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Dr Archeville

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Everything posted by Dr Archeville

  1. It was the "A New Day, A New Way" thread. Archeville was out with Keira & Star, visiting assorted nightclubs, when Dryad burst in and started tearing up the place. She directly attacked Archeville, but no one else. So, destruction of property and assault (though Archeville didn't press charges on that one), and possibly some sort of 'disturbing the peace' thing. Based on the trial rules from the Mastermind's Manual, and assuming average rolls, I figured her sentence would've been for around nine months.
  2. When -- and if -- Heridfel decides. I'd say it's up to him whether or not we go that route, since he'd have to be running a prison (though more likely/manageably just a prison block) full of re-powered villains.
  3. "Ah, of course, varden. I do understand. Zhank you very much for your time und cooperation." The doktor turned and walked out, taking a long swig from the water bottle, allowing the guards to escort him to the infirmary. The super-scientist soon arrived at the infirmary, where his own equipment -- essentially two portable laboratories, one for biochemistry and one for botany -- had been brought in. It took him nearly 40 minutes to get both adequately set up in the section he'd been permitted to use and to start some basic analyses of the samples he'd taken from Dryad, even with some help from the prison's on-hand medical staff. "Alright, I can't use zhese scanners in case zhe inhibitors here are based on Gyrichian radiation... und I cannot use zhese catalysts und reagents in case zhe inhibitors are based on aerosolized versions of zhe Hodge series of RNA denaturing agents. Oh, and if zhey're using zhe Cortez class of peptide chain blockers, I can't use zhese...." Archeville carefully -- and with some frustration -- separated out some of his equipment and placed them back into their containers, then checked the clock on the wall. "Okay, I zhink zhat's it, und mit barely a minute to spare."
  4. Looks like there was another mini-outage this morning.
  5. Sad thing is, with the economy the way it is now, and the rising costs of food (due to the rising costs of gas), you'd be better of getting paid in fruit!
  6. Everyone starts at the bottom, man.
  7. Without his belt, he's got the Defense/Toughness of a PL 6 char (Defense +8, Toughness +4). And he has no weapons, so unarmed he's PL 4 offensively (+8 attack, +0 damage), though he might be able to borrow someone's stunner or something.
  8. Definitely an interesting idea. It'd give Dryad a chance to show her new dedication to good/law, and be a(nother) chance for Archeville to prove himself a hero. Though, since this was primarily to be a thread for Dryad, I'd just have Archeville focus on restoring the power inhibitors, and/or jury rigging some sort of replacement nullifiers, rather than actually fighting (especially since he's belt-less!). Up to Heridfel, though, since he'd be running the crooks (though I'd be willing to help out there).
  9. "Ah, vell, I vould presume zhat you confiscate any manner of removable technological or... magical devices," he said as he walked across the room towards the warden. The word 'magic' clearly left a bad taste in his mouth, "und store zhem in separate holding facilities, as mein own devices vere vhen I came in. Bionic und cybernetic implants vould be a bit harder to deal mit, zhough...." He trailed off and mumbled in German for a bit, then snapped to and took the offered bottle of water. "Zhank you," he said after taking a sip. "As for zhe 'casters'," he continued, the same distasteful look on his face, "it has been mein experience zhat such individuals can be easily stopped by restricting zheir ability to gesture and incant, enforcing zhe psychosomatic blocks on zheir powers. Zhough I suppose binding und gagging them vould impose upon all manner of civil liberties violations..." The doktor smirked, then rubbed his temples a moment, and took another sip of water. "Varden, I do appreciate all you haff told me, und do appreciate zhe need for secrecy und security here, but I must ask for just a bit more information. Are zhe building-vide nullifiers energy-based, or biochemical? I don't need to know specific frequencies or compounds... well, actually, I vould find zhat extremely useful, but I am aware of zhe most common energy- und biochemical-based power inhibitors und can vork around zhat... but I do need to know zhe basic elements so I can adjust mein experiments und procedures accordingly." He paused to take another sip of water, "If zhe nullifiers used here are biochemical, for example, zhere are certain catalysts und reagents I could not use out of concern zhey vould counter zhe nullifiers und restore Dryad's powers in full, or even mutate her into something new; if energy-based, I vill not be able to accurately use some of mein scanning equipment or delicate tools due to interference."
  10. She's not entirely certain, but she's fairly sure it was from the direction opposite from where the Imposter-eating blob dropped down from.
  11. Don't worry, it's just your Final Judgment, coming for you. ;)
  12. Looks like ya caught all the ones that needed catching. Thanks! :)
  13. "Zhank you very much, varden," he said with a slight bow, "I shall do mein best to make sure you do not regret placing her in mein care. Also," he added with a hand raised to one side of his mouth and speaking in a 'stage whisper', "zhank you for arranging zhe additional security -- I'm still working on establishing my name und reputation here, und zhe last zhing I vant is to be associated mit some sort of harassment scandal!" Before he was escorted out to the infirmary, Archeville half-turned back to the warden. "Oh, Varden Drummer, von more zhing. Just how are zhe powers of zhe prisoners here nullified? I ask out of both scientific curiosity und out of concern for mein experiments." Now he turned fully to face the warden, gesturing a bit as he talked, "I need to know vhat is in zhe environment I am vorking in, such as zhat of zhe prison infirmary, since it may impact some of zhe results of mein tests, or even prevent some of zhem from being carried out altogezher. Is it some manner of building-vide energy field, similar to vhat is used in zhe current versions of zhe nullifying manacles AEGIS uses," he swept one hand towards the light fixtures in the ceiling, "or some aerosolized metagene inhibitor pumped in zhrough zhe ventilation system?" he swept his other hand towards the HVAC duct in set into the wall.
  14. "If you're so omniscient, how can anyzhing be removed from your sight?," Archeville muttered off-handedly, before realizing he was speaking out loud. "I mean, of course, I vould be honored to help you, und ve can remove these... defilers, but it will be hard to explain to zhe local constabulary. Especially zhat von." he said with a nod towards the one Legionnaire had decapitated. "Of course, zhe police need not be involved. I could just make zhe bodies... disappear." Archeville placed the Auspex into one of his labcoat pockets, then pulled the non-decapitated tech priest (and his staff) over to the decapitated one, then opened a panel on his belt and began fiddling with the controls. "Let's see, if I disable zhe rematerialization subroutine und connect zhe phase inducer directly to zhe emitter array, und lock zhe pattern buffer into a diagnostic cycle, zhen I should be able to dematerialize them und store zhem within zhe teleportation circuitry of mein gravimetric belt. However," he stopped in his jury-rigging and bent down to take a gauntlet and a visor from the non-decapitated one, and put them into his labcoat pockets, "I zhink I'll just carry zhese two items meinself, just in case zhings go awry." He continued to tinker a bit longer, at one point removing what looked like a lens from the inner edge of his belt and placing it onto the center of the front of the belt. Once done, Archeville turned to the separated head of the tech priest and pressed a button on his belt. An ray of intense blue-white light lanced out, and in a flash the head disappeared. He paused and examined his belt, seeing a new pattern to the flashing lights, then looked up to the headless tech priest. Another lance of blue-white light shot out, and again the body and its gear disappeared in a flash. Archeville paused again, checked his belt, seemed satisfied, then turned to face the remaining dead tech priest. A third lance of intense blue-white light shot out, and the body and its gear disappeared. He checked his belt a final time, then turned back to Valencia. "Zhe downside of zhis is zhat I now haff to valk home. Ah, well. As long as it holds out long enough for me to get across town, it should be no problem." He withdrew the Auspex and looked at it, then bowed once more to Valencia, "I zhank you again for zhis gift, und vish you vell in your endeavors." With that, he headed towards the doors to leave. [[ OOC: using extra effort to stunt Dimensional Pocket off his Teleport. Using an HP to offset the fatigue to the device. ]]
  15. So, he's like Doc Ock?
  16. Yes, I can. I wish I couldn't.
  17. I wasn't able to access the site for about an hour this morning.
  18. In an earlier Character Edits thread, I'd mentioned making a slight but important change to Doktor Archeville's background & the descriptors of his powers. As his history stands now, he is 'merely' a mutant, but after looking through the Freedom City sourcebook I felt that making him an "evolved human" like the Psions would ft my original concept better. (That concept being "human genius who doesn't want to sully himself with mutations or cybernetics", like Telios the Perfect Man from the Champions RPG and, to a lesser extent, Marvel's Doctor Doom.) However, after reading through Book of Magic, and reading back over the Archeville Family Tree, I'm thinking that making his powers (his Enhanced Intelligence, Mental Quickness, and Immunities) be magical/mystical might be a better twist. All the things he makes are still technological, he is inventing and not artificing, and his Devices do work according to the laws of (comic book) physics without requiring magic to explain them, and can be reliably reproduced by someone of comparable skill. But his superhuman brain is so amazing because of his mystical heritage. Aside from editing out ant mention of "mutation" or "metagene," I'd like the following added in to the "Powers & Tactics" section after the 3rd paragraph (before the one that starts "Archeville is a mathematician even in combat..."). If there was a purpose to the alteration -- and I'm still going back and forth between "purposeful change" and "accidental unknowing uncaring change by happenstance encounter" -- I'm thinking it'll be along the lines of "to try and make a human who can master this 'Science' the human monkeys play with, and nudge him to madness so that he may serve our master the Unspeakable One."
  19. I know we've got at least one artist here, but are there any writers (aside form me)? I've recently finished my final draft for ArcheTech Special Report: An Assortment of Armor, an M&M 2E supplement all about battlesuits & powered exoskeletons. It's got technological armors, psionic armors (armors controlled and powered, at least in part, by the wearer's thoughts/mental energy), and mystical armors. It in the layout stage now, and should be published (by Cracked Mirror) in a couple of weeks. My other published things -- all M&M 2E things, though the Growing Up Super series can be used in any superhero RPG as it's mostly 'fluff' -- can be found at e23, at Lulu, and at RPGNow. EDIT: Seems the RPGNow link is the only one working, my e23 and Lulu listings are gone. :(
  20. Oh, Herid, how do the Power Nullifiers in the prison work? I mean, is it some funky energy field surrounding the place, something set into collars all the prisoners wear, some gas pumped through the HVAC system, what? The entry on Blackstone Prison in the FC setting book mentions the construction and defenses (strobe lights/dazzle, anesthetic gas, electrified walls & floors, seismic sensors and force fields), but nothing about power negation. (DC's Slab Super-Prison had collars on each prisoner that nullified their individual powers, and could inject a regurgitant into them in case of riots; the HVAC system could also pump out a power-negating gas in case the collars were disabled that was able to negate the powers of everyone.) I ask because it'll impact some of the technobabble I give later And is it affecting Archeville? He does have powers, his Enhanced Intelligence & Mental Quickness, and some Immunities.
  21. "Umm," the super-scientist stammered, clearly taken aback by everything that had had so quickly occurred, especially the appearance of the large armored person, "Who are you, und who are zhese men zhat Legionnaire just finished off?" Composing himself sufficiently to take the Auspex scanner, he turned it this way and that, briefly examining it. "Und vhat, exactly, is zhis? Some sort of scanner?"
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