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Dr Archeville

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About Dr Archeville

  • Birthday 06/02/1977

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  • Location
    Roxboro, NC, USA

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Dr Archeville's Achievements

Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/3)

  1. Artificer 0 posts = +0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp The Last Free Place (0) --Titanium Characters-- Dead Head 0 posts 000 Doktor Archeville 0 posts, added to Artificer Interceptors: Doktor-Patient Confidentiality (0) Horrorshow 0 posts, added to ??? Test Your Might (0) Protectron 0 posts 000 --GM Posts-- Down on the Farm (0) +[0*2] 0 posts, to ??? --Other-- Mod point, to Artificer
  2. Artificer's recovery roll (with a +12 bonus) 1d20+14: 20 [1d20=6] I believe that's enough to recover from being unconscious?!
  3. Archeville shifted a bit uncomfortably in his side of the booth. He knew the man before him was Jack of all Blades, renowned hero, member of the Interceptors. He remembered working with the Interceptors, gathering them together, supporting them, guiding them. And the horrific betrayals. His still remembered all of that, but his memories of their secret identities, their civilian lives, those had all been wiped. He could re-learn them, if a hero deemed him worthy, same as with anyone else. But those gaps in his memories -- which he'd had agreed were necessary, and had fully consented to having erased -- still 'itched' a bit. "As well as can be expected for someone who was off-world for four years," he replied, smiling in a way that wasn't too forced. "The familiar sights and sounds and smells have been nice, but seeing how... earthbound so many people here are, how fearful and fractured and..." He trailed off, shaking his head. Keep it light, Viktor. "Lynn's made me feel very welcome," he pivoted slightly, "and I think she's welcomed the company. Though I feel I am stretching her hospitality too far, and should get my own place. But is it worth it to establish my own home if I might get whisked back to where I was before, as abruptly as I was sent here?" He shrugged, and let out an exasperated grunt. "Then again, most people don't know what the future holds, and they go about their lives, so maybe I should just... get on with it."
  4. Artificer 0 post, +2 rollover from Dok = 2 posts = +1pp, +1 [Mod] = +2pp The Last Free Place (0) --Titanium Characters-- Dead Head 0 posts 000 Doktor Archeville 2 posts, added to Artificer Interceptors: Doktor-Patient Confidentiality (2) Horrorshow 0 posts, added to ??? Test Your Might (0) Protectron 0 posts 000 --GM Posts-- Down on the Farm (0) +[0*2] 0 posts, to ??? --Other-- Mod point, to Artificer
  5. This is fine. This is fine. This is fine. This is fine. The man in the booth was unremarkably plain, a white man in his early 30s with long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail, wearing horn-rimmed glasses and a slightly wrinkled plain white long-sleeved button down shirt. He looked much like any other low-level office worker who might come here to obliterate the memories of their daily drudgery with cheap alcohol. But to Erik's metamagi senses, he shone like nothing else in there, giving off low levels of infrared and radio waves, and with far more electricity coursing through his nervous system than would be recommended. "Well," Viktor Archeville said after a long pause, with only a slight hint of a German accent, "I knew it would only be a matter of time before one of us reached out to the other. So," he placed his hands on the table and laced his fingers together, "what do we do now?"
  6. In order to make sure the Refs accurately count all your IC posts and award you the due amount of power points, please post with a list of all the threads in which your player character, NPC or sidekick posted IC this month (including the News forum). Also list any threads which you are GMing. GM posts count as double and can be assigned to whichever of your characters needs a 'push'. This topic will automatically close on the seventh day of the following month (i.e., December 7th, 2024 at Midnight EST). When you make your list, post a link to your first post for the month for each IC thread so we can jump right to it. When you start a thread, make sure IC is the first tag and topic prefix of the In Character thread, and OOC is in the first tag and topic prefix of the Out Of Character thread. It's not required, but additional tags including the major players and locations are viewed as a courtesy. Please list your threads in alphabetical order. Please clearly note any threads in which you are both player and GM/running an NPC. In threads where you are both player and GM/an NPC, please be sure to mark each post so we can tell who it should be allocated to. Please list your threads in a timely manner. Extending the deadline one week into the following month is already a grace period. If you've done any "extracurriculars" -- artwork, HellQ, 20 Questions, NPC, vignettes, guidebook pages, etc. -- please be sure to list them along with your active threads. For more information on ways to earn power points, see Character Advancement and Awards in the House Rules section of the Guide. Post counts should be formatted similar to the following: To make clear how many posts from rollover and GM posts are assigned to each character. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in being gobbled up by a dire turkey your post counts being postponed or skipped completely. If you missed the deadline, see this thread.
  7. Artificer 1 post = +1pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp The Last Free Place (1) Written in the Stars (0) --Titanium Characters-- Dead Head 0 posts 000 Doktor Archeville 0 posts, added to ??? Fifteen Feet of Pure White Snow (0) Shoaling Patterns (0) Horrorshow 0 posts, added to ??? Test Your Might (0) Protectron 0 posts 000 --GM Posts-- Down on the Farm (0) +[0*2] 0 posts, to ??? --Other-- Mod point, to Artificer I barely did anything for the site this month, so I'm fine with foregoing my Mod point this time around.
  8. Artificer This isn't working, I cannot channel enough power to- wait, no, the Atlantean chided himself, greater power is not the way, I should be trying to finesse this, study my foe, and- One of the apparition's great blasts of steam slammed into him, knocking all breath out and sending him sprawling to the ground some feet away. The force of the blast tore open his tunic, and the skin on his chest was red and peeling away. The hastily-constructed device in his hands, and components in his still-open bandolier pouches, flew into the air, metal and crystalline bits reflecting the light of the few remaining fires, like some tiny new constellation, before clattering to the ground. Not like this... not... like......
  9. Sorry, sorry, things at school/work have been magra fahrbot. First, the Reflex/Toughness save for the steam attack. Reflex save, DC 23: 1d20+5: 19 [1d20=14] ouch Toughness save, DC 28: 1d20+12: 13 [1d20=1] that fails by 15, so that'd put him unconscious. ... I have 1 HP left, but I think I'm going to keep it, and let the die roll stand. Maybe knocking the Atlantean unconscious will appease this thing? Enough for Aquaria & Nick to have better luck with it?
  10. Artificer 0 post = +0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp The Last Free Place (0) Written in the Stars (0) --Titanium Characters-- Dead Head 0 posts 000 Doktor Archeville 0 posts, added to ??? Fifteen Feet of Pure White Snow (0) Shoaling Patterns (0) Horrorshow 0 posts, added to ??? Test Your Might (0) Protectron 0 posts 000 --GM Posts-- Down on the Farm (0) +[0*2] 0 posts, to ??? --Other-- Mod point, to Artificer
  11. In order to make sure the Refs accurately count all your IC posts and award you the due amount of power points, please post with a list of all the threads in which your player character, NPC or sidekick posted IC this month (including the News forum). Also list any threads which you are GMing. GM posts count as double and can be assigned to whichever of your characters needs a 'push'. This topic will automatically close on the seventh day of the following month (i.e., October 7th, 2024 at Midnight EST). When you make your list, post a link to your first post for the month for each IC thread so we can jump right to it. When you start a thread, make sure IC is the first tag and topic prefix of the In Character thread, and OOC is in the first tag and topic prefix of the Out Of Character thread. It's not required, but additional tags including the major players and locations are viewed as a courtesy. Please list your threads in alphabetical order. Please clearly note any threads in which you are both player and GM/running an NPC. In threads where you are both player and GM/an NPC, please be sure to mark each post so we can tell who it should be allocated to. Please list your threads in a timely manner. Extending the deadline one week into the following month is already a grace period. If you've done any "extracurriculars" -- artwork, HellQ, 20 Questions, NPC, vignettes, guidebook pages, etc. -- please be sure to list them along with your active threads. For more information on ways to earn power points, see Character Advancement and Awards in the House Rules section of the Guide. Post counts should be formatted similar to the following: To make clear how many posts from rollover and GM posts are assigned to each character. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in being sent to labor in the acid mines your post counts being postponed or skipped completely. If you missed the deadline, see this thread.
  12. As ever, if you have questions or concerns with your posts for this month, please don't hesitate to reach out. Special congratulations to RocketLord this month, who's had another character reach Titanium! ----------------------- April Arcana: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE Ari Rainshadow: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE AvengerAssembled Sea Devil 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE Dr Archeville Artificer: 1 post = +1pp, +1 [Mod] = +2pp Dracostern Cerebral & Cerebellum: 25 posts = +3pp DONE EternalPhoenix Terrifica: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE Fox Nocturne: 0 posts = +0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE Gizmo Chitin: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE Jack Arctus: 5 posts = +1pp DONE Kaede Kimura Blue Bolt: 5 posts = +1pp The Dreamer: 3 posts = +1pp Harlequin: 5 posts = +1pp Shadowborne: 3 posts = +1pp Shooting Star: 13 posts = +2pp DONE KnightDisciple Patrioteen: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE Lone_Star Ghule: 6 posts = +1pp DONE Nerdzul Nightscale: 1 post = +1pp DONE Poncho Devon: 10 posts = +2pp Golden Star: 25 posts = +3pp, +1 [Mod] = +4pp King Cole III: 10 posts = +2pp Star Knight & Star Squire: 10 posts = +2pp DONE RocketLord Archer II: 10 posts = +2pp, +1 [Mod] = +3pp Bounce: 1 post = +1pp Ghost: 10 posts = +2pp, and is now a TITANIUM character with 250pp! Rex Atom: 1 post = +1pp Space Ranger III: 1 post = +1pp Spaceman: 10 posts = +2pp DONE Spacefurry Blackstaff: 3 posts = +1pp Paper: 5 posts = +1pp Predator: 6 posts = +1pp DONE Supercape Echohead: 10 posts = +2pp Gamma Buzz: 10 posts = +2pp Haven: 10 posts = +2pp. +2 [Vignette] = +4pp Peak: 10 posts = +2pp Spore: 10 posts = +2pp, +1 [20Q], +6 [Vignette & 2 rollover Vignettes] = +9pp DONE TheAbsurdist Mod point to ??? Thevshi Multi-Girl: 10 posts = +2pp, +1 [Mod] = +3pp Timeout: 1 post = +1pp DONE Tiffany Korta Madame Raven: 1 post = +1pp Merge Trois: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp Starshine: 1 post = +1pp DONE Trollthumper Cavalier: 0 posts = 0pp, +1 [Mod] = +1pp DONE
  13. In order to make sure the Refs accurately count all your IC posts and award you the due amount of power points, please post with a list of all the threads in which your player character, NPC or sidekick posted IC this month (including the News forum). Also list any threads which you are GMing. GM posts count as double and can be assigned to whichever of your characters needs a 'push'. This topic will automatically close on the seventh day of the following month (i.e., September 7th, 2024 at Midnight EST). When you make your list, post a link to your first post for the month for each IC thread so we can jump right to it. When you start a thread, make sure IC is the first tag and topic prefix of the In Character thread, and OOC is in the first tag and topic prefix of the Out Of Character thread. It's not required, but additional tags including the major players and locations are viewed as a courtesy. Please list your threads in alphabetical order. Please clearly note any threads in which you are both player and GM/running an NPC. In threads where you are both player and GM/an NPC, please be sure to mark each post so we can tell who it should be allocated to. Please list your threads in a timely manner. Extending the deadline one week into the following month is already a grace period. If you've done any "extracurriculars" -- artwork, HellQ, 20 Questions, NPC, vignettes, guidebook pages, etc. -- please be sure to list them along with your active threads. For more information on ways to earn power points, see Character Advancement and Awards in the House Rules section of the Guide. Post counts should be formatted similar to the following: To make clear how many posts from rollover and GM posts are assigned to each character. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in being forced to return to middle school your post counts being postponed or skipped completely. If you missed the deadline, see this thread.
  14. Artificer 1 post = +1pp, +1 [Mod] = +2pp The Last Free Place (1) Written in the Stars (0) --Titanium Characters-- Dead Head 0 posts 000 Doktor Archeville 0 posts, added to ??? Fifteen Feet of Pure White Snow (0) Shoaling Patterns (0) Horrorshow 0 posts, added to ??? Test Your Might (0) Protectron 0 posts 000 --GM Posts-- Down on the Farm (0) +[0*2] 0 posts, to ??? --Other-- Mod point, to Artificer
  15. Heroditus is really regretting his Visual Detect Magic.... Okay, going to Stunt a new effect Damage 10 (sonic, "Shout"; Extra: Area [General, 100-ft. Cone]; PFs: Affects Insubstantial 2) [22/31] DC 20 Reflex save, then a DC 25 or 20 Toughness save. And use one of his HPs (should be down to 1 now) to nix the Fatigue from the Stunt.
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