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Everything posted by Spacefurry

  1. Was gonna have Blackstaff burn a HP to create a fog to hide the ship.
  2. Toughness save 27 Edit: Scratch that. Accidentally rolled full Toughness, Should have only been a +1 so total should only be 18
  3. Taking Tremayne's phone, Leon uses ite to video-call his own phone. Switching to the back camera, he leaves the line open as he pockets his phone and pulls out a few sheets of paper. He wraps Tremayne's phone in the paper then tosses the boy's phone into the air, the paper folding out into the body of a small bird with Tremayne's phone nestled in it's body. Pulling his own phone out again, Leon's screen shows the view from Tremayne's camera. The paper bird flays towards the house to get a look inside the windows. "Always case a target before going in." Leon says as he watches his phone to learn the layout, and possibly where the girls are inside.
  4. Blackstaff opened his mouth to reply when the Hawaiian shirt claiming to be a man called Zach interrupted them. Christopher never saw the appeal of the style, but to each their own he thought. The captain was calling on him and it was only polite to hear her out. Looking back at 'Heir' he gave her a friendly smile and moved to stand. "I'm sorry, it looks like we'll have to continue this later." Excusing himself, Blackstaff crossed the deck to the stairs and descended. He mentally made a note of which door the professor's voice came from as he passed it... just in case. The armored girl seemed polite and hadn't struck him as very aggressive. But what she had said had him on alert. Opening the door to the bridge, he stepped inside carefully at Alaynah's invitation. He took the offered seat and regarded the captain. "She seems pleasant enough." He answered neutrally, but smiled. "Though I guess I've watched too many old pirate films. I thought stowaways were tossed overboard." He joked.
  5. Blackstaff met Neil's attention and held up his hands in a placating gesture. "It's okay. We're not going to hurt." He said in a calm tone, trying to keep the creature's attention on himself and not startle it. Behind the goggles his eyes flickered in Oz's direction. He hoped the man had a way to restrain the cockatrice and chided himself for not making sure before hand. Slowly he moves his hand toward his coat pocket and the treats in it. "In fact, I think I have something you might like." Pulling out a couple treats, he cautiously tosses one to land in front of Neil.
  6. Leon waves Luke off as he side-eyes Pan. "I'm fine. I just prefer a good coaster over spinnin' like a top." He stretches a little and takes a deep breath. "And come on guys, you can get burgers anywhere. We're on the boardwalk..." He grins. "We need to get some chili-dogs and onion rings."
  7. For all his bluster, the relentless spinning did a number on the young man. He did his best to play it off as he followed Eira and Pan off the ride with Luke. He preferred coasters over just spinning around, but luckily it only had him dazed for a moment or two as he found his balance. His sister would have loved it, he had yet to see her fazed by any kind of joyride, kinda like Eira. ”Must be nice not having an inner ear.” He jokes and glances at Luke to see how he was handling it. He looked back at Eira and gave her an inquisitive look. “Do you even eat? Do have a literal hollow leg or somethin’?” Leon snickered.
  8. Leon glances in the direction of the office door when it opened. He caught the colors of the setting set behind the head mistress as she stood there. When the sky outside turned a sudden, sickly green from the hellish looking flames he was on he feet in an instant. He only caught a glimpse of the flames through the windows when the metal shutters slammed into place. ”The fu-“ He started to say when he looked over at Luke. “I really hope this isn’t a usual thing around here. Although the after the prom...” He let the statement trail off. Leon turned his attention to Head Mistress Summers to gauge her response on just how bad this was by her reaction.
  9. Will save 19 Needed to roll a 17 or better. ?
  10. Blackstaff raised an eyebrow quizzically and eyed the table and chairs the armored girl had conjured out of thin air. He hadn't seen her cast any spell of even felt the familiar stirring of magic that came with casting, but it was definitely some form of magic he thought. "Must be something innate. Is she a demon or some other creature from the beyond Earth's realm?" He wondered as he eyed her again. "No, I don't think so." He watched the creatures that seemed drawn to her, help her down. At first he thought it was because of the armor, but something else tugged at the corner of his thoughts. He dismissed it for now and focused on 'Heir' as she spoke again. "No, thank you." He said, politely turning down the drink. He was on the clock, as it were. Plus, until he was sure about her, he shouldn't trust anything she could simply conjure up. Sitting across from her he listened to her recount of events without interrupting. As she did so, he added to the profile he had been putting together of her. He had already ruled out her being a demon, or a devil for that matter. Nothing about the girl struck him as being of the fair folk, maybe a changeling though? He couldn't tell her features past the armor. From what she said, he didn't think she was a part of any of the clans. She had to be an outside agent, like himself. He nodded as she mentioned Professor Upal by name, acknowledging he knew who he had brought with him. Blackstaff tilted his head a little as he looked at her for a silent moment. She was being earnest as far as he could tell. Not looking away from her gaze he answered as honestly as he felt he could. "I would wager, for the same reason as you're here. I believe my client, just as you seem to believe yours."
  11. Blackstaff ignored the protests of the for the most part to start with. As the crowd became more agitated he tried to calm them with a polite tone. "Look, we're sorry. We're just looking for a-" What ever he was about to say was cut off by the sudden scream. Blackstaff cursed under his breath and turned to look. The cockatrice was sitting calmly in front of the screen, for now. He didn't want to wait to see for how long. Oz was already approaching from his side. Blackstaff began to move down his side as he tried avoid the crowd that he was sure was about to start panicking. "Everyone, please remain calm and do as he said. Close your eyes." He tried to sound calm and authoritative. "We are trained to deal with these kinds of situations." He lied. And if Oz looked at him he'd just give a little shrug. Blackstaff looks around for anything that might be helpful. He gaze settles on the curtains hanging by the screen. An idea forms as he creeps closer and he starts gathering magic and shaping the spell in his mind.
  12. "Not that you're bragging." Leon teased as he followed the others onto the ride and began to secure himself. "I think we got this." Leon grinned. Only Leon's expression stiffened as he matched Pan's gaze. "Being a trickster is fun, but stealing is survival." He thought to himself. "Pretty boy probably never had to work for anything in his life." He looked away as the ride started, trying to enjoy the ride as he watched the ground fall away and the momentum pick-up.
  13. Blackstaff nodded thoughtfully, studying 'Heir' as she spoke. It was only for moment, but he thought he saw something troubling her. "To be honest, it can be difficult to tell sometimes. I'm sure it would never freely give it's true name, but if you knew the name it went by you might find a lead." He said. "You could maybe trace the name back, find out what realm it originated from. As long as it hadn't took up the name of another creature. They do that sometimes to hide themselves." Blackstaff regarded the mounted girl for a moment, then reached into his jacket. He produced a business card and held it up to 'Heir'. "If you're having problems with something nasty, I can try to help. Or, if you just want someone to dig up info I can try to help with that too."
  14. Blackstaff glanced around the screening room. He leans closer to Oz and lowers his voice. "I'll check the left if you take the right. Hopefully there's enough light so if one of us spots him, they can signal the other. We'll see if we can lure him out with the treats without causing a scene." He suggests as he pulls the package of treats. He divides the threats, stuffing some in his coat pocket and handing the rest of the package to Oz.
  15. Leon sat beside Luke in the head mistress's waiting room. He had received a couple 'care packages' from his freedom flaunting siblings, but someone had said something to the right person. So now; a new TV, game system and one surprise floor inspection later here he was. He sat reading a book as he waited for his turn to see Miss Summers. Leon lowered his copy of Blackout and glanced sideways at Luke with a smirk, then over at Adam. He didn't take long to size-up of the older boy. Something was off about him, and it wasn't just the boy's skin tone. Leon couldn't decide what it was at the moment. "My guess, not getting out enough. It's called the sun, you should try it some time." He smirks and glances back at Luke. "He looks like he should be in the background of my book." He waves the paperback to emphasize his point.
  16. Blackstaff eyed 'Heir' casually, nodding at her inquiry regarding magic. "Demons? I suppose that depends. There are a lot of creatures that get mislabeled as demons." He blew a small bubble and popped it as he thought. "If you mean actual demons from one of the outer realms, I have studied them some." He gives 'Heir' a friendly smile as he leans back against the railing. "Normally I charge a consultation fee, but it looks like we'll be stuck together here for a bit. So, what can I help you with?"
  17. The scenario is daytime and the building is a single house type with a yard all the way around it?
  18. "Let me see it." Leon held out his hand to Tremayne as he nodded, clearly asking to see the phone as he pulled out his own. "Right, so avoid a head on fight with your sister, duely noted." He glanced over at Sureshock's 'little display' and cocked an eyebrow. "I guess some of us don't need to worry about dead batteries." He joked glancing around the fake street and it's surroundings. "Metal, huh? Does that mean she can ground you out?" He asked giving the other boy a side glance.
  19. Chimera could make her first appearance against a were-Cap. Paper is always looking for some excitement at the Academy And Blackstaff is willing to stand against anyone abusing magic. So if you need someone to step in to get a tread started just let me know who you'd like.
  20. “You shouldn’t underestimate paper tigers.” Leon said with a smirk. Looking over at Luke he grinned and nodded his head after Pan and Eira. “Let’s show the old hats that there are new kids in town.” Then followed the pair towards the ride.
  21. "If we wanted to behave, we would've stayed on campus." He countered Eira as the boys walked up and shot Pan a smirk. In line, Leon waited to get his hand stamped. "We haven't been here in years. Last time, my sister cussed out one of the stall operators for rigging a game." He chuckled. "It was funny to see a grown man squirm from a 13 year old's rage. She got him to hand over the prize she wanted just so she'd stop making a scene." Past the gate he looked around and grinned. He looked over at the 'Delirium' and cocked an eyebrow. "I guess we can start with the kiddie rides." He joked. Leon put out a hand on Luke's arm. "It's cool Luke. If Peter and Tink wanna spend some time alone." He teased, his tone hinting at something unsaid. "I'm sure we can find something to 'entertain' ourselves."
  22. Leon made a non-committal noise as his attention was focused on the building, sizing up the two-story building. His attention shifted to the girls as Tabitha joined Kendra to take their head start. As he watches them enter the building he addresses Tremayne. "Two questions. You know what the girls can do? And, what can you do?" Leon paused, then added. "Third question, you got your phone?"
  23. Blackstaff nodded in greeting to Zach and the gargoyles in turn. All of them radiated magic except the captain. When Alaynah says the armored rider can introduce herself, his original thought that she wasn’t a member of the crew was further confirmed for him. Perhaps another passenger he thought. He looks up at the Dreamer and gives her a polite nod. “Heir. Christopher Daye, Blackstaff Investigation.” He introduces himself as he took a moment to sort through the magical auras surrounding the rider. He wasn’t surprised the horse registered as magical, the armor as well. Through those though, he could pick up her magic as well and it was significant. Looking back he watches Advay as the professor hurries after the gargoyles, heading below deck, followed closely by Zach. He nods to Alaynah. “Thank you, captain.” Blackstaff mentally noted the captain’s comment about Zach having tracked him. As she too disappeared below, Blackstaff stared after for a moment and then moved to the railing to lean on it. When the boat cleared the sewers and he could see the sky overhead again Blackstaff took in a breath and exhaled. It was only a little better than it had been before. After all, they had only just exited, but the salty scent was a nice change. He relaxed, only a little, as looked out across the water at the other vessels going to and fro. Around the boat, multiple magical auras gathered and moved through the water. Only a few shared the deck with himself and the rider. “Is she a summoner?” He wondered off-handedly as he glanced back at her and the ‘companions’. He turned back to the water and heard the clockwork stead’s hooves on the deck as it approached. “Oh?” Blackstaff asks, pulling something small out of the interior of his jacket as he turns to face ‘Heir’. Looking up at her to opens a tiny paper wrapped item, he puts the contents in his mouth and chews lightly. Holding a small brightly colored container towards her. “Gum?” It was at the same time, a silly but polite gesture. Something that might throw some ever so slightly off, but then he was a man of finding advantages where he could.
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