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Everything posted by RocketLord

  1. For the sake of Sunburn having fallen down, I'll consider her flat-footed, which means that's a hit. I'm guessing this is the Spdr Blast, which means a DC25 TOU: 16 Fail by 9, dazed and a bruise. Give me an IC, while you all gang up on poor Sunburn. 35 - Technaux - 0HP - Uninjured 19 - Metamind - Unconscious 19 -- 10x Mind Controlled Civilians - 3 Uninjured, 3 entangled, 4 bound and helpless 18 - Shrike - 1HP - KO 16 - Emerald Spider - 0HP - Bruise (x1) 15 - Sunburn - Bruise (x1), Dazed, Demoralized (ATK/CHECK -2) 11 - Dinostroyer - Unconscious 4 - Kanunu - 1HP - Bruise (x2)
  2. Doktor'd Justice 9PP available Saves: 2PP Will Save +2 Feats: 3PP Add Luck 3 Powers: 4PP Increase the rank of the Justice Armor device by 1, to rank 14, costing 4PP --- The Justice Armor should now be a 70PP container. Currently 5PP available. Gonna move some things around in the Justice Armor device. Getting rid of the I.D.E.A. Systems power as an array, freeing up 11PP, for a total of 16PP available in the armor. Replacing it with the following container: I.D.E.A. System 4 (15PP Container) [15PP] Super-Movement 1 ("Z-Space Portal"; Options: Dimensional Movement [To and From Z-Space]; Extras: Portal (+2), Feats: Progression [Portal Size] 3) (Up to 50ft x 50ft portal) [7PP] (Dimensional, Magic, Z-Space) Super-Senses 8 (Options: Counter Visual Concealment, Counters Visual Obscure, Uncanny Dodge [Visual]) [8PP] (H.U.D., Computer Analysis, Combat Subroutines) Getting rid of the Enhanced Strength power in the R.I.D.E.R. System, using the 4PP from that to increase the Z-Space Arsenal array to rank 10. That leaves me with 1PP to spend, which I use to add another Alternate Power to the Z-Space Arsenal, adding an Obscure effect. On top of that, I'll also rename the Power Sword to Justice Strike. Same effect, different descriptors. All in all, the entire Justice Armor device should now look like this, please mind the indents when pasting it --- Device 14 ("Justice Armor"; 70PP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose; Feats: Restricted 2 [Only you can use];) [58PP] (Invention, Technology) I.D.E.A. System 4 (15PP Container) [15PP] Super-Movement 1 ("Z-Space Portal"; Options: Dimensional Movement [To and From Z-Space]; Extras: Portal (+2), Feats: Progression [Portal Size] 3) (Up to 50ft x 50ft portal) [7PP] (Dimensional, Magic, Z-Space) Super-Senses 8 (Options: Counter Visual Concealment, Counters Visual Obscure, Uncanny Dodge [Visual]) [8PP] (H.U.D., Computer Analysis, Combat Subroutines) M.O.D. System 5 (10PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1, Dynamic Alternate Power 2) [13PP] DBP: Protection 0-10 (Total Toughness +5 to +15) {0-10PP} DAP: Enhanced Feats 0-10 (Dodge Focus 0-10; Total Defense +5 to +15) {0-10PP} M.O.V.E. System 2.5 (5PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [7PP] BP: Leaping 3 ("Jump Jets") (Leap distance x10: Running 120 ft.) [3PP] + Super-Strength 1 (+5 Effective Strength, heavy load: 600 lbs.) [2PP] {5/5PP} (Rockets) AP: Speed 3 ("Boost Jets") (50 mph, 440 ft./rnd) [3PP] + Super-Strength 1 (+5 Effective Strength, heavy load: 600 lbs.) [2PP] {5/5PP} (Rockets) AP: Impervious Toughness 5 ("Armor Plating") {5/5PP} (Armor) R.I.D.E.R. System 2.4 (12PP Container) [12PP] Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1PP] (Collapsible Armor) Enhanced Trait 4 (Attack Bonus+2) [4PP] (Combat Subroutines) Enhanced Trait 2 (Defense Bonus+1) [2PP] (Combat Subroutines) Enhanced Trait 3 (Reflex Save +2) [2PP] (Combat Subroutines) Features 2 (Built-in Subtle Computer) [2PP] (Computer, A.I. System) Protection 1 [1PP] (Armor) Z-Space Arsenal 10 (20PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [23PP] BP: [16 + 4 = 20PP] Damage 6 ("Justice Strike"; Extras: Penetrating 5; Feats: Accurate 2, Improved Critical 2, Mighty) [16PP](Kicks, Punches, Enhanced Musculature, Motors, Bludgeoning Damage Type) Enhanced Strength 4 [4PP] (Enhanced Musculature) AP: Blast 6 ("Shock Blaster"; Extras: Penetrating 1; Feats: Accurate 4, Indirect 3) {20/20PP} (Blaster, Pellet, Electricity, Z-Space Portals) AP: [16 + 4 = 20PP] Damage 8 ("Rocket Hammer"; Feats: Accurate, Extended Reach, Knockback 5, Mighty) [16PP] (Hammer, Bludgeoning Damage Type) Enhanced Strength 4 [4PP] (Enhanced Musculature) AP: Obscure 8 ("Smoke Grenade"; Options: Visual Obscure; Extras: Independent (+0); Feats: Indirect 3) (1000 ft. area radius) {19/20PP} (Grenade, Smoke, Z-Space Portals) --- Please exchange the current sample powers for the Gadgets power for these, some minor fixes and getting rid of weird backgrounds Grappling Gun: Speed 1 (Extras: Linked) + Super Movement 2 (Options: Slow Fall, Swinging; Extras: Linked) {5/5PP} Electro-Static Pads: Super Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) {4/5PP} Gas Mask w. Air Supply: Immunity 2 (Gas Descriptor) [2PP] + Immunity 2 (Suffocation Effects; Flaws: Limited [1 hour air supply]) [1PP] {3/5PP} Full Spectrum Goggles: Super Senses 5 (Infravision, Ultravision, Analytical Full Vision, Microscopic Vision 1 [dust-sized]) {5/5PP} First Aid Kit: Enhanced Trait 1 (Medicine +4) {1/5PP} Gadgeteer's Tools: Enhanced Trait 2 (Craft [Electronics] +4, Craft [Mechanical] +4) {2/5PP} Hacker's Toolkit: Enhanced Trait 1 (Computers +4) {1/5PP} Please update the Power Sword entry in the trade-off to be called Justice Strike. Updated DC Block: DC Block Name Range Save Effect Attack Bonus Unarmed Touch DC17 TOU (staged) Damage +4 Unarmed – Justice Armor Touch DC19 TOU (staged) Damage +6 Justice Strike Touch DC25 TOU (staged) Damage +10, Crit 18-20, Penetrating 5 Shock Blaster 60 ft. DC21 TOU (staged) Damage +14, Penetrating 1, Indirect 3 Rocket Hammer 5 ft. DC27 TOU (staged) Damage +8, Knockback 4 An updated Power Descriptions, reflecting the changes in this update: --- Power Descriptions: Robin posses no innate powers. All her abilities come from gymnastic skills or technology she created herself. After several different battle suit iterations and design philosophies, including her prototype suit and using a number of different armors for different situations, Robin has finally settled on a modular armor design, using her grandmother's amulet, now incorporated directly in the new and improved Justice Driver belt. The amulet is a large light purple, almost pink, round stone, normally hanging from a necklace. Unknown to Robin, her grandmother had used the amulet's ability to access Z-Space as the 70'es super hero Miss Step. Unaware of the amulet being magic, rather than just a great source of energy and a way to reach Z-Space, Robin continues to use it as her power source. The newest iteration of the Justice Driver belt houses both an utility belt, able to access a multitude of Robin's inventions, and access to the Justice Armor. By activating the Justice Driver through inserting her grandmother's amulet, and using the keyword "Henshin", Robin expands the under armor from the Justice Driver belt, while simultaneously summoning the rest of the armor. While the armor's actual appearance seems more or less unchanged since the last iteration, everything underneath, both hardware and software, has been changed greatly, utilizing 4 systems that Robin has created. Together, they utilize the power source in the amulet in a fine balance, driving precisely the amount of power needed for each task. The principal system used by the armor is the Rapid Intervention Defense and Emergency Response (R.I.D.E.R.) system . The R.I.D.E.R. system provides base enhancement to the wearer's physical strength, while offering protection and computer assistance to the wearer's reflexes and combat skills. The Modular Output Defense system (M.O.D.) , was designed to offer variable speed and protection in combat. By rapidly altering the armor plating on the suit, the wearer can quickly switch between slow, but heavily protected armor, or fast, but not quite as formidable armor, or anything in between, adapting to fit the situation as needed. While the process is quick, it is possible to interrupt it during combat, which leads to Robin prefering an armor setting for the M.O.D. system as combat starts. To improve her mobility in combat, Robin designed the Multivariable Outrageous Virtous Extension (M.O.V.E.) system. By using rocket boosters housed in the boots, Robin can either propel herself forward in great leaps or move at incredible speeds for brief periods of time. The system also enhances the wearer's carry weight, due to the various support structures needed in the armor to make sure the rocket boosters caused her no harm. Alternatively, by diverting energy from the rocket boosters, Robin can attach heavier, bullet proof armor. Whereas the other systems are rather rigid in their design and utility, the Interactive Dynamic Expansion Application system (I.D.E.A.) contain a great number of different gadgets and tools that Robin developed for the armor, connected by using the same power source from the armor. While the list of tools in the I.D.E.A. system is ever expanding, it so far contains enhanced visual options and, allows Robin to use her grandmother's amulet to create portals to Z-Space, allowing her access to the AnneX, or to summon different armors parts and weapons. Finally, Robin has begun using what she has dubbed her Z-Space Arsenal. By rapidly creating portals to the AnneX in Z-Space, Robin is able to swiftly exchange the weapons she need during a battle. While she has a number of plans for how to expand her arsenal, it currently includes the Shock Blaster, a one-handed gun that fires small bullets that give off a powerful electric shock on impact, the Rocket Hammer, a two-handed battle hammer that further enhances the force of its blows with quick bursts of the jet booster attached to it and Smoke Grenades, which releases a thick, obscuring smoke when activated. Both the Shock Blaster and Smoke Grenades can be tossed through Z-Space Portals to arrive from any position near their target. Outside of the external arsenal, she retains her signature Justice Strikes, where she redirects power from the armor into powerful motors in her legs or arms, allowing her to strike with incredible force. --- And finally, please update the last paragraph in the History to this, taking care of a missing word. --- Since then, Robin has faced gangs of thieves, monsters, super natural threats and much more. She has been gifted her grandmother's amulet, that she once used as the super hero Miss Step, allowing her to access Z-Space, where she has established headquarters in an abandoned structure, though not going unnoticed by other inhabitants. She has worked through multiple iterations of her armor, finally settling on a modular design. And just in time, as faces Emerald City brand new threats. --- Thanks!
  3. A generic almost but not quite minion NPC to use for Emerald City, based on upcoming developments for the city.
  4. Ultio Suit User NOTE: Ultio Suit Users can posses a multitude of different powers, skills and feats aside from the ones listed here, depending on what upgrades they have purchased. The ones listed here represent a basic user with no upgrades, and no special skills on their own. Individual Ultio Suit Users can posses vastly different powers and can be at higher power levels than what is listed here. Power Level: 6 (77/77PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: None In Brief: Wannabe super heroes all hooked up with the latest MarsTech Ultio Suit. Alternate Identity: Varies Birthplace: Varies Residence: Emerald City Occupation: Varies Affiliations: MarsTech Family: Varies Description: The basic Ultio Suit is a simple full body costume in a light grey color, with a thick dark grey stripe running down the chest to the belt. The dark grey stripe is flanked by thin white stripes on each sides, separating it from the light grey of the costume. The belt is white, with a round, dark grey belt buckle, two pieces that connect to form the circle. The suit has dark grey boots with white soles and trim, with a square shape on the outside of the leg, a bit higher than the rest of the boot. The costume has a similar design on the dark grey right arm, though the square is on the inside of the arm, just under the arm pit. This darker grey sleeve has white trim separating it from the lighter grey of the main costume, like the boots and central stripe. The costume is completed with a light grey helmet, which leaves the user's face exposed. A black pair of goggles protects the user's eyes and can act as correctional lenses, as well as an advanced heads up display, perfect for interacting with various offers from MarsTech and feed the wearer a steady stream of information from the MarsTech TroubAlert. Users that perform heroic deeds and score Hero Points can use said Hero Points for both power enhancements and cosmetics, including different colors, alternate designs, capes and more. History: First revealed in late January 2020, the MarsTech Ultio Suits are Maximillian Mars' attempt to create an entirely new business model that he has dubbed SaaS: Superheroes as a Service. Using technology created by Max Mars himself and MarsTech employees, the Ultio Suits lets anyone become an instant super hero! Coupled with the MarsTech TroubAlert, Ultio Suit Users will be alerted of many situations that might require their attention, making Emerald City safer than ever before! Now, would-be heroes and celebrities all across Emerald City can respond to the call of heroism! When the MarsTech TroubAlert alerts the Ultio Suit Users of trouble, they can immediatelly suit up and rush off to save the day, all courtesy of the power granted to them by Max Mars and MarsTech! Of course, there's some so-called heroes that might try and interfere with the TroubAlert ratings, taking valuable Hero Points from the heroes in the Ultio Suits, but they will just have to learn to take a step back, and let the future of super heroes take the spotlight! Personality & Motivation: Varies, depending on the individual. In general, Ultio Suit Users tend to be well meaning, but inexperienced. They will prioritize their actions based on the MarsTech TroubAlert, often focusing on capturing or otherwise stopping a villain above rescuing civillians or preventing collateral damage. Due to the competitive nature of the Ultio System, Ultio Suit Users will rarely support each other, and might actually hinder each other to be the one to score most points. A great number of Ultio Suit Users are would-be celebrities, prioritizing getting famous over being heroes. Of course, as anyone can wear an Ultio Suit, the given personality traits might or might not appear in any given Ultio Suit User. Powers & Tactics: The power of all Ultio Suit Users come directly from their armor, which is stored in their Ultio Belt when not active. The armor offers enhanced strength, durability, speed and reflexes, as well as enhanced vision through a built in H.U.D., which also offers a direct connection to the MarsTech TroubAlert. Additionally, each user picks a starter pack upon purchase, which offers their own specialized powers. Their choices are: Aqua Pack: Increased swimming speed, resistance to pressure and cold, oxygen tank that prevents drowning. Blaster Pack: Low power, but accurate, laser blasts. Flight Pack: A jetpack and enhanced super-strength, including the ability to create shockwaves. Stealth Pack: Built in stealth field, which offers visual and auditory blocking for the user. Grip claws that allow wall-crawling, and an assortment of smoke bombs. Tank Pack: Increased armor and defences, strong enough to completely block most assault rifles. In general, the tactics of the Ultio Suit Users is based on the scores offered through the MarsTech TroubAlert. If defeating an enemy nets a higher score, then the users will attack that enemy, using whatever abilities they have. Most users tend to favor brute force over strategy, though that might differ depending on what powers they posses. The Ultio Suit Users will rarely cooperate with either each other or other heroes, over fear of losing out on Hero Points. Power Descriptions: All of the Ultio Suit's powers are technological in nature, using various equipment created either by Max Mars directly, or by any number of employees at MarsTech. When note in use, the Ultio Suit is stored in the Ultio Belt. With the press of a single button, the suit unfolds, rapidly building up to cover the user's body. Some users tend to strike various poses while this happen. The basic nature of the suit is a general strength, durability, speed and reflex enhancement, empowering the user to super human levels, all afforded through various motors, computer power and targeting systems. The suit connects directly to the MarsTech TroubAlert system, which guides the user to trouble spots, ranks their heroics and otherwise functions as a store front to purchase enhancements. While the Ultio Suits come with a standard powerset and a choice of 5 different starter packs, the user can enhance and expand their power suite by spending money or Hero Points, earned by performing heroics and other activites as rated by the MarsTech TroubAlert. When a user purchase an enhancement or new power, the suit's new ability is unlocked instantly. Abilities: 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP Strength: 10 (+0) / 22 (+6) Dexterity: 10 (+0) / 20 (+5) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 0 + 0 = 0PP Initiative: +0 / +5 (+5 Enh. Dex) Attack: +0 Base / +6 Enhanced Base (+6 Enh. Attack Bonus) Defense: +0 Base, +0 Flat-Footed / +6 Enhanced Base (+6 Enh. Defense), +3 Enhanced Flat-Footed Grapple: +0 / +13 (+6 Enh. Attack, +6 Enh. Str, +1 Super-Strength) / +14 (+6 Enh. Attack, +6 Enh. Str, +2 Super-Strength) Knockback: -0 / -3 (TOU +6/2) Saving Throws: 4 + 2 + 4 = 10PP Toughness: +0 (+0 Con) / +6 (+6 Protection) Fortitude: +4 (+0 Con, +4) Reflex: +2 (+0 Dex, +2) / +7 (+5 Enh. Dex, +2) Will: +4 (+0 Wis, +4) Skills: 28R = 7PP Knowledge [Current Events] 2 (+2) Knowledge [Popular Culture] 2 (+2) Notice 4 (+4) Search 4 (+4) Sense Motive 4 (+4) 8PP worth of other skills Feats: 1PP Benefit 1 [Ultio Suit User - MarsTech customer] Enhanced Feats: Quick Change Powers: 64 = 64PP Device 16 ("MarsTech Ultio SuitTM"; 80PP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [64PP] (Technology, Armor, MarsTech) Communication 6 ("MarsTech TroubAlert"; Wireless Communications, Radio; Flaws: Limited [Only MarsTech TroubAlert]) (20 miles radius) [3PP] (Radio Communications, MarsTech TroubAlert, Information Source) Enhanced Dexterity 10 [10PP] (Computer Enhanced Reflexes and Dexterity) Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) [1PP] (Collapsible Armor) Enhanced Strength 12 [12PP] (Enhanced Musculature) Enhanced Trait 12 (Attack Bonus +6) [12PP] (Computer Guided Targeting System, Computer Enhanced Reflexes, Software) Enhanced Trait 12 (Defense Bonus +6) [12PP] (Computer Assisted Defensive System, Computer Enhanced Reflexes, Software) Leaping 3 (Leaping Distance x10; Running: 160 ft.) [3PP] (Enhanced Musculature) Protection 6 [6PP] (Armored suit) Speed 3 (50mph, 440 ft./round) [3PP] (Enhanced Musculature) Super-Senses 1 ("H.U.D."; Visual [Sense Type: Visual; Default Extras: Accurate, Acute, Ranged; Extras: Analytical]) [1PP] (H.U.D. Display, Visual Zoom, Visual Analysis, Software) Super-Strength 1 (Effective Strength +5; Heavy load: 1,000 lbs.) [2PP] (Armored suit, Enhanced Musculature) 1 of 5 Starter packs at 11PP Aqua Pack Swimming 6 (Feats: Environmental Adaption [Aquatic]) (Swim speed: 100MPH, 880 ft./rnd) [7PP] (Underwater Propellers, Minimum Resistance Design) Immunity 1 (Drowning) [1PP] (Oxygen supply) Immunity 2 (Cold, Pressure; Flaws: Limited (Half Effect) [1PP] (Built-in Heat, Armor) Super-Strength 1 (Stacks to Super-Strength 2; Effective Strength +10; Heavy load: 2,100+ lbs.) [2PP] (Enhanced Musculature) Blaster Pack Blast 4 (Feats: Accurate, Homing, Precise) [11PP] (Laser Blast, Computer Guided Targeting System, Piercing Damage Type, Light, Heat) Flight Pack Flight 4 (Flight speed: 100MPH, 880 ft./rnd) [8PP] (Jetpack) Super-Strength 1 (Feats: Shockwave) (Stacks to Super-Strength 2; Effective Strength +10; Heavy load: 2,100 lbs.) [3PP] (Enhanced Musculature, Shockwave Generator) Stealth Pack Concealment 3 (Normal Auditory and Normal Visual Concealment) [6PP] (Sound Absorption, Holographic Field) Obscure 3 (Visual Obscure; Extras: Independent (+0); Flaws: Limited to One Sense [Normal Vision]) (25 ft. radius) [3PP] (Smoke Bombs) Super-Movement 1 (Wall-Crawling) [2PP] (Built-in Grip Claws) Tank Pack Impervious Toughness 7 [7PP] (Armor) Immovable 2 (Feats: Unstoppable) [4PP] (Armor) Drawbacks: (-3) = -3PP Normal Identity (Major, Uncommon; Free action to activate, Normal ID has no access to MarsTech Ultio SuitTM; Requires Ultio Belt to activate) [-3PP] DC Block Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC21 Tou (staged) Damage +6 Laser Blast 40 ft. DC19 Tou (staged) Damage +8, Precise, Requires Blaster Pack Shockwave 60 ft. Cone Area DC16 Ref Reduce Damage effect to DC18 Area, Requires Flight Pack DC21 TOU (staged) Damage Totals: Abilities (0) + Combat (0) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (7) + Feats (1) + Powers (64) - Drawbacks (3) = 79/79 Power Points
  5. Tank TOU: 22 Fail by 8, so daze, bruise and injury for the tank, Specimen hurts, but doesn't quite stop, another tank. 29 - Forever Boy - 5HP - Unharmed 24 - Specimen - 2HP - Unharmed 18 - Rebound - 4HP - Unharmed 17 - Watchdog - 2HP - Unharmed - 1 assorted explosives used 11 - Daystar - Unharmed 11 - Enemy Combatants _____ Tanks: 2 smashed, 1 operational near Legatus (Dazed, Bruise (x1), Injury (x1)), 2 near Watchdog, Daystar, Specimen and Forever Boy (1 damaged: Daze, Bruise (x1), Injury (x1)) _____ Soldiers: 7 KO, 2 standing near Rebound, 4 near Legatus, 10 near Watchdog, Daystar, Specimen and Forever Boy 2 - Legatus - 0HP - Unharmed
  6. Fixed. @Thunder King, you're up. @TheAbsurdist, feel free to skip and post when you want. @Avenger Assembled, if either TK or TA haven't posted by Monday, feel free to post.
  7. GM It wasn't long before the sound of heavy, metallic steps could be heard outside Chromium's little room. He was restrained. He was kept secure. Nowhere to move. Nothing to see. Something keeping his shape, keeping him solid. It did seem like they knew what they were doing. Like they had experience. "Sir!" The voice of the soldier that had spoken to him previously was accompanied by the sound of his heels knocking together. "Prisoner's still secure." The heavy steps got closer. Just outside the little room or box that Chromium was trapped in, they stopped. "I've been authorized to give you an offer, son." Commander Irons spoke slowly. "We might have come off on the wrong foot, here, but we couldn't know what we were dealing with until you showed up. Your country could use someone like you. Come work for us. Learn how to be better than you are right now. You want to be a hero, right? I can make you into one."
  8. Archer II Connor could almost feel the blow from below from where he was standing, even as he dodged and weaved out of the way of Fly-Boy's attacks. He didn't really have time to savor it, but that was one down, at least. And Heavyweight still seemed out of it. Leaning out of the way of another strike as Fly-Boy passed by him, he quickly reached for a couple of arrows. Regular arrows, broadheads. No need for anything fancy. Fly-Boy was tough, he could take it, and Connor didn't mind causing that freak some pain. Take aim, fire! Three arrows flying, hitting their goal, one going through a wing, another in an arm, one in a leg. Still, he had to get out of there. Reaching for another arrow, he jumped off the scaffolding, firing the grappling line arrow as he felt, going into a swing and landing in the ring next to Facsimile. "He'll be coming down in a moment. Try and take down the big guy while I deal with him?"
  9. GM The impact was spectacular. Bear-Knuckle groaned, obviously weakened even as he raged and tore towards Facsimile, and then, the hit collided straight with his face. So much force. So much power, and for a moment, Bear-Knuckle just stood there, stumbing a few steps forward, and then, he fell, face first onto the ring. "%#&¤!" TKO obviously wasn't pleased, while Fly-Boy just made his weird buzzing noises from above. He was pissed, but too busy to deal with it. Heavyweight just stood there, still staring ahead after Archer's attack. And then, nothing. TKO didn't even attempt a counter attack, there was just the sound of steps starting to move away from Facsimile and out of the arena.
  10. Bear-Knuckle does a save: 16 KO! TKO is not happy, but he does nothing. At least not anything Facs or Archer can see! Alright, Archer can focus on Fly-Boy now, so Rapid Fire Standard Arrows shot: 28 6 above DEF, so that's +3 to DC, for DC24 TOU for Fly-Boy: 17 Bruise and a Daze. Archer's shifts his array to the Grappling line arrow and swings down to the arena next to Facs. Heavyweight tries to get out of his paralyzed state: 7 NOPE Fly-Boy is dazed and does nothing, Facs is up 26 - Fly-Boy - Bruise (x2) 20 - Facsimile - 0HP - Bruise (x2), Staggered 20 - TKO - Unharmed 14 - Bear-Knuckle - KO 11 - Archer II - 2HP - Unharmed 6 - Heavyweight - Bruise (x1), Staggered, Paralyzed (1 round)
  11. GM The pirates looked at each other. They seemed unsure on who should speak up, on what decision to make. Finally one of them, a large man with a short beard and bald head stepped forward, slowly lowering his pistol. "Aye. We will step down, Lass." There were a lot of pirates there, but they had just seen what Torpedo Lass had done. "Give us the captain, and we'll be off! If ya don't, then we'll have a proper fight, none a' all this one-on-one nonsense!" The ship from above threw down an unfolding rope ladder, while the rest of the pirates gave agreeing murmurs and shouts. They all remained standing right now, a large group. Torpedo Lass might be able to take them all on on her own, but maybe she made the right choice by choosing diplomacy for now.
  12. Opposed roll, with a -5 adjustment from events so far: 9 See IC.
  13. GM There was a sound like nails on a chalkboard. A screeching sound coming from the gate, the one that the heroes had avoided, something tearing at it, tearing through it, and then, breaking through. A massive spike of bone shot through the gate, then tore through the side, a clawed hand breaking through the hole and tearing through the gate. "MIIIINE!" The sound was a howl, a scream, anger and pain all in one as the thing broke through the gate and into the warehouse. It tore straight towards them, running towards Justice as it howled and screamed the entire while. It was the same creature as before, but it seemed like it had given up all pretense of human appearance. Its jaws seemed to have unhinged and grown, giving it a vaguely reptillian face. A long bony tail struck out from its back, and it was covered in plates of bone all over its body, with massive spikes and horns breaking through it. Even as it moved, the bones kept twisting and changing, kept moving and shifting position. It seemed to have grown, standing easily 8 feet tall now, though slightly hunched as it moves.
  14. Alright, bone guy is back in action, and he's mean and he's pissed off and beefed up! Thanks to ES, the heroes are ready and skips surprise round, so let's see some initiative!
  15. Justice Oh, no. No no no, what had this weird guy been up to in here? This was too weird. What the hell was she gonna do about this? Had to get everyone away from this place, had to make sure nothing else happened to them, and... Emerald Spider came up with a warning. These people were in danger, something about to happen? Alright. She was not about to let these people get hurt. Time for justice! Moving over in front of the container, her back to the opening, she quickly got ready, both hands steady on her gun. "Get in there. Whatever's happening, I'm not gonna let you guys get hurt." Bold words. Hopefully she could live up to them.
  16. That's a hit. Opposed Str+Atk vs Grapple: 15 He's pinned.
  17. Resist: 15 She's demoralized. @Tiffany Korta, you're up 35 - Technaux - 0HP - Uninjured 19 - Metamind - Unconscious 19 -- 10x Mind Controlled Civilians - 3 Uninjured, 3 entangled, 4 bound and helpless 18 - Shrike - 1HP - KO 16 - Emerald Spider - 0HP - Bruise (x1) 15 - Sunburn - Uninjured, Demoralized (ATK/CHECK -2) 11 - Dinostroyer - Unconscious 4 - Kanunu - 1HP - Bruise (x2)
  18. GM "We have talked about this, Cross." Jonathan's tone seemed quite cross with Cross, as he crossed his arms and stepped closer to her. "They are not scum. They need to be saved, and kept safe from whoever's taking them off the streets. If you don't want to help, then just stay away." The winged woman's glare could almost be felt, but she remained silent. Jonathan, the large man, leaned closer to the bound Agnes. He seemed to doubt it. "Loses her powers when bound? Just what kind of powers work like that?" Nonetheless, he stepped back, uncrossed his arms and held one out towards the church. "Go in, then. The Preacher will help, if he can." "Yes, yes. I know how it works! He will make her see the light!" As bombastic as ever, the winged woman pushed Agnes forward, towards the massive doors to the church. She pushed one of them open, guiding Agnes inside. Inside, the church was just as rundown as on the outside. Light shone in from holes in the ceiling. Smashed glass littered the floors. The benches were scattered around. At the altar, a large Jesus on the cross statue had been painted in neon colors. And yet, an old man kneeled by the cross, seeming to be praying. His hair was thin and graying. He was clad in a priest's robes. Moving closer, Cross stopped herself and Agnes about halfway down the aisle, waiting for the Preacher to finish his prayer.
  19. Can I get a Bluff check for Jonathan and the Preacher?
  20. Give me a Diplomacy or Bluff roll, depending on which one you think fits better.
  21. GM "Sure, sure. Beats getting shot at, kid." The voice was calm, jovial even. It seemed Chromium would have to try pushing some different buttons, if he wanted to get a rise out of them. The small room, or cage perhaps, shook with Chromium's show of force. Not a lot, not enough to make it topple over or anything like that, but enough to at least be noticable. There was a knock from outside the cage, on the wall right in front of Chromium's face. "Knock it out, kid. You really don't wanna be on the Commander's bad side, so no need to cause a ruckus, hear? Just chill out and breathe, you'll get plenty of chances to work out later."
  22. CHEVAL The wooden building gave away. Of course it did. The entire place was rotten, and someone being made out of iron was not exactly light. Marcus let out a surprised yell as he fell, reaching out to try and grab onto something, but it only caused him to create an even greater hole. Down, through the next floor, through ceiling, plaster, floor, down to the very foundation that cracked under his weight. He rose slowly, his eyes trying to see something in the darkness around him. The floor felt sticky. Did he really want to know what he was standing in right now, or would it be better to not know? His musings were cut short as he noticed the burning pentagram. Rot, decay. The air was thick with it. The entire room was filled, far worse than the rest of the building he had seen so far. And then, that voice. Biting into him. He wouldn't let it shake him. He couldn't let it shake him. "Who are you?" He stood up straight, dusted himself off and looked around. Where was the voice coming from? Who was it? He slowly shifted into a boxing stance, fists held up in front of himself. "What have you done to this place?" Did this demon know him? Maybe, maybe not. If the sticky floor meant what he thought, then at least he had a trick or two up his sleeve.
  23. Forever Boy Explosions from far away. A big bright light show from Judy, probably, out near the bridge he had seen while flying. They could be in danger. They probably weren't, knowing Ashley, but they could be, and Pan didn't like the thought of that at all. Not when he and Benny only had two guys still standing around them. He shot Benny an apologizing glance. "You can handle these two and the people in the school, right? I believe it might be time for some air support!" He could hardly contain his grin. If this was that World War that he had read about, then these people were really bad guys, not just the kind of bad guys that you would stop from robbing a gas station or something like that. No, their leadership had done atrocious things, and to be fair, Pan did like the thought of messing with them. As far as he remembered, their enemies had bombed them in great flying machines... Pan flew high up, into the sky. He was glowing, he was visible, but that was fine. He focused. It had to look right, but he didn't have to worry too much about details. After all, it was high above the ground now, and as he dove towards Ashley and Judy at the front lines, five great dark planes emerged from the clouds above, the kind of planes that one would expect to carry bombs, no less! He grinned at his own idea once more, before catching up with the sisters, quickly flying besides them and winking at Ashley. "Having fun?"
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