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Everything posted by Spacefurry

  1. Paper/Leon - 21 Who's on First? - 5 Think Fast! - 14 Hero Class: Did You Say Run? - 2 Blackstaff/Christopher - 4 Missing Pets - 2 Fate of the Serpent - 2 Chimera/Jennifer - 0
  2. "Tell me 'bout it." Leon smirked, looking at her hand for a moment before deciding to take it. "Ya, that's me." Leon returned the smirk. "Well now, that sounds like a challenge." He eyed the faint ball. "Hologram, huh? This ain't some old, sci-fi show. You can actually hit stuff with a hologram." He said, then after a moment he looked at her with a quirked eyebrow and added. "Can you?"
  3. Leon chuckled and shook his head as he chuckled. “Not sure what a Übersoldat is, but if it could break your ribs. I’m happy to avoid them.” As some of the others questioned Felix further, Leon glanced back at Sebastian, watching him when another young man enters behind Sebastian. There was something unusual about the newcomer's voice, but Leon could put a finger on it. "Hey." He said with lift of his chin as a greeting, trying to recall the room postings. "Well it ain't me or Luke." He said, thumbing over at Luke. Reaching inside his jacket Leon pulled out a sheet of paper. With a flick of his wrist the paper straighten out stiff and he glanced at it. "Hmm. Pol... says here your bunking with someone named Zachary. Any of you know him?" He looks back at the others, then at Charlie. "How about you?"
  4. Blackstaff stood behind Oz's shoulder watching the image shifts and moves. His eyes flicker here and there, searching for some kind of sign. When the little stone mouse appears Blackstaff smiles. "Well now, I guess we can consider that hard evidence" He chuckles, then clears his throat trying to stifle it. Apologizing for the bad pun. "Sorry. I guess the somewhere to start." He gives Oz a moment to put his foci away before walking with the other mage. "I should consider carrying something I can use similarly. I usually use water for visual divinations." He says making small talk as they make their way towards the mall.
  5. Leon was enjoying the rock wall, it was a fun change from climbing buildings. Letting go of the wall he landed on the mat with a satisfied huff. He stood there barefoot in sweatpants and a sleeveless t-shirt, he didn't actually have a costume yet. Besides, it was free time. Leon glanced over his shoulder only to see a volleyball coming right at him. Acting on instinct the young man twisted aside and dropped into a crouch. Even as he did so, the ball vanished into thin air before it would have actually reached him. Leon scowled for moment, but then he smirked as he stood up straight. He remembered her from the prom incident. Word he had heard around school was she was some kind of robot, android, terminator, or something. Leon's brother would be fascinated, but Leon wasn't impressed. She acted just like any other high school girl (a high school girl that could probably flip a car without any trouble judging by the weights he had seen her pressing without any trouble.). He had seen her hanging off some pretty boy in the aftermath. Leon gave the teacher a friendly smile as he cut in. "It's okay, teach...I mean, Mr Kuzkin. No harm, no foul. Besides, its not like she could have actually hit me." He added, flashing Eira a cocky smirk.
  6. Leon eyes the newcomer after he had strolled in dragging his suitcase. Between his tone and clothes, he was checking every box from pompous ass to possible mark. Leon was turning to look at Charlie to ask if he knew the guy, when a second newcomer piped in. Leon turned back and looked up... and up... and, geez the new guy was tall. At least this one introduced himself. Leon noted the scarring on his forearms, together with his build, and he ticked the ‘do not let him grab you’ box. After a moment Leon mentally ticked the box again for emphasis. Leon chuckled looking from Adam to Felix. “Really? Well damn, there goes my boasting.”
  7. Leon liked that idea even less. Now he really wanted to get his hands on those files. "Well guess I know what I'm doing tonight." He thought to himself. Leon shrugged nonchalantly. "Couple of us students and one of the teachs were able to slip into the control room. That robot girl told us we had to reboot the system, but we only had a small window to do it right. And well, obviously we did it ." Leon regarded Charlie a moment longer before finally shrugging again. "Fair enough. Powers aren't the end all. Skill has saved my butt more then once." "Scientia potentia est." He grinned, then glanced back at the others. "I'd be down for a game of soccer one of these days." He agrees letting the conversation move along. He would still have to do his own 'research' later.
  8. Leon held up his hands defensively. "Na man, I didn't mean-" Leon strared at Luke for a second before chuckling. "Okay, you got me that time." Leon watched Charlie as he passed, then glanced to Felix as he answered first. "So, what you're saying is that 'Ya, basic'." Leon smirked and chuckled. Leon side-eyed Luke with raised eyebrows and chuckle. "Damn, that sounds pretty epic. The soccer bit I mean." Leon shrugs. "I guess the dragon thing's cool too." Leon grins and chuckles at the friendly jibe at Luke. Leon's grin vanished as Charlie went on, his eyes narrowing in suspicious concern. He quickly covered it up as he put on a cocky smirk. "Jeez, didn't realize being a know-it-all was a superpower, but congratulations at least you know how to read files. I'll go ahead and spoil myself, I was picked up by the cops and I made a deal: juvie or Claremont." Guessing that the young man had accessed their files beforehand. Leon suddenly felt the desire to have late night study session of his own. Maybe he could get Luke to join him, provided he hadn't gone all goody-goody since last time he saw him. "And I don't just control paper, paper and I have a special relationship. You could almost say I'm a paper master." Leon felt the need to boast a little. "You also left out the part where I saved the graduating class from their own prom." Leon crossed his arms, his right hand rubbing the realistic looking paper left arm. When he realized he was doing that he drops his arms, putting his left hand in his jacket pocket as he waves his right dismissively. "I mean there were some others there who might have helped a little, but it was mostly me."
  9. Paper/Leon - 5 Who's on First? 5 Blackstaff/Christopher - 1 Missing Pets 1 Chimera/Jennifer - 0
  10. Stepping out into a out of sight spot, the hectic flurry of the Yellow Brick Row district hit like a trumpet after the quiet of Charlemange's entrance hall. "Well, I don't hear any screaming." Blackstaff commented as he paused and listened. "That's good sign so far." Blackstaff glanced around to get his bearings before he stepped out into the flow of foot traffic. "You've been here before so you know your way around already too." He says as they walk. "If you were a cockatrice that wanted to meet new people, where would you head towards? My top two guesses would be either towards the Cannery if it got hungry or if it was looking for lots of people, the Emerald Palace." Blackstaff asked, using the nickname for the Atlas Mall. He glanced over at Oz to get the other mage's opinion.
  11. Leon made his way down the short hall to the first floor common room. Three other young men were already in the room, two making themselves at home on the couches and another standing nearby offering help to a forth teen just entering. Leon was sizing up Charlie and Tremayne on the couches when the newcomer addressed him directly before introducing himself to the others. It took Leon a second to recognize the newcomer. "Luke...? Oh ya, I remember you now." He gave the Luke a smirk. "I wouldn't say 'for good'. Just till I get bored." "What about you? Wouldn't have thought I'd see you here. Guess there was more to you that I thought." He grinned and chuckled. "I would've offered to a ride when the others came to 'pick me up'." Leon was intentionally keeping things vague, but he was sure Luke would pick up his meanings.
  12. Leon hadn't had much in the way of personal items, so moving from the temporary room he had been in to room 112 was quick. A handful of books, a mix of soft and hard-cover were scattered seemingly haphazardly on several shelves. Most of the books, some of his old clothes and sprinkling of a few other personal items had arrived via 'care packages' with no return address. These had drawn a grin from Leon when he had gotten them. The only other thing in the packages was a letter in his sister's neat handwriting. The letter had, again, jeered him for getting caught and reassuring him that she and his brother were not planing to stop having fun. The letter ended signed only Circle and Satchel. It was short and to the point, but then, they had had a long conversation shortly after he had arrived at Claremont since they hadn't been able to see each other while Leon had been in the hospital. The letter was tucked into books on the shelf, out of sight in a copy of Feed, one of his favorite books. It was nice to have real clothes again, paper clothes were okay but not as good as real ones. He was wearing slightly faded jeans and a t-shirt sporting a cartoon fox passing through a prism with multiple tails poking out the back, each one a color of the rainbow. The jacket he pulled on though, as real as it looked, was made of paper. He always preferred to have some paper on hand but the school staff didn't want him carrying around all of his paper, but he still wore at least one of his thigh packs. Looking himself over in the bathroom mirror he ran his fingers through his short black hair. Passing back through the room Leon glanced over at the other side of the shared room. "Luke Landers." Leon thought to himself. That had been the next to his on the room assignments listings. "Sounds familiar." "Hmm." Leon moved towards the door, opening it to step out into the hall.
  13. NEW STUDENT Name: Leon Moore Codename: Paper Year: Sophomore Pronouns: he/him Prospective Roommate: Surprise me. ? Goal: Survive until graduation and then freedom. He'll play along and learn all the hero stuff, just to prove he can. Once he free, he can reunite with his brother and sister, then... well, it a big world, who knows what can happen. First Impression: With a mischievous smile, sharp wit, and sharper tongue Leon acts aloof; but he enjoys slipping into things uninvited, whether its conversations, action, or locked places. Leon can always be found with a book or two.
  14. "Thank you." Christopher thanked Barry as he accepted the offered googles. Tucking them in to a pocket for the time being as she stepped up to Charlemagne and also accepted the bags. "The Yellow Brock Road shopping district? That's as good as any place to start." He gives Charlemagne a confident smile and a nod. Pocketing the bags with the googles Christopher turns. "On the clock, and it's already ticking." He starts to head towards the doors. "With any luck, your missing pets will be home before you know it."
  15. Before I forget again. Paper/Leon - 0 Blackstaff/Christopher - 1 Missing Pets - 1 Chimera/Jennifer - 0
  16. I am so sorry. I had a massive brain fart and forgot to post for June. >< It's not much, but ever little bit helps. ? Paper/Leon - 5 Just Like Fire 5 Blackstaff/Christopher - 10 Plea of the Serpent 9 Missing Pets 1 Chimera/Jennifer - 0
  17. Leon scowls at Danica's back, then glances at the others. "Well, if it'll keep me from having to go back to the boring video call." He shrugs. "Guess it can't be any more boring down there now. Besides, gotta let the seniors know it was a couple of underclassmen that saved there hides." Leon smirked as he hurried past Danica. He paused after a moment looking back at her. "Jeez, you're slow." Turning away, Leon started walking again and waved his hand. The sound of rustling paper started and Leon's jacket sheds into sheets of paper, the color and texture fading as they do. Seemingly caught in some nonexistent breeze they carry over to Danica and swirl around her. Then suddenly the surge together under her and the turtle girl finds herself astride a paper wolf. With a beckoning motion the quickly follows after Leon, carrying Danica easily. "I'm not being nice." He says without prompting, in a seemingly bored tone. "I just need to someone to back me up when I tell the big boys the deal."
  18. It felt good helping others, though he wasn't about to admit it to anyone. Leon smiled to himself thinking how Richard would have been proud of him, his brother was always better at computers. Elizabeth would have called him an idiot for getting involved and punched him in the arm. It was just how his sister would have showed approval. Leon smiled a little more, but sadly now. He missed them both everyday. Leon realized he was smiling and quickly stopped, looking around to see if anyone was looking at him.
  19. Blackstaff returns Advay's smile unfazed. "I don't find myself down here regularly and the paths can change between my visits. I wouldn't want to rely solely on my mental map of Sub-Terra." He pulls the compass from his pocket. "And this is a fine piece of work." The wizard opens the compass out of curiosity, before closing it and returning it to his pocket. Letting his fingers brush the key. "Now then, let's get you out of here safe and sound." As they walk Blackstaff informs Advay about he plans to smuggle his out of the city and to Freedom City, and hopefully out of the reach of the clans.
  20. Christopher nodded as he scribble a few notes. “And your entrance seems to move, where would it have been at the time?” He looks up at Charlemagne. “Just so we have a starting point to search from. Unless they could have escaped to a different location?” As they wait for Barry to return with the goggles Christopher considers his notes. “Is there anything they like that we could use as bait? Food they can’t resist, a favorite possession or toy, or the like?”
  21. Leon listened careful as Eira went over then instructions, directing Heroditus to another terminal with a list of some of the commands. Some of what she was asking them to do would require two people imputing commands. Once the Atlantean assured him he understood Leon turned to the others. He had Danica, Benny and the professor stand by several switches across a handful of computer banks along the walls that would need to be manually restarted in proper order. With a quick glance around he took a deep breath. "Richard, hope I don't let you down." Leon's fingers quickly moved through the sequence as Eira had laid it out. Without looking up he calls over to Heroditus to start his chain of commands. "Now!" A few tense seconds follow, the sound of keys tapping punctuated the hum and crackle that drifted around the control room. Leon finished his command prompts and looked to Heroditus, watching as the other typed in the last command on his list and signaled Leon he was done. Snapping around he pointed to Professor al-Salaf and started counting off. "1. 2." Indicating breakers on the banks to be reset. "3. 4." He said pointing to Benny in turn, then finally to Danica. "5." Leon turned back to the monitor and watch as each bank began to cycle, all except the last one. "I said 5!' He called again looking back at Danica trying not to sound paniced. He saw the girl struggling with the last switch which had stuck in the off postion. Even as Leon started to move, Benny beat him to it. In two easy steps Benny crossed to Danica's side, and with his help, wrestled the breaker switch back on. Leon quickly turned back to the screens, hoping they were still in time. As the first banks indicated clean starts he watched the last one. ...56%...61%...73%...80%...89%... Leon positioned to give the final set of commands, fingers tensed. ...94% ...96% ...98% ...99% ...RESTART COMPLETE Leon punched in the last commands and stepped back as the Doom Room's systems began to cycle and reboot.
  22. Okay, so I guess that makes it 17 + 4 for a total of 21.
  23. Blackstaff watches the morlocks as Advay makes his way to the boxes. As they line up behind the researcher he nods approvingly and glances back at the morlocks. "No hard feelings, it was nothing personal." Taking the lead he starts back down the cliff face. "Ba is a fine bird." He says conversationally. "He's already made himself at home." Once the two are well out sight and ear shot Blackstaff stops Advay. "One second." He takes the man's forearm and pulls the bracelet from his pocket. Slipping it Advay's wrist around he closes it, activating its magic. "This should keep anyone from being able to track you magically." Slipping his hands into the pockets of his coat the wizard glances down the tunnel. "I don't suppose you know any less used paths leading up to the surface?" He asks hopefully. "It won't help much if we run into someone face-to-face."
  24. "I am who I am." Blackstaff replies. "To an extent I d-" He starts then stops. He looks back at Advay, then to the boxes. "Because, of course." He sighs under his breath. Keeping an eye on the morlocks he starts again in a calm, matter-of-fact tone. "I'm sorry Mister Upal, but I can't guarantee your safety carrying five boxes with us." After just a moment of thought. "But you are the client, so I think we can manage two boxes and still make good time. You need to decide quickly, and I can destroy anything you don't want taken." He offers.
  25. Burning a HP for alternate power under the Magic array: Snare 10 (Extras: Area, Selective Attack; Flaws: Action [full round], Distracting) [additional descriptor: Ice]
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