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Everything posted by Fox

  1. Fixed a quick typo after discussing it with Phoenix off-forum. APPROVED!
  2. The formatting on the array powers has gone a little odd; the powers themselves don't have any bolding. It's an awful nitpicking thing, but I figured I may as well bring it up for consistency - it does make them a bit harder to read. Invisigirl's Reflex lists only a +1 from Enhanced Reflex, rather than a +4. Linked powers function as a single, big power; one of the nice fall-outs of this is that a power feat in one component applies to all of them as appropriate to the descriptors; in this case, the entire force field is especially subtle, in the same way, so you don't need to buy Subtle 2 on each individual piece of Invisigirl's force field - you can list it just once on the main component of the linked powers and have it apply to the whole thing. (As an aside, Enhanced Trait is subtle by default and wouldn't have required it to begin with.)
  3. "Full voice transmission," supplied Tarrant, pleased to see Marcus a bit more up-beat, "transmitted through the air on a frequency we can't see or hear without a paired device to receive it. Not a sound frequency, though - more like light. It's a little complicated to explain." He was already on his feet, grabbing his sword off the back of his chair. "Pure technology, too - I don't know if your scientific progress will track with ours, but if it does you're maybe a decade or two off from the underlying principles, if that. Ours are fairly cutting-edge, very small and secure and all that, but the underlying idea has been going strong for a century and more. And, speaking of..." He held a hand to his ear for a moment, scanning what horizon was visible. "T, if you're near the hives, it couldn't hurt to get some backup. We'll be there shortly."
  4. Fox

    Heavy Mettle

    Natalia had the look of someone who'd just developed an incredible headache, pausing their futile chase at the sound of Eira's announcement. She turned her face to the sky, in search of divine intervention or, at least, a sufficiently quick smiting. "You date her," she said to Pan, tilting her head in his direction. One hand dropped to her side, surreptitiously undoing the clasp on her bag...just in case Ryder needed its contents. "I would hope that you know her better than I do. Honest opinion: would you assume someone on their end has caused actual trouble, or did a member of the crew slight her and this is her idea of a subtle comeback? I'm honestly not sure which might be worse."
  5. Fox

    Heavy Mettle (OOC)

    For when we need it: Nocturne's Initiative Roll: 17
  6. Tarrant turned his head to look at the wall, eyebrows up in appreciation. "Don't worry, Marcus," he said, turning back with a chuckle, "you can trust your eyes there, and I promise it's normal, for a very given definition of 'normal'. I think she's about the only person I know who might have to trim her own house." He reached into one of his pockets, pulling out a small piece of granite. He liked granite; hard, durable, and humble. "It's what I mentioned earlier," he said, bidding the small rock to lift off his open palm; it hung there for a moment, orbiting some unseen point, before gently reforming into a tiny replica of a familiar university - or, at least, the institute that once was. "It turns out that the universe - or, at least, the one we know, the one we came from - can be stranger than fiction." He caught the little stone miniature and set it gently down on the table. "It's probably too late to ask, but I promise it's nothing to worry about. You already had so much to deal with; we didn't want to overwhelm you."
  7. Fox

    Heavy Mettle (OOC)

    Nocturne's Notice Check: 19
  8. Natalia did indeed give Ryder a look, head turned slightly down and sideways so that she could eye him disapprovingly. She did not join in on the laughter - apparently she'd filled her quota for the day - but the ease in conversation gave her at moment to progress through her burger and re-order her thoughts. She wanted to see more of Ryder's embarrassed face. That probably wasn't a family dinner topic. What was a family dinner topic? "Why a smoothie shop?" she asked, once the laughter had died down. "Clearly, why not a smoothie shop, and everyone has to do something, but was it something you started, or inherited, or bought, or...?" She made a little circle in the air with one finger. "There has to be a story there, even if it's a banal one."
  9. 'Enhanced Attribute' is a weird power; it has a cost equal to buying the attribute normally, and a 'rank' equal to the effective bonus or modifier you're buying. So buying your strength from Str 10 (+0) to Str 18 (+4) would be 'Enhanced Strength 4 (+8 Strength) [8pp]'. You don't have to pay double just because you didn't buy it in the Abilities section!
  10. Mostly just some math stuff, here.... Combat With a +5 base Defense, Sable Raven would have a +3 Flat-Footed Defense. It's a common error, since everything else in the game rounds down and not up. With +14 (costumed) toughness, Sable Raven would have a -7 Knockback modifier. Powers You're over-paying for that Strike; on melee attacks, a single rank of Mighty lets you apply your full strength bonus to the attack. Double-check the cost on that array slot, too; you've listed it at 26pp, but even if you did have to buy Mighty 4 it wouldn't cost that much. Please list the full cost of the Blast power, too; you already paid the 1pp up in the Array line. The AP's line should list the cost of the AP, for accounting and easier sheet updates later.
  11. Fox

    Heavy Mettle

    Natalia remained warm and friendly as the roadies headed back stageward, waving at their departing friends as they disappeared into the crowd - at which point her hand dropped back to her side, her face shifting from summer to winter fast enough to starve a peasant village. "If there is trouble," she said, flatly, "having them near the stage is probably useful. Odds are good that anyone who would cause trouble at a concert are either after a performer, or want the attention that would come with the stage anyway." She turned her head toward the trouble others had spotted, glancing sidelong at Pan even as she started walking. "One supposes that leaves us to work this end, so we should head closer to your troublemaker. You got a better look than anyone else; what do you think the odds are of them aborting their mission if they know they've been made?"
  12. "Not everyone would choose to," said Tarrant, resting his forearms on the table, cup between his hands. "We aren't asking you to stay, of course, or even recommending it - no more than we'd ask or recommend that you return to your time. Even putting aside all that you've learned, though, some would have so few ties to their past - or be so enamored with the future - that they would choose to remain. It's not something that happens much, mind," he added, chuckling for a moment. "Even for us, with all the progress we've made, time travel is...rare, and extremely difficult." He leaned back again, taking a sip of increasingly lukewarm coffee. "Except of course that we can't put aside what you've learned. You know how this world ended, more or less - at least as much as we do, and at least this version of it. And you have at least our inexpert understanding of the mechanics of trying to change that, and probably some idea of why we haven't tried ourselves. That knowledge...I don't envy you, Marcus. I really don't." Tarrant smiled, weakly. "Whatever choices you make it with are yours to make. We just thought it was important that you had the knowledge you might need to make them well."
  13. "The kind of disaster that doesn't leave a lot of clues behind," said Tarrant, shaking his head. He'd never liked that. "We have a couple suspicions, but it doesn't look like it was an act of nature; the comet wouldn't have done it. The planet wasn't just destroyed or burnt away, it was...toxic. Is still toxic, in most places. What you see around you is a lot of years of hard work bringing life back to the land, air, and water." He took a moment to sip his coffee, letting that thought hang in the air for a moment. "The rest is a little harder to explain. Science doesn't just progress, it accelerates - I'm sure you saw that in your own time, and I promise it only keeps picking up steam as long as there are good minds to explore it. The bees didn't evolve naturally, they were...made to be what they are. The, ah, bull-man -" - Tarrant was going to have to have a talk with that kid - "- and the bee-girl are probably more explaining than we want to get into right now, but they're unique. A lot of us are, one way or another, it's just harder to tell."
  14. Minor typo: You've noted "Dex 16 (+6)" up in the ability scores. I don't think this had any down-stream impact. I count only 29pp of feats, not 32.
  15. You're short-changing yourself a bit on skills; double-check the ability bonuses that should be on Disable Device, Gather Information, Investigate, and Search. I also only count 123R of skills. I only count 26pp of feats. You've bought 66pp of powers, but you've noted it as 65pp, which puts you over-budget. You have paid for 5 APs and have only made 4 APs. Stun grenades probably do not carry ballistic/incendiary descriptors, and wouldn't normally be a Damage effect; are these just grenade grenades? It's also worth noting that as-built, the grenades in question have a range of Touch and can only be used at point-blank. The (bladed?) tonfas are under-capped at +10 damage and +8 attack bonus. I trust you to make good use of them regardless, goodness knows you know the game well enough, but it's worth pointing out. It's probably worth a complication that they can be disarmed, since they aren't their own device but could reasonably be removed mid-combat.
  16. Fox

    Heavy Mettle

    Natalia was instantly the picture of warmth and cheer, flashing a helpful smile and bouncing slightly on her heels like...well, like a teenager on the verge of a behind-the-scenes peek at a venue of her favorite bands. "You're in luck!" she said, upbeat. "We have not one, but two people who know what they're doing with pretty much anything that plugs into anything." She pointed one index finger each at Ryder and Eira. "We'd love to help! It'll make for an amazing story. If only you're supposed to touch the stuff, maybe you could play overseer? It might make the frontman happy with the plan, and it puts some distance between you and Liam - and you'd be so busy watching my friends that you wouldn't have time to deal with, you know. The rest of it." She flashed that smile again, a little more conspiratorially, leaning in for what would have been a stage whisper if she didn't have to be heard over the crowd. "Just, whoever you take, promise to bring them back. The rest of us have some stuff to do out here while we wait, but we did promise to stick together for the music."
  17. "Please," countered Natalia, wrinkling her nose. "I assure you that I spend as little time as possible thinking about law enforcement." She was, despite conversation and manners, halfway through her first burger; she took a moment to grab some pickles and tuck them into the yet-untouched second. "You're all very attractive and I'm certain that helps," she said, seemingly entertained by the conversation, "but we'll have to disagree on the average goodness of the human heart. Even then, if Ryder was..." She paused partway through picking up her water, trying to search for useful words. The words she got back weren't good ones, and she used them anyway. "....if Ryder was playing diplomat at people, I would get that. I can do that. I've just never gotten that impression - he just seems to Ryder at people and is instantly their good friend and I fundamentally do not understand how that works."
  18. Natalia's table manners were, in a word, clean: back straight, elbows off the table, no unsightly mess. It wasn't formal or awkward so much as ingrained, and apparently unconscious. "It hasn't," she admitted, though only after finishing her bite of burger. "That may be why it's horrifying. It's a bit like watching someone flip 'heads' on a coin over and over - an amusing mystery that gets more and more concerning when you see it done with any random coin." She punctuated the thought by wiggling an upright finger in a circle as she took a drink of water. "At some point, Cricket, one starts to assume it's some kind of actual super power. Is it? Does it run in your family? You have to tell me if it does."
  19. Tarrant sighed, running a hand back through his hair. He'd taken the chance to clean up a bit himself, clean clothes and a pair of shoes that wouldn't track farm-and-garden dirt through the dorm house. "I think we pretty much have to," he said, turning his coffee cup in his hands. "What an awful position he's found himself in. I don't know what my choice would be, but then...well, it would be my choice." He was quiet for a moment as he mulled that one over; as good a time as any to take a sip of coffee that probably should have burned him. "There's an argument for everything. He's already missing from his timeline, so staying is definitely safer, and probably a better opportunity for him if he doesn't have a lot of ties back home. If he does, he may want to go back to preserve those, even knowing it's all going to end. And if he wants to try to change things...well, I don't much like his odds, but even a new timeline would preserve a version of his past and its people, and I can at least see the appeal of that." Tarrant shook his head, taking another sip. "Honestly," he said, somberly, "I think we treat him like any refugee. We give him the information he needs to make the choice he thinks is best, unless that choice is obviously destructive."
  20. Fox

    Heavy Mettle

    Natalia had turned her eyes toward the stage, sliding her sunglasses down long enough to peer over them at the staff assembled there. She took the water without looking at it, and immediately handed it off to Ryder. "....I would hope," she said, pushing her glasses back up, "that roadies at a concert would know their own equipment, and would think better than to hand control of it over to members of the crowd that they don't know from Adam. Or Eve, as the case may be." She arched an eyebrow, looking sidelong at their less-organic classmate. "We know that you're a technological marvel wunderkind who falsifies garments and bends science for fun. They know that you're some teenage metal-head, and there are a hundred more just like you in the crowd who would all say anything to get on that stage. How much would you trust some stranger to wander into your lab and play with your toys?" The eyebrow came back down, and she went back to watching the stage. "I've seen Ryder convince strangers to do stranger things, I suppose. It's worth keeping an eye on, regardless."
  21. "The kids are definitely being a bit enthusiastic," agreed the Gaian Knight, with all the patience that came from a decade of freshmen taking 'the rocks class' for an easy A. "Don't let it get to you, your arrival is the kind of thing that's bound to cause a lot of, ah, buzz." He grinned and gestured, off-hand, at Beeanca. "We should definitely catch you up a bit, though, and that's probably a discussion that's better with tea. Or coffee, if you prefer, I'm sure we can dig up some coffee somewhere - worst case I have a good friend who always has some stashed, if I can wrestle it from her." He gestured, inviting poor Professor Marcus away from the crowd. "Let's get you a chance to clean up first, that can't be comfortable."
  22. Grim Only Doing Good When I'm Having Fun (1) Nocturne Future Freedom, Today! (1) Heavy Mettle (1) Monkeys on Parade: Second Banana (4) Ref point to Nocturne, please.
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