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Everything posted by Ecalsneerg

  1. Standard Action: Set an Obscure between the attackers and the house at rank 5, so 100' radius and 15PP. It's Independent, so it'll keep going, but Fade Move Action: Attempt to Intimidate the group into stopping. It's at -5 for a move action, sadly. Still nets a 25 with Mastery, though.
  2. Suddenly, a huge cloud of smoke erupted in front of the house, blanketing the dark night sky between the assailants and the house. A dark shape emerged from it, red eyes blazing beneath a dark cowl. A large cape flared behind the figure, swept back by his rapid motion and the cool night breeze. "Back off, noo!" he commanded in a thick Scots accent. "Ah won't warn ye twice, ye ken fa ah ah'm." Arrowhawk hefted his bow, an arrow already nocked and drawn. He glanced to the side, taking in Foreshadow. "What the hell are you doing here?" he demanded, Scots accent fading away to become a little more neutral.
  3. Streetwise, and Gather Information: 1d20+15 31 1d20+15 28 HE KNOWS EVERYTHING Initiative: 1d20+9 18 He's also unharmed and has 3 Hero Points.
  4. A gruff voice suddenly spoke from behind Crimson Tiger. "Looks like I'm not the only one trying to bust up this little operation." Arrowhawk took a couple of brisk steps, standing beside her, looking steadily forward out into the street, red eyes flaring beneath his cowl. "And on a school night." He lifted one arm up slowly, head cocking to and fro. His arm wavered, before his head suddenly settled on a point near a streetlight. His arm snapped to point at it. "There." He glanced sidelong at the Tiger. "Never get to work alone in this city, do you?" The archer shook his head slowly.
  5. Arrowhawk's just sitting on the roof, using Skill Mastery for Notice 30 and Stealth 30 lalala
  6. A large shadow, like that of a great bird, swooped over the street to land atop the warehouse. It landed with barely a sound, the shape of it deforming into a rough black mass. A glimmer of red flashed from within it as the shape silently moved across the roof, pale moonlight revealing the shape of a man in a long cape creeping across the roof. He moved in a brisk stalk, with the slightest trace of a limp, but moved utterly silently. Arrowhawk moved to the edge of the roof, cape bundled around him against the cool night air, silently surveying the area around him for any other individuals or vehicles liable to interfere with his operation.
  7. "But if you went really fast, would the hat stay on?" mused Geckoman from atop his dinosaur. Then he clapped his hands together. "Right, rough plan. You, Ferrari Girl, when we get there, you get in, you get those pens or whatever you keep a dinosaur in. You get them open. We'll," he gestured at himself, their new allies, and his dinosaur, "We'll get past the goons. Hopefully we all meet in the middle and we can start herding dinosaurs. I do not have a solid plan on how one does that. I'm sure something will arise." Geckoman frowned briefly, then smiled broadly. "Well, I hope so." He leaned forward in the saddle. "And the other vital component is we all stop plotting my death." He threw his hands in the air. "I am a professional! I have a dinosaur!" He pointed at Erik. "He might die! He's planning some valiant one-man attack!"
  8. Liz had only barely had time to react, fingers clenching hard on her wand, whole body tensing. She took the proffered screwdriver, expression blank, and glanced down at the unconscious man. "Huh. That's odd." She cracked her neck. "Is this like, why you guys encourage bantering? Because I'd've just shot me in the back." She whirled to the rest of the group, cocking a switch in her hand. Lightning began whirring and arcing through her wand, a little bit of dust shaking out with a couple of jolting thuds as the battered old weapon came to life. "So... reckon they need a new ArcheTech PR campaign? ArcheTech: we won't try to stab you with a screwdriver."
  9. Liz looked at Ellie blankly. "What... um... aren't you a doctor? I mean, uh..." She cocked an eyebrow, before a look of realisation dawned on her face and she threw her head back, rolling her eyes. "Oh god. He's an idiot. He's a total idiot. We decided not to tell anyone for a few months, just in case, and apparently he needed to be clearly told that, yes, he was allowed to talk about it." She shook her head, before turning to her boss. "You, on the other hand, are not an idiot. You don't have that excuse." The reformed supervillain pulled out a slim metal wand and clicked a button, extending it out to its full length. "In any case, I'll help shift the metal boxes. This'll be faster than you non-pregnant people walking objects back and forth anyway." An idea popped into her head. "Aaaaand... if there's no radio, is there any way we could broadcast through? I mean, they'd be the only people with a receiver.
  10. Geckoman sighed, and rocked back on his dinosaur. "That's... that's a lot of men." He continued idly rocking back and forth in the saddle. "Eh. We have a dinosaur too. And there are seven of us. Get me a stetson!" He pointed his hand at the sky. "This will be magnificent." The idea of only rescuing Steve and not anyone else didn't seem to have at all crossed his mind. He leaned over in the saddle and peered down at their new friends. "Well, you clearly know the terrain better than us, and the odds'll be against us given how massively, hilariously outnumbered we are right now. We're going to either need choke points, or ways to surprise 'em. Y'know, all shock and awe." Chris glanced back at Erik. "Fearless Leader, you normally cover this stuff. Best way to fight hundred dudes plus dinosaurs." He pointed down at the reformed House members. "Terrain experts." He pointed his hand back at Erik. "Go!"
  11. "Absolutely not!" snapped a voice from behind the group. A woman came out of the shadows in a knee-length black dress with ragged edges. Her black hair was cut in a bob that only served to emphasise the anger on her face. As she came closer through the darkness, her heavily pregnant stomach came into view. In spite of the additional heft, Liz Lawlett still managed to stalk towards the group. "If you do that without knowing what you're doing, you don't know what'll happen. You could send a giant sized force bubble smashing through the rift and it'd explode all over the bunch of idiots." She turned to Dragonfly. "Have we tried a matter-based entrance rather than energy? Say, a drone with a cabled broadcasting system?"
  12. I'd like to request a picture of an adult Geckoman. This is a pretty old reference, but the basic costume design is the same, sans HeroFactory's idiosyncrasies. The goggle lack the little antennae, and the gloves lack the metal bars. He's also using a darker green costume (more like the gloves and boots on this image), with his belt, pouches, boots and gloves being dark yellow. The goggles are also all orange, the frame and lenses. Thank you~
  13. Equinox How to Build A Better Scythe (2) Geckoman So Great A Cause (3) Galvanic = Ref pp, plus Geckoman's posts And census tiiiime Ecalsneerg Veteran Progress: 156/180 Basic Character Slots: PL10/150PP: ArrowhawkPL10/150PP: UnusedPL7/105PP: Geckoman [Maxed]Veteran Rewards Used: 0/5 Spent PL10/150PP: EquinoxPL12/180PP: GalvanicGeckoman promoted from PL7/105PP to PL10/150PPUnusedUnusedRetired Characters: Scholar (PL10/150PP)
  14. Equinox walked over to Kimber, and put a hand on her shoulder. "Congratulations," she smiled proudly. "That was an impressive bit of work, I don't think any of us could do better." But then a frown spread across her features. "But I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. When you achieved corporeal form, it gives the rest of us... certain obligations." She unbuttoned her coat, reaching into it with a grim expression. "I'm sorry." Hayley burst out of the coat and leapt onto Kimber's shoulder, then bouncing up through her hair and onto the top of her head, showering her face in raccoon licks while making happy chittering noises. "Has to happen to everyone eventually. Start carrying food, Nick does it." Siobhan shook her head, struggling to maintain her sombre expression.
  15. Geckoman yanked on the 'reins' of the dinosaur. "Woahoahoah, easy, big guy!" he called down to it. It lumbered to a stop with huge clumping footsteps. He stood up in the saddle, leaning down to look at the men. "Guess we got lucky," he mused. "I haven't seen no flying machines. Might be something to keep in mind." Geckoman glanced at the team around him, and the giant dinosaur. Well, even if these guys were part of whatever or whoever had brought them here, or had Steve, they were outnumbered and in any case, probably couldn't fight a dinosaur. "We're looking for a friend of ours. Not from around here, might be a bit... clanky and metally, might not be. You heard of anyone like that?" While he was fine with asking these men, he didn't want to give away too many details. "We figured we'd head to where those other guys've got dinos too. Thought they might be the type to have... come across him."
  16. Geckoman looked down, patting the poor dinosaur's flank. "Oh, sweetie, he was mean to you, wasn't he? Don't worry, I'll look after you. Lizard bros." He turned his new friend in the direction of the mine, getting ready to ride off to go investigate and hopefully find Steve. He leaned over the edge of the saddle down at the two newbies. "Oh ignore him, he's grumpy when it gets weird and out there. Which is annoying, because that's the business. And I'm," he jabbed Erik hard in the side. "Not going to die. One of us can regrow our pancreas here, and it's not you, Swords Hard Guy." Geckoman gestured at him, riding atop a giant cyborg dinosaur with a trenchcoated magical swashbuckler. "Tell you what, guys. Come help us out, and you'll get to fight alien dinosaur robots and also ride this big-ass T Rex. Whaddya say?"
  17. Siobhan stood and withstood the woman's words, trying to not let the volume and fury of it rattle her, at least not visibly. She brought her hands before her, letting her magic reverberate and expand outwards from her, forming a semi-translucent shield between her and her armoured adversary. "It says a lot about you that you throw scholar and academic as insults, as ideas of weakness," said Siobhan firmly, letting her power trickle into her voice. It didn't magnify it to the same volume as the words that had been thrown at her, but infused them with a solid, sharp clarity. "To scorn the idea of learning, of striving to find out more, to do more, to be more. And that's really the point of it all, isn't it? To understand? To know? To build and improve? Why would I ever defend myself against failing to meet your standards when your standards are so clearly wrong?" She took a step towards the armoured woman. "Battle isn't the benchmark by which you measure accomplishment, it's what you do in achieving them, in defending them." Another step. "And rest assured, I have fought. I have fought so hard." Weariness crept into Siobhan's voice as she slowly closed the distance. "We, not merely myself, are going to forge this weapon. I have weaknesses. They're not the ones you think, but they're there, and so do my companions. And we make up for each other's." Siobhan was mere inches from the woman now, glaring up into her eyes. "And I think that's true strength, don't you?" she asked pointedly.
  18. Geckoman shot up the side of the dinosaur after Jack, leaping and spinning, hands and feet briefly gaining purchase on any available surface as he arrived seconds after the original pilot's speedy departure from his post. He looked down upon the mix of mechanical and organic arrayed around the saddle. "Huh. Well, this isn't what I usually drive. They didn't have dinosaurs down at the DMV." He settled himself down on the dinosaur, hands rummaging and wrestling with the saddle and the accoutrements around it, trying to get the dinosaur under control. It was like riding a horse, right? A big, angry, scaly death horse which a madman had put half a Prius into. Piece of cake. "C'mon, big guy, c'mon, you can do this, we don't want anyone eating anyone, right?" It was vague whether he was speaking to the dinosaur or to himself. Or both.
  19. Geckoman: Uninjured, 4 HP Move Action: Using Wall-Crawling and Acrobatics Skill Mastery for 25, Chris can also get on the dinosaur Standard Action: Gain control of the dinosaur. If it's Pilot, that's Skill Mastery for a total of 30. If it's Ride or Drive, he'll have to roll. For Drive, he'll just flat-out roll with his +10 bonus, with Ride, he'll spend a HP on Beginner's Luck for a +14 bonus: Controlling the dinosaur: 1d20 5 Eh, not great, but that means it's a 15 for Drive, a 19 for Ride, and a 30 for Pilot.
  20. Initiative: 1d20+12 17 Sorry, had a bad few days. I'll break the tie by electing to go after Jack.
  21. Equinox How to Build A Better Scythe Geckoman So Great A Cause Ref pp, rollover posts and Ref pp to Galvanic
  22. Equinox inclined her head slowly at the woman before her, making steady eye contact. She didn't know who the woman was, or why her helmet was so impractical looking. But it didn't do to show fear or doubt. Especially with this much magic running around. Although she didn't know where the branch was, she shouldn't assume that it wasn't somewhere. She took a languid step forwards and set her feet firm, shoulder-widths apart. "Greetings," she said, slowly and carefully. "We are performing a ritual, ma'am. If it's no trouble to you, interference at this stage wouldn't be a good idea for anyone." She held her arms at her side, palms facing forward. The gesture was twofold. It appeared as if she was leaving herself calm and open. She could, however, launch several offensive spells in a second from such a position.
  23. Geckoman shook his head ruefully. Man, he'd forgotten how cranky Erik could come across as until you got used to him. This dustbowl wasn't really helping that. He opened his mouth to maybe reassure the kids that papa was just being grumpy today when boom. Boom. Their ticket out of the ass end of nowhere appeared, looking over them. The most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. A giant semi-robotic dinosaur. "Jack," he said in a tone of awed reverence. "I will drive that dinosaur. I will drive it all the way back home if I have to." He pulled his staff from his belt, twirling the handle absently in his fingertips before squeezing it, the two halves of the staff shooting out, electricity crackling between taser prongs at either end.
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