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Everything posted by Ecalsneerg

  1. Free Action: Turn main array to Electric Strike and Reaction Aura. Turn Dynamic Array to Flight 1, Super-Strength 8. Turn on Impervious Force Field. Standard Action: CHAAAAAARGE! While All-out Attacking for 5 and Power Attacking for 3 with her Electric Strike. That's +9 to hit, -7 defence, and a DC33 attack. Power kiiick: 1d20+9 15 Nooope.
  2. Galvanic froze momentarily as Paradigm exploded through the bulkhead and was slammed into the wall by Star Khan. It had been so sudden! She wasn't a trained soldier. She was still a scientist at heart! But Rock's heroic charge to save Paradigm spurred her back into action. She watched him slam Star Khan to the floor, only to be driven back by the cyborg's immense strength. Chlo'zel exploded in a cloud of motion and sparks, her skin blazing with live current as the air around her coalesced into a semi-solid cloud of ions. She tore through the air between herself and Star Khan, lifting her feet up in an attempt to deliver a crushing two-footed kick.
  3. John's face contorted in a small smile. "Osla. I like that. It's a pretty name." He cast an eye up and down the bow as his... daughter (that was going to take getting used to) proffered it before him. "And I reckon if you named your bow after me, and did all," he waved his hand at her vaguely, indicating her outfit, "Then it's not as awful that I..." He stopped short, and looked at his feet. "​I missed a lot. I missed a hell of lot. But..." He sighed, and lifted a hand to the side of his daughter's face to make her gaze meet his. "Now I actually know you exist, then... well..." John's brow furrowed, his eyes somehow harder than the red glaring ones his mask presented to the world. "You're not impolitic, and you should train for you, not for me, and not to anyone who thinks you shouldn't be around. I didn't expect you." He drew his hand away. "But you're not... who's calling you impolitic?" The archer snorted, disgruntled.
  4. Chlo'zel put a hand on the Naram's shoulder, and looked up into her face. "If sure?" She gave a grim nod to the taller woman. "Powerful foe. Not entirely comfortablesure with letting you fight alone. Even if short time. But..." The Tenpestian sighed. "Makes sense." She sighed deeply, and turned to Rock, lifting herself up and off the ground. Galvanic smiled at the big craggy alien. "Ready, Rock? Said you were tired waiting... Not sure what you had in mind, but you'll be with me and..." She inclined her head towards the Naram. "Sorry. Unsure of name."
  5. Chris crashed through the door, plastic bags dangling from each arm as he struggled with a handful of brown paper bags. "I have the food!" he announced. "I didn't know what everyone liked, so I just got stuff." He staggered over to the nearest available surface and dumped his cargo of edibles. "Except pneumatics aren't exactly maintenance-light," Liz was musing to Mara. "You could still use chemical explosives, and get around any toxicity by regular maintenance like you'd end up having to do on pneumatics." She was suddenly ambushed from behind as Chris poked his head over her shoulder and balanced a bowl of nachos on her head. "What if you got mechanized pneumatic maintenance?" he sprayed through nacho crumbs. "Like, wall-roombas. Wallbas." "Dammit, Kenzie, that's..." Liz reached up to pull the bowl off her head, and stuffed some nachos in her mouth. Her brow furrowed. "Probably workable?" she said morosely with a muffled voice. "Would that work, Hallomen?" Satisfied, Chris kissed Liz on the head and leaned back. "See, Erik! Keep your mind busy." He produced a hot dog from his pocket, holding the bun out as he yanked a small bottle of mustard from inside his leather jacket. "Or have a hot dog."
  6. Galvanic smiled gently. "Delay?" She floated past Rock to land beside the alien woman. The Tempestian shook her head. "Should evacuate, yes. Get to safer haven." Then Galvanic suddenly and loudly cracked her knuckles. "No intention of stalling. We have fledran from too much." A wider, grimmer smile formed on her lips, and she gestured at the orange woman and at Rock. "If his forces capturetake this base... he does not." Galvanic turned and went to head out of the room again. "Star Khan is defeatedstopped now. Owe galaxy that much."
  7. Geckoman jumped slightly as the comms crackled. He spun back around in the chair, and fumbled with the controls. "Aaah aaaah so many," he muttered, before leaning in close to push one. With an attempt at dignity, he sat back up, reclined in his chair, and assumed a neutral, professional tone of voice, channeling Chuck Yeager. "This is Pegasus oh-oh-five. Geckoman speaking, we copy." He waved one hand vaguely in the air. Freedom League business was hard. In the Interceptors, he didn't have code signs and things, as much as Erik tried to sound authoritative. "What's your status?" Geckoman asked. "How many... hostiles?"
  8. Chlo'zel dropped the cards in her hand and turned quickly. Due to the disparate heights of her and Rock, she'd already been standing. Her fists clenched and her body tensed. They were here. Right where all the important tacticians and generals and politicians were. The Tempestian quickly turned her head to face Rock, loosening the top button on her coat as she did so. She had a feeling she'd need a bit of extra range of movement. "Need to helpaid." She waved one hand rapidly. "Where do we movego?"
  9. Geckoman swiftly jogged after Erik, easily keeping pace with the wounded man even if their positions were reversed. He clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Slow yourself down, asshole." He overtook him, as if in demonstration. "You're hurt, and we don't need you to go busting another rib or something." He knew that no matter what he said, Erik wasn't actually going to stop. Which kind of made sense, he'd do the same, but that didn't mean it was clever. "I will help you evacuate the dome, OK?" He purposefully didn't change his tone of voice, but nonetheless wasn't intending it as a question.
  10. John seemed to snap out of it, brusquely turning a little to snap, "I'm bloody alive. It was one missile!" He threw his hands up in the air. "It's no longer a sodding issue!" He let out a long, deep sigh. The archer turned back to his Asgardian... daughter. "This is just... quite a lot to process. I'm not a magic person. I... you're an adult, and from where I've been sitting..." His piercing eyes softened slightly. "I buried your mother only a few years ago. So..." He gestured vaguely at the woman's outfit and arsenal. "This is all very, very... new." John forced a small smile. "I like the bow, though."
  11. Arrowhawk >Incursion: God Squad Equinox >Uploaded to the Cloud Geckoman Give Ref pp, and roll pp and posts onto Galvanic >Incursion: That's Amore Galvanic >Incursion: O&O
  12. Geckoman looked up for a second, thinking. "Man, hardware. I've got a cloaking field here, actually, but it's only good for visual and radar. Sonar'll still pick us up, along with anything fancy, and I'd need to overclock it to get all four of you into it." He shrugged, and began counting off other items on his fingers. "Might help with the egg distribution. I've also got Geckorangs, smoke bombs, cutting torch, a swiss army knife, and a big stick with a battery in it." He swivelled around full circle on the chair. "I think we're also kind of forgetting the main thing. We need to stealthily get INSIDE the thing before we start sneaking around. How do we gain entry? If we want the element of surprise, we can hardly go blasting holes in the hull. We need to find a blind spot to get up close, get through the hull, then sneak around." Geckoman sprung up, as if suddenly gripped by an idea. "Oh! And my lunch! Also got my lunch in the belt. Ahem. Anyway, I figure, we're thinking too inflexibly. There's five of us. We don't all have to sneak. What I, the man in green with the big fast whooshy spaceship, am proposing, is a big, loud distraction while some of you sneak in."
  13. "Don't know much of war," admitted Chlo'zel. "Tempest very isolated. Planet very dangerous." She grimaced slightly. She truly didn't know much about the roles different people played in war. When the sky itself was incredibly destructive, even warring for resources made little sense when lightning strikes could destroy the resources used to make the tools for war. "Wrackbeasts most dangerous thing I have fought." Her eyes lit up when Rock produced playing cards. "Of course! Boredweary waiting. Don't know game, could teachshow me?" she said hopefully. Chlo'zel quickly zipped to the side, dragging a crate over to serve as a table.
  14. Arrowhawk stopped mid-growl, and backed away a few steps from Set. He looked at the Asgardian who'd just appeared. The... face looked familiar. Somehow. It was recognisably the young woman who'd sent him the message. His hands went limp, and the bow dropped to the sand with a soft thump. He took a couple of steps forward. His jaw mouthed a couple of times, but syllables wouldn't come out. Instead, he reached up and pushed his hood back, dropping his domino mask off to the side. John looked at his daughter. "How?" he forced out, voice hoarse.
  15. Still deciphering his impenetrable jargon: 1d20+5 15 OK, Giz, what's he saying.
  16. Geckoman landed on his back amid the debris with a small thud. "Blargh," he stated confidently. He'd leapt skyward instinctively when the spheres had detonated. Unfortunately, in this gravity, he'd both gone up much further than anticipated and came down much more slowly. He slowly came up to his feet, shaking off the moon dust. Man, it was going to take ages to clean it out of the nooks and crannies of his belt. "I'm alive! Not dead. That'd suck." He shook his head slightly. "So. How fast can we repair this dome? I mean, we're out here. On the Moon. Without all that air stuff that we've got unfortunate issues with. Unless we can get inside, we can't make with the bandaging. And if Jill's holding it shut, she can't do that."
  17. "I can track people by their armpit stink!" exclaimed Geckoman from the pilot's chair. He lifted his arm and lowered his head to under it, as a demonstration. "And see the colour heat makes!" He hit some control buttons in a rapid staccato. "I will also be your pilot for this evening," he continued. "But... hold on, I'm not sure what one of those buttons did, do you feel anything venting? No? Well, that's good?" Smiling merrily, he pivoted around to face those on board the ship. "I can also do some other stuff. Punch, kick, backflip, dance on the ceiling, disguise myself as an ornamental vase, the usual stealth and combat operational woogity-woogity. As an in-flight announcement, if at any point in our voyage, something stabs me or lops off a limb, don't worry, it'll probably grow back. Not too sure about the head, so if that comes up I'd put it close to the body and pray." Geckoman rubbed his hands together. "Also, I only curse in four languages. Which is weird, because I only speak three."
  18. "Oh!" exclaimed Galvanic. He wasn't just saying his name, he was saying stuff! That just happened to sound exactly like saying his name. This was a weird language. Did they all say Rock, or was he named so because he said it a lot, or...? "Think I understand. Asking if here alone." The Tempestian shrugged her shoulders. "Was with others. Left for other tasks. Stayed, hoping to helpaid." She exhaled deeply, and jerked her head towards the intelligence conference. "Don't know how to stopdefeat Communion yet." Chlo'zel looked earnestly up at Rock's craggy face. "Assume that's why you're here too?"
  19. Doooodge DC 25: 1d20+14 20 I'm going to spend one of my HP to reroll this, bringing Gecks down to 3HP. Pray for a small miracle: 1d20+14 28 Weee, Evasion
  20. Rock rock rock POKEBALL: 1d20+5 17
  21. Arrowhawk crossed the distance much faster than it would seem possible for a man of his age and physical condition. Baleful red eyes loomed down over Set. "Oh, I can honestly say there was no goddamn pleasure." He hunched down somewhat, flicking a warning look to Sekhmet as he did. He got close enough for Set to see all the scars, lines and greying stubble on Arrowhawk's face in intimate detail. Arrowhawk spoke in a low, clear, near-monotonous voice. He daren't let any emotion come through. "Vivian Krieger died. A madman killed her. Do you understand that? So believe me when I say that am giving you one chance. If you're messing with me, a fun little game of holly jolly Santa Claus, I am giving you this once chance to stop. Do you understand me?"
  22. "Well," growled Arrowhawk. He didn't like the feeling of being manipulated. Of some godling pretending to be some daughter to get him out into the godforsaken desert to fight nightmares. He'd probably do that anyway. Not with any enthusiasm, but still. "It'd seem, of the many qualities you found among us, Mr Set." He gestured at the group. "That those qualities would be the sort to come and fight something like this if you'd just asked. And if you went looking for specific personalities, please, think long and hard about who's saying this." Arrowhawk glowered at the young-looking deity. "Don't manipulate me. I was sitting alone on Christmas. You know how you could have got me to come here? An ancient god was making monsters. You could have just asked for my help."
  23. Chlo'zel wobbled a little. This big guy was strong. Even compared to her. Hand shaking over with, she lowered herself back down to the floor, big boots clomping as she landed. "Rock? Appropriate name." She shot him a wide grin. "Nice to meet you." She looked around behind her, curious as to what Rock'd been looking for in the tunnel. There wasn't much, just some boxes and occasionally soldiers going by. "Are you soldier, or volunteered? I came to helpaid, saw Communion firsthand." Her smile faded slightly. Some of the bruises from her encounter with that fleet had yet to fade entirely. Chlo'zel hadn't wanted to disturb any of the medics attending to those who'd been hurt more, but one of her ribs really hurt and she wasn't sure if it was serious or not. "Have to help stop them."
  24. No speak Americano: 1d20+5 10 Galvanic is struggling to speak Rock
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