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Thunder King

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Everything posted by Thunder King

  1. Adam smiled. "Oh don't worry about it. If you need to freshen up, freshen up after a bit. We'll do the basic introductions and while my mom is distracted in the kitchen, go take care of business. I'll cover for you if you need me to." He realized he was only eighteen, and that he had a lot of growing up to do before he could be sure. He felt like he loved her. Sure, he was attracted to her, she was absolutely gorgeous. She was also very sweet, very compassionate, smart, witty, fun and funny. Even when he focused down and studied, her presence in his life never felt disruptive. He couldn't wait for his parents to meet her.
  2. Adam put his hand on his girlfriend's back, leaned in, and kissed her gently on the forehead. "Sweetheart, my parents want me to be happy. And you, you make me happy. You're not dragging me anywhere. You're not your family, you're not your family history. You are whoever you decide you are, and you are a wonderful person. You are smarter than you think you are. Maybe you're not the same kind of smart I am, but you certainly are smart." "You, you are my charming, beautiful southern belle. You charmed the pants off of me, literally, and you're going to charm my parents. And if you have problems or struggle with something, they'll understand. You're young, you're nervous. You might make a small blunder here or there, but they're going to see how you feel about me, how you make me feel, and the kind of person you really are. That's what they're going to see, and that's what's going to matter to them. What matters to them is my happiness. And if all that fails and they don't like you, screw 'em, I do, and they'll learn to love you."
  3. Adam nodded. "Three oclock. I figure we'll eat dinner around four-ish. Don't worry, hon, you'll be fine. You're smart, you're sweet, you're gorgeous. My parents are going to love you." He had, of course, told them all about her, even sent them pictures. He was surprised it took this long to coordinate their meeting, but Thanksgiving was as good a day as any. Adam was...reasonably comfortable in her car. His seat was practically all the way back, but he was reasonably comfortable. He knew his mom and dad were going to love Lulu, just as he did. She was very self-conscious, a lot of it had to do with her family background. He didn't hold it against her and neither would his parents. If anything, his parents were delighted that he got a girlfriend. His rather unique appearance and personal challenges made romance seem a distant idea, too far removed to be realistic. Yet, Lulu had proven he could find love.
  4. "The hell?!" Adam shouted as he bolted to his feet. The sky, was green. The hell did that mean? "Okay, the sky is green. What do we do now?" Adam ran to the window and saw outside. "Looks like we're not leaving the grounds." He turned to the Headmistress and looked confused. He had no idea what to do or what was going on, but it looked like something supernatural. Just in time for Halloween.
  5. Is everyone still on board for this?
  6. It was a special time in a boy's life, when he was on the brink of becoming a man. A challenge awaited him unlike any he had ever done before. College applications. So, here Adam was, sitting and waiting for Headmistress Summers. If she didn't give him one, maybe she could offer some suggestions. His parents tried to be helpful, of course, but he couldn't make heads or tails of their advice. So he decided to come to the one person in the school he knew understood the process for sure other than the councilors. Maybe he was trying too hard to go directly to the Headmistress, maybe not. He had plenty of time to spare, and he had his eyes on the prize. If she refused, he could move on down the rungs at the school. Though the only reason he thought she would refuse is if she simply didn't feel she knew him well enough. That was always a possibility. His head sank. Oh well, he'd already asked to see her, might as well get the appointment over with.
  7. Also throwing Tattered Man into the Bedlam consideration, but Specimen takes priority.
  8. IDEA All of Arthurian Myth Is True. All of it. Any inconsistencies are owed to various incarnations having different versions of the events. Also, I think I'm gonna stake my claim on Lancelot. I propose that each of us present a brief overview of our concept, like, so; Knight: Lancelot Secret ID: Ordinary human woman, mid-20s, tall, fit, blond. Character Themes: The Best Knight in terms of pure combat ability. (mostly just really good in a fight) Extra Powers: None Armor Colors: Red and Gold Concept: Lancelot and Guinivere was his fault. She was infatuated with him and he seduced her because he could. He was an arrogant jerk, and later in life, he blamed himself for the fall of Camelot. If only Arthur hadn't had to worry about him AND Mordred, none of that would have happened. Now a woman takes up the mantle of the legendary knight. She's resentful and ambivalent towards the legacy of Lancelot. What she doesn't realize is that she is exactly what he had in mind in his old age.
  9. I'm not sure what we'd even fight in a giant robot though. I'm not necessarily against it, but would we break it out all that often?
  10. I like the idea of having the original table, and Merlin slowly assembling the castle before calling the knights. There's a power rangers type situation there that I like.
  11. I'm gonna go stream-of-consciousness here, sorry for the relative lack of coherency from idea to idea, but each idea should be understandable by itself. I'm not going to be disappointed if any or all of these ideas are turned down. This is just spit-balling. Arthur is Missing. He might be out there somewhere, or he might not, the characters don't know. Merlin is Zordon in the hawthorn tree Nimue trapped him in. Color Coordinated: every character has a color scheme. The armor is the unifying concept, actual aesthetics vary from person to person, but I think color is a neat way to separate the PCs. Lean on the Power Rangers/Arthur and the Knights of Justice/Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog idea. Also crests/heraldry. If Cosmic, Camelot is a castle built into a meteor? Internal atmosphere makes it look like a castle? Hawthorn tree sits at the center of the courtyard that uses artificial lighting to look like a sky? Code names are the knight's names, but their real names aren't? Lancelot, Galahad, etc, are the superhero names, even if that's not their real names. How do they find out about their roles? Are they semi-reincarnations? Are they chosen based on the original knight's legend and how they live up to it? Are they called to Camelot by Merlin? Who put Merlin in the castle? Does anyone know? Is that a mystery the team doesn't know about? Is Avalon another dimension? Is that where Arthur is? Did he come back before, is he refusing now? Where is Mordred? Is that a Big Bad we're going to work against? I mean I'm assuming we go with a version where Arthur killed him, but who's to say if he didn't also cycle through.
  12. I think nobody gets to be Merlin or Arthur. They're NPCs. I also propose the idea that Merlin is an AI. Not set in stone, of course, just a thought. Magitech armor with individuals having their own potential magic powers. Customized armor connected to the themes of each knight?
  13. "Sebastian, if I ever catch you using your powers on another student again, I will report your ass directly to the Headmistress and watch you get dragged out of here with all of your worthless crap with a goddamn smile on my face." He gazed down with a contemptuous, intimidating glare. Then, in an almost alarming shift in tone, he turned towards his friend and roommate, Felix. "Felix, you are my friend, I like you, and I am on your side, but violence will not make this situation better, okay man? We can't risk getting in trouble. Hitting him won't solve anything for anyone, even if it's satisfying." He said all of this with the warmest, kindest and most compassionate tone he could muster, making sure Felix understood that Adam was entirely on his side, and would gladly have seen Sebastian's smug mug knocked for a loop if not for the potential consequences, such as punishment. "Watch your ass." He growled at Sebastian. He glared at his friend, Eddie. "We don't want to come to blows. We're supposed to be on the same side. Heroes, right? This isn't worth getting into a fight over. We all need to calm down." He took his own advice, and immediately relaxed.
  14. Adam crossed his arms and stood straight up to his full six foot eight height. "Just so everybody knows, Sebastian here just used his powers on his fellow students so he could avoid putting effort into getting his own bags. You're all witnesses. So, Sebastian, how do you think they'd deal with you doing that? I don't think they'll react very well, do you? Do the smart thing, let them go, and get your own crap."
  15. 14 ...yaknow what? Adam has hero points, so; 25 Better
  16. Doktor'd! I have a few minor edit requests for Specimen; Increase his height from 6'6" to 6'8", increase his weight from 330 to 340. Spend a PP and give him the Interpose feat.
  17. "Go get your own, Sebastian." Adam said, strolling in. He was carrying all of his gear at once and didn't seem at all bothered. The young man towered over most people, over six and a half feet of solid muscle packed in a plain black t-shirt, a pair of faded jeans and work boots. His wig and other cosmetics were on, so he looked normal, at least from the neck up. He knew they could see the scarring on his forearms, but he had gone through too much to be bothered by that. "Hey everyone. I'm Adam. I'd shake hands, but uh." He gestured to his hands. "I'm Felix' roommate. If you're trading stories, we should talk about when Felix and I went and fought Nazis. We broke some tanks, it was fun."
  18. Name: Adam Code Name: Specimen Year: Senior Current Team: Blue Current Roommate: Legatus Reflection: He has adapted better to the outside world than he ever hoped he would. He hopes to continue to grow. Community Cause: Mentoring younger students, tutoring other kids, using his strength on building projects outside school.
  19. Adam's eyes bulged slightly and his voice caught in his throat for a moment. "You are absolutely stunning, Lulu." He grinned. "Well, then, no harm done. Beauty takes time, after all. Your hair is beautiful no matter how you style it. Shall we go to the prom?" He hooked his arm in hers and lead her. He knew he was too young to fall in love, but it was hard not to. He was not a good dancer, but he would try his best.
  20. "Of course, not necessarily all of them, but many of them, yes." Adam said. "What is special about this copy? Is it rare and expensive?" He looked around. "I imagine an old copy could probably be very, very valuable. Though I'm not an expert and have no idea how much. I'm glad he didn't get it, though."
  21. Adam winced. It wasn't meant personally, of course, but Adam could put away a lot of food if he wanted. "I'll certainly take that under advisement." With that said, he set to eating. He still ate more than most, but for him, it was a light meal. The food was amazing, of course. Despite his size and appetite, Adam had impeccable table manners. He felt like a freak enough without worrying about his manners, too.
  22. "Hmm, that wouldn't be that difficult. We might have to go get materials, but that's doable. What do you think, Lulu? Also, would you be including Pluto, or not?" He chuckled. He was pro-Pluto. As far as he knew, a planet was supposed to be any sufficiently large, round object in space that didn't orbit a planet. If that meant there were dozens of planets or hundreds, that was fine with him.
  23. Adam walked up to where Lulu was getting dressed. He was dressed to the nines in what was probably the largest suit of it's kind. Charcoal gray and pinstriped, with a dashing hat. Privately, he thought he looked the best he had in his life. He was also nervous, but he and Lulu had been together long enough to truly enjoy this evening. "Just...chill, Adam. Chill. Your girlfriend is gorgeous and she adores you, so chill. It's prom. You've seen movies about it, tv shows, and...uh, well, none of those ended all that well, but..."
  24. 27 For intimidate to figure out if these guys are working for someone else.
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