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Everything posted by Thevshi

  1. Timeout Lawrence looked over to Mizuki as she spoke up again and suggested trying to learn what they could about the Shadow Academy. The blond teen gave her a smile when she suggested comparing notes over lunch about whatever they might be able to learn. "Sounds like a plan." The blond teen said before he and the two unconscious teen villains were surrounded by a temporal distortion and then disappeared.
  2. Okay, sorry for the delay in getting back to this. We are sort of out of combat, so go ahead and post with ideas on dealing with the Sarcota.
  3. GM When Doktor Archeville confirmed they were going outside to investigate what might be going on, Kinarr flew over towards Starshot, slowing down slightly as he neared the hunter. The young Star Khan extended out one armored gauntlet to the human, and when Starshot used his bionic arm to firmly grasp the offered hand, the Zultasian continued forward, lifting his passenger onto the air as well. Once certain Starshot had a firm grip, Kinarr accelerated, following after the other human. The three zipped through the caverns much faster than their careful pace when initially exploring them, soon emerging back into the planet’s atmosphere. Flying up out of the ravine, they found that the Sarcota were starting to act rather erratically, two of the large beast actually colliding with each other not far away, causing both to turn away and head in other directions. There did not appear to be any significant injury to either, but such a collision would likely be catastrophic to any of the Lor power equipment arrayed out as far as the eye could see to the east.
  4. Timeout Lawrence had listened to Neko's ghost story closely as well. Given the anime he had watched with Baz over the last few months since they had become roommates at Claremont, the blond teen was not overly surprised at the dark and violent nature of the story. When the time had come to go to sleep, the relative peace and quiet of the Lost World reminded the teen of his parents' place in Fiji. Of course, that brought back memories of what had occurred on the return trip from the estate last month. Lawrence tried to push those thoughts from his mind for the moment so he could get to sleep. As his canopy area began filling with gas, waking him, up, the blond teen quickly snatched up his pack as he heard Neko calling out to move to higher ground. Making a quick check (which only took him a fraction of a second), Lawrence put away his sleeping bag and check that he was not leaving anything behind. Then he was gone in a temporal distortion, reappearing a few hundred feet away from the group’s makeshift camp, looking back to make sure all his classmates were moving to safety. A few more teleports and Lawrence appeared on a wide tree branch near Neko as the twins caught up as well. "Gunshots?" He asked. "Where?"
  5. This brings up ROUND THREE 26 Justicar Wryy (unharmed) 22 Fleur de Joie 3 HP (unharmed) 22 La Puma Negra 2 HP (bruised) 21 Justicar Har’al (bruised, prone) 20 Paradigm 4 HP (bruised) 19 Star-Khan (unharmed) 18 Boran Lieutenants (x2, one facing Predator bruised 2, staggered, dazed, prone) 13 Predator 3 HP (bruised 2) 10 Sovereign (bruised) 10 Tough Aliens (x3, one on Paradigm, one on Predator, one moving toward La Puma) 10 Troopers (two groups: 20 to the left and 20 to the right) 9 Hounds (1 telekinetic on right, one telepath on right, one telepath on left bruised) 8 Golden Star 0 HP (bruised 2) 6 Hunters (x2) All the PCs (and Star Khan), save Golden Star, have +3 to attacks, saves and any checks until the end of the round. Justicar Wryy is going to attack Paradigm: missing horribly with a 13 Then it is @Electra Fleur's action (pending her Will (DC20) and toughness (DC25) saves set out above)
  6. GM The nearly eight foot tall mecha that Predator had moved over towards turned towards the armored hero and away from Fleur de Joie. The mecha's right arm went out to its side, as a plasma blade extended from the primary weapons arm. With impressive speed, the mecha swung the plasma blade at Predator, managing to score a hit across her torso. But the dimensionally displaced heroine’s armor managed to withstand the blow, glowing slightly from the heat of the attack, but otherwise barely showing any sign of damage. Meanwhile, the other mecha finished closing with Fleur de Joie, similarly igniting its plasma blade, which it swung down to strike the Freedom League member. The Khanate Justicar that was facing Paradigm stabbed his power pike at the weakened Praetorian, the blade glowing with energy. However, Paradigm managed to sidestep the attack with ease, leaving the Justicar to scramble to regain his balance from the failed attack.
  7. To finish out the round: The Hunter on the right will close with Fleur and attack her with its plasma blade, hitting with a 23, which is a DC 25 toughness save for Fleur @Electra The Hunter Predator moved to also attacks her with its plasma blade, also getting a 23 to hit, DC 25 toughness save @Spacefurry Don't forget the +3 to Saves from Golden Star's Inspire for these saves.
  8. @RocketLord @Avenger Assembled Need notice checks for Ghost and Patriot II
  9. Well, right now there are more Omegadrones on the group. Of the abilities the twins have, their mental blast is probably the most effective, as the basic drones cannot pass the Will save to resist, so will go down.
  10. But I don't know what happened with the Notice check
  11. Velocity Velocity's goggles quickly provided her with data about what was going on amidst the chaos in the hanger. Artificer was blocking the exits from the hanger, preventing any of the readied fighter craft from launching to engage the Praetorians outside (or going down to attack the planet). Between herself, Gaian Knight and Moon-Moth, a large number of the enemy had been dealt with, though there were many still up and in the fight, if only barely. The Khanate Justicar was in the fight as well, staying near Artificer and helping protect the Atlantean as he went about his tasks. Turning her attention to the last third of the hanger she had not yet gone after any enemy in, the speedster noted that the still mobile troopers had managed to spread out far enough to prevent her from getting all of them at once. But she could still get quite a few, as well as some of the more dangerous enemy, such as the three mecha trying to clear the barrier over the main hanger door. Zipping over towards that end of the hanger, the speedster once gain was a blur of yellow, which seemed almost to be everywhere at once, her fists flashing out faster than most could see with faint sounds of the attacks breaking the sound barrier as she went. Within moments, dozens of troopers were down, as where three of the Borans caught in Moon-Moth's spell. All three of the mecha firing on Artificer’s barrier were knocked to the ground, each damaged, their pilots dazed for the moment. A moment later Velocity came skidding to a halt near Gaian Knight and the Boran that was in melee with him. "Seem to have things pretty well under control here for the moment."
  12. Okay, Velocity will switch her array back to her selective area melee attack. She will head down to the other end of the hanger to deal with as many enemy as she can. Again doing a full power attack (-5/+5) for +15 damage. She will get 50 of the paralyzed troopers and 20 of the non-paralyzed, the two paralyzed tough aliens, a paralyzed Boran Lt, the slowed Telekinetic Hound, five other Hounds (three telepaths and two telekinetic) and the three Hunters that were shooting at the barrier Artificer put up. She gets a 24 on her attack roll, which is enough to hit them all. All the troopers are out, as are the two tough aliens. The Boran Lt: 13 on the DC 30 toughness save, so he is out. Hunters: 23, 23, 16, two are bruised and dazed, the last staggered and dazed. Hounds TK: 26, 15, 26, so two are bruised, the other knocked out. Hounds Telepath: 23, 22, 18, two bruised and dazed, one staggered and dazed. Velocity will end her movement right in melee with one of the bad guys on Gaian Knight.
  13. GM The armed guards inside the engine room certainly seemed affected by Patriot's speech and threat, what others around the ship might be thinking, was harder to guess. But then, a few moments after Patriot's speech, the intercom she had been using cutout and a calm voice spoke over the system. It was the voice of the herald that had given Dovox's threat earlier. "The Terran's threats are hollow. She would not throw away her life, or those of her fellow Terrans on this ship so recklessly. Remember, you are in the service of the great Prince Dovox, help to clear these intruders from our ship and great shall be your reward. Abandoned him, and his punishment will be severe. Efforts are underway to retake engineer and secure the hanger." Waymaker's words seemed to harden the resolve of the armed troopers still in engineering. Where they had initially been ready to flee for the nearest escape pod, they now had a look of determination on their faces. Whether it was due to the motivational words of the herald, or just plain greater fear of Dovox, it was hard to say. The six troopers drew their weapons and began firing at the two Freedom League members, but all missed as energy blasts flashed around the two. Down in the hanger, the troopers that had avoided being caught in Moon-Moth's spell began spreading out around the hanger, some sprinting toward the far end, while others only moved a short distance. It was clear they were trying to be more spread out, to prevent Velocity or Gaian Knight from taking out as mean with each of their larger area attacks. Some of those that moved short distances opened fire, three of them shooting up at Moon-Moth, with two of the blasts hitting the Praetorian. Another three fired on Artificer, but Justicar Vor’an stepped in the path of one of the blasts, which glanced harmlessly off his armor, while the other two went wide. Up near the bridge, Traveller cycled through the airlock, stepping into one of the hallways inside the ship. She found herself looking at the entrance to the bridge, outside of which stood three figures. Two were large Borans, each armed with blasters and large melee weapons. The other was a figure familiar to Traveller, Tal'gar, a descendent of renegade Lor Mentats that had fled to a system that now lay within the boarders of the Stellar Khanate centuries earlier. Tal'gar had aided the old Star Khan in his attempt to reestablish his grip on the Khanate and retake worlds that had broken away. Tal'gar looked toward Traveller, a faint smile on her face as she signaled the two Borans to stay where they were. "Praetorian Shashikala. I would not suppose you are here to surrender?" She asked as she took a few steps forward, blades of psychic energy forming in her hands as she did.
  14. Okay, will go with one of the off-screen named bad guys that has been holding actions. Waymaker gets a 41 on his Sense Motive check! He will try to countermand the attempt to threaten/intimidate with diplomacy: 29, will give Patriot back the HP for a reroll: 38 So, with the crew's resolve reinforced, the armed guards in the engine room will now draw their weapons and open fire, three will fire at Ghost: all miss. Three will fire at Patriot: all missing as well (though one came close). In the hanger, most of the troopers that are not paralyzed are going to try to spread out to not be easy clusters of targets, so most are doing nothing but moving. Three will shoot at Moon-Moth: 2 hit, 2 DC 20 Toughness saves @Exaccus Three will shoot at Artificer: One would hit, but Vor'an will Interpose (and his Impervious stops the blast). Some fire at Velocity, but to no effect given she is currently insubstantial. So, this brings up: Round Three 67 Velocity 2 HP (bruised) 29 [PLACEHOLDER] 26 Ghost 4 HP (Unharmed) 21 Hounds (many. one telekinetic bruised, staggered; one telepath staggered and dazed, one telepath bruised and dazed, 1 telekinetic Slowed (round 2)) 20 Boran Lieutenants (3 in hanger, 1 staggered and dazed (on Vor’an), 1 staggered and Paralyzed (round 2), 1 Paralyzed (round 2)) 20 Hunters (8 in hanger, 1 staggered and dazed, 1 staggered, 1 bruised and dazed, 1 bruised and slowed (round 2); one Paralyzed (round 2)) 18 Tal’gar (unharmed) outside bridge 18 Gaian Knight 3 HP (bruise) 17 Tough Aliens (4 in hanger one on Gaian Knight, one charging Artificer/Vor’an, two paralyzed (round 2); two with Tal'gar outside bridge) 16 Galvanic 3 HP (Unharmed) 14 Justicar Vor’an (Unharmed) 13 Moon-Moth 3 HP (bruised 2) 13 [PLACEHOLDER] 13 Traveller 1 HP (Unharmed) 13 [PLACEHOLDER] 12 [PLACEHOLDER] 10 Artificer 1 HP (Unharmed) 7 Patriot II 2 HP (Unharmed) 6 Waymaker (unharmed) 5 Troopers (many, about 150 in hanger, 70 paralyzed (rnd 2); 80 spread out)
  15. @Poncho You can go ahead with Michael's action, unless you want to see the result of La Puma's toughness save first.
  16. GM Dovox stepped back before swinging his glaive-like weapon at the young Star Khan. However, Kinarr managed to sidestep the attack, the glaive slamming into the pavement, tearing a massive gash in it and sending debris flying in various directions. One of the Boran that had been with the troops on the side Predator was facing finished closing the distance with the armored heroine. As he drew close, the Boran swung a large club at her, but the hero ducked under the attack. Meanwhile, the other Boran on that side went past the small melee involving Predator and crossed most of the distance towards La Puma Negra. The remaining Boran engaged with Paradigm tried to hit the Praetorian again, however the experienced fighter was able to catch its wrist and push the Boran off balance, causing the attack to miss. Meanwhile, the regular troopers had continued spreading out so they were not grouped up. Several of them took the opportunity to open fire on either targets not engaged in melee, or those that were higher priority. Five troopers fired on Fleur de Joie, with two actually hitting the League member, but to no noticeable effect. Another five tried to fire on Paradigm, despite her being in melee, but all missed the Praetorian. Another five took aim at La Puma Negra, opening fire on the agile heroine. Golden Star moved into the path of one of the blasts, taking the hit. La Puma twisted and turned, trying to make herself a harder target for the other attacks. For the most part it worked, but one energy blast still managed to strike her. As she dodged about, one of the figures in black reached out with telekinesis, trying to grab ahold of La Puma, but she managed to dodge away before the alien mentalist could get a grip on her. Meanwhile the two alien telepaths both sent out mental blasts, each at a different target. One struck the young Star Khan, who winced slightly at the psychic assault, but otherwise seemed unharmed. The other struck Fleur de Joie…
  17. Okay, with Moon confirming in Discord that La Puma is using a HP to double her dodge bonus for the turn, will finish out the last group. The Hound telekinetic will try to grab La Puma with Move Object, but misses. The Hound telepath on that side will hit Fleur with a mental blast. @Electra DC 20 Will save. The Hound telepath that Predator dazed first round will hit Star Khan with a mental blast. He easily passes the will save with a 30.
  18. Okay, going back to combat order. To keep this moving quicker, will probably be asking multiple people to post their actions at once. Round One 38 Velocity (unharmed) 32 Gamma Buzz 2 HP (unharmed) 25 Insect Drones (many) 24 Timeout 5 HP (unharmed) 21 Blue Bolt 2 HP (unharmed) 21 Rot 4 HP (unharmed) 20 Spaceman 3 HP (unharmed) 20 Golden Star 2 HP (unharmed) 17 Torpedo Lass II 4 HP (unharmed) 15 Drones (many) 13 Needle Fighters (many) 10 Sever 1 HP (unharmed) @Supercape @Kaede Kimura Let me know what Gamma and Blue Bolt are going to do. Right now there are half a dozen groups (each of four) of the ground based drones spread out around the plaza/park where everyone is gathered. There are several small swarms of the insect drones that are flying around, several heading down to where everyone currently is.
  19. Timeout As the alien fleet opened fire and the needle like fighter craft filled the sky, the Freedom League went into action. Dr. Metropolis and Star Knight combined to create a barrier above the plaza, partially of concrete and stone, partially of yellow glowing energy. The barrier managed to withstand several blasts from the cruisers, although holes were blown out of the concrete barrier. Explosions could be heard from the nearby area as energy blasts struck numerous buildings. The first of the needle fighters plunged down into the street around City Center, some out of sight, while a half a dozen impacted into the ground spread out around the barrier protecting the center of the plaza. Captain Thunder looked over to Deadalus. "See if you can figure out a plan, the rest of us will try to keep things contained." With that, he, Lady Liberty, Star Knight, Siren and Dr. Metropolis all took to the air and began trying to intercept some of the needle fighters as the temporary dome vanished, the concrete and stone moving back into the streets and other areas Dr. Metropolis had drawn it from. Raven glanced over to the group of teens. "Unless you have information about these things or can otherwise add to any plan, pair up and keep each other safe" She then started off towards one of the needle ships and the four Communion drones that had emerged. Bowman followed quickly after her. Johnny Rocket zipped over near the teens. "Velocity, let's try to clear some of the areas a bit further out." "No problem." The teen speedster replied with a smile before the two speedsters were gone with a *WOOSH* of air. Before any of the Claremont teens departed the area, Lawence sent out another temporal healing burst, eliminating the last lingering injuries from the earlier encounter. He then turned to Daedalus and Vueriz and any others that were remaining to possible come up with a plan. "I doubt the singularity is anywhere within the city. As for the wormhole weapon…the images I recall seeing at the Lor-Van memorial were of something really big, far bigger than any of those ships above the city. If it even exists in this timeline, it could be up further in orbit, elsewhere in the solar system or not here at all." Daedalus paused a moment, then asked a question. "You all have mentioned someone manipulating this timeline, what are you talking about?" Lawerence looked over to the League inventor. "There is a cosmic entity that once tried to kidnap me. We have reason to believe that it is possible that entity could be behind this, using a singularity as a power source. It is possible that this entity used that to create this timeline."
  20. Okay, Sovereign will attack Star Khan, missing with a 20 One of the minion Borans will close with Predator (who moved up to a Hunter) and try to attack her, missing with a 19. The Boran attacking Paradigm will try to hit her, also missing with a 20. The other Boran (tough alien) will move towards La Puma, not making it all the way this turn. Troopers: Troopers on Predator's side are not too keen on trying to shoot at her in melee given how hard it would be to hit. But five will shot at Fleur: two hit, but Fleur cannot fail the DC 20 toughness save, so she is fine. Five will shoot at La Puma, Four of them hitting! Golden Star will interpose for one, so @Poncho DC 20 toughness save. @MoonSimply La Puma has another 3 DC 20 toughness saves. Five will take the chance try to shoot Paradigm, but all miss (two came very close). With Golden Star moving out of melee, four shoot at him, but all miss. @MoonSimply Before I move on with the next group of bad guys, do you want to have La Puma spend a HP to double her dodge bonus for the turn, which means she will only get hit once (the natural 20) instead of three times?
  21. He rolls almost as badly as possible, getting a 12, so he is staggered and dazed now (in addition to the earlier bruise) and sent flying back 25 feet and to the ground. Forgot to make a toughness save for the knockback (as small as it was), DC 20 save, he gets a 15 so picks up a second bruise as well!
  22. @Dracostern While waiting for TA's action, might as well get Daniel's as well.
  23. Paradigm When Fleur called out to Sovereign, the Boran snarled at her. "If the felineoid had not attacked first, my men would not have responded in kind." Paradigm still felt the crystal sapping her strength and durability, but focused on one of the Borans that was attacking her. The Naram swung her right hand with as much strength as she could currently muster under the effects of the crystal to backhand the much larger Boran. The blow still hit with enough force to knock the Boran unconscious, and send it flying backward about a hundred feet to land at the edge of the abandoned parking lot. Star Khan looked over at Sovereign from where he was still between Paradigm and the Justicar that had tried to attack her before looking back at the Praetorian. "I will get the crystal from Dovox!" He stated, before flying over towards the large Boran. The young Zultasian reached out to try to grab the crystal from Sovereign’s grasp, but the Boran turned his body, moving the hand holding the crystal out of reach, while pushing the Star Khan to one side with the shaft of his glaive-like weapon. "Looking for a means of controlling your would-be bride?" Sovereign asked with a snarl. Meanwhile, the Boran that had been moving towards Predator closed with her, pulling out a large sword as he did so. Bringing the blade around in a powerful swing, the alien managed to connect with the armored hero. On the other side of where the heroes had all started, Golden Star found himself alone against the large Boran who’s attack on La Puma Star Khan had blocked. Bearing its tusks at the teen, the Boran swung his axe at the hero, landing a powerful blow.
  24. Okay, the Justicar that is up next has to clear his daze. Paradigm will make a full power attack (-5/+5) on one of the tough alien minions on her, taking 10 to hit and knocking it out (as it cannot make the DC31 toughness save). Star Khan will fly up to try to take the crystal from Sovereign, but misses with a 20. The Boran Lt that was charging Predator will close and make a melee attack, hitting with a 26 so DC 25 toughness save for Predator @Spacefurry The other will attack Golden Star, hitting with a 18, so he also needs to make a DC 25 toughness save @Poncho And then, depending on the roll, it is Predator's tun @Spacefurry
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