... probably would, yeah," Davyd replied, mindful of their backseat conscience. "Like, what if they needed it for their job... or to visit a sick relative!" Davyd's mouth abruptly disappeared, the flesh on his lower face now a smooth blank, as he realized that "sick relative" might be a sore spot for Liz. He shifted his focus back to the GPS, then to the passenger's side window and the rolling dunes outside. Okay, we all know Something Weird is going to happen on this trip. Something always happens when Claremont Students are out and about. So what will it be this time? The Dakar Rally's been going on for a few decades, but is this the first time it's been here, in Egypt? We might be disturbing some mummies or scorpion-people or something. Or maybe some supervillain will attack, looking to steal some cutting-edge vehicle tech that's being tested out here... like our car's batteries! He looked back to Micah, and pictured the power cells behind him.
  9. Artificer Heroditus had always been eager to seek out mentors among Claremont's staff, so he could learn as much as possible. He was, of course, most interested in learning about both the technologies and magics of the Surface World, but he never turned down a chance to learn about anything Surfacer-related. Last month's survival class had been particularly educational, if for nothing else but to show just how dangerous the Surface World could be. He had mostly recovered from that ordeal, and hoped this new experience would go more smoothly. There was no mention of us being taken anywhere, so we will probably stay at the Academy. Yes, in the nice, familiar Academy. He knew of Geckoman and Phalanx, having read through the big news articles about them, and even checking out some of the old Claremont Yearbooks. Geckoman's choice as a mentor for him was clear: he used a wide array of technologies, and his acrobatic style of combat pointed to a 3D spatial awareness which Atlanteans developed early on but which most Surfacers lacked. Phalanx's choice, though, was less obvious. He was a hero in fine standing, holder of the legacy of The Centurion, one of the greatest heroes of the Surface World. But he wasn't known for being tech-minded, or mystically-inclined. Perhaps he was there for a more general mentorship? To introduce them to other aspects of the Surface world? Whatever the case, he would conduct himself with all the honor and propriety that would be expected of an Atlantean. He arrived on the scene a few moments after James, flashing back to when they first met, and nodded to his fellow student. He wore a version of his standard breeches & tunic outfit, in Claremont blue-and-gold, with brown Gladiator-style sandals and bandolier slung across his torso. When he saw Phalanx, he fell to one knee, raised his left fist to his heart and then to his temple, and gave a lengthy greeting in the bright click-pop language of his people, filled with honorifics and expressions of gratitude for being allowed to learn from the elder hero. After he spoke, he remained on the ground, hands on one knee, looking up with reverence to his new mentor.
  10. Horrorshow Davyd still wasn't sure what Andromeda's "deal" was, but he couldn't help but like her. When she handed him the GoPro (which the theatre kid easily recognized), he took it with all the reverence due a Gutenberg Bible. He inclined his head, "thank you, Miss Andromeda. I can do much with this -- to comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable, yeah?" He tilted his head, new thoughts suddenly careening through his mind. "Hunh. I'd first heard that phrase applied to art, but I've also heard it applied to journalism. Maybe..." He let the idea slide to percolate in the back of his mind, and re-focused on the Dangers. He smiled broadly, first to Veronica, "of course I would have loved helping on those missions! Though," his smiled faded a bit, "it may have been for the best that you hadn't called, since I had my studies to focus on. But that's behind me now, yeah? And Danger Media," he twisted his torso to face Ace, "I thought they just handled the licenses and broadcast rights for all the existing stuff?" He wasn't entirely certain on that -- DM didn't make any big horror or sci-fi pieces, so he'd never paid that much attention to them. "They make new stuff, too? Jungle Patrol: The Next Generation?"
  11. Horrorshow Davyd seemed unfazed by the sudden shift of scene, thanks both to his own malleable nature and his love of horror movies. His outfit had shifted to fancy dinner dress, black tail coat over a white shirt, cotton vest/waistcoat, and bow tie, high-waisted black trousers and black patent leather Oxford shoes. He raised a glass to their hostess-captor, "a marvelous show, simply marvelous!" He spoke with the same Mid-Atlantic accent Hammond used, "such attention to detail! The shadows, the chills -- terrific! But, why would you want to give this all up?" He lowered his glass and tilted his head, "you're really showing your range of talent not, and you can do so much more! Would you really give all this up, just to live in... New Jersey? Much has changed much since you were last here." Really wish I had some of that Grue telepathy, to better coordinate with the others. But maybe they'll pick up what I'm putting down... "And I don't just mean the city -- the people, too!" He gestured to the other heroes, "they view the type of horror you've known as passé, a quaint amusement. Monsters just don't scare people like they use to," he said with a touch of regret. "Oh, you still have your admirers, certainly," he turned back to her and nodded respectfully, "and they already flock to you, revere you in their own way. But would you really want to come out here, and learn an entirely different type of acting? And if you did leave, and one of us took your place... how do you know we'd give it back? You might not be able to return to your kingdom -- do you really want to take that chance? To lose your starring role, and become another unnamed extra in the background?" Hammond was a diva in life, maybe this will get her to back down.
  12. Artificer Heroditus quickly recovered form the wave of nausea that washed over him at Aquaria's opening display of power, and was soon running all about the chamber. He had used components from his bandolier to construct a pair of bulky gauntlets, which he used to warp and weave the battlefield about them to best shield the defenders of this realm. Floorboards curled up to swat beetles away. Carpeting reared up and stiffened to steel hardness, bouncing back errant blasts from his teammates or deflecting attacks from the invader. Bannisters and rails reared up and away from the stairway and slithered towards her, moving to wrap around her arms and head. What else what else what else -- ah ha! He ducked behind the bar and flung several bottles into the fray, then with a flick of his wrist made them explode. The potent potables streaked towards the Carrion Queen -- hopefully increasing her susceptibility to Effigy's attacks -- while the glass and crystal shards flew towards and then encircled both Ouroboros and Phantom, providing them with some cover from attack but leaving their line of sight unimpeded.
  13. Horrorshow (Cabin 1) As Micah looked over the menu, Davyd slid up to Judy and flashed his friendliest smiles. "So, I'm guessing you've never been outside of America much, not counting Claremont trips, yeah? Will this be your first time in Europe?" After placing his order, Davyd looked around the cabin, then to Adam, Judy, Lulu, and Micah. This is kinda nice, all of us in here together. Funny, I used to not like feeling crowded in on, but now I don't mind it so much. Wonder how much of that is the Grue in me? Eh, its probably fine. Oh, but... "Sooo," he said at last, "I just realized, this may be a standing-room only dining situation! Well, you all can stand, I can squeeze under Adam's bed, or stick to the ceiling," he added as two crimson tentacles shot up from his shoulders, stuck to the ceiling of the cabin, and reeled him up until he was halfway up the wall. "I mean, this cabin's big, sure, but not that big, yeah?"
  14. Horrorshow "Ah, yeah, well," he replied sheepishly to Andromeda, "I'm... I'm still working on that part. I am better than I was," he quickly added, and this was true enough, "but I know I still need to work on that." He chuckled nervously at Ace's remarks, "yeah, I, uh, wasn't sure if she was sugarcoating things a bit or not." Veronica's question got the most response from him. "Well, like I said, I'm still interested in movies, maybe tv, too. Mostly behind-the-scenes work, makeup, or even some stunt work. Helping others who entertain, helping bring their stories to life, yeah? But, uh," he scratched the back of his head, and a charmingly goofy grin spread across his face, "I did have a blast on the adventures we'd had, and I had given some thought to doing stuff like that. Not so much the racing thing," he shook his head, "but the 'exploring ruins' thing. I mean, as adaptable as I am, I could get into places few others could go, scout ahead to find safe paths for others. Though I don't think my folks would be too keen on that..."
  15. Horrorshow "Hey, you!," he greeted Veronica with a smile that was broader than a human should be able to make. "How's Paris?," he asked after their hug ended. "Ah, no, it's not my powers or their origin that has her concerned. At least," he tilted his head slightly, "she didn't make mention of any concerns. And I already have some mentors helping me with those, anyway," he added with hat he'd hoped was a reassuring smile. I really do need to get in touch with Daphne and Grim, see if they have any advice. "And my family is... well, I doubt my mother would accept any assistance." He quickly recapped the conversation he'd had with Talya. "So that's my problem: finding a way to let me do the things I want, to make positive contributions to society, while being... unpalatable to certain agencies." He looked back and forth between Ace and Veronica, and Star Child, both hopeful and nervous. "Sooo... ideas?"
  16. Horrorshow Following his recent talk with Talya (and Neko), Davyd had been very excited to meet Ace Danger. Sure, he knew about Ace's public exploits, and he'd even been on a few unofficial adventures with Veronica Danger. But to actually meet THE Ace Danger?! That was something else entirely. He'd taken a cab up to Danger Manor, not wanting to make too flashy an entrance (the flashing can come later, he thought, then immediately realized his error), and definitely not wanting to be driven up here by his parents. The cabbie seemed unfazed at having to go through the ruins of Kingston to get to North Bay from his family's apartment in Riverside, but Freedom's public transportation operators tended not to be fazed by much. He was agog at the sight of the manor, and barely noticed the butler at first. Oh, right, they are supposed to kind of blend in to the house, yeah? And then he was standing before Ace, and then Andromeda appeared, and it took a moment for his brain to catch up. "Hello, yes, thank you!," the Ukrainian-American teen finally blurted out. He looked surprisingly plain, round face and long limbs, in drab brown pants and a gray long-sleeved tee. He smiled and nodded at Star Child, "I have had some of those, ah, 'nasty drinks', but only with family," he quickly added. "Lemonade would be very nice, thank you." He looked around again, taking in all the sights and smells of the room, before focusing back on Ace. "Uh, yeah, so, I'm sure you know that I've worked some with your... niece? Grand-niece? With Veronica. And Talya suggested that maybe I should hang out with more Dangers, so she, uh," he dug around in his pocket and pulled out the business card Talya had handed him, "she suggested I get in touch with you."
  17. Artificer Heroditus was murmuring something in Atlantean as he tried to keep up with Effigy, his words trailing off as he realized he was approaching the others. "<Oh, thank Poseidon, Helios, and Selene.>" He quickly caught up on what the others had been saying. "I have little experience with such dark powers," he admitted, "but I should be able to aid in restraining her. Her corporeal form, at least," he quickly added, already drawing out several mechano-mystical components from his bandolier, "using transmuted matter. Oh," he looked up and around nervously, "and I promise to restore anything I change back to its original form, O Gracious House!" He exhaled nervously, looked to the others, "oh, I could create some physical barriers, too, for protection from her direct assaults."
  18. Horrorshow "On the Expressway, it's 65 mph," Davyid replied, "though I think I read that there's been some talk of raiding it to 70." Being better prepared for the ride ahead, Davyd didn't have quite as white-knuckle a grip on the GPS, or the safety handles. But he was still holding on. "In the city, though, I think it's 35. 25, in some places." A smile began spreading across his face, as he remembered something his Uncle Sasha had mentioned a few times. Wait - should I mention this? It's illegal, yeah, but not much more dangerous than, like, NASCAR racing, yeah? "Of course," he spoke a bit slower, enunciated a bit more clearly, "that's not taking into account the street races. They're mostly a west coast thing, yeah, but Miami and Philly have been getting in on it, and you could probably find one in Freedom. Not sure they'd let you drive a rig like this, but if going fast is what you're interested in..."
  19. Mentors Dead Head would be delighted to work with some young'ns! Doktor Archeville is in spaaace, but would be happy to- no? Oh, yeah, alright. Horrorshow graduated last year, and could maybe be a mentor? Protectron is always up for helping the next generation of superheroes, though is unsure how to be a mentor. Students Artificer would be eager for any mentorship provided! Surfacer magic and Surfacer tech is what he'd be most interested in learning about, but he'd be honored to receive any kind of training.
  20. Horrorshow Davyd leaned back away from Neko as she spoke, the intensity of her words having more impact than perhaps she had intended. He looked her over again, noting just how young she looked. "<You speak as if you have personal knowledge of such things, yes?"> They heard the archaic Japanese again, though Talya may have noticed that his lips were not matching what she heard, like a poorly-synced dub of a foreign film. "<Was someone in your family involved in espionage? An elder sibling?>" From practically no real information to an abundance of it. Lucky me. He nodded at Talya's words. He'd figured something like what she'd described would happen, though the bit about her "writing the handbook" did make him flinch a bit. He was quiet a moment, thinking over her words. "What you say makes a lot of sense," he replied, in English, "and brings to focus a concern. I... have trouble saying 'no' to people." He actually shrank a few inches, "I tend to go along with what others say, especially those close to me. Part of that may be my attempts to help others, part of it may be the Grue in me." His skin tone shifted more towards an alien crimson, and he chewed a bit on a thinning lower lip, "so, um, you got any advice on that?"
  21. Just for funsies, let's see what Davyd might know Knowledge (Popular Culture) check 1d20+10: 20 [1d20=10] Not bad!
  22. Horrorshow "Good work, good work!," Davyd cheered on his fellow heroes. So far, so good... Then he saw her, and reflexively shifted back to his 'civilian' form. The form he was in when he first saw her on a big screen. "I don't know much about magic," he replied to Ghost, a large grin spreading across his face, "but I know exactly who that is!" He turned to the others, practically vibrating with excitement, "that's Lauren Hammond! One of the earliest 'Scream Queens'! The first Non-Blonde American Scream Queen! Well, it's her ghost, probably -- Miss Hammond passed away about 70 years ago!" He turned and waved at the figure, and started to approach her. "Hello, Miss Hammond!," he called out, "it's an honor to meet you! And on Halloween, no less!"
  23. Artificer "I would n-," Heroditus panted, "would not say... that." His breathing had eased a bit after they'd entered the cave, though he was still clearly struggling. At least I am out of that blistering sun. He took a long drink from his canteen, paused to catch his breath, then took another long drink. "I have noticed -- can see -- that the amount of ambient magical energy in this area is higher than normal. Certainly higher than most places in Freedom." Another swallow, "that sandstorm was sparking with it, and this cave holds even more." He pointed further into their shelter, "and it seems to grow stronger deeper in the cave." He took another drink, forcing himself to take a much smaller drink so as to conserve the previous liquid. "Doctor Macedon," he said, barely moving from his spot on the ground, "what can you tell us of the... the history of this place?"
  24. Horrorshow Davyd chuckled nervously, "oh, yeah, I know it's not like the movies." His form shifted smoothly, mimicking all the James Bonds. "I'm a film freak, yeah, but I know they're for entertainment. Though that does tie into... that is," he shifted back to himself, "it's why I had thought of... wait, no, that's not-" He stopped himself, closed his eyes, took in a deep breath, let it out slowly. When he opened his eyes again, he looked to Tayla, "becoming a spy is not-" He glanced at Neko, did a double-take at her new appearance, "<oh! So you're a... um... well, I don't want to presume, but I'm honored you feel you can reveal your true self to me!>" Tayla and Neko both heard him speak Japanese -- the archaic Japanese of Neko's home! He focused back on Taylo, switching back to English, "it's not so much something I'm interested in pursuing, and more something that I want to prepare for being pulled into. Does that make sense?" He wrapped his arms around himself, "so, I like movies, I like helping others... but I don't like being the center of attention. I was originally planning on becoming a makeup artist, before my," his arms shifted into tentacles that wrapped themselves around him several times, "accident. But since then," his arms shifted back to human, "I've thought of taking a more on-screen role, as a stunt person." He struck a cheesy heroic pose, "the ultimate stunt double! Able to look like anyone, and to bounce back from anything! But, uh," he deflated a bit, "the actor's unions are still undecided on letting in people with powers, so there might be some barriers there. Though some other Claremonters," he perked back up a bit, "liked the idea, and we'd talked a bit about starting our own production company-" He suddenly held up his hands defensively, "sorry, sorry, straying off-topic. So, spying. I've heard that several famous actors had done some work as spies," he nodded, "voluntarily, even. And I'm sure there are less well-known cases where espionage agencies sought out recruits in Hollywood or Broadway, or the Bolshoi, or wherever, and didn't take 'no' for an answer. Add in my abilities," he tilted his head a bit, "and I'm sure some spymasters would love to have me working for them. Sooo," he shrugged, "I figured I should be prepared for when they come calling."
  25. Horroshow Davyd approached Adam and gave him a pat on the shoulder, stretching his torso and arms up to reach the much taller teen. "Hey, man, a lot of us here aren't exactly human, not completely. I've got Grue DNA in me, Eira doesn't have DNA anymore. And I don't think Judy does, either...." he trailed off, being not wholly familiar with the details of her changes. "And Pan's from some sort of storybook world, so who knows what he has down at the cellular level, yeah? And while Lulu," he nodded to her, "and Micah might be 100 per-cent Homo sapiens sapiens, they can control some of the most fundamental forces of nature!" "But with everything we've been through," he extended a hand to Adam, to Lulu, and to anyone else still in the cabin, "and all the challenges we've faced, I'd like to think that we've all proven that it's not what we are that matters. Or even what we can do. It's what we do with what we have that matters. And we all," he nodded, "have been doing good, and will continue to do good." "But, for right now," he withdrew his limbs and clapped sharply, "who's hungry?" He stretched an arm over to the window and picked up a menu, "oh, I definitely want to try the haggis!"
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