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Dr Archeville

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Everything posted by Dr Archeville

  1. Ouch, my condolences. My wife has a low-grade form of that, I've seen how nasty that can be.
  2. Archeville followed Emissary in, smiling and offering his hand to Gossamer and Rusty, "Hello! You are both active in zhe hero gig too, ja? So nice to meet new faces!"
  3. I'd like to think that I've come up with some interesting ones in the past, but maybe that's just my ego I liked this one from Instant Superheroes, a "mini-blizzard" power fro the Battlesuit/Cryosuit: Thinking along those lines, I came up with this: and this: The first creates a cloud of darkness that confuses those inside it. The second generates an intense field of burning irradiating white light. I also did a "Create True Sunlight" power once: I've also seen some over-the-top power builds. Like this: After much discussion, the array was changed to this: Though even that is nothing compared to something I saw on a HERO board once (though it was, admittedly, intentionally trying to be as broken as possible). Rings of Summoning (Hard to Lose Device with a high Summon, Fanatical) that summoned critters whose only power were assorted Devices, which they would then give to you.
  4. Well, what would you like to be put down for him? "Jovial midget with anger management issues"? (Sounds like Joe Pesci.)
  5. With regular APs on a power, you can only ever have 1 AP on at a time. So if you've got Each power, the Base and each of the APs, are worth 20pp. In any given round, you can use that to blow over foes (Air Control 10), or blast them with intense winds (Blast 10), or fly (Flight 10), or create a protective shield (Impervious Force Field 10). But you can only have one at a time up. You don't have to have the full amount active -- you could just leisurely soar through the air at Fly 1 -- but because they're APs, you can only have one 'slot' active at a time. Dynamic APs let you mix and match, as long as the total cost of the active powers doesn't exceed the total cost of the base power. Each power, the Base and each of the APs, are worth 20pp. In any given round, you can use that to blow over foes (Air Control), or blast them with intense winds, or fly, or create a protective shield, just like above. However, you can also mix and match, as long as the total points don't exceed that of the base power. So with this build, you could have Flight 10, then shift to Flight 1 & Force Field 9 the next round, then shift to Blast 5 & Force Field 5 the round after that, then shift to Blast 10 the round after that. For your example You can only have one thing active at a time. So in any round, you could have Enhanced Str, or Flight, or Protection. With DAPs you can mix and match, but I'd just go with having them be separate powers, like what's seen in the Battlesuit archetype (thought since it's oozing out of the char, it's not a Device, though it is a Container, like Alternate Form).
  6. You Minion is in front of you, on whatever piece of jewelry it's set in, always. Thus, it's technically always providing cover for you. However, it's so very hard to attack and damage, it can't relaly provide effective cover. However, this same difficulty to be attacked & damage also make it such a questionable buy: the ability to be attacked and damaged and taken out of a fight is the big inherent drawback/limit to having Minions (or Sidekicks). By adding powers that make these things extremely unlikely, you're getting around that inherent limit. Enhanced Feats and Skills, maybe Datalink and Communication and some Super-Senses. I wouldn't even say it'd be a Hard to Lose Restricted 3 Device, since a "cloud of free-ranging quarks" sounds like something that'd be as difficult to remove as implanted cyberwear (i.e., requires fairly specialized tools & knowledge, and more than a few rounds, to do it safely). The sentient/sapient part is largely flavor text, or possibly with a Check Required (Diplomacy, or Intimidate, or maybe even Knowledge/Civics to come up with a legal precedent for letting you do X, Y, or Z) flaw to convince the A.I. to help you.
  7. Thanks Umm... none of those numbers seem to match anything. You'll need to specify what his Craft is. Given his background, I'm guessing it'll be Structural. Ditto on his Profession. You can't have Attack Specialization/Ranged, because "Ranged" is far too broad. You can have Attack Focus/Ranged, or Attack Specialization/Vibration Blast. I'm getting 41pp for Powers. 5pp for Protection 5. 12pp for Strike 3 (Aura), since the Duration needs to be bought up from Instant to Sustained. 5pp for Super-Speed 1 (with one free AP) 2pp for Super-Strength 1 3pp for Super Senses 3 14pp for Vibration Control 6 w/ 2 APs. 5+12+5+2+3+14 = 41 8pp on Attack, 6 on Defense, 4 on Fort save, 6 on Ref save, and 5 on Will save? That's 29 points. Keep in mind that, as a PL 6 character, his Defense + Toughness must be no greater than 12. If he's got a Defense of +6, he can only have a Defense of +6. If you want him to have a Toughness of +7, you'll need to lower his Defense to +5.
  8. Do it as a Force Field, possibly with the Duration bought up to Continuous (so it'll stay up even if he's KO'd). Force fields aren't necessarily fields of force, they're just a non-Permanent form of Protection.
  9. Confusion among heroes is a classic cliche ;)
  10. Very cool background. I would ask that you provide after the Cyrillic, so the audience can be in on it Numbers look good, though I would like to see exactly how many points were spent on each save spells out. My one real question is in regards to his Shield. Is he able to throw it and batter some foe and have it return to him all in the same round? Or is there a delay? If it all happens in a a flash, then it's statted fine as-is, but if it is supposed to take some time for the thrown shield to come back -- time enough for someone to get in an attack while he waits for it to return -- then the Blast and Strike can both be APs of the Shield effect.
  11. You could toss in some Complications (like "Weirdness Magnet"). I'm holding off on giving my approval (or not :twisted: ) until you find someone to sidekick for and finish fleshing out his backstory.
  12. On first glance, nothing seems particularly off, though I (and I'd bet some other Refs) would greatly prefer it if you had the sheet formatted in a way similar to everyone else. That is, list ability scores, then saves, then skills, then feats, then powers, then combat info, and alphabetize the skills, feats, and powers.
  13. My biggest concern is the "Check Required: Knowledge (Arcane)" flaws on the powers. As he is now Nico can make the check about 50% of the time (so it's not that different from Unreliable), but a mere 1pp/4 ranks sunk into his Knowledge skill and it jumps up to be about 75% effective. For his drawbacks, is it pure Iron he's affected by, or any mostly-iron alloy? If it's pure iron, which is fairly rare to come by, that'd be uncommon (which would be the frequency; moderate would be the intensity). If it's any mostly-iron alloy -- modern steels are 98-99.8% iron -- the frequency would be more common. A smaller concern is how spread out the powers all are. Would you be opposed to tightening things up some? For example, listing his two super senses as Super-Senses 2 (detect magic, magic awareness).
  14. I would say heat could be common, since it's not that hard for most folks to start a fire. That being said, he is APPROVED as is.
  15. While you edit, be aware of another problem with having a Minion that's on a bit of jewelry you wear: you're essentially using the Minion as cover. But its miniscule size will mean it can't easily be hit (+12 size bonus to Defense), and its incorporeality means it can't easily be damaged, which negates two of the inherent drawbacks/limits/weaknesses in having a Minion or Sidekick.
  16. The Geomancer Petros Rockslide Terrayne Something based on gemstones (the Sapphire Sorcerer, the Malachite Mage, the Lapis Lawbringer, etc.)
  17. *uses his awesome Char Judge powers to rearrange time & space*
  18. Don't be afraid to use names from existing sources -- we've got a ManBat Muzhik (pronounced "moozh-eek") -- Russian for "peasant," if the char is one who wants to be associated more with the people and less with the Soviet government/Red Army/secret police. (Taken from the Silver Age Sentinels RPG.)
  19. Wouldn't "Channeled by Blood," "Only from target that Stygwyr has injured," and "Limited: Only organic creatures with blood" all be pretty much the same thing?
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