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Everything posted by Semi-Autogyro

  1. The folder switched between hands as John attempted to figure out a position to keep a hold of it while not having it show in the picture. Eventually, he settled by setting Vickys' bag on top of it so it so it would stay put. Once that was done, he stood against the tree behind Morgan, Vicky, and Etain with Brians' arm around his shoulder. When the conversation turned to their foray into the Ladys' realm and the subsequent significant glance from Morgan, John could not hide the small predatory smile that crept across his face. "Some things are worth disobeying orders, and the punishment for doing so. Indeed, I would not hesitate to do so again." John looked off into the distance, "It is my hope that Branagh and his Lady understood the ramifications of their actions, if they were to attempt something similar I doubt the benevolence of my actions in that situation." His voice took on a hard edge during the latter statement, before he turned his attention back to the group. "But that is in the past, we can learn from it and prevent it from happening again. If anything, I think that was the impetus that caused us to band together as we are now." John turned his attention to the camera. "Ready when you are, Victoria."
  2. "I find instructional sparring versus actual sparring to be two very different things. What I mean by holding back that I try not to inflict or minimize damage if at all possible, but of course, accidents can and do happen. This is as to say opposed from if you asked, Morgan, who more 'hands on' when it comes to sparring." John gave a rueful laugh after the last statement. "I prefer to get to know somebody, their abilities, and limits before 'taking the gloves off' as it were." "As for it being more difficult for training, I have found so far that using that method does not impede learning. After all, I have to spend just as much time practicing on the firing range which precludes others assisting, or with safetied versions of other weapons. Even a bokken can break an arm, which is why I try to err on the side of safety." He started stacking things on his lunch tray. "But thank you Miss Chloe, for the offer of your medical expertise. While I am familiar with the basics of first aid, I am by no means an expert."
  3. "After the demon goes down we must make haste to the Seat then." Myrmidon said, indicating the elephant demon with a nod in its direction. He considered his options right now. 1) He was at too great a distance to enter CQB range. 2) He didn't possess a weapon that could easily penetrate the demons hide after seeing it weather the blows of the four currently attacking it. 3) Morgan had shown a rather vicious attack that could hit the demon at this distance. With that information, his choice was clear. He moved to help Crow target the creature, but one of the bleachers snapped under his weight and nearly sent him tumbling to the floor. That was not what I was intending, the helmeted hero grumbled mentally.
  4. John looked more relaxed than he had in days, the millstone that burdened him being cast off. "That sounds like an excellent idea, Victoria." He blinked, realizing that he had just addressed Vicky so familiarly. Later in the day, Headmaster Summers would point out to him that it was probably a sign of his now complete trust in his friends. Based on the fact that they no longer could be defined with a mere title in his rigidly military mindset anymore. "In that case, where would you like us to move?" He looked around and pointed at the tree where he had first met both Morgan and Vicky. "Perhaps under the tree? I think it would be an appropriate backdrop for the photograph."
  5. John listened to the pair of girls as his mind parsed and compiled the data. "I usually have a few of the other students who I assist in helping them get a proper routine started or assist them in getting an idea where they can direct their training to. I am better at the physical side of training, as powers tend to skew the traditional training methods I know. They happen on Wednesday nights in the gym, and you are more than welcome to come. " "I appreciate the vote of confidence in my abilities, Miss Kristin. However, while I am competent, I still am not infallible. I just hopefully can be of assistance in helping individuals further their abilities." He said honestly. "My particular method of fighting is intentionally more vicious and brutal than is commonly encountered. I would prefer to keep other students from learning it, lest they use it and maim somebody. I restrain myself when training and sparring, for that very reason; so do not expect bruising or injury if you decide to participate." John smiled a bit in apology as he continued."But to answer your question, Miss Chloe, I am innately familiar to combat. My father is the owner and operator of a private military contracting company, and I have been groomed since I was very young in all aspects of the family business. However, I severely doubt that many students have had as much exposure to it as I have been privy to. It is however, not a requirement to be a fighter to attend here. There are many students who have no experience, and others that are masters in their field. Miss Etain is one of the best practitioners in the sword I have had the pleasure to meet, and Miss Eve is a world-class acrobat."
  6. John finished off the remnants in the Jell-o bowl and washed it down with the remaining water in his glass. "Sparring is different than an exercise routine. While a standard sparring partner can help, you actually want to exchange partners so that you do not get complacent in sparring practice. Because in the field, you will not be able to respond as easy when something that a regular partner would not do." He picked up his unused butter knife and gestured with it. "For example, if I were only to practice with Miss Etain: I would react slower to ranged attacks, since she does not use them." He set the knife back down as he looked at Chloe, this time as if apprising her. Finally, he raised an eyebrow as if confused. "I am afraid I do not comprehend, Miss Chloe. If you are at this academy and have talents in medicine, you should not ignore improving self-defense. Field medicine does not excuse oneself from being in the thick of combat, and medics are often targets regardless of their Hippocratic Oaths and the Geneva Conventions."
  7. John kept pace in the rearguard position behind the others, shedding his hoodie and patrol cap as they walked. Once he returned his focus back to the group both Brian and Etain had swapped to their field attire. He thought how to phrase his response after their guest had asked about their school. On one hand, she was their guest. On the other, John did not know what exactly her clearance entailed; i.e. whether or not she was aware of their complete dossiers. Deciding to err on the side of caution he added to the discussion. "The summary of my last comprehensive report that I was privy to indicated that I was exceeding expectations." It was no secret that John did not have a class schedule like most students. Due to his lacking experience in social skills and knowledge, he had a special curriculum to try to bring him up to speed. It entailed crash courses in subjects like popular culture mixed in with the occasional classes he attended with other students such as economics and history.
  8. John stuck a spoon into his Jell-o, and answered the question "It has been around ten months. I was on campus since April of last year, but officially started classes as a Junior during the fall season." He took a spoonful of Jell-o and ate it, savoring the flavor a moment before continuing. "I would not worry about losing your way, judging from my experience most new students easily find their way around campus within in a week or so." "I am happy that you have gotten your roommate already, Miss Kristin. As I recall, you were looking forward to it." He paused for a second. "Perhaps you could help each other in training as well, since working out with another person helps to promote a daily routine."
  9. John looked up from the book he was reading between bites of his lunch as Kristen and another female student he had not seen before sat down at his table. Luckily, the naturally energetic young woman introduced the other. "Good Morning to you as well, Miss Kristin, Miss Chloe. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Chloe." He memorized the page number he was on before closing the book and returning it to his backpack, the title Applied Interviewing Techniques was briefly readable. Once done, he returned his attention to the pair of girls. "Welcome to Claremont Academy, Miss Chloe. I hope you will find it to your liking. If you should have any questions that you would ask of me, I will strive to answer them to the best of my knowledge." He looked to be mostly done with his lunch, barring his untouched Jell-o and half glass of water. "I take it you are getting the tour, as it were?"
  10. It was at that point the telephone in the security office rang, and John being the closest picked it up. "John here." His posture immediately straightened, exactly like a soldier at inspection as he turned to face the security camera in the corner. The conversation consisted mainly of "Yes, Sir"s, "No, Sir"s, and was concluded with a "I understand, Sir." He hung up the phone and turned to Fulcrum. "I am sorry, Ma'am. We were uninformed of your security clearance level, a oversight that Headmaster Summers just corrected." He closed the door to the small office, it seeming all the more crowded with Fulcrum in their midst, as he punched in a code to the alarm box by the door. A few seconds later a hidden door on the wall by Morgan and Brian opened upward, showing a set of stairs that descended downward. "Since you are here to get a feel for us as both a team and individuals, it would probably be best to probably forgo our normal training to better showcase our abilities." He gestured to the door. "After you, Ma'am."
  11. After exchanging pleasantries, John shook the heroines' offered hand while idly noting how much it dwarfed his own. "It is a distinct pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ma'am. If I can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to ask." He replied to her, deciding to err on the side of treating her with a healthy modicum of respect instead of casual familiarity for their guest. It appeared that she was already familiar with both Etain and Victoria, so he decided to finish the introductions. "Brian, also known as Glowstar." He indicated each hero in turn. "Morgan, referred to as Crow." Then he gestured to himself "I am called John, or Myrmidon while in the field." John held open the doors as the group went inside heading for the security office, where he gave Brian a nod of approval when he happened to look in his direction again. After all, they didn't know if this was an approved visit or not. He slowed his pace to fall into position behind them out of habit. He sincerely hoped that today would go better than the last time a hero paid them a visit, while watching the others. Morgan was practically ready to bounce off the walls in excitement, which elicited a small sigh and resigned shake of the head from John.
  12. Aid Another (Attack) on Crow, since he has better ranged capabilities than Myr does. 1d20+6=8 vs. DC 10. Failed No bonus to hit for Crow.
  13. Ever since Morgan had arrived back on campus, the pair had resumed their morning run/cardiovascular workout around campus. John was wearing his usual set of exercise clothes, a pair of BDU pants with a t-shirt and patrol cap. Due to the slight chill of the weather he had added a hoodie to his normal ensemble along with his omnipresent sunglasses. The duo kept pace along side each other as they approached the Gym for their morning training session. As the pair approached the gymnasium, one could tell they were talking to each other as they ran. Snippets of a conversation could be heard if one listened close enough, and could easily be understood once they got within earshot. "...and that is the reason why currently Headmaster Summers refuses for me to program Doom Room training scenarios for personal training purposes without staff supervision." John said to Morgan, the strings to his hood bouncing in sync with his gait. He glanced back towards to their rapidly approaching destination, and saw Miss Etain, Brian, and a pair of legs visible hanging off the side of the roof that could only belong to Victoria. But that was not what caught his attention the most. Landing near the gym, was a statuesque woman who John identified from the time he saw her in Tian; Fulcrum. John elbowed Morgan lightly in the arm and pointed out the new arrival. "It appears that we will have a visitor today." he said as they stopped in front of the gym and caught their breath before addressing the other nearby team members and the visitor. "Good morning everyone. How are you all doing today?"
  14. John departed to fill their requests, and the ice cream was decent quality, for mall food. Deciding at least to at least look at some other stores, the four Claremont students wandered throughout the mall. Victoria managed to pick up the game that she was looking for on sale, and in a specialty cooking store Etain noticed some non-metallic utensils. After misplacing Kristin for a few minutes, they found her wandering in a sporting goods store. Thirty or so minutes later they managed to get her back into the mall. When they passed by the arcade, Vicky had managed to persuade John to try one of the light-gun games after he had asked her about it. John most of all didn't expect a throng of young teens becoming enthralled as they watched him plow through the game with ease, but he appreciated the congratulations and admiration from them when he beat the high score. Eventually, after they had completed everything they had needed or wanted to do the four returned back to the academy. By the time they had gotten back, it was almost time for dinner at the cafeteria. John thanked the three of them for helping him today, and left to put his new acquisitions away in his dorm room before heading to dinner.
  15. Ahh! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
  16. John watched the others reactions intently, mentally preparing himself for the worst case scenario. Instead, they all were accepting of the fact and even exposed their skeletons lurking the closets. Their reasoning was baffling as well. John had never thought his powers were intrinsically horrible, but their originally intended use was. However, he was currently stupefied at their assertion he was indeed a good man. Something he questioned every time memories that were not his made themselves known as a sort of perverse déjà vu, like the remembrance of smug satisfaction and innate superiority while looking down into a prison camp. His face took on a expression somewhere between quizzical and disbelief, echoing the the thought that went racing through his mind: what the hell did I do to deserve any of them? The realization of the warm weight of Victorias' hand on his shoulder and the madcap laughter of Morgan brought him out of his reverie, and a small smile to his face. "It would explain why we have wound up meeting each other and forming this team. As you have pointed out, Morgan; we are not considered exactly regular by most Claremont standards." John shook his head in dismissal at Etains' offer. "I do not know much about the nature of magic, but it has been my experience that such secrets have a reason for remaining so. In any case, I would not want to take away your enigmaticism, Miss Etain."
  17. John stared at the happy reunion of his friends, a small voice of reason shouting in the back of his mind that it wouldn't last long due to his upcoming bombshell. Mentally suppressing the voice as he walked forward to greet his absentee companion, he walked around the rune-master as if appraising a vehicle or item at auction. "I was not aware that your magical training included the requirement of successfully impersonating a vagrant..." He stopped when he was in front of Morgan, "But I am glad to see you doing well, my friend." He smiled fully, clapping Morgan with a companionable grip on the collarbone. The smile changed into a slight grimace before being replaced by the normal impassive look John usually adopted as Etain mentioned the business he was here for in the first place. John released Morgans' shoulder, and hung his sunglasses from the collar of his shirt. Glancing over at Etain he asked her, "Would you kindly put up your ward?" When she had affirmed it was up he turned to face the others. "First I want to thank you all for allowing myself to be called your friend. While I am sure that all of you might have had questions about my history prior to coming here at one point or another, you did not pry or try to investigate. You have shown me so much of this world I was not aware of, and stood alongside of me on the field of battle. You have placed trust and faith in me, and while I have returned those to the best of my abilities, I have kept the truth of my identity from all of you." John stood at attention in front of the others. "My name is not John Smith. I am in fact a clone of Wilhelm Kantor, who is the leader of SHADOW; also known as Overshadow. I was intended an experiment in advanced eugenics by SHADOW in order to create a new super-soldier, and as better container for Kantor who uses clones as his body breaks down. My full designation is clone number RC-1207, and I was one of fifty experimental clones. I was the sole survivor of the advanced training and experimental procedures. " The words, practiced in his mind came easily. "I was taken from SHADOW Complex AA-12 after its destruction by The Raven and Daedalus, and later the decision was made to place me here at Claremont. It was hoped that this would allow me to integrate into modern society, since at the time I was a created a little over 4 years prior." John relaxed a bit, the weight of matter off of his chest but maintained eye contact with all present. "I am sorry I had to obfuscate the truth from you all, but the knowledge of my existence is extremely hazardous. It was for your and my continued safety, as SHADOW will go to great lengths to re-acquire me if they knew if I was still functional. If you have any further questions, I will attempt to answer them to the best of my abilities." He looked downward to hide his nervous swallow before looking at the others again.
  18. John had just waved goodbye to Etain not a minute ago before spotting Vicky calling to over him and beckoning him over. He stopped and waited for her to catch up to him. "Good Day Miss Victoria," he greeted her when she got next to him. "It is fortuitous that I ran into you before we met for lunch today." He raised his glasses to his forehead again, so he could look her straight in the eyes. "I have a important matter I need to discuss with you and Mister Brian when we meet for lunch today. I have already informed Miss Etain. I would have liked Mister Morgan to be here for this as well, but I will talk to him privately on the issue later whenever he returns to campus." Johns' words rang with a hollow inevitability, like a man consigned to his fate. "I have to return these back to the Headmaster, at the moment." He indicated the folder under his arm. "But before I do that, was there something that you needed?"
  19. "Regardless of who you go to or train with, due to the wide experience range of the students at Claremont you can find a style you are comfortable with. You'll find that once you get past a certain point, you can easily fuse different styles coupled with your abilities into your own unique blend." John set aside his chopsticks. "There are a few dojos in the Freedom City area as well, if you seek a more traditional education style in the matter." He paused before volunteering the next information. "If you want practice with more...modern weapon styles; I can assist you in the matter. However, it would have to be cleared by Headmaster Summers first." He collected his trash together on the tray. "Now if you ladies would tell me what flavors and size of ice cream you would like, I can go and purchase them."
  20. "Thank you for your honest opinion of the matter. I was thinking of telling the others by the tree that seems to have an affinity for Mister Morgans various appendages, since we planned to all meet there today for lunch. " John glanced downward at the file in his hand. "It is my intention to keep the knowledge of the matter limited to those I feel should know, as per my agreement with Headmaster Summers. So I will take your offer to circumvent anyone from overhearing the discussion later." He gestured with the file towards the Administration building. "If you will excuse me, Miss Etain, I have to drop this back off. I will see you again at lunch, and if you do see any of the others please tell them I have something important to talk to them about when we meet later today."
  21. John noticeably stiffened when Etain showed up his mental senses not catching her presence due to his mental ruminations. "Ah. My apologies. I was unaware I was being watched, so I was not focused on concealing my tells." He looked around for any nearby students before continuing. John then raised his glasses up so they rested on his forehead and turned to face Etain. "I have finally made my decision to inform the others of my circumstances, and answer all the questions presented to me. I am troubled as to what their potential reactions will be. As such it has been weighing heavily on my mind as of late."
  22. John took a drink from his water. "I am always more than happy to help others in their training. I favor adaptability in the field and prefer asymmetric and unconventional strategy, so I avoid most specializations. For example, Miss Etain could instruct you better in swordplay and Miss Victoria in holds." He gave a rueful laugh at Kristins' exasperation at Vicky and Etain. "Gaining the upper hand against Miss Etain is like trying to grab onto a waterfall. Her defense is impeccable, and it is very hard to catch her off guard. With her abilities as well, you are effectively fighting with a handicap on yourself." John thought for a second before continuing, "As for Miss Victoria, It's more about where she will be than where she is currently. Trying to keep track of her is an exercise in futility akin to trying to visually follow the wind, and with her abilities it is usually over if she can successfully get a hand on you." He finished off the last bit of his lunch. "I believe I can assist you in the endeavor; but you are indeed setting the bar high with them as your goals."
  23. Claremont Academy, February 3rd, 2012 John rubbed his temples to alleviate the minor headache that was buzzing in the back of his head before looking at this watch. He blinked twice at the time shown, as he had apparently missed lunch while going over the redacted files that Mister Daedalus had sent him that were from a recently hacked SHADOW database. Nothing remotely associated with the project that had created him lied within; it was yet another dead end. Sighing as he stood and looked out of his window of his dorm room, his thoughts came back to the persistent thoughts of late that he should reveal his true past with his friends. It was getting more and more difficult to obfuscate the truth from them, and Miss Etain did know his secret but he was unsure if she understood the full ramifications of it at the time. Truth be told, he was afraid of their potential reactions. They fought alongside him, trusting him to watch their backs. Based on just that fact, they deserved to know the fact of the matter. He had to see Headmaster Summers anyways to return the files, so he might as well tell others and then inform the Headmaster. He placed the files back in their folder before leaving his room and shutting out the lights, all the while hoping that he would still have friends after tonight.
  24. John chuckled lightly as Etain filled in the details to Kristin. "I have my own theories as to why that tree seems to be an attractor for Mister Morgans' appendages, but it remains an excellent source of schadenfreude when he is around." He ate a few more bites as the conversation continued. "I do not think you have to worry about it, Miss Kristin. I think it has an affinity of sorts for magic practitioners." John took a long drink from his water, washing some of the lingering heat of the curry sauce away. "As for the rematch I mentioned, Mister Morgan and I were routine sparring partners since we were roughly equal sans using our extra-normal abilities. When he returns it is for him to show the results of his training to me easier than any verbal explanation could convey." He only nodded slightly in confirmation toward Etains' at her surmise that it was the Megastar incident he was talking about. Getting himself thrown a 150 meters through a building and half did not exactly leave a impression of victory in his mind even though the Irregulars had triumphed in the end.
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