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Everything posted by Ecalsneerg

  1. Geckoman leaned back in his chair as he swooshed through the solar system, careering towards Pluto. Every so often, he'd press some buttons and guide the course away slightly, to avoid crashing into space debris or moons or planets or something. It was cool flying a Freedom League spaceship, but it was an easy ship to fly, not a short journey like his time on the Moon was, and it also felt slightly like adultery. So he'd occupied his time drumming on the edge of the console, and somehow managing to patch his MP3 player into the consoles. And was now singing loudly, out of key and without regard for basic rhythm or taste. "Danger zoooo-ooooo-ooooooone~" He waved one arm in the air as the other hand danced over some switches and buttons. "Ride intoooooooo the danger zoooone! Something something something, spreading out the wings toniiiiiight!"
  2. SHOCKED BY HGM Quick edit for Galvanic Spend 1pp on Environmental Adaptation (Zero-G)
  3. Galvanic sagged back against a wall. For all her phenomenal strength and endurance, the fight had drained her, both physically and voltaically. Dark bruises were spread across part of her neck and chest, and some buttons had some off her coat. She managed some half-hearted cursing at the Broan's arrogance. Deep down, she wasn't wholly unglad. She wasn't sure she had it for a few round with their fleet as well. Wincing, the Tempestian pushed herself fully upright, and approached her comrades. "Not over." A grim smile found its way to Chlo'zel's place. "Not yet." She looked at Corona. "What do you thinksuppose we can do to help?"
  4. Chlo'zel paced back and forwards restlessly, boots clumping on the hard floor. How long was this taking? People were out there fighting and dying, and all these supposed experts and tacticians and military leaders could surely come up with a plan in a shorter space of time so they could do something about it! Her fists were scrunched tight in frustration, sparks occasionally flickering in anger around them. She turned to pace the other direction, to nearly collide with a giant rock person. "Oh. Apologysorry." She craned her neck to look up at his blocky head. "You're bigtall," she observed. The Tempestian hovered up in the air slightly, to be closer to the alien's eye level. Chlo'zel held out a hand, much less gingerly than someone of such a size difference. "Chlo'zel Elzak. Boredweary of this long wait for action, yes?" She smiled widely.
  5. Extraordinary Effort! Stunt Telekinesis off the 35pp Area... Telekinesis 11 (Extras: Area - Burst, Selective Attack, Flaws: Action - Full) [33PP], and also increase the rank by 2 to Telekinesis 13 Then make an opposed power check to keep the nanites within the immediate area... DANGER ZONE: 1d20+13 19... eh, I have a stack of HP, let's reroll. TAKE A RIDE INTO THE DANGER ZONE: 1d20+13 23+10=33
  6. "On it," said Equinox, lifting her wand above her head. She screwed her eyes shut, dimming their glow. Light crackled from her feet, up her body, going upwards and upwards into her fingertips. As it went, the colour drained from her already pale skin. The combination of this, and her eyes being shut, lent her a different image, one of fatigue and weariness, rather than super witch. The light shot upwards from her wand, into the clouds, causing them to whirl and spiral around the beam of light. The spiral grew wider, and wider, and wider, grey spreading across the sky. Equinox let out a single breath, and brought her wand down slowly, the light dimming. She opened her eyes suddenly, and as light flared from them once more, the clouds swept downwards, into a whirling corona of wind and water vapour, tight around the area of combat, trying to keep the nanobots contained within one area.
  7. Arrowhawk bowed his head as the explosion rippled through the air and sand, averting his eyes as the sand and debris swept past him, sending his tattered cape near perpendicular with his body. He exhaled heavily in the aftermath, looking up at the remains of Typhon. He didn't quite lower his bow, still holding it a little rigidly and a little too high to be said to have stood down. He turned to everyone else. "Hold on. How do we know it's actually over? Is there any way to destroy the remains, or at least bury them too deep to reform. I don't think we should... take chances, with that thing."
  8. A little late again, but for your pleasure, I present post awards. A little slow of a month, but hey, you guys got PP anyhow, so enjoy! Blue Rose Elite: 1PP Kit: 1PP Wayward: 0PP ca_laserdwarf Coiled Lightning: 1PP Dragonid: 1PP caelcormac Jason Stack: 1PP Darksider42 Riff: 0PP Ruby Voxx: 1PP Ecalsneerg Arrowhawk: 0PP Equinox: 0PP Galvanic: 1PP Geckoman: 0PP Exaccus Black Knight: 1PP Ulysses: 1PP Fox Gaian Knight / Tiamat: 2PP Dragonfly: 1PP Eclipse: 0PP Wraith: 1PP Geez3r Maxima: 1PP Gizmo Jack of all Blades / Jill O Cure: 1PP Midnight II: 1PP Wail: 1PP Ghost Girl: 1PP Set / Sekhmet: 4PP GooseInduced Polarity: 1PP and a PL bump to PL11! Seika: 1PP Skaere: 1PP and a PL bump to PL8! Heritage Deep Freeze: 1PP Grimalkin: 1PP Miracle Girl: 1pp and a bump to PL9! HG Morrison Argonaut: 0PP Foreshadow: 1PP Glamazon: 2PP Roulette: 1PP and a bump to PL11! KnightDisciple Cobalt Templar: 1PP Gabriel: 1PP Nevermore: 2PP Sun Walker: 1PP Thoughtspeed: 1PP and a bump to PL12! MisterShoeBox Phantasmo: 1PP Raveled Blue Jay: 1PP Corona: 1PP and a bump to PL11! Miras: 1PP TNTeen: 0PP RobRX Bloodline: 1PP Kharag: 1PP Rampart: 1PP Sorus Blue Fox: 1PP Nightingale: 1PP Willow: 1PP souffle_girl Mechanized: 1PP Nano Angel: 1PP The Osprey Endeavour: 3PP TiffanyKorta Blodeuwedd: 2PP Miss Grue: 1PP Revenant: 1PP The Traveller: 1PP Triakosia: 1PP Young Britannia: 1PP Vahnyu Hronos: 1PP Meatheral: 1PP Net Fly: 1PP
  9. <Issue! Issue!> came Hayley's voice in Siobhan's head. "What?" she snapped, out loud instead of in her head. <What is it?> <No magic, no magic. Not any magic.> Equinox frowned mentally as the raccoon clarified. <It's not magic.> Equinox lifted her wand, to point dead at the nominal angel. "Well, so it'd seem, Mr Divine Emissary, that there's absolutely nothing of the magic to you. The only magic in this area is what we brought, and I got confirmation. Sir, we deal with real divine emissaries. I'm going to give you a chance to acknowledge this and accept the implications of aggravating us if we can deal with them. And stand down."
  10. Signing up Galvanic so Gizmo won't hit me. Also, Geckoman, if there's space in space.
  11. Move Action: Get up Standard Action: Start the combined attack off, with a power attack for 5, and an explosive arrow. +12 to hit, DC+12. So, Start the assault: 1d20+12 28
  12. Miras was the only one near enough to hear the muffled swearing, of a length and hue which made her eldritch words seem mundane. "Goddamn," he muttered, rolling to his feet. "Getting slower in my old age." He fumbled in his quiver, the motion sending a shooting pain up his side. He pulled out an explosive arrow, took one look at it, and tossed it aside. The primer was squashed. He pulled out another one. It seemed alright. He took sight at the massive monstrosity, and nocked the arrow, aiming for the base of its multiple necks. "Alright. Let's hit the goddamn thing harder. I shoot, you all hit it." He glanced at the assembled magicians. "Ready?"
  13. Recovery check: 1d20+9 27 Recovered.
  14. This is a real shame. You'll be missed by many, and it's a real loss to the site, to the players, and to me to see you go. Also, this, or I will hunt you.
  15. Arrowhawk dashed across the sand as missiles converged on his position. He quickly dived and rolled as one crashed down near him, narrowly missing him by a few feet. But it detonated, the sudden rush of air sending the aging archer crashing down into the sand. He rolled to one side, not quick enough to dodge shards of metal and rubble hitting him, only managing to deflect them into hitting him in the back, where his armour was thicker and had a cloak and quiver atop it. He could only see stars as he felt rents torn into his torso, superheated sand rolling him along and along in a wave, to come to a stop, motionless and unseeing on the ground.
  16. Dodge the missile: 1d20+12 14 Welp. That's a DC30 Toughness save, alright. I'm going to use a HP to reroll that rather than Toughness, given Evasion and Reflex +12 give a greater chance of survival. Try again: 1d20+12 24 Aw well. The missile hurts: 1d20+10 11 And, that's an Unconscious + DyingOnlyEveryoneHasDieHard He still has 3 HP, though!
  17. Radio voices crackling to life again in his helmet, Geckoman turned to run after Erik towards the dome. He could see where the weird spheres were hammering into it, trying to force a hole. That'd be disastrous. It couldn't be allowed to go ahead. He forced himself harder, feet sending him bounding into the air in the low gravity, to come down and force himself in the air again. His bounding sprint led to him overtaking Erik swiftly, screeching to a halt in a shower of moon dust in front of the breach. In front of the giant dome-busting spheres. Well, great. Geckoman flicked his belt, sending his staff floating up and into the 'air'. He deftly snatched it, surging forward towards one of the spheres. He wasn't big or strong enough to really stop them. But he figured if he hit them hard enough they'd stop rolling. Deflated soccer balls didn't roll, right? He hit one of them like a small green comet, swinging his bat side-on like he was playing baseball with a thunderous CRACK into the side of the metal. Or at least he imagined the CRACK. Space wasn't very loud.
  18. Free Action: Extra Effort, increasing Speed to 3 ranks. Move Action: Run to the dome, towards the breach Standard Action: Pull out his staff, and CHARGE! Hitting one of the giant spheres, with -2 Def/+2 Attack from charging, and -5 Attack/+5 DC from a full Power Attack. STEEEEERIKE ONE: 1d20+11 25 DC 26 Toughness save End of round: 4 HP, uninjured, -2 Defence, Fatigued next round
  19. Standard Action: Hide in the foliage. Skill Mastery Stealth, for 23. Move Action: Use her olfactory senses, which include her Magical Awareness. She'll get a... Magical raccoon detectives: 1d20+10 11 Spend one of the HP! Sidekicks get re-rolls too, y'know!: 1d20+10 25
  20. Hayley dashed into a nearby bush, panting slightly from the exertion. Her paws powered up until only her head was poking out of the top of the bush, looking left and right fretfully as the battle raged around the angelic figure. She lifted her nose, closed her eyes... and sniffed deeply. She didn't really look for normal interesting smells, like food or food or drink or anything like that. The weirder, boring stuff, like spells or talismans or chalk circles. Magic stuff. If she could find stuff, she could tell her mistress, who'd help her figure it out.
  21. Standard Action: Shoot the Hydra with an explosive, Power Attacking for 5. Penetrating 7, DC27 explosive Damage attack, attacking from stealth Shooty shooty: 1d20+12 22 He'll then try to re-enter Stealth, now at a -20 penalty. The sniping stealth penalty is huge, guys: 1d20 2
  22. Arrowhawk fought the urge to curse as he kept his cover in the sand getting kicked up now there was a giant multiple-headed monster. Gods. Goddamn. Why did everything have to be so overblown and stupid? How did the myth go? Cut off the heads? Hack off the... gun barrels? Well. That wasn't bloody likely. He quickly pulled an explosive arrow from his quiver, nocking it as he moved. He kicked a plume of sand up into the air as he drew the string back, aiming for the base of the thing's necks. He let the explosive fly, immediately darting to the side afterwards, aiming to plunge himself back into the swirling sand. But he was too slow, the sand settling quickly. Leaving him a man dressed in black in an open expanse of sand. Well. It was hardly ideal stealth conditions.
  23. Galvanic gritted her teeth, sparks dancing up and down the enamel. The Communion was in her head oh god they were in her head what was she going to. But she'd got this far. She'd flown through their fighter ships. Smashed into one of their cruisers. Fought through it, and had beaten to the reactor. They'd not beaten her. If anything, it'd been the other way around. She'd bloodied them. "Will," she snarled, raising her arm to the gaping, ruinous hole in the ship she'd created. "Not." She let a jolt of lightning cascade down her arm, bouncing down the 'corridor' to detonate against the already-damaged reactor. "Commune." She felt the pressure in her mind lessen, and looked at what she'd done. The reactor... looked quite unstable. Coat tails whipping and whirling, without turning back, she started flying back the way she'd came. Perhaps she'd be lucky and the ship would just fail, instead of unstably detonating or collapsing in on itself or however these ships were powered.
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