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Everything posted by Semi-Autogyro

  1. Hmm. Fieldwork! Exporation! Potential Danger! Counts as a Hobby! Myr would gladly try it out. :D
  2. Myrmidon frowned inside his helmet as the other Irregulars attempts did not phase the hijacked hero in the least. "If I leave the greater chance he has of bypassing the remainder of you and being let loose on an inspecting populace. The medical gun is untested, and I would need time to properly triage Glowstar regardless as well. We need to stop him here and now." Myrmidon aimed the nozzle at the small of Megastars back, and unleashed a new torrent of foam before once again slipping into the shadows. He kept an ear on his comm-link for any new radio chatter.
  3. Myr will keep piling on the foam. Since he's hidden, and on top of that Cosmic!star is still bound he'll all-out power attack again. (+5 DC/-5 Defense) Standard Action: Attack! - (21:29:28) System: Semi-Autogyro rolls 1d20 and gets 20. Total of a 29 with his BAB. It's a crit, unless if he's immune to them. Total Ref DC of 24, 29 if crits work. Move: Disappear in the concealment from Crow! Extra Effort: Move Action Hide in Plain Sight taking 10 (DC 24) again. Note: Reposting the foamthrower, for convenience sake: Snare 9 (Drawbacks: Reduced Range [5 90ft Range Increments / 450ft Max Range]; Feats: Conceals Auditory & Visual, Precise ) [20PP]
  4. Discarding the shattered remains of the rake, Myrmidon flipped over to the preset emergency frequency on his comm-link. "Myrmidon to anyone who is receiving on this frequency. We have a foothold scenario. Attempting containment. Repeat we have a foothold scenario. Requesting immediate support and instructions, over." John then focused on the Gorgon empowered hero as he managed to hit Changeling, and realized that the one who wasn't in control told him how to hinder the hijacker. Focusing his mind, something that looked akin to the old-style World War Two era flamethrower sans pilot light appeared on his back and in his hands. He braced himself for the recoil, depressing the handle while sweeping the nozzle up and down. A large swath of off-white foam hurtled in the direction of the hovering herald of the Gorgon. Not sticking around to see the results of his attack, Myrmidon further retreated into the interior of the zen garden.
  5. Move Action: Create Weapon Snare 9 (Drawbacks: Reduced Range [5 90ft Range Increments / 450ft Max Range]; Feats: Conceals Auditory & Visual, Precise ) [20PP] (Expanding Foamthrower) Standard Action: All-Out & Power Attack! (+5 DC, -5 Def) 1d20+9=24 DC 24 Ref Save from Cosmicstar if it hits. Extra Effort: Move Action Hide in Plain Sight taking 10 (DC 24), Burn HP to cancel fatigue from EE. Notes: Myrmidons' Defense is +4 for this round.
  6. John was focusing on evading the preternaturally agile Martel by keeping distance, and multiple Etains' between his self and her. Since he was focusing on her movement, he was not paying attention to the conversation but caught the stumble. Miss Etain must be using psychological tactics, he thought to himself since none of the illusory copies had done anything on the offense that would cause a reaction similar to that. Truth be told, he was appreciative of Eve focusing on Etain so he could get a rough estimation of her abilities. John ducked under a florescent light as he circled around the outer edge of the room.
  7. Myrmidon made his way over to the impact site where Bres the Beautiful had landed after Guan Yu had demonstrated his prowess. Bres was a narcissistic braggart, not the type to do something akin to a suicidal attack on a much more powerful foe. Myrmidon was expecting the man to try and attack Crow to get back his mystical bauble. But to frontally attack a physical avatar of war was colossally stupid, and he didn't think Bres that mentally damaged. Something was off here and he was going to at least try to allay his own suspicions before attempting to pacify Tian with the others. Pushing aside a broken stone bleacher, Myrmidon started search the unconscious Formorian scanning for anything out of place.
  8. Myrmidon will poke around Bres looking for any sort of clue or anything of that nature. Not bothering with combat, so you can skip over him for the following rounds. Taking 20, if possible.
  9. Faceplate of his helmet snapping into place, John started barking orders in the face of the threats of the newly-made Herald of the Gorgon. "Changeling! Mind Spike Him! Full Power!" He grabbed the discarded sand rake from earlier and sent a large plume of the fine white sand in the direction of Megastar, in theory diverting his attention towards himself and leaving an opening for Etain to take advantage of. Myrmidon readied a baseball style swing to coincide with the attack Changeling hopefully would make, knowing full well that he was about to hit something that had taken a fifth of their forces down in an instant with a normal wooden rake.
  10. Here we go. Myr has fearless so he's unaffected. Free Action(s) - Summon helmet (quick change) and try to not get pasted. Move Action - Feint using Know (Tactics) on Megastar (Using his benefit feat). Myr will take 10 using Skill mastery, so that's a DC 25 sense motive check needed for Megastar. Use Set-Up feat to transfer benefit to Changeling. Standard Action - Ready Aid Another attempt (+Attack) on Megastar when Changeling enters melee. I'll roll this beforehand to save time. Aid another check vs. DC 10 - 1d20+9=24. If/When Changeling takes advantage of this, +5 to Attack Roll vs. Megastar on her attack. (+2 Aid, +3 Teamwork).
  11. Myrmidons' Initiative - 1d20+1=19 Sorry. Multiple things came up on my end this weekend.
  12. Johns' helmet snapped to look at the object impeding his progress before facing the taller alumnus of Claremont. "Permission to speak freely, Sir?" John asked while extracting his arm from the others grasp. Dismissing the faceplate of his helmet, he laid it on the line with his voice "You do not have to apologize to me sir, or be concerned with my mental state. The ramifications and consequences of the current situation I am prepared to accept no matter the outcome." John looked between the sector of the the sky where the Gorgon would come from and then back to MegaStar. "However if you do want to know, I would prefer to face my potential annihilation on my own terms. But that does not matter now since I have been given my orders, and I will carry them out irregardless of my personal feelings on the matter." "As to the plans, I did indeed have a reason for the five of us to be here in the garden. Since it is centrally located on the campus, and with an open comm to the security station, we can respond to any suspicious activity rapidly. Wisp can take two people along via her teleportation powers, and Crow can take an additional person with his. That would also allow us to rapidly respond to for multiple security breaches. Every hour or so, each of us would cover a pre-assigned perimeter of the campus and walk it, in the off chance something got past the cameras and sensors." John focused his gaze on the taller hero. "Do you need any more clarification or information, Sir?"
  13. John grimaced to himself as the newcomers' response caused his nice wavy lines to foul up and intermingle with the ones he had done earlier. Collecting himself, he set the rake down and jumped lightly to the path. A part of him was annoyed with the assumption that he was somehow not tactically aware of the current situation. Another part understood the need for a new commander needing the current intel, so he complied with the orders. Ducking beneath a cherry tree, he collected his bag and handed one of the spare comm-links that Headmaster Summers had provided them to Megastar. "Sir, Frequencies have been pre-set. Channel 2 is connected to the security station, if you want a sit rep. I have been checking in every 20 minutes with the faculty member there, Sir." He called his armor, and it formed around him before he returned his attention to the Alumni Claremonter. "I'll be at my post in 5 minutes, Sir."He walked out of the garden, but not before stopping by Etain and giving her shoulder a light comforting squeeze. When he arrived at his destination, John took up a guard position just behind the main gate and started a small patrol of waking back and forth covering most of the front wall.
  14. Doktor'd 9/4/2011 Myrmidon - 6 PP to spend +2 Con (18 Con total) - [2 pp] +1 BAB (+9 BAB total) - [2 pp] +1 Def (+9 Def total) - [2 pp] [url=http://www.freedomplaybypost.com/viewtopic.php?p=106980#p106980]Subject: Myrmidon (PL 9) - Semi-Autogyro[/url] [b][u]Player Name[/u]:[/b] Semi-Autogyro[floatr][img=http://freedomplaybypost.com/wiki/images/4/4f/MyrmidonHFSingle.png[/img][/floatr][floatr][img]http://freedomplaybypost.com/wiki/images/a/a4/John_Civilian.jpg][/floatr] [b][u]Character Name[/u]:[/b] Myrmidon [b][u]Power Level[/u]:[/b] 9 (130/130PP) [b][u]Trade-Offs[/u]:[/b] None [b][u]Unspent PP[/u]:[/b] 0 [b][u]Progress To Bronze Status[/u]:[/b] 25/30 [b][u]In Brief[/u]:[/b] Psionic Super Soldier created for battlefield supremacy. [b][u]Alternate Identity[/u]:[/b] John Smith [b][u]Identity[/u]:[/b] Public [b][u]Birthplace[/u]:[/b] SHADOW Complex AA12, Clone Tank RC-1207 [b][u]Occupation[/u]:[/b] High School Student [b][u]Affiliations[/u]:[/b] Claremont Academy [b][u]Family[/u]:[/b] None. Genetically-Modified Clone of Wilhelm Kantor ("OverShadow"). [b][u]Age[/u]:[/b] 4 ([i]DoC:[/i] May 6th, 2007) [b][u]Apparent Age[/u]:[/b] 16-17 [b][u]Gender[/u]:[/b] Male [b][u]Ethnicity[/u]:[/b] Caucasian [b][u]Height[/u]:[/b] 6' [b][u]Weight[/u]:[/b] 185 lbs. [b][u]Eyes[/u]:[/b] Ice Blue [b][u]Hair[/u]:[/b] Platinum Blond [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] Like the man he was cloned from, Myrmidon would be considered an ideal poster boy for the [i]Reich[/i]. Tall and solidly built, he is far lighter on his feet than his farmer's frame would suggest. In his day to day wear at Claremont (which he can create via his powers), he favors old army surplus gear usually with a pair of combat boots, military cap and sunglasses to obscure his face. His combat uniform is an amalgamation of his past and present – The summoned combat armor he makes has a distinct SHADOW heritage. The matte black exterior is traced with faintly glowing blue lines that nicely highlight his new affiliation with Claremont. The helmet has a mirrored reflective faceplate, and it seamlessly integrates with the armor making while making a call back to his roots as a faceless SHADOW minion. [b][u]Power Descriptions:[/u][/b] According to the non-damaged files Raven retrieved from the SHADOW complex, their scientists believe he is "assembling" his weapons and armor from some sort of alternate dimension. Once the items completed they are in tune with the energies of this dimension, producing effects that are only limited by his mind. John’s psionic nature seems to have an effect on calling both his weapons and armor. Normally there are a faint light blue/white effects or highlights on the items in question when they are summoned. However SHADOW records noted that subject’s mental state also played a role. For example, when power usage occurred with artificially induced anger, these effects changed to a reddish color. Physical health seems to also play a role; with pronounced flickering as the result of heavy/lasting damage, to fading luminescence in cases of exhaustion and fatigue. [b][u]History[/u]:[/b] RC-1207 AKA Myrmidon AKA John Smith was extracted from a SHADOW research base by Raven and Daedalus as the only surviving prototype clone. Said clone used advanced techniques for faster gestation and stable mutations compared to older model SHADOW clones. This new clone was designed to be an autonomous psychic commander, augmenting base SHADOW duplicates. Raven and Daedalus destroyed the SHADOW base and extracted the sole active clone and all related information. Upon further testing the clone was found to be self-aware, though it was undeveloped emotionally, physically, and mentally. Daedalus, by using data found at the SHADOW complex suggests that the cloning process is incomplete and needs to be finished in order for the clone to operate. In addition, Daedalus added further social conditioning in lieu of the standard SHADOW indoctrination programming in hopes of giving the clone free will. Numerous attempts to remove mutations and genetic modification from SHADOW proved fruitless as over the next year as the clone reached maturity. The clone proved intelligent and physically sound, but still only had a basic grasp of social concepts and interaction. At this point Duncan Summers suggested enrolling him at the Claremont Academy to allow him to develop the necessary skills to reintegrate into society. [b][u]Personality & Motivation[/u]:[/b] The politest way to describe Myrmidon is socially stunted. He has no real experience in dealing with normal social interaction. That being said, he does enjoy new experiences and meeting people. Common things most people have already encountered are novel and fascinating things to him. He views using his power for good as a sort of balance to the misdeeds of his genetic donor, and is steadfast that he will not be used like that ever again. As for what he wants to do now? He has no clue. He is sure he'll find something eventually, but for now has no real goal. Hopefully his time at Claremont will give him some answers. [b][u]Powers & Tactics[/u]:[/b] Myrmidon was created and trained to be a sublime battlefield commander and soldier. He uses his abilities to coordinate allies while maximizing and exploiting enemy weaknesses. His weapons allow unparalleled versatility on the battlefield, going from provide suppression/covering fire, precision sharpshooting, to CQB supremacy. In order to make the most of his powers SHADOW's mental and physical programming/augmentations focused on asymmetric warfare, and stealth infiltration and elimination techniques. John is a combat pragmatist first and foremost, and doesn't subscribe to the idea of a fair fight. He favors ending a fight as quick as possible, and doesn't hold back regardless of opponent. [hr][/hr] [b][u]Complications[/u]:[/b] [b][i]Cliff Notes[/i] "Pop Culture Guide" Needed:[/b] Myrmidon has little or no clue about the subtleties and nuances of most social dialogue and relationships. He is severely at a loss when trying to understand popular culture, lingo, etc. [b]If Found, Please Return To SHADOW:[/b] Needless to say, SHADOW would go to great lengths to retrieve Myrmidon if they ever found concrete evidence to his continuing existence. [b]Pawn No More!:[/b] Being chained/restrained/controlled. Myrmidon definitely does not want to be considered an exploitable resource ever again and will fight till the bitter end in those circumstances. [b]Six Degrees of Overshadow:[/b] Overshadow/SHADOW enemies tend to be his enemies until aware of who/what Myrmidon exactly is, and the same applies in reverse for allies of Overshadow/SHADOW. [b]You Seem [i]Horribly[/i] Familiar…:[/b] Myrmidon most definitely gets off on the wrong foot to any heroes/people that know what Overshadow/Shadow Clones look like under their masks. [b][u]Abilities[/u]:[/b] 0 + 2 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 0 = 14PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 12 (+1) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 10 (+0) [b][u]Combat[/u]:[/b] 18 + 18 = 36PP Initiative: +1 Attack: +9 Grapple: +9 Defense: +9, +4 Flat-Footed Knockback: -4, -1 Non-Armored Form [b][u]Saving Throws[/u]:[/b] 5 + 5 + 6 = 16PP Toughness: +9 (+4 Con, +5 Armored Form) Fortitude: +9 (+4 Con, +5) Reflex: +6 (+1 Dex, +5) Will: +6 (+0 Wis, +6) [b][u]Skills[/u]:[/b] 60 Ranks = 15PP Concentration 10 (+10)[sup]Skill Mastery[/sup] Knowledge (Tactics) 13 (+15)[sup]Skill Mastery[/sup] Languages 3 (ASL, English [Native], German, Russian) Notice 8 (+8)[sup]Skill Mastery[/sup] Search 5 (+5) Sense Motive 8 (+8) Stealth 13 (+14)[sup]Skill Mastery[/sup] [b][u]Feats[/u]:[/b] 24PP Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Benefit 2 (Use Knowledge [Tactics] to Feint & Trick, as Move Actions) Defensive Attack Eidetic Memory Evasion Fearless Hide In Plain Sight Instant Up Leadership Luck 2 Master Plan 2 (Use Knowledge [Tactics] instead of raw INT) Power Attack Quick Change Rallying Cry Set Up Skill Mastery (Concentration, Knowledge [Tactics], Notice, Stealth) Takedown Attack Teamwork 3 [quote name="Equipment 0PP = 0EP"] Commlink [0 EP] Flashlight [0 EP] Police Scanner [0 EP] Smartphone (Camera/Cellphone/PDA/Video Camera) [0 EP][/quote] [b][u]Powers[/u]:[/b] 5 + 2 + 20 = 27PP [b][i]Descriptors[/i]:[/b] Psionic [b]Force Field 5[/b] [5PP] (Psi Armor) [b]Super-Senses 2 ([/b]Danger Sense [Mental], Uncanny Dodge [Mental][b])[/b] [2PP] (Psi Senses) [b]Weapon Creation 4 ([/b]20PP Variable Power, Any One Power At A Time, [i]Extras:[/i] Action [Move][b])[/b] [20PP] (Psi Arsenal) [list]Sample Weapons: [spoiler][b]Blast 8 ([/b][i]Feats:[/i] Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Precise, Ranged Pin[b])[/b] [20PP] (Railbow) [b]Snare 7 ([/b][i]Extras:[/i] Constricting, [i]Drawbacks:[/i] Reduced Range [5 70ft Range Increments / 350ft Max Range][b])[/b] [20PP] (Freezethrower) [b]Strike 8 ([/b][i]Extras:[/i] Penetrating [DMG 16], [i]Feats:[/i] Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Improved Sunder, Incurable[b])[/b] [20PP] (Plasma Cutter) [b]Stun 8 ([/b][i]Extras:[/i] Range [Ranged], [i]Flaws:[/i] Distracting, [i]Feats:[/i] Insidious, Precise, Sedation, Subtle[b])[/b] [20PP] (Tranquilizer Rifle)[/spoiler] [/list] [b][u]Drawbacks[/u]:[/b] -2PP [b]Vulnerability ([/b]Mind Control, [i]Frequency:[/i] Uncommon, [i]Intensity:[/i] Moderate [+50%][b])[/b] [-2PP] (SHADOW Mental Conditioning) [b][u]DC Block[/u]:[/b] [code] ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Railbow Ranged DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Ballistic, Piercing) Freezethrower 400ft DC17 Reflex Snare (Energy) Plasma Cutter Touch DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy, Slashing) Tranquilizer Rifle Ranged DC18 Fort Stun (Ballistic, Piercing) Unarmed Touch DC15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities (14) + Combat (36) + Saving Throws (16) + Skills (15) + Feats (24) + Powers (27) - Drawbacks (2) = 130/130 Power Points Doktor'd 9/4/2011
  15. John ran his hand through his hair, a bit annoyed with himself for losing his patience that easily with another student. John turned to the new Claremonter. "Please, just call me John. I am sorry that you had to see that, but that was more to do with my perceived reputation on campus than any sort of learned skill set from my time here. However, a case could be made of that as weaponizing yet another part of my repertoire." At the last sentence John shot a bemused look to Brian and Morgan. John pointed to the Admin building, a hundred or so meters away across the quad. "I do not wish to delay you any more, but it might take some time to get all the official paperwork out of the way. After that, you should be also in the same dorm as us, so we should be seeing you again soon when you have to move into your assigned room."
  16. John walked down the stairs, clad in a camouflage rain poncho with two sets of towels under his arm. When he saw the assembled group he stopped, his gaze finally falling on Morgan. "Ah. You managed to extricate yourself." John handed his friend one of the towels. "Sans one boot it seems." he said upon seeing the missing item in question. "Darwin saw you land in tree since his desk faces the window. He was cackling madly while taking numerous cellular phone photos while I was getting around to help you." John said in his normal deadpan voice while looking around and spotting the girls. "Greeting Miss Gwendolyn, Miss Jeena, Miss.." John abruptly stopped mid-sentence when he realized he did not know this person, but she was however soaked like Morgan. "My apologies Miss. Here you go." he said and handed Nerin his other towel. Turning his attention back to Morgan, John told him "I'll be back in a bit." With that he raised the hood of the poncho over his head and headed outside into the rain, his strides taking him toward the leafy arch-nemesis of Crow.
  17. John walked over to the two students and cleared his throat. "A-hem. I would suggest you stop bickering and go back to class, unless you feel the need for me to talk with Mister Archer." John delivered that last line more as an ultimatum than a suggestion. "I do not care who instigated this or the reasons, but you should go back before the repercussions become worse. " He leveled a gaze at the pair, one not unlike Morgan had demonstrated earlier, but a mite more...frosty.
  18. Myrmidons' helmeted head shook in the negative. "Focused too much on the minutiae. Just need to fool them for a few seconds. A pair of pants, a large coat or hoodie jacket should suffice." While John agreed that a impromptu disguise might get them in, he was no going to change out of his costume. Had the other man ever tried to run in shoes that were not his or attempt stealth with ill-fitting clothes? "I would also point out that you will need a disguise too, that is. Or you are staying here?"
  19. John was rather precariously perched between two large rocks as he moved the wooden rake with graceful, controlled arcs. Seeing as he had nothing better to do than wait for the inevitable, he had started re-arranging the garden out of the sheer need of having something to take his mind off the current situation. This was his second attempt to hopefully achieve some tranquility that the art of arranging these gardens was supposed to bring. His first had yielded him unconsciously making a miniature battle map of Claremont if it were to be attacked. Scrubbing that, he was now trying to not think of anything in particular as he arranged rocks and raked sand. He almost dropped the rake as his train of thought got derailed by the rather loud and abrasive entrance by someone he had not met before, and called themselves an alumni of the Academy. John scrutinized the hero. There was no matter to voicing his opinion if it was Summers decree on the matter. John dropped that thought and said, "Greetings," and gave him a small nod in his direction. He then returned to to the task of making a concentric ripple-like patterns in the sand.
  20. Myrmidon used the rather imposing distraction of Guan Yu entering the fray to plunge two and a half feet of red-hot steel deep into the side of the plant creature that had take n a swipe at him earlier. John adjusted his grip on the burning weapon, and as Guan Yu's blow sent Bres rocketing headlong into the stands. Myrmidon ripped the sword upwards and outwards with an exaggerated sawing motion, sending pieces of smouldering bark scattering away from the woody denizen. "That is not all, we need to assist the forces of Tian to repel these invaders. This has to be a mere distraction as their goal must lie elsewhere..."
  21. Free Action: Make Weapon Shishke-sword: Damage 5 [fire] (5 pp) Standard: All-Out/Power Attack on the minion who just took a swipe at him, taking 10. 10+6=16, which hits. DC 15 base + ([5 weapon + 5 All-Out/Power Atk] x2) = DC 35 Toughness Save for said minion. Uses his move to engage the Creeper, & his Defense is still +1.
  22. Myrmidon An Irregular Meeting - 7 posts Broke, Blind, and Bedlam - 5 posts Forging Bonds - 7 posts Matside Meetings - 17 posts New Beginnings - 5 posts Out of Blue Waters - 5 posts Something in the Water - 3 posts The Jade Arenas of Heaven: Shock the Monkey - 3 posts
  23. Allright, laundry list of actions. Weapon: Damage 8 (Extra: Range +1 [ranged], Penetrating +1 [DMG 16] ; Flaws: Distracting -1; Feats: Improved Aim, Improved Critical x2 [18-20], Precise) [20 pp] (Photonic Bow) Aim (with +4 due to the improved aim) and will also trigger the MP at the same time. Readies an action to shoot with Full All-Out & Power Attack +5 DC/-5 Def. whenever you guys give the go ahead. (Total of a +7 on the first shot)
  24. John walked through the alleyway with Brian, but did not exit amongst the cops with his ally. Instead, he climbed the nearby fire escape towards the the second-floor balcony position overlooking the bank from the nearby building complex he had scouted while going over the plan with the other Irregulars. He reached the position as the crimson energy barriers from Glowstar came into being, their cracking red energy backing the room he was in with eerie light. Crouching next to the iron railing of the balcony, John focused his concentration on the weapon he intended to use for this job. A few short seconds alter he was notching a glimmering arrow on the bows arrow rest, before settling into a comfortable shooting position overlooking the bank. The arrowhead tracked across front entrance of the bank, looking for his target. There. John sighted the distance, adjusted for range, and checked the windage. His target the enemy pistoleers' gun that was currently held in lazy attention. Horrible trigger discipline, thought John as he activated his comm-link, voice barely above a whisper. "I-5 in position. Ready for 'Go' code." With that, John waited for the signal, ready to loose the shot that would begin their attack plan.
  25. John listened to Brians' suggestions. "The reason I suggested my method was that Changelings' glamors cover every aspect to conceal her whereabouts. I have seen her remove her weight indentations on a practice mat so I believe it can also give Wisps' teleportation the stealth that this plan needs. This is not a slight against your powers, but can you prevent the enemy portalist teleporting into your warded areas? We do not also know the destructive output of the pistoleer as well, who might easily bypass your defensive measures. That was why I preferred to get the hostages out of the equation first. Having Wisp engage the portalist after we covertly extract the hostages ensures that they cannot achieve a easy victory by 'ring out' on our or the hostages behalf." John pointed to the vault. "I do think containing whoever is in the vault however is an excellent point. That would hopefully remove one foe to begin with, and then you can engage the disarmed pistoleer." He indicated each of the foes on-screen, each one of them becoming highlighted. "The whole reason we need to hit fast and hard is that this group is a teamwork based team, as seen by the parallels between our foes and our abilities. The longer they have to regroup, the lesser the chances of us capturing them all."
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