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Everything posted by RocketLord

  1. Using his Vocal Mimicry and Throw Voice to mimic the Meta-Naut's voice from down the hall, let's see what they do about that!
  2. REBELLION Koschei? A name. Something that could be used, at least. At any rate, Abracadaver was back early, and not alone. Four people. Probably not an easy fight, if he had heard about Abracadaver alone was right. The two three? No one he had ever heard about, but they were probably at least as tough as they looked. No need to fight them, not right now. But of course, he wanted the book. The one that Rebellion had taken. Slowly, he stood up straight from the computer. He hadn't had as much time with the computer as he would have liked, but the time was counting down. He should stop this, should't he? Alone against an army of zombies, a rotting magician and more? Split it up, then. Throw his voice, down the hall where they came from. The voice of a woman calling out. The Meta-Naut, a perfect mimicry of her voice shouting out "I got the book, I'm getting out of here!" That should hopefully be enough of a distraction.
  3. Mind that Rebellion's updated Terror Morph covers his scent too.
  4. REBELLION Elliot stared, then he shook his head. "Mars' project? I've never even met the man. You think he gave it to me or something?" "My parents are rich, they bought that suit. Maybe you're not Elder rich, thought about that?" There was a certain arrogance to his tone. "What's it to you, anyway? Mars probably got all kinds of proprietary tech in there, you wanna use me to try to steal all that or what? Is that it?"
  5. Pan tries to use his Mind Reading power at rank 10 for surface thoughts, see what the thing is thinking. Its subtle 2 and explicitely magic instead of psionic, so not easily discovered, but let's see if it works.
  6. Pan stared. He stared at Micah as he rose to defend them. He stared at Davyd as he tried to calm it all down. He stared at Eira as she stood and almost pleaded with him to not kill the things that had hurt her, that had made him hurt his friends. He stared at Robin, and at Kam, his eyes turned to Judy, and he knew what she could do, but Eira had asked him not to. Fine, then. Words. Maybe some creativity soon after. He stood up to his full height, stepping up next to Kam. He let out a laugh. "You are good! You know things about all of us! That is amazing, almost like you are just hiding and watching!" He looked up at the tall Sun Dragon. "So, tell me one thing. And tell Kam all the things that he would like to know, but, I have another question: Why? Why do you do this?" He could only wonder what the false Sun Dragon was thinking. Or maybe he could do more than wonder?
  7. Let's toss ES a HP for the extra TOU save. I generally think just what you can and can't do depends on the IC description. With Tiff's description of the snare connecting the bad guy to the roof with her quantum lines, I'd say that he'll still be able to maintain the grapple in this case, as long as his arms aren't disabled. On the other hand, Kanunu is embraced in a bear hug here. Kanunu should be able to take non-escape actions that doesn't require that he move his arms, unless he can break them free, of course.
  8. GM Ultio Blue looked over at Ultio Red, shaking his head. "Come on Jessie, calm down. You'll still get some points for sorting out the situation. We all will." He was about to turn and say something when the Dreamer launched into her speech... and he just stared at her. "Dude, that girl is crazy." Jessie, Ultio Red, was obviously not impressed. "So what? You got powers and make up some lame backstor for it? Not all of us get powers like you, some of us had to work to get this! And we're gonna stay on top, girl! Don't think you're better than us! We're the official heroes here, we got a permit and everything! You're the one terrorizing the street with a giant snake with wings or whatever! Come on!" The other Ultio Suits made approving noises. It seemed a fight wasn't far off.
  9. They get a positive bonus from their numbers, and count as assisting each other, so a pretty big bonus here: 28 Yeah, no. On that note... give me some Initiative rolls, but feel free to do some prebattle IC posts too!
  10. GM Barry the Butler looked from Oz to Christopher, and back again. "I am no doorman!" he bellowed at Christopher's remark, in a voice both squeaky and deep at once, actually puffing himself up just a tiny bit at the remark. "I am the butler! And you will do well to remember that!" He looked suspiciously at Oz. Well, at any rate, the pair got the distinct feeling that he was looking at Oz with suspicion. "Mister Charlemagne has requested your presence, even if only the gods know why. There is little time for snacks! This is indeed a matter of utmost importance!" He looked at the biscuits once, then turned away and went back inside, waiting for the two mages to follow. Once both were inside, the door would shut itself behind them, and they would find themself in a rather large, round room. There was a fountain in the middle, with small birds in all the colors of the rainbow swimming around in it. It wasn't the same entrance as the one that Oz had last seen. Charles Charlemagne stood by the fountain, hands in the pockets of his brown shorts. He wore sandals and a white t-shirt with a yellow smiley face on the front. His hair was short and red. His beard was impressive in its long braid. His fingers were adorned with sparkling rings. He turned, a smile on his lips, as he spread out his arms. "My friends! It is good to see you!"
  11. GM The large demon-like man said something that neither Visionary or Venomax could understand, and quickly moved in front of his boss, shielding him from the worst of the cloud. He started to push Ryu out of the cloud, away from Venomax. With the pepper spray filling their eyes, the other two, the one near the heroes, continued to strike at them, but with little chance to hit. The one near Venomax said something that sounded harsh, probably insulting. Maybe something in relation to his parentage?
  12. Miss chance: Missing on 11-20: 12 He did, in fact, miss. But remember, its for everyone.
  13. The group B demon covers Ryu, giving him a bonus to his saves: 16 TOU save: 34 Reflex for Group B demon near Ryu: 26 DC20 TOU: 30 With that done, the Group B demon that just protected Ryu pushes him back, out of the way to get out of the cloud. The demons close to Visionary and Venomax attacks again. vs. Visionary: 23, that's a hit. Give me a DC 27 TOU save. vs. Venomax: 9, missing. @Growth Spurt is up 19 - Venomax - 0HP - Bruise (x2), Fatigued 14 - Gang Group B Demons (x3) - Unharmed 11 - Visionary - 2HP - Bruise (x1), Pending 8 - Takezumi Ryu - Unharmed 5 - Gang Group A (x8) - 3x Unharmed, 5x KO
  14. GM The big guy yelled something nigh-incomprehensible as his arms closed around Kanunu, closing in to begin to crush him... and then, quantum lines connecting him to the roof? He pulled at them, looked up at Emerald Spider and yelled something again. It sounded almost more like a roar than actual words, while bright green foam and drool dripped from his mouth. Still holding tight on to Kanunu, he began to pull and struggle against the webbing. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Coming in from above, a man in a grey Ultio Suit dove towards the villain, quickly flying around it and in between Emerald Spider and it. "This isn't a job for amateurs! The real heroes are here!" Two more came running down the street towards the fight, one raising a glove to shoot a laser in the direction of the villain... only to hit the webbing instead.
  15. Ref vs. DC20 Snare: 10 Bound and helpless! The big guy tries to get free! @Tiffany Korta give me a DC 31 TOU save for the snare! And there's 3 Ultio Suit Users incoming at Initiative 12! The flier and the tanker just moves, but the Blaster shoots at the super villain: 15 That's a hit, but since the webbing is in the way... @Tiffany Korta give me a DC19 TOU save for the snare! @angrydurf You're up, still grappled 23 - Kanunu - 4HP - Bruise (x1), Bound and Helpless 22 - Justice - 4HP - Unharmed - DEF+5/TOU+15 20 - Emerald Spider - 0HP - Unharmed 16 - Super Villain? - Unharmed, Bound and Helpless - Snare: Unharmed? 12 - Ultio Suit Users Flight - Unharmed 12 - Ultio Suit Users Tank - Unharmed 12 - Ultio Suit Users Blaster - Unharmed 9 - Mafiya Soldiers x20 - 3 Snared, 17x KO 3x Transports: Protected by Water Dome, TOU 18
  16. GM "Winters got it." He pointed at Spectre while he spoke. There was an edge to his voice, but he didn't sound like he was speaking down to her, at least. "I dunno what you learned at your old school, O'Brian, but here, teamwork's key. Winters is new, none of you know what the other can really do. Sure, you go and distract, but you left your teammate behind. What if there'd been somebody else here? Or they hadn't all taken the bait?" Armstrong turned his finger towards Knight of Earth. "You two needed to coordinate. You're not mind readers, as far as I know. Just running off and doing your own things is gonna get you killed, and I don't want any dead heroes on my hands, got it?"
  17. GM "Of course you're good enough, Felix." Alice embraced him, pulling him close, resting her head on his chest. She ignored his question of the bullies, focusing just on him. "You are a hero, you try your best, that is all that anyone can ask for." She smiled, unwavering at however he might react. "You're strong, you're kind, and you want to protect people? If you fail, then you try again, isn't that how you're supposed to do things?" Of course, the moment of peace would not last long. Thunder was fast approaching, as Micah started to catch up to them...
  18. GM "You attacked me! Pretended to talk, and then attacked me from behind! Maybe I am the one that should wonder whether you can be trusted or not!" The dragon sounded rather offended at the heroes' words. "I was here to talk!" The dragon raised its wings. "Then run, I will not let these two stand and call me a villain! I, the Great Azhart, defender of the Emerald Castle!" It let out a deep breath, snorting a small flame as the people below it ran away. "Come at me if you feel the need, villains, but I will not bow to you!"
  19. If you're gonna keep talking I'll need to start seeing some Diplomacy, Bluff or Intimidate rolls.
  20. Mette crossed her arms. She didn't return Eira or Kay's glares, just looking at them with a bored expression. Someone needed to do something here, and if she was the one that had to get things started, then alright, she'd get things started. She relaxed a bit when Muirne approached her and asked her about the name, letting out a short laugh. That was one way to break the tension, at least. "Nah, its not really about me, but there's a connection. I can't really explain it, but I'm kind of powered by that story. Turns out fairy tales can be real, in a way." The first Little Mermaid hadn't really told her much more than that, and for some reason it felt off to start explaining too much in this place. Mette paused for a moment, thinking about Muirne's question, and not being able to suppress a smirk at the pun. There's no way they won't suspect us to do anything, so some of us should at least go out and look around. Speaking up, she started moving towards the door, looking between the others. "So, how about it? Let's have a look around and see what's so great about this place?"
  21. Second Chance changed to be vs. Ballistics and Conventional Blades. Another unspent PP in the costume, but that's fine for me. Will be using later as Nevermore gains PP.
  22. Bluff roll from Pan to make them try and believe that he can do what he just did to the illusions to the fakes: 43
  23. "Weeding out the weak?" Pan stared at the things that looked like Sun Dragon and Dio, his eyes darting between them and Danica for a moment, before returning to the false Sun Dragon. "Is that what you think this room is for? What kind of idiotic logic is that?" He was still kneeling by Eira, an arm around her. "This room is for learning to protect the weak, you idiot. To learn, to teach, not to destroy!" He shook his head, then pointed an accusing finger at the false Sun Dragon. "Who are you?" He pointed at Danica. "And you, for that matter. Projections of the Doom Room? Some stray intelligence that have taken up home here? Should we even care? I disrupted your false images with one strike. Do you want to test if I can do the same for you?"
  24. "I'm Justice," was everything that Julia offered about herself before they disappeared. In the new world they found themselves in, Justice's uniform had been replaced by a pair of era accurate jeans and a flannel shirt with a checkered pattern. Nothing that would make her stand out, but no dress like Alice. The entire place seemed out of time. Way before her time. She had seen vids from the 20th century where things looked like this, but that was about the extent of her knowledge. She didn't know much about this time, and even if she had, would it have mattered? This was another world, after all. "I got nothing that would work in some place as ancient as this." They didn't have a MarsWeb back then, did they? The others were already getting to work. Julia just had one issue. "And what do you want us to be about? We got no idea what we're even looking for here. Just some vague "trouble is coming". Not exactly a lot to go on."
  25. Taking a trip to the summer cottage with no computer, I'll be leaving Wednesday afternoon and back some time Sunday.
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