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Tiffany Korta

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Everything posted by Tiffany Korta

  1. Madame Raven Callie might be focused on her social media, but her senses still provided her with an awareness of what was going on around her. Enough that she could tell that something had changed, now it was a reach but she was sure someone had just ended up on the floor. There were so many different ways they could do it, it would be interested to find out how and why. “Welcome to Claremont!” she waved an arm lazily in welcome “Feel free to pop in and say hi when you’re settled in, I have snacks!” She didn’t make them but they had been carefully picked out to cover as many different tastes as possible, attention to detail was a Summers tradition.
  2. Starshine All the cool powers and weird stuff that everyone was talking about, that she’d have check out when she had a point later. Homework here was going to get very werid going forwards! Still one thing she did understand was small town life, hopefully something to bond over. “Now small town living is something I understand, the great thing is nothing happens, the worse that is that nothing ever happens!” Feeling a little self conscious she hefted the large bag and looked around to get her bearing. “I guess I better take this to my new room, I’m in…” she glanced at her phone “...erm 308!”
  3. GM Post The car had made its way up Lantern Hill, the oldest part of Freedom City. Up here you could see the city sprawling below them. Nestled up here was a small colonial church, St. Stephen’s Church, a tall narrow building kept lovingly order since the 90s. It overlooked Lantern Hill Cementary, where the oldest inhabitants of of Freedom City were buried. Indeed it was rumoured that one of the oldest, and most elusive of Freedom Cities superhero dwelt here. They were probably also one of the most powerful supernatural being, which generally meant they were unlikely to help without some coercion.
  4. The Immutable Betsy Brooks “There are old vengeful creatures, from when the universe ran differently, that wish no more than to tear everything down and recreate there old worlds. They’re always looking for a way into this universe to wreck havoc on things. Luckily things don’t seem to be that far along, yet.” Betsy spoke matter of fact as she parked the car, putting it in park and gathering her supplies. “As it happens we’re here. Take in the view a moment I need to get my bearings.” On the bonnet, hood she guessed, she laid out a large map and began to study it intensely.
  5. Traveller will gain some height, say roof level, and drop an area stun on a group of thug. Thats a general burst area, DC 16 Reflex save or DC 15 Fort or Stun.
  6. Let's say Sitara is just entering the place so Move towards the nearest space thug and do a Strike & Paralyse with her Power Pike. Attack Roll: 1d20+10 27, thats a DC 22 Toughness save and a DC 16 Fort save for Paralyze.
  7. Starshine Rosalind also took the opportunity to help herself with to a muffin, making sure to thank Muire as she did so. She considered a dainty bite before dismissing the idea and enjoying a healthy mouthful of muffin. “Oh I’m relatively local, from a place called Shamong, about an hour from Freedom City.” she replied after finishing her bite “My family are originally from Greece though, my grandparents move here in the late ‘50s. From the tales granny tells the place was a bit of a mess back then!”
  8. The Scarab III Kamala had taken this pause to duck down behind the desk to quickly check her device was still functioning, for a bodge job she was proud how well it was holding up even if the battery wouldn’t last for a few minutes. As she worked she wondered what to do next, the sensible thing would be to just sit here and wait things out. After all it looked like a superhero was already on the scene, which was more or less a given in a place like Freedom City. But she couldn’t just sit here and do nothing when people were in trouble, even if all she had right now was her force field. So she tied her scarf around her face, smelling smoke on the air (and to somewhat hide her identity) before grabbing the largest book to hand to venture out and see what she could do to help.
  9. Yes they are minions and have fallen for the ruse. You can both get to them to beat up some terrorists!
  10. GM Post The three terrorist were moving down the corridor fairly cautiously, what with what they’d previously heard, weapons ready for whatever potential trouble was ahead of them. When they heard that one them was in trouble all caution was thrown to the wind and they rushed towards the voice. Not trying to be stealthy both of the Raven could hear them making there way towards the sound, as well as in the office.
  11. Bee Melissa sat on the edge of the mech and transferred back to her full size, making sure not to catch any of the Robugs. Indeed the first thing she did was give the nearest bug a playful little pat, much how you treat a puppy or kitten. “I’m afraid I only know a few word of Dakanai, I’ve been trying to learned but it’s hard to find good sources outside of the country!” Looking a little guilty at her lack of knowledge she glanced around at the mostly peaceful scene. “We should probably work this all out outside, I think the bee’s are still a little edgy after all thats happened here.”
  12. Starshine Lost in her own thoughts Rosalind wasn’t prepared for the sudden appearance of Neko, jumping back a bit in shock. It took a few seconds to quite process quite what had just happened,. “Oh sorry you shocked me a little!” Duplicators, people shrouded in shadow and shapeshifters this was her life now! Still as crazy as it seemed it was also kind of fun. “The only Japanese I know is from the local menu, apart from Konnichiwa!”she even gave a little bow “Geia sou if you will! That's hello in Greek the only other language I speak!”
  13. Starshine Carefully putting down the heavy bag, so not to startle the cat, Rosalind bent down to attempt to scritch the kitty behind the ear. She wasn’t overly home sick yet, it helped it was a couple of minutes flight away, but she was reminded of her own cat Artemis who wasn’t anything like her namesake. “Oooh save me a cookie, I’ve a little busy right now with very important stuff!” Car snacks or no she was still a little peckish, she wonder if it was something to do with using her powers something else to find out at here.
  14. Starshine “Hopefully not a good and evil version!” she laughed nervously, saying the first thing that came to mind “My names Rosalind, Rosalind Sommaripa.” she carefully pronounced every syllable, an old habit “It’s a Greek name, but as you can probably tell by my accent I’m relatively local. Not from Freedom City though.” She took a breath and gave a nervous little smile, she tended to go on a bit when nervous. “I guess babbling is one of my superpowers!”
  15. Kord Dormitories, Forth Floor Claremont Academy, Freedom City, New Jersey Saturday, September 4, 2021 After a Summer back in her apartment in New York, along with some time at the Summers family home, Callie had already moved back into the dorm. Now she was sat in the common room checking her social feeds, waiting for new and returning students. Apparently older her wanted her to take some more responsibility so had tasked her with being the floor greeter for the new school year. She was giong to do her best, in was in her blood after all, but she wasn’t going to make an effort until absolutely necessary.
  16. Starshine With a worried look Rosalind looked back down at her phone with all the important details, before her brain caught up wth what she was seeing and looked back up. Weird stuff might be common in the big city, but she was still getting use to it all. “I hope this isn’t rude to ask, but are you triplets?” Was there an etiquette to asking if someone had powers? Hopefully the school had a guide on such things, because she really needed to learn all this fairly rapidly!
  17. Starshine Rosalind was regretting insisting that she was dropped off at the end of the drive, but after an hour in a car with her mom it was either that or matricide. Ever since she’d found out about the bracelets she’d worried about how it was affecting her little daughter, more dangerous though was apparently the big bad city that had crime, alcohol and even worse boys (or girl or non-binary her mom was at least that progressive). She’d also insisted that she take a rather large bags packed with essential clothes for living in Freedom City, apparently the temperature dropped a dozen degrees in the forty miles between here and home. She’d stubbornly managed half the long, long drive before using her bracelets enhancement of her strength. Finally she reached Kord house, after checking several times, and made her way up the stairs to her floor. “Hi there I think I’m on the right floor?”
  18. The Immutable Betsy Brooks After crossing the river Betsy turned off the freeway towards the Lantern Hill, one of the oldest parts of Freedom City. Betsy had been on her best behaviour for most of the trip, keeping the swears to the minimum. Though she did dig out some of the more creative terms, its amazing what you pick up on your travels. As the streets begin to narrow and weave more, much closer to those back home, she though of something. “Just out of interest do either of you have an aversion to religious sites or symbols?” She was on to like plan E or F, hopefully she wouldn’t have to go a letter or two down.
  19. Zhenschina-voin Whilst fighting the wolf she’d noticed that the newly transformed man wasn’t overly solid on his legs, what with a wolves legs working different from humans even bipedal ones. It wasn’t a massive weakness but enough to give her an advantage. So Klara steps as if telegraphing a punch only to step to the side and sweep out the wolves left leg, the one he seemed to favour less. The beast wasn’t a trained warrior and fell for the trick crashing down as her powerful blow swept out is leg. There her luck ran out as her elbow blow went wide, the beast going down quicker than she expected.
  20. Sounds like a good idea, I'll take a -5 att for a Power Attack Attack Roll (Power Attack): 1d20+10-5 12, on the off chance that would be a 30 Toughness.
  21. Bee Electrocuting the brain didn’t seem to have much of an effect and Melissa wondered if like the real thing it had a backup brain. Or maybe not she’d have to check up on the current theories when the opportunity arose, for now she should really focus on the problem at hand. Luckily for her it seemed that the body of the beast was a great sound conductor. Not able to tell the others, that comm system was moving up the list rapidly, she zipped through the inside of the monster her tiny form zipping between the internal components of the robot. She had to concentrate on not getting distracted by the amazing technology, she did peek at one or two of the systems and almost missed that she’d reached the point where the release point was located.
  22. Knowledge [Technology]: 1d20+10 13, okay spend a HP here Knowledge [Technology]: 1d20+10 28
  23. As I've been generously allowed to join, Traveller's Initiative: 1d20+6 12
  24. Let's try something different a try and trip wolfie Attack Roll (Trip): 1d20+10 24, Trip Roll: 1d20+24 31. She has Improved Trip, so no backsies!
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