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Everything posted by Azuth65

  1. 1d20+7=14, probably a whiff but I'll post her sending some steel washers past Sam's shoulder upon confirmation. Help us Obi-wan Kenob- I mean Lulu, you're our only hope
  2. Selena frowned slightly, looking up to meet the strong man's eyes which were darting around the car. "Everything alright? You seem on edge." Mentally the teen felt her alarm bells firing and inwardly heard Bill Murray's voice yelling 'What did you do Ray?' Selena started weighing her options and was beginning to think maybe she needed to exit at the next stop and that Gauss should arrive shortly thereafter. "I was actually," she lied as best she could.
  3. Standing in the crowded monorail car, a part of Selena wished she had just staid home and done her shopping online. But she was worried about Danica catching a glimpse of the screen and spoiling her gift. So now here she was, running around half the city in the frozen hell of the North-East's early December. At least she had her costume in her backpack to make a quick escape back to Claremont when she was done. Catching sight of a familiar, if no longer lopsided form the teen smiled to herself. Selena adjusted her grip on her shopping bags, not they were terribly heavy but they held the handful of Christmas gifts she had picked up for her teammates and her roommate. She made her way forward, trying to nudge as few people as possible before she was standing side by side with the former circus performer. "So, guess I don't have to worry about you getting dragged into anymore unfair fights huh?" she said warmly, resisting the urge to knock on his biceps with her free hand. "Happy holidays man."
  4. "I knew a girl back home, lost her arm when a shark thought she was food. A bit of depression is normal after trauma like that. Take your time to process. Find a creative outlet," she said trying to be helpful. Selena stepped over to the sapling where the first knife had been buried a solid two inches deep by her magnetokinetic throw. With a grunt of effort she pulled it free. Folding the blade she offered him the knife and a gentle smile, "And maybe keep something to remind you that your life may have changed but it isn't over."
  5. The young magnetokinetic warred with her satisfaction of beating up would-be criminals and her fear of what kind of punishment Summers would hand down when she reported. The idea of hiding what just happened briefly crossed her mind but Summers was scarily good at finding out the truth. "Just a concerned citizen who doesn't like unfair fights," she said, turning away from the retreating toughs and giving her attention back to the giant slab of now lopsided muscle standing before her, "And thanks." Her eyes were drawn to his hand clenching hand, having roughly zero doubt he could at least crack a skull if not fully crush it. "Not to rub salt on the would but I'm pretty sure a month ago those pendejos wouldn't have had the guts to start anything," she added. "Mind if I ask what happened?"
  6. "Sam, you grade A moron," she muttered as her classmate recounted his tale. It had taken her less than a week in this school to understand that anything magical should either be left alone, guarded while a teacher is sent for, or sometimes burned on the spot. As Pan tried to bind the creature Sam unwittingly allowed to wear him like a brand new Edgar Suit and her team's heaviest hitter wheeled herself backwards to get into her gear, Selena watched the book sail away. Thinking quickly, she called on her power and abusing the Lenz Effect, created a magnetic field strong enough to push the silver accents on the cover and spine away from the field and towards the non-possessed teens. Grabbing the book she took to the air taunted, "Sorry, I'm more likely to sign up with Slaanesh..."
  7. Selena sidestepped the first clumsy jab with of a switchblade and easily hopped back from a slash from his buddy. Just a few short years ago this situation would have terrified her but after so many years at Claremont she was almost bored by their amateurish, at best, attacks. In a series of flowing punches, spins, kicks, and a few burst of her power to pull the blades out of the way, the young shopper had laid out the thugs. Crouching down by their apparent leader she whispered, "Guys, you're amazingly lucky. Imagine for a minute if I was one of Freedom's many, many superheroes out for a little shopping on my day off. So, for your own safety, learn some f*#$ing respect. Here there be dragons." 'Crap... I'm going to have to report this to Ms. Summers when I get back,' she thought when she looked down at her handiwork.
  8. Is there any sort of iron/steel/copper ornamentation or corner caps on the tomb Gauss could use her powers to pull the book back to them by? If not, she's going to shove a couch at the thing wearing Sam like a skin suit.
  9. Gauss Adventuring Time A rather pathetic month for me...
  10. As soon as she saw the flash of steel Selena drew upon her power, creating a sudden magnetic field ripping the knife from the thug's hand and sending the blade hurtling past the one armed man. The blade finally came to a stop, quivering in the trunk of a small decorative accent tree along the sidewalk. "Now now boys, the man said he wants to be left alone," Selena said, barely looking up from her phone as she spoke, "You might want to try being friendly by leaving the dude alone." "Then again, I'm recording this. I figure your asswhooping will be worth a couple thousand hits on YouTube," she lied, putting as much scorn into her taunts as possible.
  11. Gauss Fright Night at Claremont Monorail Madness
  12. Selena tucked her most recent purchases, a new hoody and a pair of graphic novels, into the backpack she'd come to the mall with. As she snapped the clasps shut to protect it from the weather she found herself humming the opening theme song of the most recent anime she had binge watched over the weekend. Pushing open the glass doors and setting out into the cool fall air she spied the mountain of a man smoking and the four would-be thugs all but begging for trouble. '...These guys are just too dumb to live,' she thought to herself, pulling her phone from her pocket and pretending to answer a text off to the side, hoping security would swing by on a patrol soon. While she waited she kept an eye on the five, readying herself to break things up should they get violent.
  13. Selena lounged back into one of the comfier chairs in the rec room, her vest from her gender-flipped Han Solo costume tossed over the back and her boots resting on the beat up coffee table she had grabbed off the curb the previous spring. "Cheesy horror movies, abundant junk food, and I got the number of that cute girl in the Liliana Vess costume, all and all, I declare tonight a resounding success," she sighed contentedly. "Nicole, I have an idea I'd like to bounce off you for the team," she said a minute later after digging her phone from her pocket and swiping through a few screens. She was about to go when the door burst open revealing a terrified young man holding a book straight out of a dark wizard's library.
  14. Toughness 1d20+10=18, Dazzle 1d20+5=9, so the mutants and their hounds are blinded and deaf. So are the scavengers who were fighting them. Describe away.
  15. Got room for a PL 7 (soon to be 8 )? If so, Gauss would be down.
  16. "I mean, mine was 'hand' made," Selena replied, including the air quotes. "Molding steel like this was, well, not easy but good practice for my powers. I can start working on figures for anyone who wants one. They'll probably take some time and some painkillers, after doing this one I had a headache for three days after sleeping pretty much the entire weekend." Finishing one of her slices of pizza she looked over at Adam, "Once I'm a bit better at this I'll see what I can do about amassing ones for the monsters." At Ashley's comment she shrugged, "Maybe if you're looking at the Warhammer stuff or anything made of plastic. The stuff from Reaper on the other hand I've noticed is actually pretty reasonably priced."
  17. Selena pointed at her character's figurine and it slowly levitated towards the center of the table, making a mental note to stop the art department to give her miniature a finished look instead of the bland, if well shaped, steel it currently sported. "An idea strikes me, is there anyone in the current crop of students at all adept at woodworking? I feel like a mini made out of wood for our resident pseudo-druid might be kinda cool."
  18. "I'd love to," Selena replied to Kam, trying to keep her frustration at herself out of her voice. Her eyes having followed Salvo as she took off into the air to survey the area she continued, "This scenario, while set to 'non-lethal', had early deactivation shut off from the inside as part of the design. This one is pretty simple though, reach the safe room in the basement of McNider. There's bonus objectives like helping survivors encountered along the way or clearing out Mutant packs in the area." Ripping several chunks of rusted scrap metal from the area with her mind, letting them hover around her, she continued, "So, not what I had planned but let's make the best of a mistake. Do we go for a speed run to get out now or try to set a baseline high score to try and beat later?"
  19. Right now Salvo can pick out at least four humanoid forms as well as six signatures considerably larger than human and four smaller, about the size of dogs or wolves she's not familiar with.
  20. For rolls, which may be needed soon.
  21. "I didn't have anything too extreme planned, start with this little gathering and move over to an easy simulation I have been working on," Gauss said to the gathered teens. Lifting her head as if she was speaking to the ceiling, she said loudly, "Computer, run scenario SK dash twenty-seventy-seven." The walls around them shimmered and fell away, replaced by broken and crumbling buildings around them, the floor replaced by rubble filled streets littered with debris, long abandoned cars. Every so often mounds of spent bullet casings and skeletal remains can be spied. And in the distance and getting closer were loud footsteps and gunshots, "Well, crap. This was not the program I was thinking of..."
  22. Dio's sudden appearance nearly made Selena turn so quickly she almost fell off her board. "...Somebody really needs to put a bell on you." As Dio and Veronica commented on Selena's discussion of the future, the three of them bobbing in the surf, the young magnetokinetic smiled, "Thanks guys and I'll have to take some time to consider your offer Dio. Aside from the ethical issues and risks of having knowledge suddenly jammed into my head, because you never see that working out well, decisions still need to be made. And I assume some of the previously mentioned rare ingredients would change depending on what I sought mastery of."
  23. "Mom wants me to come home, dad wants me to apply to his alma mater in South Korea. And while I've applied to schools in both places, I've also applied to several in the area. With my luck I'll get rejected from Freedom City U and only be back here during breaks. Especially if I can't up my flight speed. And honestly, I have exactly zero idea what kind of degree I should try for. Part of me is thinking of something in physics, specifically related to magnetism," she explained.
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