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Everything posted by Ecalsneerg

  1. Use Mind Control on myself!: 1d20+7 23 Nope. Also, I'm Fatigued from last round's giant electric cannon. OK. Standard Action: Use a standard Blast attack on the weakened reactor. It should hit, for DC25. Explodey time.: 1d20+12 21 Can I get a result prior to me choosing my move action? Edit: Then fly awaaaay at top speed
  2. Equinox brought up her left arm in a sweeping motion as Shane swept his gaze between the three magicians. A white-blue curtain of coalescing force came up before her, emanating a deep, slow energy like the depths of the Earth. She lifted her wand with the other hand, levelling it just as the dark magician was levelling his gun. "I'll bet you mine is better," said the witch coolly. "Pyrkagius!" A white-hot stream of flame and force burst from the tip of her wand, firing through her shield and bursting forth unhampered to whip and spiral towards Shane.
  3. Hayley'll give up her move, as there's little for her to do here Equinox is then up. She'll use her move action to keep her Impervious up as a move action: DC26 Concentration check to maintain Impervious as a move action: 1d20+16 28 And her standard to launch fire at Shane. Power Attack for 2; DC28: 1d20+9 19
  4. Arrowhawk ducked into a crouch as the battle raged around him. The monsters were huge, and he seemingly couldn't hurt Typhon with mortal weapons. But he was sure if he got close, he could improvise something. Would falls hurt him? Buildings? Couldn't hurt to try. He notched an explosive arrow and fired it between the giant snake monster's eyes in a single fluid movement. As the explosive detonated, he swept his arrow hand back, sweeping his cape down low to throw piles of desert sand up into the air, swirling amidst the illusion of sandstorm. There was no substitute for the real thing. When the sand had settled once more... the archer was gone.
  5. Standard Action: Shoot the giant lamia. Shoot an explosive arrow, Power Attacking for 5. Penetrating 7, DC 27: 1d20+12 25 Woop woop woop Free Action: Spend one of those 5HP on Hide in Plain Sight. Move Action: Hide in the sand! Roll Stealth at -5 to hide as a move action: 1d20+15 21 Well, what're HP for if not using? Hero Point re-roll: 1d20+15 25; +10 for re-roll = 35 Final summary: Uninjured, 3HP
  6. Equinox contemptuously swept aside the last trails of energy clinging to her shield. "And my will is strong, false god," she said confidently, pulling her wand forth from her robes. She twirled it once in her fingers. "And in deference to my ghostly compatriot, whose needs I must apologise for forgetting..." Cold air swirled in the gap between the Angel and Dr Drake. She thrust her wand sharply forward. Lumps of ice began forming in the air, swirling and coruscating in a cyclone towards the Angel, sweeping over it and merging, freezing and solidifying into a solid mass as it went. "Class, observe how even the air heeds that will."
  7. Move Action: Pull out the wand Standard Action: Power Attack for 2 with a Snare attack. DC23 Reflex vs icy Snare: 1d20+9 21
  8. Ok, Vahn, they seem fine, although I should stress my approval is contingent on this specific situation, I'd not advocate stuff like this all the time. Get it up, and I'll move this forward.
  9. Geckoman wasn't so great this distance from an enemy. On Earth, in this situation, he'd be in his ship. If it came in closer, he could probably jump to it, but it wasn't a great idea just yet. So he made himself a smaller target, weaving back towards the others in a zig-zag, semi-crouched down. "We're right out in the open here, guys. No fortifications, no preparation, in a pretty alien place too." He shrugged inside his spacesuit. "I propose we fall back to an actual defendable position. Star Knight dudes, sorry for the misunderstanding, maybe we help each other not get shot down like sitting ducks?" Geckoman grinned. "Unless someone wants to throw me up there, haha."
  10. Standard Action: Go on Full Defence. Geckoman ain't great at this range. Move Action: Use the commlinks.
  11. Arrowhawk leveled his bow in a quick snapping gesture, a couple of arrows already in hand, one notched and sent flying at Typhon's face. They could keep knocking down the monkeyss, he figured, but with the organ grinder still here, he could just make more of them. "I'll be the one saying aye here, kid." He systemically targeted his volley of arrows at approximations of where he thought weak points would be, despite Typhon's obvious ability at shapeshifting. The face, the solar plexus, knee and elbow joints, groin, a couple of arrows each blurring through his hands, through his bow and towards the god in a practised, tried and tested rhythm.
  12. I'm going to shoot him a lot. Full Action Autofire attack, Power Attacking for 5. DC27 Toughness, with up to +5 from Autofire s Typhon: 1d20+12 23
  13. OK, now I know everyone's reading this, as the last GM post from AA says, they're here, but not seemingly rushing down from their spacecraft just yet. You do have a few minutes, for Master Plans, jury rigging, that sort of thing. Your PCs have suggested doing stuff in the last few posts, I'm really just getting inits in to try and move this along ASAP as soon as you guys have had the chance to try some of these ideas. In hindsight, I asked for init a little prematurely, but my intention was, since this has stalled a little bit, get that now while we're getting it back up to speed so that when the Communion come, it doesn't need to slow down again. Sorry for the unclearness and jumping the gun on that.
  14. Initiative: 1d20+1 14 Equinox is slooow Raccoonitiative: 1d20+3 16 Raccoon is not.
  15. Arrowhawk openly laughed at this 'god'. "Buffoons? Listen, kid, drop the word games." He glanced contemptuously at the flaming, smoking kid. "Monkey Man's right. Partially. We smite down monsters. Kick 'em up the arse and make them cry. What he's wrong about is, well... the monster part." He turned back on Typhon, not tensed, bow hung limply. He wasn't ready to fight, because he didn't feel much need to right now. "Take away the finger quotes 'god' in you, and well... you're just a punk. You wanna fight, then fight. I don't think you give a crap with talking, except to get your jollies. You're a goddamn child hopped up on Max and Zoom." The older superhero sneered. "I don't give a damn what tricks you've got on the outside, on the inside you're just a psycho wannabe."
  16. With Skill Mastery, Arrowhawk gets 25 on Sense Motive if it's at all relevant.
  17. OK, just making sure we're still all here, since as is kinda evident with the giant Communion death cloud thingie, we'll need to do that whole defending thing soon. I'm going to give it a day/until everyone says they've nothing more to add to move forward. I don't need initiative yet, but if you want to get 'em up and ready, that'd be cool.
  18. "Really?" asked Arrowhawk, raising an eyebrow. "Nothing says it has to be magic. I mean, a couple of gods intervened, and called in you hoodoo types." He shrugged. "The involvement of all of you, on top of how you usually think, means you're possibly just leaping to the magic card. We can see metal. We can see circuits. I can't see magic, admittedly, but you lot can, if you don't bias yourselves." He pointedly looked at Set. He'd seen a few faces like that, some of them his. Idiot was blaming himself was something which wasn't his fault. "Lot of arseholes in this universe. Our involvement doesn't mean it's got a damn thing to do with our actions."
  19. Hayley glanced around her, at all the chaos, and fighting, and violence, and... Ghost looking not too good? Ooooh... the fire thing. She whacked one paw off Equinox's shin. <Fire. Ghost.> She whacked the paw off it again. <Fire. Ghost. Stupid.> As a barrage of projectiles came at her and her mistress, she decided to leave and apply her intelligence gathering skills somewhere she could use her heightened animal and magical senses. Like, say, behind the nearest wall, bush, grate. Anything to get her the heck out of this mess.
  20. Toughness save: 1d20+11 23 Not enough, Bruised. Hayley runs all-out, heading towards the nearest piece of cover she can find. As in, use Stealth cover, not deflect projectiles cover.
  21. Geckoman sighed. Dammit, Erik. He'd glanced at what had rolled over to Caradoc. And at what was in the armour Erik'd cut open. Man, he was glad he could not smell things in this spacesuit, except maybe his own sweat. "Man, no vengeance, no vengeance!" He turned and began to run from the goldenrod Star Knight armour, visibly unwilling and panicked at the notion of having to fight a Star Knight armour. Of course, halfway into his movement, one of his steps, rather than carrying him across the weightless surface, launched him. The Geckoman threw himself in a spinning backwards jump from a standing position. He closed the distance between his original position and the position of the yellow Knight, coming down from above with a crashing zero gravity spinning kick.
  22. Ok, so Geckoman is uninjured with 4HP. Move Action: I'll feint the yellow one! Skill Mastery, 31! Standard Action: With a threefer combo of Acrobatics Skill Mastery, +20 Strength from MOON GRAVITY, and Leaping 1, as a standing long jump, Geckoman can do 34' leaps. Which isn't much to punch the yellow one in the face. And dice are fun. So, with a charge attack to punch the yellow "Star Knight" in the face... Space Gecko!: 1d20+15 35. OK. So that's effective Strength 38 giving him 24' running long jumps, plus 20 to 44' from Acrobatics, then x2 for Leaping. OK, 88' leap, halved for not running up first, so 44'. Still less than just running at 'em. Eh. Giant space jump. Face punch! Charging Power Attack for 5 [in zero gravity]: 1d20+11 23 So that's DC24, 26 if the feint was successful. Sneak Attack, yo.
  23. Geckoman, even in his state of inebriation, reacted quickly, catching Sasha before she slid past him and onto the floor, one hand on her shoulder, the other steadying her on her waist. His eyes wandered downwards. "Woah..." Huh. Bbbbbb... best he nipped this in the bud. She was... pretty drunk. "... woahoah. C'mon, Ms Shots, I think you've had enough." He motioned to take her arm. "How about we get you sat down somewhere and call you a cab?"
  24. Fascinate save: 1d20+7 15 Just made it! Notice check, DC20: 1d20+9 19 Karma's a dick!
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