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Superconcert for Charity!


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So starting this month, Gossamer wants to begin putting together an annual benefit concert at the Liberty Dome to raise money for educational programs, so she's going to be reaching out to any and all musically talented superheroes to participate. The character doesn't have to have music-based powers or even a musical theme, just be able to play an instrument and/or sing and be willing to make a fool out of themselves in front of a large audience for a good cause.

Who all is interested?

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... be willing to make a fool out of themselves in front of a large audience for a good cause.

Well, that certainly sounds like ol' Jackie B, doesn't it? Jack-of-All-Trades plus +6 Charisma means he could do pretty much whatever with reasonable competence; any preference?

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I'm thinking the best of at least easiest way is for Gossamer to have folks over to her spacious loft/performing space in Hanover for a drinks, snacks and a whole heck of Perform checks.

To get the word out in the first place, maybe she can make an announcement on TV or something for interested heroes to contact her via ASTRO Labs. I suppose I could have her mention it in her 20 questions for this month.

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