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The Trial of Captain Knievel! [OOC]

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No worries.

going to spend one of those HPs to attack Vestige twice ;)

Attack (1d20+8=28) Ouch! Crit? ;)

1d20+8=15 poo!

I'll HP that for a reroll since I've got it ;)

2nd Attack w/ HP to reroll (1d20+8=21)

Not sure how knockback and all that works. Just curious if I blasted him through a wall or not. ;) (would be very comicy though)

This is the attack power: Blast 13 (Extra: Penetrating; Feat: Accurate x1, Dynamic, Improved Range x2 (Rank x50

and now back to the HPs I already had ;)

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Not sure how knockback and all that works. Just curious if I blasted him through a wall or not. ;) (would be very comicy though)

If your foe winds up suffering at least a Stunned result (fails his Toughness save by 5+), he also gets knocked back. To figure out how far he gets knocked back, apply the following formula:

(Damage Bonus) - (1/2 Toughness + Immovable Ranks, +4 per Size Level above Medium or -4 per Size Level below Medium)

*Impervious Toughness is not halved.

Take the result of the above formula. If it's a positive number, go that many steps down the Progression table. The number that shows up on the table is the distance your foe gets knocked back.

The "Knockback" feat from Ultimate Power increases the damage bonus of a power by +1 per rank in the feat, specifically for the purposes of determining knockback distance.

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Plugging some numbers in:

DS's Blast 13 & Vestige's Knockback of -8 = 5, or 25 feet (if Vestige is stunned or worse)

Natural 20s always hit, and if the result would hit anyway, it's also a crit. Since Vestige's defense is less than 28, DS did hit & critical.

Which would have a knockback of (23 - 8 = 10) 1,000 feet!

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...and I guess that 1st attack did a number on me. 1st toughness save (1d20+11=20)

Using a HP to reroll. 1st toughness save (reroll) (1d20.minroll(11)+11=23)

2nd attack. 2nd toughness save (1d20+11=13)

(I forgot to add the penalty from the bruised condition I recieved earlier so my 2nd save is only a 12.

Looks like you got your wish Cy.

The Vestige is now KO'ed. I must have pissed off some might dice gods to have this short a showing. :(

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When you suffer knockback, you fall prone. You also suffer damage if you slam into an obstacle before your full knockback distance is used up, and you inflict damage upon that obstacle. Given the Toughness of the doors into the holding cells, however, it's unlikely that The Vestige would get knocked through them (just into them).

I believe the damage is equal to either the knockback result or the Toughness of the obstacle, whichever is lower.

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Free Action to reconfigure Psionics array. Full Action to activate ESP. Free Action (it takes 0.36 seconds) to take 10 (DC30) on an extended search of an area 1 mile in diameter, centered on the courthouse. Free Action to use Telepathy to communicate the locations and descriptions of Knieval and any suspicious characters to Arrowhawk, DarkStar, Ace, and the Mystery Guest.

Anyone being scryed on gets a DC20 Notice check to realize it, and an opposed Stealth check against my Search total.

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