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Everything posted by Semi-Autogyro

  1. John surveyed the scene, taking in the number of foes and the hostages. He would have ordinarily favored taking on all of these vagrants outside before moving in, but the addition of hostages stayed his action for the time being. But for them to be taking hostages to the building that meant that either 1.) making them talk with whoever was there since or 2.) bringing them to a place for easy disposal of their corpses. That left only one course of action. They needed to get inside the main building before this could escalate even more, which it would when the police and Hazmat arrived. "We have got to get inside the main building. Suggestions?" He asked of his coiffed comrade.
  2. Toughness Save - 1d20+6=14 I don't think so, Tim. Blow HP for re-roll Toughness Save HP - 1d20+6=14+10=24 IC is screwing with me today. Myr takes a bruise.
  3. John kept up his observation of the two, making sure that he didn't get trapped in a corner. The mine beeped 3 times, and the arrow stayed in place. He tried to be in amongst the Etains' as much as possible, hopefully using their numbers against the psion of the Martel family. In order to do this though, he vaulted over the ceiling framework like hurdles as he moved about the rooms' ceiling. Cocking his head at their dialogue, John said nothing as he focused instead on the game at hand.
  4. John is using total defense, so he is still at +12 DEF. Current gravity: Constant (Remains at reverse gravity)
  5. John stood there, standing in rapt attention with his helmet reflecting the images on the monitors. Other than that he was completely motionless apart from the normal rise and fall of his chest from breathing. He broke his silence a few minutes later. "Shock and Awe." John said before turning his attention to his compatriots. "We hit them hard enough, fast enough, and they will not have time to recover." He went up to the monitors and started explaining the details. "As Mister Corbin has said, we could try to simultaneously fight all opponents. But for the most part that will not be necessary. They are reliant on one person for this plan to succeed." He indicated the portalist. "Without that individual they have no escape and unless he tells them where that leads, no idea where the money is going to. If he is taken out early, they are trapped. In addition, the other person of concern is him." John then pointed to the man with the revolver. "None of the others who are in this robbery seem to be the type that can do that sort of damage to a reinforced vault door. If we can eliminate his weapon we can nullify that threat as well." John pointed back to the twins and the heavyweight. "These are the unknowns, plus whoever is in the vault. I potentially think that these might be triplets, namely because of the precision in which they are removing the vaults' contents." Indeed, a bag flew out of the vault door and there was one of the twins already waiting for it. "However, until we have eyes on the individual I would still treat the vault individual as an unknown. This is my recommendation." John stood up and started making notes on the touch screen. "Changeling and Wisp can infiltrate beforehand with Changelings' concealment abilities. Changeling creates the fake hostages while Wisp portals them out under cover of the illusion. With the hostages free, Miss Victoria portals in Crow and Glowstar still within the illusion of the hostages. Now we are in position to start our attack." John highlighted points on the map. "I will be here in a position overlooking the doors. I will start off by destroying the pistoleers weapon. As soon as this occurs, Changeling drops the illusion and you all catch them off guard. I would recommend these pair offs. Changeling takes the heavyweight, Glowstar takes on the unarmed pistoleer, Wisp the portalist, and Crow the twins. I will provide over-watch fire support from my location, and will be assisting whoever needs help. In addition, I can potentially keep whoever is in the vault pinned down." He turned his faceless mask to the others present. "Any questions, comments, or suggestions?"
  6. I'll edit this as it comes with init and everything else. First thing first, John makes his standard Master Plan Check - 1d20+15=32 Everyone gets +3 for 3 rounds, +2 for 1 round, and +1 for 1 round.
  7. John is using total defense, so he is at +12 DEF. Current gravity: Reverse!
  8. "No Miss Martel, I do not posses the power of intangibility, though I only suggested that since it would make the game rather unfair like the other abilities that Miss Etain had mentioned." John placed the mine securely in the center of the room and activated it, the readout flashing between multiple arrows. John backed away from the device, and was suddenly hurtling towards the ceiling where he landed on his feet. "Now then, I believe that I am not 'it'." John weaved in and out amongst the Etain-projections.
  9. Ah this is how i'll do the gravity thing. Straight 1d6 Roll every round. Effects of gravity on page 168-171 of the Core Book. No space sickness from zero gravity though. 1 - Zero Gravity 2 - Light Gravity 3- Normal Gravity 4 - Reverse Gravity 5 - Heavy Gravity 6 - Constant (gravity stays same as previous roll)
  10. "I am glad you have arrived here in a timely manner, Mister Brian. Irregardless, we would have not started without your presence. "Indeed, maybe the four of us can work something out when our next scheduled training time with Mister Archer occurs." John then opened the small kit bag by his side. and took out a small box about the size of a lunch box. Flipping the latches open, the box revealed a series of hands free comm-links. "Mister Archer allowed us the use of these tonight provided they all return to him undamaged." John handed out each one to his teammates. "I have preset the frequencies, so please confirm they are working before we enter the scenario." After passing them out John turned to Corbin. "The communicators are set to 117.890 MHz, if you wish to monitor our comm chatter while observing. " John put his sunglasses into a case in the bag before putting his comm-link on, and adjusting it so it would be comfortable. Once that was done, he summoned the rest of his costume and the faceless helmet assembled itself over his head. "I am ready whenever the rest of you are." John said, voice oddly deadened from the muffling effect of the helmet.
  11. The doors to the elevators opened slowly, and John walked out into the hallway. Taking the first right at the next hallway he waited for Corbin to clear the doorway before quietly entering the room with the others. "I am wondering that as well, Mister Corbin. That is, if I am going to be allowed to formulate a plan for this scenario or are we yet again 'winging it'?" John was clad in his combat uniform, minus his helmet but still sporting a pair of sunglasses. John nodded hello at the others. "Good evening, everyone." he said as he set down on one of the chairs closest to Etain.
  12. John dumped the rest of the of the bottle over his head, cooling his head off before he kipped up to his feet. "I would also put intangibility on the illegal maneuvers list. However, I do think I can make this game a bit more interesting." John concentrated for about a half a minute, the azure blue of his powers coalescing into a device that just simply seemed to be a display with a prominent digital arrow. "This is a modified gravitic mine. I have created it so that the field emitters will cover this entire room and can randomize the gravity within it's boundaries. Since this room is padded, and all equipment secured to the the wall or floor, it should be safe. The mine can duplicate heavy, light, normal, reverse and zero gravity which will change randomly for any amount of time I set it for. Does this sound like something you both would like to try?" John said holding out the mine for inspection.
  13. John picked up one of the footballs by his foot, and examined it. "I am to assume this is some sort of Homing Rune? Intriguing idea, Mister Morgan. There are many useful applications for it that come to mind when you have worked out the issues." He tossed the football back to Morgan with a light under hand toss. "I will write some ideas down." John turned his attention back to Subito. "Now that introductions are out of the way, do you have any further questions? We would be more than happy to answer them."
  14. John looked between the new arrival, his friends, and the tree. He walked over to the tree and tapped it idly. "Clearly, this is a truly cunning foe. As Mister Morgan has repeatedly demonstrated it lies in wait, carefully biding it's time before it strikes catching its intended prey unaware in its leafy clutches. Mister Brian, do you think there is an another opening on the Irregulars? A stalwart ally such as this mighty elm would surly tip the fortunes of battle in our favor." John then leaned against tree, face deadpan as he folded his arms across his chest and gazing at the new student and Morgan. "The school nurse is the Administration building, First Floor, Room 132. However, the only thing in danger of being injured is Mister Morgans' pride, at the moment."
  15. John's powers flashed in a corona of electric blue incandescence where the football hit him in the head. Snapping his attention skyward, the source of the attack revealed itself to be Morgan. "I do believe he would be aggravated, and I do not think you have any more free time to make any reparations he demands. In any event, I think you should take a sample of the tree to your allies at Parkhurst. Maybe they can explain why it has an affinity with your powers." John bent over to pick up one of the footballs and tossed it up and caught it to get a feel for the weight. He then took careful aim at the branch and threw to football in a tight spiral, the football hitting the intended target followed by ominous creaking as the branches' grip loosened on Morgans' ankle. John took a few steps away from the tree so he was not underneath his friend. "Remember to tuck and roll, Mister Morgan." John said with a hint of amusement.
  16. John was happy that the proceedings had gone as well that they did. Corbin seemed to have a reasonable head on his shoulders, and John was interested in the other teens powers. "Yes, I did heard about the greenhouse project. I wish I could have assisted in its construction, but I was unfortunately unavailable that day." When Corbin had accepted the offer of dinner John nodded. "Excellent. I will inform the others." John stood, and slid his sunglasses back on. He then extended a friendly hand to Corbin. "I look forward to working with you and your team, Mister Corbin. I will see you again at 1900." After Corbin had shook on it, John left the library and Corbin to his thoughts.
  17. John sat down on the mat next to his gym bag, extracting a bottle of water from it. Taking a swig from he re-capped it, and turned his attention back to the others in the room. "Thank you Miss Etain, but at the end there I was sacrificing defense for the hopes of a finishing blow." He took another long drink from the bottle before resting fully against the wall, enjoying the fact that he had won the little game and allowing the adrenaline in his body to ebb away.
  18. "It seems many of the students who come here have preconceptions of what Claremont is like, but that is inevitable with the reputation the Academy has. As for the word crucible, I was referring that this place can be both a testing ground or the fact that your experiences here will shape your future. Indeed some people who are enrolled here do have issues with their powers. It is hoped by attending here, that those may be tempered with control and precision gained. John quirked an eyebrow at his friend. "As far as I am aware my sight does not work as a particle accelerator, or has Mister Morgan been spreading rumors once again?"
  19. John had felt his strike make good contact, but the hit must have been slightly off as she only seemed minorly inconvenienced by it. He then realized that his feet did not want to seem to move, and saw the mats start twisting up to bind his legs. There is no mat...this is yet another illusion, he reminded himself as he gained control of his faculties. He moved behind the illusionist, jabbing out with a stabbing maneuver aimed at her upper back.
  20. Saves: Reflex - 1d20+6=9 Failed Will - 1d20+6=26 Saved Move Action: Hide in Plain Sight - DC 24 Notice Check Standard Action: All-Out Attack +5 Atk/-5 Def, Def now +1 Nerve Strike: Paralyze 8 (Extras: Alt Save - Fort, Feats: Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Reversible, Subtle) Attack Roll - 1d20+8+5=17 The only way that's hit is if you fail the notice vs. HiPS check, and therefore are flat footed to his next attack.
  21. John sighted down the shaft of the arrow and loosed it, sending it accelerating toward a trio of targets downrange. He lowered the bow and mentally commanded the arrow -- split -- and it did, separating into three arrows that buried themselves in the targets. He lined up another shot when a shadow passed overhead. Glancing upward he saw Brian landing next to somebody he didn't know. Another new student, it seems. Both curious of the new arrival and wanting to give him a friendly introduction to Claremont, he headed over in their direction. As he approached the pair, he overheard the last part of the questions posed by the new arrival. "It is what you make of it. To some it is a school, to others it is a crucible, and to all students here it is a safe haven." He extended his left hand, forgetting he still was manifesting his powers. "Oh sorry. My apologies." The compound bow in hand and quiver on his back disappeared, and he extended his now free hand. "I am called John Smith, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
  22. John braced with his feet as he felt the hammer slam into his ribcage, exhaling as it hit; the force of the blow nearly knocking him off of his feet and the air out of his lungs. "But you and I are different from most people, Miss Etain." He said through gritted teeth as his weapons disappeared, nothing else forming in their place. John put his index and middle finger together together on his off hand and lashed out with a snakelike strike at Etains' upper torso, aimed just below her collarbone. "Those differences make us who we are."
  23. Saves: Fort DC 24: 1d20+8=24 Saved, No Knockback. Weapon: Nerve Strike: Paralyze 8 (Extras: Alt Save - Fort, Feats: Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Reversible, Subtle) John all out attacks +5 Atk/- 5 Def . His defense is now +1 Attack Roll1d20+8+5=29 29 Total. If that hits, Etain needs to make a DC 18 Fort save vs. Paralyze
  24. Move Action - Yet another DC 25 Tactical Feint. Attack Action - Full on All-Out/Power Attack +5 DC/-5 Def 1d20+8=23 Johns' Defense is now a paltry +1 (DC 11) Current Weapon - Knock-Out Gloves - Stun 8 (Feats: Improved Critical [18-20], Insidious, Subtle) DC 23 Fort Save if hit = 10 base + 8 weapon + 5 All-out/Power
  25. John bounced on his feet a bit, throwing small jabs and feints in Etains' direction. He was obviously trying a different strategy now, less defensive and more aggressive. "The sensation of pain means that you are alive. It is a welcome part of my existence, Miss Etain. I do not shy from it." He delivered the last line along with a series of one-two punches aimed at taking her off guard, potentially leaving her open for the rising uppercut that followed.
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