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Tiffany Korta

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Everything posted by Tiffany Korta

  1. Frostbyte It had been a long day helping out on the farm, but Cathy was still up and about excited about another chance to visit Freedom City. She was a little late making sure her dress looked perfect, she would have gotten a new one but with the lateness of the invitation she’d not had time to make a trip to the mainland. Besides it was far to late find anywhere open, even if the tall lady from the Ministry hadn’t asked her not to use her powers to cross the mainland. She quickly grabbed the present she’d spent months working on, before after one last check was ready to go. Her arrival at place was telegraphed by a sudden chilling of the room and a faint smell of sulphur. She hadn’t really changed much from the last time they’d all been together, though she wasn’t as bundled up as normal. “I hope I’m not to late?” she cheerfully greeted all her old friends warmly, before offering Raina her present actually wrapped in brown paper and tied up with string “Happy Birthday! Sorry about the wrapping but it was really late when I got your invitation.”
  2. Zhenschina-voin “I’ve been in Freedom City for a while, so I fancy a decent cup of Yorkshire Tea…” She didn’t get to finish that when trouble literally rained down from the sky. A old well practised hero she went straight into action, knowing the others would be just as capable even if still a little green. “I’ll clear the area, someone better check on the… wounded. This does not look good in the slightest.” With her height and a voice that could boom when need she held her hand out to encourage people to get undercover “Please everyone move inside, we’re getting thing under control here.” She kept an eye out for anyone that needed help to get under cover, another thing her height really help her with.
  3. Blodeuwedd She’d not thought about all this for sometime, but she’d couldn’t forget that how that day ended. It took a little to try and workout how the day had started. Still she had a pretty good memory and the Order had always encouraged its agent to record there experiences. “The day was a little unusual but no more than the average day for a superhero. Apparently someone had stirred up some T-Baby protest and I was one of the teen heroes that showed up independently to make sure no trouble started. Obviously trouble did start but not how we expected...”
  4. Madame Raven “He’s right you know! There are thing I know about this time that we really shouldn’t reveal to those from this time period… we all do really.” With a shrug at Charlie’s impetuous action she decided to join him in taking the quick way down, she didn’t have a glide cape so she had to rely instead on her grapple to slow her enough in there fall. Her bad ass cowl like fall was spoiled a little but by her going wheeee as she hurtled towards the ground waiting for the right moment to use her grapple.
  5. Blodeuwedd - 6 posts + 4 posts (GM post) = 10 posts = 2PP + 1PP (Ref Point) = 3PP (OMTB) Interview: Blodeuwedd (6) Dr Thorne - 1 posts = 1PP The Fast and the Furriest (1) Emerald Spider - 1 post = 1PP League of Their Own (1) Madame Raven - 2 post = 1PP Rough cut diamonds (1) Survival Class: Silver Lining (1) Merge Trois -1 post = 1PP Original Gangster (Remix) (1) Ms Bright - 1 post = 1PP A Different Kind of Justice (1) Scarab III - 8 posts + 2 posts (GM Post) = 10 posts = 2PP Family Takeover (1) Where Do We Go? (7) The Immutable Betsy Brooks 1 post (GM post) = 1PP Zhenshchina-voin - 1 post Mirror Mirror (1) GMing (3 x 2 ) - 6 posts Family Takeover (1) OOC Original Gangster (Remix) (1) Rough cut diamonds (1)
  6. Drive Roll: 1d20+5 20 , the charmer is the other one and I doubt Sleight of hand will work here so we'll try a raw d20 roll... Slow 'em: 1d20 15
  7. Blodeuwedd Blodeuwedd thought about it for a few seconds before trying to explain how things had gone down in her mind. “That was the weird thing until the last minute none of us had a clue. I have a gift for reading body language, its so natural I do it without really thinking about it….” It was always interesting to note how different people reacted to this, sometimes it was useful to get a quick read on a person. “And never once did I get any feeling that something was off about Blue Jay. Say what you want about The Curator but he did some amazing work.”
  8. Zhenschina-voin Klara was not a fan of cloths shopping, no big and large store on Earth covered her measurements. What she did enjoy was spending time in the company of other, enjoying the simple pleasures of doing normal everyday things. And whilst London wasn’t Freedom City apart from the odd quick selfie or signature the locals left her mostly alone. Though she have to ask later why someone suggested a large hat would complete the look… “I’m sure the baby will love all the gifts! Though it took me many hours to pick a suitable gift, its been a whilst since I’ve shopped for a child.” With a grin she gave a hug to those that will comfortable with such things.
  9. Very sorry for the delay here. I'm not sure how you want to handle this but I'd like to try and slow our opponents car down please.
  10. Doctor Rosa Thorne Whilst no Sunday drive Rosa was not a fan of this hectic driving, it didn’t help that Liam was adding useful suggestions as they moved along. This wouldn’t do and she needed something to slow thing down a little. It wasn’t easy with keeping her eye’s on the road but she began to wave a hand around and chant softly in Latin, aiming her will towards the other vehicle to aim to slow it down as much as she could. She wouldn’t be able to hold it for long, if at all, but it would by them some time to catch the werewolf.
  11. Scarab III Kamala had most of the parts in place, the lack of tools was frustrating but she was managing with what she had at hand. She was fighting the urge to make it near perfect, as was her normal approach, it only had to work well once or twice. Still time wasn’t on there side, and she doubted anyone would appreciate if she created a gravity large enough to slow time. “I need another minute at least. You’ll need to stall them somehow.”
  12. GM Post Boardroom The apparently leader of the terrorist gently pushed Jerome towards the exit of the boardroom. “We’re going to negotiate with the FCPD, if they cause any trouble try to wound not kill. They still have some use to us.” His grin suggested he wasn’t totally worried if some of them suffered accidents. Office The young woman was working hard on whatever crazy contraption she was working on, but it seemed that there time had run out. Voice could be heard from outside the door and someone was beginning to try the door handle...
  13. Blodeuwedd Blodeuwedd smiled wistfully as she remembered the friends she’d made in this city, most of who she’d fallen out of contact with over the years. Really she should catch up with them, those still around, whilst she was in the States. “Let me see quite a few you might not know, but also some like Crimson Tiger, Tsunami, Kit and Blue Jay…” She frowned, a momentary loss of control, Blue Jay still bought back complicated feeling for Blodeuwedd especially when it came to the reason she’d asked to talk to Super Crime!
  14. Scarab III Kamala did a quick check over what had been set up, it didn’t matter how much she trusted anyone she still needed to make sure she was happy with a setup. She suspected it was a common thing among those gathered here. “God willing everything should work perfectly, though we’re dealing with old code here so I can’t even imagine how messy it all looks in there!” She guessed it wasn’t the time to suggest improvements, maybe once they’d transferred the intellect they could look at better integration. One step at a time though.
  15. Blodeuwedd With the ease of someone who’d told various versions of her past Blodeuwedd slipped into her patter of her teenage years. “I was in Freedom City hunting a creature when I fell in with some other teenage heroes. We spent a few years together learning a lot from each other, it was quite an education…” She knew that Claremont was an open secret among heroes, but she didn’t want to be the one to reveal its existence on television (though obviously this would have been cut before broadcast). “It was this crew I was running with when the whole situation went down.”
  16. Actually a 'lil head-up display for the team sounds like an Atom thing, specially with the guy in the chair being our Zordon!
  17. Blodeuwedd “I’m the descendant of a family of monster hunters, destined to inherit the family mantle. I was chosen by fate to wield Dyrnwyn and ancient sword of an alleged ancestor.” To illustrate she held the scarab and pulled out enough of the blade so that the eldritch green glow could be seen, being careful to position it so not to cause to much glare for the camera. It was somewhat ironic that this was the story she’d memorised to get into Claremonts, only for the headmaster to pick apart the story almost straight away. “The name Blodeuwedd comes after a character from Math fab Mathonwy in the Mabinogi, it’s a tragic tale that I recommend people look up. I’d suggest the original Welsh but I’m a little biased!”
  18. Blodeuwedd Blodeuwedd did whenever there was a potential to feel nervous or embarrassed, create a persona that could deal with the situation. Today she was the friendly neighbourhood Blodeuwedd, more or less herself but just a natural in the studio. “I’ve spent a little while working in a studio. I’m sure you’ll understand if I don’t go into any more detail.” She gave an understanding hero to hero look “And I’m ready whenever you’re good.”
  19. Blodeuwedd “Bore da.” Blodeuwedd greeted them all with a smile, taking off her hood before she did so “Blodeu is fine if you wish, and Blodeuwedd’s my actual name not that it matters in this case.” With a final, briefest of, pauses she places her goggles on the top of her already wearing a mask underneath. She’d gone back and forward on this but finally figured this was the best as that would be how people would have seen her on that day. Beside she knew enough about disguise that with her hair down it would be difficult to truly identify who she was exactly. “I’m not normally one for appearing on television, more about the shadows as you might have gathered. But I wanted to do this for a good… friend of mine that was involved in all this.” Even now she’d never managed to untangle her feeling completely.
  20. Blodeuwedd Blodeuwedd had been there the whole time tucked away invisibility thanks to the abilities of her ring. Mostly it was to make sure that this was all on the level, though the request had been through Summer’s one of the few that knew about the existence of there hidden town. It amused her how much that “Bloody Summers woman” annoyed some of the Elder, she’d had the gall to visit the one time, she’d always been impressed by they’re keen skills in such matters. Figuring the time was right to make her appearance she dropped down silently behind the crew slowly standing up to reveal the eerie green glow of the goggles she wore. “I hope I haven’t been keeping you waiting too long?” She spoke in own soft Welsh lilt Her intel suggested that Hologram was telepathic in some way, so she wondered if the older hero was humouring her for a dramatic entrance. Still it was a good to do again after all this time in the shadows.
  21. Andrea Atom Power Level: 10/12 (180/180PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: None In Brief: Thought dead original Atom back from the Terminus. Catchphrase: (Optional) Example: "Its Clobberin' Time!", "By the Power Cosmic!", "Hulk Smash!" etc. Theme: (Optional) A theme song for the character. Alternate Identity: Public Birthplace: Freedom City Residence: Atomic Tower, Goodman Plaza, Freedom City Base of Operations: The Multiverse Occupation: Scientist / Explorer Affiliations: Atom Academy Family: Atom Description: Age: 61 (DoB: 8th August 1959) Apparent Age: 25 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'6" Weight: 125 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown (Describe what they look like! Cover their physical appearance, typical clothing and of course their costume if they have one.) History: After having been a hero for a few decades, along with a wife and mother to two wonderful children Andrea had been more than happy than retire from the superhero business content to focus on using her Science knowledge to help improve the quality of life of humanity. As with many heroes she put that aside when Omega attacked, doing what she could to help fight of the invaders and send them back into there home dimension. Her hastily built Dimensional Nullifier had one flaw the user would need to be close to Omega before activating the device. After talking over with her husband the two decided that they would be the ones to do the deed and with other heroes formulated a plan to get close enough to the villain. The plan was near perfect and they activated the device, but Omega somehow became aware of them and at that very moment blasted them with his power apparently reducing them to (ironically) atoms. That should have been the end of her but something happened and she reformed after an untold amount of time in Terminus, found and adopted by a group of Furions. Recognizing her from previous visits by the Atom Family they nursed Andrea back to health. At that point she could have returned to Earth Prime but she wanted to discover what had happened to her beloved husband so teamed up with the Furions to gather potential information. During these raid she began to realise that her body had been altered to allow her to phase through physical matter. With some experimentation she used this to improve there raid gathering data from stations used by Omega’s forces to monitor alternative Earth to choose targets to invade. Despite years spent gathering and analysing this data she could only find vague scraps of his potential survival and after all her efforts she had to admit to herself that he was probably dead. With nothing else left she threw herself into the struggle of the Furions using her technical knowledge to build equipment to fight Omega’s forces. But also in gathering together various clans of the Furions and founding a hidden city where they could both rest and train together to become more efficient. Despite all her achievements she refused to take any kind of title or position instead staying in the background to spend her time in pursuit of science. After decades of helping the Furions she began to feel home sick and after making sure they could continue there struggles she built a machine to return herself to Earth Prime. It was shock when she returned to the spot she left only to discover that just how much time had passed on Earth, more so that due both her altered biology and the passage of time in the Terminus she hadn’t appeared to have aged a day since she’d disappeared. After spending a few months rediscovering her grown children, and her grandchildren, she set to work creating a place where the Atoms and others could explore what science could do for Earth Prime. Personality & Motivation: (Describe why they do what they do here.) Powers & Tactics: (In-character descriptions of how they do what they do.) Power Descriptions: (Describe the appearance of their powers as applicable: the colour of energy blasts, the shape of portals, the design of a battlesuit. Also give an idea of the Descriptors those powers use: fire, technological, cosmic energy, etc.) Complications: Name: Description Example: Everyone Deserves A Second Chance: The character believes in everyone's better nature, even if it would be more prudent to be wary. Abilities: 0 + 4 + 0 + 30 + 8 + 6 = 48PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 40 (+15) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 0 (2PP / Base Attack) + 0 (2PP / Base Defense) = 0PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +10 Ranged (+9 Base) Defense: +10 (+8 Base, +2 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed Grapple: +0 Knockback: -0 Saving Throws: 7 + 6 + 4 = 0PP Toughness: +10 (+0 Con, +10 Force Field) Fortitude: +7 (+0 Con, +7) Reflex: +8 (+0 Dex, +6) Will: +8 (+4 Wis, +4) Skills: 82R = 21PP Bluff 10 (+15) Diplomacy 12 (+15) Drive 8 (+10) Gather Information 10 (+15) Intimidte 5 (+10) Language 3 (Russian, Latin, French, English [Native]) Medicine 11 (+15) Notice 6 (+10) Pilot 8 (+10) Sense Motive 11 (+15) Feats: 10PP Attack Focus (Ranged) Defensive Roll 2 Distract (Bluff) Dodge Focus 2 Equipment 2 Jack-of-All-Trades Online Research Equipment: 2PP = 10EP (1 rank of the Equipment Feat = 5 'Equipment Points') Name (Power breakdown, if applicable) [XEP] Powers: 5 + 8 + 10 + 23 = 46PP Flight 2 [5PP] Force Field 8 [8PP] Immunity 10 (Ageing, Life Support) [10PP] Phasing Array 15 (30PP Array; Feats: ALternative Power 1) [31PP] Insubstantial 4 (Incorperal Extra: Affects Corporeal Feats: Precise, Subtle 2) [30PP] Blast 10 + Force Field 10 [30PP] Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Totals: Abilities (52) + Combat (34) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (21) + Feats (10) + Powers (46) = 180/180
  22. Scarab III “Not that I’m sure they care but as far as I can tell all the checksums work out, if it’s faked then its a very good work.” she didn’t have a doubt that her work wasn’t anything but perfect. She looked at the deactivated robot for a moments, examining the frame to see if she could match up the damage with what the image had told them the sequence of events. She mused that Iman’s still debated if humanoid robots were against the Koran, Kamala figured that it was or God wouldn’t allow them to be created though she had to admit she hadn’t give her AI a physical shell just in case. “Do we really trust them to just let us do our job? Or do they have something else in mind do we thing?”
  23. I have so many that might work here, and Blodeuwedd was actually around for DoW, so pick and choose as you need.
  24. Scarab III Whilst the other went about their various actions Kamala stayed out of the way and began to puzzle things out on her own. She wanted obviously wanted to help but around the foremost cyberneticists in the City, if now world, and felt she would only get in the way. But she had dabbled in various fields and she put that knowledge to use right now. A quick look at Irons at least showed that he used a buffer to store visual and audio images for analysis before being turned into signals the brain could understand, it was a good bet that Keres was as well. With induction technology she had to had she quickly figures out a way to use her field projectors to create a quick and dirty hologram of just what happened The code was a little sloppy but she was working in a very short time period. “Will this help us any?” She projected an image of the event, ready to playthings back as needed.
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