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Everything posted by Nerdzul

  1. I would gladly volunteer Nightscale, but I'm not sure he fits any of the criteria.
  2. “He is right by the way…” He tossed when they were out of earshot from Mr. Armstrong. “I mean I have done a lot of stupid stuff, before…” He lowered his eyes, now he was not sure about how much to confess, but these two had actually decided to trust him, so it was only fair that he shared at least a little. “I mean, my friend… Matt… The guy with the sign… We were bunkmates in juvie…” He sighed. “Woah that’s cool.” Luke had a childish grin of his lips when he saw their ride. He playfully caressed the hood before jumping inside with the others. Now perhaps it was not enough to put his mind fully at ease, but the Dawg had definitely managed to lift his spirit at least a little. “It’s nothing… And you deserve it.” He smiled gathering as much of his confidence as he could, his gaze shifted to cross with her own. “Yeah, I’m sure that we will… Besides, they just need to know you a bit better…” Yep, maybe? Matt definitely didn’t have much against Luke having actual super powers, but then again… It was when Luke was using those gifts to provide for him and his friends. Plus he was just one voice in a crowd. “Can I?” He asked while grabbing one of the bars. “You don’t eat? Woah that must suck. I mean, it can be neat...” Plus it’d let her save a lot of money, but then daughter of a former president, yeah, likely not one of her concerns. "But you just miss out a lot."
  3. "1994? Woah." Made sense, if Centurion was still alive. "Not bad, I mean at least we have no chance of meeting ourselves." He chuckled. Luke just grinned at Leon. A grin full of fangs, but a playful one nonetheless. Magic Mesa? So that guy really was really Centurion, not just some kind of projection. Cool. “Hello Boss.” Luke turned to face Macedon. “So we are like trapped here?” He tilted his head, curiosity in his solid gold eyes. No biggie though, surprisingly enough this wasn’t his first foray into the past. Plus there was a way back? Right? At least it felt like it... “Need a ride too, boss?” He lowered his neck again, allowing the professor to get together with the others on his shoulders if he wanted to. Stretching his wings one last time doing his best to get accustomed to the feeling of carrying a group of people. “Everyone alright up there?” He tossed, sensing some tension in Muirne’s voice. “So where to people?” Callie’s plan looked like a good one, find a tall spot where they could assess the situation… “I can bring us high enough to take a look…” He suggested, as he gathered his strength. “Hold tight!” He added, as his powerful wings started propelling them toward the sky. “Anyone has any idea about where is the park exit that Centurion was talking about? Callie? Chaz?”
  4. “Yeah, I mean, I guess they are a like ghosts? Maybe there is like an unsolved business we can fix or somethin.” Luke scratched his head. “Looks like theirs is to kidnap the president though, might not be super-easy to fix…” “Hey dead guy. First there is like no more German Empire, sorry about that.” He shrugged. “And yeah, what’s about that witch?” He joined Wraith in asking. “What did she say to you?” He furrowed his brows. Could the witch still be around? Well, she would have to be quite old for that, but then again… magic… She might as well be.
  5. “Yet here I’m… Am I right?” He forced a cocky smirk, but his eyes told a different story. Damn the coach did know to hit where it hurts didn’t him? Luke’s knuckles whitened as he kept clenching his fists. Calm down Luke... What if he was right, though? What if he was just playing pretend… With all the ‘hero’ thing. No way! And yet… The young man lowered his eyes, looking away from Mr. Armstrong. He relaxed, if only a little, when the man ‘allowed’ them to try and sort it out. Like if he wasn’t going to go anyway, permission or not. He saw himself out the door without a word. ……….. “Whatever, right?” The young man shrugged once it was just the two of them. His gaze then darted to meet Judy’s. It must suck for her too, yeah… A thousand times worse perhaps. “Hey…” He gently put one hand on her shoulder. “You are going to do great. I know that.” He smiled. “Yeah, let’s go do this.” Luke gave Ash a grateful smile. Now he didn’t know what she had Armstrong had talked about, but the fact that she was willing to bring him with them, regardless of the coach insinuations had definitely scored her a few points in the young man books. “ ‘nks” He muttered.
  6. "Hell yeah" Luke shouted triumphantly as he saw the last of the zombie eat the ground. Easy Peasy “Come on man? Don’t you know that the war is over?” he addressed the zombie head on the ground. “You lost like… “ He scratched his head. When exactly? Whatever it was like at least a hundred years anyway... “Ages ago. America kicked our asses already.” “Do you think we should burn them or something?” He asked the more veteran heroes. Made sense to him, that said, those guys were like evil… Yet their undead state was kinda sad, maybe there was another way to deal with them?
  7. Luke had to collect all of his willpower to stop himself from using Casanova, still tied as a hog, as his personal punching bag. Then again, he wasn’t sure if there was much else he could do with him and Chaz seemed to have the situation out of control. He took a deep breath, trying to assess the chaotic flow of the fight and gazed at the sky, Shift seemed to have somewhat recovered from Toxin’s offensive, but Bluebird was still a definitely a problem. She could bombard them with impunity and was flying too high for him to reach without his wings. Maybe Arrow could short work of her? But Miss Trust Fund was too occupied dealing a psycho cowgirl with a whip. Not for much she isn’t. The young man dashed through the battlefield, charging Stinger and locking her in a powerful grip using the rest of the momentum to carry her away from the fight as much as he could. “You can thank me later.” He gave Arrow a playful smirk…
  8. I don't think that Luke can get to Bluebird without transforming, but he can try to keep Stinger busy so that someone better at range maybe can? I'm gonna post IC tomorrow as my shoulder is starting to hurt after today's session, but here are his actions anyway: Move Action: Get to stinger Standard action: Try to grab stinger (using the free all out attack maneuver to get -2 defense and +2 to hit for the turn) To hit: 16 miss... Hero Point 8... at least it's an HP so so 28 in total. Grapple: 25 Move by Attack: If stinger is grabbed he will try to drag her a bit away with the rest of his move action, perhaps trying to get her out of the auditory obscure so that he can try to talk to her (and maybe use emotion control next turn to be more convincing ?). Strength Check to drag: 23
  9. “Don’t worry ok? I can’t believe they would want to hurt you anyway, I mean…” He gave Jaycee a sympathetic smile. Yeah he could vouch for his friend at least, but the rest? Who knew right? “Plus it’s safe here anyway.” “Yeah I…” Luke ruffled the hair on the back of his neck after the Coach’s remark. What the hell are you doing Matt? He felt guilty a bit perhaps, since getting to Claremont he hadn’t been around his old friends as much as he should have, immersed as he was in this new life of heroes and wonders... “Hey…” Luke frowned, and instinctively clenched his fists. “I didn’t tell him jack shit. What kind of man do you think I am?” He angrily remarked. Indeed he had put his friend at risk already, there was no way he was gonna share with him something that could get him in trouble. “Whatever. I have to go and talk to him…” Yeah and calm down the crowd? How? Scare them off maybe? No way, he wasn't gonna use his powers on these people... He had no idea, yet he had to do something...
  10. As the zombie pointed his gun at the hologram, the fake president stood showing no fear proud and unwavering in his conviction. “Then on this shores you will only find some good and proud American ass-kicking sir.” The President replied, before fading away, as Luke concentration faltered due to the adrenaline surge from the upcoming battle. The young man dashed on the beach, spectral claws surrounding his fists rending the undead flesh with ease. He grinned, when the first one fell. “And stay down!” He shouted triumphantly as he kicked the head away from the rest of the scattered remains. Good luck getting back to your body mate. With the rest of the momentum he jumped onto another one of the reanimated soldiers tearing through its torso and fully dismembering the creature. “Who is next?” He raised his fist again surveying the battlefield… Heart pounding and still ready for a fight.
  11. It's a bit of a cliché, I know hehe. That said feel free to use rule of funny to decide if Luke actually soaked someone ?
  12. Was he in trouble? Again? Being dragged by the Coach before he could finish his training session so suddenly seemed to suggest it, but the fact that he was together with the freaking daughter of the ex-president pointed in a different direction… He was gonna know soon anyway, so yeah, with no need to worry, Luke strolled through the halls with a confident pace and a cocky grin on his lips. “The punk has a name by the way.” Luke smirked. Now of course he knew who Judy was (she was on TV after all), but he hadn’t had many chances to hang out with the senior himself during his short stay at Claremont. “Luke here.” He offered to shake hands with the girls. “By the way… I know you must have heard this a million time already...” He gave Jay a playful smile the two were still on the way, ignoring the coach’s glares. “...but it takes guts of steel to do what you did Jay. You were freakin’ awesome.” Once they got to the surveillance room, Luke gave a quick look at the monitors. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just a demonstration, there was no supervillain swinging in the sky (as far as he could see) and the protester didn’t seem dangerous… Feigning a lack of interest, he grabbed the gym water botte from his battered backpack and took a generous sip from it. It was then that his eyes glanced on a familiar face. Matt! Color drained from his cheeks as he spat out the water in a cone rivaling in magnitude his dragonfire breath. Damn!
  13. 16 For real? Oh well... Miss it is... That said I kinda forgot that you can take 10 on minions is it fine if I go for that instead? With charge he should be at 20. In that case, his Damage DC is 23. And he will use Takedown attack if another zombie is adjacent to him and do the same.
  14. “Yeah. ” The young man nodded at Eira. “Plus we should be back to our time before they get here anyway am I right?” Yeah fat chance of that. The carny didn’t really look like he was gonna let them back anytime soon didn’t him? “Given us our due man? Proper Roles?” Luke furrowed his brows, trying to sound sarcastic, even threatening perhaps, although he would have to admit that after being on the receiving ends of Knieval ass kicking his chances of actually appearing intimidating weren’t exactly great. “What the hell do you mean?” He added, walking between the ‘operator’ and his machine.
  15. Nightscale is gonna try and make an illusion of the president Rolling a power check as discussed with AA on Discord: 13... Spending an HP to make a better one: 27
  16. "It ain't that different if you are a young human sometimes." Luke chuckled. Perhaps it was not the smartest thought to share in front of their accompanying teacher, but whatever right? He was about to add something else when a freaking crew of German zombies approached (at least they didn't look like Nazzi zombies, those are the worst). They didn't appear to be aggressive at least, for now, but then again, zombies so... yeah.. "President who?" Yep history wasn't exactly his forte, but then again why would German soldiers be after an old timey president? An idea started to form into his mind... Now unfortunately he had returned the smartphone that he had bought with his ill-gotten gains and his current one was barely fit to make calls, but he didn't take him too much to borrow one from one of the other kids. "Hey google that guy will ya?" "Who?" "The president come on!" Ok great. Unfortunately he didn't have time to read through the wikipedia page (perhaps actually listening in class could have helped, but well), but he did manage to get a good look at the pictures though, enough at least to get an idea of how the man looked like. Then he took a deep breath and called upon a little bit of his ancestral magic, shaping an illusion of the president making it appear like he had just walked on the scene from behind a sandy mound. "Then you are in luck. Good Sir. I was here in attendance of this fair ceremony. I hope that you bring good news from the Kaiser..." The image declared once he got a few steps closer, using a tone of the voice that Luke hoped would at least vaguely sound 'presidential'.
  17. I was debating if I should have Luke bump on the scene too, it is getting a bit busy though...
  18. Nightscale 13 IC Posts = 2 PP Think Fast 4 Lesson to Learn 2 Survival Class - Silver Lining 1 Auspicious Season 4 Capers and Casanovas 2
  19. He nodded at Leon’s plan. It was clever wasn’t it? A way to communicate with people in the present at least. “Yeah exactly.” He agreed with Pan’s objection about leaving the supervillain by himself. “I mean what is gonna happen when you two leave?” Now he had seen what Leon’s paper could do when he was around, otherwise though, wasn’t it just paper? When the carny joined them Luke’s attention shifted to him though. This guy must have known something? Right? “The ride was cool…” He smirked, although he was still massaging his lower back after the fall. “Don’t think I’d want a refund. Doing it in reverse and get back to the right time would be nice though…” "Yeah plus what he asked..." He glanced toward Pan. "Would be cool to know that too."
  20. Luke grinned when he saw Shift reaching his space safe and sound. He offered his friend a high five (well one of sort given his massive paws). So far it looked like both of his companions were faring well. That said, they still had no clue if there was an actual way out of the game. Sure the competitive side of him wanted to win, but there was no chance in the world that he would have been ready to leave anyone else behind even if that (unlikely given the love of the dice so far) happened. "Hey... what do you think we should do?" He whispered at his friend. "I mean we can't run the race until the end..." He furrowed his brows. "Dunno maybe we should check if we can at least aid one anoher." Id didn't seem to be against the rules right. His solid gold eyes landed back on his dice being rolled moments later. A three! “Not bad. Three time my average.” He chuckled. He threw a glance at his friend and then flew to his assigned tile. For a moment nothing seemed to happen, but suddenly invisible hands grasped at his scales. Trying to pull him down, keep him chained in a transparent embrace. They were not enough though. Niightscale easily broke their grip, For now at least, pushing away at the invisible threat and opening his wings in defiance.
  21. Adrenaline from the fight slowly draining away, Luke felt his head a more than a bit light from the unexpected flight. Yeah that’s gonna hurt like hell tomorrow. Whatever, besides it was his first supervillain. That was definitely cool. “Woah guy hit like a freakin’ truck by the way…” He stretched his neck, trying to shake off the dizziness again. “Are you all ok? Tnks by the way.” “Dunno we can like? Tie him up something?” Although they would have to find a binding that the dudebro couldn’t just break through. “I mean, we can’t bring him with us, but… Don’t think that leaving a guy that shot a freakin’ missile launcher at a crowd free to go is a good idea…” The young man scratched his head at Pan’s mention about just taking the ‘slow path’ back to their time. “Yeah, that would suck. Besides what are we gonna do all that time? We can’t like… stay hidden for years? No way!” “We need to figure out how that thing works…” Yep, not that he was gonna be able to help with that though. “Maybe this guy knows something?” He tossed a glance at Knieval. Pretty unlikely though...
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