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Avenger Assembled

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Everything posted by Avenger Assembled

  1. Neko considered the question seriously, appreciating Erik's show of respect for her. A kind soul showing love for a stray waif and her foster brother was an easy thing in the Espadas household, but real respect was a rarer coin she prized. It was something Raina had helped her find about herself. "I told him to be on his best behavior. I will deal with him if he is not." She considered again, then said, "He works - hard so he does not seem like a hooligan." She'd found the word in one of the old books she'd read to practice her English and found it fit her tongue just fine. "If you give him the - hard hand, his back will go up. Give him the soft hand." She had plans if things went well, but there was certainly no use broaching them before she was ready. "He is not a hooligan anymore," she added, "he is nice. There he is!" she said excitedly. When the car stopped, she turned expectantly and smiled at Leon through the doors, waiting for him to come to her.
  2. "You don't mind if I film, do you?" asked Neko seriously. "I will do it when you are out of the room, they won't even know you are there." She was a little nervous as she asked, primarily because keeping her filming from her prospective roommate would only add to the difficulties of what would already be a very challenging year. There was no way she was going to stop, not when the money was paying for - well, for whatever happened when you finished American superhero high school!
  3. Sea Devil needed only a moment to process Luke's idea before she acted on it; acted on it as she might a message from the gods themselves. Trusting her fellow hero to do his work, she went into her dance. "BEHOLD!" she bellowed in a deep, resonant voice loud enough that it caused a trace of feedback as it sounded both through her helmet and her armor's speakers. "ATTENTION EVERYONE" she added loudly, hopping up and down she stood, casual leaps that took her above everyone's head. "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!," she added, making a distinctly moist sound when she landed. "Everyone hold very still!" Her speaking voice still carried great force. "THERE IS A THING! A THING YOU CANNOT SEE!" She snorted and snuffed again, "A THING THAT COULD GOBBLE YOU UP. AN INVISIBLE THING FROM...THE TREES! HOLD VERY STILL AROUND THE TREES UNTIL IT IS GONE!"She pointed at them with her trident, waving it around for emphasis.
  4. It soon became apparent that Paul was not a very good driver. His truck blasted down the road outside of Stone Ridge, riding the center line so closely that it sideswiped several smaller, normal-sized cars out of the way. On the one hand, he'd been smart enough to head in the right direction for a high-speed chase. Zipping away from town, there was nothing but straight roads with little development on either side as they headed west across Wisconsin countryside. On the other hand, he was not a very good driver - and he was being chased by Rev. Just when it seemed like she could close on him at will, she caught sight of flashing lights in her rearview mirror; the cops! "Hm. I don't know about that," said Pete blurrily as he looked out the back window...
  5. Okay, Sea Devil will back Luke's play here, @Nerdzul, so go ahead and post!
  6. "No, you get some sleep," said Ashley Tran in a friendly sort of way, careful to keep her voice low enough that she didn't alarm the small baby she was holding as she paced the Claremont campus. With her helmet and jacket off (or rather, in her motorcycle's storage), she could have been any adult visitor to Claremont's campus. Well. Most of them weren't wearing sunglasses just in case anyone should happen to pick her out as a former student twice over; and few of them were carrying a baby. "We'll be fine...this is not more dangerous than the mining planet!" she added seriously. "You have been up with the baby all weekend. Get some rest, babe." She hung and smiled down at Phillip, who was going through a phase where he only stayed quiet when his mother was holding him. So naturally he immediately started bawling his bright blue eyes out, crinkling his little tomato face, and otherwise throwing up a storm. "Sssh, sshh..." She flushed slightly as she sang to the baby, thinking how easy her mother had always made this look. Well she'd told Carmen what to expect when they met, even if she hadn't actually seen the baby before - babies cried, what could you do?
  7. Neko hadn't asked if Leon could visit the home of her foster parents, not when there were children and witches around. So instead she, Leon, and Erik had set up a meeting at one of the many West End cafes whose owner owed their life and sanity to their local hero team. That meant a private party room and discreet service. Once they got there, anyway. In the back of Erik's car (which gave them privacy for the trip to the cafe), she took a few pictures with her phone, smiling at herself in a way that showed just a little bit of her pointed front teeth. She hadn't loosened up as such in the space of the last few years - not really - but she'd let down the mask that she'd spent her first year at Claremont hiding behind. Owain had been the same, right down to admitting to Erik the summer before that he thought he might be gay. But Neko certainly wasn't that, despite what was apparently an active and voluble queer fanbase. She'd talked about her Claremont boyfriend a few times and Erik had seen pictures, but she'd never actually brought him home. But they'd been together for the last two years, and now that he had graduated - well, now was a good time. She wasn't bothering with illusions in the privacy of the car. Her tail was curled up behind her and expressive ears up and perky atop her head, eyes glowing a little in the light as she looked up at the rearview mirror. She was wearing a bright floral yukata and would have looked a creature from another world if she hadn't been living in Erik's house for two years - or typing on her phone with one hand. She hadn't always been able to do that!
  8. "Bernadette!" said Neko, eyes lighting up with real pleasure. She quickly introduced the wide-eyed Pterradonna to one of the duplicates - Donna being happy to explain that the name was from her power to turn into a winged reptilian beast from the age of dinosaurs. "And Carmen also! How nice to see you!" She was practically running down the hall as she went, head tilted forward and bag under her arm. "How was your summer?"
  9. "Yes!" Aquaria agreed in a low rumble that might have been a stage-whisper. "It might be hiding somewhere in time. Or space!" she added firmly. "But it was not there now. It might be invisible to the eyes," she added, "but not to my nose!" She snorted inside her helmet, a noise that sounded distinctly like a seal blowing its nose. She was sure she didn't need to explain that if something was down there, she'd have been able to find it. "I think all of you should leave, or it might eat you. But if we hide, we can catch it!" She pointed at Nightscale and added, "HI know him, he is my friend. He can be very big! And toothed! Much bigger than the killer."She pointed at Diamondlight with her trident and added, "I don't know him - but maybe him too!" She struck her trident against the ground, producing a loud metallic bang.
  10. "If you want me to name names, you'll have to untie me," the redhead said, almost pleasantly. "But you're not dumb, are you, Turtleface?" she asked with a sneer. "Only one group had the money and the interest to take my man out. At least, that's what I thought before today. Techbro thinks he can reshape the world in his image? Looks like somebody else got there first." She looked Echohead up and down and said, "I'll tell you what, if you're so smart. What do _you_ think we should do with synthetic life trying to replace the biological?" - In the cleared meeting hall, Predator was introduced to the consultant, a polite young woman with braided blonde hair, a white labcoat, and goggles pushed up above her eyes that made her look a bit like someone cosplaying as a mad scientist. "Hello, Predator," she said with a faint accent. "I am Eira Katastroff, an adjutant of Miss Americana. I am familiar with your work." She knelt down next to the broken remains of the robot, her nose wrinkling as she gave it a critical look. "Can you tell me what you observed before this unit was destroyed?" As she spoke, she ran blue-tinted nails across the bisected figure's face almost delicately.
  11. No need to roll for that! Okay, your Drive vs. his Drive is not really an issue - but give me a roll to see how cool it is!
  12. Kord Dormitories, Fifth Floor Claremont Academy, Freedom City, New Jersey Monday, September 4, 2023 Though Neko Musume was close to a century old and closer to nineteen years awake than eighteen, the changes in education from her girlhood schooling to Claremont meant that she was here another year yet. That was fine with her; more time to make friends, more time to be famous, and more time to avoid thinking about what she was going to do with the rest of her life. With her single bag over her shoulder, she padded into the senior girl's floor with a toothed smile on her face. Some of her friends were gone by now - not to mention Leon - but there were still people around she knew. Tail thrashing behind her and ears twitching, she was suddenly interrupted by - "Um, excuse me?" She turned her head and spotted a short, round girl she didn't know, a dark-skinned young woman with a plump build and what were distinctly white cat ears in a barrette in her braided hair. "Are you...Catgirl Reacts?" The question was asked with half-disbelieving anticipation, making Neko stop and pay attention. She certainly looked a Japanese catgirl today, wearing a flower-print robe over her pants and shirt. "Yes!" she declared, tilting her head. "Who are you?" "I'm-oh, I'm your biggest fan!" said the other girl, which was something Neko had heard more than once. "I'm Donna, people call me Pterradonna, because of the dinosaur thing - OMG! I can't believe Catgirl Reacts is a Claremont student!" A very patient Neko smiled for the girl, listening to the sort of praise she'd gotten used to by now from her channel's admirers. This girl was talking about how much the trans community admired her, which was very nice of them - but not really news either.
  13. By some fortunate happenstance, the dune buggy was right in the parking lot where Rev had left it. Had the vampires been planning to strip it? Steal it? It was hard to say, but whoever had done this was certainly dead now. There was a boot on the front left tire, though; securely bolted into place and holding the vehicle down in such a way that she'd have to get it free if she wanted to go anywhere. It was of all things a very pleasant night, with a bright three-quarters moon in the sky; the stars swallowed up by all the security lights hereabouts. At least she knew exactly where she needed to go. "Look!" Pete managed to point out across the parking lot where a singed-looking Paul was frantically unlocking the doors of a black Ford F150, a huge pickup truck that made perfect sense if you lived fifty miles out of town in a Wisconsin forest but very little sense indeed if you actually lived in a city of this size. The vampire lord dropped his keys once, looked up and saw Rev, and then grabbed his keys, turned to smoke, and poured inside the vehicle as its engine roared to life.
  14. Aquaria wonders if the Surfacers will get mad if she eats the monster.
  15. "Or what, you'll leave me tied to a chair?" she fired back, giving Echohead a disgusted look. If he'd read her right, she wasn't going to betray herself now. "Fine, if you're both #($ers. All I have to say is that I didn't come here to kill anything. The device was just supposed to flash-fly the electronics Cardenas was carrying and kill the recording for his stupid techbro broadcast. I had no idea he was some kind of freakish, soulless robot; and neither did the people I was working for. They'd have wanted something much more colorful." She spat and said, "By the way, it was in the podium. Good thing none of you super-types thought to look there."
  16. As the flames exploded around Rev, the vampires who'd been surrounding her finally erupted into licks of flame and rotting, burning flesh. Taking stock of her situation in the smoldering garage, it was abundantly clear that she was the winner. She was battered, bruised, and scorched, but she was certainly in much better shape than they were. Perhaps the rotting, ashy corpses all around the place would cause problems for the morning Iron Talon crew, but that was a problem for later Rev to think about. The issue now was the would-be vampire lord who had started all this, Paul the accountant in his cheap Dracula getup - who looked like he was beginning to realize he'd made a mistake. "You haven't seen the last of me!" he hissed. "I'll be back; and when I return-" smoke was definitely coming from his robes, and she could see the fire had reddened his eyes even brighter than they were. "You and your friend will pay - with blood!" And with that, he seemed to turn to smoke himself, vanishing in swirling grey mist and floating out the broken window through which he'd entered, out into the Bedlam night. "We'd better get out," said Pete from where he sat in what was left of his office, "the actual cops will be here soon!"
  17. Okay, Paul from Accounting flees! He goes 250 ft with his flight speed.
  18. At home beneath the shallow water as she never could be on land, or even in the depths of Hydra's Ocean, Sea Devil sensed the tension among the small fish and scuttling things that lived in the depths of the park's reservoir. Luckily she was a scuttling thing that lived in the depths herself. "Who comes!" she demanded of a passing school of guppies, and listened to their babble about the great one that came below for some time before she found what it was she had smelled since she had first entered the water. The corpse of the Surface-Man; and man it was, she judged. Fresh too. "Hmmmmm" she rumbled as she discovered the dead body. Clumsy. Or deliberate? It was very hard to tell sometimes, and truthfully she was no detective. The hunter wanted them to see this; whatever its motives had been. She considered what to do next, tasting the blood in the water - and then bobbed back up to the surface When she saw the boy she knew (and perhaps his friend was also a superhero? one could never tell; he smelled more like meat), she waved with one long, three-fingered arm, still careful to keep herself inside her opaque armor. You never knew who might be watching. "HELLO! I AM HAPPY TO SEE YOU!" She bellowed in a voice that was much louder than any human's could have been without amplification. "I AM SORRY!" she added without preamble. "I FOUND ANOTHER DEAD BODY! SOME THING HAS HUNTED HERE!" By this time she had paddled back to the side to join the others - and it was clear she was dragging the body along with one foot.
  19. https://orokos.com/roll/989494 = 15 on Survival https://orokos.com/roll/989495 = 30 on Notice, a crit! Does that give me anything useful?
  20. The redhead stared at the two of them, then gave a short laugh. "Really. Okay." She took a breath, winced just a little, then said, "If you ask me, heroes should be looking into those thugs who thought five-on-one was a fair fight." She looked down at herself and said, "The two of you don't need little old baseline me tied up while we talk, do you? Trust me, if I was going to escape, I'd have done something while they were working me over." She tugged lightly at the zip ties that bound her and gave the heroes a suggestive look.
  21. does Aquaria spot anything under the water, @Spacefurry? I wanna describe that before she pops up and says hello to everyone.
  22. Well that's a perfectly sound idea! I'll say that takes out the minions, no reason for it not to. Vampire Lord: https://orokos.com/roll/989160 fails the Reflex save I'll keep the idea that fire does lots of damage... https://orokos.com/roll/989161 okay, that's a fail by 5+, so he's injured and dazed. and you already rolled, okay! I'll post IC.
  23. Closely guarded by Iron Talon, the redhead had obviously been worked over before they got there. Zip-tied to a chair in the hotel kitchen, she had a swelling bruise over one eye and a cut lip. The room was crowded but her eyes were hard as she glared at those who had arrived to speak with her. "We don't need supers in here!" declared one of the Iron Talon people, a big sweaty man with a neck so thick it all but disappeared into his shoulders, "just give me a little more-" "Shut your #((#ing mouth!" hissed Lawrence, all but grabbing the younger man by the arm and pulling him outside. "Everybody outside and on the perimeter! You've got five minutes," he told the super he was with as they cleared out. The redhead, still wearing her caterer's uniform, was silent. - The consultant proved rather more voluble upon her arrival, pulling up on an Archetech e-bike that made just a faint whisper of sound as it arrived outside. She walked right past the Iron Talon guards at the perimeter, flashing an ID badge for their perusal. Scarlet was there to greet her and for a moment looked suspicious, staring at the young blonde woman in the white labcoat, who looked for all the world like she'd walked out of central casting for "young mad scientist" with her blonde hair pulled in a tight bun and eyes hidden behind dark glasses. "You're the consultant?" "That is right," she agreed, her voice cool and slightly accented. She folded her hands and said, "Where is the android? You have little time, yes?"
  24. ATTACK PATTERNED by Fox Angelic: Feats: All-Out Attack Power Attack Takedown Attack 1 (to 2)
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