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Everything posted by Spacefurry

  1. Whirling winds wrap around Advay pulling him away from his captors. They carry the researcher out over the cliff face and around the morlocks before setting him safely behind Blackstaff, positioning the wizard between the morlocks and his client. His attention focused on the morlocks as they try to regroup, Blackstaff's mind is already pulling together a spell on the fly. He assembles the words quickly and pours magic into them. The temperature on the cliff face drops instantly as he the arcane words echo off it and the magic strains against the nature heat and dryness of the cavern. Suddenly, in a flash, an arctic gale erupts in a vortex of ice and wind that washes over everyone. With a concentrated effort to direct the spell around himself and Advay the magically created ice crashes over the morlocks like a wave, threatening to trap them where they stood.
  2. Not sure about Danica or Benny so I'll just roll now. 17 If one of them has a higher skill is higher my roll can count as an aid check.
  3. Blackstaff sighed. "Plan B it is then." His eyes focused on the morlocks like a professional bowler staring at the ten pins. With a swipe of his hand he flung the floating creature into it's brethren, releasing it as he did so. Reaching out with his magic he grabs for Advay, swiping the arm back across in an arc in an attempt pull the researcher around the morlocks to his side.
  4. Crap just realized I never posted after I got your reply. :facepalm: Initiative 13 Attack (assuming with Move Object @ +8) 16 Grapple (base attack [+4] + MO [+8] = +12?) I'll be damned, nat 20
  5. Blackstaff looks past the morlock leader at the bedraggle man being led out onto the path. He sighs heavily. “I’m sure you’re all just doing what you’re told. But I’m afraid I’m on the clock as well.” “Mister Upal, I assume.” Blackstaff calls past the morlocks before switching to Sumerian, hoping the researcher understands it. “I apologize for not getting here earlier. Are the papers and materials important?” The tip of his rod glowing brighter as the air around it distorting from the heat.
  6. Leon is scanning the console when the screens sudden goes blank. He glances around and sees Heroditus stand near the severed power lines. “Good job.” He says begrudgingly an turns to watch the shudders open to reveal the interior of the room. “What in the…?” Leon looks down with some visible confusion. At the sound of the voice from the room’s speakers Leon half turns his head, his gaze still glancing around the chaos below. “We can hear you.” He says out loud, assuming there was some kind of mic pick-up in the control room. “New student, who dis?” Leon asks as he pulls his eyes away from the fight to judge the reactions of the others inthe room to the voice.
  7. Because, I'm just not allowed to make social rolls lately. ? Intimidation check 10
  8. Blackstaff thought he had my his point when the morlocks hesitated. He allowed himself a small smile of satisfaction... which promptly vanished when one of the morlocks steps back in and swings at him only for it to glance off the force field. He was losing his patience. "That is enough!" He yells as he raises the blasting rod. The blue-white light of it's tip shifting to a red-orange flare as he aims it at one of the stalactites hanging from the nearby ceiling. His voice echoes with a roar of anger as the spell burns the words as he shouts them and a lance of intense flames slams into the rock with destructive force. He swings the rod back around at the morlocks, the tip of it shedding waves of heat as the red-orange light pulses.
  9. Second verse, same as the first. ? Ranged attack 21 Move Object 18
  10. Okay, so I think the ranged attack for the MO is only the +4 base if I'm reading right. So, Ranged attack is only a 10 And judging from the description he doesn't really have any where to move other then to try to dodge. (Which hopefully I can do that better then Gohan. ? ) Free action will hopefully be sustaining the MO if I can hit with it.
  11. Blackstaff only half watched as the morlock fell to the icy blast. He hoped he hadn't over done it, but didn't have time to dwell on it. The wave of assailants pressed him back against the cliff face as he ducked and weaved away from the first few blows and attempted grabs. A spear tip glanced off near his shoulder with a few sparks, protected by his magical shielding. "Okay, no more mister nice guy." He growled as he thrust his left hand out again. A whisper of power laces ancient words as a rush of wind tries to envelope another morlock to suspend them in the air.
  12. "Come on fellas. I don't want to hurt you, but this is business." Blackstaff shakes his wrist loosely as he drops his left hand, willing the shield bracelet to activate. Raising his right hand, a bright blue-white light blazes at the rod's tip, frost dripping from it as it flares. He exhales an ancient word in a wisp of echoing frost as he unleashes a ray of freezing wind and ice at the onrushing leader of the pack as they swarm him.
  13. Initiative 6 >< Power check for Blast 16 I just rolled a power check targeting the 'leader', but with them surrounding him, in the confusion it could target any of them. ?
  14. Leon glanced back at Danica as she joined them in the control room. He looks over at the screen and watches the binary code scroll by. He couldn't fully comprehend it as it, but he moved over to the console. "Anyone smart enough to build this, should have been smart enough to build a e-stop." Leon beings searching the console for any indication of an off switch. "Look around for some kind of fuse box or something." He looks over at the Professor. "Is there any kind of maintenance access? Look for anything that might be an access hatch." He says, turning to Heroditus. "As fancy as it is, its still just a machine. If we can find the power feeds we should be able to kill it, or at least parts of it in theory." Turning back to the computer he starts trying some of the key command shortcuts and prompts his foster brother taught him in an effort to gain some kind of access, even if its just back to the main menu.
  15. Know, Tech check if needed 24 Computer check too if needed 22
  16. Power check for Move Object 19 trying to grab the morlock The plan is to grab him and slam him into the other one, maybe pin them both long enough to pass them.
  17. Blackstaff sighed and pulls his hands out of his pockets. "I'm sorry fellas. But I can't have my client being cut down or carried away before I even meet him. Especially when I've already been paid." With the blasting rod in his right hand he raised his left and open his hand, palm out towards the morlocks. With a effort of will he utters a short phrase in a nearly forgotten language and a focused gale of attempts to envelope the creature closest to the edge of the cliff face.
  18. Christopher gives a look of concern at the mention of a cockatrice. "Obviously." He agreed. "I would like to return them to you unharmed, as well." Pulling a small notepad and pen. "How long have they been missing? And where could they have appeared around the time they escaped the grounds?" He asked ignoring the man's obvious jabs at his assistant.
  19. Grabbing the paper from the printer Leon stepped back out into the hall in time to followed the others down the stairs. "Things could be worse." He says as he hands the paper to Professor al-Salaf. "It says machines have gone nutso, but no one's hurt. Also says to bring energy other then electricity." Leon looks around for a door, then taps on the opaque glass. "Is it in here?" He asks, not having actually been in the Doom Room yet himself.
  20. “Of course.” Blackstaff said with a nod as the rock men returned to the wall. He was grateful as he finished the climb down, noting he had misjudged the height. ****** With his flashlight and the compass, Blackstaff wound his way through the tunnels and passages. He kept aware of his surroundings but kept his attention ahead of him. Inhabitants down here hid themselves well, especially from strangers. They liked, he had learned, their privacy even more than those above ground. He could appreciate the work that went into the compass as it guided him through the maze. Mentally he contemplated the possible construction as he walked to occupy his mind during the some two hour trek. As the temperature began to rise, he started to regret the long coat he was wearing. “Hmph.” He grunted as he stood at the opening to the large cavern. He eyed the rivers of molten rock as he took in the massive cavern. Blackstaff regarded the pair resting amongst the crags and rocks, then regarded the compass again. Following the path of the needle pointed his gaze fell on the group of morlocks. Looking down at the compass then back up again he sighed. “Because, of course. Couldn’t be that easy.” Pocketing the compass and the flashlight, he drew the blasting rod from its inner holster. Keeping it in hand he shoved his hands into the coat and started up the cliff path closing on the group from behind. As he followed the path up along the cliff face, he glances down at the rocky floor easily a good hundred feet below. “Gentlemen.” Blackstaff calls out to the group as he gets within a couple dozen yards. “I don’t suppose you’d be willing to let me pass.” He asks in a hopefully friendly tone, but in his pocket he tightens his grip on the blasting rod.
  21. Christopher smiled as the two friends reacquainted themselves. "I hope so, that's what all my cards say." He tried to project calm and reassuring manner. Christopher's posture shifted ever so slightly as he mentally shifted to a business mindset. "Missing?" He repeated. "As in they escaped, or 'missing', as in they were taken? And are any of them considered dangerous?" He asked wanting to get to what he thought might be two of the most important questions out in the beginning.
  22. Leon glanced around the lobby with impatient indifference as Heroditus and Prof. al-Salaaf examined the elevator. Danica was on the phone with one of the teachers Leon was fairly sure he hadn't run into yet when something caught his attention. He heard the faint hum of a printer warming up, a second later he heard and sensed the paper moving through the machine. He felt the change in the paper as went from fresh blank sheets to something new, a message. Through the window in the door he read the words as the printer feed the paper out. "Hmm..." Looking down at the lock on the door he reached up without looking and pulled down one of the streamers. With a flick of his wrist the paper twisted and stiffed into a thin rod. Sliding the paper rod into the lock Leon fiddles with the lock for a few moments, reshaping the paper little by little until the lock clicked and the door opened. Looking back over his shoulder he give a short whistle to get the professor's attention. Then with a nod of his head at the door he pushes it open. "Hey teach, think you might wanna see this." He says casually and walks into the office and over to the printer.
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