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  1. Initiative time! Woodsman 10 + True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result:3Powered by RANDOM.ORG Woodsman goes on 13. Sniper 10+ True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result:19Powered by RANDOM.ORG 29 Spotter 8+ True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result:17Powered by RANDOM.ORG 25 So it's Sniper: 29 Spotter: 25 Woodsman: 13 in terms of init so far
  2. OOC thread for this, where definitely science crimes happen. Rolls post upcoming,
  3. @Avenger Assembled and @angrydurf What came first the chicken or the egg? Who knows, but this thread definitely came before the Atlantean hijinks in FC!
  4. @TheAbsurdist @olopi @MisterShoebox and @Vahnyu I promised y'all low PL fun and a Warriors thread in which the four try to get from one end of the city to the other. Well here you go! I actually don't think I pitched it to Vahn. So my bad on that, but enjoy!
  5. OOC for this in which atlanteans, and, water, and bank robberies oh my! @Avenger Assembled @Tiffany Korta @Ari @olopi @TheAbsurdist
  6. @Avenger Assembled @Thunder King @Supercape @Ecalsneerg @Tiffany Korta @KnightDisciple Alright so six chars, not exactly all on speaking terms to all show up at the same place for an opening. So I'll leave your openings up to you. whatever avenue of investigation you feel your character would take. Would they go to the museum to see if they could uncover any clues from the shared nightmare? Would they be curious about Sea King's war declaration and have been listening to the good doctor's podcast, and as such grow curious as to the sudden interruption to his podcast? Maybe they're on a regular patrol because the criminals are especially antsy what with not having the escape of a peaceful night's sleep.
  7. @Moira Morley ok so here goes nothing! What's Scion doing? The portion of the mall she is in is a fairly wide open space near the food court. "Laka" is in the center of a crowd of a couple dozen people of a variety of ages. There's about four big men in the floral shirts and Tiki Masks who are walking around and picking pockets in the crowd.
  8. Out of character thread for die-rolls and info for the Grand Banks, Grand Heist thread. Tag in. I'm starting this thread as in a couple days... there might be initiative, so enjoy the quiet.
  9. OOC thread for this thread. @Raveled @TheAbsurdist Blue Jay and Asad fight a chase thing. Okay RAVELED, here are the rolls: DC20 Notice to hear the engines of the badfolks before they arrive, if successful +5 to the following Reflex and Initiative rolls. DC15 Reflex from Blue Jay and Asad to dodge the shower of glass when the F.O.E. potentiate descends. Fail and you get a Bruise. Two initiative rolls, choose the higher for the encounter at the Enclave Retreat. Second for the chase scene through the Elysian Forest. Using Dreadnought and the Air Cavalry from the Emerald City Knights campaign for the baddies. Dreadnought("Air-Martial") first initiative: 25, second: 13 Drones: 22. Second: 17 Regardless, Asad gets a HP for his Misery Girl being flung into the sky, and Blue Jay gets one for being caught in her civilian ID. Assuming Blue Jay hijacks one of the drones to serve as aerial mount or otherwise gains some fast-moving capacitium, or Stunts a faster Swinging. And for the chase scene, please roll three Reflex saves at DC15, 18, then 20 to try and keep up with each section of the sky-flight, and an Attack roll to destroy the drones and free the captured guests, vs DC19. After that, Dreadnought slips out of his armor and leaves it to fight the heroes. It takes three hits and then self-destructs convincingly. DC15 to hit and +15 Toughness. If any escape with their valuable cargo, they tie into the later group thread.
  10. OOC for this @Ty Hamilton , have Tyson react, describe what he's been doing the rest of the day, and so on, and I guess have him do something regarding the chase! There car going at more than legal speed is a van, armored, with some sort of brand logo on it's side, even if it's not easy to tell at normal human speed.
  11. OOC thread for this thread. Scion versus the Hades Hitsquad.
  12. Good place for die rolls.
  13. This is the OOC thread for Viva Val Verde.
  14. @Raveled@angrydurf @Thevshi, @Thunder King @Curious Key Here you go. Surf's up.
  15. Alright @alderwitch, @Avenger Assembled, @Electra, @KnightDisciple, and @Tiffany Korta I present to you Atlantis Resort Paradise Caniso a Bahamas vac-wait wrong sheet. I present unto you Atlantis Attacks, in which King Theseus has it up to here with the surfacers, or has he?
  16. OOC for this , where Synth investigates some shady stuff! (Great description, I know )
  17. For This! Barrier and Paradigm contemplate life the universe and everything. In a literal space opera. Knowledge rolls [Galactic or Art] Lexa DC 20 DC 30 Nocturne DC 20 DC 30
  18. Lilly is making an Arcane Lore check to work out everything she has learned so far. 1d20+5 = 17
  19. For rolls and suchlike pertaining to this adventure.
  20. Out of character stuff for this.
  21. OOC thread for this thread, as we'll need it sooner or later.
  22. Ari

    Straw Gods(OOC)

    OOC thread for this thread. Trans-dimensional dinosaursations. DC for a full Sense Motive on Raul here is 25. Accepting his story, or at least cautiously letting him in, will grant you both a Hero Point.
  23. OOC for this Tagging @Exaccus Give a rough idea of Joseph's mindest, why he ended up doing this thing I forced him into, and so on, and after that I'll have the action start with the next post!
  24. For this thread. How about we start everything out with Bonfire making a Notice check. That sounds about right.
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